PUB,LISHERS. ACME 24. NE SS DIRECTORY. , Warron'Ti. Pro , , protort \, CRAIG. in William's Work seeued , t . , r of William & Wrigik's I% ~,, hierebattlie fourth • triage, Erie P*. . dr. PL4-I:er. Sweet*. rub, Line , ‘ ,l , Castinp, &e.. with .• •hippiag tither by Ftessaboats, ~‘ 1:••••ie.3.1. • i; ItAHAIN, si Ltw.Other on p rnwh sc. ,k. Erie. 11 MOORE, Wine-, Li.inors,74;oadiegy, -i,." ijtioth A StewiinNiSiotp-}t. lionow Warr,' EnsineF, . `late St, Erie' Pa. M' AUSTIN, 11. W.' 6. Loollli 60.}, " r. f,c,.rewetry, Stiver Rpo.ds, Lamp< sad Fallacy -•- H •J_lltE ( Kl. State Street, Erh...Pa. l'O. WALKER & TISIAL4.) :hipping Merchants, and deaV ea, t trater Vim*, Motor, Lo., P.. , kapta• intended for our care n ~ci ~Ni3o\, rr, Mputhly Magazine., Cbesp \I“ 2‘;' , •wbpapers, (told Pons, Poek t 1... r wo.,t of the Deed Donee, Erie. (u 111 STEIVART, . •.1 i.. _Air: in Fancy and staple Dry , , People's Rai, opposite KEPLER & CO. - !, 1 Fence. Railing, Steam Boilers, I% A c Letter:, an•l nit kinds ar !dealt • -:.:1:7„!. . done to c.rder. • ~,•I Habit Nialter---Shog on the east , •d sae north 4Eight„.and adjoin • Cabinet Ware-Room, Erie, Pa. . K NI ETU ELF, ,3 .1, , in Dry iloodc, Carpeo, and I , I o,l.llent in tiolal and Silt or coin, IVarrant, and certificates of DO 41n the principal eitiesof the the Gbi Country for sale. Office, iri,r, of State-at. and Public Square. .lUIIN B. COOK, \ 6r) Goi,ds, and the Greatest :11 the city. Cheap tide, Erie, Pa. & GRA , ~nit rump Dealers in wet and try Giro- Foreign and Domestic Fruit, Stone Ware, Flour, nab, salt, Glass, taps, Safety Fuse, ac., *a. French House. Erie. Pa. 111 Bolan. Irvine!". Hotels, Arad hi -4:1,1 with any of the above articles cry cheap. ‘V)I- S. LANE, s.l I i at L.M. — Offtee over Jackson'A . rner of the Public Snare. 1-' K K EPLER, -- Ilardware, Crockery. Ae. _-tree!, Erie, Pa. C BRAN DES, residente tat Eighth 1- r• 11”Itau.1, Erie, Pa. FORD c ' Liehange on the PTlBliiparen3e/ 1.6,1 In Beaty'a Bloc*, Public IfEitoS STUART,. corner of French and Fifth h n • ,ore. Residence on Fourth ,••• Apothecary . fa - s REED, _ American llarduare and Iron and Steel No. 3 ott4 - 11, lIENNtT'r. • I Heidi! Dealers In' Dry tloiids., Oro - , n are. Carpeting, Hardware. Imo. • . . Empire Sloe State Street, ,‘• 11 . . lintel, Erie, Pa. •,hirrs. Axle Atlas. Springs, and • ..r ,addle and Carriage Trimmings. • MERVIN SMITH, lu.twe nf the Peace. and Agent for I,lte !alumnae Ctbmpany—ollket •rnre. Erie, Pa. CUTLER. • Era. County, Pa. CoHoetions udrd t., with promtnwss and die. riltl ELIA t..A M.;rehetnt. 4.11 thr Public for Asir. E E& t 4 TEM A - RT, „ I , Glee Reticles& - • 1 )T:1 to 2, and ,6 to 7. P. M. Intl\ 11E.11.1S CO. •.,. 31, rrhunt , . dealer in in Coal,' i..r .1 .hills line Al pper -Ladle f: V.SS COMYANi, ...., . Ilw 41 Week, State Street.. -• : II i a'Aock. A. M 34 o'clock. P. M.' .). n. sr trroia. Agent. ' "!;' .!. .1 'JORTOS. • ••• .:. ...L•us a co..i • ' . ...11..r.-linnt. Publie Daelt. Erie. • I i }l.oir and Ph.tor: .. . ' . 'LE \ :'''\A - Eli; & Vel! ' 1 ' 1 , 1 ki . it% os Foreign and Lougee ,. ohlng. Boots an‘l Shoe../c. • tr, : .t. 'Eric. ' 1 '' ! ‘l.!, 1' 1 NCE'NT, .. ,• ~. . tatr - in Tantmaay Mall ' l:.. u,.tary'e (Mee, Erie. i•i , ,1 ‘VIIALI;ON, '.' = • , . ~ 1..i.u. —01E.c... orot WU ,- -n. .1... r. we lof Ste: rtreet. HAVES, 4:rewker; Hard • \ .I.>CKSON, . harlware. Qstwenst Ware, ,!:. Erie. Pa. I: I. MILLS. •- in Griot • r. i•rn P:ruif, Pirkirg sad l'rr•i•rvei.alad iirnitotriedir ' r 1 1. 11, . 1 1 rlnnr. tukud. No. 1 1 1 , •%111 .., Nei II"- N', I Mat.l.4. Buffalo I n shell, fru= .1 1 A 1 lock. "'Lich wig 10' Sul ..1 4,-K AO. Erie, re, A BILOTHER,t • in Dru g ", M e iUcisw, NINO . G. lice,( llonot. Erie. vn the 4niblk .17. • few i 1:1 1.111)N 61: CO. t , hl,r- in Unlit!, Jyt t 3K inPr, Dye Reed Swot, grit. ,k SWAN, Miwellftovlnv. Bookm, Prin!..e= Cant, N 0.., ft. ; ; /PEN r —tare to t rordr.r of Fir wand Fifth • • •ryammohle. and L 1•u144. Synye. 1 41amir. 1'..e41111.4- . ,•• .411 vow. , r. t an 4 mot ill. ;tn.( Derilifiet . 1 ' nc,rk Farmers! lIM ,: Itiou 11 a u•t J..4‘ CLARK 131 e . ' - v . --'x'..V.'7'*•:.'".*:' ' -• • . . ; _ _ , , __„, ___......._,::..,....„:„._.,.,_:::...........:._ _ ._.. _ .. 4 ~....2 .... ~:-..,..*'. ` - ' 2. • ,-4 1 ,„:0 : .:;' , -t2 t :, .. - . . . 4 1 V 4 . i . . . • . .. • r . . olls• . ..Y , Stitt' Vettil. lIDOLZICZ. Indolent! isdranal yes, I am indolent, So is the grass gamin tenderly, slowly ; So is t h e riekt , fragrant lad lowly, Drinking in quietness, pane° and content So is the bird on the light branches swinging. Idly its enrol of gratitude singing. Only en living and loving intent. Deadest ! indolent ! yes. I ma Widow ! • So is the cloud overhanging the monntala ; No is the irradiant wave of a fountain; ritii4s i Keay its eloquent posh ; Nerve and esatatiesi in quiet reposing, fillent as blossoms the night dew Is dosing, Nat Oka fail heart is beating strongly and calm. isiddenti indeleat yes, les indolent! If it be bile to giber ay pleasure Oat of ereation's uncoveded treasure, Midnight and morning, by forest and 'ma Wild with the teMpeers sublime exidenthm ; Lonely ba antman's Colleen lamentation ; Hopeful and happy with Spring and the bee. Indolent ! indolent ! are ye not indolent Thralls of the earth, and its usages weary, - Tolling like gnomes where the darkness is dreary; Toiling, nod sinning, to hasp up your gold ; Stilling the heavenward breath of devotion ; Crushing the frpahneu of every emotion ; HMIs like the dead, that are painless and cold ! Indolent ! indolent ! thou not indolent / Thou who art Using *loving and lonelyeo Wrapped in a pall did will corer the. only, Shrouded in seMahnesedhihrons ghost ! Sad eyes behold *ski ana sags/ are weeping - O'er thy forsaken aniampbete sleeping Art thou not indolent i—Art thou not lost 'P 131=1=31 12112E3E2 ttoitt J *ding. THE DOUBLE OR TRZ ItUICAR GAUCHO. In Sue of the skirmishes which were so fre quent between the contending parties during the Mexicali war of independence, Villa .Senor, a captain in tho Spanish service, was made a pris oner by Christino Vergara. The latter was a gaucho, who had came from Chili, and phinged into he struggle with all the fire • and fury so charaeteristic of his race ; and it Was only "after enduring all the rudiments of torture that savage fancy could invent, that 'the unfortunate captive regained his liberty. Twenty years or more passed away when the captain, who travelled in to other lands, returned to Mexico, while Vero ra, obedient to his instinct for the chase, was living at Palm Mulatos, a village buried in the forest, about a day's journey from San Bias, which, as most reader* know, is a not unimpor tant port on the Pacific. 1 was staying in the .neighborhood, enjoying the refreshing charm it of shade and verdure, when my travelling panion, Rupert° Casts vogr:reykg ott t hue evening with eicited ilia benof nau returueu and that he had unfortanately let him know that Vergara lived at Palos Mnlates. " Well ?" said I, in a careless tone. • " Well !" he answeted; "don't you we .that as Palos Mulatos is not far off, either the Span iard or the gaucho will be le dead luau in the emir,* of a few hours ?" .t 1" see something more,:' 1 replied ; "awl that is; to repair your blundey, we had better go and sleep to-night in the cabin of your friend, the gaucho Vergara." This was just what Rupert() desired, so we or dered our horses and set off. As we rodb aloug, my companion communicated to vie ■ .y par fielders concerning the man we wee, going to visit. He still presehed in • his dolestie life much of • the ferocity and vindictiveness of char acter which had formerly made him feared and hated, and made i hiin implacable eneiuies in this otherwise Peaceable' neighborhood. When he came first to reside at. Palos Mulatos, he had brought with him a wife, a grown-up son, and two young daughters. The youth had picked a quarrel immediately on his arrival with a hunter well -known if the village, and got himself killed for his pains; but a few days later the hunter himself fell by a ball from !Vergara's &tartan°, the hunter's only son, promised his dying parent to avenge the blow, and though he had appeared to forget, yet the neighbors' said that sooner or later there would be a terrible duel between the young hunter and the old gaucho. "Such manners astonish you," added Rupert°, as he concluded ; "but what can you expect when civil war breaka out anywhere ? Family wars are , sure to follow eleee upon it. This time, howbver, we have a chance . of separating the combatants." Deeper and deeper we rode into the forest, the route becoming at last a mere path 'winding in and out among the trees. Suddenly we emerged on a grassy plain and galloped briskly across it, well pleased at finding ourselves in a chewing; hut all at once we were stopped by a broad and deep brook, and drew up to find maw of cros sing. "We are , arrived;" exclaimed my com panion, pointing to a few houses , that stood on the opptsite side. "That is Palos *dam." It was a calm and pleasant sight : .the houses were sheltered by overhanging trees, and the whole aspect of the place was one of sylvan joy' and contentment. But hOw to get at it was the dilftculty ; and while Ruperto wan swearing at the diaappeanace of the bridge which he. remem bered as having foriaerly *piped the stream, a man appeared on the Vilifier sides who told as that it had been carried away by 's flood, but that there was another bridge half a league higher up; by which we could reach the village in ano. Wse : " Reeides that," be went on, seeing our heggitstioA l "theie is agotbe# waY.— You see that network of lianas yonder; that is also a bridge—one made by the good (led, and . the people of She village use it every day; hut I warn you, it is not safe for borsemen," I was tired and impatient to arrive. fore dismounted, and giving the rein of my horse In Ruperto, who immediately set of for the bridge, I made my way to the usawork point- . ed out by the stranger, which on Approaching I found to be a natural suspended gallery, formed by the interlacing of numerous climbing plants that here grew thickly on each aide of the brook, and threw their wild arma in every direction. It I 11.. . t'ARIME was a singular spectacle, e' citing to the itnagi- I nation, irat suggesting don is as to the prudence ' of trusting one's self to so rail a support. How eve‘., I ventured, after a brief pause, and had scarcely advinetsi a few Paces, when a sudden shank made we stumble, the hri4ge oscillated violently, and when I had recovered my footing, I saw a man burst hastily from the opposite end mid hide himself in a thicket. I hesitated, but only for a moment; and in is few minutes had crossed the brook, and reached the outakirtS of the village. . , There was not more than about a dozen hon. sea, miserably constructed, and one of these, standing at the foot of a magnificent palm tree, was pointed out to me as the dwelling of Christi ne Vergera by a young • girt who sat at the door of one of the huts, weaving a wreath of purple campanulas into the long dark tresses of her hair. I had soon delivered my manage, and announced the speedy arrival of Ruperto—a piece of intelli gases.Which the * gaucho received with great_ sat isfaction; but when I added that I 'should be cautions of passing 'a natural suspension bridge two at a time, his dyes sparkled, and with a strange tone he cried---" Two at a tittle!" ' "Yes," I answered; "some one was on the bridge at the moment F crossed ; and perhaps being afraid of:recognition, he ran over so hasti ly, that I came near pitching into the water." ' . While speaking I had time to cast a glance over the group aMong which I found myself The countenance of Vergara expressed .on ill suppressed impatience. His wife, an old woman ' bent - double with age, and one of his daughters, stood behind him in seeming -indifference; but 'not so the eldest daughter, a girl of remarkable grace and beauty—for, as I spoke, her - attention appeared to be traddenly,ronsed, and she turned to me with a look of energetic supplication. 1 took the hint, and proceeded to remark carelessly that the fugitive of the bridge 'mei perhaps a robber, who wished to avoid 'an encoenter with an aimed passenger. The gaucho, however, re plied with a gesture of incredulity; and som e further explanation would . perhaps have been called for had not the arrival companion at that moment created a favorable dlversi n. While Ruperto took the gaudy, to tell f the - unexpected arrival of ' Villa-Senor, the - ldest donghter, Liana flower; as she was culled, walked slowly out at the door, and coming up to me as I paced up and down on the grass in front of the cabin, asked, in a trembling voice--. 4110 was it you met on the bridge—an old man or a pang one?". don't know," - i was my reply. I saw a shadow only, which :disappeared at once in the thicket. But why 4` its question and timidity that really charmed IlveanA% what you SAW Vi:l , , perha 1)- , a porn,: +11;i11 1011)1n I love, and he runs the . risk ,;1' death. Too un derstood my terror, and tried to reinove my fa a...pleion, after having thanks." ; But, you,•• taske.l-- rut, up I:15 r' rnr mt., my fu;lier'u "obi kill tilq if he• ever knew Ow luau, hint It 1,1ve.•• The young -girl .eeinett. tibia an exalted defi nite,. to ilt.ath, but then. tv:ts mtniething in her words that made me shudder; and I thought in v.chottarily of the hunter's+ . son, who Led sworn a mortal hatred against 'tv.rgara. What other conk( soexqite the'yaitcho against his own Baugh ter'' ; The idea made me anxious:, and I could not help::watching Liana-dower, who, after throwing a quantity of- brush-wood on the cabin, fire, had. placed herkSelf in the light opposite the door, where she.could be seen from a distance, and went through various pantomimic movements, now al tering the arrangements of her dress—now staud j ing still in a fixed attitude. Presently, with her pitcher on her head, she advanced carelessly to t ward the brook, and I was comparing her with lay recollections of the classic. Models of antiqui: ty, when suddenly she uttered . a •cry of alarm, the piter fell from her hand, she seemed for a 11,ad moment yto rush forward, then .lowly stoop ing, pret . ded,th be picking up the fragments of the pitch r. The cause of this strange move ment was explaine4 by my seeing the young girl whom I had first accosted, going towards the bridge, her hair liUund with the wreath of cam panulas. She was doubtless, a rival, and could dame and go unchallenged, While Liana-flower's movements involved a double.danger. Poor girl! I went feigning to help her pick up the broken earthenware " and warn him," she said, as I stooped, in an imperious, yet bro ken voice, '• that Pit . have him poignarded by father, and myself afterwards, if he speaks to that girl." • "He whom do you mean z" " Satiunino." "Saturnine I repeated in a.matement.. , -- " Whiit! the daughter of Christina Vergam loves Saturnine Vallejo 2 " - Yes, I love him; and w you know than his life is at stake as well as mine, if I speak to my fathect-Alo, I entrea t . of rm. find will re ward your ?compulsion. Yon will find Saturnine r the hanging bridge." - I obey bat with . considerabl.• misgivings. There taWit be danger, if not from ithatrian en emy, at all events from some prowling quadru ped, and I went forward with all the caution of a naturalist studying the habits of wild animals without the protection of- the hers of,.a menage rie. , I stopped times to lie'ten but not a sound met my ears; and then I thoug ht that if Satur nian were playing Mae be would not give a very agreeable receptiimAo any one 'who came tole- . leympt his kir 4te with another, " However, I was determined to 6ierforra lay errand. leroseed the bridge, pead and searched everywhere, lis tened, but nothing appeared to reward my pang. There was foul), the nielarielp f ly Opp; of the forest. Liana lower was watching my return with Rl relish impatiece. Notwithstanding my ill sw am, I kept up a good countenance. .411$1 you kd Atturtsino?" sht asked abruptly, fuming to meet me. • . .'I have done whits.- you wiled," I anowerell, hoping to eseape thrther quentioniwA by the ova tion ; but a.votnan in love isAntbly ed.— ..- • • " You saw Min theo' flair ihe ... • ERIE, SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1853. This time I was Obliged to hesitate. Liana flower turned pale. "Ah 1" she cried ; i s 'false—zyou have not seen him." " Caramba ."' be exclaimed.. ".e. double rte. rause .Betureino a nd Villmlikmor t Two good miaow why we shall bavw to go without supper this evening." 81. 50 A YEAR, IN AD ANCE. A terrible "thought—Saturation's inficklity— took possession of the young girl, with an emo tion only suppressed on her part by,* most vig orous effort. It was clear, however:, that her fiery temprament 'would provoke a storm ;' and my feeling was 'something like that of one who watches the slowly burning masts or a loader' mine. She went into the cabin, white I men tioned the circumstances to Rnperto. Here we were interrupted by a cry of fury, and' the gawk°, rushing from the 4,6%1, cried— "Rupert° ! you are my guest and Mend, and you will help me to avenge the honor of my name.— That Saturnine has disgraced ary:obaighter--the herselldeelarew is. —4lhiLaiwanhla lanot fat ea To lions., to horse !" I, also, was included in the appeal, and though tired and himgry, I professed my readiness to 55- : situ. The horses were soon saddled, and we wets (in the point of setting off when I saw Ter , gars; in addition to the lasso attached to the tad. dle, wind round his body a tbong which had a large heavy ball covered itithileather fastened at each end. They were the well .known bolas , in use among the gauchat, and more to be dreaded even; than the lasso. . We directed our coarse fist to the suspension bridge, where Vergers dismounted and set him_ self to seek foe a triftl—to 4aterrogate the 'soil, so to speak, with ail the pevietration of an Indi an After a while I left My saddle and- took . put in the search; and after straining my eyeA fo 'no purpose, I picked up a boitquet compsri of wild fl owers, bound . together by one o ff' he odoriferous 'rushes, named chiattde, grh ng thickly on the margin of the stream.' My first thought was to ,throw it away again, but consid ering the circumstances, I showed it to Ruperto, who had remained with the horses. "A bouquet' he said, on seeing it. It' is doubtleas a symboli cal message for Liana-flower. She must have it at every hazard." • It would be difficult to convey it to her, 4;4 we were then rejoined by the gaucho, who now felt sure of the route to be follnwed. However, as we were to pass through the village, I kept a lit tle behind the Wher two,. and on passing the open doo r of the cabin, where I saw Liana-flower sitting by the . fret in a crouching powitionj with . her reho,vf wrapped round her head. I eontrived to throw thirimuquet . .so that it fell at her fipt.— .I.,nligkt, ' 4 V It ti to 'piok ii up t co puttMg iiparsio my into the forest at :t swill Ou we Milt, Ole th.)qll thio! st / rileing our higairi storinst the branch- (!, or *Jilin - Wing over !Ito inequalities of the path. A turn. after half sin hnitr', bvom:ht tee ton .,bin, overshadowed by n group, of trignm ie plias. The unlit-1w rt:Med nit ,uii denly 'the :door, 'against which he ktiockisl hastily, ni the saute time talliug !rut— flollnn, Iterrentl.); are you asleep Who't there—and why this uproar:",said eniee 4 .after a panse. " 'Tis I." "Win-is I?" demanded the voice again l Cristino Vergam," At this time the door oppned, and a man not less savage in 'swot than the Jnirrho i 4 to pp pd forth. ' He WM dresstAl in leathern garments, and was altogether .striking specimen.ot the Mexi can hunter. "Is Petmar?" asked Vergaraimpatiently, as soon as he appeared. • He - ought Ao be. But why this question?— Does the son Of Vallejo appear toYon to be one too many in the world ?" - "He does." - This laconic. and terrible' reply seemed not to surprise Berrlisdo. "Nell,"' he answered Efeav en-help him. You have a good night for Perhaps you will find to-morrow that you have snared two enemies - instead done " What do you mean ?" inquired the gaucho " Tiinean that I spied and uld officer who was once in your cinches, drinking at the pond—the Laguna de Id Ore 1-:-:and remembering his cursed features, and that'his name wits Villa-Senor, My first movement wast . to cock my rifle—'' t'aramboi your first movement war, a good one," interrupted Vergara, • Berreudo went on—" But I altered my mind, thinking that a shot would , alarm his companions, if he had any; and seeing that he let his horse graze, and laid himself down to 'sleep, I took a better method I made a guemada: I set fire to the thicket round the pond in four places; and now the Spaniard will hare a ;merry wakening. As I am alive, you can smell the smoke already, coming down on the wind!".. "Well done!" cried the gauche. "I see the hand of my old comrade. What 'do you say -to , the expedient, Ruperto? We are rid of Villa- Senor, and shave -only to look after Saturnino. Re, at least, won't escUpe us. Let us be off, then, to 'the calmer." Away we went again into the woods riding in Indian file, one behind the other, "th rout be. coming- more and more difficult. I ntly we MOW to a number of paths, down one of which .Vergara rode to 'examine some suspi cious- traces. While)waiting his return, I ex. pressed my doubts tut to thel part we were playing in the affair. It looked very! much like abetting a murder, which, if truth were spoken, it would be beat to prevent. - Ruperto Aare(' my sentiments to low extent. Re could' not abandon his old tuMipartion in arm, but .he pointed out to me that if I wished to carry out my views, I had on ly to follow one of the paths to which he pointed. ; ''"` t"lo along there fi - tr a short distanee,' i ,. he said. " then get off, tie up your horse in the bushes, and go forward on foot. Walk with the unxiti' in yoUr face and' your shadow behind you, and' yen can't fldl to arrive at the l'almilr. . 'lf before! we do ' 1441 Mitch the better. I'll' make an•oxensef I • I flit' yonr dein dare." I thanked Rnperto far hi.= advice, and set olf ;em the mote indicated... co doe tim e - I lo u t se . 1 .enred my hares. and was; 'positing my way "It footiltroagh the tatiltied *Vs.!, a tilt -nit faskitt • . . ---- _ any time, but doubly so by night and to a stran- i 1 The Amason. ger. -At irngth, to my great satisfaction, I came to The Ammon 15 one of t great rivers of the world—broader than the Mi iasippi —larger than a cleating It was, doubtless, the Palmer I was in search of, and as a measure of precaution, I the Oregon and St. La ce combined—more navigable than the /Inds° or Thanes, flowing kept in the shade, and advanced slowly towards a hut that I saw at a little distance . An old through a riches country than that drained by woman sat at the door, looking u Sria, the Nile or the Gauges, and affoiding such feel)- p at and singing a plaintive nkelody. it was the sat. hies to commerce as no other stream in the world urniati's mother, wilting for her soles retawn.--: is possessed of. For upwards of fie , thousand product of a tropical clime, with blanches and She erased her song, started at my approach; miles it sweepelthrough plains fertile in every but I quieted her fears, and soon made her com prehehd the danger of a meeting between the tributsries--like the Negro and L'eayale—that naedio and Saturnine. My communication ere- exhaust the resources of au allu°st fabulous tract ated a whirl of hopes and Teem. Perhaps her of land, teeming with riches and undeveloped re. son would stay out till morning; perhaps th e en sourees. Its month gives a fitting premonition would prevent Vergara's approach, and so Eras- of its vast magnitude, stretches for a hundred trace the perpetration of his long cherished hatred and ei g ht y udlea from bank to bank ' seeming --in short; she spike as most mothers would in likes perfect and harmonious portico to an 4 old similar circumstances . . ' temple. Its depth is stated to be from thirty• to Having aoorplished my duty, 1 was reaming fort Whom fifteen hundred miles from the mouth, vessels from four to five hundred tons cab my steps, when the old woman cried in a tone of stars__„ .resaa muut ificu . u . u p, .... 1 .u...m. MT/We nearly its whole extent., The tide is with all the speed she was capable of to saddle a P eittat r zb a c. e '" " t- 1---t- " --"—e c.- .... e and the-d i esceut of its waters is only about six horse that stood in the rear of the hut. But all her efforts and prayers for the safety , or her , , inches to the mile. Two htuadreil different I streams, with numberless branches flow into it, son were in vain; for when the young man that lies'along its course that Litina-fiower had Xen the cause of the rup-I,hateraeethig th e countr y I like veins and arteries in the human boil) ture of the tacit truce that existed between him Thefinis at the first effort to t win ed ley the weight of some poignant grief. "It and her father, he seemed suddenly to be crusitli imagination prebend and take in the idea of. a rivet whose '1 was at her request,' he said mournfully, "that 1\ outlet is on the Atlantic, but whose sources are I wept to the bridge why did she signal me l ithickened with the ashes of Cotopaxi and riled to go away? I obeyed , her order, and that is the ' with the filth Of Bogota, Quits and La Plata: and crime which she wishes to pon - th with death „Mille bending some of. its branches far into the No, no—she does not love me." north of Ecuallor and New Granada, pushes oth- Itried to give a more hopeful color to his, ers still more distantly towards the South of Bra thoughts, while his mother, looking' all around 1 Sil bl and the lovrest tettuniaries of Bolivstream with of terri ed air, besought him to fly, name of all he mints Only for a moment did he .seem in nod to yield, and he put one foot id is ri g htful ly in the 1 is another ! shore and robs suother • riam 1 nuare than three theasand miles front that which its,own, and which promises, in the • fn ll ness of titise, to hear on its bosom riches vaster The graudlur and capacity of the kniaziiii is the stirrup ;' ut withdrawing it again immediate than those of Ormus or India 13, he threw away all his weapons, save the knife in his gird) , and Mood motionless, as it wele matting & threatened danger unto little known. Th/. countries us which it takes . . as if from an 1 its rise and through which its seaters time are All at I saw him shudder, but dimly and in istinctly deeritted Some of e'er shock, and at the same instant Liana-flow- ! I Francis; and tithe have attracts the notice of them have been ci by despoil u, like that llf er burst into the clearing, her dress torn, her d hai streaming, and pale as a corpse escaped from but few travellers and that notice nothing more the tomb.;Breathlessly she flew into Saturnino's than casual aud shadowy. But Mill we know arms, trying—" God be thanked, I have come in tine!! I thought you unfaithful, saternino, enough of the rivet and of the lauds that line its 1 and wish rid your death. But now I know—" banks to feel assu that a great and uncomput. ed inland trade is bout ibe opened to the world; Life and 'hope came back into the young man's a trade more van and s uable than the Dan eyes as she;/peke and drew the boquet from her 0p..„ " this übe or the Gang ,or the I \ S t :iie, or the St. Law lsitsn '. This." Elie -ad, holding it renee; ' a trade oil( inferior \ n magnitude and im briought ni"c back to r , fe This white floripondo portauce to that o f the 31,ississippi. Brazil, N‘w told me that in your ii,t ts I was the most beanti fel , Theo• It impanuat- naught ins that she who Granada ; &made , Peru, and Bolivia• are moat Com erce on the Pswifie is con fi ned by the tributarie.. of the ...i.. 1141MIII Hmintrithe yonetext-tler rvar raettistg 4 d irectl y itt u, oat hie . toe may ira in poke of your tor en to .ii, i thet hintule explained even thing -- I now that you lose me; and now, will I ? My father is . vking your life." ... , .A.thaewiLlimited p /lets of the westeru slope of you not 1 the Andes, ' nir artieltsi that are with i difficulty ti merriest &eat detract little Sil Passinglin aum eat from despair to the wild- from the ii' eastern as they add little i*i of joy` t urui 3 seized the young girl round to the Weali 'estern side,. t , waist in the paddle, and was off with Already 'ones that lie Along th, = , sprang , sat the spe.vell Of an arrow{ At the manic moment Ver ' gsraandlifttperto leaped inio the clearing. No soon . e 4 did they catch ;diit of the fugitives, than the gaucho, spurring hiS horse in pursuit, flung his lasso with; such dexterity as to catch Elaturnino .1 ill the noose. With a tremendous effort the yining man stopped his horse, and (rich as thought tint the thong in two with his knife be fore his a tagonist could drag him from the sad : dle. in did he fly with the Maiden on his I am, and as close to the wood, when the gaucho, unwindin the balls with Which I had seen him. equip biTelf, at starting, he.channted two lines of the we I-known . • ' De ml lazueuerspois, , Pero mi die bolas—quando"— "You 'may escape from the - lasso, but from the balls—ntiver"—and whirling them round his head; sent them whizzing through the air.— peg went true to their mark, and twisted round &he legs of Saturzun . es horse, and the animal fell heavily o the ground with the helpless lovers. yerga; drew his dagger. Two leaps , more ' ould tfe brought him upon them, when the port s off a rifle was heardot:hile a wreath of oke cticpt froni a thicket hear the spot The ho ill, and all became silent. Rupezto, who had taken his station by my side, lopedto the wood - whence the shot had eome; . ut 9 dily returning, he said, in'air of sombre .tw resigtuttou—" It is not my place to punish Villa po i Senior: God has permitted him to avenge him self.''l, . Wuk , a singular tragedy was this which I had n so,, nexpectedly called, on to witness. Ex- mes of joy and sorrow were its termination. our dap. afterwatds I was on way to San !Elsa with Anperto, and had reached the top of !the hill• from which Cortez had taught sight of the Western sea three centuries earlier, when we ,saw a group—a MAD And four women—following 'a wagon heavily laden with domestic u ten s il s land- furniture. They were Saturnino and Lie pa-flower, with £heir mothers r and sister;ttnited by .the result of the events which I have narrat ed, and were migrating to the fertile prairies •of , Sonora, there to forget, in the peaceful pursuits of agriculture, the events that had sent them forth from the forest of Palos Malatos. A HARD C'ASE.—II is an old saying that noth ing cuts-like. truth. ; We recollect of hearing or reading, many parker', a capita] story of amen, who, nit hilt return from a publie meetingrburst, open his door in a rage, upset his children, ltickai his dog, hi rlbd hiir , hat behind the grate; and 'paced the apartment hack and forth i►ith the fe roeit3, of - a chained tiger. What - hi the matter, my dear?" said his wondering wife. "Mattee" roared the angry husband, a Matter enough! N.eighbor 11. has publicly called me liar!" Ali, never mind that, 'my dear," replied the photl woman; " He can't prove it, you know, mid nobody will believe hint:" " Avw . " it, plu fell?". roared the madman more fitrionsly thin heftily, "he did prpi:e it:— „Ille - iwought witnesset, and fend it on the ire Else how .should I he in mid/ a tl,---1 of t‘ pas wn' r The ailment wag a pow. Amazon, he; territories -"of , Brazil, lave solicited tilt of the w4.111,' freed their port and : . large premiums to those sreatners that first visit them. The spirit of enterprir tly have displayed cannot pmve, Owl tagious,t'anti We expect be fore limg to productsl of their- terri tories swept waters of the Anuizon, for transhipment twn and foreign shores, there by inert:tail Mly the wealth of South America, In ing to that of the world. Cinnamon, t mew' vanilla, pines. coffee. rice. maize, plantains, lemotte,. limes, Oranges, witlt many preciOns woods 4141 articles of Mille abound there! But nuumfairtniet and the products ..1 high civil isatien 'do not abound.. Who sh:di make the ex change for whic ., our South American friends are SO anxious, and hiegeinnot hut pmts immense ly profitable? 1 . . Ntw Orleanl L. nearer to the mouth of the Amazon than'a y'other city of magnitude. and it - is in that re better qualified to avail her self of the pri " g ee that only wait to be plucked and the fortan that need only he accepted, Anti any other city If her mershants have only the fet foresight, and !ier_ capitalists the enterprise to avail tbemselvesi of the oppartunity, they may more than comiensate her and themselves for other ,opporttmrtieE overlooked and other oe'cal; sigma slighted We do not assume a knowledge tit the intri cacies of trade. nor a close acquaintance with the needs of commerce, but we du see a golden field in the distance and hear voices calling upon usifor aid and assistance. - We see and bear and long to' witness the initiation of measures meet for the oc easibn. Our steam Marine is increasing. Why not still fatheitincrease it by one vessel running to the mouth 44 the Amazon, and there meeting the "Kl Ihusigality" that has already gone to plow,' its waters with the paddle, titanic its forests with the shrill whiatle, and at every puff of the engine add something' to the civilization and wealth of the world? Might not one profitable stoppage be found at Ravine or Kingston, another at St. Do mingo, and a !bird at the mouth 'of the Orinoco? Would not a (*mem of these places defray the 1 preliminaryeaPeuses, until trsdr was made to grow-by the means afforded it? It seems tot is that .New Orleans has an imme diate and direct interest in these matters; that i she is the, on to take the initiative and Malign ' Pate a good an;as -it is profitable. And with these vie we shall not feel content until *li e eo ur p r i s e p our pity has began to War with li r 'the waves of the . Spanish Main, and urge new links of communication between the Amazon,- the Orinotio,the Windward Islands and the mouth of the lialise.44rete Orteattor (Yeettecat. A flutooelovs you u .— We were rusticating u few days since at a farmitouse, says a western editor, and invited a young lady to faior us with a tune on the piano. Her music book being in an adjoining room, her brother, al young gent of some fourteen summers, was regnested . to# , ,for After the lapse of a few minutes he returned and'plared an egg ou the music stand. On be ing asked what that was for, he , replfe'd that it was the "lay of the last minstrel, and that th e was singing in honor of her production: i in . The next train brought tot • a F. SLOAN, EDITOR. NUMBER 9. One of Aunty Fern's Best. Et is or.tly a little _pauper! Never mind her. You see she knows her place, and keeps close to the wall, es if 'he. expected sia oath or a blow.— The cold Nrind is ma king tilerry with ler thin rags. Yon see quithitig of childtaxsYs rounded syin.ate try in those sunken limbs end- pinched features. E uh her aside, she's used" 4, it; She won't can. plain, she can't remember that she ever heard a kind word in her. life.. *She'd think you were mocking if you.tried it. She .par<=e-. into the warm kitchen, savory, with odorous dantie.i. and is ordered out with a threat by the.pertly - ea*. In the shop windows she SCieS nice! fresh loaves of bread and tempting lit: tic cakes', Rosy little children peas ber, ou hei way to school, woll i fed, well clad and jayona, with a mother'h kiss yet r4t:rin on their swa There'seeim , t o -be happit mes °m o t i n the work!, bht it never eoinea to hex. Her little bee et is quite empty, and now faint with huniter, ahr. 1. , *n4 1w...ri1l swains& eke .0 - - 1--t - i n 'T e ;;;:A I T a 1 , ..,‘ ely lady who has porn in. zne is c ake, anil bon /on for her little girl as if she had the_ purse of Fortunattni How nice it must be • ohe w4r t iti, and have 'en ugh to eat! Poor Me. Shelnif tasted not ttg.sinee she 11' IS sent .... in the mo ~to beg or--steal , trs will come; ere is happineas and lie world—but none for Meta:" • MIA. little on : Warm hearts heat andel silk d velvet . That lidy ) 3g Aght .t youi tittle woe-begone and firm. - Oh: what if it were her cb.ild?j ing, a sweet Maternal impulse she pass he door, takes' hose little benumbed - fr - dainty gloved hand, and leads the lering., lily, mod bewildered, into fairy. 1:13211E and the tr. ] plenty n t Not sometanie , has caught shiverinje —anti -obe es (fit of gers in child, ir'un land 1 , • ile] awl uorel si•usation of warmth. ri tilos,• frozen limbs—a !Ant color til, , hee,k, and the eyes gn;w liquid .1- • Arts raises them thankfully to etress. tieluly' . ol little girl .looks on .. potent joy, and learns for the first time psi are the merciful:" I nOlets passes out with a heary'lms -I._ht heart. Sure the street has grown the sky brighter: - This ean'seareely "e Worlti: Meta's form is erect now: as light as a child's should be. The i f hitinan love has brightened her path-m , Meta! earth 1, not all darkness -Igels yet walk on the earth. Sweet -7 1 y,and liearen-eyed Charity someti , less. GOd's image is only marred, . He who feeds 'the ravens, bends n ' .00k upward, little Meta! it deli creep. "'t slit , and 1,,vi!1 ter beneti with anti how " tile Ind 4h ket andl li wider ea( he the Sit her. step i suashiue. way: Al bright 67 voiced ' stoop to destroyel listen: OE WOMEN.—We respect, arlutire,; and male woman. We admire her in the' her Terson, her Moral presence, and ion: We mtpeet her simple truthfulness —nce,l and we lore her as the embodi the highest eharnis and sweetest ,artri ninanity. Hut a mate woman, Into eau Ve cannot- read of mmster meetings in omen perform the leading parts ; of tee thel subjett of marriage, to promisenew= s, by female tongues ; and of the persnr female sprinters Who go about the corm hput an involuntary emotion ordiagust. there woinen are mothers, who hare of tender age at home, and htutbands old hake - telnder head.. Home duties akeu, and the Misguided mistresit:s go aelking other people their duties' rWhat I bb' wi yes they must he ! What kind ..11.....1 , moilo-r,: tins th4 l y mast llitalovi u,• that i: ft., •-mall t•• hold them: ijods w e r : vin uit t as :non live with a hyena. in engine. Don't come this way. we beg . .S:/ariuypehi /6-psidicua. • . low a ft beauty , her poi and Inn ment o buteq of battr .' which NI II=E! MEI 03, wi Many . families who ;ill nre for alkut -t Cl ftninrt 1144 ~, thpa i f to oil tic:lr oda • e ti 1, 011 hap, It r.t, i I y 'fitru.---Th.: 'lvy: .1 J _Rob ei;t)l., a .atix..‘"C North Carolina, •who hart been , residi/ . -_ , :outc• 'years in t'hina, writesa remarka ble let n r '4.'l a friFIIII in Calitornia i•slativo to the Cliitte- • eebdhon He :s3r, : • The chief leader n in this hair turns out to be, as I learned at Hong bon g , a man wlittat- Sir name i: Hurpf, name ?tilt- C uen He came to Canton : inkf•tucliO `trirt . ni-y Crl,- _ everl months:, , ano: tit, or six . , . An,.; ite,sead of raisiny . he a rebellion ri ll . ( 4 sign of t setting the government, ::t her struggl g for religious liberty!, and tting idolatry. He is a man of no e.itra y appearance, about five feet four iir fNe in, heigbt, well built; round faced, rein?ar feo.ure4, rather handsome, about milltlio md.of gentlemanly manners. While hare tied himself to the .nady of the seripiurcs, ...r 1.,h , Tina hi- I ~1„ .711 .orainitting them to memory . ; and blimelez , ., deportment. . Fle.recinest e d i • bilOised.' but left ; for Kirangsi before we wt, ; ill y he of hi s s littmis. When he tint l.ifirl 1, its e brought rine peke,/ of poetry and other !ikin l y". , ; which he , had written' respecting the 'bristian relii,dort, the knowledge of which be I , rofeis' cd to liiire derived, Graf, from a treet re !. ived at one of the,examinationsin Canto*, sad ' oladly, from a vision he had while sick, alda , e said eorroborated the doctrines learned eat of , e book, and hence ho believed in the' true God, , d came to canton expressly to be Insirmied, , d to learn the will of the Lord more periled). .. in his. ow 4 word. * * * ( ant informed , at about 10(1,000on the side , f the chief ; that he is peptise intong the p e e: wil 4 sie, treating them with respect, generosity sad • , dress. , , . 1 s i r A min in Ohio, indicted for for Mesh* • cek, went to a lawyer and tolli. biro his ease; 'and tie lawyer advised him to Mile, so the proof' was so strong against him.- "No," said the "I've aright to a trial by Jury, and you me and I'll pay you for it." The lawyer did de; fend him; and although the proof was full against the'min, yet ho obtained a verdict of acquittal. f um walked out of Court as large as life, he'• lawyer was &Mon/shed that his client got th case. The nett ilay the attorney baked die man - km under heaven be got the vertrmt. - -- "Look here, "Square," he replied, winking very slyly, "I'll tell ye ,how it was done, but you Menet say any thing about it." The attorney promised meresy. ~‘ ow, 'said the man, "Ilereli of slue jury haft a part ofthe broms."—The i = uteri were at on clef up , and .he the mystery. -'• I : 1 MEM INITERIE MI BEI 113