Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, December 24, 1853, Image 2

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Wixom, Ist* Rat 'MAW *IL
The (unison's Stumm
We have heretofore published as abstract of
the massacre of Captain Gunnison and his we;
hot the following correspondence published in
the Cosies, December 9, containing all the parti
culars of the affair, will be read with interest:
In camp, sear Fillmore, E. 7'.,
Oorow, 29, 1853.
Goren:row—Deeming that it may be of in-1
serest to you, I hasten to send you a inaceinet w
ipeout of the late terrible massacre which occur
red inthis vicinity :on the mornin4 of the 26th
inst. On the morning of the 25th inst., Captain
J. W. Gunnison, with a portion of his scientific
party, an escort of seven men, and Mr. William
Potter, of *anti, ay guide, left our campou Ss
vl..r for' the purpose of !arming the lakes. The
same mottling I moved with the remainder of my
command ,fourteen miles up the Sevier, there in
tending to await the return of 'the late Captain
O. Oa the morning of the 26th, at Ili. A. M.,
the tom-commissioned officer in charge of the es
cort.came running breathlessly into camp, saying
that their party had been surprised, and he be
lieved all had been killed, I immediate') pro
ciieded to the fatal spot, with all the troops 1 had,
in hopes of saving some of the party, or rescuing
the wounded. On my way I mat three more of
my men who had escaped, all of whom confirmed
the sad iitelligence, but knew not who had fallen.
Pushing rapidly on, I reached at dark the spot
where three of the party had fallen. Their bod
ies were filled with arrow wounds, though not ,
otherwieftutilated. I baited my command here'
for the..night, and waited until daylight, whys I
Reaching the vicinity of the camp, I found the
remaining corpses of the parq; all of which were
stripped, and some =Witted. Captain Gunni
son wee-killed by fifteen arrow wounds, and had
his left arm cut off. Mr. Creutsfeldt had both
arms cut off. The statement made by the survi
vors is as follows: That Captain G. reached the
pond or lake at three P. M., on the 25th inst.,
and encamped between the lake and river, and
os a bend of the river thickly fringed with wil
lows, that the party arose at daybreak, and were
in the act of breakfasting, when a terrific yell
was raised on their left, accompanied by a die
sharge of rifles and a shower of arrows. The es
eon seised their rifles. and some few shots were
exchange i; when, finding that the Indians were
rapidly closing around their little party, they all
tried to reach their horses. Those who succeed-
ed. escaped, while throe who failed, • fell. The
lowest number of Indians is stated at sixty. , The
American party consisting of twelve men all told.
Names or inn KILL/M.—Captain J. W.
Gunnison, corps of topographical engineers, U.
States , army; Mr. • WWI. Potter, guide, Mauti,
Utah Territory; Mr. R. 11. Kern, topographer of
e party; Wm. Crentsfeldt, botanist of the par
'•-ty; Privates Caulfield, Liptrott, and Mehrteens,
• i
any A., mounted riflemen; John Bellows,
4illl oyee. -
e Indians secured eight riles, two double
barielled-shot guns, seven pistols, and about nue
thousand moods of cartridges or ammunition; all
the ',scientific instruments with the petty; and
some of the notes of the survey; all of those of
thei Waheatch mountains; and in fart, most of
lilin.sketches and topography between the San
It..fortiand this point.-
lu . trin ;lulling this hasty note, permit me to
4ke known soy obligations to Mr. Richards
and President Call, of tho city of Fillmore, for
ththr kind assistance in enabling me to semi an
,regress with this intelligence to the geseral goy.
' e went and to your excellency,
A ma, sir; with math respect, our obedient
ietvant, It. M. '
Brivet Captain, United Btatee Army.
To his Extmllency 'Gov. Bitnattam Y.outve,
'Cul Teakery., -
- !Xoym Tam,—BrnuT l SU CAL--.-
' lieneral Dwight Jarvis, formerly of New York,
but bow. Sad fur ban.) , ?gray s Rises of Ohio,
was revently rota ente4 to a nisi suit, fu it libel'
i t
ay a trni7r.E.,. 1r ...I 44111.;•;......1 Zr..........‘Lwer. t
Jarvis, it Frew ' isi member of St. 'II by's
Owlish, Jarvis ,
artl a Dr. tincitirit . pro
, curd Abbey W arner, a "Spirit Medium , to
go te the church Aurinisercice. and czhibit this
Spirit Roppinge. She
,(tirl ee, accompanied iv
her fatmatical associate., greatly dish/Lilting she
,st•dentuily of the religious aervioes of the congre
gation. Thcre were loud and coutinuou‘ rap.
Tinge in_ the vicinity of Abby, sand irrevs rent and
aigniticaut "winking+ and blinking." iu the
"spiritual eirrle." ao touch s. that the Beet ar
visa obliged to diemiao the meeting. lieu. Jar
in a publication, properly eharged this ea
hihitioh gotton up by the Doctor and Abbey, as
' “dilturfrince t a religion., caigreiratiou," i
f thi4 he vas sued for libel. ."
The trial was hail in Cleveland hat week, aul
at; f .nda n t admitted the publieation and plead
. e I stud priced Ile. truth theic i of in justifieation.
Th.• plaintiff'. t.,rney offered to give the state
went 4 a t "ointuittco of Rp;r'attialiglo, that Abby
.m. I. rip- inv , lan , arils—thi. was otbjevti,i
tl by th feu taut, elaitnin4 that th beer. evidence
should !nd that until the prep. it(
iittblunarylaw Was rq44llefillY
!LW prr.t•nt Mlles of cvi , lene.• could de-
inru-1 fr •ut. lit- insi,tei this, if the pilintiff
'xish:ll t. prove tit a Sri;ta•!e the tappings,
tit -y-Inuit , 164:1-lei 4 1110.pcen A fr.. 111 tb: C bUtl-Pi.
;,tri b%Ve. the %pint* brought up , n the *tau!, di,..
' rtub,Jied, aNd no , r tamlied he ..Bash, Ibbeai . itt.l
I , ,utaaeh,'! to utility .. their wail itt this oat this Iry the it itt e'videnet:. .
.ri,,,, c.„ tr t ~,ise.ju ti, l The tihjeCtion, but the
Spirit* ere not 4ohpornied. The War e ciserg
la the Jur that rl,, .lefeudant had fully posited
thin'trutit u it'll pubti.-atiuu--hat atriusge wetly,
• *Mete were tfun , l upcin thi . Ci..velau:lJukt, wen
attiaihntsilwith th , fluifits: "icus" pervading.
that lonaltty, titt—a Irttliet Oul i nut b.: agrok4
1111..8 A strange trili tlii• to I 11. atrang.T re
sult, fro this h.a , te..l .t , ,...e. ~ iut-itigents:
Tu' Mormon* 'ppm t nave the ill leek of get
ttag iota) (Muhl , o;(ti noighthors wherever
- th.l) 4'. t. aa a hot r %on, went to Salt
LA- Call. y, La. trot th n lel have rt iota
wigs tt.. qtr. a 13,;% 'mien. • .h. let
tor hot" Flit I LitttliL
"A nusnotny won rilt;ivre.l 'tut f rom I L, va l.
ley tree sofersl who were tou6seti lit
bard mbar iii in t rsticy--*hot .rte sots off sitstr' of cootie sad horse% it i t.
die "Volley —toolrtsrlesersion of Bridger's fort and
effects, sad cased , use person $2,000 iu lieu of
taking bits pritsiurr. Those facts I have from a
m oroma , a nd leers 'that they were dour off se
*maul ttureirj misdemeanant, sada violation
of the right of terry privileges on Green river.--
I do not pretcs.l to judge of the smatter, and do
ant wish to prciodiec the naiad of any one, bat
let the facts D.• properly or officially placed bfore
the public."
Tilt BRAVII HtutrriD BUT.—A friend has
furuiehed toi with the particulars tit s very thril
lies incident that happened in this county, On
SuotLy, •the oth of this month, two o(tbe stone
iii Jfibp Hammond, who lives about nine mike
llouthwar 1 of Greensborough, were playing about
s shaft seek fur mining purposes; when the young,
•sat, .ebetit .is yuire lost his balance, and
pitched head foremost into the shaft forty feet
dee* His brother, twelve years old, immediate
ly lea Join the bucket, descended by the rope
sa d ti m b e r s , gathered up his brother, who had
his les broke by the fall, put him in the bucket,
imiees a,,i t h e 3 ,pc, drew up lila brother and car
real him un leis back home something near a guar-
" m a a mile, before hr even called for help. The
hide sultry°, is doing well.— Crone/aro .Pofri o t
air The editor of the New Orleans Reargue,
hwealtinl_ of a "model subscriber" to that paper,
as illre have on oar subscription list the name
of see gentleman, who has taken the Weekly
Piece ever since 1839, and has not ewe
atria' the whole period, that. we remember, found
fault with the or contents of the pa
per, or osimplabgad of bang irregularly agreed by
the mails. He paid his first years anbatiriptits
adeatum, mud iben son paid a.; thin awe
ilketXtirlt Mllliemestae.
tainA l a i tt l t * llliM allatieilleilklent OSA Seat
Gefrersor Sages, hastie l y be dellitelt
to a iseeninoot citizen is to
railroad dillisttltirs at that /
blase desires to oomplain of e -* of the x
ecutivtive of this 13tate, it shotild have done
itrillieent tame Bat it seems lie suit the
cidiar taste of that Ovoid. to deal inakesperatton
apd pereonalitiea, instead at reason and fade—
Not only is the me of a among name, bat-ka ev
ery other 'Wettest, does this stricture of the
Tributose hidinge its entire ignorance of the man
it has an grossly assailed, as well m his action in
the ease to which it alludes. Thif4Ovcruar
despatch - was is answer to &artiste letter, and
as the Teilsese, at the. time the *!'Belo was admit.
tad ? had net sees the with deepateti, it very
naturally tilled up pier blanks from its owu
mid that', h a eilkie put a meattiog into the
issenth of the Goverhalt, proceeds, with the fair
ness which usually chdisseterizes that journal, to
abuse the Executive far aentimenta he had never
conceived nor uttered. When, the whole tenth
is told, the despatch simply states, that us be
tween the _Veto York Grpumtiums and the peo
ple of. Erie, the sympathies of the Governor are
entirely with the latter; that he will do anything
f., their relief that his duties aud obligations no
der the law would permit; cud that be is even
willing to repair to that city, if his presence will
have anyinfluenec iu pre . enting the contudesiou
of violence. This is what Governor Bi ter said,
l and the statement, as substantial!. made in the
1 Tribune, that be said itt. -eyinpathies were in
favor of riot and destruction of property," is to
tally contrary to the real facts of tile cellar, as la"-
hibited by the despatch. ,
The circumstance, heeling to to* &Meshes at
Erie are various uni complicated, and we have
room but fur a few of them. "It appears that the
gauge of the Buffalo Railroad is four feet eight
inches, and that of the Ohio maul four feet tee
inches, sad heum the necessity of a brisk of
gauge at some point between the Ohio Mate line
land &Silo. The people of Erie hate maintain
led that Pennsylvania holds the key to the cos
i nection tni" thee) works, and that her interests
I and ahem* of the city of Erie, and above all, the
i success of the Sunbury cud Erie Railroad de
-1 mantis that a change of gauge should take place
lat that city. The etipitaliittit-of Sulfate with
their coadjutors of Ohio, have resorted to means
both fair sod tout to secure this change of gauge
at Buffalo, and thus rob both the State and the
'city of Erieof the beitefir; ; of improvement.
Sy the law passed at the last Demon of our
I State Legislature, the Buffalo,Railroad Company
had beta attempting to uhaugr the gauge of their
road, in order to accomplish this end. Part of
this road is located within the corporate limits of
Erie, and the authorites of that city dispute the
right of that railroad Compsarto regulate or in
-1 terfere with any highway within the limits of the
city, without its consent--that power being giv
' en ezebtairely to the city authorities by their act
of incorparatiou. On this point, the Mayor and
Council of Erie have been cited to ippeer before
the United States District Court, at Pittsburgh,
and we incline to the opinion that the position
assumed by the city authorities will be sustained.
Outside the city limits, however, we think it
clear the authorities have no right to, interfere
with the improvemeufof the Railismal Company.
The whole truth is, that the Buffalo Corporation 1
and the Franklin Quid Company, have been ate
teintitiag to build up the City of Buffalo at the!
expense of the interests of the city of Erie, and
become thruGovenior of this State has ha d the
courage and manliness to say his feelings and
sympathies. ire with his State's interests, ho is
to be reprobated as an ignorant functionary, by
MTin the employ of the New York Company.
l ie not over-modems, to say the lean of tt,
nor is it much mere s., for the Canal
Company, which has alteley been found guilty
of infringing on the sovermoty of the ritate,...l
new °sly ezercisee its fraschises by sallterasse.,
to be attempting to still further injure the State
an d the iatereatt of ice a-Kano., by ni.iltiug ar
obit the. eortawatinto of another
State. We think the facts of this case show
that Glovers°, Bigler has -ieteil with his usual
goo.l mese slid diStilieun to relation to the un
fortunate difieulty at Erie; sad if he has done
no *core than protiotwee his aystipatliirs with the
just and legal rights of the people of the latter
city, that is praiseworthy loweegi of ;prating en
attack from such a source as the New York Tr..-
&Mt t, smell
rest, and there 'is un doubt of it, fir similar de. r
*iota have been made in every Curt where the
question has come uKthe City of Erie is liable ;
to be sued fez damage every - day the bridges of
the railroad company ant allowed to obstruct her ,
public streets. Renee we say there is *question
of State Sovereignty involved in this mattes—• i
qtaestioe of State righter--which Penneybrasia I
wet meet, salad that speedily.
- But, there is also s• question of State Policy I
involved; one which affects alike the prosperity of !
our neat Consiunowidth, as well as the oonnty of ;
Erie. Theepteation in gale English is whether I
Penutty Wiwi*, having the power in her own bands,
kill allow the great transhipping point between
the Nisi and the Wirt to be transferred to Now
York, where the ;menet go end compete, or wheth- 4
e'r she will retail it upon her own win, where she 1 ,
eau --e centric EstabliSh the break of gauge
at Erie, as it IA at Pittsburgh, as there tenet be i
one sotnewhete on '
cite Lake Shore, aid Pena
eeivenia wit! become the centre from wheuce all
i r railroads with the ireliffereut width of tracks, will
I radiate, amt hence 'the will control the railroad
I triele and travel of del country. With her great ,
! Central lice. exteniing front Kiladelphia and 1
111 dallier, to Pitedetreh, and thence radiating
1 South and WV•St; awl then With the Sunbury
and erie uniting the !Likes with New York,
Philadelphia cad II thine/re, ups her own soil— i
Iwith one fire, a s it were, item) tile-water, and
fikiitstiwr upon ill*l Likes and Itie,es of dm North,
IWest anit flow le—whe shall predict her deathly.,
And iu doing all th`eedet need alt, and wiltnet,
1 tither one obstacle that does not already axle. iu f y
l the way of "tiade awl travel Neither will ale: i
be ileing any injteitieti to the railroad interest.; of I
{ her timer *Abe - I: ir York Gas her - 4 - feet se
i inch, and her fi r fece: lielfges. Ohio Lai but one,
4 feet D.I Ware thus differing frtmtbeth or thew
• of New York, :art hence rendering a tranship.
went of freight and passengers neeseory *nue
orhere. Moneteltelt,,,it.` .beteenhassi ought' it,
iin die went:eyed thiugi, to be" Ought it to be
i i n N ew Yeset— e et Deuitirk: and Beffele-:--where
} L _ _
the °alluvial rea d caudate lei and compete, or -lt
1 Erie whore .odic can? That is the simple quas
i Gin, nut in eiteuerine it, every Penusylvaniau 1
I ought in say, and , every Pennsylvania Editor I
1 ought to preelaint. that at Bee, and Erie alone,
that traueltipiat .11t 41411 take places. We . 4
1 Pottesylemaireeliglat eeety to New York, run your ,
i i New York mod Erie read, with her ti feet track,
• to Erie if , you 4.),5e• rue your enmity read, • '
i with he 4•feet Skied', track three also, sa d -se
F r trill be thus with nut. Sunbory r o a d, so d there
inlet; equal terualuud common groun4 let us en- ,
i ter hoe reheat I himareble competition foe the i
' trade and week of the West.. Would not that
I be faireand for iueietiug upon it, might Erie to
`be "bidined":" Most eertainly not, and s h e will
net be when her trite poiii ion is fully understood.
The breaks that have heeetofere existed at thei
IState Line, and at Dunkirk and Bad°, were I
never Lade by Brie. She laid down nee of the 1
sir Twenty-threw thousand and -revenge.; dew Turk ganims, and invited the New York ,
earns passengers in the time h undredsud i reeds to meet her, but in ordet to foree trade and
t W een
eeeneb ,
which arrived in New York
city; r ou el s, be the you rs t road the reach non
o o f f-P N e e 7 y yl or ra k nia. i : tr o od uipe ue:
from foreign Porte during the month of Novent- .
, bee In addition, friar thousand four histvirA
~ and fifteen persons arrived vielitia the awe. days ; Old a " a r d" ssngc, and laid down their road ,
from 4° 6l ° to the Peuee3ivertia hoe ors differ- :
IN Arrant. or,Love.—Laet Saturday a fogs- tyviaine ,_., 0_,.._2_ : iv. r eat width from any otherin that State. But we .
tire slave belonging to Judge Pitch, rtf Kentucky. 1 P - `us` Saturday. _
.. e . . . : mod not r - usne thi e
enh.teet filmier;
alp will,
was captured in Jackson county, Wiens, and i ear A talented young lady of
,not be long before the entire issue will be 444 .
given over to his °weer. There wits with hint i lust , G , va l ua bl e miaow* for a cktil au nns . :
~ •
at the time be was .„ ken a white girl paramour. i,, the seld i siutt e m n e ibilirea plefi ' ug .stab
berme the Genre" and Le g islature el: S ar il l111 0'
• se
who had iodises. I him to make his escape, thee . l 'e
she m i en join *enaf for life in hi s twits:lnane _ : h e A tin eat in New Yeek.. Tits Wait we. 'with et li?' New Bedford ranks as die dad poti-in 1
—Muds °eerier.
- - 120,41. dies *odia epiima - • ' ".. , tb• traitiO OWN fa Oat of aim .ing --e- 1
- • - . - -.. .. ._. ...
Pm." that Prrst,4;a. .Y. Y. .lale.wovrr.
Origin o[ the Gangs Question.
The intproliey of the ehangst of Route of the •
Buffalo I State Line Railroad, front the char.
feted one through Fredonia, to the finally adopt
ed /nee through Dunkirk, Leconte,' now very nb:. •
view' to all petite,. The Gauge diffitnittiea at
Erie are a direr, coaserietere or Ant dinar, mad
i t i„ " ay to 04 0 e th at th e e•Viii wool have bees
entirely obriatet by a pursuit ihe original pal.
icy. flad Art &.r* atilt-n.(l to, a romtingatiogi
Vale .V. Y resirruf youve would hare berm w
ram./ front itejitto to Erie throuo4 Fredonia,
'Doi perhaps a At: anuorfroma Neikirk
It. Erie; nr, otherwise. the Ohio gauge from %f
-fat' to Cleveland tbrou4h Ervdollii and Erie, and
the with. (or the N. V. & gauge from Dun
kirk to Erie. In sit lel. event, the people of Erie
city end reenty, who tier- promised either fork
rosole i fecon Cdr Avg, Ar the icicle gauge one, would
Aare ftert anti9feti; the people of Chautauqua
county would have been better accomotollated,
and the. Buffalo & State Line Rs.ilroad-Companv
rird an rxprosi , n% at km.(11300,000_ It is well
to rentiod there who' are directly responsible
the .ii their }.Ott conduct, for the terrible ex
istingiltrouhl,s at Erie and the diatrust which
will Air a loug times Ell the minds of the traveling
public as to the danger of passing through a die
tint% bitterly disaffected toward the railroad's,
Ant gerwt sower roes[ aeresactray provoke at.
trolpia Ot. redress. By this mention, we do not
mean to be understood as justifying or condemn
ing the movements at Erie. We intend only to
intimate that dieorii: looted with Moor
telto.arc sac anxious to remedy it,(i. e. Dean
Richmond and the New York Central railroad.)
We intend to intimate, nay, to distinctly say,
that had the Directors th.. Erie &.North Ee4
Railroad, the Bnffalo and State Line mail, and
the N. Y. & Erie railroad, erred in g• rrd knelt,
t without any riofntina tint, prtnti,tionA of their
'levered charter.', there would bare Leen to. volt
Iresults as we have chronicled, and nn dread and
uncsertaio aspects given to the future. It was a
diarivard of lair, n /wear& of plgilited faith, a
sacrifice of honorabh: nhilgat ion«, Pont enlisted or
enacted, on the part of thes t cooporwrions, which
has brought dimmer upon disaster and expense
open expense to them, and great annoyance to
the people of this section its welt as the whole
North. The coneeqnences of that misconduct
are to be deeply regretted, hut bow they are to
be retuctiiecl, and justice done to all concerned,
by repair of past wrongs, is too diffieult a quoit
, ttou for us to decide.
Mors ran MOUTO I (iPtTS TO Cmierr.---Home
time. la%t fall, says the litysville Exprem, the
Ron. R. R. Stanton permitted his negro woman
to go to New Richmond, Ohio, to see her rela
tions at that place. The aholitioniata of that
plaoe prevented her return, and ton her off to
Canada. Upon her arrival there, she wrote to
her master, requesting him Weenie for her; that
she was unhappy, and wanted to come home.—
Her bueband, eon after it was ascertained that
the man who abducted his wife, stole all her mon
ey and jewelry, and left her to starve. They
both expresa a warm desire to return bone. In
their new found land of freedom, they have to
work harder, and fare worse than in slave Ken
e ) tit tekiv 49rstilbtr,
Railroad Events of the Week
Not much of consequence has' transpired this
week in regard to railroads. The railroad men
have made several attempts to place obstructions
in our streets, but as yet have accomplished no
thing The United States Marshal, Mr. Profs,
and his Deputy, Mr. Sped, use teeth hers and,
served some additional writs. It is perhaps need
less to say that in doing, so both were treated
with that
t eloiutesy and kindness a law-abiding
people, like oars, always extend to 'hose clothed
with authority. Indeed we heard eeveralA the
enjoined assure Mr. P that all he heel to de,
when he wanted them at I . 3 ittsbdrgh, was to let
them know, and they would be on hand. They
also assured him that the injunction, so far as
they — were vont:trued, should be strictly observed.
As to their neighbaa and friends, sho had not
been visited by the stengeanee of the railroad
1 Men; in the shape of inch papers, why they had
nothing to any. They would probably do *as
they pleased.
In Harbor Creek and in the city eeveral et
I t the workmen on the toad have been arrested, for
1 placing obstructions in • a : igh-ways—those in
1 the city ware fined to th .one of $9O a piece;
but they entered bail, a were discharged.
Probahlyrtko best abused an in the State,
outside yf the county of Erie, is Guy. 131dLea.
The Buffalo papers, and the "Cleveland papers,
the New York rinses and the New York Tri-
War, "Tray, Blanch, and Sweetheart" all in full
cry, bare pounced down upon his Esoellency he
mp, he, the Governor_ of this great Common
wealth, hat dared to sympathise with his cotuttit
nests in the county of Erie, rather than bow to
the power and money of the foieign corporations
of Ohio and New York. What is the du(y df
the Governor, in the opinion of his slanderers?
Is it to protect the interests of his own State,
against the encroachments of foreign monopolies,
or is it not? Is it to sympathise with and pr.).
tect, if compatible with the law, his valotittsents
in their legal and guarantied rights, or its it to
lend himself to their wholesale schemes" to rob'
Pennsylvans of her birth-right. We think it
is the latter; andthatis all Gov. Bigler ban pro
mised the citizens of Frie. He could do ito wore
—he could do no less. But that, it appears,
does not satisfy the railroad bullies, awl their
paid orgains, in Buffalo and Cleveland They
would have the Governor become their mere tool;
indeed they have bragged upon our public streets,
and in doing so have insulted every citizen of
Penistiylvania, that they have money enough, and
they would use it , too, to buy up tliii"Pennsyl
vania talisman," as they sneeringly called W at.
Blount! They have mistaken their man. The
Governor will show them that Pennsylvania hats
an interest in this matter, and that, as her Exe
cutive, he is bound M carry Et oat—thelr slan
ders of him to the contrary notwithstanding:—
Ile will show them, rog o that their gold will be
brought to a poor market, and that their insane
boating only *rod us ban w erwo•Zw.
i ributiun ' heeds. •
, In connection with this subject wt, refer the
reader to au article from tte. Philadelphia Arysis,
in-auother cottons. '
Wu notices eall fur a meeting of the citizens
of that e,ity, in the ItstSalo papers, to take some
action to tegard to our Railroad dilficatiat
This call 14 signed by the Mayor and 40 or 50
of Ins eruitie4. What action they are guiug to
take, Op: "rail" dont say; but the E.cpress, that
pink of decency and receptacle of falsehoul, in
timates that it was to tender the United States
Marshal A military ,foroe to protect him here, aid
enable him to carry out the directions of the
District Wart. This we call a beautiful yeti:
mew of Buffalo fustian, and New Yurk igno
rance. When the U.S. Marshal wants them,
as he said to us on Thor...lay when we toll him
of the movement, "he'll ea* cretin." Rut un
til be has been resistM, and the fuse whfch our
State authorities would be bound to furnish hion, ,
prow inadequate to protect him, the raliaftt
Agrees u( S4Wo, and their jir,..-pu;nts
had better stay at home. The meetio,4 was to
have been held on Thursday. What action wm
taken we are not advised at this writing.
-...-.... -...--.4,-- --
A Good Indication.
The Public Levis r, of PhilaAl.lphia, ono of
the most influential in the Quaker city, in its
sue of the 20th. has a meat capital article on our
railroad difficulties. It rya "it is well known
that the treelike at Erie are caused by the usis r -,
conduct and total disregard of fote and otle!,r ify
on 'he part of an associated railroad inonApoly
of New York." It alai declares that whet/ the
facts of the ease are fully known - , which it, is just
now the interist of Ohio :111,1 N••I% VOA ' to pt.;
prevent, "the public sentiment will sustain the
proceedings of the authorities td . Erie." This
we call a "94 intlientiou,'lts it clearly stems that
th„ w h e w sta., wilt for untikrtitatti tii.t.gatue ;
sittmopted tb be playestalkt our rivals, ant thus
met in Ilteir defeat.. - W. isoilld gladly have in
tersect the whole istichn . lost our space witi not
permit. •
atir r We bad ttie pleasure of moeting, Eton.
Witm,El nom, U. S„,.:llariLhal, for tip. Wiatern
District of this State, Am Thum+ s y . H e came
in pa Wednesday evening, awl finding every
thing quirt, nod no iliapositi w manifebted to ri
otatully rasiNt tho in} of the (l eer s, b e
departed on Thursday, nevfeetly satisfied thil l
Erie in the best abused Ow in the State.
Sir The Ferry Master at tlerseit says that at
lewd nine hundred &Oise twisters lad crossed at
that point into Canada .luringlhe tast yew'. It
is Also estimated thit some two hundred and SU
ty trail crossed irrer at Cleveland. If there Mato.
Donut are correct, not less than two thousand
I 'slaves. of it market of two millions of dollars,
; bars pulsed into Canada within this put year. ,
Isms Plain logiatiow be taw Ongbileldisa
d Peassyhmaboll
liflp Meadville Gazette, it l mum with t
u easy b
joint Ls respect, citisens •
for *pie course on
for en Editor to 'blame or be, sir v
ed front the seat of trouble, t our soqualn
trWi.pur friend of the Gazette is intimate enough
to know that,isailiebe'eUi reacit a vs rn:"
stead of Meadville,. • be would have leen Mae of
dintlrst to have led the way in rho work of de
molialiing Oat sailsesdbrifigaa, Kkiattervicejl bad
been - deelsiiid thi:esiikr: I Nsi iiskight/
, 4•40 art P. 1213 9 1 La? 31 % 14 34 j l - I ,l4°As:? r .!
ho p
smarting the feelings ore man, aareing neuter Imo:WO
indicted by a monied monopoly, could nr would
have acted ce berwhie than the eitivna of Erie
have It is easy V; say that the Courts afforded
te'lresA; there are cases where, before the slow
proc,:ms of 14w ,an reach the offender, the tie
chief intended is irreparisbly done. This is one
of them. The vie: offered to ¢o before the pro
per tribunal and adjudicate the Matter, Inn no;
that would not serve the pure se of the . forreign
corporations that hadAveersidned upenritridingl
eff the Sun bury road, lute thereby forever' In ;
venting Pennsylvania enjoying& felt edinipetitl44.,
for the trade of the West. WM* Erie alone
. ctin.:4
cern-.1 it w udd be, perhaps, Milttle oanaestienojae
We know it has bec:unn a
Ne York and Ohio that she ought in* ernsh
ed ou existence, and het note obliterated,
and t here may be some Eldora in the State who
sympathise with this kind of feeling, but there
. _oacire in dill question than the mere change of
wage; or . the Iv:cites:4i 9f Erie. Pennsylvania boa
a stake its time qusotion; one of width we trust
the Leg;slatore will be made to see hese many
weeks. Her sovereignty has been invaded—her
right* virped by a Federal Court, and her
sena dragged from their homes for obeying the
lawful and legitimate mandates of thec. , nstituted
authorities of one-of lrr own cities. 'ln giving
Erie her chortir, the State of Pennsylvania stip
ulated that her streets should be public highways
fortve4 , and the Mayor and Councils; arcing upon
thin thart'er, ordered the removal of certain ob .
structioni to the free passage of those streets.—
For this relate, the Federal Courts, upon expert*
testimony, have granted an injunction to prevent
I the city keeping her stre-.M elear: The railroad
tnenknow that this injuoitimi will be dissolved
the moment the esw comes up: upon its merits,
which was not the Vain! ut Pittsburgh last week,
but in the meantime they hope to accomplish
their purpose. Now, has not Pennsylvania an
interest in this! Has not' her sovereignty been
Invaded? Has out the pr per eonstituted edgers
of one of 'the children of her own creation—the
city of Ei ie—been improperly and unjustly with
held from doing the y thing they were em
powered" to do by the State! What sty our own
Courts in regard to the use of public highways
by corporation:!? In 3 tried before Judge
Ilainpnia. in. Pittsburgh list week, in which the
Pctinsylininia.ttailroad was the defendant. it was
ruled by the Court that, although the City Coun
cils had given the railroal company .the privilege
of erecting a house upon 'the Wharf—a public
highway —that she had uai authority to make snob
grant--on th contrary, the "city was hs'mnul
keep the lobar( clear of nuisances and' obstruc
tions as a public highway; and that the city ha
AMACtiedlitilv , AVAttifiolll
The ?no Nato et es paw
tkoq 003' `isssya fa.iity . vim
il es to kir ompold kr
iEsat - sad ~,,_ e York; t 61* we ye . tai _ ammmes '""—tr' ,
piiiii.,,,...,..,..b.,.... , ,-,4 tease arias, gen
t lithe lete p#D4jAnd iii*re rider* ' &APO le !hair " Cae: 4664 '
to see our friend of the Reg take fC. Erie asks **so" dmeell ' d di. . - - 7 .„, "bm wee l
held. There is a* am India( the ' •
„Oise did Ste '
-19.d1iekt„,...": her in . "wroso"--all she
014 spotteseis maim sews dank deo nig iii f m ae ke i
mks is that tithes she is ilighTeVAM 1m mee t ` e w , a s hag, n e e hatiteas *greed per MA alit w sae
taittetby the people of her sister condo. Oar sante sad smile latieseorsigs, Mkt this that time is the I
Mead of the Pew has doubtless read a good deal ree7 epee he *ln some; and be e. " the , an Paaillwat saga
"steekiage se mosive the good things he sheep Weir
st l i f tb i ll Ir l f . ' ;,) 11 ,-, t be i ,
_.' W # llll ," feel it ebtre. comedy; thee why mystify Heir little leeks with grave
we Penwim uP , snout la ;regard to the disnalsi s l ime sheet the limpoloiltaltr of the thing, whit It '
.allitribk , ..,allf . Mk% ,IV the by, are tot mane does ao homy to betide that all the wise proseate
less the enemies of enturYivan .- ii, tell the worth Cbsiow"bssnissbsseeSsall nkb4e, ghe " ell e 4 ° 6 0
old beeideltir of .Midas, Seam Clow! lc wimp AAT
that all Erie is contending for is the privilege el taala -mil*, spa ... st est wool. writers, that the
peddling a few pea-flute, candies, apples, Sc., to c ss oes eern e weed ease dew( the ,Missal'. who' he
the passengers who past through the city. Sea- sealryestes hat the door; sad It yea, dear readrre to
Bible men—at least sensible men upon say other
we 'WI the w les ehN e ise tli t rietaies til i r i l itiabb ; do 64 7 4 , l4
subject—say this, 1101 we suppose thipit it is the ilia far 1t ; a wasibio yea ~,7 7 1 n m y , 'Aga pot lb. ea.
entire sum total for • which all this hem and ery' oar pe ssig to t h e ware pochet, or leaT. O h m with the pa
has been raised. If each would "top to thinks ream We deem ot it, but Seem Cho te sot a sensible
moment, their own good sense would teach them, Mee; lli he I fenny , jelly Mal old Dwisbuths, owl be sad
that there must bc• something mere time such a
:belie adiothet. : ilYw4ltiai
of: that ;i comm dove the hlons; to wake
trite to unite an entire county in out common etas pot** open their eyes at the absordity of the thing,
teitise, like the ,' fipple of Ede are now united .— and Ills steekiiip became you would LAM dream of do
the s ake o f'ii e b,Uor a f e w b e ckon." to wet lag ee yoarielf; at all crests, thaw athoot iie • doubt that
- - '
r wares,:rg few tioggeries to sell their inter I" hUi P su P li"4l :" h r receive their toys
p L aubyth..yaeehiru r tkapg „ oag l t b a
itelind dela', to it likely that the best men of &cc And that Kent or *oak taut have little tile
1 the county ofiVet—her Doctors, and her Law. evernmeat, indeed, that cannot Ms that the entail ones”
I Vet. her Clergymen, awl their paiishieuere-- wit is on' wore delithtfe; to pall treasure after 'Moog°
I ' " from • stocking hong up in the corner than to pet time In
her farmers and her mechanics, men whose trade ~t h.
inutor-of-coorse way, ftwa the hands of relatives.
h as been Pewee ald who" occupation has been Hat bow few of as, who topsider ourself wiser than tim,
peaceful,--would nee up as one man and tom-elites elites ono,' know bow end to whom we are indebted for
sense as "illegal" war , or so y ot h er w ar , u pon the lam of .aria ChM; and his saaaal Irbil to the VOW
these milted earporatitais? Is it likely, is is at T Y" Tr "' .."" an ii" 11" she eigileig4 Wm " -
elle br =aid fee', and a eueg,,meimi belly,
all probable, that scab men have *Bat ones tamp • That , WWI , . Imp histeks, like a bowl full of jelly;"
' el "r"dies" and "loafers," u charged by the hat rude; thee that. and also, that he is the especial pat
i Buffalo and Clerel a ud papers, sal their echoes rem saint ot children, we Sr. no wiser, la a umlovity of ea
t Ea*i . aud West. Nu, the idea is preposterous. en , " e at
far the , :h i i i ' ll r t he t " etv , _
__, Th _ r _ is le. hot to W .._ ! 11 /dared
What then is she cause of the pasted gate of ray
of light AZ; here and
upon w ` h i ts "L 148 gin. a " chie
i excitement. • The Pest hits the mil upon the writer tens ea that there was annoy hundred years ago, fa
: head exactly It is because of an attempt to se. the age et eeetteatine, a wetly Bebop by the name of
' erifeee Pe s oneylvania in genelat, and Erie its par- Nicholas, et Paws, it dale Minor, renowned for his piety
tieular, for the base& of New York; and whoa "d charity. In at b aisk t e g l — lai a d liv ilisi ' ea ,"Se sc r s a r tiore i" ;,% 4 :
that is the ease it is time every Editor in the was eal pp me d to W ire reo t ori a ui lir e tww , l a d s w h o h a d
State should be reedy to "do battle fee Pietery/.. been mardered by their treatherons tom, sad it was prolr
..... :GC, Fur „ elope which are fully m a f ort h ably owing to" this hennas that he was 000sidered the
. espieial friend of dinned 'Whoa the Doiniolov. freer.
l in another article, and to which we refer the Ant, tidy arose, dent 1200, they seleetel hie as their patron
we are of opinion . that in oonteading that the wee U. was oleo,-sad is, indeed, to this day—h e ht in
transhipment beirreeu the East and the West pest, honor by the Greek °hard la Elledie. Us 1110 eon•
selto - tiq bet upon Pennsylvania soil, wheeePeast- ', ehlered as the .spade; Posse of scholars; virgins, and ma
i 1,,,s ;„ ens'k._ I men. Posaility, it was aweigh some somseetim with this
sY--sw— improv e ment. compete wee it, tsar dam that be repaired seek intiosnee IA tits narieree
Erie is doing leer ditty is endetieweilig to present .44 Hellas& The !Cenral of St Nicholas fell on me bib of
i the interests of dieted Keystone from rang* em. December, bat a short nod before Chidden& It Kees I
: crilleed for the benetk ' of Ohio sad New York." I ' tug theiiewtl Refermed Church wee **er a 14 1 f e* i d eeet
i ' the Calendar , at-the time of the Detonation, by a regular
i D ivulged dill extraneous matter the principle 1
I retort, IPSAillibillg the we of each individual easeolsed by
1. for which Erie is contending, is dimply this: — ! the Clued) of Bose, somethlag la the way of the 'Usti
Whether the, break of freight sod passengers 1 proceedings at a canonisitioa by than Chinch. The (Mims
which necessarily ware when the New York and I of the le
pe baneled,tauldt4 the honors
theer e sell " 17: advan ced
i Ohio roads meet, because of their different , 0,,,1° wherever t i wy " gav 9 e l""d a a .,"l. 4 u it egie w r as . away s against
of tnicks, shall be se far Kew *Slit poegibly .can. ; the Minium Bet la a number - . of ituitaiseee they
. or as far West 'as, under existieg circumstance., has. left the ease stilt spas to investigation to the prestat
ii possibly can. E r i e my , t h at the ..least tying' hoar, and anions other cam's of this land seeds that of
together the 4 feet 10 leek track* of Ohie, sad di a ' snetu • s t ive tal l ou "v id gL bo llieb , illee.thke.oweettaanvier ann i versary "will
1 the 6 feet aud - 4 feet 81 web weeks °Wel 'York. ; w e t: time in itaboolt 104 "'W.' , in the litil a ira IY_Q as
' shall be We.u, thereby. freeing as many of , eer . they used to eine in hie honor, were permitted to address
farmers. mechanise, and Merehstite of the eons- I t e t i l ' l ' a as"7' 4 ' klifitt lutir c ""lt°°‘ 114 7 Rita- It MVOs"'
film lie. necessary tax 4 A break " f igeeffe as :we t f i Cs w tr i vat, that nut
he was ig uippo bria sed to aaw ' dri a' r e e n li s is le ev i t:go . n af or h e ili r
possible. Otre — "Prw e s ste sa y that all usenet of las Men, and down the eldistioys, to Alt little people's
Buffalo and Dunkirk shall be an tared. • Oar dookinp. Strang„ taeset has teen the two•fobt meta
opponents *ay further, that the Sunbury reed, ' nemetur's_w wrelsenww by the Om+ who'd Blabs/ et Pe'
in which Erie is deeply iatereseed, as 'well Al M a saintly ran li
lit" eviroyt that two,
t : i.biau".k.""o:::" one,
~_-Khali _neeiniVe..l l ... 44 ...sif°9!ss, - lane es saalse7 other eaten the evel'birl ads et Wee h i
petimg with the New Turk node, AS all 1101Ud the asetidsb legends am tea incredible to he reitairedbp
:bet if t h e b ras h o f f re i g h t sa d „ sawn were es the evideaes which accompanies thee. Then later, is
estaldlabed Mast of her termini. I* this fair, is 1 '14" Qe. , t . revpiat•
shop kwil "
° h a ve"' are = in ,ditlNl4 ege :4l; huh op bad ib.
this honest, is it jolt to Penneylvatiie No it ! ee l eer s sli
a t Asiatic, no longer conaptirl " wi t h th e each e t
is wit, and our slanderers know it. They know • world, tad a sturdy, kindly, jolly old burgher of Amster
that if the New York gauges mam a s i f ar W est , elm. halt Dutchman, half "spook." The legead-maked
vith her 4 host i of the
Atah s adder ; sa me
and ien4, wid the te. sines the and i ts: e sips of
as Erie, the New . York Central,
84 loch track, the New York and Erie, with her I weep-were or a. It would be Mae& to persuade the
6 feet tralek, and the theiburyaed Erie, with her I little Pew* 1 4°.' that "Saida Clue s"ever tad ` .. re,l rie'
4 feet Si inch track, will all have $ emapeou i elect ; see yet, " du "' " "IA" feu 41244 lasi O H "
termini at Erie, to be fed by a common avenue " a stimlT win of
th".=: 3 l' —Y bua
toed deed . ati all I:lbsen:sae ere to do, work,
from the West of 4 feet 10 inches, and hence °floes and R.rey. At present they can lily-fancy Seats
the Pennsylvania road would have a chalice to aims as Mr. Moore has men him, la those pleasant, fanny
conic in competition with these of New York wwws, whieb are so highly relished i sir n i usiel" '
for the trade and travel of the West—that: one "Jitrises'est bow t
heeks wan ritY. twinkled! His gr aphs. , how 1 11.4T7 1
*nub] have to artilleial advaatages over the His droll little south was drotn i ep ees Z m a a li c e h r Y;
dad the beard on his eke was as wltMiras the anew."
other, but that etch route would have. to depend
upon its natured asireataget. ' 1- `
Frout this etatenieue-et Seta' the Post can
ere, we trust, where the "die pinches." The
New York roads do not mutt a 'Competitor in
thoSunbury road. Thar managers know that it
possesses the shortest route end the best grades
from the Lakes to three of the principal cities of
the Union--New Tack; Philadelphia, and Bald•
more; hates they fear it; Mime they'detire to
extend' the Ohio gauge to Buffalo and Dunkirk,
and then; having control of all the Western roads,
run the piesengers and freight ti , hie West by
ire termini, and kyupct - euvaps4kion! Nov/Alia
project is doubtless eu important one to t;ilroad"
nice, but to the great producing pildivae appre
hend—to tiin.e whoenteel, and have proauce to
send forward to market, Wad to whore millipetition
is all important—its frustration is jrreiptirteutt.
trie - is attemptiog to do this; ales is striving to
make II connuen poi* of transhipment at' her
wharvee, where freight and piseengere can eitjoy
the beueite %riling from the reinapelition Vane /
great avenues,. trithmat a Amer of ears, /rent
the Lab% fo tide-heater.' For this she ought to
, be, thanked, and in the effort joined by every
utiprejadiced and candid man. -
THE PACIFIC RAJUICAD......3Ii Eliot, this u far._
inerteivil engineer, sonuntuunicates to the Nit
googol brelftireacer a "plan for the_chnstruction
Or otos et more mitres& to the Pacifiel-- -- fic
1 proposes that Congress 4611 charter one great
llgorthent and one great. Southern company, with
power to the fi r st to eonatruet a railroad from the
Western bemodary of Miedouri to the Eastern
, boundry . of CAifornia by a Northern route; an d
to the woad to t..onstruet a road from the Wes
tern boundary of Arkseoms to the Eastern boun
dary of California, by the Gilt or ban Southern
roans. - Branch. Tooth are also to be chartered
with tightest' Retention to the Weriters boundry
, of fowa, and to tie. ?...tern bounlry of Tezid.
i To secure the prompt tilling up of the sub:scrip.
1,. -
'lace list, he process that each dubseriber shall
*ogre for every share of stock for which be may
.subscribe, and for which be shall pay in cash at
' the time of didneribing, in addition to his stock,
a load warm* of value equal, at the govern
-1 mental prise olland, to the value of the *hare.
I , To guard against 11 monopoly of th e l an d an d o r
the stock, the number of shared which may be
taken in any. one name shall be limited. The
plan strikes us fie attempting too much. One
railroad to the Pacific is sulitient to task all the
energies of the prtvieut generation.
heal report of the Direeton of the Foie Railroad
etssipioy has bees nada. It azhibita the earn
hist of the road is the year *ad* oh the Ist
alt., to have bees $4,318,962, sod the mows
NA07,873, olaifig the muse o'l4 .
- • ;4 4 .
et pia* 111 After.
tee nil limpets, of the Now bolt whose immense
publistin establistisest was bunted Last week. Li. is
• loss asbestos. million of dollars, hare alreaas
• plus of bushman at 65 Beekman stmt. ovum of .Gold.
Timis safe bas bees takes from the miss. anti its coat/rats
palsies of lasposam, books, 4a, were Nankai-164. A num
ber ef bootee*. have bete raeonered from the miss un
hurt. In s very skeet time they wilt be at work grain.
and /forts are Snaking to' hare the Jemmy Number of
their Misvalue nasty ready at the sisal time of Jullvery.
IMlLANatiett, of the Now York Mout& kowtows bowie
tAd of libel, aad a verdict of $lO,OOO damage re
aping Islas. Oar sorb Woo as that would rory l V i r
kook us.
Pir• Otnise's Laves bruit —The Junior, oessiter of
the Lady's Doak it at bead. Purest will dad it riga ire in eoatrihatioat and la twitter. This areeher era
taint one hundred pages of readies. The frertpisee east
&tha' plates are good ipseisseas of tie art sad add addi
timialcredit to this sail really popalar outssziao. gps
always he farad at No, d, Natera'r Block.
AV* We bare goad sleigh-belle la groat prAtte
wool; tat that la aft the geed h ltaa duo*. No
aged se to rid*, and •o body will, we peepers& Ina,
than to one eoasehdies—ere taithret go, if tit► Avoid.
- as. hoes* I. eandidatt tor Doorkeeper ut the Ale,:
Sauna Bensle, wee Dr. Bird Toss;, tie "Blame Suggs". of
Bouper's wall knows tale► pse lioutrweery Tines states
that alk,oeigh estUkle-"prospeete were welsh** lea.
tb. rare raw e( be was distanced the kat
boat. %trills received but see vote: Yetbiug dioNssoortod
at his *sleet, he witheess, wasting, ea he sald7•*to a am
rife! Providence, aa( Dr. glinted, 'Phu Lei only we
WA w , an In the Senate."
OP ?We sirs Wes Goirersor Jot'assay's* this lbw—
be of risishilis. of Tassissess, aaHtuf Qesegia: bssiiss some
that "abet," bus bass lam
:0 1 11 1 " "to all Ishar there to welt." True; lout who nap►
It? Vilely th. *nisi 111114111111111 was "►lows* whoa that
Ws Inv wood.
ts; The Wanksl wbo pairpetratood du tetiuwhig
eboies stoma, was a rookhui 11$14 c.t olowirvibil4.—
Rem him:
lessi.oran to kiss swing dramatis.
_ Aodscat a riti kiss abratbr,
a at
Kam t to kiss so boil,
'Thiry .sock ail kiss obeli other.
Lairs, IN risk yen a merry Christmas!
1111, WO MP lay a paragraph la lbiWtwin; Altos that
the eitheok• mr that city wows ontartalsoil with a altasm
ouptoots on &today starsing lase. They ars said to hat*
Litton thick awl that, avid that -tor a to oaotit it ovetia.i as
If th , heavens, woman* Ashton by a boighty wood, wet*
shoarto drop hr slats as an ssrosisat to tualatain a *s
tain skins* do* his hallast.".
Pooa Ptitsisr.-4 man named Brett n. n♦t is WI ,
(vitals the other day, Who bad passed that petiod tit rtan't
history. whoa calico is all potent. lutes 'himself 'Nadi be
dead," rather than &111 a seartairo enimenteat late
which he had foolishly entire& Paw figlo*; ha pesdayed
a hempen turd ta a sillies char , .
- ,
vs. fissile/Ws *waive /astos i• • Welled
saber—tie sets toot ever Weed by t potashes/ 41f it
or:fathoms throttghtho yeas as It has Isogon, it mill so dole*
take *Gioia of time hotosteatt usoettiti..g. It coo mope
Ito tempt at su. Y. itrussoh Bluth.
441.1. M sena 6y an aarin Ys ibar Ng*
Ikan O% Dr. laws W reacms4 appalariaanni ham
Yin La Baptehh,
- psewm essidialliktad the erasy foot who pro s id a .
Ara' Ili tweet City Dellesareas; he has ettillita lipeo
As s,. agur.sturet, protasis, "fres dirt" and liteMp,si j
immk Om what little WON hi iyir had, has all art? -. t :
Wis imiest; Cr asamtitilf some ether way. Comb"
bus Mee mow. l a 'positing of Erie, he broil' C r
sham llouseilltiag must be done quietly' . Indetn,
why' delikatill to it? If you rant do any thin TOO 'l w
apliteLer alma the way you did eta gentleman 1 , 4 me et*
lag snake issaltiag a lady in one of the goblin hoteis
Apia, "The awns inearsate.of Erie, meet !tarsal,"
Ns d a m the majesty of the law earinot be
iserstaty." That's the doctrine; we go for that, wt
Aid the very Bret victim the tow will reach wtll ae
Brag , . Thailepintsie Coert of this State, and the Le on :
tare, too, will be after bias and his "ebarterlem"
hbsjp stink see assay weeks. Erie goes for the' e
the law," sad the Awes net mean to have it innimd+,,
riote their satellites. Mark -
Bet tb elk,w is getting valiant; hear b:tz "17, 6 h
bora* their insalu and ioptriee till 'forboar..nii
be a virtne"—till oar mock of patience Lai 4l:43 :
tad, Lid it is now high time that we sbo4ll tzt
they should be met. sod return blow for 1,;,,r."
Listen 14 that will you: H. hos "borne :or Im4::st..
Why, the molt detracted creature that 6741 .
streets could'ut Malt sash a miserable apology f.: t .
1 4 to sir; and if your "stock of patient's bee 1.4.::+ t
tad," why your exhaustion in that particrar
par with your brains: By the by, would'n: tan re1 34::1:.
low twit will, with "patience exhaatzel," . t 5,1 p pi , e4se
in baud, marching down to "return blow f42...;:re
the "devils incarnate of Exit" Well, b w =IP
NIS our MAUI base %Mira oar erase ezr z7l
profaiii4 awl Ms Waiter, sow hear blvte:
"The iLob at Eri• tUva the Deputy C. 8 Marsh: « 4
today oftermoos, for- moving *Au of inlcamr:r. pu 4r4 .
to aria* of tr.-R. Coat."
Whoa we saw this, ire issutediately btfei
flprvol, the Deputy U. S. Marshal, the ca.y pert;.. er
gird in "serrisg mite ;tiers, and hal/hotel:L:4ly
se the following little dossoment pistEss the iliv l t.- 1 -
os this eittelaad sweat=
• ' Asc. 29,
To tin Editor of the trio Otroereer ri% Mt
I wish yoa to Mute to your papor, aa duo to 1126 cis
of Mrie, that the nodes la as Daily Forest cay z,„.,
of the 324 hot, minx that I bad been r)ttin
the ;sob Is iseerreot. I was not atolestel to
J. GIUER arson, De r
The ether- ihsworrer-tirst westeleites it
series hoods oy assorting that out city or.
eamod rumoring the vbstraetionr - planl
Worts by the Relrattd, were a "Alaskan, Im:ft.-le.!
set of rapaboads." Tao scan is erldantly - dezezak
"now Desesiber Asp us
Are dote Will, we're clad to Leer W.. ba: rtt
had not discovered the "dahght." 6•i: ap tai. a.
for inetasoe, Dec 20th; now blowing dawn Pet
late a whirlwind; wild tibial*/ like a 10”12,
Asti , u s tailor's shun at the prospect '
west over to the oliee, and food 'all the w2r:i '
in white, sad the "net of tasaitialr matt!
wig aad Ba la rsbsa "Delightfar Ludes:.
se tows is "obl Ilerishine bat go.?inasi gra•
bole oa Lake Xels, "taint so," by a great 13:„ i s
sleigh-ride of s "Deeetabre:day" is eocoenalc.
, •d r .,-
bet that dersa4 apes elreamstattoes; cEr f.r r• ••-.
company one bike. A Yankee
cast tad say other; but oar experienee •,P .• 4
thihright oye4 sherry-liped dattibt,J, •,,
',town" men, O'nr instanee, as -take cl -:r
"tripping the right fantastic toe" in
. -
Urea AO "1110:1411rin far a sleigh-rid F, M-
oeusbar, lantso ar--Augast; , ,
The Basle papers vie with utiu
trout Aloe of RH& Well, let them; hu: t-:
we should like to know. Do their ELL .r• ;,/:
than bun of the Railroad organ to thi. ^it.
Riney, throtlgh ilia superintica.nt .3. , ,, 4
"Attorney for the' Company" they ga• 3 h•z: ;a: S
vim raw. jelipo. ilf the Ballo and C , ... , ~..:....
don't get ISMS II that , they ari carte •;; -
half price, for th y matafitetnre ten 11,-
e,... .
„.. ' -Re Pittsbtre , Pot, "--it ,
retaliate,' upon a Azterelvad papers 1... r .11 , :: T,•l
isiesr i:
gi about 11.14•1 hts rtc.,,vii.
paper, ' ger csheu, "i• ris" at C t.
the demand b travelers fora lunch, ..."'3't E .O
to he Wes at ' , And stay their silliteLs t.:::.
In to for dlimer. That nice .trstio wilt
eons re of m ost important Interests ;1 •..
City. Litt as make a calculation. W , .: -+l',l r:F.
there aro 1, persona passing dailr , iy alt t:+::
the Lilo gho road;—• high ostario, 7.1 :.:
person will t two cakes to tat, :) tn.! s
Eris. At a eclat apiece, this &osmium v.) 1.2,
saj,loll days l TII
In a year. • total makci r.. -
of IKON p '
annum, in mai/ slave; fi: ;.;.V .
take bank ' . r wren gold, in pr....r...x.'.'..
Cievelaad, 6,000 per year, and foo--2.=
king the nu little sun of fire thoo;inl 1.
a handsome cone for ton take - bail I.:::
land sorb Y . Bet tbls intim:it) ::.i.r ‘), :-
trill redoes to II families; and rata - .7 S!. l .
OHMIC in the prosperity of Clerslla 0 •.- * :
"maned •"l
-- - --- - - ---
A Won In Toys. 11•&.—Tno.re7 r.. , 4. 2
readn, to of tninotrow to ti,ii, It 1
nephews, kosug Maws, or bun` ,:l-9. q: T .-.
Persofer y'el,ittle friends." ..r. i F.:.
"U*/ " ors* so nungp4r,riei , , n' e....-,
no with each 'lots and hits" of piettiro ;le ,:,.
tho "Mao !one? " *yea water t.: - ~, tat.=
tha story Of "Only a Penney," sod ^v:i,,tll. 0... .:
and - "llatty'l mistake," aed "t: t. A . 7 - 1 .':." '•
Ton,"and ever es, many t r ee , full ~4.' ~ 1., 1..:
ial thoughts, and good" advise, oh • :t ,i ',', t
not only for the ehildrea, Lot to t 1..,,.. - ~., i .
Yen tan dad thea at No. 9, Brown' , L ti'i
"Trarroa a Wouraxo."—X. ft L.
Drs of ihenett L Co, of this city, and L
publish aeard, in the but &mei, , tr. •
al to the Depot of the Erks-and North C
day night, fur the rarposo of awing to N.! , 1'
their "ordeee Ib prlouriftg a reeonoiiiati on
dos tow so unhappily eziatiug between ale '
Erie sad Noe* East e..nkpiny st.•i i.
Id the elly of Erie and the eowAshil. of Her'
thus seniors the obstructions on.l 141.ndr.u...-
0 44 aesebialted, lett when this
itesinees they wore neat grtedy
. 7"
Lamy superintendent of the E.
too, without the beet provoeati4u
4 unlise.stiary. It shows its (c—
-onkers of Out road, list is little hei••.:
tact, Wit bays essraikses eloulot,t
themselves are sane; for they c , ...rt, ~
♦od it Is sot to tro oroadered at tip •:
follow wait!
BLOOD LAD Tamisea.—Tile Uu.. E
old appear that Gover.,, , r
Orin tolbs ofsb spirit of Erie.
owe liatiel from is Owe bid 1), ~.;c, = +'
Only *lag of it! The cake • `J..--
iftpefehdLoci depose the Ovun,• ,~
Clar4 so your Srlirti o Mr. Clapp,
Th.Zinor was there at bet • • •
Mr. are you not • little Itr
you esa, for the ',anvil( of Botr4l
* O4 Putkitbrly the Cerebra! •
yawed(' la ea* • towerikia p4i
says the "4,4..6,
$. Cot. ZOOLRIk of Ott Statt. LIZ? aux..
two, wisttitti our city this wool . to ar
eilliqitg 'tot elLset otato of vitt . Fta • r
Oil** ass purely an dletal oa ,
thwanfot;tuttios possible be left tr,l •
Cow those al/tying it twin , th , LI
6otf will most Hkeiv call tie
to *ititellitielllll Sit LUSK Loot
wookowk &tit witty act a ~;•I.l '
tiw/t terns Message with a
If it ne. , r4•3;y l ,
titittiP own Moot hs •J•
of ibs lure if.)-01 , af: •
pl 4 ttn sti:Sittotal fere* of
1 1 14: 6 ,tee slaw/Alto of thole pt
nit7lroe Anstriens" the ut1;::
alisikeret which as* Issued La U.., :!!
15046410111 is r More i Cimpts.a. az3
COtapkat. -It professes en - I: ioV•' I ''',
pia.," widish awash 1 !*Pr!•""'•
kv•ry mat la appellate, ikoi
foircased a(tha patilliktt!
tn.. of twinwryon wvt•
ChrtOM*. ikvimd Ow gout 4. fiud. tt.el
Mott. Cali tad goo.
• W
itywitkoa to tua itr , l e.
Yktssy Public 1r may prow. Moosb
Walk WI Wise, New ere his a dig"