Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, August 27, 1853, Image 4

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    , eatat VisoUlnas !Jen
Ai,. -"ice Lowy."
j I Just emu out before you
4 To maks a little moan;
ru pat It in th• Boston Post,
Apt Gan it Lary SCOWL • •
Bo bOid your tongue, Miss Lucy.
Don't talk so muela; Miss Saone;
Your tongue Is slur weicini—
Do let us men aloes!
if I badiee for e wits,
ra eell foe what
rd ao--
ra pt a meekint bird to talk
.7Par better Sale than yea. •
tadd your testae, yen chatterbox'
150 let the men ifeari;
- We sink beneath the streini of talk
Belled oat by Lucy Stone'• •
Her dreg is somewhat soanty,
But thr toname hi somewhat l'ong
Her heart is right, they tell us,
Bat we know her head 7s wrong!
She keeps forever preaching
Fa Sublias quite unknown—
"Perpowsmi motion" has the tongue
Of Charming Lucy Stone
Dm teat tialel beard Lucy •
r Tk ",lase power" she did tacki,,.
The seexiid . tlllll3 "Temperanee'
In Broadway's Tabernacle. •
Of"woman's fights" and • , Woman's, wrongei"
Of weary "iem" thief known—
the Alpha and the Omega
Mit!. Lucinda Stone' • •
Ob would that she were marrie.l •
And had allouse to eve—
WMsto . one sacrifice *welt
To'nre ne from despair% ' •
sour like "Curtin.' " skull shall he hi':
On runes loud trumpet blown.
Who with awsddinc kiss shatt
The month of Lug Stone'
The Wales Bargain
One day, a tin pedlar, with in assortment . of
nickciaaks, "arrived at a village in Maine, and
called at one of die houses to sell. his wares.
After disposing of a few articles to the lady of
the, hone, who seemed to livein the midst of
children, she declaredher inability to hay more
for the want of money. • .
"Tha l ,warn, aint tort any . ( 1 1
"Nont to sell,.sir."
"Well," said he "you seem to hare plenty of
children. ' Will you sell me one for tin ware?"
"What will you give, sir?' .
"Tin dollars for one of them
"Itgood tin ware?"
- "Oi yes, marm, the best.-.
"Well, air, it is a bargain. -
She then hand e d nue of the urchins to the
pedlar,. who, •surpri,ed that the offer was accep
ted, yet convinced that the mother would not
part with her boy; placed him in tile cart, and
supplied the woman with tin. until the .tun .of
ten dollars was made up.
The man felt certain - that the mother would
rather ralse . Hie money than part with her child;
and seated himself b 3 . the side of the boy, who
was much pleased with the ika of having a ride.
The pedlar kept his eyes on the house, expecting'
to see the woman hasten to redeem the little one,
and rode off at a show pate. :the i r proceeding
some distance, he began to repent ofilis bargain,
and hutted back.. The wothau had just finished
ornamenting her dresser with the tine, when the
pedlar returned.
4 it'ell, I think the boy i- toosmail, I gue , s
you hid better take "him hark, and give me the
"No sir, the bargain NriS fair, atitl pin -.ball
keep to it You may start off a , „, yma
, ple . soe;
Surprised at 11 : . 1 . 1,, Abu pedlar viciaitueti—
"Why mar=, ' haw can you think of parting with
Teur-b0)"., so yo g,.! to an utter qtranger 9 ';
"0 1 :;, sir, we would like to F.(11 all nor own
paupers for ten dollars. a head "
ehe boy was dropped . at the, 41.), - ,r, th, whip
ked, the tiu rattled, tail pedlar ult.:lsar
ed the grou*il rapidl:, tv vet. Inrgot hiq
paurier-spe4lation. • .
A etattous DISCOVE.RY —A wait ,•tiriou4 and
interesting disenvery has just heel' made at Lan
'gres, France, which ue have no -doubt gill cause
a scientific, inquiry as ts-, the maierial and proper.
tiee of the perpetual burning lamps, said to have
IDVen used by the 'ancients, Work Men were re
cently'excavating for a foundation for a new build
ing, in a debris, evidently the - remains of G allia
/lumen e4tions, ahem thet came to the roof of
I n u nderground sort !of a which time had
rendered of almost An open..
mg was effected.,,when ne of the workmen in
stantly exclaimed, that there w:t-- 'a light at the
4liottom of t / he cavern. The patties prerit en
tered; when they found a hronted 4ulchral
/amp ' 1 of remarkable. workmanship. suspended
from the -roof by chain. , ;.f the -game metal. It
was entirely (pled by otuburtible - substance,
which dittnot appear to he ditninished, although
the proba4litris that the c . otuhtt.t ion had been
going.on for ages Titi, will tse tru,t, thrqw
some light upon a 'ubjeet which ha.. caused. st;
- n t ny disputes among t - h'e learned antiquarians
- - ,41b
THE (.7,134..i?: ul PE:\ t -- We ieMber au
old lady rho was do remarkably ceountical, that
she had a pair of shoel made for her little girl
"without holes," for fear..he woubi wear them
out. 'flan lady, luiwever, was no watch for Mr.
Watson, uncle to the late Marquis_ of Rocking,
hats, s'aiiin of immense fortune, ,of whom it is
related that, finding himself dying. he desired a
.' for him a drawer. lid which was an
old shirt, that he might pat it on. . Being asked
why he wished to afiange his linen. and he
he replies: ."Because, I ;Ira told that the shirt
,that I die in must be the tililOse's perquisite, and gOod enough for her: - This is as bad
u the woman who, with her last breath, blew
out an inch - of eandlr , "Iletrause;" said she, "I
can see.„to die in the dark."
Out 't.m..7,-The Salem Press is our aathor
ty for the following "Bloomer . ' ,tort:
, t 4 14E4 in this town hired last spring
yotmg Idaktnan to ,work upon his farm. • Re la
bored fakfttlly. and gate goodsatisetion, when
aboot it leek no, the disemyry was made, that
his faithful baud was a tog,' of jibe Emerald
Lb. She ocerldplOugb, hoe -corn. sing a sfithe,
rake, load and piteh hay with the beet of
but strange to say, she was not' very good et the
erad/e1” , •
,ledge had a reriv, wild sou named
Bob, who was constantly on a spree.' and 'upon
being brought up ones before the Court for drum
kennels, the Jtidge cried out—L • ..
"Is that our Bob!"
clesig,—"tes. sir." .
Judge —"Fine the taca} two dollars and costa
I'd make it ten dollars if I didn't know it would
011 a OM of my own pocket."
ttt r i t Obserber,
0171011-110. 9, nowirs BLQCI, nix PAL
!tit' teem Ogee, turner of State •nd 50 Ste
par. TERMS: If paid in advance, or within 3 smiths,
$1 30; if not paid as above $2 will be eharrSti.
a•etbny subscriber failing to pay withti the year. the
paper will be discontinued and the sternal:it left with a pro
per °Beer foe collation.
JllPSixteen lines or less make a sguare..4W
One Eguare,oue wpek; $ be 1 One square'meths $3 'OO
" 2 , 2.5 One . 4 . 5, 00
One " 3 " 100 One " 0 4. 700
Otte square a year, changeable at pleasure, EL Coa
'tracts far a larger space will be made on fever:ado tense
on application at the Counting Room.
*, 4 Cards Inserted in the Baainers Direemry at per
statinat.. Fire lines alknred for a Card.
"Merchants and others repairing frequent changes
in' their advertisements will be allowed MUM squares, and
the paper sent them, for $l2. For additional space, the
charges will be in proportioh, and the advertisements mutt
be strictly confined to the legitimate business of the ad
vertiser. Fairmont for transient advertisements required
in advance. • Bills for yearly edvenising will he presented
)111W GOODS.
sulat abets would 11111 in call the aaention of the public
1 to the (set that they are receiving a large and well neltellan
111100fliaent of Dry Goods. Groceries. Hardware, Crockery arid
Nails. Our stork comprises the greatest Tar& ty of Dieu Goods.
Pants, Shawls, Hosiery. Gloves, Shoes, and Domortle Goods
which we have at any pt ea ,out tune (Acted, and for quality and
style gamma be surpssseh in dim market, Our old customers and
the public generally are residetfully invited to call and esamme
our stock, as we awl cOnddent that we can otter our goods at as
haw rates at art uttered In this market.
JINIIs HUG II V. 9 & Ctt. "
June in,
THE subscriber hu received his Spring slack of Dry Goods.
consisUng of a general stock of Stank. Voinestle. and Fancy
pods. witich I propose to sell ILI cheap as any louse to the city.
An invitation Is extended lathe public one and all. to call and
examine ;ulcer., styles. and qualities of the Goods. and 1 leaner
myself that 00 one a ill have sole to complain. Call and tale
a Wok fbr yourtelm. Akil:rtON.
Eta*, May 21. 18521. 1
Mows WSW Goods
VILE Subscriber has just received another lot of New
1.1 GoOac consisting in put Cr Shawls, Berages, Bangs
De Leine!, poplins, Lawns, Gingham libber, Prints, Dress
Silks, Underslestres &, Collars, Liunen Ilankts. plaid Silt
Cravats, Paristas, Fans, Rilthons, d Hosiery which
will be sold lower than the same (polio a goods can he
bought in this city. Call and tn. it.
, Erie Jatou JOHN SWEENEY.
BROWN and Winched interline and Shining a - C --
July Y.=-I.MEN MB.
DirtAiaJl..ii-ZiirtleteasiorOnem may - hegautidii
Xrie. June 1E MO-4.' JACKBONII.
ro IEIST, &ore No.:, Park lltowilt town as Ow New I l ur -- k
• Store. Norse's/on given September Ist, , lnquire of
Palo, July 16, 1453-3. MERRIL:K. &
- Castor
FRE9II Castor Oil In Boxes containing rttro and three dozen
Bottler eaeb—assorted sizes. suitable tor retailing. warrant
ed Pure, and offered at very luw pricer.
Ere., Jul) 16, No 6 item 11011Pe.
. • - --- - --
11131Litir DATA.' PAM WiLLlnt.
Far the entire eradeestians of ea Pisi•. Eltrrytal aad lutermal
Moody !
No' IuIIOCLD ma u. t mot T at ~. .
On. re enft-tier cent Bottle wal do wore 10 eenv,e.. ton u t i t.
ollleacy. Bala all the eche/tee-mem.
'La the World!. -
It is what its musts demotes a Pain =sr.
Pit Vrtiri AN t; say that Morse Pate Kilter is amp °tame mice
little articles which :I cateutated to relieve an traireave amoeba
otsuffering incident to human life. lee action as Um sygiies
many time• tine maric—co in2tantaneotci—the pain in gone at
Fortier almost miraeulousextinetion of pain. uo medicine was
ever discovered equal to tbe Paia Killer. It is used in certain
cases externally , nil Internally, but never eternally, like too
many preparations. Full directions accompany each Snide.
The rain Killer almost inunediaiely cures the following com
plaints. viz • Chill and Fever. Cholera. Cholera . I dorhus
uiarrhoea. severe burns. Dyspepsia. rainier, Cholla, Piles,
Boils. General Debilliiy, Coughs, Bead Ache, sudden lArlds,
swelled ills. Cramps it Spasms. Illthentualism, Pains In the
Back and Side and various other complaints in faet ilia a PAIN
CtaelttaaTl, Oc t.
We the undersictsrd. Druggists of this City. base been ae
squainted with and sold for a.prear or two pastor. an K. *Of rand _
ly Medieine known as PERRY DA V-1 , 4' VEGETABLE, rAIN
Ji ILLXR. and ay would ...*re thermal& that iu every instance.
.0 far as Crow, it has oven the best satisfaetnan to the ptu-
Chaser . We can recommend it to the public ar au ankle of
GREAT MERIT END VIRTUE. Indeed. we never knew an
artielitothledleinebeeounes so deservedly popular in so short
than. which is proved by the fart of it• estensias p a k. an d
stnntlylncrea-iuedemand. ?tithed
S. D. Psat. Cuss. C01.1.1v.., 1 . 1. B.
J. D. Doi crn. G. H. 115 e... rt. H. **saris.
Ail I. Zr I. dCOvit.L. W. J. NI. Oviancia;
J. &C. R.P•ntel ALLENAL CO. W.ll.lllAansynxic.
WAD.. kart uv t rn.,
warm %ICI 0111•2411= ar ?lux nuauti -
The natalN. n Kilirr belongs P%C illSiVely to the Proprietor ot
t h med i ci Thai right has been recently sustained by
balprt of hot and any person found selling an an irk by lit,
flaw .. and no, of the manufacture of Perry hat k Sr,o will be
Of 4111004 called Pain Destro>er. A Great, ram Ritter. Darr:
Pain /Whin; Cosupouud, snanufaerered by White! C o. of eat.
ftlo. the latter of which is a bate counterfeit. and the areom.
patting Phiumblets a villaiirrim forgery. which will appear hp
Companenf tune with the Genuine. the e erufle ate, being Copied
verbatim. btu) only front our regular traveline Arent wbedeal.
in voliiiirdel , o 31 nu notion svaron• or caber Pedlera carry tie
Genuine Ferry Davis' ram Killer. Huy of regular Arent.., snid
le ,iureyoneet the Genuine ..erry Davis Pain Killer.
• Genuine Perry Daivis Pain Miler.
111 the Souther.. and IVe.tern Stair
J. N. & !'a.. Proprietor , .
Alvo etuld L) J. II !thrum ar. Erle. Pa.. Whales** and
Read. and the folluu ins agent.. ..1 Er.. Watedbra. J. W.
Hill & rum. t Isherw.A.l. rlifV.VW.Caughey.k Pettit.
Spriugfiebt X H 'fun end. t'Ve-t Slyrtnefirld Riley
11, P , 4llPt. Got-
istriz.nura Lars sou saza.
choice lot', between Second and Short Street',
, east of 31yri) , .. are offered for oalo ver) low and on easy
tornitt of po y naftu t. To-pereou4de,tiruu., of securing •eholee
building .pot, pa a low Fere, no hetter opportunity liss boo n
offered. Thireoll it dry, neighborhood good, mod a very
hurt distance front the Inutiness part of the town.
far TERIIS.--One fifth in hand and the balance in fear
annual paymeuv. Enquire of the undersigned, at his of.
tee, where a asap of the lots can be aeon.
May 21.-1. IPM. A. GALBItAIIII.
Eighty City Lots for Sale Chet— pi
8 LOTS on Latusette• St.. abort Depot, /tub byl3l
I'ri,e pet lot,oo
-• • .in liutfair. • • _ 1
4 ft;
Price per lot. 110
• on Peach •• •• •• 331!" 125 ft.
Priee per lot, t. 500 00
•• • on Sarsafrv• • 125 ft.
• Price per lot, 300 00
• • sixth " It,' of 17., teade " 165 no
rdx per lit. NIS 00
• • • • o Fi
Price per lot, ' 150
- •• on Beach Awne. Fiat an act*
l'riee per lot, 140 00
3ii •• • on Ash Lase,. by 100
Price per let, HMI
Out Lot 79.11,6 sere , pr i ce 1200 Otl
The title to the above is,good—terms very easy, one-foartb
in hand and the balance in six years.. This is one of the
1,0,4 eitolh'e6 ever offered for a poor man to secure a home,
or a man to make a safe investment. The lots above
the Railroad Depot on Peach street are some of the eely
bun huntress. woodman in the Ctgqr are, oultalde 1 1 / 4 .'er ,
.temerne. maid betorise or as shop' of any
Buffalo and 81111,416111.9 'WWI are desirable psi-
Vat. residences. The subscnibes needing funds in teak pain
business is determined to sell, and to sell lower, on conger
time and easier terms than'auy one else. A. KM°,
Erie, May 21, 1853-111. Office in Beatty's Block.
R R. K. REMEDIES.—AII of Radway's Remedies.
Ready Relief, 'Relay Resolvent and Regulator Pills
to lio . bad at Jan. 2.5. CARTER k BRO'S.
r '.Cat ul L.—A Sumflor tirtiele of Women Jost received.
L.J and offered at the !owe.' rate either try the BSI. or Gallon.
Erie. July 16, 1635-11. BY CARTES h BIOTHER.
TRISH LIJOEIt acid Lumen llandkere Met. is at swetiey•f
IL cheaper than the eheopeet,
REIN agd Black Wi. Nowt wad flotames. very low
at Swayers Na. I Perry itteek.altate *4- Erre. Pa-
The Aaseriosa Itosoranco Comm
WM issue Policies for Fire and Mario, lareraniee. at their
Branch Office. corner or sth. and lithe Weed, Reie Pa.
0. II MIMI. Attain,
I , J. G. Iliniunewast.
Geol. Apt. Agent.
This certifies Quit the "American Ins. td." have corikaised
with the edition, lam. of this commonwealth and are daily an,
[bodied td insure Fire and tsarina flab.
JAMM3 CIIAMRIMIII, Trees 'Bite Co.( -. 1
WM. P. TRIMBLE Deputy Recorder
LtNsetti OIL, raw and boiled. by the ba or gallon.
Jinie 25. CARTER A BRO.
mines for Maroon,.
TIRE sonic fibers di ..a livestock of Marsh's celebrated Grass
..a. Scy th es width pat at the lowest raw and warewo ran
fret. Alsw, E. Prance tloti's Seethes warranted read sad oth
er .a to Se as eheap as the chapest.
:WM N ETT & cn.
June ti. ISM. / a.
— Presh Groomes, Winos, Upon, &a
I , IIH onamerilier in now reeeivimi a late and and well selected
.1. nook of . Wet and Dry Groceries. Pere Wines and 14 6
Westland Willow wave. which lie i• determined to sell rammer
Hum dm atexpene noemsit down. eau and we.
Ole. June O. toss . • W P. RINDIAND'IIT.
Hurrah for the kiipires Forever!
AND still they noire Thousand. uon thousands of dollars
worthatthe chewers new goods that were ever brouiebt Into
Inn. are daily lariVillf at tie Empire atones. W ben will they ,
uMt That. owe e**l or ben dray loads, and that is bet • deep ,
la the beeketeempared with the loads teat are still faunae.
Thue's every thin in the Gohils lime that eau be thought
ef—le reStlimeettes,C= Shaltri.affinelaia". ;
PekDelaho.iloo tau.
sash GMs, Dill. Thaw'. embower sad Delhi ellowle. artery ,
=Ma and agar. LaeirCollarri and ilselendriwes.
Whited Cellars. edithkievesi. rtoresetall.ghilar hhd
laireilthest Silk hihreanas el ell Wads. We mad - hot Wei or
mookonging emir and seethe yhtee std rheum",
*epode sad woos to most. Pre on based don is whim le
diLmitora world eau nue' op. wow/A
Nay I% NW 11
- C 0 . ►
ms ad Naas et
I WM& Whitt Omsk Limas, Lain ,
nt lli SorDwEs, anaoss,- CRAVATS, .tr..
Parasols mid Umbrellas,
NE 6, Day arm. Nap nee.
Nay e 1.185.1.
Cl!! 4*Mr. R. KtrisskCleastd. 7 Premed
Lfiraflowd. detsellith Joao MIL
To Probamor oo ' lloway, Sot rm. and Giamatti bare
Wad the hlgl.e Co our sale last of propfietory Medicines Mt
llomelrears• A customer, to whom I eau tette For any taquirtrs,
litlartpflin to let you kaow the particulars She bad
bete troubled lb/ years with a diem:mitered liver.and bad diaestaa.
Oa the Maecenas'. however. the virukmee of the attaek woe
Shiehite4,-and the inflammation set in so secretly, that doubts
wen estawased of_ber not being able to bear tip under at ; lbe
tammally she wan induced to try your Palls, and she informs
MS th at &Mc the first. and emelt succeeding Wase, the bad great
relief. Sbe conunued to take them. and although she used oul)
three boxes. she as now in the enjoyment of perfect health I
could have sent you many tome eases, but the above from the
serettti Orate Wadi. and the speedy cure. I think. speaks much
'ln favor or your &vanishing Pills. (Steed/ A. W. Stases.
f :spy of a bettor taorrfsd is tar Bake Theo fescue, aJ die
lit Merck lead. ay Neje" J. Welch.
Margaret te'Counigan. niarteen years of age. residing at la ew
Town, bad been imaging from a violent rbeumauc fever for up
wards of two monthe, which had entirely deprived her of the use
of her limbs : during this period she was under the care of the
tam emisent medical men in Hobart Town. and by them her case
was eonsidered hopeless. A friend prevailed upon her to try Hai
iewayv eelehreted Pdl., ...p i ck sac consented to do.aud in In In-
credible abort space of tune they effected a perteetcure.
From Messrs flea 4- See, Proprietors •J lee Lye* /Jammer
01. out wrack for thefothisruie Mamas,! —lresst 2sel. 1851,
To Protestor Holloway.--Bia.-1 desire to bear testimony to
the Pod *Stets of Holloway's Pills. For some years I suffered
areal Dom a pain and Ughttieso in the stomach which was alsc
ateampanied by a showiness of breath. that proceeded me frees
Wangled about. lam 04 year, of age, and notwithstandlug my
advanced start °fide, these Pills have so relieved me, that I am
desirous that cabers should be made acquainted with their YON
tows. lam now rendered, by their moans, eomparatively active
and eau tate esercise altheint locciaveulenc.e ur pain, which
could not do bifore (flirted) HENRI' COE,
North sr.. Lynn. Northlll.
7%,,, , eiebrated 1',11..,r. evairrfrauy edinteievo fie Mr Adiseillif
• - . ourpleier' s. . -
Ague - limp.) Liver Cuin-Seconda.ry
Asthma Dysentery &Inn Syniesonut
Billies WU- Er pipets. Lumbar° Tie Deslourens
plaints Fenn& Insp. Piles Tenseurs
lUoteles on the Wines .. lAkessinensal Ulcers
Skin Fevers of all letenti•n of Velure aI At
Now• I Coin. Ids& Dries New
plaints Fits Scroll's. et Wesel , of all
Calks Cent - IlDsses evil kinds
Constipation coked-oche Son TIMM W
the 90 " 1 ° Indillesdou Ntenbend Dar- nisi WIPALIV
Coaenstprion Indamation if ef CWR . -
Debility Jaundice • kr.. be.
Sold at Ilst ostablistitneot of Trofessur Molina 311 . 1 kliCalosna•
(near Temple ear. London.) and by all reaper tabledramistsand
dealers in kledic.nev througbouttlre British - ii ofthose
of the bruited States. in boles at 376et5... nets.. AO el skis..
each. Wholesale by the principal drug. knave, in the Wn
and by Messrs. A. B. at D. Purse, New Taft.
IT There is a considerable saving by taking the larger so:ri.
N. B. Itt rec Ilona for the mid:ince of plastids in every disorder
re Atli %Pi! 10 eat II 110 X. 11 4 .1
en/ 161•
Tit 1: ~ I nv.k" Fibers liar lug bought out the intemt of It. Nev
t.ious iu their establishment on Eight street botween Mate
and Freneh, would give notice that they are now fully and am
suPPlled w ith borles.ana different varieties of .earriages, 01
the very best description. Their stock is almost entirely pew,
and consequently of the first rate character. Public , patnanage
is respectfully invited.
Parsons wishing to purchase horses will end a full supply fur
that pit rposeconstsintly on hand.
Erie. July *I. L. T. WCANN
Wholesale Book Establiahment
I Y 2 V P I , A T. 1)
• leg MAIN STRJETT,BurrAco •
At Useold *mod of Y. sv. Breed. w'Meorilloties fit the of w firm.)
HA'.INI been loug extensively rimmed in the manufacture
andosteof ROOKS, awl being the only masinfleturingpub
halbert, in Buffalo. afe prepared to tarnish every article in their
liar. at the Swart 'sites. Obtaining In exchange for their own
publication...most kinds of Athrtilaucous a ad School stock from
the Eaeidrn Publistwrs, they are thereby enabled to sell Oulu.
like their own Itooks,at a small antra nee on eon Orliv not` einre.
Particular at Lion is Invited to their new edition of
le various styles of binding t and also to their 111111111110e111 01
School. aad School Library Seeks,
Which Is probably the largest In :he state, basing been sett c tett
with rare front almost et ery Rook mart In the Union.
obta,neddirsetly from tbe benviestruanutheturrn In the eniintr y
And Blank Soots, Stationery, ite..
Traveling Agents vrtll find a stock suited in atyleand prices to
their name.
17 Kr I TERN DEALERS. eau ventrally duplicate their
New York hills of Purchase here, at same prices°, less, thu s ".
•init the entire econ of transportation hoot New York to Buffalo.
and fronilen to twenty days delay in the tranauslialtan Of goods.
All orders filled with prommness.and at the same prices as If the
purchaser were present.raise EY it CO..
Nook Publisher.., Nos. INA ifain. and 5 Wert Seneca sts,
Oct. %I I 8 —s& . BVPIP•1111. N. V
(of Philaderia.)
At: bussop OM .4101.10 V. raj beboucrA
a pante tpation mute pronto) theLompany 111101111iahill
y beyond the premium paid.
lists opoit the Lakes and Canallitiourml ori the MOM favora hie
terms- Losses will bet ly add promptly adjusted.
Vire r on merehantlize.builcUagsand otherproperi y.i n tour a
ot country. fur a limited term penuasent Iy.
Joseph 11-Arai. James G. Hand, r.llllolltl .1. .ouder
Tbeophintsrauldine. Johalr. Da% 11. Jones Brooke.
Robert Burton. John Garrett. Jolla I. rearm*.
Hugh GrISR. 'Samuel Edward.. Georgie
Henry Lawrence thirldi. Pkorey EgoorgDorligmog.
Charles Keller. Isaac M. Darts. .1., U. Jortmost.
WilliamFolwell. Hay. Joist J. Itintion:
' Dr. rt. Tlwnia Dr. R. )11.11ustml, John Teller,Jr.
:Veneer Mellmtue.
Richard-4. NeWbould.See.y; %Stn.Maninrres•t
i 1 ea It he mnadeto •
J. KELLOGG.Erie Arrnt
En.. Feb. 10. It's 3.
NEW - A - 11141110111111IT
A now Mai.
• c IIIP firm n til (maims( to e arty Oil all the dtßetent't tud.
busineis.herehitbre done by the late drat of B. Tomlinson
/4 . ( eserpeibi Grocery haphiese.) in eonneetion with the
11 tU yfor, Duet nen at the Cana ill. in the r ity o(Er,c.
Affirli 3n, lefia-51 TOBILINBON. KELLEY it ret.
.IN , tr Boners and hoc eerapn• of
1 ',June 4.1e0,--3* REED'S
Lake's Vegetable Compound.
X 11141111! OXL
apert.r...., awe ervxmlerfa 1 vireo Mao oily filter vet
lames or beret Om "Wk.
Pricalrfive Dollars a Settle
The proprieux bas in his posinengion namemus reitaficgie
Astonishing saAnirasstras Ogren
elected by this medicine, and dirtew anent ton to the following
pniy to WWII* Mow who are •o unforuotate to he aillieWW with
Ilmt tenable Maca.e hentioßwe regarded inenratte. that I, an:.
toepatano i l s ; •
almost hitaiiibis in its Curs. •
('row Ahe. Croak,. Woo of Mi J. Jaws itraoti, twit r i
Calgriert, Ohio.
Mr. Z. Ltsc--tltr Mime send aataisother bunko( Vit Medi
e Ise. at, I noit like abe wittiest It as head. When rO4O-
nteneed gloom the medic Me to my rod Mot. he had from One
W three bin per day. Hi has now taken the MeGie me over tier
roOnlirs.aud has had. I think. bin two Mr 111 that time. and incin
very light. Rio body and mird are very much improved and
by the blessing of God, I feel that the medicine a all rertoir
body and oiled to their waited activity. He ineg V•3IP old. and
has bad fitis over Id year.. which have teen reia , trequeni, and
verydewruetivetohi.con.tiiulionandmind iindredvo(doi •
lan have bass expended OW medicine to —cierefirt," but Nimbi lig
tine err i el...d nom until he used your medicine. Respectfully
pour•, PO LC BROOKS.
v r oan halt., I Comaly Supersoleatikot of lA. 41^
Constp !Omar p.
Mr. Let.' —Sir, Ream send a few mete bottles of your
Medicine ;. I may noit pond it. lot think carer to. keep it on
band. Your medicine has done wonders. I Kaye it to bliss
Jane Delano she has hail Ms for el years; brought on by Wiring
the meanie. When but four year. old. which mold not he brought
oat to the surface. After taking the medicine akw date. she
had elm reap of abseeks. and has bad no At. since. She had rite
or aytenteina almost daily. She and het fattier concur with Inc ,
in saying that we heireeitthe suredicint has or wail work a per.
fret cure. lal it the medicine to Mies Jane Ilenderwou and
Arts Cathy, who have had fits almost daily, tor a number of
irtp,r hu t bare ceseed, and 1 believe ilw ruedinine Oil,
bare the desired effect. More sooner haa been reprinted b) the
friends of the above patient. fur doctoring. all to no pioneer..—
.rte. ine to nergarta. and Venn r hoer
-llv reemitinend it a. a valuable iltreorery. Retiree y )aptrA,
Superintendent Aehtaltula 170. Infirmary.
Prepared and mid at wholesale by Z. LAKE. Conneaut. Ohio.
E.f. WELLER. traveling Anent.
Sold hr CAKTEK 111110TUKK+Etle,
Nails and Iron,
r [Alt r. *baron {ton CU. have taken a wore In town. where they
intend keeping a tollonpoly ow %lithe different liiteditarut at.
zee of Iron they make. and also a eomp`eteawontnent of Nails.
Petrone who have .reed the Nail, made b) ibis Compasiy do not
need to be told that none better a rr made atllie ra.toreleewhere.
3ne. etept. d.-17
'Pig ~Scasu for Tows asi Cloostril -
mar. grie Canary Mutual Insatallee Company, continue. to
realm I natirauce oa every ileveription of propferly in Town
and Country, at La lOW rates ae are coaaistelit With Pee atrty.—
Risks are divided into two clams, eta the Farnien, in which
noiblog loot feria property and &tenants. 40 fort or-over from
eapcsures. are infirm'. and the Commercial, in which all kind.
of property are issauted. 'floe feuds iii either dep., anent are not
liable tor kiwies in the other.
ET Coal, Insuranee made in either Depariateet ai the eta&
Sleek tales.
Smith heksou. J awes C. Minhall.
C. M. 'ribbon.. P. B. Durum.
W. I" Kiudersorebt. Jolla Ziraddity.
J. H. Poitertoo. d. P.
B.3.eaerla. ?mt. C. al. Tiaa.t.a.Trea.. JONA 1 , Gcsviroi. Per.
°thee la Williams' Bloat. oplw•ite the Court Hoar.
Esie. hate 11. I. 4
N'll'llr GOODS.
TiteSutuenheru are sow reee,ring a lane aa4 gelaeral moon.
Meatal D r y Good., Groceries. Crockery. Gladownte. Bud
ware. Saab lartwo, flaw. lead! Made Comm an
which with our dame, to mock. Make our aadottawal tats.
Pale Thome sada Mee bees puretuwed moue the *KIM la
price/ in the camera market, dad will be mold edeblagtnill?
bw arkies Ila cash of psoduee. SE°O4 - r OD.
DM'. May IR, IPS3.
- _ _
1 1 1 11 E lan ',Honied on Eighth Mittel. noon n as the Ems
MiNiin A L Semisoft." together with the improvements. is of ,
feted for sale. Payments easy—tole indisputable For flusher
panieulars inquire of WM. C. WARReN.
Erie, Jul IS. 1533. ifs
mire roar, --
THREE Lot:. lying on Sas..afro. , , betne.n Third rad
Fourth streets of the following dimensions, fifty firs
(as) feet on Sassafras and running hack eighty-two (*M.—
The fries will be, if parehased soon as follows: the two
lots next adjoining J. IL Williams 3 10 dollars mob, that
on the corner of Third and Sarenfrie streets he hawked
dollars. - DANIEL DOBBINS.
Brie, Jai 16 1633—1 L
r CLOTHING.--A rowel orsortioror of
Clothing, widek *CI Imo' Rohl vary hr Ora or pro.
isor - • MEM • CO.
!ark Ilt•Ir. a fair ill••sa west °flits
QUEIEMANII.O 6 i Inane all who wish DAGUEREEu-
Q TYPE LIKEN Es, who're at all particular what Slid o
It 164, been the constant study of al.
Seturrethey have, to Mg new trootriswhleh have been boat ex•
worthy of_the name since
pressly for the Art lithe fttal seem orate Artitt, and
the Art was discovered, to moo, mid control It in the man tle ,
hostadiipted to, produce the most tavnrable results. The result
of this sturlV anal of thouoands of et perinients is that there is net
• respeetatite permanent Gallery in the States where the lie
tures are made by a common w ,ecion. and he w ho says tie
produce superior pictures by sue bawindow prove Yhit,
%tithe Art. The subs.- rater therefore bees kat etu say that
ouperterLlGllT.and n .th nu apparatus a orthsts tunes any oth
er In l ats city, be in enabled tobriblure 1 ..111re , who-11 , •annni be
equelled lu thv part ofthe country, and oPr- to excell any it.,
which eau prudueed ip other ruonis .0 Cr W. Or forte, bun.
dred dollars. He ha. also a splendid Qntrk Wont lite Camera,
with which he taltesehildren °fatly sae' 141 14. ' 1,400 '1 1 1 tii.•
dentood but plc turn, a ill not rad" Ift""1".1).r Sept.
N. H —The—recent utprovenieni‘'' nit‘ id e weep a t t h e
room, It' 11. ClenAN.
Ent., sept, w, lest. -
I %NI'S 01 parent,' vile , o , e t f. " "I'r' "" 4 " - t - 01
a oil. ealouid, he.. are not au a re. Ina t Ito
prat In benefit the Patel:lL thOV Ire arum ffi 7n tin, thelbui.ta(...
kg iv.ol
- wse h o!lit. 'tesi
nes of loot.. die.
In another colutno will be round Ihr adreriiiruseili of Hobert
sack's MeiLeines. w which We n..k the attention of an directly
luierewed in their own Well am their ehlldren's•health. In
Liver Complaints and all theorderg aris intr Item (bow of a bd.
Bois type. elsould make ore 0 flbeind v Fenlllnr Inedleitleillotien
saek.B Liter
fir sot deceit,/,'' ban rtsA fdi I loticioaele Worn, Syrup.
and i..v Pin, and olicerre Vital each na' th e "rnalltre of the
Proprietor. J. N 111111F.TirlACtli. a. ht tie H.. are r,llllihe
Aug 21 1 - I y
P2411f0 PO ?ft 11311P0R117 ilk.
11114 ornamen tal.,lerant patterns. eta nmately carved, n 4 h t : tt io;
finiclied a tilt Veal') al-1 of our i,n a manufacture, n.lwar
ranted in ci ery particular. eau he lonn-1 'II our Waterieanar. act
aanct AY. w-roag. Sept. 25-Is - !u BENNE/"I k r.
• .
N. „wa r ily „.„, i ijre.raerifltllY infurtu 1,. It ~..mla
.mlitte. ittabi , gr nrtall v that he ha-Inc:tied Mu•elf
at the old .land of ditddletan k. Murphy, - on the Park
Susu Ith I unreel and truer nalOrtmknlof T,u cop_
per and equal Iron Warn, manufactured of the bert non, and ,d.
feted at ihe mmt r. an - i able eat; -, n h•aenile of if:tail. 11, t,., ~c ,
b an d njoyea Of /1.11 pi }cf -,- and N . 1 31 1 1,0 con.ttructed with refer
ence to tmefultirse and coueentence, and of till mon dnrahl , ~, l
anal a it.° -toverir,e ~101 elhow. . and an I , mrtineet .4
.1 IP AS if 111 1; .
Witted he Mittel PlAluiDell “Illbriitilleil. If eluded, in Ott,. ,t ‘ _
Milk past °fall sizes and (Made vats of every deerituton ~..n.
Moth on baud... noised to pume tbe business wail clan ,
as tbCaltblblaerf.a spare =effort to render satisfaction. he
to ate.
Vto receive au merit a liberal abate of public palm
Brie May I IPS%Ji.
*ow fair. Mere.
Babzeriber informs the mitotic that ht has opened on vb.
tire new *lock atomic and musical instnunents at the tore
be lonatrly oeeupied in Beebe's black. Thanking the public tor
the farces formerly bestowed upon him he asks s'eontinUariCe
their patronage limping that be will be able to titre satisthetton --
He has on brad the very best of fiano Fortes. Melodianv and to.
called Seraphim), Violin , . Fluter, Fifes, and all kinds of small
strung and wind insinsment., I nftrument tr I mm incs. and I n short
every Ming usually found cat a mune store Inelfintlettlf tuned
and [spatted-4dd -irr , trumenut taken it) erchttice for new, at :n,
parlor Maw, and sitiodiant, watt two ices hoar& and rat stop ,
and ant other Invutitnent%noron band will te furntr,hed to order.
Plana/an rent. All tii•r+on, o awing Innate or lint‘trat snitrlitn. !W.
will P 4Ol. Ne etre him n purcha.inv el , ru licre
Mr. . rout 'nue* to ••t t, 1114vEr.
Vile Feb. Id WU It 11..1.1N1,
11011tEr'AR Ell Dom It F.:S?i 01 the fourth STOMAC-11 . 1 )1'
trX, aver threct.ons of BARON LI t:BIG, the great
Pprioiantral Chemist. J, N. 11, Phitadei.
rdtla. P.
This is NATURE:O f)W.V REMEDY fur an unhealthy
math. - No art of man can equal us curative Powers. It con- -
DRUGR. it Is extremely agreeable m the taste. and may be
taken by the mom feehlqpatients who ea nnot rat ikirsiter rraelker
without actor distress. Beware Al DRUCDrit 'nogg,
Pepsin is NOT A DRUG.
Call no the Agest.and get a Descriptive vireular. gratts.g,sing
a large DIDOUDI of C EVIDENCE . from 1.0. W..
Animal Chemistry: Dr. Combe's Physiology of Digestion ice.
Anarr. , — CakTeX RRO. and Ur. P HALL. Exit. Wholesale
and Retail Agents. 1)1
Now Arrival of Irish Groceries.
GUFF or. SAYfroltD are jtut meriting a. good as‘ortineut
of Fresh Groret tea through direct Woo hew York. which
they are prepared to furnithas cheap as any other house in the
city Of Erie We have adopted the Coma owl Read! Jorty•lstess
off/otos humane.., consequently we can wake it the interest of
everyone to buy of us. Mar motto in ...Quirk sales and .nail
moths," believing that .tbe nimble .impetiee it better than the
stow shilling." do we sat to ail, come on with yularGold. torn,
Our stock was bought for Cash, without adding the tour in.:.•atte•
trust; thereby matins at better tin ounehes anal our customers.
Tack ages of Geod. will be delivered to all our customers w Rhin
the eity limiu. Rm.. May 21.—1;
Rosonsorsig & Coos Cheap Clothing Store.
In Wright'. Meek, State Street Erie. Pa.
Pima ploptletarackfthlatitabliahrnent. be; teav, to Anne. ,nr,
that the& latitehoia OW a large. varied and elegant a--
sortaseat at • '
To which they invite the ancntion or ON" public, confident 11,31
An Wyte tad finish it _cannot he r sten,' A'Atir viork cntAlst... iu
fart of the ibikownig. itur
2811111 AND rnooz GOATS.
Pack. and h plc Dicks of CI Cassitneret. Tteet.d• and S.llll
11.01 Cloth.. all anew et e and as ter low NW,.
A telt awl moat beautiful menrUtient ever offbre4, uf ratio.
black and (liner :tithe. Merino. Valentia, Italian Ciotti. Snti net.
double and mngie borawed of every variety of material m. 4 p
rem. I “ t ier and ftrawer. or erery
Hoy.`ol t i ay. • '
Con,jating of goys. and Yo/ti'. barks. Frock and itolll% I." .1-.
OVIIrr Coat., rant, r.ud Vert. of ‘,.11
low pritea. •
Fnae Wbile Shit'. of Linen mid Comm. of turßest style. 3.1.1
wakr. Fancy, Cheek, ll,ekoty and Moe alt l led +thin* of every
kind, In cartoon will Jind eve.r attiil• in our kw. al N..
Wirrrlst'.4 Block. Call and CtintillP enmity andptir r•,.
Ern.. May M. MM.
$25,000 Worth of Spring & Summer Goods.
lirs: are new to receipeof the lariat stork of Dry Good* by
112 25 per tent than we have plasma re of offering to our numer
ous patrons Our stork has beet. &aught at The lowest cal) and
anetion prices eau and will be uold proportionably Wm*. Day 11l
lag riven our whole attention to Dry floods rive. at* faetlit.,.
neer dealer. who but
eouspet.t.on defied. TIDDALS tr. 11,51.1:2,
P.rte, May 21.1 4 2 3 . l 1 Browns ItloeS.
EitDl Ertine !resell ,
shoes atul gait •.• as alay 7'll 52 JACK?, t.S4 • . 4
- Plend id as-rntin:nl
it -21 e at Mar?. 11122—.52 JACKSOVV.
- ,t.l tore. r .llng
b. V April:2s '5l-St TOMLINSON. sELLEr A .O
, I'd
%i 111.1.1 Mll.--Illourtue done at the Canal Milk as 'well y, 31
Jail any MOM in the eutuity. Tnril 1,0%. Ili rr I r f
Erie April .-,1
LirT.'fif:R.ftriiA Wt% r , 3lh StorLlinul
ettrap Hardy. am 'atom RIIPI'M MEEK
IA %I',. vf untold lei awl to is, 00, for mode at
. Trio : May T. 1f33-32 JACK.q9N,I+
._ . .
` - t 1...)03/re. hat removed to No. 4,,Bigtei,•. ; gi,..,,k,
1... T. - inn h now opening a new and one of the moat
rich and sp lendid assortments Of Fine %Vatehr_. fen el
r>, ...Myer Wale dint wss el Of Oerfed in this city, einhrfte.nit
a preal s mete 01 Watene• GI different Escaptiments. both gold
an „....„..„„,,,,. law :"I I , ' of Chnlne. Seals. and Key , tomateh
tocelbet with the ZUO'n fa hionahle Jewels, conslinin, of fin,•
gold diaiondid. ruby. Pe,,ri Slid topl7hager Rms.., nibs and iwrii I
kroat lw-. and Larptiotani.. Itraceletts. Me, .‘1 ,7 0.C0hl Lockets,
gold and .ill er Pencils. gold Len., deiieieri ninl tea *noon_ Sugar
T ong , ,end seontis. Napkin Rings and Porliolotijr., nn mmori
'richt of Nell Mated Minte. fins. Tea Sen., Knives. f•nd.,..
I 'l 4oo '. haillc.. Candlestick.. and a creat variety of Flu, -r and
other 1:0.i.1.., I Oki torpid and nrnnuirlitns : f !,..1.„,,, , till 0 ,4,,, t ,.
(KW., I'm -.1 to ITS , U. all sit schieli wilt he ,011 a. cheap n,. tine
ehiraite- and a hitlechiapet toe Malay pay, The ntientwii of
he Piro a e uwitrlncfs oft:. Loomei and the nubile generally es i ti
!led I. int. notice. June 0
Oros.* 11.0.44arra.bwil tea - aiiii. ir..... zaiciluusninellt.
.110111T01/ CINZIAI , oTon.n. -
Sri 1 Wrisil's Block, Mate .street.
Dry Goods—Prices Reduced
r DAV t. deuainined to pit the price. of toy Goodin' inch rate
i that ever.; use n ill entitintie to visit the Boehm Clew, !tees.
and Pee the ba rot ti• that are now offered ti thy Good. I shall
continue to sell at reduced rate. and nerilenbli ins. stock ~s eelti
With HO h desirable Uoods as are called Tor, both Fain., and Do
inestie I ant now oellinenne summer Dre.- etiliK !ruin :MT to •5
cents. good black Silks 7.1. to al 4 a•. elegant brocade. h 1 lASI ho
01 di, per yard. I have in OW.. 3 14111 p dna varied •••Orlaterits 4
eerier Defame-. Mo•I ins ' ' , world:MOS. Moues, phi iii and loi
need goingi..., I:nigh:out, Nfotirn I n 7, GOC.6; dinned and binned.
white and Muslin ()revs ik,,,,k, Sly pit, kof embrOideries es , a -
plete with the richest s ariely Ca . handkerchiefs from 6 1 t ,, 6,
each. STollars from I. to 89. u 6,1, Wit- wit 'into in B.l.l;,,,,,kr
slireve...l4ufslon and Lire. Lice .-e oa',. lace Spenser's. e , rinc ,
and inserting% df all atTlr, tiieether with it good stock of Prinis
at 6.l to lld per yard.fnr she hest quality. Alio. Cheeks. Drill
ings. Ticking,. brown and ante linens. brut, n and . bleached
roods; lhantril, talsli to, rt.. D35),141., lust jitattras, Nat's..
and Mull Muslim% Curtain goods, furniture pr.nti. Shoot..
Gloves Ito•ier). Needle., Pins, Tapes, BIitIMEF, kr . cheap a..
the cheapen.
17 Loa w, or Erie will iiioiCler Stock of Rich goals very de
eitable.tO select from. and prices satisfactory I shall eetiknivvc
to show them limb pleasatre and can assure them it n ill be an
object mesh witieen deloy.
Gentlemen and ladies firma the surrounding country *ill foul
at in Lkatienie Dry Goode. at the Nett R4464jAisui.
Clear molt Don't nijoake the place—No.4. Wright's
Block. Mate at.. at the elan of A. C. itTEVENTS •
Rrle.lMay 21. - len.l
Bars Chum to Save Itaey
I HAVE on hand the following gesansuent of Pere Writs., aid
I Legoient. which will be sold at New York pewee and cost of
Jos M. Sterrett,
Jobs L Coot.
M. IV. Csopiry.
15 east,,
la do. par do. e
Whim ts •
10 do. do.. Root dad am
5 do. do Remelt and lisisb
S do. do ldooospithela du.
Scouts and Loaded Porter
" Nyasa. desiring a good quality id Liquor. Will find thin to be
tba bert mind els 'pest lot errs neeted in th • onnekee.
'Ririe. May 11.1 6 51. T. W MOOR
No. 7, Poor People's low. Stine arreen.
liana loan rid Itotea Do. an nine; atter priieftli
13 -6 ' 6 1: & c....
'Arnim, icilienetnand varpetn. for pileOerytWiniiaahit
•••-' alas PRNSIFTT lit Co'.
I'aivaisag isaphmeas.
Q.CYTHER. PstAlts. then', Cradled. Rakes. rotas. diosera.
s—r Meg tteo whoieente or retail at the Cheep Ilardtvrann Atom.
June 4. ital — a RCMP 'RIND.
& Jute 4. UIS3-3 IkUrtnft IREEIrP
A PrLIDIDID ameoeurneei &rich ixed., embraehaa an .meter
411 . •••••• 114 •4 • collillaite meek The LaAiee are revaelhopy
to exaasihe meek. We OM oodollled Wry will be
-ploootd. if sr. Whole .erred. We sae ohm!" bow to re,
Low orloOlor duly barefoot.
COULLT cm= rou .
D Y S P E P S I A!!
rill: TIWI
1V I .
By an Aet Of COngrese. approved Ten. 3. all widows
*evolutionary Olken and Soldiers are en t I tied to a "ea.(
'ion Pmt life." urine same amount their husbands drew or would
have drawn. had they applied.
ilereiorore none were entitled only there married pre
vious to January. 10011
"Five years asidatunsel Pension" t. granted under tbi
above Art, to widows and orphans who have been pensioned un--
& r Act of July at. 1131 4 , and Feb.ed.ll6lo. And all widows and
orphans (under le) ere now entitled to five years pension, where
their [web:unix or fathers died in '?wive in the war sine? 1710.
or nho died atter their dlerharte, of wounds received or disease
contuse ir,l in mud seat ice
Every Officer and Soldier w ho has (at any time) been wounded
or iii any way disabled while in the service of the rolledlitstes.
end an the itne of ht. duiy,is entitled in a pension for life, accord
ins to the degree of disability.
-iwurcry -.ANDS—Es ery Othecr and Poldior who ha... served
es lons AA •• one month" ii any war of the Ended :times -ince
1740 to now ellilited to land, if-he has not received it. -
LT rank* in every pert of the ()mod States (or eiNewlieri.)
having cleans for Land. or Pension (or claims of any kind) for
their .own stroke. or the service of a relative, will have them
promptly and properly attended to hy adair t nisine the Sub ‘ eribers.
Post pall Write partieuters in full.
We have permanent and energetic agents at Washinston. and
- inn,. no chimer in any care unless the. elnlm is established.—
ihe 'elder to not alliereeteal in this IldVelOYClrefll. well tee please
ts,rml or teellebor 111n1 1.. Address
_ I-51 Iy II rselninge Itrokerc Detroit, Mich._
7 1tI:11211770M /311111711411110111 emir .
'Capital 6360,000. •
1.1„ , (4.4„ 1 .,„.y law, !IA operations upon such a perfect plan of
cash prerniuto., well aeattered rata and long expetienee in
nratinglroaardAi that 11W interest,* of all concerned are protected
The Canaan y receive*. room almost innumerable noureca. and in
malt sums. a large annual depart Prot this hind. held aa a
public t rust. Water. are paid. Thin 0. the only plan of Ing.tra nee
which rvt long Ilesels I . thy public confidence. and 11u...under
eignr.1 Avert' routidentl t u.r i te. lA+ (H. WI% in creme
4 , 11 ,, asain.t
Tire or Lake Risks.
1.11 of Oro • outran peed scarcid ing..,l upon
wealthy men, or mercliaiii.. , „ for they thud) , neglect it. and if they
tk, fire leaves then, other rerouted , . 11 i: especially valuable to
laboring men. mechanic: and other: of moderate mean 2- -, who,
perhaps. have little lean than a home and ancontents in the world
Thee rbouhl never neglect to insure , a fire v hich mar v,41
them at any bout, would lea*. them homeless. and with no cap'
1111 lout ibeir labor, to begin again (be nruggle of hfr. r.u.i }ears
of toil aid watch ing Mast pat before they can regain what they
"hareto...iflndeedirl3everdone. To yuc th Insurance is a duty.
If the individual ie worth little. the expense it lea^ ; if be owns
taueh progeny. mill - the expense is trifling. and by inve ding a
few &altars he 13 rate.. If be it ovettaten b) misfortune. and his
all laid in albef • he reveiiees a recompense in avast' capital equal
gn his iCkP. and may .00n restore what has been destroyed
Application. revel, el. 11..1 Pnhhrs armed at all imp. upon inrrit.. 1.%
Al.a tes3
IRT BA - VEXES eanceiib tbe health and happinean of a people •,
it at all times Of the , mcist valuable impottanee I lake it
for Iteanted that every person will do all in their pOwer.ta rave ;
ihe lire% of their children. and that ertry periwig trill endeavor '
to promote their on fl health al all racrinces. "I feel it to be-my
duty to solemblt araure you that Wtritlin, according tufty. opin- '
lon of the moat celebrated phyr icians, are 11w primary rainy* of
a largema!orii.• of dt•eacs to rt hieb children and adult. are tta•
ble rf wit have an appetite continually changeable tiont one
thine to another. Rad Breath, pain to the Fu n u..cli• YtcA the at
the No•r. Ilordine.”; and tonne , - of the Reh y. In i'..tich. <low
1' el A ate,2./lar— all tbevertiniate R of SIS
140HC1'‘..ICA'S n'ORvI SYRrP
11. vrl,Jr iounded upon 1 / 4 .ent2.. To.nelpte . •
u ofelr veg,taLle dome. perfertl) •aii• %sibra
Lett. :. 1 1d ..1111 t.. g. yen; In the um. I !Want n de.erlheti
henenr. a Wert. Rort: .1 '.etsphot/(‘ nod ihnrrhon Inse
nuple them neat: and Llelatllited for 'enuae piopert,4 - a or top
IV‘rn. Sprrsitren•sorti.l4ll it kiaii,l4 nohow an equal .0 the
r..ll l llogllt'attallirittrw. on ((IV 11'1Y, tOur .1,.1 el rebirth 10 the Stain
-4:11, it Men wall.— 11 . '1411w:111.We remedy tho=e tdlhelect
111,.. -, the asionosinne cure" pertufwed by I to, e yr „ pn n e ,
pb,Niejaiodia%p • i1te1a...15.s Weiler of 11,..tip,,,,effie,-
et ,410111ef -
'l‘ bi-. i the into i dirge nit IVorin to ile.droy di at I doll 111 trNo the
bullion system. it Prowl to an all4tost Indefinite leneili becoming
so coiled and fastened in the lint tines and Mornacla effee tine the
health no godly as to caws. M. \1 us Dance. Pit,. Ike.. that those
sMitied aeldom if et er inopect Oat It is Tape Nona hastening
tnem to &Dearly grave. In order to destroy this IVortn. a very treatment mutt be pursued. It would tberefote he prop
er to tat, it to 5 of my Liver Pills spas to remove a/I obstructions
gnat the Worm Syrup may act direct upon the Woriu. which
nom he taken in doses of 9 Tablespoonftills three tones h day
nose-directions followed have never keen knnwn in hi' in rim
i ii, inn mcol ntrnitista r i•ir of Tope Worm.
110111.:;04C7108 LIVER PILL?,
No part of vleleto it moil' tiab/e 10 disease than the LIVER.
it serving ass titterer to purity the blood, or giving the proper we.
emion to ( h a bit, a c t that any wrong action or the Liver effect*
the other important pan. of the system, and results vat aotlS/1). In
Liver Chitiplaint. Jahndire, Dyspeptia. ace We titiould. there
foie. watch cern% ^Fronton, that might indlctte the wrong attioo
of the Giver. Tbeee Pitts beim gem:nolo...l of a c , r . „,,,
futnished by Datum to heal the aka t Name' Irt. an Natgag-
Rae?, which augrnent• the ere Kelton from th e'pujwon.v.r motor
membrane. or promotes theilikbargeorree mted Matter. lud, an
•LT• ILATIVV, n changes In ttotue inexplicable and tmensible
manner the ierinto wortnd ;..etiOn Of the lll.teat aro. a TONIC
which pee. Woe and strength to the nervous .3 t.tein, remolding
health and vigor to all parts .ot the body. Oh, a A in ta hine t ...
which meta In perfect harmony with the miter Ingredient*. and
oper,t,,, an the Bowels. and et Pelting the whole mat% of corrupt
and vitiated matter. and tom fr 1 , t,! are 610 , 141, It !Net;
rate n 1141 temorre health.
rou ;vllllllll time rill. an any Jlualile medicine lit ',taus cont.
MAIMS to which youare subject, I u obstructions either iotal of
partial. they (Mlle been found of lite...tunable benefit. restoring
their' functional arranacinelfiti to a Ilp a liby aet t o ti , p n etly thß t h e
Wood and other dui di, etfec than) to put to Might all complaints
which may area front female irrcgulanq, aa hrodacbc. giddi
lle i. 01 eight. pain to the aide. bath, &r.
MOM.- remote eisar. , •••••-•.• •yg m-r 1 J. N. liollggnaark, all omen being
ha- , Imitation.
17 ' w "'Muir new NOVI tee. and store Keepers desirous
of beeotning A Rem. wiled address the Propr ietor.J.'N . ilohenshek,
Philadelphia. ri
Sold by !di Merchant. and Druggists in the V. S. Agents.—
Carter & Rrother. Erie. Wholesale and Retail 4 gems ..
Metter t Fi.k & Hall. t leveland Ohio. Price each t 3 cents.
G W' keymer, No. 140 Wood St., Pittsburg, Wholmite A gt..
e ho will supply Agent. at the PrOpr 'with priers.
August 21 1632 lyl3
‘‘VII4I.E.O Cal leo, a new style. Polka Detains and Laws,so
thing orw at thiEmporoina. 800TH & STEWKRT.
Pir. April •M `3.1.30. - ko. 6 Poor People's Row
LADIES gotta pet.. ha Slrr•%eProlvetors. by
DI A NO Covers. Num'. velv rt. linen, damask a rol
ble Clothr, black Silt Lace. 6g or ed needle wrou tht Lseemult,
Edging.' peening, at the Earporiusis. ROOTH & STEWART.
April 13 . 33.3 - So V Poor People's Row, opposac BtOWa.P.
AuTroup rCI
zaz iNSIMANE 00 ..
Capital $230000.
- Capital 41500.000.
it toler.ienfil hava . ud reee.s ed the iptiotoinwot of :agency of
the ahnie felanhlr looottnnw.. hot itoll al,t folly complied
the insurance 13M , of 'ht. state. t. now prepared to take
Poe and Marine risk.' et the leaved rate.. loose+ 16 eitherCom
ptili idirt•te! and tuctopi t ~1 it 1t... agency. -
J. J. LINTS. Agent, •
Fr,. Al6ll n 1 6 3-1 1- (Mice ill J. It. Lhinni.on*, Ilkloketure.
The leforthweateza Mutual lasuranee Company
of Pennsylvania.
il l tL r. ";t h ia'lr rt I.
D ' 0 : 1 V - the t , le I t / ) 5 th re ?
toai J.;4"117-tit.; and
4 In trifler to 21,, - .lfJitt,e with the perivißion• of the P t r I 'hi ' rt.i .
/) / rn R,S •
M IJ. Loney,
.1 It. Gniiniwn
Win. V. hurry,
J. M. Rmil A,
%V. L. Hoskin.,
t. %V. roll.,
!I,•llrti l'3llwell,
rat/lon :L•n net,,
true. I:4lta 1.411
'l'. ti rolt.
N 1,4 wil.
0 F'F 1 C A
COM:Lt.. t,
11/. CURILV.Trea ,
HUM Secretary
inrcirrNA mamma: ocutrAirt
aapttal—AilVaid in.
'ill r i 1 4 1 I
n o Se otA r
fi br i r e i: po, llo: rot,11:01.1 t '
la ha. a n t.° t• n r
uWvannn tat et 4 :2 )enr.t nod irS capital I .ound andunitopaired.
Mar yromapilm adjmmled And paid titer lose. t .,,,,,red .1 th e
toe Ara am this Cap, they !torte for n contittunticin or fa% ot Irani
itte honinei. , ortintonity. They t , t•ttr find theta prompt nad
honorable an the , duetownt.of • I to 'Wright' , Mock
tt fib 3. li. Dut.ine t Cati.
1 'rec.; rd 11.• 44, the mosommt i 444 smsared to er:taw Imomromt
trA..4 kas hot es the lee fire ou Fraud street .__ •
GEORGE Ar6iir)66
• is, 11 MIND, General In-matter .'pent.
s .s. !fatal. :ft: 1r.13.
A if w elrk:lll id a !:vr - 01 I .11a;it., (and a ndeitia - 1; at
_ __•
N r ‘ irm flaw ring WWI, she laert lu soar•
it Aet.rviraet4 ior the troidkerchief of every Ili ud.
is r poivdr.., a maad ine a certaineura tor chapped hand..
lip ',lre. -hue hieria p 4 and errant* of first quality. has rum, hair
d)t.lf4ir dePlialory powder. to rho= ue conatanilv
keep on band .1 conittlime mi.ortment Of every lit nil of Perfumer%
(They ariielmiand Casket 1100111 R of 3113,11..% ever. I.lllVflptioll.
I'l r 1 .1"• *S • ( 1111 1! 1,1 boy are teitmc ily Inv tocull a. the%
~,,) iip o it rot, me a Olt ttleY want at the !naval yricri a I
k Mere 11.1.1te.M. Erie Dec. 4 .fait P. 11.11.1.
rtt Cad tam ot VI ocent. Mond k ' Mnne, beets ili•aiols
1/11 the fart of March last, a new Partneridup ban been en•
tered Imo hem eels the eub.crtberr under the tame name, to take
rileet from Vial date. they therefore notify she public and all
the if , : o' 'mankind," that henceforth our 11101113 Shall in' rash
prim, nll.l iteoupt payment. Al oar store ma) he suon.l a large
and a .11 .elected emelt of Dry Good., Grocery..., !hardware.
Corker,. null ware. and at our Foundry atinmit every ya
rieiv of Machine emoting+ front a Nicola Engine to a ,lergis shoe..
Mr Mill getroig he i ort proYeehtatly superior. A••• tar Stayer te r
ran I 1 )1 .It 111 qtaalsty or ktcr: neither up street nor oown, olir
1,...)..t0ce and boss are far or ibly known and our new Eartnyrio
Favorite (Cri iffy i when and Lady Franklin and Ilevere (or die
all what. m the iteurecisher fish ?rites pig,,efvt ' It. B. iNenNT.
Erie earl ..1.11 , Yi.!-1.1 IsAVIU ItlitA,K.
Y. li.—Those Insiehtert to tha alithim are notified 1,, rail an
pay up a i.. 1 Mat 110011.
raid torinour, Wheat. Bar ley. fir; lin I ,em
Fi3l Seed. Mater and all kinds of Lumber.
40. 1 . 0511.1104 1 N. KEILLEIF 4. CO.
. _
a ItAIN Ll —r/r3 Worlif' • era m Cradles at the siOr.s
Junr I:). 1453.
P. J
- - -
frills Essence la 6 ifftl.6Titloll of unusual excellence. In or
cII66TV diarrhea., ineinieut cholera. in abort. in all casein(
prow an on 'of the op:valve functions, iv of inestimable value.—
During prevalence of epidemic cholera nod summer eom
plaitits of children. tt iv liecrit riy edi C 10111. M;fttoits, tra ark!?
or individual should be without it
CA sure to get the "ermine c4vepce %snitch in tartlet.
ed only by V. GROWN. us Ms Dios and Chemical :Store N. E.
eoru•r at Filth and Cbestn•n weett, .Ohitadelphin, and for *ale
1.3 all the respectable : Spottier-aro , in rt.,. rotted etare.... and itr
Pa . by Partrl t Proihrr
'II It , la, 12673.
TEN T jitE E S
D '
E greatest aioek of straw good. ever offeted tor sale in the
CH, o f Erie h i ... l ost teen received at Wllfferna unrivalled
Nat emporium :so e Brava's Block (one door north of Wood's
Clothing moo t'ati and look at them and 31 you do nut wish to
buy it will nay the trouble. When goods have been purchase t l
In so large tote tlw. sanely Is treater and prices errs much less
than where they .it bought in small lots and will be amid ac.
:tordingly, oolong the assortment are row ur Ave qualities of Can
ton smite-Bats for Gents and Hoye , various styles of Canhage-
A ne on. Marraicatn. Panama, China. pearl for
Cents' Youth.' and Children. alto. Flambe , .
Mexican. Rutiaod.ftult. French, Plain. Trim.
wed. rPtidals. Lewlott, Manilla., brow,
Ge nt .. Bloomers. Leghorn and a hoatof Fancy Hats for Children.
Canada and Michigan kltraw. Pressed, Trimmed and Palm leaf
Hats: also, an addition to the usual large stock of the best Bilk.
Caner. Cashmere and Beaver Hats, to be Round in this market,
with a multitude of Kostoth Hats, Claps In abundance. This
lame stack of goods will be sold atil t 4 i eeht less than the mar-,
, do not tail to look at them e yon bey.
fl.—All goods memoir& as sod er ao sate, this is
be pier/whom lee get the Werth ot,tat_
7011311 1 11MASSIN.
We. .l 7 iiMberfil lrows,•
Paw OUT Pat MO IMICUPIII 7/12111,
A T semitones residing is this city and vicio/ty intending to
PIO the World's !Pair la June. should nil it Ober On .
And incurs an outfit creditable to thentseivas and this city and
we pledge ourselves to produce CLOTHING that shall be equal
Hovers respect to the best to be seen In the "Crystal Palace "
We NMI e. Large storksl new Ckelles.Cassitoerer and Trim--
WM(l l 4lnm mare employed a fine rate Cutter. and shall make it
a paint to give perfect saitleraetion to all who favor me wilt their
ammo. Our stack Of Trfam,De Goods is complete. the newest
styles of Cravats aad Tim:K.llk and satin , also Shirts and Shirt
counts. Gloves. NutiPendreS. Iteskly Me. A+ heretofore, our
motto la" Small profits and qulek returnr.••
Erie. IdttY 7 . 153 * 54
Afiriat - o - frr. BUT YET ALIVE.
krni fnr rake and to in.%
- AT too. 7 alowa's novel.
uvincas be will be happy to gee his old enslOnnefp, and as
many new oaes as will favor him with a rail. Pay attri
tion all who buy clothing that my motto Is to
There are some in the Clothing trade wlo call ttiecuseiv
men and they will tell you that say clothing i s eastern made. seL
Dad band. Mc.. or 1 could not sell it eo cheap. They think i is
thelrpolley to say so; but the people won't believe them T ile
citizens ateawate; they bare been gulled long eaougb and ;so 't
stand itany logger, and the universal cry is polo WOOD Act:tad.
clothing store. he Is in town yet and intends to stay here. eto it
S e ' u Wa nt 20 buy be has eserYthial you want in tbeCtmktagllttc.
bou tan depena upot wbat he says; if you hu), and when )ou go
rne if the goods should not suit 3011, you can tiring alarm hack
and WOoD will pay you your money; he won't say I don't goo*
you. yell I tint you got dat ;Mine oler %%II:a he sat s is truth
andtruth mutt and will preens!.
lu order tOrsapply the wantikof every man a ..1 ouy, i hste
cured tbe service. of Mr. JfilfN GRAHAM, au experietierJ cut
ter and practical worgman. So All who alai clothing uisic 10
order Can rely Lyon a Gt. (.ICnhing cut and made for gentlemen
who wish to throish their own cloth, and warranted to flit
A general assortment on ea ss im r rea. aik ,s the
nislilng roods aln ars' on hand. and of the latest it)les tine word,
OW goods are all cot and made by the tuiv practical Workmen"
and under onr oe. n supervision. All I ask 14 a look before ton
buy, and be convinced that 1 %111.-U.78 percent rtteap-r than any ,
otter you se in the state. I invite all. ikutleutarly the mechatur.
laborer mid farmer as it is io their intertstan.l ran wt•rr,mr .said
expense. Boys Clothing of all 'lies always on Baud l'am'e
doter forget No. 7. Brown's lintel. State street. iiestiloor north ot
Curry's Exchange Other, t„, %TOM) etnne • the trml.l ~m ors,
dserfsbilitp and frakty.
I* tie, April 2411833-541 N. 11, twit d.
New 1 1 ouady sad Machine Shop is Sio. Pa.
1. F LIDDELL baring associated with had P. I:ep-
Fk • lit and I' Arbuckle, under the name of Ltddeil. lbepiar
Ir. on the first day of January last, %tibia take piea.pre in
saying to the public that they are now preparid, ui add,tion
the business sorrnerly conducted by Liddell 4 Co at dotes nld
etand.lueh as etatkl.Mittling in oil its rarlotp , branetus., leceth
er a Ith Wagons Carr. Cad and Dirt Barron, Plow • and liar
rowg, and anything in the way of Woad, frrtm (Litt handle to a
a India., Casimir; for Machinery tini•ked op in the be•S order
FancyCastinipi for Fence, Railing and s anon. other article.
useless to enumerate We would lever tfulti , c,llc,t n , hare 01
public. patronage, promising to snare no pain. to arc,otoundate
and execute work on shot notice.
Frio., May 99,1952 —5l. I.I6DELI. KEPLFII & c,,
Valuable Zeal Estate for Pale.
fIIHE subSeriber offers fbr rale a re quantity of cps Vert sae,
:twitted on State street. Erse. Pa. The toralsoo r %erY de
sirable and favorable for bustnelt purpo,:el, end I.el roll to
qua Mates to suit pure baser, who wish to Loy with that I,..e‘r
The gaol property front. on state street and s from MP I. ICS
feet deep. Fortertn‘ and further i nlorm:ninn ettqu It e ett:
did 11 (6 11353—talt. WILSON 1.41 R D.
ERIE - -
4-: BrlCialifi tenote if rill V It/WI/nail
mi..... .dutint Sr A I.F.S, up , %t , , tev
.I° l
I .' rafl '4 : l o7, t I ' ll 1 ;:c a l n i u t! " ::: " : " . , ; 1 . 1 : 1 4 ~ , , , ; i a Dt
*ow, 1,. an ../t 11 ill , it lin , 11,417 - or , ! ea . , -
tn . ! !telt air-. All pertif 114 aimtig
•eNtr • . .II 4" nett lo gm. e-. 1 e.:ill :lai
:I• flit .look. /111 111 tiltirll e.., 1.1
Ikt• f , :111 1 1 pet real 1111. • •• • , 110••,,' t..• 10 11 ,
! 1 ' . 111 4, 11.1, •\ .127.4 0 4.4
- 1 11,„ 4:. iiiii./Uii. 4
liii, rrtochiSir. , i.
11 , 10
L.V aaU.
M p3Y Card* and wain.," tr..4't tut che
e j tn, nx •e.t.r.u. t h e tenoning dcaeradio. .1
%Motel.% owl houvlA:l- and 4-4 lathe. duck, ?la 1. I 4 and
inchel itnnk.Scanthog 3by 4 and 4by 4 Square. ',roar
7-7 s-Q. ILI 10 and 12-11Equa re, ape wrote Boa rd. and A-1
inch'tuck. Ash Boards and Plant. from 1 tn 4 Inca. , ink k. cnt,
_ . -
"e4lO , White Oak 804dP
SoarJa;Scantling ova' rolum, _
Vf altewood Sycamore awl CAO.frt !amber •houlq
A•h from It to 16feet loot • ,11'1.111' I
Ent. April 311,11553._-
DENTISTS will And at J. H. Hurtun & Cu',
Hermit Inirtriarnenuk manufactured by kern
al•oo, Teeth of all kinds. Cold and - Tin Foil Erma
April - IC IS= •
_ . ...
raper nuagisiss.
riaweNTT Thousand pieces of raper 'fungi
1. shades with raters. just teeeived anff for , a
City prices at the Erie Ctspekery more.
April 30 1143-344 •A11W1.1.1. oi.
Dry Goods. 1
AGeneral a •rorsment of Dre floods fur =ill
terms be Aprll3o4l' SW
troar , s sows) :! •
GEORGE W. FOX, PrcrpOstor
T •
RIS House
t o.L
titate but a rear *let* from the .
Western Railroad depots--has been ',roily hinaiithe,l
fitted up Mr the accommodation of STRANGERS. AND TRA M'.
RLERS. and a. a pleasant and agreeable stopping plate r
parsed 1,3. any in the City. Attached to it 14 a t exCellent tt.le
and other arronittiodations for teamster, and tuber- tr , nt the
country. Pa,Leneer• and gaitrire earned to nd (tom :Ur rat.
I ree of charge Cita tar,. reasonable.
Erie. Dee I - 1 - ,rl
1 - `)E , CR ( • nrtirle for Lad, Trat
D extra whin., tend. dry and ground On:pound
lira Ur 1.;11-aw,1 oil troll, Ohio narratni pure. boded
raid led. by the barrelortmlion.spirlis Turpe tine
varlillehev Of every kind. thruway . ..en and }fellow. Amer
lean. t •rt nese. vermillion and venition red. yellow oehre. french
yellow. Paris green,. lamp black of every quality. Prussian and
ultra-marine blue , whiting, red lead.ltthrar, Turkey limber
and every other kind of paints and materials in thle trade which
are offered an Jaw areal' be bough) an dn.; holindel.
.Erie Der . 4 l —9r) r. 11.41.1.
For 4.4,n0 Cases Stars and Skap Mises
A N al.urina art of Firueb English and America's etas. suitable
for llieata,re purivirs by ?. rAitlfEß & BRO._
&sad ror isle Ike.
a E sulor fiber has twofitnny oa sell. both ringthi) located for
farming po rponea ; and convenient to marker:;well i 'inhered,
atered sod adapted in proper portions to grain ond gram; per
runs desibing to make good location* bad betted call before the
chance In mine. tine of them is a small place erinta .41 tog 314111
311 and the other 110 to ISO acres more or less: I
Cash paid Inc Bounty land warrants or localfd I.y toe
Wert Spriondeld, Erie Co Pa , Way fah Ifld, lilt
AT 1111 RD.
. Illoyatea• Tapir nills.i
C }
. ranzszcsassrLaltri.
Mti,, E LlTirwrli s . a h na,l l ."::l,7t7l`in7;:l l .,";;;,;:k!'ge.
It ans,urtla fii.grl laelden. the LuAitiew, w ill berral or. be ronilticted by
thei,utiaeritvet• iiiiik.rthenanw citrefAinz az Slel‘lta.o in will .et•
tic all areuniiii , of the im e ia i l ii Om Ili
ItrPr+ . l. rillrfo, sOltel 141. Int N.
A. N i.4 a. , l;l: i nd , az n eX r li m u im e S. i
s l ~ t i‘ r
..%,%;:.: re o n n . l: i .k .a .n.t d 0 . 4'
. 1 . ,.. ,!. ......0 ,, % r t ;.. 6 a41.: .
and Uroop. and other tab Iver Work made loonier.
I.l' E...graving dooeirt euperior id , . le. Corpolanon a n.t ~-4.0-tet
y Sealy eneral ea and die oinking dope equal at, an.: in Fa-tern
eau , . Nov. c iess-29. 1 G. LotIMIS
*A, IRO* TirrTarl_ : -
- As Unroll:able Moak for 25 quoit.
EVERr F. 43111.1 SHOULD HA/ - 1'! .4 COPI
A new edition, reviled and improvrd,),l , l t—urd
.041111 an outifi r ne of the orqati.
progreoe.treatment and cure of every form. of •o twa,e r oam led
by promocuous eexual intercoune. by self.abitie,ot by retool
execs. , . with advice for their prevention. written t o a Ptindiar
style avoiding all medical techntealstie•, and every thole that
would offend the ear of decency. from the resod' co weir in enty
years' successful practice. exclitrively ili,nic t t.i 11.- cat e .o
diseases of a delicate or private nature.
To which is added, receipts for the rote ot die a 1... e J,.,•,.....,
And a Unlit.. On the Canaeo. 1 11111n011N and "inn. 01 the I'. ter
and Ague, for twenty-live rents a ropy; i.,‘ rO l iti.., . ow .1 , 11a.r.
will he fo rwarded to any part of the Toned * , air-, In mail. tier
of pmdage Address. pouage paid. Cfrnlyn Al IV , rnid. , her,
or " hot Mi." Post Illike. Philadelphia.
• " Tht• 1. , . w4OlOlll exception, the moo ..ouirkeheu .•: and in
telligible work todilisbed on the etass,of diseasrs of which kl
hello. Atoidtug all technical term., it chliirtioci ii.elf to the
reSao4l of al' readers. It to free from all oluertionable matter,
ib i l
and no parent, howerer fatlidi &ran object tit pine t ago in the
handy of bla -on.. The an has devoted tiany tears to the
treatment of the eArlillia COMM int. mated t. nod • with too
little bomb in pod,' and • too little prenunplau to .mime.' he
has offered to the world at the merely Amnion ortrenr ,• : ,, enk..
the Crow of row twenty years' mewl fuer lid m0i1...* "
Hausa. •
Wo wardwr or parent should he withal t e I. ifots leJte im
parted lu Lin. niVataillhie Marl. 11 would suer year , 01 Vim, I
tliOnalealiOn and .0170% In the )iiiilli oaten I he./ :ham, -
Panchit's Axone..Jr.
A Presbyterian elergytuar 111 Ulan,. in is 0111,g tit •• Minter.
Medical Manual." rays: ••ThOurandit upon thousands of our
! youth. by evil example and the indocile* of the pa.,p,. bay,
been led into the habit of self-pollution without realizing the...o
and fearful eosuregoences upon themselves and their poucriii. ,
rtn•eoll.lo.Ul/011001 - thowando who are riming filmlin., have I
been enfeebled, if lint broken down, and dry do not knot: the
tzLe=ti o r o r. reim , m A ii tu 1;11114.v.tdo
~.16....6.that can be done to tol , plieldrii
....1 uhiniately to re
confer the greatenbßeithig next to ifirii•Tigioui of leutsChrisa,
on the present and coming generartont , internperance, (or the
use of tittatteating drinks.) though II has Maim th01.1 , 9n(14 Quill
thOUSalid.,l. l lllot a greater erceiroe to the human race. .teceiii
my thanks on behalf of the afflicted. and. beliese me, a taiir co
worker an 11w good wort you are mo actively Clipped iti'"
One copy will he *married., (securely en fredoped and pu-rage
patil,l on receipt of 13 cents. On oil copies. Ibr RI. A.1.jr,..„ I'll.
in s dr, Co,, rub/where. Rot
- t . PhiLidelphio.
Reekeittlerr.Cmireawry and eak Arta's. rtkimiliril n,. rhr at.,
//meal Ureic
Apr 11. 1 ,1,11.53 - attic
• •
lierehanil Look Here
\%l-1. hre th w
e ist Ageout i for ri number si roe ...rg,r Man
i 111,teunits lathe t:astern ettite,, , ,olP•rytprg. Hort., eboirell..
Fork., nodall kinds of Fanning Utensils. and nave eon.tadtly
on hand a Lille KW h .0 to ro prit the tra*P at manutatin ref . .. pri
ers.; i cAIIiVF.I.I. it III:NIN F:Tr.
Erie, iT. !PAL _
AILWOLS.—Just revelvetl intt rarooti.frvits to t
July 111. TIBOALS &
Wool ANT MD:
At the Harborereek Woolen =
:erne Bricars.' Corners. I *Um Sesta of the boileau
9 lot: proprietors of this establishment have on hand a large
quaauty of all kinds of !Cloths, Cowl tows, tiatineUc, iitaso
keta,Bheeteo narrow Flannels, lied, White and Piaui do, all
good and durable, made for home consumption, and warranted
tree from cotton aod uld tags, n hied they will exchange at the
hollowing rates. viz: One )aid cloth for 2}1.”.. wool. Cassimere,
2t lb.; Satinetts,3 soh lbs; Flannels, arum rib. up to 3ltoto per o
the saline grade as the wool. :The wool' nuts( be waslusl on tin
sheep and free front din. alionrufseturing by the yd. 31Ic Ls. au,:
4114. wool; Ciiiiirigiere 33eto. Flannels Into 33 cu, Swonetts It
eta per yd, we tind cotton warp, and they the wool to make It.
Carding done on abort notice, at acts per lb., Cash. II booked
Sets. Cloth dressing done as usual* Spinning done for std 1. 1
NO, rash down: wool to he prepared for card.. and greaVt4l.
grease lurnished. Mwe have a neverlailingioutopt3 ui taker.
we eau execute all work entrusted to our CA(C011101011 nog Ire - Ina
is the best manner, whteh our old patriot. Loon I i • Itlr
or new ones.
- .
Peeling thankful for the very liberal patronage berenAtie ex
tended toward us, we hope by sttictattentlon to hti‘i ne.e, to mer
it continuanee of custom. As for our Musa cloths, ne would
say we have a large Pile of them, consisting ul black. brown.
drab. olive, green, Ate. They are me item cotton. and were not
made to sell to slop-shop tailors, but to farm. ry WOO want a good
atticle. Our cloths have taken all the premiums at ° the several
*Lama held In Erie since the establishment at that society, And
we ehellange all our nenthbortugmannfaeturers to meet ts there
next rail. and let their goods speak ler themselves. and not. af-
ter the Fair is over, say they had len better gouda at home,
P. 14.—A1l persons having unsettled account, with ue. will
please call and mettle tbe same on or before the let of July neat.
as we need money to pay pressing debts. It . C & Co.
Itarbareteek. Wily IS, 1E63 teJ
(ames copy. _ -
ZINC PAINT.—We are now offering tor sale a variety
of Zinc Paint*, which is math Repealer to White Lead
fur all purport.' for which Lehi is nee*, being whiter, will
tower won apace. end win ace work ode wi eikand oust so
wore per poised. Jens 2. k CO.
Ilse saioniust
wily doss". at 31911 , 10 .
tie tt. feel Ion!
! 51.
I ar:ionturai at
f Pbiladetpbia,
01119, Whd. t
tr $ II
rai 7.11'1, York
Ip Oil; rokt.onz.,We
IN a EI.V.
of GlagliassztWes,
ov Wei t .
Csadiimr-rromsh, Palatable and Chi a .
THE subscriber Is still engaged In the mar.uischi,,-,77,
for wholesale and retail at his esiatilish•nent • 1 . •
immediately opposite Wrigbi's ittoek His flC , lillea '-
pfOletAltlol.l of the business are not surpassed
Lake Cities, while he is determined hetp
• 4
and prices be shall rank war, the fro! and Gut I tple, 4 ,:;t•
not be beat. Ile &sews ho Candy •a•
ruanufnetured east or west. If you, lon ,
arniue for youreelYa-ib YOU Win not br d
baybfu I, louvre', in. and John will Ilf,iti.o,lP ../ el ,
est smiles. and respond to you ewers wish Ile a,
common Lambe* at the rate of Eleven
pounds by whole...le. this is as low a•
Toys and a large variety of fancy Anse , • ~,,
on hand. Special attention a given to MI.
The Weibel e Is condue , ed strictly upon the - a o,
without reference to obarecter.t irestutsti4teesorcht,,lL'4:•••
system Is the best to the long run (or all part‘es, ar,1 11 ,„; , ,
rs adopted and earned out the better for the in irreg. .
utunity. Erie, Yeb 19165311 Jf4lol H. pLa
s p t
blaelloil etuve. counter. owe,
scouring, blacking. Pope's eyes. Pope'• heads.
t,rshee nod hearth brooms k, J. ll . ' •
. „•
pain(. varnish, dusting. Iza,r.
enuntPr. , t rub. seourine, blackleg, w
erumb,earuel hair. pencil. blender. *hoe,
tpatAihz brustr , t of tu - I Quality and selling to-
ml get a erell barrs/n 4rit. Dee : 4
—ltteetir4..l:l7i4 day, by ratlyip!, 1r..,r, I -
, n 1,1 .d. , e % 140', a inoarbeaotiful rt::e for
itteat.. 1 . 111.1:;' , /t. T. N ArSTM,
Tgl3 a Otr TlZNitlit SANE. ianiei
H. \NIL UAW?. Pr•
/1111111 !ton - I i tt.v. Bank are redeemed la tV„,
a. York, per eent diteounr, at I, per ecut
Uurralo. at par w rine meat,. and go: e a•
-eotrlter Of the Bank. The NtOtes tiel If 31 0 0 he
hole forward at tame rate of Nett York ..n-t
rot It,e grank‘ng Office,/ 41'11.1.1., ti.
i•ro...krr.ll 1-53 .
.ies aid mall Pridit,"ll,
, ill; rtub•eriber returns thank, to n, • , .
J. the i,beral parrianage.recei re 1. and true
dueruicnts now Deem,: lt will he cqutriu , 4 ;
hal put received tram head quarters lame u; , •
iu 4,r Lie of trade, bourrbt at the lcw t et
quaht.. warranted rood and offers to • ,—,,
the l/aa;tiikttli lertil3 VI are liaViled .'.l ,
lbw .ku) tuq ekewhere ar PT,`,l r haw'.
rood articles at low Viet.,
Er.r. Nor. te3l
y ur, ,t 1.1 re3peclully he. 1,43 A e v r, ;r .
1 thank 4 has thAny friends, .int.i Ow ~u•. ~ ~
tht• % ery iiher intitonageneretolore eaten , . I :
in furin them 1 at he has just retell ed the
Zonsitoot and Boot Stock of Goofs
in li, Idle that has ever been offered in Ors C 414,, l' , :t ,S. , 44. ,
of the choicest kind, which be will pate upto -r..r
men wishing their clothing made to ozder tip' hate •,,'
ore. taken nod clothlne made, and if not plea.r.o - ~11 •
done, they will not be asked to take them awi• ; .
at ,11 I 4 4144:,` 'I 1:11G',0 ,1144 WO! made alsortinen , .
Aji 44 it 4, n ionnnfartme. , On:ictinZ. of .1,,.n.
IL% i , ;4 Frc, Ito We,. nod Sat r. Cent, • New, et,
vat+. Iltasier , , I. ii.i,.liiiis. rllo‘p., I.4u‘pc. •:,., ,
will Cr .nldint the Vi, fe.vrif pro - , for vI- /I I' , •
Mani I'4 r.44V11411 4 . .1, i, , 4 144 1., .4, .44 ‘ 4 t 4 . . ~,,I
good 'lnd prices tor thrnivht
1 . ,,.• net. l''..
3. ra. mats & co..
• N.. 7 (base ti Mork, men, .- t. trr.
'l , ll is mater,' er lA.:, leave to -.Lem ito.,
j .the adjoihiliv emirate... that chi, are rneet , •
Ili:Allmon totheir ..cork of Imre L •
menu 01 to t.r found welt of tv
tot fur the liberal patronage received sine. ,
t hiri .lie, wet ueld ,no t reaper: fully cat.
chant% and mime. wetting goods in our I n•,
Our stock before bottle m3ll'lEllO ur Net tof 1.
titter' itdr`rnlo,xl that We will tell goad. ,
a. elienpat can Le purchased in Ilititalc •
Utc 3.1e.;110n, oielpetises ill gem ui. gte.ft - t
The following eUttlprere a atnall part Cl ,
50 JIM. N. 0 . Maid „ and P. I,
in , .ilSl.l..Crurihed Poa'd , Gramdct .
Iu Tierce, Dutch Crushed var, r.
M Roam. Refitted Loot do
Hhd Mitse'd,. and P Mt
Tieree , do. do. d •
• do. do. Z S
ri do. Stewan'lSSruP.
to i n, Honey.
15 0 ehtert.s . .snd hall Chests Yonne •• I.
perlal,Gunponder and Slack Te-,•,
Hal II:. from 1 to 161 b. of filark and
it 71 Rags RIO. LOgUir:. nod Java C.:F,e,
• ...qt Bocce Grountreogree.
do. CaTeud
du do. A lb lump • do.- toe.
e 8b1e..1.-.Andervon'sstnol , tl.7 , • ,-•
, Aiso,aeverai different I ra.• -
':•.1 Package. 'Mackerel.
1;0 Bore,. Herring, No.l •e' . •
-et* tbs Cod FLehi
nt3 Bids. RttliwitWinter ..n. ' •
Etagattt4 Prunes. t'
meg., Clove.. Rice, Powder, Shot .'. •
' Letter Paper Shistard. and Plate-.•
and e hen p—beselce a great ninny other •.• • .-
I•ttlent.olllll3ll3.lVerltselnelit 01 lhie•
d.r.unto the zotel e abut , . inenboned. .‘ -.• •
1..,r the saute ua'..ty than can be purelta.,n Ne 7
rats .141.4anth De the great advance in
alelphia rOrter,eepteltAle.itud %Claret.; n.. • '
Please rail and erilgille tor ... •
that you earl do better akin godtc
1:1.e.P.n. • J '
• Physiological View of Marria.p.
c I. • ROll, All D.. ALL I NY,
Car l'Agesand 13. Etne Plain and Cota>
rrPßici: ONLY Tlf'r VTI- I V ;
6enl free of poetage to ,all aart of t' '
Chi gAPEna/' book ever putdiebed, tad
hie the quainitt of readtter tpatter to- tha
(TNT: , or D1L.)1.1..A ft cuct...t..*Tfoes, t re-.,
og) of Marriage. and the seeret intlrnsit les at, '
and 'Hato' its resulting from exelesses which ~.- •
and silents' powers, all d'aeases arising fro •-•
plain atiolsimple.rules he which all person
without merearr.„ with the tutbaraoh,er. • _
• atid , lisqualitteations,asd rbe t r r e e,t. „
iltbratthe. il:ustratihg the anatomy and p 1.% •
of the temodurt , .e organi. o f Wei •en,-. • • r
end InnetiOnir tt eOl/IJIIO 4 mane a. or au: .. •
teinplattite. 413:rano:iv which •
mart:pare; hnoe lioaveVer.shouht take
out hr•t coinostime tin page , It -"
whetht r married ot fi, att. w t-c
-children ilthd requlre • '
any 45,7 at. ought. to know a netiv . r t : • -'
deeCtOC i.e th 0 5 ,... le Oclin they etnillOV, and r
nrop.4P.ll.3ullul • quaz . ker)„ so Pre: atent it. •
the adt aniane d
hi this work.
limed.. a i noihorAeut to the Sr
sought from Looks.lei evinnlen et•nFred,.er • - P. •• ,
lul vlinidien3 and ontragnau. -•
Li t`ru.t ,•• a lePeall - . 4juAlcied ph> I.. " •
>earl. 'set,elneulied lipoß . • •
tth,oh Ili , book t reat-. per.onnedis
non •endint: Its easy-lire Cent. it. 0 r •. P ..
one Dopy Po mad, free of postar.e. • •
• )11? 41. H• 1. A eltlia. 1 4 -'"J ,,,, b - '
N. 1 . Orrter;open on kitiudav (rot,. t!'en. •
Ct nl:coLl.F.l9r..—No. ad
Altlne N
—The Bench Olhcr .a I ,
ed. all letter...6ollld he directed to Ur NI .:. I. -
N V . a here thee Sr.!! rlieN tt .1h prnln
Val:.,/ ata701111;Cal
late .11114. , I uitrd t
a ell tAs proper 4 e.dtl rentared tellho tt s
and Of trartoun al rah .14
II 1,. II: w NC , * York refatl prices, to a•:
the .dstivitarricltt. wt. aaV II Will be mt.rh kut mer:+ca here. Dee . I It:4— it.
\ FREW of :ills and titt tto.
2,1 Is sold nt n.
0 , 1,1 , /et fatal, lot p tOlatV at tar COI It
I. . Dr, I I•:•!
Dil \ •, 1 , 00!.ol au
ern.l. , Jul 'owe %sill .„,t, I
1.:,...tar• la:lnure rrlo Dec k ko
NEW TOEIL. AND 111141828111PE1
IS.' URED.—AO rßANslispmE. , ,
I .01 , • on• , *sit 44 from tan C 1 3 ,, Ca nil Ba
; -n Gorr. and Erie Cuinai—ruanit,R ,
b.,' thovi/ioandlllint,.Cniite.--al.uos
Peoctilel I on the WeAern art 4 dal I ,
11/F./ I I Ml,TiSepp, and Ohio RI , Pr..
lII' .01 Al .
Al IX, ' UTNI N - - -
Fool r•,',
R rt.( inrenerlr . of the Weien Lak•'' •
I'. It. *Olt - N. C. 4 0.. WA , ' . .. .
Jig. 4 . I lATMAN, • • Nem, York &
Gran At IA . • Re-100rd Line.
Gcod- •• N .& MIRO.
lt marl Street. N..: `"
GEO J. Nl.4‘
J•, .1 I
BR , • tA rut
tow 11 the Sennett Illotk. 2,
liten• A •
- Zianar r ad Prayer
fe , ct*ed from Appletonl
.1 "t and l'raver Rock.; ever • -
rr.ll sairogne thtth a t•lin. 9, pollt •
1 , ; 1.
Locks and Latche,
I. ROI: “..laftnlttlt
11 ory Iqt oaf. itsually4ov
C.a.. April if. 1:-634
at•o. olarksai \la ?I
4: ranillxf I. '
40 rare(' l'4gaoc. 1110.: 4 teMItrei
Erie,teal- I
_ .
D 10 & Old i;43%ert.tiwol
a of I.loli antj Plate
II I • •
iil)114“.1•• Ut Or.. I in r,;
for ....MI
Crie. %fay It.
. •
lario gitnno Ware
Wthe undersigned , hat.
. 4 bourarteriglatd) owned and .2 -,
25 ibleYi 11/011Tenprfl1111Iy 1111ur t
niatiumentrlng elitry_description .•
trnner.i. )ur tor) situJte.l '
vtri'et, near Mr
•Ifelltio ,l o.l - and r itIIIIIIIIC (MI -
1 1 '11110 I Li or Ottirriorii.n v. ill .v. ,
Ware" will In , th.lti.eteil on aunt •
the or coutar3r.
V It —lVat.tetl w culittact lur :my •
it in. 1.3.13-49.
E -
x r. E.
N - iiii 41. - v -
, L,liter la prepared to r, ~ .•
Itt: GO II oo.r. letter 'az :,;,, t . . I ,
ip* of meei or bra.... 013.. e t, , r
led 11 draw log* an.r inli ,: ...
I uteloost liberal term..
..N..reh W.L... , Z4
: Wrapper* at 8 1 :,". . -
flidered I...inen Ilen.lkerr,,.. ~..J
lubroplered polka tir.. 1.r0et , . , • ,
pt I I ..r.l.leSJ-36 IL. , • ,
- Attentioz Farmer
h.v.,...; ItAnd. the IA r.t k,. '
r.oth eattir.tnr, CAI at.. -
2. CL.k I', i..
-L ‘l,
arc 011
111 Ile , r
wren o f s o i outun Northttr.
4 Rtver. jir4 31,,,
upon R
July 23,, JSS.I
bud b
yet p
" I
Esc!lrv}, et few eopie •
mu ~:, • a,
sing soon—together r.• • •
I.NcERS," the best coiit ..c• •
.liebed... law %ohm and ' -
'Any'J of the &bore be4lo.
fad 30 eavelopts, can be hitt ,
S Block. D 11=