Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, November 12, 1853, Image 3

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    fon , Jaerroat for Novenilmr. is
".„41;11 3 n irg . The merits this
• , era' faster who desires to keep
ghee darts of improvements and
ideas are east aside to give
elm., no one ono be considered as
note**. he endeavors to ad.
whenever opportunity offer!.
o means of zo doing by taking
S Wert Cheeter, Penn.,
r • -turathertipius columns it will he
—musicians an all "Amalie,"
.7th at Etapiri Hall two eve•
s i I ,Tot COITAFAL.--Tho only sure
e sr Bred, for general debility. pbya. i
....„,si ~t, y , and all the various train of
. , %Lep rettiOTO depression, eztltii-
Another Outbreak.
s ,c • spaetty for study or beminesa, \
"row opening atailna itiall—a large/or of \limn, en endless
- - ' "'''' t7' tr .,
i i n a n r n i Ti al l . i ra ' b r e: Mt e r : 1 ; :8 . poo Qe li n e n r . Y n be
Casters, I .
: I : I , d t
i o
6m24. low e r titan the lowest . Our etor • in Or in full an d weare hound
--- of
?lo i Donnell Mock.
—7 l, ..,,..{. le Pain Killer posse:eta ow- ici ej e li .e .N la an te
w,,mttro3-20 K ENN cp ,,, 44 Gump.
-, 01 , Fain instantly, but regulates PIANO Poirens.
:. ti he and 'rigor to the system. I T HE splendid rhinos I hare sold here speaks for themselves,
=:r.- Which is worth more than
if you only touch them. le other Fee thipenortuon le De
eessary; hence st you . ../.tr a really food inA haling instrument.
• StlD with a double Action. lite Clne hewing . .. of Ole higbeq. dumb.
_,,6,_-- i tan safety recommend Ksete sr. flu •pie's, of !Win:note, I
I ' t '''re of °l ' lu ' . 3" etheinaati' hey
rtret e i n r s a ta rr " i t e i iid a tri f itn o t r rli bc y 'r o be :ien i ronTi d iii "Pn r sir t r i f pthriis
li , ;grog t" A ten C h erry Pectural, e.O 01 which ranee from Slue tu ;.Seo Also. a d A e xl woo . r 'e tment
f , f ur adds, coughs, and con - of Mriodipte and Meraonim?, or
rnh a in he sold en...3NT thin
,-..,, .
:;Ably merited by the iormitor . ever - V'' "Wu" Erie Mu-te 91 ^re.
WNI. 1%111.1„.
e wi.ich hat secured not only the : T ITTLE Folks look here —Candies
il t.ito that of the Moat eminent 1
t a .. . i .t o too l i,.Candy Cigars. Faney ileariN ( . l l 4 . l" 4 " et i7a uj iiV e la r 4,
~, the hit medical authori- E 4 rie, l iZr;i lli . 4.1%. • twee & SANFORD.
~ 1 what is far greater encomium I we- ,
i. 1
ere nlionk e. New York Cityßailroad under contract.
j ollite Subscriber in conciliation Of u SODA hinters tirade has
.- . , ,J. fully repleniahed bit stock of Groceries AVID , L
! tVoodep and Willow Ware, tottetker with a .graThel na " ..eirt t ie gnw ot ' I .
• t - tilt race 30CA$17.CO of the word " I . r j a e :fr . .,,,,, N°1 1. 1 " , ; 111) , ' B runner Penieulitrii call`t No. 7, Poo n r l'eci ° .
Eti.n. NO,. : IC, 1 4 3. rGwa . e note!. W. MOORE.
.., ir.,4. words from which it in tier-1
, ;.- ni 'cid appropriate title of die l '
.;. -1 .... ,! Ll'll.P. or-GASTRIC
,JUICE, pre
i• :',.IITON, of Philadelphia, from the '
t : • .1. :'.r the cure of/Indigestion and '
~., ~ • . ~-n rem, dy for an onhenitby
e• I. yilal its curative powers.—
I T)11 pirfectly canSigtlrt with •
j , „ r Ox, ir, soother part ot
• i
'A G si a.
. . .
, . , ~ : .1 . , .......v r r %VI nAlotv, a/I vid awl ex- f
;,...,,-,:-.:,. -would call the.aitention
;• fur e Arlo teething. li
, • ei from pa in allay . nil spa4unadie
_- ~.11.nal,n1 . :Hid 1... tturt: to rrigu• ,
t t Motk , .I,t will [lvo rent to :
1,.%n it r Harty. Prire2Srents 1
• llrs
. • '2.o.(4whx,t the hat
• r.oe id r wort , : tnr Children
te rn arrhea in Children
nt rihi't cause it itivesiinv
c•- , r`inin t from ant one using
, ,•icees4.6l in relieving
I* if taken in
„ 4 „,", If 11 CERTAIN
' t,•ii.., Or of Rang., .
NeNA York Agents Ire now
• „. : 2 )4 • , ot NON
,N ~; I 41, world
• t t I.‘e taamp nu.l Kim
' - is lisequal ha—never been
• , r ave.. ior the cure of *pi PRI illefl•
• •/.: e muse h. t hationati,m in all its
ind toes - t lirn• *ore throat. and
e-, in ine world. F.v otente
i•erformr.r 1 , ) anv medicine are
ci V::l_4lll—)C , U ntat be nosinvely
Nh',;/:J/11 of La ties of this medicine
1. _al the eight tearti—tt to
tnernt nw fill trieprinritaltatens
TWIN k PIRI ISr , Cnmpall..
t 4ltte :ire Law ..ntiatton,..—
ten , ; ,I,t..,ccurrntie to ,tte. Al,O fur
Cy 141 i'TGR,s far the rure el till
: comp: 1:1 ;zener al debility. TbeY
.• I, I ,otret (0 the Wlllole
t /11 Pmt Coftle, Boyd AL Paul, No..fd
fork. wholegneletteet. It, fur all the a'•ore.
:71 nenelesororderr for the ahoy( med-
Perktaa, No. ett
4 *Ale I ) the following agents —Var.
, P,tie. Ph Parents, ik Mitt
00^ k k Sexton. Porreptville
a L,WIA tl. Kelly, Pa Neville.
Oh • 1213
c's Medic:rice. moo of the
1 truly goad Medicines
1. I) . 4 .ILT RIIEVAII.
4c.cnotat of facia Visy i.
• aro worthy of cora
F... Paw. Michigan. Nov 3, lade
.•,1•• k C Overtaxes t—My daughter
sinker :nil dal& Rheum for the last )ti , r
•^r t) v.; that extent that en}velf and
-• , ^.l ihl; we thought that tbete must be
• -he m..a die • we tried many kinds
her so) g ood. but she rather grew
, •
M. and said she mast give
i.o help for her. The u.o t ;
atteiiiied her, rind ho help could 1 ,
she , took any nourishment it
113 , 1C:11 and face were completely
. hat wo: ti away. our friends
- • irhysicians too. said there
• : .2.i no: do her any geol. I could
clog with that distreosal echo
. s Cinost discouraged myrrh;--
• - - it }thrum Sirup. which led tie
agents. E Smith dr. Co.. of this .
"...gust one commenced using kat ,
..13.1;1 sly the dritdom she took she
. her votnitlmt and in flee days
• •- o with a little help, she eontinued the
ri a fea days the Canker came 1110
rule of your Canker cunt. and ap.
• • •::u soon dwappeared. lem ;Ceram she
Ch tool cured them. Four bottles
• , d a uetite r •s life. :she la now eery
Li l owe It all to 11r. d. A. Weaver's
• . I believe this medicine has
-e could do, abd we most Cheerfully reg
be troubled with that tOmplatut.
-.lir 1 If nor think thin infunnmitin worthy
.e x roll liberty to Fltdiebjt to the atrvid.
• c
,%v Uhf, daughter ofWhr. TANNER
r istr ft gives me PleilPtilre to 01 7
: ,idere.l by all who are acquainted
it simple statement of facts ;tern
r wee r would add that the
-u r ea In the tii-he.4 tease reliable. and
Yours truiy and aineerely.
7-r. Wm: Wilson, Mr. THOMAS
A. nussu, ot or Fair-
• : ,c .b.y, by the Jame, Mr, JOHN
. • '..'I.IEY E. BRINDLE, both of West
• law., lir. N. F. WARREN, slid
qf Girard.
r. w. Enc l . ., Mr. SIMON
- r , ri-‘43 county, and Miss PEEBE
by Eld. E. C. Rogers,
ziT.tEKES'and Miss S. SOPRLi
S:)rtngetid tp.
c - .4rlN - Vertisemiss.
Our Goods were booed for Cash, god most Witten/ pre
vious to the late advance; we wouldttherefore respectfully
invite merchants and others vitamin: goods in our line to
examine our stock before going to Buffalo cr Now York.
e wish it to be understood that for CASH goods can
Hpurchased ar cheap hero as in New York trills the addition 1
lof freight. '
The following will eotkpriso some of the articles in our I
l'ute-- N. 0. PulrerNed. Crushed and Granulated .Hu..oras
do P. It., Coffee Sugars; P. R. ?dusearado,end N. O.
. 11... lasses, St• se arxr i Syrup, lione;,,; Grua an d flock Tea ,
' of all grader; Rio, leiguarm and Java Coffeerecu from
' 10c- IG da, per pound; Fruits, Nuts, Prunes.... ilter ?inten
t k,, Cassia, Nutmegs, Clot es ' Indigo, RION orhite rich,
klacklrel, Cod, and Herrin; Powder,, Caps,
' Safety Fuse, &et, de. In addition t , oar, it we have a
.: large stock of-jr• •
Pure Whigs and'
‘11,,,t, will be !old at prier- that sr if* rotripetitior.
London and Philadelphia Porter , Se' h, ' ite. We see
:-let' Agents fir Meet's Buffalo Ale. ~....lii,.': en
1'1,1,4e gut : no a call and we edit
, ritftfce therte
• 4 11. 11111341)111( 111 Wilia Iro&say. , ~.,::
N ..v. :k.—:•.5 cl.E2lliNii it. IIEI%I
-- W - llTTEkftFtidLia, ' "--
-t\ 1 it'.4 PI:EN lee rerierwhit.l Itiitimitili 404 of II"
i ..„,,,1..,0. Bofftb. 11121.. arbor f u nifogiue 6. 0 ,4 a.
IN ..tder to keep pare with the inereeeitair demands foe
r' t• in hi. hoe, he has bees' induced treerlarge his bkiek
in . i on linty' and variety fir heyerwi si , r 1,..y0n011y hero
\V T -'- , i BELL RINGERS, The Store 1% now fall to oferfloalibg. with o;ketisi pipiand I .
. t t,,,- (Jew}, a the 1.7„ 1 ,,,i 1,,,, i y—d. c„ ),. ( . ...,.4 it the cutrl. , :. Ifet:‘,l dr: P yle
• Chnai .• f,d the teeti,mou they Lave , au') priors, Caps hi great-variety; user tltty t.::.le.- of :o
Rohm , . raw" , PA; !lowa, Gri.vP, in vari ,, ty , f n,ateri^.!nnti
apt t :, o ox. - 1 of their trot .1..
', • , n,/r.., / ( o op, q u a . , ~,d ( m y.. q ualit y. 11 " l ' , '''t nf•atrteuent of Fornikhil.:t G•; . - ..14 td Go
the:, Al , rep to briii-r , found in thlt part ‘4, the country; :.-hiet....1,:,i 7 1 dull-met",
. ottrtaintneu toot n , .4 original Wrappers, Drawers. It e ,...i er y, ~ anst r n:sty kis of er.onl4 and
. „ . , ~tru}iy,,,, ouster, that Ito., have , Seniee, ne0 .... dir!rehints, Mriffers, .te, - th..!...loritl...aziout other
• It.,
se .
1„,, he
the sm. 1 "a n n. o f 1100 , 11 to., IltllllKtati. to “UptyaOhl.te,' all ger./ anti
' , 1 0, ...daY and WednewbY. Nos. 15th t y rre :, l3 ', 1 1i,: l ' n e' n ' t n no c o h h ea o l Od ro re r ,l C l " rer L e . t i ., ) l ,C li " h 71 1 % 6 i/ I t : .. ti i rne t
t 4 rall. end the place No, 8, Brown's 13 k. one it , .or north
• T , 't,,, had at Durliu & Sloart's B o ok , r
. of Wood ct (Vs Clothing Store.
.- •
fu continence at 7 12 0'..-lock. •
11114, t' g rand Pars repaired or dada tt ~I . -
A. POTTER, Jr., Agent. , Erie, Nov. • 'r .r.
- - - ---- -- - - - kris., .). 185,1---'7.). JOkIX --- 4. WARREN.
East Ward Pcblio School _____ _ ____
vi IlirtAriT Linea, Threed. &kinds sad In.ertini t 'oat.
't' , of ...t - r..1.1 etc rd p u blic bcr., o l o f L b, c m , V I7 brick and !fluetin. ohm any quantity 061..--,ee do .i
~ •
~ „
aeon Nikon day neat. tae Itch bast i t 1 Ott.Sa.--' - J.-MASON Ar.. SON'S
• withrog to attend for the sett Tenn I
<• , ~,' 1 cly. ant s• esti) *period as possible
l•,, e icouesied to COhli uue their Children i
, :e...,i..1, that they may receive the great-
,• t I lial•le the readier. ii, •n taut 0 114 ed. i
• .... , nri Ammo or out Public Schools.
_ r.• • ' .111...trd or Wasters of Ease Went
Th;.Vr:lll7 d: GUILD
c.erOcrt is irtsp., Glass, Crockery,
sz 3.. Ware. amiss, Domes. Wick.
''-• - r ^ 11s1,I,'N 0. 6. Hanel Blnck
?14 - ILL.
. - Copper, Erase, and Sheet Imp
' oel,r - the Court llouFe. Erie
Glut - trf. and Shoot 11111usic.
-"ir "" ' .'"` 1 ' e ,....::::7', 1 , ° :;, ( 4: t .' c 1 , l i f h ,, d "" , , abinaltilnlrra&TOßlS morrow --
'':.. 4 :: I 11r.' \ ''' out . -- p - 1 . , 4 - ~,,- hip, - 1 , - ,:, . - c i 7.1 b .,.... i r : I , La . "11131/4 01 Ad= la Ifini iieli de boom. Non, ruzs t‘denfaia am
.• •• ~, ~ ~ ~..4 ~..,u4 , 0-4 ith,,e thaw.. 4 .,1 i ware. have bean .muted to the r,,r, , thrf as the e,{Ple tlf
tJ y ~,, ~ •d„ ~,..,,,,, .. t . t . ~.. ~,, exit, room I Welcome kitirith reltiOr. tittoi w., ) , .1-0.-p.ilip Cr c comity.
"'' r' r ' l ' ' ' ~,-. "... ir , torr, he th ink s they wiii ', Penna. dim:cased All permits indebtactio The emu * are realm.
aka immediate payment,lll.4l attire hay i tifetro m 4 against
. - ' .. c4
• r'n ...lad
libe l. " e m ms - is t• will peen preaeal them for arittemetst.
ga j Oet 11,-14X1 BIDIJAMIN Olt ANT t Adminisiratet.
_ ____ _..
- - -
Baltimore Orden. . - --'- I 1 3ALI. soil Mawr &About,. plan': daft Old poimed Valve'
• , ,i, Ribbon., plata suit pointed emoted do., Embroideries,
'''.' r"-. ,,, 2 tti elprews ,:ltici frcat Baltimore. i Dyer 'Maim' nip.. to , &e . a new and large tuck putt ot
' C' , q”allt , . Vi bleb We near for 'Le by the . Mad ; also. Gm= Buttons, in groat variety. &I
! A;i ,rdrra trout me th kii ,u, Wil l 1,, ~,,,,u pti v i .114-11. TIR**1•11 * /RYES. e
s.". 1/, t- xi
471 ARK & Wl' k aTtll, iiiV Ili an now fee.i•lng • iatae mod; of ii7tl - 1 - 1171inent
ileade. Cali and tampion dim. Ow woo clomp as
thoi lamp*. np.i&at 0ti,41141 & MIA.
new, heigkets reukuier ign IR] 14 - 7 7— ..101i
:e, ix 4-4111 00IIP itAxpoß D.
From catiseas oiltria sad sunsmadiag sount O.
v sow all by thane presennik that A. C. STEVENS. Prapaa.
11 ty. if Me loges seem Wrigies triad, is selling and
will continues° se4l goods at as astonishing low prices as usual.
Purchasing for rush Mend from the Importers enable' photo ' s]
boo 10 to IS per cent enamour than any other establishment
his great success no far goes to con•
went of the Atlantic titles;
Arm tills statetnent.conneeted with the fact of tits always being
MO and willing to 'bow his goods and five his prices Buy
your goods at the Bingos Stare and you will save a large per
remains which erery cask paying customer is .lumly tattled to.
The superior 'drainer of the dish- paying
s; stem ores the old
fogy plan of long ereda and Deter pas has given else to the iv •
tar that be is seillim good. lest Mee, env. lint be this as it may
kre see de , erm I ned to buy cur goods where a eels. buy Pieehei tr
tat and beat. iberelbrc after hat Ing enumvr ; led a nl4 - oftbe lend.
lag staple and domestic goods for kale, we wit submit ibe rest
to the discrimination and advantage of our.numerous friends.
Plain bl'k dress %ilk' MI eta per yard; Figured do 73 eta per
yard; Paper plaid and changeable sl ks from I 2( to 73 cis pet
yard; II de wins at 7 ets per yard; Prints 4 diaper yard; Bleached
sheeting, 14 eta per yard ; all wool flannel tJ Lets per y red, and
a ve re t . v i i: o ri v ety p t
l ee at priers equal!) low for cash.
AFt aiwofincuent of C.matuiderics data ftoin Cie favorfact
Ciparted this day at the Boston sto•c to which the a towiton of
the Ladle. to rampeacfally called. Nov 12128 A C. arri.3 EN S.
RINK Gone but pure %V int* Cul 14quar• and wire ha. thew
Nov 1t.26. Mo o lll7l 4 .l..ppoxite Brown • Hotel,
@LSII Lemonsnt
Eft Nov 14,'53.6 Opp.amel3 , o9ln's nOttl. rAnto-
11 - ovl !pi nod W
It No/. 11,'33-211
Iooe 1 :11.1M and :Rohe Wacc.,niiy quzuuly t
qr • ov. 12, 1333.96. I'. W Moo L's
U tit • all -izes and patterns, sl•° BIM seed at
r 2, ISI,I-311 11100R1711
PAO:VS Washing Cleinr,ound. fine mit!l:h at
ie. Nor. 12-1951-21 MOOR £.7:4
LAVORING4 an kinds at
Noy. 1t,'34.--%
HUNTER'S can lind tuptax Cif ITitorj !m a n a t
—2O MOOR I:*4
ZA l'ill". - E"Toic;ne,rt Ce r let
Noy. 11—.25
—— -
Eli rwiee mid tellitte cheaper nr,l favor 111:1:. (
hpre ,t Nov. 12-2115 T. W. Nrcoljt
. .
DI eirpic and in pursuance of an order of the orphan's
jUID es,a,ct, in and for the county of Eric, the tridersigned
Adteirdijrator tie aonis n.-41,, et.mtastmscntn 0n:., , 0, cf irel•
c*isAidricb, Son., late of the township of Wayn , in said
7 1
Pun • lipecrisod, will expose to salt by public r midge grout
cry:. hdrtsideneo of Matthias Spence. E50.,1 n said town
-ht '' : 'll nyno. nt in o'clock, A. M., on Wednesday, DP
odny.4iti.ll. a ".5::, the hndiridedlhalf pan af the •- rfollowin.s.
dr 4 raitst,d itsusisin or wene of land. being the interest i.f
WAMIM'sk kid:.,. h. Sep., tice'd. at the time of his death. to
wit. •siitlau in the township of Wayne, munly (4 tiri , and
Siatiz . rfi Peuraylrsittia, deceritied as felloas, to t. ti. it,v„in.
fling; &Iva Vh.ek (gar, the north- :Ist cotncr ot tta:t N. :,!•J
—.11101 , 4 east seventeen perches to a post--thenCe ...oink
one hundred and iteverity-ieVOU and firosienth perches to
a is-t---thenee east eighty-tempter/es and In e-tOnths to a
pO-1 -thenee north two hundred and twcuty-foor . enil flees
tenih perches to a port, in the. ventre of the highway—
then, teeth seventy-seven degree wain one handre.l and
A tvt, 11),1 fire-tenth perches to a post—therice ./041111aorrn
ty-onc perches-to the pin, oof beginning, containing Ise
hundred and twenty-one acres and eleven perehes withnal
lowance, heingepart of larger tract, numbered On the map
of the Holland land company, with the nutithers 7 and VI.
TERMS OF SAL —One-fourth oil the confirmation of
the talc: the Lalan to be paid in three equil annual in
stalments, with t interest on each instalment when paid.
ITohe he scenr y Judumcnt Bond and Mortgage on the
premises. BENJAMIN GRA-NT,
Erie. Nor.sl2, llijit-sAliti Administrator.
r The Old Block Hesse Burned..
. .
rillitAT polio (lour hat struggio with despotism in the
1 JI. honored city of Erie is no more, It departed from the
face .of this terrestial globe this morning at 3 o'clock.—
'Peaces:a with its ashes, Some graceless scamp, not har
ing litryfear of the Law or common decency, set fire to it
and burnt it to the ground. By this act ho showed his lack
1 of. Patriotism and respect !be the eisieuse a KEW. bucket
was not entirely devoid of respect for the firm of Goff &
;Sanford. He left their Noe hock of Fred f;roccrfes 'to
*lathiest the hearts sad gratify the tastes ofour community
with a good selection, and of asigood a quality, and at IS
goad bargainrfas can be had in the city of Erie, (no creep.
'lion.) Their stock consists of;
j Sugors.—Crushed, Granulated, Pondcred, Unin't and
Brown Sugars by the barrel or pouniL -
Coirres.—Rio, Laguaria. Maricailo and Java:.
Tent and Young Ilyfron,-Ifirson Skin t Impel lab
7l.. , !nceo.—Honey Dew and Cs:owlish, 1.141) and 'mall
papers of Chewing, do. in boxes sad loose, loos.: Smoaking.
Sour in ball bottles, bladders And Sam
4eupe.—.Liarimle, Stewart,' and N. Y. Syrupkfq the
bares ur 'gallon, also, P. R. 'Molester. _
Spees.—Pepper, Alspiei, Ginger, (inv.., Nutmegs,
Mace, and Cinnamon.
Fryint—Lemons, Raisons, Figs, Citrons, and Prone:. •
Gindles Red Sosyn,—Tallow, Adamantine , smi Sperm
Candler, Brown and - White So aps, Toesim , On's compocnd
for washing, the bast ankle made, also Toilet and Shaving
Nate.—Pecans, Brasil and Pea .Nuta,'Filberts, Almonds,
English Walnuts and Chestnuts.
F.4.—Cod, Whitefish, Trout and 'Wert:rig , . hr the but,
barrel and bag.
Drugs. =Epson and Glauber Salts, Sulphur, Sal hula fur
washing, sup. carb. soda, cream tartar,, castor
and inset oils by the quart or pint, camphor gum, guis
arsine, liquorice, Bath brick, salt petro &c.,
So /voter furnished the trade by tho ' has at all times 23
per cent lower than can be bought eleetri.ere, n, iwo hare
been appointed agents for a superior article.
Candies the box.
Misceaus4otts.-I,map oil, wicking, wrap') La, yarn, est..
i Slues, picket, rose water, catsup% sweet oil, pepper sauce,
macaroni, vermacilla, sugar rand, extracts. ltisries match
! a by the box, ; spiral spring clothes pie-„ ;nip, Pails,
brooms; seaweed mats, stone ware, mops awl w. p handles,
i bed cords, elotlia lines, Liverpool ware, baking. powder,
British lustre,Mason's blacking, mouse franc, mincing
knives, horselards and brushes, carry carol , . isuc...ts,
iog pins, cocoa dippers, bail boxes, whip.,
I Erie, Nov. S-2.5 °OFF k i!.1.Nr01113.
- Ship Block reotory.
PRICE fur Plank Bd., Blocks, to 7 in., 5Gi per fte).-8 9
&10 inch 621c-11 it 12 in. 73c. Pot to 1 , 1 ineLi 1 62.}
and Spikes—Band . Pumps—Pcinlp and Pump Deer, 114-
nnmvita work, Lc. JOS. S. DEWEY,
3m2.5 Steam Building, 63 Elizabeth-st. S Y.
- -
(Summers to J. M. Smith 4 fi ..)
Wholesale Grocers, No. 7, Noune)l Block, Erie.
RE subscribers haring taken the store. l'ormetly
pled by J. M. Smith k Co., hare and are reeeiring
direct from New York, a large and well ',elected
Stock of Groceries.
S. 0. M.LIaLI
I:Adg. thee nod Gauze Veils. , SI lk ittiraht.. rie die Mitts
nod (byes. kld,Blllt •sd Usk:loves °fall c le qua'.
iuer. • good asierment of Veivet ItAbon• end ritly quantity of
die latest opted/ Dews Tnesuniee, also the Dell aso.tiawat of
Donut Ifiewilnas i• the clip, t ay, 'fatfli 4 valt: Slut° Waco*
Itosaleby Oe t. kSON dlluN.
'D ROAD Cloche. Cassiaberre. dantwily. weed`.(s4lb:e.lw , y
LI Nen °revery it) le nod qutaatst) ...C.c• e hea r. . •
60. et. JACK4oN & SON.
low ware a coal variety at Alt K'S
Sadie mreet
:I! 0 OR F.'S.
15tate strtxt
Admittistroctoi l iTSale
Our Tattst
--sew-- ...
Emir ousfs letter
i rons Ewope......sre~ and brown, Snow Drop and Blonesk Tablas lbe ordinary way, atid sol:b. less tu'zr - e, to the pi — than
advent:inv.—Easier* exestion trodianged. of mim i c? avod i t i„ , c ras s's, % nom sto., for , when washed clean without It , as the ' rutralag astieadelig mem .
=Ticks, striped Nadas, plain spree VI snails of all Is ce n utzrd
T un weessary by Ita use. Reins compe tam s, d ,,,,, e ,
- 5it„........- adore, bleached and brown Cesium Flannel; very heavy .e tw p t iep I t I P , y tt 'ne o T r i i . er ,„ l &., l c i r ,„=;„ l ,ll7i d s s r d tri the P iu t""c I^ T
eh 3 Wenner haat bur
y pork, Nov. 10. lissualllas and Lancaster Quill+, Damask!, ladies and gee. ; little rubbing and rltm,ng ate regireTi for their removal. ..bite 1 ,7;
etc,. a; the permanent eaten lende„,.a
en's B , llk and „Merino Vrstr and Drawers; CI - .?th., C 1...
g •
iii4,...l,;ietn.a(),..a.rtidev e r , ,:an h it . ,e i t ei d r i f t, l k e o t , t i a , rfe l p hi e s re i oae i e nr l t ea lei r o an i. e t ea .ilnie utit t.x.
The Franklin, with LiverpOol dates to the as, Neste:lp, Segit u lew F lisp, AC., Jle. ,I•
23th, arrived this morning. -
Breadstrdfir-Fine qualities American wheat -up, . Is wies.).i• II we: kee l ; any lituith e Oit eat witlatt lilltry a .f d at ' art
advanced 4d. Inferior fieur Ti to 2d. Amen, *very curtsey Onrtain Materials, Carpets, Oil Cllibs, R
Matta, Nuggets and Matting', arli complete , and mass Improving than others Me-betoming [core bland and emolllem.
Ills elsofar piptnor iiielthritoopon or Toilet soap. ler enure?.
Can flour advanced 2 to 2s Bd, but the full ad-
an thin
the a ttention of all who arc desirous of buying
tidnit In this line. All of the above Goods have just ma tuir l l o T r . c tu ti i i i i y .i . t w t a n gt og , sod ean be weed be the delkate skned wcw
ranee was not generally submitted. ' Western bees perthated whilrt the pressure of the money market NI of II added ; 1,-, a 114.tyroIrartratoprPreerard:raol Itsenltlauned.shatmAyagctioun
I was at rero, mazy of them at ons.balf lime cost of manufse- which chemically extract...very ',stiletto( Grease or impar t[!
canal held at 575, and Baltimore at 88s. ; tares prices, and will bo sold at nob bargains as the world Crow me " 134 retnav lit ea il roughness a Ild bandmen. and clown&
Money market continues very stringent, con. I never witnessed before. • it to become soft. swoosh and delleate. In short, when it is prop
-6019 for money at 911. Erie, Nov, 5, 1837.-25 CADWE,I,L A BEN NETT'. eat ituown and used; there will tun be more than one fourth mat
Sales of cotton average about 6,00 bales, at I 031111411T101T D2IIOOTMELT er %IMO A '''''' et the'bosp ttpu i tett: a. In many caw it altigerber Mires the plat e
of IL and kr much moreconvershint pleasant. efretual and eta
.... awraie,a, ..1.0 wo m an err family that will give at a thorough and
unchanged prices. , fre yak. o yd 0, t h,.. re .d(ko . ii =atm.., T ., ajt, fair tail will ever hare r:asbing done without it. or be without
At 3danehester business quiet and prices sits.' amh aids
'mil% It in the dually, espee tally as it costs but rwr.vrr c.c.4rrs 4
m o4 fi t e d i rsirr sr 61XPEFCE PIM QOART, and a fallen will
rained. , ORO? WOOD offers Ibr sale ax ante le containing pa mimic -
1 14U1I1( spirals , no essential oil, Der ODe unhesany taring . To be rf rrlo i gh w eGme w eri a' a b eTi g tvuetrymereitent, artemity, la
Adviees from Odeasestate that immenseante which wit i restore gray hair periannently to its original color * m
I g•rie and the adsom i tog owns. and by
s -ea' tot a vety abort time. render it soft cod pasty la appearance. nue re
titres of 'grain for shipment lre Wiliam
The Turkish question 'us out -before CARTi.II. W. 860 . Whalrsale Agents.
/ metre. than wooer the annueuce of oil Of 107 description, arm if g•T Be particular tort au tota'sritenicAt. i.e. -Mr° Meerut
the hair is twine it will soon brine It otat as abundant and beau. t: I•Oc be *
brie 162 -- re - ! tied sated:we. and If it is unhealthy Gating 0.4 it will at. - IL - 2 -- .. 1°
e 'l2:,
—_—_- _
[ ported, neither more or less wsrlike: • rest OM. tendencv at once, and festive it perh•ctit , la rem re. To trio Pi -
FOREIGN Saws Coxrutusto.—The Franklin I, IM lteb Ve lnit alida lt a ar di ll u l t re f ino ":" re th e any ' Za P t;e l3llas s w er e u ll i ll4lo % l :. " t d arh g arr scald TED WAT TO II&VEI TOUR MONET.
162 passengers slid has dates to the 26th. I gins iead Head, . `01,17:tne:,.."u5tu,,,, ,r ,,, , , ,, , , ,. „. , e i,c 0,,,, ,e ., , ..: ,, T, an i, d , to time or . 1 T , l l iaa „tools
a i I 40 111 t lood. amid bast conetiMmll to open their the,:.. ;" r to
Nothing decisive on the Eastern question. A i tonie,lind thin restore, sheet t o the 10114.n: 1 i Vlgi. r and t e a t a l taa a ll a . the way of inam icing economy and thereby nave MOGI s .
telegraph despatch from Constantinople, October , v t aizi l iara
pet ..4 ,4tast p
tru7,11 , , , ,,, „ 0hrri , ti0br ,.„ : , d , t , 0 1 0rc. ic i ., : g 1 ,,,,, : ,- h ..., i l ,t , r „, ul , Z.__
.0 2 .,. 'e ti ti n a , t , e 1., iii .e sa ti rc e t s t i i i r i rt .
il fr h o r m rea N t e e tt .ire VoZ, witc , r e c t r e e . li s at , e : I,e n
Fith, announces that the combined fleets had m kt it will In it t cry ,tort lute liu,l , e rue luilr_of nn ) 0,,,.. a ) .?„.t,',. r .. bf C . 0.:N.0 ever peered ,a 1 th.o market. ern.sisting of et cry 4
tat n oe l, ,iy
passei the Dardzatells, and woiall u sreeeed to' ss er heVl:r7r i ;.r l e `s r,: " 4 " , ' :g u i l ,e7. l a ° . ` ,V A :7 l .a.:i ov " v 't .r; l l.' " n i at ' i; l a " ,,Ti ' ,'L L :: .4 "` :.: 3 :1 - , ` ,A a r r a e " ,j,„ " 7„ 6 , °" vi„g i*, l. " ,°; :" . l l ,' ,..l '," :it e TZ ., !l. " , „ ; - :7 - ,.., 1;
: au , it .„, : r . . t h e ~,r 0, th e , 0 ,.„, ~,„ more I eanair ,1,1,;,„ i ,„. at a.toui.a .na 10W nr,h e.. tVe are mill at the old ;mud ta siti.:ll
Constantinople. 'No other event occurred ' be I nuencc of oil of ant: Jcscripticu. and It repe„ted oeca. illeloloe•No- Itl• rhealisitle. where you will find us con.vottly
i•ince the previous accounts. sionally it in 111 suet all tendettey to reccitue „rat- , and the pro- on hand to show you the hest 'toes s of Goody at theiournit pti-es
prietor Is perfectly mats:led from at . c aeca.. upon hi ia>elf; (tor r ., ver °dere." in this city, mid give you our surd. tnu ntkall UOl he
The army of Asia was every day receividg isy t il . b ea d ... „ h ate ~,t the malt at 7a. and nor, to 0.0. could ' ll6n rP °lhwd m 9 " allt) " r"" : ~." nil J.kcio ,„ )N . , s ir s.
fresh. recruits. Omar Paoli& WU directing the Imagine he ever had a tray hale.) that if this preparation is arid Oct 7 -It.
ADICS CIAJAKIP4O.• A kir pieces of cloakihr ard mime
works, and was preparing to,
, cross the Denuse.
t •iT iv n e a:d. and u.ed cruet of twice a week. that per, „ a a never 1
1,4 Ines now received at 'assuming:rub Stare.
gray hair If the emalemaii or lady sheolii live to boa h on .
t h e mo ot th oma i g h .crit.. and upin the most respectable And In' [
Th e
i h r id ge b etween t h e front i er o f w o ad_ 1 deed icemen.). This preparation is Co hamlets. nor the result Oct. ta,-.4!. MO. E. C OOK.
and the Island oppotite was already occupied 1); oftnental ha nut 'nation orate writer :it ha.
bet"lbinul ' l l ' ' ----- r'l, - ANT;Y - 43 — HINA7 - W - All - 6.-e.plendiii lifinit - s7elcartfraiia;.
I wills:eat.' way say to !entitle. gentlemeu of et. Lonts and t e - , card Sadtets, Cups and Saucers, Mugs, together with a
Lie Turkish troor, The Bausdans Were marc h - - _ _ , ity, and gentlemen known far their great talent. no 4 st r , ct ,:,,, "1 .. r.iege 'VarietY of bealltael Mantel Orrianten tn. Sena AI , le..
iug in great force yippottite Wedder. It was rn- ..r b i i tl, the w tr i z a lettir the V i l a l:t , prese ce . r u ti t te ,r4 . scl , eet u f; e ro v in: i lii, c i „,,,, , . , 7,, sout l i i ;t c l i i i i , ii t g , i . titx .: net;.. 4 l• °penile g
Aufirrire . ,
s e?_acp ,, ,
mored at Avis, that the text of a new Russian ; known lethally careen. ont. Lori,. (.aril
tvl :- •pi;gli - IF. - .: - .. - P7.; - ;i7T - Fuer.ii - krii - tr 7 c.iaeors and Shrers
manifesto he ' d reached Paris which contained !' tTsTy rir lilt 'o: , , / %-1 of Amerman and Rnal Isis maanfacture. ran be band at
hair inn Lenelaille. 50 1 LllCtughl
Csktrt r. June 17. I- VI j Air,' ea, H 33-0. 1 I'iTIN'S. opposite ftrowr.'s fi , tel
[ something very insulting to France chdraeterir., i thous used Prof. 0. J. Wood's Hair Rers3rTllve, ar.l hal ~,1. . .t 3 -- - --- . - . --- -- -
Cif I. CRV,-Genui.le German Cologne, I.Oliires Fxtriet
lino her as the hot of revolution._ ! tweet its wonderful effect My
1 pre ,,,,, i , pay. but b ri b e use of
no O. R,,,, ii ,, , ,, I , hi!
~.,. Jr .tweet r . lnr.Lrarrantarn and ours roar:lett. JIM reerird it
- One of its expriWons is as follows: My , rights l ;
""" "i"eigg" '`' ' '
I's Senator Unlied State -
and I bare no doubt perouttently ro, A ',um 0.1a51--)1 I'. M. AUS'I'l 'S.
SIDNEY RR F: KS V. , a - 111:11LliDLikiiTAND fliSitkillEitB, -
I will defend, as well as the frights of my co-re- Tn r Aunt and ben at '
r Vort..srs Intl., June IS i tVivi. WILLINfra Moore Mot, .
ligionists againpt any foreign interference:what. : rsor. O. J. WOOO-Dear Sir . As 'Du are aboiti io manors - j"1) -ra,fr._,. 31°
ever. I shall sot stand-alone.". = . • 1. 4 Inreemerteirely arldred your recta tly ;listen-cued Hair Rert, c r. Ardtnerun.-New uncaps , Porto( tea and Trinidad M. - 11-
, A letter from St. Petersburgh, 14th, says:— i a4tartie;lrlitioloarstinic:mr" w rOs s ell ver PhTt a iri c a o r n e e f e a r r n s . „ ' v h ;n t l i tte"acre- -' 11: ' ne .1 . 1 , 1"1" "'a
4r " P 4 l r• le t iltni:itNiwirr.
The news of the declaration of war by the t , ,,,T %„, ,,,, „, he " :41 ` el im u lL e4 tra her tm il e a o ir ili rk er e r k n no tiVel.. l ntid "MI S 11,V,N WARE Oar ~,k .I.Sfice — r Wars in very - fine.
Pnyte had produced a powerful sensation in the', eleanita t.tterbea/Ordandroff. and with one monrh ; .. ptco'ile‘o.;:reWnly• 1 ' Mare it good 3- cola, and cell it cheap as poshi
will restate any person's hair Anne oracle el youthful color and fair, lc ht .- :1 110 cell at STOCKTO' & ruLCI:It :91.
north of Europe. ; testate, girl og it a healthy. sell and gloss e appearance, and all - X
- - -- '
ore New (}pods.
Poblie opinion in, London and Paris believes , this Without diem:4ol4ot either the hand. n bleb apple it. Or the ..
drrieon which It drops I would. therefore, recomu.erd ti
...2.....w 1 1
cri,. . l l ,, use JUST receiveil at the Stores in the Sennett illock,-et .ra/
that diplomatic .resoueeets 'are not exhausted., and 'ls every . one dealrOn• at hne , n . . 1 a fine Cairo and texture ' ILI hair. additional atryeals of New Goods, which waken one
war may yet be averted. -. . _ - stock romticieln all it. iiPpartments. ,
The English merchants at St. Petersburgh had „ „ ST. I.nets. June tail, lial. Erie, Julao 2, 155' , .. sENNETT .t co.
been assured by the Emperor through his minis. your r e :l: v : o li
e r t i f , tt i n : . . l o 3 Fr i e r a t 1 i
~ lo te , ; 1 . r s e :i t e n . a i o n o r r e no n t:F .,
~ u; n i t s o4ll : oe , r;:^ r a . '! " l 4 .o 7l , i t 7 l l
trr,,,,A,„:11,,,:1,..,..r,,,,,,-.7lPitaitir.:.:iff::l:en;u4lll.2C:CrtYLllT, the f.ediWtrfleCiefht : Pallit i t
aty t er *O n' %d a : 7l . a , l' p r ri i ; ,%s
ter of Finance, that their property and . sions !
. . ,
ti :, t ac ivp s,nty s.. c ....d iar.a p n . d e ggl e e i r a3 u , sl eet tbs e t r w . o ,trt ho i ti . l r r n s , o! ,, you .
, T pp ll i a fr a. :3l ß o e n t4c 4 r l ; y.,,,, may 51. ift.,?l. cheap ii , r, 4 : . sures ereti.
would be protee. 1 .4-, .!
fel !ism ts.u'ERISIXINGS. NoW ipe:Tber a •Pie., h. ICI
It is rumored the Emperor of France had" !I„,.,'"Pufi, o. Fall Radon. agla naps, Rea ids dgid Velvet trlelll.,OL".
R • • • • •
recalled his ' Miud
te* r
ithhunod.dll.PPeirtgrea""istifr i m ieti k %g e ol ' a d ite ' ..e nd at i p t" . t l c' a ir rn .2 atif,fe q d .
at Naples on se let o f I awn who ts.c it wth not regret at. a• ;Loge. a l, ha ., L0e ,,,,, ) , ~,,,,, p., tallest fachaumt. Om. 1.1.-tet. -•••• J 50.6. 1 -006.
its original color, hut it gives it the appearance of h , I,ea Wall Paper at Bede
.nine faou•ieil indippiity. i ! ,• Menlo , oiled. lam prepared. therefore. ,a an
to recOsumend it. arse
The aceMtrit 4 of harvest and vintage are Ts re- '''!! l e " x ' ."- d ''''''? " of °Lathis ' 4.:auurtllli"d°lhair-Ai SPL ENDID s.soruncrit of Wall Pa llori,r
_ . It. I, frrt'AV.l, WI .
ported before. • 1.1. eln be torrid at No.!) Brea n', Block, E‘tate , trea-. Li,
~ , t
Date.s from CapotofGood Hope were to Sept4f3 P . a :.. , . 1,,,,g,,, i 5,,,, ta, 11.53, order to close up our n.ring stock avr. will sell he i r e".
and you rr';ne.i my opinion of d . • , . rpf. 1:oun-Ikra, rr,r , Since I hot e used , our teCrillly, /1t•• 'I. ant i 3 p. ' , out• le , • thou the arati , qualikt a f P 111.1 7 Las
The overland mail had arrived at Triesti - lei* , einttod Hair I "t ordive •
wmatate. for 311 %WM it 111.3 y COW:err,. I hit at the a tr. lit UM!, , e ' ilntl.o A. 51, ,, .‘ N.
&ilea from Hong Kong. • • eight I was ray a. the (1130.0 f set tate. ant m v hair s talltneod, " uu ` -. _
el. / ' ',ern ;old h r eretnt;ree. tall ' tonal .er a
The revolution in China was progresaing. The i sudNu I "'" alinwtecgi n g"tir bald ` ta " ide- • I "''' raa I <h 'I '"''. Il r'l t • ~/ Ty S /et, /I. rr ii/IllsreS•Ii • (Nebr.,. .Nreaq•
led with daudrutr and intolerable ItellItIlt • but after ti•ut.; •t • r nil '•' ' • ""- : • ' -: - ' ::
imperalists have bad some success, at - Amoy.— woe. of your a - code/fat MOILOratILe my hal e resumed it. ,- i,ci- r ' " ' I"F '' ( " "r6"" ' "." II
r ra"' ke "
k tf..
ail 'color. the dandruff disappeared entirely. as if El niag.e , 1 G. ZAI/02111111. No. 4. s- Moe..
The Whole country was Ina rotate of cement exei
ll Whine. and the hair became soh and Weeny an appea r ;,, : ,, f no... per p.:. rd I. • lio,i r tun etturnmer , Ott tiPnt 3 .‘cat I , . tai of
and d rade suspended. ... . ) sada); Ibis 1 Wel lam Undier obligatipu to say a, t i t .., , i t,;. L The sieve insut. that ells! he found .4 the eiti. Tin (ii set
ne w received. 1 would hat omit to rune that I nor, have a .cto Our and nen styles. tii•J ions • ezperwate tu the tft.;.ne.s,
..---.- —_ ___ new crop of halr. and nn person could even Imagine that I was 1 and an eelereLlVl"neitiniptante and deellairs with the largest
. : .111ffheCttkee, lifor. 10. e"' T"" • 5.46. liERw IN . 1.4 3 r irr .. all C Ito 'II tr; 31 ibe hcSl r71,•,: , n , re,,,,rin.t
--,-- Iy to .t , I .• hale tower than nis neighbors. Amon/ ittc.c choice
Milwaukee city! 2,1)0 Democrat majority. , • n,,,..,,,,, o , A nti , 10 , i s . v . i seem° -,rt.cle . :.tar be found a variety Of •V•• - : I. C; Id
Democratic Suite ticket probably elected. ' . prof. Woon-Dtat Sir . since you request we to gave Ton a Watcht.. Cr' 1.1 - r. fic.? ,3 l , t GC:X:II 3 Ii tor Ildir. I :trot rams
, matesoent of the erects or you[ wmderfu. Reno/211.c upon ,p,.. "'Meat n:11.! I ii" Iva nil• ca..e i nano:. ; ier 61.1.1:cra.r0, 11 I
1 • ! i theerll.lllF state lil reply. that I have new usedip te , bottles of :riser with Wlll3 1.1 Vll l 7l Ttnient Or t.,, Ili n atl. , . t,rlt - . Key •• Chl rm.,
Mainct Law - ea by large majority in the
: It t and labour:Mar bait when I trimincnced In, use tins n pd. 1 die ...Ake. Thet•• till rl.o l.e f1.r..1 very rich r'inmond and
State. . very white (toy age being sixty Pnir; lit one nionth's one it Mil n, lowa one geld Ii lec".nV•l'"luclid Pb'. and nit atones end
- .'
, yew. y 04., I resume .? precisely Its original color, Lad so puree' 11 1 . i n , I hew variety of Ent Drop ,ittoactie,.Loekcm. Draeelcl - , renellris
i I , I friends all thought I looked twenty year • your.-,er than t r.•a', . thimble„ end : 4 i - reticle. .Ino just tel it nu teentionen in It I
The steamers rof the West, from San Juan, and scarcely knew %hat to wake Of a bat they Considered„ .
pc : r . ei dispel.. (Oceanic (~., nrlglanit • I. I. 1. 0 tilitranlf th - 1 the.
arrived at mid ht. She brings 6oo (get miracle,
until I Informed them it it a. hat the resud of an as the driest ofsilvt. al n• (.3 , 11, I • .14.1 in hi' - , tnie :tint ••nto
pane*. a e t eerrio., 000. r. called Hair Restorative I rtill:.i 0 Ll' e that o wn m .,par,,e.t.pre.. , 1 ip.., .nay ,r-in harshit on the 32'1111131 .:•
gets anti $31 . ,800, on freight, $500,000 id the ; 1 ifirds much troubled with dandr•i •111 ;tailor ; .r.;colattr IDCLurer.• I .errrldleir•' It • , rt , il ,, ir , , all tlx ''. ti. re au'
when la perspiration t hut It recriiteil oily [favour to a n eo ,Ii : -
, many other articles inn on " , •trn . .. is u,...a.1011, Lew, tar 4.-.• -in.l
bands of passengers , reinnC, 111 thnillfnir and Ie . int; • cad :.• 'l, - ,;' : , : my I mn`finenl F.rie.l. , 15.1 , 11
The Louden_ Saim. maims alms .t,_ i hair bad fallen off until I was t =acts Imt ~ ,a Id. I i nu have .IS ' --.---- '' ....--.-. 'o
girded -- - --- - - -----
Emperor and Etypreas - oTatial ' r=wet i t vr- 4 . 4 = tri i ttik:allt4 t, 4" '' "l:;' ''' ' '" 4".l4.34.l T l iSiet4+ '
4 1 ,4 ,m 0 p t c,44, 1 4.44 , 1ir-.........-...........-tn •
it London in November, arid preparations were !
State t h at I COOLUICISCet. .ti ti/e• .. Au.:.salt, :.n Ils <1 ••Or
since Jal/IllrY. I have Rn ‘13,11:.1 therefore ono rshltheeh:r : n m e
I. rrcl ' eli Maria', ea tronert
being mode in official quarter s forthei
____seeospnion. : 13 a 1141 ma ['rut one; I eon therefore rcconia.rn - Is - L ' ,Gnrl , ll2l .In.
', t•te m o t : I,Vooleti ?tale,. . ' ~;..
wonderful discovery sr its. ate ni when we Nye it pica..
This statement is however regarded as a hoax. s. so. I• a NEM' . ' Etornimatric. Alt ,suorm r •el rt•
- • - - e- lAlticb causal ha sarpaiwell in chi i ter ' . .
any i onner city for ftoe:
- i sr.+ of gustily and ebearom
fret. 15.-Id. . 1.13.10:5 ra GIS
-- _ _ _ -.
MiIrAZIN I ieR THE MON - i 11. A len . 1...0 1 , (1 at
No P Brost W. Mock.
- . --- inineitiiuTn iiii , -.road—
ef j irlic d ,:•',. f.:l` V. ' Id a . '; ' = - :7l7ii n d n o l r i. .. ` iil a tl h er . . 'e r 4.-7, e c h h r l'l -l a n ner '.
„read and Hand Area, Adze. Augers, Auger Rine, [trace and
Rat., Divider.. rnnipawes. Squares. Miles, patreaud Saw Han
dle*. Revel-, Try Square., dand Paparolkt . Jur( --it c clfr.
rue,Oct I - 1. 1943 lel
MIKAt 6"24
State -Met
- - - lender A( you nre , - , rn,„ )-heatett t r if - , ,
ton tturely nave the menu. wlttn . tt roar renth er re.tnr nit the
t l 11 ,r 1 f tS (Oiling oil.
SUICIDE.—The citizens of New Brighton were
yekterday (Wednesday) morn
jag.thrown intact,. : e
i r i l , , ,,n_ . ; Ze , :1 1 1 , 1 .. ; :1 t ..1, , 1 , 0 , 1 , 111 4 1 c. 111 , e 0 ft r am; th , 011'i lila'. L.. 1. WI:I0..11f" .
citement by the sa d intelligence. that open! their i 'ign"•• and " ware- laam ' Mir " i '"'"' " ' t;".4" ' """ ' ' ''' hc. '• :" '' ''''l‘): ' i
, y 011.16 it.h IO peewees IlliliClneuntitul Inc h. -, t ntl rintrlete:ttftt hieh '
Thomas! toil lire no }only pit ud , , ; 4 1'ben e. 1,1 n; Via. 1.2..; Matt - -; •tre , ti
ni.mber had eommitted suicide. - Mr.
art tt,..7ell,,r,ternntt ,n
}iein!o'g. ~ ,i t of the old lady who killed hignelf . ( „ f i ',7 1 ,7,7 1( . 1.) , f "," 1 ",,,„"„".. 4 F 4 ,. 0 " - ' 1 ,',,',',.., L ,,.., - .,,‘ 1 " i,r l .l . '"“t• : ) 3 "" e1 ; .
felflolfk that dee hundred do .. ' ''')' hl7'
C d'e
Foome.iitue ago, came off the canal in the morning,
I 1111 he plated whew the) weer In fa; t ; ;, • •
went home to his fawily, immediately proceeded ! niter using It. The MarCrilk of .11 . '-'1 '' a '' d ''' " gl ","' i
.up mairs, and cut his throat with a razor. Our 1 (soils hi,afibT._3l"llDvilterattn,.. The ' rr e t r l tee ‘ ;:re "'' t;t ed we n
re" ' ;
I:itegt accounts state that he is not yet dead, but i 14:1!.. e ri4:Vc7=grl °, 37 , 01"' In We y
tintl'd Rues. v'keLl 1
that he will not survive the wound long.He =Li e u" ee 'res''' " r a n l e e d "" )::41‘ "":"'"e h l td ft' b°lll. I°.
f preett
i v3llOOlO. it* patent Other, in January int(
le arcs a( wife-and two children to mourn the sail ; orzers erePe r i tim7D' Y y b olg w oi -P uTe P t; "e a t i c red . lit t, tirs' r- n it e d n s"ro m ar i ptr' i . a4 7i — c•
and wicked act.—Bearer .Star.
jre ”e m o l e r' s a. l l%" Mi rotect .6l .4 l.4u lteed h4 H M ea o ile„Ace.its kr Ern: County.
--40,-- ---- • Sept .2, V 3,1. 7 164,in
cagy. D';n. Prels of Saturday, announces that
the tract for this road will be oompleted to Be
loft this week, and the trains running next week.
The • Pre.o anticipates a great accession to the
trade of Chicago from this new avenue.
AfIIE.NOME.4O I.4 in Medicine. Professor Alarm's lityleofe.
ling Llisir. or Cordial, the etinth wonder of the Detente
%Voirld. The tovigaratiug Hintir and cordial, introduced Inio
medical practice by tbe great chemist. physician and traveler.
P. IC Morse has for its bests an toiental Herb. firm brought
from the stony desertaof Arabia Pewee - hy that emir ent phstoas
upper. which etas been endorsed by the medical coffer's of ail
the great calm et i: type, oath. Lett prep tuition i tea-t for the
No fantail's . eau convey an adqtrile idea, r the i ',Ler:late
au t almost tutraculuus enlace wane', it occasions. in ire. ni—
ensed.debillated and shattered nereode )stem. WdeLt e s bee.
h en do., by execs., weak by amble. or tid;Adrel by aieb.,..e.,
the naskrunc and related forgin.zatiott is at erne reddaced, re
vivified. and built up. re, inennl 1.,i pliv,eal ea mptems of
nirvana disease vans , ( together utieer its SUILICIaeo he, i t the
effort tenspaeary. 011 We Contrary, the reilet is per Stoma. far
the cordial properties of the medicine rcarh the costatitittiOn It•
self, and testers 1110 it. normal consilori. Well the prepa •
rat lon be called the Medic t Watrder et thorn neicen Os [Coln')
It is. as the drat mientitic men in the oil world nate adunflef.
that miracle of medielne heretofore sitpposed to have no exist
race, A filltettlaftt that criteria no re-aetion. Its forte if never
expenced. as Is the ram is Ph Opium. alcoholic prersorattons
andel% other exe nano, The effect of the-e is brief. and It may
well he wild of bier who takes them, b•the last .tata ot that man
without a simile dram back—aale Id Int arrellitton, pernets
nil In us happy ilia/WM - 4 Ilp3/1 I.', 1,14 . a. 4144 trllri.
Is worse than the firm" But tn. Mao . la an exhilef id
and the entire organization In et., of neuralgia. hee'rtj
ache. comp, pain in ihe Deice* of the fare. and the earl. i
OUsifalti of Ise/Soul lerriCtlrstui, I: will prosier a-cure In an 44-
100Isblbg short period or rime% ri,d is is 111 tiro Mauve depces.
aloe. ClCltaluent. a tendeney to Hush. re- , .e ,hew. sheepish
ness: dislike o, tor letr. incapacity Cr. 4 4 / 1 4 / , 1' business, loom of
rneyoory,tontiman. a Witmer., hl lod to the heads. Enelancbol).
mutat debility. hysteria, lcdeslsinu, ufeirlicituros.lhoughte of
self-deetriietion, tear of insanity. hypoehoudriaata.cenerat pro‘.
Italian. irritability, uervousuerii. iiiainlivy to steep. liver COW.
ailatnts-flOtif all diseaoca itteleent to fetattles• de - !sv
ortbe propagating funetiOna, hysteria, monomania, a IgltC ter
tO rt. palpitation of the heart, impotency. birreerol.eon.iipa
tian,lte.. &C., (Mel whatever cause arising. it ie. if there /4
as relianee to he placed on human testimony, atMoiutely in
fallible. a
—..---1 Ormeitstkradi &betty All rho hare I,lnresi I hernsed era by
private and Improper indittgencles, will find in this cordial a
sine relief.
Impotence— weariness of the :enial larva. Loss ot virile
power la the penalty most frequently rid to those won give a
i loom rein Cr license to their prolong. 'YOUNG PERSONS are
i too apt to romeon eareeses front net Icing aware of the dread
• ful etTects Although impotency occurs from str,etuner, droop-
it* In thy urine. gravel, and front numerous other causes, set toe
show of the sexual organs, by est-erotism vainly or oolf-pollution
i particularly the .atter,ll the more froquelt cause of it. Now,who 1
that understands the aubjeet will pretend to rimy that the power
of procreating the rpenes as lost goober by Mute who prattle*
tic winery vire. thins by the prudent Betide.. by premature
, Lapoteueit. the digestire functione are iyfanged,aud the parrs.
I cal and mental powers, weakened by a too frequent and tow
great emir/meat of the genital orb tea
3facritd Permar or others come tons of inability frpnt what.
ever c aws, Will Otte this cordial, tiler they toe a bode or tiro.
' ~, Shollugh receneratio., of the system aVbere want of offspring
1 ta a rcarelit is Of inestrinobie valor.
I The nature of tile maladies relieved hy th,e carat:ll are Usual-
' i) wen isle trace the tethlseation of ccrtdlestes Out Of UIeAUCs• i
', lion. of the PrOQielor mould produce i best of the most MIMIC. I
~,, les, tinOny ir show that the Fee it InpUlatloll It !ploys was I
not ac identally obtained. bin is Ordly based upon its Wisner. '
a itil • 3pp - item* iniracukar virtue,. to alt directions are to be
(nand the happy parents of Deana, olfsrprine. stun would not
lane hCell so bill for lb.s sxtraoritt nail preps scion. And It II
equally potent to the dere:tort fur srbw,l tt ts rec,luarlenJed.-
I, of yowl.; men bare les u rewired by using {Land not I
ot a single onstauce has II Called to benefit them.
For liopiessoy. locomeisearr. .Liss.! Emiairitent de The I
treat success which has attended this lavaluable medicine. for i
torso( muscular energy. physical Ins.itinte sod semen! pmetra- ;
lion. or nay ante cousequenCes of youthful Ito innettoll Of in• ,
fir eat Arrival of ' , ea and Wier,. tioiels of His EsapiCsk:— dolgenee of the passion in caper tears. rawdent so themes value-
arreler iodocrokrbto ibex err; to Iliac pr , ,hnving l-- Isle piriparittiOn i ref diseovere It in fact. as a remedy Rem the I
4 lth ol llKOMPlAllttn. it stands unrivaled and alone. Them is on i
. other reliable remedy. or any trot ha. authentically received ;
W E ern num opentrir our sccoutl a .surtinctia rrtFall and • the sanction of the .Madital Faeufty.
W i nter Dry Mooods, Consisting , In pan of yreuebo.4ll'l'lollf.
en d English Me e inoes, Chnehensrep. f-atin De Chinese,Co- , Da. Meese% lartesnitine Cordial has been exatateellrised by •
burg rlottts, all wool plain, plaid and figured De Leses, , soleseunprincipled pawn. a
Twill,, Persian Cociner, ' Raw Silk sad Saxony Pled, 1 In iliture all the genuine Cordial will have the pamparlimore
faemmile the tort of each IseitPeould MR iblkowing, i
Bombasincs. Alifeetw, 1) . Ent for TrlmPliak Brews, t word.. mo pamed overan is Ow Op p,—
A e., ten , . DR. 310181...9 IIit'IOORAT3IIO CORDIAL.
Silkil Slate . C. H. RING, Proprietor. N. l'.
The calla Is put up highly eoeetatneurd. la print banks.
Another lot at those beautiful plaid, plain Innen& sa d i p nee ,.....ggim per bot t l es two ton %SA ;au for 'MI6. !
changabla Silks, and Canton Crapes; also, • largo assort. C. U. gin& proprietor let arrandway. New York. i
anent of the bea t Caro de Bu g g, Lori, Siring sad Magyars i Fold by Woggles throughout (re United Mares. Canalise and .
Black silks front 36 to 36 Webs. wide. ' ; Wen lanes. i 1
j AGICNTIO.—J. H. flution Erie. 3 II.COleal.11:111hdlklo.
A vary large amortment of plaid, plain, figured and tin. , g m ,. gy, ram lon
selnd Basset Ribbonm pointed and plain Velvet !taboos. ------ ----- - ------- ---
and Dram Trimmings in great variety; black thee t
Veils, Jew Millinery Shop.
Gloves. Winter !foolery im., se.' SWUM 1 4 . PAIIIICINaOS would I itaarai the Ladies of firm nod
homts. , IN, slelany. that she*** o•iencii a 'hop on the ( both aide of
Ladles Clods Cleabr, and Clo th s, nearly all eolorw rich I, Lb. rablie Mao". Iwo door* cast or Alm fiarto's , where she la
Lyon's black and colored Velvets for Mantillas, and a large I "w in im,Pre'Pe!,,thilmniti receive w i t mr e i l l ' n ' tt e ne „b " :,p b r y 'Gut h e y in„ lbe t e l rles eller halu e r e .
lot of Cloak Trimmiagaand Linings. _ -., tie, she hope, she my pleme threw wires patronize her ;the ha.
SHAWLS. , is bads seam moca of (moos fir wile. consisting of Sonnets,
* ittetione.Caps. flowers. Border*. Rind hoses,lsC• Ail orders;
d largo aiwortinent, comprising Bend's Long aid :%ears 1 promody atomaed to. Cloaks. Bennet. and Hoot:. niade•f• I
Sat, Tbibet, Bay State. long and square, Mows and elf I Ova wits wish to turuish their owo materiel
other styles of Weedes She .. la Mater ruthless the C10a1...• and Bonnets In a few weeks
i lts Tanana of ditibtrat kind- fur ii.ele.. Oct. 13,—dt.
). r .IPrfnmsh Zatbroldieriss. ALLCOOBB PATENT.
'SO Rubs, Cambric and Lana Calkers; Moulton Painted Stodiestos India Rubber Flatter.
Calm. ' S 111188 bonny or Mete plaster , mould occupy too unieb space.
Babroidered Munn sad Calabria Collars froaa6 eta. $l. 1 4, usage It to may. that the moat eolith li s t 'hernia,* and yea} Si
-201 Embroidered Itimolkorablafa from SO MOW le it. 1 rises se tue Mused dunes and of r.Otuvo Isn't cunautted AS to
. Muslin, Lace, Cambric and Linos Cedar Ha sdbsreb' their wee_ll4ooo4 um tt wan lett to Mr Al vote. who lot *es:
friont 34 to SS. , ea yam um Use amble charm id Messrs. kuniWil , Astor Allow.
se pat mosuji , u„„ aid L e , oh m ,* an d m oms i sisatZtes Quo fi •
rPrA cr uti iblie um. Poe sate onty by _
& &AXTON. Ito. 4 %Iwo Irk.
THE CENSUS.—The Washington Star says
that all.the census Will be printed complete by
the 15th inst., and that Professor De Bow, the
superintendent of the work, will have a synopti
(ld report ready for distribution as early as Jan
uary nest. The latter will embrace an elaborate
set of tables, comparing the results of the last
census taken with those of former ones and also
comparing them with several . European statistics;
for which Mr. De Bow has procured amplo data
frem Paris.
Itannoisus.—By the census abstract it ap
p2ars that the United States posseased, at the
beginning of 1852, as much completed railroad.
within 3,300 miles, as all the rest of the. world
:rat together. In the United States there were
in operation at that time, 10,843 miles; in the
various countries of Europe, 14,148. Here is a
fact for the thoughtful.
- ,
•k•il • g
Arriwl of the Ihiuddlia.
-- - -~
paoaa NISI° XII •
from IS to SIS pot sot, bonded sabroldarri Sande for - ' TEE WONDER OP THE WORLD!
nolguillVfish loons moat MOW s ad illserti llik ikt'a ' LABOR OF WASHING ABRIDGED
Di sesta So !Mirror yank logotkort with ivory thing in the 1 yur Rp. courp cbmacil sv ...
LiquixocCrease Extractor.
Iresela Ihenrdkr7 andlsos Goods lino. al containing I althea sal-sortai - akaido of ilmo, =pettifog.,
Sta p le Gooda , hartbOrn. nor any other aritete Injurious to the fabric, yet le un
equalled by an r other preparation. lir sediening. Misgiving and
Priatta, Oinghumt•. biesehed and brown Shootangs Lod i erttactlug crcri kind err:M.l'mm. or 101 l t in e i c e lis i thirt Ti n .
•- 8-4 Lilian Shootings, all grade? of Irish Linea, en. aolPu, or waellen,7:lh,icr Can belt the labor malted . in
311:6 , caal Shovels n t No 3 Reed name.
rne. '2 - 2 'tyros RFEI.
S OLI' shutting Gale Hinges at 0.3 aced House.
Erin. itet.•&, 1t63. RUFUS RLIED
COFFEE !1d 5 at N 0.3 Reed Horse, ".•
Rtte.oct. :r2. UAL RUFUS REED.
'QC:Creel—A goad issoriateet arNo. 1 Rand Ness. y
Erie. I /et an, WC. RUIVB REED.
CURRY COMBS. tXrds, and Brushes at No. 3 Reed House
1:tle. Oet. t 2.1903. RUFUS RUED.
I.feit *WTI n and exasalsetbetlneen istortaxot of Bay State
long and P.lloare shawl's ever altered In this market. which
you can parchafc air: very email per cent advance from New
York coat zt Ott. it. JACKSON &
Books and Stationary, !Very Cheap.
At No. 9. Brown's Block.
SITE have tart received or:v fall .coat or Bents. Sustiovery,
VV Blank Books. Writi.r lfdt, Poe! Maraud& and the
tetourand other n metes belonging to our trade. all of ,whleh
are ant lons I 0 tell. and for the rash their , eau be bought MIT
ulcer Trine , : in want wilt do well raft. Don't. Nit% the
No Ti. Brown" Block.
Why Dons You ROM
TI:'ST iccei red th e Ibllowing excellent
o Boor STOIC No. 9. Brown'. Block.
The Robbers %Var. A man In search oft WO.,
The Myst Ic VIM. Dare Ocrd Dick.
Ellen De Vert. Jack and his Bride.
Rebel Front, Ouptain Kyd.
Mlles Trcatenherr, Jack rade.
Pint Beton. Lafitte.
Modern Flirtations.
And naxacrcu. ether rood Ihd.oto, immycloo4 work,. dotty,
and rad inw, which are offered Cheap.
'"lt Saved His Life."
A yr)i.'7ii; man was very much enamored Of pawn . and he
It. lacked the unmet , to tell her hts•lettiti.c." Ile continued
to drop daity and hourly, until, a itiadftend allif.pered In bin
ear a cure, whereupon he called at No. V; DROWN". Meek and
got on^ .•t thow Y.w 1.. Ter.& %Vervain.. :tad Frond a earaldete
cure mtwo 'rho. nno are Ahmed cpn do Itkew ow.
gar we have a few inure left of Cie 'acne amt. , flon't delay too
Ion; Al.o • tteei Yea•, raper, Irk, Eat re:opcv, and , nme note
fat re , earprewly for that purpo.e.
Cookery Withsut A Muter.
I'FAV cows of BseekweDwsteOis Rweipt Book. ' the
vest book oat—warranted tote. a food weal without the
old or **Matas , ." when *property aml tea. To be had at ND•
11 brow et's Block. where mu also be Wad a lair kSol.disteat
tenth* Copy Books Drawing Taper.telf sesame rocolopes.
and a go cosh's of theme slice:wary Camay art tha.oa
To Tailor's and Clothier's.
A44VANTITY ofTalkiea pntern paper just recore4.--a
new ankle. never kept in the city belbre. Call WWI at
?io. V, Brown's Hioek—where you win 4,90 Pee a good assort
r °row, History. Biography Blank Books. Printer's Ink.
ail colors, and any quantity of theebtapest W.LL P• 461 yoit
tvcr .1w
Artists, and Draftsmen.
CIAN Aid goal assortment ef Dra*lug raper a.l sates and
V roll paper CIA% to &ay six requital by calling at tits C111.6.11'
PORAL *roast. xO.ll. Brown's Mott. togttber with bards of all
slies.*ehool Rewards for the etitldrct, sod a splendid lot of
Wrizoogr ?Av.", stifled WS aro airbus should bat approPlDlald
So Its Pro Pet use. Just Itaa at at ladles.
g °MESS and Corpenters toots.** Into assorliattlt. an,
4,f - ,. be sold at price. that will give vatiqi.ction.
Oct: A -23. ~ HLL.10:74 ir-.F.LY
___ .. _____._
LOCRS. lasi , the.. Butts. ecrewe, die. A large assortment of
abe ikt.ave a•ticir. rce.el red direct (Min the manufactory sod
m ill be wad ca osua 1 low by Oct. 72. SELDratt t ELY.
4(iORY Meal at
1.. Oct. N.
L! . CY TUE RiVI.Di S. Qui inhere Wlsetstooes at tie - stores or
C Jane 11, IS33,:4I.ZINIETT kCO
Oust:RAKell ' btOse morn Z v i - - ----
me ta, 1103.
H Jtl
An ay. to Obristnias.
lAM now opening a vp.endid assortment of 6 o d Waterer.,
reek Sevordry-and linty Goods . I 0 .I , u t the lialgdays, Gift
makers and °dreams asked to call and compare goods and pri
ces with Most who have such great bargain., and large
advertised in tag papery. 'l' M. AusraN,
ocuse.—st. • Opposite Orowe's Hersor.tftsde
lETTEWS'tsf Adethsiitratiou bacio been granted to
) the seer iben ea the estate of Shattuck
late of Greboalsowashtp, Eno Co., Pa., deesased. All per
sons indebted to the estate are requested to make immedi
ate payment, aed those having claims against the:estate
Brill fame present them for settlement.
SALLY IL SHATTUCK, 1 r Administrators.
-..4 a4l Waltzing Acaaemy.•
B. N. J. 111211.X.0041, -
MAW t.s :ism 0 4 •4.11 4 1Aby.{.. ut
It IT PH ER to announce to the citizens of Erie. that he is about ' S ............... ant 2.6.1 P. 1.... v.r.le 04$1111
VV Romani classes tor th e selfeast E.liriau.coscEter cl'es;Tsria-ved°ll"l--now t. the Mute tti to ' e Wand 'haw' et
11A1,4,„*tt the purpose of giving instruction in ail the toilful:3p.
tde Modes as now danced in the Casierti Cities. inetuil int 1)10.; I . oade,,, Ileacers, Karr! alma &WWI
Cittatlrtne Panting. Polka. Me.tcutkil. Redon as. P. 11. n de F. , .61 ... 7 4 1. t b i a . ; . a: K p .r.... kla r r n kt i w t 1 0 ie ck .: 0,17,d 0 , 11 ,0„, a
~. ~ L 7, ...,t e e h 0,i u,a.D. .
10,19.2124..ermatt ,abets lb two. three, tear and flee step.. and:
a number or tingle Oantet for cbitdren vli
ware an. - rn of Liet ze,-111 itI:FUS it Willa
se. ur Tuitiu..—Tue• , lB)• 01 rath heck . class lot Misses. ...._,--,,,
from 3to a. P.M. Class for Gellilelael/ from 6tu fl, .M. Mr. Z' " 'tee Lead VIPs RI
E. will also mire private les-Ain, sio4le, or to class. to Lad co Oct 01.-111.
nod ferratienten. at his rooms or 01 thus own re.idene.t. at v' Tiriar
Ott knives at 1i0.3, Rect rid 4.,
Waft not OceuyiNt by tlis•ei. il Ilk-1114.
parents way to au et•d tan the uitmottatttilliOn Will re paid t
in the rant t ndeaneetneut of *heti chidren. and strict regard to ti AA InAVAlitE.—Ottr stoetrof ,lard xate ts taritrand wi it his
ONO eitutsfort atid d port:mat. Nowa will be adutilleil with. 2014 51 style's that win give s ,e. Lit Lon.
out their naiad! repettrell t. 11.—Itt
- twt.rtmi * MT
eat, Le node to Mr. Kellogg at Tits roes's, or at 'fl/ 41. N '1 sz. D •
the lookrote of llurlin a. Sloan Mr. K. n lit furnieb Movie an
10 000 fluebeia Ono , . t., , t bushel. elms -eoet, 26a as.
Graes reed, 5, ~ , 2 Cl< set .'2. 2sr ,thleit kW
P 4 T 12113l ies o a n ., ll l 3 722 Gba d i alla k i t ; TV '', a 2 2r , er of It 12 ”. 1 .. for Gehtle• btanew l iharltrt pries, latish 2 ,Il I'2 1 ,,, '' l ' 2, , ~,,....,,.
es se - Ckesp as — Yi. ------ 1 mats. Three dollars per quarter co It !c5..01111. Iblltitiell. Ittl. ta,-141. t'LAISI a: & Mrs. tilly*P.P.
BE undersigned are now reeeiving daily ua4ssiosso s o . school to commence on Tuesday. boertabet li. u' 33, and to _
Tslosh already lugs stoat, bought foe Caah, at sm all s.. I COall nue rtait * hr O li thereafter n
Ott I uesda) a of meta week..
Erie. ttet.. . te
ly tow prices, for Nil and Winter Trade, end with ilea aso,
to owner to lie undersold," and en invitation for *tiff / 4o I
come sod see, we sobsenbe ourselves,
"your's respectfully "
Erie, NOV. 5 1853. EITIAREYT .1. GRAY. ~
November 6W&
- Joan.
LlTTlMlTestuesniary having been mated te ibe
sebeeribere on the estate of Patrick O'Brien, lase of
NimieretieTownthlp, Pa., dimmed. All persona indebted
to the estate are reqncited to mike immediate poloist,
and those baring deices amass& it will please t thorn
for settlement. CATILUDIE O'Bit
pAnnzmmamm;a l " .
so?. 5,11153
NVF. we point , ' up lirgo lets of tronstoue ehliTo. 14 pekes.,
o f ok V. We h• we the wow ecauptele lot in gtathvoste , 1...
to WM', and no nonottuteut of crockery Is our moiled WWI of , ":"
- tinhorn sad Godsy's Xicials : oe.u.,--21.
- ' likkgra o.ll, 6° 6 1 14 " ' irliv l ''''''' )u.l. the thi ' K ' l l , 4b A r N l E l4 :, 8 "y l i r i; n u t l i aj n . a nAtvid , a Het Cu . awl 1% in Lva 14 WI.: II( ri iii t• 1 . ,6,
X 1.41) 11l Mid 7 feel gads. i “elihr. lo , ...w..1.1 thump.
• .11 1 : ' I .*
-.----.--- .- -
a x4riesamosst reraimi as ON Cash Nu* 1 1 •••no.aeut.kupeL Tuelui. toot steel toot Hammen mad , Nobel. Mal. Vaimaar. Wood au.: WO riao...lor WV bi
relef • irt Oe• St KIM SLOAN. .Lsa Mod ball Claws at 0,1- 4 C ittniraurxe. • pat i 5,.../ Paajecic • gAlt.
i . .... 1 .
THE ottc.v7 r ctlY i• it 11. , Ottetteetoo. and thnt leli
liesfroer ci hu, ea hal , i rt leash j• rOiiquereil'—
eon s oi"P' . 1 I,.er rob wir firermeo of their btishtev
Sims:meta*, and ,1 k uta•., ~eo t ie opt r.t to .lil .; t (mei) (rave
Consurupt.o ll tilt he e,ted. A attuca will 1000 bear the thintr
that were: and I , aret , to or that fell direst..
that .0 Wien Lrfnps u 10 the 'Paula, el our land. rant.h. et 11
bt rote 'VI /WIN it I N 1 DT.
Thu,pleawtut nnr; fwfe remrdy Int 03 'Lt... trthenk.
doul.t the eheitoe*tniva
'Most emelcl.t me./ iC the ever o , Terctl to the putt te, and thou d hr
Lund}, et pecuolly torehlldteu
ecnonntly krpt Jane by terry
to ure tor cOI,IA.CoJAL.. &c. remarked. after havt,,u
beat Iwoattnke ,ti nteht tv!th 1,1 en,' *Jett, who were riel.
with tout.. that "the firs{ Tuttle he need wan worth a jive tfailar
roll to Ab„. , an d. re •der. it c c,:t 25 tee/teat end €3
would huy hazel ern ore
.1:11-4D 7'111.1 LETTER ,
Mr. 9,r. t ke.rtt+) , repn nrrreud your ettowirogrel
Puck to ore of the a illt.elea. At the euttze,
.;r n of \lf , ' , llrks ti3ntee.....l. of re, (0140 V.ll VC: ,
nth •.. ri rim used ibe - Loite, i ‘e / a en., t or I .• i i;
b e pr i y,,ehibirancii it sit-, Net el the I .nor. Ito tilt relteite4
tarnlatoat /t abo cored we of long -
1. I ro,to et'r.% I e eider iv h"..t end ettr•npert inirrianc
et, r lontitht to thr Pt!".011 , :n Orttut
N. V. %.3. r r.rt zr.R.
114031 MR VROWIV. or Ltr. MA
ce rtair% that I lots( t.:1:1C MC of I , C , ir.ompeund
Pilch threhre for r.! - .rut houtth. and found ituntodiate reit*
'1 herefore I e..00' 4 ref:co:mem . . it to (tie pulute a.r a role ana
.reign remedy.
Let. VOL thi.lS:tt. fICNP.V C. rt . :OWN.
k s ad this letter from Alderman Rios%
Mr. Devine—Sir; Dozeneesel , l well. and Kiva neser
nailarneiron for iI Punnon.,ry etnninaint- , In rink. t hardly
know of a care nbete at I , , Ecn n, ed. bni r% bat ;t tuar perOrui
ed a c ur e. I reennn.lend rt n In , rmn:C^_^rc: VOO as.ty Make
Ru ti le a )0 ,, 0, 0 06 l re:•er, fon t
Antthik v:il
Urnt unble medicine.
-, I? /NG.
I , I"CCILIbff tr:o.rkon.N
-••-• , Trfir.s 11,11 W COLD:, ON Tilt
`'• , l7 Yort. Or t. 2.. 1.31
Mr 1),,,,,,. t)t..: Sir. !1 . .- `" rl "17 14 .44f - .1 r•:11160Mtlar I
1141101 you Ul3 0...1(t..0.01,0...1,0 P,;:, 1,,,,.112, i ~,,,,e, ruire ,l
VW o , a very !Ulf Oki I tITC had CII !..y 1 ,t,g... lo t ; -3, a , i ya ,e. 1
frlt ti. cacti of lb m ID n.T.CiI fev. Itclr; .
A D. • liPqN . .10ttetcni•to4iSi RfOadt. 7)
I'. 5,—1 haver,' ...4 ' mute; .. cv r 11:Zettle 10 r. Ittli•tbef Or my
friend. mho,::. •,;,..1 ',
.1,,..1 it s vl. pet% cf it - In We hivt
e.“ term.- :',. . A. P. 3
, ' -."' il '
SUS/:,/,,_ _ . 1 , , I_ , T.'IL TOLI,OWING
liar gin ~,y,... I ;74 . .. -,. ~u • loch Lozenge for the '..a..t
ihreetnontli , ‘• c, . :,,..,,,,....., t,,,t . 2 ,, !. toect •
w ith a ready -ale:
and Judging f,,,, c, • ,
r -, 4 tn , ,t - r. ' s ' , ,Dose-wao have used the
in e,i,ein,,,,,.1,1,.r, ' ' 4 .", -.I t ~I t l'. ' C ren.edy iOf the 4kacuse.
r ot vrhio , a it r , :oi i,f i l l i, ti. -.u.. I' k . ,I , YI :a the confidence of
the public 5 . ,7, - 44 `till(rlli. & ~, I trrif .Metehattc
PtUze:, \:-.- -.1 , t 1. 1 ,1,, ! , .'1! ,
In :111 , :1, 7" e ~,i1. : 1,1• ;:o, t 1.1, E - t sotorvr rt...P11 . 1 . ;if
drths ca Cite 1 , 1. ' •i' 7. rt,L ,, , ~,,,,, I'. -,, cr for putt , I! , the
pie cr blz'... iO, ' 7 ''go . " -. ~..,"nt.6:111) o; cc - cry ;,...rt of
ttiesiattm. ,‘, ,', u. - . 1,,, 1, 5 ...7 rt ' • L 17 . .2 , 1 ite!;‘ , the platen: ;Teak.
hrs. nod ce , .',..” .0,. ~ 1, ~e c., c,eh boa
. It}, II 1.4.1 - .1: e_ ~ !'J , l'rOpTiMOrP ,
~ . A..tiO , Trel,:cnt Tcmple. h - I :n
To whOm cr lc: , ihO . .1. ! v.: ^ ' !re , :c: C,rcu'ir,.. all.' car.ts
tent with or,lcr. 16 irr• ~- :...
CAILT.LR & lAt.4-14.11•11t:t. - +liitill' i : f:r”.
'Aly , - -1. 1., 114:1. - , ,,, y .T 4., : .• Atrt,t, for Itelllo 3114 ,rein
ity _ ...c' I t-' ly tit.
___ . ...!; . ,:. '' ,7 -,' a,_.r -
,_ -- : - -- ;,--
, 1 l'Z'f i c_c_, - . J . 11, :,: 1 ~ Rlr: 5f,,
, :li , !,.
~; i : .at, , ,...-n:c . f. I , IT PO
• li,.,ll).o:..,•ibc,ltuu.rart-LIYITIIIo.Ct - ,- aotal.e.
, crur,
j f IE
Oct. ru. '', 4, : - er ' cA el r.P.. & TIRO.
t , Xi BE WA.11.?
1I• -,.. ,:,, , 01. , -, - ,,, vci r , •,. rchtung tote I tt.-. • , r...,f
I au r v inioSit. tiii4. l l - .01, 1, a •-“, g" . - " •
Vie ait ir•C,ldtilttitat i t c...t,„‘Sp. "Cr.' . ' h - o , at: set ani
5.. ,II 1 r tormlrrita i;),'I'.; , :1 1 , , :i - c,",,, , c. , ~ c f.:O. r (ton , ‘‘ .!I; hi;n -.-
ft. . a ntricc , Uqi.'.,•,,:.::•-40fr....^•tt,.1,t, cr,th the -I:tepflare •
if, ~,
,n , r „...1,-,- - r: vi0 ,,,- bri•
. .,.1 .- ). Sir* cr Vi: U. cc.e.. will
- I t.
n ..0. ~!,., 0t . ..4,t cr: ',''. ~ , ..i:i.,,, : , ,c , ~ urn, - - 1 - •,!. , . , :v1 fnr
11, ,, rr •y ;;0,., i '., - 1 t ',PI • 7.1, '• , 11 , , ,, . letr: :11.e' Co , 1 ,". • coil
at u.....r 41:4,,,, 1K . 51,1 ..e !, , .:r,, liaNr. ,• ~,,,•,,,! :.likn7 ready for
a Ilry,e! rte. n , .1107,_...."-!-11,-,,,,V:ir1, 't N: •.te•i r 1.1, : c0r..t. , clatent
Aell hare {.;/ irsl :- Nu!' , • . 1. , -"'":.".•• I. " 1 1 '....c ?C** i asII P
Kier. r. 1/ 1',..:. L,, .7 ~..,. ~•
....,.: r. , 1 - ..'.:q I'm rcrra , , ber
m-amer . 1 - .:c. ha.klL . t ke
r•IP. Fe; t I'l - 47...6 , " ', df. 4 ., ,, i+ ," KT: t7eT k V VLI,ER.
ilAi.ii'? : : -'l : i i , , -,,, ;'r . : ----:: , 4 , --. ,4. 7, ti . ..7 . ..iv -- : - : ; : •, i ' laTrat. %atnT4l.
1 ,- I' ':-.. N 1 ovtgi, 14, Kit s et •:. ',.. -r. r.t... at
~... , . "S • ' •• CA - ARU a: sAITos.s . •
( lICALLS..-1.41n. -_,. -,;, - .,1. - 1 , i• - - -,r-nuumileffilirce I 7 . 4TP
% et.II , r , 1 • Witt f*, :.1-1,.4^,-v-Ir.n.yltli•riPt r
, '. ; c:U• a "1i,X,V5A1nk , ....- - .X"i • ix, :‘,--_. I,l l Vrtiati -1,,;:z.
1) , •,,ftw '"%s' I,•tiosc nre
z•I I,^L,t,r,t'v: rcr el,. eittott t!.c in2n
arlctarr , 4 • 1: • ; &C
n Web cq, ~ V ,I.LitS bLY.
4: q.t. tie
1..1 t• _ k t A
. nititify44 . 3..;_•C . . dplE:,to i , .tnt
jact i '.. h : 1......: :1:g11N .. .A.r_: , .. L , , - ; , , , c . f i l; :
, c e il ‘t . !, ~ 1 , 1 e
2 1 ,
~ , ,ea e
, ? , ! .. ; ii i I ,
ie f -
1 ; 4061.- .. . 3- ,'N -c , :,,, It. 3. rrL r , - ntl Yellow
~,.. r i , , , -,
~ , 1,., • .:,, (1,.. ~ .. 0.0/111d
hew rcr., 1" ,. ,,r,/,; ..'• - ~, , „ c ~ \ V,,, ~,,, 1.,,,,,, uo.
Rn% nui: :',.. n. - . , 1 1:1 ,- • ~- ~,. r ..e. - ,-, r,- or TuT, , ....tine.
11,0%.41564.3.‘.(7a , „i.t 11 - .1`, , , , \ -.,.1. l'aoltnud V3r111,13
linton.l4Ati arstr- f- y w. wc. , tv , .. t th. lovresr .*-1 , mite. at
. liteTtAt & 11FLOTIt ea.
iNV 4 .1.1
I 45.7-
Tr ••••••! 1,4 , • •
Scot 7.1 f . —.4
%; • nf
I.rie. Scot I 4 , 33-I,:i
Maings.4' it
Itird OW. /lin
mirpost at
rair. SCr
1. - "`Mpaill!.ClliNit sit*: r, Sr
Li Aurivt @t. Irts:,% CT r.ritut,‘ I r t of v - 1111.1r ,
hurt rrecricl"ny Cues, N.)
\ right's 1111(; A- Cr STEN'
The Nort. American Gntt 1 Perohri Company:
knt offer ,tie n , :c V,rlol' Of clothing
itc.,ll from H. , ift%
New s )I,E.R _CV!) ri.
Goull4 t, nc..rn
Ilthm :tut 004. • f,i t-12 . 0 - Or.r. t,?‘ vi.src,l by f ,t! )
CC , . :11.11 _ _
Will not ph:conteose or berme Sttnity, -=
to mg,' of alI qualities : r 7 , etpertnre , dzet I , ..candi t h a nd
The 37. very C IR 141; 1 1 ' ,n , 9C, ,r -,, ant Or: :- a
E ^.l- Le - et , .. 01 1 Dmvo! , eO. re:4 l.:. Lc.t, ,:. ,r, ae, re 41 t.
Stumm w:-We of Ca Perca . ..fither 1., , hls eau nuy cr - Irtve, owl 1.,,.;,., ot o r2n, r.,,,53e S TER RETT it GRAY. ',
ere t • , - -- W
-- -
arr :nit.^3. to. star..t all Cli.mar ..s. " New Goods Again.
Attiong . ;',• s., .. :0 :.'...... • • ' , .- It , '•l'ae• i A '.l ran • . C") 5 .. A LA. •W r:i -', '% ' 11 -, ':-. coat. s. .:, beef
117.eateg J..: itt ..- .)It ::. IX. .•:-, • .7' • • . • '- , .. (,,,.. C. ~.,,,,., 1! ...0 4 3;1 I MEII.. C. I a .••••'l.•.e nslncr• ..c".e . ty
01,,,,a,•;,,,;;,,, ~ ‘,.., r..r./I.•Wer 111,- ,711,....,.. 1•.• ^ 7 Porn ,:,.• co--10. c o d c• ..... 5 . Wien ..., , C il Co rt. L. ii ` - elti , tl 4l )
Hall*. Peneli ••• I •••••• r . 2 , ..• . Loa • 1t..,-, •••• •...t . ' iJi
...., k ~. , 1 ,-, ene „t. so ~ t h e . _4 . . • . 1.. 0 . , 1 4t/ cL r \ • , - :RIC fdli
Cups. Alel .t
p . c,..,.: , ;atts,, ft.:4, ~ ,:•,-,.,„ , 1„4,.t,.., , 1 t, v - r , r) 1 ,„" . .,,,t j r „ t „.. ~ f i.,.., t A ~ • c:• L.'., . .. I rplyk•••••-
fr•••• • wi th t• ' I I :PP. Cu •.0:. rrt 0 ,II or. 7 4 , `!fn ~ II 4. ~ 5 „ L I , . • „ std r"„
cffeAr 4.r;) r '4 I• C I rt . V I , `E r PRI-cRI• , ' I.- -
-+, I ..n. ~ ticrastrtc,. t., let. pc, -. r, ,t 1 ~e.,•alient. t.... 3. at it
Made Cipti, , lN I, rii , Ow , • •••• • -on _I. 7 •,.. I.t r'• i. v• , - I Cr..• ,y,2llyrcl,
AH of 'a fins-. nit.l ,1 1111:v + 1<:0 r: t .en, out,: Iv ... I ~.r.t Um 0:7 ',. ~,.1. S-. -
_ ____ _
006 MOW 1,., . , Ile p t 1,, , ,•, 1 - ,I. „ 0 , 7 ~.-,,. ' '.... JO tiN 1.. 11,10111,
Wfttehonse, 80 Cedar Street- • Ji-adiE.s . Dr 441 GOOds.
. ow ..
Vel!ers, ID 53.• . , (~,i e, t.:: at.: ~,•••:0- t. , ,•xaras,,e C.C•C I il i , ~,,...„ . , „ „, I tad rm j.0 t .,„,,,,,,,,... 4,....7, :.std ..,,,d Br i
grids , belicv lll. 'l l, . `.. 1 I` " 7 /.' "It •-• r ' ,'' r• I ucl . 7, , •tto.: J,; a• -,.,1 Er; . ,11 4.,ir if.. ti..o P. ,us ti .. X' •I' s a*.
to anythshe the,„
:k ~ ~. C'. I •. 4'. ors!! V, I t'.. fr.e 4.C.„ lifi lift CI 5-...5.1 111 C ~: ~ .c' 1 -- 11. C.
11rdera,1133i,, r.. - ' -1 . , ~,,,, • .1,1 at ~ ' ~.,, C” -n . 0' ,
1 rm. At; -1 1 .. Ecr:-. , • 't tV11,1.1 1 8 1 Tr Itlf:i: • •' C. i...! 't I. ; I 13 5• • j e
t ' R Evlthr".. Pit ~ , L C. 1 I. r I - -
. t li :l r ra I. 11:•1 ..o•‘ 1 4,, - O.', ta, - I ,,; ,: . - -
I reat.urer a. a -,;,.- '
.' ...- -. '. . So, t. It. ~, • t II t.
tAlliErt Peen, C.:30,., - 1 . c._ 4 I '' '''• • ''' I '. ''' ' , ; : i ''' . ----- :-... .----- • - --,,....- - -.,- - - ---
..1.4 sues, Pop li n', he ~1 j • 0 ...../..-4 .5 1 'hS(EN • . P Q 33 WDELV(4OO 1) ti I, 1
_ _ __ . - - -
Sat tford Piro 2.u7nranco Oonipan*: , TIBLALS d. IIAYEn ar, ;,,,. ...i..,‘‘,L. , -t:_cir stuck , .{
OFFICE. NO. IL . STATE •-ci hi IA . II Attirrs:Ri.. 0 \ ;.4. Fall I,veUo from ta.e cattoret : i•:o , -, T.• . v 1 1 • I CCiIIA.
I'c.oßron,: k r,63., tnt. I .taner ;.I.rpet 17 l• Anthc.rtst .1 ' eta ,in t jet: of the unsurpasred faoiliti..s Otey 1308,41, ill
I. &twat,' V.-50,w, Ann- -• . ~ k :4 , 1 . 1.ZZ . el: , ,5 , .. 1, Rea: 104
.tearehn.:::: zois in tt,c ca.;,rn tunts.ct fi..1.,,:'51, auctions.
remodel or - ti. 017, of all 1 . , .t • ' •:f , .1• T .O " " '...: '''''' "" 11 . importers and romatfacturerf, that (boy ear nr.i a . ..! fell at
t,tl,nst„ o
BOAlt II tir n; ,t Er•Trat-r 7. I 3 prme• than any COCC3SCI IR 1....• 'Valk Li. line C.ty. We'
. H 1E7%. rt‘n, -,,. ereei.;ent retpectfal;y solicit a tan frlnT, Rll Wil d :Li c ; • ono „•: goy
• • 'SM lin). • • `thing in our line, and ire hold oureeleci in reedit:leas to
t„ , %lq 0. i roduc: Ito evidence, no we 1,,m p the dos.,.,u k ani., co b l ind,
. tot fi r Nee.. . ',hat the ab• i o rtateruert is rr,;• t„, the vc i. : - : et .,..,.. ,
f"..1,-, , `.r.t. R • \
A E ITU-NI lR f is, eve'. Vce havv this day received French 3lerinc of English ie.
canzerornis. (7. LYN! t'4, As -.
.tt 'ee't .yra,.l Dsla inc.!, tog-Aber with printed do, e.: well as Utnase- ,
. a 1,14 i 1". ACCell L . A.:, P., I line de Pate. Crape de Paris, tie.. nil of nb'ci. are of the - '
it. or , ~ • t*. Ibtii 'ill - I richest fr.hriet or.d trust brilliant shades-and 143 t, Ism
_ ', ,:e'rst, of the vor,y latest agony cf ,;.c..,, ~,L . , ii r ,,,,,t,,.
Perfumery for the Million. - 1 Erie ' Oct.4 . .
. _ -
i rha r i
si•ECTFUt.LF Inform ihe eiripr• of sarle AD , / vieet,lty.
I hare retired lhe t.A he L.IT 3,,d CI.sT a...mine:del , Map OfF.ll@ County, P*. - - ' •
EnoM actual rnassuretnent nu 4 su r vey throughout tha '
Neoax/gill:l4El ll '3e i, ever created s,. 11,e. It; -tushte/meller ,
led tl County'. to I:3 trait by Isaac ‘1 ‘ 31. , 7.,,, pn.eti v alsl l .„
JUL E ,S 11 A 1," E L ,C C' 1 .% . , , *e'er and i'. E. from Phltadelphia. The subscriber* will •..
or soir.. 0, , , ,. i.xtret .. 0 I „.„.,,,) ~,,,,c ,, , i „ ~,,,,, 1,,,. publish shortly, promded a aulactent ntualter et siabend.
(weer, tine. Peter...toed to make a re• . ..,ctiza is. the I :lee of , era be . obtained. A new and cramp . _ re map of Erie voen
perfumery. I reereetNny anti:a a ell! ir-o, L'IC P ;bin: I tr...-c Ee ; all the pu b lic noads anti the locations tor public. war. ,
purchasing elsewhere. Cold at 1% box; IC ;It a tea rgair. . ,
;hip Post 0..0e5, School !lenses, ,:cratty Soma, ask, e
Roe. Sept- t .103-.17. 3; _l l 'e /.--4 _ll ''
public Boum, Sinitb Shops, Whoolwrighto go, ac. Are
tu bo tearked the names of the propel ty holden genetraplr'
• iulLt.. - T Smelts Thant who wish tt...:e the largest atsurt ., -
uient. and rrOe i ty al e t Y. St IoW P '''''' of Ul It ' Tc4th a " (inelnaine• those in the county who subscribe In &dialog;
Cloth Bru.hea sell! C3lllll CART clt .11t IIROTH RR . •
Erie. Sept. te. 15113. ~.,. ' fra• ti,e amp) are also to be Inserted upon 'he' , pinata bat
- - -- - - - - - - - tlte Foyle 01 t:le mop of Waohington CC.uuty 2k.rew Iredt,
TO HOUSEKEEPERS• - whicb may be Inn as Browns Hotel , tztro ~,t he pried-.
r VIII: place to find an casorttut-nt ct rune rthaery, anne'..e
r3l towns and v.ilages eh . larger scale, vita bat Irdlealad IR
skill La 0-4,c , s .1- , ft .stittable was*
u4 .l. ,ii K n u T it ecapoo es. s C rix) : .
e.u a r K .ilits e ;o l . v e es, u ol o. lf s e i,m oie o le ‘ d .: a r i;:l .i, ?:l l ' l V ., ll , l . SmlelVaett..l::; i
ballad k ettle s . Claresi ~,, .t.,,,,e. Tong. and '0 at to make a large arid "tram : , 1;11 I.t.ttp. .To Ili es
('okem. candiciim " .6flui r„„ a „ p r a ) ., ~.a e.. fWI wti,;_ht;. ' ;raved and delivered to subscribers
,handsomely eitilitite4g•
spring natant . es. a.e ,is at N.. 3. Reed 110 ~e. I
1.. .
I.••tß,_. an , ' mounted for era &flan per 1. , 1 1%
Erie, ()et el, test Ra . 0
Lavg. &w
Low., Rays xl , ll de 7 ca v. and ~,, Let . II Ittnd4 of G. 310.1. P. AN.
House trsturulogs arc being aoll at low I.•ilet 01 t
Itirdwasegtore Oct V. R.R.ELDax 1 tR3
books at the ethear
James CAssris - in
Charles Coerce
Henry Kersey.
LT Alike is the Pe - pling Feo.
Feb.2o, lb=
i:OFF k 4AICroRD'S
AT, Call and theoeila ttiadd, a ncx 250 "af
plaid and two face , ll , l44Unwt . (Min St 5.-14) 101 se
Nate, PassStre S.:3le and W3tAlr:ettili. 311 1
.171. see eosin, the 7 are just the 'Mo.; fir lhll.. are (7,lleap
Oct RE4U. TM , t 1 4 a it V. yl
S k:N Nan' & CO
pluLt..lN'b Arca can' aI. c , •ght :..r E3l. and w.. f ranted. at •
it Oct 'ft' tutus
BUTT Kit and CLeetc / g icr. at
Oct. tn.
T the sew ‘..tockery . ritore—wattavial,kno h:en r etietta art•
other large lot of richly gilded ea on. ranry Copt. Ltinialeh t
RC" '• Globes. al Incr.. Vases, and the tartest br,4 settled assort.-
etrir:A Root and ner,sa et./
Raaud Stripe. ' anent oftlllass Wawa that has anther, been oereret nos e n *.
— Jaconett end Jaeoneta .114,Inis.stripe and tiar'd Berms Mulls. We are prepared io we - beater 11.. rpm' in our line af 'rad* thaw(
tshooon.nlain and dented can Ltree at I any other Wnse we I of New Yo: h, au t me,te t a jue
vet tea J ACICrU:thP anti.-e. to tali and be aatittled. erCla ker : 1 tt cj,4 e a variety cout e a yal.
Ott hand, and will be sold in two,. to .tti I.lPClaluv , a.atr4rice
4, 'thin the resm of all. kteuteutter htun Nutt. Nu 4. Noma
block. 1.41 , 4 KtN\t ily at. UMW
I,n • ( ,
No 4
- • --
• ..c••
„ • kave.%
0.11 Med.eal
..,‘}c [TIE
try ilkryt:l9•-)o(fßy
- V
, -
I -
- 41sil by lies eta IT, ups. the ta..L. I ../. u/ JP.. I r••' Wt it a., irr
asai. stems /,e; s/4 a osd thsre . : et thatej nett Miler
moot and 144 Gat Lests4J..r .as ~..5 1 ."
Sere was ff..; e for lilt loiCk and 'very yen
adds new proof to Use avvuraace 440.4. t..e.e
. ..mopes Multi DOS
**medley' vele:tee discovers Mid tiesisttoies the reatedbee
Lure Magma. obe by One, the disc, en Mat ahilet on, rove night
14) Use control Watt Oran thr mull Wes U.S adder from, nose,
boscarried mat sic=LrpitO an tilill ll /Cil grave wan , :m.stusrp
doe of the La. dub jolood we rye tome evict, be • Itiat ibis
too may be cured. wad WWI Pulmonary "..Usuglitlnbr, in sit theft
tunas. way be fililViedrby t. Gerry Vecutrat
Spoee will tut permit n , to publish here any pf.rArtile of gm!
et.M• it las ..f..eted. but the Ages' below nsureS. win fur it!.
.rurefre.dar free, whiter:a a 1 full partitudart and Marble
proof of these facts.
tiniferere rend nIIJ judge for yourtedireo.
lull I.N t.:NZA ANL. WtIttOPING cot;
• N ...Alit. Tenn .1.0616-4Pfit.
S , r 4 / se tcycaletli) wed your Clletry reCiataihtf
tug caugb and nti. ,ruza a n d 11,1 , 1 d 1.0 ilg.ltatiu. tit prustoopettl
at a eu.apwa. rewetty EL/10 w wyCh ,1 4 , 40 i , C tea
alio do:set:lC. II ee uxta the has •livs .1)1
'adittc...d a/otos: tu.L.,.t JAM tti,t)lf
We lIII.CIa the maw ...I we ember?.
y. Luttsg Nash:llls Whig
• J. Id. ZIM3rI LA* sT. tobttgler.
FOR ft I...oh:at:lle I Stir. Cttl./.•(1.
P.rtstmoto, P./., Feb. 23, 1141.
Dear Sir :—For three pears I h r. e bees ocu,cl.: vnd a cough
so dbareubug tn... 1 ircquourty thtitlirret oP • Km , en, ; tomb of
r m aster. wag i Zzi IU. 111 I.litat to La) CAW'. RI
would use atoll t 1.0 I dun 9. Haws% titled
511 „, reo,,,fies ettattatt Maul settee. lal List Criat oir t er 424en i
reetarat %quell under peovideue.• asveutrd
am wino gratitude lours:
This it artr r rte numerous cures of Asthma rebid; dor bees
nocredsted to holy Pattota.
N Y.. Apr,•, IT . 1041.
Dr..lyr.r Lowell. Deur elr 1 Law, no team ace r .ftheied,
still Astlitna in the worst (VIVI. *0 that I have ts4.'.. null spra to
*lee? Is my tdr .gaffer punul tue to.w. ;nerve umbra
L reathe go Loy bed. I had Id t wee(
vied:epic...lo no
Pulitit my p4yolciau cot Hued. as as Myrrh:mot. )gos
. teary fedoral, •
At test at veemeti ‘ LO lutihu uth Wale: MA an less than a o
I began se cif/entree We wool Et Lt.ty ii.erLIIC: if 'or tuo
now, tat four mech.. 1115 disease is entirely removal. I can
steep clay bed orb b comfort. and e a vta.e bean ,
lead ti e ter expected toenl,n% FAXAST
C0ur.w.310.1 n 1 Forwardwg
__— . .
F. _ :la Firesides: of AmAdolf CO4eg4.,
I.WAttli lii I t.:llCt , t ..11.. 31.
tale Li , . D. .4.e
in "
J. C. Ater. Hir • I brae used yourrry Pt.:tore! ray
on:: raft:or deep-v.:le.; broncneto, And•asu ,et..nta. ii...nt its
ebeinve 1 tens:ay:ten. roar It ~.•:: ,d,:•mt,te compound toe me
relict ct la} ugtul uuti brutten,at dtftle. , .:tu.t... It r,y Oyipit.m. as
i., Itosapetior cliarrteier elan be ~1 ativ rect . ice. iirii am et War
ty 43 uve it:is you tilittit jir4Lc.i• !..!,,A'Atili I;;ltatuct K.
otincret.sept 1.2 !e. . •
Among the. us her V dt}tingllistv,t. authorities lotto hit*
I:nt their names t rczoMmend Thi - ptcperiaino ei the but
known to them Cot the abettor:Ls clAtto longs, two :
Preattlent Pea IL.", Vermont Mtd. .:one?c.
Von. Cti icf J , t-tice r; ku , y • :. , .?. 'Mc ..e.'t C. • , 44-1 -
I'to I Vareat,ne 5; 0.1. Nit It
Prot Cle.ert aw l. M. d . Colter - 4
Pr:A. nu:ter:nu:. otot:Ctic4c.
Canadian Jontnlti o lOoteal Itt , fleto
Ltogon Mee. et. nure JOorusi., -.-
tirtrict-tor :S. C Mc titer Norte.
• New Jer-e‘ Medico , noperter ,
1131 lien:. 4,, , t• - ,ienaler. 11l
lion. .co P Mai,n, Ant. Ausla,ituer lc. 1 t_rkey .
V i
tkii. Citint.iiti litticic, VtisiCent ot eirili•
ILL. Rev E. Li rt.‘er. Loft; klann of 'I toOrilo. I
Rt. Rev BOYSIC: , Neese. of the . let:. tilns. lattittn.
Arebbhatop Putt:64cl ei sc to I :al. tibia • •
Alto n 1 .n} t tatucn. ;.crEf.,..le , n , Yznct.tit• eorr ;riq - . ..
Not only Li tile More tiatigetuili arid
s° d.islirw•t•ig lien- etc
1 Lunge. Gut 14 as it rii.uly .. e eerier, ~• iz4 ere' . .is
Ittelinfesi. pleas entest and Graf in \1
woe . ~.
to rr T. , 1 , 1r i c......; 10, ' , it •1:3 .1-, a ~,,,.
Bold tot rie byj N. kit;rion & t. 0.; iu!ii - ic!. Cato by 13. C
' Town & 4;.; .1 iiir^:,.l - .r _A. W;I: o
i: e *.
rc i ::0 - 44t-stn4,4 W:e
iiecatima,u,lii. t t ttturlstli every
1 I7(SUNt. Hroo, ti arms. l; - .:;eria: r illnP llkre3A ,
Tr.:. 7.1 r:t al , tr.. ;•• N rtißt , 'S.
- - - --
TICKING•i,Firloci Eithdur?..iorcr: Clucks, Lde . 31 i.. : , .N . .i
1 1 J;.a:c It, ...12-4 • rii"
LEAF A P of a I i 2 j r:..72 e 77
. .; 2
5 - - --.'`..-, ; — 1:117: — ., t•, 2.i - 6 - T i t - Zs: . 1„- - , t i ; : : : b ,, ! it b ‘ l, , l trirt sT I.t,
9,i:unity et' T ei may s l , e fazad it •V• f
tl ra
37j cam" ptr pocnup. Jatree.
F 10.1 want a goad a 'licit. orVotite, canal. aOll3Ct ewe will
lane 25. W p. aiw.alirearr,
t(1 r—tecocram Ir. Tempt ust.rfaetarie , `or sitseßezp r t
Juae W. 47! :•:c,s'?
n Pounds Cortft.h 111., •Xia,,t r .ri Ti and N2‘tk
400 k, eralccuroaatly cou It tod at ls.'" '-*• r
WI.. ,; Ewlis
/ 00ro t ; :A ll Itt• """
A Y:i i ta t e el'4' Yi - 564' 1.1It____ i _se wc's
(Jet lot UN iTti & STUWAiIII , 6
Irlitr-.s Trywoiogs, new sh.:,•it It.
15 Ott 1., rovvrn & sTI;VCAISI 4 .I
I,`NUL.I4II, Aruertcan Fre nc,, i ' aid...4i
" Ott 1,.... rtY I l'il t. ST' - Wi.Rl••3.
12(17if1.414WLanz. &e, to . n hrfr is as.
ebetp.p.r ,rat b 7 BOOTH is
1.• .0 3 ch,oice fla•
lic. prepare:l
rolterilerr RA Victo•,: t<,9 , ett.c.c..taitTear . rt film and
k, Sa a Is crati t.tuct• at I,
•i/1111)1 \
ti CNN Pi &
1 4 1 17 A N r.Le. Frmge. :41,1 /
chajte fur Mowine goat , .
F fie. 11117 r , 51 . •
G(,1)V1 , .. rinzhnit, n. , I , qt r'!l' , 4. -15'4' ••9 7 r- in 111.,•oeneet
Bleck. nn the e%cnitent VS/1y tr. 0 , 4-I . _
no, At ~ ct WPV.R.Sce —1 n..... f, - 4 • 11,1-n. t' , 4 , ,wr ati
D Iltittania by Nlnv 2Z..5-1-2 , J ll H Urn • , S lic Cu
LiNtsr.t.:l, co ..:-- Ten , ~:re., j...t teeet.cri from ithio. foe oli
ehev by the 1, - trtel qr R - titer. ts% .! Jfl Rett ..r Ilt 0:0.
IV ^ &
r twat , store
A c. STi.VENS.
PAINT.— Thn.e ...t.1).1.1t to hoy iota tine! Oils Wilt dr, vreV.
10 CM I 411 utt. a. wt. cx•.,e.i !cr
Erie. MO*, .53—'2 - J F . rtriTefit & Cat
LAIR ( a t.. by the IQ • rtl C.• of in pee kw. ;ynam. Pot
sale 3. Ma, BITUTON &OIL
C ARUM.: t 1~14 6 , 0112/01
r. L. }7+. y J. Ii 1;1.7RTt.,:k. LQ
VtiAl Leaf. Lpehor , .. Pt ri, 0 , 4 le.l Of Raw
Luc, Iht.r, very km imsbc-i•s•ti.
9 , AP Borers
1 June 4.1-31-3
For she Cstre .r ,
Non Gott
f HEAT Ulan fin mica'
Ott, St .
T. - 4ff in tie laar.ltaia te., for sale ni
1 4)et.111. - Gt iur a thvireAurs,
&mutt del.vered at 'GUT htiZoot2 t tt:t - u14'0..` 611 refahht ,---
Oct. 131- ti. , ii , a dA'S Ft 41W.
UE"O . S
Pub's. t '
Gorr a aO4