prRI.IN S SLOAN, PUBLISHERS. VOLUME :24. EuSINE.SS - DIRECTORY It ;; (' BROWNEL. ' of thy Puhlit• Splaro 1,. Street , . Erie. Ps. „ I. /)Oh /..4 h' 1: H .Kortiq over the• Erie• Bans, Soilth ' , Il , i Erie. Pa. • ,n the b...? style of the art. .g,ll iraeran T. 1 EDWARI I :.tors at Law. Warren Pa. Pro . reeei‘e prompt It 1) W-ILKER , & CQ.. • 1..• and Commission Merchants. fourth ii, Public Bridge. Erie Pa. a Salt. Plaster, Stucco, Fish, Lime Stoves. Castings. At... with ~t tit shipping either by steamboat", Railroad. 11•1 IN d rn VI 1.41 V. Otraie ttn French mot. • r t thti Park. Erie. ____• _ • T 15 - Mocatt: i , ..tona, Wines, Liquors. Candies h •lont Booth 1. Stentari's "viscENT. HDIROD & Co., gun r hollow Warp, nugine.. Ma I car'. t:17., state Si.. Erie Pa. AUSTIN, ilclll_\ 31. r et I ntß .4 - town. , 'll,, Jewelry. Silver spoon , . Mtri (;l:ts,e,, 3 p4 an.l Vpuey ' 1,:t111. JARECKI , L. Stato Strek.t, En.. Pa. 'N TIBBALS & CO. r •;1• 1111 , 1 ~r WALKER fi n and Shipping Merchants, and deal ,r. Water Lime, Pialter, &e., - F .1.. P. f.r cur .arc r.,• Muntlaly Magazin.. .t.• ,t Mu. w. Newspaper:, tiuld Pen-. ii , cr west ,fthr ftred Hutu Erie. .00TH STEWART. Dealer: in Fancy and aspic Dry '• Btu-, LI I) LT.LL, KEPLER d CO. • hot :_.:touut .-. Proof 61tutters, andl7lll,:tvici • I nags. Ar., done to order. JOHN , GOALDING, • . /61.1 t Makitt—S.hop tho rot..t c. t - tre. t. tx 'I d.,urs tiortliof Eight. and adirnin tthinitt ra t e, I's: LARK - & ALF. • tetttil , l , .;tlto , m br:t• eitrio , t-. .1101 - 1 I:evil-low:, WILLIA)IS & WRR3rH'r. Colh•.•tor and Denier, io Gold and nr Money, Leud NV arrant • and certificate. of De tizio ttl , .ut bran, the prttwipal 4:W....1 the 411 part, .1 the Old Cduatr) tvr sale. Office, Rh.. k. corner ..1 State.q. nut Public Square. JOHN R COOK, • ,s: Fare) Dry Goudx. and the 11 rester[ ,ity, Cheap ride. Erie, Pa. EII.RETT & GRAY, ).,,- and retail Dealers al wet and dry Oro- Produce, Foreigtrilinl Domestic Fruit, 'X Om.- and Stone Ware, , Salt. Glass, i,r. Shot, Caps, Safety Page, •1 to the Reed }louse, Erie, Pa. an.l Canal Boats. Vessels, Hotels, and Pri •upplied with any, of ih , Rho, e articles aad very cheap. CM 1,1 CJI NSELLOR at Law.-016ee aver Jaekenn's -::1-Earl corner of the Publie Snare. ‘III3I:(`KLE REPLEII, iiroceries, Hardware. Crockery. A. wife street, Erie, Pa.. BRANDES .4 I —Office it his retidence ou Eighth • • I r artd Holland, Erie, Pa. .VSANFORD CO., Bank Notes. Drafts, Certificates ',gilt Exchange on the prinhipal cities ofnee Beaty's Bloek. Public T lIERON BTC ART, l'nl,lClAN—ltesidence on Fourth Ptreet. ono Id Apotheenr7 Hall. ,RITPUSEb, German Ind American Hardware and Nails. Anvils. \lcel., Iron and Steel No. 3 Erie, Pa. cAD - WELL S BE . vNETT, dnii Retail Dealers in Dry Goods. Oro - ..1,er:,.1.13..ware. Carpeting. Hardware. Iron, de. Empire Stores State Street, 1.,w Brown' , Hotel, Erie, Pa. •••Viees. now, Azle Arms, Springs, and a ,---rtmeot of Saddle and Carriage Trimmings MERVIN SMITH, • Lea uud ..ltvtiee of the Peace. and Agent for. 0 Mutual Life In , trinee Company—Oere 1 • t Wrlght% :tore, Erie, Pa. • GEollii}: H. CUTLER, iiirttri, Erie County, Pa. Collection,. :menthl to with promtneso and .1i)ST.111 Merchant, on the Public a • . -tat.. Ftreet. P,a•mr and White Fish: constantly for Fah. - - - - .1 11. & W. I: MILLS, • 11:01enale Dealers in Groaeriel. 'Wine/. %L..° Yoreign Fruit. : , .;tita. Pickle:. and 10:14.torP, Praservao. and Harmonically 4... Ty de 4eription- alwar nn'hand, No. 340-44,. oppaoite Brown'' Now HO- W. I. MILLS. 814210. • r tuclr , er.un, oysters in 461, from J. • •Tc. t., New York, wtutli will he &old pace . A. C. Jscknok.Ar,'4 Erie. Pa. AHT ER V BROTHER, •:, of l utl dealers in Dram Mediejne, Paint .t.., No. 6, Rea Mouse. Erie. .1.1)1E6 LYTLE; Tailor. on the nubile *quart. s few -I rett.Erie. , -- iN BURTON & CO. I P.IT it? Drug.. Dye • . . Reek liestit.e. Erie. , . in"itLlS N. SLOAN. •,•,L and n. and Printer% Car . N... 9 Ert,. P.. RIKSIVIENT DENTIST-OSM in .-t lapin Block. ronier t..ste• k ifth C. 0.? up fait Pliro• 'lmport:o4N nita Ili{ 11 1.. ELLIOTT. _ • , dent Denti.t: • Oillee and dwelling on ,:.• ,ide of the Piddle' Square. I door 1,-1 of the Erie Bank Building. Teeth to' • , from our to an entire mt. Cation.. ;Ire i:041. and motored to health nod inotruntenta and Dentitiee eu •1“t IR•lloxi.lelearneos. All work warranted. TORS BEEBE S ST}:WAItT, ' P • and surgeons. ()flee anal lle-iden ' • $ll I S S.afrat. Street.. • t..., A. M: Ito .2, and C. to 7. M. •foliN [LEARN & CO. 14' .moo -ion Merchant... dealer in iu nd agent fur a daily line of i'prer Lake Nidir Dock Erie, Pa. !I It I hiTttki4A.ColiiPANY. lo No. j Kral Block, dtate Street. I 4 o'clock. A. V. •• o'clock, I; Eiittiik T. 3tilitTON'; • Oman:al.:sit-on .11.4reineat, Pabliw Doek. Erie. '-o 1 441, •Salt. Fipb. Flour and Plaster. ROZIENSWLIG A: Co. _ /14:nki k . DNALItIIIt in Parwirrn Wind Docees - .01 rt sly wale clothing. Boar and Shoo , . Ae• • 111,,L. State street. Erie. M.l IiSIIALL i — VINCENT, • 17 14% - -(Pelee up inshir in Tammany Hall z to,ak, of the Prottionotruf. nißee, Erie. M 1"R Ricl CUT TSZLLOR AT Lee--011iee over W one door west Ot State street, 1 , ,,,1 n ~ Erie. TIBBALS, & HAYES; - "in Dry Goodt. Dry, uroooriaa, Creekedi. Mud .l”.. No. 1. brown's -Vey Hotel. SMITH JACKSON, Gam* Gmeerioo r hardware, Qeweee Ware. iron, Nails, Le., 121,,Clumpoido. Erie. Pa. ERIY .- ...•..WEEKLY-YOBSERVER. LITTLE AT FIRST, Err MIGHTY AT LAST A traveller through s dusty road 'Strewed acorns on the lea, And one took root and sprouted di., . And grew into a tree. Love sought its shad* at el ening time. To breathe its early rows, And age was pleased in heart of noon, To bask beneath its boughs. The dormouse loved its dangling twigs The birds sweet music bore, It :stood a glory in its pLsee, blessing evermore ! A little Apr rag had -oat its au. Among the grass and fern; • i passing stranger scooped a a ell. Where weary men might turn lie walled it in, and hung with ear,. • A ladle at the brink; He thought not of the deed he did, But judg'd that toil might drink. lie passed again. and lo! the well. By summers never dried, Had mown tee. then-send parching tongue. And saved a life besides =EL= t. dreamer dropp,hl a random thought 'Twat. old. and yet was new . • %. ;duple fancy of the brain. lint strong in being true : • It shone upon a genial mind. And lo:!. it:. !iglu .became 1 lamp of life. a beacon ray. A monitory flame. The thought Was small, its *”.ne-great A watch-fire on the hills It Shed iu radiance far adown. trot cheer= th•' valley till's t tiamelec.l twin, amid t.he crowd That thronged the dairy mart, fed fall a word of hope and love, rnatudied from the heart • 1 whisper on the tumult thrown A transitor3 breath, It ra:t.del a hrother from the du , ! It 'ta - i-ed a .oul from death Ttosion ' 0 word of 41 thought at random cart' were but little ratite fir/ But mighty at the lull . MEMO 07froicr THE RASH lt kRRIkGE. CHAPTER X. 11one• &lone' rid uld but ehafteued. depart up..n th. 4 . t. , r...teionce Ectorb! Before 'Ow t la) had fallen upon little Katy's Adeliude had determined to leave her home. She really believed that her husband would not in the least regret• her absence; and she felt that she could no longer endure the mis ery of dwelling beneath the same roof with him, and bet being to all intents and purposes a stran:- ger. She felt that the , cold glance . which'she was forced to meet meek 41... y war feastise law very heart' , blood; that the calm, quiet, formal tone in which he addressed her. was more intol , erahlt• , thin the hit terest reproarhes--and she . crnitd ullt bear It. ' While she was hesitating Whether .she should speak to hint of her'intention, she received-a let ter from mi acquaintance in the western part of the'state. .The writer said that Mrs. Ellsworth —a friend of hers—was about to join her hus band in England, and wished to take with her a lady who would be both a couipa nion for herself and act as governess for her children, and inquir ed Whether Mrs. Fletcher could inform them where such a person eould be found. She stat ed, also, that her Mend would wish to ok in something less than three months, and tsmelMied with a few nor& respecting salary, etc.. and an apology for the liberty'she was taking. Adelaide's plan 'was at once finned—she would accept the cituation,thus thrown in her wax her . - self, bearing a differnt name, of eourse.; and, in a foregu land, and among strangers, she might.per haps, forget a part of her grief. k Her courage failed her as the time.drew near; and it is more than probable thatif Mrs. Fletcher had heen.m.home when the hour for her depart ure arrived, she might hare betrayed herself.- 7 But his opportune abseence seemed to her almost providential; and as- Mrs. Allen she joined the party of Mrs. Ellsworth, at on the day 'appointed. They proceeded at once to Boston. and during the ensuing week sailed for England. Lung before they reached the shores of the "fag-anchored isle," Mrs. Ellsworth had learned to feel almost a sister's love for the gentle, pen sive stranger by her side; and her children--one of them, a little blue-eyedfairy, nearly as old' as Adelaide's lost treasure—clung to "sweet Mrs. Allen," as they called - her, as if she had .been the friend of years rather than of weeks. They all seemed to take it for granted that she wi t s a widow—her mourning-dress strengthenell , the impression ; and she continued so to evade their questions as not to undeceive them. Indeed, Mrs. Elawbrth soon discovered by Adelaide" quivering lip, and the ineri'aaing paleness of her cheek whenever any allusion was made to her fOrmer life, that her 'history, what ever it might be, na.s a painful one; and with true kindnese she' ceased to make any inquiries in reference to it. At the close of a long, bright sainntor day, rather more than two years after Adelaide be cattle a member of Mre. Ellaworth'a family, she sat with that lady and her children in the par lor of the beautiful little cottage that 3irg. EIIa worth had chosen for their residence while in England. • • it was a quiet, home-like room—not too ele gant for comfort, - nor too-stylish for ease and freedom.. Frank, if he "pleased. might bring Ilia tiny boat, and sit on the carpet while be mended . -the rudder—no fear of frOwns if he did make a few chips ; and Amy might convert the otto man into * conch for her wax baby, without in curring any danger of a- lecture. Mrs. Ellsworth was !aiding, and Gertrude, the eldest daughter—asweet girl of about fifteen —was seated at the piano, warbling song after mug as carelessly and, seemingly, with as little effort as a bird. Adelaide sat. by the window—her work had fallen upon her hp—her eyes wera fixed upon ,the golden' clouds of sanest, bat her thoughts were far away—with her intebrid. ighewon. dered if he ever thought• of her—if, the past haunted hint as it did her; then, as On Ow faded and the clouds ,beesme guy and sombre, ititct VoetrD. NI . 1 - 11'1121. r wlth',ll Ili Ins. JULIA C R. DORR 1:011LDE HAROLD she pictured to herself a pall and coffin; and then again wondered if he were living. If he were not, he knew uow how well, how truly she had loved him. Death was nothing when com pared with their estrangement—and she found alniost pleasure , in the thought. "Gertrude, do sing 'Sweet Home'—will you?" Oh:: lam so glad we arc going back—are n't you, Amy ? asked Frank, as be threw away his boat - It was too'dark to see any longer. "I don't know any thing about my home but this," replied little Amy, "and it is very pleas -I\it here." I"What ! don't remember any - thing about America- 7 4nd are not glad to go back? Ob. but I forgot; you are only a said Master 'Frank, with a very perceptible sneer at the id, of-a girl's patriotism ; "but, hash Gertrude is singing.' Just as the last sweet strains of the familiar • air died. away, they heard the sound of footsteps on the gravel-walk. -There, father his oome—l know his step,' cried Amy , as she sprung to the door. It was "father," and hie pockets were cram :full of paperf, niagaiines, and letters. - "The steamer IlaS conies in, and we have wore than our usual allowance of good things," he said, after the usual greetings were eiehanged ; and calling for light, he begari to relieve himself of his welcome burden. There was nothing for Adelaide, of course ; and taking up a magazine. she cut the leaves, arid was soon absorbed iu its fascinating' con tent- Her new friends had 'at tirat thought very strange that Mrs Allen had no correspond ents; but as- thy became more intimately ac gutiinted, Adelaide told Mrs, Ellsworth a little— a city little of her history—yet enough to satis fy her Mr. and Mrs. gllsworth and "Gertrade were busy with their letters, and Frank and Aniy amused 'themselves with• the pictures At last Ellsworth broke the silence. . "See here, Mary—here is something that will interest _you. • Mrs. Willie Fletcher, if loot a friend of yours, wa& a friend of one of your friends, was'nt she?" Iris wife threw aide her own letters, and leaning on the back of his chair, looked over hi& shoulder, and read aloud. , - "I forget half, that I write you, my dear friend and I have forgotten, also, whether our towns man. Willis Fletebet, Esq.: is an acquaintance of yours, but you must know him by reputation, lat least. Did I ever write you anything about his wife's desertion? She left. him' about the time you went to England, and has not been heard .l.l. ..ita. AMMON" 1111011111411ia .Aar her Wrap : pmanee, Mr. Fletcher traveled from one State ' to another. ostensibly in search of health and I ' runrisetarmt, but in reality striving to diasover some trace or ma loft wlte. The strangest thing . of all is,, that though he has always been eonsid , errs . ] a Stein, proud min, he never seemed to be at all enraged at his wife's leaving him,nnd I would not suffer the ream, shadow of blame to at i tatch itself to her. He told his friends—he .has no relatives—that th •re had been error on both . sides, but thai her desertion was entirely hie own fault. Well, about a year ago be returned, with . I the weight ofa settled grief crushing him to the very dust; his wife herself would hardly have j known him. He gave np all hopes of finding I the lost one, and, apparently, merely to change the current of his thoughts, plunged heidlong 1 into . businees. Ever one predicted the result.— j lie was - wild—recklessly BO 111 hia pecuniary TSU- I tares--and last week he failed. It is said hehaa lost everything, and must begin the world anew. i Me laneholy — isn't it?" . "It is a very sad affair,- indeed," said Mrs. Ellsworth, as she finished reading.. , "I feelgrent 7 ly indebted to Mrs. Fletcher, 'for it was by her I that we were directed to Mrs. Allen. I never 1 1 heard of any trouble between Mr. and Mrs. ; Fletcher—did you Mrs. Allen?" she inquired, turning toward Adelaide as she asked the sues ' tirin. , With an exclamation of surprise she sprang forward. - "Yon are very ill, Mrs. Allen—here, lean on me. iiirtnide, bring a glass of - water and my volatile salts—quick!" Adelaide was sitting bolt upright in her chair, with her hands clenched so firmly that the nails were a dark purple, and. her eyes fastened upon Mrs. -Ellsworth. with a wild, vacant stare. Her lips were very white, and moved rapidly. Mrs. Ellsworth bent her head and strove to catch the half-formed words, "Read it again -read it again!" she faintly whispered. - A suspicion of tee truth lashed across Mrs. Ellsworth's mind in an 'nitwit; bat, _with rare prudence and maim, she kept it to herself. “Gertrude—or Mr. Ellsworth, perbape you had better come--and give Mrs. Allen the sup port of your arm ; she will be better in bee own room where, she can lie down." They insisted. her up Main, and then Mrs. Ellsworth dismissed Gertrude, who had followed them, 'and denied the door. By lids time a flood of tears had mote to Adelaide's relief, and her kind friend allowed her to weep in sikeee. The color slowly came batik to her lips amain, her eye resumed its' natural expression, and at length, with an effort to restrain her emotion, she said quite calmly. "Yon must think my sOtation_ very mar ountable Mrs. Ellsworth." "Npt by any means, my dear Mrs. Allen. I have only a very slight knowledge Of your hist°. ry, it is true, bat I aw inclined to think it .would be much more singular.if you were not agitated. I do not wish to learn say thing that, you think proper to conceal - But if I eau assist or comfort you in any manner, I beg that you will ronMe in me." "I will confide in you, Mrs. Ellsworth—l maw do so. Oh, you do not know him often, since I have been under your roof, I have longed to tell you the whole of my sad story, and 're ceive the counsel and sympathy that I knew you would not refuse me bat I oduld not trust my self, and now I_ Kamm it is not neoessory for me to tell you that I am the runaway wife of Willis Fletcher r ZUswerth played her husk haw wee ware afk 0111, lan as . 81 50. A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. ERIE, SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 1853. glad. There are happy days in store for you. myLdear Mrs. Allen—no, Mrs. Fletcher-I mean. Wliich shall I call you nowlr' "Call me Mrs. Allen, still," replied Adelaide with a faint smile. "I voluntarily resigned my husband's name, and I do not reek esif- I had any right to resume it now." "You have the test right in the world. DO you not remember that our Mend wrotethat Mr. Fletcher would suffer no blame to attach itself to you and that he said your desertion. was his own fault." "Oh ! it Was not so—HlPwas not so," exclaimed t Adelaide, 'd her throbbing head upon Mrs. Ell houlder. "I alone wow' too blame ; ha ht he had ceased to love me —that he thought I had married him beempie he was rich, while in reality my heart was doted to another. How could I remain und4 his roof after that ? I hated the luxuries that were the means of steeling hiaaaPit agaiusOne and I conkd mrtbe depentient - upChim. - but child died. For her sake only had I remained thus long, and soon after she was hurried your appli cation reached me—l at once resolved . to offer my own services, and you know the re4t. "And what will youllo now?" asked - )Irs. Ellsworth. "Will you not return to America with us?" Adelaide hesitated. Your friend wrote that my husband bad failed. Mrs. Ellsworth, do you believe he would receive me now? 1 fled from him when he. was rolling in syealth, but if I gn back to him now that he is poor—if t tell him that I am willing to labor with and for him, will he not trust me?" And she loOked eac!erly and allxiuusiv in Mrs. Ellswortieb face "He am sure he- poor cLild, and he will nevet:regret the lots, of his fortune if it is the means of proring to him ilia, he possesses such a treasure as you love. Oh, if husbands and wive would only trust eaeh other implicit But, Willis wats• not to blame Vs- ,listlsul le ate, Mrs. Ellsworth; I did not.oonfide in him as I ought; I concealed some things that he ought to have known before our marriage, awl when he discovered it, it was very natural for him to sup : pose I had kept back more thin I did." " Well dear, I will admit that you have-been very much to blant, and Jour husband entirely guiltless,-if it will give you - pleasure," replied. Mrs. Ellsworth, with a smile; "but I have gene rally found in such eases that there' was some, fault on both sides. Now I, will leave you to dream of years of bliss that shall make you both forget this long and cruel separation. foe, I ant certain you will yet be reunited. May I tell Mr. Ellsworth?" she asked. as she tnnosi.towstsl the •••:Yetig but, if you'pleepe.clo not tuellaion it sr, any one ape for the prement.- learned that the kind and gentle governess. to whom his-wife and children had become Po much attached, was- no other than the wife of - Willis Fletcher, whom he had known by reputation for many years; and the trordial. grasp of his hand the neat morning, and the hearty, earnest tone in which he acid—"l am really glad you are go ing back to America' with us, Mrs. Allen," brought , tears to Adelaide's eyes. - Four weeks afterward, to Frank's great delight, they were tossing upon the'great Atlantic. It was early morning, and the city was hardly_ astir, when a lady, wearing a traveling:dreas and closely veiled, entered the drawing-room of one of the first hotels in New York. She seemed to be waiting for some one, and she panned, some times before one window and somtimea before another, while her small foot beat the carpet with a restkus, uneasy motion. It was Adelaide, and before many minutes hid elaissed, Mr. Ellsworth joined ler. f are you up and dressed already, Mis. Fletcher?" For our heroine had en this resumed her real name. • "Ok t yen, sad I have • been uniting for you this half howl ,I thought you would never • "I am ready to attend you to yourr husband's boartrathouse as I promised, Mrs.: Fletcher; but Ido not believe his physicians Trill allow you to see him yet. They tell me he is very •ill indeed.. Had ion not better wait at least one day more?" "I cannot, indeed I cannot . wait any longer. Mr. Ellsworth. It is now three days since we landed, and if he is so sick, I must help take eare . of him. It can surely do him no harm now, while he is to ill too recognise anyone. "Very wea—we will go then; but you must control yourself Why, you ter trembling now, eo-that you can hardly stand." "I shall be strong enough when-we are in the open air," was the reply, and they were present ly en their way. In about twenty minutes they ascended the steps of a large brick house is a cos paritively retired, and at that hoar, quiet part of the town. Mr. Ellsworth rang the belt--s tidy servant girl answered the sanuseas. ' "How is Mr. .Fletelter ag---ean yogi tell' we". - ' "No, * but walk in here, sad I will ask some Owe who eau"—sued she armed tie door of a wetly huskies' parlor. "There is old Betty - that is the aurae sir —jest calming the bal.' "Ask her to be good eawsgh to step here oat moriest." . The girl did as she was bidden, and Betty seou aipeared, courtesy* sad soaking down her arm; but say* that abbe eeithi oily stay a min ute, Air she utast hurry back to the sick gentle aUla. Adelaide grew pale, and involuntarily ' drew the folds of bet veil more closely over her face as seen as she aught a glimpse of the old• wpm an's portly Sgure. Old Betty—for by that name she was universally known-4ad been a ser vant in Mrs. Fletcher's family from the time of bar marriage. She had watched over little Katy aml mused her is lker last illness, sad the ammo eitiess eallid up by bet IlinpoSed .sppearaelee CHAPTIOL XI. • We shall meet soon. To think of such on boor! Will Dot my heart, eerberdened by its bliss, Paint and give way within are, as a dower Bone down and perishing b y noontide's kiss? Ninths, had nearly overthrown the fortitude for which her old mistreats wat , struggling. " How is Mr..Fleteher this morning, my good womans;" asked Mr. Ellsworth—"this lady is an old friend of his—a relative--can she see him?" "Oh 'my, no, sir:" replied Betty--"he mustn't see any body—so the doctor said, sir. Be is very had, indeed, and 6nly yesterday the doctor *sa saying to tne—l used to be In . Mr. Fletcher's family, sir-L'now you must keep Nuiet, Betty; nursing will him more good than medicine, and you mit not let people be,coming in,to see his"! " Mr. Ellsworth was just beginning with--" But. this lady," etc.,when Adelaide rose from 'the chair where she had fallen faint and trembling upon Betty's appearance, and turning toward her, she raised the veil which had hitherto enneenied her features. " The Lord blew.; es—the Lord bless us:" ex claimed the old woman, lifting her hands in be wildered astonishment: "Oh my.: if that aint Mrs. Fletcher, now:—and I thought you was' dead, ma'am---indeed I did: - Have you come ' back to' stay, ma'am?" asked the faithful creature in a low, hesitati9g voice; while something that looked very much like a tear gathered in her eye: ; " For the present at least, Betty; that is, if you will let me help nurse Mr. Fletcher.. You .will not refits - 1e your old mistress that favor. even if the doctors do say nay, will you, Bettye . "• I would he the last one to keep a wife from her hushand, ma'am, and surely 4'4 your right to •be there; but you must not let him see you 'when be is awake—he begins to 'know tv now. and this morning he called Inc 'Betty ' "I will ,do. just what you tell me I may•do: and nothing more, Setty,': replied Adelaide.— And turning to Mi. Ellsworth, she thanked ; him earnestly Toe his - m=ly acts of kindnesF " Say nothing at all about it, my dear madam, nothing at all—and now I will not detain you. Mrs El‘izworth will -ee you in a day or two," and. with a kind •liake the hand. he bade her ME •'• V.ll up. Uiett}•--is he ::drip,' - IF7, how pale you are, Mr.. Fletcher? 1 dun't know rt. Ido right to let you . • at•F • "This -. a id a ., I weye aseemling the , tairs. In t Moment they paused f.efore the loor, and Adelaide waited while Betty went in to reeon noitre. Presently- the latter reappeared with her finger on her lip. and beekonetl her to dime In. " Ile is asleep yet. -- I lle . whiliereil; ..n o w if you want t, - ± see hint. yoit just ,teli carefully around by the bed there. and if he stirs a bit. you musthide behind the eurrain. I:dou't know but,Doetpr.grey e'en-a-most kill me," abe muttered; as slit• turned Slyraty to wipe the tear that Were chasing each other dOwn her withered cheeks—“lon theynor sorb! not hell) Adelaide did as she was directed. • When Pr. Grey entered the chamberi i an hour afterward, .he, found her kneeling byl the bedside, but in such a position that her husband. amid' ndt see her, even if he awoke—with her face buried in the folds:of the curtain, and { weeping her very life away. Mr. Ellsworth hail already. informed him of Mrs. Fletcher's return—he was not there fore. very he lreittly surprised, and only said, as he pressed. hand— "l am "Amid this is an imprudent measure, my dear Mrs. Fletcher. Your 'unexpected pres ence might destroy your husband's mason, if not his life." a I will; he very careful, Dr. Grey. Oh, do let me sit, with him: I will do just as Betty tells me." i►ell, only look out for yonroelf'— staid. a . Welt and im s tcher improved rapidly under the unit his wife and Betty—bat the former, her promise, had never suffered her , h him except when he was asleep. Mr,' ed care co faithful self to a ~ He thou/lit, as he grew better, and began to no, tine the arrangement of the room, that his kind, old nursers taste had improved wonderfally—the draper gr y4f; the windows was arranged so much I more ully,and the little ram of howersalways looked m fresh and bright, and he told her one day, but she only laughed in,return for•the com pliment. " Dr. Illrey," said the convalescent one morn ing, *boat three weeks after Adelaide's return, "you cannot imagine what strange thesis I have. Every night my poor, lost Adelaide mines to me, sad 'bends over me, and I can feel her breath upon my cheek, and hear the rustling or her pr imate; it also seems so real—and then When day light comps, I know I have only been dreaming. &eirethnes I lie with my eyes shut and feel her ,presence in my very heert'r cow, but dere nut lookup, became I know that if I do the vision I may apply such a term to that. which is felt rather than seem-=will leave me. Do you believe that disembodied spirits are allowed to visit us? • I sometimes think that she is dead and that—" pahaw: You• nuust't be thinking of such sober things, Mr. Pletcher. I ballet one bit of faith in ghosts or in dreams either," repli: ed Dr! (hey, with a beaming smile 7 :"but now I will just tell you what you may do. The . very next time this visit* appear' to you, suppose you jtmt open your eyes, and see if you , eon make any dissoUeries, eh?" Mr. Filetteder opened them very wide now, and gaited at him incredulously. ' "Oh , 1 Dr. Grey, what sonoeuse!" notwounie at all, I Mare you, my dear fol low. 1 think it the moot reasonable reposition I could poonagY make." But, doctor, ham Adelaide—is my wife; in (short, *hat do you Mean?" . "Precisely what I said: now take this compo sing draught, and go to sleeir, I shall riot speak another word to you." And he did not; but the kind, meaning smile with which he left the room mak far down into Willis Fleteher's heart, and awakened these a World of hope and' happiness, for which be* could not account, and be resolved to follow his advise. ' How impatiently he waited for - the night! He watched the 'saes= upon the window-blinds, as they sank from one slat to another, and thought they would never reach the lowest: it sessed to het that then never was such a hag afternoon—Mit the sun never would go do "Betty, isn't it time for me to have yt. - and tea?" "La'. no, sir; it i, only four o'clock•. Ire yO hungry?" He turned uneasily upon the bed. iith a eig of weariness . "Only fotir o'clock!' Was he dreaming now? Surely his sigh ' vs] echoed—rery, very softly; and not by old Bett either. A faint tinge of red stole over his Che6lt and his blood flowed faster, but; 'in a tdotneint he chided hiqutelf for his folly, and tried to , to sleep. . i[ "At last:it was really dark--- 2 -the• evening IN • away. Betty .completed her arrangements' Ito' the night ; and took her usual station in an Ws chair by the fire. Soon he knew that she i ira i fast sudeeß, and it was almost' time for bie lo c i turnal visitor. , I He shut his eyes, and lay very ::till, , but it all cat that was alive to the• faintest sound. f [ ll could hear his owit heart beat; but that was n, very strange, for it.: . pnitiation. were' quick an hea)y. At length he heard a very light step--it scarce heavier than the fall of a snow-flake; b it did not escape- him. He felt that approached bed—is bens user ltipt ; w breathing~ fanned his brow—a tear felttipon cheek. • lie could control himself uo longer—his . opened, and with a low murmur of 4eiiptit tended his arm. .1 • Adelaide- v love v w ife : . i HAPTER XII i 'APE thy love—trust thou is mint' .4 •Are not these lodgings rather too - expen i for your altered circumstances. Willie?" ;1 Adelaide to her htuband one morning (tw. , three• months from that time) casting her e around the luxurious apartment in which h were sitting as she spoke -We are not li very much like poor folks.-. „ What . do you mean by in -altered *417 stances,' _%delaidel' trot have referred' to t e. several time-, and I eould nta iniaf . ine what 'yo lueatit; flow d rxplain youeself.” "I mean, .if votirse, that you have 'lost property—or, at least, some of it; and have to (let me see--:yes. that wa.s it) to thetria world anew,' and have been thinking t,H• had better begin iather more eennomieslly What have to rjs - 4• week frx t • .01.1,!• • -Not a cent !pore than I an afford. toy I ! • wife. What in the world put this into your I •a, Who told you any suelt-trashr -Why, t tomird'in England that you had fa ed-10-t everything; and then I thought •;Ite Itemitatcd—and her husband, after _ " —A " — 4s -And then you thought if I had lost tce thing else; I would need my. wife? OIS, my my darling: how could I aver Mare dist !a, Tour "And how could 1 ever have given you r to distrust me?" responded Adelaide. "B have not told me about your failure , yet al was it?" "Just this: I made smut. very rash and f r • movements with regard to my business, and • very near losing every cent. Indeed. I beii. it was at one time rumored that I had mad entire failure. But affairs turned out better • 1 Thad any reason to expect. and I escaped" t the long of only a very few thousands, lAI • regret them; for it will learn me to be more e Lions for the future, and now I have some be careful for," he continued, as he' fold still closer to his heart. "And you really th; z 1 you were coming back to privation and tni you, my Ads" "Yea; but I did not fear them. I only t u that under such eimunstanee% you would h faith in my love." er "I have--I have. Ada. Nothing on ear th ii ever make me4oubt you again." - "I don't know abobt that," replied .Id., fully shaking her head: "I shottld,not the risk." As a member of the Lower House .' Hr. ileael er passed the next winter in Washington; nd course Ada went with him. He could le her spin so soon; and very proud was he did grace, grace, the intellect, and the varied ace° plisl mutt that made her so "aught after, as the righ eat ornament of the circle in which they ved. Time was a "Levee" at the White ouse .1 - "Willis," whispered Ada, "you 'said GeOrge Tilden and his wife would be here--ari , they not standing near that large hum r;smtk,.," "Yes, that must be George; let us go anit i aois them." They crossed the room; and very soup Ade laide clasped , the hind of George Tilde a fa' blue-eyed -bride, and gave to the young, tee' ling streuser a kind and sisterly greeting "She is Ivry beautiful—very lovely, t said Adelaide, later in the evening, as Mr. er had taken Mrs. Tilden away to show h r pabsting, "I need not tell you how I 4oir , your happiness." "I know pm de, Adelaide, and I hope .# love my Edith as a sister. She is ye y and needs the companionship of one w mss t Inuit." "I could not help loving her, George, f. r, make of our old friendship, if for nothing Use Bat, oh; whit has become of Timone George's emmjeamece fell as he answered—l "Poor child! she leads a wretched filar. She could never agree with her step-mother %ally married a man' nearly sixty years partly because he had plenty of money, anti part ly to escape from the petty tyranny to ithidi she was subject at home. She looks care-Wcits and heart sick. Her husband is jealous of bie i yming and pretty wife, and she seldom goes out. IA sbe does, be will not leave her fbr an instaeit;iland subjects her to a constant inuweilanowthat Must be inexpressibly piling. Truly, dear A'S', )iThe way of the transgressor is hard." Oar story is ended, kind reader. Yir 0. awes. eery for us to "point the isossir Jausy Lied Qoi s it ewliat of kflor dankisr. 8.. F. SWAN, EDITR.. NUMBER 13. Jim BoAcwith's Indian Fig ht Plonk Patkman's Pcdine and Bo Mountain Lift Six years ago, a felloir named Jim Beckwith-T= ..'.ngrel of French: American, and negro blood —was trading for ,the Fur Company, in n *err • large village of Crows. Jim Beckwith was last' sunimer at St. Louis ,Ite is a ruffian of the ins stamp; such at least is the charaCter,lze beau nr , on the 'prairie Yet to his ease all the standard' rules of character fail, for though he willstah a man in his sleep, be will also perform most des perate acts of daring; such, for instance, as the following: Whilr-he was in the Crow village, a Blackfoot war-party, betw,een thirty and forty in number, came-stelling thinugh the country, ling stragle-rs an marrying off horses. The Cr?* Warriors got lupon their trail and pressed theme* closely . that they' could not escape, at which the Blaekfeet. throwing up a semicircular liresstweri ' of logs at the foot of a precipice, eoolly nwaitedi their approach. The logs and stickstriled booroi five feet high. protected them in front. The Crows might have -swept over the breast-Uorkand exterminated their enemius; but thtiugh onraum: bering them tenfold, they did not drearnof storm= ipg the little fortificafion. Such a 'proceed* ould he altogether repugnent to • their notion; df warfare. Whotiping and yelling,and jumping from side to side like , devils hicariate, they showered bullet , and arrows upon the loge; not a ' Blackfoot was hurt, but several Crows, in spite of their leaping and dodging, were slkit down.— 'ln tbi. childish manner the fight wens on for an hour or two. Now and then a Crow warrior, Wait eestisy`bf valor and vainglory,would scream, forth his tvsf song, :iciasting himself the. bravest and greatest of mankid,..and grasping his hatchet, would rush up and strike it upon the breastwart and then as he retreated io his companions; dead undera shower of arrows; yet no combined ,attac4 seemed to be &carried of. The Bleckfeet iremained secure in their . intreneinnent. dt lait Jim Beckwitll to=t patience: - "You are all fool , . add old women,' he saidto ithe COWS; -come with me if. any, of you are bruve enotizli,•and I will show you hots to fight." - II fie•threw off his .trapper's frock_ of buckskin and • stripped hiinself naked like the Indiana themselves. He left his 4 , ,ifle on the Eo ,d • taking in his hand a small light„hatort u , l it i u over the praric to the _right, wooded by a hollow from the eyes of the Blac eet. Tim climbing up the rocks, he gained the top of the precipice behind them. Forty, or'fifty young Crow warriors followed him. ii,i the cries and whoripi that rose f!om below, he knew; that the . Blackfeet were just beneath him; and running, forward he leaped down the rock into the midst of them. Iks he fell he caught one by th' long • loose hair, mid dragging him down, tontahawked him; then gypping another by the" belt at his gaining his feist,Acrnted the Crow; titri;;iy. Ire swung his hatchet so - fiercely. around lam, that ' the astonished Blackfeet boil back and pee him room. He might,- had he chosen, have,leard over the breast work , and escaped ; but this was not necessary, for with devilish yells the Crow . warriors Caine dropping in quick succession oyes. the rocks among their enemies. - The main body of the Crows, too, answered the cry from the front, and rushed simultaneously up i The ow _valsive struggle within the ltreastwerlt witafright. ful; for an instant the Blackfeet fought and yel led like pent-up tigers; bui the butchury mammon complete, and. the mangled bodies lay piled u together under the precipice. Not . a :Blackfoot' made his escape. After thi s tight the Crois ' dubbed Beckwith a chief. They thought hiss one of tht , in. - .:t wonderful braces that' ever maw r I among theta. - • MELANCHOLY AND STRANGE.—Vire . ifixe owe more reminded of the' terrible collision of April laBt. near otw city; 1:• • the following brief bat ' . melancholy statement s •It *ill be remembered that in the.libt of the dead were recorded four d I unknown person - A, a man, woman, and two lads of and 15 years of age, and they uteri bu ried without being recognized, with no friend to to . follow then' to the grave; and no inscription to , • be written agave_ them but the sad one of the "Unknown: - It will be remembered also, that , of an infant. very neatly dressed, Was taken min-. geejured from the ruins, • but found itself among , the strangers, without one to claim, or even to mi. 'cognize it. -It naturally excised ,the sympathies of many of oar citizens, and was kindly cared for and nursed in one - of our most resinetable familie, It was 'feared. that all these might belong to one family, and after long coniin ued and•faith i ful exertions, each has been found to be the case. The invet_timAineinicalatudit ited the following fact, that another young =Op - who was killed, about .17 dears ores*, and supposed to be Mr Misigor, from 'timid :s tood li l y . in his pocket, With hie suite upon lt;was dM a> . one of the sons. The name of the family was Kellogg. They- were removing- from New Yak ? 1 6 State to Minnesota, whither two elder sow hod t a t . already gone; and leaving behind a danghtor of fine full age. These- three remaining mashas of i lk ' the &mill have been here, have reclaimed *Or infant winter, - and visited- the graves of 44r in rentsisz i three brothers. This Is the saddest tale of connected with this metootstde and s h e beart-re4ling. catastrophe. Its record willliwe in some families through more than one goners. the tion• — ehicago Tr 4 nuf• " DZPOPULATIOki; . EEllol7..—tba Paris oar. respondent of the Boston Art stases that. - Abe tide of ominigmakon to the United States shorts no signs of abatement. On the contrary the volume is constantly increasing., This is a sam ple of the rush of Europeans towards the whore' of America : "On the, 25th a column of 200 - Germans passed through Paris to Havre. Os the morning of the 26th, 556 emigrants who had arrived that came morning by the Streabeirg Railroad, took their departure by the Havre line. ' The evening train to Havre last Saturday car ried from Paris 986 Hanoverins, who were about to found a town in the State of Illinois. In Hungary more than 4000 passports have already been given, a number of them for California.— The authorities make no difficulties about pant ing passports, bet the emigrant is obligati to de o that he does not intend .to ream • soAlm• - . E A IE