Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, August 13, 1853, Image 2

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    Misrettsuans, foreign anb olitic 1 AtD35
The Secretary of War and the Regular Army
A Washington correspondent of the Mobile
Register,_ has- the following relation of a scene
between' the Secretary of War, Gen. Davis, and
a "colonel in the regular army." It argues fa
vorably;if true, for the "privates of the regular'
The officer'in q ueitiou was n colonel, i'vhose
regiment is 'stationed near Newport, Rhotit. ;
land. 'Well General,' says the colonel, to the
. 941A1341 have-received your order., conamand-
• logl .
e leave the hotel at .Newport..atid. take
up my quarterv-with the regiment at the bar
- reeks! i I am glad to hear - it,' replied General
<Amis. 4 1. hope the i'mdcririll subject you to no
• inlenvenlenee.- 'No inconvenience, iedeedi re .
plied the colonel, .quite indignantly; 'WhY, sir,
the place it; a living tomb of misery 'and nithcait It-
I.eouldn't endure the plate a.month.—
Thi s beea known to my 'superiors in corn
, -
nand, including the late Secretary or War, and .
I have bees permitted to remain at Newport,
where, I sin comfortablrsituated. 'I have not i
been . necessary negligent of my duty, as your or- i
der seems .to imply. I am a soldier, , ir; and i
know my duty.' •.. - . -
• " .`Ali, indeed,' calmly rejiiined the Secretary,
you. have been living in ease and splendor, while
the poor Soldiers have been cooped up in a 'liv
ing tomb of- misery and unhealthiness; you i
couldn't, 'etidutre the place a month; you are a
soldier, and know your duty'. , -'c-ow, sir, I, too,
am a, 'Wilier, and. t know it to bii the first duty
of an officer 2 t3 look after the welfire and comfort
of those under hh4 command. I bare held office
in the'army, aiid;aligays eotnidered it any duty
to partake' of the' - httrdship.4 a= well as the glories
of my companions4n-arms. • [f, therefore, the
barracks hear Newp,ort are tit. for yon regiment
to live, in. I presume .the are fit for you. If they
be - as you represen'tthem,you have certainly
been negligent in tacit report ing the f.tet to thi s
.departswent, as that the soldier' eould have been
'reatiover from that living, tomb of misery. and
' unfiealthiness.' And until- you•niako such a re
port, I shall make no elian , ze - isi the order of
; trivial you - complaiu". .
. "The nelonel,.in a perf-'t rage. departed lin
eeteMonionsly at- thin stage of thr interview.—
The probability is that t he next time Ile makes
a p image' to the , War Dep.nitelent, to plead
for is own ease and t omf6rt, la mill king with
hi me kind words ia l‘e loi roc, hcp.,,,..idaie,..'
; I 's the best thinn. Itv have :-..en in relation
to the -regular -army, for a long while. Let
Searttal!)- Davis now. take up the prrnislnueiits
in Lyle army, and refoau . tante ~ f the abuse, in
that matter, and lir -sill ileP , rl - ,• % von .1' Ili • coma
treintn. . •
Loss . of the Ship I. Z.. by Fire.
The ship Ebenrzrr, at l.ivcrvol ',!t?th 'ult.
broughtitttellegenee of the to•al distraction by
fire of the packet ship I. 2.. 01l tlll . 7th ult., in i
Ist. 42, lon. 62. The 1. Z., 7:".ai ten- burden, i
sailed from :New York July '2, under the elan-
mend of Ceptain S'penger, for Licrrpnf.l,l with. a l
cargo-consisting chiefly of turpentim, corn .and
cotton. She wins owned cs..
by Alrs.' Zeraga, of t
this city. The, captain and all handy-;-twenty 1
in number— were re-eued by the 1:1). - , , c,:er, and;
lamed at Liverpo,,!,. • Captain liavaow, ef the !
aßakert gPlly,fr,,n) New liork. at Liverpiol, 1
the following oommunie:ttion to 'lt: , 130ar,1
it Underwriters at Liverpool:— •
"On Thursday, July 7th. in Tat 11. km tilt,
at 3fo'cleek P.'31., 1 observed a ,nteke, which
at first .I..,qpn!efrtn } that of a steamer, but /
thinking it stranto t i fall in with a , teamer in
the above position, an oh=e;rv,ing something un-
usual-in the appearim ant the smoke, I it;ok my
glass and went aloft, t lu n I at once di levered
it to be a vessel on re. Ltutuedi.hely rook in
all steering.sail , and made . , for Ow wreck, with a-,
good look out at theinnst-head fir her boats
Oti nearing the wreek'we observed her I,,pg boat
bout a tulle to Windwv.rd if her.-and steeted for
It. 1‘" e frxssexi within tw,itty,f,et of 1:c r. .dal
found her in ,good:order, no •,ne,in her. and the
,ars and moveable articles gone. i 11 - e then bozo
.way for the wreck, and 51 P. .0. passed under
the stern of the_ 40n:thy! vessel_ ; A wl I ff u ai Lt..,...t„.
She was ' limning fore awl aft. upper works
c. .
hurne4l' off' , decks fdlen in. 1
J4 . 611.1t FRANKLIN..—The London 711ites
•f a late date z .ays that infornititi. : 4' a very in
tereqiitg character. has been ret74,l - tal by Govern
ment, which, if correct. ,ind it La, (vet,' appear
ance uf authenticity. may turn out tl'• b...0f great
importance as bearing on the fate of the missing'
Arctic expedition of Sir John Franklin. . It i. to
the effect that inteligete 'e has been conveyed to
the Russian Government at St. l i eter.firgh,
Coat several of illiat art': called :'la. , ?Jail. have
have"heen found by the tiatives at the t',nth (~f
:he ltiver Obi. which fails into the A.rt kain
at tae seventieth Eraialiel t.f latitude.-1; flipa .
i.tri authorities transmitted t 1,;,• infta - ination ;
aitimut , delay to our Foreign clEee; and a re- 1
I,olest has been dispatched that sow , of th e s o .
alred "glass balls, - miire proba,bl::, 1,64..., m a y ;
if possible. secured and tranqinitted to En g _
!!1 , 1. • The morality tclio.t• t lu.e intik or bottlea 1
..'- e ~.3 i .1 t o i lavi i ', veil
.f,, im .l i. precii.ely that to !
nr t:cli they Irould probably have drifted, had they '
~,n thrown nverboaril , r.- s otlierwise detached
Irt.m Franklin'. 'hips in it;ise the lat:er hadiat
,:tned a high northers latitude: forthe current of I
• 1,. Artie Ocean set. arong 1.11‘... Siberhin tnivard
the European sower, a. b. evidt.uceil fiv the
~ ,r eat
~ inntity of Orift wor4, &e , found' on the shore. '
—lt would, of course. I* premature to arrive :et
. he-cat elusion that thesc balk are relics of Frauk
's expedition; but the inf,•rmati.m, emit:
lagh it be, isoftoo important am] curi ous ;t na .
'are to , lie summarily dismi•lse,l a: Anwnrilec , If
It, ration. - - -
*A. The circular of the ~ ,e retary of tlt. Trea
,try. offering twitaty-one per -cent premium for
I "oited States Fitocks redeemable in - 181;7—'4, to
t Ile amount of live millions. wiltreduee the 'tn
. ~ pected balance of $.25.0v0,0in), whi e l, it i s
....timated, will Lc in tile treA.sury on the meet
ing of Congress, to twenty miltion, Thereoill
orohAly ben further reduction of alsm• five,mil
ionca. for the purchase of the loan of I 543: the
..,..limtion of treasury nines, and other purchases
~f qocks in a close tuarket,-. which will reduce
111 rs I"lnfhel ://6,410. Still.
h )r; , . All financieia agree that ahoat ti v , mil
shonid be kept constaaly-in the Trete.ury
te, meet =expected eontiogetteies, and in alI
probability, there . will be diVica`cncy and other
not meluded in the yettrly estimate, enough
oas•+ed, to bring the balance down to not err
millions. This :-.unt, will koon ah: , orbod
sotue'of the thousand new pri.j ets which will
"be pressed upon Congress during the first days
of It session, without. refefeuce tii • the grand
schemes which will be held in rt.'olll'll and thus,
it is presumed, ,that the great bone ofenntention
-'the $25,000,000 surplus, will be melted away,
before the sharpest scouted among the operator?, ‘,
will suspect that it hart even been heoschedi_
r 'or Err. Port, 3,/
• A IhscovEns.—A eert.ii u deaeoia in one of
~e r Massachusetts towns, who w as a very zeal
ous advocate for the cause or temperance, some
- rears since one iinmmer's day employed the car
pQnter to make some idteratians in his parlo r .—
En repaiiing Abe-conk of theMoP-board, near
the fire-place, it was - foam/ necessary to reinove
the lire-board; when 10. a "mare's nest" was '
':'•• brought to light, which astonished the workman
s e
most marvelously. A brace of decanters, sun
; dry junk bottles—ail containing ~, meshing to
take —a pitcher and tumblers, were cosily re
!, po , ing there in snug quarters. The joiner, with
wonder-stricken countezumee, ran' to the -propri e .
tor with the intelligence. "Well, I declare,"
(:xelaiinedihe deacon, "that is curious surety.—
it must be that old Capt. B. left these thi ngs
there when be occupied the premises th irty ye ars
doee " "Perhaps 'redid, retzipzed the discov
-rcr, ~ but deacon, that ice in the pitcher must,
lave been well cocirmled to have ientained
.o long a time."-.4llaten /bet - JJJ
The Lorain .County larder
The Elyria Courier of the 3d inst., gives the
following narrative of the bloody affmy,,which
occurred in Carlisle, Lorain county on Wednes
day, July '27-.
Two young men, Charles A: Barber, aged
20, and Benjamin F. Lovell, aged- 19 . , had a
quarrel with`a man bylhe named Abeam Pal
mer, who lived in tile house formerly occupied
by X. S. Barton, in eau-lisle. - The young
men SINISTSINI thatMmerthad thrown stones' at
some young ladies who were passing his ouse.
which 'Fulmer did not deny. but d he
would, stone arm' person who would insu t
'omb] ran high between the parties,
and filially Fulmer challenged them to fight him
with bOwie knises. This Lovell declined to do, -
bat said the would tea him with Alec- This K **s .4 l
W2l about half-pact six o'clock P. 31. Barber
and Lowell then left the field, and went to Char-
lea Week's house, where, they wee emplbyed•in
harvesting, procured earls a guu,Nhieh they load
ed. and returned to the field where Fullmer was '
at w - ork.- Lovell carried a rifle :tad Barber a
Alta gun. They found Fulmer and his wife in
the field, nwr An old untenanted house on - the
hill, and after approaching within about' eight
paces of them. Lovell told them they had come . ' "ektP 3 13' Paper."
to have that fight. Palmer turned to take a :
pichfork from his wife's hand. when Lovell fired, ' It appears that the heretofore supposed pre
the ball missing Fulmer :and inflicting a ghastly' ! rogative of small men. of stopping a paper when
*nand on ,the . side of the woman ' s bead. She ever the Editor says anything that &Isla - square
uttered a groan and fell bleeding and seamiest; with the notions of the subscriber; is not confised
urn the grass.
.Fulmer punned theta with the i to the little great men of country villages; Arat,
pitchfork several re4s, when Lovell, having re- •
ceived the leaded-shot gun , from the hands of 'on the contrary , has been made a diplomatic
' Barbero shot him through the body, and he ran i right by his Excellency, Count -B°di"'", the
' a few stet -4 and fell, And instantly expired.- The ' Maslen Minister at 'Washington. :The other
! charge entered the right , breast and Palmed 1 day the Washington Union contained an- Edito
through the superior lobe of the right lung, a .
.I:),,rtien lodgin e e in his heart, and a portion pass- rial, not very lauditory of the course of Itgusla'
, ing through the. rlglit •aeriel,• of the heart into , towards Turkey, Hungary, ke. M. .Bodisco 1
1 the left lung. - I read ie.—his Ruasian blood "riz;" his diplomatic
, "The woman was carried to the -house, and I honor was touched ; and, rushing up to the raiort
1 Dr. Steele, of Oberlin, wits, summoned to attend 1 ( a 5,,,,
' her. The hall entered the lower part of the ear 1 '
1.• •he determined upon- revenge. " Stop'
my paper," was the purport of a note to the &I-
I and gassed through the cheek near the corner of I
; the month. At - our latest advices she was not - liter. whith his Russian highness handed in with
expected to recover. Lovell and Barber return- I his pin hand, from his own carriage. -Of course
1 ed to 'Week's and told what they had done, where ' the Washington Cation gratified his excellency,
i they were arrested ab6ut ten o'clock in the even-
hr It
' lug and taken to Oberlin. They hada heat - bag i failing - eat hint at breakfast with its
to tUr .
*before Esq. Allen, and were dent to jail to await Presence; and, if we are not misinformed, both
their trial by a jury of their countrymen." ' that. Union , and the federal Unionalso, has surviv-
The Elyria je t/ es adds: that at a pao mortem • ed the sh'oet. , Serieualy speaking, remarks an ex
cKatalnation, seventeen *bet wt re taken from the i chance. M. Ilotliseo has done nocredit, either to
body of the decased, several of which were that. 1 his emp ‘ loyers or himself, by this -bit of petty
in the lungs and heart. It i-. understood' '
S. Burke, Ea t ., of .Eiyria, and H. P.**(lark, i spleen. Asa diplomatist, be is old enough
Esc., of - eleyeland, have been retained as coun- , to know, that, by exhibiting his aunoyanee in
eel for the prisoners. A* the fact of killing is 1 ggis way; he only makes himself a public laugh
riot denied, we know not what the nature of the 1 ing stock. He could not have supposed, even
deft:nee will - h,•."
for a moment, that by discounting histanbscrip-,
A 61 , 13 , 1:N1 , 0u , 4 ‘vestern p et jtion; he could drive the Onion into altering its
sylvania company have set up a claim to the ('toile. His conduct was consequently that of
whole Western Reserve of Ohio, under a grant inert% imbecile hatred, than which nothing, Per
from Connecticut. alleged to have been mindeaf-Li uko ., •
ter the year 176 4 , when Charles 2d granted to n'o't rese nt itra':a.evotn..wterbhn powerlessh e le i . s Whena nlan
to avenge
that colony a patent for.the reserve. In 1795,
it will be remembered, he sold the reserve toi a° offence, the exhibition of his spite is childish,
another company, relinquished all claim to juris
diction over the territory to the United States.
in 1800. These Pennsylvania Parties ,to-day
applied to the CrenernlLand•Office to make to
them patent for the Reserve! The officer re
ph; d wo learn from parties interested in . the
..-..peculation" lUa t the Govertunent never hating
had a elaiii) to or proprietorship over that terri
tory, they entitiot entertain the application; and
that the Stato 'ennectictit is the party t 4, vilant
the Pennsylvania Company must look for redress;
if they really have rights involved in the ease.
• SILV .M I N ES.•,--The produced in the
United States: is in small quantities, which are
txtracted from copper. lead and gold. As yet
there has not been opened in the United states
any mine yielding silver ores: nor is there mueli
evidence that there is any silver mine in the
von try, unlcs:- it he in Nest Mexico. At nunaer
om4 pointy in that eountis-, they werisonce worked
with Tro in
,the DM Norte, fifty miles above-El Pass°, in a
range of mountains named Las Organs, there
flare been tonna 'veins of silver r re„which are
believed to be very rich arid extensi
; 4 ., Iv, /,/, * l4 71$ •
• would have
thought six years ago that the laws'of one of the
states of the Union would haye to be published
in. English and Chinese, for general circulation
Yet so it is. The ninth section of an act - passed
by the California ligislature, for the eollection
of the 'foreig n .miners, tax has been printed in
the' Chinese Linguage, fur the information of
more' than thirty thousand Chinese_in the new
State. Tong . k Achich a Chinaman, certifies
tint the thinslation faithful and good."--
bakti .lilar,
V•it ltepuhlican, published at Wilmington, Ohio,
records the murder of a son by the, bands of -his
father, in 'Wilson township in that county. The'
fatlik r's • name is Reuben .Mills, and his son is
forty years old and blind.
.The father is nearly
sertlity years old. The wretelred father stria
hi; : ..on with his tist. knocking him from his chair'
op the flier. and breaking his neck. The omit
retie:. took Owe about 9 o'clock, P. M., on Tues
day last at the house where the parties resided, in
- Wilson township. The old man was arrested
the next day, and hi4d to answer at the next term
of 'court, in the awn of i).500, and in defitnlt of
which h , • wag committed to jail.
ue,,,l . Yesterday afternoon whilst officer Bow—
ers was awaiting• the the arrival of the cars he
sAw small girl named Eliza Rice, aged about
twelve years, creep from under one of the cars of
the tla o'clock passenger train, literally covered
with thick mud. l'pon inquiry he leiuned from
the little- adventurer, that she had been living in
Washiniton with a relation, hut that greatly Ale
siring to see her father, Patrick Rico, who resides
on Center Market Space, she determined to come
on mutt, the cars. The °Seer kindly took her
to .the station-house, ;id after fixing her &ilia j
erillVt . % 1)0r TT) Mr. fti
.11 , ,fthnlve
A few days since, the Directors of the House of
Industry of this City recovered of a master to
whom they indented a boy, Sitoo, for bad
ment to him. Notwithstanding the MiUOllll dit
ties perfoimed by the Directors of this institu
tion, they look after the boys *hick they find
places for, and while they are very cautions in
the - selection of families to place them in, they
keep informed of the influences which su rround
them, until they attain their majority.- 7 Boaom
1 -0.0-
i • Worcester, akust., -Itv. 9.
,A young man, who refuses to give his name;
was arrested hem laid evening c with
breaking into the railroad station at , trifle.
He had in his possession a draft of ) 62,
drawn by the Chautanque Bank on the Me ropo•
litan Bank, in favor of E. Godfrey k Son, of
New York. Also, a cheek on the Bank of Al
bany for 8300, drawn by J. Warren in favor Of
N. Fidler. Re - is probably a runaway- froni
some New York' merehaat.
Baitt'inerr. Aug. P.
In the Mobile district Lockwood; Whig, is un.
expectedly elected to Congress. In the 2d die.
triet the majority for the Whig candidate* is 1600.
in the 10th district 'tie chanter are in fa
vor of 1141 e, whit!. Harris, deco. is elected in
the ld district, and Downdellin the 7th.
In North Carolina, in the Ist dia . *Act Shaw, •
dew. is elected over Outlaw.
Or•_ , _ dog. 6.
Blies, son -in-Ltw of Gen. &d at
ter, awiay yellow fewer. liiatbe is
toriay were 160 fketa yelleeriresr.
+- --
elfttlittlitn Obserta.
Itimitalo STATIC ROXIIIM4i-Tf-Oill
o f Tioga Cowni . v. •
Of Crawford.
and a subject for scorn only. ,tio person, with
any dignity of chara4er,would he guilty of such
impotent retaliation. • To use a strong phrase,
but one quite refined enough for the ()evasion,
M. Bodisco ha% infinitely be-littled himself by
this act. Hereafter, When the litt/c Bodiscos of
country rillars, folloie the Rimini Minister's
example, and cry "Stopmy paper" whenever till.
Editor displease:. them, it will doubtless 1w cal.
lid "applyingihe knout to the Editor.':
St:Net-ay axn ERIE EimaoAD.—The Sun
bury American gives a flattering amount of the
work upon this road between that village and
Williamsport. It says. the "grading between
3liltoa.andrittack nolo. *bout abct*orn wilee,-18
butt* thine, some four or five sections above War
rior Run, eulverts and all,* being entirely emu
pleted..The brid l e. ? y t r dje s. ...tme z img i
in g . 31ore than one-third of the stone, (veering
several acres, are already on the ground and
dressed. and the masonry of the piers going
up. The section through Milton is graded, and
the one beloy, running from the farm of James
Carnere'n, Earl., about half done.' The firt:it sec
tion above Chilisquagne Creek,
.and the three
above, are about to be vigorously prosecuted.—
The section 'on the farm ofilift. Watts, four miles
above Northumberlaad, is about half done, and
the remaining sections down, which are light, arc
also about to be commenced. The road, we up.
derstand, is to be graded immediatoly for a (I,:u=
hie track. Whether for a narrow,' - or for u six
foot gauge, will, we presume, depend upon the.
success of Mr. Fallon's mission to Europe Shquld,
he not succeed, and the Philaadelphians mute
tolake the matter into )hcit hands, the (roject
will fall into the hands' of New Nark capital.
iste,whawill, undoubtedly, adopt the wide gauge."
We presume, from 4e "movement of the wa
ters," that if the eoutingency happens, referred
to by the Americas, and it doesfallintothe hands
of New Yorkers, Erie will never see that road;
all of 'which would gratify a good many more
I hero than most of us dream of, we guess:
think our German fellow eitizenswill rejoice when
we _tell them an important postal arrangement
has just been concluded at Washington between
the Bremen Minister and Post Master 4encral .
CAMPB.ELT., by which the postage between the
two -countries will be reduced one half! The
treaty, was signed at Washington on Friday of
last week, and went nut in the steamer Which
sailed on Saturday, and goes into operation on
15th of the present month. By this arrange
ment, the ocean postage between the 'United States
and Bremen, is redbeed to ten - cents per single
rate of one ball' an ounce. "On all magazines
and pamphlets mailed within the rnitedStates
for; or received froni any foreign country,•
(except Great Britain, the British North Amer
ican Provinces; and the West coast of t ' South
America.) the Postage shhl4 be one eent an C;Unce
or fraction of an ounce, instead of two cents as
established by the order of 25th May last." It
is to be hoped other countries will follow the ex
ample set, and caunktunienticma between the coun
tries of the World heeoine as frequent, as between
the Stated.
NOT SUCH Alf: Avrtin, nowas. , -117 hen the
news first began to arrive from the Congression
, al election in Kentircky, the Whigs set tip a shout;
but more reeent intelligence showi that there
has** been such an awful shower after ill. In
spite of all their boasting, they have bat five del
-egates to oar five, thui making it a pretty "even
divide." But. their worst blow is the loss of the
Ashland District by &or CM,laj.. Brecken
ridge having carried it by that nuijority..
11t3 gleven connives* and gallant whip!,
calling themselves * "County Committee,'• not
having the fear of the °present warts weather- be
'fore their eyes, or any of the . attributes~ of mer
cy tbwartia their faithful followers, have issued an
"addrese,"ponderousin words,leugtit and breadth.
I ifl'iat it contains we don't know; bat it sounds
I to et, in itaopeeisig, very muds like "Reek De*
Iris tomb erne d." tmeh rotor
jekes siatedd not he peepettekall
Our Relations with Chins.
-- - ----....---
The newt brought by every arrival from :tbe , 'Several very properand signitinegt ankles, up.
East, of the eoutiteled success of the Rebelliowin on the Pacific Railroad scheme, haie appeared in
China: and thelhore recent intelligence that the the Wasidngton Union within the last ten dart
Rebels have etekltrared Chrietianity, gives to our We have hitherto adverted to cedilla deelaretions
governmental 4titions '
with that country e w e ef two of the members of the Pasbinett (Mows.
s i gt al ago t oe and e mpor etne' etthan - erer. And It fitvt - or and Crrintre.) reeently at Philadelphia
is truly unfortunate, we think, that our new These gentlemen took decided ground in favor of
Minister, Mr. WALKER; did not depart upowitis 1 the•eounittetion of the work by thellevernmest,
minien immedisady upon his appoinianent by basing the constitutionality of oppropriationa firem
the President. ' In the present state of affairs the trea4urj for that object on the clause author.
there it would seem to he all important that the • ising emigres; to raise revenue for the common
*spa eetranoreial policy of , ourgif*luient Alba , defence% . ' The article in the rake tithes the
IterightlY eepreeenteti ' Mr. WALKER is - just , same position, arguing at mime length the cOn-
Ailhe isse.:ti de air. • Pin" - Para . taterlaittie•ifieatket,'l l ild ;Woe* clearly the il..
l u g p o i n t e d out to the people, in an official i - prtatteiref the work as a taigas of common safe-
form f the very meats now. aatinfiriag in the Bala 1 ty, and the propriety of .4weilie appropriations
, We should not forget, said
. he in his Treasury i therefor. The greatest difficulty in th e way, es-
1 mg ut - o f D otem b ar , 1848, ethat, inearrying onr , cording to the Cition, of the. early building of
trade.ontmg the _great end populous nations of ; this gigantie work;irceot where the means to do !
Asia,, and facilitating intercourse -with that, vast) it shall_ be obtained; but how shall it he done,
region, passing from'coast to coast in the short ; and what nate shall be.seleeted. ' To settle the
palette( twenty days, with monthly or weekly ' detail Of this brute of propOsitious, it may well
1 s teamships, the light of Christianity, following j be feared, will eoatsume too'tnaieh preelool time.-
the path of Commerce, will return with all its , There are tit many conflicting ettetionalintereete
blessings to the East. from which it r°*"... And. involved in the selection of ;the route, that Con
he. "in these regions eomnicree mutt ' I grata will find great diffeeltY in settling th at
be the precursor taiClulltianity; ecmunerce whi c h question; and that once settled, that coma the i
telleites.Peace and ietereour. ; nations; ' more perplexing one. whether , the road shall be
, which decisive that man is enemy of I purely a government work, constructed exchuivee.i
man, nor nation of aatton, bra interest i ly with government funds, and under the dine.'
of all mi nnow* a id of all wielded are identical, i tibu ofgoverament Othoers, or whether a charter
and that they will all advance most _rapidly nn. i or. charters shall be granted, and 's company or
'der the genial influence of au unrestricted recip- j i companies area to prosecute it, simply with
rocal trade _ and. Wert-nurse. - How like unto govesuient aid; in the shape of granite, loans or 1
the reality are thengvisions of Mr. Walker in otherwise. All these questions, and incidents
18.18. The "lightlif e '"billow- i growing out of thole, will - norm s g;
ed th e path of commerce." It has. or root will, , J hat we are glad dist the A: • 'on is found
1 judging from the recent news from China, "re- -to occupy natant at once patriotic, and. which
turned with all its blessings to the tut from ; must have great ; influence in eoneen bluing the,
which it rose." Under these circumstances— i pnblit. mind. -
circumstances and facts calculated to - awaken a ' . •t,
, . t tly remarks,' that according to CrOUNTS.—The New 1
most lively intexest in th '4ErretNe v P Willa t.
e breast of every true i '
friend of Progress—it is truly unfortunate that
York Herold tar
j the. United &stet have been riferepre recent develqpments, if the late Whig party had
ttented in
continued in 'possession of the federal goiernment
that empire, at the present etrit;eai juncture, by
another ter
, a • cetatninsionoe
who is
said to have busied him. 1 m, the Secretary oldie Treasury would
i have been driven, in another year or two; to the
self in
some sort of league with the
I , necessity of asking a loan of Congress to balance
Tartar dynasty, which seems to be the looting party
\ outstanding deficienciee. • In addition to the al
i or if not so, clearly the wrongparty. --Mr. Walk-
I leeed unpaid balances due the government finest,
er, it is intimated, made it a condition of accept-
tai,of the late collectors at San • Francisco,
ing the post of Minister to'Chlna, that - a !deem- i
vessel should be allotted, not only to make a trip amountin g -to half a mini "' more or lens' sub
merged in quartz mining and other speculations,
to Canton; but 'to be at his service in - the. rereln
of the
ecointcy. rnforttinstc. Iwe have some new diselosures of a defalcation or
i two almost every week. The other, day a small
ly not a steamer in our national marine is found
i deficit of ton thoutand dollars was brought to
for the cruise. Under theee eirenntstariccri:
light hi e. , ... state Department; and - now we are ;
the New York Evening F o il calls upon the 4-loe
ernment to impress one of the
vessels belonging ! informed by the St. Paul Minnesota - Democrat,
to the Collins' Line, in „guru for the subsidies , that Gov. Borman tete been engaged for several '
which that Compalny have received ham the Fed. days in investigating the charges against the late
eral Treasury. certainly no time
shotthi . be loin , whip, flov. Itathsey,on aceoun, of the frauds char-,
teed to have been perpetrated upon the Sion*. In
in forwaiding Mr. Walker to China. The evert
of the worldrekspeeially of ehristendom--iire ! (Univ.- When r at the Uelphin books be entire
now turned thither with intense interest, end if
ly posted, and Ole rggreg,ate 41 rascality known,
Mr. Marshall has committed the blunder impo. L and the several dividends plainly stated! That.
ted to hint, the sooner they are corrected by an I ill the question.
__ ' • 4 '
accredited• envoy, the better. The United States FAN NV FmtN. 7 --The Home Jasurtuai, .alwilys'
I should be no longer complicated with the thrtunes i reliable upon such peints, says the admirers *of
1 of a Ragan tyrant.. when thebaimer of insitrree. I Fanny Fens andtheir name is million—will be
tion has so, unexpectedly become the banner 41 gratified to learn that she has three new volumes
the cross. ' • l in pteparation. A : second Noltune of "Leaves,"
. •
- from heir "Portfolio," will . appear in the coarse
In Time of Peace Paupers for War. .• of the coming autumn. ".Fanny - Fern's Book
Ls. .. 11 .•ai.•s , -.!---'--" 41 ...•••• 141 nt ter' zvorrtm:l'S "of 1 - for (;hl.-," is the title of another Work Which ahe
War, e 'd. DA V I t' • it ' making amingentents to 'is now engaged upon, and which will probably.
send most of our available military force in. the, Ibe ready in time for Christmas. The third wor k
ranee, says vi tat t
: ol
sso f States. to the Lon propnety tieret of xt
ere are sev- , we ventore to Predict, facinating interest—the
tia,... P..... , .............1_ ._ 3 .11 I. -. ..,- 7 r ........1iar,"ann,
era! important reasons why our soldiers uihould 1 time for a definite de-cription of which has
be so disposed of. i'The. Indian difficulties, to a r n o t yet. arrived. It will probably see the light
certain extent, require them to support our trei! i before another yerir has rolled away.
ty stipelatinns, but. mainly; we think, to meet . • ."
any untoward event,that may :Tying up on the
borders of New Mexico. What Santa Anna May
design, no one can exaetly foresee.. tins whole
course of emilltiet with the United States, is full
of meet flagrant deceit. Treachery:and fabseheod
hate invariably been mixed. up its all his trans.
atitions with this emintr3. And sine, the trot,
he iudulges in the most ito playable hatred towards
us. lie dial not seem even to hide his dislike by
the ordinary disgati , e ,, of hypocrisy' tot his way
from Havana t.a the t 'ity'of Mexieti. 'fo be pre
pared, therefore. fine whatever effect his scurrilous
language on . his way hack, might prodene. we
fed hint preparing no army of intl,olKt i ..teon g .
Ile. ;ntrnds them for .augetat;ing., and we have to
direct our forces toward Thant region of oar 110111:1ln
as a matter - of caution."
Itatint.Erze.—Lient. Relate writes that in his
exploration west he PIIT4if• iter.las the Iluerfatin
Hove, a curious pillar. qtgar loaf in •hape, "of ' .
Dior The Richmond Enviror says. that hoe.
rock, andabont three hundred feet in height.
eruor .loluo.on tendered the . office of impairer of
Wheieupon Col. ilenton exclaims entlmAiesti- ) •
- , the commonwealth of Virginia to the Hon. Hen
call. "but that Huerfano liatte I—solid rock,. .
• ry A. Wise, of .Icconnit- counts+, who declined
three hunum I feet: high. sugar loaf fortn. Visible I . •
. thc.appointment. The offtec ht:s l been alum ten
th° 161111 " 4101orltr 4. B. tttovell, lisq. 1
twelve miles:—that toitima built by
of, Natnr?! - to receive a statute of Columbus. 'taint- 4 1 ••••.•- .
ing to the west and saying so the inagio ear twit $ 1:. .1.. F 0 PTO. Esq.. wh. once pabliified
the. along. "rhos': the Masi to bxlie!", a paper hi Fredonia: has_ started ki paper at Navy
• . . , Bay, Now t4renada, and has adopted foic i a: motto
• Im o It is AMA by 111E1 140116T1i1t• Coitti, f. . t h„,,, ro e , :
th.t the Ohio rit or at the falls. can be tunneled , : , '1.6! op St morrow meek °flied.,
for railroad purposes, at" _the- inconsiderable ooet. i ' itettrets two Boundless seas 1 staact." ,
I ' ' ire e thinks
i ay tin that the Editor, in
of $456,000, and that the grade (ruin the middle I - I.l ' •
of the river to either side, will net 'exceed forty I 'le' of the peculiar perila . of editorial life in
feet per tulle.' The tunnel would he about two 4 southern latitudes, and especially upon the halt
miles in length; stone- exeavation 1.411tt yar d s i Maa of Panama, should have added the remain- 1
long. I inglineS of the stanza, which, if appears, are
• -40.
Alea,. A man worth some $50.000 died at New- t point er time. emmien * spur
ReMoves Mr to dint heaven *nem
berryport, Ma..s., the other day, and upon open- Ante sue np in liellL" •
lag his will it was found that all of thissat n , ex .
oept income. of 8 4 -tif to his wife, 8125 to hi s 1 " /- "regwliwiii be 31x4e k • pleat the °en.
daughter, and the interest 4f 810(lb to his bra the 'km* for s481:11'
Stale '
tier, he left to "religions a n d b enevo l ent cock ,. the Pee's" year PePulati ham ineremeed
ties " The Pr evidence Awn well, remarks that 11°.°4)11.. 11X
' she
*in bare
66.1" in.
Inch a will ought to he broken, h4bitank ' the let t ttlete neteher ' kta
seem that a sane mau.could make it. ' ifer The .I)iivrt'ora of the (fa and Chicago
Railroad met in Chicago oil the let instant.
" ThsTßl:• '" ; "'" —Tile gemlie thinks we are land declared a s,rnr- t ' tonna/dividend of elerea per
" 4/. 2 mfrelleed" in emme q uene e °t. Pre"nt polar ii•ent. esmen , that; tw
pretty good invt •
tam of the whits. That's se; neighbor;
adistresLskli". ur to see a eripple. the 'ti"Y
whas two
ir' latest counterfeits mentioned
were so awfully crippled test Fall that we've f e l t
had prep the
Sti Thompson's Hank Note Reporter, arefifteens
gap,. It wax the editor of'ihe I.7in irn erzetto., on the Merchants' , Bank, New Ilaven. - altered
. , :from th P. Look out for them!
who iu the level number tl his paper made the '
titar The deposits of gold of the Philadelphia
followim: Se lire but suldintoly trutbinl announce.
mint for the first seven.. month* of . 1853, exceed
meat:—"When you see a Man in hneiness, who
ore of the same period lattyear by 88,89081.
will not advertine or, take *newepaper, look out ;L
for a mean. penurious t oo ti g ht to cmio , : The excess over the first, seven months of 1851
good health, and who holclsia p e n n y , so near his . $4.002i50c).
erns the, he can't dollar."
At a reeent hweting (.1 the Niimiesippi ana rerkto ?die* the 144. and
i n tan p ra noi aeo ,lt was reso i t . o d prts .„ ent to , low fever, at New (Means. A publics *Ming
- the lion. Jefferson Davie a sword o f ft,,lig#a„ ftax . beewieeht, wad $6OOO ix to be raised the the
asaanisetnre, with allot in ita hilt to be seioOted mose
ban the gold-bearing mountain of California, : -iarri*-40 no • luta !ter& his dingo&
use be rifted hie Otto Ann them for the Uni-I barrow his pOor neighbor's "Observer." Wag;
I ,
Asa /knees of Antitrint." ' Oen aeon co inbstaibe Idenelf. . .
Significant and Proper
ItrwAHD or FrozuTv.—A faithful body ser
vant, of the late Tice President King, it is said,
is nonliving in Washingion.! He was eet free
by Mr. King, who also gave hint $2,000 in mo
ney,- and hip: geld watrh, for the faithful manner
in ;which he everted him.
oar A Mattollie Lodge in Michigan has pis
sed resolutions ealling- upon the Masonic, Lodges
throughout the oonntry to unite, in raising a (and
for the purchase of Mount Vernon. in order to
~ace it front anticipated degradation. This is a
first rate more, and we trust it will suceee.l
,tom' liogc.r 1. Pryor, revoruly of the Wash
inlnnn intoulg, ii j.. said, shortly to PM
! taPtifill a lteumertitle - pJper in
' :114r The governor of Arkansashas appointed
'linbei-t W. Johnahn as S. Oenator, in place of
!Sol on Borialul, who win appointed bi• the Presi.
dent Minister to Central A.tnerieit.
ger 'One. ttioniond dollars has. been sent from
inn! ni M.
A l►!w Protoct
In looking from our eine window, sublet coalman&
one of the Wet views of Almon the entire city dint can
be found, use cannot bait be forcibly rtraels with the grid
fyinx evident* of growth end prosperity every where ap-1
Parrot— The panorama spread out before us is one that ,
ought and does make us proud of our city, though at the
sise time an ocuadonei regret will steel . in that spinosa
endowed by honors --so eminently calculated to plea) t the
eye and the taste, to deb In all the natural adraataird - of I
trade and commerce. should hare been made':,step-ebild
by the erartoronwealth. Erie 13,4 ailiontage-. natural ad
vautages, over every other lake city: yet she ha s always
bsien, and Is still, treated by the State, as though she were
alarms wsuite—in feel. am though she were a dependency 1
rather than a growing portion of the eommonircaltb. But
it was not of this we Itifellboit to MINA.. Brie ran, and
we trust will lire davit her enemies, both in . ind Tot of the
State, an well is those within her own comm.* limits.—
And every tine.. look from our sake wisdom' we are
strengthened In this belief sad hope. Every where we
can ace irides., of advancement tido year more striking
than at any former period. This is particularly so in the
demised for dwelling.; and we restore to say that more
houses, and of a far better and more expensive class, are
erecting now than daring any former year ; and what 45 i
better, In vonsiderbsg the sebstantiab, welfare pf the town g
'eery; few of these dwellings are to be rented. Those wbq,
are building them intrad to be their oements. This is
Sight: it gives evidence that metwitisetinaing real estate'
i it bligh—meek too high—it cannot entirely cheek the
laborer , and the mechanic, th e man at 'maim pecuniary ii•-• , i
1 Sources, from obtaining an interest to the soil in out nsids% i
While the operatiree of other growing towns are depend- 1
,-Fnt In a great IMMO "on rented dwellings, oar me
'denies are putting ap all over the eity sang and substan
tial residences, sad trout year to year basetifying and inv.
iproving- them. Then the population of the town is evi-
dentiy increasing Mildly, and its growth and prosperity i
are, a • we have shown, of the most healthy sad sabstantist
retuinseter; hence we hemtrd nothing in !Wine sawst there i.
'no other town is tie rides, of AO same population, more
handsomely built, mere beautiful in appearance, or, more
desirable as s residence t, ' ,
- .
Y.S.. The Editor °flint Westield .Torateript is et ident
ly a young gentleman of CorOprOkftkrire views—that is, he
can tell that two and two flake folk "Nit tut easy as rot
ting off a log." - For Wham, he denies that the break of
gaup at Buffalo adds ire per cent. ko the motor tninspor.
Lotion between New York end .Ith villager heeause, Rai.
be. "every citizen of this finitely knew, that for the matter
of cheapness. goods can be cooreyed to and from New
York by itugalo at IMAM kW per cent. cheaper than by any
-other route?' 'Chat's autoltaire, bent it ? Now when this
knotting youth eon show as thot it don't flirt. any thing to
unload one ear and load up smother, we'll conclude we
were inistsin. tip bare, when goods:are transhipped
from one ear to , soether, it Is done with Wen, and labor
has to be paid for; and the ocommier of the article trim
shipped, indirectly, is dor individual who has in stand it.
The truth is oor.cotempormineo argument only proves this
—that while the takes/ of Chautitupte sole get their
goods."from *ow York by Buffalo at least ten per cent.
cheaper than' y say odor monte,"'they would, if %ate tout
transhipment at BOW f or themirfite. per (TO, arn,iber •
i mei of g:su ! This 'is so, or the Meafessyern elOployeeS,
e nutriment' of the lake Shore Railroad, are the bigot'
foes this side of Auburn; for that, the live per _ rent. per
hundred for transhipuient,lo the argument they have been
throwing at as em since this controversy commenced !
Nog, It is entirely truisms to wage • war of words with
the Kossyk Not.. arm the gauge question at this place:—
No one is to be benelitted that we know of, end as to any
converts we shall make in Buffalo, or any sympathisers the
Noss. will And here, that - Is preposterous. The Notes pro
,fesses to think tliat we wish, by retaining , the change of
gauge here„to makemeney out of the railroad corporatioas.
It alto • thinks our language. quoted by it last week, CiA
and ought to be soastraid in that way ; and it mills upon
ns. if that was not clerr meaniag, to explain' We don't'
think the Editor of the A'sse• is a fool ; by no assess—hat
he bat evidently worked himself into the idea that the en
tire maimed interest of the Lake Shore rests upon his
shoulders. If this is net so. and he is not Wily bending
beneath his izostriMary load, bow amid be help teeing our
:peening. Trite. the English might not have been as plain
as it ought. bat we are confident it was plain enough to be
a.e railroad men themselves : and if we are
not mistaken : it will become English enough to make
those interested••walk blposdat" before they are' through
with it ! But the Sofro wants as to explain what we ,
meant when we said we were determined to roach the
pockets of the railroad corporation one way or the other.—
Now we don't think theN.Ars is so stupid as not to hate
seen oar explanation lasi week; it only wants to pill . ' a
little time, and indulge in its insatiate taste for pettifogging.
Having 'some thing of an affection, however, for the Notes
we are trilling, while it is indulging in its favorite taste, to
reiterate what we did mean in the article over which it has
cackled so load, but which, we mast insist, could not have
been niiseonsarned by any body else bat the Notes itself.—
The Editor of the Nate* Is swim* that a disconnected sen
tence of two lines cannot truly give the character and
meanies( of a paragraph of twenty or thirty. Now °urea.
tire - paragraph hid reference wily to the Forest City. and
Wfte intended to show the folly of those interested in the
road west of its in driving Erie to deeperation, because
said we, the break of emigre most be somewhere—it may es
well be here as any when. eise—an& itijoee:o9 tvoirrold
re 4 ,4 t.. ~.reset so this. 414 . 111 . ? AP ritiAbr, ••;„1 . arc reset re,r.A the
they. ..torp...ric . Ows vrilf Wag, kV Coo
os,g;ite, for the Supreme ,Court of Pennsylvania has deri
ded that the road above has barter, and we can
make a break 2d miles loop, if neer. , ary !" It strikes us
this is plajo enough--good enough English to be under
skeet as a threat to use a means of coercion every body
knows can be used, seed ewirb, ew , l if neeautati, in forcing
the railroads East and Westto os they originally inten
ded to do—i. e. bring both the Albany and the New York
and Erie stages up to Erie. thosmodring this th e poi n t c ;(
transhipment between the East and the West. instead of
fhlffslo and putikirk: Of course, as the result has shown,
this arrangement is not very polite& to those plates. but
it has get to be wiid," and the sooner it is "did - the bet
ter. , We trust the Nene is satittfied—if not. it t en be the
other thing ! We're not particular '
- tie.. One of the eiriLities of the day is' the throwing of
business handbills into people's houses, and then violently
ringing the hell to hall attention to them. The most
Mal way to - pat en end to the custom is not to deal with
those Who resort to it. The newspaper• are the best medi
ums fur advettlaimg. So soys ono of our exeheuttre. an•t
we endotee it to We Letter. •
tifik- It is said the Emperor of Russia bag entered ttpun
big sgth year: loot-withstanding which England and
Franc, &dare . positively he :ball not ha% e a Turlyy for
his Christmas dluitfr, or It hit of Port. t,. wa-h it flown '
Air The iifaildngton: Extroo ;to bag caught the. Pitts
burg Pow handsoMely. Like all sew Editors the Poor,.
man is constantly shouting to his country brethren not to
steal his editorials; anti among others he snap, up the ra
eraw;ger for pilfering: to which that piper quietly re
'ponds as follows:
"We are net at all oat lamer at ear friends of the
Pittsburg Pow for apprepriatingr article from our but
week's paper Ur, ite exclusive oil *Jiff! use. On the con
trary, we apprecisae it ass fare and feel hiehly eoterli
The Peie bail better Phut op, r l e think !
RV - Ripe Apples bare saaoje ~ their appearanA . , our
taarket, though not ha great plenty, or of very gibed quali
ty. If the latesarietles are nut kettertiku the' each, we
shall not be aces veil supplied with this nee e t e ney & e ft the
coating winter.
Vtar.•—Theflmmea atltaukirkand Fredonia.
in number something over a ilamilisl, paid oar 'iremen a
visit on Tneeday evening last. They came up on the Eq.
steak, arrivihg here at about half-past eight in the evening.
At -time dark they were met by oar Department. and con
ducted to the Engine ROM*. of No 2. when. a grand torch.
light proeession was fanned. After ataiching through the
principal weep, they all set down to an entertainment
prepared for the *mumble "at-ltrearrer tinter. to trhie4
phtjaatioe wand/oaf by ail present! and at 12 eetriehi they
Hump! to the haat; and left fa home. We have no doubt
t h e w hit h er mutually pleasing to !web the rilitore and the
visited. - •
Donn, W. lilatkv, of this county ) waa billed on the
iltad Elver sad Labs Edo Sidboati, :16 Mb bat. by a
ma'am. Ile was a irssein es the ,
- Tke alas.; ham that th•
h~tlrn of sr. EDeneaerlMat
thew'4 of lakamok, was let es •re by a Petroke oflighteing
on Friday Wt •d. with its eilateate+ animated. The
stem which Prevailed trader the dote was one of rest
violente in that end allow pert's*, if the County---elthonith
sewed visible bore. At Caroni the rain Pante down in tor
The Itargh Moro giro the Norl7 every it eruld ever
libido it! tle-amtror" This Ail It the Nosr is ember
goo" for tor shatorat tor aro MOO s Aii d a )Miter is
Clasimphe aossty mill 4eimAght amass% OW
$ inakaid Wore s trek ! Morro in As
lifilltetisig i 1 time Is esesM* laewisde•
to be bunt •
taxed, to '• .
of , * otoaopol
"now before
tlemes folio
namly to buy
en will give
yro dea't
'tko Lite
"spaehloso f.
aid we • hay
Wadi eee •
leahbod's •
Wars dila
, rod _ eye ,“, ‘
'have .wo rn
world 'to imr
tiou. ` , l 4 ,riat
all cloaks i
certainly it
paid to f•
Are, we e
ing the
frets *side;
Where will
rent deal o
Ale htic iltq
laborer ! •
the men th
then! The
the most . •
ger for the
orbits a • •
i■ in oiaager
totally nopre
corning wore.
icy of the eit,
sqd suet t o
prose A POOP
To Tux P.!
extract from
Lion of the .
and fully ex .1
lion of the A 1
point, and 0.
gauge from .
belief that it
to secure the
Valley Rood. Without making this the I
meet, we, .. can see no pruilpect of tE e c., l
role& and, 100 upon the 'idee of milkic.."
mi , ..minseitsa of New York and Erie
ottet" lrith ei break hebe, ir6trerer: th. .
question c. gee. ; With a four feet .
-Erie tie Alba y,lty New York and Er, 2,7..
here, too!. S. -cannot compete unle.:s A
the Sitabury'andErie 1.. -
two-New York limits for buzinms.
owner' so oompetei. far the simple r , -7- -
be lejteis the Ntirr York sad Erie lts et
dying a hundred milee past her, to ti - p , 411.•
nut reach it. Aruttlrin is why Buffaho -
the point of transhipment therm
men are striving to accomplish tbetr --
Lwow the monsen Mr. F allon return- , -
tire 'lacer the S bury and Erie ros
workmen. lea their:same will he
and Erie 'indite homy gauges 1...:411 w, .
Therefore they t tostrike while tl.o
secure the prize 1 ore it is too But
the:Aven of wh ch. by the: by, we oo net
the teaeott it gi%, why we should adhere
if we the c ustruction of the Little
"Slott he gut nof its the Little Val ie
tion. we. apprette d. i. iatsw - tatcly
.pereest rhr. war. Stionl.l th c ,
wytrokiiihrio-spr , y Armiyh Eei,, th,
rood tier., with. he idea of mating
nits of the New- ork * Erie, •
one, The latte road would be -
pamkayefefrom Luke chore •-•
while they bald bare to roti..l , ;*:.
121, and to the mndonusent of over 411
eat line. • matter of Lake frei,ret
the new route d especially. labor mi.',
neialst can or s pped. fLI cheap for
and Dunkirk as Erie, and with equal f 2
shipment tit the tier plates, it is for the
forwarder to hat as little land earriago.t- r -
the badness th new route would den:.
freight transpo tion must be contincl
might divert fro.. the Lake Shore rout, c..
EVelt ttca its ewe mast depend Sep , .
The other day
the columa of an
petition to a con
Now we think th
construction of
one position, an ,
endangered, if
—nay. how lIIIIC
Nett* to ha% e I. I
hare belittled
idea of extoriin
Lake Rhote road
;lA,. The ka
the Olwereer, all
Erie," IThat • •
do with the qne
Buffalo, is a pt ,
the Sentisei will
we hence. thought
still in the dark
lading to our elle
Upon the whole'
Sergeant -at-Arms
out spit-bides,
"old soldiers" fro ,
members, altd pe
required of him, •
entitled to hate
lie eat' pass
opened in Wright
and Lt a ••new
I..abt they will
- The Salter o
ere thanks to,s in
him to s Petenstle
hype there Won't
the time se der t.
try sod romance •
HUT. Ronn,
the liette.t day
so bhat that it
it, it was up to 9
ed. ...lime h.ui,
„ute- The F.4i
is alters ws his
we have laid ad
arid Si we have
be of we Acirthly
If a faller • '
I! feller wlml, 1.1
—lf it body 11
a hotly /ail. a ..
Ira Italy foe
think a body Re •
-- A reeent
says be
• wri
liiii Rdi
That i
the psi
nog 1111117 j,
4 14001111+
lbsi to WA
Mlle Water Question
tedior not tit'be:—T., Le . „,„
noi. to ht , ;—to he I,Ax,,i ~
i.tatted for aomithino A •
d obtaer by company ; -, .,5•
e a.
101 till Ws arise, Mr ~.,,..:,.:
iltzSt: distriets" an ' PI 'OVA •t.,- t .
e whenever out • ~,...„
trt. tiWer f raer, We want to e. ,
nibs, "latiteredV and thus:. ,
tin! deffsiet,ltishann, w._,,„; 7 l '
'. ti years. crying washer, s ~,. ,
no ideation, at thie 1.,,0. L
!," i rliwing eonspelloa 0. _To „
Kalmar, and pay Tolle- •.,
I ony no ; we aren't the tem. ? ,
1-44att the liteqn.. Law ltd.. „;,
a %evange l even a;
al hostility t... 1 every t. n . ,
that Portilo Or one ;,,,
! Bat notinose aside • .....:'
• eity band, own and ~,,
•,, or shall i compete) --;,
v tif all, estraneor i. ~., ~.. ,
WOO. hare tl.r.,.et ,
T . •e, we p fat' the ~ .ty Ail, f.
t owned by the car w.,,, ,. , 0 .
I, on't it lowerth ' e rate. s 4. 4 ,..,,.
.0. file that what we .:47. , -- . -•
a =panics as intllinr... - ,z,.„
4 banding water w ,, re,:, - ... t .
y ins of oar rial ammo. l' . '
io, whom will fall tto. Lori , . .
II ' be upon as, the "n 0 , ,, , ,,... b„ : :
• ' fad one real e.• - . -
It ,we reckon' :het: ..; .r...
ot upon theworkinr, mat... , .:
a the laadiad, n. ~,,,.,
able to bear, and ei , l.• ,
on* to ben It simply h h . _
isioreares the value of 0,,. - •• ,
*I thus en back to tt,,,, • .
at 4 all is that a - - ,- •
ett of water ; every man ter -‘,
• i coated la the city in . .. ,
4 4 ire. • A eontlagrotion o ~. • ,
.I 0 event... 4 It. and ertr, L -
oder these eireninnilta,.. ~ . .
Ut go on, regardless of clam , r .
1 necessary. works. They ir,”
01l revenue to the city, we ir., „
-The Fredonia ,
)11.rticle upnt the . tr...
..eiluad New 'limit City Railroad,
Mints our views. In qdroesdin,"
lathy 4 feel 8 . 4 lath amore
'~ing the extengi , ,n •
re to Buffalo, we ha, -,„
lail nem/wary to make 4.
eanatzuetlon of the New. P.r;,
he R;:agh Ned:.
• 'e paper, any rea-•44
.inuotm gauge from Cl•f•
I aboveht 6 Deadt.:u"
road dopen,ling ut."
1 the ultimate fueeei , - .
thud(' - yield! ILA
• more Mint—anula
e7l upop it in 'hi , . ^"
11f by charging our on,
a few dollars 7, , • • -
ills Sew . in An
i.ei to the Edit, r
• fact that we an. f u=i 31,1 •
on of a tweak of gaup; a;
leas no ono but the pr.& "*.
Icry likely ever elu,
l Upon it not $ little. nna
'less it be that he was fr
position, that we woo! i
'4) think that'inlit
at Albany . last whiter
I king up hal? sinoied
the passages between 11e... ,
arming seek .JtAer dutie, t'
nt his three dollars a day:,
utitten,itt the end of
We invite st
. imam. Drug and Medicine llou
Blade. They have n very g m .
always sweeps clean," we 1,
the Grate 'Mesh like return •
ber of young gentlemen" f' r - •
nring tie astill hears" of
• ;body trent a,-at that hour. •'•
tai treating,eareelf to a tm0.,..
.--Wedtkeeday and.lh: -
the semen: The oterear
.t come iitrett yet. The ,r,,... f
t the sktie
s 1,01.....g0ing. 1; ' '
ol'aft, !
for az .ick•
dm 1 19141Seld TraT.Tr l . 1, . 1 1 . 1
•We die hi. imam •:, {
• ekildren's climbing - knn.., l
be q to Ilkstins the gift up n. : n
to Itt; we thtrerrtre hey !• ,• ,
. -
• .91 flier carrying off
i ll ifs teller could
• a body stealing hiOoki ;11'
tin A body er E
J in the nal air". - I
g rather dry
I • -
bar, writing to ILO frkAn
iconic r •!.;.!
Q. h,/,.
oat of t. F
grog st,ol
1,0 AW
Id f gn •
" feri )
we be "i•
undr- fßets