Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, July 16, 1853, Image 2

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reign antqolitical llttas.
The itebellion'—
of the Alta Calitbrniatk.
portant Movement of the
States Squadron.'
, )/9' Kony, ..4pri/ 24, 1853
The rebelli
m gt
ore serious - p
lowing it up b,pr(
Nanking, they tex,
— deeded to th'e ,Grail
cuttinci off,all ar
-by. theTawitie tit
porial troops *Mil
leading -to the
which is. again in
and causing
which may now I
J r‘porteci
two forces, Rebel
iIII u.lttle ari iy, t 4
t ic I,
nose- beginning to .mistune a
et.• The rebel havo taken
".heir leader its Emporor—fol-
Aamation.s, etc. After taking
d E titte-kiankfoo, and then pro.
4 eaasiorith the intention of
id Portuguese Michas sent np
Shatighae, assisted by the Im
tiNLiheits—.lreve them back,
andonskint of Che-tiang-foo,
the possession of the Imperial
he rebels to retreat to Nankin,
em*dered-their stronghold.
at on' the 12th of Mr . eh, the
I:jand .I . .mperialists, were to meet
hayc a grand and decisive bat-
The Pekin E'
off„:- with' 30,0
for hinr. the fore;
izinz for defenCe
~ .0 . , ~ v ing, se. t h able •t
110 Men to manage the bueiness
gners : at Shanghae were'orgati
it 1.);. - ihg reported that thie re.
yto them.' At S.haughae the
States steamer 'Susquehaluta,
s.of-war; and one French.
eery is new here with the Ali.
• toga, and intends to proceed
ae and Japan, without waiti • ,
placed or to be placed uncle
yet to arrive. •The policy
questionable, as it will be co.
peetations, of - the Japanese, wh
of all our movements, and wi
r result iu the total failurcof tb
penttenf of: which, it,,, leaves fl
teritan Interest to usher friend!
a - disturbatece which is nova
!Ai*, ltetlali"e7o — n - siderni. -
s-,..if commander of the - Japan Expedition, an
not of the East India Squadron, or in anticip
tin of a ,re-call , rn the new powers at 'l l Vathin , _
ton, of this e ravagaut Expediticin, irlien on
vozsel 'would static:kit for all practical pa
poses: •
.1 Dr ..)leG tin bas puhli led a tang etsa
'on !..Moribund pd. nisi:Tilt Dynit ties and Chriq
,tianity" In Cii thi, which doses thus:
Unquestion IF, the people cf China-now pre
fer the Manch, („he present Tartar) yoke to cm
prdtcetion -wh k Western States might afford;
yet it is aeo MI belief that fate has dettined_
CI,. 17E1:6 unfrien.
h.tvc the Unite.
t?-Pee .British s
and Bar
tLe .-qua
bi;• ct , mmaud,
this native is-V
trarY to the ei
are fully advi.
in all probabilit
f, :Won %If A
eq,c,ls d'it tax.
otherwise, and
who .are aspi
ti: pra nut .••
could -nurlon
influences, un.,
is approachin.,
sated we ',ft.vp '
.of this part
ruent turn to
jit is' altogether probable that they
jr}.. to role the black haired race
. foreign t.yrupatity, however
;e , tain 1 t if.:, that a .nattre dynasty
4 e ist iuqependeutly of extraneous
is it les: eprtain that -the period
. , whether to b,.. • - ciesiretiiir 41epra.
. o to itartire. -when the million;
,f Llitlia, sh a ll l oo k to Washington
tt of other portion s of the eon-
IA ridon for iirtlers.
_Mit' , thick , that the rebellion can.
akedi a long tim.. will be required
4,Lne! argues thus. thitt its FUeel."
It j .) *ho t ', .. , rei: , n iutttest-.
II: de,irahle? My reasous are brief
~.- r &at ohjet.t desired by for
-1 ‘edeut ~ 1" intercourse with this us
i•‘,-3 upon a thvoritble and stn.-
h a dot e rxtt . of wealth and affluence
e ille . Chinese to , consume Cage
foreign tuanufak:tures; anti such a
al peatie and .1 tdetness as will favor
goo 41:. . : . .
The I h init
not :Ateceefi, t
to put - 11•.1 - 0
1:= it- ~ t eec
ic. toll..:;•.:I
rlgprrs dre,
a- will Pinib
thilkli al
reaWr de
feel assayed
ion, that th
these objects can be obtained to a I
(e under this dynasty than ;Inv one
prospect . of being established. I
he bitol-y of China justifies the opiti
presenl. i, theunest culigheened, lib- 1
4 and it ustrious race of- kings that 1
he thro‘ of the "Middle Kingdom,"
tis ineut btincy . this great people have
, lii-eriae enjoyed snore peace, and
i i 'from re hits and front mal-itilmin
( favoritt,. ithan:during any preceding
3 in can nuenee they have increased
(ilth, pi ptilation and power. . 14:it 'lg.,
. t avail d hildt-elf to the utmost of
lin the Tarts and sciences. :What in
. bani,litnent we do not - exact,
1, euld 1.,: -rather an anomaly 'if,
•-n;t , 11.,;,l . arritatd at such a hitch of
(Mt not f tigage in political iulrigues:
But apatorer . may have IkiiAt the
I know t .e Chine 'e are much much op
! reign iu t mousse than the - 4 1;1:1C/111:, - .
,43 int: VI- ' 'Lltit.lll tii3ii can bt. erato•-
:ar ((},e(l facilities 4 intereour-e, if the
upetor- and the;cla-- of p,m(ple most
it i f re isiv.pellt-1.. kind a n:itiVe race of
tiz, lislicci: and expccjallt when the
headed - ht 4 . ahtitix;.e. - the most bitter
bikeigintr, in all Chinas! . ...ut
and during
'been bitter
-tiff red ler...
:I , 4:Lasky, an!
trreatly in w
ni ski
1,11: 111, J . ,
r‘f El
Cuctl,ii. , 611
bould , aceet'd in dividing the Empire.
,41t. end ~ f internal strife and an-
If they
etitt t
urell v that
nart- of ,th
1:!).;:••• hiel
ibe peace:
• if : :the)
_ 'on!: will
thr. liord
Tart.try t
there eiti
iwaec ant
i•an tlier.
prosporit• •
favor int.
Until it
31111 (Alt t
will continuo bet %Teen the geparnteri
n eounGr:.• arid the local bands of rob
would every, where ari.r . : ( lo plunder
Id, peopl e in such a stare of society?
fineteed even in taking the,,capital, and
adhgrun e e of all the prov,inces,,- how
tliey, be liarrit,.:,e4 by
,titt4 attacks 'of 1
4, that %mild malie ineunsions from 1
ertrieli tlienisilve , with the wealth of
. accumulated &wing two i enturie: re
prosperity' IVhat rea.witlible profrphel,
be entfaqpirmil of, increased ,wealth, , ,
, and pence. among rho people so - as to
- eased plitimereial iite - reour-c, from - the 1
the prap..o.cil rofcirmers of abuses?— 1
41i be emaliliqbe.l trial thieNes, robbers ;
iws are likely to make tlic: most upright,
ml ituprti:ll official-. .1 Kee no good
;...rtind I ) expei;t ..ny . gobi to the peeple of Chi
na. eivi ly, socially, eetnitierelall), -morally, or
religiou y, from the Queues:: of the insurgents.
Fears are.entermined in that the rah
hle of that city, excited by the r -mt. of the pro
grv.s of ithe insurgents, . will rise and as they are
,j ito be bitterly hostile. tc 'foreigners, the
41,44 hiong I? , .yriter advises" th lett , rte be.pre
pared for emergencies. .
Ti,.! .aaer Auligiretut,:m yr the Otrietriets of Nam
hai and lifts, n-yn have prohibited the exportation
~f 1.4,5 e i ' -
-.Tits WIN E Srierx.—A Correspondent of a
New Ydrk paper, says that the Mesabi valley is
already' celebrated for its unequalled grapes.
• ThiAtqrsitory 11 -capable of producinit wine
euoughlto supply the demand of America and
Europl and not inferisCr' in quality to that of
INl:adei'4; if it be attended with care and skill.
Thirg4pcs are of the very bestquality, and when
preperlY cured, become the very best raisins in
the world. •It is from this .sequestered valley
-the limited Oltates_and the mt of the world will
get the wine that will throw Madeira and Sher
ry wines, and * those of F,ranee, completely into
the shade:, The tuiraioVary 'houses of the Jes
uits in California, in former times, were renewa
ed f the excellence of their wines, which, in
deed. i we may-believe the accounts of travelers,
excelt . tluXte of any " ether part of the world.
e Meitner Ruby, last night, rmened three
'it hat irbieir had been upset on Lake
, ere* Miles froim Goderiel. It appears'
party of four 4 0%4* out en' tt, pleasure sail;
ti o
n who took barge of the istiat undertook
b the tenet disentangle the riggin,
the breeze, though slight, added to his
, upset the boat. It ik supposed that be
f)t , clear himrlf of the sail and eordage,
Sa.s seem no more s His name was Robert
re, a shoemaker in Ooderich.—Ddroiti
fletrcrilser. , 11
that -t
men I
that a
to cli
n when
• weigh
iv. I,e
1411,1111.1 1 TOOTII ' GET THERE.—An
vielJ, !min . -Loco sunk at Charleston to the
Ara, Witliout ollaining water.-
1,010 feet a shark's tooth in tine
• on was found . - .
t " , sket
• ,At
pendaptia_ of
ed in NeNT
much subsided. G. Tries,- who waeasht.
so early in May, with eight hundred soldiers
artillery, is said to have been the bearer of a let.
ter from Mr. Conkling, our Minister in Mexico,
to Gov. Lane, suggesting to the latter to "recede
from his' position as gracefully as possible."—
Tries did not occupy the disputed territory, be.
liar ing—by roma of the loser
mer's refusal to support Laine—that the qeizure
would' be condemned in the United States.----I
Tries became quite cordial to the Suiericana.—
The hospitalities of El Paso were extended to
the American officers and 3 grand fandango got
up, in which Americans and Mexicans frater.
nixed in the most amiable manner. Gov. Lane
has been nominated for Congress by the Mezi
cans of Rio Abajo.
Mr. Grienier adds that the Nasajoes have re
cently been giving trouble which may lead to 1
more serious and protracted difficulties. Early
in May last, a party of these Indians made a de,
scent on a I-niche situated opposite La Canada,
on the Del Norte, and having killed a Mexican
herder, and taken five children captive, ran affray
with the stoek. A demand was made fin. the restore
ti on of both prisoners and stock, ands surrender of
the murderers, known to belong to Black Eagle's I
band, who inhabit the Canon de Chelle. he
chief, in his reply, said that the murderers were
of too much .consequence to his tribe to be thus
surrendered. The Navajoes were allowed until
the 20th inst. to comply with the orders. Col.
Summer, in the meantime, was making prepara- .
dons for a sally in their territory, should they
fail. -Much trouble was feared by the inhabW
ants front this source.
But India GalPhanim
luring the last four years of whfg mabadrnin
ist tion, the people of the United States were
sabj •ted to a aeries of Galphinistic operations
of a very complete and acientifiecharacter. Abe
hold manner in which the Treasury was plunder
ed, startled the whole country. But we are not
laite.sure that even, Crawford, Corwin, and 'Ew
ing, and their ready imitators, arc not surpassed
in official peculation by the reigning King of
Oude" - a province in the. Mt Indies. Bayard
Taylbr, in a recent letter to the N. Y. TriErne,
from that region, says:
The present King is silly almost toimbeeility,
and pays the most absurd suds for his chandel
iers amlglass tigers. The two finest chandeliers
cost hi'm $50,000 each; but it is not to be sup
posed that all this money went into the pocket
of the merchant. The Grand Vizier, and other
officers of Court had their shares, down to to the
eunuchs. The King gave a'small gArden palace
to one of his Wives the other day. A wall was
necessary to screen a part of the garden from the
view of the public, and a mason was called upon
to undertake the building. 'On being asked to
state the coot, he at brat said 1,000,000 rupees,
but, calculating afterward, that of this sum the
ij ran d Vizier would keep the half, the Minister
of di, 'treasury 20,000' rupees, and various'other
privileged brood-suckers a proportionate share,
while the building of. fir wall would actually coat
5,90 rupees, he gave up the contract, as a los
ing job: NU descriptiini can fully illustrate the
corruption of the Court of Oude. It is a politi
cal ulcer of the ninq virulent kind, and there is
no remedy but excision. For the sake of huinan
ity the East India Company would be fully jus
tified in deposing the monarch and bringing'the
kingdom under its rule.
*** ' * *
To such an extent are the Kings of Gude plun
dered that it is relatied of a French cook, who
spent some years in the service of a former mon
arch, that lie went home with a fortune .of $350,
0(10. It was; recently discovered that one of the
parasites of the Court had been 'receiving 2 seers
(4 Ibs) of rose water and a jar of sweetmeats dai
ly fOr thirty years—and for what service? The
father of the present King wps annoyed, thirty
years ago by the barking of 4 dug. Ile sent for
the owner, and commanded him to silence the
' animal. "Your Majesty ; "d the man; "noth
ing will stop his barking, nns .
he has two seers
st i
of roc water, and a jar of.sw tineata given him
every day."... Take them, Weil," mid the King,
"only let us hare no more tioise."
,The knaye
took his rose eater and swkatrueats daily, and
had lived luxuriously upon the proceeds for thir
ity years. „ .. . . .
Ttst F'istlyttEs.—We learn from Washiug t
kon, that the Cabinet: held a consultation on Mon
' day last, op. the subject of the fisheries. , It was
I,agreed to act with the uttuoit promptness and
I forbearance. and to bring the subject to an carry
; . .tdjustment: Mr. Dobbin, Mr. Marcy:and the
Picsident, have acted in this matter in a concil
' iatory, yet decided manner.
The Prinecum and Fulton, steamers, and the
brig of war Deentur, are ordered for the fishing
grouni. Commodore Shubrick will probably be
iu his command.
' The Administration are convinced that an ad
justment of the difficulty will soon be ; effected,
and will endeavor to prevent any collision I*-
twcen bur fisherinen and the British and. colonial
vessels, _
31r. Crampton, the British Minister, actuated
by the mast just and peaceful sentiments, h , .
rcft Washington for llalifax, to 'obtain person
al interview with Admiral Seymour.on this sub
ject—the matter being too inaportant'tolx trust
ed to a letter; or to au agent. Iteeiproonting
tltywishes of the Administration, he will endeav-.
or to procure a suspension of Bride& orders, until
time shall be afforded to the completion of the
pending diplomatic arrangements. The Price
ton will, if no difficulty oecurs, take in conl at
Halifax and thence proceed to the East Indies.
of rionmeroe, ,
INrAmOr s.-2l relative of Gen. Harrison gives
notice in a card published in the Cincialati Times,
that all persons assembling in the graveyard in
closure at North Bend, for the purpose of revel -1
ry, will be prosecuted as trespassers, and cites as
a reason a disgraceful scene which ceetured
the ItOtts nit, which is described as follows:
"A party of several hundreds-came from Cin
einnati in three steamboats a pioneertand hay-
precedo.l them the day before in an omnibus,
and this pioneer baud pAched their tent in the
Grarryird on; Sunday for the sale i
without leave Orlirense from any one. Yager
day that graveyard was selected as the spot upon
whieh the company danced all day, and vol
i co . ; of the • Profeasors, ' in calling the figurer,
could be distinctly heard the house, alquarter
of a mile off in the valley below. That moral re•
creation of card playing., so refining and elevating
in its inflaenoes, was indulged in by many of
the company upon the bumble graves of the pi.
queers of this settlement, and drunkenness and
revelry reigned supreme. The tomb-stones in
eur family inelosures have been defined, and the
names of those who slept beneath partly erased,
so as to make them read differently, and even
the names of the individuals committing those
acts written upon the Stones in pencil—an insult
to the dead and a wanton outrage on the feelings
of the living. The depredations committed upon
the beautiful mound whore the remains of Gen:
Harrison repose:are disgewefal in the extreme.
Every little shrub and flower planted them by
the hand of pifcetion are rudely destroyed .by
these moreligioto Vandals in their haeclialnalien
A ''STERLinn" PELL(m.,---"flie following
unique advertisement appears in a late number
of the Lebanon, (Kentucky.) Roe:
‘ , .1 a m in jell, and very unjustly, I. think; and
I am lonely and desolau, have nothing to whjle
away the bout*. LaoLim a sham of paten*
in my tip; Taikrkg. I will work veki
low — half P46,a , 04er thou be idle. - Sttrling.
Lebanon Jail, Fele tory, 18/33."
He might have atitital, as an additional induct:
went that he wouidalwayr be fiend attolne•
FOR cesel. commisatormai
Of Philadelphia.'
Of Mifflin.
01 Oruro/ord.
An We • Pest Pee!get
By the superficial ebserver this query would,
doubtless, be answered in the affirmative ; but
the calm reasoner, the, deep thinker, will pause
ere he so answers, at least so says, and justly we
think, the St Louis Inteliigencer. rA writer in
-that journal sixties that it is not the celerity
with. which we accomplish prejeets—nOt the
speed with whiCh we built Railroads, steam
boats, annex territosy; annihilate space, and the
like; but it is the slow standard we set up to
compare those feats by. Thus, before the age of
steam and telegniphs to have done what we are
now doing would, doubtless, be considered !fast,'"
,but it is nothing now—it is by no means "gist"
in the present underitandhig of the term. We
no - tnitsgs now, it is tine, in days and months
that our grandfathers could not- hive mem
. plished in as many years, but we are enabled to
do so because science has taught us to use to ad
vantage the elements' heretofore li:wiled up in' the
great store-house of nature. A kind Provi
denee,,in its own good time, has given the pres
.ent generation the gCnius, and impelled that
genius in the right path, for such discoveries of
rapid motion as the magnetic telegraph. And
when the forces of nature starting out from their
hiding *laces forin new combinations, which
show how easy is the performance of things be
fore thought impossible, it- is no imputations
Man that he follows in the path pointed out by
nature or rather by the author of nature. It is
not, then, a demonstrable fact that we are a fast
people,' because we do things. in a hurry. By
no means. It is true we talk of steaming it to
Europe in a .week but as yet we have only run
it in ten or twelve days. It is also true we I talk
of running from New, York to San Francisco and
(Canton in six, and. in thirty days, but it is still
nothing bat talk. When it &COWS a reality—
when the Merchant in Broadway or Chstnut.
street ilweives advices from his correspondent
on the Patine in six - days, and his agent in Can
ton in thirty, then we, shall begin to be a "fast"
people. When the representative from Nova
Scotia and the honorable member from Hawaii—
the gentleman from the Isthmus of Panama, and
his brother member from the Straits of Darien—
are seen promenading arm and arm down Penn
sylvania.avenue, we expect it will be no slander
to say we are verging 'towards the reputation of
a "fast" people. When, by our intercourse with
Chiistiinixell China, And the consequent influx
of immigration from the "ilowry land" to our
Lent) of steam 'and lightning, the names 'of Ke
wing . I cuntot Chung,, and the like, become as
numerous and &Millar as the Browns and the
Smiths, then we think it may be put down is an
absolute that that we urea Vast people l"
ENGLISH' "Paosrzarrir."—The London
Ttuus expressei the opinion, that England, at
au former period, was as prosperous as at the
present time. The Tai 39, doubtless, right ;
and here is thi-evidence. Reliable authority as:
aerts that the "list of perso"s bribed" at the last
election in Liverpool, embraces one hundred and
thirteen names. If that is not sufficient the fol
lowing will strengthen the po.ltion of - the Times:
"The Londoners have a new source of amuse
ment this summer. A camp of nine thousand
-troops -has , been formed at Chobham (pretty
name which is rninch frequentici by Cockney
visiters." And - this will prove it beyond a
doubt: "On. the same day, in the same court,
and-by the same judge, a woman was recently
sentenced in London to six months imprison
ment at hard labor for stealing a pair of corsets :
and) a man, for kicking, biting, and beating his
wife till she was senseless, was fined .£5."
EY.—We learn says the Doylestown Democrat,
that Edwin Schofield; of. Jenkintown, has sold
his farm for $250 per sere. A year or two ago
it would not have brought more than one half of
that sum. It . is near the location of the Phila
delphia, Easton and Water-Gap Railroad. Ja
cob Paxson, of Abington township, has been of
fered 8250 per acre, for hislarm. The Railroad
above mentoned, it is believed, will be located
through the land of Mr P.; eluting it up into
two ill-shaped 'triangles. On this account it has
probably be;n doubled in price. The farm . was
sold a few 'years since for about $BO per acre.
- --410.-
Wrttram Cturts, of Philadelphia, well
known'thronihout the State, as an ogicerOt the
Grand Lodge, I. 0. of O. F., by been appointed
by Judge Eldred, a clerk in the Nivel Office, to
fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of
Mr.. Meredith.
Tire Oswego Futz.—'The Oswego pa
pers estimate the loss by the.contagration of the
sth, at from six to eight hundred thousand dol
lars it is probable, however, that it will be
found to exceed a million. The *Mount of insu
rance is not yet fally aseertained ; but it is.anp.
posed that it will exceed one half the entire loss.
The Hartford and several New York Insurance
Companies are among the largest sufferers.—
Among the local Companies, the North Western
is the heti-lest loser. The Probability, however,
is, that no Coinpany will be seriously affected.
lier,The Reading Gate 1k says the rumor
which has found ite Way into the papers, of al
leged frauds upon the Reading Railroad Compa
ny, 'kr a_ coMbination of eft :stain noel operatOrs
along the line of the Mine-Hill and Schuylkill
Haven Railroad, with the weightnsater. at
Schuyikill.Haven,.is greatly exaggerated. The
amount oqt of which the Company has b een d e .
kauded, Is not near SO large as re* . sPated, and
the loon of it. will dcruhtlesa be refunded, to save
expo4ure. •
----- +-
SAvrstts BANK. —pie advertisement 14
the ,tlispeney Satrings fluO, established under
a meant act br the Legislature in the city 4,4 Nen
Avtirk, appc . ars in the city papers, thnt
;JOitis ready to do business. The principle is
a novel one. •
*he Prodding'
lie Preside,
evejing for Ne,
hied the Cryis
tut. He was accom)
vie, Cushing, Davis, and hit Private Secretary.
At Eattheore he wig vetemned by tlkethottaszth
of people assembled at tie Depot; $ lerlge turn
out of military was also in attendance, by which
: he was awaited to Barnum's Hotel, where a stand
had been ertetail,tistifidly decordtd. Re Was
there introduced to the people by the Mayor, and
In reply take woketne extends'', be lite Ponded
in substance as follows:
,qtr. Mayor and fellow-shims of italtire--my heart
Is n i p, and it would be dile& to apron the depth of feel
lag with *kWh this toadied reception U. lamented me.—
Year eltleana by their partial friendship, and more than
Memo conidenee, previously imposed epos me a debt of
gratitude which years devoted to their service,_and to the
Interest' and honor of oar common coubuy, can warmly
most (Cheers.) To be thus surroonded by a popoissk, D .
Sot less distinguished for its chivalry then for Itc WWl
gene* and tried patriotism, is peculiar!y erctifYing, and
among the pleasant elemoties meggestod by the occasion,
who can flail to be reminded, where the banner ef undestod,
tinqualtled religious tolesadon was Ant freely even to the
breeze? You cannot be ia such as atmosphere without
feeling its vilifying beineace. Every maa who has a pa
triot's longs mast feel it, becalm every man knows that re
ligious toleration lies at the foundation of civil liberty.
(Chars.) No transient traveler can enter this city without
being ;Keck with thi evidences of enterthise and hottest
thrift which everywhere meet the eye. Baltimore has stood
prominently forth in that astealshiag promos of our coon.
Icy, which may be truly said to have outmatched prophecy.
Her peat advantages hi a commercial point of view he,.
of course always been marked and app en# bat her wen.
mending geographical position, se hr as internal oem.
merce is esseeneed. Prato snarled to by Washington as
early ae s MO, is only beginning to be appreciated, Amu by
yourselves. As the great West pours in its boundless re
sources as the bidding of your enterprise, the Judicious ap-
Pliecticc of you: means to these internal improvements will
leers the derniny of Baltimore Is• one of the great cities of
the t worki no wetter of doubt. ( Cbeera ) Bat after ail, it
is not the increase of your population and wealth—the aug
mentation of your shipping interest—your crowded depots
red marts teeming with the prelude, agrktuluerel and
mend, of the interke—me erection of spleodid *dile*
ring as it were by magic—nor all these combined, which
i- i
chiefly engross the thought. of the patriotic citizen, and
.give his pulse a quicker and a prouder throb as be eaten
yo r environs and seek these monuments in the illanetea
y may crumble—that is their destiny; nay, they will
mc , alder aid mingle with the common earth; bat the la.'
apiration of UM deeds of valor they commemorate, which
eared you from the peewees and the shame and dread of a
foreign soldiery, *ill perish never. (Applause.) Who
shall say:what has boon the client of the power, of the ex
pie, of self- eacrilleing heroine which signalised the da
te, eorNorth . Pointand Fort Meßenryin 1814 (Applause.) 1
It as a dark and. trying boar in our history. We morel
perplexed, dint sot in despoiri—eastdown, bat act destroy
ed,--when your example andwess„ re-animated coar.
ago and confidence everywh ere{and it was Mt that the
sh lid of . proteetrno superior to all human power, always
gaited by our fathers during their great Wylie, was
e I over us. Let us remember it, and ever aellaowledge It
h humble and grateful hearts. Who shall say hew much
y monuments for those who fell, and year reveres.. and
donate esteem. for those who survived the eondicts of
tb ansiuus days and nights to which I have smarted, have
had to do with the free and gallant libation of Maryland
blood upon . "o many melds of Mexico? {Applause) •The
fathers of the revolution taught their sons that they owed
dale ant ditty to their eountry,—a duty not to be avoided,
but. to be chinnfully rained in the free of all eonsequrn
ern and at every haunt B not the Almighty Messed
td us, their descendants, their example, their experiesee
and their lessons? .Nobler penis, cannot be honeyed, than
to say that no State hr this Centederac7 less furnished a
more impreuive exemphleation of the power of that teach
log than that before whom, people I have now the beam to
spade (Applause.) Mr. Mayor, a pleasant incident at
this moment comer back to my memory, to which I may
apt be censured for admaieg.,_ Bees after the back Nap
ter anchored, with a p0r6,31 Or the Ninth hifeatry, near
the cud* of San Juan de taloa, about the lath Jena, 1147,
another transport wee to anther within a eahle's leagtit.
We could sot dissent the ship but in a few minutes we
heard, pealing forth from her deck, the Mining notor °taw
"Star Spangled Bennet." The erect was elearical. I
thought, prolteMy from a ssoeiatioa, that the ship was from
Baltimore, and the fact reviled the impression. Bova
were lowered;and friendly greetings eesauseamed between
the sons of Maryland and New Englend, whieh I trust may
Fever be interrupted. (Apptause.) Bat berme ea by my
feelings., I am detaining you midi too long, (Cries of "Nei
for) if alteedy yours were not designated throughout the
land as the Monumental city, I would venture to christen
it as pre-eminently entitled to the name, "'The city of the
Star Spangled." (Applause.) While yun will hall with
joy the appearance of every new star, as one after another
shall be added to the constellation, you will always proclaim
upon the honor and faith of Maryland, that the number
shall Dever be less. (Great cheering.) I thank . you all,
gentlemen; forum, presence her. to-day, anti I bops we
may meet under agreeable circumstances loeg years to
The Pitideut retired amid the most deafni
cheers, when Davis, Guthrie and Cambial_ were
severally called out, and responded in their uswal
eloquent manner. ,
. .
From Baltimore the President proceeded to
Wilmington ; and all along the route the Utmost
enthusiasm was manifeited. Indeed says the
National Democrat, we remember no demonstr.-
tion of a similar description so truly and sincere
ly ardent since the days of General Jackson.—
Wherever his excellency appeared, the people*.
corned him with au earnestness and sioceritty that
spoke volumes; he has won the goodwill and
confidence even of those who are his political op.
portents. He arrived' at Wilmington at:l2 o'.
clock M: on Tin;sday, and was escorted to ihe
dian Queen Hotel, where the Philadelphia CoM
mitteeieeceived him. His honor, the Mayor of
Wilm4gton e in a very happy speech, introduced
General Pierce to the Philadelphia Committee,
on whose behalf Hon. Geo. M. Dallas received
him in an eloquent iddress, to which the Presi.
dent replied with much feeling. Mterwards the
Committee conducted the' President, is the
steamboat John Stevens, to Philadelphia. The
boat took the Jersey channel pluming up i going
close to the Jersey shore, and turning .opposite
Kensington the boat passed close to the city
front. Every wharf and vessel was covered with
a mass of people. The shipping was gaily deco.
rated with flags, salutes were fired from.the boat,
the band played numerous patrietk airs, sad the
crowds on the boats and wharve sloudly cheering,
rendered the scene most exciting, The United
States steamer San Jacinto, and the receiringi
ship Union, were decorated with, fags from deck
to the mast head. The President landed at , the
navy yard punctually at 4 o'clock, and was re
ceived by Commodore Bead and a. large utiMber
of naval officers, f4li uttlfonit, A salute was
fired from the navy-yard battery, and the I ma
rines were drawn up and presented armsi A
procession wits formed, and marched up the yard,
headed by a kend.. The president retired to the
Commodore's office until the military espw; was
ready, when he mounted a :horse and passed out
of the gates into the eit 7 ,
After reviewing the-troops, the President.took
hi s position iu the centre, and the peclee il ei eu
took up the, line of march along the route de
sireted. The'Preiddeat was recited w es t ea .
thuiastically With cheers, waving of haudtter
chiers from ladies occupy' , windows, etc., eta
Oa the procession reachi Imlepeadesoe Hall
the President was official' welcomed by-Mayor
Gilpin, in a brief address, t 4 which he responded:
For want of room we are 'tumble to give the
' ,leech, Imt it as listened to with profound in
ktrOat, and o lt4 close iltis heart, rheers We,
give/ELL The party then left the hall, and the
President was emoted to tie Merchants' Motel.
f •, '
sons were ever ready to respond to the call of
their country;. and wherever floated their flag
victory was sure to follow. After the crowd had
dispersed the President and suite partook of a
spleitdid banquet, given by the City Council, at
which about nine bloated sat down. Mr. Bu
chanan was one of the guests. Mayor Gilpin
presided, and gave the "Health of the President,
to which the latter responded, returning his most
cordial thanks to tha Mayor and to those who
differed with him in politics. Be said; in the
change of circumstances, he hoped his party
would show the same magnanimity He saw no
reason why men should differ persoitally because
belonging to different parties, and thought a man
would serve his country as a soldier, or in the
councils of.the nation, no matter what political
party he may choose to adopt. In conclusion,
he expressed his happiness in meeting his ftiends,
among whom 124 included the Mayor, up* this
gratifying occasion.
- On Wednesday morning the President receiv
ed the citisens generally of Philadelphia, and in
the afternoon, accompanied by an immense 'dele
gation from New York and New Jersey, kte de
parted in a 'special train for New York city.—
His reception, we doubt not, all through New
Jersey was as enthusiastic as that given• him in
Baltimore and Philadelphia.
sir moor Lewis cm, our able and worthy
Charge at Rome,. hap just decliners public din
ner tendered him bytha citizens of Detroit, where
he is st present, on 6 visit to his family. The
recent loss he has - 6mtained in the death of his
mother, is the cause of his nonacceptance of the
invitation, but the compliment to his worth and
lerviees is not leas, by mart* of his inability to
accept it.
i. The Detroit Democrat of the Bth, states
that ibout half of the wheat in Michigan is
madcled, and the crop is universally good, mak
ing the fourth year is suomssion at good yields.
Corn looks well, is late; oats, very light; sad
grass crop above an verve. Rain needed both
for corn and potatoes. Tho same generil facts
may be observed in regard to the crop in this
mgh, The Seim* America* says that purifi
ed white India Aobber, his been patented in
'England for sinking artificial faith, gums and
palates t It adds: "'the adhesion is complete; it
.can- be moulded' with perfection to suit every in
equality of the puns and teeth, and supplies an
artificial perchrotum, Us it were, to the teeth, when
they become painNl by the: lusting away of the
gum. Added to these is the elasticity of the
material, which eoandtetely' *dates the bum
weakness that arise' from any motion with arta=
dal teeth made by other means." From the way
oursjelly sometimes, we should mistrust we had
got, the start of this English patentee-
Nir Kamm Busr.—The Washington Re
public states that 'the President pays weekly,
visits to the Ihquirtmente, chepeinto the 04008
of sbe beads Of buteauii, and, so far as his time
will perish, make himself acquainted with the
business and practical operations of the sev
eral coordinate branches of the Gkrrernment—a
practice which every body will commend, and
which will lead this people to believe that ho wm
esideavor to 'take care that the laws be faithfully .
oreented.' This -very terse requirement of the
constitution imposes upon the President a res- 1
ponsibility that fear appreciate, and which, if ,
strictly complied \, would keep him pretty
busily employed."'
sec todt,
ges. 11 will be I remembered . by our readers
that General Scott met . with a severe acrid it
some months Gime' while walking in New York.
We learn that he !is very slowly recovering the
use of his arm , bn it is very doubtful if he will
ever have the full! use of it restored to him.—
Ile is stow staying; at "West Point for the benefit
of his health.
16,, Judge Gmbunn R. Beast& , of Pennsyl
reale, has been appointed Codifier of the Revenue
Laws, wider the hue sot of Congress, appropria,
sing ten thousand dollars for that purpose. ,
ifir A GOOD DIDD.—The Fourth was cele
brated at Tarrytown, Westchester County, by
laying the coiner stone of a monument to be
erected to the memory of Williams, Paulding
and Van Wart the captors of Maj. Andre.
- Senator Gwin, and member MoCorkle, of
California, fought a duel last month. They freed
shots *whitens scratching skin or drawing
blood, and then Called their trillicidties settled.
That's ►sensible Ivey to-light a duel.
ggL. The farni known as "'Clay Spring," is
Hanover eounty,,Va., and upon Which the orator
'and atatesman kienry Clay was born, is offered
for oak by Its present owner, Alr. William 's.
Is. Mr. Pe Cr. Washington has been ap.
pointed Acting tari of the Treasury during
the absence of : y
sir The jovial is said to be pn3iehed finis
A. *pita of Chicago, in seven different langua
ges. The populatten of the eity is 50,000.
aigi: A case warn recently tried in Montgome
ry county, in this state, in which Judge Soper
wa r
soled that an pt to sigi a will—death ea
oaring to - t ilgning--is eulcient to sustain
the will. In ' ease _ the decamped. had com
menced hie soma by writing the letter P., when
ea; ni
h e sank kook sated, and died is ter minutes.
. - - --- ---.—
DE/TIM/LW ` THE CILERICB.—Th i e Otero-,
kee Advocate i 0111113 ns that a short time since
a deputy marshal of the Northern District of the
State of Arkansas went into the Creek Nation
and arrested a Creek, charged with sellik whis
key to the Indiins. The chief of the district,
clunking it an insult to his municipal authority
.and a violation of the rights of the Creek Nation,
interfered and set the Indian at liberty. The
Advocate empresses its regret at the occurrence,
and thinks it will put the territorial rights of the
Creeks in danget; not because the chief is not
right, but that it will bring on a conflict with
the United State s, who are so sttosx, atait the In.
thugs who are 'CA w ea k 49. de Ir tliemielTek
against ioplatice• -,.
NWT SPILVIL ALL AT 0111 ' CZ --Venezuela has
seat forward a motion to be admitted into the
American Unidn. A correspondent of the Uni
ted States Casein , writing from Porto Cabello,
makes the foil/drifting exclamation:--“Wooki to
Heaven that Bther Jonathan would, in the 4w.
1 1 50.4 te geuetosityooke tie
eottutt7 es the coves of his big Irv, and
add another a to the glorious American con
Y. Ev
1, one
the i
to the
in vogue through Out the world, as one of the de
visee of
...the people are juggled-and betrayed. They have
ever been the prolific sources of corruption as well
as of war, and ought to be abandoned by all en
lightened, well-meaning, and just governments.
They have done more to crush Democracy in
the kings and emperors to man a perptteati
oonspiney against the *144 sut444
the good of mankind, and are at tb day the very
pabulum of that infamous rile/ under which
Poland,_Efangsry and Italy tic t 143114
In feet, nearly everything that isletestable in
the despotic system by which the millions of Etr
tope are managed, by which they are plundered,
bamboozled, oppressed and degraded, is maintain;
ed by that diplomatic intrigue sad seeretty,througla
which the governments operate. A few leading
men in the different cities, getting together to
consult, or else arresponding ' formal state
Dotes, do thus by their disagreements or cconi 7;
mime throw all Europe into wet. The
tames of the nations me in their hands, - and are
controlled by them, according to 'theSchemes or
caprioes of their sovereigns, and tot e a ding to
the gent and abiding convictions Of the people.'
It may not, perhaps, happen now t as it did a
century or' two ago, that the whim of a king's.
mistral' should precipitate hostilities- between
neighboring powers; but when the proeeedings
of government are secret..there is no telling what
trivial tenses often lead'- o' the most important
events:l Rabelais, in his important history of
Gergantua, has ridiculed the grenade on,which
monarchs make war with Melt other, with• tear.
sistibls humor; but none of the grieVanees that he
describes were more utterly foolish than some of
the real or pretended, provocationt on which ihe
European cabinets get at loggerheads. Weie
they tnide public, that the COMMA sensed maga
kind might canvass theta, they would produCe
universal outburst of laughter or derision. But
in the Macey of bureaus they are exempted from
the corrective of titoit! Kt.! • f ; Ti
,Our own government wc6 o Y ti 6:• lave no
interment seperSte from the people, and which, re
preseating only: the tral afithe pagan; she*
have no comealmentlifre**WWßlbt t ii
fore ne-inducements to engage in Say dark, sin
ister or selfish intrigues. All its mte, both in
respect to -foreign sad domestic questions, should
be open and above board: It.shottki , thootte its
course deliberately, but owe baring amen, de- -
clare, is the frankest Manager, its buena and pur
poses to the world. Ab among • indiVideals .the
smallist minds only resort to chicanery and mi
ning, ao among nations, the wisest; and best go:v
mud are those whiebare die franhiest anditreint.
mippsead kiwis .quarterihatrthe ii iiest
smoseihd • ptiliticiens ;`those , elm are ys
mousing over petty schemes, aid{ pushing tbeir
own interests through all kin& of ssnsona tool
unknown paths; but that is a . great seiseako.—
The men who, enjoy the confidence of , the:pubric
are the men who achieve most, Mil mph
ters as those of Jefferson orJaeltsen, areill i tst
universally popular. They defeat opposition by
the very candor and sincerity oft their actions,.
balling the overcautious amid winning the revel*
of the generous and brave.. Wbes the Duke of
Wellington west to one'-of the eoStinestsi Cos
reopen, to, la Mal t 4154 ARC asnuaiyl criseteteu cis
purposes at the outset, which seind mys
tified the veteran diplomats, what led d
ceive that a man should really can what he
spoke, that is their eagerness to discover what he
was itt, they allowed him to carryliisplans. Thus
their cunning overreached itself, as cunning is
-apt to do, and a simple straight-forward honesty
won' the day. Cannot a nation teas great as the
Duke of Wellington, or must it Sue itself.en.a
level with the fox, and emulate the seertiveness
of the weasel?
• Neu , Y/rk, July 14.
The President arrived at Jerseliii this A..
.X. about 9o'clock. ' was Ott
Mayori and made a short epees*. Be
}he troops
• At 10 o'clock the President s niulanito arrived
at Castle" Garden, when; an' immense concourse
awaited his arrival. , •
He was welcomed by the Mayor, het replying
in a speech complimentary to ,the 'commercial
metropolis of the Union_ 1
Gen. Cushing afterwards, in response to a re.
peated tali, made a short speech, when the re
ception ceremonies closed. Thd President then
retuned the troops.
The President's progress through ,New Jersey
yesterday, was one continual some of willunPh•
He arrived at Newark at 6 in she evening and
remained all night.
The Charleston Courier announcer, the aU•rl- •
vat at that city of the steamier Inssibelhi from
Havana. •
The landing et snore tileorne , uint nenfirmed
The reported isunurection of' Ckisese Coolies
and the murder of overseers, - is likewise con
There is very little doubt that Mr. Buchanan
win decline, the British Mieeieen
Mr.'Vandeventez has been. re.appointed to a
401=14 in the Post Offs* Department,
Buija&,•Jite:y 15.
:The market for flour wits rather inactive and
nneettled this mom*. BuytTts are . not (tie
toroperate to any litttent• at the advisee
dimxitel by, 491deni• Wive parodic .0
are not very,pleniy., Tlmt sall,ard . sowd
libls at Si-1816420 1..)a tor god
brands Ohio'and Michigan:
Wheat is fair requeet ; pace& of white are
scarce and firmly held. The rake are .-16410
white Michigan on ptitatis terms;_ 2000 btu red!
Ohio st 9 Ocii!wit 26441 bu "jvn
itiery choice saniple; at 92d-
Corn quiet ; sound scar(4 l and'helii at
advance. Sales of 284* hit ware at Ode.
New York, Jtriy 14.
FLoint.—Demand fur low l eeks of state aint.
western less active," prices easier and market 'un
settled. Increasing firmness in freights. '
adian better; fair demand. Salem 1100 bbe at
11546 in store and afloat. Sales western canal
7400 bbss ats4 iSlas for mixed to Sway Mich.'
and Ind. 1.4 81 /a 4 /2 fur eouttaoa topical Ohio;
*8 fo r maim to straight state, closing very
(laara. 7 —Ltittle change to note iii wheat; de
mand fair for prime parcels of white, hat this is
not plenty. Sales 14,000 but prima (Olio at $l
- part on board hbv, 3c freight; 280 u bu good
$1 •28;1700 bu do white, Catpuliau S 1 35.
A bs),Y, ( I {4lo. fitakke rte did nut heard
while standing tq front of Pollock's Grocery-
Store, ou Superior street, yesterday, was &diger
°wily wounded in the following Wanner: lie had
a quarter of a pound of powder in hie right peak.
et, and very foolishly itud rookloooky put Watch-,
ea in•the am pocket. Thrusting his hand clown
to get some powder, the naat - t left iguitt4l,
and the powder exploded.
The bog was very, seriously injured. life itlr
(lumen was seeribly 'submit(' and horned, sri,l his
i band 140ersted. tla luittaino, were. tau sad
broken. Ile , Wu not: especial to five. WI ; un
derstand he was takr.o w Orieg..n :Ansi. Ma
horde /tai in dui oinnary.—Cikrei.
mpressions, genor
. His ideas in regard to the Little Val;e2
In are erroneous. That Road we hare litio
be built-, fi 04.44:w. §. 4 1 41 4 0311 4e , ,ib 4 Pr' tht - Tarnt
rangenient of th e New- York and Erie Roal
passengers to Buffalo, thus In effect abandouizg
portion of their road; while no one knows
Editor of the Cower that the t'filteilkies fn. gdp.,
this point are ,greater than at Dunkirk and El?
Ems. Ps.—We ray* gore a tay, or - o
nd saw evidences of fts'Sontiened growth aid
The eity has bee. considerably Attended to tit;
of the Railroad Depot. Pare axe 'cyidencel
onerally manifov. fp the city. s..
The contractors have Commenced Opertt.or.l zt ••t
bor, for the coiattruetion of the Bcitibni7 a Er.t
• which is to terminate at the Lake there. 14 Let
ys completed, the saving listanes to New Yore,
railroad connective witb - Pktiiedielphia and tait.trortv.
it will open, will draw considerable eliipp.l.g ,
*ad to some extent, perhaps ; divide tic hair... * •,
limit York a Erie Road. Many of the peel,;:
taro hopes of the' cottstroctlotr.of the Eric i
road. In this,
we opine, they will be
the stock is raised along the line of tLe reed.
lamely be an object for eastern capitaint. ; x; .,
m illi o n of do:Mani on a railroad line en,
that only 11 miles will be saved, and with e Fre.; ,
14411 feasible than the lake shore route prt-er.t-, a : ,
feeillities for shipping are no 4 rmatestsllY ineetsi,i
the present terminus. •
The city antlioriOes sue contetoplatuag the intno '-....
Opus* water into the eity,'and propo , ,e to cte.
gm miles, iroducti with sufficient heed to c..nreit il •
upper part of every baildiag. • i
A company has also ;early completed the nees:tv
paratas for supplying the eio with ga... The vtrii
well constiu and will soon' be employed L. ..r.l.r.
the people. The dark mlniral 1 for that purprAp it yr ;
amt in that state, and in that respect cities et other •
ate largely indebted to that foribe means of their
eminent. .
N'otwithstanding the reports 100
of she od4'ti.46:tt , i
softer to Banks, he Yee 'tenured the Post Office to tae -.
ding erected by the 1.7.t..8an , and adjoining G t .
fixed upon for the new city B in . The bull ling u 1.....
ted some sixteen years since, a a cost of about 6i! r.
The marble which compose* • front mil .colutat..
brought from Vermont. 800 so two or three years .g
building was bought by the t. E. Goreimmentret ';',25
for a Custom House, aid there being plenty cf r.
Frank took possession, rent free, to terse the pee •
himself as Post fitaettir.
The new spapersof Erie ate partaking of the sp.
p ie.
improvement which rvadez the city. The G.,,,ve
Obserret have reein been enlarged, and p:,:tent a
aid business-like ap ranee. The former was cout:
about a year be:cacti:ie. &tutor, (la Imo 4, m a J
M. Sterrett, who la now {he ItiliOr proprietor. Thil
to the leading adirthistresion paper of Western Ptant:
nia, and is printed on a ppwer press..
A new Court House i in process of erection n.t.
site of the oldjell, et sit expense of SSO,OOO to Etty., , t
• After itacompletion the ipuialie nuisances that def,:m
appearance of the city common will be retuoltd
The Erie and North-East. Railroad is one i th.
s 7l
in' road* we hard ever travelled upon 11.
1 ire dray atddied and furnished, and vtr,
ft' pity they are obl dto stop at the line, e.1.t, : ,
t rac k near us would egos suit them if ilia c4ttr.,
were supplied.
• Eniak is bound to be of Ea e account, when the
end tther improvements are oompistea, but the
iserovement was awakened so late, that met: u
'neighbors had got far in advance of them before' ....,7
gun to appreciate the importance of their r,or.tti: It
lake connection of st-State of sneh immense meter'.
and tide advantage will be retained, in spit, cf ~
tardy efforts.
A correspondent/at - Sugar-Groce wrvt.F.
giu-41 W the mate of the,Senburyl Road, and I,
line which he eleileel to have advantages is
tanee over say other route surveyed.
from a point one-and-a-halt intleo oast of Warrci
lees old garvey, diverging bolas-right of C
Creek, to the mouth of Jaelcon's ran ;.up rai•:
filer's Valley eind to Sugar-Grove, is eltno,l a rrti:
directtot:4'dt% a distance', as reported by a
bf only 13 miles, antra grads of but 15 &et t., tht
Fran Bignr-Grove to the age of Ashi ills in >s•
la a point intersecting thesErie and New Yorlr
is a distance of six or seven miles; with egnalV,_
grade; awl from thence:6 Erie is 36 miles,
from the first named point tln Erie only 33 za
less distance than by any I othar, route.
.hints of our coriesportdont for 'that they as, rr
lag, if there is any thing ia them, thte harate tie
est of the road in charge trill' examint the Ll:u, ac
PcTrzea.--,The Reading ,Osaigte says it bi• k ten f'
'enough to do a vast =auntti a rdling for is 1
rtWaahrand companies , and received a good =AL
kfc#4, than kisses for its pains:, There Is no
Tendons and their prgleetn hoceine as iatolear
t feature of ibe puffing :jet: r.-.
tame; bre die
hich Editits aro Ireldected to-
e 11111112161 calls to
• - . IO woad, mbar!,
I •sporstiott would recollect it after
moment h breaths; or , at !ram IL:
alone, it famed* the poor der,; , •f et
! time 11111C0 been
'esays. it then cOnarnon,r
e for hie,ofirTioe 7 , C 7
food daal i npore than ov. •
pOrr9ioue tato
enough am&
is done; trot the
meat it eau or . 1
or wham •
•nd as the Oast
I deal of thit--a
txperkpeol in a iebool 7, n
have been pallet tor.
i• r has been ia .ItricOr c0v.3:3. d.n..r.:
left td hie Mother, 'Whe:llcr !r.w..;
i rg direct, or by the W 3 c.: •3: Lie
a visit.lre are hot 3,/v12...4
rug, welt; ois
tura to Harris
thus give our
!rea, Esq. has sold oat hL.
eu Oso. F. G{Llfo2lB, E-%:1 3
AN' L.
Pittsburib Po
of the• Leeds'
from tiwi ipreft
mr bit Phillip
doubt it will m
crude Journal.
fro, Allestiehy Cimuty,
on. The piper will he e. ^th!'t.
a Oiltnure, ia ,
tutain its popiiinn a. an In.,«I•
been Zen catwa of drownlz; frt
ions . tti lan. The :s-e
ced a yivag man of inu,:h i r
with hia yotuts friend, Mr.
cursion to Illftah Roth, 11a
two weeks pr -
IN5o: T. ' •
rem •
OR • tailipg e
Aiwa, h
skiff 40 apse
mast hate e ,,
swimmer,' wad
swimming to
e 4 to bii io
•tdpn't be
ed share the II
staking the •
Faggot tell. a
exertion to •
ed abeat as h
wben a canal F 4 , 31,
topposed ;Om 0. Or
etxitied •owe injury, tltr L•• -
ou being ttittrarn into the w - itt•r
arde the ?hire. Ina moineut. or •.
, potion to eotue and help
know efbat I am about.'•
i tem to ?knoll zracbmg bar, •••
I •
lody, mad hicio eatat together twic,
trd time 3fr. B. exmicatld himself
tt got' sabot*, though in to great a
ioseaaibilMr. that iereqaired ecL
'• Oold* Mr. Weed's b 0.4
r aftarwurik.
chum, fluf HADDOCK. EMI. lif,
Cleirataud lime Pcalocrtst Ra)
._ bap akmuty hewed much Ilir
:7. ent NtheiDatocrot
Our of
.90'ner of tb•
4V.? del*
itki "'Law* cillf CITY Am Coy :rt
At two acissiosertatit
xecuted 'Sews of Some r LLB
United Stew,' secoinry • :
articles by Chits. A.lsas -
al sketches of Western ic•r:
recalled t 46 •
Amery of th
- historic&
'o " f "64 ,San rrart beau. 1
fork. 'The
mend it to th
tuanitar, I
Ptibb4e4l. by Ilermse
ork tY woOky of .pstronk,,,
lOvors of Jibe Rite Arts Pr.'.
too* to Itte
Church, $e
walk to the •
there expired
(Hinds to In,
em—TheXeadville papers erp...:an:
• that plaew lasi week.. Hs.
d • osarr‘ge nsremnny;a;
she was takes Widdcaly ,
clan of .M 43 Reynolds in tb , •Y•
in n• very few minutpl..
d leaves n I, , srge t titcle - /.
rn her smitten' de lie.
In Tuesdayi the Mail train 2. n.
Ind time, ;t'it4 to gomvtlon
two boars he
On ite tOp west, the •'un. 2
the Lxcnuotly
switching 0111
the tender an
track. The
or the liglitniag train at K in:.
thrariga taiggar imr N .. ,
n , gine of thb ligbtninz train m .'•
fur Ow pa of drawing the !toil try a 1,
ing back, th drive-tt heeli of the hare! tr.'"
thrown oft th , track. The lightning tr.l n ‘va
and (lea ;et it art!. half an r
. '
-- .. .1. pretty l woman ie like ii, grett truth rk,n -
o'ss, and haalne more right te bundle - Ipr - 71' 1
green roil or 1,,1)- 'ether similar ohnritin•qi , ~. •'
lime je put . ',n i il l ereen speetneles. So toy. , ..!...
tharilo Re.. lt-, and so sly ~.......__
• —_ _ ..
The in , city is awful ktud. pplt„ '
shamefully II ndere4.;, Ass were. 11 1•: I.' I
•utti goirsety-!j. ettisti.rits to the Jail ...
sagranry, . nketuasse. asUl diourdarly •••. •
inmsths en,ll otsJtily lai.
""ly of rimitq •-
n 00 , .11' , A -- .•
1141610 "• .11.,
`MI4I, eui tO ith .1-atit by 7 ro , • 11
the 'mood