Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, May 21, 1853, Image 4

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    feast risalbwou Ilaters.
Remarks of the Ron. /Qui L. Dawson, on the
Bill for. the Belief of Com. Decatur.
Orin looking over the proceedings of Con
gress the eye is occaaionally attracted by the dis
eussien of propositions involving questions of pri-
N ate right, that are deeplyinteresting onnocount
of their Historical asaociatzoua. The proceeding&
of the House of ,Represenintives, as publahed in
the Daily Globe, present in instance of this kind.
It is to be found in the remarks of the Hon. John
L. Dawson, of Pennsylvania, on the motion to pro-
ceed 'to the consideration 'of the bill for the relief
of the widow of Com. Ihmiatur, and others. It is
an interesting exposition of the fade involved in
the case, and 'presented 4 that concise and favor
able manner that charmiterises the speeches 'of
that gentleman. For thi benefit of our readers
,who have not lux* to the Proceediv4s of Con
gress at large, we pnb his r.".asxks entire.—
Widow theapod ."l-7 Decatir
Ma. P •
ore .
~&wstox: - I nuke: te take up Senate bill
265, for the relief a the captors
. of the fri
gate Philadelphia, and alik the House to indulge
me whilst I make a brief statement of the history
and merits ofthis - claint. • The bill:. makes com
pensation to the surtiting tifftecis" and crew of
the little ketch Intrepid, for signal and gallant
services rendered in the month of Bebruary, 1844.
by entering in the night the hiarbor of Tripolili.
under the veil gnus ofithe castle of the Baslutw,
liospled the frigate Philadelphia, then a captured
.prize in the possessionef the Tripiitans--cleared
her decks, kiiling-twenity of her crew in a close
fight, drove the balance into the seal then fired
the vessel, by which she burnt to the- water's
edge, and wide their tripe without the loss of
a single man.' This gallant- act was conceived
by Stephen Decatur, and executed by him and
his gallant crew with singular fidelity, resolution,
and courage. The history, of this affair is as,
brief as the achievement was brilliant, and I shall
therefore detain the Huse but for a moment in
refering to it. Afte'r he close, of the Revolit
tiQn, and in the- beginning of the present century,
our Navy was greatly tedueed iu the number of
its vessels-of-war, they iwere in a dismantled con
dition, and numbers oflt i he officers and crews were
disbanded. As a consiqueneeOf our defenceless
condition upon the seat spoliatious were commit
ted - upon American commerce; and nowhere was
piracy no !Ad and rem less as in the Mediterra 7
Ewan. For a time we4 i a 4njoyed the friendly pro
tection of the British, Swedish, and other friend
ly Powers until withdiiawn from commercial ri
ialry,-when the government of Tripoli in May,
I $Ol, made an open cieclaration of war against
the United States. !
The 'Government of ithe United States, prior to
being inforpted'of-this;deelaration of war by Tri
poli, had mint a aquadton into the Mediterraean
for•the protocticia of American conimeree, which
retrained there pitil the fall of Iso3, when the
frigate Philadelphia, while in chase of a Tripoli
tan vessel, stranded 4 the the harbor of Trilipo,
and in that condit,ion tontendedsallantly against
the poWerful batteries!of the citadel-until the tide
falling, the ship.ittled, was captured, and after
wards carried into Tripoli as a prize. Commodore
Bainbridge, his oisceis and then, made prisoners,
were confined i4'the#ll6ol3d an d dungeons of the
Thi,LAiwastar wise l'iwtettiag 'to the pride and
lore Preble in conunind of the Constitution, had
passed the Straits of bibralter and took command
of the squadron.. D4catur suggested to Commo
dore Preble, his plan! fir the recapture of the fri
gate, and on the 31frt of January, 1804, he re
ceived orders to carry his purpose into execution.
The crew .4 Decatui consisted of three lienten-
ants, seven inidshiplaen, one surgeon, sixty-two
seamen and marrinets, all of whom were volhn
teers M the enterprise. On the 3d day of Feb
niary; this gallant b l and left the harbor of Syra
cuse, in Sicily, and (against adverse winds, upon
a doubtful sea, and 41 more doubtful enterprise,
succeeded in entering the harbor of Tripoli, board- CIR<STRWS FOR THE CRYSTAL PALACE.-7Dr .
.ing the ship,i eletrhig her decks, fully catiening i D MeYoyinformes us that he has engaged a pa
tter, then destroying the vessel by firing her, ns! tx . of forty Choctaws—men and women—to ac
escaping by the light of the conflagration with- i eouipany him to the World's Fair at New York.
out the loss of a sinigle man. This lasing deed They will set out within a few days. These In
shotse forth then, as it doe-, now, an eknatrious ienare our own "natives" and will go in pure
instance of heroic aithievement; one that will rsl Indian costume. The Dectoris now practising
dound„to the ertstiti of tite American Navy, and; them in all their national pastimes, plays, songs,
la all Ow to Prove as iniperiShable a. 4 ihe Ice., and when they get to their journey's end,
pages of Ameritim history. . I the Gothamites wane regaled with their ball-
There%Zile &Oki..
is no porlib Ways ' dances, wisp, Ike.—
e of the globe that has fur- ' - : -
uiehetl so many battle.F.elds,er where history has ; A HAPPY Fra.Low.—The editor of the Fox
recorded so many *stances of heroic daring as town Fusi k leer must be a very happy man about
that which is wash by the waves of the N o d. this time... In hi s last uuMber he says, "Poet
itemnean and the Adriatic; yet there is none I seript—we stop the press whir pleasure to en
that for bold eon tion, 511( 1 1v:tie, heroic, and i whiner the decease of t cotemporacy, Mr.
successful ereen • will compare with that ofl Snaggy, editor of the Fltown Flash. l ie has
The *Snit i now gone to another and better " mirk!. Success
'e nation. It to him. Persons who have taken the Flesh will
Decatur and,his lath associates.
was Of incalculable advantages to 1 .
not only caused 4fi i " . ...0 pirates to quail be- find the Fits_ilet:r_a_g_oticl par
'fore the terrible ...- -
• .4e,gy, skill and eourage of our i
mike's, b"' ~,, A. Fouwaan Ctitw.-- , The other day cze
..o.. t i, sivtititi the, liberation of the eap-i ," widow B ' s admirers mi. „, comp l a i n i ng ba t , h er
,i ,
Lives, it• abolishec, tribute, ie encouraged "uo lof the toothache. : ,..t r . B's smart boy iinediale
commerce, and seeired an honorable peace. The iy spoke. "Well, sir, why don't you do as MA
_ very order of Commodore Preble indicated the Fedoras" sti -e ta k es her teeth out ant i pat w ew , h i c k
hazard and responsibilities of the enterprise. It
--, ~......-,- t--- 4 ---:-4 3 --"cL-&-L- 4 ~- 1 issras tue nay was wmped tor some pretence or
Philadelphia and nin her; and in order to pre- • °Ter. • • 1
vent alarm, to all by the sword." The' "‘ . i
order was omen under a heavy tire from the _
shipping and bat eries.. Commodore Preble in
I ! whenever she wants to." A few minutes after-
Ns. Obadiah thinks the "Tree of Knowledge''
the.birch-tree, the twigs of which have done
of more to make* man acquainted with arithmetic
his despatch de
n all the other members of the vegetable king.
the-captors, "thatrth in e g in ta c e on a d e n h c ie t v i e n ra t e h n e t p: s .; tilia ,
ance of the dangerous service assigned them can - "I aesu elsn
not be sufficient}) estimated. It is beyond all
The proposition, Mr. Speaker, of providi
reward for these gallant men and their rep •
ta fives,. has engaged the attention of (longtime
since 18.24. Decatur, I believe, fell and died in.
4122. intough great difficulty has been fouid
in adjusting the Made of distributing the reward s
uone has ever been.esperienced in admitting th::.
abstract justice of the claim. Though not tech
nically embraced .by the law which provides p r i z e
money to the captors of an enemy's ship raptured,
and then burned and destroyed, yet this ease of
the capture of a ship once our own, by an officer
who volunteered to perform a desperate and skill fal
en terprise, is Infinitely more entitled to our regard
than the ordinary cases embraced by the law of
prizes, from which Clang of cases, however, itdoes.
not - differ in principle. Congress seems to haii
taken this view of the justice of the claim, for in
every instance, where as investigation hasbeen
had, and a report made, either in the Senate or
House of Representatives lts abstract justice; has
been recognised and acknowledged. °eased
Jac.kson, in his message of December 8, 1829
his first message to Congreste---reeommendalltat
the claim be taidr Five times has it paird do ,
Smeate, and .ten times beet isivotably reported
upon in "the House of Bemematatives, sad it
would seem that the tardy and uncertain' action
of Congress, like the "law's delay," amounted to
a "denial of justice." I trust that it will be
delayed no longer. Its passage will make pro
vision for the widows "and descendants of men
who really did the State some service. Decatur,
Lawrence, Bainbridge, Morris and McDonough,
are names Mutations in American history.
The widow-of Commodthre Decatur, lam in
formed, resides within this District in absolute
poverty. I think that Congress should endeavor
to make cheerful • fireside so long desolate by
the neglect of a Government that owed her huts.
band so much. I believe Mr. Speaker, that it is•
true that the nearer we approach the source •of
organised power the less sympathy we experienee,
themgreater neglect we disebver. This case does*
not stand alone, nor am I surprised that the
settlement of this claim has been so long delay
ed, when I remember that eight years since, in
an idle stroll, I saw the remains of Decatur in
the vault of liallanuna, exhibiting all the evi
dence of neglect. The coffin decayed=his ashes
exposed to theeye—not a lineament discernable;
a silver plate - hewing the inscription of Stephen
Pees.tur marked the . Co ffi n, whilst the remnant
of a silken glove covered all that remained of the
hand that had defended so gallantly the rights
and honor of the country. But national injustice
and neglect will not endure forever. I remember
well that but a short time afterwards the national
spirit arose as if from a common impulse, and
the remains of Decatur were removed from the
grove of Kallarama to his native place, the city
of Philadelphia. The spirit, the feeling, and
patriotic ardor •that marked their reception into
the city of Philadelphia, and the procession to
their last burial place, was equalled only' by that
which characterised the - return of the great eon
' 9ueror from his prison - grave to the city of Paris,
the home of his early life and the theatt of his
glory.. I trust, Mr. Speaker, that the national
spirit will again arise, and that we will pass this
bill and do justice to the widows and children' of
gallant men, all of whom, with the exception of
but one, have gone to their games. I would be
glad, then; even at this late hour in the hurried
moments of legislation, if it could be taken up
.considered maimed. ,
A CALIFORNIA WILKM.--Capt. !attainder
says his first essay to effect a matrimonial charac
ter, resulted in a manner so discouraging that be
don't believe he'll ever be induced to try it again.
The Captain being out of service for some
months, conceived a passion for a rather myster-
ious young lady boarding at the same hotel.—
Says the Captain, "I conveyed her round to
shops, shows, balls; - thentres, churches, and every
oth; place of amusement and information, and
at t when I thought things had gone 'bout far
enough, I squares my yards and, says I, just as
a powder monkey—ma'am I've been thinkin' I'd
lik . e to get splieed-L"
"Spliced," said she, as artless as a turtle dote
"Spliced," said I, "and if you've a notion, why
—l'm ready to share my luck and dunnagoarith
you, ma'am!"
She looked a sort of taint back at first, btu
she goes about and says she— •
"Captin, I've been thinkin' if my husband
don't write soon, and send me some money and
a gold watch. from Californa, ra just as leave
marry somebody else as not, and if you'll wait
a few days I'll give you the preference ,
iuur tumitnlyana sere was—it Calfforna wkrow!
'I stood off, after that,' said.the-Captain..
A Humorous old man fell in with an ig
norAntindlratherimpertinent young utinists,wbo
proceeded to inform the old gentieman4 very
positive terms, that he could nukes reach heaven
unless he was born again: andlafded, "I have ex
perienced that change and mow feel no anxiety."
"And have you been lora again?" said his com
panion musingly. ''Yes, I trust I bave."—
"Wiall," *id the old gentleman, eyeing him at
tentively,•"l Don't think it would hurt you, young
man, tole born once more."
stated by some wiseacre that
the 'wail, of a man weighs nine ounces, that of a
woman eight. Ati age ineresees, a maa's heart,
isrs heavier, and a woman's lighter, after thir
Saone girls lose theirs at aiiteen.
_ _
is , • _
/dr A marriage took pia" in Willimusbuigh,
with thp following peculiarities--The groom
measured six feet four, and the bride four feet
six. If this is not "the long and short" of mat.
rimony, we don't know what is, that's all.
gXCRIXIATING.-11 ever there wait wore poe
try contained In the tame amount of spate, than
(here is in the following lines theh we wouhtlike
to see the writer. These lines ate the outpour
ings of a lower, after getting the "utitten: - -
, “Her Pak and angelic Leon,
Shone like yea rase.claa summit,
She stack her Umiak up to her noes, ' t
And rid I conLou't tout tr."
In.. A very neat method of asking subscribers
to pay ni", is adopted, by an editorial friend oY
Our., who nays—
We had a•wt deems the other midi.
Mum au masa was Min—
ute iiremast as 'sir • lima at Seas
• . Ps, up their prism?, b4W • I
iim -- 040 .4at buss
them suireeketty, and the. rina who oily abuse
them do net bow than at, all.
sr . -4
rtt ;.botrbtr,
• 117 IRMO t SLOA3,
OFFICE-x 0.9, nowrs Bum Mirk PA.
priosiag conker of State aa bib Ste.
air . TERMS: If paid in advance, or within a oaths,
$14,50; if not paid as above $2 win be eharge
4 9 /Any rabseriber failing to pay within the year, the
1 / 9 1 ,9 r will be diseontinued sad the aceesiat left with • pro
per oillee'r for collection.
Ziff — Sisteen lines or less make a equare.4.lf .
One Square, ne week, $ 50 One square 3 mouths $3 9$
One " 2 75 One " $. u- -5 00
One ' "' 3, " 100 One " 0 " 700
One square a year, changeable at pleasure, 28. Con
tracts for a larger spree will be made est limreersble term
on application la the Counting Mom.
***Cards inserted In the Business Directory at $3 per
annum. Five lines allowed for a Card.
.Zelrlferediants and others repulsing frequent changes
in their advertisements will be allowed rearm squares, and
the paper sent them, fur $l2. For additional spare, the
charg4 ro
s mill be in proportion, and the advertisements must
be s y confined to the kigitimate business of the ad
' ert r. Payment for transieat advertisements required
advance. Bills for yearly advertising will be presented
Foawanren, produce and Commission Merriment., fourth
Ware Hoagie west of the Public Bridge, ftrie Pa.
Auto—Deakin in Coal, Snit, Plaster, Stucco, Fisk, Lime
and Lime Roue. from Nails, Stoves. Castings, tr., with
unsurpassed facilities for shipping either b r ataumbositi.
Propellers, &boomers. or by Railroad.
0. To. WALCtR,
cSits l 63 - GRAITAm, -
Arrows - Er asp COVNIELLT:II AT Law,'.in George A. Elliett'■
°See, west side of the Park, Erie.
Denier in Groceries, Provisions Wines, Liquors, Candies,
, rruit &e. One door below BOotb - ik Stewart's State-st.
A.I7 , OIIINZT AT LAS.—(ice, Filth &Noy beiwelai Smith
fteld and Grant Strneta, Pittabargh, Pa.
Mamt - reurrewas of Stover, Hollow Ware. Rairiewe. HA
chiderr Railroad Can, etc.. State&,Erie Pa
DIALER in Cloeks, Watches, Jewelry. Silver Spoons, Mul
es] Instruments, Looking Glasses, Lamps and Fancy
(limab, wholesale and retail.
BRASS Format, weet side of Sate Street, Erie, PA.
.L. N. TIiIBALS' & CO. .
STORAGIe, COlMilißtilal and Shipping Merchants, and deal
ers in Co.,d Flour, Pith, Salt, Water Lime, Plater, &e.,
Public Deck, Erie, Pa. Packages intended tor our care
tboubl be au marked.
L. N. TInALJ. A. J. ULU).
MALIMiII Book's. P4itionary, Monthly Magazines, Cheap
Publications, Sheet fdtude, Newspapers, Gold Pens, Pock
et Cutlery. ay. First duor west of the Reed Mouse, Erie.
WnoLasaut and Retail Dealers in Fancy and staple Dry
Goods aud Millinery, Nu. 6. Poor People's Row, opposite
Brown's HoteL
*, 7, ELL, KEPLER it CO. -------
3 tlA'.rrPAC'tVßrJi or Iron Mire. Railing , gleam
Vault Donn, Fire Proof Shutter,, anthill kinds of i rachi,
very and Fancy Owings, &e., done to order.
MEIRCIMAYT Tampa...and Habit Maker Shopat the east
aide ~f State Street. two doors north.of Eight, and adjoin
ing J. 11. RiWet at. Co's Cabinet Wiire-Room, Erie. Pa.
WIfuI.ESALL and retail deniers in Dry Gouda, Carpets, and
Dry Groceries, No. Reed !louse.
amigzni. Colleetun 0 4 u ta k,. in it• Ail axe} gavots wain.
uneurrent Money, Land Warrants and certificates of De
"smite. Also sight Drafts on the principal citiesof the
Union. and all liarts of the Old Country fur rale.. Oilier,
Mock, corner of rotate-et. and Public Stunarc.
of any item in the tidy. Uheitii Ride, title. Pa. eM
Importers. Jobbers and retail Dealers in wet and dry Oro
• eerie*. Provisions. Produee, Foreign and Domestic Fruit,
- Wooden. Willow and Stone Ware, Floto‘Fish, Salt, Glass,
Nails, Powder. Shot. Caps, Safety Fusg Le., At... French
Street. opposite the Reed House. Erie. Pa.
N. .B.—Steam and Canal hosts, Vessels. Hotels, and Pri.
rate Families supplied with any of the above articles
with promptness and rery cheap. .
ATEWEVEY sad COUNSELLOR it Lew.--Once OVOIrJRAIRM'S„ at North-East corner of the Public Snare.
DEALER-4 in Dry Gooki..tiroceriesl. Ilentware, Crockery, Ate
\w :S, Perry mock, Suite .teeet. Erie, pg..
DR. h;. BIiANDEI3,
Pitrarria% and Stanzoi—Oeleet at his resideneeon Eighth
Street. between French and Holland. Erie,
DEALZEM in tlebl. Silver. Bank Notes, [hafts, Certificates
of Deposit, Le. Sight Exchange on the principal cities
constantly for sale. Office in Beaty;• .11loek, Public
pslnare, Erie. "
Brio cum and PRY FICi AV—Olice. corner of French and Fifth
oireete, over Moire ii:och'e store. Residence on Fourth
etreet; one door Niel of the:old Apothecary Hall.
Dealer in Englhh. German and American Hard. and
Cutlery: Men. :Ca Dun amt-titeel .N 0.3
Reed Home, Erie, Pa. :
Importers. Jobber.. and Retail beaten. in Dry floods, Geo.!
eerier, Crockery. Silts*stiare. Carpeting, Han!ware. -True.
st ee l, s a lt., spikes. .Ic. Ealpire Stores stata
four doom irdon itrown'N !total, Erie,
Alto—Anvilo. Vim, Retinae. Axle Arms, Sprlwire. and a
general ati.if,rtment of Saddle and Carriage
Attorney at Law and Juetiee or We Pewee, aml Agent fbr
the Rey Stone Mutual Life inauranee Catupany—Olnee
3 doer west of Weigle* Atom Erie, Pa.
GEORGE 11. ( 1 1,frE11, —
Altuniey at Law: tlirarl. Erb. County; A. Colleetitinp
and other hnainene attended to with prenatnela and ill 4
forwarding and Commi.siou *whims; on the Pahlie
Dock. east of Statctdrect. . 1
Cad, Salt. Plaster and White Fish. constantly for sale.
.___ _ _,,.. _,_ , ______
Practising Physician. and Simmons. office sad Reshien
ces--Sereuth and sassafras Streets.
Oilier hoop. from Ti. S. A. M: 1 to .I.,stittl R to 7, P. M.
a CO.
Poiamardinataid Se• hor cam,
none; Flrb. and alrent for s daily Use at Upper Lake
Rteatnera. Movk Erie. Pa.
lieeide Removed to N0..1 Reed Block. State ptreet.
•Imitern Expre, e1...e% at 111 erfeeir. A: M.
Weetei-n " cielnalL-P.
4,, 0. sVATIPUIttI.
(LAyg or raw Irma or HISARS A co-,/
Perwardiugand C.nion n imion Merchant, Public Durk, Eric
Dealer in Coal. Salt: Fish. Flour "till Plaster.
1. niizEßswEftil
WPOLC*4.I.It %%D iIItTAIL I)lLAtAllt 111 Foruivi and taurr
tic Dry tiou4o, ready :mule clothing. 11004 and Shoes. tr.
Wo. I Wriglit's Meek. State r treet. Erie,
Arrua_vers AT I. Ce—Ofller up Ftlihir in Tammany Hull
building.notith of the Prothanotarro u‘seu.
ATTORNI;7 AND ( . 01 ANEW/ft AT Lan —Mee Over Wil.
'none 4 Wright'e, entrance one tinor weet of State street,
on the Dumont'. Erie.
DEALER% In Dry Gmels. Dry Groceries. Crockery. Hark
wire, le., No. 1. Brown's New Meek
Ift•u:a is Dry Goals. rift., hardware: Queens NVArr,
Liam. Ind*, Nadi, de:. 121. Cb•miside, Erie. Pa.
Wl*ol.ExAts. owl ILetail &kakis in Dam, Maurin e .
oi4. I e-.enfo Olma. kr.. No. G. Mood Mouse. loin.
Losioxiurt.r. Merchant Tailor. on the public +quart% a few
boor, we,t or State aireet. Erie,
w 111 /OM RETAIL dealer in Druo, Mexlieino*, Uri
Stalk, linuerriern. kc., No. 5. Howl House, Erie.
o*t M. CHAPIN. "Itreipmer pawn's-456 , er is
the rbek, corner at State alai 1411.11
... . Street. up .tair.. Priers resaleable. mad
all work warranted.
DR. 0. L. ELL! I ,
Itoot•teot Dentist: Moo sod.
a, I
',ie.. thatatit 4rtai=fripoor:4 6, 47;
sorted.. Gold Plato, *oat use to as ..tits wt. Cootopi
tooth 11,1110 d with pone Got& opt mewed to hoot* owl so-
Moos& Tooth doomed- with tootraidosta owl Biagio, so
a.. Imre doom of *WA ilatimisam. AS wok wtstßioi.
THOMAS - 31.
GEOltyl?.. J. 31 RTOS,
M.% Will A LI. k VINCENT,
J. 4. it J. WILLS,'
!IMO/TOSS 01114 WIAIIMaI NSW/ k 0111.0 1 14 20 , Masa
Liquors, Cigars.—Ain• Yerelqrs Prat. Nista rale' sad
Pirkird o .lmana Loh*" Preserves, sad lisesualdriesay
Beiderbirtielee of every deseriptioa always d 0 Build, No.
3, William's Bloch, opposite Brown's Now Ho
tel, Brie, Pa.
J. G. Maus, New Tort. W. 1. Mau , Botals.
ALoe, !retiring in Wiz eeauoa, Oysters is Aril , from J.
13. Milla Day street.. New Tort, whirl' will he sold
Wholesale at low pric e s.
A. C. Jacuaos. Agent,Wrie, Pa.
Dealers in Classical, School and Miscellaneous Books,
Bixes, gla"e*Y. and Printer's c.d., No. 9,
Brown's New Hotel, Erie Pa.
• Cleadiee—Preek Palatable sad Cheap.
grits subserlbecis Mill engaged in the onanufacture of Candy.
bt 11440141/414 and matt 44 his estabimament on Smarm,
immediakely opposite Wright's Block. His facilities for the
prosecution of the business are not sarpamed in any of the
jaketritieo, while he is determined that on the stove of quality
and prleer he shall rank with thefirsi and • indeed be win
Mliabe beat. He ammo hi. Candy to ao good and as ebelilP as any
inallufeetared east or west. if you don't believe it, call and ex
amine ibt yourseives. You will not be disappointed. Don't be
baabflal. but step in. and John will welcome rag with hi , blend.
est smiles, and respond to you every wish He will furnish his
common Candies at the rate of Ekeea Poilars per handfed
pounds by wholesale, this is as to as terry can possibly be af
Toys and starve variety of Fancy Artieltoare constantly kept
on hand. Special attention is given to this department of the
The hosines• in conducted strictly upon the cook Principle,
without reference to ehareeter,eireummaneetorconditioo. The
system is the best In the long run for all parties. and the vooner it
is adopted and carried out the better for the Interests of the cow
mounity. Erie, Feb 111 18.53-41 JOHN S. PER al NB.
_ _ _
r. tooth. nal Sottish s. whi lee ash. scrub. ho.i.
blacking, stove, muster, shoe, piano. dusting. ta
scouring, blacking. Pope's eyes. Pope's beads. window and floor
brushes@ nd hearth broms Se S. H. BURTON St CO._
Bausur.s, paint, varnish, dusting. bait, tic,ih, Ital. hone,
counter, scrub, scouring. blaeklag, white-wash, sail, teeth.
erumb.eamel hair, pencil, blender, shoe, window, hearth and
marking brushes of tint quality and selling to mutate times, tall
and get afloat banal a. Erie Dee. 4 IPfri--30 P. HALL
OLOCKB.—Received this day. by railroad . Iron Clocks. Pearl
V inlaid. Dew role. a moat beautiful article for the Pa rlor, very
cheap. Jan. 13-311. I'. al. AUSTIN. OpPol.lle Brown a HOWL
. _ _
111131110-141.113131111111ANZ. _
J. 11. 'WILLIAMS. President.
TBE Noma of Silt Rank are redeemed in Walt Mixt. New
York, at per cent diwount, at 1 per cent dtacoutti at Pratt
Rank. Buffalo. at par in Cincinnati. and odd and .over at Ur
counter of the Rank The Notes will aim he received from this
time &metal at wane rate of New York and Eastern Rank note,
for esain. at the Ranking peke of WILLIAMS & WRIGHT.
Erie. April V f 453 . tl
. --
z Dz A Rungs ir
pittit Gardening. houseeleaning.or any out of door workorhich
soil the hands. They are matte an lengths to protect the writhe
.and arms froth expoouret. By *earlog Obese gloves the hands
are rah& roll hod white.
' Ladies' Bleaching Kitts.
Nay be worn, while wee iot or aleepini.
to prevent the soiling of dressei under the arms by perspiration.
roe sale. wholesale by Graaf) ear s Chestnut at.,
J.& 11: Phillips. Pittsburgh and at retail by all country merchants.
March 1e52. 3a143
Quick Se!mama must Peeks "The Cay bras UM. 1.1 U
r ginhieriler return. gets nag to his numerous customers for
the liberal patronage reeeived, and trusts from thereat in
dueements now oforeil It will he continued and increased lie
has past let-erred from head quarter' • large supply of ail articles
in his line of trade. bought at the lowest prices and of excellent
quality, warranted good and otters to supply his customer. upon
the most liberal terms All are invited to call and examine he
bre .inying elsewhere as great chances are dieted fu buying
good Art te les at low pricer P HALT..
Erle. Nov. V IM
lITOULD most respee fully heg leave to return his sincere
Vlf thanks to hls many friends, and the public in general for
the very liberal patronage heretofureeztentkd to him, and would
Inform them that he - has just received the
Largest sad Bost Stock of atagstift
in his line that has ever been offered in this.eity, consisting of
Of the choicest kind. which he will make up to order. Gentle
men wishing their clothing made to order can bane their mesa
urn. taken and clothing made, and ifnot pleased with them when
done. they is ill not he asked to take them awa). Also. on hand
at till limes. a large awl well made arsortment of
1111.1113)1r CLOTHING! '
Of our own manufacture, eormsting of Overcoats o( various
styles: Frock, Press and Sack Coats ; Vests, Shirts. Idtrxk era.
vats. Drawers, rndershirts, Cloves, Suspenders, Mt., which
will tie sold at the very lowest prices for CASH. Persons in
want n( anything in our line. are invited to call and elallline
goats and prices for themselves.
r.rie Oct. 1:1 1e.51
- -
L MIMI it 00..
N. 7 Nessell Meek, Stele Sheet. Erse, Pe
triallE subscriber. beg leave to i lingua the eltisens of this and
!be adjoining counties, that they are receiving alaroat daily
Ht addition to their stock of goods. the larval and beat moon
anent or groceries to be round ern of New York City. Throat
ful for the liberal patronage t eeetved sl ui ce our econmeneenwnt
in tastily, we n ould most respeetfully eall the attention of Wier'
Clients and other. wishing gocuts in our line, to an ethlbition of
our stock before bang to Buffalo or New York We wish it din.
Mostly understood that we will sell good. for Caen sr Rowdy Pap.
as cheap as ran be purchased in Santo ovici New York, with
the addition Or espenaes in getting goods to this City.
The hollowing comprise a small pan of our stock
So Md. IN, tt . Mus'ol.. and P. R.. Sugars,
ton ems. row•d., oranniard & (bete do.
14 Twee. Clutch Pt wised Sugar,
Itt Boles Redned Loaf do.
111 HMI Mioe'd., a n d PR. Molasses,
Tierces do, do. do.
13/behests 4nd harebells Toning Hymns. 14110111 skis,
penal, Gunpowder and 111:tek Tees,
• 1011 Ka. from 410 16th. Of Black and Green do,
73 Rags Rio. Laguir. and Java (.7elke.
110 Base+ Ground Coffee,
73 do, .. 7 avendlith Tobacco, all qualities,
. 30 lb lump 'do. superior qualities,
1113 RWa. J. Anderson's Smelting Tobacco. 1. &lb pea ,
Alio. ' , cereal differeot brands rine Cut Chewisg.
•73 Packages klacleeral. No's Lb& 3, la whole. .3 •
ItS bones Herring, No.l and Scalded.
14001111 b. Cod Fish.
It tibia. Rifinett Winter Strained Oil,
Also. Nuts. Resales. Prunes, Pepper, Pimento. Cassia. Nut.
megs. Cloves, Rice. Powder, Shot Safety Fuer , Wrapping, Cap
and Letter Pappr: Mu.tard. and Pickles. of an ereellent•quality
and cheap—M..lde. a great many other article. too nu oterou. to
mention In an advertisement or ibis 'Arad. We also have In ad
dition to the gaols above inentioised a large mock of run E
WINES and Llgeftftl 4 . which tee be had 13 per cent. cheaper
Bit I k e same mislay. than can he POrrh.keed Weal of New York.
walwithicindling the treat advance in liquors. London and Phil
adelphia POrlerj.coleh Ai r , and Wines Of almos t ail dr*enption..
Pie-ocean unit en amine for yourvelvea, and you %s al b e s mote,
that your rho "o Built ark
Cries .
31 7
ien and disorders of youth
and maturity resulting from ear eases whieh destroy the 'physical
and mental powers. all &wales arising from indiscretion. with
plain and simple rules Fr which WI persons can cure themselt es
Without mercury • the authors observations on inarrrige its
duties and diespiatiOtations. a eel their remedies with colored 11th.
oeraphs. illustrate. a the anatomy and iiiii".,dottf. and diseases
of the reprocluct. oceans of both sele*, their structiirm.
MO rune, ions It cow:tens many oriportain hints to those eon
tweriplatina Itra filOOny %quell will o , effolllf , objection. against
marriage: node however, should take thi• important step with
vitt first cotraeltine it. Pares. It treats or an diseases of females
wbether toweled or single. films to those who desire no incite
children, rttrangcrr Otto require. medical aid, before conseelong
ati doe at. oug h t to kuyw w Nether their cases arc tempetly on
eterstoo.i by those whom they employ. and thus :tiara against the
lump- it moor quite k ery. so prevalent in poptilOns cit les. Hence
the advantage oft OOpUlar know leder of oneself • such a■ Is given
to thn work.
I rase. tealntriboriew be the lest of talent. and enliglitenrneni be
hoots, let rownwn sensediseritaittate between truth.
Ad infinite lty and outrageon, .preiotainese and Locabon Dr.
lw en.liZ is a fetidly qualified physic ion. and t'or the lam twency,
year, has been dai4 consulleil upon the different direasecupon
which his book treat*. personally as well as by letter. Any per
mit sending tweno.-6re rents is a letter, post paid:, will receise
once by-wail, free of pomade, or dee Copies for BIOS. Ad
dle*, DR OIL 111 LA CROIX, 311 Hearer -N.. P. 0 • Met IRO Albany
N. Y. Offsee open on Sunday from I until 3P. M.
RECOLLECT.—Mo. 36 Bearer-n., (Clinton Kohn build
illies4 Albany l V.
Branch Vilke" in Buffalo is discontinu
ed. all letter, abound be directed to Dr. M. B. La CM/3. Albany,
N ; whet.. they will meet with prawn attention.
Feb. 111833 I 1
A _ _ _______
A LAIIIL GY. and varied assoritnetil of Tnsimo. eusbraciug all
the late loud,. I patterns. su lied to all ages and idles and
will be Properly ord If required without care ehazge, should.,
W aces and supporters of warfarin elude allot' whistli will be sold
n. 0..% !tenor York re:all prices. teen who r,.y pant any of
the abbve erne** we say it will he iamb to your intetest to call
befoge buimitiaewherr. bee .1 P. HALL.
1,17 INDOW glass of all sizes and 41.14'11'4e5. urarraured gad
V and will be sold at a small adearre abase dr. t eau, great
Inducements for purchases to bu) a I the City Drug store.
Isec. I.'4*. P. HALL.
ft DI Li. '
BRANDite. Wine.,Liquor.. Alcohol and everything in the
trade Warranted g ood and pure Wit Weald In the 11100 sat
i.lfactory 313011 rt. 1..(i2 Dee. I 1.52-33 " p. HALL
CABINKitE. tiontbazine. Brocade tad Alapsena, very cheap
at dept IS. SWENErriI
PEN. ER.Opice. Nutmeg, Cloves. Simard. Citron, Corn Far
rine, Cellaiin and 3 lIM/3.13,1 article. too nutneron• to etiu
/aerate which ineaae tall and ez3onnear lees and quality at '
Erie Nov. 6 ERA ET ftER AY'S, Cheapa
_ _
DUTNAMS• Patent self-adJuidt ng eirtain dnure., a men ant
elf. alao Drams bands, Brawn and flu,. Pill., at
rer. 6 If3'i 7I Ityrt a Rrtu's.
Ititiv WATCH, JlWiLitY, AirD
•State St•,•ppwat , Hrws.'d Ward. Erie.
'gaff IS othseciber. (late of the thou of A) Loomis & C 0..) comes
bereft the Fate public. and 'mini,. soliciting a share of
patetitiage,eonddent a lane and w ell •elet.eft stock of the
eat and most fsebur.abie 'GOODS si wayt at low prier.. timith e ,
with the tan nulartari.ig ot &arse Wars Ind .hoelry, and elc i ,
litteritark to bualge.i will Howe n reasulible upp ft. 11 nn;
heel. for the pat fi(eeo year. a resident Of Erie. rind intending
to remain the lea Of life.ahe public will hid me 60 ••bird of pas.
tist.e." firt alter). on h.irol Ur lug with 1M •• rest Olittalikiltd . ' to
ott.tato wy.ll, t ud Mite world. ard I pledge my.elf toe..
&Mewl* maintain the reputation enjoy ediy• the old firm inertly
p .rileulat Thankful to a generous pulite fur toy stieresS thus
fat In life. I shall endeurde to inertia roalnazioeruf theirlheare
Aug. 7 1t43-13 Mont. M. AI7rSTIN
N. B.—Watches. Clock. and Jewelry e4:efully repaired. _
1853 Margit. '!
11121, roux. LIED 111.1211111IMPPZ LINZII
I i'SCR4IA—AO rccvs we mArpr. r.
1‘11 4 6,,11 RT:r. ; itr :fire jan ir a i l t c r i v al' en t : a lto ewe on the
i w iu l d h
Ili*. on the °nit, and Illinois Caunts,-01 with hilehistii til ' ad
Propehrro on the Werterti Lake., and da i I lawa of riramen em
We Wimple. Niewieepw awl (. 1 11111 kwees. '
P go pkterols:
1111GII A Li.eN,4s co.. • • r - • New York,
ALLEN. tiA ritAN k Cu , rodamant-st., Buffalo.
..1 .,
R 1.. et 11,.w t. formerly of the Wesen La Boat lane. 1
C 11. C.6artes.n, . N. VN. u.. Wet es I.lne. l. Mood
1.4. C. u, ex.., New Yoek &CI naoLohe. t ot. NV.
Rues eV 11.1 g. . Relßotl Lowe 1
Markl,lvo.o N V a 11014. 1.11114.. eltp Duly, r , r , 1 . F ., '
Nrced &sect. New V*l
011 a.). J. 1101
Jae. a. iS.I--28.
[OWN elellEitTlX Mk so mealtime. u B
ante In IM laniatis bleat. it p•OCIS
petese. MC. 4-311
- iota Irsirsir
wry received Rim U. A pplerou
Osairsod trameirer
sh essuaiare Visa at Pia Illesenea
aro PIN Ora •
CL 411( t METCALF are receiving, mew geode. sod take their
old Oariltio• of caning Ow hew barypins in Erie, no wore or'
ensiled. to denummtratioe of Mis feet they tar Ifel.sfss. pert
sad beautiful ay lee, at ose shilling pet yard. If the sarer oi,i
-ean be bought in tow at loss tka two "billings they a
mate some present totthe biome. Cowmen please call **Ogee
whether there is any bombed or gasconade about this, or anything
else that may be tamed you from our present stet. k.
Erie. March it No. I Reed Mouse.
rr •ad Table Cutlery. also. II aII O. Elton. plakd tali;
1. 111 0 0 0 1u4 a good assortment this day reeemed at No. 3
Reed House. Ent., /set. 10-38 'REED
TI: Subscriber offers his faro situate on the Lexington road.
three mile. f r o m Girard. Erie county, for ,ale. It contain.
tia sem of Land, SU of Mitch are under a good 'date of ituprove
went ; has erected thereon a good two .tory frame House. the ne
e...teary barns. sheds and olithuusei ; a good orchard of grafted
fruit ; is well watered. and the uncleared land abound. in good
sawing Sinter. and there are two saw•nsill. within a quarter of
a mile Terms wade ea.y, and title indisputable. Enquire of
U e subferiher living in the village of Girard
VlELD,Garden k Flower Seeds a largevunply of all klndasome
of wbien we nave received (min a celebrated yard stove in
EnOand, our stock ',rowed la too numerous to mentioa. Farmer's,
Gardner'. and otter* are invited to rail and examine.
Me.Prh CLARK' ix IdeCAILTP.II. '
rox , s BOTTILI
GEORGE W. FOX, Proprietor.
Tis House .• situate but a few steps from the Eastern and
Western Railroad depots—has been newly furnished qqppd
fitted up for the accommodation of STRANGERS AND TRNir-
ELERn. and as a pleasant and agreeable atopping place Ii unsur
passed by any In the City. Attached to it is a i etcellent stable
and Other accommodations for teamsters and others hoes the
country. Passengers and llaceace carried to and from the Can
tree of charge Charges reasonable
Erie. Dec. IS 4 le:e2
New Arrangement.
Finn r.
Undersigned having associated for the purpose of
ducting the Storage, Commission and ?Shipping teardoess,
under the firm of L. N. Ti RS A LS t CO.. would rcipectfully SO.
IC it of the Merchants of this vicinity and the public generally a
share of their patronage. No pains. shall be spared to give
promptness and dispatch to tiny business entrusted in their care.
A LICIT r: Kano, 1.. N. Ttssaas.
Erie Jan.!" 15.53. 3f4
Park Itoor.oi f•w doors West ofth•
i. happy to invite all who wish DAGITERREO
- TY pE LIK EN P..rteir.ei. who are at all particular what kind of
Fur Imre* theyltave,lo his new Rruouts which bine been built es-
Premly for the An. 1.1.311 T is the Fr rat acerit of the Artist, and
It has been the Constant study of al. worthy of the name since
We Art was discot eted. to child°, and control it in the manner
beidadapted to produce the moat 14VOrat4C results. 'rhe result
ofthia•tutly and of thousands of S perlinen is is that there is not
a respectable permanent Gallery in the Stine. where the pic
tures are made by a common window. and he who eat • he can
produce superior pictures by such a window proves his ignorance
mitre Art The so hoe riher therefore bet , . leas rto nay that by his
superior LIGHT, and with an apparatus Wortli ail times any oth
er in tlus city, he it enabled In fir..lure pictures which cannot be
'quelled in this part ofthe country, and offers to excell any thing
w nicht can he produced in other ToOttn...l Erie. fOrrettOlif . hun
dred dotrsrs. Ile Ran also a splendid Quick Working Camera.
with which be utiles hildren ol any acr: Let it bedistinetly un
derstood hie pictures will not fade I r properly kept.
N. D.—The••recent i mprovements" luny he seen at Uie above
rooms. tV-11. ern ERMAN.
Erie. Sept. 70.19.51.
irtIOL'SANDS of parents who use Vetnti fuer composed of
Castor oil, Cal o Mel.k.e“ Ore not aware, that white they ap
pear to benefit the patent, they are actually laying thefoontlattOns,
for a series of diseases, sueti as salivation, toss of sight., areal.
nerd of limbs,
In another column will be found the advertisement of lioben
sack's Medic Ines, to which we ask the attenttott of all directly
Interested In their own If Well as their children's health. la
Irt'er ChtnPlaints and all disorders arising from those of a 111•
linos type, should make use of theonly genuine medicine, llohen
sac h'• Liver Ptlls,
Be ast dscrieert,•• but ma for Hohensaeles Worm Syrup
and Liver Pills, avid observe that each has the signatureof the
Preto tpt e.l. $. tat REISS/WY, as none else are genuine.
A mr,all9.let. tyl.l
3(31 .14 . 21:;".Y . N"‘„1" - ovrteK... 1. 1
h P e t a l u n rYo r e t s t e ,
u p a l v i
and ornamental. elegant pattern*, olaboratcly carved, and highly
finished with Pearl keys. till of our own manufacture, and war
ranted to wreri particular, ran he found at our Warerodass, 361
1110 A oway, saw-vosx. dept. 2.3.—irdi. B N ETT & CU.
4.111 at the ol".l . oantiof %I oldleten & Nit, ;1:1;i:o711-11;:iark
Row nllOl ill 'ante r and assoronentof Tan CAp•
per and Sheet Item Ware, lila n ufattured of the Nest iron. and of
feted at the Inert reasonable rate w bolesala or reta 11. Ile Au on.
hand Stoves of all prices and gnalrtlna t(mailtieled wash refer
ence to tioefalness and cunt en tent e, and of the oast durable toa
tectaL Also riot erone “nd elbow, and an assortment of
J P d.Y W. 4 RE .
Which he batters hituselfts unexcelled, tf equated. in this c
paus of all sizes and Cliee.e vats 01 et erg descriptkm con
stantly on hand. Determined to pima, the business willltieliao
and thithfulness. and to spare no eiTort to render eatistattleM. he
*r to receive and merit a literal share of public patronage
e May 1 1831. 31.
Is AMBERS 011 for sate at the Inn e,l market - price, by the
or barrel warranted pine fhb oil, also; a nice article of solat
tamp oil and burning fluid be sate at the city drug store.state It
Erie. Dec. 4 P. 31 30 P. DAL!.
War with Spain: '
rip r. subscriber, grateful to his friend. lnd the public fr the
..I. liberal patronage extended to him during his short career la
the illefellut•lebit•ine.p.talw, thi, method of informing tbrot that
be Mill continues to sell g.oj, at hi. untnnsillly . low prle , ., for
Cash only. Sebes eaS 11.1 00.511 pron.. rte./ fttOrk .sk , is the nor..
•Ctiet Of doing business. Among his pre‘rni stock may be found
Broad eloths, Casenueres..atin , lo, brOchn-arl wool.
cashmere, palm leaf, silk anol witrandilla long and square Shawls.
UataVurtiJs, iitflmnofl. l,4'43l 11 e., qin;airtnit s . I, l2tertfreVef, crelmM
ipsp atm 31 general assortnient or dress tritium op, tilOrTiniar. and
other prints, brown and I.leaeh , .l mg-s and sheeting', all of
which will best , l , l4.ltenper Ina nuti Whet it, the city dire
offer the stifle qualal) 01 (00.1..
Erie Dec. .1( ciIVtIENEY.
ir ktOCKERV.—The largest stock, the-I;est ware, and the low
3-1 cat pricer, in this city is at ,
Erie, Dse . le, INV!. ARBUCKI.dEtk KEPI.ER33.
Oro 5 feed Souse.
ARE PM receiving • large and well selected stoek of Drugs.
Medicines, and Chemicals. dye Wboils, dye atuda, oils.
paints. rainUns ankles, varnishes, wlo.los. gloss, glass
ware. rierfuniery,filie gaps, line hair, tooth and paint brusties,
garden seeds. surgical gad deutal instruments. teeth. gold and tin
fbil,tobaeco..ilUir and Vigars, pure wines and brandies Ibr bled
ieinal purposes, fancy articles, Artists tools and water ettiorai--
We wake our purchai.ei for cash, and otrer good' as tow as can
be bought in this section. tJ Warrat.te.l to be nest' pure and
tenUine. Orders from the country promptly tilled with saws
tactiOn and ',Lima teed.
i•bs,ian.t.m.erst..on• in ill receive ii ‘ artieular attention at
ati > Nineio of the da) •04 niuht. Crie ow. 20 1021 Ye
/Extract .1 a Letter fro. U r. WaWoo Oa!pis. 4 . 70. Marra.
Writ!. irsysassil. data Mai ISM, Ic3l.
To Professor Ilolloway. Sir—At the age of IS toy wile (win:lls
no Si) taught% violent cold. which settled M her lep.and Free
since 'hat tune they have been more or less sore , and ltre. l 4 in
flamed. Her agonies were detracting. rind for months togeth er
she was depriy ed entirely of rent and sleep. }lsere remedy that
medical men advised was wied, hut u Mum*. etrect . bet bt'elith
antlered se, erely. and the stale tif tier Irdo was terrdile. 1 had
often read your advertnentents.and admired tier to try )our Pill.
And Ointment . and, a. a List rerource, alter eve ry other reinudy
had proved useless, she emtienied to do 60. She commended six
Greeks ago, and, strange to relate. as nQw in•good health: Her
le i % are painless, w;1110t11 Arum Or seer, 010 eteep I. i•Ortnit jind
lindi.t , ithel. Could- you tat e %Amused the sufliningri 'of my
ty tie during the 1:1 ye a r.. and contra et them with her Pleasant en
yny mein or health, you
,would indeed feel delighted In having
been the means of to greatly alleviating the siitferinem of a know
eremitirm, (Signed) 1 ,, if ("ALM.
Copy of • Leper from Ali. William 4666. Baader el (id' °vests,
ifesieltyre, user dried Mar 31.1,1.31.
'l9 Professor Hallos ay. Sir—l bittn•red for a period of 30 yearn.
1,0, “ S had leg, Its , result In two Jr thtee thitrent ueeldelltV at
Clas Works; aceomp tilted by son! utie symptom.. i had re-
COOrSe to a rtirieiy of tuediCal ddirtee. withont dr-wring any ben
efit and was inert told thin the leg must It amputated. yet. In
opposition to that opinion. twit Pillm and tunnuent have effect
ed a complete eine in 6o Own a time. that few who had not wit'
nes.e..l it would credit the fart. trignedi INNI ARKS.
The truth 01 thin statement cap he verified by Mr. W P. Eng
em!. elleillist 13 Market-4. ttudder,field •
A Drat:Am - q . t. IIAI) FIRE %Wl' IN ONE NIONTII.
Frtram frees • Linter frine.lfe frames "firerver., ef ramkro6e.
heat. 4.tterf borsa•Aer tare Inan.
To Profeseor Dear eir—My wire - bad suffered tom
bad Breasts for more !hart mix mouths, and gyring the whote pe
riod had the hest medical attendance. but all to no use. Having
before healed au awful wound all my OM II les by roar unrivalled
medicine, I determined .1,13111 to usey tsar PIN and t iinttneitt, and
therefore gave laltln :1 trial in her ease, and fortunate it was I did
so. for an less than ',tooth a perfect core wit effected. Rad- the
hcoeth that various other franettes of my family have derive
from their use in really I tow .hero{ reeettrimend
them 4.110.1 mV lllollas , (rilyllP4) EREDERIIt` TUBINEft.
The Pills ettonfl tw used roujottalf with the (Mohnen( in matt
al the followler re al pe, .....
wad Legs , Chiriurfoot Fistula. Sore Nipples
Uad Ureasts Chilblains .out Lore-throats
611/11 chapped hands i I a et it u 1 n r Skin-disease*
Ignitions corns rsoiC . ttyt ell Inge :le urry
Rite of Moselle- C.lneelro , Lumbago Sore-beats
toes and Stand Contracted and Piles Tumors
Flies Stitriolnts Rtieutnaiicin Wounds
CON:I-hay Kiltphautlasis tle:ilds' I Yaws I'
Sold at the establishment of Protest .. .in Ilonoway. 211. Stran ds
(rwarTemple Bar, London.) and by all respeetablet.rugaists a nd
dealers in 3tedir net damnation t the British Empire. and of those
of the United States, in boxes at 37;eis., ti'ets., and 101 Stets,
each tVholesale by the prititi pa I rime houses' in the Union.
and by Messrs. A. u.SANDO. New York, '
.1.. e There is n eonoider:,blc sat in; by taking the larger tilt..
N trireellOillt for the guidani eof patients in every disorder
are edited to e,reh Box.
E Subscriber is prepare I to eremite all descriptions of en
Graving on wood, letieriot Sporn., Gina., ace , Dies, Pig
ores. Stamps of steel or brays made to order. tweets Mint abiond
neeonibanted by drawings and 101 l direction.,promptly distmten•
ed. runt cm the moil liberal term , . • S. PETTIT.
Fl'ol4llll, Mareh m
A N crienal%e arnortnient of tia‘oring Calf:lets the brat hamar
ri ban. 2 . ..tra , va for ilia tynnikrrelner of every kind, 0"../Orrne.,,
hair uils, poi:Dadra, ainand hie a ernaineutv air ehlppria hands,
lip ' , hay tag aoarni and ri ann. 031 rind rlnalitr, hay tam . hair
dire hAft rralor.tbt e, depolniory lons .hfr, rat riirlf we eOtri~.atam ly
k rep on ha COW Wet e arnoit of et ery kirot of P...ururry
firm ,r ler and Yaiiker nolons of alino.t ever, dewription.
a, to fly are araprellinly ins lien !nen', aa they
ma) irrrend.upon a•nit lig m fun thrt want at the lowest 'Tiers at
he cu
r t drat? .10 , e slate-sf. I . .rie Dec. 4 P. 11A1.3 •-•
. '
armor VI intent. It gr. Ca . having been dissolved
l on the dri.t Nlarch n nen Partneridop hat been en.
tered into between the sub -crib( To under tile ../me name, to lake
eflem Irani that d tte, Met theret,re 'nutty the pantie and " a/4
the re-d of matisitid. ' lint liencelaoh our ifißolo hail he Cash
tees end prompt payment. Al our store may le rotund a large
and wall 'elected al,•ea of Dry 'ode, rilrocereec, Hardware.
Crockery. and 'I'M wart, and at Our Foundry almost every va
riety of Machine ellairi/:. Horn a Steam Engine to a sleigh }hoe.
trui Mill gearing being proverni dl, .oper. tor. An for Stoves we
rant be beat la qualit) or price, tieitlier up street nor duwrl. out
KeplOfieiallii NMI are favorably known and our new Fanners
Favorite lo the hitelien and Lady Franklin and Revere for the
rartot throw all others in the chade. Relneuther Cecil perewandi
pf pormarnt. H H. VINCENT.
Eric tlet.r.J letil—g I DAVID SHIRK.'
N. hone indebted to the old Finn are notified to Ball and
pay up and that woon.
• -
m ow opening. au ra4n.lve aumonwent of Guilatu, TtOffout,
Ateordeorts. ilfuqua. Tanaka 'pea. Fluter. File., ice
ery price and quahog af.o, 'tutus. fat Guam" Vtollus and Vie.
horefaas t of the very best I lode, all Ivry Cheap at •
.lE•sse• Meat 4 4 1. T *Ewer.'., Opposite *tosses, abase .I._
THE be. 4 ealbspest toli (Career sod Mae% Tab MIS airy
cis be abseil at the VOCIN, litOrt 07 T. W. 110o1HIG.
$4. Dix 4—as. opp o m • Drama's New now etas 4.
)74. Elf*.
jtOrCitoseto, at We
►ie► mutual OW to
goods! goods!!
IttIXD 110111117.
N. %oublresivritully inform lies filendo
a n d (p i , public ge,,eralii, Okra lac 113 P 10C414 , 1 bam.elf
11600 CRALLANe Z.
WHATEV concerns tie health BlOpinesv of • people
Is at ail times of the most valuable Issfortance Luke It
for granted that every person will Oa aft lo Or' r power, ti save
the toes of their chitin's.. and that every Berton will endeavor
to peoaots their own health at all attendees. 1 feel It to be my
duty to solemnly assure you that WORMS, according 011ie WS•
ion of the most celebrated physicians, at, the primary causes of
a ladle majority of diseases to which children and adults ;ire
if lots have as appetite continually changsable f.oin one
thing to another, Bad Breath. pain In the stomach. Picking at
the Nose. Hardiness and Balinese of the Belly, dry Cough, slow
Fever, Purse irregular—remember that all these donate WORMS
An article foutaimd upon Scienurie principles, compounded
with purely vegitable suMaames, betel perfectly sate when ta
ken, and can be Elven to the most tender Inirunt with dew' rtbed
beneheral enect. where Bawl! Ceol Owns , and /harrha• lure
made them west and debilitated the Tonic prouertica of WY
Worm SpfllP ate such, that it stands without all equal in the
catalogue oraawdle.lnee, iu giving tone and 'imago t g iow
aeh, sihiee sakes It an httallibie remedy for thoce %filleted wart
Dyspepsia, the allorishism mann performed by this wy ru p.f te r
phyoeiana have failed, in the best evideoreOf its superior MU*.
ey over all others.
This la the most difficult Worm to destroy of all that infests the
human system. it grows to an almost indefinite length becoming
so coaled and fastened In the I otaittoes and !Stomach elfeeting the
health so sadly as to cause St. Vitus Dance. Fits, itt., that those
aMic led seldom if ever suspect that at is Time Arens hastening
them to an early grate. In order to destroy lb. Worm, a very
energetic treatment must be pursued, It would therefore lie prop
er to take. to !for tay,Liver Pills so as to remove all obstrucuons
that ibe W orm Byron may act direct upon the Worm, which
must be taken in doses of i Tablevpoontutl• three times a day
these directsoos followed have never been known to fad in car•
lag the most obstinate cane of Tape frees. -
No part of the system is moire !tante to disease than the LAVER,
servingsit ■ tillerer to purify the blood, or miming the proper .e.
cretiou to tnenim ; so that any Wrong at ltou m the Liter effects
the other Important parts 01 the ayglein. and restatts variously, to
Liver aiwPigror, Jaundice, Dyspepsia,e.c. Wa should, there
fore, wateh every symptom that alight indicate trial wrong action
Of the Liver. These Pills being composed of Loots •vs mutt; la
f uroo ned by nature to heal the sick ' • Namely. let, an erect co.
lase, which augments the secretion from the pulmonaiy fuzee t
Usenibrane. Ot Promotes the dischargeof icereted loaner. an'
AAAAA ATMs, WhiCki changes io some inexplicable and I asetwilaeir
"inner the certain Morbid 'clan of the mytiteni. 3rd. a T..14C
which gives tOce and strength le the Dervoisv tyciew. renew In.
health and vigor to all parts of the body., ith. a e ialialeric
*bleb nets In perfect harmony with the other ingredient , . r.thl
operating on the Rowels, slid expelling the st hole thaw Of corrupt
and vitiated matter, and pur trying the blood. mi hie ilesrro)s di.
ease and restores health.
l'Ou w rllBbl these Palls as invaluable medicine in many corn'
r plarrits to Which you are subject. In obstructions either total o r
partial, they have been found of fuescandble heruurt, relatlrfilg
their lunelumal arrangements fia a healthy actfori, {Mr/fling the
bloiint and other fluids or, effectually to hot 10 flight all COWPI4"."
which Way arise from fetuale irregularitY. as headaelle. Oili
ness. Whines, of sight, pain in the tide, back, Ike.
None genuine unless sinned J. N. ilobensack, all ethos tieing
base in/a/11011.
.1.7 Agents w tattumg flew supplies, and 'etore Keepetl desirous
of beeouu II g Agents must aJdress the Proprietor, J. $. libbeusaek,
ph iladelpb la, l'a
Bold by air Merchants and Drumm., ea the U. A. Agents.—
Carter k Brother, Erje, Wholesale and Retail Aret.. loftier,
)letter ; k Uaq, Vteteland Ohio. Price each 113,teala,
G. W Keyster, No, 140 Wood tit., Pittsburg. Wbotasale A't.
w•ho Will supply Agents at the Proprietors prices.
August 21 ItSl
DERFUMENY.—Tbe following elegant eatraeta and seams by
Lubin, Baran, Pier and Where, eat Jockey CIUN Jesse-
mine, Jenny Lind, Rose Buds, Ppring flowers. Sweet Pea, Patch
only, Iledyrimaa, Verbena,Tea Rorie, Rote Geranium. New
Mown Hay. Erie Oct. 842.11. CARTER & BROTHER.
1$ Main Street, (3 Doers South of Shensairo) Bold..
MR. 11. havinitopened an extensive tidorrianatre eurratati
ant Feamaanno Erraattennairi. at the nbove enure. it is
hia determination to pay eliel noire attention to the
From the plumber which he has already received, flout rent k—
wen. )4r. H. feels assured that the mode of doing tow
ns-ad, which he has adopted, does and is ill give
entire satisfaction to all who desire to
• have their garn3ents made up tea
GOOD TA4TE from the
dint quality of
- MR. 6. W. 2107..T111,
Will always be In attendance to wait upon Customers, and take
orders of gentleman wishing a genteel fit and a faratarmatle gar
ment made up In Ills beat style.
Goatlemain's ransishisg Gloats.
or the Late % * Om constantly oil hand
YOUTHS and CHILDRE.r 5 CLOTtIINg mole to order with
June % lea
'DUNLAP'S 31001 L or roans:
Now Zeitira."
EC.dt. J. Biddle. Nu. 6 South INth-st rhiladelphia. hare
• just published a Beek of Ferso, , ettutaifting
For prnitiitee in the Courts of Penns)"Want% and of the United
states, and for Conveyancing; also Pit the use Of i'Mblin 0111 em
and Men of Business generally. Adapted to the retellt acts of
is sis olobly, o r peormylvania, rob explanatory remarks and no
torious Precedents and relkieners to standard authorities. T o
which are appended a Glossary of Law terms and a 'copious
B) James D. Dunlap, Countellor al Lin, lie. Secouil Lli•
tinn• Price—Pour Lollar.
The publisher. hate already reeeived from litany al; of the
President Judges of our thaw. and from other gentkmaii eminent
i n t h e legal profession, their opinions of the work, which are of
a highly complimentary nature. The fallowing are• selected hone
a large number of in equally favorable character—
WellsboroPaii, April ic
Gentlemen ; The eolleettoos of court forma for coo %eye roe
to . Whitt had been tn use nrerioO. to We ponnteattoot of Mtn
tatia work in 1€413. needed revi.iciii to make them CO • lVeltienT.
and to adapt them to change. which legtalatton had rendered arc
rosary in the practice in the courts in renns)lvutt la.
Sour edition of that work therefore re c eived. as it rneritetl. th
n.v.4n onstitieteareatnivertftwawea. tit Whirl
013111ellit jUdges, to respect to tlx unefttlonne Ann exec:lei cr of
that work, commendation of it from Inc Would he nupeedunus.
I may he permitted. however. to remark that I epprove of the
general character and arrangement 01 the work, and. Karin; ea•
whined a portion of the new edition which lou are pul.listuntt, I
may add that the author has greatly enlarged and /I”pfqs rd his
tint edition. and that. whew published, his book will re the most
coisvenieht - and lawful oue of the kind extant.
riitsbunth. April 11. ►591.
Gentlemen: Duntaps Conveyancing and Pomo"' to a ' , Rota of
decided merit. lam glad to find that it is to be reproduced. with
many valuable additions it obouid be in the hands not only of
law)ers and magistrates. but Of the business cuminuti Dr general
ly. There to scarcely a position in life in which a man will not
occasionally End himself la Realtor the assistanee of such a work•
I hope the author may be abundantly 'enumerated for the
earning and industry bestowed upon it
With great respect. You", he
Messrs. E C. 11 J. Biddle. WALTER FORWARD.
Greensburch. April O. 1R52.
Gentlemen: You have favored me with Ilse printed ohms. from
page 111 to I7S wicluoive, of the second" edition of Mr. Dunlap's
Book of Forme. lam pleased to learn that a second edition of
his work is about tieing issued. It has been, and now is, one of
the best works of the kind in the hands of the profbosion, and is
evidently touch improved by the author's revision and additions,
I have the pleasure of an aequaintanee with 11r. Dunlap He
is• gentlemen whose respectable professiottal attainments and
methodical habit of mind lit him well to be the author of ouch a
work. I shall not hesitate to recommend at to the gentlemen in
the Bair an the 111th dist:let_ Very respectfully, Ike,
Messrs. E. C. tr. J. Diddle J. M. Heßnrct..
Gentlemen Important ehaoges in our statutes. Mite the pub.
firation of" funtap's Com ey a mune and FO/711.." 7red to call
for some entargerne of thdt excellent and highly use ul work
The ',ideal' which you are °bonito publish. emiesity tog Ad it does
a veritilaragamount of new and tamed matter. and being so well
adapted to general and present wmit. canna, fail ro be greeted
with a rordial welcome by the profession.
A familiar acquaintanee with the work. and a earelld
cation of the sheets of the Anthem/ling edition. mini le me to recs.
oinenend it. with great eon6dence, as a book which should be le
'he hands of every scrivener. and have an early place JO the li.
brary Meyer,. gentleman engaged in the praeliee of the law.
Very respectfuliy: yours
:Weirs. b: C. J. Diddle. C.Etilira. TA lif.OE.
Oct. 3ti IaII. tf al3
PCRF and extra white lead, dry and ground in oil by the bound
keg or ton. lanseed oil froth (into warranted pure. boiled
and unbolted, by the barrel or gallon. spirits Tiirpetitine in abun
dance. yarn t akes of every kind, 01mo:warren and yellow. Amer.
ican. (Mincer. vermillion and venation red, yellow ochre. french
yelloar. Parts green, lamp black of quality. Pruesiati and
ultra-marine blue, whiting, red lead. INhrage. 'Parker ituit.t•r
and every other kind of paints and materials in the trade which
are offered as tow as can be bought In this latitude.
Erie Dee. 4 1552-341 P. VALI..
50;lor Claireddeea Ted deed of all radio. •Ird pure
natural learrobeeto ter sale by
Ftri• Nov.ll IR3I-26. fkgrawarr & GNAT. ebbalibll , lo:
CIIAI - F.lVail and Vislern Pumps.all riser and Priers al:
E. May 13th. IS3g. . oarark *Ow.
Ai CUT SAWS.igeut mad Carcular savirs at a !man
pi Bar.edlert WA Pig Lead, ohm Zinc at
But: Wood. Amulet and colored Bracelets. just received at
Erie August? 1833 13 Opposite Illrovra's Hotel
J'l Eastern trianuraesure laihrer Spoon*. Ladles, Sugar Tonga
and Scoops and other Silver Work made to order.
17 F:ograving done In atiperior sa3 le. Corporation and Socie
ty Seal• engraved and die sinking done equal to any in Eastern
cities. N0v.17 149-111. G. LOOMIS.
DIERPIJ WIER y extracts of Jocky Club. Boae, Germ).
1 loin, Patehcinly. Iled)esinns, trelotrope. iolet. Murk, i 41.•
Miletinero. New mown Hay, Jenny Lind. Citronelle. Rona
Mareehale. Verbena, Clenaltia. Cologne. Macassar 611 and tiz
Marrow tbr the Hair, Caehon Aroutatise fur sweetening the
Breath. and all neeesnary articles for Lad%'s and Gents. Tolima.
at Erie. Dee: IS 3dl .1 H. BURTOR k CO'S.
D URKEE'S Baking Powder by the anew or dor. for PAR. by
J. a 11'.I. ltitla.
June ' No. 3,W 01 iattl• Block,Erne, Pa.
Wear the track for
as SMITH, No, 3, Cheapsid
WO ,-, has on hand thrhatgent stock of Good., I n ht. line. err r
offered in thin runikee. wideb were pyrehaned fur CASH to
the Canteen cairn, or manufactured by liim•elf. bt which he is
enabled to bell them St) low that people do sat they enlist bang got
by the (7uptotu Ifoure without paying duty. Well, what a 'wry
were , tollalled, no that the people gan h. 12.
Beautiful Silk Hats for $1,50.
Dutlalo Robft tbr el SO. Ifextesni Hai* 11,r SO teats, and all
other good , athhelowpurer. For proof of *hie h. all intenr.l..
enn rail and !SWUM(' for I hemwl%
EirDowt for m tne place. smith', rteiliv lint &oink No. 1,
Erie November•
- _
1) 11. "'.
BROWNELL thankfUl for Ow liberal patronage es
tended to him by tbr citizens of Fain had vickity. would
iriN that 1w is permanently ‘oesied on tVe South side of
square. between State and Peach Streets. where he tangy 10 . forted
at all time* ready to execute Dental work in the be. 4
manner. He will also keep on hand an •ssortnreorof D.utni
Mock for the accommodation of Dentists from the country.—
Dentists are int fled to ad'. Junie. 4
T" "
wirtnershili or Geo.-Seklen &Fon tr. disiotred tu the
death n( Joseph Belden. I would request all those haring
utuieteei account. with the lateltrrn to call and settle without
grit. March eh:TO:rum Partner.
POTATOM.—Tbe subscribers have Just received a Id k-. 1 of White Mercer Potsdam Shr seed. Nerhanock do.
Also, o few barrefs of Goan chi head sad fro sale by die barrel
or less quantity by
- Erie. April II IRO. CLAIM a birtIARTE.R.
TvPelfTT9hosaapieces sad Window
shades wish sobers, Auld reeeleed and as *she at New York
easy priced at the trio Coveter,. saw. '
April tam-41 CADWELL t 11116NNXTT.
SISI. Wry maul you have seek the arson
v., -eat aadaeudered pie malarial*, Chest k u Mesea slaw
Met Dar.
T AM receiving n new supplrof goodv ~,„1 _
1 also embroidery of Is very;latert wring
tbhona, Gloves and Iloalery,Slhawis ; al.) a laree,,,4
staple rands whten will be oUergcnit onuvual low
Serunned to sell soodA at mien low rates as w
at the cheap es.h .tore us /No. a• -r,
Kne Marc h 116 }Ka.
Another 4:rent Discovery.
VIA , IJI'RGIN4 Hair CompoUinl. for resit:ulna,
aoftening the blir Thai valuable preparation c
hair and ITMOVeII the da irdrutr. atom the half from , !oluir g
render. it twat, o ruoi.t.glutivy and entrees the half
all these beautiful null IllealOnter wrath,' I. l oable.r.i.l at
pence than any oilier wr.triirra O , IIV in ex lotano, II „, , •
should not line the devired ettett try another Which %IN ,T
erly applied produce the wonderful elk,. b, 1 -Ak i.R 4 i
nnfrrnEi and J. 11. hi • WT(.1l1 hr. Cu.. Edict.
March 19 tri:.r.
- - -
Wastad at Me Mtfiereck /Idea isttsty
Tlla oolitic Titres ttavlng taken Mt. John Josseit mist 1,,tf,,„„ i
'tithe Meaufaetoriast Hyattsews. at his old sta ad
township. inhere they are prepared to Ina toil it nits
of wool Intl) Cloth. eassiniere. Ldanitris, dannti. to
or by the yard, .is steli as any other ••,,Lahlishirient th.
ha ' , ma a. :rood cards as tan htl EA tip tll WII•InPf Pei
Carding and rI m .ning done (hit . rents Arun ui
4 4
Carding Polka tent, per lb. cloth dressing done In an, art
is wattled tin %hurt sllies.
Cdrpctiiii.lidied and color* eel/tined Ica eitra riair,.
with Oral. at the On hen r lek.
N —Pero)... lc, unit WOOll at John Wing - I. Faglc
card, vi 111 ILIVC it 0 dtiturday 504 returned ltd. L.l,
Carpels the ..none, J eras.
Nlillcreek , July i.
OLli and eat r r Wide twit. ricli Jewelry. tin% cr
Looking fllniwrii,Gitt P,nrimit and Picture Pramet
CaMpttirflr 311 d dui Jan d wiimendiog Lamm*. Glut Iwakry
'named and plain Glass. Marital Inattwaram,
Walking stick•. French and. German ro)s. toot - purc , sssd
New York, and receiving anif opening new and fre.h..ii malr.
wile and retail. rah Ingrid iter the mock. Buy a Mien 0 ,
something Moe. if you like. al AUSI Pre,
Eric Aug.? 1.31 11 Opposite Brim n't llmt
Land rpr Salo &Lc.
rrltE anbsertber bag torofartor to sell. both eligibly lUestfi
ug purpesrn and COO Vetiltelli to mark's. well hiss
watered and adapted In prMtir newtons to grain and grit. tw.
lions desiring to MA! food 'Orations bad brnisr ran ri Par 2.
chance is gone. One of thrwl is airmail place eontarntne kko , -
30 and the other 1M to PM nary more or less.
'Cash paid fur Bounty (sail warrants or located by me
West Springfield... Erie Cot, Pa., May 16th I=te - t
Six cord Thrtad. !made print wally !torn sea 1,1, G 4
ton, is warranted bet 10 ktnk or kuot so A 41111.14.01 ,hp,
stronvid and uttOothest,ln thr wusld. It t>t novlttlkking
of all other maker. _ _ •
Tweedy. Moulton fr. PIS inrylo4.
;Dokter. Runkle). &
Calhoun. Vali‘iertrursli & Co..
Ler. Fenton &
Avery. Hillard & Co. f
& 'Townsend.
Mr. is .1 Morrison &
John Martin Jr., & Co.,
f r e e .timl. rstoart A. Co..
einfloi. Mellen fr. Co ,
Lord. Warren. Salter &
threnw at BrOthersk Co..
George Opdyke & Co..
1.. k V. Kirby & Ca
Lathrop& Ludington,
Hurlbut. Ainsworth & Person,
John steward Jr.. at Co.. •
Smith. Carey k. •
Brooks, Brothers. ar. Co.. ace..
And by all the leading jobber.. &c., in New iota. Sham. Tin
Adel . u and Baltimore reh. It 18.13-3m42
/reporter* urriJobeses of NOW suisl Putty Dry Goode,
ISG removed from 51redar threet. to the New Marti H
Building, 92 Liberty Street., (low doors weir of )rvidu
would inville the hltentum Of dellers in distant e an I too e.
to a very unwire and net! stock of Silks and r y 'try Goal,
eon...tong of
Au Crainination of our Goods aid pares will, wetlltok.••
vinceCountry *)Calera that we tan Offer than fully aPadYinti
genus tellosis any hoti-e in New York—il not better 'iv,
pin.cUlar attention to the auction sass. and If goods an, 4
at less pricrailmn they can he imported—as I, ,
ease—withal, ere that our customer. will realise all the u•
ateruing from Stich Pale , e are at all tunes willing to ..1
our stock to buyers. whether they purchare'or not, we , •
consider it any trouble to +how our moth.
1 - 7" Cash and close time purchasers are especially in.. ,
give us a call From our fie ilities, we are convinced tt.l: • •
can sell them at sue ti rate, as izin.t provesatisfa , tor)
icot.Atkipt w RIGHT, 1141 Liheits
II id ineTS arc alieuti for then ,
Patent Medicine.. which die' brill sell by tli•• .;
luri9k6 Alter
1e Lane'w and Fa:m(l4ooe s Vermiing.• . Tra deg, Tau,: • N'
Abider.. Ploan'e and bliedie}',l Perry Da, le'
I .r. Ayer* Cberry Peetural, Barrer. Indian Litwin - •.t.
Trieol•lxrans. Brain's 'tidily' Med mint. and Kier:, P. tt01,..
t:rte Nov. !Al I t•• 5•2-1.... J. 11 1,111Ti•1
Iluntingdon. April 'tit 1,?.53
Erie. July el. *Z.!.
ook Estab ishmest
11 I' I , F .4 1. 11 .
IL 11 11 N E 1' t-- (),.
1.-5 , .114 Y .) TREE T. 131 - FF.-11. , t'
(Al the old stand of F. V. Breed. whoemninio,:,
H AVU'ill; been 10111 ektensit t•l' engage l in
i , -•
atalvale at 13(4f1K1, and,rwing Oman's mat
thier" hi Boiral. - i. are preparn) to fa: nigh ever? '
line. at the lonise Is sas. tibial nine in'eVeliftliee for 10 ,
PUbt , CatioO - . meet kinds of !dote/Juneau. and 4. 4 cf,, i -• •
the Eastern Pilliiishers. then are thercbe coat/fed to o ''`
.'eke their own kooks:at 'I small all% a tIC I , C . ,‘ cool of IL •-'
1.,,n,,k,1ar allevlio.l is ins .Ir.l 40 110,,, jell e.ltlffun at
Ir i atioUs styles of funding . and also to 'heir assortment or
School. aad School tibrary Books.
1 % 1 1 , c1 , 4 PrehaN3 , Li. , 1.G:e..1 ml ....le state. havittg been re' ••
with rare nom almost evert Rook man in the Union.
(RA:lined directly nom the hear text manufacture's in thee,.
And Wank Books, Stationery, deo ,
Traveling At:ents will dud a stock suited in style and 1 •
their wants. ,
Et WESTERN DE:II.ERS,, tab generally duiniew,
Sen York Lill- nipurehase here. at saute priCCO , or ;es.. ' , '''
vine the entire ea,' of transportation MOM Neer York i.• t. "
and room t en to "tern? dale Ochs) in the traurini,ii.,. 11 ...,,
All orders Riled with promptness, and at the same prsct- .
poreb:Oer were p r e s ent. PHlNN I , :y a ! , , .
Rook Rutilnliers, Nos. lee 'Alain. ands Nest Si no , • -
Oct gd 1n52-2,1, &Yeti., :'' I
NEW 0001)S!
villlEwitor 'IV, s a cold again call the attention rif no 1 .,
J the filet that they are receiving a large and %eel ...,•• 1.
"Grime.' ill llry abodr.f/roceries s Hardware. I roc kr rs' .int : i .
1)02 weir k Colitl+fief.a the treOlest variety oh II s-s v , .., Is I''•' •
Sh 2 WI.. INsiert . India Ruhber Shoes and dot nets../ 41- 4 "
we boreal mar previous time °tiered, and f q.l l O , ,•• ' -.!
Cannot be atirnarred it, lbw market Our old cu,:vi,ir- . - -
politic generally are respectfully lacked to vitt an I 1 , ,,, ~ "- /
stoek,as we fee/ confident that we can otter 02,11 r... , ^: is coo, as are offered in this market. J.%S. II l'i.ll I , A.. •• '
Erie 4 1,. /c :10 1.3:1
'1 11 F. 1 • 71;1.AW kitli MUTUAL. cIiVETI
I ielltrnANGZl CIOMPAN'T. '
(ail Pkilndeilailia, )
AI , . F. now doing bus ',rayon the Itutuittplan.c,..ol: , .r- t
a participation lathe prothio: thel'innpan).‘% i Oh, . , I
ly iwy and the ' , reit:nun paid.
*Asko ielimi the hat • allttrallal itioureJon the n,,.-1 • 1 ~,,
ii quo. Loewe, Will l liberalq and promptly aJJustcd '
FiteriskoonenCwhalndi:i building... an d inner, r o p e ,. !
tacountry, for a lintit,4l Inn permanently
Joiepleti. !len I , mile,. 1 . . ti a n l .
Ml.Uilil ~ .
ThiPuphillizi Paulding. oleo C. I/avlo, 11. Jane. lir , k r
Robert littricn. ilobli tiarreti,,. John 11. l':•nrir.,
Hutch Crab, . t‘ainuel Ednatil•. Georyy Syr,. i
Henry 1,a,, rem,. David D. Stacey . r.dward Ipao, .I:.' -
Ctuttiyottelly,, Lase It. Dario, J. ti. J0h,, , ,,
William FulUell, sV4liillllb Hay, John J Neu
Ur P. Thornn•, - lir. R. M. Himort, John Teller.l,
Spencer Mal% any , .
RicliatiiS, Newbciuld,,Ree,y, W ni. Martin l'h • I
7 r Application ea he mallet°
Erie. Reb. itil. Ihld
. _
The 12rio Coast iittitua / Inserance Company.
Fr Ilitl Vin
onany di - hied Limit rodeo' 'feta two c 1.,.... , ,„. ,
firs. Ilya,: or Perlier. Cowpony, in which I:itor r. I .
and el, loathe. I lidililing. nie) he. inuirc,J. Nu nil. i leen 1, i '
flass to ex ceed be.i.0 1 .. •
gerovd ( -7 1 , P1 , of ranim•reill Deparunient i to n inch
kind* Of Willing*. uierebaninge fie., in Village* and
may he limited. Nu ;I4 takrn in this Clams to exelari 6%9 0
'l'fu• one 4. 4 ).1044 pill not be taken in Cl,
(. 4;4!
46 P "
TO 001771 TUT
'larch 5. 1E33.
Slew SW& Store.
ertilEtiolvieribel Infanta the public that he h.di ojeat d tc et
'tusk of music and 'bogie:ll 11 , ttaltla . 111. at th.t . C"
tie IJrinerty occupied in 6 ft. he'p block. 'than Sun: the put.
the (aeon , formerly Iteenoveed upon Iwo n ne•kr a C.011.11, J a ^i
th.`if patrortouie news that be tvtli nr tu Site -
He hay on tined the very Pianu FOrtel, Matratians ro , a
cal led 6erapninlg, Viuline. Flutes, eifea, and all tunsa c t
tiring 411 , 1W111.1 initruthentv, loviruuretit Ifitniur.lo, awl
every !dims uf.11,11) 00nd in n ninsiC !AGM
sad repaired—aid instruntentv taken in eve hand, far !,..••
Parlay oceans. Stoi loelodlana, With two key boards aunt 6 i•elt
and - au) other Ill: trUloCilts Minn liand aril fun lid, 1 ,- -."),"
Pianos to rent. At/ persons Wan' ingrouste Of introiCal
a pit !Info a Cal: Lew, purchnolng elsytt fle•.•
31r. W. conttnuerto get .61(.641601A as liekire.
tie. Felt. wm. WILLI N.,
_ _
New Clothing Establishment.
To l: sule.eribers have ednriccied with their stnre in Iv: , t,.-- y .
orient y mad. clothing. 14 [mote in Ittuftentre. t J Nt :1r . % t ,
could e iii the attention of llto ;albite, their ' , Wein C , ,, ,,, ••• 'r',ll
of Frock, Utress Sack and titer sack Coots, Fay's - 4:4 1. -rts i
endless vat iety , all in - ttle of the best Malrrial.vetth roup.l ri , I•H
tiri,(ittras,RNl lt,‘ , ..rttf.t= , c, loin: as to astonish the lienebrer e.r. +4
Ca 11,141.1 el.IIIII:te tot y 0.1,00, Ca. • '
kale. Dee, 11-32-3. r. VISCI-NT lIIMR I 4. & r '
021.7.."A'033,NL11, WI M ORIL
a G.
a ., , , ,:p2 ,[ l ,, ,, s m re n tL i e f O v Tt a ti t o Nu
nd l. ,. l , l: , : c nn i l
t , he 1 , , , , 44 .1
rich and swerplisl 31,.../FlEliefitS of Fife XVniclic., /sm.
r)'..and Silver %X - ire that win (..% er offered in thi. c:lk. e , “; r, 1
k grin( variety or Wattherot ditikent Eseapenit nis ~.1.6 n.
and silver,and the is sit le of Chains, teals. and kc, , o al.:I
Weettter with the most fdi:ttionable Jewelry., con•..r4; .1 rst
gold diamond. ruby. he.. rI and topazri [raw Ring.; r«', n ~ ' ;‘,4
blronehen and Licht ['clouts, Oraceletts. it c. .11.0. t , , , 'Lets.*
cold and silver Es . bne dr. cold Pens. dessert amp lei •:-. , •. •$-{
Tana , and neon. Na tin Rinks and Pothoot.4. an lyr
me of rich Plated t 'are, erns. Tea Felt, 1.:111 , ..., FOILS
SPoons.l.llll l rio, handle ticks, and a arr Pay carrel, ~ Vt ., , sf
(Viet Goods. 1.0111 taper. and afnalMal: Clock:. , . r,' :c.e.r
Lama from 131 23 to ittfl all of whie will he foil n• ,' ^ - 4 s•i
cheapest and a lath. t .a 'r for re .IY pay. The v:' •' ':
the firmer customers or s. Loomis a d the pohhe re .' , .l t it •
v it... 1 II (hi.. notice. June .
r ia4serdwto hat
.ony m th..‘r r.Lat
and rreneti. would Ely.
pty supidied o tth hurt
th.• rely to,t ,!e-rflptich
awl conseque of 41 ) .
tropeettall) itwited. j
and Sale Stable.
nt boattic out thr• mlf ei c,l r , , ... ,
, othicietit on Enc'el .tre(t t tt
i notit'e that t'ey nrr no,k 1 t ttt J. ..7.
• -ma dirrerrnt %.Iriet,c-. of • -• :iro
, i
rt,lr mock e+ nleno.t. et .), • •
firer rate character I •
wo , timg to pt
that vapopeconstaullY
horoes hta tinJ a A.;'
on ha nd .
June. V. Dunlap.
J. C. Marshal).
Johat Zimmerl).
Peter E. Marron.
J. 1) Molt.
E .
I. Tre,
JONAS CUM NI,I•N, &-re') •
into Z Wrigtals. , Broier; (nNE
. Poilefie Ctwitn.
POI Ma Bonn. I *rawArt
JuilN JA N fly
A. F N. 11 2,
T M'i•
I • rI,
J. Kill.t.oGG.Er., Avr
. At. and (on half pa-t I, ,'