Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, July 09, 1853, Image 1

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„..„ A NT, COI Nist.Loa at Law. Warren Pa. Pm.
:1 hc...ti,esp and eollectious will receive prompt
Tae PEACE. Me* in Willies's Blbek eseend
Entrance first door west of 'Miasma Wright's
lb U. WALKE.It & 00.,
produce and Commission Nerelants, fourth
I; ii, t i e nett of the Public Bridge, Erie Pa.
-, e „ , , ec s in Cosi, Soh, Pineteri &nom Fisk, Liu
, stone , i r o t b Nada, Stoves, Castings, Ake. with
facilities for shipping by sauatinuta,
Schooners, or by
T .4.3 D IOrNSILLZIL AT LAW, Oise DA hem* St.,
° cur of the Park, Erie.
- .3lts ROSS SN6WDItic ---
~ co-N.,ELLoR AT Lai, 'No. 155, Third Stateet
t, Provisions, Wino, lelquots,,Candlos,
Ooe door below Booth & I Stito-st.
Mast! Rtarelly Hollow Wm% sains ok ,'
Echo:a Cars. ete., State St., pia Pa.
tin or raz Flax or a. Loom co.)
o C1o:Iv; Watches, Jewelry, Silver Bpooas, Nui
,,raments, Looking Masses, Lampe WI Tones
and retail.
;;,- - LT, Wilt aide of State Street, Eng Pa.
1.,:z Cr tar nix or wait= & name")
Cftactlsston and 8114E1_14 Merchants. and dial.
cis!, Ficur, Fah, Salt, Water Limey Pliseter,`le.,
• D:rk, Er:e, Pa. Packages Intended lbw ear O&M
t: .!-C. :Larked.
:3/.ILF. L J. mama.
Stationary, Monthly Magmata, Chap
:beet Nowipapors, Gold Pans, Peek-
Fir!t door west of the Rield Rouse, &IC
.tr. and Retail Deem In Taney and staple Dry
£:i Nahum 'So. 8, Pan People; Row, opposite
:ace cf Iron Penes, -Railing, Steam DONIS,
, Fire Proof Shatters, and all, kinds of bisebi
_Castings, 4e., dons to order.
lA.TLOR, and Habit Xaluar--6hop on the east
State Street, two doors north of Eight, and adjoin-
Rlblet 4 Co's Cabinet Ware-Room, Erie, Pa.
LLE and retail dealers in Dry Goods, Carpets, and
-oeerre r, No. 1 Reed House.
...uilectors and Dealers in Gold and &drat. coin,
.nt Money, Land Warrants and eartilleatos al De-
Also sight Drafts on the principal cities of the
and all parts of the Old Country for sale. Office,
Block; corner of and Public, Square.
et Fancy Dry Goods, and the fireasert ea
a..} store in'the city, Cheep aide, Erie, Pa.
.r.J. , ;ber, and retail Deniers in nee and dry Geo-
P 1. Produce, Foreign and Dossestie Frail,
tt and Stone Ware, Flour, Fish, Salt, Watts,
r. shut, Caps, Safety Fuse 2c—dr...French
p i ,1:. the Reed House, Erie, Pa.
Canal Boats, Vessels, /keels, and Pri
• -applied with any of the above articles
t i r •i and very cheap. „
IV3i. S. LANE,
...ELL1:111 at LAR.-011e• oafs Jackron's
t.,t corner of the Public Sashe.
_IIIBI - cis:LE lc KEPLER,
Gr , ..:Tries, Hardware, Crockery, de.
Tat' street. Erie,
_ . 7 , t,,.—(PEISre at hi. residence on Eighth
- • fr+n , 4l and ffolbuid, Erie, Pa.
.•••• . r . Bank Notes, Drafts, Ce;tificaies
• • zr, Esellange on the prineipal Pities
offie,. in Beaty's Block, Pahlie
i'h 1 IR I t' —Otte*, cot:tarot' 'Freoch sad F dth
,tore. Brightener oft Fourth
r ,-1-t 4 the obi- Apotherary Halo
.__ _ _
L mum and Amerieitt Hardware and
, Vlees,lron and Steel No. 3
E-w, Pa.
stn.! Retail Deolen it. Dry 0..;0.1.,,
, +:ln—e - aro, Carreties, Ibirtieare, Ira*,
pik 3,-. Femme Store.; State Strett,
I Un , w11 . 5 Hotel, Erie: Pa,
Benoit, Axle Army, Springs, as 4 a
:;inert of Saddle sad Curiae Trimmings.
- -
Lt. .11,1 Justice of the Peter, and Agent for
• Ile Mutual Life lukurangr Company—Mee
wygtit's •iore, Erie,
v. Law, sirard, Erie Coitity, Ps. Cwllectium
• - .tn..** att.:1.1.3 to with protatsk... atia
: Commission Merchant, on the Pehhe
`..tikte Wert.
and White Fith, ecknstantly
and Serpens. ASiee alma Resitten
,-: an.l iastefras Streets.
x, ;toff, If.; Ito 2, sad 6tor, P. M..
c.mmismon mereksati, ! baler is is Cad
_ca a;ent for • daily line of Upper Lake
Dock Erie, Pa.
t., No; 5 Reed Block, State StreeL
114 o'clock, A. M.
31 o'clock, P. 31.
6. D. stArroan, Agent.
nit rIRJ OPJ. 111/41e( cu.,)
i .11•711•Pit3 3derehant, Public Doek, Edo.
Ft.ll. Flour and i Planter. •
11 7 tit. ri(4121111 to Fafnir' sad Donts.
,• c 2.1, made clothing, Boots sad Milli, Ar•
inate street, Erie.
o up stairs is Tataisaay Hall
11,- Pr.thouotary's dice, Sri&
. 1 1U itit AY WRALLON,
L , CTSELLOR AT Lor--ftels ore" mru. "ne woit of Sim* SaMll,
l'ilift:LS. et HAYES,
1 .!: - • ....pll., Dry Oreeerice. Crockery, Hard
_ _-' -‘ ) Browa's Mew Hose's
M rril JACKSON, ---
b. , 4 , „..1., itroearies, hardware, Queen , * Wu*,
- 1 ._ • ~,-. •te.,_lil, Cheapalde, Erie, Pa.
J. G. & W. - I. SHILY,
, ' 1 1 111,,i, gale Dealers In Droeeri.s, Wines,
' ~' r'• -- i'1"0 Foreign Proit,lCats, Pickles and,
~, I,Asters, Preserves, and lieriaotricHelly
- -,•-• ~ , f icry description always oms hawk, 2..fti.
'-. B. s.,:zine-st,. opposite Brnerll . * New nos
. .
. :,,, N, r, V,,ik. IV, I. Altu.a. lhatalo.
t.tig II: t!IJIr sawcon, Oysters in Wrens r Ji
• .. Licy .IReL, New York, which will
_be --
:•.: at 1,% prices. A. C. Jacaucv—Ag'tacsa.
,-, , , red Attail dqalers in bruit, NlLine, Paints,
l' •••Ifv. Glass. Ale., No. 6, Rcod or . Erie,
,iii:k. Nl.Tcharit Tailor, on the taibli . mare, a few
'--' -
`tote street", Erie.
Ji - tlfX H. BURTON
it Ltut, ,t•stenisi
iftiluN &
r Ira I, ` , •h9Q: a n d Miacellaaeoup Books;
1:4 n.'4•• itatv.o.rr. god Printers VoardP, :fa Or
7t. w Erie Pa.
CII.\PIY, Rzsuptart Dr.rnsi—ollko is
the I...eptee Block, ehrner of Statoesad tab
&J.", /lifts resioashle, aad
Restdent Dentist: pies sad &malls( es
tic Booth wide of the PIAUI" Ow" 1 door
Ealq of the Eric Thud,. Itudidiag. Tomb UV
4 , t , ll Plain , from Gn• 10 1112 MIAMI MIL
I x. , th-rure Gold, sod restotai to Mobil sad soo
t n cleaned with busman"' sad Nati*" to
thus o fpolltuti &Mamas. Ail wade datatatsd.
• . • `,
;gc:VA" - ---.74111k ~ : ii` - - Tft.90.1.- - Itelcre.#42lf.f.e. - t- -,:^ir, •-'.:-v i .y 3 Y"4.T - '•.;44 - ` , - - 'l' --- - . o • , ' Ptcr '-' •--• I- ~.•. , , -" ,- - r- ----: -- :. ---- -4 i".vitz r e••vttr•" , " - - . , rewas4.-- • -'+-- . • :.--:'..,:,,,--'--;. - ::, 1 g , k1.M141•40:. , ..410:1: 4 */*.W...--- - , . - . 1."- •: •'- .
B - .
, .
• '
I think it is now about twelve years—it May be
thirteen--since the "Jacob Morgan," a ship of
seven hundred tons burden, sailed from Brims
wick, Georgia, for the East Indian. She was a
noble ship, but if we believe the assertions of - one
who sailed in her,. site was built formisfitrtimea•
She was launched from her stocks at mid' pay, but
yet the moon was seen in the heavens, ben she
gave her first impression to the salt water.. Siv.
era) years subsequent to the period when the
story opens, she was driven upon one of tlirMar
tyr's Beet?, and her ill-fated timbers were strewn
upon the sands of Florida.
At the time of triritir w -eoete., Jam
Morgan was commanded by Captain Ben Wal
led, a powerful, broad chested man, but as kind
and considerate ati he eras fearless and strong.—
Seanien were'searee, and the ship's crew was ob
tained with'grrat &acuity, and under these cir
cumstances men had been hired who wonid oth
erwise have been rejected. The ship had been
six day' out, when the lint mate, a Mr. Gwynn,
from Providence, R. 1., was suddenly taken sick
and on the next morning his lifeless clay *sag
consigned to the deep grave of the blue Atbin--
Thin nntimely event left Captain Wa
critical situation. Nat Faulkner, his second mode,
was by no means qualified for the office. nor world
We have taken the reiponsibility had this eapttiin
desired it. Thcre., was but one man in the ship
who possessed Nullifies'', knowledge of seamanship
for the mate's berth, and though Waliaek found
that to him be must give the office, yet he did
so with many misgivings. The man's
_nsme was
Tom Roland, haughty and overbearing in his dis
position, seeming by his general eonduct to have
been in - the habit of commanding rather than
obeying, on shipboard, and who had already be
gun to exercise a sort of - control over the crew .
lot the ease was one of necessity, and Tom Re,'
land was installed into the once of first mate,
and quartered in the cabin.
For several weeks things passed off extremely
well. Roland preyed to be a thorough navigator,
a finished seaman, and a ready and efficient offi
cer, and Captain Wallack began to think his
misgivings were entireli groundless. Over the
crew Roland had the most entire control, and
even those who had evinced towards the Captain 1
Marks of insubordination, moved without a mar- I
mer at the slightest beck of the mate.
One meaning, when Captain Wallack and his
second mate had the morning watch, they both
kept the deck until Roland had finished his break.
fast, and when the latter took his watch at a few
minutes past eight o'clock, thew went below.—
When they reached the cabin, Mr. Russell, the
supereargo,was just rising from the table, and
taking a book front the head 'of his' buider . com.
mewed reading. lie passed a few observations '
upon the weather, as the Captain and his second
mate sat down to breakfast, and went on with
his reading. Some five minutes bad pulped,
when Faulkner and Wallack were startled by a
sodden exelamation of pain from the supercargo,
and on turning they saw that be had dropped his
book end sat with both hands pressed hard upon
his stomach, while his features had maimed a
livid hue expressive of the most smite suffering.
.The captain sprang quickly from the table, and
layie4 his band upon the safferer's shoulder ex-
" What is the matter, Mr. Russell ?"
• Oh, God: I don't know! Here it it'. I born!"
I: mareriiig
sa be
his u pon biicatomaiii.
a have you been eating ? Whit have
you , a d rinking " mired Wallach in a frenzy.
of iety. 1 .
" lag! *stitiag- 0b: oh!" smoke d the
Poor How.
W east a trembling glare at bi. :..and
sad for a moment they both remainefl Ki
Ines, Dye
It's acreage," 'atlengtit muttered Faulkner; b os x4 th e s hip!"
44 paw Gwynn was taken exactly the mate way." ~A . 11! all ! are they ALL against war
The Captain 'made an reply, but his emit& , IA11" but poor Nat Faulkner. I hare heard
=ice wore a strange shade of suspicion, as he the whole plot, and every part and parcel of it.
riled upon the torpid fesitu!em of his "Peron". lioltuld is an nla Slav dealer.
.44 all the men,
- That night the broad Atlaptie rolled its owe- "
less waves over another of the ship's company.—
Mr. &well had breathed his Lat.
Captain Walls* and Nat Paallossir had the bat
Stint Vottrp.
They eat together la the wood,
The guides and the boy,
Aad through the shade the sunlight fell.
Ltke sorrow crossed with joy ;
6n la their hearts Lore's virgin ore
Wail taxed with grief's alloy. •
" And take," she said, " this arms and aka*
- And near It on thy Imo :
IN minted 'art each lead tad Usk
To 101 l nte to any Yea ;
Asd aunty a now this hate crow
Math to may Upa hoe. peeased.
"111os dared that vaa-1 SO mere
Man wadi about thy way;
I ,hall not wee i thy fern at eta,
Or hoar thy trek* by day
An that itgr werksaia here, to we
TOW fly Ebbw* guy;
•• If e•il lice the from the right,
If eoneelesee plead Ia vale,
Ah: like au We Ilak to truth,
ai111441 nukes Ala fragile duds !
AM nay Ite cress burn is thy bean,
Till thou art strops spin.
"If bliber, softer oyeltirow Et*
9ooa► worWlo of lows to thee,
Undo. tip wad °CM, *poor
Crowd oat is mown,
Still bo tide riwin shoot thy soot.
To dhow the he* to um"
Aad so they parsed: she to wear,
• Above, sa Bagel's eioinO,
And las, to iIMI on land or sea,
I. theme or in town,
A moss end dein upon to. Mart
Item the lat heaven let down
6knict Pris•ctilaitg-.1
A Thrilling Ilidsode of Ocean Life
dog watch. Roland had gone down into the cab
in, while the foremast hands with the excel).
1 tion of the man at the wheel, 're all forward.
! The captain paced the quarter deqk in a thciaght
! ful, troubled moat, ever and aim casting his
eye i towards the companion way, where his• first
mate bad disappeared a short time before, and
then turning his gaze towards the forcastle, where
'the men bad congregated. Faulkner was b' the
wheel, and several times as the captain approach
ed_him in ads walk did he start to join hiin, but
a fearful suspicion kept him back, and until the
watch was changed, neither he nor Wallack
coke a wprd, save such as related to the mad.
agement of the ship. At eight o'clock Roland
caste on deck for the first watch. The ship was
upon the starboard tack, close hauled upon the
wind, and just able to, stand ou her course. •
1 1 As Captain Walla& gave up the deck, be re
! quested the mate, if the wind should haul round
/tv the eastward 'any, to call him., Third ilia
: ed kindly that he would, but betteath - -the half
! curling smile that rested upon his features the,
' captain thought he could detect a lurking spirit
of evil. He let not a shadow of his doubt man
ifest itself. upon his countenance, but with a
bland frankness he wished his mate a pleasant
. watch, and' went below.
" Faulkner," said the captain, as he cast a fu
gitiveglance at the head of the ladder, "let not
a word escape you, unless it be of common place
' affairs, until we turn into oar berths; but keep
your weather eye open, and follow. my move
' mitts." . ,
Faulkner did not start at this request, for the
' same thoughts seemed to be passing in his own
mind. -
" Let's see," said the captain in a tone loud'
enough - to be heard on deck, " I must run over
my reckoning before I turn in. Mr. Faulkner,
just hand me that 'chart if you please,"
As Wallach spoke he reached over into his
berth and took out his pistols, which he proceed
ed carefully to load, taking care the while that
his back was turned towards the companion way . .
Faulkner followed his example, and ere long the
: two men retired, but not to sleep. •
" Faulkner," whispered the captain, "we are (
in a »ring fix, for Flare reason to believe there
is mutiny aboard. Gwynn and Russell have both
been 'poisoned."
" Sn I believe," returned Faulkner, in the ~ ame
low tone, " and if I am not iniitaken,
. be poison in our i..offee cup tn.morrow morning," +
' "Fla! have von ;Pen any thing" • 't
"Ye.. I Roland t e , l: a :•urtil
paper 4-13 1011 , I 11••td l i n:, • 4 0 t
vever-ittion ah abut it,. fr. :111 . hit
orrr-tturt elite war itaiimbitor-lurelrelhriwthieder." -
"Then, in God's naiire, what will we: do?" et
tered the captain "Their plan mu,t 1.,0. all form-,
ad, and I suppose they have made arragament. for
the dispo'esi of those in the forecastle who do not
joiu them. Would to itea‘xn I kit. te how m
of them there are.''
LIVe a taumage h.tween tit.; t.l ill
bqlkbea.lo.: ' Faulittwr
alight gala tutmitiatJon
•‘..No. If lttilaed 1ea,14 I . k now ,
lie does—he will not dare to carry on conver.
lotion there, for they would bear him."
"Hark"' whispered Faulkner, as a suppressed
voice at the wheel met his ear. •
He -bent his head outtrotu the bunk, and caught
the following words. which he knew to be from
the lips of Roland:
"They are/both asleep before this time, Hall.
You look out for the deck a •few minutes, whilel
I see the boys in the forecastle. - . .
"He's going to the forecastle," whispered
Faulkner. "Now is your time to follow him."
"No—lyoe had better go, Faulkner, for it may
be that some one will come down to see me, and)
in that case our movements would bediseoveeed.
There's mutiny and no mistake. You know I
where the passage runs between the boxes; just
abaft the mainmast it takes a short turn to star-
board and follows along the chock down to the
tanks. Slip out from your berth, and go over
to where the supercargo used to bunk, and move I
that panel; it moves easier than mine does."
_lost no time in obeying-the captain's
directions. There were two secret communica
tions to the hold of the ship, through the cabin
bulkhead, and through one of these the second-
Mite soon made his way. Nearly a half an
hour elapsed ere he returned, and daring • that
time the captain's mind was tortured by various
fearful emotions, Until the death of &smell, he
had not held suspicion of direct mutiny, and his
former fears with regard to Roland had nearly
been quited, but now the suspicion had been
sudden, and it was strong, even to very certain
! ty. A thousand little instances came back to
!his mind, which singly had appeared as nothing,
but which -now helped to solve the mystery of
Owynnls death. Wallack had medical know
ledge enough to know that the supercargo bad
been killed by tchik arsent, and he now knew
' that his first mate came to his end thesame way,
though the dose of the latter most have been
. much smaller than that which sent poor Russell
to his untimely end, and its symptoms bad not
been so papa*. •
While the captain lay thus racking his brain,
Faulkner returned tem his espienage, and as he
crept stealthily past the foot of his bursk,-Wal
lack fancied he could bear his heart beat in his
~ ‘ "What news?" asked the captain, almost fear
ing to put the question.
"We are lost!" uttered Vanlkner, ss he clasp-
Ki hands in silent agony.
"Use" reiterated the captain. "Nn, uo,lhat
cannot be. Some of them will surely help mi."
"Ben Waßack," returned the mate, in a tone
that made the
_captain's stout heart beat more
quickly, "You have not but one solitary. friend
with the exception of four, whom he frightened
or persuaded - to join him, were from St. Domingo,
from whence they came in company to ;Asleep
, the Mt ship the; could sheet with, that milted
their purpose. We are to lie murdered to-Mora
row, and then Roland intends to run to the coast
of Benguela, and take in a load of slaves for either
Brazil or Cuba. When the bloody villiatibegan
to talk to-night, he bad some thoughts of-killing
you . ; and then trying to gain me into his service,
but he soon rejected the idea. and to-morrow we
both die."
"Don't giro up, yet," said the captain. "Some
plan may be devivd, to thwart them in their
"No, no, Wallack—there are - "Wein ot" then',
and we know not how to inset dia. Hire think
not their poison they will ItM us. ' But there is
one consolation—We will die together, honest
"By the power of greet Heaven, we will not
die!" littered Wallach, in a tow so load that it
might have proved dangerous. "My aim is fit
for half a dome of them: I Vo,V,resort lot
me think. You my Boland thong of retain
ing you in his piratkal services?"
"Then I brie it. I'll tell you on the wutch
to -night."
.k# the captain spoke, he heard a slight foot•
fall at the companion way, and liming 'that he
might be watched, he turned upon his back, laid
his hand upon the but of his pistol, he fell into
a low, steady snoring, which he kept up till his
watch was called at midnight.
The reaminfier of the night passed on without
disturbance. Wallack and his solitary friend
carried on such conversation as they could I
during their watch, and in the morning they
came upon the deck half an hour before the cook
had prepared their breakfast. The captain walk. :
ed tip and dawn the lee side of the quarter deck'
several times in a sort of angry, troubled mood, '
and uttering stifled curses to himself, until at
length be stopped before his second mate, and,
shaking his finger menacingly in his faCe, he'ut ;
"Mr.'Faulktter, that makes the fourth time)
you hare; by your lubberly carelessness, torn ni
the paper containing my day's work. Now, if
you do it again, I will &rate you, and put you
before the mast."
"Do it as soon as you please," returned
net., his face - reddened. with apparent anger.
"You won't frighten me."
"Don't be insolent, Sir."
..1 sm not insolent
"You we're
- •ilt's a lie!" uttered Faulkner; netunliS . trim:
Kling at the , mrvi 4,lhi- awn. wrfra., 3(1.1ei;.5.41
to Igi+ herculean enrol:pander. •
4:aptain Wall.tek tank Inn‘.1:••1 ,•
instant . a delt hint a blow up'm the LreSst th•tt
'prostrated him upon the deck.
, 4Capt. WOlack," said Faulkner, as lid arose,
from the fall; "snit shall suffer for tlik I will
he avenged as acre in there i-4 a Cod in ileavLn.
, The captain made an rep!) ; but turning quick
ly. upon hi heel. h, wen) to his cabin. Twice
did Roland . ..tart in follow Lim, but' yet he re
mained ,n t deck. Them w• - i , a ,tranFe light
his eye. as he eaught the revengeful express,io
npon F'mtlkner's . countenance, and then; as if a
fiaddets thought had struck tint, he went, quick
.lc to the caboose, - and gave.somi hurried direo
tions to . the cook. - After that -he took two or
three hurried turns up and down the quarter
deck, and then beckoning to Faulkner, who 4t1)00
sulkily leaning against the lee rail, he walked
forTird to the bitty. The beeiml, mate followed
his silent request, and in a moment after he 'passed
th? caboose, the cook came out and threw over
board the coffee he had prepared foi'breakfaat.
When Faulkner came up to the bitty, Roland
re l
cast a urtive glance around, and then, looking
fixedi) into hire companion's eyes ; said— .
' '• F diner, have you the 4*ntrage to follow up
the ' enge yon, have sworn against the cap-
" Yea.;'
"But , would you not dare to take his life?"
" I datv take any man's life that strikes me."
Roland's eye - sparkled as he heard this; be then
"But who would take his place in command?"
" Who?" returned Faulknisr,, with a perfect
appearance of - honest intent, "Why, who, is there
but you that is qualified?" '
" But if I were captain would you follow me?"
Tes—even to the hoisting of the black flag,
so that I had revenge."
Roland grasped his companion by the_ hand,
and after gazing a moment into his face, ha went
on and • detailed the whole plot he hal formed
fbr taking the ship, landing the cargo at Lower
Chines, and gOing into the slave trade. His re
cital was just.the same that the second mate had
heard while listening at the forecastle bulk head,
and, as he concluded; he said— , •
" Now, Faulkner, will you join us?" . ,
" Yes, readily; bat rememember, it shall be
my hand that finds the life of Captain Willack."
"Then be it so. returned Roland. And now
we must have the matter settled as soon rye possi
ble, for Wallick intends to touch at Cape terdes,
and we are tot.nrwe than three days' sail from
th ere a t th e f ar d tei t......t o you must have him oat
of. the way to:night. I want to keep array to
mortow morning, Rai run down between 'St.
Mathews and Ascension.'
"But say, Roland, why have you not put
lack out of the way before this; it seems to isle,
if I had been in your place. I should have
. niade
quick work of it."
"So should," replied the villain, with a pe
culiar, meaning smile; but you see I have been
picking them off carefully.. Had I known how
the land .lay with you. Wallack would not hate
. •
beensliting now.", •
Before night/ Wallack learned the result of
his own and Fauliner's stratagem of the morn
ing; but the tiro had t. be exceedingly', careful;
for Rolan.l'a eyes were opeu.tu all that
about him, and they knew that if their deception
was suspected, their death would be certain and
immediate. But the mom part of the work was
to be accomplished, for they had sixteen stout
runt to dispose of Faulkner learned that, five
of the principal mutineers--those upon whoa
Boland plaid the greatest dependanoe=were in
the captain's watch, while there Were six or sec
eta who west wive hirelings *Aimed is
swell with their leader. Wallack's 'main hope
was in disposing of the five leading mutineers in
hie watch, by boon stratagem, and then des
patching Roland before the watch below could
come to their mecum but whatever was to be done
must be done before midnight, as all hands
would bb on the alert for action, before the morn
ing watch -was set.
At length the captain and meted mate took
the first watch. Nine o'clock passed end so did
ten. Wallack paced the deck in a steady,
thoughtful mood, ever sad anon casting his eyes
about upon the crew, moat of whom were for
ward. • The moon threw its pale beams upon the
herculean form of the Captain, ands close obser
ver might have seen the iron muscles as they
worked in his limbs. His countenance betrayed
the varying thoughts and intense anxiety that
moved within him. Fire times after the bell
bad tolled that tea o' leek bad plumed, did he
walk how the wheel to the male mast tad back.
At the sixth turn, just as he reached the rack in
which were coiled the mainsail halyard he stop
ped suddenly, with I nervous, quickness, while
the flashing of his eyes and the instantaneous
enntractionand'expansion of the muscles of the
face, showed that some powerful idea had shot
in his mind. He quickly resumed his walk,
however, and the same appearance of cool thought
once more rested upon his features.
The wind was now blowing a good topgallant
breeze. from;.S. S. E., and the ship was close
hauled um the starboard tack, and stook E.
half S under single reef topsail and top-gallant
" Mr. Faulkner," said the captain, spin atop
pin in his 1 walk sear the mein -mast, at the
mine time inistioningto his second mate to come
to him.
" I have 'it: Watch me every motion, and
fail not to catch every. word I.utter. At the
Brit opperatity you get, as soon as the men are
all up, secure the "cabin and, foreeisde compan
ionway, atullarm yourself "
This • Wallack spoke in a hurried whisper, and
then raising his voice, •be said:
"%Mr. Faulkner, will you go below sad tell
say mate that I should like to see him a moment
on deck?" Then he added in a whisper. "Tell
him I have business of the utmost importance."
Fiulkner looked a moment into hit; command
er's fare as if he drui e htfsi whether this order was
given in _earnest. but the '4ontidrnt, re.tointe
countenance which urn his gaze, up•gured him,
and he i iintneliately wi-nt below to_ilo hb4 errand.
In a few itoniilniu r00rn , .. , 11 followol by hi'
hat lip in hi- slay',
came on deck. at the mute time stepping_ over
und.r th-..lee of the ~.panker, "I should not have,
called• you had I not the most urgent necessity.
If you will just step out of the earshot ?f l'ialk
ner, I w lk tell you.' •
Roland stepped to the.lec rail, and leaned his
back against it, while the captain stood leaning
againq the rail at the mate's left hand.
"Roland, - 'continued he, "Fin • afraid Mr.
Faulkner is up,to some evil design."
....kb" uttered the villian, while a -peculiar
sparkle shot forth fi:ont his eyes.-, "Perhaps he
has not forgotten the blow you gave him."
--lelok out sir, look nut, Roland, or you'll be
overboard." .-
Waßack uttered the tint syllable of this
exclamation, he placed his hand upon Roland's
mouth, and, with a crushing, irresistible force
he, bent him back over the rail. At the same time
he caught the mutineer by the leg, and are the
last syllable of this exclamation fell from his
lips, Rolaiid was plunged head-long into the sea.
"A man overboad !" shouted Wallach, as he
sprang to the wheel, and took the helm from him
who held it. "Mr. • Ronald is overboard! Cut
affray the life buoy there; one of you! man' the
main-topsan braces, both sides. Main olewlar
nets and buntlines. Mr. Faulkner, rouse up all
tuitids, and clue up! -Work lively, men, or we
shall lose him! • Haul Out the spanker!—now
spring to the stern davits, boys! Cat the lash
ings—don't atop to Cast of anything!"
These orders had been given at intervals, as
rapidly as they could be obeyed, and by the time
all hands were up from below, the ship was hove
to, with the maintopsails to# mast.
- The hub was lowered fro the davits heated
under the quarter, and those who were the most
elisions to save - the mate, were the first to leap -
filo it.
"Lst every oar be maned!" shouted the. cap
tain, "and you'll save him yet. , I can see him.
He's caught the life buoy:"
The boat pulled eight oars, and with a hand
it the tiller, she had nine men in her when she
put Coif; and, as "%Rack had expected, these
eomprieed"the men he most feared. Faulkner
saw the whole in an instant, and unobierred by
the rest of the crew, who were too intently watch
ing the mite, whose white shirt could every now
and then be seen, as he rose and fell upon the
life-buoy, he sprang forward and ..,ecured the
forecastle compariicin-way, so that the men could
not readily obtain.their arms.. When the boat
had neared . to where the mate was rolliug';atutni
in the salt-bath, the captain gradually gave the
ship weather helm until the maintopsail was ill
ea abaft. . Then, as if the affair was the result of
an accident, he exchtimed: 7 --
.Haile, I've let her off. Mims helices, boys,
.ud we'll wear arround on the ether tack."
The men mistrusted not, mid in a minute the
mizzen topsail was squared.
"Belay there, and jump to the bead brad-1
They will dor-belay. -
'As sown as the head braces had been belayed,
part of the men caw aft to the stmin deck, not
yet suspecting that anything but accident. had to
do with the movement of the ship. ' The ship
was tow: very nearly astern, and of course she
was rapidly sailing torsi -from the beet which'
had just picked up Roland, and turned, to Come
Howell," said the captain to One of the
men, who had stopped at one of the - atairboard
braces, "take the helm a moment. Lay aft here
all heads,' he ordered, and he stepped back and
• *Bed Wirth* to his side.
llnatincaively the men obeyed hie order, 4 8heil
I lit kr tirtirrt oluml &oral
"No:" thundered Capt. Walla& as he drew
heavy pistol in each hand, while Faulkner did
the same. "If you , mote the wheel a single
spoke, or leave the helm without my ostlers, you
are a dead man! Sop there:" he continued,
.turning to the five men who had now came aft.
The first man that moves as inch till I bid him,
dies on the spot: Aha, my fine fellows, you are
well caught! That boat will never reurn to this
ship. I threw your scoundrel leader overboard,
and then I sent nine more after him. They may
findltie same resting place that they gave poor
Gwynn and Rtsuiell: Ten of sixteen individuals
who ~ ought to murder me, have been disposed of
by stratagem; with the other six, for if one of you
dare speak a mutinous word, aye, if yon look a
mutinous look, that man is dead on the very next
instant. Walleigh, Burnhm and Vaughn,
forward here."
As the captain spoke, the three man thus des
-1111044d advanced from their ampanicer,-and
trembling at every joint, they awaited his will. A
moment he looked as though he would have ut
terly annihilated them with Lis very gaze, and
then he said:
• " Tell me, my men, and mind that you tell
me truly --were yen frightened into this bloody
mutiny, or did yeti join of your own free will?"
"Oh, Capt, Wallack," exclaimed Walleigh,
as lie fell upon his knees and clasped hii hands,
while the others followed his examples, "we were
drawn in wit sir. Gwynn and Russell had both
gone, when Roland , threatened ue, if we didn't
join him. As there is a God in Heaven, we did
it to save our lives.'
"And you, Howell," said the captain, as ho
turned to the mu at the wheel.
"Walleigh knows," answered - Howell, not dar
ing to let go the wheel, but laying his right hand
upon his beast, "that I refused at Bret, but there
were twelve of them, air, and we could not heap
"Well, say wen, I believe you," ret urned Capt.
Wallaek, in a frank tone, and if you piove faith•
ful now f I Will not only foreire you, but I will
never speak of your fault to your harm."
"Oh, God bless you; Sir:". ejaculated they all
is a breath, and the tears of gratitude rolled thick
and fast down their weather beaten cheeks."
"That will do—l will trust you now," said
the captain; who saw that they were now sincere
in their protestations. "Now bring me some
seising stuff from the lung-boat, IraHeigh, and
we will "-oast dispose of Mr. Poland's t remain
i n a' tympin ions. "
. INA men wen. btotnd Stithout trouble, and
in the lo l itg.b oat for , -ale keeping: They
begged and - they rayed thaa they too might be
Wallach knew that the fear of puis-,
alone actuated them, and he would not
r ..
trust them
The- ship was soon in good sailing trim, and
I put N. E. - by E. and •in four days she was anchor
ect to mama' now, wnere tne twR mtiuuerrs
were delivered up to jasticti, and where Captain
IWallack obtained men enoueh to Man hi 4 ship
once more for his voyage.
When the. Jacob Morgan returned to thetni
-1 ted States, Captain Wallack learned that her
1 owners had given her np as lost. A homeward
bound East Indiaman had picked up one of. her
boats, which was found bottom upwards in the
I water, twolve hundred, miles to the northward
; and westward of the Cape Verde.
The villitut Roland; and his companions in
guilt, had indeed met the same grave to Which
they had Consigned poor Gwynn and Russell.-
They had thought to make the blue bosom of the
Atlantic bear them on their ungodly enterprise,
but its rolling waves Were only destined to burst
open the gates of eternity, and usher their souls
into thi presence of Him who crashed them in
their path of sin'.
lifir We find in the inickerbocker, the speech,
of Oliver Cromwell upon • diSolving the long Par
fitment. It purports to be taken from the Parlia
mentary debates. We hate neva- seen it given
at the saute length before. The expression:so
Oromwellian in style, /'The Lord has no farther
used of you, " does'nt appear here. It ought not
to be onaitted. • But still here the speech is; sad
it's worth reading:
• "It is high time fa me to put an end to your
sitting in this place, which ye have 'dishonored j
by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by
your practice .of every vice. Ye are a factions
crew, and enemies to all good government. Ye
are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would,
like Esau, sell your country for a mess of pottage;
and like Judas, betray your God for a few pieces ,
of silver. Is there a ingle virtue now remain-j'
ing among 'you? Is there one vice ye do not!
poetess? Ye have n more _religion than my,'
i u
hre. Gold is your God. Which of you has'
not bartered away yo r roncience far hrihSs 9 Tt'
there a man among y that hath the least care
for the good of the dommonwealth? i Ye Sordid'
prostitutes! have ye tot defiled the sacred place, ' ;
and; turned the Lard's temple into a den of
thieves? By your immoral principleil and wielr4
ed prracctices, ye have; grown intolerably odious to.
a w nation. You who Were deputed here by
the people to get their grievances redressed, are
-yourselves become the greatest grievance. Your
country, therefore calls upon me to cleanse thiS
Agetin stable by putting a final period to Your
iniquitous proceedings in this House, and whiel4
by God's help, and• the strength He has giver!
the, I now intend to do. I command you,.there
fore, upon the perils of your live" to depart ini
metruttely out of this place! Gr.:'. Get oults
Make haste! Ye venal slaves. Begone. TA't
away that shining bauble there, the Speaker:a
mace. and :lock up the doors!
. Tacis—Raap following sentiments
we elip from the New York iferdiasies Ledger,
said aommend them to the earefuj perusal of the
reader :
" Re who \ by his cowls* makes good friends I
on the one hand, sad bitter haters on the other, 1
gives evidence that there is something of the bold,
independent, upright man in his composition,
while the chicken-hearted, imbecile character i -
eapable of making neither friends nor foes.
Therefore we say to all, but more .particularly to
young men, whatever you do, do it earnestly, sea
lousy and fearlessly. Next to being upright and
faithful in the performance of your duty, be de
-44161, and then
i ron- will make either friends or
foes worth having—we say worth having, for
there are some people in the-world that it is worth
mos* tO have for swain than for bike Nona
-... 4-
Panama's Kars.
- The exploits of the famous portion of 'Bow
lolph, would makes body of &stamens inenliet
ing than any tale of fiction. He was a teddlna .
fellow—bloody minded as the hounds of 1 1 1 .4 4 .
He some - Lifcs slew the helpless and innonintis
cold blood—the coward he had tW in
stinctive tone and bearing of authority thettkept
his people within the metes and bounds of his
own despotic will. He and his party ward one
day resting themselves by a spring, 100 Bing
here and there on the green grams, in the dude
of the trees. One of his subordinates, s
- strong Ulan, had got Mad with him. Ifni . Yap
had been- boiling in him for several days; sad
some fresh afront at the spring mimed hia aarr
to become ungovernable; he drew hia'strosdi and
rushed at his captain, swearing that he 'would
1101-11 LINL Ilmmon had stretched his aliett i l izsa
on the swartl,',lnd wen resting with his el* as
the ground sad Me bigni'voriatt--bata bah 4 XiS
devoted followers were truth, him, and he laud
the- click- of their locks as, they welted their
rifler. " Let him alone . cried Finnan, is his
quick sharp tone. He 18y still, calm, sad self
possessed, with his keen, dark eyes Aged an the
raging lieutenant, as be made a tremendous
plunge at his 'breast: 'But when the stroke came
its abject swerved away like a snake, sad the
bailed man pluaged,his sword into the ground.
Quick as . lightning Fannon's sharp blade pissed
through the gigantic frame--"Thns, and thus
I punish those who disregard my authority
and his eyes sparkled and glowed like a serpaat's
The man sunk to the earth forever. .
But Fannon's Mari is written at the top of
this sheet"; and she is the heroine of this present
writing. Achilles and his Xanthns and Win,
and Podarkpe; Alexander had bd. Butsephshos;
)lePonald had his Selim. Fannon *seamen of
blood like them, and, like them he had his fa
vorite and trusty charger; and Fannon's mars
I was worthy of heir owner;or "even a better toss'
'rife called her the Red Doe, from her resemblance
in color to the deer. ' She was a rare animal—
teat, powerful, intelligent, docile as a 'ash r am!,
her owner valued ler, I dare say, above king or
country, or the life of his fellow man. She bore
him, proudly and fearlessly, in the bloody skir
mish or the quick retreat. When he mei is
1 the noisy council of his partisans, or is the sib . -
I lent,ambush, the faithful brute bras, by his aide,
lever ready to bear him whithereeever he iroeld.
Down on the cut of Little Rivet, the psi:ll
1 : sa n and some four of live of his Followers use day
I. captured a man by the name-of Hunter, a polim
teal opponent, from the country about Salisbury.
This was sufficient cause of death, and Fiume
iold the man he should hang him.. Huiess was
evidently a. man of the timesi but what•eodd he
do, alone and defenceless, with a doses bitter
enemies?. It 'aka case of complete desperation.
The rope was ready, sod a
_..ft old oak threw
outt its convenient raneties. mnon laustene
.he might pray, for his time was comet The poor
man kneeled down, and seemed absorbed in Ids
Tait petition to a throne of mercy. Fannon and
his men stood by, and the trusty mare stood
among them with 'the reins on. her me. They
began to be impatient for the victim to sloe hie
devotional exercises. But they soon asesaved
that there was more earth than heaven is lbw
ter's thought; for he suddenly sprang en
nan's mare, bowed his Mail down on Isar
ful neck, pressed his heels on her" tan* and
darted away like the Wind.
The rifles Were leveled in a moment--Shoot
high: shbot high" cried Faanon--"says Sty
mare:" The slugs all whistled over Hunter's
back. save one that told with turning aim, which
tore and•battered his shoulder dreadfully. He
reeled on the . saddle, and felt sick at hear% bet
hope was before him, death behind, and honer.;
ed himself for the.race. On he sped. Thimegh
woods, ravines and brambles did that powerful
mare Carry him, safely and swiftly. Trui ene
mies were 'ln hot pursuit. They followed• hin
by the trail of Sood from hie wounded **elder.
He came to Little fiver; there was no- fat* the
bank was high, aid a de."Pleee in the 40001
before him. But the foe ca.Ne; he dm th•
rein and clapppd his heels to heis 4 dee, sad this
gallant mare plunged recklessly into tl' Maw.
She snorted in the spray as she rose, pawe the
yielding wave, arched hat beautiful mane abovV
' the surface, and ekinuned along like a wild mai
1; Hunter turned her down anima, in the hope of
evading_ his pursuers, and she reared and dashed
through the flashing waters of the shoal, like
lightning in the , storm-cloud.
But Fannon was on the trail; and rush*
down the bank with ail the mad energy this the
lose of his favorite-conld inspire. flouter' ens*.
ed the mare ; to the opposite bank ; it was ideep—
several feet ef perpendicular rock—but altepLint
ed herself de Abe shore at a bound; sad alma
away she fAw over the interminable const of
pines, straight and swift as an arrow—that ad
mirable mare'.
On and onAiti the generous brute bone ler
master's tomato ? till the pursuers were left hip e
lessly Wand. pito in the everdigllitanter reds
into Salisbury, ad the slug ca tractiedlaii his
shoulder, and after lingering some thee with the
effects of his wound and eicitement, sally got
well. And that gallant mare, that had dote him
such good service, he kept and cherished, glebe
died of old age. . •
agahe old saying an ill wind *at blows
nobody any good," we - laud mos woU applied
by a young men when hie 'Siker ems bale from
a funeral at which be had been 'I, beam and
gave him the black silk send off his bat for
neck tie. •
. .
..V Getman - in Cincinnati, owed a Area in this
city, a certain amount of money. Whale the
money was due he appeared before'them, looking
ve.ty sad and dejected, and declared fast It was
utterly impossible for him to disc.barr the debt
then -- and requested a longer. time. His 'rooms
sms.granted. About a month afterwards, me of
the firm being in the Qnecn City, met the debtor ,
who advanced towards him in high spits lasi Tely
good humor. "Weli,"sals the ipettleums
city, "how ate you comuig oa by this ..
"Oh, finely !" was the refill, "ni, sclje.4 6 , ---
I had her life insure d . for-eight let.
lava, and have got the money—t thialpatini
that bill liew."--Nierwresksbsrg Rai ~e.
..- , !
••••, 65 , 41 6;0*
• _
l' ."... T