Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, October 01, 1853, Image 2

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gortign • . ironOrepa—adiaa Treabise,
- A eormsteliident of the Aftssasais Herold,
writing from Jacksonville, on the 18th iut.,
ga . vea an account of a recent battle in the Rogue
Elver Valky, between the white! and the in
, . dians,in which live of our citiwns were killed,
ire Teti .,. ? „ ,„ e b„ laid o ape i, b e _ and five serious') wounded., On the 16th inst.,
t .my of Scienees at; Paris, in which party of 22 men, from Capt. Goodall's oompa
he has pro)locod gold by artificial ny, set out Ander Lieut. I.ts, to hunt up the In-1
there are v e r y f ew s i mp l e , array under the command of the chief called I
nature, and eonsiders the 'forty :tarn.. On the 17th, theypea up Elk I'll.
slimed to be :Melt. are in reality kr, on ;Evett'W Creek, ' b adonly* few
a, probably of one radical with miles, when they met Elam his tribe,
. body: hitherto not studied, but amounting to 150 fighting men 7,... Not being
f alone modifies the 'properties of{ strong enough to mike the attack, Lieut. Ila's
es, while in reality there i 4 but I party retreated, acid -sent an Express back to 1
its he has discovered this body, I Capt. Goo t hal, t o 'mates up with the rest of hi s
radical is converted into gold." - comletuy. They then camped in flit best place
to the above discovery, we would they could, c onvenient to water, not` anticipating
D r. J . •B . D o d,i- o f N ew York city any at t ac k; but the Indiaamade an attack upon
• . After lecturing in WaLlting•nn! them at about fl o'-eloek at night, taking them
ry, 1850, by:written in% it iron* 1, 3 'lttrPrlae) TWo of Lieut. Ela's party were
Houston, Rusk ,and hers. the shot dead at the first tire, and two more 4eriamd_.l
w h at h e ( h-li et • re d w as i m 'o e diarely , wounded. The whites then retreated some 200
a volume of ;Twelve L: •ture- .by I }ants, to a puint of timber. leering their hoe 'se.;
'Wells, of N.+ York, an. -eudorse.l I saddles and ggage, behind. The Indiana re 4
of these distinguished s atesmen. neural the attilek . with great fury; but time •
r. Dods was agsin at Washington, ; with a warm nioeptioa, retreated to area fn
ay.remarkeil in • rt.4ation to his s ev -Idistant.4, They coutinued.shoothkg unti upon
, "If what_yott.laare contended - for 12 o'clock. when they retired and held aisul
t there are no simple substinem iu
tation. After this consultation, which I "
gold i s not a s i mp l„ u b starnx ., an d some twenty minutes, they renewed the tae
not artificially pr dace it, and polit. I with increased fury, and entirely surround th
_regeueratc the world? "— wh t ites• The battle lasted until 100'e k
3r i o d D r . Ded, b k . k ee n a l most „, t ,_ i n., whet' the arriral of John Crosliy, - tait
in studyino c expixisnenting six or eight men in 'advance of the others, eau
old by artificial mesa". In hi. , 71st, the Indians to retreat, and undoubtedlyn 'va I
in February 1853,.h.• ee ,sdpd i n I the lives of the whole party., They otWdd u
in all, its save o n ,._s_ hero held vut, it is said, half an hour longer,
frequently spokcm of to his friends': About 100 of the Indians had rifles. it. 116411
blished in several pap )rs bef o re Mr. t of the fiercest battles ever fought with d i e G.
article appeared. • • . diem in that section of country. Five of tile
, we are assuretL hasnow accomplish_ I whites were shot dead on the field, and three
and can produce gold (Anal in qoali- 3 lordly, though not dangeeoualy, wounded, and
.d in California, lint the process , is tw.k less seriously wotinded. The names of tic
*ho is 120! , / laboring to fp. ;Tonne , and killed are Ishant P. Reath, a German nam
tat in less than it year he will be able:'. Stsaltife, .Albert Douglass, front 4)hio, e
stance of ten um u's labor to matmlae- i tuna, from Jacksonville, and Francis Petty, f
not tocorto/..: of gold I ),r day! [Teller. I•St• Titer wen) all buried t
res the are rye s 'pb s i till '. day with the honorso;f•war. Those badly woun
ire." Dr.
. 10. believe% there tole 'tow: 1 ( 41 ; are Lieut. tau, shot thriaigh the band; Jam
'a solid or sisible. state. In all other [Carroll, shut through the thigh; a man Info
coincides with the hamelituau in his by the name of Greasy. John, of Hamburg; sh
• I
through the hip.. The others wore leas serious
velountled. There were six Indians killed, ti r
several %rounded. The whites, after the heal
encamped near the !,attic ground, waiting 1.1
provisions :ma animals, to Billow the enemy. I
by Artificial Xing
g article,-tronslated frwa a Puri%
ng the rotuifiv. of :the American
The folio •
journal, is go'
"M. The.4l l
fore the Acad .
be asserts th•
means. He
substances in
mends, now
oompotuut 0 , 1
some unknO ,
which of it.
the font ,
one.' e• I,
by which the
In ri3latio
remark, that
anima priori
city in Feb
Clay, Webs
enbetanoi of
p üblished is I
Fowlers and
by the ilette
In 1851
when Mr. ►1
be , true.% ,
rattlre, the ,
why do you
ii illy and
Sine* that
.ataittly en:
i to produce :'
.is he - 1 1
and it was
ed his
L: aal
he dWAus
by the
two one, i
eau "bell
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Ant in in
As the 1
ry of the
and Wog!
JUstice I
a i :ce , i s th e tii,
:e, and a, the que,tion, prier ./g I
er arise, Dnotor•-t. editors
t the United State;. ttn , l 41:-1.. in France
, ci to puhli-h ,i 1• .tvt
both parties.
. .
1 Kentucky &gad for Pair Play, - ' short, would result in such an min :isle:quit-lib
-0.-- .-- - creditable to Mir party. 1n this; w•• .I'c' happy vine or NEIIRA-4i.1 --IVilli :In Walker. In the year ltlint I wae travelling with a steel.'
the , .. t Pruviaienal -Got erthe et -Nebraska, i liug theatrical company. and. arriving at a amain: t" say , We ; were partly in •error, as the Conven
was • . titi Mayne e , .iinti,. i‘liehl. , .tn. en the 5,1, i town in Kentucky, it wal,reaolved to treat the , tiou was more numerottaly attended. rid repre
h A
of Mare , 181:14:1. llis fat!:, r a .1..1 if.. t a V
ve ..f i a nt s in 3 bit of the legite ate. auittn
rs ' m 4tiews et t sented mot ' of the boite and tilt. part)
&is, a, was elpuire.l i.% tit. I tt - la.t r. • Ityliall -- I :
P h" haviiii4 been ' cured ' notices were stuck than we had anticipated." ' This aceount' e for the
4 . notninatiene' . the _ t
when a .hiki, near -the 'lite Itidge M.nitietin-, tup inforiniug the public that aa that evenia g admimbht chtintet„r 0 -
was cars tto Michigau and tin-re :rauSferacal to i would be performed, by one 'ltalie best theatn.
the fain' yof a white man who married a Witte- I cal eatupa nits. in the !'nine, the admired and pop- For the Legislature, we have E. Vi*,
initill lien
dot wo ti. lie retnuined iu rills 11.teili ni ar dr ama 4 "William Tell, the Heroic Swiss. ' RPM. Eaq., of Felenbore. :11111 Wit •IN Ltilti
he was man grown. 114. .41'u-1'1%31 , 1- 1 - tiarric,l .
.Night value. anti the mom was crowded by ati le, i i, o f ibi s city. Beth of rile-t• „ eiti..lll. - ii a..
- _
_ e a,, ted w yan a„, gi i 1 „ I „ 11 ,,. Itait • Ao ~„1 ... ,,, 1- a n a hnis int.litttnic. many of whom hard Deter Wit-
knew We
'midli WII en we tei) t ,
vote.{he al , mitialii-•
,daughte of Mr. James Rankin, an Indian trader. , ne''''''`ed a thtlarivid performance. The - piece .
termer! from Ireland: of which union IViniala , p a s.ed off very well elieiting aim+ applause, and 'S (Inalith"i-that they fallY eOme up' to the Jef
- was one f the frail.,.. Evin,•iee i i , -hl: r bil,ll„.„-1 , illihtiug tilt. z.ylupat hie , of the audience in behalf fere - inian stanitani."liteteat- and eaih ilde,"---- a ,s
more . . ordinary, In. fath-r. .to ler as :of Ti , ll, as they took a e eer a l °e v asion. to cheer the clop) more than at mph , justice to IW; t i•S'ili'llly :111.1
he 'wit . le, gave him epis,rt an iti-s .tt” talui.a 'ion. ' rratriot on. When the shooting eeene tame, great deserving members of the party, • Aside from
He MU pissed untl.a. , his tuiti , .ri of the ;at Ili 1 _ g excitement was manifested among the grump of i .
ltonals and tailitieta worth, they i .,i e l, 1 ,,,,,, e ...
Rev. ' Bander Cha.-.., late Bit e o ftiii,„i.„, ; the hardy ems di Keutuckv. They began to
qualiticatten l which cannot fail fo peo,'.. iliehly
ethen B' •,•p of Ohio, ~,,,i ~, ,h, i„, ! -„i of K, J „ ) „ o , think that the thing was real:
•College. The declining health. of his father eel!. ; -a.t. that moment when Tell remonstrates with t advautageons to our !neat int•-rest:. should thee
ed him ome at the tifyi of on 3. :,r. but he can. I Geller for having picked out the entalleet apple. be so fi.rttitrite a. to he elected. ,
tinned ,is studies as .ppertiiniiies elfer.el afttr• ; an.l the tyr:int gape "Take it as it is thy skill Le Of the Inter candidate a. 3less rsl I• 1
wards'. He was for ',....vente.m years i,,,.. 4 „.„,„, ; , greater if then butt it." To avid& Tali ri_ailitai: .„..,,
unANTLET and • • •
...114n.tir, I+ truirtrloo.impt*......... le•
at up. Sandeaky, this. H e i,, „ m a t , 3 l a , - .;n 3 , t"frue, true,' dill not thin of that: Wee me
speak. Eaeli -
able w ter, a fluent. •pcaker, and (ma beef for 1 some chance to Nave my tiny: " One of the groupone is
several , ears eueg , ..l tit writing a lustory „f 10. I I I have mentioned, a. h a rdy - atpling who ' , would teemed. land if thka -Ire net electril Iv,. 1: . :11.1 trniy
• nation, be ` , 'WYtpvl.:-." lit Ig3tllie was el,et. ‘, oirle'ore foil iii feet two illeht'' i.n - liiii,mookiiiisn, • I say the tittrartieit: will lee on the Slap of the wo.
ad hea• chief of the nation. , in 1t... 13, lit re- ' sprnug upon . the stage. confronting "eater , and I pliwhase tinaucial intereats tire at ,Iti!... insie 1 , 1
maned ith thew to tilt it Dew lot t o, West of Il l y ' ,hound, "H ive him a fair chance.. It's too d----dot..their.t I '
Mien • nn.i own <LA •li'' r t.: e t..,1, . c.. 1..... „..... i me.. t.. 111.141 ht, him shoot hi, ..a. VII 1.4 him ' • . •
ent - ,as our reuditra ;ahead+, know, was elect- have a ci.1.l at me, provided he puts a pint cup i Vie think
the l'oavent WU. adCipted kilo' l';i :per
nd , visional l'tv..rit , ,r .I'.' Nebr..-4.,. Tiii. , ..n ne, betel-instead of that cussed little apple!' i eourse in not nominatiiig a candidate fer.laiatriet
man 1 undoubtedly play 1 cenlient,n-, part in , It is almost useksa 4 to add. that- this 'mimed a Attorney. The office has 11 , , paliteraf atiribute•
the fu!",-ti•llr% --t• :„..,, 0,,,,,_ I seens. especially as three or four of the,Kentuek- i
, .e -less an, perhaps. Bine :ley. One, FilNe a Judge
lierili • rc,e - - .. , lan . a friends jumped upon the stage to heel him r .
:rod side with Tell. It took sometime to panift . lin the eft of the people..and hence in the - cloice
lei - RN; IN Tilt; l't:lst, !1'1...}.. POST•OFFIt'ES.- and assure them that it was only splay. ow e ir, ,of a person to till it, /ego/ qiudificatinns ought to
We le• n that l'e•tevister-tieti..ral Catnpoll i-ali - stranger, we wont stand any fout play in. Huse Ibe eonettlted num, than pollei-ret It ,is an- acl-
Voting a eonsiderabl,• portion ~riti. th at: l,, t he digging , . and as its only a show, IthY , we'll mei> ; !flitted fact, we believe on all Ittimi-ti lia;•tlitt man
roves • tion of the manner in whieb the larger - rine - and the valiant Kentuckian aswe ll hi s
no o i ' in 4 . 1 wl • e . •'. • .
the :eat,
&l end. , fit tie tie entennon i. tn: ',ea, ll:6MT
post i • s are emeitteted. and iu t .1' their &lend. re-Mlneti their -clits.-.1.1 F. Pet. A ...let/. '' ' .-•
• . . , *ably de fi cient, in all legal qualitieations, hence
unpor s . cc and iiitluence itisista :Ten story post-
matte girli& Ida constant - ps r•on II -urea 1-ten - i l -ti \r i 1 - 1 " .1 ttni'si r* -- We leant inoln at pri. ' we take it for granted that thme wl i. think more
there- becoming familiar with all the 'k-tail- vat. :mina% that a painful ceaturrenee took place
,' of the public weal than party !...liCke, - - Will -n p
of dot, , and recta/rine fret ~ ‘, T .) . -111.4%-rmAte in the neighborhood of 'f,,wanda a f e w days ago. ontside party tract's and . vote , fee . -
t that promptne.,-. end-,ILiV, amid , naier..l , elea ruts:4lle t.. the! fri..nds ef the par- ' •
1V . ,. , e . , ~ . , qualt fi en by experie'net' aml pramie
emote cy which ...time: faa ;, ...mere • t-ery ties P..llyrne‘l. at appears In:it a teinparar . .
•of conipliii.:; ath i r.. 11.1. ..• ::.,.; pat-nffe... diffiraltt toek place between rel. Jut.. Iladseni, ; lion: From Mr. IlltallAM:a p 341
eemplCh;lo eN.:, rk , l ; a , z it , 1.. - H. - ti , . throni4ii- atel a Mr. AVarfonl, a b ro th er o f hi s menaintile 1 the office, for which hr is now a 1.
a en tin' eenntr). l.trits , r. :Ind that none words passed. when t'el. I, tlidate, the people have a guanine-
Postmaster-0011.1-ti ,A tics lc. 1,. it-a t IN „f Ilansen struck Mr. Warford ti blow with Itim fiat, i tieset •II 1
wafaithfully and effteit ntl3
"nien that, iu ht. I,rukt - h ~f !11, :z.:l.ertim; ii!. r i ser. "
by causing instant .leatb. 'Pile blew was ,' ! • '
.h ou id b„ b ., ... a , „ r ,.. 1.„.. tin ‘ .',,j e f „ I - „. given with eat particular ail11•3(31 hit hibl nil ELECTION EMI Nit (~
nnistiltATlOrs-.—A late
offiee, with' Imnsetie• taa:duatent-. should
_et ek, ~,,u s i ng a dialoeatien. The families and : number of 'the London Tim,. statei, that the pro
degree . ! t r i n .i a ,. r , ac I ~ •,..ia,,„,., i n ,•„,,, r ., 'lrienda of the parties are -of, :ounce very much 1 prietora of! railway atock in e is, at Britain are
teorreapendink IL , . r •,..4! le tht• lin- - ; 'll'Ir" - cdt a" ii. r .. i 114 . 1,,, m lint as there was' eetafited to have " 1 " /°11111 ' e ` "'" ''' llii. '"' " 1
.e will, doubtles e ineet with Cue h e ron.' to malice in the caw, and the result was almost , Pnandsoredeny, in litrilan, ..t 1i si ,• or I•.'"s, and
nee of tit,' , public.--Bufi;s,.••• .So n , • in the nature elan aetident, it is not supposed ,to obtain leave to make railway l'ineeto the ag
. - as. - - -,- to. it trill he a prosecution. . gregate value of ferty millions/ f pound: sterling,
The Eastern t,tte.:-t: e, • , ..•,•t h , h ., h - 0 , t f'ol-' Ilatison i- well known in Harrisburg, which they, have iu the end been lal t l'I'.,1:01 It.
lion than evil . -By a .li-p-itAi in thel,„„. % arl h . t ./ h' La, ”p-nt several winters. ~ttending to . relinquielt.-E.rehelnal•
inns just prey . em: : . ~„. - t i t i t ,,.,
~,. - IL .,
.his hitsitie-a .I's a public contractor, and he is tun- s oit appears that - the tittatt..le Mg of money
Africa for Ame r i,, , ,,, ...„-,-..,- i t ~,,,i,,-,..:0 , ..,„,, vents/11y regarded he i••• as a gentleman .of mild i • • •
)s. ranned nwporatums is britier , in order to
.in P ar i s oil :h.. ail,. ..,,, rl ., ii,„i an E a , and
,muial.h. tu um -r-; and we eincerely sytupa-
H i , in
~,,n f neie.l good, is not , rytt3vr }plant
that tit, Ettip, , ,,r t.i 1:',, , ... Ind refused thi/e with - him, in the dietreet we know he will • P .. 3- " -c •"
lit -the mnditicathats -it lA .e. :t.:11,-41, t h a t rev!: feat+ tin' iinr.irtnnata eleenrrence.-/farrU.- of this soil; it is a traimplani, from I.:tiglit-11 -tee-k.
the Emperor wa• ittlerthe I Il ia : Th,. 1.., yr ,, ' b ody 71b,,!•f i er. We :ire glad to know that inch is the fact, for, if
• the note ~ , r t he rion nit 4 ', Ai f,. 1 .,,: n ,• • • 1.,_- -. 'we know the origin of an (Nil, weikneW how and
. pting it. ti; ~ 1 , it.% eth, in •t. Ile ..f rue: If. •'a, e,:iaou lLiLv.-A day or two since, several tiatl, an to apply the retuedy. The remedy for this
tion. that ii. ta..11.1 a, iiineelv 1114.1:4* .••1/- Eatgli-di rotiriats, among whom there was one • *
,in due time' will be faund and applied. The
as for the ext.:, • i,; : .4, : „1 - rue.,-:in, t i, • . wile ha- lei t uireil i. very lofty celebrity in the
of th., -Enrol. .:ti re.e, r-: i. a r l it • li .„ ii ! i -yi-tstitii werhl as a civil engineer, a nd a k n i g h t _ ' freemen& Attierien will - not long, tinienit to th t in.
umiliate nt tl,. ~, ,t, ti,- „,„la h a e ..l nobleman withal. visited Cincinnati; and,,by. , Potence of such c.orporathme. iee tits re than the }
ittit' ig-to ',impost , i, 'I.-, pt , ., k editig •lirectfr.,ce.' hlVitit . ien of several gentlemen of the city, were did to that oldie Munster Walk.
.• lit • very State
'titan. It we,. eels. :e r .vat. a l Ili a ; N a p;Al tma i Ilitunu through the pritteil .manufactoties of
tome Jacket" will he fennel who .vill•tc-Aeli I la- , e.
toted that holm oui.l ant go t. t war at pres,tne ,' the elty, and tiawalse "lions ' generally. .41 ev-
Ptv'aent arareit ..f fisat :ttit•tlio , his p. : „0r,.il 'cir,, thing they .
, inw. in the way
of ith; mechanic. purse•proud "iastitnitent. alitar. Mier, t.n.i their
. 4. . irt ----hi architecture, and in the general chance-' Pheea• Lot not t" genalife further: . we' wonder
Laid, lady, Wle. e.d . t - e •: ,„,„, , teri nits of the city-they were as well pleased if any of this "serenty-.tai!liona" wasted iu Ear
tormatt and eini;trat..l to sal: Lala-• 3 ' 4 c'nulimin civility child demand. erilA no, e .:- ' land, was laid out iu porlhasine and sustaraitig
that t:, - .11• s i'1..11 City i , .: -first rate . 'Y e .'" ' I " C " : " . a ;were Anew* t• c column* nfiwhich the shut
iit tettleue. nt."•:•lllll..taith,taioling - Thin c :10tPtic`n was in a folmdrYt corner "f * • )
deter and bar can shent Itielx.isoneal •shalls at
le famity at, I 1„•. of ti ,„. 4. 4„, f . :, , talltil and walnut - streets, where the proprietor,
and con' tt nt-. I •.ab„ t e , jt r io,,,„ .: .1u showing the visitors a pectdiaestyk of "butts” Peaceable Anon* or is that a pltuit of'the Luke
igtio - tuany %li“' -it , - -.15,., tilt' "bettl- !of his own invention, end which are extensively . Shore growth only? . -1
‘‘ ,. i , r i ght, au,. 11•3 n ~ , i , , 1 ,, 1t he i. ; used throughout the tit,in preference to any
fir inc Ale. Aleetaiei ale 'tea. fir.: 1,,•, 13 in
.t man living N., ID . ;11 1 , a 11,, v .,,, imported article, watt, trot/isle/6 told that hu .. . . .
than On e : eSef 1 . hi, t . lu look well I . cibutt s " were a fair article, but not as good as', Crated by a gentleman who m ratetug hue tattle,
Et-ery thing here, in the :4:,11:1,ake. ; the British. The proprietor bit his, Bps, and , that hot winter be fell out twin, than,:•loo barreLi
10 1 . . Th e ,,„„, 1,„, i i „ di,,,,.0.1_,,, of ; 'claim. kni to exhibit other snider, but" in every . o f sweet apples t o his inpidi te at s , an d that th e
k, „ „„„„ ~,„ 'i ' ~.. „,, liken ! ea.m Sir Rohcrt--- 7 expreased the opinion that .
Increased quantity awl Ochnefis • rt ,t• hi s m ilk p a id
the Ettglieh article exiatlkal. The manufacturer •, . better
~ now begau to get out of tience, an d t urn in g ru , hum than any fetter u.c hi t could' put 00111
' the Islnglishman, asked a ly:
t rlir
. • to. and that since he ims fed apples to hi: erne:,
"Do you wish to know, • . what article in 'be has not had a mac of milk fevi•r among them.
America Can beat the British article?" • Will oar farmers think of this? i •
''Yes,' Mr, G., "I would like to beez of one." - - --- - - - .
"It is Grtnpinethy, Si,'!" agi.. Mils Eaton!, who was, - ith It..i. hrother
Sir Robert and his party respectfully bowed, arrested on the cluirge of being :entermal in pil
and were politely escorted by the manufacturer ' faring front the puatoffice at Re ri - sburY 01 '
• . • .., Ito,
to the street door.-N. Y. See
has been honorably. discharged. ! The Wheeling
AN IMPORTANT liECI - SitlN. - - L -The `Secretary of . Gazette says that Mr. Eaton. the I'mi : waster, is
the interior has approved a very ret*ut *decision i n n „ way
i mp li en "e .
of the Commissioner of the General Land Office,- _. _ . __ . . f - .
under w hi c h t h e l a t ter refusal to auction as a d. : bifrTheeommunication tr..' Mettiher'• irhich
minititrittor's sale of a millitarY land warrant .-• a wa i t ed ~in our paper -- 11,1, , proved a
The Commissioner rules that the 4th section of bovabei in hII • h It - t
perfect- e ,1 e W It, - nap. :at least;
the set of '?Bth September, 1830, (tinder which
we should judge al front,its.yeeeption at the
the said -land waning was issued,) exempted i t '
from the debts of the person to whom it washe hands of the- press. This slinws- facts are
stied, and Made it, until the patent shall have is-1 stubborn things; not easily digs ted iu that guar- '
sued, the . property of the heirs ,of the dammed I tea; - - - ! -
scddier, not to be aliened • by any set of the ad...,
week print . . Trauma-We shall seat week print the &awl
----=------- -- - ~ sad Comity Ticket s and walleye our friends from.l
' • am. Bosamtr.—Wat. Gardner a mail ear '
- , the miens , , ipa, who eta ' be in, will sill I
. Irice has bean waned at Broad Ceek, ary- '
__.. : i •
brisdisiss,qtad widtrebbing the mail between 4a- '1 set ilita ° •
aspelfs sad Bread Creek. Glardneeseaipet hag ' 'lite r . candidates t the 'slature ,
was seareha and is It was found the entire lin 111116miL461.1
mail Bum Kest Island . Th era a ura a b out I - --- _ se all pledged theliselves to
handled letters, of which aaver a l h a d h em m u, • vote fur oonsoridating the 4eVeraj district* atlas
bed of money. • 1 city sad county.
spite ,
'put t.
the o' ,
&MC .
h tol
dori .
the 1
in t ,
;KJA2 , : for 11; inc4inWi• or con
k,. N% thusli g u,n i N. lti:trint, awl
abbe and efficient , L of the
ways i 11.41.41: Of
, TeS, 11i(41 Fl,idoule,.:l wydne•Ally.
N. C whil.." lii, reticrn front At-.
co urt in gligerotkiii, vrotra;,.. lie was
•• bilioth, 1.0/ie 160" the
yaw erpttp + fed t., ?top t;iilil,txcro.
ied the Fanny .:remi t . Ur Tinci4clay.
riltningtou ho was in 0at...4-
I' BY A. Ls.wrin.—V. o liovettbargh,
lawyer of New torli city wit., f orge d
to a . lady ni tbut city, who
; contracted marriage ou rho strength of
is imndicated in . another C•144t1 a a similar
, fie gave Mrs. Juliette D. 14. lisle
I I print — of divorce, and teeeiced 'therefor
,onigh has left the city.
The &nog& ir, responsible for
'Jemmy, *rhos', did pm see the flight cif
the other evening?"
'Niter the one, nkt: loney; what kind of bats
• theyr •
liirick-bit4, spidpeeu."
(Erie Matto Obstrbtr.
rio gq awita,
Of Ph llmirlAiet
Ron SURVEYOR, Ii EN Lit A,L; .
0 / I ~... ar i Lm.
. .
j E. W. 0 ERRISH, of" EticuLot ~,
1 WILSON LARD, .4' Eris*.
roa riisri..-T6n or 'ME 1001 i.
• Deelinee. •
. We have been reque4ted by Judge IlitAwLis'
to state that he limit poeitirciy &clines the use
of his name as the Democratic candidate forlAu
ditor. We havatherefore, not plaee4 hint an .mg
the nominees at the of our paper. i* '
- - •
The Democratic Ticket. • , .
' run upfhe Tieket, noininatod b' the Dein- •
nemtie Convention on Sattiniay with plea,-
ure It i 4 composed of gmn 1, r• lisbie, respousiblo '
wen front first to last, and a , sneti Should rect:ive
the undivided support of the p.irty. tine.
we did not counsel a nomination; not inslause we ,
r •re opposed abstractly. to one, but 'simply b.
muse we doubted whether an at tenipt E tie e,di J
convention .at the das mimed, with !untie;
.....__—_--, _ _...... , .
A Oast ham's Blutiiit '.*-: , '''-',-. ' Daamicra tic----
It Ine, been vell said, there )11 but - Mae step The lasiegates fron t
different ward*, *-
fron t the suldime to the ridiculome if
_ire alter oughs and towntildps or Erie county • assembled
thi-t sent:to-tit a little we most aptly exhibit the in county convention at the Court House, on Se
-144 and pn•sent position of Hon. 'EnwAltrt Ev- turrlay, September 24th, at 2 o'clock, P. M.
Ett)avr, foe life utontbs the ((novae :ill. of WEBSTER 1 On motion', James Wilson, of Oreenfield, was .
in Mr. I•ll.l.Mottes Cabinet, as Secretary of Siete. i culled to the chair, and,' David Olin, -of Girard,
Wht•u Mr. E. retired, after the inauguration of I appointed Secretary. . " '
0011: PlEfirlt, 10 was fl y regarded a 4 ono off The deleOttin then proceeded to ballot for can.
the first men of the
. 11.1114; but be has reialitly ' didatea for the various offices and selected the.
'rotdmittt..l 4biumPT,i which, - in the Apiniotihrfltalomitak4iticet. , .. . ! : ., •
the wor:•L',.i., in a statesman:woriihan a crime. Analtattnit. 1, :
Let us state hiiefly what that blunder k While ' E. W. GEBRISH, of Ede . nbero; -
11;• was Seeretiiry he had. on the 14t .of Dec ent . i
.. W . 11.,501%.1 iu4kIRD, of Erie,
her laSt,
.tiddressefl Jionl Rnesell. the English ! . cf-m'N'tr- c'eXlttssitimEn.
premier. a letter in regard to the annexation of i MI I UTOIIINSON, of Girard,
Cob; by do; ruited States, or rather the tripart- ! Enna-ran nf' TOE *POOR '
ire C,tevention. To this letter, which, though ' JOSEPH P. G.BANT, of Waine. ;
ttieninally I • acing Ids signature,
Is considered in
. -
. -.
• ettut.rri, - AntitTein.
Diph•atatty is catenating fir the'Government . , and : .1( illY. PR AW.I.EV., of North East. . .
out fruit a t i i „ii v l4, 4 „l. 1,,,,,t j,,bn Rmatell h as c ,,, - . • Chi motion, the •ii,ll(dng resolution was adopt
plied: t.., w r ich Mr. RDWAltri EVERETT li a r mint evl urtanintolt,l3.
gr:tvely .1r: wen up-and published it rejoin:ire W,,,.. ii . r.oleol, That th. ;Zee ..I . iiisttiet Attorney
tion; , verb :;,,iteli n piece of (.grq.dous folly—melt l it s ill n g at l t i t k ri t : I s h h a o t ul o d f th u -e it' j b ud i e c. dtit o ifie ne d which pa fm rt in
a ridieulor. blunder:: With the Philadelphia : po li t i es; t hi s „ 41 „ ten . thin will not nominatean3y.
ffi,oe, but recommend CAISON
' Bell , an, fre have no doubt the writing and the
-candidate for that offtee,
plibbeatliin of that letter will do more injury to GRAIIAII, EN., he having been announced ati a
I t ri Ecerett's. f .reputation than. can be repaid in candidate independent of party.
is til!t! year , .' :We tlefer.not to its Character to. a The following ttaut..,d persons were appointed
oonap.,sitien : f; a- it is elegant. forcible and pun. to au.t as Central (''nuts, Committee for the en
gent from beginning to end, and if EdWard Er.: ruing year. viz:' M uscly Ichallon, Arthur Oreen- ,
' erett were .sill Secretary (4 State. it would be . wood. Isaac. Ii Taylor, Alden POmeroy, Win. A.., '
• univer4alli , honored and admired. But Edward Galbraith ; Sitallottl':Smitb-; -James P. Smith s ,
F.veiett, a privati• citizen;
bad no ritif to reply R; 2n. Orilteh and B. W. Vancise.
n-: a letter addreksed ter him a; a highpublie tune- - The colt. - entiou then adjorirned..
• •
ti'mary it is a pieces orunnaralleled presnnip- •
Free Democratic Cimveation. .
ti : ,o itt ) d it grail% in:arlt to his Successor, Mr. Mar- )
. e',, and the whole goverunient at' Washington Pursuant to call of County Central Conn:lit
'Re offenee - I,'aggravitted.ty-the well-known fact tee. qui Free Democracy of Ecoun eonveu-
A 7
that Mr. M ar ,y, ti l e Secretary of State, has writ- -e•,l a i t f the Court House in Erie in the;.s.tii. ;ro.t,
. t. ii dyepl!, to Lord Joinu linssell, which will, at onvkat.'-Co'cli.ek... -wet,; called to order by 1). If.
the prop..r time I .' bi: made public. N'f) one doubts Chap:tip. N. tionld was ealled to the Ch a ir,
Mr )I,:yey'-, ability '..... make at:ail...flu:tory reply, J. J. t'rupPn, and S. Eaton were voted.' Vice
• (As: pt, a. it appear-, lloti: Edward Everett. wit*. Presitieni• and P. C. Colunten and E. it knee
' foiel• hooself 4' 1110 l upon to regard Aim- ;nation:it land. Seeretaries : • -
' yeti-titim.a. , . iris per,oual affairs,' ,-imply Ireeate.e On motion, W.. 1. Liddle, .ti. Foster, Rev.
he tin,- Seeretar, of State for four or five month--; Mr., Wood, and IV'tn. Teller, were appointed a
: , 1 ,-i, -:leottlingly, he hurries
_before the pub eominitte,• to ; draft !resolutions. .
,lie h.:.
replytiO Lor,l John ltiNsell. We trust bhp:rd.. in the absence :If the committee the meeting
' -hip 'will appreciate the -calm -,, f a do u. wie, athlre . :=sed by 31es. - -rs. Cheeney and stiles with
..; m. itt, a . .ittl pa,. it over tot un*ortlty of comment ' much spirit.
or reply . ' , The Contraittee reported the following, resolu
' Mr Et ere: t, welcac, is l A I
'Hilag STAileil. Thl. tian'which were :adopted. "• "
- a.pplau..._ ,•;:eity-1 by. hi• noble effort.: at oratory Remlin• 4. 'fbat.ilie great objc-'et of alt govern
-and ,iii.l•onatie eorr, spot:deuce, r i nse the &Alit mentr . shr ld be . tti se ,
t euri l the rights l of liberty, rty,
of sir. NVel..-ter, ha- apparently.generated in him v i . , i r r , 1 1 11 ,.. - r : r u n ! t
1 7:l 9 l l l th t l inlitle t al 1, 1 a l r e ti P fs ' t 7 t e !, a nd
~,t..e that the
It: ot er-weening vanity, which la so fat:il to all the true objeet-.- of; the GovPnunent- .are earrietl
' gr, repttta t intl..; f,,,, li n t' greatness' i. alum v.. ~„,1 by the v e nt.,l.oleeted to administer it.
i.mi.,lt st. Et:en supposin , o p Mr. Even•tt to have , Ife•to Ir. d, That the -two political tootles who
, ha v.. heretofore railed the country , have failed so
• 1t....til pers.. ••Ilv .t.... - o. •-• •e by
' • t " • ..` •-"*" '• ti the tone of ( ne ed to administer the tiloverutueut to , 't:l promote those
•1"-bn',11"`-'11.' L iter, 0 4011 " n decency, and the - objeit,i, but insternl, have .4:administered it as til
nplillary ~ lourti. ,i,-: among gentlemen should : sulsvirt the•righta and liberties of the people, to
have sttg g s ...tea to him the propriety * of deferring .1 make the practice of the plainest : principles of
any putili,:iiiou fir. reply at least till the matter ) virtue a eritu . e;•anal t i o .. expose those who practice
lia.l 1...7.•11 noticed by the Secretary ..f State --- t ' e l m ,
„,.. ti , i ', l , 4 o l t lP,l fir l i i t t ; ' .: 4 ll 94 ,l ;i „ ti t i r Pri ,,'A l t i o ne A. t e . ,D e „.
Thti, it -MY !tlttrey'q anSWet b"t:ti'l ha" Prove , ' tn..crat.l : to 'pot ill I , •liiiitzition . i4od eletingents who
palp..hly weak and itiadequate—which is not at will brill ,baek• the government within it true
-,. ,
a -
ll a probablo (.. .1 -4' —lie might leen. been exe l e... 1 , Adle•ets• , ',
ed. though -.-areely - justifietl, for writing a .TIJ toilov, ing
lettr • •
resolution was then ‘ offereil by -
- ! ,-,;„,..„-, i tr . -- nnt ., in . ‘,„,,,,,, ~,,,Ing Tif i qt, 1 , 4 , Tito wh,,,,. '. , N Wit -•het on ooi ...inn. « , ..404.1.-rnit.l.. liii.etaxion tilt.
self in t h e foregrimml, ii•mistat.-smanlike - m:4 • I 'ouveut ion voted. it 4 «de.ol i. t ti.•
ist - :Hid "1i•pr...,.0
..,...%,.. till. exercise of ;
one, utietomily. 1 - p to the date ( .f ibis b;tter lb ; ' :I: , - , d1 , 4. 'That .to met will. Ilite iti 4 who pro- .
poi die man in the Video. prole.dily, stood :0
in , ••rt.,.
iti....!, es )11.. Everett. Enon that dun: his , the right-et t ree dielissioit i + to volunteer as si- i
a n ' lent but actp.e F..ntineh: 'on the watchtowers of,
the worst ,lespotism on which the sun ever rose i
or set; and if this right so dear to "every 'lover of 1
1 freedom is ever taken front its, we will not- be i
• i guilty of the gross ba.scues,, of-having, voted it I
• away froui ourselves.
• i
' N. IV Osou, •%1 tu. IL .loltip,ori, D. If. chap- ` '
, man, Oal'il i:oF,ter, ti. ('..Martin, were appoint- '.
i,,al a Commitfee at Nominations. , After a . short •
Ith4eute the eotutoitteo i•eiturtk.d the following, ;
whitth weir , adopted 1.3 ,t - lie Convention:
..Ir-st"...glit.Y.--Nat. IVil.-tn.Nuthan Clottld
1 tt•i'ett . ter At-rots s vcr.-- •1. 11. Caughey. -
I ' c ot vt ts l tos Eit.4,•••-j. .1. ('ompton. •
Sunl•ivott.-I'. C. Compton. - • . ,
- Ittnavron OF PooR:---.T B. Fluke. .
.kvotrott.-IVtu. (;,sty; Esq.. of Wavily.
. • Titt:sraLs or Ettrc. kr tio.try.—E. - 31 - el l l.-1-
• land, G. F',...ter.
(talen; F'o,tor. \V .1. C I.,iddle. Win. Iliturod,''
i were ifegl,-.1(';; 3 / 4 itit:. l'ent rat rotomittiv for the
uluA th grit.% oivay Ickwer&l
Tho friends of the enactment of the Maine Law
ri-o-,outhled in ('ounty CoVvention at '.l'Kean
ou Tuesday, lust. We- have not been favored
with'ihe priliereiljurt, Li l a learn th a t th e taa i.
ir.tti.' , u of 311.. .sue of the whig eaudidate,;
wa- re-:Armed, and also that K. W. lleitittSll;
L-ii...‘no of the Dentheratie candidates. was put
uu th, :t- their candidate. This is fair
and liberal. t, sa3 the least ',fir. but uttr neigh.
hor 1 Gol , /k• tins...s not like it. Ile whine,
4,ita Ike'au,,. the Temperance men did not
yi, theto,olve •to his lead, add, now deelare4
tht —into einem to I*: of Demoveatie origin and .
f“.6,,,thtiqu... How 4ily . The. Dt , tuocratie
party ha,. had nothing to do with it. Individu
al' In, r"alrers: may - be temperauee men —indeed, we
know mins mit —lmt that the TeMperanee more
-111..:11 , %%La, twat t uat i en , of course,
h. otr..p i i.v the DettitorrutieS ',arty is Tinto.
rioa-Iv non hi tlie .eontraay, all the novrea.
'ited ,rg•tip , of the Dentocratie party. and we.
inost of its 1, ailing nom, are opposed to the
ca.,( ' &newt of the Maim: Low. Ne_verthele,:, we
pet w i. m e t h e y w it all N ote for Mr. GERRIFII; we
know we shall--not because he is - the nominee
of that --but simply hveall-f• we knew
. the? MAN:, ?:non; him to he" a true, faithful at
lib, ta t mauled th.inoenst, and one withatl aloft-,
dantlY cup die of tilling the position to which hip
i r i ere k nominattsf hint, with elvdit to the
courot and.t, himself. Be ides he i, the t o d al.
a ‘: , of ,ear party, aud hi , lLlee is entitled to our sup
port. In this c,nraction allow it, t., say th a t we
I: tt.. lotoyn Mr. th:nntsit for ten years; :Mil all
LILL: e known him asapractieal temper.
„m„ Titan pat: who. in his every clay walk• And
yen% t.rsation. has Len a bright example o}. total
ahst from intoxicating drinks.
soup. Iql , '
• dint •Ili 111•
• lifirt,:ro.--ne nett Editor of the Crr..7 , -ni
bring.: to the di. charg,i.: of his contract with tiro
Railroad comptuy a very refinral taste, if language
i., any iuelic•atieu. In criticising the etonu it u i i,,_
tion of ".1 - letuticr,, ' which appeared in
n u m b, r i refitted' eotenaporar,y se s tA out with
the rut. , er that the writer' is more likely "a man
- ber;of a "Jackass. club," than of the Legislature.
This iv an exquisite opening,_ hut it is mateheil
by the chiging luragraph. In that ilto Ex-Mem
ber, Ex.-Senator ;lays: ••If the writer is a nieni•
her of the Legislature, he certainly don't belong
to this ' , unity, for we arc not in the ]orbit of
.sending atlar• &ails from this county to the_
:I;;setubly, and we would advise. hint if he wants
to wake a 1(.44 of lint:tell, to do it borne. - -
This i, certainly dignified for a.grave ex-tueniber .
of that august body, the - Sea:m..4 Pennsylvania.
.11Gbo t tics, it contains a palladite ttiisrepreactitition
of iiieto; for, 400rding to our belief, the tnututy
ka4 beeLi "it , the habit of sending bittlivr kends
to the Assembly ,'' and 'to the Senate. tun, for that
matter. Wt.-need point, no further that the
of the himself, whom any jury, of
twelve 't.Nsnipotent men would pronounce a wont
consuinutute_ "loather tenet' of the real eult.alqu
eft. Several specimens of valuable lead ore
Imre been %mail near Lewisburg) Union comity,
in tbiir State, - lately.. Vito &pasha occurs in
veins, and irtogularly inietapersed masses, from
!be fraetiOn of an inch tef "more than half p foot
diainefor in a 9angive, or iantrix;Oftariamte of
Lime. The speenneux will yield train 50 to 00
per cent, of pare lead..
Temperance *oven:ant
year eu-aurtg. •
The Sreret - .Lri;••- Ut.ri• eowtituted a mitimitter
tto publish th.• Conveiltiou%. pro,k-rdines -
; flit tdpti.)u.. 3,lj. , urned.
S rre." . t.
' .
i f . A: PI.TTY V.I.LsELTUIJD.—Iii.2 Gozett, wakes a
1 great ado over an t`Xpre•Nirra it asserts wag w c il
by Mr. Gtatamn, utir candidate for the Legisitt :
tare. on th e day of the Tettsperanee Convention
in this plate; tu which he was a delegate : The
Chrzette'says. he 11,..elanti1 on that day that , die
hid ',nut" tree* hell , to noininale whip. - Mr.
G. a•;,itres 114 that he bas no recolle;.tion of using
Alit+ latqfung'ci and ire present*. he knows more
about it thanthe Editor of the (Zo:;ett•:;--at leilst,
vrell t.fl:. lii!•:'woril for if s,-*kuer than-that ..f his
I.iilant: lint supp*: , . • he did - el s e it; is then. ,
• '
p t ny thing. a nT ; ..*, in ;cr . Let us see! Was it a
Whig Convention' Sill %Va.:, it a Democratic
t'onventiun: !.Nn: What eras it, then?—Sint
tl>ly..itmperanee Conventiotz, assembled- to
nooduat e .4vine Lai , :lien. awl hence the we nt.
t ir
i tiers hail/ use ilaSeMbled to nominate vide r wings
or Demi rata; the expression. then , even bad he
.used, i . thnt.,•!he bad not i..olue there for the pur
lipuse *4 ionitilitating ala;gs,." does nut show, as
tthe Gezctiertigue4..‘the itentocintic east of the
/ f
movtiinent.".' .. _ .
UV" Aa the whigs. (liar majority in this
county oi., : soute weir, or fourteen hundred, umd
hence could aitevel to b.! liberal winded and hon
or:3de, ice weire in hopes the meetings and nom
inations of the Democrativ Party •oulei receive
that tretetnicnt and - notice from th ban& of its
orgains sugh 4 Majority would t dautly en
able. them to', gi‘o, awl yet not militate against
the interests of their owe candidates. But our
hopes,hare snit been realizeel. There can nothing
good come themi 118%111 a particle
more inagninduity than a toa l l; Sot et particle:—
Look at th,l nut/ the. Gresecntc. With
what poli4lll 'and liberal language they both
notice our :Uotnivatieuts: .ls'ut it refreshing!--
eopee ialiy in regard to . the nominees for the Le
gislature:: „Ind then, it shows such a niagnani
mous s piri! for un Editor, conscious of a sustain
ing majority iu the county, to-attempt to belit
lie the qualifications of an opponeut , --4in oppo-
nent, by 4414, that mentally and morally is as
far supericir;to himaelf'ssan ansel,of light Is to
imp of ilerirness. ' •
LEAVINU TU tyalrit.-1140 New York. Cbur
ier and lizOirer, 'hitherto a leading and influ
ential whigjituntal; has followed the lead rd the
Tribunr, e out "independent." Whig
try has "a hard road to trasel. l ' Well it his!
loud ad Sid earlatiaa. •
' ' • Weed on Dress. '
. .
---- - i friends throughout the County,—we mete: :I. ..,
Fashion, it la olds rale' supreme ; yet bow often does ; not already done ag,—vrill,veing the ge,...; , ~;;
Bei Wall mt. the Ili* of * pair Id' pants, or the tip of I some sod de likewise:
a beaver, proelahe the true Ammeter of the wearer. Ton i B. F. Baker, •
-. 3,
nut tell • "V J. W. Wetmore, bey" by the fashion of his apparel , as easy ! ' I
11. Shenk,
es you min by his Oat and langstage There is nothing
.. e t _ syn e ie e , l
maw about either; limit lagging° end lash pants gene- : • J. V. Auderten. '
rally go together; the hold swagger is genendly neeconpa. . A. V. Ramo, • •
Dant ,
flied by a staring vest, or a queer eta coat, l and a leasing A.
W. D. Lowry,
WO &bar, 01 be aherlsd by a jewattesp, of dOsstseire , Solomon, Wood, ir
sort of a kid thiireelsy a day purses that ire don't roe I A. Alden. ' l h. . I
something Ja i the dries of our fellows that coninwror ,
J. B. W worth
Jas. Moon, ';-
sids, . 1
more, and more la the belled that diem after, all is the true
2d. °nay, ';• , , ' • .
_" ..,:
criterion by width to judge Man se he is. For illetance,; it. Lillikriffga, . .; ,
when we me men who have been born - and ed.ested in this I Z. L. Galushia, • :
. ' .
reptildie—the prowl sad jest beast of which is that site has D. B. Law,
Wei. Buys,
disrlanded with morn the tyreaulealand harbaroui customs . R. M.-Leßow; '
of /be old deceiti-- l -amenning the apparel o' tytrauta or of A. M. Piety m,
- 4. _
tyrant's slaves, we are La troth constrained to
.. say—"the • Deo. R. CI k, ' l
eppirol oft proclaims the man." L. Rhstbe o i
When we see self-styled gentlemen shear i ng a eh% ;air- Our pion cutemporary of the Dee s :,
I impresser the' Creator; walking our mettle with golden •thc eountry to thareh not a great while at '
headed ranee, whose prisons look as though they had lie" I be returned, he asserts, "to the. heatre of :.,
made to order for the express purpose of ifilling a proci- I with en i popro, rd off.P. of Actet.' K fri...': •
I ottslY APoileit cult of - clothes, or in ether 40ag, whit jook •; euggeo. tint there must he rouse ,••
as if they had been melted and Poured int, their garmjcute ; ha., loeked ore; the comma of the th," .
—which appear to bee. part 'and parcel Monist:lt 4, -.- t deuce of it. and bra not found it.
0 whose careful whiskered physiogranies Dtdie , ste them to _
The New York" DratittErart
be a species of Nita Deseript, partaking liteiewbat of the very high opinion of, the int-elle:deo': cr. • ~ e :'
, nature-of he as and gut—we say of men, "the sip- : ,Congreremen, if we are to judge froet .„ .;,
panel oft proclaim the 111411." k , I : cur witty cotemporary: --Oat of th-re , .:. : :.
in the next Convert, we 'hale if du - it: i oe
, • Whin we menial whets hats are catteduliy set on one , could give a year'i longevity to Is feSill , r. , -.:!
tide of 'their head—whose persons are attired an the de ‘by % .itity on the continent."--E, cbartoc.
sod gaudy material of some French tebrir---in who.* The °DWAIN/W. may he -,11 , Nt , I n ti,,. ; :
mouth Is a eigar held in the most apprise. 'vie, at no so- e rest ene -.,f the, members --f roe :mei tC.,. : ; ,..r
Bic of about fatty - five degrees with the. beritoe—whose : compe•tent to perform the datiet of the;etate
rwaggwing-gait and boisterous i -, would ast , r e nish I they hare been elected. The qualgiciti..,...
the prises ocdatiowe my, "the rel oft proclaims : rending, soccesttallY. edlallY WsPer'er, f ur ''.
the man." ' .
-There is one eines pf persons, however, alio are deipird- I are barelreis in every -tate who poems Lilt_
hie above all others; we mean those per no who throughl stAcient r t) MAL** a rese,ectsbie ;pother, ;:.
idleneer, -neglect to cleanse their apparel, and who gitl from few who have the energy, to say nettling of ...r.
day to day weltering in astir ilh,l; like th swine. Foli .I:eh' a ilay paper afloat a- moutb. The fact - is, oi.::
person, Amy l+ no excuse; they should Allotted a. a I ; their (I , mM:unions Line,: been visa:. et et.ri.:
I loathsome disease.- conch persons we say--"the :apes. I, Editorial profeaslen and its que 4 iil l tottlons Le
' Tel indicates...the tam." . l 4 a• far under-rated. We hat.-'n'• d ou b t o w
The dress:o an Individual, loft to eon It hi.. °wo l f:tot,' Papaw* "Y Lewis Ca" l'ittl the tllimt; I'l Pl"..";
• often furnishes evidence of hie eharseters to a close Mid lit- ' and place time it Editor's chair, and tiler
1 (entire observer of bane mama , different ilauiei fizzle out in lees thou .. twelve-month. Pee
of character, in society — the ,brainitiee f t • the rowdY—the ' read it, because their arti de troti! , l to to , len
jbusiness man—and the mad*Flutters .
„ . .:--411 have a style of —tee ponderous and wordy: toe mach after I'
dices peeuliar -to their several divpdalltidne and habits in . d Congrec'ional Speech' Thet .„Vnt the l i.::
lire. . .
_ ...... - I the public appetite craves. It never ,
_ ; spi cy and pungent, 'acre -ere- and poirde i- .
_VP" Wanted, an intended bride who is will' ingto begto
1 honeekeeping iu the same style in whirl her parents be- 1 "" — 4 - te'
gun.—Excksaere. coffee. To prodnee a repast of this. kin I .
i Well , sir, Yoa can find many a-orte ; lyes, many. -Th e y new dish every morning or i every week. r.. ,
rare D.A.- half at 'cure* as you imagin i t.:
s illandred, an d ler kind of talent: a talent that evee v ftl: - ;
F thonse nd. of good, sweet tempered, e liped angel., I he an Editor don't peoseeset ty a long
~ with bine,binekhisel or grayeyes,areedlling to Let the 1 with your 3.1. Cs.: almost co-;
leaded brides " of A I
At men they love, #4 -with them "be- write gngl6ll, and has a feer.q. - tre •-f
l ogin housekeeping in the was style in letieh their parents I shine I. Washingtim es an Hon trot t,
began." To say sack is not the feet id *bale. elyider up- ;
i th the se-siesta as a married, MK we're bound to resent it.
And we will, too ; for haw . 'ea we seen hundreds, of such n.
we describe walk up to the Chneelt, the Priest, or the
Squire, with men that had'ot sixpence to ble:i.t them-elve
with. and agree to "love cherish and obey" them f ., .1? .14 .-.-
.A. 14 - haent we seen Ana isime poverty-stricken esesples
I go out into the world' hopeful and determined, the man
ready and willing to toil, and the wife to second anti en
, ceurage him in ii: and then, after's few.yeare "1 this,
lutv'nt we seat them surratanded with ail the ee t eforn and
I many of at luxuries if life, to say nothing of the smiling
Ifeces, that gather nand their Mosel at the family hearth
none when the day's toil la over. Yes, sir •Interer at the
' 'ex, there are mere "intended brides who are willing CO
beiill housekeeping is the name style in which their pa- •
rent' began" than tree ever dreamed of in yOur stupid chi.
loeophy. tiitia are not all foole nowst-slaye, no more than
they were'llty years ago They can tell the tree diamond .
froin the paste, even though the paste may be set in tine
raiment. end the dimmed in a rougher visa. There were
..tuy light-Loaded girls in asp of yore is well as now :
frith who thought it a disgrace to he seen in the kitchen,
end not genteel to profess a knowledge of any title; use
lel. Such, it may be, were not duo "willing to begin
inm.ekeeping in amnions style in which their parent. he
gan."and the mate edam would not be'now willing. it is
meld likely. Bat thank fortune, slow, as well ZIP then.
the} conetitute hat a small portion of -intended (irides."
VALrasut Brat. Es r Ayr. of the Barton Rein
lots, which are to be sold on Tbara 4 y next, will present an
exeellent opportunity to those who wiab to secure • goed
bedding lot at a loseprire and an reasonable terms of pay
; meat. The menet the lots are very well locakol, and at
it is nut 4teti that oath lots ate offered at auction. there
will-4460cm be a goad amber of bidder.. The sale- 'we
understand is peremptory and indisputable, except to one
tot on - Fifth street, which will on that seeoo»t, iiithel.l
for the present. It
12. , 105T A SNASIL—A switch on the Lake Shore Ro4l, at
was turned strong on Wednesday. ttiretigh,care
tr,.ne“ or crittinaiitn and th: cireumstance came well
nigli.being attended with -.edictal. results. As the locomo
tive Falcon was rooting iu at noon under fnll headway. .he
ran into the brick #agiae-botim., r6ming web
the engine Eclipse, which was standing upon the turntable.
The Engineer the Falcon reversed her motion in time to
pre. Oil more serious result:than the demolition of 1 he.
eew.ratchers of both engines. So says the r,
• AL. We ay pleasedto learn that Rt. Rev. Ili-hop trees-
NEL of Pittsburgh, hai been. at his own request, tinusfet
red to the new See recently tweeted in this
,part of the
state. life residence will be in this. city. "rh, Bishop i•
one of the ahleat ilea in the Catholic Church, and hig nr
quisit fo ~city rennet fail hut lte heneficink':o all
of view, a
F 011411.1 Dnoweatt.—From the repirt of a Coroner'. Jo.
ry, held upoi the body It a loan found doming in the lake
in Fairview town - 4114N boa the lltk inst.. wo extract the fol
lowing deeeription. He was about 10 yearik old, five feet
nine ur ton inches high. His wearing apparel as far IV
could be ascertained, was a hine-Mick browd•loth. fruuk -
cost, buttons cowered 'with cloth, pantaloons were tiru.Nl
utisturt—cottondlantiel drawers., The lining of the
was figured with silk
,surga Black bmadeloth or mast
:mere rest, with donned hattoSP; and a breast Porkrt 04-
ton shirt with platted Iroinnts, and a small is the
h o ,ssor; a black silk neck handkerchief or handkerchief,
sind a red stilklandkereltia( an his coat pocket—had n -A
ver watch in the lirsast-pocket of his test, engraved on the
beck of the inner ease, "Detached Let er 13 Jewel', t hoe it ~L )
Then, If. f. Tobias, Liverpool. No. 11012.." There Iva , a
silk coral safety chain and a key ahont one inch AO a hall
in'length supposed to be gold, with a iguana rolling 1.1.. ck
in .aidkey with acing for safety chain.
vs. Hera is a pie*, of good whine whicit we would
corteuunni-to the utiestion of all our young
friend! tlaniting of isatrigeony ; 'and 'rho is not?
"If over rot emerey," gild h Rowan consul to hi. -on.
"lot it be to a woes= who hatjuagrmeot enough to +.lp.m--
intend the getting of a mewl of vletushi, taste enough to
dress heweeK peide mon+ to wash before breakfast. and
sense enough to hold hoe tongue when she has nothing to
le. One of our exchanges asserts sentimental
shop in Rhode bland intends to
Congress, at its
next session , for an appropriation to improre the ehannel ; of
alfeetion; en that henceforth the - aeourse of true lore" may
I "run smooth." Aboard as this would •eetn, there would eh
about as mash sense in granting an appropriation as there
is for ninny of the objects fur which reogres4 is petitioned
1 to appropriate mazy fee.
les.:The "Melaweltoly day," of Antonio: "the sweetest
of the year," have seem aid with theta seine of the tallest
kind of Issesese• Rare is • specimen :
"The Hotly Hoek has faded, Polly :
. .
The sue-dower's lost its hue.. .
• ~ ' Tet mire as L live, by golly, .
. ; I se* Do change ia ivy : .
The sumuierit t ow has gone, Polly.
Morwith lt an the sews ;
. The hest is owning soon, Polly. .:
, . To nabs as Mow our room" '
When helot there, he bemuse so "inehinehely" he bad
to at istsi me his—eset sleeve! - - ':'
Freas present hidleastens we sinnaltilit wonder if there
woold . lw a pasty Ids sample of h Ores Itglitioeftire the elec
tion is over. Magary Is In the ilekl, Free Soil lit"out. Tem
penult* is lit for a amaa, and lest, thong* not least. the
Demeerawy will bey hint As the gentleman with the
long eons ad the hissing yoke mid when datieing among
the Wes% *lollk but for gm I'll hiked's. amine:"
in. Sou meek .of mongol Aigriostarral Pair takes
place. hem *YU vs tam Ito* Nos the county, we ere
iodised to took fora Mtge ozblbetiotv
a_ We kayo raesivad tie woad umber of tie ouch
talked of %abates **bait, a 'sou liameetatie valor
at lie OmfiltaL We Wad .seeltiog eapsteliamey about h,
lad imam it la bad a hie ample at *mike aliteatpta at the
seat of Gorersuissat.
The ma who Sege his ter eia the ems-walk, where
pea* an coandady pada& was la taws Use mbar day.
Our White List
We Clrkpfmledig4l tair
!lowing ea suh.cription to tit. Eric fit,
‘—Hr. twain Tairr A E:01-.ErE•PRoEn.'
Y. Ina ! , ralgtel a remark:o44
of a rel.:lariat "of that counts, -•-
rY upon the fashion of sending 1,, Ic,-;
/Alia fur paper!, to the neglect
orrn.rounrs. It FRE, says the
printiug office, mad. Juagiug from
mg a runimun band prii , s in opera . . .11
eltale that the sight of a ste-..t, t is
wuul4 at 'olltki 'Ale tile Itir-ittE •I a,
ignorance of uthe an pr •teft tus
us most forcibly: Twelt
of Allan, and tea. u..: tii.ut •
there ira, ear oth , •lrpalr , r ttratk the It ,
listed iu rho counts: 4111 Ehil •••••
an Rt,w4E• 0 . 11RI:11 or hi ,
flirt geuerally.: That rasa is to
teative reader ,4". two of eh« eltitC4p •
which tho ronatry
••A PLY AS 1, A
one of . 4 A-4terroorjee'e
telie pen we ever
that fa'e
Pene,eonsiets in the fact tints tly.‘y„ tt
uitric acid has nn enct upon tram
of solid Platic:L. made perfectly..ruL
hence nre l iept lial•le to welt in the p.ipLr
other metahe pens ,10. '2:either can it:3
dropping them upon the door. fir
jruued into a ' , Aid heard without lily per
With these qualities no wonder they h L.
three American premiums. hosi•le- •
them by the World'i..Fsir in Land. n
Fuller are the agents fur the •.. , •lo
Prime Si per gr 0.5.. ..r tetlV. VT
Gt tf t Pet, ,
We a Ten ia3 ”n* the street
,me hand h. •wnng $ violin,
MI :IV!, which a., hi- /-
and a few other article•' of
the ac,t, ev:4intly, h: •
It win him a home.
ti rabum for Oatobet is rec....iv...!
li-hthent that ttEttal, it ysos'grAis- :
r asatter,
ititerr*t. of it. anti hopeiz
fit pr49 , eni number concq.
;.ntertnining au.l Instructive. 'ft c
Shutti'.. 7 - N, 9 Br..csn'oßluek.
Tust Ler: uoi--e. entil4, •
the 3letuoirl Of t most. rerpectr}:i2
bought by the Horporp. and trill -
her, of their Mugu:we, 00371111 , 311C11.6g .".t.• -
first part bss been already receive 1. tf,
who figured in .Pentlennis," it aguic
B> 01.04, the Oetotter . rearttLer
dt tt. I:rown's Stock. ,
.4 CAPITAL. Err kt
Southern ind WrNtorn \t.l4 - Yvrk.
remiluttati was pa d. z-Llehitig Itt
groutti!.. foy 171 - nlc y,n151;..: 1
no priee be eirtaMi.thed for itacrt..:l;; -
PuhliAliere. like Cltriollich. -, •
sat ion to the liherklity the brltl,erc
xasured wilt 41,• regulat,:•& Abc.crd
places upon hi. cut:n apowsu.
The L. definition t.a , „ • •-•
oudand-out 11100 , 11.$ f. 3
.cts sheet in Louisiana antler.the
"Progrvc.r, egte”.—riod!
to where we ..plt.w.te, and out of a
Cabo, Mexiro, and all the
adj.went or eiretuttjacerw, and
rt-a. of mankind, ie dlo al4y;
Tim Dirrmtescs.—lii thsiefer.l •
pewee:rate Sheriff, site prod 4".
•L.ctiva Is puttlishetlijktko
La Erie County, Whete there V
lished in Whig paperarunl. 31::1;
.So—Otie of; ,
furtable period of amateslife
wife, one beautiful child, caOr , I. •
well whit to do with. a goo.l
debt to the printer:: Baring to • :
that "comf4rtable $
-- Baratta, the Pelee , . a rn •
this city, oche 'erening last.
eourae, in his (MU lausaatte,•h ,ic-u
-saclaveryhtty'4 retatisn, ,r that •4 •
had ()titter "Bah to fry," su, we
knowledge 11,.w iw encecede,l
peered plua„,c4, besides we heard
the old chap indulged in, Welt tv •r.
the sch.d, we thutaid jaage that 1:
*pimp ao in any other field a Ini
Lvviria, of th
ilsit On Thursday.
Ashtabula" is no ,
tberefere we sere
Astautiula 1'
A. I)etriotTa tb• I
l`*vst . ..l
iudtcxM krt..
—We tee Ly Lb
ofl'eaaago. sped
tree a few days si
Uazatt tintt "
Istrunt •
•e: " We lutv, k.,:
will our frie
soy thius , of a I
their eeverol twig'
partiruhtre. Dui
tauter and then
I nature
t Ee afraiSbi
otu 3trrs It up 11,
atndinc us netito
well as the death
In the latter ease
we never ' publish
Pattt viii t.•
Itst sll tho mu na,
which take
I is Dot 'neee.vh+.:•
•S 4 iOF/10 rzr,:ir. •
ttOtP ateani
"daps brume' ill
Mses an iret to
st Rose. N. T..
forty subiteribori
it "ram itpuoist
■re Naomi
about it
I, i ,