Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, August 27, 1853, Image 1

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    y' _ tom.:
."'fdith side of the Pablie Square. be.
;',7, ; . ' ; : tat.. and Peach Streatai Erie, Pa.
E. H. ABELL. .
11 „ ; ROOM, °TIT .the Erie Bask, South' r
11 , Diamond, Erie, Pa.
-... ?" . ,14;r. taken in the best styka of the an, sod warren- 1
- ,- T. 1). kDIVAII.DB.
, a lorNett.loa at Law. W/11141111 Pa. Pro- f
.0 , And colleotioas will reecirc prompt
I) D. I f ;4l — Lß/lc CO.,
. and Comm a / 1 11km Ilittrehasta, fourth
.• I the Public Bridge Erie Pa.
r r< la Coal, Salt , Planter, S tucco,Fish, Line
t'tquf , , Iron, Nails, Suave', Conthm' withwith
f ka hlipa for shipping eithrt.r zterauboate.
iz.rto .4 by ttailmod.
•4L kLP I 0011111 NS.
Cr.I7N..ELLFIt Oetet nn F 1 1 411141 St.,
„rill of the Park, Erie.
_ prortsioor, Wises, Liquors, CalulioA,
, u our door below Booth k Stewart's State,-st.
• VINCENT, HI ROD & Co., --
,11%tcris- of Stover, Hollow Ware, Eagiaer, Ma
fiarrad Cara, etc., State St., Erie Pa.
TH I MAS 31 A ,
ul ..11 THE ruui or a. Lamm & co.)
Watcher, JeR4.137, Silver
...-aoaeLt . Looking Glare.. Lamp= 'nil Fancy
n h ii. end Mail.
tr , -ide of State Street, Erie, Pa
I. N fflig
1: , ~.11 and ~hipping Merchant% an1...11
ri.ur J' b. Fzsh. Water Lime, Player. .te.
, Ln • P.l P irlcsirP. intended-11.rhiir ran
B lat-NAgtlY,
~ , ~ a ti,,nary, Monthly Magazine ,• Cheat.
.1 . .n . , h,..1 Mu- ie. Sewspa p en , hold Pen•, Pork
tr., &wittiest of the Refit lion-c, Erie.
HO( IT}{ s STEWAW4 -
:, ,IP, Lill Dealer. in Fancy anil wtaplo Dry
4, -Poor People's Row, opporite
LID - DELL, MAIER - .5: Co
;-r , r • ,f Iron Feoce, Railing, Steam Ittoikr,
L. , . r. FITP Proof Shutter„ ands!! kind: of M•whi
I Castings, &e., done to order.
• i taor. ;And Habit Maker—Hhop au the ea , t
:":3tt ~tr.•et. two doors north or Eight, and adjoin
!! !titd.•t .t Co's Cabiziet Ware-Room. Erie, Pa.
1: K & 'METCALF,
r. ; , ,:l iu Dry thred,, Carpet., and
Nu. 1 Reed Rouse,
~ t pl. .t Fancy Dry (deeds, and the Ocean.
•ny store in the city, Cheap side, Eric, Pa.
. and retail Dealer. in wet 1111.1 dry tiro
~1.1.12., Produce. Foreign and Doniesti, Fruit.
and Stone Ware, Flour, Fish. Salt, Gla.• , .
Shot. Caps, Safety Fut 4, ie.. French
it, the Reed /louse, Erie, Pa.
ILA tonal Boats, Vessels, Hotels, and Prl
- • ....I.phed with any of the above articles
.......and ery cheap.:
\\'A!. S. LANE,
Cort•ELLott at Ls.w..-0111oe over Jackson's
• N ,, th-Ea.t corner of the Public Beare.
Era tiroceries, Hardware, cro c k er y, dc. state etreet, Erie, Pa.
DB I'.
&this reeidener on Eighth
Freneh and Holland, Erie, Pa.,
VFint .ta vet —
Exchange on the prmespal
office In beany'„, Block. Public
arsON Stt:UtT,
“,•,„ Fourth -trret. •
I.lp , threary
1; f'FI'S REED;
, ;,rwem nod Amerimn Hard War.• :ma
. Vi,ef. Iron and See.Pl N... 3
tn.l Retail Dealers in Liry tit.,
3rf., Carpeting, 11111 , 11 VI. Iron,
ke. Empire Sturem State Street.
-' ttrtru'm H9tel. Erie, Pa.
• -, Axle Army, Spring . and a
Saddle and Carriage Trimming.
• Ali kiVir)rgMffil , -
v. and Justice of the Peace. and .%geut for
lutusil Life Lumrence t`..supaikr--015ce
Wright's store, Erie, Pa.
0 wird, Erie eetuity, Pa. Colle‘lll. , W
'molded with l,mmtr,r=• and 41<
li ISl.kil KELIA)Ges. -
l.aurur-sinti Nlerrhoint, ..n th. 1.0.1 i,
`talc .tcr..r.
, t,.1 Whitt. Fi-It, con.laully 1.. e ...k. '
.1 1;.., W. I. MILLS, " -
I% r,"1,31.• Dealer% in Grue...rir,. 11'jurA„
tI. •., I'..reign Frau. Nut., Pkklea and
r 1...), ter, Pre-ernes., and llenuritirally
~.t , de•erilluu *lw .4 ..n Itrin.l. No.
',1 , - , T....1.1..-ite .ti t. '. %..% H..
w. 1. it.t - - ;1.1.111,..1,..
, a•..n, i.oyeter- - hell, Inetri J.
\ew lurk, . h v.iti t.,. km.'
pm , <. A. C. JActios. AO. En... PA enflnyli to gratify their refindll taste , .; while you i
1 ARTEH & BROTHER, • w 311; id, 'he earth in your rags as if your step"
' , 1F. , t.;1 .1--sler , in prima, dimwit..., Paint ~
' ''•ff- ol. , •. Sr., No. 6, Reed Hone, Erie. . was pollutiou, and with, your bead bowed,'as
q. v. •,.a.-...nt Tailor. On the rehlic ...mare. :I 6.w. ! io r a il an rm. How very beautiful!" eontinned
-Ate .trea t. Erie.
H. LI _
URTON S, NO. - . lilt. woman, as the girl smoothed 'with her slen-
.: Kr T 111. , If 31 , ra in limy, Metlicine•. 1 t:. e tier, white . lingers. the jet black curls over the
- - .1,.. \n..,, Iteed 'Muer, Erie. ' broad, fair brow; "and Agnes! such beauty will
Id'IILIN &..S"tilXN, not long be unknown; 1 shall soonlser rich - gems
• , -..,. , e11 ,, 0l and Miacellancon- Rook,. : r•
~, -
'''''m and Printer's. Card-. No. 9 , sparkling /in that little head . .." i I
u.••.:. Erie Pa.
The girl made no reply to -her words, but hay
n $ 014 44 1111Cr.....4. 4., 1.11.1 111,1.1..11 - •
log' vomploecl her scanty toilet, left the apart
....' :.- ,-,t.M4 Street, 'tint . ..
Ls : +.. . di: Ito 2, and 6 .
- . _ to Y. M. The dwelling from which she emerged was sitl
101 IN 11 EARN & CO.
;, mme-toil 'Aeration., denier in in Coal, • tutted in a narmw lane, in an obscure part• of the
. -. .4- ~,, u t for a daily li" "i • UPP''r Lilt.' ' city, where not a sound greeted the ear, nor an
eol,. br,,k , Erie, Pa. ,
. I :ic 1N EXPRESS ('O3II,)*N; 'T.l4eet met the eye, but fillsd the soul With dis
_-..,. 1 , .. N,..:. p ~,,, I ilitta, Sink Street. gust; but a few minutes walk brought her to. a
tu o'elock. A. M. wide, handsome thoroughfare., bordered with el
' ai ...'clack. P. M.
'. 1. : 11 1tl;E J. MORTON, egant and costly edifices, several of Which were
i ..„,,n,,,ioti Merchant, Public Dock, E l i, surroutulod with small, bid beautiful gardens—
-1 '.'
' ~ • ,i,, lA, Flour and Plaster.
, really beautiful' now, fora shower • daring the
' lit had washed the dust from the deep gr
it, r.n DE WM , in Foreign Mnl Dom,-- nigl
..vl44,le, at,.. fl.linge* and in the light of the early sun.. : .
" is; State Areet.
rich-hued, opening Sowers looked doubly. bright,
• AI Llu:1-11jtee up al4rd is TllllllllWly
.hiali seen through the pearly drops aroun d them.
•,1 PrombsotaiT'ssitoe, Erie.
parterra in the couptry could, bate been
MI . WIiA.LLON, • more fresh and fragrant than those Attie chimps
3t LAW--9111er• o%er Wil
•'... rate.. one floor weAq hate street. ;of shrubbery, and the . patches of 4 bli•ssoming
a. Erit.
plants; and no more sweet, care-frye( . ni - iteS could
I itBALS-, & A YE$ '
any where be heard, than were isinutig from the
:,rst Dry Graeries. Crockery. Ilar4-
t. lironti'p New note'. throats of the little pent-up songsters in the
s3litlt .I.ICKSO\, - i mimic. ,forest of rose-treetcainl among the scent
1 b., ~,,,,i.7, I,,,,•crii‘. hardware. QUO:1211 Warr , i ed rises clambering around the marble pillars of
- :, Nail ,. . de., 121, ebeepaide, Effie, r"-
WILLI A MS & WRIGHT, 1 those lordly =Anions. , 1
t , :l,nr• and Dealers in Gold sad Silver cu jet. ' There was scarcely a carriage in the street at
I' ' ' ' 'S ' "ad Warrant!. and certifinat " "Dt.- this earl • e boos t
and very few promenaders Were
~.ight Drift, on the principal elite. of the l
, :. , 1 ..P. parir of the' Ow Ctetatry fur aade. once. I s to be seen, except here and there an envied oyrn- I
''''''''' ''''"' 4 state-et- and Piiblic
ziul".. ler of one of these costly dwellings, harrying
NI t • IIAPIN, IiZPIPICNT nurruir—osee is !away to commence *day of such hard, , incessant
ru,. E , ,,1..,.. block. corner or Stateand Fifth
' ~r eet. up .faire. Priers rearopehle, and wearing tot), as his meanest domestic.eould not
, canted
i lt. -4 C L. ELLiorr,
I have been hired to pnform. .
• The young girl walked &Ma the almost silent
Resident Dentist: 0111 e• and dwelling on I
.i,e, south ...te or the Pithier &pore, I deer I street. The light, playfid wind shook down up-
Ex-t..,1 the Eric Baal ftwildlag. Teeth an- lon her as she pissed beneath the clustering
Plato. I s r , dn , die to an entire MC Cation.' ',
i v '''h Pot'. Gold. VIA restored to health sad amt. ` branebes of the tall trees bordering the street on
esti' cleaned with instruments and Demnoll Pe
'them of peke! d e t wawt. Aniintruluod. I melt hand,* cool, beteg drops hidden antang
. .
,x„,,; ' ,-..; V e: ; 4-„;.4 .: --- ' •- „,.,.*.:-;'''.,•.• - ."..-,..."-. - 41 , ..? , --A •_ ,•,.....,....
E ;,, _.".11„ •
, , ,
l e leave"; the fragrant breath of the flowers,
tbe songs of the pet birds, the play of the silvery
fountains, and now and then the trill of some
yehthful, ham voice,• mingling with the sweet,
though unskilful tones of the piano or harp, sa
inted her senses, but she could enjoy nothing
around her. She moved almost stealthily along,
lifting her eyes ottly at intervals from the pave
j mat, and feeling; in her soul, the wretched out-
1 east which, in all her - appearance but that iad,
suffering, innocent &et. ; she seemed to be. The
'.! beauty and sweetness of everything about her,
1. only deepened the darkness and bitternettiof her
thoughts.. .
Why was she the child of poverty?---why bad
• she not been one of the group of young, happy
creatures, who; did in robes of the finest es
biuidered muslin, danced over the marble steps
. '-of the edifice befone her, wreathing white roses
in their flowing ringlets, and carollingtheir mer
ry 7 Ix hugititag so gleefully! Row fell of
love for them, and of paternal pride, was that
neblelati hi sir gentleman whom duty railed U.'
then , . and with whet affection did the eye of that
fair lady who stood at the- open window, follow
their light footsteps! How full, of enjoyment
was life for them; how brimied with bitterness
was the cup of whi4 she mast drink! How easy
for them to be good; -how nearly impossible for
her hi remain so!
She walked on more rapidly. And why should
she make the , :sitenipt? thought eontinned In
all the world then{ was none to encourage her
with a look 'of appreval; there was no dear de
parted one, a hose, spirit she could dream was
hovering near heti—the only relative she had.
everknown was that drunken, brutal father, now
in his grave'; anti tie miserable woman who call
ed herself her step , other,--and Heaven itself,
RO the wretched girl a: that moment thought,
_ ..
was.rmilintr '' only on the happy
• Meriting apin, and I still alive!" sadly mar . The tears dried u' pon the pale cheeks, and
languidly on her. pillow,
'purred a young girl, ;1:1 she turned her head ' the anguished & et ' became very calm.
and rai.ed her eye In was thinking td" returning 'home; but still she
the tururtaimsl window of the apartment; "still
_walked on, passing kwerill avenues which led to
alive, and that pain that so maddened me is goiei it when, light and graceltlal as a young fawn,
and uty heart has ceased fa' beatgo-wildly! She there same bounding down the ' sidewalk, a child
..sid Isl- Id die; lint alas! it is nor;the young of a dozen y ears . ' The gay , sp o rt i ve crea t ure
whom grief will kill; to them it brings t-li•atli paused now and then to 11 to a caged mock-
only to the soul!"
; ing-bird, whose loud, clear tones were filling the
She started as till' thought passed through her air with; music; and the,n skipped' along to annoy
mind. "Death tit, the soul, Will it end in th little clumsy relotile, who strove in vain to
that?". and she clasped her hands, `apd murmur - keep pace-with his young misetress. The straw
ad 'in tones of deep agony, "And aftel travelling , hat which had covered her head,fell on her shotd
so long Ala dark and di ffi cult path, will my eyes tiers , and there was revealed th e - prettiest little
at length close to the darigere of. the way, and ' face in the world, round, rosy and dimpled; the
my feet stumble over the obstacles around me?" bri htest blue eyes , not the softest and most
TIM bit of soiled and tagged tapestry which t Li.,
1 ; brig htest
ut i and'playful ; , and. short, shining
separated the do . rner serving for a sleeping apart- ,
meat, frOm.thei rest•of the tontn, nil,
' eanth unq in aj ii:r g li= child eg va
741614-I.i. •
held a la rg e and beautiful
drawn aside; and a woman somewhat advanced h o „', iie n t • of t • •
. choice roses, interspersed with u few
in life, stepped to the side, of the couch, and bent . other i rich and rare exotics. She was evidently
over the young girl, who, at the sound of her ;
• , veutond of her burden a ,ol44eivi*gigi4l ) _
pnnee....014;.. 4r...b..... 1,...--1 —,l- 2- -•, - -•- .44 Tjf.,,Vlll,ll-"Ti.."-.16 1
she gazed on the sweet eountehant:e, so pale. stir- at trac.ted her attentitin. -.- - • , ,
rowful and hopeless, the hard, coarse featnte- of Ti„. wretc h e d, despairing Agnes had pausetl,
that dark face wiire an e epre..sion of mingled pity a. h er eye, f e ll -un the light, grareful figure of
and remorse; bet the. 1.. k 1 „,,,,„.4 aw ..,. %. sn d she: the .41041; and sb, loaned, half fainting ten her
laid her hand on the arm .if the girl • 1..0e mall., again.' the tir-t 4 , uppfirt n !skit offered
" 1 4‘gues• get up!" she exelain" ituit - iY 4 ".‘"" it-elf, lett unable to turn her-Ile-Mated gaze from
you are no I"rifter ill: 'lre"'' the beautiful N iSiillt] hellie.. 11,1% . .
o/lti • • seir quickly, and taken walk do w n the - , trect; -iI, pm not ailtoire my thmer , :: :Aid (lid von
it a ill quite rester.. the strength whiell y mtr. , f...d - ~% 4. r see Snell a beautiful bouquet before?"
. i liness has . eXll#llsleil. Rut ,h, not h e ale4ellt 1 . 1.11111 it lit' that sweet smile was intended for
,i I
mg, fill-Jon will itavt. to ',mkt• up, in a week, i t ,. r _... 4 l,, t r any % 0i,4,4 could airldrese her in such
,the dee, days yon have-restetl in bed!" , genii* , tones? The child of wealth • and pride.
The girl rase quietly from the vend', she did ', , ,,ta1l not have obarintsl who it was addressing—
. 0 „i ~,,•n . raise her eyes'le the woman's Nee. het h er ~,pru o glanc e Would be one of eontempt; and
Prepared , as speedily as her - feebleness won'd per- the girl was begii i ming to move from the spot,
mit, to obey the diieetions given her. - w h e n the little erellure prevented her. There
"It is very- hard for you to 10i1 a o, you i...0r ~'a ,
~„„e th it to u that despairing face w hi ch had
child," continhtsl the woman in a sifter tote, attracted the ehild'!t attention. -
and slay but eagerly watching the eff..f of her' .41),6 you not love flowers?—stay, you shall
words on the girl; "you, so young and beautiful hate the sweetest 1 have got," she said, running
a nd tlelicate! you should he living in case'and h er mit e em z ,ers over the bouquet. "I know you
i splendor. There is not a lady in the c ity, with : 1•,t.• them dearly, and yolk live down in the city
all her rich clothing, her studied manners, and ! w h ere you never sr . : any thing green and bloom
her great aecsuuplishntents, half as beant ;fel and , i n g, or the sight bit' these flowers would not make
graceful as you age, and I have heard many peal i y o u weep: papa says .„ ry b o d y i s good w h o
judge , say it. The earth is not go o d enough far I l oan „, thiwers, and"-.--the child -looked earnestly
-nett to thread tin, Mir can it afford luxuries '
'in her listener's fm t• -- "the gooll i•lionld alwaya
.._ -
er W. C. lIIITAAT.
Row Alma I knowthee In the'sphere whit
The embodied spirits of the deed,
When all of thee that time meld tither. tleel,"
And periebes tufting the deet we treed?
Fee I shall foal the Baas of eetteiders pain
If there I meet thy gentle split not.
Nor heir the role* I late,* read again.
In thy serenest eye( the tender thoeithi,
Wilt not thy own omit Woo dintarod nit tier.?
That heart wheat torallaat throb& to an "tent given?
My Same an earth Inn ever la thy prayer, t
Audi it he banished from thy tongue in &smel! •
In meadows fanned by haarea'- life-breatbinr wind,
, In the reephiagewe of that slaloms sphere,'
And larger moromeats
lore unaste.rod talMt,
Wilt thou forget the that joined us hen":'
'ow love that lived through all the attorney peat,
r i etndemeldy With, thy kasha sato* here.
And peedeegrew o and tender to the Mat,
Shall xpie with life. and he no more?
A floppier lot tabu raja., and light.
Await thee there; tor duis hut thy will
In cheerful heautiO to the ruler
• And Wei and tendert for -
For ale the sordid care: in which 1 dwell
Shrink and Ntnrunie the heart, as heart lb ,
ted wrath hath left let amr—that fire of hell
flafleft are trirhtinl 'ear upon to Raul. -
I'.•t, 111flugia thou weare , t the glory of the kky.
Wilt thou not keep the same beloved mine,
'fhe .sate fair thoughtful brow. and gentle tve,
I...‘elier in heareA*4 weet elimate, yet th. saw,
than unt teach rue in that calmer home.
The wisdom that I learned sii• m in tbi. -
Th. wisdom which is lave —till I bee .
Thy GI emnpaniiin iu that ,
From Ow itostiou Oltct• Itratiti
BY MIIS ;'.451.13 . 1t0N1A CURRIVII
Saul 'Poetry.
Is• happy "
• "How eau they be happy if there i. none to '
lore them?" asked Agnes, seareoiy emotions that
she spoke aloud.
• "The Father iri Heaven loves the good, and
lie tenches the good tit love each Other," said
• the child, and the beautiful face sobered for an
instant. "Papa says the flowers are His smiled
a nd see what sweet, loving smiles they are'." and
she held up the bouquet to the gitsll. "Take them
I all; they will he bright for a long time, if yon
take good care of them."
Agnes attempted tu !tank tko owea• ddld, hut
i tears eame sofast, and such thoughts were crowd
ing thlo►ugh her mind, that she only murmured,
as she stooped and pressed her:lips to the little
hand which bestotred that beautiful gift, "You
have saved a anal"'
I The child had been gazing with increased won
! der and interest on that disturbed countenanlxt,
and when those lips touched her hand, she threw
her arm - around the neck of Agnes, and kissed
her pale cheek; and then she turned away, and
_ .
picking up Fido'S ribbons, walked down the street,
but at a slower pace than she had passed over it
before, for more serioiar, thoughts were occupying
her mind than she had 'ever felt yet. Agnes
looked after her till she had disappeared, and then
she tinned down the avenue which led to her
wretched abode.
"And what did Miss' Gardner say to the bou
quet, Emma? inquired a lady, as, at the en-
trance of that fair child into her dressing-roots,
she raised her eyes from the "fashion plate" she
had been very intently studying,—"what did
Miss Gasifier say?"
"Not one won4111111a11114" mid the child, laugh.
ing gaily; and then, with a more thoughtful face,
she drew nearer her mother, and began to unwind
from their curling . _papers, her long, jet black
hair, and arrange, it in ringlets about her face.
"Not a word! You did not see her, thee- 7
mid the lady. VElay, Emma, did you see Miss
Gardner? And'what are you doing to my hair?
I shall not receive- callers this amain& and I
cannot have it hanging about my foie _for no.
thing." '
But the lady endeavored in vain to extricate
her hair from -the child's fingers; Emma contin
ued her labor till it all hung in grateful curls,
and then, retreating a few poem, she looked
thoughtfully in her mother's face.
"There, hmr perfectly alike," she said; "how
perfe c tl y , on l y Apes is so much younger, and.
she is so pale and sad, and one can look straight
into her heart, while mamma is proud, and her
cheek is rosy red, and—and---she never lets one
look into her heart; do Pin; nuumnar
"What do you mean by such nonsense? " vid
the lady, in a displeased teme,Gogh, for some
cause or Wier, her eyes e'oed before the ear
sest gaze of the child "Who are you talking
"The young girl to whom I. gave - the boviquet,
mamma," mid Emma. "I did not carry it to
Hits Gaidaer. fOr I do not k* her, and Hugh
does not love her, either; I was going so the store
to miry it to Ilia, but she— , lie •
•rl I met ---look
ed so sad and frieisdilirr
Vis: I wish yen had seen her, mamma, she looks
so perfectly like you, and her roieo is just ar soft
and sweet as yours sometimes is, and her mile
is as bright and beautiful as is yours when you
are not thinking! And besides, her name is like
The lady's cheek grew deadly white. • "What
is the child talking about?" she exelitimed.::!--
"Agnes! she is not here—she cannot know—
How was the girl deemed, Emme•and bow old
did she ist i tem to be? Vshaw, don't thy anything
more about her, and remember, child, pin m us t
never speak to any 'One in the street whiim you
do not know. - Your father would be %cry angry,
and so would Hugh, if they knew what you had
done this mottling; but I shall not tell them, if
you will promise never to speak to stranger
"She Was very beautiful. mamma, and yen
unhappy," mid Emma, apologetically.- "If you
had seen that smile when f gave her the flowers,
you would not be angry with me. lam &lad
nude her happy for a moment," added the
"Bo p mamma, what is the matter? Why do
you look so pale and terrified?"
"Because I am very muck displeased with you,"
returned the lady, struggling to nearer her corn
roue; "the pleasure you have conferred hascoet
me too much. Yesterday. I Alf, at Miss .Garth
ner's, a boquet presented to her by little Susan
Balcomb; and she was very much pleased with
the Sowers, and said pkiisant things of tbe child;
and the bciuquet I designed for he; was twice as
beautiful as that:—K.e, I have almost spoiled my
choicest plants in cutting it ;—and all her friends
would have been shown it, and toll what a.lnve.
•• _ • .tlrwi earn you how to color your dower,"
"And who cares what Miss Gardner ,tats?" 1 1. Very murk incensed with her ,tep-dauligter,
said the child, toksing her head contemptuously; was Mrs, Clemens, for wasting so-touch dim
"if I had carried her the Anus, I Should have 4
.r die was ofthst well
• . watt mutptt+tetrlitaww - ww - . ..„,
chills thoughts front the stranger in whom ..he
had been so much interested. .
. But the thoughts of Mr!. Darnley, herself,
_could lot he .11 easily' iliormetp.l,• 'lll4- door tea ,
not closed nu the child before the 14atuiful bo
titles was forgotten, though it :.l another
time, ironldhave very much annoyed her; for a
thought, an old, but ever-preseni one, was ab
sorbing her whole soul, and the proud woman
was burying her fare in the cushions -of her
lounge to stinth4 the %ohs that slie:t-ottlel not re
Agnes had returned homer She, wa+ wearied
with, her long walk, and the pleasant, hopeful
thoughts which bad entered her. heart as she was ,
retracing her steps, were startled, and strove to
fly sway, as she approached that. wretched abode;
but she tightly closed her heart around those
strange, timid, light-winged fled g lings, and mur
mured softly and caressingly:
"The Father in Heaven loves the good, and
teaches the good to love each other!"
And they folded their wigs at length, dressed
their disturbed plumage, and mile,' lovingly.
ft was a hate; sultry June day. Through the
dusty and smoky air, the mu poured hit red,
burning beams into that uncertain, rile apart
ment; and in at the windows, which Mrs. Clem
ens persisted in keeping open, though the air was
thus rendered doubly impure, by the nbii4om ef
fluvia from crowded cellars and a contiguous dram
shop, from which there came a rontinusa . volley
of low , vulgar slang, cries of distresti, and loudly
muttered (laths. But Agnes, thoigh the sight
of that hognet more than once caused a remark
from some rude gaser-in at the window. which
brought an indignant flush to that pale cheek,
And the smile with which her step-mother re
garded the Sowers many times caused hot tears
kelni her •r=.—Aloes Imd never passed a day
so pleasantly. And mirk had her toil seemed
so light, though it eras no easy task she had ta
ken on herself on her return home.
Since she had been old enough to know the
use of a needle, Agnes had sewed for a livelihood.
The first avails of her labor
. were scarcely suffi
cient to furnish her step-mother with tobacco;
but her ingenuity taught her to use her needle
so swiftly and dexterously, that while still a mere
child, her earnings, when she, could obtain em
ployment, would have been sulftelent to supply
the family with eomfortible fried; had not the
miserable father expended her little income at
the neighboring dram-shop even before it was
earned. While he lived, the child toiled uncom
plainingly, for she loved the being, who, in his
hours of soberness, clasped her so fondly to his
heart, wept, and even prayed bver her,—*he
could not help loving him, though that little del
icate form had often been felled to the earth by
the druikard's hand, and, calling her by a same
not her mai he had, invoked Heaven's bitterest
curses upon her; and beside. her love for him,
there was always in her heart• a hope of his tee ,
nation. Dining the last year of his WO he had
interested himself, more than he had ever before
done, it his daughter. Many a day had her
work been taken from her bandi sad a book or
pea platted in it, and the father would sit dews a
teacher beside her. The Wok would soon grow
wanrinemat to him, bat he world rise from it with
'tie roma, ."The dote shall «we, Ague, ihtin
]ow will net be the - poor ignorant girl yea now
ass! Ti. have boar lang ant pains* with
your father, and 7 ou Ida be rewarded for an
you have time: when this delirium has passed
But the delirium did not pam sway he died as
he had lived.
It was lard, however, to labor for that step
mother, to whom she awed neither love nor obe
dience. For months the disappointment—it
could not be called grief, his last days were so
irretehed--which she felt at her father's death,
kept her in an apathrtioni fin tich even the abso
lute danger at starvati on to arouse her; and*
then the vile, miserable stepmother, missing the
avails of her labor, resorted to means to awaken
her energies that more than once so wounded
that heart, which, notwithstanding its wretched
ness, she had kept pure and sensitive, that she
was throsin info a delirium. Yet, again and
again had the poisoned dagger been applied, till
the throbbing of the heart, if as agonised as ev
er, were Unseen; whether they might, at length,
have become stilled or not, Agnes never after
questioned herself, - tor she had become well nigh
Surely it was the smile of the Great Father,
which looked from those beautiful creations of
His, which banished that darkness from her
mind: it was His spirit which whispered tk that
fair young child the words she breathed in the
ear of the friendless girl.
The long, wearisome June day was nearly at
amend, and Agnes' task - was completed. Mrs.
Clemens, stupified with • the fumes of her pipe,
bad for some timc been snooring on her pallet,
and Agnes ; supplying her flowers! witlifresh wa
ter. at down . to enjoy their beauty more fully
than i.he hall before allowed lierself` time to Flo;
Ansi while she sat beside them, but not too near,l
lest her breath should mar the.beanty of the del
icate petals'. a daring thought entered the mind
of the girl. • She strove to bazdsh it, but it came
again, it would not be driven away; and through
the whole night, till the sun was lighting up the
did it while away sleep from the eyes which, ,
for the first time •inee she mold remember, felt
na weariness
". At the dam , of the second day, Agnes called
on a French woman. a very reapeetable.teueher
of drawing. fe.r whi she had 4ometimcs sewed,
and preFented fur inspection. a :ketch un
which she ha.l 1... en laboring with a zeal: he had
never before felt in any undertaking.
"Has my time been wholly wasted, Madam
Dupont?" she'asked, .
"No. ,na 1., very g...4—very
Yon have done at onto. what 1• woul.l have ta
ken ” , f; a long time to learn you... :slid the good:
witiki 1 W
,trained the condttet of the woman.
.% few weeks after the Morning on which -lie
had bestowed the bnquet of roses on that friend.
less looking girl. little Emma Darnley, aeeont
ponied by a tall. hindsome young min, to whom
she wa- carne,tly whispering, stepped into a shop
where elrap paintings were ekposed for
pietnrif at the window had attracted the child's
attention, and at her earnest ‘ solicitation, the
young man led her into the store to examine it.
Now you may believe it, Hugh!" the little
-girl ' whispered—“that is the botinet . mamma
wished me to earry to. Miss Gardner; don't you
see"—pointing to a particular blossom, "that is
the rose flower whose slow unfolding we watched
so long? And see how the roses are grouped' .
no one but mamma arranges a bouquet•so. Does
it not look natural?"
- Natural, ass! Von knoW 1 cannot tell one
flower from another; hot do you want me to buy
it for yon?" ‘ -
"'lf you wish to look at Pttintinis, sir!" said
the shopkeeper, "Lean show you some very hand
some. ones.' That is a miserable affair; I ought
not to have suffered it to appear at the. window,
hat the poor thing who brought it here pleaded
so sarroestly that I - would do so. It W3`.. her first
attempt at anything of the 50e, she saia, and
she wished to know if any one could see in it the
leant exhibition of talent. She was obliged to ,
toil, she told me, for her daily bread, and if not
sure of success in 'this new undertaking, she.
would not give it the time so valuable to her.
shall return it to her when she comes in to-night,
for though it has been here several days, I think
no one has looked at it beside yourself.
Little Emma whispered to her brother, and the
yam; man made some enquiry as to the peison
al appearance of the girl, and the deseription• of
her convinied the child that the artist was that'
Agnes tti wncmystremtaquet. -------
While the man was speaking, Hugh stood very
intently comparing the painting with some which
the merchant had called very choice; but though
he was no connoisseur, he could not fail to per
ceive that the latter fell far short, both in beau
ty of design, and in execution, of the former,
but to. Emma's great disapointment, he left the
shop without purchasing the painting; and that
evening, Agnes Clemens sat weeping.over her
frnitless. labor, and trying to call back to her
heart the faith and hope which had sustained her
for the few weeks passed.
There seemed nothing before her now but a
life of drat incessant toil; no time for mental im
provement, no opportunity 'of escaping, ever,
from the sphere in which she was now moving.
tt Yet one can be virtuous here as elsewhere,"
sCursnared the poor girl, "and I wilt not forget
*at "the Father in Heaven smiles on the good!"
.! As the thought Palled through her mind, there
was s low rap at her door, and a young man,
who inirodueed himself as Hugh Darnley, enter
ed the apartment. He had tolled, so he briefly
informed her, to regimes a copy of the painting
be had seen at Keeler's shop window. He was
hint tell,
no judge of paintings, but his little sis
ter had very much admired the picture, and bad
doubt but the work was very warritorkroa—
Miss Clemens might devote as amok ties to the
ptintiag as she wished; kkanet's father would not
take into eoseideratios the prised= article which
suited the &say ot his daughter:
Who. the meg men left the beim, be was
determitted to labia* his mother, who was
known to be one of the most benevolent ladies
in the city, in the poor girl whom one less com
petent to judge than himself, would have called
endowed by nature with the most desirable qual
ities of mind timid heat, and eapable, byseinestion.
and intercoms with •society, of becoming one of
ite most valstid ornaments. But though he had
never folly he opeirations, Hugh never
placed on high an " nide ea his mother's ben.
evolence, as did some other people;,and he soon
dismissed the idea of introducting the young ar
tist to her notice. His father, whose charities
the young man conklappreciate, he felt a repug
nancy to mentioning her to; and finally, after be
could think ei no way in which he could assist
the girl, he laughed at himself for endeavoring
to do no.
But, samelMw, he eonld not forget the expia
tion of that b4utifuLlingrni4os countentrace; the'
glance of_ th one deep thoughtful eyes;r nor the
tones of that law, awctt voice. -
From Atat a We, iti little kindasea r properly
shown, might save thal i t young and highly-gifted
being! The ability to aid her was his, and had
he tiot ingenuity enough to find a way in which
he eonld befriend her. without wounding her
Very ingenious, indeed, did Mr. Hugh Darn.
ly ly show himself ' , to bc' for scarcely two weeks
had passed away, tho ' h during that period he
had called several tini to see how she was pro
gressing in her painti gs----smee4- two weeks
had passed, when, as i fie entered her apartment
one evening, be found .Agnes alone, busied with
her needle, he drew a tat near her, exelaini
ed abruptly— •
"Lay aside that ltatebil sewing, forever, Miss
Clemens, and employ , -ourself only in ,:ultivat
ing your talent for pa . Ling. The best instrne
.tron the city eau afford hall be within your reach, -
both in . that accomp • ment, and in any other
you niaY wish to 3C41 • ," and the unusual pal
lor of that face, and 'the wearine”s of those beau
tiful eyes made him forget all caution; and pity,
mingled with emotiot4 which, almost unknown,
to himsi , ll. had been syringing Kiln his breast,
eate9sl him to :nld--lour life must nen longer
be one of labor and ulivry, but full of beauty and
enjoyment. Let Me help to make it so; let me I
aid you itt.this de-lin- you al cherishing to ac
(pint knowledge; :IS a: frie r , as a brother, or'
rather," he added in a loweritone"as one who
is hoping he may, scrap day,'su.stain a,nearer re
lation to you than thar i l of consanguinity'!"
. Very quickly wa; th littl4 hand he had taken
in his, withdrawn, and; something like a yob es-
e et . lei e, tt I el. e .he evi
(lefitly wished it, would not leeve her. He had
plunged himself too far into a difficulty to escape
by light, sad therefore he ireithitieed,' taking go
eloquently andeerseatlY. that at length, the Moak
litiOrTintiglirgifrirtgiv _
Wflrll4 h, ntu•retii
wts but for a moment however. that Agnes
would intintge herself L M the emotions which the
whispered words of him. whom. from his first visit
to her. Rile had regarded as the embodiment of
everything noble and good, had given rise to;
but Hugh would i-et , none of thy' obstacles she
threw in the way of far misties. She could not
fail 1 . 41 ls. all he might!,lesire in wife, she was
'so already; it was only bhrgratitieation he thought •
of, in ltiq a . tixiety thatl her education 4toold be
improved: be had a luUttlsonie property indt7u
deot of his father,—the'prond add haughty Mrs.
Darnley was only his stepmother; hiq sister was
the child who had made Agnes's acluaintance
some weeks before: . and above everything cite,
it was the,wish of his 'father to see his son hap
py. If Agnes preferred it. :111.r. Dimley should
know of his intentions toward her. H ug h was
confident his father would not disapprove of his
conduct, when he hall become a iquwinted w ith
"06,114 him no I:ntinv, 10, no ngi• kn•nu that
-on have ever thought ate! tuurtatire,l
"If I . have the ability ylpti rid i 1 can.
alone, and ninamiste.d, inp.elf worthy of a
'connection with a family :0 retied and inteiligeot
Baia yours. I have a !monger incentive to labor
now," and her voice sank to ih lowed whisper,
"than I ever had before; and if you have not for
gotten me when the tine hait come, if it ever cl.tes
arrive, that I can ming l e with h.s intelligent and
r efined, you may . seek Me again, hut not till then.
Do not urge me to the toritr.try'.' and .-he relea4-
ed herself from his arms, and opened the Aseel
door to admit her miserable stepmother, who, in
attempting to peas owes, the threshold, fell pros
trate to the floor, as Agnes and Darn ley both i!
thouuhtin a state of intoxication • and the ou - ne
- num was netermmea, ae
dwelling, that not another, night shofild she re-
main under the roof of that wretched being. . I
And that was, indeed, the last, for before mor
ning had dawned, firs.' Clemens was dead. Her
interment took place the same day, and Agnes,
'believing that the course she had decided on,
-was the only one sho Might to ptirsue, the next
evening removed her lOsiging to another pan of
the city, where young Darnley would not be like
ly to find her. The ytning man had little - time \
for attempting it, for by the management of his
mother, be was immediately sent from the city, i
to make preparations fir a voyage to Europe.—
She had discovered, through her daughter, the
interest Hugh wastakeng7 in the poor girl Emma I
had described to her stmo few weeks before, and
with an eagerness tie Occasion seemed not to call
for, she had pleaded With his father to send his
son from home. Her object was attained, but
after his departure, Mrs. Darnley fell into a long
and lingering illnessofrom which it was some
times feared she might never recover; and when
at length, strength did come again, her former
pride did not return with it.
With the tenderest care did her husband watch
Over her during her illness, sitting alone by her
bedside in her moments of insanity; and with the
softest words soothing her disturbed feelings;
and wimp reason and health came, with an ea
einem and anziety she had never manifested
before, did she seek to repay that tender care.
Yet something was between them new which had
never *wood to Wet before. The look of the
B. P. SLOAN, mom
husband was distant and proud, sad ths are of
the wife mak before his gaze; mid wham, Alt Ina
sometimes the case, that pleading face asked *Sir
JI sorrowing heart might unburden itself to him,
the coldness of his regard prevented it.
Wawa months had passed away, and the
return of Hugh to his home was as hand. .
"I hope he ham formed no -attachment doubt
his absence," said Mrs. Darnley to her husked,
"I have always felt extremely anxious be should
marry Mary Gardner. She is a meet entinadale
young lady, and on Emma's account partioular:
ly, a connection with the family would be very
"I dare "say, maims, that Hugh will be quite
35 4 1siudful of the future welfare ant happiness of
your daughter, as her mother has shown herself
:sobal" returned her hrisband, pointedly.
A deep flush , evereprod the cotmtenassie
Mrs. Darnley, as she rallied Imir eye to hM bail
as she tremblingly rose from her chair ts
preach him, be quietly 'passed out of the room;
and during the week wh4ch interves eei
that time and the eveni of Hugh's return, she
could find no opportunity to make to llim the
confession which it seemed impossible low to
The evening of his - return at length arrived: '
Mrs. Darnley bad not left her dressing-room.—
It was yet too early to expect her - guest, though
one carriage, unknown to her, 44 rolled up to
the door, and the young lady whom it brought
there was very tenderly lilted from it by, Mr.
Darnley himself, and as soon as the cloak 'and
hood Were . rernovedje Rai led by him to the
chamber of his wife • •
Mrs Darnley turned from her mirror, in which,
with some of her feistier pride, she had . been sus
,vey ing her still elegant form, in its rick and cost
ly attire. -and the yet bitiptiftil countenance,
more animated tip it had been for many Mouths,
the whiteness SIP fair brow, more*Jonee is oon
traia with biome long, jet black mull which fell
Oyer it, and the brilliant rubies - flashing tmoug
lose ringlets, giving- to that tinted cheek a still
deeper hue,—she turned, and before her stood a_ .
lady, whom but for the difference of age, and the 0
style and color, , not the richness of costume, was
the perfect image of herself.' Mrs. Darnley strove
to speakbut not a sound escaped her lips, and '
her hus band's arm alone - prevented her from fal
ling to the floor.
"Agnes," he said, "calm yourself; I know all ,
—all whic for years you concealed from me, but
which you have for some time past been anxious
to reveal. I know all, but you were Tay young •
when you deserted your first husband; and wheth- -
er he was fairly dealt with An not, the law re
leased you from him. You should have told me *
this, Agnes!, and that you had a child still ; -
butl can fm.Ove you. You have been a kind ,
mother to myloy, and a good wife to me; I for- -
f e ve=freely. And Miss Clemens--Agalag"
addressing• the young lady whom he •
had led into the apartinent, "you will forgive
your mother."
f i a t twhe6rnTa Taave coat z ga that : .
oNot for my sake,. Agnes? not for the'artfr
Emma , —your sister?" inquired Mr. Dorsky; .
The young girl preastpkier lips to the bead _
which would have joined -I'oo that of her moth
er, but Mrs. Darnley interrupted the word's she
attempted to utter.
* - I have wronged you yefy, very deeply," she
said. "but it was not al%,efrorn pride, believe
me! When I would have cared for ton, I maid -
not obtain . pos.seasion of you; and after that, my
love for Emma, and my for of bringing dimmer
on tho fiimily with which I had become connect- .
ed. by holding any correspondence with your .
father, prevented me from seeking you. But. .
as Betiyen hears me. I never wronged your fath
er, Agties'. though will bring no seensetion
against the dead. Will you believe me, my
child? and will you call me--" -
Mother!" whisper ed Agnes, as she yielded
t o the embrace of Mrs.lhienley. •
While this seene was t mnapiring, gonna Darn
ley was laughing and crying for joy, in ••hsitirtes
of her brother. , •
" Oh. Hugh! wh., do you think papa has just,
(tarried op stairs? Come to the library and I
W ill t e ll you. Ther e , see those paintings, Hngh!
Look at thin one. Is it not your little Emma, ex
aetlyr :rod that lquet,ot roses in her hand! is
it not—the whole painting—the moat' natural
thing in the world
.• Ye , . as well as the most beautiful!" returned
the young man; -hutrwhose work is it, and who • .
is up stairs? Tell 3114 i quckly, ais!"
. In yen have not kernels des to r d trask
I knew you would not, sheso bea • led
so good. This is all her work, and she is here!
stay, Hugh. Agnes is mamma's daughter.—
Now don't look so frightened," laughed the
sweet girl, "she 14 no relation of yours, thes'
.she iti m? .sister. She is the daughter 'of mam
ma's lint bushaud. You know we always said -
4e,looked preciiiely like mamma!"
‘• And how long has .she been here? *aid what
does our father think?" asked Hugh.
"Think of her! why he thinks twice. as north
of her as he does of me. The day you west
,knew what you-was aentatear.
that Agnes was her daughter—the day you went
away, I told papa all I knew about her, for I was
very angry; and I showed hint that beautiful
painting of hers, and told how much she looked • -
like mamma, and how strangely mamma
when I spoke of' her. do not think he e s
I id •
much attention to what I said then, but after
mamma became sick he oought out Agnes, and
for mere than 11' year past, he has board ed her
at one of the best schools in the country, and -
she has enjoyed every advantage which his mon
ey could obtain her. She is here to-night for
the first time; papa himself brought her here,
and I know it was because you were coming."
"My dear father," stammered the youngster',
ae Mr. Demiy stepped into the library, "I have
not merited so much kindness."
"Alt, well, Agnes has!" said the gentleman
milling; 'and he added, in a lower tone, "she is
a moat-lovely girl, Hugh! I know of no one
whom I would so willingly see your wife."
The young man hilrnedly gasped his father's
hand, and then hastened to find her whom *b
orate had only made dearer to hii heart.
"Emma, my child," said Mr. Darnlet e n
his daughter on his knee, as the door c
ter Hugh, "your sister Agnes has told me to
night, that, the present of that bouquet of MN
you made her on that fair June morning,' the
smile with which you gazed on her,
and the
words of hope you uttered, saved her from a life
which had been worse than death. You anted
thoughtlessly, then, my-child, but remember this.
ever, Emma--an act of kindness, however trivial
it ma a cheering word to the sad and de
, or a smile of hope and faith for the
entfining and neglected, may soften the heart
which lam grief Vied indurated; it may be tbe
eszeitsm for despair., the spark to re-kindle die
light of Heaven in the emir