ntis.ow.orrnaurs. frau, tiia Cougar-if, who -• aid. the best Legal Adl ice as to er.fJo¢,(eubmdtedthegnee .cii uoquestiocied ability, who In: I , Alogring oinaion. This opts • „.int..^:d and laid belone you, that A..th,rities are acting cautiously El El the Ordinance, I shall MO , • 4,1 iciairoi. nus can be dose _eti, ti tot reidsted,, and l hope • i.4..a.w.e mus!. be ninety to enforce • tent• Ces..,cb our citiZiOlo c.alculat4ll to brute shout ~••• executed and peace and , d shall cut fail to cal/ ou • ~.taltienes fur your rigdrisass and „Ig the boom and 4011 of the ..-,..,cd cat servant, A. DING, Mayen and Cbauscils of the City in the right of the corporate ei Erie to pass and enforce •ty of the 19th of July. 1863, .:, skid city, having been by FI aid City presented to the • , gal opinion thereon, they the same as Wows: r, ie,tion it is enacted "that •. td benefit of the citizens, of the streets require that f the gauges of the rail tuerefere the Erie and . ....pally is prohibited from _ay other gauge or width of Locomotive engine of any %Time's than six feet, and . L... - ,lpsny is prohibited front „:.y other mdth or gauge of r c: I...h:emotive engine of any .• thau four feet ten ti case any railroad track • .1 nci- =s say of the streets of the provisions of this 'is authorised . mad „, iye forthwith removed ; and he is authori4ed satiicieut force for that April, 1795. 3d *idea .1.31. Commissioners were . Town of Erie," with as they should direct, ' it is declared, “shall , 2 w I,:ays for ever." The I...rsuance ot this act, and ,t..cti..as thereof. (covering tile bezof Presque WO sc.; and supplements. sold l'owu Lots, and convey •calling for these At those sales the benefits .end qstablished ae public • ....,oubtedly a large part of .. - oe; and entered into and .•. put chasers. Alsren. 1805, requoddied 1E23. Pamphlet 'Lairs, In-Lot4, of said Town, (a incorporated into a Dv ,ugh of Erie;" and- it is . „cgs, enacted that the Bur . sairt Borough shall have I amend all s•ach Le by them deemed • good order and ben , lior , :ough ;to improve, re, _.J r thi streets, alleys aud and to prohibit and :net.. By net "ot :•I)kkt Laws b3l. the portions pf L.r.L.' is iotorixireited hag %•er therela vested :,.. Councils. to be .1s; ~ nti all the powers there- CouLeil or the Bor , are vested,' in said ~ i that the streets of the City by special Legislative en .n regard to their govern d wageineut is vested iu the ,i,osen by the citizens, to be , LAey shall deem most ex . ._ 11,•nelit of said clams.— .. 1..1- the dine being, are there . the exclusive judges as csvudient in the premises. ~ thctit of the citizens.— _-_ .1. question, hare deter ...l..lnd benefit of the cid . of the streets, require • ~... in the gauges or the entering said city: and oc removed; and require . , c ..se of such change. to such tracks cross the being vested with della>- it matters not wheth as to its clisedieucy, - • po xer to act upon the toat the entiri: manage - C! streets are committed to _ ilstre a right to cause to be -Lets, or prevent the placing :cir judgement. and by their t,ccii determined to bet at I kter/elae. what regulations in , ;titer subjects will jouniote cry rail road track on ~ , t of the crossing of is misuifeatly an ob _Atent. There can, therefore. of the-Corporate autbori . tr.oZlts. unless they are there taw. Does such'super . .:.ere is it to be found? If it to tr,e act or acts incarpora ...:e raii road Companies, which such tracks actors the . .ound in either? We may i ..::s uot in the act inoorpora aaat Company or its supple- 1 • 1..0 'wet - to construct a rail at end of the Franklin cascwhere. But the track st.:ect4 of Erie is part of a . „., the east end of the Cleve ..,,,tabula road to the west end is road; not touching. .I.g to•rurds either terminus,. ,eing in fact, a connecting .a roads, and not between Erie; and declared Sapretue Court of Fenn .....,s.rttiatuted by said Cowpa incorpuration, and without supelior law does not. Aim is it in regard to e,Er:e & North East Rail .. et authorises the construe .:..e -Jaen) Borough of Erie tionnastY line of the ' and pro..ides "that said .11-Le.ed es not to imprde or -ypu ilic road. street. lone MIMI I.2th Aprit,.l342, when : I.l..troagh was Parade street, of the let see this net confer to eoottruet its Road not • then the Borough. Borough of Erie, we-itvita and permi which ia to eau-Lod/rota Lt Gil the east linerf North anion front. al.vays ot—departing—uoteu : 1.3 e place or thing from L , / 6Z matie. Suppote tin Legislature of Peamsy Iva o coostrutt a Railroad from to the present Railrond it confer the power to con the Bay? or even to the it clear that it would do ',Y vouttritat a sewer, canal.. . Frooch toSittletkreet wonki to extend such construe- A grant-of a private or o :nor of a particular fiekl or ioclosuie - over his laud to a . . toe enclosure, would surely - .2-afar upon thegrantee a right ,ag'u or into such euelosunie. - ao o 1 Penneylvazda.NewJe rec) Company to coustrut.t a Ipiiiii.tritbe city of New York. • ; ~ y tr seriously contend these • driring a Railroad thro' '• city? Nor is this a mere •-, ppoSitiOn to the spirit of t v...ch reason, independent of t. to presume that the Le • ' the construction of this • - the question of its eaten it desired. to be the subject •, , .t , :etn the Company and the =or' s. hurl this from the foot that the madereted rate at sposito Ivts and tleir trains should be ea' nwieg tenet the arose aed deelob 1111111 the dense population of a aorporatetiewn dials es sentially from that artdoh would be perfectly safe and proper elsewhere. It is therefore reasonable end necewry for the progeetkat of the business, the pfoperty, and lives of the cities:us, that Town an tboritiee shOuld hold a cootroling power in the pe eling and eqtuelyreeinnable and proper that such emelelpal aatholides should, for the same purpo ses. control the /ocation of all railroads within their Towns. It mews, therefore, clear from the the lit eral meaning of the worth of the enactment, and altogether reasonable from the nature of the case. to assume that our Legislature did not grant. and did not intend to grant, to the Company any right to pass into or through the Borough, indepen dent of the Borough authorities. Another consideration adding much strength, if any be needed, to the foregoing construction of the act, is that the Legislature, in order to empower the Company_ to extend their road Omelet North East townshi p, thought it necessary specifically to' insert the power so to extend. " From Erie to the ease line of North East ;" they, it would seem, well undemanding that a power to construct a road to North East would not carry the right to go through it, otherwise the words " to the east line of" would be entirely superfluous. But if after all this, the meaning of the act be by any, considered doubtful or ambiguous, then the - coustitiction above given nafit still prevail. For by a Fettled rule of law all such doubts and ambiguities must be taken most strongly against the Company, which is a private corporation, and in favor of the city, which is a public one. In 12 Penna. State Reports, 320, Commissioners vs N. L. Gas Company, our Su preme Court rule "that whereby an act in favor of a private corporation it is sought to control the, gene ral powers granted to a public corporation, the in tention of the Legislature ought distinctly to ap pear: any ambiguity in the grant must be con strued against them and in favor of the public.— The rule of construction in all such cases is that ambiguity in the charter of a company must op- Perate against them and in favor of the public." And this accords with an unbroken chain of au thorities on the same subject unnecessary to quote, but among which are 11 Pet. 543. G Pet. 738 and numerous . authorities there collated. Again, a prominent prevision in the charter of the Compa ny. not to be overlooked in this investigation, is that its road "shall not impede er obstruct the free use of any public road or street." Now though a railroad track across a public road in the country may. if properly constructed, be little or no imped iment to its free use as a public highway, the case is very different in regard to the crossing of the leading streets of a city. Such crossing with loco -motives and trains of cars many times a day, can not be, without impeding and obstructing in a large degree the free use of such streets as public higli ways. But when the charter of the Company pro; hibits such obstruction, how can - it be claimed that by it they have a right so to obstruct, superior to and overriding the ordinance in question There Is still another important matter to 'oe consid ered relative to this subject, s ktich, without the fore going, appears of itself to be decisive of the question. It ti the fact that the Company Lave uut constructed their road to its western terminus at all. That termi nus was and lithe Borough of Erie, as it existed at the passage of the stet of lacorporstiox ; whether its eastei boundary or centre matters nut in this connection.— But the toad which the Company hare constructed and are using through the city of Erie, no u here ap proachea within fifty rods of even the outer ixiundary , of that Borough, which was and 1s still its terminus; but on the contrary entering, the city 61 sods south ul the southeastern corner of the Bo rough,pass,..3 through the city, acmes its leading streets, and ends at a depot some 50 rods more diction (rum the centre of said 80. rough than it is from said centre to its eastern bound ary. For the construction of this road through the city a e eau see no authority whatever in the charter of the Company. And 143 far as this deviation from its western terminus and eastern extension, presetiLed in the charter of the Company, exist, the said road, for ancht wu can perceive, has been constructed sitliout the authority of any law ti hates er And it will be bard to find a reason why the decision of the Supreme Court in the case of the Franklin Canal Company's road - does nut apply to every part of this road within the city, with as much force and effect as it_ applies ru any per tiun of the road aforesaid. We are aware of the act enlarging the boundaries of the Borough of Erie so as to include the Um-troly over which the road passes, and have no hesitation in saying that it dors not affect the position we have here taken. The Borough with its boundaries as they existed arthe passage of the act can alone be taken into consideration in giving a construc tion to it. In concluaiod, we say that in view of the whole prem ises, and of the tact that the ordironce in question' seems reasonable and prudent in not propesiug to re move any useful existing structure, though on the streets erUkost.. asithorill 41as, nor in any rummer to prevent or ttnpede,the Mind Companies from. saga. taming their tracks and running their cars across the streets on the tame gauges respectively which each voluntarily adopted and put down, and have always heretofore successfully used; and considering it settled , that corporate cities through which Railruads pass, (even by superior legal authority,) haves general pour er to regulate the speed and manner of the running of the car*; and consideritui that the maintenance to the ! gauges as they now are may benefit the iitizeiv. and protect their property and lives from danger, by -compelling, ash does, the respective trains to slacken their speed in the'cit), with a certainty which no other ordinance or device could as effectually secure, we, without hesitation, give it as our opinion that tl.; ordi nance in question is a legal , oue, and that tile corporate authorities have a right to ruti.ree it in the manner therein pointed out. In arriving at this conclusion we Lane not found it necessary to Investigate a question of uninittide and Importance which might be raised, involving the con stitutional poser of the Legislature to grant to a pri , Tate corporation the tight (without unseat of the . lot owners,) to obstruct the free rise as public high-ways of those streets which the Commonwealth by its contract with the purchasers guaranteed to theni end their heirs mid assigns us Public highways forever: All of which is respectfuliT sobenittewi. L. BABBITT. JAB. C. MARSHALL, MATTHEW TAYLOR. Erie, Nov. 21, 11!63. TO TEE MUM 'The President and Directors of the Erie and North East Railroad Co., have, after fa considers- Lon, concluded to change the gauge of their ei,d, from sit to a four toot ten inch track. The Maiy. ur ' Select and Common Councils of the City of Erie and many of our citizens object to thiz, and de. nouncu 11l no very measured terms, both the act and e actors. This we deeply regret. It would be pleasant to us, ieuur course in the management of the Erie & N:irth Eatt.Road, should, in every particular, meet ith and recesve the approbation of the public.— Pleatunt at this unquestionably would be, yet to di.tharge our duty to the road of which we are recto* to the city . in which we have fur many years resided, and to give increased taciliues to trade, and commerce, is still more pleasant and impel , . sure. I nder a conviction that our action has been fur the best interests of the Erie L Is,orth East Hoed, of the City and Cotu.ty of Erie, of general trade, commerce and travel, and that the prudent and the thoughtful, when the moment of excitement and trencv has passed by and they are iutormed of what ha, 'been done—what threatened ev.ls have been avoided sod benefits secured to our city by our ac tion, that they will approve instead ot couderun us, we now address yon. That the Erie and North East Road and the city 1-4' Erie have been wronged by the Buffalo ik State ,Li:,c and other New York roads we freely admit.— Long tince there:sbould have been a continuation et the rix foot track to Dunkirk. :such was the wish oldie Directors of the Erie awl North East Read from the beginning. For that the sot foot gauge was adopted by them—fur that they mown. fled as long, and much logger, than there was any prospect or hope of sncoess—fur the security ot' the atmt accomplishment ofthat the gu u.. lavr of ISS 1 mks pa,sell•—and for that they would now as vigorously combat as the prudent among those who denounce 'ler action, if there was the most' distant hope of success and if we did not accomplish by the agree ' theta we made, if not all, almost all that our eittzewt ever contended far. We think, and I will in due time Vhow, that we hare- accomplished i !nom for Erie than tint mosteuthuviasitc among her ' k lieseut excited friende, ever anticipated by the elmitge of gauge. All our citizen:admit that there should not be the bleats. at Erie, at the State Line, at Dunkirk and at Iduilaio. dittse tamales are vvroaii—positively wrong. That those at the line, at Llnnhirk and at Liuthilo were made by the claret's of New York importing the gauge of Ohio and interposing it be tweet' Ene and her Eastern market, we all admit. ,tee have condemned the act more than the direc tur. ot the Erie and North East Road. They felt the wrong. To remedy it they laid down the six 1 1 f0,..t. track. Its friends, and the friends of the' pres -1 sot arrangement, proc ured the passage of the gauge law of 1861 to protect the North East Ro a d m d ie position it had taken, and the firm stand it main tained. The interestrof the Erie and North East Road and the city of Jekie, though deserviug of every eon sideratiou from the board, uud though we firmly be lieve that we have consulted and acted for the very best interests of our city, yet there were othir inter ests presented, to which we were compelled to look, and for which we must care, or acknowledge that we were novo:thy of the position we held.— The whole coutty of Erie, the astuitiee of the State south of use, the Mole East and West, the trade, sad tassel of Lids wide Wooded oottatry had e • to appeal sat did appeal, to the lids aasuat tir haidipaeo, *1 basis and the *as ai the Directors of the North East Road. Than inter- tnnity to tent our Sincerity. Is the ability doubted? ests the Directors were obliged to consider. It was If the public will ascertain by whom the stock is ta their duty, as we thought, and as we believe every ken, 111 hatard nothing in asserting that no sensible right minded man must think, to harmonise in case man will question the ability. Is our wish to ad. of conflict, the interests of the road, of our City, of ranee the prosperity of Erie called in question? With our County, of that portion of Pennsylvania South ' one exception all that we hare is in the. City and of us that travel or transport upon this road, of the County of Erie, end who of your citizens is more to West and East and of general trade, travel and be injured or benefited by the Prat*? management commerce. of our rail roads, than those who have entered hap Our first duty was so to construct the road that its the agreement about which there is so much excite. interests would not suffer, and the resources of the went? Can any one suppose that it is our wish to City and County of Erie be developed—its business deteriorate the real or personal estate or Erie—re. encountged, and its population and wealth increas- tard the growth of the City, or injure the business ed. If these ends could be accom pli s h e d, and at thereof ? Erie is our home, in and about it lies oar the same time the intreseu of the great public be property, and with its prosperity or adversity we er e subserred, we thought and think it was our duty to inseparably connected. do so. Whether we have done this or not, let the , C-BAS. M. REED, facts decide. To them, from an excited people we M. COURTRIGHT, appeal. rou know it is an easy thing for even a JNO. A. TRACY, careful, thoughtful and considerate man but one u p S. JACKSON, on whom there is no official responsibility, to say, METCALF, as many of our citizens do say, without a full cx- Erie, Nov. 21, 1663. JNO. 11. WALKER, amiantus°, that they would never yield the gauge question, or dishonor themselves by making their town a way station. This may suit such, but it will not satisfy the demand the public hare upon the Di rectors of a road whose duty it is to make full and thorough examinations and then act for the beat. To determine whether the Erie and North East Cu. did right or wrong in the agreement they have entered into, it is important that the public should know the terms and conditions upon which it was made—what threatened evils to Erie have been averted—and what benefits secured thereby. When these are known and considered; we think that no sound minded man will doubt the ;propriety of our course The greet body of our people, in Town and Coun try, agree that the gauge might be chauged, if an adequate consideration was received. They diem. ;Me a; to what is an adequate consideration. Some exact one thing and some another. One says, if the road up town is taken up and abandoned, and all the r oa ds run to the Harbor, and the freight and passenger depots erected there, then 'there should be no objection to the change of gauge. This pro. ject has friends, and if we are not mistaken, is the cause of much of the violent action that is now evi der.cing itself in our city. This project is opposed by those who reside up town and who have pur chased and invested largely in real estate on the line of the - road and in the vicinity of the present Depots. It is also opposed by those who cannot see the propriety of running the road over a hundred feet dowel bill to the harbor for the sake of overcoming the same again in ascending, particularly when the Lake is closed nearly five months in the year nod when one dray will haul from the present Depot to. the Lake during the entire summer. all the trade that rime.; alemg this road desiOntri in he - rhipped at Erie. Another says he would be satisfied to change the • gauge if thereby tbeimilding of the Eric City Rail. road is secured; whilst another would not unless it secured also the building of the Pittsburgh and Erie Road. The great body of our citizens agree that the building or these roads to the Dock if secured, would justify the change of gauge. So we thought. j• We believe most firmly that by the agreement we have entered into we here secured the building of • both the Erie City and the Pittsburgh reads. Some say thel have no faith in the guaranty—that they do nut believe it is the intention to build the Erie City rued. We not only believe but know that such is the intention, and that belief and knowledge justi fled es, even upon the standard of the most excited among cur citizens, in entering into the agreement we hare But let ns see 'A Lat, is secured to Eric; to Erie County; to trade and travel by cur agreement. The material provisions arc these: The cost of making the change, and all the ex perm- consequent thereon are to be paid by the ' two Cu npatues ro the ratio of the cost of each road. Au Engine hoilee and such Repair shops and Sta tion Buildings as shall be deemed necessary for the convenient use of the two roads shall he erected, at Erie, with all convenient expedition. In case satisfactory legislation shalt be obtained from the Pennsylvania Legislature aethorizieg the Franklin Canal Company or its maligns to extend its road Southwardly from Springfield or Girard to the Coal fields in Mercer Coewv, then the Buffalo and State Line Company, or the stockholders thereof .11:111 subscribe or procure reliable subseriptiots to such Southern extension to the nuionut of stoo,00p; or they may at their option subscribe that amount to the Pittsburgh and Erie Railroad Company. The Cleveland / Painsville and Ashtabula Railroad Company shall purchase or cause to be purchased 550,000 of the stock of the Erie City Railroad Co. • The Franklin Canal Company shall be at equal I exec withthe Erie, city Railroad Company in purchasing th e r :,; it of way bits-iii s e yrsee e Tffs g .•„,,, much of the Erie City Railroad as lies between the present lines of the Roads and the Harbor of Eric as the said Franklin Canal and the Erie City Rail. reee Cosapanic4 asay, -=each road • barn;; its , own track end ern it sesen• Metairie , : at the Harbor. !he :Onet arc the ath-rataj,e^, seenreci , to Erie. Arc they not enough? Some say they arc , not—that more shunldhave been obtained. Ardent fr.ithfully and zu,,loteily did we :nbor to obtain livtter term,. One year amore better tetras note of- ' We then rejected them bemuse we had not j the shatter tin , the Eric City Railroad—because we hail upon our Statute Root; the Gauge Law pro tecting us Against competition at the South as well as at llllMP—hceattie then, if we did not own in this Stikte, nicijority of the stock of our road, wo could command at least an amount that would justify tan , its :contending for the mastery. The flues are dif • faint now. We have a charter for a road that gives us a direct communication with the City of New York, by n continuous six foot track from our Her hoe; from twelve' to fifteen miles ,nearer than by Dunkirk. The agreethete. we entiutel into, if car. ried out. needles without a doubt the building of that -road. That Gauge Law has been repealed and no logger affords us any protection. Of the 8600,000 stock of our road, at least three quarters is owned out of this State by men whose-interest and deter-- a:deaden it is to change the gauge. These facts we knew—we weighed and considered—we gave to hem all the theeght we could and came to the con clusiou contained )11 the agreement. We think that every prudent and discreet citizen will come to the same conclusion when the present excitement has passed by and a calm consideration has been given to all the facts. It will not do to say because last year we were in favor of presrving the present gauge of the Erie and North East, road that we must be so now end forever under any supposable state of facts. Wise and prudent men, at least attempt to accom modate themselves to the state of facts that Trade, Couene?ce. TraveLand Leeslation have forced upon theta. We knew that the gauge law, enacted for est pee,ectiou, was repealed—repealed unfairly by corruption and fraud if you please—still it was re pealed by a le'rge majority in the House and by a very decided vote in the Seuat This gave to the. Pittsburgh and Erie Road s to the charter of last, sea. stun secured by citizens of % enango county, and to the North Western road leading from the mouth of Ma honing through the County of Butler, the legal right to construct their roads with a continuous gauge through our State and front the New York to the Ohio through This we saw and for the interest of Erie were compelled to examine, and on the examination we fouud that this privilege was not only secured to these roads, but that they Were already engaged in carrying them out. The North Western road was surveyed. The citizens of Venango have spent large sums in surveys upon their charter. The citizens of t!riektord, with a zeal and a - unanimity worthy of our imitation, had the contemplated road from the, New York to the Ohio line not only surveyed, but the line located in part, put under contract and a large force already engaged in constructing the same.— These facts were known to us. We saw that much of the trade and travel of the East and West, that legitimately belongs to the Lake shore road, must he diverted from us unless something was done prompt ly to prevent it. The only remedy was to build, or shake certain the building of the 'Erie City Road.— , In this wav we could induce, and did induce the Little Valliy road to abandon the idea of pussing through the State south of us by . a continuous track, There is no one bat will admit the imminent (lon ger we were in and the importance of pros iding sure and certain remedy. Unless the Erie City road was built andshe Little Valley induced to meet it at the line, a road with an unbroken gauge would pass south of us and we migbt never obtain a -direct one to the city of New Nnzlz. That, we thought. would have been to Eric a severe and fatal blow.— We saw that by the change of gauge, this threaten ed evil could be averted , and with certainty is 110 other way. As long as it *as in the power of the New York Central, the Buffiklo and State Line and New York and Erie Rodds, by extending, - even tem porarily, the six foot track from Dunkirk west to the tine, no prudent man would invest a large amount iu tbe Erie City road. A few shares might be taken, but stock sufficient to build the road would nut be ta ken until it was made the interest of those roads not to run the six foot track from Dunkirk west. That was acconardished by the agreement we made. Were we right? From the people excited, without these facts, to the people cool, with them, we appeal. It is said that tnere is no security in our aasertion that the Erie City road will'be built. That we do not intend to move any : further in it, but will aban don it as soon as the gunge is changed. If it will give any greater or better assurance of oar sincerity sad oar honest intention, we will agree to give any that tar reseosably be asked that Oa road se ek7l ft io beat sad ready kit the ressieg stook is tifiaMlL 11111161.. The patio have dies the epos COX FORT * iiiIXF4OR THE AFFLICTED so ONE MEDICI:4E flat _ILL DISEASE I The Unequaled Medicine. w. 0. fLWELT•IS ISLAOSE oflanti FOR HORSES mid CATTLE —7lt4 i" eVeraal Assaf mit far Resseriag nut Cor•-e ihmases• - •• • • suk • -- Oti Soot. eitah Iribtort opts furlard 1 rtrad P fuA , .Swetaiy. &Latta ff•lls. Brusie•. Er zit ITtn,:hd.. %-rai 4. Belk.. ah mut . Gm. Curt, Con fractla. tke .41.rer, Cricked licrlo. Leme.ets Weibutu J.txtr. Ertr•enl /brit Diritaspte n. Gaily, RN/ Ai/. Weal. Moe. ti . et , •• %VAR RANTEV !`i ALL ILE 11-I , KAIII.E. CASES. Hint° Chinn Kenn, or Hivate Oboes* Balsas. A groat remedy for :orr. Throat and SlOntach.ClpAera Morboa. BlllousCbolle,Colds.rowels.Croup or Rattle% Palpitation of the Heart. floopnog congb, iettuna or Phthlroff, itoirseofts, Weak Langs. Worn., &e The* preparation Ira. rainy won its lamb enriable fur. by many a hard tooteo. But the result and ebarze er or the Med icine. tie kat liluatrAteki by the .ords or • t• - . moo. Rohon Gen• eral • • 1 e true , 1 cow t I rnaquered Infallible and no ll[Janke. Sweet's King of Oils. Thn 11 a regular cure-all atedielno in r , ery ...stance in stliteh It for be a applved . It ttaa proved 'heir to PA' the kit and Waft ereetuet •peefbe ever pet invented. for tie folluwtop theeave to tt blob two uk and o subject Rises data foxed ma l■ftdlale Cara for PI ea, Old :'on• with or vtubout pipe. fanned. ttpra.ue.eliap pod Mend., Frnb Wound.. t;alt B benui. 11.. rd Tumors, Chat. Motu., ftnnse, , tirald Ito•d. Cramp*, klatuntatlsen,Cwk or Patin in tt. e seek. and Conatine.t of the Skin. It ha. Men 'gad to be a perfect killer of lied-Buis' A good 'fork i otremd tbr I .ce 1.0... bug. 1.110. r flat snnp4 the Kane of ails applied ti nun trarrantrek-i'elet rod,. t:S Cent*. W. C. Sweet's Family Curative Liniment Au itrun,limie e.are Or relief for •Ctlchne-e. Or I,li. l i Ptvllls. frost Bac... Aeue to Ore nice. Ne.er,u, 11e1:1 acd Toolll Ache. Frevh Wound•Xhapped 14chflq, rtsrrb. Quin ,r. ♦ALQII 01' 01011,111: W. O. Ihreet's Celebrated Isfallible Eye Water. 4 mil' o aod 1 murdiatr rare tar t.ttuved or w r fit named .4PPROJTII OF BY ALL! Sr. J. Vanderbures celebrated Mother Tincture prep:4l,l.ot'. that need* tto puling. It lir, Iteti known for years b)• an '•odaent ph)sictan to he of great *ague, and n sure prmentts e or cure for Clltil.4.R 1. and b: ns tunely use tr.any lives were. +eyed during the prevalence of that ei4.1,, &titbit country in Intr. Rime then it ha- been found tr . .; .f,:ra• Maus in curing Diarrhea. Dsrente” or Bowel Complaint.t hills, Paver Aunt.. elsolte Pains. 'ankered Mouth. Drooping ?pi r 'Patna in the Bowe,. 'l'outb•Aelu. he We 'loam deew it ireeesirtry ra publish a tlyausaad eerttlreates la the Mediators are all laltrapied ti ertbr rnab env ail to pre theca stair trial For foie by J H. Burton kCo sod reward dr. Gaston. Crte, and at Country Stlre.. aeusrany. For furtlusr partkulara.re Pinipiams to hab.l, .11rat , All Orders prorupt ly executed by addrtssing W C. ti %V F. CT, Vowßocirriter, Si- V. - - - Baltimore Oysters. Uri: are Jaw, receiving by eapre•s Jiieei from it:ii.usoie. vv Upier• of ihe best gwlup. t, hien we oiler for ..aie by the can :lad half cot. Ail orders !rum the COMM. , Wit{ be l.rcwptly attended to .Nov. IS. I t0:74 ca.ARB4. 311 ix ' f Fall. 0 A 'nil ket N ittRiITT i four) et..o^;.rierr ac r ; L• 1 thr (eheral. that -he h a return.,: from New York with the katc.4 at)l6 of Wrote , MC114.C.,., eulls•rliog ul Veivrt..s i11.P14,h. 7,1 d ltraver If ite rc -".. r:11111(1 , Artificial richer.. trettch tiredly ern , : .1 /hot rtio - ars. Cook Velvet. ilostery. nod Illuve. wadi ar t meth or Millutrry. H loch Hilt'. , rr: r .1( . 4(11: \o. ember , hr o'corck. A. 31 .0.1 , ', •tt '4 Fah It arr , ' , le at?. I:tie Nov. di. . Kind rinrl: 4 li te. -Nail Rod- If , rl. hor ^r gE thectitaiV:i :ffia ake.:te..t Alergoroiiitrao. N•••• k! , l'" I L !11 - NNrrr. ram sn kir. AT ATE -:, I , EROT. tiOTEI, j rens red vritl.l.. • k" dsw. n 1-.rße as. Perleweiter Floe ..old Waschc... £.l . ti.a.std Unties, WM.% Leon Whs. :TV. It Lex... ".teg.t.aivPterel.dew.l Cs-keu. -liver ail Koren „ p^t,l Pit.. toriber with r vra.;arov of s,a‘e!e- ..hrirte fir r 11." --?7 !,1 ; -- ‘)lt P iet ‘.4 ore and P ri ra It Frnows, worth I irt:phr v. a ihrlorg mOre. rt Nor. 19, let 4-17. P FIN'S. -.leo. Jew, Fry tor r 1.7 featured by the rubeenber,nt ot `tale street. Erie. Nor. lg. 1,31-17 '1 IR,I-IN II 0 - T I-o-t. Farr. llollnoodc r.trorro liodfloo„to,l.fo hos purr • olar,o us 0:1, or ii...11 , x0ne.•/,:oo,„ tin et,..re of 41 ISA Lt/- 6471 P *UCH. lllNWeeti V 1 .5 rind Mh. , ylos•re 1r e; , n t o h. 14 by nll who wish it—los ti CC.MA I.Ct boats Ent. Y or. 10, I tix' 2. 31117- PROCLAMATION: From Citizens of Brie kid surrounding country. -171..0w a.ll b 'hear streactite. that A trr trt•t - Kft:ptvie t .. lot atighe Bottom :lure. 11# Y, Wrzges Block. ta Petting and , trill r ontltons to act: gurala at 4, ri.to tn. htflg k hewer as tialle. I'Uerbilllll l ll Icr sash direr! [rout the I ~ coal :ea has. to real tr., In to 15• per rem el too r tha I' rt' (squid ishroent wear (gibe elllelk; hie ire l; success ,4 far got a to con rofiruaothainadstawlicills.„r,gro.e ..„. 11 ,0 , 1 1 :11 1., 7;4 , 7 he u qt your VW. at use 11,44/. ..)/sr, at, n .11,, aI r prr tentage which cyrry cash I• ay ,hg cd.ionicr i• rtoteed to Tin superiee 114% ut Inc CO. It I .ty r .0 .11 ocei the old fogy plan of lour credit and nerrr p n. 3 r rt. rife to the ru• toot that he is led ~,g good. But be Olt.. as tt may wen re determine., to hay war good. VrAere cat, imt the cheap est and bano.thcrelorr after h tying t nun rate , : at,w et the lead. chi ' , Lapse and Howe tie gouda ior vale. ve aulnu:t he rent to the di rert nit Ili 'ton .:ttil •',want:lac of oir nu:Pratt. friend. Plaits (Pa drean sob. Og cut per yard; Ftgartil to 73 eta per yard, raaey plaid and cbassiirble al ha frva, 34 at, 73 cis per yard; M le Lain/ at 7 'ln per yard; Print:4 cutter y ard; Bleached pheetingigegt r a per yard ; all wool da anal 15 eta pet yard. and a great carsegy of goods at ant co agent ty tow for cacti. Eric, Nog 161. 23 Erie & New York Cityßailroad under contract THE; eubse rater in anticipation of i goat ortote - rs trade 1 fullp rcp;^maltril hrr stock of Gr , ,eeri.t3. IV.ltcs. LiQuort, 100,1rn Maid Wilk,* 1.% Me, cur.l 01 Vinare NOtioa.; for farther p .•. a all 11 \o. 7. Poor Pr opie'sßote. brow MutißC. Erie, Nov. it, WIN rt. nuni lnt pure L.',unr• and pnrelmse thou 11 at Ne li. . alit3ol: L'4.u v irugliP lit un 41 s Hotel. F Lan Lemc,,, stilt NI at KOOK VS trti. Nor Itt. 'SZ-111 Orplitte `State-ft itrottl3Lli and Wtiluw pate a6a ti rtrit , t ?It tOILE'Ii VI to , IV. riale 11 . 011:KINGIIA‘1 aid rgol.c Jur yJnnto ocillog at Frie, Nov 11, W IthrUNE'zi BIRD Cap-Nall siZCllan.lntv.rr.. ;1.0 Ittr I ..to at Nov. 12. la 4-ti MOOR r: TtIOM NON'S Wastituv Ccmlour.l, Goo artsele at Eric. Nov. I. !Wl—% MOOttrir 0:501t t's7 s'ette It reel rltiVOßlNC.lnllkintl;at j Nor. It , 'll--+lil HNTkit'ett . ..iiitind a or pod 41.4,14111,3 n At Nov. 13-93 MOOR L'A The Old Block House Burned. TITAT relic of our het stragglo with despotism in tho howsred city of Sine it no more. Iviiepitrtest from the face of this terrcstiad globe this morn:or at 5 o'clock.— . PMCDJZO with it. ogle , . St.llo gme,l4" FeatUp, tint har ing anyfear of the Law or eetnineb deeeney. act fire to it and home it to the ground. fl this set he showed his lack of Patriathin and respect f,r the etizen Erie, Mat be was not entirely de% ot.l of sego:et f r the final, of Goff A Sanford. He left their .Sett Fresh. Gqxtrice to gladden the hearts and gratify the tastes of our cammiusity with a good selection, and of - a, good a quality, and at as good bargains at. can lee had in 0 ,, city of Erie, (no excep tion.) their stock coming of. • - • Selory.—Crushed, Granulated. Pen-I:red, Coffee. and Brown Sugnm by the hared or Found. Laguaria, an , l JUTS". and Young ilyson. !boon Skin, Imperial.. Tam , ..—!loner 1) and Cavendish, largo and small Papers of Chewing, do. in box...guild twit, loose &soaking, Sung' in half bottlex, bladders and jars. cyt Stewart," r.r.tl N. Y. 'Syrups by the barr,l or gallon, also. P. B. :klolo.es. iiingrr. Clover., "ilatinegis, Woe, and Cinnamon. Rais4o4 Ciauuz. and Prignef • C0n , 14, St.ope.—Tallow„tritnitntine, and Sperm Candles, Brown and Whit. Soap*, Tonipeon compound fur 'milling, the ir'd utiele tna. , 1•: , ,,z1 , 0 Toilet on Shaving Salim I«u.—Pocans, Brazil and Pen Nuts. Filberts, Almond; Eo,rfieh Walnut., '.:,d Chestintr. Iron and lierrings by the - bon, barrel and bag, Prrie.—blp.ous and t3laubt r , •Ite, Nalpher. Sal Soda for wa‘biog, sup. cart. soda, cream tartar, brimstono, castor and swect pile by dm quart or pint. camphor gnat. Rum amber., liquorice, Bath brick, ~01 1. rtlo, de., &T. &terms+ fornithed the Wide by tho box stall times 25 per cost lower than ran Li, botigi. t ebewbore, •t we have beau appointed agents for a .%rerler article. Coaches by the I .ox. .11Vecraaarnaa.--Lat.ap oil. t.tekinz, wrapping yarn,rer. dines, pickob., rose water. cal ...T.., reset oil, penes. sauce, maccareni, rormacilla r tmor '.traCt ,L l Hart I glitch es by the box, plural :bet pint, tube, Nib, become; seaweed units, ,tun: mops and mop handhea, bed cords, clotbet lines, LB crpool ware, bokiair powder, British bistro, Mason's blacking, mouse traps, liminess. kuires,liorse cards Ana bruslu', curry combs. faucets, roil is pine, evens dippers, bail b zee, ships, dm .5 2t00.--25 DOFF sA?zroaD. _ _may fir. --7 041111 totlp Minim. of die otior.rther an or dad the Ilist •h qt. ism. • deft rot *oar. wid Yr too. Ile • ingl44 to th• "prime. oneellf tilliplilL The ore- Or to foolosted to cad. pm* ondraw47 "11 1111=i. 1.• 1111. Gent Are:mini Fail old Winter Goods of the Rapist* Grentrr imehreveneuto An% fry. fn }hoot rtnhgonts DRY GOODS. WE are now opening our seennd assortment of Fall and Winter Dry Oooods, (-Emending :in pnrt of Precteh and English Merinoes, Clusehmeree, Satin De Chinese, Co burg Clothe, all wool plain, plaid and figured De bin's, Persian Twine, Coettmer. Raw Silk and Saxony Plaid, Bomharines, Alepaeas, De Dego for Trarellng Dresees, ie.. kr. Silks! Silks!! Another lot of Bloat. beautiful plkid, plain Lrocade and changahle &Ike, and Canton Crapae; also, a large &apart ment of the beat Gru de Rhine, Lute String and 13i•churs Black Silks from 26 to 36 inches wide. A very large assortment of plaid,( plain, Agured awl tin. select Bonnet Ribbons; painted and !plain Velvet Ribbons, and Dreas Trimmings in groat variety; bbek Iwo Veil, Glom., Winter Hosiery, Le., Le. CLOAKS. Ladies Clotlt Cloaks, and Cloths, nearly all ,colors; rieb Lyon's black and colored Velvets for Mantillas, and a large Int of Cloak Triosainp and Linings.: SHAWLS. • A large sesortment, cosapriaing Brock. Long• and Square Silk, "flatlet, Bap State, keg mod •quire, Mimes and all Ober styles rd Woolen Shawls.' 500 Mn•lia, Caltheio alai Late Collate; notaton Petaled Conan. Embroidered Hasn't and Cambric Cellars from 6 cts. $6. 200 Embroidered Handkerchiefs from 60 cents to $9. Muslin, Lace, Cambric and Linen Is7nder Handkerchiefs from 3s to 85. 25 et Muslin. Linen And Lee* eldiaezette end Sleeves from $2 to 112 per Pet; beentifni embroidered Hands fur Flouncing, rick needle work EdgiapAnd Inuitlap, from 12/ mete to $2 per yard, together with every thing in the Frineh Embroidery and Lace Geode line. Staple Goods. ' Prints,4linghams, bleached and brown Sheeting, and Shirting's, 8.4 Linen Sheeting', all grades of Dish Linen, bleached and brown, Snow Drop and Damask Table Spread:, of superior qualities, Crashes, Diapers, de., for Towels, Ticks, striped Deakins, plain figured Flannels of all colors, bleached and brown Cambia Flannel; very heavy Marseilles and Lancaster Quilts, Damasks, ladies and gen tlemen's Silk and Merino Vests and Drawers; Cleats, Cas. signore!, Vesting-, Seamless-Bags de., de. B.—Our stock of Rouse Keeping Goods, including 'every variety Curtain Materials, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Rap, Matte, Druggists and Matting', are eomplate, and :oust ion:masa the attention of all who are desirous of buying guy thing in this. line. AU of the above Gods have just been purchased whilst the presscere of the money market was at zero, many of them at one.helf the cost of manufac turers priests, and will be sold at sunk bargains as the world iersr aittersed before.. LADLES 11.01NUNG. A few Weer. of Thanking nna Ingo Lens rewired a r •herlienn Goal' Store. I.let. JNO. E. COON: - f IT Fen a o.i Pocket linivea.Rashare and Sheer, lr Ot ARM fle , lll and Curl toa.valgaelure, ran h. fowl al Aug G. 1-M—ltr. nnaTlN'el, oppoaite Recirti'. lintel. Paaru Geruann Cokigne."l.obin'e Lttraei Sweet liar. Ger.n.ium r.nd ether esiragent.just received al August a. I*Z-11. T. IN. AUSTIN'S. D moose AND TRIMMINGS. Nora epeninga.plendtd lor o• Fall RiLlan. also thttip... Braid. and Velvet' trlinunnge. all of the laical fashin r Oct 13.-ti. JNLJ R. COW: _ . . Thread. t',lging. and Inverting. ant• TV clbriek end-Mti>l ' , lltot.ty f-Ve do or Oct. 22. , JACKS , 1 & f AtF. Love:ll.d Gani.o V.,. Silk Nitaelie- , , Plc Mk: I,!t -• and ;fovea, ktd.atilk . t.l‘l , !gin , of r and P.ll - good namantueni of 1 else% .11,,e.,1, goaniny of the late,t eight of Trims, alas the t.(i tooticateut of Ronne.* trimming. • y. I.nAc. nod eat , . E. l ' 4 ' oo '' Kir -ale by: (let. !U. J KTON k SON -- . . - -- BROAD Cloths. C.t.woOtert.s, Sail.... it• . i wred- as : KPilillelt) Jame Of r Vet.) ears old. this preparai lon Is no Itunitue. nor ths result ..fuieutal hallucination W the writer I ,t has been submitted t the 4208, thorough esv . slid upon the moat respeeisble and in• tel~igeut. r war any ae.eutif c. aci.Urmeu sent. Louie and lite in• ity, and gentlemen Snow', for their great talents sod strict imeg rity. the propriPlOf wdl ail present Wily select from the WW2) in hi. howerwou the , nikra inicartikatell. as they are nearl) ill knn nto Maul eltaina of Li. STATE or ILLINOIS, I C Ott TE.C. Juue (trite used Prof. 0. J. Weed's Halt Restorative. and had ad mired Its wonderful direct My hair was becoming, as 1 thought prematurely gray. but by the use. f Las ••Itebtuira,,,.." it has stinted its original color, and I hate no doubt permane.uy Sllih EY ha • Lx /senator United nutlet Vvicisisks Iwi.. Julie IS I. Prof. 0. JWoos—Dear rilr au are about to man lac oureemenslvely au rend tour recently di.eot ei cella ir litee r. alive. I will smtc, fur whom' et cr it may coutern, that 1 have urea and kuoun other. to ow It Thai I hate Cru in.veral years been is the habit et using other hair Itesturatitra, and that I find yours vastly superior to :my other I ituow It eu (rely etre ores the bead of dandruff and with one mouth'. propei unit will restore au) puma', hair to the original youthful cuor cud I.lture.gi•ing it a healthy...zit...l4 iduss) appearance, and all this without discoloring either the bandy which apply It. or the drersou winch n drops 1 would. Wetmore. recommend lie use to every one deArcurs v.ug ene.c..lro and texture to hair. - 1t 11..$01: KING, of Erie, Pa dr. Lot ut. lupe SC 1d53. Prof. Woon—Deai Sir . ":04 arc about to prega e and vend your recently alsicov.tred Hair 8 estOtists ve. att., yon retViest Rupp. tots 0114 I Will state, that tsalt ‘Y3S a Celt' mouths titles very gray, and Miter using two bottles or your Ha tr itemor• alive It **Wats/ Its Origittsl 0010 f. and:nisei sis ~ppl,eatios,-all damititirbasiltaiwwwwwl !Maw say bead, 404 1 bare be •is trou bled with wo disown able deb ag Memoir. lam &minded thane win use it wilt not regret it, no it glees the hair mot only its Wires' color, but it sires it the apiearahoe of 6 .vitig been reefory Oiled. 1 at. prets , ,red, ibere.ote. to recommend its use Malt arta are deaf row. of baring a bt•atailut bead of tur. ' Ft Lot I... June 19.1957. Prof. Wonn—llsar Ste Since I has e bard .our recently J 4 homed Hair Itentoratlve, and you tectorat my opinion or u, I wilt state. for all whew a may et.ncern that a 1 (Le *ge of thirty eight I was gray wt the Mat. Of se • cuty, and (us !lair tilting ud. to that I or 40 aluxo4COtnplet,Cly bald, uesides. I 1421 s much troub led with da adroit's a nd luratersnle itching, but aim, u.ing rermy batik. of your wooaertui kentorative ml tow re.unoyr .al COW. the ilarldrulf dis.ippe.red et.Ureh, an d by wagie. an &Hitching, and the hair btenue• rolt and glowy to axieara 'tont and all thin I ice! I am under militia on to nay tew el the hesefon receive 1. I ,S , sl.l but u uti t t el.ate that i now nare a new crop of hair, mil tw i etwou cvolit area ituapsue that I war ever gray. r: G. I/ERWIN. Prof. moon—Dear Sir :axe you requew me to ere you alatenteot of the ettecta of your w .riderfal Restorative upon me. Iherr!. .is.e in reply, that I have now used three bottles of it; atrd sithougt toy hair when I consu.enced its ow stab a ail• very white (ray age being silty four, Inoue It hail trauma prtICI`KII) is original ro,or. Z.IPLEG perfect that usy friends all tuought I 'tnakird In, sus y taro younger °tan usual, and'scarCel) aness %hat to um 1. of Isat thew considered a per *et :hirsute, mini I snlorissed theca it W. t - tut the result of as intention of your. railed Bair ite2tora.sse I will at ostate 'bat I arse a/welt trot/Med a nit riaialrutr and aching. nartieularly r. hen to lierantration nut it rrgwterl only three or kuir fatiCIMIIL.IMIDOVI ab •VlTl.iteltr.ia 11.c:wog; and although loy hal tIAJ fallen oft Rd- NM/C.lll=l bald, I now WC av floe a brad of 1121:r. 'Kul, Ist color. sofiners and !Hsu*. as I bad who . but n youth, acid quite a. abundant. l It is proper for me to state that I cournenced its use , n r .‘tiguit last. and treed nose sinceJanuart I hare no doubt therefore bat what the than e Is r. terriqatieut one: I can thererore recommend It as the mo t wou.tett.ll discovery of the ale its 14111CII we live. S. M.RANID ALL. ittarler..l . You arc gr.., cr r f your Ali , Is fallin: odr. tot surely hare the meats- within your reach Of teaming the Co4of. as well n• res , orto,r tie growth, and that. too. wilboutop ',twig a rite. for st nor col. r Ut acts tiro the setsellse organ.. a nd to ,, nrC ihcar 111 cir igor anv -tren;lh. Do :ton w ish m pee...erre ih , ,etteaut (fill locks and riealetcofaxhieh sou are I..o.htetly tat u.l ' Then ed l l-at No. t'.". Marge' Arm briwten fourth and Fifth. tt. t.nuo, Mn • and govie,ig sgur g eir ofp honk of tilt, ,coolcslui Many have ma c the cephalic that ilk c !op +rel r. •donlJte go truiptatiem to 'Ku , to be Warr.: st bete thr , r r IL. use, and yon will any so st•wr uning 11. The ma u tririch it t. eoll3ollllld are ter • ken.) , tit :Itchy and iut igoralli.u. Theft elteei. arena pronounced by one of the beet oract,cal chena•t* in lb* U lasted domes. vit.- Vim: elms •f• Page, of ,l'ardiitignto City. who had a bottle to.. *mbar pith el.eor torn, of all the diftvent incredre ts. Par preser s'a NMI at I.e Paten! UlLee. in January 13$ Prepared only ht uw. pr,t,1,e10:%, as the above named plate .. Or.scr. (rem nr,y vat ...ftn , i . Plied proospl dst•• O. Y W00d... Losi=. Mo. lIMEMI=EM§!I IT.N 12.14,r1. it KIN:1 , N would Inketo the lenitli of Erie awl v,rro y. tha vocticil a ehop on the eouth sple of the Itttle" M oire.rao poet of Mir Das tN.II. where Ate Id 110% , prepared to P.CCIS e cu-tornere, I rout the loos experience ILI the I. to the I. o' her .vier. Mrs M_ ,Cur tis, he how. -Ile Ittu) please shone wit • patronize her ebe ba. wt 11..1d 2 rattail etork cr tioort• for sate. centielog of iltnineUlt, Ribbon... Caps, fletererro Mader", naiad bia.te, exc. All Centre asurnatals nexestelee to. !neon., Bennet: and Roost, made tie thom..r *boa "btu lv rated tfrir own 111111.11114. 1 -- tt ift.tvr r ash tOEI 4 for and BPI/net. to 3 fru , vlreirkt 1.7 .Itl.l.4iterr..t 1.. w!.. , fora ie. Ott. 15.-22. T ITTLF: Folk. took hero —Caudle* of at'! Inuit. and deretipt. LA km.. Coady Cigars.. Foote, Newts. IletekagkoZatimito. i:ete Nice. fob— kr. curt' reit.. Nov. 'IL teL3 MI . . • . TlLte, Coco , :lie. ruptro ikell:ng Cielper and Comet tban Aw warm at No:. 12-26 T W. MIN tie Vil TtrK Hi t;,.. stri pee eloolne. Apr,' t:h.vkl, br . 31 JLI to. 1.. 'r,,,.1—.. JACtio:Wel O:GA I , : of a: I "..rnoe;.l..r -a:i• • SiiiiTt4reit•ii L} the I'M O r j . • ...3 by Pt,. 4. vv. F More:par at. ii N v - Zi — u'itiiiiTy ETIT:is - 7n; : -.- f;l.sl,irT.7l — atittlii.;,-iA (rota IL 371 Celli - per pod MI .iii. - ^ Juue 8. =9 T) ) 0. 0. nt a goun an le ir 01 Caret.. call aa earner Mite and Sth Arena. June WS, W. F. RINDLILIcreNT. 0 110B.10r9rrota dincrens raanufac tortes. formate cheap al 1 June Rtaarnah.etrea . 460454 . 0uad. Cod White Fuda. Trout &will — still vraleOrlYraDl is ou baud at C i. 1.5 Used .1111,1ci : ,ilan54 7 Cab - ifir Wishe - IkiiiTs / for sale r.• June t . a. HlRUkiNtetees 0E23 'II&Rs Ttimattune. ,, xv siyl. at. Ott t. 4 .TR & STEWART'S. N641:411. A f ter It a:4 . ua l'rebeh riut. at I-a Ott lA. etJanil 41.11TEL%'ART'S itlbbens. 3.e. to . a tarp lot acid I7eAcap, n.r rde BOOTH & STEWA rim • CitllletTllCTeitttV le torine,. o'leelre+..elearia. Carpet liap and Shawls of a ❑ Y0u..., a: WAIT& & STV.WASTat. _ EILANNEI I . Frmge , and Fl9PF—rdli and eiatntne. 100 L nita_rfe I,pg E SNNETT & 00. Ede. Mi17"..1.-11 Gii„LivEKZl;:.2ll.2l.l4 laud toletZ:t.ibe lior*tiii Seiner Blot k. as ebie., tbe cheapest . Ma I Lel34 7e.:— . Cash Pitt; roe Oirfiraft, coppe' j.l 4 ° Hrluanla by May J. H 111.7yfrus CO.) LINBEE.I) 011.—Ten (MIA reeeiTed front ()bid. for sale cheap by the latrel or rttlort by 2 J. 11. Ileget.n &Co. 11 l'ilTel—Tbuse wiebine to buy ramie hod Oils WI Ido well .o ell I Ca U 5,41 1, we e,,moi be 1111dPirs Stir, May •M, t 52-1: Ir. CO. • LAZEDOII., by the bar urealloticerf aitmetier qualiti'. Air ealeebeap by Ma! '..171--•.` J. H. 811711TOIC Cu. UARDEN FEEDS, or all deacrlpt io ns. the pouud satall Parer. by May te.•ll-12. .1. 11 BI: 81'0Y. elk/ ELM Lest Legbora. Pearl. Siiivr, net' imilir 7 imyiei of Stun P ail? fists. very low al J.lse 11. J 4 14447.1.111 . 0 - 4 1 1 AP Borer• and tea ocruper. , June 4,1,53-7 50 MAE:2, of all qualities OiSuirern.q aa. t Ca% aiiatuAh ao4 matural leaf Tolsimeo,pm ~,e verd 1,3 ErIC.IllaY Ma...a Ft :71'T Ir...GRAY. 250.4ay Auw. rook' , etc,. 31. d LL'., le. rivet.,aii woos Maid mud two flo...c‘i Long 64.2 wl. Mao SO Sow SS SO Oct. —llt. 1 181Lit...4 6. II ATEt. Jolle Ege and Cllll4lll.erli WAN a .trae J`walltuttat and wit J be sold caprice. Wet will give Ocl. et. —l3. ie. ELY. •, Laicheo. Batts. ticrewe. Ice.A lupe cssettleetit 7 if, 'Wee articles re:noted dirrst from td maculate:in* and will Devoid on usually l()W 6y Oct.rle AELOES w. ELY. 001 Ell Meal at ‘,..." Oct ta. ovinrsiT.:RlFLE. k Zia) e.ours MTbit7l7,4l:nr. at IherMOMS of Juse a, 1...43 zt.STIETT k CO: URBF. ICit ES at ttii 7 oic7iriaOl - Jim 0, INSIL lAIIN now opening a ap.endid assortment of Cold Wsisbep, rich Jewelry and raney Goods, to wait the Hoiydays. Gift makers andothera are asked local' and compare goods and po ets with those who have such great &trim , and fare noes. advertised In, the papers. r M. wITOTI:v. Oct. 101.-14. Opposite Illown'rfl'otel.fttste AFINS: nesonsotot of Embroider, es dams from the Imparters opened ens day in die Hasson store to wh h then wallop of Abe Ladies is ressrsttfnity called :Sur 11.116 .1. C. dTE.VE.Na. - The Latest Styles. '..tr,'Zl THE Ladtes will dud at Seldot k Ety's m very ftrpt aseort il sent of Dress Goods consisting of Fneasti Merino. Faraowfta. German do. Coboryfb. .. Woolet Maids. Ahmed*. 'Bombazine". All wool 31 Helaine', Which cannot be surpassed In this or any Mier elty for fine ness of quality and ebeaptiess. • - Oat. I.3.—et , SELDF,N & ELY MASJAZIN Es FoR THE 110 - RTN. A — few more left - at• Ito. Si Brown's Block. lIMISAIIIICS' TOOLS pale day reeeissd a aoodassortusent. wen as Bench Placer, A Hauge a'.d dounrhiPlow.. Undoes. Fil asters. Ithaca pi Broadaad Hand Axes, Adze. Augers. Auger Batts, Saws a Bites, thrtdero.Coruptsser. 6.7 , 411 red, holes. Plane/sou law Ha dim Deist... Try Square'aiand Paper.ike. AUFA.Irt RBED • Er*. twt .4.. w:53 /Vitae Coal shovers ~t Nap Reed House. --- 1 Erie, oet et. RUFUS lt SELF eauttsng Gate Hinge. at N 0.3 Reed House. us*. act- dt. was. BURCH R Cor FEE Mils al 1(o.3 Iteeil Erie. Oct: 13. t 3 M7OB ILEED. I giTA'rEtt-AitOollassoCiiiiiiifo73lfied Home, Erie, Itet A. IP6I. suns IitILED.! ( - 11.3113 C01M8. 4 . Cards, and Bnmbeil .M - No. 3 liteie;i Ho use. . Erie. 13. 1333 virus REED JUST Mop in 'tad examine the largess nommen* of Say stare long arse square shan't* ever Offend ut Ibis "tarter, wrath boa can purchase at it very malt per cent adrisice Ova New YOrlt east et 11 e1 ti. JACKSON & SOWS: WM. Willing restivetfully calls the enemies of she [Anklets bus fie,elt of Guitars. feeling assured test be *Sall be 44i' to please thew with price. lithey will please him with a esili— Ge has. also, a greatly eulareed assonaiesit of lthaet M0*4.11041 iscossowstly reeeiving additioua.elid as he as as tetra memo where they can select tau pieces at leisure. he *lags they Will giv ategialelYe law their custom. Amy 'swim sot on, laid will bets/demi im• Kris. New 11, NOWNOW mm S WIM ilso-4 imam eflanero. fhi t.Voabett t o boomtal comos. OIL. a kw, alma& me mom is am all mot Mita _ < 3 MECIMME9 itt.uatuLn, Jaw IC lE.= New Millinery Shop. (00Thk STEW % r Gorr dr :I ANEVltire Sr.?: F.TT it CO An My, to Christmas Guitars and Ghost Music. TIE :TwitDim 01 TEI WORLD! 57 . 1:14 . 177 • Nft• " t i i COMPOUND LOZENGE! 1 TNR GREAT 1111041 CDT' IS at tilt discovered. and Mat AH dentro>er of human happiness at leach b cosilueroll Coosumosloo .hali uu luoter rob our 6re.tdb o/ t uli 1,1~ ormauseuts. and .ta h toe.) a stogie spirit thaw uttlissely SPO9III. CoushiseptiOtt can I>t cut edt A.thma v. ill shoe be is en MAP that were. and Coosba mad Cold., the parents or that laillamo Mat so orlon brings woe to the bOuse• o sor laud. wswiiih as V by tangle. before this tifr.lllllslll K Cl/I.AM DEPEtt r.:Zo COMPOUND PITCH tAlifillniar. This pleasant and sae remedy for Dasthafr COett vetoer* a rtd t'ovittorupttoo. a beyond doubitlittliallo. l l l l lll = moat efficient sane t lc I ne ever odersd to the pahlie.alad Awl be COrtata ally Seta aa nd by ever) fatuity rapes gal, of ofidose to use for crAtlr eGuoD., Ace. One in v.. remarked. abet hoeing been kept awake mil Diehl with tai Chit veer who WOMPsille wok cold.. tb,l -She Arid tiWa Aa sad sea eerie afrs• air kG I. km." and. tender. It only Cwt Alai DS M I L% am would buy 23 boxer or tool, Rt.AD 71113 LETTER Mr. Deb Ines Mar. I heartily recommoctut your Comproussi m e n Lozenge to the attention of the arli.eted At the as nowese tion or Mr 'unties It litteeou. .Lansingbura. (alto plow With my brother. at the Pouantreepete the I.oZrlegt-f, lain In the otter oflong raedNy— Tbe physician/ eatlC llt alien. of the Iwit•• It. use resj e r ge o me almost Intinetforely It has also cured rue Mums sad now_ fat too iveneee I consider at he best sud them Pt*. ioadkaut ever brutish , to the anent lon of the publlC Poughseep•te. N. V. Ibre itake. WM. Z ltriZejt, ROM MR !MOWN, OF LtL. 1,14•55. Thu, eettufier that I bat ' made use or Offline' . COIMPOKUid ;541C/1 1,441.10ce la Cold and entligb. and /Owed lwasediale Therefore would recommend it to the puWk INS Ml* aed we. cretin relined). Lee. (Jet 1431 Read this letter from Alderman King; Mr. borne—dm Your Ltasetige Pella well. and Elves NW. - a i gitargetiou for ail Ptiltao/2.try C.mpisPin. la Low t ear., know of a cake where it ha. been wed. but What it has rigykrwrh• 33 a eure. I recottuneutd a with etonhdenee. You twig Woke tap oubitc )vu hook proper. for 1 think all tra/nakkteelkiew al.ould nut de known • CtiAlti.4:l3 . RING, beeentber In. 1 , ..52 .11111% IT CCRE S If dRD COLDS ON Thi I. Dr Art. Near Yore. ors. SI. MI. Mr:Dßine.—tt.—rgtrt It ta with the higbeit graildeaMli Inform you that } our iLknationmt path Loaner hasentlregy MOM o a I ery hard coldl bare bad on ay Nab. Spe sem Ram flit the etrect al them iu a very few hours A R . Am N4O N, Tutaiecontat.4lll4ll;inftnay. have recommended >Mir /Meade to • mitaider my friends • t ben, nave wed it awl itheak of it tetbe Moo eat terms. A. BUS/NE: I / 4 S liEN' ILLID VIZ FOLLOYIItje. - - Ray ins .old Dry n• s' Cotutetutind ?deft Lozenge few the t u g threemoutht.ne hereby tett try that they uteri VI ilb a ready males and tudstate iron, the representations of those who have used the medicine, UtT belicvc it c.. be a rabrabfe remedy tor the diseases for which It is reeenuttnendod• and entitled to the confidante WI thepublic. 1140 OR Ir. ITH Merenams. rittigleid, Ma..., Jan. IL fem. In allca•es of Consumption, use my 111 LNG.. Pb , ll.llia IS drafts ou the feet. and ass strengthenine Pia,oer for pain In tits ' tidy or back. 'lb.. Lozenge .iet, heuletkitttly on ever. pin le tberraletn. and wake. vigor an.t cruel, take the places( wank nese sod debility. Directions hainae on each boa , bi D. FULLER Ir.l.7o.,i'roptition‘ No 3 Tramiel' Tamp*. alma To whom older. ilaok:d be addressed. Circular. and card" sent with orders. to Agents. eAftrl,ft 1 It k01•611/131Msla Agents for Brig Also—A. It. MOOR& Vrbolente Arcot tor Sistalo and Oda sty.eept. frt. 1149 . _ . lyres I • Cfti't recei*ed If puppy of that truly Fattish* anis* WOW Mt much uouiht Mier, M. Witioloue.iogibuts Syrup. Oct. emt.Trat. 16 Imo. • WILL TILKILE BE WAILI • IF opt wb7apthi. comiwotiOti. this fulminate itpul fir; eiVea, ttd 1410110 u. rival ',wall things never grew. We will tell you what is outs Thei -t;rics" has unwed ad w ilt t w r otwit yded to Barnum wtv n we have dour with him lie in perkier girds will no more compare with the "Liephsee e than ;bur atoek at VI, etches. Jewelry. :;m wet Ware. tr... will with pi; r Lother to Erie, hellitt reveral time. ea large. ad Ike own . w ine,' in tit. prialiorilotia The Cr. tier eau be see% at out itor4 a about charge; a. vie are vinmiy.vetingitady Ibr a target Owe: bye ud 13, e Abo.;nay be mega flue aswrtmeat elf Aalt Lamp.. crochet Needle., Surveyor.' Compassea. Lamp Wick. flail Yoler, Gold Thimble!. Ladle , ' St' lelCatbrellaa, The". toomeietli. roan.. &re &C. Crie. aliapt I. 1 6 43-10 SToCKToS & FULLER D A 1114'45. meet, ittTri — good a wortment Of Paint. Vitra& ga , Nail Tooth ammo ti.iir Bruebes. 1ke..1 at Sept - a t elEyVAlell & SAXTON'S C I44A Cal Sept. B.—A kuper icor at tide of Havana and Principe cwt.. nd ,rnoke um.-. a rid Kt what the) MIPS in as • NEW AM) & riAVI'l IN. No 1 Wrighes Ithoett. ill h MI MINI NG•01 —We would ma) to those !shaker hulli; R 1, .easoo thu we have teeei veil dimes trona the MIS re i, a eery large assortukeut or Locks. Lowborn, lac.. see sell at New York price,- sfe:GUNN t ELT. tieist 3. PanlL ußetu which Krh, th st do not barii f as, and are ointe hare [Apt, will nod a trod a Mete of Cainoneoe. and API! Burning Egie. • [Fluid at t 3.1111-111 . ; To Shoo., Latozding to P int TATE :,ve alrrayi on hand a Lame pcek of White , Wyr &arm bran/. and wiperlue qualities-. also Zlise White i No. I apd Porcelain Gneissic, Venetian Red, Preneb and Yellow ntbie.. reneh, asuser.ld, I nsperlai and cloonse ahlessoak talus Ind 'flew York Slls Del al U.. I dr3 and In oil. {Certain Lim...dill,. Raw and Pri pared. Wa•ranted Pure. Spills of Torwastoe, Brown Japan. Colman arOI Putopltuir Vannab. Palutiod Varala& all of tb- force:wog we offer at th” Waren en-la pries og Erie. liter. .7. lall-111 'A arrnu & SWITZER. FINV AWL/a—a flne art sele ot black ten. ciao choke las VOW old hyProef, sweet sod com m cboeblate.precrapoll tot**. ifoutt'ed reload loaf and -mars. b.' Ette..bent 3, teSs-16 eAKrC4 k BROTII6II. LIGH 1.1. n r—l ire 'Pil. : .4 .3 , P1r Oil. Camphor*. llroll !Wad. ear Candles by trall-111 CARTER k stErrinta lid pon, pure Juice pen. bIA der It shloga.o area and Flock 'toques- Pale and da nk b t _= land fab, Jam, Ica and di efill kin stnendei for alit:dlpd PurtkaFea and warm Died pure Erles, Sept 3. 1...753 I'ARTEff k BROTNE/l. IL - ImM( oil) !it NG t4ll.ff canbe had al in n cheap aim EN&• 1 - TELVET RIBLIONS, a 40 , 34 asaorttu ni of coiout wifths, JulV rreovcd by Eil.rels it ti-.0.0n C beat. titoro. IN t. Wrlttt's 111,,ck Ant( 1.0 .** LAUD Pre. e1ta...1 Aar! sue.. Pop! nu.. acc....,,t June 11. JACESUN'SJ fiord Ara ItuntritacoOmpaitil --r. OFFICE NO. HS, STATE STREET. IliArßTlNnifi. NCORPORAEED Into Chanel' perpetual. Autbodaol cap' throttomoo otst.erlNea *eel sad Ffilosal property of all kinds, Stowed is ksw u Use fish slat adoi IA ROAD.° OF MAU:II - As. rn-rtnirron. Yresnient. Cumin bey, Job ailyn, John P Charles J. Russ. A F WILMARTH. &ivy. • citaterrorn ER C.-LIMAN. Anntot 14 4"e'7- '. J. LINTS. Arena. ^eke in the lite*dit,..; Rom... in I :uardeou`m th.lll, 1c43. APSert Das J Noes Goodwin, iL ries Boewen. ' ry Keney, Pertunery for- the =K ea. i ILIESPECTI , IiLLY infuvia the citizens of u.eie avid vet/lude... S. /bat I Mire ritteived roe LAIRGEorr and MIST aatupeempall•f • rumode and Letree .. ever upeited in Erie. It la eeetveremi s p JULES 11-AC'EL é CO.,' - .ia, of eloepe, 011 s. Kitract. Su.: every Wilde-hi the lea line Determined to wake a rennet los in Or wee of wry. I reopeetfully autte.r la e.ll from the well; I .:4app• - tuausup eke. bete. bold at Wfunevade at a hartitt;... K le, rept I . irtsl—l7. . .6 a. rEltalizi. 0 1 . 1ier an ie le* rosim Du and greatest vat iety. at low pr lets. of Hair Seceleard Bruvii6. will call at CARTLS & 131101rUnt Erie. Sept. ie. 12:43. ri , . 'TO HOUSII — YIBP.2IIB — . v le plate to end a e aseorruit at et l'ibie Cutter!. blietlitoll Komi,. Cook Kthy,. Silver plated .iud German sower Ta. ble Tea Spoon,. Coffee Roamers. (hater :,,,,,iers, Mewls.. tit Spoof, ~ Bras. Kettles. Code trill, ~novel.. Tonto ara4 . Candle btle es. Snuffers arid Tr .t'. r , c ale.. o bil we'll's , . • -pring batonceo.&c., I. at ?I 0.3. Reel iloovu. E e.Oet tit. *MI ' - ' VELA IMBD. • L'KS. Lavelers. Sou* tied derevra. and In feetTili - Made or Howe to Ins. Ingo are being sold at low toricvN al am akesiP Ha Oran Store petal. R. SEGO. AT. tlal I ArVIMIAVVInr, alltivirtml4C - tai 1 illit ~ teens, they are just tee dung RI, a hall, tad an Oteap . e t et. 11: .1111.00. RF.EWS IMMNiadiiIi;EI2MON FrlTi and cbc . we Triers at Uct. CoN k.'ll* Indaa. Book audawn... Iliall...iiaed aa7d lautash latoneu a a d lacouetc ILaatias.avripe and fined I§ , artal phi* . I Iluaiou. ;Amu and glitaredeap Lace at tt.=. ! J AcKetON a NOW IL - - - Daiiiiaging Academy. Mt. W. I. ILIXIAtoas. ItlYhtliedl to annoutwe to tic c attune Gl' Erie, that Mr I M ., IMO; elamea tor the wasoo f t 1 , Mrine:1:011 B Lt., kar the purple of at Ivan; anearnaction an allot 4' hi mode. in now danced in whc ,E4rwets. e:4,... s w oo n ,little Dancing, Polka, hiaccenka. hedowae. Nita de ki . sad ..eretan . aloes an twu. throe, 'our and fee mega, mad a number or Waste Lances kir thardrch. I 'AT* ef Ttrtton,—Tuewlay. or cacti week ; cit.. tor ai m 3uyl.P. M. Claes for Gentlemen limn (I to ii. P. M. lk. De g will also glee Private lee.ans.fillie. Ur 11/ clam. ID Laid ft ai d Gentlemen, at lila amam or at trio, r own resi , knee, et Day ti sot occupied by dames. Paresis way he emitted that t!re ulna:a:tatter:Rion will he paid go the wild I edriuteanetator their ciatitLea. and strut raikai hi ow „ D ilb tt ..d* porttnent. Sower wilt be aitaigled lOW o It thear name. registered. „ Andkabala eon be anae to Sir. Relics at his room,* et tie Bookstore oft'4rlln IF. !Ikon Mr. K. w• .llro roil* Made we ppnlesoo /rescuable term., T. 'in. —Five ctotiors per quarter of 12 lemma. Ow gbeatele• %Oen. Three dollars per gunner of 14 leseviss. to Reboot to coomeuee oti Tur Fula). Novetabef 111, kyy aid to tlontlarre relntarty then. arIPT on Tuer‘tay. of Nth week. Enc.. tv.t. • EAD THIS. • ____, cc .,,f E no R ow 4 sp large pet.. of ironstone China. 116 prkcs fo r es so We b .ve the loori eau pie* let of itiimimnisir is 6ows. amid an ilisCalakeut Or Croaker? to ttot equaled arr.( a s i gn i k i Giiii. ly JArs, Jut t tile trims for We wasp' at i'binat Hall. Oet.loL--0. K tlkil COY tnu LD. taint gATuaitittiCatpet aatta. Vast steel tack Itartionne stye Tact Clawa at oet a uirra Luis. r v r Coat Pemba Cuipsay. Or asst TORE, A It Odesiog it Wholesale • rest Talkers of cleats" !S. wade frost tidies Parrot Vuleasized Gator s i se tItIISTILL 4ltLr BEAUTIFUL F1. ,, :a/p„ These Goods are Water pro r, free frsso ear able and sod Piastre like ludia• Rubber, Rig 71., e d by ?buy , 'WM not 'Docenspooo or boom* Sticky.- Tbe 'revery aiiirreat la character hum aur, other woo- hessio• Axe asaik of Guru refebla. either la this amatory or Camps, mei are . - Warranted to stand all OLitnatsay Among (be vilely ~ay be bond 4 kiat+. Cloak.. Cams. peel e. Siting Jackets, Oecrathi, letiaim , 4 cia•we•ters. Caw camp Blankets. Home Ceetra. Abomer-Mart., Syringes. 11 1 1, 11•4 timK Bella, ?Mil sod lot Croups, Ga. u... ?up0n...0 6 b r im* / Caps, Ammo Packing. Msettlise Deltic's. Carriage Carla. Ar g 4„, with a very CNI.AI AND ILIZeCTire Lire PRilitireli. saes maw* w man Ise sew poseelittirr law seßlhollirem All of aWA ass g ain superior to as War waagripmet ipmga now babes Ina it. rot aim at elm Winklill4 %ISt SUM& J TeL Durso In lisimp pig apes an harked Is famine Mem Urea citsolest Aso orpalisis !Immo beibell. 101raM . seorsi ul tolllet i ra • X see farm , • li ZlPtt HENIIT C, Magni FT SELLS WILL. i4..WA It 11l & 8A X 1 OA'S. No 1 %Vroche , block