i. ' " ' ' - -ygy in i i iii.ij, , . . - . M U. ,--Jig. U ! m Jin i NEW SERIES, 2. x gtmocmt zini tnlintL 13 published in the borough of Ebensburg, Cambria county, P.4 every Thursday ir-ning. by W. H. Ai'EKRCB, at tho follow iuS rates. Invariably lc advance : toe copy, tbree months, 60 One ropy. x months, l 00 One copy, one year, v V- Th JS wbo J-U " pay their subscriptions iiaMl after the expiration of nix months will "charged t the rate of $2 60 per year, aad thoja who fail to pay until afler the ex piratiou of twelve months will bt charged at ;he rate of $3.00 per vear. The Democrat and Sentinel when paid for ia advauce costs four cents per number; when not paid ia advance tix cents per number will b charged. Twelve numbers constitute a quarter; tTenty-five, six months; and fifty numbers, va year. BATES OF ADTEKTISIKO. Fifteen lines of Burgoise type constitute a Square, one insertion, 41 CO XJacL subsequent insertion, - Oae square, one year, 00 Two squares, oae insertion, 1 bJ Each subsequent insertion. 00 Oae-fourth column, three months, 8 00 Ono-fourt- column, six mouths. 12 00 0a fourth column, one year, 20 00 Half columu. three months, 12 00 lln column, six months, 20 00 Half column, one ear. So 00 Oaa column, three mouths, 20 00 One column, six months, 85 00 0d eolumu. cue year, 0 00 Auditor's Notice, ' 00 Executor's Notice. 60 Administrator'! Notice. 2 60 ilirriage and Uaath Notices. Free. Professional cards with paper, per an- $fl 00 nam. ... . . Obituary Notices, ovor six lines, ten cents Feline. Special and business Notices tight cents per iius fur first Insertion , and four oents for .wa subsequent insertion. Resolution of Societies, or commumca nwis of a personal nature must be paid for m df tisements. . v . No cut inserted In advertisements. : CAED9. SI for 41 60 1 200 for t 00 103 for 2 00 J 600 for 6 00 Ech additional hundred, 60 ELASXB. Oce quire. 42 60 Eachad.q'r.Jl e0 All tran:.ent work must be paid for on Ury. W. H. il'ENEUE. Ebnbnr, June 14. 18C5. m-SSEII- & WOODRUFF, HOLES ALB DEALERS in TOBACCOS. CAO.VRS. TIPES. &c. Ace, No. 13 XortK Third street, above Market. Philadel phia. Pa. Tune 21. lSC6.-ly. ROSFRT E. jON'ES, Ebensburg, Cambria co., Ta., Dealer in Luaitar. The hiah-st pricos. m Cvh. paid for CHERSY. POrLAR, ASU ai LINO LUMBER. Ebensburg. Nov. 8. 10C3. JOHN P. LINTON, ITTORNEY AT LAW, Johnatotcn, Pa. A Office in building on corner of Main and Vranklin 6tret, opposite Mansion Houx. e.r.d rloof. Entrance on Franklin btr-t. Johnstown, Nov. 16. 18615.. D. M' LAUGH LIN, ITTORNEY AT LAW, Johnstown. Pa. A OElce ia the Exchange buiioing, on the Comer of Clinton a"d Iocast streets up tai-s. Will attend to all business connect ed n-ith his profession. Dec. 9, 1863.-tf. U.m for Sale. fUE undersigned is prepar to ship Lime from LiVy Station, ot No. 4, on ths Penn sy'vania Railroad to Ebossburg, Johnstown, or any other point on the rnna. R. R., or Its branches. Address, WM. TILEY. June28,-tf Hemlock, Cambria co., Pa. STATES UNION HOTEL, PHILADELPHIA. iJIHIS HOTEL is pleasantly situated cn the 1 South side of Market street, a few doors aboT3 Sirth street. Us central loclity makes it particularly desirable to persons visiting the city on business or pleasure. T. II. B. SANDERS, Proprietor. Jane 21, 1866.-ly. NEW HAT AND CAP STORE. PE0RGE TURNFR, 'Alain sired Jchnstovcn. U Pa.. Dealer in HATS and CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, and GENTLEMENS' FURN ISHING GOODS, such as Drawers, Shirt, Collars, Handkercbitfe, Neckties, Stockings, sG'.oves, Umbrellas, &c., keeps constantly on and a general assortment, and his prices Me as low as ths lowest. Johnstown, Jans 21, 1866.-ly. SCOTT HOUSE, Maim Street, iohiutoim, Catnhria Co., Pa.t A. ROW & CO., Proprietors. BHJS H0U5E having been refitted aed lalegantly fircished, is now open for the reception an entertainment of guests. The proprieora hr long experience in hotel keep ing feel eotident they can satisfy dis criminating public. Their Bar is suppliad with tb choicest brands of liqiors and irises. June21,BC6. (ly.) AIi tiods f Job Work doa &t this cfBcfc THE BLESSINGS OF GOVERNMENT. LIJUS THE DEWS OF HEAVEN. SHOULD BE 26. Tbe Dylnsr Tear. BT S. 8. K'COBMTCK. What solemn thoughts now cluster round the soul. At we behold the checkered landscape ' fading, And Winter's Xing assuming that control That Summer's Queen once swayed with smiles pervading ; The living mourn while mingling with the dying, And for the dead the Autumn winds are sighing. Like the unburied on some battle field. The withered flowers lie leafless, pale and bleaching. Their fragrance wasted, which warm suns did yield. To gentle zephyrs and to dews beseeching On earth's cold bier lies nature's beauty sleeping. And o'er each faded form cold rains are weeping. Wild night-winds round the cheerless, ice clau eaven. And through leafless forest branches waving, Sing funeral dirges, which the rustl'ng leaves Ra echo to the eddying storm assailing. And from o'erspreading clouds, broad snow Slakes flying, In sad procession, follow up the dying. The orchard, where but one brief month ago, The mellow fruits in golden suns weie -shining. Stands leafless, trembling in the rain and snow, Robbed of its treasures, and in want re pining; And frightened - birds, on weary pinions leaving, - FUt through the grim, denuding branches grieving. From murmuring streams there comes the muffled sound Of waves complaining to the glassy edges, And icicles, that dangle all around, CLant winter-dirges as they cling to hedges. And sombre clouds to chilling winds, repin ing. Collect in groups to keep the stars from shining. Where'er the eyes in weary glances turn. Around, above, beneath, in field or mea dow, Tbe dreary scenes but cause the heart to yearn, And spread a gloom, as twilight spreads a f hadow. And shade and gloom upon the heart en croaching, Are but the symbols of a death approach ing. CAUGHT IN THE ACT. Once, duriog the summer's solstice, when everybody that was anybody (ex cept myself,) had gone out of town. I was lost to my own devices dnrinj the day and lien's society in the evening for what amusement I could find in hot pavements, shaded he-use and libations of ice-water, for the space of two never-to-be-forgotten weeks. I had immolated myself on the shrine of sisterly affection, for Ben'a down-town affairs could not possibly bo wound up before the specified two weeks had expired, and a most comfortable feeling of self righteousness accompanied the sacrifice. To be sure, a trip to Lake George was promised me as the reward of merit ; and with th' in prorpect, my captivity became quite endurable. All the neighbors had deserted us ; and I had watched trunk after trunk, carriage after carriage, starting for various desti nations. The newspapers afforded me, in the letters from watering places, the delectable information that "Miss B was charming in a dress of blue crape and pink trimmings ;" "Mrs. G , handsome and distingxie, in crimson moire antique ;" Mrs. L like a sunset cloud in violet silk," and so on through the al phabet generally. As I knew some of these people very well, I wondered if a transformation had taken place from charge of residence; and hoped that, whatever it was, I might not fail to catch it when L too, should pack up my tent like the Arab?, and glide in the darkness away. I fully expected to go in the morning, when I did go ; but I think there is some thing liko uus in one of Longfellow's poems. , Our next-door neighbor, Mrs. Beverly, had one with the two children, and faith ful black Hose, at the very beginning of tbe ramiaor flittipgs-j na A3 Mrs. Eeref EBENSBURG, PA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1866. ly was my especial admiration, and the children my favorite amusement, I won dered bow I could possibly get through the weary day without them. Little "Dory" (abort for Theodore,) whose fath er's eyes had closed in this world without seeing the face of his little son, was an animated sculpture .of the purest marble, lighted up by dark orbs .thai seemedlo make whiter the ivory skin ; and his sis ter, two years older, was the most be witching little romp that ever soiled white dresses, or set at naught all the rules of propriety. As for the gentle sorrow-stricken moth er, of whom scarcely any one ever got a glimpse, I had fairly stormed her into a sort of liking for me scaled her castle on vftrkiua pxotextF, and curried off the children so frequently that the fact of my existence became too apparent to be ig nored. All tbe family laughed at my passion for Mrs. Beverly, and all that pertained to her ; every one acknowledging that she was lovely and attractive, but completely wrapped up in her children and the memory of a happy past. My feeling for her, however, amounted to perfect enthusiasm, and we bad become very good friends some time before her departure. She had not gone among the charming Miss L's, and li'p, and G's, with their rainbow-huod dresses ; but off among the green hills of New Hampshire, where aunt and cousins awaited to welcome her and children to pure air and green pas ture?. She would be gone all summer, and had laughingly requested me to keep an erne on the house while I remained near it. It is needless for me to say that I kept two eyes perseveringly fixed upon the domicile whenever opportunity offered; and held endless discussion with lien as to whether all the doors and windows were properly fastened. For a constitutional dread of burglars was one of my idiosyn crasies ; and I had frequently been remon strated with for looking upon them as supernatural beings -inasmuch as, from the nature of my searches before retiring I evidently expected them to lodge in bureau-drawers, and store themselves away in small boxes. Mrs. Beverly had frequently spoken to me of a brother whom, as the country people say, she seemed to "set great store by," and who was now studying a pro fession in a distant city. Ho was to join her in New Hampshire, and return with her on a visit ; and she had expressed a strong desire that we should see each other. I was quite persuaded that sho hoped a great deal from this seeing, and I must confess that tbe fact of his being Mr. Beverly's brother threw a halo of strange interest around Mr. Esselton. I often found myself thinking of him and wondering what he was like or rather, what he would strike me as being like ; for, of course, his sister had drawn her own impressions of him for my benefit, and if these impressions were correct, he must be an uncommonly nice fellow. His photograph was decidedly handsome, and without ever having seen him, I felt pret ty well acquainted with him in advance, and waited rather impatienily for October to bring Mrs. Beverly back to town. I had decided how to "do" my hair, and what dress to appear in in my first pre sentation ; but I could not help wishing that something unforeseen would occur to bring about that first meeting in a way entirely different from the usual hackneyed course. I had my wish, as time will show. About half of the two weeks had worn away, when a very warm day and night, that called forth experience and compar isons from all the "oldest inhabitants," came down upon us with fury ; and after gasping through the day in some sort of fashion, I left my couch at midnight in utter disgust at ray folly in supposing that I could sleep with tho thermometer high up among the nineties, and betook myself to the window. Certain sounds that proceeded from tho next room convinced me beyond a doubt that Ben, though present iu body, was absent in mind ; and with the pleasant consciousness of being the only person in the house alive to the-affairs of this mun dane sphere, I turned my attention to the glorious mooitlisht that,.as Hood enthu siastically said : Makes earth's commonest scenes appear All poetic, romantic, and tender. But while engaged in vague speculations about tbe moon and stars, a sudden noise brought my thoughts earth-ward aain : and glancing toward Mrs. Beverly's back premises, I actually saw a man on the upper verandah, opening one of the bed room windows ! My heart almost stood still with terror; but by a fearful eflort I restrained myself fropj ecreuxung for Ben was terf hard DISTRIBUTED ALIKE, UPON THE to awken, and both our throats might be cut btfore this was accomplished. ' No? venturing a second look, I retreated trembing from the window, and proceeded to thdtask of rousing Ben as quietly as possif;eJ ,- 1&S obligingly left his door unlocked forrj especial comfort, there was no sircjt in effecting an entrance and had my brother been capable of appreciating the vision, he would have seen a wild creaiure in white drapery calling his name in a nightmare whisper of terror but of course without producing the slightest effect. Bin always slept with revolvers under his pillow, which made me chary of touching him for fire-arms affected me a3 a draw n sword did James the First : but something must bo done speedily, as! fancied that impudent man perhaps load ing himself at that moment with movea bles. "Get up !" I shouted, waxing stronger, "Ben I. Get up this moment !" . "Tisn't time yet," grunted my provo king brother, now half awake, as he turned over like the sluggard. I never had any patience with people who almost required a charge of artillery to bring theru back to their sober senses ; and shaking him now with good will, I screamed, "Thieves! Robbers ! ! Fire ! ! ! Get up 1" A head that would have served for Medusa started from tbe pillows ; and out came those horrible revolvers, point ing directly at me. A frantic yell, that I tried in vain to smother, issued from my lips ; and Ben, now quite awake, shouted out at me : "Marie ! What in the namo of heaven is the matter ? Do stop that confounded noise !" He had quite forgotten to call me "Minnie," as I always insisted of being called j being terribly in earnest, ho had gone back to tbe humdrum appellation that roused my intense disgust I was too much tak en up with the revolvers, just now, to remind him of his omission, and between my terror of the weapons, and his desire to use them immediately upon iomeboity, we eeemed scarcely likely to come to an understanding. Finally, however, Beu was made to comprehend what I had been ; and being requested to retire while he donned a few articles of clothing, I waited in breathless suspense for his reappearance. "Tbe fellow will not be in a hurry," said he, in answer to my fears that ha would escape ; "he knows the family are out of town. I shall get a policeman, and secure him quietly." Aud bidding me bo of good courage, ke closed the door, and looked up and down the street. I cowered in the parlor half disposed to rush after Ben, and insist upon accompanying him ; but I was cot exactly in promenade costume, and it would take eo long to "get myself up," that by that time, the affair would be over. Then, too, those dreadful revol vers might be used ; and a bullet would be almost sure to lodge in my arm, or, perhaps, in some more vital point, should I chance to be within shooting distance. These considerations induced me to re main where I was ; although wanting dreadful to know how matters were pro gressing next door. I was obliged how ever, to wait for Ben's return ; and then to draw the desired information from him, piece by piece. After an interminable time, he made his appearance, saying: "Well,, the fellow's safely lodged at the station house for tho night; lets go to bed, little girl." And this was all, was it, after such an excitement t Brevely may bo the soul of wit, but it is not the soul of satisfaction when one is hungering for information. "Now," said I, planting myself on the stairs in a decided attitude, "just please to remember that he is wy burglar ; if it hadn't been for me you never would have seen him, and I insist upon hearing some thing about him. Begin at the beginning and tell me what you did first, after you left me." "Looked for a policeman," replied Ben, hopelessly. "What next V "Founlone." "Next.?" "Told him I had a little job for him." "What then T Ben, do you happen to know that you are particularly disagreea blo and tormenting ? Why can you not give me a ppicy and graphic account of your adventure, (which is one you cer tainly do not have every night of your life,) so as to present it clearly to my mind ? If I had gone in your stead, you would have beard all about it, from be ginning to end, as a matter of course. I don't see why men need to be. so misers ble stupid and unsatisfactory. HIGH AND THE LOW; THE RICH AND THE POOR. "Well," rejoined Ben, with a fearful yawn. "I believe a woman can start up as bright as a lark at, any hour of, the night, and talk upon any subject in .the universe ; but a fellow can't be spicy and graphic at two o'clock in the morning. Wait until to-morrow and I'll v tell you all about it" ' As he made a tnovement to ascenl I exclaimed tragically, "If you advance it will be over my body !" and finding that something of an obstacle, he retreated. "Now," said I triumphantly, "what was the man doing when you found him I Was be rolling up the carpets or what ?" I had just been reading of a deserted house enterei by thieves, who cooly rolled up the carpets, and other desirable articles neatly for transportation carrying them away as it was convenient, and I thought how unpleasant it would have been for Mrs. Beverly to return to a home in ials condition ! "He was not doing anything in par ticular," was the reply, "we found him comfortably lodged ia the buck bedroom sound asleep." I was fiilled with amazement to find that my burgjar had only wanted a night's lodging. "That dues not follow at all," said Ben authoritively, he was 6ure of his house before he begun, and being just then in need of comfortable rest, he con cluded to take it, and other things at his leisure. He seemed determined not to wake until we had turned on the gas full blast ; when he sprung up and caught me by the hair. - A siht of my pistols, how ever, sooo quieted him, to say nothing of the policeman's appliances. He's too nice-looking a fellow to be engaged in such work, and he( carried it oil" with a high air protesting against being dis turbed, and assuring us that he bad a perfect right to lodge at Mrs. Beverly's as he was a relative of that lady's." "A relative !" I repeated with breath less interest. "That is what he said ; but the police man cooly replied, with a grin. You see it ain't exactly the fashiou for relatives to visit folks in your off-handed way climb ing in at their windows when they are out of town ; and as yon seem to be in want of a night's lodging, just put on your duds and I'll accommodate you at the station house. "How dare you men tion such a place to me?" stormed the grandiloquent burglar. I tell you I have just arrived in the city tired out with my journey, and came here, at the request of my 6ister to transact some business fur her in this house." "His sister?" I exclaimed in great ex citement ; but Ben went on regardless ; "Do I look like a burglar ?" he asked, striking an attitude. "At the burglars I ever sen were much like other pe.-ie, said the unimpressible policeman, 'some better, some worse, and, cause you hap pen to have a straight nose and mu cur able looking, ain't no reason why we should let you off, so just ycu come along quiet now, and it'll be the better for you. 'I'm obliged to you for your invit-iluu, replied tbe burglar, who seemed mora dis. posed to laugh than he hd been et, 'which appears too pressing to be declined ; but I can assure you that I am very com fortable here, and also that I have a per fect risrht to be here.' A difference ot opinion, mebbe,' returned the guardian of the public peace: 'but when I see folks breaking into, other folks' houses, my or ders is to nab' em. 'But you did'nt sec me doing anything of tho kind,' retorted the culprit. 'You saw me peacefully sleeping, and made an unwarrantable as sault upon me. 'Well, this gentleman's sister saw you any how, said the police man, determined not to be baffled. 'Then, observed the robber with rather a comical smile, 'It is to a lady thai I am indebted for these polite attentionsf ' So take carr, little sister, that he does not wreak his vengeance on you I My experience of burglars is not extensive, but this fellow doesn't look at all like his business just the kind of a man I'd liko to smoke a cigar and have a good talk with." "Now," said I, severely, "don't you feel a little ashamed, after this long story of trying to put roe off' with a sentence ? But, Ben," I continued with a strong con viction that the burglar had had truth on his side, notwithstanding the fact that Mrs. Beverly's brother was supposed to be recreating among the New Hampshire hills at that identical time, "Mrs. Beverly really has a brother she has talked to me about Lim often, an 1 I do believe that man was telling the truth.'" "Pooh !" said Ben incredulously, "such a story is easily manufactured ; it is very natural for people to have brothers, and I suppose that was the first idea that pre sented itself." "Well," I replied, my conviction, growing 6trong from opposition, "you mast VOL. 13 NQ 45; r . ,. Vlt go with me to the station house to-morr.v morning ; and if I can identify fb'.s raaa as Mr. Eiselton, from the plotograph tL?.$ Mrs. Beverly has shown rsebf corns thej will lei him go: ; As I hava - y into a aerape, the least. I tun do, if Ji js innocct, is to get him oat again." "We'll go to bed now," pzld Be'r whosJ thoughts inverted to first principles,- "i talk about the station-house tomorrow." "Let's goto bed, ' Said sleepy head," ,. was my retort ; but Ben was in earnest this time, and to bed we accordingly went. I was visited by such troubled dreass, though, in which Mrs. Beveria Lather climbed . into our window and tried u strangle me, that I gladly welcome, .ha morning sun. -I gave Ben no peace until ho agreed to accompany me to the s?:'tion house ; and packing up my head and faea in a double green veil, I started Lrarc-Iy or the scene of action. The premises were not inviting i arA several poor unfortunates were i,.;r'nn about awaiting - their sentence. Sittir: fcbout upright in a very- uncomfortable chair, wi:h an air of injured r innocence, was an extremely handsome, gentlemanly looking young aan, whose feature seemed familiar. ' . 'The burglar," whispered Ben by way of introduction. ,, "Oh Ben!" I exclaimed quite consci ence smitten, "Jo make them let him go! I am sure he is Mrs. Beverly's brother!"' "Dooa he look like tbe portrait ?" ask;. Ben with cousidsrable interest. "Yes," I replied, scarcely daring to look look, "I am almost surest is the same faco. But let me get outside, "and then tell them that we made a mistake." I did col know what - was passing in side; but my face burned painfully ; and when Ben joined me, I walked an ay at a race-horse pace. "That was a great idea of yours," said my brother laughing,-' 'and placed me ia. rather a queer potation just the next thing to apologizing to a man for shooting him because you took hira for seme one else ! Ha really is a nice fellow, though, and shook my hand as gratefully as though I had never disturbed his slumbers. He said that, in future, he never would even enter his own home unless he could go through the door, and at an orthodox hour. He is coming back with his sister iu ilie autumn, and then I hope we shall see something of him." "I never wish to see nor hear cf him again ! said I wrathful.'-, "and I onlj wished he would go somewhere among th& cannibals, and be eaten up as soon as h landed 1" Of course, I wrote immediately to Mrs. Beverly, telling her of my ridiculous mis iJLz and intense mortification, und beg ging her to explain to her brother just how it all happened ; and I eoon received a re ply that was characteristic of her own sweet self. "If I could put a good, hearty laugh on paper," cbc wrote, "yoa should certainly Lave it as some faint representation of tho cachiuations of Harry and myself over J2r profeedin-s. To think that one whom I h.o always looked upon as a well disposed young lady, should make such an uuiovoked attack upon an inof fensive young man, ar actually lode hint in the station-house ! Ob, Minnie f Ivlin nie ! I could not Lurs b'lcved it of you 1" "But, seriously, rj dear child, I b. g that instead of giving yourieif any unea siness, you will accept my grateful thanks for vatching my premises so lkithfully ; and you certainly had every reason to sup pose that man who would enter my vindow at two o'clock in the mor!i.g, culd not possibly bo a respectable member of soci ety. I really did send him, though to spend the night thero, and to get jf;ae valuable papers ; ar.d I told him, moreover, how to unfasten the window. Iwry seems far more impressed with your kind ness in getting him out of the station-houso than with your unkindaesa in getting hiru in ; and he is so anxious to express his thanks in person, that 1 am afraid ho will succeed in worrying me home seme weeks sooner than I intended." Now, I had not the slightest desire to this injured young man; and when the time of his arrival came, like all other things we dread, with amazing celerity, I called up all my powers cf strategy tor decent excuses to avoid tbe evil moment. But that provoking lien must needs "take" to him wonderfully ; and somehow ' or other, I always found myself wherever Ben did ! It all seemed like a dream t my introduction to Harry Esselton, eu gagemeut, and marriage, but the affair f the burglary has furnished tbe whole fam ily, himself included, so much amusement, that I can bcarcely regret having once lodged my husband in the station-house -j .1 r f I - s : 4 5 J I I, 4. r t t I! H - t