OREAT SALE OF WATCHES, JEWELRY 4 SILVER-WARE. OJfS MILLION DOLLARS' WORTH TO C DIKPOSCD AT ONE COLLAR EACH ! without mmqm.v tu vaUj, Net to be paid for until you knew what yon are to receive ! BY A. H. ROWEN & CO., (AgeaU for the Manufacturers,) jlo. SO Beeksoan Street Ktir York. av Read the following list of Articles -Cf to be told for o solllAB each. 300 Gold Hunting Case Watches fresa 1100 to 160 SM Gold Watebes, various styles from 76 to 100 200 Ladles Gold Watches 50 200 Silver Hunting Case Lever Watches from 35 to 60 00 Silver Hasting Oaae Lepine Watche? from SB to 46 00 Gold CompoMt Hunting Watches from 25 to 50 90 Mute Boxes, Shall and Rosewood Cases 20 to 75 aWXlegent Silver PlaUd Coffee and Tea Urns 20 to 50 1,000 Elegant Silver Plated Gator Stand from 20 to 49 1,000 Elegant Silver Plated Fruit and Cake Basket! 20 to 50 1,000 Elegant Silver Plated Batter Dishes from 15 to 25 1,000 Elegant Silvu Plated Ice Pitcher from 20 to 80 1,500 Silver Plated Salt Stands 8 to 15 1.500 Silver Plated Goblets, Engraved and Plain 5 to 12 4,000 Silver Plated Cups, Gold Lined and ngraved 10 to 20 1,000 Silver Plated Call Bells 6 to 12 ,000 Sets Silver Plated Table Forks, half dozen 8 to IS 5,000 Pair Silver Plated Table Spoons from 5 to 10 10,000 Sets Silver Plated Tea Spoons, half doien 8 to 12 1,000 Pair Silver Plated Butter Knives from 5 to 10 4,000 SHver Plated Jtapklu Riags, very handsome 6 to 10 5,000 California diamond Cluster setts Ladies jewelry 10 to 25 1,000 Crazilllan pebbles, setts ladies jewelry from 10 to 25 7,000 Setts ladies jewelry, assorted i to 10 4,000 Pair crystal pendant Ear drops from 8 to 20 4,000 Minature and enameled revolving Pins 8 to 15 . 4,000 Enameled and pearl Rroecnes, very handsome 4 to 12 2100 Ladies California diamond Cluster pins 8 to 15 3,000 Gent1! California diamond pins from 5 to 10 1,000 Gent's pins, sat with oae stone or brilliant 5 to 10 4,000 Gent's scarf pins, assorted styles from 4 U 15 4.000 Oval Band braoalaU, tnely chased from 10 to 20 4,000 Pair Gent's sleeve buttons, new anal rich stylos " 4 to 10 4,000 Piir Ladies sleeva buttons 5 to 10 5,000 California diamond duster rings from 10 to 20 4.000 Gold thimbles, pencils, & 5 t 15 10,000 Gold lockets, richly engraved 4 to 10 4.000 Plain and chased gold rings 4 to 1 0 40.000 Shield and signet rings 4 to 10 2.400 Belt bncklej. Gold jet and gold and vulcanite 4 to 10 -2,500 Gold lockets, ngraved backs, watch face 10 4,000 Large new style rlags, set with brilliants 5 to 10 -3,000 Ladies chatelaine shalna and pins from 4 to 28 2 500 Gents heavy guard chains 12 to 80 7,800 Gent's vest chains, large assortment from 5 to 25 1,000 Splendid steal engravings 5 to 10 1.000 Elegant bronze mantel elocka 25 to CO 10,000 Gold pent, silver extension holder and pencil 4 to 8 10,000 Gold pens, and silver mounted bony holders 8 to 8 4.000 Gold peas and gold extension holders 15 to 25 5,000 Ebony gold mounted spiral pencils lrom 4 to 10 Each and every article in the above list is lepresented by a certificate. These are placed in similar envelopes and scaled. Any person obtaining a certificate, to be had at ar office, or sent by mail to any address, will know what they may have for One Dollar. We charge for sending certificates, paying postage auc doing the business, 25 cents ach. Five will be sent for J 1.00 ; EleveD for $2.00 ; Thirty for $3.00; Sixty-flve for (10.00, and one hundred for $15.00. Any parson receiving a certificate for an article they may not desire, can exchange for any other article in our list of the f ime value. By this mtlhod we are enabled to farnih the public with selections from a rich and varied stock of poods at a nominal price, while all have a chance for securing articles of the very highest value. We warrant every article as represented or snoney refunded. We solicit parties who have been unfairly dealt with by imitators to give us a fair trial before passing judg ment. AG ENTS. Liberal commission and val uable premiums, consisting of watches, Ac, given to Agents. Address all orders to A. H. ROWEN & CO., 88 Beekmau Street, New York. Oct. 25. 1866-3mo. Stray Cattle. STRAYED from the residence of the sub . aeriber, residing one mile from Cheat Springs, about the middle of Slay last, four yearling cattle, one heifer, black on the sides and white back and small straight-up horns, a steer, an iron-gray, broad durham horns, a steer, light brindle. with a few white spots, a smaller heifer, light brindle, with some black, not maked. Any person giving in formation to the subscriber will be liberally rewarded. MICHAEL DURBIN. Oct. 26, 186-8t The Mysterv, by Mrs. Wood. The Heir ess of Bellefor.L By E. Bennett. William A'.'.air, By Mrs. IL Wood. CoK eje Life, By F. H. Fanor. North Facific Exploring Expedition, By A- H. Harbers aa. T sale Vrr JAMES MtTBBAY, W. H. SECHLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, and PRACTICAL SURVEYOR, Ebensburg, Pa., office in the Commissioners office. Dec. 7, 1865.-tf. WILLI A3I KITTELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Pa. Office in Colonade Row, Centre street. Dec. 4, 1864.-tf. F. P. TIEKNEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Eberuburg, Pa. Office in Colonade Row. April 5, 1865-tf JOSEPH M'DONALD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg. Pa. Office on Centre street, opposite Moore's Hotel. Apr. 26, 1866-tf JOHN FENLON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Eberuburg Pa. Office ou High street, adjoining his resi dence. May 4, 1835. (l-42.) GEORGE M. REED, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ebensburg, Pa. Office on Main street, three doors East of Julias. May 4, 1865. GEORGE W. O ATM AN, iTTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Pa. Office in Colonade Row, Centre street. November 23, lS65.-tf. (1.87.) F. A. SHOEMAKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Eberuburg, Pa. Office on High street, one door East of the Banking House of Lloyd & Co. December 7, 1865. (tf.) CYRUS L. PERSHING, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Johnstown, Pa. Office ou Main street, second floor over the Bank. May 4, 1865.-tf. JAMES C. EASLY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Carrolltown, Cambria County, Panna. Collections promptly attended to. Aug. 23, 1866-ly . X. JOHNSTON, J. . 80A5LA. JOHNSTON & SCANLAN, Attorneys at Law, Ebensburg, Cambria as.. Pa. Office opposite the Court House. Ebensburg, Nov. 15, 1866-tf R. J. LLOYD, SUCCESSOR to R. S. Bush. Dealer in DRUGS. MEDICINES AND PAINTS. Store on Main street, opposite the "Moore Housa, Ebensburg, Pa, May 17, '66.tfL V. S. BARKER, 1ETAIL DEALER, in Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Groceries, &c ; keeps constantly on hand a gensr&l assortment. Store on High street, Ebensburg, Pa. Sept 28, 1865. SinELDS HOUSE. LORETTO, CAMBRIA CLfJNTT, PA., THOMAS CALLEN. Proprietor. ftIS house is now open for the accommo dation of the public. Aeomodations as good as the country will cHord, and charges moderate. May 81, 1866.-tf. DR. D. W. EVANS, TENDERS his professional services to the citizens of Ebensburg and vicinity. Office one door east of R. Davis' store. Night calls made at his residence three doors west of R. Evans cabinet ware room. May 81, 1865-6m J. C. WILSON, M. D., OFFERS his services as PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, to the citizens of Ebensburg and surrounding country. Office three doors East of the Presbyterian Church, in the room formerly occupied by Dr. Jones. EbenEburg, April 12, 18G6.3m.. S. BELFOUD, DENTIST, CONTINUES to visit Ebensburg personally on the 4th Monday of each month. During his absence Lewis N. Snyder, who studied with the Doctor, will remain in the office and attend to all business entrusted to him. June 7, 1806. LLOYD CO., BANKERS. Ebensburg, Pa. Gold. Silver, Government Bonds, and other securities, bought and sold. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made on all accessible points in the United States, and a General Banking business transacted. March 1, 1866.tf. UNION HOUSE, FBENSBURG, Pa., JOHN A. BLAIR, U Propietor, spares no pains to render this hotel worthy of a continuation of the liberal patronage it has heretofore received. His table will always be furnished with the best the market affords; his bar with the best ct liquors His stable is large, and will be attended by an attentive and obliging hostler. June 4, 1866.-tf. 1866. PHILADELPHIA. 1866. WALL PAPERS. HOWELL & BOURKE, HAKtTFACTUSEBS OF PAPER ILNGLNGS AND Window Shades, Corner FOURTH & MARKET Streets. PHILADELPHIA. N. B. Always in Store, a Largn Stock of LINEN & OIL SHADF.S. March 1, lS66.Su. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. THE STORE HOUSE and DWELLING HOUSE situate in Chest township, Cam bria county, formerly occupied by JOSEPH GILL, together with ONE ACRE of LAND, in a good state of cultivation and well sup plied with choice fruit, is offered for sale. The buildings are good ; the property is in an excellent location for mercantile or other business, and is offered at a very low price. Possession given immediately. For further information inquire of or ad dress JOHN G. GILL, at Glen Connell. convenient to the premises, who is authori zed to sell the Banjo. x . JOSEPH CULL. May tl, 1866.4. CHAIR MANUFACTORY, WI.PMTQI, JOUKSTOTTN PA. 7 ALL KIDS OF. CHAIRS, such as common Winsor Chairs, Fret Back Chairs, Vienna Chairs, Bustle Chairs, Rim Backed Chairs, Sociable Chairs, ROCKING CHAIRS, OF EVERY SIZE SPRING SEAT I II! IKS Settees, LoungesT'&c., &c. CABINET FURNITURE of every description and of latest ST FEES, WITH PRICES TO SUIT THE Tastes of all. Thankful for past favors, he respect fully kolicits a liberal share of public patron age. Clinton Street, Johnstown Cambria Co. Pa. (August 16.1866. wmmi & mam HIGHEST PREMIUM 8BWIN6 MACHINES, AWARDED THE t HIGHEST PBEUIUH AT THE Imternatlonal Exhibition, INDUSTRIAL EXPOilTION, fabis, 1861, KONIGSBUBG, PRUSSIA, 1868, AKD IN COMPETITION WITH ALL the lead I ing Sewing Machines in EUROPE AND AMERICA, and the United States Agricul tural Association ; Metropolitan Mechanics' Institute, Washington ; Franklin Institute, Philadelphia; Mechanics Aesociat:on,Boston; American Institute, New York ; Maryland Institute, Baltimore; Mecbf-sics Association, Cincinnati ; Kentucky Iae.itute, Louisville ; Mechanics Insitute, Sun .'raneico and r.t EVERY STATE AND COUNTY FAIR WHERE EXKIBI JED THIS SEASON. Upwards of 200,000 of these Machines HAVE ALP.EADk BEEN SOLD, a fact that creaks loa kr than words of the success and popularity of Whetlek & Wu son's Fa kilt LOCK STiTClJ m Mill. lite Cheapest Machine -.n i7.c World, Because it is the Best. Every Machine Wan anftd For Three Years. Customers Risk Nothing in Purchasing. INSTRUCTIONS FKEE. Always happy to Exhibit and Expl&in them. CT'CircularSj containing an explanation of the Machine, with testimonials from ladies of the highest social standing, given on ap plication, either in person or by mail. WM. SUMNER &L CO., Agents for the Western Slates and Western Pennsylvania. Principal office and Wholesale Emporium : No. 27 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. July 20, 1SC5. KEROSENE AND GAS STOVES. TEA AND COFFEE BOILERS, GLUE POTS, OIL CANS, &c, &c. CO" All the cooking for a -CO CO- family may be done with -CQ CO- Kerosene Oil. or Gas, -tf CO- with less trouble, and at -C3 CO- less expense.than by any -CQ CO- othtr fuel. Each Article manufactured by this Com pany is guaranteed to perform all that is claimed for it. CO- Send for a Circular. -Q LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE. KEROSENE LAMP HEATER CO., 206 PEARL STREET, N. Y. 1 rnfl PER YEAR! We want Agents eve Dl.dUU rywhere to sell our IMPROVED $20 Sewing Machines. Three new kinds. Un der and upper feed. Sent on trial. War ranted five years. Above salary or large commissions paid. The Ojily machines sold in the United States for less than 140 which are fuUy licensed by Howe, Wheeler Sjr Wilson. Grocer a Baler, Singer Co., and Bachelder. All other cheap machines are infringements and the seller or user are liable to arrest, fine and imprisonment. Illustrated circulars sent free. Adoreas, or call upon Shaw & Clark, at Biddeford, Maine, or Chicago, 111. May 81. 1866-ly. WANTED. AGENTS $75 to $200 PER ff MONTH for gentlemen, and $35 to $75 for ladios. everywhere, to introduce the Cel ebrated Common Senee Family Sewing Ma chine, improved and perfected. It wilfhem, fell, stitch, quilt, bind, braid and embroider beautifully. Price only $20, making the elastic lock stitch, and fully warranted for three years. We pay the above wages or a commission, from which twice that amount can be made. Address with stamp, or call on C. BOWERS & CO Sl 265 South FIFTH street, Philadelphia Pa. All letters answered nrnmntlv with I lrs and terms. M&v 81, 1865.-41. 1 Great Improvement In Sevrlog Machines. EMPIRE SHUTTLE MACHINE. PATKNTED FEB. 14, 1860. Salesrooms, . "J 7 ' J 250 W ashing ton St., Boston. THIS MACHINE is constructed on en tirely nw principles of mechanism, possess ing many rare and valuable improvements, having been examined by the most profound experts, e nd pronounced to be Simplicity ana tferjecUon Combined. It has a straight needle, perpendicular action, makes the LOCK or SHUTTLE STITCH, which will neither RIP nor RAVEL, and is alike on both sides ; performs perfect sewing on every description of material, from Leather to the finest Nansook muslin, w .cotton, linen or silk thread, from the rj;at to the finest number. Having neHt. CAM or COG WHEEL, and the least potable friction, it runs as smooth as glass, and Is Emphatically a Noiseless Machine. It reoaires FIFTY TER CENT, less power to drive it than any other machine in market. A girl twelve years of nge can work it steadily, without fatigue or injurv to health. Its strength and won derful simplicity of construction renders it almost impossible to get out of order, and. is GUARANTEED by the company to give entire satisfaction. We respectfully invi te all those who may desire to supply themselves with a superior article, to come and examine thi3 UNRI VALLED MACHINE . But in a more especial manner do we solicit tbe patronage of Merchant Tailors, Corset Makers. Coach Makers, Hoop Skirt Manufac turtrs. Shirt and Bosom Gaiter Fitters, Shoe Binders, Vest and Pantaloon Makers, MaJcers. Dress Makers, One half hour's inst ruction is sufficient to enabla any person to rork this Machine to their entire satisfaction. AgenU wanted for all t3wns In the United States, where agencies are not already established. Also for Cuba, Mexico, Central and South Am?rics, to whom a liberal discount will be given. J. T. Mc ARTHUR & CO., 536 Broiid way, New York. D. 00. 250 Washington St., Boetoa, 92lChi:snntSt..Phila. October 12, J865. FOSTER. HOUSE, WILLIAM PALI VI ER, Proprietor. JOHNSTOWN, Cambria Co unty, Penna. The Proprietor ris pectfully announces to his friends and the p' ablic generally, that he baa lea ted and taken possession of this com modioas Hotel. He hopes to make it one of the most desirable p laces for strangers and others to stop, that, can be found in any country town. HIS TABLE vrill at all times be spread with the luxuries and substantial of the seitfion-a HIS CHAMBFIIIS are large, and fitted up with a view to 'promote the comfort of his gnesta. HIS BAR wiill be well supplied with a large and choic e selection of the very best liquors. HIS STABLE: will always be provided with good, whclrisome provender for stock, and careful host lers. No pains will be spared to render entire satisfaction to all his guests ; and, pledging himself to endsivor to please all, solicits a liberal share of public patronage. August 23, 166-ly U. C TOUNCk, !. x HOLS. C. DAVIDSON, YOUNG & HOLMES, Wholesale Dealers and Importers of Foreign and American Liquors, BOURBON & RYE WHISKIES, OLD TOM, SWAN, AND LONDON DOCK UINS, No. 34 Hast Second Street. CnrcixKATi. Ohio. DO- Agents for Dr. Holmes' Celebrated Japanese Bitters. Aug. 16, 1866-Cm. N lEW FIRM. A. M'FADDON & BROTnU!RS. OLD BRICK WAREHOUSE, HOLLIDAYSBURG, PA., Dealers in all kinds of GROCERIES. TOBACCO, FLOUR, CIGARS, CHOP, MACKEREL, CORN MEAL, SHAD, SALT. HERRING, PLASTER, CODFISH, NAILS & IRON. GRAIN, GLASS, LEAD & OILS. All of which are sold low for cash. Hollidaysburg, May 31, 1865-tf H. WALTERS, Main street, between Franklin and Clinton, North side, JOHNSTOWN, PA. BAS constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of seasonable DRY BOOBS AN UK His 6tock conists of almost every article usually kept in a retail store, all of which have been selected with care and are offered at prices which cannot fail to prove satisfac tory. Call and examine for yourselves Nov. 16, 1865.6m. H. WALTERS. ENRY HARPFR, No 620 Arch st.. Philadelphia, Has a Iaree stock of fin WATCHES. JEWELRY. SILVER-W RE t & SILVER PLATED WARE. Suitable for Holiday and Bridal Presents! DtT" Reader give him a call ! November 8, 1866-2m. DURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, Pre 1 ferred bv all nnrtlpai Pmt... t , and you will have no other. Manufacture only by ZIEGLER & SMITfT Wholesale Drug, Paint and Glass Dealers No. 187 North THIRD Street, ' PHILADELPHIA. February , l86f.lTr - . 1868. PROSPECTUS 1866 OF "THE AGE," The only Democratic Daily Journal in Philadelphia. Great Improvements and great Inducements. Union, Restoration, And Constitutional Liberty! . The publishers of TIIEAGE respectfully call attention to the Daily and Weekly Is- sues oi ineir popular journal. The Daily Agb contains the latest intel ligence from all parts of the world, with arucies on uovernment. ro'itics. Trade. Fi nance, and all the current questions of the day; Local intelligence. Market Reports, Prices Current, Stock Quotations, Marice and Commercial Intelligence. Reports of Public Gatherings, Foreign and Domestic Correspondence, Legal Reports, Book Noti ces, Theatrical Criticisms, Reviews of Liter ature. Art and Music, Agricultural Matters, and discussions of whatever subjects are of general interest and importance. Besides special telegrams, it has aUthe dispatches of the Associated Press from ererv nart of the United States, and the news from all parts of Europe, brought by the steamers, xs instantly elt graphed from whatever point the steamers first touch. Txbms or tbe Dailt. One copy, one year $9 00; six months, $4 50; three months, $2.50; for any less period, at the rate of one dollar per month. Payments required invariably in advance. Postage on the Daily, thirty cents per quarter, or one dollar and twenty cents per annum, if pre paid. Thi Wexxlt Age will be a complete compendium of the news of the week, and besides tbe leading editorials from the Daily, will contain a large amount of interesting matter prepared expressly for the weekly issue. It will be in ail respects a first class Family Journal, particularly adapted to the Politician, the Farmer, the Mtrchant. the Mechanic, the Family Circle and the Gen eral Reader, having, in fact, every charac teristic of a live newspaper. At an early day will be began an intensely interesting serial, by one of the most popular and fascinating authors, and it is also the intention to pub lish, from week to week, in the courte of the year, three or four of the best and latest novels. Teems or the Weexlt. One copy, one year, $2 ; five copies, one year, $9 tan copies, one year. $17.50; twenty copies, ona year, $33. To clubs, where the papers are sent to one address, the following reduc tion will be made : Ten copies, one year, $16.50; twenty copies, ona year, $30. A copy will be furnirhed gratis for each club of ten, or more, to ona address, for one year. Payment required invariably in advance. Postage on the Weekly, five cents per quar ter, or twenty-rive cents per annum, if prepaid. The Weekly Age will ba the great cam paign paper of the Democratic Conservative Party of Pennsylvania, and will earnestly support the President in his patriotic efforta in behalf of the Union, Restoration and Constitutional Liberty. CO- The abovo terms will be rigidly ad hered to. Specimea eopies of tha Daily and Weekly sent gratis, on application at this office. Please write tha name and addrew plainly, and specify distinctly whether the Daily or Weekly is ordered. WELSH ft R0B3. 480 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. EBENSBURG FOUNDRY. The subscri ber announces to the public, that he has repurchased the Ebensburg Foundry and is prepared to furnish his formrr customers and all others with every description of cast ings usually manufactured at a .country es tablishment. He will always Veep on band the best qualitv of COOKING 'STOVES. PARLOR STOVES. OFFICE STOVES. &c. Also PLOWS, of the most approved pat tern. PLOW POINTS, THRESHING MACHINES end all other articles connect ed with the business of a Foundry. He invites the patronage of the public and will sell at the most reasonable prices, for cash or country produce. , EDWARD GLASS. March 29. 1865-ly. FOREIGN SHIPPING EXCHANGE OFFICE. fE are now selling Exchange (at New Yoik Rates on England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Germany, Pruseia, Austria, Bavaria, Wurtemberg, Baden, Ilesen, Saxonv, Hanover, Belgium, Fwitze'rland, Holland, Norway and France. And Tickets to and from any Port in England, Ireland, Scotland, Germany, France, California, New South Wales or Australia. , KERR & CO. Altoona, March 1, 1866. iy CAMBRI A HOUSE, WILMORE. PA. BAYING purchased this well known estab lishment and thoroughly refitted it, I take this method of informing my friends, and the public generally, that no pains will be spared to render satisfaction to all who may favor me with their patronage. My TABLE will be furnished with the best the market affords ; and at the BAR may be found the choicest liquors. The STABLE will be attended by an obliging hostler. Thankful for past patron age, I solicit a continuance of the r ame GEORGE WENTKOTH. August 16, 1866. M ANSION HOUSE. AT THE PENNA RALROAD DEPOT PITTSBURG, PA. MEALS READY ON THE ARRIVAL OF ALL TRAINS. J. H. CLARK & CO., Proprietors. Sept. 23, 18C3. tf BALLAGHER'S MAGICAL HAIR OIL, and VEGATABLE OIL SOAP, for sale at the Book Store of Feb. 32, 186. JAMIS MURRAY. WriOLESJLLE ANTi Tm rSPAeL.,a,nd.Shet-lrnn W FRANK v. HAY 1 coiiManuy on hand a lar A ment of Sugar Kettles, Lrass 0rV' Kettles, Tin-Ware; all kinds of "O ' ' ' u "J" ainnea Iron tt' Copper Ware made to order. Sad T Smoothing Iron?. Zinc Washboard. 04 COOKING AND HEATINGiSTOr offcvery Pittsburgh or PLiladeWla . j yiucur! c days notice. ' ODD PLATES and GRATES L? c. always on hand. SPOUTING, Miner?s Lamps Oi r FRUIT CANS and Powder RcS . sizes, constant'v on hand. " 1 COFFEE MILLS, Toasting Fcrb fW Broilers, Jelly Cake Moulds, TV Spoons, Coal Buckets &c. PRICE LIST now ready fur ti. J Merchants are respectfully invited u, and examine our wares. Send Lr & " logue before purchasing elsewhere. Tbe above goods will be funrfoj WIICI.SALC OR RETAIL ask rou FRANK W. HAY'S WAREHOl And Zave Twcnty-fte per (.em On your purchases. It can be zr Caxal street, below Cliuton. (My.4,ct"v Johnstown, June 21, 18GG. ' ' PEICESREDUCEDT JohastOTn Markl VVrk A NEW STOCK The subscriber has just received s & large and handsome invoice oii Italian and American A MARBLE. compnsmg the largest and fiEet'm stock of the kind ever brocght toi Johnstown, at his establishment P on Franklin Street, where ha U prtp, with an adequate fore of experience skilful workmen, to executs a'.l k MONUMENTS. Mantels. Tombtto ble and Bureau Tops, Ac, as cheipi' can be purchased in any of the citie. A large stock of Gbixdstoses aii and fr sale low. A room has been opened in EUnth few doors west of Dr. S. S. Chrintv l' Store, where articles of my ciiDfa'ctu-t. kept constantly on Lar.d, to which thi tention of purchasers is invited. E7" Prompt attention paid to order;: a distance and work delifered wfcra JOHN PA.I1I1 June 7, l?;s. The undersigned keeps couur. ? hand and is still ma&ufacturinz all ri m ais line such as, SADDLES. F:NZ SINGLE & DOUBLE DRAFT HARNESS. BLIND BRIDLES. RIDING Br.;.!: CHECK LIN Ed, HALTERS. WHIP! HRJCIIBAND3 which ha will dispose of at low pnc cash. Hi work 1 all warranted, l lt.it perienced. he put the Ixi uf Lather.: wrk. Thankful for past favors. It i by attention to business tomrit cvz. - i . , . auto oi iug piiironace litre tolore u :.n j extended to him. bhop above tha tra of Rii-rt i i ersons wishing good and suUtant:'. : ness cii La accommodated by. HUGHS! 'CI. Ebensbcrg Dec, 11, 1861-tf. LORETTO MARBLE WORE IJI1IE UNDERSIGNED beg leave & J 1 the citizens of Car!b-:a aja; k..: counties, that he has just received L: of lue finest Italian and other MarLUa Eslabiis.nent in Loreito Cambria cv.,J Monuments, Tombs, Cran nn,i TtnTnn .-.-.. . j t .: .. t . iuuui!l i i.rtru 01 i . - 1 beautiful and finest qualitv f ire;.-i l Domestic marble, always ou ba i '. to order as cheap as they c:j le l - irk Ka .? 1 . : ' - , manner, aud on the shortt LCt.ct. The public are respectfully icvit?. : me a call before purchasing eisiwhere am confident that my work and p rice satisfy any person desiring any iii line of businef. Now is the time to ct a chrcp kl .' JAMES W1LKI- Loretto, April 12, ISO.Jy. WITT It mi On Main street, Ebcniburj Ft, KEEPS constantly on hand fcJ fa (' general supply of 1 Envelopes, Writing Ink. Fens, ' Pen Holders, Magazines, and other articles in his 01 wnicn are Bold at reasonable rs;e February 8, 1866. Boot and Shoe Haif SHOP ON MAIN ST'T., EBEN'iJ one doer East of Crawford's t' immediately opposite the store of Mills & Co, is prepared to do a!! wfk' line on short notice and in a wor'kS manner. Tbe work done at tbls establish; compare favorable with that of ac.r Philadelphia, Pittsburgh or elsewbe country. French Uall. iOmmon rocco and all kinds of Leather coi'f-vM UBJa Ail TV V4 aV waaaaauwc saanW ?i M .w sasprinrinl Tit icvu" Ml f - r r-a LrVJtU faction. November t J 0