WiSJEKiL-s: ; 1 - NEW SERIES, 2. I i;c iltmotrat anb J?tn!intJ, "... ,... : . .1. i,.-...., ..rr.hoi-.Ki.nr-. i pj: .r:"i:,g. l.y V. !l.M,i-:ssf.rt'ue follow- j i.il: s. ir.varwo v m au atii-v . . .. .v. v .. .1 .. . .... 60 .e 1 1 e 1 lil 1 " ""I .-is nu'iiths, I v . .-.uo year, 2 00 their niberrinn.-ms - . ... .t it r,- liav - -1 - . I ..l"-'' Il'i t'Ui v ri -'i " -fr .he txf.ir;iti .n .l fix moi.tbs will , , ...rt-l at lU lattf uf pt-r year, i ! ii. -- h. f;l to r"i' Ull,,i aftc,r tlie J-- : i i i, !' thrive nioiitiw wi.l be ciiarftdat J . i ji.OJ yr vo.ir. , I ; D rurat l Seating when vl fr .iv u.v four cenU per mimU-r; ! 1 1 it i in avauce six cents p will In; ch.irj:a. ! ...? iiirrJrs constitute a qjiartor ; v !:v, t'.s Hi', r.il'.s; and uliy uuiiibf r, , i. . r . iv v i t.s or r-TEiwTinxG. .ma if iiuri.-c typ ct'.tute a ir , -.;u U'.St rtion, -e jin'tit iur-ertifti, one year, ti. inn. rt ion, 'l'lil t insertion, :; c -: n r 1 1 1 tl.rt :!"i.tns, '. hir,!::1 t:x ninths, i i-.)! tiinn, ' lie year, . , tli'U! 1:1 lVt'., :!i. li W'llilliM, .ii. o'e fitr. i . tl.r e inontlf, , -i.x riili.tha, . i y tar, f." N'.-v. N'..tir. .oid "..:itl-. N'!i--r. ...i! .-..rjj wil: 'apfr. $1 00 V. ' t', ' yj j i 1 f. f.i; p oo it? oo It? 00 , 10 b.O ; 1 - ' i 20 ( 0 EH fill i 20 on: wo ou i to oo 2 HI I 2 f.0 9 Rn I-'n-.. ! r an - ! if. oil ! v 1 ,irw vi Ihu-a. Ln cents i ... i ,,.( : .. ti 1 bucH.OK.s No tires eic t c - ;i -t iiTiinn, and fi;i elit for r - i'w-i tii.r. .i ot S .eitifii. r commutiii'a . .na! Ltu'; u.v.st be pai J tor I . "ll"t!'-. i'..- r.. rteii in ad vprtb-prrrntp. CAUI'K. ji r.o i 200 for oo 2 I S'JO fvr 6 00 ' ' .. ..' V .......Ir- i PI ASKS. ii'j ' rtf!i'i.ii r ii ov i n'r U f.0 ! v. m'-. mn.t be l aid f-T n W. II M'EXhUE. Juf H. lhO-i. r , ' i 'r'jVbii Business Cards. --i d L ec WOODRUFF, i v. i w I i .. tn:i v it x ... ' .11.1 .i w.j u. a j. -ii v. w -. ' -w. I ti l, wt-.. iVe., No. '" 1 " kft. I'uT:idf!- j .Ir.i.e 2t. 18:".C -ly. STATUS UNION HOTEL, VHlLADLLVih.l. .'.''.T.'.'L is j d-.i ' ly suu..t; on the s ' e of M-iiket strett, a frw d.KT.i . ii. street. Its rentral locality n lieiii.iilv ' 6irablc t' i-errons . . ! i 'ty nn l.ii.-itis or pleasure. 1!. I'. SANfJLR, Proprietor. '.' 1 . l -1 v. war mil mimij; iiT.stown Business Cards. .JOHN P. LINTON, '.NI.Y AT LAW, Johnstown. Pa- ,n I'ltildit-e; on con. i-r of Main and Moet. oppoM:e .iiansior. il me. j : l; r. Entrance on Fiankhn btreet. i T N-'.mn, N'.v. IS, 18oo.. ! DM'LAUGHLIN, j "!'' :N'i-.Y AT LAW. Johnstoxm, Pa 1 ':!.v in ihe Exchange buikiin, on thi j . -rof Canto? and Locust streets up ; rs. V.'dl attend to all buMZH'ss conscel- i ' ' .th hi pioi'c.it.u. , K-c. '., 18-33. tf. I NEW 1 1 AT AND CAP STOKE." j ni-.i .lVit: 'l UllN'l R. Main alr.cl Johnxtoim. d J a . Pe..w i a ilA'l'M and thAl'S. HOOTS i SMOi-S. nd CENTLEMENS' FUT.N-; 1 !II!N; .".X)1S, such as Drawers. Shirts, f I' o s I Undkertldefs, Neckties, Strn kings, i ve. IJiiibrellas. Ac , keel s cr nsf antly on ii.-! a j-'eneral assi tn.Cut, and bin j'rices t" :i low us the lowest. ' ' 'MO.VD, June 21, 1866.-ly. i i-.tlv ft no entLrtainmenc oi guests, i lie 1 i'! s by Ionexp;rience in hotel keep--" ! 1 1 confident they caa satisfy a din i -.'i'l public. 'f Par is supplied with the choicest '" ' 1 f II jnor and w ines. -'' -' 1966- (IyQ Lime for Sale. ( ' ' ' oerineil is pipnred to bhip Lime 1 ' ' 1. 1 'y Station, oi No. 4, on the Pcnn s v" i iiidroadto Ebensburg, Johnstown, : " ' ' l.er point on the Pcnna. R. R.f or - i .-. !-.. , d.ress. WM. TILLY. ; 2S,-if lieui !(H-k, Cambria co., Pa. FR ANK" W 1 1 A Y, ' ' h' SALE and RETAI L Manufacturer. I UN. COPPER and SIIEET-IKON ot.t.. Canil th-eet, below Clinton, Johns V A 5w stx-k constautlr o Miy i, iec?.-ly. , v. t V A ; r IJDENSBURrj. Pa.. JOHN A. r.LAIIt, 'i Z-f.-cst. J"n.i(otm, Cambria Co., Pa., h n . . i . - 4 ..Air s - i. . lj I ropietor, spares no pains to render this A i.ijw .fc (,0.. Proitrietois. I , . , ' . , v- . ' . r .i o. , i.M.n i . 1 ... , , I hotel worthy of a continuation of the liberal nav np . reutteo ana f (t ,iertUjflire rcceived. Mis trnished. is now onen for the ' Si. i - , ., .... - , . - r ' it-oie win always oe jurnianeo wiui ii:e r; rirssi.vcs.of.c(;rA-.vT. like 20. Ebensburg Business Cards. " : ' JOHN 11 SCANLAN, attorney at uw wS c; fl Hna county, I a. May 6. lbC5.lf. Cnra- w.. ii. sechler. 1 TTOIiNEY AT LAW. .wi PRACTICAL the Curhn.is.-ioi trs iflice. "Dec. T. 18oo.-tf. WILLIAM KHTELL, iTTORNEY AT LAW, Ebentburg. Pa - j O.lice in itoln:M!c B-w, CYi.tre strict. 1 )fcC. 4 . 1SS i .-tl'. - ' : F.' V. TIEKNFA ; ITTOP.NEY AT LAW, Ebcit&ur.j. 1'a.- l U:Tic in C-. K . Aj.n! 6. lK5-tr JOSEPH M'DONALl), i ftTTORNKY AT LAW, Lbeiulurg I ' l OSit-e i-n Ceiitr tr.-. t:pi.stte M Pa i il-.t.l. f i r. 20, ISOO-tf R. L. JOHNSTON, I TTOflNKY AT LAW. En-lur,,. Pa. j (n'i'i -t in the S-utii t-ml (" Lis leMdenee, i . i .1 o ... ii .. . iii'uu'iii.u-i v i'ii.i.s;:c ii. e ivi-un xi.-iiM ; .A.jtriiilU'ro, IS';d !!. (-1.0.M JOHN FENLON, ITTOIiNEY AT LA.W, L( unburn Pa Off., u on lliiih -tt--t. a.:j mma lu.s r-.-i- ...elice. U -y -1. ISf.o. 1.42 ; C.EOKGE M. REED. iTrrr.NEV at law ..-.,'. p--. (iiuee "a .u-.t:ii &iree, iioee in..rs ot j-;:;.'.;.: m.iv 4, IS05. ; ' li f.t i. . tJ.i;tA.. UTTOKXEY AT LAW. Ebmthttr,!. P i. i il lH c in O I -n i le U v. Ctr.tre sfn. r. N-jVint.-rr 2:5. lFi;G.-if. (!.37.") 1 '1 SIKE.M.KER, I TTr1' V !.'V . 'T f E .' ... T . l.lVi.-i.l , i l. . l . li 'OIoJ.i;, I tl l t'tliee .n 1 1 i t r.!iec'. o:e du. Lis; of ihe liai.Kn ji 11 1! I Uctii.l ' I ' f L! d d C. (tf) CY'Kl'S 1 1 l'ESHINO, ! Y AT L.'. W . J-tfui.-toirii. Pa ! A t it'.ice on M.i:i o'l'tvi. .-eei.od li.M.f nvi-i " . . ...... I ib- lUi .iav 4. lst;d -if. JAMES C EASLY. A T T . ' it F. Y - A T - I. A W . .TonxT- w. C.-.'ioii C. in ty. J'ii. 1.1. (' ll.'tli"iis pr.'P.l.t'V attet.d.Lil In. A i.2 23. lS'X 1 v R LLOYD, I rUTCT.HSrR ti S Piss- IV vh r in iun::i:cs. :d::i l: ini:s AM) ;,. i NTS. '.re en M.t'ti ht!e.-f. f.. - tl- tl. M.v i; Mo. re tt ! !!miv. !.( -.,-; Hi!.' p.l I) W. EVANS, a -..n li .:tr 1 ei;7. i.s ..i' Eon. . -bin K :wd vieu.itv. Ofilcc one .i .r ..-t of K liavi.,' ..tore. Nitu i-.l n.adt- i.t bis rM.!euee three d.or. w.-t-t of II KvaiiM' c.ii iutt w.oerO' ia. Mav "1. iS;5 I'm J. C. WILSOX, M. I)., FKEliS bis erTiee s I'll VI(.'I A N an ' Nl'KohON, t the citiz iis of Lb-nsbur-; rnd ourr niidiiii; c.'iii.trv. Op.ice liife;- d.x.rs J East of the Pieid.ytT:an Cinir.-h, ii the j r"'K'n f rrvii!- o -ru; -i-d by I r. J..noo. i Ehen.-bm, Ai-m! 12. IStbi.Sin.0. ! V. S BARKER, ' S'ETAIL D FA 1.1 R. in Dry Goods. R .ofs, Sb -es. II.i'. Caps. Gr-K'erifs. ite ; keeps 1 ei.li.t r.T 1 v on band :i frenr.t !i..nrt:iimt toru on IL'i street, Eoensbur:;. Pa. Sent 28 1SG3 " S. BELFORD, DENTIST, PONTINL'FS t. vi.-it Ebenbur peisonally 0 ' the 4 tli Monday of e;o-h im.i,th. iJarin Ids abhence Lewis N. Snyder, who studied with the U.et r, wili remain m the i f.i.:e and attend t all business entrusted to him. .7 iin 7. 1 SG6. LLOYD CO., TIANKFdbS. EbtnJmrn. Pa. Cold. Silver-. (Jovnnment Hoods, and rt her securities. bought and hnhl. Ir.terest allowed on time depo.-iu. Collections made on all aicesible points in the United States, and a Geneial Banking business transacted. March 1. 180G.tf. UNION IICK'SE, best the market affords; his bar wUh the best f 1 liquors His stable is large, and will be Kt tended by rrr attentive and obliging hostler. .Tune 4. 18n6 -tf. logan nailsE, EBEXSHURG. Pa , ISAAC CRAWFORD. Proprietor, solicits a continuation of the lilxTal patro-iage heretofore exteiubih His tablo and bar wiP always be supplied, with the best. His house and stable being large and convenient, and having competent as sistants at all times employed, he feels con fhient that he will be able to render general satisfaction. June 4, 18C5.-tf. SHIELDS HOUSE. LORETTO, CAMBRIA COUSTT. PA.. THOMAS CALLEN. Proprietor. fJIIIIS house is now ojen for th aceommo- datiou of the public. Accommodations a good a the countrv. ti!I afford, td c:srp-s rri'vlfrate . May !'. lH6fi.-f. joEwiaai .nari ...iCTH.aHcgs. i . tue dews of heaven, should es EBEN;SBTiRGj PA,. .THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1806. ! J editor's notice, I .1 - rr , - , ii i ne unuersigr.eii A nditor. appointed by the Or; ban's C urt of Cambria county , to hear, examine. deeid and leport upon the exceptions QlfJ to thfc First ai.il partial account of Enoch Farns- worth, Amidr. .f the obtate of William II. Lloyd,' lite of White towi.tddp. in s-nsd ciwi.ty, docM., hereby pives Tnck ihe.i It was a cloudy day. TLe clerks loun- wi.l attend to the d lilies of said ap.I..d over the counter and yawned. The rn.nt t hwfllce m the Ron-ogn. j rv whorr. Alice Iek uddre-ed hor- 1 i:rr, on Fidav the Kith dv 'f Novcinbei I'i xt, at 1 n't lock P. M-, when- and whtre all jartit4 inU'itsted ay attend- if they see proper. WM.KITTELL. Oct. 23. 1SC6 3t. Auditor. Fstate of Michael Hasson, Deceased. I LITTERS OF ADMINISTRATION ,m the lj f-tatfe of MicSmel Ilai"". late of F.htns hur. Carnbii.i county, I'er.n'a., lecet Ft.-i!. having been irnted to the und.'rii:n-d. by . I. - T . ... 11. . ine ivfsjisier oi saio cnuniy. an p-rs..na m- j t. j . j i .... rC , !, . ,, itiARG - I'ii v I It. null II.' (hlllii iiaiui.-. me ' hcrebj- notified t present their, properly authenticated for sett'en nt. JOHN E. SiCANLAN Oct. 25, ISGG Ct. Adn.'r. i ii'liloi'. Notice, The undersigned U ..-li-t 'i l....n -int.nMil.l All.T.t r . V lT... . I C.urt. f (J-.i.Hii .n Pica of Cambria cuuty. t.. !i-iribue t!ie money in the hands of MnrK E Will, Administrator f Ai.lb..ny Wi'1.1 V . ns ho-.vn by his accoui.t filed ; hf-re- hv irive otiee t all i-srties iiitc-es'e'. tiiat he v'i tlei.d to the duties of said ar.in.ii -tnient, at ins l!.-e. 1,U . ff..-n in tl..; r; .!- I .! - f Lbnbnrt'. m Friday, Nov 10. ! ! w.'.k ...... .... .. ..,.' ' ' ti.ev may attend if th-y think j r pt r, oi be debar rtJ Loin fariug in i;on saM fund. GEO W. O ATM AN, Oct. 2H-'.-3t. At:.bt.-r A lollt uik'ii Notice, Th-- uv' d. h. b en a I n- i; d An lit .r th Drpi.iMia C urt of C.mbri.i c u;.fy. to ms- .ribate the proeee Is of the S de of the Ilea E-t.i'e oi R '! 1 1 D ni.e.lv. ihc'd, am.n.g .i . - . . i t ....... .... i . . r .. : l : ''.eu jl, : hei thy gives notice to a', pi r-!: 1:1 r i e.- twl , I .i.kl uC iiilClo to t lie i.i.tl.-' f sii i a i.oi t. tinen t . at oi- 0;Ti e. ia t'l linn ng.1, of Eben-bnrjj. orj 15. IJ-tiS. at 2 ek P. I'hi, N. are ti.f-V may attrnd if tl-y think pro; tr, or be debjr:ed from c .:iii:.g in upon sa; to ml. GEO. Y. U ATM AN. O-.-t. '.5. IW, -Z-.. An lit. t. iitiloi4a olt'ti A Toe i:nde-r:gued Aud i-r ;M-!'oii.b d I v the Oi nbrinV : of Caadnii cin t -111. ute . i. in le m hands ..f J. M C,.n..hil. AdmV. eM the fM'Stt of .Faints S CUl onol g the crM.n.s n.fffti herel.v lititie :'d oiTlies ; i.dec'd.. to I ! to the nunc :tei cite 1, th it in w.i'l atwend to tie duties of -aid aor.oint nient, at his f.ice in the fJorongh of E en- l.ui'g.ou Monday the 1 2tii d iy ot N.iveii.ber ; next, at 1 o'clock P. M. j JNO. E. SCAN LAN. Oct. lS00-2t. Auditor. Xotfcp. Jose ph Hcmji F.ndorsee of Jame Ro.-s. Richard Giiflith. j In the Coin t of C mini n l'l:;s..f Cm.biii ! County. No. It, Sept., Term, 1 SCO. Jl. Vend. Exjon. i And, now, 15thOw-tober 1800, F. A Shoe- lliiiKer. l..-0j.. lippolllieil A y.ntor, to 1 1 bute the funds in the hands of th- JdeTiT. rea-ized fro.n s.de of Real Estate, amnn the creditors in the above c.iso. Extract from lb'. Record. Ca'mbkia Cocntv. s : SEAL UEi ). . K. ZAIIM. Profr. In pursuance r.f the :4,(,ve atpoiiitniei.t. 1 will a'tend at my ofiice, iu Ehensburg. ..n Tuesday, the lliih November next, when and vliere parties interested mav be heard F. A. SHOEMAKER. j Oet. 25. lSCC-flt Auditor. To the Public. II EMLOCK A W A K E! The subsciibers take pleasure in calling the att.n'.ion of the public to the fj.ct that they have just received at their NEW STORE. AT LILLY'S STATION, a large and varied stock of DRY GOODS, of every stylo, r.ooTg and Shoes, Hats and Caps, FLOFR. UaCON, GEOCEllIES. FISIt SALT. MPL WARE. QUEENSWARE ' XVOOl) AND WILLOW WAJIE. NOTIONS, i-.r.d in fact any and every thing usually lound in a country btore, which thev oiler at -- ' G KEATLY UEi -UCEf) PRICES rm fJASH. OO- Goo js jdveo in exchange for all kinds" of marketable country pr.xluce. J. H. DTSART & CO. Hemlock, May S, 1SGG 3m. PURE LIBERTY WHITR LEAD. WILL do more and qetter work at a given Cost than any other! Trv ir J Mtnuf-tctured only .v ZEIGLER iV SMITH. Wholesale Drug. P:.mt and Gias Dealers - No 1S7 North THIRD Street PHILADELPHIA. Febniar'y f?, 1?.., Ty i distributed juke, upon the iH REJECTED ; BANK MOTE. ' . " ' Juiie! Giu me his r:u rubor and fcSreet, "What is tha prjco of this drcssi:.S tny cl.ilJ. Your father v,-r.3 cre cf the lowii, .fir ?" siskjid a weet-fi.wjj 'ul. ;n- le-.J, pei h;tps the onlv frirr.d I h-id. I terin- the elegant siorc of lluntly & War- ! hvc not fotton him. .No. 4 Liberty ner, m a city, mid a street of a city, which Kroel. I will call this evening, ilc-an-fchall be nameless. tinia let ma Uavh th. !.;n i,.t D., cr. , . : i i .1 .-... ;i j.tiiniy uiui nil i i:c ajjou. lie was iieait et.ik t I lie extensive eiabhl.iuvnt of lluiitiy & "Warner, and extreme! v Con- Tiiid dressiti own we value at fix ooliavs you s'.iall have it for Jive, us trade in dull to-tlav. Five dollars Alice looked at U.e divp-iii goy.-n lonnir.-ly, i::d the clerk looked at her. lie taw that her clothe.-,) iliouuli made tsnd worn "entee'dv. were . ' , 0111.11011 t-n-n i n icvinn. !in,l if...! h.r j v ! face was very much out of the common , fr , -.1 , .nil.. r.if If i i ! . ..Wf ! ...At. C.1....K..I ....... ...iicii, iion itemed, uy the vane I play oi her emotions. Ihe ekik could almost have sworn that i she had no more than that sum, five dol- Jar?, iu l.er poisession, lhe "uivn was a very good one for the "It was of common fch.ide, a to!- l';:'ule orino, and lined with the same material. "I tliink " she hesitated a moment I think Til take it,' t-he said; then -ririor the fice before her an e.voiv.-sion ' ne itl-.l not Iltwe. Sf.e t! ulied as she h:mo- ed ut the bill the clerk bad made up his mind to take. J cimi-,'' ci 5cd Tot rent, the Load clerk, in a ipiiek. pompous tO::e, 4 pass rip ilu ban"; n-;te detector." t : p ran tiie tow-hcuuvd boy wi;b t'e.; d t.ciot, rttid down Ian the tie. V.- . Irom i'i..:i:;:ii to eooi.i;:i. 'F.n.n h.r Imii 1 .over wi:i: o sino ji p;:l!1cij, nnd x-!.i mi d : 1 b,.:'o a i jo;..--, it:t Liil, Mi.-.-." 4' Co nit . i !. it ! Ob, no it cannot be. ! ... .. man w no sent il i-oui i not iiae "t;, f - . ir. f am not Tni-takcri-t-L- never taken, AhfS. Ti.is bii. i- a o.i.i.;.-. I uo..t p: "S.i;:;'', .; o..o lb. -it - p not k ii j w ii, .ilibongo i iir.i.!. h. i i il is been olbled us ot l.tte that n i ; tt'.-- to s.-ciire si di I y'i .-a Afr ( .1 1 " l - ill-i p1-:- ii w Yo ' '. ? .-"1.1 Jo -ir i ;-oi;'..i tioi -en I in t. to :.. I. ;ieu.oii:i;. f; ight-. iimI o'ul.- H..m h : I tl..- .1. w. ;;, ''"'-v's no .toi.b: a hour thi-; u cihi h tor yourse.:. Atnv .loll f let rn" see -.i;i in-i: a-jain uiui! yo'j can b.'iiig L'''od uioiiey, ter we alvvaxs .-usi-ecl ;n-!i iiersoi:-. ,i- o.i i ili :t come on d.uk dovs with a well ni ;de .-t ! v. 4- But. sir " i 44Y"ou need inako no exflamations, j Ms-s," M.id the luun in-ui;iiigiy. 44 Take ' a our b.S',.and the next lime vou w on! to buy a urvsshtg onui, don't try y onr -.iuiitei ;. il Mion-M ," and he it, toe bill .Ml from- I '. s" bo nis. t. pa.-s od. d AU.e ea.ioi.t u tio.a toe 11 .r ;uk 1 ! im;-- 1 ied into th" . i el. .-ineu a sho. k the gid J.;et tji-ver 10-e-ieu. w.".e bm-ired fo a banking erliib-ii-bmciit. t.iund he" way in, an 1 pies:'et e' tlic note to n noble looking man u nh gray hair, faltering out, 4- is thi.-. bill a bad or- , .-ir The eash'nr and his son happened to be the only persons present. Io;b no ticed h.T extreme youth, beauty, and agi tation. The cashier looked closely and handed it back, as with a polite bow and s in.' ul.at prolonged look, be said : '4 It's n good bill, young lady." 44 I knew it was." cried Alice, with a n ::. eriiitr lii and ho dared " Si.e could go no farther, but entirely ll"" l" over-ome, she bent lar bead, and the hot , "-"'W Ik-.V they are to beemn.oved teats bad their war. ' v 'pi eierrcd. I eople who arc anx- 4-1 beg pardon, 'have ton bad anv trou- j ta c t,'ir t',,,'i,r' ,!v blewithit ?" a-kod tbcVasiiier. " ; tb.ns cat. taus see what is required cf 44 0!i, sir, y ou w ill cxvu.-e me for gi v- : I"-'!n-. ing wav to mv feelings but 3u ?jiokc i ; kindly, and I felt so sure tliat it was j TlIC Te.XtlS IloiitO' of RepreScntr. good. Arrd I think, sir, such men as j (ives has rejected .heCiiiistiiuiion i! atnenj one of Ei2 iderks in Ilut.lby & 7arnor"s J i.nciit by r. vote of 07 to o. They will bo .-bould b-e rennivi d. Ha told me it was j repudiated by every Southern State. counterfeit, and added something that I arn phtd my lather did not hear. I know the rAiblidier would not sen! ine bad money." j Who is your father, young lady 7 i naked the cashier, becoming intcrcstctl. 4Mr. Rei.jami.i Locke, sir." Renjam'ui Ren Locke was he ever a clerk in the Navy Department at Wash- V.Y,c!r; WC pn thr0 I locaTcditor git ing the bride awav. replied. Alice. "Since then Pue licst- r ' ,ated 44 he ha? net been well and we j TlJE key to tho mother's heart is aro fomawhat reduced. Oh w!iy do lithe baby. Keep that well oiled with tell these things sir 7"' praise, and you can nni xli all the pastries 44 IWtj. Ic'ie rcvljcvd !' murtacre'd' the' higu and nw icr, tub rich I CMskier; "the mur: who was the makito' I I'M -;ive vou another. Since I ton.e to ! look, I h"ivn't got a five herea a te:i : ' well make ,t ad vi-ht." That evening the inmates of a shabby genteel i lia'-li. o'.j. received th c-t:!iicr ot M- Mr. I.-ucke, a man ol pi ay hai-, t!io.!-'i i.i.;;iiberin but fifty years, ! rose from bis arm chair, and much a 'Ct j ed, gieetcl the familiar fa-e. The on ot tlitl caflar aecomnann d b-m. nn.1 v!,i!.- ! the ciders ta.Ued together. Alice and I j ou iu man mxw ouito ehuttv. 'Vis, sir, I have been unfortanate " ! said Mr. Lueku in a !mv ir,in. -t!. .,'. 1 . i., ,,r..r. .! v.. ..... r. . ... . I i .1 ' -. j v , nviu l iiCU liitii 1 ! fever, caused by undue excrti,. and had . , ., 1...... 4.... ...... ........ 1 11 ii-.jL ih.-v.-ii iu. t.iiii twee i. "Ill Oi mine. ; know not wliat 1 mould nave u-ne She, by rivinjj k-s.-rous in xaa.icinJ French, and by wiiiii.g for perl i.'.icids : has kept m , s-i !ar, above want. "Y'ou t-huil i.ot want nij' eld friend,' J said the cashier. It was a kind Provi ; di'nee that s..iit your d.tihttr Iu me. j There's a place in the bank just made vacant by death of a alu:.b!e derfc, and ! it is at your disposal. It is my jjii't and ' valued s.i twelve bnndre.l :i r-i- i 1 en ennnot oV-.-c ru..; the inv witli I...-'. j this kind oiler was accepted. Thcday cf deliverance had came. Oil tho entered the: following inornlnt; t;iJ casLiei" I; mdsoavi store of Ilu: tl v ei; w;lr;i-.-r, and inquired for the Lead clc-rk. Ho ca.iic ol-s' vi'ii -a-! v. "Sir, ?at t ;1T "Is that a ha 1 i: I i .p'.ie.l Jhe 'The ..I.- ;!.i ;k v.A, .-I;-," s'ammc He.-k. i.ier ".vent to the door. -tn-lv 1 rot a , bis can i vrr rt -p,'rd--ri young- jiri i.i cora- Ltd vii let l- li th.i.-you:i- lade, my '..lid, that tids n ie w as :i ' ironnterb'; t f .-'. ! ''. 1 y.'ii i: t so ..ii- ; . -u.i .-.df ;c.-4..'r', : ' ' . . - - . . i 4 . i . . : u' li' e i -: i v. , i. j t .':' " on ;i.--ii: - T-l :n ni s;.K.d con', or; ,.d j.c dar.-d no! ,!e:: - :a- ' If :: car vi!! :: .'lot;;;..- i, en-;.i', !' oij !V0:- .o i . o 1. ti. V . .i.-'.o 1 liOC: .Vl.iope '1 !. e'e.-k t ..;--n Aiii ... , .. v o I.i- V". Oi I i 1 i C- ir! d. Jj-OCftC O 'C.I'U t! t good c:i-!.i r. Ail ..." v.i.n'i gre v o; ca'.uT.g --un-ne bili eoanterfeit. Ttibbi: sire thmand:-. c A.. cans who ate auxueis to go jihoa'n Con-a!- and t In. ir, iaipnri m.itiss Lu4 poi..t..iet!t at the St-.:e Dep.-.rt.i -U I. III. it ;kc S 'ei ';oy b.t-, bji'il I'.i.iO to issue a che.i! : : i .f i i-t .-lie i :on- to ;,n- a'V can!.-. i !:ev tv uieu tint l.n- lie over tv i .r:'v-. i.e vears oi' age, ei i . l i -. n-, I .. nave to w ipiain n :!e a g w.ii ei ' !) ( H 1 ! nee, : nl.ie i .roi gh!y ae- geo-n.n.hy, ! d. th run :;.e: i . ;-aig..-n i .itnmar, t.-n -. --v1 - 1 1 his- t uy, specially ill it o.'fh' i'ni.e.l tates. Th v are :d. ten . tied to p-s ,,.n cx..:n'.- nation, in addiiioii to the lud,es above Ihw Consular M.murd, ii!C!'t) n. in ! Kent's Commeutane--, lt.i'"y on the Co.i . .-i.iiilioti of the Lr:itod S.'i.teri, and the te.Vt of Whe.ltol.'a L! Totos j tional law, and ?it Jn! 1 ah'o he rnbrna- j :ik!ii to read i I'rcnch i-r i and wu;e w ith lacilitv the soirre 'iher modern liinguage, Ixtside English ; and those who pos.-ess, in add':- j . i :!:...'. . i. . i 1 fl S.vji Slick tells us that i t h 3 were asked what death he preferred, as being most independent, he would answer freez- ing, because4 lie would then go oh with a "situ upper r.p. A WKSTEKX editor lately married one of his compositors, another composi tor acting: as bridesmaid the ofneiating in tbr h-'isf. - w " and tue poor! VOL, 13-"NO. 36; Enterprise of a French Reporter. One day, when (he Plat a d? Pa'rt!:oon was the sjene of ii riot. Dancchi. install ed l.inirelf ia the midst of a thower of stones iid ctlier nils;!'.-, pen in huiid, v note the i;ui kins, ai a fitLbd ptwrjer. Amid t!i2 yells 2nd "roar: a of con.b-.'.Mn??. and tlic clatter of cavalry over t!,2 hard pavement n.to the ranks ot the ?- ...IJUS, a fiiand, enyii g the indefatigable le rerr- ter. 4 h ti ! arc you raadT" he shrirke-I ; j ' run f. OI.l !tfi-. oryj-i v.Ulb3 kit ei !' 'neiot !. v.iibo hee.r.np !.; r.dvkc. ieia.:.t-u ins position, wr.t. Ii ir one l and J II- - . ule j and pen iu the oilier, jveordin, minuto by the j minute, li.c afneet of tL; cotdlitt. Lj you !:.'ar ire?" rriod th-? fiienl luraln ; 44 ;t ii a certain death to reruaia CIS." U II ! 1 - v ; . I ii..i.n v !,i ;"a:u me. 1 s:n,-a vou are jroiniT. ohliL-c ir.t hv b i, ',. i' r. 1 I ikiIi-; t: riv i ..-.,..! , 1 " - J-""1 AUL. ... li.il l'Ol that I remain on the Mjot to record :La ' end of t'.e a'lair Out- hour :A :r the advrn' urou i-mrr.a-li-t was struck by a stray ball. lie was conveyed to a house, and u. surgeon has tened to bis relief. 44 Are" you wounded ?" 44 Yes," replied I)unt-Iot. "and eeri ouslv ; tor I am not able to w:ito." ' Yon positively must not tiunk of wnfinp," s:ii,l t!i3 doctor, -hfufq iely ; 44 it wiii excite you too much, you inasi ic ruain ovic! " ' Tbr.t is not the mj-t imnortaitt thin'; at pi-s .nt," ivj .ino.i the iM,o: te.-, asj.i.. for breath. "Lneh T i.e to I.i- risk ; mine isto chroi.tsle this !-.f?h:r. Give n e yonr ussist.'uico for one moment. Yv'tde for me at the bottom of the p:tt:e ti.is ;i-f 'Ti;;.r.i: O'clock an:i Tv.xt.n- Mt:,-LTI-S I M XV.c-r adi b-v c cf ni'."::y by die soldier?, there were four.-l amortr ti.o ranks oftlio people :.! ;c vi-u- J d;d t'-c i-.:r-ic:.rhvd. ls 11 x, o;-; d -l ;;o:i : 4- who, tiiO! i UHiVs T'l .i'-r.-ey :t , -i 4 a- ! . ol ;'u -enrt not -s,-d. bc- 4..C a .j til: : i.: v,' i ' ..i. : . only :.o b--r. .:bes SJ-.l a : lu-a-... :.:,. i Co: : e -s n. : ::.to .! nr.' enuu... ih. : :: a S.v..v!;.-h won ; Soeei.i; .i ' i i 1 lb-.: - ; p-Tf ariiinn wii!i i.i" his r baud 'Vis sp-'cd;: a-j 1 tioue. e:d o'jt oi i:e caom oy tneij n s. one .... !u ! i.ot i .:'.'w-.: ::t . .-. .to.)1, vote- i i '--i d ; i:ia I: p.ep.i: ;'i .r.s to re e'ue t - i .' ;.u g-r. O; tv. 'I'.-e we ca-'-n i ; -r into I iue it ;.'.. Oi me ct, 1 w e v.'ei e on J.lid. VnJ I iii.' iMii.i" :,o.-.'rv;: ; i;: - I I w r 1 - K r , .., ... 1 !- r ...... Oil I..'!'. Cot . J,.-; !-:;on' c ... v m cr . ... ....... :or, Yt. K.tt i.I Cot I" . ; i a p-er- :. aiu : iui . o.: sc.i.ui. v lain : dun ' And lie l.;:vc 1 u-otm-J ;h . f c. fevo ol'e.xei -vnt h I It was u;o.---b!-. Iu rpsiot I. i. t-r.f ' a fee mirmles, v.i-j oi the ia- tormed hitii, though viiho;.i g..in!b;.j l.im .-idiuis.-ioi!, that it was ail over' 4'I-i. it a p'-v or gal!" be shouted. ' I' i.. a p-h" tail the LU i-ea'Im.!, anxious to have a little :.:.. awv:no!-t 44 Oil, dander," V.';..? Tt S Tci.d ftpiy. 4 No matter a gal is better as no'thi." 44 It's a boy," again ktiJ the lad v. 4Vot. lAl it changed and a little pov now?" 44 No." vost a gal vonst, 44 Thctysan I tavfnls ot Ish it den !'' Th re arc two, a boy and a ti -t 1 011 na 1 better proems a catnac wLta the boat !;;nd.-,." 44 Oh. dat iih goot Dat is! better a goot a boy -V.!! a gnl tid.toie p.b. Kal-' rain ish pumpkins; I j.hv;y. knew it." And the linppy husband disappeaicd in seTnvh of a cab to conduct his lai!y homeward. , Jo3!I ISilliV.gS SitVSthat owin fe to tbe high pi ice and grate skarsity of ci in New York f-itv, nunr.v cf the fust familys re using artificial calvts. They say it helps to till out a leg ov mutton fust rate." Ax Irishman rerp.arked to Lis companion, on observing a InoV ptiss, 44 Pat did ye ever so-j a woman as thin ks that?' 44 Thin," replied the other, 1 seen a woman as thirds rA br pr trtbf, I hii-n4 " V: