RLIN .r SLOAN, PUBLISHERS. OLUME 24. s INESS DIRECTORY IRA S. GRAVES. ifinufssetory or the corner of The highest Men will f.e paid .:.~- ~ r_ BROWNEL. ~-t , z)nth the 'Alblie Square. he s I" , scb Streets, Erie, Pa. TTPEIIKENSSWES FOR 1 DOLLAR. E H. &BELL. Rooms irrer the Erie Bank, *nth Erie, Pa. the best sty% of the art, sad warran- T D EDWARDS. C,:c . .:rtt.oa at Law. • rIRT/111k Pa. Pro. and ." , ileetions will moire prompt NiM r.w,:l cauctissioa . .Ifirtbants, fourth :. of :ht Public Bridge, Lie Pa. 131}T, Piaster, State*, Fish, Uwe Irm:;.'„Nails, Stoves, Caesiep, 80., with : je if-...,1cs for sh.t pint either by sta. bayy , •.- -Ler , ' L I. by ON GRAHAM, :. , • , aLLia AT LAW, 01101 on Froatllt St., cf tho Park, Erie. W M - 60RE, Prc , itions, Wines, Liquors ' Canthr , ., i: . 7 ''elCW Booth d Stewart'nStaie-rt. 13 - c r .NT, HIMROD & Co., Hollow Ware, Engine:, Ma- Car!, etc., Stara St., Erie Pa. :F 711CTFRII OF G. LOOXX3 & CO./ ;• Watches, Jewelry, Saver Spoons, Musi- L.,,king Glasses, lamps and Fancy s nJ, retail. H JARECKI., • ni ty. wef.t. sole of Stata-Strest r Erie, Ps. • L S: TIBBALS & CO. rue rro or WaLtizt +t 11113•14.) aadSlaippiatiMerehaats, and deal. :.r. as, rath,`6llt, Water Liam, Plaster, ,Pc Padcarit intended for onr care , - .T B, GUN'lsi-18-45N, it'atlo 'Mt ni 3 Montbly XnEnsines,. Mop uSic, 'ewspapers, Gold Pans, Pock :. Ftsot Coos et oft* Aced House, MAL 1300111 • - STEWART, Ectad Dealers in Farley and staple Dry No 6, Poor People's Row, opposite it.DELL KEPLER & CO. 143 ti Iron Fence, B.iling, Steam Boners, rs Fird Praof Shutters, andsll kinds of Mu Cattin e m &c., done to order " CIRK & METCALF, z_ i mind deniers in Dry Goods, Cirpets, - le,. So. 1 Roed - JOHN B. COOK, . • t Fancy Dry Citocii, and th, eatsst Tn. :^re in tha city, Chop side, Erie, Pa. -• STERRETT & GRAY, - - and retfill Dealers in wet and dry Oro .. ns. Produce. Farina's:tend Domestic Fruit, _ d Stone Ware, Flour, Sis/s, Sal; Glyn, Reed s.iatety Fite, ia,&e,Fsetsch .o House, Erie, Pa. Lal Boats, Veseels, Hotels, and Pri: I with arty of the above articles ry cheap, - V3r - S LANE, LLOR at Law.-0 a over+Jacksam's • ,: , rner c f the Public Snare i! iii CKLEb; KEPLER, ~ • Ltr,bcerios, Hardware, Crockery, ec. ;tsar—trees, Erie, Pa. BRANDES, at his residence on Eighth and liallaad, Erie, Pa: _.;FORD & CO., Bank NbtiPS, Drafts, Garttfeatas - : zacimage cn this principal eithia • tLrr in Beaty's Block, Public HLiION STUART, - -::—Rctid,:neo on Touch ;tract, oZoa ...:..'.scary Hall. LUFUS REED, acd Anacrinan Hardware and Anrll._, Viceagrort and Steel No. -r - ''; ELL 1 7 17, EWN. tT 7 f -77 , 7. - 7 - - . r.d. Retail Deaden in Dry Cio:rdr, Ciro • c;.asaware, Carpeting, Hardware, iron, ..'...icea, .i.e., Empire Stores State Street, -w pr3wn'i Hotel, Erie. Pa. q , , Bell..rrr, gale Arm., Spri,:, - ;.:. and a ... 1 4 Saddle and Carrier Tnmmittne . _ ___ _______. -..- .'.I.ERVIN SMITH, - . lastlC, of the Peace, and Agent for '.. • . La, Insurance Company—Office :ore, Erie, Pa. .. ...- . I.oii•A: H CUTLER, - ~ ,---.1 Eri, Count Pa. Collectlons .t7ur,(ll. I. with mtatvs end die . _____ - ..:...1.1.1 - 1 BE LL G. _ _ ... --..,,..... Marche t, ra the Pahlie - '7 , ; ,,, . . r!:.:. nth, con distl3 for -:de IS JG - SPIV:I. - 3ra --,--'-- - - :-. -,k Desicrs in 'rocenat, Wines, • -:,...,,.. Foreign Fred .y et?, Pickles and .....• ~,- r, Preeerres, ti liersnetrieegy -..." .itznption al ye on hind, Nr,. .. -t ,• r. -•t.. , tno!ite . row 's New Ho- W. I. 311.i0, Buffalo: 07riere in the% from J. w York, which told - -1. C. JACY.SOS, Aet, Eric, Po. _ _ BROTHER, Drug", Jfethet e , Pasza, . 6, Reed House, Erie. %LES:, LYTLE, aS.:vr. the mu9rrr• • holt Erie. , :1:. a BCRTON CO. ~ 31^rs ir. Drugi, Stimlicine‘, Dye 4 Rced House, Erie. D[. RLIN & SLOAY, - " :2: and Miseellaneou• , Books; rc• and Printer's Cards, N. A. BEL:BC& STEW:ilk'', • OTheo and Residen t = - , - ,frns. Stmts. • •••• A 31; I to 2, anil 4 to 7, It. 3L HLARN & - CO • -.-..• 31orcnantd. dealer ,n in Coal, i - e,r a flail' , line of Upper Lake rrie.Pa, i.\PRESSI63II24:Ni; - Iter:l Block, Suite; Street. 11; , :clock, A. Al P. If : - .J MORTIJK Mtrebant. 1.1-i . 71,; and IRO E tOrtv CO. ' i,l %Li:N. in Foreirn si..l lintm • • , d,.,-I•Atitng, Boot. and Sttori. to •••••• .treet. Erie. • •:4 .11,1. & up .tairfs m Tammarkt. limil ' • l'r , .fhonolary'r. office, }:no. • ,t.t nit JeT fir•le Wit one dew" wed of t 4 4isite ItrOetr & HAYES. GlA.werii"..Croekery. Hard , 1 Sew Hotel. __ `‘lll II JACKSON, hardware, QUPens Were. I 121. Chesp.ide. Erie. Pa / .. '‘l )IS t tt.ll , •rs in Gold and Slicer rein, • rri Warrants and oertillestes.of De -4n the principal cities et the • Pl.' Old Country for sale. OflSee, r. ..t t.tate-st. and Pubirr etnoixt Lamar—ollke in 'q , •ry ii k, tomer of S.seteand Faith ' ' ..t . Prt4s reasonable. and 1 , 1; L ELLIOTT, ,r• Oakt: and dwelling u 0 or the Public &pare, 1 door Eric Bank Itaildtag. Tenth Ut from one to an Latin feat Carlotta (iottl, and rataired uk haahb and ate :..1444 with inatniateots and Denali, fa .44 m ci penal:li deleendos, warrigwiL II - . r '.. . ... ...- . . _ „F.-- .'. . . '' - - ' . . ..., -:. . • . • I :-) 1 --I A' , , . . •,‘ • , J ~ , n ... TRADE AID SPADE • Betwert two hinds In days of old A War strife begot+. A father Spada sad brother Tat& Disputed awn to own. 'Toe% rain. audrulfal sad proud," Saki Spade, with floshlug eyes, "Yea eons yourthousands whlls I store Yea wok wy ehlldrat's arias; • You ride is Oat' with lordly looks: You dwell is bower sad hall; You speak of we reproachfully, And prosper st any fad; $o Eros this hoar. lsyshiwoor thowor, We'll hers to lire apart;, I.ruled the earth en you were hors— t eon you fro* say heart.,, L. DOllllllllll Aad Trade lost temper a Ma pride; Re uteursiworde d osomr,. 'Ton do aotissaw Ys ways et am Alibildlerliosep mad emu You'domawa'y the busy day, - Nor tidal how minutes run - tla, pert yam shoolder to your wort, Msd do as T have dose, You're all the earth to yield you wealth— bait cots aid pasture Mad; 1 only ask a emadair..hoom, - Aad room whereon toMiad. And from this hour, is shine or shower, Pilloa n na to Tire Wow do without you well enough--- The world shall be my own!" . dod thas limy wrangled night •ad day, Unfair, Ulu angry mat. Till thinp went wrong between theta both, And would not right main, lint , growing wiser la distress, Each grisp'd the other's band. "Twat wrong," said Spade, "to.rall at Trade if. loves IDO in the land." And Trade as freely owned his built; "Tee been unjust," be said, -To quarrel with the good old sae, Who grows say daily bread. • Long nay we lieurish, Trade and diode, In :IV awl in plain! The people starve while we dispute— We 'Fist sot part again." AAA ail the people sag for joy, To eee tbelr good setter& While Spade sesesabled all hie sons And piled his plenteous board: tad busy Trade rent Beets -of ship' To every *grad *trend, And built hls atiU.l and faetorie. (Yer all the prosperous laud. And PO we'll slug God save the Quern' And bag may brother Trod., - - For sake ofboth the rich and poor. mite with brother Spade. 12MEZ1:! tlrritt LITTLE MABEL. A TALE OF REAL LIFE • It way a very cold. miserable &suet room , where,3label Browne, a poor little bound girl,, lay asleepone New Year's ere. lie windows , were broken in a great many,plecrs, and - stuffed with old rags, that did not keep it th. - _ cold atj all ;*even the anon drifted ia, and lay in little heaps upon the floor, close to the toot of Mabel's strew pallet, where she lay covered up with only R piece of old carpet You wonder how she Could work at all in such a plsoe—yoa tux: sure • y'rotconkl not. Poor little Mabel: sac knew of no better things. Her parents had been poOr, and had to work hard even to get 4omething to eat ; and when they died, Mabel waa bound out to a huckster woman, who gave her hard work and worse treatment all the day long :the had to do et erything—wait in the shop, ruu errands • to carry things home to the customers, work abdut the house, wash roil dress the children, and wait on them, and twenty other thinr . be- side ; so that the poorsehild _was tired enough , sleep soundly when she was allowed to go to bed, even on that miserable pallet. By and by, while site lay there !sleep, a boy came clamoring at the door, and tang it when be qaw Mabel sslelep, l he shouted stair, "Mother:. mother ! what do yon dunk t Ma bel ain't nit yet, and it's eight o'elitelt, and I had to dream tnyottlf all alone, and Jane ain't• gettin! Aresmeti either. I :Qty, mother The little girl sprung up hastily. "likened by the rude noise; and hurried on het i poor rag* clothes. that Are might. go down to arena the children befole her mistress mime up. But she was not, irk time to escape a siiiding for her la- zinegs. aceompanied witka slap, and an order to "goat Bob and Jane ready for breakfast that minatl." Mabel was need to such treatment, she had to bear itAsily and hourly.. She did not cry or -,ay - a word, but dressed the children patiently, bearing with all their rudeness and fretfulnesk, though they Imitated their mother and scolded her, and struck, het because she had to -wasti them in cold water Land pinched her be cause their hair was tangled", and she could not comb it our without hurting them, and gave her trouble in a great many war. God had given the little girl a gentle, patient, forgiving spirit, and ..b.• h., 1 strength to receive meekly all I t 0141. hL. had 1,. adore. .kftet , he had given the ebildrewrheir break- , fast, and swallowed her's she went into the back milli of th. , liiti, !.hop and sat down amongst a heap ..%ergrvens, cedar and holly, and' a box, that *be hod been tyitig up,into wreaths for sale. A lady had been there the 41. , before, sod or dered •a quantity of,wreathY to decorate her pat:- 'ors for New Yearte day. awl Mabel- had been obliged to sit up very Into the night before to finish them. Now she use laying then, rare: fully into a hasket, in which they were to be sent home. she knew she would-Aare to earry them. there was no one' else. to do it tied no matter if it was storming—if the snow mud lie deep upon the ground, and Mabel had no shoes —if the sharp, sleety rain "was pouring down, and Mabel had no cloak or warm covering. The huclnite• woman nevelt seemed to think that Ma bel could - feel pain, or cold , or weariness; and when Atoms -back iatdthe back nom, sad tommtihst girl and tee Wait of ~poen still _Skim min wailed bar sharply lour waiting, and fti4eltrt,forttp. Or GLUM mmuur ' Littre Mabel, little Mabel, • Wanders forth upon the etreet The bolt upon her yeilo. hair, The snow heneeth her feet "• bade herbegone at oboe to carry them home.— So Mabel; all barefoot as she was, and with only a ragged hood and an old scanty cape to protect her from the driving sleet, started out upon her errand. Poor child, it seemed a hard thing to have to contribute to other people's enjoyment, and she so miserable herself '. She thought how beautiful the lady's parlors _would he, adorned with the wreaths, to make which lo r poor fin gers had been torn and wounded; how richly the crimson holly berries would shine out from the dark leaves in the brilliant light, and how happy children would romp about the rooms, nom thinking of the poor child who had come barefoot through the snow to bring those wreaths. It was no wonder that bitter tears started to her eyes,' - and wild, rebeUions mur murings against God's providence rose in her heart It was a lOng way that Mabel had to go, away from the little, narrow, crowded streets, with was ?limiter, up into a faihionebti , quarter of the city. She did not know her way very well, and had to look up often to notice- the -numbers of the houses; and once, looking up, her eyes met those of a child not older than her self, standing by a window, inside the curtains. What a contrast between the two chi!dren!--L Mabel starved, and frozen, and miserable, bare foot in the snow; and the child at the window, ,I beautiful as a dream, warm and rosy, and richly dressed, standing amidst folds of lace and velvet drapery of almost royal splendor. Yet the beau ;ltiful child looked down kindly upon poor Mabel, •and smiled, and Mabel smiled back again, for the :j child's look had been like a sunbeam shining Idoirn into her eyes. Then the child beckoned jwith a little white hand, as if for Mabel to come to her, but Mabel did not dare to mount the• itaarble steps of that splendid mansioti. The 'ehild raised the window-a little, and ea/led out :to Mabel, "Stay till I come," and so ran away, ;Presently she was at the hall-door, calling Ma hel to come to• her, so kindly, that Mabel quite -encouraged, came up the steps to the little lady. "Now *mid you must be!" exclaimed the child. compassionately, taking Mabel's frozen finger, in her soft, rosy hands—"with no cloak lon, and no shoes either! Why how could your Imother let you go out so?" Mabel put her hails over her eyes and bunt into tears. "I har'n`rani mother," she sobbed; but it Via not tha4 thought, so much as the un accustomed words of kindness, that made her cry. bo sorry," said the child' pityingly; but don't cry, I haven't got any mother either; I've oIaTALKYI 1.1' , 1/414"b".1 6 thaluitarivoa me everything i want. So if I want some niel warm clothes for you he'll give them to me I know. But you must come in first and get Warm; and.put your basket down . here--T wouldn't (mi ry that basket any more."' . The child took the basket and set it down . cei the steps, and then drew Mabel , into the Camel across the ball , and up the broad, carpeted stair case into the drawing-room, where she had been before . Poor Mabel' she stood bewildered with astonishment and admiration in the centre of that beiutiful room It etemed to her a dream of fairy land; she had never imagined the exist- Loci: of such splendid things. The velvet carpet, sr, rich and glowing, into which her bare feet sunk at every step, the luxurious conches and di vans, and the mirrors reaching from floor to ceil ing, the gorgeous curtains and the pictures and statutes, and the beautiful trifles scattered around upon the marble tables—every thing was new and wonderful to Mabel. She looked. down at herself, in all her tatters and misery, and then with a bitter sense of the cruttnist between her self and her surroundings, she would run wildly from the room, from the house: out into the snow again What business had she there! but the lady held her hands, and - drew her up to , the grate, though the silver bars of which the glowing coals shed such a warm crimson light. A large cushioned chair stood before" thegrate, and in this the child seated Mabel; then she sat down upon an ottoman by her, and asking her - what your mune is, little girl," .abel; it? whit a prtuty mace Ma- ' t r l is: 41/," name is Adelaide, bat nobody would ever k it tw it, because grandpa always mills me Ladyb I wish my grandpa was ynnr's too, he is so good,-and he would never let you go . out ' into the cold 40. Tell me about it, Mabel, where yon live, and wilt makes you so poor. Maybe I can do something for you.' And so Mabel did tell he ;all the story, and all that Abe had 'to bear; how; she was cold and bun gry always, and badly treated, and scolded nod a l beaten at home. Andlhen little Adelaide eried With pity and. grief for the poor little bastard and Mabel cried too—it was no nansual a thing, this sympathy and kindness, that it affected her to tears muck more nMaily than harsh woks or 1 ill-usage would have . done. And there the two:' children sat; all alone, for no- one had been the room all this time; and Mabel, in talking whit Adelaide, had forgotten all about 'her er rand, and bet basket 'of evergreens that she lad left upon' the door4tep, and that she had ataid . away long past the time when she should have been at home again. But air at once' sherearm- , hered it; and sprung up in affright - to go home. "-What will Mrs. James say because !lave stayed away PA long? and eh, fey 111'1111u:4—if anyj thing should have happened to aluceselaim ed in tenor. "We'll go and see," Adelaide said, and they went down to the hall door again and opened it to get the basket, but the basket 'urine. Some one had plaited by and taken possession of it, and it was no 1139 to look any further for it. Poor Mabel burst into an agony of griet She knew only too well what would be her fate if she had to go back without the basket, and without hay ing done bar errand. Adelaide tried to matters her. • "Never Mind about the basket, Mabel," •tho said; "r wouldn't care for the basket or the peo ple; I wouldn't go beck . to live with people that treated me eo! and you shan't gp, Mabel; you shall stay aad live with Ise always; 111.8* goad pi if you mayn't:" 11 of a saw ilia, do Will tea saws the iblirriblidlier kilt to the ode- ERIE, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1853. owe again. Riming agog- the upper hall past the drawing-room, she asonnisk two steps at the extreme end of the hall, mad knocked lightly at a door. A kind voles aid, ohastfally, "Come in, Ladybird:" end then as ilia man in s eeisa son diessinglown, and bind Telyet smoking cap, with l ong silvery hair beneath it, came sad, opened the door. "I had a fancy it was knock," kc said, .toping down to kiaor4he ehild. "What is your pleasure, Queen dare forward and proclaim it." • "And may Queen Adeiiiie hare tier pleaswe, grandpa, whatever it may WI" "If she exacts nothing ler firm 'tinnily un reasonable--tesil, who's - thil he exclaimed in surprise, breaking of su as di* . hi saw Mabel for the first time . Poor ' she bad hidden behind A.delaide, trembling** 2,elt i gne tear at the strangeness of her pninlibn 411talf hop ing to escape notice, NoW'siiits:ti to stand forth and bear the kind but inquisitive , gaze of the old tr41110'.9. eyes Poor Mabel! she hung her head down in ber shame and shyness, but for all that the old man could see that the face she was try ing to hide was acery lovely one, with its large, sad eyes, and the delicate, month and chin; even though the stain of tears was on the cheek, thin and pale from want and suffering, and roughened by constant exposure to wind and weather "Where did this poor child come from, Ade laide!" be asked wonderingly "Why, out-of the street, grandpa, where she, was walking in the snow with her naked feet:— Only think .ef it, grandpa," exclaimed Adelaide, indignantly—"the people she lived with sent her out to sell evergreens, and I saw her from the window and brought herin. And oh, grandpa, I want you to promise that she shan't go back to them any more—won't you? .Mabel is too good to go back there, and I want her to Stay with me always, and get dressed in some warm frocks, and be happy apd comfortable Mayn't I keep her, grandpa? say!" - . 'How could he refuse the eloquent little plead err—how turn a deaf ear to the entreaties of those childish lips, and the voiceless; but most earnest pleading of those sweet eyes uplifted to his, all wet with their recent weeping? ph, grandpa loved• Adelaide too well, and he was too good and kind-hearted himself, to deny her prayer long. I need not tell you of all the questions that he asked Mabel, and of all the. answers that she gave him, but only that from Adelaide's plead ing, and his own conviction of the child's lona mace and truth, written so-plainly as both were on hei sweet face, the old man consented at last tOlee p — label ialhe Notti,", and` care a. er always. She was to be Adelside'i little maid, and help her to dress and wait on her, and Ma bel thought it Timid be a very diliet:ent thing Mrs. J being the maid to Mrs. J '..sndeibup.. ill'. wild scareelijkoliii . 1 ' - ri dream, whoa a few hears she stood in the library spun by Adelaide's side, before ber grand father. She was each a different pence from the poor rigged Child who bad stood trembling there before. Now she had had a nice' bath, and was so prettily dressed from bead to foot in gar ments richer and handsomer than she' ever dream ed of possessing. _ Her face was deep and pare, and her pretty yellow hair, parted ,evenly from he i r forehead, and clustered wavity around her neck; her neat dark merino dress attea4.ls to her gigue, and her poor little feet had son, wane stockings and shoe* oa. Altogether she looked so pretty aad unit that Adelaide was Per fectly charmed With bee new liOle notid, and could not redlrala from throwing arms round her and kissipg her , acid the hi grandpa himself patted her bead and told her to be a good girl. So this was the eceameneenteeti of Mabel's New Year, and of her DOW lifeaor after this she never left Adelaide. She wasib genii, and faith ful, and affectionate, that aftiihout 'Ate house soon grew to lace the Ili** and grsadpga Asa told his Ledi-iiird . tbitt - ,abe nev er did a roarelmaste thing than when, in her childish coespention an pity for sawing, she brought the poor little bound girl auto the bonne on that New Year's gee. Nir • • -* SATURDAY NFORT.—tilirbit blessed things tlit urday Nights are, writ& some one in the Tribune, and what would the world do without-them?— Those breathing momenta in the trukeieg march of life; those little twilights in the* and gar- Mk glare of noon, when pale . yesterdays look beautiful through the shadows, and faces "chang ed" long ago; smile sweetly again 'in the huh; when one remembers "thtr old folks at home," and the old-fashioned fre, and the old armchair, and the little brother that died, and the Kttle sister that was "translated." Saturday Nights make people bnman; sets their hearts to beating softly, as they need .• before the world turned them into war drunin, and jarred them to pteces with tat toes. The ledger.cloees with a crash; the irotadoored vaults come to with a bang; up go the' stutters with a will; click goes the key in the loci It is Saturday night, and business breathes free again. Homeward, ho' the door that haa.lieen ajar all the week gently closes behind• hiti; the world is shut out. Shot lint! Shut in, the rrAh-` er. Here are his treasures after 'II, nig hot in the vault, and not in the hook—save the old fam ily Bible—and not, is the Bank. Maybe you are a bachelor. frosty •and forty.— Then, poor fellow: Saturday Night's nothing to yoa, jest 'eyes" are nothing to anybody. Get a wife- bhe.eyed or black-eyed. lost above all true-eyed—get a little how, no matter bow. lit tle, and a little sofa, just to hold two, or two-and a-ludf, and then get the two, or the twested-a half is it of a Saturday Night, and then reed this paragraph by the light of your eyes, and thank God and take courage. The dim and dusty shops are swept up, the hammer is throw down. the &prole% doffed, and Labor hastens with a light-step, homeward bound. "Saturday Night!" feebly murmurs the latighisit ins, as she tarns wearily upon her couch, "and is them mother to oozier' liatotttifo at lam!" whispen *Weep. or abovi4hi4plis "idol it is thoOlay to otiorowt 81 50 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. Tie host ?idiot, or a Prosibusa in a Stew In returning from a trip to the Lakes, a. few days since, I wienuesetta little affair that makes quite an item in In . .note book, and may amuse your readers. After a weary drive, in a process sion of twelve carriages that moved solemnly for ' twelve hours over as many miles of beautiful country, we pulled np in front of thr "National," lin Springfield, at about 7, P. 31. The Circ . am and Court kept that beautiful little town in a densely populated state, so much so, that the sixty or seventy pa gingers that I conattkl - as (raveling-companions could not find beds to rest their weary limbs upon, but were forced to wke , carpet-begs, trunks, juleps, until th* , cars for Cincinnati would givz.t Us more oorefortable (pars ; tees. Among the rest, a little Yreuchtuans whose baggage emulated of a queerly-shaped het box and a faded silk umbrella, moved restlessly about with the box in one hand and the nmhrels la in the other, pouring-forth an uninterrupted stream of incomprehensible English, in a Way sufficiently ludicrous to amuse two crowds. denly, the little garlic worshiper discovered, to his utter dismay, that he had lost his ticket, par chased at Buffalo, anti warranted to carry him through to the Heurie House in Cincinnati.-- Here was a predicament : and, in the consterna tion of the moment, he dropped both hatbox and tunbrella, and vociferated loudly, and in razor 1 grinding tones, for the stage agent. "Pere is de stage agent Vero I shall find' de agent? 0, mon Dieu—mygar--1 have pay one—two—four—several—sgreat many dollaires for von teekets rich I have no get. Who have peek up my teekets ?—who have find him ?—i vere is de agent ?" • •It so happened that M... I.—, the gentle manly stage-manager and out-door builness man of the Cincinnati theatre, was one of our passen gers; and at the time of Monsieur La Frog's deepest digress, was standing in the moonlight, in-front - of the arms, talking to 'a number of friends, when some. mischievous wag pointed him out to the little Frenchman as the stage agent Ina women', de Wa.9 by the side of 'L—, and breaking in upon the oonremation without any ceremony exclaimed—. "Saxe, I have lowa my puts * putt—l have foose my—vot you cantina, eit?—ah, yea—lhave got him.. No, -no, I no mean I have got Je tiag—l mean T have got Je name of de 1;1 w —I ba% e last my teeketa," L—, who knew uattung a the eireittusuut ces, supprning he wr•,uu rheas ticket, quietly said— - with th - eircric sift MI "Sare-cu! vat do I etre boot the i:an•cus"— I no rant df , ire-etta; I rant 'ay tP?ket rich I home loose.' "1 sun wry for your low!, fie, tott t am not •••• • • ar . uo Utile reme l ll." e • ars • • se *rims frmsillair.4ainadie? ; San, are you not connect wis de stage ?.. "Yes, sir, I am connected with the it4v, sod if I was in Cincinnati, would with pleasure re place your lost ticket, but I have not the power to do so here." .VOtdo Ido via de teekete in emeenete I no vant de teekets . in Onmenatt—l vent de teek eto—ber deee pbm-Yere I have loose Trim --if I no get de teeket here, I shall myth,' e _get to CinotrMat-1 'hell bring Mae,. fan, several ipmelnian; vie* wilt peeve sat I lave ley for my teeket vial . I have no gm, bat vieb bate thump OM duty poekete." • "Never mind, sir," kindly responded' glad to get rid of la% torinetor on any terms, "I' will replace your ticket." • ...., saying, he stepped up to one of the atifrhts of the circus, procured a ticket, dnd handed it to the , excited Frew/Inman. . • Poor naistWook the square ji* of paste , ' 'id board, marked "liiik,"- meriting all right, pot it carefully it . ' inekts-litick—gathering up hisliirblix umbrella, and' reaching the hotel, he was fortunate enough to end six feet of the parlor-floor unoccupied. Stretching himself out at full length, he was soon in the land of dreams, Where no doubt his soul reveled' and foundered in whole seas of frog-soup. In the morning, soon afier breakfast, we were all comfortably seated in the - cars, and tearing along at a break-neck speed. Frenchy at close to me, and jabbered ineessaitly. Shortly after, the conductor entered, with the usual salutation of "Tickets, genfymen.." .clpr tiP t hi *pa orp-: V , ligio 64 his PociEeStioiliru vielikoSitt , , It e bad received the night before, and presented it to the conductor. "This is not the right tinker, air.** '"He eel no de right tioket? Tee, ,sire, he IT de right ticket; I have got him from de. step agent myself." . - Al* doe% after the matter. OK- kteftelron that Ain't: the proper ticket.. It *Jeri belong here—it .hekcipt to the arm." _ "IV. dere midst eartmesocieses owe =Ore.— Now vat have I got to do wis de aartsiener "I vow nothing shout year emutections, sir; I only know that gist the right theket, and if yea don't praises the peeper ;document before we mach town, you'll have to pay your fare." • .. Be was - about to aessitinato English in reply, when a benevolentindividhad, who eat next to him, explained, se well as be could, the true nature of the ease. This only had the effect changing the eurrent of his rage, and he ehafbd up and down the door, showering invective* up on the devoted head of the agent who heti given him the ticket the night before. "Ah, yes--by gar, I have now :eee-1 have been shoat—l have been swim:lane—l have been vat you tall de humbug; but nevaire mind, I sail return yesterda y morrow—sometime. • and ehastise the rascal vent much. great deal. several time." While laying this &kering consolation te Ms wounded soul, his eye happened to rest upon poor L—r, who sat quietly at the far end of the ear and recognizing him as the . , stage agent of the night before, he at once "opened on him." "Bare, you are 'era great scoundrel, and I iddill gire - you live cent to bled my boot." “What's that, air?' , q -say yoli aro vow rael--qon WWI* . psir= prolog ',boat gio toilmor; ettc-yoc haro sheaf a-mo--you have no goevo me se teekets I have loose--but you have geove the von teeketti to do Opera le aced—lAA you call de horse opera—de sare-us." "Sir, ,• setts L—, rising from his seat, in evi bent indignation, 'taint do you mean? How (Ism you apply the-weird piekpoeket to me?" .61'erts I sall moon show you vat I have !mau— -1 man td flog a-yon—l mean to tkhatstive a you, , vera Intriii,' and suitir the atetion tO the wo r d, I he pitched into his antagonist, and before byst a ml. t ert , could. interfere, he had torn poor .L--'s .ltirt eollak, and drawn a copious flood of claret from hi- inv..", By dint of permation anti force coitibitc how , ver, he was finally seated iu front of the ear.L Airrounded bt a number of peace makerl- :, rho after much difficulty, FUCCteded in venviseirig him the, taw whole-affair originated iet a mletke, fle then bagged to be conducted tel—, lila was busily engaged in latnrating ihkatiOthaltdkrrehiekin.4 rain attempktu atop the red current that still peraisted in oozing from his nose - ''Sare, I have .--a• I have make ~u leo. tile., mil:tali, great big mismke.-1 am vet:, :Jrry for 'him. On itiy houaire; ;air, if I have known him before, I sail not have weep your nose; taut I am o l e ready to :Ike de apologize—to make anuttb!, and for e ry drop of claret which I have drawn from y , nose, I sell wiz plaisaire put one 14ot tle in y , bailie." Hero t , e loud mirth of the bystanders restor edi L— o hi, good humor, an joining in the laughter, le shook hands with hi . antagonist, and they were friends --J-Citi. St em ' . . e Nether of lie. Gaines ...,--.0.--- •-• Orleans A.% publi c. the fAlow- A lii ug obitulry notic , o this lady: obituary column. do-day, will be they addition to the list of remarkable 'n the death of Madam Zulime Gar. mather of Dr. Gardc't , 2, of thi- city, 6 Myra Clark Gainez She died in t the reAidene of her sqn, Dr- Gar ii advanced age of :ierenty-eight years. w , the heroine - of that intelascly Win °mance iu real iif', which was devel at: aelebratedlaw-iuit of 3lrs Gaines. ,n aline was, Zulime Carrieret She in the old French colony of titoxi.— ts wet, emigrant; from :he find of pn ronmnce—lhe favourite home of the . , 14--Protenc,:' The blood of thc Gip. i l ia in t he , arly chive of Louisiana, ug our -eaNcoast. anti . whose lovely *ire the special objects of the admi i 1 inl, of rho'' gallant Fr•Aach cavalier= . 114v:4 ;h•. lii:,. .. - :, 1..ui.... sa.ngled r.tith pair! Frovincial. From such a The N .' ing interle', " T ., 0;1 1 found an. i deeetozed, cloth:, the and of )f''+ this City, dette,' 4 at t Thi3 lady teregting 0p..11 in t Her maidi horn Het par , ! c try ant Troubmict, MUM -*tiled 31 .t2ritalte rat iuu ‘N ii') ~ ,Ca tlua of it not Yeldsrlrable that Zn Corriere -I tv,lerirtd etirt - )relivary personal beau ellarut- (4'lA:rid:awl her three sister:, , heul,i at iplmll :110u..n dlr. enl luisiana hit wars) and geniJi climate, lons Atmosiallere of the ea-snore, ri- stock, it should 1 t‘ Th It r 1,11 °ray al and lux se eharta.: into fail muturi:y at 7. very' Zulitue had hardly cmtage,l into her pencil th' early agc! teens, be ' re her 1104 was ,aught, by numerous suitors The sueceeltal aspirant gained his point; as Claude Melanttd2. in Bulwer's play, did —by holling an imaginary coronet, or other in signia of nobility, before ti ey, sof ~ beautiful but unsuspecting girl , or. thirtecn. She was aught by the g itteriug bait. The French no bleman soon dwindled into a confectioner, and what %%as : %versed, a married ut.drd, who had never been- dlitort.e.d. lie %vas : at it , t.el, and triel by an tett.ek - ..ti.oNtit . ai: court to :hi, city, for bigamy—was convicted, atm sendeneodt to be punished. htit ;diet o lasi ~.e a pedi. 'd in I r.--a.: n ,-, toore hcai,l .4. Thus .1114:N1 %taint( ..-- rddaiton , with Jeromo 1),.. Graage. I'ddudritg tin- 1 .,,,,..0a- . Ja g . *94 after Situ ili.envc.ry I,i It.: 1,r0w.x . . pre rimy., marr i age :, they- ;z ds.o- nit to .in , itrtary hi , - . raven Zulitito and Ditti id I +'la, 1.. then - a I, a datng man iti this c010u.% l it i dlasidit, ; :. ti ie dio-, dalodl Irishman, reported utii.t's ver% st editily—ddi 'stay i popular character NIPS -dgre,d aid's, manner , . ,Clark was just the gallant. lol.i-alron t man to esprduse the causcof an unprd } - ect Pd. and % .troic i ,d di woman. ~ It jo t sa id—h u t as froto this point AO, I, :he I drdd- tracted litigation whirs hd. .•..-dent I% ddlincod ,ad mneh•of the time, a id „mention of ..nr rook t... we mast .he litliferSto44.l :- g:Villt. titC• N. don ~ lilted by the dewas s d 1 F. Le: self and i v d friends,--that Clark„lmeiag toot %unlit,. tt, Phil adrelphid. and satisfied hiniset f ad, to the existence of 1)e Grange's biga9i3, and tits coo-, einem nul lity of his marriage With 'NIL- t ' a t.,ii e. promptly offered her his hand and heal t,eugdacd,t d ti the ;dew- d, dame of keeping theist +Barrie:re a seeret,iin ti I, they utuOd - pireplete the. prdoof of 1)e 14r.,0gs Prime. la we d . nl dTIO re then ma ed. Or this arrittg. , but 1 fi g .one witltleze was livin when tile shit wns brought by Mrs. Gaines, and that wes the sister of Zn lime: But there were corroborating circumstan ces, on which the p fof the reality of guar:Ol t ' rat connection was Mae . After her marriage td Clark, in 1802, Zulima returned to New - Orlraus . to take further legall proceeffings to invalidate, . or rather authentieate. the illegality of the mar- riage' with Do Otani. ' A suit was hronet for thispurpose iAt the iivil court_ or the territory, and judgment Aims o tallied against De Grange. In the ; meantime, C rk had advanced in pears : amilusiora. The gallant youth of 1802, bad become the ambitions politician and millionaire. As the popular maniof a powerful party,lac was sent a delegate of die d territory to C . :ingress.— Here he soon forgot the poor Citole girl, and be -gas to meditate a more brilliant marriage con nection. The object of this aspiration, was the lovely Miss Canton, of Maryland, a grrldatigh ok ter of Charles Carr I, of Carrollton, :who after wards became the Marchioness of Wellsley.— She was a great belie, and Clark's fine manners, distinguished position, and great wealth, no doubt render e 4 hi* quite a desirable match for so brilliant d accomplished a beauty. They were engaged ; but some stories of his enemies caused a sudden termination of their refations.— Oa hearing of his titourtahip of Miss / Canton, the unfortonate Zama again went to Philadelphia, to procure .proo fa of her marriage with Clark..-- But ales ! Clark, 'it was alleged, under the in, liaises id a reellas aMbition, had mader igi IMO ahoy pooh,' sod pour lod‘o *pia tt - t-itt-• rirplatre; lEEE B. F. SLOA. EDITOR. Nr3 BER • I herself the victiin of min' . ; treachery. In a fc , _iine of desertion and helplessness, slime , among strangers, whose language sal baits were foreign to her, she accepted the 11110 41 Dr. Gardette, who generously and isaguallt monsly, relying on her truth and sincerity, united his fete and fortune with hers. From that, pa reel her life firmed snrxitbly on, in the disebar of hes clutiet . as a wife and moOter. Shortly 4 Iter her marriage with Gardette, Clark had suf. - feted his severe rebuff from the loVely Ma Can- Iton. Ina spirit of tree p F nitenke, he hurried to . „,. Philadelphia, taw Zuliute, and deektred his cla ~, terminetion to.proeltarn their marriaff. But it wa,. too late. She informed him that she ccm 1 31n , . Gardette. Clark was deeply distressed at this, and exhibited a sincere -penitence. He sought to stone f)r hi , desertion of the mother, bylinduess to sl a o daughter; who was bora in 1806, of thia,secretatarriait, lhiefwas Hysa ea& iffiterts.place&-is eherr,afw= ... . friecel .-3f elm r *, Colonel Davis, vibe s edut'atted her as his own daughter. It was not until the reached her maturity, dart Myra db. covered the secret of her historj.• Siam-den; as Mrs. "Whitney and as Mrs. Gains'`. she ha* provecuted her - claim to the property of ,N l6lll k Clark, as his lawful heir, with a seal, earner.'"' nest, and ' nergy which have rarely bees equalled hit the. attuali of litigation. The difficulty has .bien to tstablisli the marriage between' Hulas and Daniel Clark. - Certainly, a mystery has [long hung over this cue, which only 'the dad could rise from their graves and satisfactorily tie. termiae. The once lovely Zulime, "peas* thimghlso many reverses and misfortune*, re turned in her old age to New Orleans—hei . obi ' home-4nd passed a peaceful and happy life Ili the family of her 'son, respected and beloved far - her many virtues.. She died at the age of see. 1 enty-eight, the youngest of her family—two of ,her Sister; basing attainA their flied* Mr, a, lozgevity common to the old inhabitants of . Imisiaita, and particularly to those born on. cer seacoasts." '. . , The Emperor of Chia. ,>' me eye witneasdraws a.portrait of the intim. ror of C: ins, Rien-Foung, and his rind, Tien4e. Here is the portrait of the Emperore—r "The tuporor, Siete-Foul:1g, is only mrataiy tw o years of age. Reis of a middle heightount. his form indicates great aptitude tic bedilatcs. ercisc. Be is slender, and muscular. Malaga ` , which indicates a certain degree of resolution, le chiefly claaMctelized by a high farebead, end by tan ¢lll2ofit dkaCtiye obliquity,l the oyes. Hia cheek-bones are very prominent, and strongly t < markerl. The space: between the eyes ii lsrgs ¢n , l fiat like the forelicad of a Buffalo. Mew Feung is of a stubblru ..u.l credulous dispcoitiom In the midst of effeminate luxury, he affects a v.rity of morals„and, notwitlidaatling youth, he it :Jr.-lady married. The Empresr,is a Tillie r,rincc,, with large feet.' totally devoid.of that delicacy and fragile gracefulness which belong trs the lnarsll--footed Chinese. ',WCiumpt. %Pt Em peror loves to sea - her perfecto the l 'ActiesiS par ciws which the _delight of the wititteti debar . nation; and she -often gallop- about with hI in the extensive of the palace ' The been.: changes to.the rebel , and behold Tien-te, the rebel chief:— "Titn-te, ti: , chief' of . the , in urtectfou, no: abc ? ve .3 7, ...ars of ago; but study ; and- Want of rest have made, him prematurely old. He ie grave and melancholy and leads a ver. retirl . life, and - only crinmugicites with • abeu- Nclon gireq his orders,. • His • ~ f niildness, but.it is tuiameis '7 peculiar 1, - 0 and which neither n , t Czar uhetirwcy belongi ng t „ roil 4 1 , 4 , 1.,, g ine , , eotirietiosidt, ;i ;)order, nrAki:V , l , 2i. of sairrea, is -I!3 ' 4,1)171v;:e' of In :AV (LEV. i:ell4rthew Hieit.fattie. but -..ppear:. is >i robteit. them haw •I:^•-n halln-nt-e , l by their echtettetti r end their - m op I- are in,liCal,f hy their The young Eiepr,a, vu-;; in his movemewts,• and with' tiritine,:,,ie hi, i i,laiice,_bati in- aspect of Iv, ugh t ,-71innt a ud. and recluire+' tad - obedience.. Ti, etlwr h Ind, haa...liz-fixed gase, r which penetrate into lite deli - the:of the hrua and uutua,k' alt its desigria. Hd .ugge4tidtts,,illsn-by eiteelt le or , ler. En a iv..rd; ha has the tiasitarl 1.4.-ere' of aII t who ha., 1.0141,--relleCtea s below be ha made apy oue the caitiant of his awn: .*. ;, • Ga!elle eines. icie. the arrival of two Irish . 044 Pd that thy w ho walked moat of the - disianee from New,Vat to Clminnati.• The 0 7 fi.tirte.sayi: . • . . . They arrived iii Now!, Yorkpip , from their nv.thcr country, about franie.weeks•-aga..."_Tbst ., ease alow. th, remainder 4 the :AWAY having , arrives and Kettle near thik.egy about a year. F i n , c . When they left the ship Which bratight them owl.; they had left abort' seven dollen in muney. Not .having enough ,to • transpose them to this city, they rt.., - .lved on walking al ~ far a., they could.. The Mat throe- days slow . '‘talked about forty 'miles a day. -. The :Paw& day they rode cis a freight trala about thiityisilas and walketl Eifteeu more. Thus they . ilaWitlaisad day after Alay, stopplag at country !itaills . far their foc.l. and to test over night.. Thaerbpi the railway track frOrit New York ill* to Al bany, thence to Batik, At BuffslOArey rested two Jaya , and then started again, _.* walked to Dunkirk, thence to Erie call land; and .io anxious were they to meet- friends that they passed through &valuta:4lx this city.— . When . at Spring Valley, art. 'the Little Miaaa i Railway, on Sunday morniao they requested-al Condueitor Fuller permissiai•to ride to this city, ;briefly stating their easeland recent ilsolito•- iSatisfied that they told the truth, he gewmisli. 'Viol them on board andYrought them to ands nati. Their names are . Hannah and Mary Dos ahno. '' • . ' The WaAdagios National Moat has attained a height of 142 feet. The hll.lOlO. treaties was from the Territory Of Utehoww. slating of a block of.stone shoat three hatlessi nearly two wiht Ea • . 4,40 , EMI •4 ; ;