Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, December 03, 1853, Image 2

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    rit, tug)! r istrbtr.
Topics of the Week.
Among the topics 9f the week, the news from
Europe has been the most important and engros
ing. By this news it will be seen that the red
lag of war has been unfurled in earnest along the
Datrbu; and go far from the Turks bang an ea-
.7 4 for the Retsina bear, the • Crescent has
tri bed at every point where resistance has
been made., It Appears that while Rtuada has
been ing her invincibility, the Turks have
been paring for death or victory.' Thei
ry they hese won, and that too at an expense vitfo.
to 1
theßdais truly astonishing. It is evident
from t. that the strength of Turkey. has bees
underrated, eveti by the Sultan himself; sad that
Russia has enjoyed a prextigo. to which neither
her civilisation nor military resources entitle
ha. In crossing the Danube, Omer Pacha did
not commit so grave an error, even in theory, as 1
is coaunouly supposed; be knew the horrora of a 1
Rataiaa occupation, and calculated that the pea
santry would rise to welcome him as a deliverer.
. Gartecialtat had pawl the country in a state of
siegti, and his filthy Costaelts plundered, violated,
burned and butchered wheresoever they appear_ed, TlacnuandaOf the Wallachian youth took
op arms against this. tyranny and fled to the
mountains for defence; they will form a =gni- 1
&rat gmoilla, fpree to'assiat the regular Turkish 1
may, and have already sent large., stores of
ammunition and weapons by order of the Sultan.
While this is the mate of affairs between Rus.
eta and Turkey, it is not at all intproAle that
both Prance and England will be very soon drawn
into the conflict, and then itAwill become without
doubt; as they say out West a "free fight all
Muni." ; I: is i ode England still vacillates, pre.
Sating peace and 'trade to war and glory, bat then
the decumstratiedvf, Russia against her power
in the East 1011 doer likely force her into the
,As to Imuce,th . c people are ripe for con
flict, while Napoleon appears notrays backward
to see the "dance go , oe.'!
The news from China indicates the continued
°Gess and the ultimate vitnuph of tho rebels.
From the fret outbreak until the present time
they bap notmet with a Angle reserve; on the
, km / six, whiary,ve.- their banner itia been unfurl
the peopha app&ir to have Docked to it eu mas
•We canrwell believe th - en that Shiiughai has I
bees surprised, and that Pckia Is threatened. if
4 has not already fallen.
At tome, the approaching ses,ion of Congre*,
the Prisident's Message, and the various
aims upon which it will most likely treat, have
4 attracted a gxtd deal of attention; and hence let
tar writers at the seat of government have been
bay prognosticating, while Editors have proved,
to their own leatictaction. at least, what that tkic
• ntcnt ought, and what it ought not to contain.—
A. kit Slays, will determine how near right
the prognosticators have been, and of what stuff
the President is Mrde. Our own opinion is that
it wilt be a hold, clear, and concise document,
pointing out in a plain buiTnes., like -way the
soniagand policy the Administration i'niads to
stand or fall upon on all the great question. of ;
the day, foreign and domestic- That it will he I
' ire," but not ttaggressive" we have riot I
-we aunt llir Ile aurpncrkt - 1p ve
. apon the'ottter equal exhibiijnno of disapproval.
The moderate men of all , partie.s. - however„ will
stand by the 'President 141 his policy. That's
our opinion:.
The newsp a per s, o the weea have also been
very generally engaged in iliseUssing;the poba
-Aide organization; of the House. As to clerk,
that we think it ae settled matter, at least we
'hare yet to bear of any formidable opposislion ro
Col. FORNEY, the Clerk of the late COIItSIL
For Speaker there are several aspirants , at who
is most formidahlq it is pretty hard to tell, 'even
by those upon the ground Lien Boyd, of Ky..
the Speaker.of the late Congress, would be glad
. de re-4ection, but We
.bornehow doubt hissban
eits. 14e is a good reliable-man, but unfortunate
ly for his success. 4 :lrow, 11 - ,, (lid not give as gener
al satisfaction as onte would expect from is gen
. dttqati of bit clpesience Then Ohio prewmts
two Candidetet, in the persons ed . -Dr. (Ilda and
Xr. .DirAsey-,—Lotb very good men, with ,souse
- f eetwarienee, tho4l neither at all likely to 'tie
- coml. ziotwithstandiuz the effort making to Chins
the post for Ohio because 5h , ... has not been hon
. , tired - with a Cahinpl Minist e r or a -Fereign Nis
, sion. Col. Orr, of Stuck Catilins, is perhaps
site bast mu natnedi - though we should not be
atilt surprised it we sitouk b! called upon to
chronielo next VA - c....k t* • eleetten of Col. bt5.5..1.1, ,
' , • antlinois, or Mr. Br eitertridge, of Kentucky.
'Col- Benton is nota , - , 1, ‘ of the whig pap- rs
'as an independent es..uLiate, out ir,. .ionbt very
much whether "old lloi;j:.•,* i.,, n • ,,ught iu
'lO 4 a trap. Et"' le:›Iilalloi..: whst le shall see.
' / 4 eanYt we *Sw. -...11 iu thisi .'suds." Althcmgh
our roprood "hiatttrqiie'quitt (Ai the surface. et
we erllfonfideut there e.' 7 .3,plar. vo :dot by t-iii
rcirk. men to accomplis4 rtheir end. and it may
.succied. What tha - : ipi.tu ii. we nt cours,.e can
not blow, box with the eharter of three railroads
ja their hands, it would be wonderful indeed if
they could not contrive som ‘,.
their chartered gran' - s. r' ear
We adrise our sehthorities n
and not caught unawah.s,
13nnbary subset iption, we hj
*apt that our friends there
film certain sonsininte. NV&
And thereby hangs utale:
' Ai T l ottukron ON SYMP THY.—Ctienl
• interest has ta , eu what rougisout th.‘ , cowl
iry by the reporooti tattnxie a a Norwegian boy
in Chicago, named &and I
, erism, for rctuaing to
said, sad a movement watt. Made to get ists sash
. seription kit a monument ItA
he eiecscti to the
is/00n of "the boy that Would rather die than
iniind." A Som. hundreds, I:erisap t thousands, of
dollars were contributed V the g 4191, hut croft.
Imo people of malty places, ;and now. whet( ite is
abet tine for the trionuntent to begin to thew it
self, the whole awry is exposed se can untold.-
led httethet" A Grand Jal)-ia Chkigo hate
h ipa fr o d Into the butter, and suite that the death
ink boy was seckoatal, though some wkhd
be" UdiKirlk to the . Jan*, were any to
idli *nth Aroma thoughtless imprudent*.
. .
`Seats Ana*, who hoods slowly--[pr s
noised ismason—bst totioroady, in the steps of
youicwaiom m , has, ,asomiing to the jais.
.6 &on Mexico, issnod a (tiniest dome &sha
ding the milting of ostkataxes of himself
*Wain. . .
The Phobos& Midge mile spout lit "bestbera
.31 the pot" to least it to anew the attention
of the Legislature " to the neoessity of the pub-
Bastion of the Laws in every county in the State."
We eheerfully respond, though , we confess to hav
lug little faith in the emcees of the measure. Agi
tati4, however, will hurt no one ; on the con
trary, as the Spiritual 2'4:gra/A says, "agitation
of thought is the beginning of wisdom;" and
who knows but what the agitation of this subject
may be the means of infusing a little "wisdom"
into our law makers. Let ft hope's. We think
the "partiphlet lair" sysnim lambent fully tested.
and if there is a man who has the hardihood to
say that it has not proved a failure—an satire
and complete &dare for all thereposett intend
ed—we should like to Gee HundrOdsrf
t h oai rhave been extracted front the poolfets
t 4
o f le to pity for the publication of theme
laws, and yet hod many of those who it was in
tended to enlightenwith thent,have ever Saw them?
They have been packed up in empty Aces, nice-i
Ip stored away in lawyer's Libreria' a, or carefully
treastued up by incipient pettifoggerti, or country
lustices, but so far as the people sir . concerned,
their contents might as well have been printed in
Hebrew or Choctaw. Hence, m the Uiswe says,
cases are constantly occurring of laws being vino-
hated and men punished who are se innocent 4 1
intention to break the laws as a elild. Now this
would not be so if (he laws of each session of a
general nature were published him) or more pa
pers in every -county in the State. Those of a
purely local character used only be published in
the locality where they operate. The Chloe has
now "heard" our "coke" upon•the subject, and
with it we think we eau promise two votes in the
Home, and one in the Senate. from Erie county
in fay** of the mecum:.
. Fact. Paws:D.7-1f any thing wee- want
ing to prove the charge that the Cbsutirattiins is
hut the mouth-piece and orgain of the infestrins
railroad monopoffeji that have been threatening
Erie, the last issue of that sheer furnishes it.
From beginning to end. from top to boom, it is
filled with apologies for, and defames of the *s
duet of these railroad speculators. No Cleveland'
or Buffalo paper , could h more mabservient to
their interestaand wishes.' Trv, it is not tilled
with the law abase the papers in those cities have
indulged in. but every one ems see that it was
policy alone that prevented. The spirit was tril
ling but the flesh was weak. We thought--in
deed we knew—when we were the subjeet d its
attacks because of our fsithfoladhernocteto Erie's
policy, that the them would ease, altid that speed
ily, when the mask would he withdrawn, and the
cloven flint of she Directors of the Erie and North
Essi n :titd exhibited to this ermanutaity through its
columns. That time has now arrived. The mash
is off—the animal stands remitted in all its naked
deformity; and we now ask those who chuckled
over his attacks upon us a few weeks ago, but
who still to Erie. how they like the "crit
ter's" lookg'
tigg., We have received a octuntsmication, sign
ed "Philadelphia," and hailing from the um
ciry. an abandonment of that portion
of `the route of the Erie and Sunbury road sat of
Ridgeway, and substituting a route by way of
Etuig's fyrrete City on the Central rail-
I titineo; above liarrisherg. Our cor
respondent promise.: that if this be dose, the
Csatattlxiglroad will 4sAtwtibe one dctl
posed , uthscription to this mine with almost the
entire enncurrenre of the tax-payers." Now,
these ptondses, lik..: our t orreepondeat'a se t pu seu t a
and facts in favor of this new mute, look first rate
upon paper, but our opinion is that the most prac
tical way for . "Philadelphia" •to accomplish his
purpose is to 4ate "the great Central Railroad"
subscribe its million, the city .its two millions,
and the cunt 1 . 11. two millions, and then. as they
will hate the owlet of the matter, they may
change the route east of Ill t kp l w a y to suit. them
salve.. As it is, we have tto idea of using our
columns, or allowing others to Use them, in deer
lug new issues into the scale, thereby ewthanam
lug the action of the read fTiends of the road in
tied- efforts to carry it through. Por these rem,-
eon's we respectfully decline the honor of giving
Mt. "Philadelphia's" favor to the world.
- Goy. ' Hit then following from the
Philadelphia Ectiting &iyet, it would appear
that the re-nomination of Gov. Bigler, by the
Democracy next spring, is rokeeope conclusion.
Of eNtrw , this was to have beet expected, not.
only cue secouta W the usages-otthe party, but
bee ie The 4everbor has proved himself every
tea} to -, evity of the confidence of the people:,
-Upon looking over the political battle field
so far as Ow fight for daeffateli
there vents to be no doubt of the
of William Bigler for Governor ofPennsylvania.
The Convention, if full, will consist of thirty
thrve Senatorial and one hundred B,eprees—ntative
delegaots. Sixty-seven members viii therefore
be toveesary fora choice in. nomination. Now,
so far as delegates bate been Aimed, theta arc
fifry-four instructed for Mr. Bigler, no county
having as yet instructed their delegates against
him Of the remaining seventy-nine delegates
forty-nine may be set 'down al certain to late for
the present, incumbent, Part of these are alma
dv appointed and their predikotions ascertained.
This leaven thirty - delegates uncertain, ineluding
those from Westmoreland who may safely be set
down as anti-Bigler, and will probably be in
structed for Hon. W. H. Witte. of this cogency.
We have in this statement inelnded some counties
which may with great propriety be claimed for
Governor the vote of whose repre
sentatives he will receive when the time for ac
tion arrive... His vote in the Convention cannot
be lass than ninety, if indeed thee is any serious
v itiate to him when the Convention aseem-
_way, i o y proseattot4""a
.ry their purpat , e
1W en the alert. she%
in tngarti to the
me nothing new, ex
!.,-Insider the .nb”rip.
e, i“ the gttostie•o:
From ttii6 matoment, and it is made from facts /
not mere rumor, as to the vie of del it i
ai n be seen that the, re-nomination of =
Bigler is n certainty, and a result not at all un
expected by thews who have watched the current
of public opinion during the whole of Mr. Big
ler 1 official tertn. He has the;prestige of Na. ,
tional faithfulnere and devotion, of State pride. I
and &klity , to all her beet interests, of personal
honor and integrity, and last but not Meet, the
old and well established agar of party as to
the two term principle to rely upon, and with
these he can safely relit onatent."
DISCORAGED.—The Rahway Atirocate, airttig
concern, is discouraged at the late election in New ' Wao to THE MORI. Monnue?--:We have fre-
Jersey, and protests that it has had magi' oft quietly asked ourselves which was the more mod
tliettiug spinet the Demm e y. ' It g iy espa bli, f owl weave she who wears a short dome or Nilit
Warn* to this effect: tyke wears a long, dress and holds it ys° high
"Public l ic4 ig° is heybY like*, that if , as to make her ridiealoua whenever .fie is wen
**Ylw • out of doors ou a niny day, aid sometimesoo a
111 it theme Puts wins to Albe. wit* beetle, is i fair day. we isosoo to tit . e opinioe that the la-
Peir JeTeeX, tboy eon tan *am* ** * we 7 Idy who wears a dress the bottom of which does
L'lea inuelein• We rgeedsn y al
, leeee to f set rash within six inches of the ground is quite '
eek Gaon, oily eleerveettike ef kieki ea modem a s she who wears a draggle skirt and i
eel 6 spew 00 0 11 11 0 011 row MIMI II
own book." es est 1 beide it outstay up at least a toot high, and
I aeassaime higher. Whither our eoi4usioas !
--,- .
as earns or not we leave for others to setae,—
NIP Tien thomesd mew we _now as week i !teatime it might not be m g = improper subject i
von the Mini Ometed Ilksilsod. 1 lisr dissurios. rlswe is ' , ,
li do km
ttt pnewnotaawriwadotta wweicsa, a large stun
her et th e ait4tea of itarbottoreek township as
aessitind as the School Hesse sear Walter Green
wood's, to take into cOnsideowtion the obstruction
of the public road in that township by the Erie
and Werth East Railroad Company. •
The meeting watt organized by 11w appointment e'eloek. .ae news by ttiss a1,,,-.,
of m .
eth ,.
of WILLARD MILLER, Esq.. as President, Pwlaate and the following »nunnery
JAME CRAELEs and ZL'ltlll, LEWIN. %It* Prod - gremod inter interest. genee teem the west of war will be read with the
idente, and W. 7'. Brodiy, Secretary. fiATSNIA AND Tuassi.—The whites from the
-tiler the meeting was orgauized it Woe: &14 Prete-lip/A*4m indicate that there has been euusid
111"1tAtranteandothiee feeble
,fieehtilig between the Turkish and a w . a j an
" 4 b Y Maawlilinnirime
trOop:., to whwit the Turk% appear to burr hems
who ithowed coseltuively tAst the Road Commis- ' •
rictortot.V. , , .
rimers had nevergiven the Railroad company the i The Turkish army le being paid promptly.
right to occupy the public road in the manner t despatch dated at Vienna. on the evening
they are occupy* h e and on mo ti o n. N essee i of the 10th inst., adores: the renewing as the con
tra Sherwin. G. Wagoner, P. D. Bryant, Gilbert, ditinac..l2444ett on 45 (hoar il ' n4hll. 11l hie note to
Prime' Gortechakeit, the Russiau commander of
Elliott. a nd Wm. &howl. were al.Ptint e4l a (.the Cue*: mope. All the .etronghelds of the
committee to draft nitiolutimut expresteive of the' pe ue i r diries to b e i mm ediately surrendered, awl
; MAO of the Riestii4g. The mittee retired and a complete evacuation of the maw as ApetAlity as
lifter a short absence replotted the following pre- Peseihic; and to give a guarantee to !II the gr''"l:
ere ag ainst making menhir invasion.
amble end remidetione, whiclaitfter a free and foil 1 P ow ' • • ,
dissermion were idolised- The totem information from Coantantutopte
1 aeso Aimee that the Selma bad positively reject
illiereas, The Erie and North Ewe Radioed ; ed her proposals retest/5 - made for the -armee-
Ocimpany hare proclaimed their intention tot meet of the difficulties.
the track of their road. th r ough thi s arid' The latest new= from . f=in stated that a large
e tte an Zoining Townships, from six reel to four i Russian !wets wait to invade Bokhardi, and that
feet ten inches; and whereas when said eampany . i the Persians were collecting as army in the valley
located their road through this township , it RSA ; of Sultana. to tee-operate with Ratan against
by them held out and declared to all our citizens i Turkey. A report- from Constantinople ; hewer
that said road was to be and remain a mad of the, er, expressly contradicts this statement. so air as
name gauge as the New York and Erie'road, eon-1 Persia being hostile to Turkey.
fleeting with, and in fact forming an extension of i The Preach Conant at Bitchartiet, under date
that mad; thereby affording to our eitilene large 1 of November Bth, telegraphed the following to
benefits of a continuous track. without change of i Paris:
gauge to our great mart, the city of ,New York; , "Om the 2d and 3d tests.. the' Turks erwe e d
which statement was a strong inducement to ma- . the Danube frout.fegtourkei,l/40 00 attieng, and
ay of our citizens to part with the right, of way ' on the 4th the Emmaus attacked them with 9.
at an under price, ind swept for the injury tittle 000 troops. After a brie' k emu:made, a combat
more than nominal damages. and alert an induce-. at the Point of the bayonet emitted, lasting thee?
meat to our Road Commiesioners to emit the in- • home: The Russian:4 lost several officers , and
teepositione of togs! etbjectioa io the - occupancy 136 privates killed, beilitleft 0 superior racers
and obstruction of our piddle highways, which , and 18 subalterns, and' 479 privates wounded.—
was done by the company to a- large extent:— ' The Turkish lose is Mit stated."
Therefore . Awitber account of the matte battle, rvelt%ocl
Remakrd, That We, the citizens of Barborereek via Vicuna, statestimi fourteen Rumian superior
Township, are opponeti to the said eontemplated 1 officer. were killed, and that the Turks were
attention of the gauge of said road, and hare:a mastere of the field, the H t tesians finally retreat.
right to, and do insist, upon it; remaining as it • ingot to &whereto,
now is, (six feet,) now and for ever. . Trevious to the beide the Turks bad eons, ruet-
Resolesd, That we confidently believe that if ill a building and tete ale goat at Kalafat, which
thiapolieay were permanently adopted, as it should served as the haeis of their operations. It ap
t*, by the Erie and North East company, those pear-, that. Omar Pacha crossed at three points
who control the road between our State Line and --with 18,000 at Altenihza-40,000 at Kalva-
Dunkirk would in due time see the ince:wiry of the, and 2,000 at Giurgivo: Skirmishes contin
meeting our roadwith a like gauge, and thus coin- ' redly occurred at she onicloNts
plying with the solemn compact and woo:neg' Several other movements of the Turks oat The
entered into with the . Erie and North pee coin- banks of the Damibe AO reported, among Ulric,
pony when their road wait being constricted, awl , the destruction of a Rnesian steamer at Hirsivite
thus ceasing to continue, as they now ale, it; the Acceunts item Constantinople Rate that Scrim
perpetration of a gross wrong and injustice to- Pilate had (Tossed the Rnssianifrontiere itt Asia,
wards the citizens of this township and theeen- and that a battle ensued near raltenrat in which
tire county of Erie. 5000 troops were engaged. 'Both armies fell
Resolved, That it is with astonishment we be. hack as eight tameazin. : '1 -
bold the present Boeid of Directors of the Erie e e ln a second battle, the ktilistittki were defeated,
and North East road, proclaiming their deternie end on the 20tb of October, Mask° Bey, an of
nation to effect * change of gauge, while they ea beer iu Belim Pachiee staff, miith a small force,
the MAW proclamation "freely admit" that awe. was suddenly attacked by a bete of Russian my
riad and the'city of Erie have been wronged by airy. The Bey fell back, fighting. toward the
the Buffalo and State Line and other New York main body of the Turkish army; when the battle
Beads; that "long since there should have tx.211 a sppeedily became getterel. e ltfifteen thousand
continuation of the .3iZ feet track to Dunkirk;" Hessians *ere engaged. and the contest was most
and we are unable to comprehend why in this desperate. The linesiane were again defeated,
ease the right should stteentubcand basely bow the. and fled, pursued by the Turks, who planted the
knee to wrong and injustice; unless it be that Sultan's standard, and made their quarters at die
SOWS thrill, to the Directors individually is ex- Russians' potation of Orolle, eight hours distance
patted to follow such disreputable fawning from Ciorockdere, where the battle began
Rescived, That in vase of an alteration of the The Russian force which was defeated and
page, we have a right to insist, and do insist beaten bask to ... Bucharest in the.preribusly men
upon an adequate compensation for the damage Limed battle, was the main bode under General
done to than of our citizens individually Whose 'Darenberg. which ie estimates et from 30 to
Mad dit mod croseee and to - whem ire expected 40,000 :ening. .
benefits es affording a continticni- wic' ..- .1.C..R 1114 new--x arouttect up StlOW, 111 V. rue Ttlika
York will belly such a t aring. :inn, ii;lntel; but • Lime beaten the Rem i
ises n Asia; that the Turk
hmore eepeei.eily have w ,. :t righ , . .iii , l .to it. an- ish left wing in Europe has beaten the Russian
olm that in such ear.; tail raitroel -hall no lon- righteliving. oeuipninng the pieeiple force of the
bere lf b7 li rC r et j u ' e ll etei la l i w “ i7h r et 4 d ' e d la C y, ' tt ul ot i ti bT f ad - rirg T 7l ll l4 t 12: TAcT1' ce.—Th Turki epo sb licy ms of. tw ihe k :unsia whined us is
3 - i iz le an i d eo ires ‘ t .o ru ti e n t e io i n
i . be e' the ablest and mime re- supposed to be, to draw the Turks from their
can procure ae to the present' micsaatogeons position to bring th em
right and manner of proc eeding " remove the 'a battle that shall decide the eampaigo.Th to e
obstructions of-said railroad from our public high- intention of Odiar is to keg hkepronuse to drive
wary and also that they lay before their counsel . the Rummies' from the principalitiee, and to make
all such maps, documents, and facts as may be his head quarters at Bucharest)
useful in the case; and th at in removing said
trick theypeoceed officially and in accordance 'th . .
- - - .4e4-----,e-
the advice of coon - eel, and in e n d •
they 'it Pour DaYs Zattor Pawn &rope
mug may
command our united aid.
Oa motion, Gilbert Elliott was appoin te d a - _
committee to inform the Road Commissioner, of
the township of the proceeding-4 of this meeting;
and also that the proceedings be signed by the
officers and published in the-Erie papers.
Signed hy the °Seel.,
eso- -
- - .
The United, States mail 'steamship &thaw.
Capt. West, from Liverpool; Wednesday, the
Ifith of November, arrived at this port shout eta
o'clock this morning
• From the seat of war we !Cir.- oni
cri ka p d ge hee me o nts innt_the
and reports that a de
ter The Philadelphia Balkia, Itai;4
e th is l y p e re L i r ti s e
and soorehiag article in reply to the New York which are yet to come. ietory, :in far, has
rimed attack arm Erie. In lie:lichee of the p erc h e d e n tie: 'tnrhAsh banne rs ,
repeal of the (lsuge Law lure winter. the Trio latest telegraphic depstebes at s
wore L.iverp.tot
tie says
declared that the Suttee would place lutuself at
p: "No t.ate ever fiid 41 re tteidal act,
the bead of
al, trotroop s. islature which w as more re p
and never was a uutasuro
l earrici through a leg-
The general, news from other rens of the eons
re p ugnant to the wish'ls tinent of Europe poteesses apt little interest.--
of the people That they should submit peace.: England, for the time being/appears peaceably
bly to the enforcement of a law known to have disposed, the French feel warlike and their
beetienacteti, "
by the grossest fraud, could Emperor thinks that the Czar of Russia had gone
to far , and the moment is at hand when neither
be expected •'
. honor nor interest will permit the word of
France to slumber in its scabbard, Of eourse
BecreeCone:cr.---We are informal s'IT the people of "Paris were jeteatly• excited, but
Meskimen, the ticket agent 'of the Pentakvicmlia whether the war fever would lead many of thew I
garri t sf; of tht-41,llowing brutal cnuduc' ea the beyond the confines of their own city, seemed to
curt of the proprieter of the Half-Way Hour, ( E yeli d i n u i r ea t measure, judging from the
I beyond J r " h rietown."ere - nlicia.” agcy gea"' tone of their journals, upon the policy to be
) amp was taking hi" 'till' t a r f th bend' of -adopted by England: resta, in the meantime,'
her health, she bcing very low with the coucuulti,
t reAITVC° to herself full liberty of action." p
tion Shortly after leaving Johnstown. she ex- rue Tuasisie WA.B.—Tbe intelligence from
hie. the Seat of War has crowded out news of every
Th.- gentleman here the corpse e n .
kiee"• "E"9 reached the Half - WV other description, sotwithstanding which it is
whe - re t he t r a in stu PP e Al. whe n the conductor extremely difficult to arrive 'at al/thing like a
connected narrative, in the confusum of contra-
asked veripoiclfion of the landlord 'to leave the
flirted geritlentan and the rorpse of his wifeat the
dictory and undated despatches that e r ei nvr - en d )
tavern until:the next day The man rudely re- other to the markets of Paris end Londoe.—
fee ,on nny condition, and would listen to no From the materials before us, we are ambled 401
arguments. The passengers in the train were .mther trio ships o f t h e esess that haire
much enraged at the brutality of the man, and 1 , - li red up g o s h e pment , t i me.
would. hate taken _ sutuntar vengeauce on him 'lle oily authentic stateineut of eel 'repulse;
if the trap had not passed on. The gentleman the Turk* hare met with is that, un the morn -I
I carried the - e°rPee on his knee for etxteen or ins of the 9th their force of '2,000 men was eom-',
twenty mike further, until the. train reached Jef- pellcd , er evacuate the island in front of the
strong Himun position larger In contrast
lersoneithere be met with more humane :rest
ment.--Pitrahttreh Geetere
to these Irilliag cheeks we have the details of the
. folktwinA brilliant victory:—
Lockport C e urir r of last evening, iet learn that detailed accounts, of this Shit encounter between
' a most horrible murder was committed near the the Moslem and Russians. ft proves to have
rsnspensien Bridge on Sunday evening. It ' been ate liffair of much more importatexi than at
aeons that a an named Thomas Costello was first stated. After a continued fire from
Z charged with stealing some money (Ma a woman, night of. Neeember Ist to daybreak of the lid,
and a mat living near the Bridge, - show- name we the TislOsh. ammunition became exhnuetecl, and
have not Ittarued. tank the' part' of the woman. with tlei,erild cries of 3losleui warfare the entire
This enraged Costello, and jnst . at eve, Sunday, ; Turkish force charged the enemy with bayonet
;he decoyed this man from Ins bum„' to the bank and sabre, and scattered them at all points.--
of the river, where he pitched him 444 the mei- The Raseians left twelve hundred ett the field in,
pies, killing him instantly. The spot whet* the , killed lan wounded, and were driven back upon
victim was thrown over is near tb e l an di ng efthe Bucharest, where a heavy fire from the artillery
Maid of the Mist. The murderer fled over the of. the place, brought up the pursuing Turks,
bridge into t i enatia- and at last neonate had not Who them returned to Olteuitza and encamped
been taken --Barg' Rimblie, upon the; &lit their first care being to fortify the
position. Tbe battle was fought within a man
; gle o f hod formed by the waters of the Argh
and Danube. Only nine thousand Turks were
engaged;, ; but they had occupied a stron g guar
• wise bnilding and an old redoubt situated in
the plain near the Danube, as well as the village.
From this position they threw shot and shell
with great effect, up to the very entrance of a
village whence (]en. Dannenberg was directing
the attack. A telegraphii despatch sent to the
French governineat, and immediately
,(oa the
18th iusti.) winounioated to the Turkish minis
ter at Paris, sap that the Russians twice drove
the finch from their position, bait that on the
t hh.d_d ey , Is i zz i h nri e n h called ,Norembee 4)
the Mlit Who elimaisme, teak - the lam
Our latest ticks.
Ilaiifeir, Nov: 24.
Tht steamship Csaads. with Liverpool dates
to the 12th, unveil here this morning, at 10
The news by this arrival is highly itn.
Victory M Tigris at 0444(...44-104.1,00)
- Tarks Aare 'Tossed the -Danube
above stated. The Ituitron loss in dicers was
particularly severe, the enemy's marksman hay
tug apparently endeavered to pick aim many as
they could. It is particularly necked that the'
disabled olleers are ahnost wittiest exception
wounded by the conical bells of the ehamteur re
giments, organised on the model of the oelebrit
ed French chuoJennt of Vincennes. The Rus
sians too, stood manfully to their arms, and the
affair had all the features of a pitched battle.—
Omar Pacha did not command in person. The
position of Oltenitza is very strong; the left wing not only oppol ...,, - ...., . . or, Age ~. -, ,
of the Turks being protected by the river Ardis resolutions, but also to the manner. adopted to 4 i tij. ) ..s ,, a e s ee .c ir t t o, ri r. tr i t ;
j aloppy m eal r. , r.:-.
0 : 5 .,
r.trdrischo the right by a swamp itnpassable to palm them of as the opini.n.,- of •0 ) ., 1 ,,, „,1,, ,;• tr,44 , 4! - e, a-mita.enl , Jf . W . GT and vst; '4l - ,': ;i it •
Horne, and the rear by the fortress of Silistria Lockport. The resolutions are ilot 'h e .
. 4aiti, ,
i r
u t
, ) ,, t , i
j i 4 .x. f .1 , , 2, VI, .r. 41. 4 .4 at tbc anerniOn or . i• ~
b ad imerN. A lar g e porttoo o i ..,,;„,„-•••••
and the fort ot Turtskai. The gunners in Tar- punts of our people. The peoplelin thi,.. iecniou , t eleeted-_teitreelal eference to ow ..1 , ,,, , ,.i. f T,
Erie, Nor 16
take{ tied Stith seek preeiralen dating the battle of the estersty,said lb. ta r aystatp4risaltally Whirl n se ,i, 5 ,.„,,,,, f ':4 ) -- 1 - is 1 '.... 1 7 r t
that the abets. passing over the heads of the Erie. It is Judge Miles, and Otbur „ . Itail r omi t f , r.sow r sow. fix sate ,-;"""- - i.
Er..NOv.SIS -el WI r 0
Turks, did great execution among theltnasians. step, ,who haie got up Oils meeting, awl a itery . _ PAT% .. t '
A report says the Rierians lost eight pule, slim one it is too. It is composed almost enilte.: Public reetice.
IS the C. 3 1, of C,.111 Tibbetts& Ww. '1 I t ..
- Referring to this 'engagement, a Vienna letter ly of Railroad men, their attache:4 , 4l and sOripa- L 4. - . 1 i.) ,4 .' . oirnil . iioddira k -„, i ' ,
id' the' 10th ; sass: --si Misers from t New Tait, together witb a few who T e "le" .3 ' Thc 4 4c. " l " e ' t k l'''s ''''-'''' '''
,y rule al coon to Itedietribaitut„ n, . , -' ' '', a
It is not likely that the following startling have very recently left there, end .1 few railroad L",F4, 4 ";„`4:::',3 1 :, f i ll i ttrai., 4 044 , 44 , 4.4,0-,.: ',,,,,:::.
news will tied lie way into papers. but you may inknand their dependants from Girard and !Erie. December nnu I cipep . i. " . :4•1 " : t .' .4 fn"
4 4 1 , 4, '
rely implicitly upon its truth. 'The victory of Ise.Bu ff itio, sail he. drive her own gadge: west Lne ' Nmt
and) .. ."".
. .
the Turks (which was owing to treachery) was to Erie: aid then if Erie oppose the continua - Psil "
'kit, alt o . , n a c n a 'd ,",`ll' s ";, a ,'„ ll 7d• N'eg...;.
113 .1 1 , 2 convieto thawis generally sermsom , d. The tints of
,the Eastern roads Nest. ht• *stolid! join , from New York or e, at h r iTo.l7 l i t ' ;:r
outposts nearest the river were Poles; and they in denouncing her. Bat the war on . h e r n tlpres- : 150 :14'.'ilr,r1:tli . nia l'ilddyi - I.4da - i,_. t, • :
On POICIInt T e a fur aal e c.:,,N 7
not only permitted ;the Turks to cross without ant is unjust on the part, of those East Ittl , l INV CSI • N u ,. •,hl3_ ,
.. i
I Art.kitt,; i , , 1
1 saving notice of their approach but actually as- of her. Buffalo offered 'Erie the Ohio gauge in , AlittAoa nio. {.spar. Ana .).1 1 - .7n• ,t" - .. - '
dated thorn it the stork of death. The cannon- order to make the break at that City; Eriei offer- `*-- ` l r-'-' ) ..-.-`!-- I - 4 - rpi e "
"rouni. tie two., ,t Ktilll4l
1 ads lasted, 'With alight intermission, twerity-eight ed Buffalo her ova or the New York suge, ' :3000 .N., lc ~.
' - ' l ' i•ki:,
:Insure. The date was a mistake. The affair be.: either one or both of them, and yet ~.hs cum lain ,
75000 - 'l'l;7l;L'4-i4',44444,3, k:
gin in the night between the Is; end 2d, and and hits sent taco here to palm off such :t teed - • it „„, saisin ., ''''f'c''.'"""" ' - ‘ l . ;-----,..
. p two, Gin g er. Ten.,-„ . i . j
Elided to the ad. ,' log as this as the public sentiment of Lo/kport ; ‘,..0 e , brooms, b. rcl eases. lashes, 1.,z,. •,•. „ , ',,,
A DECtIfIVE BATTLE, iiouluth FOR, io..ND EAR and vicinity. This, continued Mr C. (is all '
Ir a z4 o : 4 ,l , ,..t o B a a t :d svt k . I r i s , r a a i s e t. hiv. Clam: ,-,,, I ~, •
ruts Pitoretimr FoUGHT.—On learning of the i there Is in the questien. Buffalo has plaskei the Fr- !%. _ .i _ _
defeat of Dannenberg at Oltenitsa, Ptinoe Gort- 1 Ohio gauge between that Citi,and the 'euna. f 14 7.--c x ,i., tt .,,r-zt„iti fet ir x , z , r...,,,,..
echakoff moved th attack the Turks, erethey , , Suite line; by this'she has nettle a break at Bat'.
.:(0,-,:is. L g `...M 1 ,',. - :
had time to recover from the tawsktiea of 1 file, at Dunkirk, and at the State line. .113 the , • iffeilkail Iffotice.
the former action. ; With this view he left Ruch- • offer of Erie of the New "York ;gu nge .. tme or it 41 ninn. s e
crest on the Bth, et the head of 24,000 fresh both, hut nne break i 9 necessary, -and tlial :t ' ECLECTIC iiuri) ITAISCOPIC ,
troops and, aocompanied by ,itis entire staff, ad- Erie Novi, :Ii(1 he, shall the New York gauge: - rant:sues , aisieree. t the c.,oze, s ,•• L.. •
vaned upon Oltessitra. The Turks at that pea- i come West or the Ohio gauge go East. tic : ,_.11,,?„' 48 7:,„ 1 : 1 4 1 %..1,,Z.'.' 4 „';„ /oe r,; - 5 ,,,
ition were only 9,000 strong, less' the hors do 1 thougth Erie right, and was serry to set , lief own 54,44 be happy to Wail an sit th ou waos;:.,, i:' ,!''.7.,
eamoat of the prertions battle', probably 1,0011 101 e.itizens come here to abuse her, , Or r.nt,‘ he'd eitcolon.'of late years, in, • .•••, ,
given PO enc. - . 1.1,11 di • goet. and the 1nt1y:4•41 . , ci.-4
dead aid wounded. This left bat 8,000 to op.l , 7deetiug adjourned. 1 : . , 64 Iti , c.ugaiaqaud,treatruent. are those •:, .-
cm g bly ether reMediv noir ennui, t.,,i n 19“„ ...'
pose th e Russian general, but the Turks being ' (Signed by the
s eurs.l i • , •un frar., a dietasuee. Of ally 'rho are anr.: , .v. t:
in force higher on the river would no doubt Cain • --- - ;7 --- ' ---- plca.c...eed in I Icon two °note h2 , , t , t.• f.,
in the roomin g , ... lb . the name and ae., %rt.,-
up in time to take part in the hey. N . , _tamer. or NlAstu ACTURE..—The Seel : '" ) "ec"Y" !4, 1 1 ' chS 41 %7W Ow ' 3,01 "'0. - ' .',"
At the date when our corkespondent prepared Haven 1 4 01 P fat um men ', ' ' some beaniful see- i c, ', l '. P re it iff; L r."" .s " " w '''' cll ' De 14 "" - ' '' t '
j ilt ACiNE grill be et .., ~,.
his despatch, (Tuesday evening, the 15th,) vu- eimenh of fiat and "silk, , pared by c iemical '
•it 11..ue. Non' .n•t. Nom. VII aL llt - •
more were already filing thick that. the battle and other puseeseets, for • . • fabrics , srtien-1 we-testa items, ...t, and W. •. •
had been fought.' : ( . • lady for the manufacture t clothes. e pal. I Ittie . ._Nor. lA, I 5:3 -; -•!3„.
One account stated 't:iscunismutially that tbt! latiignr Ad-, "the IseautY and tibrab lily of - • IXI33IIOIrX3D.
t ta r t,... , Am +.' 1.1.1NG lan3 Manned toll
Turks had been diesstrottelydefeated, and driven - wl,lll are gently increased b e-' the addition. ~f %% 3-4 the sew '4 , 6 , 3,,,, C. Oe'llgioa 4 1 .4. if , ..:
t .. .... 1... Cara co , Lair. Pa.
acme the river. : Atenher-asse.rted, no less po x - thi, new stride, while the cent o'f the fahiie may
- N 1 Lao fia: a 'Waco
itiroly. that the Russians had met with a tern -. hs much rednced. The tax eottortis made whet- l'' RIZ, P A
hie rebuke. The' locality of this battle is vague- •ly from the straw , such as is regarded as always I? 41. 3 'Quid ancounee 1.,) in, ••,. .
" 'soiled the ueighborhood ofßucbarest. Anoth
r uo r ible,,e in it crude state, and often" uht writ-1h .1-„'l• ' l 'A' tt l .-t 44 "1 1 " - -•44 , m l'ica , e
outsPao t inily, the lAtrge-i ,t. 1
-, " *z :
er report says beticeu Widdin and Bdcharest; earring o ff from the - farm on which it it r tisc..t • P NO FORT
and s third dispatch, promulgating by certain The article made front it is finer than the Nill4Atni !.ter 9ffi;te Ilk • r New Ten. ,-e 7 S
Apecalatcws, said under • the wails of Bucharest. • eorteu, and more glom.). The strength m' the Lou' ud 'let 435i$5 1 Meteh.. . ,
and that the Russians attribute to themselves • fi bfe is preserved, is that it i. ss sirew 'ea 'the t 4
acre" i T i f V. VITA' C ., Ilo a :trf' t t: l to",',„' ' _ .
the victory. And, yet, another• account states hest linen aril as fine Mt the finest of sill; ' The .., th jm nrrson the tilted:Rite; I, r o ,„ :
that the fight tea: - place at Krajnia, which is : process of manufacture has been pasentitl Ale r eel ~.• qt. u:lte te.sVe oral t• .1 4 .
the moat likely to be correct., as we learn that on fabric is mainly designed-, to be iroti;c44'e int:, err- ''''"'" l 'my 'A, 144 v " frec
the 3cl instant, the Turkish force at Kalafat war tain kinds of Indian rabbet cloth i ola • • NZI IT cfmr,
' in 41111.01313 - 44.1 p [COW. 4 44g io t.T1.1 '
awaiting reinforcements to march upon Krajova. sse ----- .---1 , Letit, ± 3y . ", n 4 IMO V. eel, .
4 , 1 taken in ea - bade: L.
That a battle haslbeen fought, appears highly eV, ? ~ 13
probable. - From Vienna we; learn that fighting
was going on near Bucharest, on the morning of
the Ilth. .
The Turks, in alliance with the Circassian,
and ;having - a* auxiliaries many tried soldiers of
Ilunary, have a force in Asia that gives the
Russians enough to do to hold their; own. •
The Russians hare now in the Principalities
95,000 serviceable men and 12.000 in hospital.
Their headquarters are at Bneharest•, defended
by WON hundred 'heavy guns. The army oper
ates in two divisiobs, commanded respectfully by
Gen Dannenberg (already flogged), and 13--.rt
schalioff, The, latter can hold leis varions 'OA
tins with suitable gun-isms, and spare '2.1,-
000 men for the field, either in conjunction wi7h
Daimenberg, or on hie own hook: They, have
, communication open with Russia, are well equir'.-
pcd, and passably well pro Visioned. Strong re
it:drums:tents of infantry arc ea I bearay., •bet can
non reach forfiveweeke. Cavalry reinforcements
are not intended to be sent until spring. ' Old
p s ehiewitsch is to take the command' and . the
liornpror, it Li expected, will come nealr the Seat
ttusstan generals may act on - Rae defeitsiie, 'if
they can.
The Turks -having emceed the Danub e , are
_established at'ten points, namely , KA h
araae , op
pouite-Silliat* at Oltenitse; . at an Wand oppo
site Guirgero, ; (but
not at Gnirvego itself, which
is still held by the Russians, although semi-oc
easionaliy. bombarded by the Turks across the
- rivel.;) at Simnitsa, at Turret, at, at
Kalafat, where they have 42,000 men ; at Rust
ehuch, and at Siiistrut. fThere are, besidis, move
meats along the Turkish side of the Danube that
indicates an attempt on the part of thel'urk., to
cross lower down the stream, at Galatz perhaps,
with a -view to tuna the Russian flank. ' Ontar's
- quarterg, -and :base of the Turkish operations, are
Shusalst- flu has elre t ady-:--taking the medi
um ofttontlieting statements.-80,000
men across
the river, and` an equal number between the Dan
ube and the *Man. His trim:* are well armed,
equipped, fed, and, in the mean tinte.l 'd, d
he has in his army officers of skill. ',Pal ner d
lailroad Meeting at
At a meeting, at this place, of citizens of the
townships ofSpriugfield, Gira, Ilk Creek and
Comment, relative to the liaifroad interests of
Eric L'ounty,' Harley Shernmn . Est i .. of Wells
btug, was called to the Chstr,; U. Thomas and
James Webster were chosen Vice President=,
D. Branch was appointed Secretary.
' L.' Hart state& the objedtj - if the inceting,
when a Cnintiittee, cousis,ting Of J. B. Page,'L.
Hart, A. Seeley and John Erns, Jr., was ap
pointed to present Resolations.,'espretseive of the
sentiments of the meeting I.
After a freh and Rill discussion of the subject
by G. IL Cutler. M. B. Lowry; 31. H Caughve,
B. Page, W. S. Lame, Mr. Coffman, H. ,slier.
man and others. The following PrParublo arid
Resolutions were adopted, Viz:
Whereas,_great excitement has been eau.Sed in
the City of Erie, by the contemplated change of
guage of the Erie, and North East Rail Road; an
excitement prejudicial to our interests and de
rogatory to the hitherto fair fame of Erie County;
and whereas the propositions made the Erie h
North East Company, and by the Directors
thereof ghlor_ int Md-to the City of Erie, were high
ly adrantr's to Erie City i and County, There
Resulted, That in the opeuion of this meeting
the best interests of and 114 and County im
peratively demand an itniato acceptance of
the propositions tendered. .'
Resolvcd," That the break hi the Rail Road at
Erie mid the State Line are intolerable nuisan- ,
ces, causing great and unnoaesizary itrandering
of time and money, engendeirtng vindictive feel
ings in the hreest.of nearly very person passing
over the road, against the e*i*ens of this portion
of Pennsylvania, and like other nuisances they
should be removed, and that ,Speedily.
t Respired; That in the opihign of this meeting,
the fate of the Pittsburgh laud Erie Rail Road
and in a great measure shat.of the Erie Vitiy
Road, depend.s upon the aceePtanee of tbe.. pro
positions. and that the cot4se now taken by a
portion of the citizens of Erie is calculated to ruin
the prospeet. of the Pittabhrgh Road, and will
materially injure:. at least, the pro/Teets of the
Erie City Road.
Rosolveci, That the construction of the Pitts
burgh and Erie Road, evei to the Coal fields of
Mercer County, is a saeastkir of mat importance
to the City of Erie and County. and especially
to the Western portion. I
itrrolved, That we strongly disapprove and
condemn the destructive course of the Mayor and
Councils of the City of Erie in their attempt to
procure au injunction against the western Rail
ruadi that we consider the attempt out of time,
and in' bad temper, and a dime's attack upon the
rights of the whole people of the western portion
of-thia County. which if seocessful would in its
elfect be destructive to every Railroad Interest
we have. •
Rooked. That we lump sle filisot cdoblipsos
is tiso Wear modimessio 4 tke 'wino assa.
-, 1 / 4 „,,,,,i„,, t .--: ,- 4 .1.0111111111 012ris
ben of the tie aci
rectors, who reside is ILI; Etiltend Emig 1,',Y,41;1, Au e :,/ HAI= RE.T , RA",..
k0pe4,04 e ga , ••!:
they have the welfare et the 7 snit - Com) at niir- fr ous urit h " olnaing guide. 00 , n , ,. ..„:"•
. , are tieing*, ' is is is new artiete. rt.!. ... "t r ,- .:
heart, outran:fueled byany peeiumary - Dore abintfor kaldrese, and will mend toe "t
' ,.r . "....;:•
tiOUS. . -, . public 'no Proprietors ha re me tt tottairn ir :e ' ;:' '',' '''..
i termite thatleAgenu. to take RAO eine. ,-,,, ~,,, '' . O , 1.:
Reeoload, Tha t the Se ere i l i f ir of Chili weelica I ii:c4 , l,volibetw , era the plrtie,. I. HlO ;, 4 . " •
I Arteut,,,N, 1 1, • ';'S a I.:'
be instructed to p a copy of the proceed- : c. E. 0111111:1t a Or, . Prupemior... 7. •;,,;,..'' ' l '' ' '
' l ap for each of the . of this County. : lie... , ,
During the Pendency of the b6rve rosolution, FL ora vv . ra s: l ; i l g . " , %A . B ,4et i n w lo i i it r o t4 ig•i d l e. .c.i c .•: . At;,• _,..-. ..
Mr. enflinan, who disagr tN A w ithilho tu raftess..! afi.O. a fine a*.ortnettt of (.ultra riyaq 7,,, r I P il.e..
ed the meeting in substance , as foilow,.r He :reel 9ff'. 2 - 71 ":- - -- 111 'el i "'ll 5 ' c , ! , D x i % - 1;/ . 47.4 ,
11E1114, tancement. ---
qt, ily of ova, he said, to the riagsage of the ,
• SEVVILZ BUT JUNT.—Three of a pari3 , •Jf etvv. ;;;„:-..;„,!
ea wretches, who committed a rape upon a 3 oung -
.girl in Geneva; last spring. l linve ju-t
been tried at Canandaigua, and conviked, says
thc Geneva Graeae. Cornelius liatazy, -it., ,
Wt% sentenced to Suites i'rison fit fon 3 L art 3
six months; George Lake, thirteen team unw
months; Smith stebbinc, twelve !year, ;
utonths. The erime Committed was Ift 1:1!;11:1 , :' , 11S
one and the wretches have no more than titer •
deserve I , •
1 ear t
Yuma e
The Cincinnati Gazette is infdruied t!iar ;
on Friday last, a family '
of nine rtsze:l tlircAtch !'
Datitc on their way to lowa on a fright train,
nod at Beilefontaine the family were wei,th
ed (Ai a pair of tales, and sixteen cents per him- 1 1 r e Stu '
tired charged-, -a till of awing rtes rtr4l:. out ar.i
gi , ren tine fither„ . and the whole ci•otrd, with c 0 1,1
their furniture, stowed in a freight car arid lock
ed up Oaks
List of Letters
lt,u....,,atutr. to th. Po..t (Mee at Erie, P.l Der. 1, 1
Per , oa• cdliat fr,r the,* Lettere will plea.oJ wry they
Alien ran Mary
,Austin George
Alezaader Matte-
Ikrwer Mn or Inas
atitier J
Boso Mrs Nile',
Bosom Miss n 'Y r
Burke sus Jarie -
.1100th Warren A 3
Booth miss 11 - n -
Bull Ole
Barley !Hallam
Dowaish 1. ti
R1..0.e Itlebst.r -
tic: 1 Crrriv
- Boot ti airs Marl ,
Burton if . .
Ben miss/at%
Bills George
Bell itylvestru
Bell Levi •
Rehab Matins ,
Damien ti P
linker tars :astir. ~:
Rs! James
Riot. I, rite. 11.-.. i y 1.
Brown PH
Brintballitab u
IlrooLslohn a
Black Mark , ' •
Blorsors W A -
Bremen Bittou t
Canis Andrew it
Cita. E M .
Curtis William is
Culler Alhen
Catiakruon nu,. .1,,,,.
Citable A li "
Cook P R 3
Connell LW* is
Cully Thitrons
Cobb Alfred P
: COyel am elthershr
; Crowley Tbourt•
-Clark Klima
Clark CDs, 11
Clark HP
: Crosby wilt. AI vat , „
t Christi* W Wish.
Chirk George P
. A:arta-0 M
1.C. , fuer
I One/ allit4 Mary L
Cooney Uoimna .;:r 1...14hc ,
Vatter tars it 4
1.14v01 Jotto .
itav is Huffish:B
thirty 3....P.1,S a
trippo Davi d 31 ,:-
Dundon Aare /Mau
Cancan nitre Mawr
Dttactiosn :. is Chesser ' ..
Demi AP
Dugan miss lijflP:Cii
Davit Wiil/nri :
Dauiaril Jarincs
Dawn Robert
Nrviug suiv., ilitzinett .
Porter 11.
FOCI retry
Pas- trout 1
Fidler drutrae:
Try Adam
riming Cesar O.
Flowers Mr
Nitta Natha,,
fuller Naar
flan Rebell it
irey John 3:
aker L 1.0 a '
ratit. Mani,‘
'ray A H - •
Greene /1 3 , 4
Ere leet.o., ;
Jos WI.I 4
101117111 Ct are Atalliftla r
;Unison tales %lab A
Garman Taunts-
Wadi saw,
Kutc robs
Hunt Settn •
1i1414e4.44.” , ..4. 1 0
tliniKali ti" 11 . 41tIarim
liworleaxl. , cilt
Ovnilloti mv..4 %I NI ,
tiol. aor- 1. •
titherwii riernat....4 .
U'.o) tai - t...
I 'll 4 41; 1 11. 1 l
' 4 "4
tra•tow Felt<
Inre.., h A
'Hanle* Th0U...1
Duress 0 C
itan Itl t"
Harriet AlGtac.4.
fe.s.r . . rvresnlili4
Irish Alaimo
t . •
;31oliiisou SS
rottaisna Mauve
ioiluivon LI M
Jackson sirs Mn.' A
Jackson Albert r
Jackson (. 4
audios Mr
: aiscs Thustas e
now nun Augustus
Kirkpatrick Archibald
Kelley wigs Sarah
Keeler rapt A • -..
Kelley James It
Raiser Wag r
Ling Rev Abrribial
Love issild
Lawyer Omer
Lblialla Jae V
Leafier Micitsct
Lew Met, I
Landes A C
Lawless, Hans. .
Miner 111 I ,
Miller lair °with. A
Millet WOO Mary
More Asa
Vtia Weiter
1 1 1 _ _ eaa 3
Wien. • r i t elb sc
Sr o ° loot !M il lar
od aik, lofts 11 , 416111 hid by ,
pet boule:
it v,eributw •
mirror Oil.'et
Mil It*WWI 11,4***
Wanes Alex ;
Mother Charley rr
Moon Clutter'
Martin Marcarri
McLean 1
McLane Lucius
ilalntiroJaa W ,
Matti Thotam ,l .
MCDolio Nancy
McDonald Peter ,
McManus Tempe::
McCoe 31Mha 1
Xr.Artkor term pahet
MeCartmly Ja
• Mc_ ktht trust!
•oct:rea tars Jahr'
kitOrearp Johc
ll lltor r Mackahcv. Pattrat
ine r
Mrpt, mitt I,
Mabr tub , * Outtrtrr.,
Norris Wm
Norton John
NYC Mr. Mar,
Netron tkuanel
Oman Charlet
Oeonnellults !WA/.
t-KOrn tnlaa Nam.: r,
buyer Thonvik
Potter 110:104 F
Porte 11 A
Park F D
Pollack Jankt4t s l
Parsons A an
Powers J '
. Perry I If • •,
hymn 13 ti
- Pasha tart
?amid gt Oea
Peek c
Feiry.A a _cu.
Qum cc, .
Riot L. r tvt
-Rocca eh 3 1
RObitlt44i 41.-a
lilleharoor, h er , ”
Richre Wra
Rettin Jas rt
Rogers C
Roberts J W
Rialrartra Sit 34
Reed lota Lams kit
Ratified chat
Revel Jr.
Estmoldt fia t ,; III:,
volcy Ilenrl •
Reynolds Gtr
ltratm. Fret
reynoru- unfits Si. a •
laaJdout mitt Julia -
rtrutromm U. 1 4, et
r!ell Wm
Sartfints J D
Pantord Asada'
sasbytnart A
Slouch earn
Story MC*. Et. . •
Stevan Diehl .
&matt Mr f
thantou Ram.
Attain Artalar,
&ark Everett D
Zleveuvon a. t;,•,,
rthevoln Dr 13 a
speicv ova Mali A
Alterlint il:nty I
Amato Santini] A .
nartt Andtt
Saran John
.?.rtatrta.l tranict
SW* tura W i
mnirb Wlirlam Is
Malt* Mamas: 2 , •
Smith Z J Ctin
with thus
salt) Pro`estar
Sontot John
Turley Thomat
Tatum T
rah James
Tattle Joint .1(
• Ted lawman
Tnit tors Joon
Tufts Cra W
Fortier nom Latir , •
Taft ttly, ,r acA L,
rot Trtitnatt
Faantary ?;char y 1 1'111 31/Pltatn
' IllotheMn 3/
Ptrer 1/
Therms .I , rt.t,
ThuraerZavrati a •
Thomas Wthl
Thacker Wallace
Wacky Martin
Willis ram Et/Willi
Whim Jacob
tT.,Setat ilannak I
Okorles el
Whalamtv Samuel
Welch tarsi Mat) ,
Walser nom Ames
Weed Writim
Ware t o r t s Jane
Whola.ll J f
Wilabael Gtv •
Wrieitaatt •
Wtld,t Amin.
Weld*" F
Weis Alba
Vretiaret Albert '
Iftuttlotai Janaa4
wllo •7Seat stata
atael tle !I , a
VOW' William
YouVz ses ; _
A. P, dig ),41 mr: p. 111.
Stray St:, re,
to t.- , •rat
t fOC tf`t , i" -
r, .tile spatted.
final walk. I • .•
• pay
SU r
between st•Ae and F•e - 1, -
oopixiag of 51ahof
as, eit-o-teter. Car.',
iterlo422. Anti 2.1 CI ..-7
atrerl it: te ! 'tr. , .-
01 4t itltit aZ..'1'..... ; -
lelta. cst4;it 0 , , 2.-.-- .
h $0...3 aqd Mar. ~..,! .... _
Fne.Nos. 4. ;1,73—.7 .
'Room No, 93 Lc onard St,
OFD DOUR WE.: .7 .ee.u4
trvq. ONland ttPl.-
LIMN, I.lcsi.itzl, P. •C •.
Chlldre..sbellktrad:afirats“...!. • 5' 7.
°Mtn uroro. Spring Bcd, r
ewe I.44.lorocadsare suvr.:7.•
• are exceed, oftly durabth, t. , tt • • .
ct ,
No. IS Leon.,•
item ;wanted for the 'sate of the •
eat wherever requesed,
! pink' inteadiug
. ! . o resoo:e .1, ..
! our or frmoda Igoe/rod s.. 1.7. . L
rate focused ehurc tr. are re-;c,
nL• a Lute delay as oagsatr:tt
r, dog (French street. art., .
lamt r +tiro the inlulethal I 7 .',
11100111 TacirroLa A
.. Nov. IP, Int
the gt
Adaulnistr at or% Bale.
virtue end in puma. nac.: , . .-. • ..-..... .--
C.Par4 in and fur - th4 , ;. ,- ..‘v.r•'- • t '-...••• -
inistriter de 6..-lii. ; ,a,r ,c. , , ..
Alarich. S.-n.,late of tit, I. ri, . -
ty, dssisased, will eip , s-ts z. , . -... .• t . .
atacreshicticeofliatthir n ...• - .i.
of 1 1. ..yte.., at 10 o'zlr el,. A. 'IL
i cr 14 1843. the andir• !. i'..•..'
loci premises Or pieci , • : '
me 411.1rieb, Sin., , l t ec'o. •• " ' •.•
situate in the township c-l
-eof Thinnsylvenin, deser".l.: . • • -
at a hltteh oak, the nuri. • • . :
• once eatt seventeen pc:. i. . • -
4422dzieci and seienty.7.• ,• - . . •
.4—th i tnee out eighty.m , . i . ~ .
.—the ne north two Lan-:7,..i ~ i , •
h ! per.ihes to i post. in the ',!-:• -
. c: :to t it
. 1
seretity..sric•a ..lers•r: s - -
aists%• re.ienth perches c. - . ~ !...-.. -
Aid pc ; hes to,the phico of 7... . :
i‘drc.l.4...d. trionty-one 5 , 11:5 oni .., .'
'lnez, ts"ine part of larger trlers
..:e nol and land company, 1 , ..... n •. . r
mnats OF SALE.—Cse-f,itira . •'.-
, tale; tlio belanee t9L he paw tot - , r. • . •
dentf.r - ith the interest ov each Irr...
•1 be £ , ured b;r doci t erz...e• Lioh,i aa . :
• ices. 1 BENJAMIN
tie, :170,v. 12,1851-'IOA
Bobs; - -
, ,
en .
e ,
cry,.. '
, &hi
i We
and Stationary, Very
At tiro. 13rovnos
hzt 11.11 , trettirel OW (411
.V Rfrt Boob, TVnii.g gyt ;
on:Ven bc , l4Notloi
f l l l ll^ l n , to 4.124 for ttx. ec,#. • ,
41,71" tn want will do H t .
M• ::17 WOCi,
Why Don't You e;:i
!zir . rered the iblkneleg
Hoare sr Na 0, DrOwn'.
The StgabetrW Ile.
Itroce '
CI (en llc, Vere, hcl
Rebel *OW.
Miles 111tMies,,bets. la 4
71 Se °tem,
'ad 313
rteSSISTCIIIISher wood thing.
tett eh are offered rt),. ,
"It Saved His Life
YOUZtq ma was ver.,
tacked Caittaee to Ler. .--
'rap dap/ arca hourly. until.
.a cute. Whereupon he caric.i
case •Ittioae Ngm 11•1-eta
te iA Ivp aa•as. Those .10
me have a (tar alma tea
• Alvfotteil Peas. raPe , .
pit tape/rely far tiat ;Attic,'
-- -
Cooke , Without A lage
oapies of "Mot Bcac3ers V.-^r•
• leo+ DeOlit Oot.—treiria..te , f • -
flOff Of ''..Vaiacr." ahem-proper:, Aro% o's *acre way
y Books Oraa Wig 7 • •
*ad a few *tics of Uwe nece..l - )
A 41:AN I'ITY Talica's Fat: •
To Tallor' 'a and Clexas
z - Luew article. never Reel. ru t:d. ; • '
Nu. 9, lirowte• 71102k—*Acre %Au
tuerrt, I Attie. ilietory. rtiugea;tr;.l"
NI colors. trod auy garrulity of th, • •
ever sow.
Artists, and Drafl , mca
g I.N g asponmem ri L.‘•
not: cut to Buy sirc,el."'l
4C C at'lllN 0 .
•s.te, , , *hoot Seward* for be ;1) '
‘Vta.Zolamt, whit., ore an an/
to in, pro pat JIM loot at It
Stray *tee 3..
CA .1,, k: to the
el9e*Strt of A, .i "
:Peery old i o the •pr, hg.2
er o requested to Ca ;.,
i 1 na talc is
ie reek. Nov. 19,
ton - rr.fl
Tlfa spfridid Pianos I bac.'
VI wen* melt gam,
eftwar)l hence If 11941 Irish n man , •
11 , 111/ a docile Actinn. Wm Cif c;., •,
I C. , / vtkly, reloionotof goo ";•• -
hate anautanny A Ana of tht,r ne.. c•—•
linasket 1 1' a Mend that •
ett Of wblek raw Prow truuwsl . o
Ol ge*olailes an 4f Serayoirn.. bich A I
ever Can and fad &tam Elk. \k.,, 'LC"'
NOV.' IL i€43...141
rpm.; ureat re4twe Inc L.
%Printout of CroekeimUpP, "
every duos in titalitte, winch U err . - r
tor We Weweed 1S At v• • '
ere aro omitted towel at glare •%0
WV. Sal .111--61
Hit/iTtlatriettgUittortgply ut gooJ a staa:t
Arrall-411 ,