misdirects, S ate 401 Mad rat -liitorestblir fres I.x* We have redeiredlles of journals from Mexico as late as the news put:lashed yesterday'slier ald, by telegraph from Baltimore. El Uni` extends to the 16th of April, the day preions to that oa which Santa Anna arrived at the capital, of which interesting event we have, therefore, no details. Et Carers& states that it has been assured that the government has named Senor Santa Ant us captain-general of the army and navy; with. absolute powers in everything relating thereto, and it is said that h 4 salarY for such 0 4/0/' tuent is assigned at a thousand dollars per month. A messenger had been sent by Senor Lombardi ni to Puebla to inform Santa Anna of this nom ination. nut Unirersal states, editorially, that it cannot credit the farcical project, because it appears too repugnant to the dignity of General Santa Anna. The ciretuustances in which the republic is plamid, it continues, are too solemn to permit the inauguration of a new government to commence with a farce. We are too much in wrested, in the honor a General Santa Anna not to raise our voice in opposition to whatever might degrade him, and we ask him to consider his po sition, being, as he is, the object on which are Ax ed the eyes of the whole nation; which will ass the announcement, of. his destiny in his first pub. lic acts. . %RENT. / We I4ve the _ ibrth the Wet unnibe lr 4f Voltam ini (*setter this in an . and upon a greatly . enlarged . hare added about adven colnins ! /ilea speei lit" oftYPalcraPhY compare fe viarably with any . To enable nit to d this; wt txpenee of pro curing polar. 'l' introduced into thi , section -. should our sixpecta • be realised in 'regard to patronage, ne will NOM add to the esstablishaterit -a litmus' engine. Our facilities are 'now superior to any 'Office • this election of the isiate•for doing busi - Item, i ti it shall be inereasM ee as fast as the wants tiflthe ansuuunity-demand it. . For l i en yea r the march of the Obseeree \ has been "ieswAnS4" never to.folietz., hut always to. 'cad, has been our catatant effort, and the evidence - that, . efforts have been successful, the broad 401 of the paper this week fully detztouterete.. pard us, then, if ii entering upon a new vol ume, e call your attention to the past, and in= lite y o , kindest synipathies to the future. Ten hawkears the Oberreer establishment, after being about from one prOprietor to another, at 4g Course eakulated to ruin any establishment, was hffect lly crushed, and. thematerials, te.e.,.iu the ands f the officers of the law. What few friends o ft prey usly had, stood alatfiwhile its replltatiOU, T ttle it had acquired ,had assumed a Moat e shape. It was under eireuinstaneva ese hat the preseilf proprietors, iniknown diti lor a Mistiness point of view, and en wit out capital, conceived the projeet of sit the 'es tabliiihnieut and bringing the tut f theeeslough of despond" the previous a ' Clll9ilt elf its earious proprieters and e el entailed upon it. We sew then clear it eXperiepee hat demonstrated, that to ae ish bur purpose successfully, we world be lied to eschew all entente - nil fnetititee all . , inn ; i n snore, to use tt vulgarism, "to pad s men canoe,'? and allow feetieniste and s" to do the Fume. The.original dtsiien has -arried out; how successfully let to-day's answer. We hare!pandered to no faction: re laughed to scorn the attempt of wealth to us, and despised the , effort; of party drill and parer tri - tistmotnti(tetie -- Vnvr. ,what the ter has been in the ten years past,' it sill ne to be, eat / e little maser at.' We feel i 'hum ..t....t. • - ,:••• •L. • a g l F: P r i rtirMir,ralM C know our position! A' we have never led estray hy the ei;eitements of the hour— ' as," protection," "frets edl." and the like ed "one ideas,r --;,i,ein - the future will we er foam! true to tl4 legitimate lantineirke e gret Denmera . tie sentiment of the country': nitlint others 'lsbell express their opinions in retrard l') all question: , of a' general :or it nature, we- shall not full to exereiee the 1 privilege upon a subjects affecting the being`-of our city, tati. and Netionj With RYMAILIiAItLE OCCURRENCE.—In the spring of brief anneuneernen of - intentiOns for the fu-. 1850, Dr. N. B. Anderson, of this city, removed we enter upon the new volnim full of hope frail the arm of Miss Catharine Morita, of Fedi- _. JIM . We trust-it t thoie who eeneur with ant, a large pin and needle, which she had ac- . _4enti pervious. . 11 4 1 mcnt will sic min.extendiug Our eir eidentiy swallowed some two years These foreign bodies, it seems, migrated from null' inn , and we h(ls i at thnso who 4° not ,40 the stomach, through the lungs, muscles of the , . cant , will lend TM i it support, betei t a e , as ide chest and arm; and were extracted near the elbow • - fro . _titles, we are . our Paper is folly iii; within an inch of each other. to