Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, July 16, 1853, Image 3

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    Local Brief-Mention.
.uov , s - itie , have nuth ,, rue.l the e..m.
, • forktiictlin;! the
r:it c venior the, f,r itTtnnna-
and ice ertams.---- r —Says an
er tr. or. trhlch are tfirr"ti vel7
yield for more thin twieuty years;
;. that the oldest anil flHst
pr• -fuer-. the richest Far: The
~.•, r3,,errt.i , in regard [ to — Certain
v,e , gb bort, orid.—We 'h are -m ean a
in Eric than 'now,. but we presume
daughter, is. harvesting pre
o, a strir run of Fall trade. Owing
•io-r -a Month or !Lx weeks back, It
1 1,s, opotitoes will grow small": in
, ; resr.r.t sesenn,--Soraebody is guilty
upon scvecil fences about town--
itiissefotals that "everybody takes r i tob-
W v., -a =lander upon the bowels of this
—7 , lr car Lett nig in a 'train of more
7„..sfe•t, and the_rear car generally Parer
7..ititupomry has industriously got to.
. 3 s, - I st , and singular instances in procif
.. co t west" has decided that "kissing
rthr ugh the rye,' ',legal. We ait;
. 12 -ivevle , l. for the sakes of some of our
• vs ; in the Conntry. 7 ---SnShar7
y R V.rk ray Railroad interests havy both
. ••• -r.or city this week. What', in the
presume the "high eoritrarsting"
vnon they get ratio. The Goad's
at ils , . li-ltate Line, the othirr
gtiess.uo other paiwr has the Dew!.
• . next door to uur publication of
ie I in emu-lusting a treaty for reciprocal
sever continues to sell hats i.e
—lt is said our eotscopogary of the Ch
. , •iatt Legislature and Mat
• vs - ,H. be'' old enough for both. and we
—The Western sirs continue to
iis.iy. Thirdly a train comes down or
,:•rt ruti oror .1 cow or two, and when hard
• 71 I pigs bare to safer.
eor tne 01,server
tpir-day, say , "that the citizens of Erla
..f the eastern or Watteburgroute for
Ibi!roall," and I wish to say in addi
cr Waterford route shon; be selee
,t, ,tu/t, that tbe citirena Erie will
rrr,? - 1.1i,..0 In a way not to he misunder
t: suppo.e that the intere•ts
a.. -:lcr.tif.od with impunity is FL pliant-
3. are more we than one for
! r. dre-i t curben outrage. The fa
authorities of Erie to the Road are
. the eompeny, and in fact invalna-
C •:opan) once attempt og strangle our in.
, •un see if the ;molted citsdforty and
.at•ly out of reach. and clean gotie forever.
1:..rt% the company will do any. such thing :
1 cope not. The fact that one of our Mott
E.. NI B. Lowny, is it director in this
o. mind been ample proof that the
-. made, and now that we see
completion. ,hall we doubt that
! • ex rte!, anal Freces-fulli too, fur the
:. t the r. zz.l. by the t erection ,f t 6 Watt-.
made where tt !..11gilt to be and
frir d u' n , r.11? 411 , 1 1111
- I. te4.lne4l tile , •tttr3n+ of
•1 t, !I• n- +nat OA. "Cdtlit. - it :10.1.,
xen ith the Whn...; notniuttewn f. r
.draw ti. 1 7‘ , rtt,t, &wt., of Belitfontr, Centre
I N- in ar-hi abed abotut thirty—fire
feet t • t. ' ing feet.
o bine Whig. tan without a • uportor in the
Kpea ker. That itt aatiAiietory, e+pectai
• :tit, cciusiderat ion the tact. thit the Gt.:rife
9nhtr. got..d.' had, or indie:erent„ whn
• ho..ities being - •without seuperior in
tet Itt peaker." We tAay again, that itt eat
, tor "Cortin" h.nceforth. Besides the
o' to h oto.thetr twtio t ot anteced e nt. hp.
ii , vi•onoome aND Jiexecriue.—C•otuoto
,to •,u entire Beet of boat.. ts now 911 the
i +Ty. and 6r n ill 'perform Ler.. on
noSt. Of DAN hitn.elf it i> wale •.4 to
•-•:c.t,- Anil genius are known And
but he 101.01.• this time with a
more exten,ive and excellent
I .t' - ta , prt....v r glkn'e s. etrk" tam
. ~iikplete and brilliant in all its ap-
"Ina ~ flinr*e* unvguillod in thy
I 7 •—ramout, or n Dream of Ancient
in gorgek,u, s re
vxhibito,l in •conneeti.m ikith
xtra charge, }wt••.s , inane
uultins . which ins lire Allegasiin shir.
n size - evtr . trought
biue,e inelurlior a howntifal
als l'on and a•balf in length.
and tip tr. n.ttit • % totftt.
:Ca14,411- - Imo paid I•. 1.«
teit6ne+• .1•. u),/
I 0.1.• n;.• H+mrigbrr OLnll , t•
and •XIIM.r. "WO.
I I.l4rbtani h. rue.eittly ntirte,t
I (•• i• II 14,11
I• If. 11.11.CL0
.$ .$i _ 1, •• onothor clootsond for
$• $,1.1$ r
rd , ;bat Qpirit
L.' , f !heir dupe'. 1.. Jigging for m 1341111
•n• t 111 4 f et ireg which
ex . earsiti.a.• which
4!zt: , r ender epwit gwidane•• worked
-h1.1.. , 1. oi, :1 loNeh .
- If the 4...parte.' 'pinta
,thun,h t no t zoifl FASIPRIF
:• •f Fredocia Labs
l_• hig •wvieea as Pon
1,411 the DeparCtuent; sa•l that
lontoallt , art.!
- -
Our White list
pt of the following. iu payment
.r, r ti. c week ending Frzday, July 14.
• ' t.,r n. v.( week. or we will bare to
I I: yr ~,y)
• fl. u•.l I V,b to I,th
Itn -3lt• • I'l', rr' Day i•* Pain
• , 1•14, aaracted the , atten- 0
.r.11%.•11• rtrii,lo jp DOW ill 011.4
r r.”‘..111. •
C...huniniry. a.i.t is 1, with
1.... tprwlim
I...itottorditttuy fqr rare
hr•At 111,1
~;• ~ce t 1h rtrtiele w 14....3 we
irn nto the Y.
idl mu; yr. :or:A wnrd
r,•k word‘ i. dor
y and appropriate title of the
, r: 11.1:ID. or GASTRIC JUICE, pre
-- :19 lON, of Philadelphia, from the
• - ti,e Ox, for the cure elf ;indigestion and
' • Slture's own remedy kir an unhealthy
41.7 man can equal its-curative powers.—
EATING perfeetif consistent with
• figure of the Ox', in another part of
. Dic4.—Nro. Win.low.en old and ea
. • phylneinn. would call the attention
. /tog ti rue, for children tnettitug. It
11.1 e.e t brut front nnin. -allay all opeottioidie
nt. red ure indantat ton. and is sere to revs
•iron ti Mothers. it will else treat to
" r.'•• • :•• I S %our chticircu Prim Weenie
rge quaidatier Mr.. Idfirreloneirirocah
: sit )ears. over 20.01Pn bottle* irse
le•it medicine in the World for Children
re of Ilyreutery and Diarrhea in Children
' • :Igor nay other taupe Ii Rites nal ,
• e a eGnirda int from +my, one ncing
Aniversally relieving
• In all ca.eo nhore erased if tate.. in
• 4 r Ti '1 tf,l ISOLL /El Y
• .
41 NS. ruffle. formerly of 11:11,491% Me
ore" . t. New York Airenft are now
nil , tor.nelpal tow no in the mate of Neu
PAIS The world's. atannioh
•„' • Lm perimmeJ hr the f7ratnp ;Ma Vain K it
& pr rkin• I** equal ha• 11••• Pr teen
• :11 nll falMs for rure of FOR'. i C0T-
P1612,1 , !h, rheummorn in all It.
• • 40 J ter
<1.:.• I. Jr.: en mutely in t h e World. Virulence
wine cver retl..ertieed ge.,hrige are
•• Agent. tune be lamutrael)
• u TIPe n 11 1 / 1 110(11 Cr. Lane. 01 ttr.. lirgiClnt
inatehrea sold in New &spend ft' gnu i
:lll24l,t—dilit *l4 _..i ti"ll i b :21101C8 AND tranoiriaf AT WIDMEEALs.
now for tbe &tritium being Introduced anusall..... pelotas.. Wens i
in New York. Zianini AL Isassieso.
N B.—Be natant] call lkor CrITIS & PERKIN'S' Crimp and '
. 1 10.68_,J01N argeir AR If rou Ir,
rain loner All others bearing this laureate Ease imitations,—' pCBLTSpotERS, Bookseller; Stationers, and manufac-
Price 1.11, Ix. 37/ , trews per bottle according to 'lnc . Alm, for '
11011 E
an d IA ILD CHERRY BITTERS, Om the core of 11111• hirers of every description of BLANK BOOKS, ktr.
rag mtteremt their manufacturing department, and added I
11011 E and ( tau ndfce complaints, an J zeneral debility. Thiry 1 --. ----""- •
c 0,,, ken th e blood sad give
tea, rile. only 371 cents in Pint potties 111" ard e, Pant, yr,,, to l ft Supply Booksellers and Country Merchants with every
Cortrtiandletrert. New York, wholesale agents for ail tbe abort varier of
„ , ,,,noin t i, tppllcatiou for agenc ire or ordersibr the above comh Xmokollilsak Smoke and StationierYs
le mes most be directed to Curds & Pekin . No. 41)Courilandt on the moist favoeso - •le tame Their stock of Bum . k Books,
Slier 1.1 4 1ew Tort. Also for sale by the following agent* — Cu'
ter & Brother, / H. Burton fr. Co., Erie, Pat P&lllenek. Wkiti. all of their own nutnufamare, on:sista of all the various sizes
more, Westfield' J. S. lives. riunkirki A. Melton. Forrestvfile ; and styles of Account Books, lieumrandums, Pass Books,
N.Y . W. Well. &Co , Ashtabula: Lewit li. Kelly. rainrelle, i Writing, Ciphering, Exercise, Time, Roll and Drawing
Hat ward, Woods & Co.. Cleveland, Obi-, 111•• f Bookkeeping Blanks, ,te. DLIRI for 1854, a great rst
rimdepartment y. Books in very of literature, suitable
i ARRIED. for schools, Academies, Colleges, School, Sunday School,
Public and Private Libraries, Standard works In Prose and
At Toronto, P. W., on the 13th tart, by the Rer. Dr. ' Poetry. Annuals sad other books in fine bindinp for the
Jeffers, Mr. JOHN H. WARKEN, of this Oily, and Miss , Holidays. JUVENILE BOOKS, of every description.—
ELIZABETH, eldest daughter of the Hos. David Giberns. l Baum Preyer and Hymn Boots in all their varieties.
On the lath. inst., by the Rev. M. Kuchler ,_ Mr. WM..' AL - 1117X8,_ itiBIC BOOXII, &a.
I_ •
"T• G. V . Plain and Fancy, English, French sad
~,. . Starts by the case at manttfaeturer's prim.
In Harberereek July' 7th - by the Mlithaln• Yr. ' Asnericen
AU of which they will sell, at prices averaging probably
EDWARD HATHAWAY, of Paigewille and Miss LYDIA lower than any other Establishment in tits city. Orden,
LAWRENCE, of Harborcreek. 1 by 3 . 141E110d carefully and promptly, and at as low prices
On the 9th 'ult., by John X. Warren, Esq.. Mr. HENRY se if the purchasers were present
MYERS and Miss LUCY WERSTZ, both of Fairview. New Turk, July 2.
On the 30th ult., in Harborereek, by Rev. George W.
Cleveland, Mr. THOMAS LEE and MissNANCY TROOP. . -212 111 IV GOOD/.
THE subeeribers would again cell the attention of - ins; public
to tae feet that they we receiving a large and well selectee
assorturent of Dry Good.. Groceries, Hardware. ensekezLm . l
Netts. rim wont comprues the greatest variety aprons
On the Iltil inet, after a painful illness of four Menthe Priem e tol''''' ,, today, Glow** "ono , " liwoefitic G l"'
previous time mimed. and be ertathr end
duration, MARY IDA, only daughter of Dr. J. L. and An- which we have at air prev
„ re =um ni , inupmen in unniminnt. Its nunnmanitn n
na D. Stewart, aged thirteen months and 3 days. - I the petolle ',heftily an relliveMally Invited logo and ansulae
Pittsburgh papers please copy. 1 our meek. is we /mil °nutrient Ikea we um tiebe OW Netts et es
In this city, on "Thursday July 7th, LOUISA DESHL'ER I low rules as are tarred la that; market.
infant daughter of MMus and Hanaals P. Csartrigh.Veded I JAMES BLAMED too.
1P53. 0..
11 months and 17 dayi. June Bli
IQ this city, on the 12th inst., Mr. HUGH CUrtNtSO- I arovvos.
HAM, aged 76 years. Omer. or Other. CO., 3(rtna& bre. Co.,)
On the 19th inst. is Milhoreelt, Mr. OEO. 11.-SHHEILL- I . Jim 11, 1653.
KER, aged 71 years, 3 months and 16 dap. TN pursuance of ll isodation of the Bawd of Directors of
On the 9th inst., of csnenmntiott, Maj. DAVID ALLIe i JL, the Chuntamellee County *OW Imlnulutes CooPllnr ,
SON, of North East, in the 53d year of his age. = I notice is hereby given that an assesiment has been made
, _dml of hoops. cent - upon all Premium Notes of the Compan7,4l
House to Bent - . , force on the 14th day of November, 11152, and one pee etre,
I in boa'on all Premium Notes in force on the f(hh day
THE frame dwellinz house on Stat e Street, 3d dome hula lot 304 ,, , 14 . 3 ;am th at members thereof ad, requested to
Bth Street tom side, is for rent. Enquire of the ma- i
. •, pay their assessments to SALMON HART, Treasurer, at
WM ' A. GAIBRAIT Z bis °Mee,
tin this village of Fredonia, WARDS or before the Ist day
Erie; July 16 1833.
'''''' l orAuget et- r. S. ED, SeellearY•
July 9, 13.53.
A THEriterary-Card.
undersigned takes this method -of informing the' w o o uti•lititic ellihttoux, WAIN, rleklia4. gm LI tinio. VIIIPerI4
citizens. of Erie, bat be !clads to deliver a Literary !AI Table cloths', stepitiii., Ise. BO iTfi k BII:WART.
i Apia 6 6 i 6 3 ,16 ....., 6 poor people's Raw, opposite Brown...
Lectuie at the Court House, on Saturday the 16th inst., at i
early candle-light. All e•X•S, of all Denominations, but , Call sad Munnize. •
especially the literary comannity aro respectfelly solicited ; THE Clock of FINE WALL PAPER and BORDERS,
to attend and le:Joy a literary creators entertaintnent i 1 j. Mr. holden has purchased in New York, togother with
free of ch arge.' J. MANSFIELD, • • large assortment of Dry Goods which they will sell lower
Professor of Leilguage. `than the tame quality was ever before offered in Erie.
, Erie, June :?, 1i.53-2t.S. SELDEN A ELY.
Executor's Notice.
N,7OTicE is hereby given that Letters Testanaintary with I Stray Stag,
43 the Will annexed having been granted to tbesubseri- I CAME to the encloaure of the Subscriber , 11v.
n 0. Landon, late of the city of Erie, ) log in North Su
bore on the cetate of R.t township, on th e 12th ofhulte
M i t
doebases. All persons indebted to said .estate are requested I last, a deep red stag au to be about two
to make immediate payment, and those having claims', Tears old, with no narks notice& IV7x l ver owns said Stag
against it are requested to present them legally and:tend. , is requested to call, prove property, pay churn and take
cated far setdement. D. G. LANDON', i r _..... it away. MIS. YEWTON,
Eoic, July 16.--eltil A. C. LANDON. j ''''''' " _! - Ihnh East. July 9 . 18 4 *ad
. ran aii.D. . i Idiaa...ll . in --A thugsvrior article of Wreleftl just received.
4.0/ ,i tu nted; o n Eighth west, ammo 0,, the -LI asid . ofkred at Me lowest enh.rrate E
a 7 7
a llb
s i no ia or T O N alles . .
hltatast. fraishlp." together with the improvements. is or. 1 mil . :My lf, I sy c
feted far sate. Payments easy—title Indisputable. For furtha i TRISHWIEN and Liollll liaildkettbith is at dwenera
particulars involve of WM. C. WAIIIRLN. t I shower than the eha.pest.
Erie. July If. lhMl. to I G --
RJEMN and tanktea. Coffee. how and Molasses. very low
at Sweaty', No. I Perry Lock. state at.. Eno. Pa.
&ars TOR IMAM:
THREE Lots lying OM Sassafras, betsreou Third and i Great Bargains.
Fourth streets of the following dimensions, fifty fire A T the Empire. We are Dow wlians off our entire Stock of
(0,4 feet on Sassafras and running bitch eighty-two feet.— rx bowns. Beier.. Bente ilelaines. Lue. Bonnets. ate .
The price will be, if parehitaed soon, as bolows : the two i wallow secant to cost. No one moon examination will Sol to
lots next adjoining d. - 11, Wiliheas 34K dams each, th at- outebase Jciy 1. VADWELLIII,BIEXICtrr.
r.o the turner of Third and Samar:ix streets dye tan:tared
dollars. J - lIIIMIL BOBBIIia
Erie. Jul lei 1"i.1-11.
The American losaraaco Closopooy.
I POLL'Llet cAPir.ii.. • 13031111111
_ i Witt issue Policies flar Tire and Marine losurance, al their
- rrosb Arroral of losoutor Goods, , armlet! Othee, corner of Sth. ad State Duvets. Eeie Pa. 1
CIL RMr i'll.b.ria Pampa retornmi horn `few York with a . • - O. 11. 11.1•111. Actuary.
V lull , upiii). of Dress tiOod...conststlnc in part of colored and ' • . .1. O. alcataausmet.
Nock Ure., dints. plain. brown, green, blue and pink hersiles... civet. Apt. Arent.
Hemp* Delany*: inch , . striped and figured Poplins. Mina de i ma ernieks that toe " American Ins. Co." have rontortned
with the ea/sting laws of thtticonannn wealth and are duty am
!Sage Or Kaye mug dresses) Netatuouul printed t.nwrts; French
, h.c , wh i c h h , re a n b een i morlzed in meaty /Ire and marine di* s
ettgin.h atid . "%autrucan
inri ht for eal..h at prteel greatly reduced from the early Ppting 1 ' JahlEd CU Aleflle.lP. Tree Erie Co..
rate, and tvtd Lc Bold correspottaingty low. - ' WM. P. TRIMBLE Deputy Recorder
. , raw sod boned, by the bbl or villas
_._ . -
' i .1.41. T =SEED OIL
Jr-- 25 - CARTER k 8110,
f ACE A!“/ MVOLIStL R6Vt --1 good a.nurttnettl
0...!e Much wol he gold egeop TIHRA LA H ANC..
Jane ::...
. - 1
1(2 . 1.44A E.5 . ..-Lailic.diol Genre Kid Wore-. mewed auk 11e... . *
1 arnialt. June 25. CARTED..
tact !tittle, from Is &I on In per pair.
ic., July Ili-O. TIBBALS aII AYffel. • -- -.-- - - - - -
R ic.. l .. CGINII iIINCII -olltiotted Frio..., 100p.1.10-. Cant) 1 'NVE are receiving by Es T ess &tan IL , Cadwell, who
Guano, 'raids and tinociot. &C. 111111 A l:c si. II AYP. 4 . i kw. been ree d in g th e put m onth in hi Eastern
PA: 4 01..K-Jolt reveler. 'duo *ilk,,iiio mak +. at IC 1 cities, the most splendid Stock of Ladies Summer Dress
Jury pI.TIOnALd It SAYS -3
,' Goods, Silks, Mantillas, riek Slimmer Shawls of eroty de
- --I ,II I T - 0 1 it la T i:0 - 31.111Br i r T. 1
as scripting', Embroidery Goods, Sc., that were ever imported,
10.000 Wkortrof Fanci and Bt: ylot7 D 00114 4t, which are yelling that Its they arrive at prices that no
1 NE W I'ORK COST APL LESS'!! oilier city can boast of. .
, Erie June 2.5. ' CADWELL & BENNETT.
i", n 6 r .et west ' e he rn " P ' er„.y d %n e t: lc :al: e t l it‘ t i tie sn c i l :il t to ll ,e " l f b : ;., '.
- i
ladies Look at Tina.
she., nth„ place at tie Ist do, a N. ple.Ler heal, a
i • r
r° '" ; rip tuRD arrival of Dress Goods A Trimmings this see
this d to they wjl/ sell their I.,,rge and cell ....ireirtJ 81,0 e twy
G at : prank Stew Park Coot noti.iesii. The Stock !•.trfe .1 ion. NOT. opening 'a
dna selection of plain and lig-
ili par .0 ( lo,utie yds of black and eo•Mood attlint.ll, • ..,. I um- wed Biogis and Ti ssue , witais from 24 to so soutai
P(l, , :thilirahk. wad Christi). Muslin Detain., Stfralle ': ' Infpit, Also, eta ta power tie easterweenw h . 1 .
Leans and Mullins. Glitatiants. Prints, tt/tato of et , -,
......- ...p... - ~:. 0 th e largest assortment in EH., which will
cripti4n, t•leached oat truest Obittihs, Table buten*, , . 4
'Teat bargains. No mistake in th is line of goods.
tins. 4141 Linent.banasok Cioiho,buuinacr dual', draper) • '...-:-..,....; n
.iiin Hoetery, Glove., Mit.. to ste . WWI uiast• caber ortic.eo.
; ; • , Lawns . Gingham., roplins, ChalabrY Oinffhantst
nil of Whleil ye ill to offered at pilule co•u and less • as the ttoods Muslin do Baize for travelling dreams, Shawls, Mantillas,'
tau.' te dl.pnwel of before rit-1. Partial:, (Mores. noiset7, Laws Veils of al.l kintit from 394 '
Per one itoWnnlCO Prj Goals. v. stl-wee Min alio Saner tent- - 0 .. - 0
~,,..... ossons at toe New Yon Thom . ... :he kig5,1.1,14.t it. swid. I, tact
to S,OO. Also,
o E nt m o t r ld rory er a r oms of e v cs ery n be de , ell f.u. lo st n - i ii i : :
Perk Row: l ti i:ore . Yr, Yn 'RPCsiin'A.Ve. ...- ........1 WA p...jr,e 4 sa.. always right to snit cash eostom ,
.1,,, itg,,,, , G,,,,„,„ p,,,...4 r„, k„,.. , ~,,„ the se„ York ere, Pleats caU and you will Sad what is advertised is
Store, putee.eiott siren thpirusabes lw. ' Iwo+ r:.- of
alt:lßli'ff Ot DAVIS I .rate. nouu ' at mlj t u h g e . Ch Gk'''ldj tutf) Cgall'haSiltobree.'°l:l at the
Erie. Jolt 15, 11.71-5
Castor Oil.' . June 22. !ILA JOHN B. COOK
LIRIDIU easier Od is Bossy autumn i nt: two ant three dozen
1 : 1 0 rEN -4- AC - E 7 k - WORM — S - tiltr P.-A supply of this
.1" flown eaeo--.,,..Jr1e4 sues. iou itaf le .to retailing. Wg.. , 1.i/i•
el Pure. n... 1 offered nt very It.w prirec molt extraordinary Worm Meffleint.; receivetiliy
by 47AISTitit k..• ttßoTtica - Jana .t. ; . CARTER k BRO;THIR.
- 'ln al need lb..* . - . - - - '
Fr 16 PM: A),
1-:LI. k BSKNETT hare the akeney of one of the'
A la ii rg W r.t Eits.tern Nionufnetorieg.ati have conatatitly on
pr.oroiALs Wilt be received at tlor t.:r;.-'... ~.113e.- a ' C
, t he , ia ) of iticin, or by the „undor.dme.4 i ~...141•••• , hand i ennt_plot# a..nortment for ...ale at the lowest Bkore.
until Alau4sy th.. 2:,th day of July :ii-t.. . , •11rth.ti,,,,,t fl -app li e d ,t ni „ nvi t e . tu „,.., pr i et ,.. Juno 25.
the ntateriol• awl c .n.tro•did;.: 11, It.e- r L'o• . ! . -I, :,- Propare far Zarvest.
and IllYiil:L'I':1"" , liu'l r'nt''''rflf ti.: w,-r: '' "''' "r'ibk''' ' • 1111: Sal... to , ro hare a hirge.noel. of Alateh'seeiebritodfitaaa
,i.l pi a j l - 1,. 1.. ilirni-he.l ~- titp c.,,:nrill. 'for t v.....,.. 0 rf :I , L 1,.. y O w .. „ ty.e ii w r y odo r et t hp . k. L ... L . :::: d rt.T ...., :s.nor .
...AI f1iTi4,16., , .: Om ea, a ill, w.t:. , .. Th.. A•.. T. wtll ......l. ~., • !ea. t No. r. France/ rlon's licythe, warranted goaa aud °th
ins.' r tap .6,..b.+1. , •I :An Engri.4., .......1 , : , ..5...1 .; .1....•-.%, ../. igiolograf Wier* Seyittro /14 rho•opli lac cheapest
:1,0 tat- l'oetntoor r,....eit ,in pa:, tn..;:t ft-r the, 1',..1 mm .f 3. irs, ', 4
1.... Ilond, of th.• edy ...I Ere- On totem-at, runnityg tccetis.
~a :.--icooll. r., he ~..02.T.,-.1 11% , a pledge vi the % mtee : Fresh Orixieriss — , Wines, Liquors, .
11 orl.e. It: teveneo and alto cue general re. e.,t:". ~r the I, Tit N ~,,, ~-;-,,, ,bee lad ,row
f r r t e" . . ' " g cutei ,, , 7.. id "
tlla ...V.r4ried
s-tty. }lane. and 41.40111..mti0111. of the Work net be .tsin 'Lt.! Wood.aoa Wttwer wateitZel er tat . i.
an to Sell 46 1 44 per
the Bookstore of porno .1 eloan. Brorri'.'Bl.. -h. ' than
'wealth dawn. Call and we.
. . J.- B. 64.1tT1f.. - • 1 4:ti4. Jane 3.1. INC. - W E RINDERXXCHT.
..t. P. DIAT.IN, I i!..46.4:er., 1 QUGAR of all eiadeainr sal; rtwatilkor cash by the Md. or lb..
' X. R. SARI., •.4. Ivor,' It /wkly. i\l Ili_ June IS. w. r. Itianolowcarr.
- [
M . lIENRY. ' t aiV qamouty of - VC/141411y tatAxtud ot lataskaaceetel. front
11...:r.-,Johy IR, 1403-2tft, . I a. 37i teol. per pound up. JUMPS.
- --- - ... — ll .---- r yine seat :; good arlieir: - at korner State and Ith
1) A. N R•I C E S IL.-- June Y 3. wr. 1 "" 4 " c " .
i Ii .044% tri.lovai .1144.4011•40u1ar.106141.... 401' salt C 441114 at
1 /vise VD 111.4anat car...
Ai., or bar
:hr ill• MAP.
/ICUS CR AO MI, Scythes. Roes. Say and Manure Forts.
Rate.. above' and Spades. and Alm, ftw gala at
I lane al. II avoisasecer's.
r• 500 itea IA ie. bags be wile ebesip at ---.
Aloe VS Itsweentrecarrs.
GREAT HIPPODROME AND MENAGERIE. I- - - - giiic t ii -- . -- gil e . -'-
Th° Host StUP"dolvi 06 n 1,0111 in the WWI& s "
NOTICE ia hereby g ive., that the following described
WWI e ii,n 0., i.rea,i,,,,,,,, ..., ',it, ••• Frofor .m.l Sonar- i j ou ,, or piece. of lota, will b e cold at pablic auction
t1..4. JoPy 92,1 ,14.1 :: ~, I at the Court Manse in Erie at 1 &cheek P. M. cid the ISM
:At„., me-t ~,h,..,,, I n t,nt a nd en tuorigcone outlay. Mr. 1 day of July east. is loom No. 3225. and 3229, aftwilded 611 .
Roo” bat to' ''" 4 " .l in iheeteathiir eelmitit'inw d.j. e lbe°- I the eerier of French and fleeced stmet. They Will be -of
1, r eflabindittletil Att. , a neck vi watiatailded Diuguitirrocc• tend is fuer piece, of forty.opii feet and three babes each
and sot tifilaitn v . iu smflmen of 116116"Ftir , `sells iris fronting no Emelt street sad running hack 143 feet. Term
friend-, instead of the ordinary Circus perforanatMe, riandelmovrrton the day of ewe.
.-A WP1':111)&0XE AND JUSSANGERIE. - i _ JANIEfI grans. Executor.
Tit- 1 'ram combining alt the beet features of the Cireni", - td6.
' Erie. JUDO 21. 1952.
and G Y Lu g' iqui. V ''' 'aix " T "" icbnePan " nt "" i°12 """• j
t rat Re, glean, a It,. ....4,, a m i n. si.wir.....
military :ehooT of the menage by Mrr, Dan Dice, and the i novel, "MODERN FLIRTATIONS," which may be
grade -I. rind A-t hereon and zanies, in the world . : awl the I bed by calling roon:--tingether with several " ALPINE
tatter n I GLEE SINGERS," the hew collection of wings, glens, de.,
A. Itagnifficent CollectionofAxiimids and Birth. I yet petlisheAL Also Graham and Oodey's aaagaslne for
July. Any of the shore books, together with's "quire of
I parr" and 30 onvelopne. can he had by calling at No. 9,
Drown'- Block. 01n11 e &wax.
`,titre and foreign, con,istiox L ,o otire , A• T.e"'r. , Tiger
.te, Panrherr, and Gristly Lteht-. nee of
ow tatter the inner` ono ereteeen iht• -nfe r,t the Kooky
Nl“nntiiinr). 01-trielir.±, Monkey=, Oerul: yurii.g , : the re
markald., nAr;, Lavish Z.. :b.
The "CI %Pi•Y m ." and ene of 41.• extrb.nlinni V
one • m er ttel.'nunibrring ~ver
One Thewland Beads and Birds.
Native and Foreign. Ii.IIIg tonetner le periaet liarrn-n)
the celebrated BOLA H MIN C4TTLE, and TWil 'LIVE ALLI
GATOR, from 9 to-13 feet in len:rtit. .
In addition to ihese and many other niiraetiew in this
part of the eslahli,hinent-
The Renowned Chinese reestiT•
ut five per.,ous, tnu Royal Princeat
Pwax i Yaao, the most beautiful et at berlaigh class
who ever escaped from the Celestial Empire'. her feet be
ing oily two and s half inches in !earls, will appear sad
give Concerts, both vocal and instremeuud, ssh.g theirs's
tire instruments.
A Monkey sad Pony Performance
Will be given at each tixkibitinn, Raj MIL MANX HAM.
I LTO.Y. the Licku imam will en ter the rap uf the largo snit
tiovittful Braziliian Tiger; i.e frit!, verfeirui hit
FEROCIOUS oaLipciANlA ag.A#4,-
Grs. - JAcKsor. in the circle, to the woody, as . 4 si tt e n6l,-
mentor all; he will ent.r do. rages ‘4" revere I alb.? ferocious
A oisoils.
Persona CUM riait tl;e Mousgorie without visitiog the
RiPPAreswo• hie , ' to 1,, .11 us. U,NIS yU cgliTe. Chit
dem and servantn 11A IS-111t111,3,
The newly designed-abd Dm - parent PoriILA b capable
of swan Iva thousand pet-ius imouiestahly.
• A:. Ji. thlriT.Lli, Await.
W. will '404 at - Vinod ot. hly 114.
iiin Aaz. as s s a! A a s .
4000 r o und. {,d6,,,t,. alio White INA. Trout and Mack'
consuiftly cm hand at Illsviseasscre.
_ _ •
10U111:14 IMO tilled Appies4 also Nbushels Moe liking
far .ale al aim twircre.
I 50 Belo goo
June •th,
SM (Ctonattele. Oblo.) Whiskey fot sale by the ha rr.4
N gallon or quart at luxe artecire..
tit -1611N. ref. n
I. baud at Jane O. lltrosivr
'UpWilli and willow Wonr—of de.aript ono. conosanily ow
• IF bend and lbr wad cheaper than elaerrhere al
Janet tvonorreares
June O.
a; • ad aamply connantly on hand a%
- 11 (lir; : 5 11I I CZ tive 'tom or
&•IVi --- 1 t.Pl.ce ttusem4urg Wixotousa at the atoms of
Jun. J. 3, . _ HICNIiITI't CO.
Hurrah for the Fourth.
irtaANGES End lemons on band to Bold by the bon
IL) or loz.. tt fruit tore of
00Y? I shafroarys,
J u ly 22, 1853,-11. . Corner of Bthoued kale ate.
LAMP Mrs , Good. —A J u nety of jamas. Beinref, rif k .
"Km. rofti ink Ste.. et 11,13-4 JArKSON,es
r)a. tf TV7111.9, A nalyii , ni Physielan, will be fa Frye,
at Rniern'a Hotel, The ..lay and Friday krenoe.Eth and
29th July Thos. 7vnic ie4 woir dlteaset of the Loop. Llref: Kid
ney. or apteen. tolla mal,nn. R hetianli t I PM. ..t.itima. ettortneraot
Breath or difficutty of Breathing, 11}sproata. Drvidly, tVeakttete
or Verrou • Bet rt tty. Re - t learner..., I oat of a nnettle, con,tf polio,
laeraneetacrit of the 2 1 10inne h. Ballot,' Affect lona. Claret, da el
-1,,,,,.1%“cer. :4 . '0 4 1111. Ul ora luttutrtt tea of the Blood. or nay
ehroate or bo -tending direnata. are Incited to call
Pr. T airliner hired; tudi bI eu ro, uo I. he a
he never nee , llereits). • Antlitteatt „liP•rnie or any other Slinerni
no *Wag apuri tor tette a ThOstatottoo—lie neither Mesas
or tiers eatyttes flit (newt of dtreare darts fawn another.
that Ws. 0(.11 :16 , 111e4; tmt not tita4re doe, WS illotein nt
treatment. lie doe, not sake ark to wake rat. hot trarthara 1.
pyihrrpby patentee up with' Palate-
Dyspeptic* Stead t
C*li 14 Ur.. 'Aura Skuturek. II amides Inakshl44 ticadatL
en.; disease drrt maul tested by pain in the s 40111110: succeeded
by cap:le...a rime* it , . indigestion. widitr• 1 ,1 41151:• and
wimikvinninimiiewws, ." at •tornach, er Mao. ofestretwtes. pai n
thfOrillb the Cheri. hosk szul 'booklets. heat i nevi and Wir,' or
head. with treat ri?hility For sienrl Iwo )oar. had nnt ri.tti
eieut st wallas w rti up aortal the entire ,Iny. raw
whysie Jaws had in used ths enw persew, y but .it no lime t, a.
wont anis nlisht present relief obtained With vrry Innen/.
and lee, ho a x of ~,,eares. the ear em t COUlereeerM 'anfnnatyy t.
eat rennerhini in Inch were couilinied tutu utter was Alerted
Fist ars plunU.n lias taken no ete,l.C. lye and DJ". .Veeeeb µat
nerlrip liewr fendire* than now. ortreahueue, anti ti
catty 7.;3
Caen Id. liar)/ *wish. Lerns • Liti.r r.WlPl`•kritre'r.l t'tn.jt•
sadao(rOlntlialnaJ..yHaes nt inntnath.wwo-msr wayunl
law With{ty accaawea, Lai tortfreinal Alletnptil 10 relict c had
bow mute praelatoaem ”iwirstar and m itrclutrit
VMS reoadily altramad, sad a lea worths' ins.thinsur few i, ; tit
house estiteiy. Now appeals+ agar digastion ameraol,
ores /*NNW • wit rm.
Untillo PEgrefily sae 5116
gr Subscriber will sail his plplate,situated in
boeue Township, 5 tulles Alin the village *Mat/40rd
on trench Creek, consisting of a Grist Mill and Saw NUII
with never failing water power; Avviiing house, Barns sad
out hcmeas, together with about '5O acres of Timber had.
This is a desirable location, the ;tad being extremely_ fer
tile and the uunproy etee nte all in good condition. Those
wishing to purchase will please call on the subscriber on
the premises, where they ran learn farther particulars in
regard to it. GEORGE BCRGER.
Ixent July 2, 18.51 - 35-7*
— *AL
BROKE into th e enclosure of th e subscriber, in Elk
Creek tp., En* co. Pa.,on the 29th May last, one small
by mare 15 hands hi g h, w ith two white hind feet; some
white in the forbad, and about 15 years of age. The own
er is requested to come, prove protrni, and take her away.
Erie, July 2 1853—..3t7. =AM WILLIAMS.
flocTollt 'FOX—Oval lE. devoid W. time eaelasively to dia.
eases *CU* eye IP all their varieties sod Mars.
Catmeacts aad all Giber operations ou the eye performed with
scarcely •iry pain to the patient.
Ofke a Sew dome emit the American Hotel
Suns 18, ISt= 5.
ar7 and Cradle Scythes.
epiebrat abytbeb
i aad Sas** wble.o art impostor le
k lc a t rahe . n il Ais beirl o ol b bir a r =l: r gropr i wi u th .
lity by SELDLN ItL.V.
Jobe M1M1!. 3.
WWI Papor and Window Okada,.
Ix additloa lo our uopertedesded Lore week of Wall Taper
gni ore dilly meowing supplitre and will condone to do no
Itiitorl 'bagmen widen we will 'ell at less nieces than eeer
beam altered In Ede. ISELUEN & Et.y.
Jane MILO. - S.
C°Lat , ?kid. Carapbette, nail 'tad other Lampe, (Aron
asy dole, 411 c., Se., at wholesale or retail by
Erie, Joao 11, '63-6. STOCKTON # 11.71 • LEIL
LOOKINGIGLASSZSehIiad - Gertoan plites, with
9ilh Rosewood, Maltalminy sad:other striae of balsas,
tory low. Jane 11,'53.4. STOCKTON a FULLER.
Ne. 11 Mir Street. New York, -
.A.. Bole Aprons in rho United Stairs fur
Mummies superke Sheath! tur Powder.
Victoria Mills I..ttlatented W ritiug Paper.
Russell w Superior
Genesee Printing
Rawll ris English Tissue ••
Tina quality Ultramarine Blue
They are ohm Apar for the principal Paper Manufacturers in
this country. and over Of sale by far the moat riterwire aad de
*liable Nock or Piperard paper Mionsfacture Meterialrth at tan
be *twirl in this orally other country
They occupy the large and commodious warehouses. So. II
Cligfrltreet. NO fri Via Street. No. 181 Christopher Street., and
Use Leftsover the large Iron Sumo. land 9 Cliff:greet
Their business is strictly wholesale. and t Tllll.l Paper, mold
by the ease only.
Their extraordinary facilities enahle them to oBhr all 90004,
both Foreign mind DpinCllllC. at the lowest possible prices
Paper made to eider. any sac or weight. Literal advances
aide on consignments of Paper. Paper Makers' stock and other
The highest ClVlftet Witt paid in cash for all kinds of Rap
hoe le, MM. 43.
11111.1111 Ilk if OR T It MAST lit. - A22.11. - CIAD.
- -
'hroe Daily izprsair Truism
ON and after INSoda,. June Yu, 1333. Trains will leant En.
going Enid daily. -undaysesceplet, as follows.
No. I. Night t.aprere in 1 10 1 A. H.
hearse and Freight •• 0 13 •• •• stops o'llo4llOn,
"1. Express and Nall ••II B.) P.m ...tops at all station*.
" 4. Tetegrap\ Express •• 43 ••
All of the above van.. ea meet drub trains of &aide& State
Line railroad. for Dunkirk and Buffalo.
Passengers ielving Rpm by 6 13 A M., train bare 3j hours in
BUIL ie and return the seine even'
Tra ins leave by Eastern Railroad time. a about ibirly
(31a) cuinutenfaster Ma. Rat Tine, .1. F TRAIL`Y.
Erie. June duces.'
TS an article that many desire but very few possess.. We
1. have now a great variety of Clocks and time keepers,
and thud. we can come as near to perfection in timer as
is p oss ible. . .
Co •roet time in an article that many 'desire but ve few
pomew.—We arm now receiving a buys stock of Ei t day
and Thirty hour, Marine, Parlor,.and other styles o clock
which we will, sell for erh, or on tick If thought t ex
otedivey low, STOCKTON 1 Fla It.
Erie, Jane 11, 1851 . 4
lOW 30011 1
FERN LEAVER, from Fanny's Port Folio
Notabilities is France and England.
Putnam's Popslar Library of entertaining •Miseellonies
and Travels.
Putnam'', Magaalue—first volume bound •
I Erie, Jame 11, I=-4 , Nu. 9, Brown's Bohfl.
BLUE and LisTin thil;and a reitvartiiiif Seamier stuffs it
Mrle. Juno /I, 1t,53-3. .11ACCSOWA
MlCKlllol.lltrined Shinier, Apron Check.. to .
.1 Jane 11.'9-4 J ACIKOWV*
IL'lll Leaf. Leghorn. Pearl. Straw. nml other st)lrs of SUID-
Auerr lint.. very tote at J4ne N. "1.--4 JACK
CII NOIIAMet—A tine Oslnf !MOW of taagnenta and ramp/ie..
very cheep, at June 11. ACK9uN'S.
Wool Carding, Cloth Dressing, and Weaving.
Babsariberr ilv informs the eitttena of the
MDISG MA MlNE.:l:lehisputtiag up at s n al
ley,. two miles month of Erie, on the Waterford Plaid, Kota.
Tinge wiehing to have their cloth dressed in r .0.1 style, or
their wool made into ra,.i rolk, can I,iive their eol wuh
we, tad It will be cnnle.l into rolls An every superior awls.
Weaving done .0 reeeonahle term., and xcrk.warrantOil....-
Thoee wanting that kind of work will do well to 1611. Aay.
quantity of gieid cloth on hand which will be exchanged for
• wool on teasonable tem,.
Carets, Coverlets and Binelie's , washed to order. All
weld( ea my line done on, short notice. and in Fond style.
Millcreek. June IL Id uti - J. JEWETT.
_._ . .
- .11mb oideries!
. NEW stock of rich and varied styles of the lage.t ini
portal:loos. mnsisting of Ann.literehief:. Lace sod Mos
ul Cndersleores and Collars, Jon reeenved and for isle at
very low rater at the Boston Cheap Store, No. 2. Wrig4ts ,
Block. Erie, Jame_ 11,.1833- , -4.. -A. C. STEVENS:
..... _ ._ ..
Sl'ilMEll SILKS—The eilespest ever goes in Erie can
be fottaa at tay atom for .).2.i, teal- per yard: elegant
ellangrable4 from 1521 to 75 eentl.. tails , call a n d s ee t h em .
Jana 11, 150,-4..A. C, STIPA ENS.
WHITE CRAPE &ten ju.t ie;oived
And for e*lo at a holekalo prier., that oaa't be beat. at
Rd*. Juno 11, 053-4. t'. o•TEVENS'.
BROWN and Bleuched . tlendo 7 —Ben brow,, Sheeting' at
8 eta, and good bleached at ad per yard. and ill ether
Howl-at unusual low Wes, tau be fount at - No. 2. Wriatt'a
Block. June- 11. A. C. STEVEN&
.N -
Yore New Goods at the ear Store.
%Ai r 4 i
w are now nree
ne irci. i:i: i g ui fiii ., r rec
fnoone ci t t - sd .
, : h lor s l t t i.c ot b r w .ood e
c ;i ,, w ile la i i , c ar b
eoranctition. Cho rapid aad daily increasing vales have ludirced
u. to make very erteranire purehanta and are holding mil oar
leswis si vet" k; miles. IN prooref th is Me; we ;swot. Me pub
lic to era/nand annee our qiciek of rrinra, Tramp. (mos
si to lid. pr rd. Lamm. Troia I eta . my; Barone De'Latiev a; le
and so op. Lad Lk Rid Mover at )&u. 1:01t01, 'WA. (VOW
E) to YS tt.l WO wis; Par,W.l.l: iwohrellas; Pats, last WITS
boinielai Ribbo n tialughtains from Java upward.. Bleach Sheet
ing hew one to l and a half yd wide; Keniuck Pines; Coact;
and 11001 0100 1 Bro Linens; Crnve Illmorlp: Mantilla; Bar
nes; Primed Mylls; Lowe and klasheoiderd CIINIIIII. We call
the.tendon urine Iwilict to r ur cock of Late Em. roldrry as a
ter) choice aeleglicia; a large supply of long MM.; Thread i i loves
Silk G Wee ka. lire. TO CUUlibetalt. would he useless our aim
to is to MI cheap for read) pay to eataiabin a prainanent betel
new. June 4.--3 Di ll Vrli .k. STEWART
' Our • --
vire are sow rereeiriaa. flow New York and Mind,tphis, our
It regular dearom mocks. and bar ue devoted much date and
labor to the seltloo of Wads, we are prepared to sat _that our
aesselmeut is h eir) atd eorunlete. and to a...k from the buying
public an esautioatiou of quality siid peters
Erie. June Park Now.
IPI full Mut Arf Ifut ilfelad sad Summer trade welt •
taw stock jew and fresh gouda. which have been 'titular'
whit rent ewe. • denaturants lacy in rely upon finding tb of
the lateat and appror auk. and Lest qualities found ts
the ealern inarhet
♦T .
tale aweirtawint node 'weevilly to order for Otis ',tartlet and
an aupwoor In style, quail& • and flnioh w anything or the kind
10 be Ibund In thiamin of vl country, and warranted In be h het
they are represented A rotor kind of hal for the IMIWUPT. the
aunwase. the Metnlopollion, ee Vanier. Hat of Heti end dark
colors for pcnu aad bora. r.litelle and Kowitth limn of all
qtra/Ithei. - Way eh
IL _____
1 IN ell Candurbe Handierebleir. ;tidos. at 7 ei4.40 dcia do ar
.4 111 eis.32 doz. do •1 It eta. and 1111 doe do. at I* eta. faradic
by Mir 7. ISS2-311. TIMBALS, & 1111 YES.
. _ , _ . . . __,. _ _ _ __ .
1 ,
IC - J - 66E11.t0n yds[Portainouth and Lod i , towns. bought at the
lose !mope an,. late olds in IC V . Ont. lit In le et. ^ reed
Erie. May 7. 1ft11—.72. Tifllll.l A; la .IAYPde
Sraiisu Mantillas and dthaorla.—We Inve on head the Meet
eateuslvr stock of slaek and Cold silk Mantillas and anal,
to. to atinurser Siszenta lobe found in the suaraet.
Erie. May 7. 143.1-3.1. ta & TIIIRAI. II otiriZ 4 .
__ _ .
cnarrre. I mirgit...Mii7.747 - i6d — CiTekEms. — Fiiiiipiy
7.11 ' irtaue . : 117C114 1 11 "1" i1 ( 311 1 : 1 117:nr " 1/ 4 : 4111 11C1 1 11 ' 1 1111 Mal;
ratTet. rte . a hood 31.10f1111e1/1 OW lorreat prier. IV? 001 gea
.on. Marl.ltaal—al 7IRIIAL.II & HAVES
C...twen•v and Tweed•.—Frrnek, English and
1., • Auterietin N't Cloths, from St to $1 per lard. Moe:brown
and men. elWha, all wool Tweeda.:etwoo mod 'wool do. from
Aliflloll. Mal per cent lee. 'than prival ale prillea.
Lila* Moe 7. 1e4.14-.7i T11118,11.0
'podia Notice!! Last Call II;
riallK Bonk Anent ta. /Weak Judgments in favor of the un•
1 deranged Patric beep placed in tbe bands of 1. J. Lints few
adjust's'. to mid colloctioo, those Indebted will therrloreseelhe
amorally oftbe earliest emotion to the mine to save cost.,
Wks in .1. R. GuMiliem'n Shoe %are. Pnrk Row. Iteilr Reed
.Howe. , • VlNetadT, RINIROD ei CO.
Erie, April 21141—51 01.1 firm.
C•ASII and the highest pries paid fin Wool Os comfits rietwoo
r h. Erse. Id syl 1.41-41/. . 'man i.s ait Aykla.
.1- 1: 1 11T rece.feciat the Empires * large 11111101tMe111474 . French
Lace eissosts wh It are *riling rapidly at Kies
En., Apell 31P, I -, I. cAluwci.i. & ogrtsigrr.
S. PLOWS. .- .
ELF-SHARPENtIit and adjustable Steel Pointed;
Plows, Left Ha ded do. • 1
Light Draught One Hone Plows. !
Dristkl. Wu% 4n do do
..; Corn Ito i, au ii , , Ittl ' I
Sub-8611 , _tto ao do - • '
A full assortment of $l,ll die , ription of plows and Fanning!
Implements, Le.. at CLAIM k McCADTER'S i
W. JaTe. Lwow% *ld G. 1.• a Cotree. Voce. PeAri ißaciel e
R ,
, Nliat. nutme g , elokts. Cinolutoo. Lit,' v:e. Pepper , illocr.l
Billsies. FIB , . (limn. tuellsh Curratto. Prem.+, nrahers. Le,
010. idgeearOGl, rerukcelth Flecleior Soap. Wrodung Vom.i,
p stud and ItUrneutu other orlio•O• too Itijultiomi lei - motif 100, Inr{
,41,104ap by May 54 --: riTERs Y 1 - 1' &GB%) . I
pitners and De Laini4oual reeelve4 at rltreitet . r • I
WO, I Perry Block. Su.te greet i
S lif ' ;' . el E u lt IV
. i i i t it ge. 1 r 't' c '. 2ll. "r e B ll -11 1 %. ..711 1 3 1 ;' . . r .;:0ni::r. r1 i5 i r i ,?..;
ete-l o
ble, who waste _ rill STowliTfei lc ruil,Krt•24.
Non New Geode
dUB? received el 11,;:a? • it
edalieseei errivels N , •ft h ..41
Meek eoespiee• kt elt it we.
Xi* Jim niI:VETT A 4'6.
OTRUI W. rums & clo.,
litie AND MlNltlffillat4TOßE.
wool! *want
At the litizborortet Woolu radtd7l
Ir•ar Arskse Canters, 4 wee South elf ak "fag Amt.
THE reorient,* of this establishment hire Oe band 4 large
deantlty of all kinds of Cloths. Casslmereo.dettnetts. Blan
kits. Sheets. uartew Flannels. Red, While and Fluid do, all
Rood and durable. made for hoax corsompUesi, and waminted
'Pee from cotton and old rags. which they will ezehauge at the
f o l lowing rum. 'M.: One 'tad cloth for 1t 1b5.e 4 . 14,1 e7.
lelbsi.thulnetts, to the: Flannels. fro m l ib. up to albs p er 1
the shoe itaJe as the wool. The wOOl mast be washed on the
vbefpact4 tree Raw dirt. WrIZIU factoring by the rid Viet.. sod
It lbs. WOIN; cassimene nets. Flannels !Ito 32 et 4 a ut , u pp i 31t
eta per yd. we dud cotton warp. and they the MOW to make l4
Carding doneon short notice. at dear per lb., caw : , tp oeu a t u
cis. Cloth dressing done as .u-ual Ppinning done for ld per
run, dash dawn: wool to be prepared for cards and imaged. or
grease furnished. As we bare a newer-falling supply of weber.
we ran minute all workentnisted to our care on short pollee sod
the test Manner, which our old patrons know this Is for the
benefit of new cites.
Peeliag thankful gbr the very liberal patronage Iseretolbre r:-
leaded toward as. wir bops by owlet auentmo to hulloes'. to mer
it a continuance of custom. A. for Out broad cloths. we would
say we have a lrrge Pile of them. coneirtlitg of black. brown.
drab, olive. smell. Itc. Pim , are trre from tattoo, and were sot
made to sell to slop-hop tailor'. bat to farmers who want a good
ankle Our cloths bare taken all the premiums at the several
Pairs held In Erie since the establishment of that society. end
we clitatiaar all 0.4 f neighboring manufacturers to meet us there
next tall, and let their goods speak fbr themselves. and not. er•
ter the,Pairls over, set they bad lett better goods at home. '
P. d —All persons having unsettled accounts with as. will
phew call and settle thrum on or before the lit of July nest.
as we used money to pay pressing debts. a.. C. a co.
Hashorebtek. May se. Hal t
Gazette eopy.
estransft Arrarsirmatist.
Mother Stook of Now Goods Arriving.
rielt !IR METCALIF Is now east. ea MB third trip this ma
k larta.purehaelog nrprsalyJw the Saineue rends. And per
mit Os to say. ladle...and weetlemari. all who have on atecomt or
our 1111wIthalty cold veto:on draped till now Melt melee tkia of till.
Masa of raiticif you have acted the part of wisdom. By calling
on ea you eau veloet from a fresh Amok all the ueweritstyler. and
tamer ark,. than from any other in town hnoinitt esther. Our
prirehuner lire. a. usual with us. made with cash only. We have
tbetdby the the lit inc. and me i a iere.t_prourptto as to prombte Yew
lollontet by letting you good. cheaper than you can and thomielie•
whete In Erie. lieu* call and rev the rich and beautiful
dell? arnrroit- May VS. 'Xt-2 CLARK & *VIVA .0.. d•
MANTILL 4,4—The place to buy thew We are the ..1,101!
WOOS of the lawn tnanufuetur utx houses iu New let of
the Mare article. and are In eonst ,nt receipt of the latest style.
and choked gusto}... which we offer a , ratesibat utterly del?
stonteeteDges. Call at the New York Depot of Mantillas and
Ilimmirks. No. t Reed House. and .ee.
Km. May M. 11110-1 CLARK 4k METCALF_
Goods ! GoGoods! Goods ! for Cash ! Cash ! Cash !
t time nor space. tietther would It Interco. tbe pub
WM E. hare
ai tell th em how assort we are to hok Cool! for Carle ec •
but we are daily receiving at the New Empire Store trout H
Cedweil who a now in Hoston, New York end the rastern Fact
odes by far the hugest and wort splendid mock. of Drew Good.
ever landed in Krie It wof no use to name prices, good. art an
low any one that wants will boy. It is sulbsient to any that ne
are ealhagyard w ide Lain , . (colors perfectly fast) at a OS pence
prr_yard and all other goods in proportion. -
Eve. May 1 , 633-1 CAL/WELL lc BF.Iv NETT.
Harrah for the Empires Forever !
AXD rtdl ibey come' Thousands uon tbounands atdollars
. worth of the encoded new good. that were ever hroneat law
Engl, are daily 'dimities( the Enioire stores., .1 ben Will they
atop' There COO*" eight or ten drat load*. and that l• but a drop
in the bucket etampnred with the load* that are sill! to come.
There's so-Try lIIIWZ in the her Goods Ilve Mit can be innuirtn
of—arressAilks.datin• Crapes. detages.rlhallts.harahe Detainee
Polka Del ai tire. Persian legal nes Law ns.ginghama. Pri aut./Ike
alsnl. Crape. Silk. Thine*. Cashmere and Del iu Shawls, or ever)
description and color. Lice Colas and t • nnetsleeres. Muslin*.
Vienett Worked Collars. Understeeres. Florentine. editing , and
11.aistinest silk Mantillas ot all kinds. We need- not think of
ems:miffing Conic and see for yours/etre- and welrguannisee
tIWBOCKI. and prices UI WI are bound there Is welting it
the wedetn world tan 'watch u.. CA BIN ELI. k BENNETT.
One. Mar 'IIP, 18;3
; • Preach Street Trhospheatl -
pi l
OW opining at .ITEIItIETT é GRAY'S on French street.
opposite the teed Home. a large anJ magnificent week of
W ' All) 'DIY GROCEItIICH. bought at greatly reduced Pet
ces.and will he wild accordingly. Those wislung, to purchase •
, stoCt ofgroceries In our line„ will Lod it to their interest to call
an see us before purchasing ehiewhere Panicular anerition
willbe paid to tilling orders lent as from Nomad adJoiniagroun•
i ilea. Great Care has been taken In "electing clean. nice peck
arra ofiresh goods of the rest quality, mail OW Nasty of all Gas
:i ie. May 103. i ess. I
420 HALF chests and eaddrs of Old arid - Vouog Wyman.
Chin. iLhaiotig and Mambo.. To., of all kinds from Y 5
CU per lti up. Just retie , red and for pale by
Say V. 10131-1
~ 1 IT r:ft HETI' di 'GRAIf .
H Ira ()titans, Mama radowua Porto Kiev Supt., alo•
tarns by Sae t.hd sad bbl,Stewartr Hooey Syrup. Scheel,
itti king 21. :113- rFt Vat E. 1' R Y'h.
50 1 24 1 .2,1*,.° 6 'e. at g- also
• I rrivii May CC Ina.
ii,--alsd of ~ii q ual ii ie. of su ow dweei 4.:,vaia-i - nd
IJ l L B aniural leaf Tobocco. pat fee tired i•y ,
r... . Allay ao. W 4-1 rr.RRETT lk ailli e r
616,010—A ,lience lota Flavaima CrriiTcipe'a and Re lia'
,of trio fine-i. flavor for awe by rntlitiCe.TT it Gast .
1 rill KEIiS Powder.Canimi and ria • k Powder,viFety ruse
4 V V zihot, C. just received and for rale ebt op at
, Erie. MA) 11l 1'33—.1 tiTritßel - r Or. Gli 4, rs
4000 LN'd Cod Pita.Blackerid. While Fish. TlOl7l Rad
~ errinc. sTe&aerr & GitArs.
Erie; MaylB. lAA -
t ' NEW GOOD,. -
ri E subeeri berg are mow feCei•11111 .1 large and WWII 4 lal?or I
Ilitoti Of a if. G•••10,GIOCCCIelf. 4, roCiletY. iotheolentr. Hard
ware &JOU /1“d Snore, Hale. Res& .W.ile Clothing, Ice , lie.,
iiitite la ii. oib coot former lair .14.1(.2: make .ll` ra•••lfiliSt•L COW -
.117,16 r...
C . 11.0• C rAlti. have been 0.11Cli•i•C• '.rote l•C •PC1.11.• rot
• illi the enenenr eissabare. wind rolgi be wan an mire ►
',me. 1 ca.ii or pirodgei. SE'. h CIT & t)u
. , Erie. ‘lO.l. 2-.. 1`...13 . 2
A inn and Auk 11. tam tn. 10,11,d lb. mores of
May th. r. ht:l'l' h. rtl
nuskina and Broom*, an sues and prateaat
.M;” Ytl. 1033-1 dr:NNKTT t CO'a
---•- - -
()Curtis: 6iusees 41.64 carpets. kmr sale very low fore :Whit
AI 3 •A. 1e53-1 13LN :11L rr t Cies.
rjr:t.a,lNE- - : Ivvoir irrjlls
ov and . a great varier) , of styles and
pre.* at . Ma) *. WW 5 s WI.;N N hTT 41r.
V i: I,'t Ndti.Vtgauita - oad Ele.ties. lit reel windy at the Mete
Erne. Ma) le, tosll-11 SENN . EIT AL Oh
F P LAN* 61.6. Friar+ tad Filis—Cailasd examine. ho
chow- for showing goods. VENN NTT tlr. 00.
ese. Way . 44. Olga I
Graw 7ts — grs. .. ha um and Gouleut, at the gore. le the teernliet
Bloc k. u. elseati,a• the ehe . .?_peo, May VP. 1t14— . .1
"iiig2;:..4. 4 .77..i . et:1tTer.c..--4..7r.0 pate lb. old Snow IllOittarr and
3 itrittaue by
E May .L..'.141.111 J. tt,HURTI.IM er..vtt
INSED 011.—T- -_ •
•• • .
—Lt.t) 11.—Teu barrels just ieeeived
,ifiettp t, tbe to rrei or gallon by a J. 11. Hr Kroft a. Co.
3AINTl4—Tbore st , infuse to buy Paiute andve - ill do well
L to ea II oti up, as we eaunnt be undersold.
i_Etue. May tat s 43—* 1. H. /WILTON Is CO
11tiebarrel ue gallateCim it au periorqt7iiii: t y.tbe
1.14 sate he.ip b# May le, '93—a.l 11.lblir roPi U.
AiuritiseEnd of an drweedWO the cso and small
paw,: by* u.; !b. , 31-1.. • J. H. Ilinrrost co
- • X 311 ll'A II a It T. •
rrifE dubecrikers a outd resprettuity /fishtail thee itizens of Erie
is l it and riemuy. ti , d, , l l. l . hey have aiste i laird the
apsned a r e stives Iu 11W,
owned hi Jobitil a niuserl;74 .two a doors west aline Awer a
llotel. they atr prepared to tarnish c loungers, in the/ r be e Iseap.
ier than has ever het% done before in this eity. They will can
'tinily keep on band—
I Brick Laaea. New reek Tunas, Petard Laura.. french
Splits. Wawa. imbed, Sys sad Dewinstie Bram& sad
Dathir, Baden. Praia, Sofa., Leaned. end Pi. ,
• sir Creams. ands Pusan. Ifierastkg. , •
llama and Seedy
27 groceries supplied at the very /owed se bedesale prices.
• • All order. lanai his E.tabliatutieni will be delireted at
Iyojs residence. Will. H u itowar.
Erie - R. J SIBLEY •
ap•tibrd Tire Irmanunto Tgoutpip'
rrty No. 111. KTATE flTitltrE, "Trtni7 .
N c el-11 .44 11 . 1;14 AtELI Chaster per
I Pu e b l i.erlbea Capital 13141811. A Iteal l and
, remodel property of all Mild*, insured as. / sr as the risk wtyi
H II eermorot, Fresideat.
Calvin Day.
' Job Allyn.
Joem F Brace.
Charkor J.Rwm.
A P. WILMARTH. bee":
cunnevora C. LYMAN, Aar*. Frey.
0. J. LOMB, Arai. fine. Pa.
I 121' Nice in the liaading.Room. ih Glautrteon'a Building
[ Feb. 00. I.
IRANIIB. Weet Wanted.
BEING will thereat agent for twoextearire Woolen Manufart
urine, I can offer the Wiest prier (or Dol. there bout no
jmpteulattem between me and the eOuouineil I ran and w ill pay
I , l iblgieest wire. Brie May T. .5.11-1 rt. AMITH.
Cleveland. Colaaelone and Cincinnati.
Jatioes 4:coodlvin
Charles Boswell
Henry Itemei.
. •
Ar AM and after Monday. May 1111. ram:wager trains will leave as
Erie ur
Fur Cleveland,Colusabnia.eine innat.,"Cotado and Chienra.
ai1,33 P. 31..11 3 P.M and A M.
CievelaDd rx Erie. Dunkirk and Butra`o. at 7 30 A. M., 3 13 r
st.. arid 8 IS P. II
Cleveland For Columba* and Cinema:tn. at 8 WI A. M., in
M.. and 8 IS P. M.
Cleveland For 'roledo and Chicago. u 7 10 A. M., i. as A. M..
and A IS P. M.
tkolutabus lbr Cleveland Erie, Dunkirk and Doglaki. at 101 13 A.
albeiby for Cleveland. Erie. Dunkirk aad Medal°. at 1 03 P
4 US P. M.. and Y YS A. M.
Shelby Oar Columbus and Clotianati. at lOW A M.. 1,3 P.
.sad 11 Y.; P. M. . A. STOI4 F., Jr.. Suet.
H NtaTt NCH AM, Agent. Erie.
Erie. May - - iftl
xo. s r7saity 'moos, anza, PAL.
RBUCKLE fr. KEPLER are now receiving their meting and
Summer mock of ample and Fancy thy Go. nrs,, consisting In
pan of the 10110 w irta S. ods :—Afer lek.Coch co, Mesa, Dunne,.
Globe. Aden's, COMP. French and English Pried silk. Clad
ipsre and Cation Hosiery Merino, Lisle and Bilk Glove.,
black dlli Lace alitis.-oilk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Velvet.
Bearier, Sada and Taireta *taboos; plaid. striped, book. @wise,
*pot aad wall Muaitnt ; Embroideries. Fr inch worked Ender.
Beeves. HaudkerebteL,Cotl rte. it , lace. lull, Jaconetle. Erle
for and 'user - imp 1 Draper) Nitt.lln., plain, hared. striped • nil
NlMmtdered. w bite ( * rapt:. eic. bract, cnnoseable.striped and tiv-
Broiisde 8 ikr, Craise Lisle... Florence silk.. Parasols an.:
Pans, Paint Leaf, Leaner., *'autos Straw flats, Children'. Flat,
Wall Pifer, Stone Ware Crockery. Gia snare, and a full and
complete anortinent Of I:rot - cried, Cotton Yarn., thlrpet Warp..
Batting. Woe k ng Waddi up. Jesus,
Ind *Jesse •toek nf Plummer Stites, Shaw. Hardware. &c.
Erie. Alley 'IP,
7. r. Warner & Co , 412 Broadway Slew Ire-k.
Ejokvc Dow on hand at their spacious and elevtut PASO Forte
Li Waren:loo%l , m the it rove number ass catenates aniortewent of
Plano Fortes of the2hast manufacture nod Of very ;inviter tone.
For eb•Menem of amen, elegslier of finish and eaedienee of
workmanship. they C.OllOl he surnamed. any wore than In full•
•ens ',chores and beauty of tone. Them Instruments are interne
...laed eaves of very iinconatoni. greoath. and have an Improved
rubutar Bar—one of the,tuom valuable Improvements of.loodern
IMP,: The Pl:lnc:Fortes of W. & Co—frous their preultarityand
^oimpletenesa of eon.' ruction. possess ■ remarkable quality of
keeping In tune fei a rent Wolin of tune. whir h is an important
4eviderat 1111 l 11w Mee. of th• •r •up•nor i n•trumeul• will be
found untromillt rearonitu... ennu.ocri.4 their quality. they late
been universally admired hy the OliirSl Piantni ill lbis pity, and
wherever the) have been ititriuluren t it bs.e in et ery Instanee
alien Veer marked vatisfacttnit,
rr A feta sus nasal": is Goren In ttr. es
-4". J. F. W ABM FR & Co.
hue .1, liffit-403.
7jlte FAINT.—We are now offering for mile a variety
of Zisie Pefort which midi superior to White Lead
fur all purposes fa; which Lead in used, beta* widow, will
emir euro vow, Ma will not iriam4 or rub eir,. and emit no '
Shilre p1r . 11101111114. heat 2. - SEWNCITT Ctli.
ne tie atilt toradicatim gir al Psis. ZsitAsalasi Jatariel
NO P4IIIIIILT Mucu gc ummort m
Oft tw e gi n.frre mot Soule will do room to convince yet OS Ia
ellieacy. than lit thIP
ttal World t
It is what its nun* denotes &rain Mlles.
ruirsicliors silky that Davt. Palo Killer 11 on. ottbease Mee
little tinsel's whicti%scalculated to rei tete an tutu:ease amount
Of sualesue tackiest to hUMNIU WO. Its action on the system t.
many times like magic—+o lavattatatteottev-tbe mita le vac at
For the alumna miraculous estinction of pain. uo medicine wn;
ever disobeeted equal to the raIJ gine!. It to used in elfin In
eater enema+ It Gad internal!). but tsetse eternally. like
toasty preparations Full d rections acct . :nisi ity each saw,
The rata Koller aleocst imutesitately cures the loth:min, coin-
Platens, via Chill “uti rater. Cholera. Cholera Alloebu,
elarrhoes. severe Burns, itysectetst. rata eta Chant. Plien.
gesiblit General Lheblllii,h, Co , (ha, Elena Ache. strides Cads
),Inn. Cramps ea heavens.. kheemation. Mtn in rate
Rasa and side stud variotto other complaints la fact it is a PAIN
We am otwit'rloined. this roty, here been De
onaisted with and **kilo, a ‘ear or Iwo pnataa 4 " 1 "/ r"""
y MMielu kleoll te as PERS Y DAVI V LOLTABLE rAIN and wa WOW& see.ureh,eput,fie that in as fry instance
so bras we tame. le has even Ifs' best I , •' zietefre to toe pur-
Chia , Kee.en ITCOUsbeeleted st to twepubate pan article or
ORSAT MERIT AND Vlit ICE locked, we lover 'thew AG
anlsle of Medicine hecome, detoiyetny lAteellar In so *on
_ which Is primed by the tact oflts voansive Oak. and iou
giant' y Inercaslug demand.
9. D. Vsitx. Cu.., Cot.Ltss, E a Brows'',
J D DoL9sclY. U. U. 11. T a. S. II P•alrili,
A st• Za••••at.. L. Scow .L. 1.., W. J. .4 Gobroi.
J. It C. aII'AIUIT. At 1111111t-Co. _ _ W.if limtimmic Co
ucvitEnif *Co..
ZAL since
The name Pain K hebonp exclusively to tbc Prrpritior
this Medicine. 'Fbat right bas been recently summed by .
Setif( of lairs sad say peraull found Mita{ an 2rOble by rho
name. and not Or the waist:retire or Sem trails k SOO, will br
Of article.' called Pain Garatruer. A (treat Pa,n Killer, Dave
Pain Lilac," Gnurpoundinianutictured by %Vitae* of Itui
falai the latter of which la a hie.e cointerfett. and the aiecuin
Phaintitileui a 4lltanr int C. reer),, which will appear 1,
coanpaiii.ig these wit 4 the Genuine. the enet.leatn. Desalt .pie
verbatim. Hu!, only from our rev' , ar timelier Agent i.tri dhn
in nothine aci as no untliat w ascii& or Mier Pitmen clarr)
iierultio terry heats. rant Stier. hap arnegialair -..'rids, au
begirt yeb eRi li* Ge..e bee erre Davis Yalu Kith,
ritIPICIPA t. Ft rlt TII ► dA THU
Gamins Parry Davis Pain plien
In the loather. and Welt saltlike
Also Sold by J U Bianca Is Ca . hint, es, ansal&tair an
Retail. and the foliowsog detail In Elle CP. Wnterked, I %
H i ll 'O. r. & I.4anwodi riturkw. Caufloldt, ren.
dprinOtht X Roads, W H. Towliaad We. roptiugisetd IX,te
& Patter. , 10,1
FlGHT,cholce lots , between Second and Short Streets
east of Myrtle, are offered for sale very low and on
terms of payment. To persons desirous of securing a amisy.
building yet, at a 10W, price, ne better opportunity has beef
offered. The soil is dry, neighborhood goat, and, a vet;
short distance from air business part of the town. .'
. Air TELMA—One fifth in had and the balance in fon.
annual payments. Enquire of the undersigned,. st his of
lice, where a map of the lots can bi seen.
- - - -
Nighty 'City Lots for Sale Cheap.
Q LOIS on Lafayetta St., above Depot, each 50 by 134 ft
Price per lot, 400 Of
" " on Buffalo " " " " " " 134'11
Pries per lot, 400 0'
" " on Peach " " " " 33j " 121 ft
Price per lei, - 500 04
44 . 4 on Slasufrat " " ' " " " " 12.511.
Prime per lei, 300 01
" " Bigtir " emit of Cascade St., 526 " 16.5 fi
. Price per 11.1 6 • 200 04
.6 « Oa nth U 14 165 ft
Pelee per lot, 150 04
4 " on Bonk Lane, Zach lan we
. Price per 1014
30 " Ash Lae
Price per lil t,
Oat Lot No. Z 9, five ;CM, price
The title to the abore is good—terms ret . easy, uno-fourti
in hand and the balance in nix years. This ie one of do
best chancels ever offered for a poor man to Secure a home
or a rich man to melte a safe iurettment. The lots ahoy.
the Railroad Depot on Peach 4traut are come of the 'ter:
beat business locations in the City, are Stumble for store..
taverns, manufactories or mechanic-3 shops of any kind.—
Those on Buffalo gad Sassafras streets aro desirable for pr.
rate residences. The subscriber needing funds in bin grail
business is determined to sal), and to sell lower, on longs
time and easier terms than any one else. A. KING,
Erie. May 21, 1833—tf1. Office in Beatty's Block.
Crushed. nod Ginu
Rrrr t GRAY'd •
PRE subscriber her received and as now opening tit
men eplenditl sesortment of Boots and , f3hocs that cat
ha found west of ohe city of New York, 'comprising ever:
variety and etyle and of the most modern and approve
ratan on,. al! of which are treat from the Miinafacturers, an
st vices that wtll astontsh the nattvee. Only think w.
melt's shoes from 11. upwards, ()alter Si ; men's shoe.
Ova sip; boots at 12s. You that su:dy tsmootay wool
well Weill and save 23 per cent. over any other store
the mewe d IS addition to the idrove., he has a rye
mil moment able oeni "'WWII:we t which be will
preportionahly low. 'Raving procured the am-Flees of :AML
Collie. (well and. favoribty
known as the best ca
stor workman in that communitA) he is prepared to make niea
=red wort to order of evert thud and description, and a
the shortest notice.
Alto on hand a general assortment of lists and Cops -
almost every style and variety. Also, Leather, Morocco
Calf Skin,. Bindings and Findings, all of which will b.
sold equally l o w cas h w f orh S. DEVEar
Erie; Airit 30, 1853•-3m31
R. R t REMEDIrS,—AII of Radway's Rensedie.
° Ready Relief, Ready Resolvent mod Regulator PI!
to bt, bad at June 2d. CARTER ft BRO.'S.
ANEW .erell. of Book•, which will he wihi e'en, leo
awoog aleln are the fbliorriee-
Natnes' Notes the Ocular tile &pestles. Epistle to ROmars
First of 'l7orinthion..l:pititte to ihr C/2110-
•imas. Thesaaton taut. Tonothy. Plnietnon, Janos... reser.
/Olin, id Corinthians. anti Gaildtia Os, the Gospels ; Cbustiltnfot
of Ihic Prenbytervin Church. Constitution of Abe Arioevate Ile
fotunedletiorth. trioland as 1 sOw it, 'travels in Great Amnia.
Innate and ato itieriand grow.. of I.lfe. Camay./ on tie London
Mots, Gaieties and Ififtv dies. Lives of %V5...hu110., and Peal,
Men's Wises_ by Thae keit*, ali rot* 'r nue in the i ountrytdiorte.
from Blackwood. the Malden r.nd MArfloe/i 1./le o r flan
from the hest n Journey Of thio, through 1 ortaiir,..
anti Chtna. iitc Nook. of extols . lour...) to 1%.11114:0//1 filosblo
Genteel Swum iron,..! Moodie and iron,..! 1011. ids muter
Major Graham. 1.. tie Pettifog - 4m. litooldishy Leitrim:a. Good . .
INSolt of Nature. I.lle of It. tit. Maar le. ui 111, t'af or. 1.1,/
of tie Savior. Lit t of sq. Natlsetir, I, !t. of.'t. Andrei*. Life of St.
John. Life of hl. P fest tor Iffsibteen, fora foes or th e s es t i ,i,
Lite 0( . 144 Peter. Fillnettia Thorley. by Jacob AL/1 1 / 1 11. POII4I ~1
. .
Mtine. Adventures to VNmiaaL Adveuttue. New Ywk. Ma
Bell. racket Map of l'euntylvn in. lorW edition publisher! in 11.31
New American Speaker. the Farmer'. Proctorial Forney. by ti:.
eon Millard. Trat el. in Folit, Arena and t' r 11.,11 Ltud. Lin
of Cromwell. Church Pao test. CYCIOI4.II I of Ilisuory, Fmnati
Ru•grapby'. Life of Pillpt. Methafi.. it)LLI“ Wok..
complete works.Rollius'-A orient 111.1 or) in I to!, Rkv.tlal wit
by A.. 1 liar... Ladies Ind INWIItiILIP .0.0111 , 1aUt."1 I 'onipanni
•lac the Sloe,. Motherand Wife. containing entw , intwrnarimr le.
the price Man any upon the *ablest. N'euter's 111.4 Uletnman
for $s also a rest variety of other Rooks. 51,b1e•. fewuraeut•
Moyer Boots. a great variety of eehool Woes. sic
Bums Boott ((ante—rap raper ball I.r.siud Into, f to Y.
cent per quire. Gilt bound thaill Sit u Si/cepa per q tire. crown
honks Ott 71. deny bout it Ito WI 1.1 per Titre sn i t bow,.
rehOultdOn short nonce, nod Blank Hoots ruled and bound
AI.O a good alsorttmeut of Letter mid "'au raper. and a good
stork of paper FM alma Hooks Having purchased in Nett
Vora by the assistance of a good Ontletritan. at the lowest east
prices. and being under the neetessity of laboring with his ow.
hand.. that be nay dot beeouse a charge on , his brethren. led
,robseriber I. enabled to supply his friends cheap el the ehepest
and hewislies nll.m mutteipate.
If any one of the *Mame's customers were as unfortunate
as to base been decoyed away in au unguarded mometn, be ow I
again receive them whim they come w themselves, with... much
joy as the Father freerPed the ?rodeo! Mon. There is inuistio t
over Olte stover that repent. rbao over utnely-tithe that needs M.
To these of the Trade I think I shall boon be able to furnish
Blank Books - as enesp . as can be bonght in New York. after add
ing the cost of transOurtat ion. In 11w language , of Phillip. ..wage I
a att." I atu happy to in
value ibrni those little ymang ladies a hict, 1
• of more than many spar r ows. trait II have a goon 'I
I ,
kof Green Lenten Motto Curtis. ere .la hie* will owl*. lo
their hearts. A word mate po r wkkrw and orphan' What can
lee done for them! We tetah teat wring our Fold item the ter r.
cm" lamentations of the widow nor our wealth flow the arOate 1,
and oppression of the orphan. We wean no term:web by the i
w ord poor. The tremors swoon earth Were !nor Poverty he a 1.,
Messing. II made Josephs bre th ren bow in hostrie subinhision. "
gentle as hats mad Mundell. at dote.. It te. tensed ~,th •d o
al eon. gowned are ihe poor. for web al the kingdom! It it 1 ''"
poverty ibut enable, the wthsenber to sell tat chimp, prife r i t
taught the Levitt...llow scarce good ilatmentau• were; fl am I .
. u , ~,,, 0 w ...,.... ~l anr...• -ty.....2. , ,
171a;;;OlOgra Of tove ty. nee Id r sq. J, hales lectures° that solve, '
delivettd at the Cohn Hnu-e some time Utile. with hatnieliew !
eredlt to his head and boundless pewee to iiis beam ,
We all receive Woolen rage .a the widow sad orphan to Pa-' I
Change for ail Woke they toy cantor In rett:enieut of their elites 4
NO doubt thee have plea", of orieht u re w h o would be glad to
to.dow all their women rap for so glorious a purpewe .
My monde w e ll Meade. 'Weep nay unientued (blobs for their
gape/Vence Lnivor and eueourserweneasedeseeetally do I think
those who have made frequent a sits to the sick. a ho are suffer ,
lug tulder IMe elmoylliOßAllltd of Prolvdetsee. Nodoeld they harp ,
utadettwerful many au bout of pain amid envoi) May alieu 1
evening sun be as bright are their morning' May the tune hasten ,
when WOWS , Itaul ooo lV. , to man wi.l not mike et:matte. Irvin ,
mourn. Theo will railroad acaidents. steamboat Moonset. an.,
oPPrvlallOrt of widow I. he i Ike angel's visits, few gud fez ietwe ea . I'
Aud then will the whole earth . eta with songs of salvatiou. the .
Isles be glad, the continents re)oiee,vi bile the oceans u nd Over.
echo Wes the glorious thcnie, until all men. enligtuened with 1
Traub seed purined with virtue aubserthe to the pent lei thri I
God a the Universal Pmber—the Messiah—the eaeior of all, the! .
Brother of Man. and his rule or actirm 111 the pith of tk.eulY arid;
flotinere Ye., may that lime blown firwarl when man rbal,l
Worn. like God, to overcome evil Road. and when the '40,1
prevailing principles of rod 'L.:II hoar toe waters of Love upon.
et ety snack of diumtd nit revenge' If nll7 should lake ezeeft•l
met t o t h e ribose. I would tell smelt to Pee bat the mote le out of
their own eye belbre they It. ye • iice Is lOn - Let us one tit eMt e
theUller the tifalafallOrt of our mibter-•• be that I. without sin
eau the Orin -roee , .. •,; .
Good vinegar r.‘ en. at usual. in Plebeian!. Pot Rags. _
N e -.I wish to base the W'uolen sot Linen Rev bettl'eepe-
Vale. ot.ivrat dPAErt/lith.
• Cornet of Trench and Binh street.
Cris, Lane ft, 1931. . a.
pre' 'ration a 10000101 excelieuee. In or
dinars nut rites. incipient thole... in short. in nil cases o
Pronto' km of the si.neelise 'unctions. is of inestimable 101111 C
Inman the prevalence of epidesnir cholera and situtinet cow
plaints of cliildmr. it Aspocul luny ellicacions; nufnuilly,travele
or individual sissuki be n Uncut it.
CM7TIO.I.—Be sure io get the ;elm I , ve rePtnee e. bleb is prepar
ed truly by IP.LoWN, as his this and Caen:leaf *tote N. B.
currier of Frith and Chestnut streets, potiadelphia i and br -rile
by all the respectahle Apothecaries in the Culled stmts, and i n
Pe . by Carter er. Brother
Ju /8, In 3. s.
G RAIN CAA ULU& —Eats World'. Gra n Cro.Ues ai Miami
dupelS. 1 tat N t:TT it CO.
min DAVIIP wax sits Lss
mo. 7,coi.rwr. neiLms 4., ovsiel N VAT,. OHIO
I. N. Il•n■ Sr. Co . Proprietors
11117ZLOISfa LOTS rose "six.
Groat Attu don.
DAIABOI4—A fine;lum' a- g;eiii - iiii - ybilbunTi ii
1. En., Julie 11. INCI-4 JACKSON'/.
i 313 lir 1 it a T *
A / 81%P.M DM saw:mimeos of rich paw erribraeMeattartieles
gogposing a calamine nook 'The La,ties ace respectfully
i UPI o examine our stork. We roll satiallert they wit% be
pleased. it Doi claim) , pusto.d. We am alysay• happy i a , r ,
men, whether they buy or 'RA,
krie June 4-3. , &Tommy!, & FULLICE.
SI:MPH - Ilk briromoue,ia iiOeire, !kiwi!' Laujiir, it and erbil*
and sheik , a loth Nrieb or f seonring , at aof! ir. raserais.
INNOOPINo-cotrotr., OP.OUP
I To CORE A WITH HEAD %CH Z A:hrSorstlrtaill
OF THL JO/ UT. 'fake tre Car •ar To roast. op (Soo's to tied. •
and st rap em. to nn ri he 1,414.
tOr A C IL.) A Cu: It worol.iv. ?Oats. Sall
Oen' ng ate nil ris di ri.c1.0., •
Inc bol 4, aka! dallicairy
so c 1 :0 ret,,r, None .o. ,uler from tots trout*
Theo tbc ; .d can he agony rersons elthcied 'kith
atatc c 'Ugh. T 111th break :hew 0. Uu r Mai at. •atsti Sirtii 014 ,
tlk'no We Cit•tar i•se ea, 01, 0 pin b e d. tsiia w ay bo
.u.e of' ~.w I. unbroken sleep. so eon-souswoo rePo4ows sest.-
tint , t vrinkriniE ailir%sU U n il Pane calla I. larGeOls IP; .
thous , urt• who ate thus aMitriedi by thus Werth& ~. be temi4r.
rm.! s torte 'we effect in these c to Ty and tbsur-itill•
. omoz , Iu ux wins .0- Trees. ity br It !no ceased.
FroW two minaret Ebyalc MI'S in
r TIT - re ti lir. Tr ss path Mt ' .
Hitt „W e hove weep your Casimir -last en exteateiwis
t ill in •Ur and nnd 1 , 1 woo "setvery ot he r remedy
we have for curios almet mss OffftvillanrariwYOrfsaili
URe. R Ilr. HArirro7.l.
Tor !1M :CRS AND PifFILIC tlPEAglitti: no* lettode is
ble. Is rts iCtIOn nu the tine .t bud wont. ...nen taken
u swell igurintales, it remove. tuatriseinVis In a few hours. and
wonder( aly 'Torches t e'powsr atld alcaibitst• of Oar vole*.
ATTHVIR Is geners•ty 'fluent rear. ed. Curd When whops...Ter
raraas y , ,c50m...1_ but there are paw Enos* CO slavailuslis as
ID sled eut.rely to 110 'medic lue Citi.atT rs.,e east. swirl own
If they can be cured. .
0t ,, a 1 -5 , 11 113 .0r Irt't of tbethrrat snot upper botion Of
the lungs, may to cured by takost Costar Pi &OSA , I I Car 111
ad Piquet,' soles. Toe uocorn•ortable oppression is seterts
net Gott I.A,ItrING. etonotirs. New Torre K^Mr:—
"Ihaveto n Übe Co. tar I' .cr..a it. core men cameral Arihrws
,nd brouch.'is we tra believe it Can rarely f ti to C
bore doctors ”
VIM CMUUP Give an emetic of inGtoorry. to be ffr'T vlel by
a's , tot turf:Wean do-4.01'11e Cu. tar Viso-roast. unit it
was ore dbowe Ift.4en ti- a nso .it Will ncr all to cure-.
WIlutli•I • GWWI uns l , be a rotten ..p aid aAa 'tired hiff
are pot of Os Misr Poisaisist-
I:sr aZ.s as -ieskattv newovid by tble remedy..
emus I 'Mantel te •v.: bee'. uotfre t warty onside faaalties 'era
anifeted 'rm.. Nil . *Pt lOU •Cao. 4/4tlrtmtillbr.l Ile lbw 0•1•0111006.
IS. o• the t 'oaalt rsc.oa..L. , r. , .... rig./ frogs , te dames.
t. 4.17 Atert. li I. 111. 11 140 UPI 1,
I Ile t , ititilrm )9.1 of the 'Mir reufor••••le effect Of your
'II I'M It Y 'Poi: i t km,4l. in I , .ii. pine. mid Ire O. uwp m o il, ..
1.•• or wy Amodio, •we ......left if romif la litre-RA Yr of ri
oeadfui Wits .3.v.• Cocos. hr latlLlos ri. • r marl. OrWarr,trr - *
pre b••• phr•• freer , tat• • ilia. he,ders it the iiii , t re
"et,' tit it tee fa, ptithwitivy timeortt. Nod Vita' is Es* c•Ord -
clot; else• of CROUP With .1 ib ;atm} oilier wed,etlie hoer*, ad-
sms , iered
our eh...omen one, 11,tot,st buret; say. , dot during tbe Me.
f I •r, cetrz herr thi• rearm, he ham men ears thrum your wed:
c,i4s he eoule r eareety have belle. N w.tbo•stere,rfe.
Your,respretl PINCLAIR,
14104 . } l'oettuarter. • ,
prfeir MaiMaritirkei Prefssese. .CAsesistrs and AlOlOllllllllll
- Bo' . few
I haire knurl Mt Cu mar P.CTOII.I. tit ki aredients show.
powertul re4redy tar couir..aud educhr. Dad outdo:awry ctMeat
C .e.v ELAND. M. U
flrtinswick. Me.. February t. ipso.
- atsql*
Tko Cagy colobrolsi Profesoor of &Tim, ha a. Medical
fog.. Now York Ciy. sere
-•It gists, me oletuture 10 Co,llllll'the roue and easiney es
'Awes Clan? Pottorol." w web I ea,si lee peculiarly adapted
Ife,are .11seaseo of tee Thr at sud LAOS •" . •
CUM of severe diseases upon the Lungs bare been et . -
Awned by Cherry Pectoral In speboxtrente 00001 as warrant
-he belief that a reoiedy has at leagth been found that usa
'. depended on to care the. Coughs, Colds and Cosisunip
',ion which earn. from our midst thousands every year. lit'
u in:Janda taadleine tn which the afflicted can look with
eon/deuce for relief, and they should not fail to eniltlnew•
TARP DWIJ.C. •T nWY if , 04.
Sold in Erie by JU. Retina k. rn.: in 'Nrrrit• Ea.* hy C
town &r' , •l J A While', 1 ,, Cr4 ll o l . ol e b.) W -
eteStierni.,p,a 61 by Drueigiose‘eryu here. ' Iy4-301,
140 4).
50 by 100 ft
100 a.
1200 0(
Erave sq ur,l -e•,. ice- r. G 1'0131 4
V St:IT. welt ....J.,. 1.. viceit.r.e,s of Lrle 31a
I. r0....01 elann ro , te Tuner If a •otßel vl wouber of regiL.ite
In/ eon be ul L, itie , l. Le , A.ll i.rit L.r.e d pers•
cat zeu Ilse truktUle out.; ex;.t •uk• Of stekululiz
liner.. ben in el;ed
wits —Oa i)oilare per year,pnyable at he timed
Simi Ka
S Yepair• charard cilia at !Hoerr t prices buL•crtlcra
.9 lea Ne Uri. numeral "W”rreo.... If rn Os.,
P ta.ll r et is e °Myr.. 1 • 1n11 '
.hler. loch we yirdige ottmei• es to rerlo.l 4i lbe IVIP.PPI.
-d WIN Intake .41 PI .ellut. witel.vver we •Cv1411Ueur1m.........
Vw nre au e Aget.ts lot boa rdtuno •Lwt - .& 4
d•tl.,rt. 4. Ail... /11r.
sl..ty I. I 9 —2tn: 2V 34 to ittrw.E.
Nevi Books!, ens ,Bi* I f
Nitienridi end its Remains: by yffri: 7l
Bn ' Ida and Nineveh, by Layo .
Jrni !of an A fr ican Cruise: E i
Beh d the Curtains , o'1 4 ; - dvei.
Hilt's Legend. ot the West. - '. 1
Er ADity Scripture Readinr.-, lq Blake. ,
The Clmet 'Lint. . .
Dick ihen. the Ronteeller R ricOw.
Eftlitlilll S , aidieT in the Anay. ' , i - 4 .
..4.iiibti, a, T....f1y nuszory.
• A } eniew of the "Spir , itual Manite.tati9ts," read toifime
he 4:, ncregn!ional Asso c iations of New York, ant! Brunk,
yr', by -Rev. Charles Beeeller. .Ist- reeeived at. so. 0 ,
.rirown.' , Bltrck. ' ' t! :RLIN 4 'SLOAN.
n•rtny 21, 1Q" '' • 1
... •
- . 0 Visor - nig for rorriii otid Country ! : •
p m ,: 1 Eth. ''.,mat Ifovi..l f oscrao.4 4 .o+oin MY C47lll(Mfeli •41
L ttbe Ittt.utatte;: on eery .le , rertpt nat property in Toren
incl COunify, at as low fa e. , are coe.totent is ,ot s•-eurity
.t eon. field die Wel IMO two classes. iftW, the infusers.ta w
nohow' bin Imo property a.' .twelli or. 40 le t or Over f
•zpopturett, ate thawed. and the Coalmen to I, in whit.* ail ickt 4is
ff ProPefo are to ru red. ..I be Nods to either dip:, went areltan
cable for los.t• to thebibel . ‘ .
Rl'oeh Itt.ur4nee wade In ,etthes Ireirtrau3ent sJ the beast
-10,.k now..
Mi. 5, Cheapifde
I) IRI: C 1: ...) a za.. . • .
•infifh Jaeloon. Jafori,r. Marshal. , Jo. M Sterrett.
11. M T.hhalo. t. J.-13a m°, . lcd.. 11 . oak.
.17 F Kilnirrhecht. John Zhihrierly, 'I hr.. Vouhhafad. 4 t
1 H full.mcla. ra. ir kedler. •-' ' VW- Ca• 111,..." •
Alfred Edit .
, i.l F•F I I' E R ai
lir 'c.c. Pp-, r M Thu .0.,..11 . rna. - Jae... 1:. ••••• ~. in, n
.tll., 3/1 1% Minn.' Woe k, c.: - ..,.. , r0tn :tin rout; JP...-. •
4 ,
I'fin. Juni , IL I-Si.
• T 6 it Fi _s
_ _ _____:__.
Its. ___, _ t _,
to)on - i...,.. of l', mu et Porii... Sir..., e 1., Softy. that,
.. liaraad M an u re Fork.. "fy•t. ..henae Se . , tat. ...ker.*, 1i4...
1' Pliher. Rake:. Grind eton. Isrl eladi et Ctdislia , et.
' '111(1 N ,ATEt: I_ arx. —Ru..,nn. Bs M., r . orl,h.- litc.aNt
4, l4aand Bo:Alton. Va.% Engh•l, AMA, 'tau and Spring . ..a:,
Nall odk , . Anvil., Viers. ISugo ••,, print. Ice.
4 , ff
, S "
--, ,- . and Mu:ty 3,11{1 8:11n. t%u.. Rov. , atat 4s. the n
'ast .ern X tn. Tenant, liana. Panne, Wow! and Canon. .
1.1.1 W.
.. - •
LB A eenern I aaarartmSnt or Eastern Na .• . the a tra.le are
irfer for sale as 3,1(4 a ftglate 14 C 4ll l. l. p.leinned in tin. alb.
.1 ) . 1 • rIELDEN 4 ELT-
Et . Ala) 21. lea. I •
LiEr , - N iri'e and RlbbOvs. IIOW Op tin hi at the Cheap Casifitr"
• May 11. Et.mili'.3,..,
. . k _._ _ . . _..
`II yvLs.—i hie diihuhschd ahhihrer Sha hie he all tietletue nod
3 ices. Now is the time for the Lobe. to 'ouy a . toad and
rhea 141.111,1 ni t lAnniVi. •
641 . May 11. It. - . 3. ~., - i
Liii 001. -- irrii i;hre .Itiniii.. 4 .isetTb • ii.;.7l.;,i -- at - - • - _. I
Etrieoo.) it, It l / 4 13.
11J• fli.'S
DE. Lump i nnOW , lnlnl. .i . reCO. 311,1 rAtripea. Batt.
1 !
./ W '. %11
LI arm. & . e..... be found at, 040104.
Eti Al 7 - tr. 1.-11.
JO MER Goali ut all kinds nuahMahn
em: kl4y 11. 'f.
TO x1611.03131/XXICIU
II YE this day reeesved a rood ar m
N .1 Rod*, Spnugn. Axle Am*. Allah
Ull 114ruinCar•iage B"ll.. Wrehehee,. SI
it . stack and Lbas.Geoloud Boson. ace.
Er e. Ma et, 1.3.3.
prat+ al ) rPtcri red a maw ainottmeu,
1. I ollGw a. J. t
nu, aa-I ilaud;Azes, A.lirtio, A,
ima Minden., Cow lati; 4 4. lggafw, 14
u r
lea. Rttel-. Fry Squares.tliud rap,. Are
Lt May 21. 1E33
, SEW V94t laz I,4 , :it,ft t 1 11,1 3 111,..t
~FLP semi - - -
dirICH laps al No: 3 Rm.! Hodge. • .
EJIP. May Yl, hat. lit.UPeg a GEL.
to Fr El; MO s at No 2 Reed
En!. May at. I-33.
A Al't:ri—A acaiaa7...atleamt at Mo. 2 RCN Hausa
Erie. May II _len. . ' RI:111:g • REED. -3
, *RV ta A111111. 1 . - Latida. and IlruebeaikNo. a Reeaeossak
Krie. Ma) t1.1.111.' RI: PIN REED.
1 Aiii) Writ - Ait FA, ti 4; efi. iia .r d 7 WO - ea ai •
k::te. May at. I.M. • • Rerlid ILEAaa.,
____ ---
1. 1 Lar,Act from the Maavfarktee.; *bleb will Wield it Pelle*
II" and Pocket CifferY vf altftrent patteras aad prkoi
ha cannot fail to please at the ebeap Hula are Sicre.
mt • '
' lc: May at. RM. it am RCM
il T Gl, IF P b. SA viiruird can se fbubd—saisnak lip, nit
r.lben.. on 'saes, elir3nv, dead turrasta, ailtraCi • it. vanilla,
if . te:7eet
jOll Watr r"allik amftaLaitllillll,. n 7 tCa:l4o, l4 I.asiv,prt
Mil mush room awl Lmollo Ca imaire,, aarailima% I {Aeries Will.
;eoriterof knalnn and duce Streets- grit. Ma:. 1 1 1 • 1
LAWN 09: 111111 bens.PeaThiToi:PeenclNots.and 1 - ceoli — lfaill
• al Nay al 1110F>;' a. SAN F (19414
—__ ..
UM/ Ilyson, V d liyieu. Itoperial. l';unpowther end Bllck
"Tenet May si, (WET & altliFtJawri
r c.t,tiawoo, Pepper. Spie• and Chart..., a.acr Mus-
Lud. Sut.neirt. repner eauee, ,nonet ate
ie. May 'h.—l
G 917 Ir. -AA NrORD-..
14,141tVul Fuauc, Miuldur. Aru V.
CO. Cop:rural. Au • , 4
Cleans Tartar. at Our'? & a AxFoa
iANDLE Met, wrapping yarn. pad ccitd4., koppi i..., Go..
lines. chalk-lints. looping-head.. and hoagie., tub-. pan's
urn.. Leocumb solves e kother,lbso r, black WI, Er Illibbi ow 11r. WM"
.h br , t.heib duvet,. lompr stamps and lady:.. tibtf..l.ibni
. r ...ttuls.buuer spaded, card mom. woo, bnattla. Chuang and
:need t0.t0., knife bun,. baby
e..r.c. too nuisbetbmio to mention. at
Erne. ]fat dr —I wallow, slid crbws. velar Co. t
v u ATER'S CHEAP MR.—A largo invoice of Water' ,
Writing . Ink, th e best tied cheapest American Tadr
anntactured, Just received at-No. 9 Brown's Block- Tbas
t. • as good as Harrison', sad is sold about 33 per cant.
Ter. Quarts 371 eta., pinta 16f. Try it.
Nile 2. DI:III.LN S.LO/L.N.
• lifir aler st Iteduce4l Prices.
assitrustent of
.Wall Paper and E:rder
cbe found at No. 9 Brewn'e Pik.* Stun street. IN
!vier to eloa.• tip our 'prism aeck we will aek her' a• - ier at
at 2 per tent. beim than the mme cmality of ISpe.r has
n heretofore. Cali and sea.
Jute 2.
._ :44a/N,
I OYS CLOTHING.—A general assor,uteat of, Boys
- 3 Clotkisk. wide& WO he ,old 'Pry km I'm firshef rift ,
dace. Juue 2.• 4:ENSATiII. el).
IWCIC.;:±Tii.:-3eietii - j;ionO;etati4 Tit 1 -- — FIYA•
..31 see, afT , somAtto Note, 1111vmpflei lisir W ,i, ..r •
Smelts • . • w y T
. •: ~ • C.: lid
ror the Core ef
COUGHS, •aoLns,