Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, November 01, 1866, Image 1

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'.Democrat anb Snriiul
?, . . 1. . ... 'Iknrol.v
VV. !I. M'r.M.VE, a' thefcllow-
t .-tu! iD.y in au-.ain-c.
iiv -'.iC"' t.'u litliS,
- . i .
$1 00
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.r-. r ri f e.WT'Vl'-r
i.t mx rii"iitr.s will
' at. :? r-ite f .i 50 p r year,
. .-. ! I p;v rntil after toe ex-
; t'vt rii-" i . ' :- w i'.l Ins charge! at
, . , 0 ; tT c.-r.
i. t-ra'. iiu t Saainrl wlen pa'..l f. r
,. f,ur i-tjs -T ntunlitr;
: ! L .xcLf.L
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j, i-- of A t' IIN'J.
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it: i ".-vn,
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Jo CO j
, r liues, tt u ccuts i
-s :.,tice iJZLt rt-iits !
.:J far touts f.r :
nr P'":i:v.'i''-ii't
. i- Di ni 1 1
i.'- m H-Hrti--euivat.j.
.'.r; '2oo f r $?. oo ;
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T S K-. I
t- u n a. r 1 1 60 :
v; V- rcd t' .t on
V." il. MX'
it i:-.
1 II K.t-:.,!.ur.', Pa. M,y 17. -J0 if
.VOOULlKi", j 1."Y."EVANS,
1 Us u. 'UK'. M'0 v j .TENTHlltS pr .:-'' mi! serv ires to the
'.-... iV.-.. .'.i. Li i 1 t't:Z'.'i.s f mg a"l vk'inity.
r Mir'-.f. p
il .1"
-1 V.
!i. ty
::s !"::: )N hotel.
I. : j If i : tiy siiu it.. on tin
I Mr':,ri . 0( t. a few doors
hi rt '.. i ' d h .ia t i a
t. .'dv d. .s' 'e t prisi.u
! I'.
i r! i-1 s T pieAftiro.
'!' 11. L NDcltS, l'io;
1 jy -y.
JcdP:tcwn Business Cards.
Y 1" LAW. JofiKsl,,:!. Pa.
f IT-
". . n bud.'.t g ..a corner of Midn nial
tnk'ia .-tri.-t, ppositu rinsio'i Iftie.
d ', . r. Fa'rin.-e on Franklia strett.
J. ... . N -'v. In. 180-i..
:.-V.'. hiv.e builniag. en the
."i'.'. l.o-n.'-t streets up i
v r. ! '.-. all busi:.'ss Cunat-ct-
d-.-i ::.
v. -o
bl-i !
lSJb tf.
.;:: I R M-u-i street J,j!ms!:nai. j
..I' r.-r n it.-, i
-k: -.. t,E:'l'LEMi-.NS' I'Tl:N-
N i i P. O! 'S. s:cii as Drawt rs. Siiirts. j
i' 'In.. i '.';efs. Xccklies. Stockings,
U . lias, ivc , ktcrs Ci-nt-.i;.tlv on !
i n-r t as.Ttn;ci.t, aad hu ,pices
' -v as t '.(" ' v-!et.
: ,v. . J . ; i 2 i, lSCC.-ly.
;wi..Vi', Candrij. Co., Pa.,
CO., Proprietors.
l.' been rttitted ami
-'i.:d, is novv opya for the
tcrt.vnment of gnetts. The
a.: i .p;rieiice in hotel icfp-
r ; v,
1 i -
li .i'l !
S lo
Hi can .itisfv a di&-
;.r:' ) i.V.'c.
! -r ij snpohetl with the- choicest
f ip-irs nines,
i'l. 1S--.0. (ly.)
L:t.2 fjr Sa(e.
1: 'r:!.-r;-.'i,..l neprctl to ship Lime
; i..' v St ui ..n. cr N'o. A, on the IVna
v -art ltidr vid to Lre.nhburg, Johnstovin.
'"" '. poiat on the Penua. R. R., ct
Addrt-n,. WM.TILET.
7-;.-.r2.-f U.:il:-cVf f'ambria c., Pa.
Ebcnsburg Business Cards.
ATTORNEY AT LAW,' Ehensbvrrj, Cam
bria county, I'. M;iy 6,
" v. ii. sPcTnEi:,
ft SUUVLYOR. Ebmsbvrg. IJa., .frioe in
tJie (oniiiiissiuiiers ftke. Dec. 7, 1805.-tf.
ATTORNEY AT LA W. EUn -burr,. Pa.
j Oilk-i- i.i (Vomule Rjw, Centre t.trett.
1lc. 4. ISOt.-tl".
) Ofii--" in ('.'loi.fide Row.
April 5. l0i-tf
ATTORN KV AT LAW, Lbensburg. Pa
Oili-e tt Cvr;tri btrt-ef . oj.j sire M m. re's
Ikul. Apr. 'J'3, ISOG-tf
liTr,. .ioiins ro:;,
iTTORNEY AT LAW, Ebcnsburg. ra.
( !fl'u-e it) the iScur'n eml of liis vtinet;Le,
N' r !
l.S;5 tf.
TTOIiNEY AT LAW, E enslurj Pa
i Otti-e :. Ilitli .-t'it. .iiiins: bis r?M-
iciice. ' Miy -I. (L42)
ITTr.N'EV AT LAW E'.'.mbut
,r-e i)o. r, E.iSt
M.y ISoJ.
ut Jtlli-ill.
t'llice in C b n.i.le Yl?w. Centre sfreet.
Novtm Ut 23, lb.-5.-tf. (1.27.)
v. a siioi:makT:r,
TTORNHY AT l. WV. Eensburrj. Pa
n I i i i 1 1 st n er. one liixjr E it of the
b.ukii z II-u
i f L!o il & -C.
j I .( t i;.l'rr
d t -
. A (ne-..n ibim stnet, s-r.nd tb.or ovtr
. ,. . r
ATTO .. N ; V - T - L A W .
To!int-'WK, Cam! rt C- tmty. l'
!l.'f!'- ri .r.iri,i.t'y atteadel to.
j: o-jlf, I-"
Li J li a ) TT,
: . c i v . . -' - . o i . . t
j J.l)::l'GS. XiLI r.!M.S
I fUiv::; si t,, jr. !:,-.. ivwr
i 1 N To
I i .t.' . a M.d'i s'ie..-i, o. p-no u..; Jiu.-u
tlpit t oii- ti. i.r e it oi li I .tvi-' store.
j Ni.ri.t it.iuif !tt Id.- t f-iilfiK-e three d oi.
I wet t!" II KvnVii' ohiutt wi'fD'in.
Mav .'II. lM;.i fm
j. c. vriLSON. d.,
rVl'.KS ids spi vires ;)x l in.-lClAN and
Sl'ltti !-ON. t" tl e citiz'-os of Lb-nsburg
urr .I'i'.m i c- ,;',t' y. t ha-'e ( -. rt-.-t'.i m -r
of rrtb.vffi:'oi Chir;ii, il the
r. . m f rrt cri v
! i- ... . i ... .;
1 !.v Dr. J n-
7-1. I I.,
fj l-.TA IL DMA Id I. m Dry Root.,,
ll Si, .;. il.r-i.Cip-. Groe'.ii(. ; kee; s
i -at-: u,t I v n band a reiiT;d asoi Tua nt.
Si. .re on High trcei, E''e;iburg, Ta.
Kept 28. ISC.",.
r.(iN I INI'KS to visit Ll t n.l yig ptsoi.a'.ly
j mi th. 4tb Moii'lav of fjirh . luoiith.
Durieir sds absence Lewis N. Sujd.f r, who
studied wiib the Doctor, will n -main in the
n. ti - i .
i e!.: e nil.; aittna to ait iiiinesj eutrusteu to
HASu r.I'-S.. Elm-Anr. Pa. (b-ld. Pdlrer.
ii (ii.verr.tiient Iloiats, ai.d tiitr stretii ilk s.
bi.'ibt itno sold. latere: t albov.-d tin time
- "t '--- Collecti -as mada ot all accessible
'' 111 Unde-l St ues, and a Ccncsal
"oing Lusilc6 ir.m-ario.
TipdkVSnVR.;. Pa., .!0!!N A. RLAIit,
jj Piopiet-ir, spares ti" p. tins to render tin.
hotel writhy of a cidi: uiti'-n of the liht rai
pstfi-nnnce it 1ms I.erfto'.ie received. His
ttble wiii ahvays .be furnished with the
best the market nfTorils; his bar with the
bt ?.f f liquors Ilk. stable is large, and will
be attended I v an attentive and obliging
fo.-t'.er. " dune 4. 100 -tf.
rr.ENsruR'i. p . isaac ckawfoiio.
j Propruti.r. solicits a c.a.tinu -ttion ef the
liberal patronnge herctof.ire extended. His
tatle arid hnr wil' Imms K- supplied with
the best. His house and stable being large
and convenient, and having competent as-S'-sfards
at all times enudoyed.-ho feds con
u lent that he will be able to render general
satisfaction. June 4, lSCo.-tf.
THOMAS CALLEN. Proprietor.
11IIIS house is now open for th accommo
dation Of the public. Accommodations
as. good as tbo ccuntrv will afford, and
cbarpra moderate. ' My 31, l?6S-'f.
The Wreck of the Eveninsr Star.
The loss of the E veiling Star, recently
wrecked on the passage from New York
tJ New Orleans, was one of the saddest
of shipwrecks. A large number cl per-.
son3 were on . board, connected with an
opera troupe, circus company, &c. in
cluding many women.
A private letter from Mayport Mills,
Fla., t-ays that Gouldsby the second mate
of the Evening titar, had arrived there,
having left the steamer with a boat load
tf ladies. All but two were lost before
getting near shore.- In landing 'the latter
were lost one named Annie, frm Rhodo
Island, and the other Rosa Howard of
New York. Both became Rthne from
want and starvation. Tin? lJdics -were
washed Hs-hore. That of the" latter was
nearly devoured by sharks. The mate
is barely alive. Y
The following account, taken from the
lirs of one of the crew, gives further par
ticulars of the appalling catastrophe:
He say : " I had run on that steamer
several mouths once before; the last time
I shioped was about two months ao, and
we have madj two trips since ; had alvvajs
regarded her as a strong boat but about
four mouths ago she run on a reef elf the
Florida coast, and broke her Lack, and
since then I believe she has not been
stroii, although she was supposed to have
beiu thorougtily repaired immediately af
terward. "Ve left New York Monday morning,
with pleasant weather and a prospect of
making a quick trip". The next d:iy,
about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, it blew
so hard that we took in sail, and I noticed
as the sea r se, she worked and strained
" .' J-rr- ;j - - - .
anndshifts ami the immense freight on
. i- nil. i itiii-i iiir i t iir:i v I'li'Miit? i
boal, but Inning been at sea thirteen
' , . ,. .. i ,.-,n
vr-. and leclmg so well acquainted with
her, ft It r.o cnen-iness,1 though the wind
-co:i blew r. pit feet hurricane, a man be
in" scarce! v ;d!e to stand on deck lor it.
bl.e st i ll l:.-g ni t ileak, and the water
c:u:k- in from all tlirections. The pumjis
were set at work, but gave out, and ai!
ban pa-?ji;geis awl crew, nun and wo
!i:;n, went to work witli buckets to try to
keep down th.' water till ihnhght. 1 h:
'.de iiif fea-.'d, Mid the paddles and w heel
In. uses were carried away daring the
night. I was sent below to keep the
water from coming in at the 'd:ad lights,' j
and had them stiflled with betiding, la:
r i ...... ,..i.k. ... i..
dies' dresses ami everything else we could
lay hands on, but every sea that come
would torn the ship on her side, and the
water would pour in to such tin extent
that it seemed useless to try to do more.
" Soon after, we were all passing water
faun the hold in bucket?, and several
ladies were assisting near me in the line,
w hen the ship gave a terrible lurch, ami I
thought they would be frightened ; but
they only asked qnietly if we thought the
danger great, to which we of course an
swered in the negative.
"Those women worked bravely, nobly.
A few of the German women gave up in
despair; buttle A mere in ladies worked
i n, earnestly and bravely, without falter
ing, ti 1 5 o'clock in the morning, when
tha captain can.e down, and told us that
the vessel must go down.
" They had more pluck than many o;
.i - i tt'i .i . a.r i
u.e men aa.i. nen me captain m:orm- ,
ed all hands that the ship could not lead
together long, she was a perfect wreck,
and floated in the trough of the sen, sett-
l::ig deeper every minute. I was one who
At ut below sit tins tunf, ?; un all i
who were in their
... ' t l t- i . i .i.-II
wne veiy sua imn uiu not leave ineir
room going .town tvitti the ship, voing
on deck soon after I found everybody j
gaumg uivrc, am; me w;n. oiew
hard that no human could be heard ,
. . .... . !
nee yarjs. i assisted in cutting away
four boats we had. ten life-boats the
others were also cut adrift. YVe could
not launch them in that sea. Suddenly
the ship pave a lurch, and before we
LftPW whtif hlid hiirinpnf.i-1 v wnri in.?i-r
water. It was so sudden i" couldn't re-
aize tf
" When I came to the surface, the 1
water WHS enveid with rtriff u-iuul nn.t T
managetl to get hohl of a plank, which r
&hli .Town and anvthii
ed in sustaining them above water. - J-
After being capsized several time,
and being badly bruised by the timber i
floating about, I at last got into the cap
tain's boat, which was supporting 18 or
20 persons then.
" A young lady was clinging to her on
one side tbe only wotnsn I (aw ehe
umcdmea short time, an-l bv the uelJ ' U,L 1 ' ,1C ' ,l '"' J pruiou.u o. .uai a-,y a? a can-..- :
litle daylight, we had, the forms of sevc- I I everything ih their power to arrest date tor iUprescn' in ss. She ;
i" . i . . i T-.r. -... . e.- mF itf 41 ! 1 1 1 e 2 nl in Vii:Tl. ' i.. .r..c . , .u . 1 . r ii :. -n t . u-i iwi .- .lc-j vi.tIi 'i
ot me passengers and crew could be J"r'- wl ,-. - - ; ,
.... . i T.. 1, a . . l.nca ... j l-iiil Inif bl IPn - ii,,, r-..T: rf:-ri ti I ! in hi Orv-iii'i-r .!.. !.nuh,i-
clinging io pianks, timbers, boats un- " ' ' ' . i i .
then out of t!ie ti-bty or ninety aboard, i
The boat beinpj tu;l of vji?r, was turned '
over .fceverul times ly!ic heavy pcsw, and
wc an tort our noli on bcr ; all but one or
twi again regained it. Tli'ti third time
theboat Avas overturned the youi!" lady
v.ticr Holt ami sunk by inv ude. ;.l:nust
t&' fctiotigfl &r pjo tu lorclrhr-r with my
nana, out i coma ren lor no as?istaiiee.
captain Jvtiapp soun alter iofct Ins ! lather, Jesse Lot-e, has b'tn in the Labi!
hold, when we were . capsized, and he ' of drawing the money hi sons Lad earned
went down so near me that I could have j by their labor in the neighborhood, and
touched him if every particle cf Mrength , said he was going to draw some forty-five
I h".d had not at that moment been t x d dollars-, due the eldest son who is nine
to thu utmost to preserve my own hull on i tern years old on Friday la.t: His son
the boat. Duri.ij: the :,'.) horn s follow in"-
the sihking of the ship, our boat capsized
no les than nine times, th v.iud blowing
a gale all the time.
We iinaliy managed to get into her,
though neatly full, of water, and, by
means of an old Jelt hat, bailed out some
of the water" .But there we were 11 of
us, ISO miles from land, without oars,
compass; chart, food, or drink ; sitting m
an -tipeli 'boat, full of water, every sea
breaking over us, and threatening to cap-
size us again. Hitherto wc had bi--.i
floating at the mercy 'of the waves, but
now a man was discovered who had b in
Iloatuig on u part ot thi deck, and had ! moimng. wtienhe gave the alarm to the
managed to get an oar, which had drifted ; neighbors, who Ibuud the body on Satur
near him. t , day morning, some three hundred yards
e took him in, an 1 with the oar, .from the Iiousp. I'pon searching the
were enahliM to keep our boat a little be- house, bloody elotius v.ic loni.d with
lore. the wind, which had now begun to j seme of the brains on then' : also the ax
die away. Myself and another man were i wifli which th: deed w.-.s done.- They
the only ones who had strength remain
ing su'dici. nt to attetiijvt hj steer her at ..II,
and we were pretty well u.-ed up
"For four das and nights' we wore on
tliat opto lioul, and thoa'i tic? gale sot
sided on the second day, a nat sea
rendered nu' p .-i:i.:n anuhuig but agreea
ble, partieuia' rv when t!ie su'i arvKijftvd.
ami its t.uianig rays
iK'at on oar bare
' Our clothing p-vi dried, and we
ran t feci stiiv tur
faint, Jiungiy and
enlireiv cxhau-t'-d. On ,,( li.w.l it
two of those in the boat became deh.-iou,
.. 1 I : t i i
. ;n.'i ica nui-z overo..a:ti san.; irom cor
! sght. Two others tlied sor.n I'd'er, and
tbt ir- bodies wire
We gi;i 1 ii c: i;
tilouht v c ir.'.:':.!
of G-.-oi gin or ;'!.-:
terday w-.- i' , w
and v.vre :'.'.)
treated. '
br'V'gi'l in wilo
rr by ti,e st-irs,
os-lbly rra'-'. th" C
:di. I.- f.iv
n a IN ; vr.;: n i,
jard and vol'' !-.'a
1 I
, , . , ;.
-og-ai..., ami as
io u itii a Ves.-r I
iKtUliii to rav an :.".;
;-nd arrived then
, we were p:it on board,
n l ildaa
the steamer v.'as hist tLruuidi an
a el; of
was d"
; i bat caild be,
I have been to
,W he.
sea B
ve il
n.i ;ic. r was out oi sue.i
storm. It
ii mi.'dtie !i;.tt anv t I r
escape. 1."'
The narrator
which is -liven
ti e a oovc nraun!
nearl v as jio.-s b'o i:
i the exact bo ::u;,:"j used i- him was a
Stout, t'd'k-set mail, very mnscuiar, and
with a vast am. nait of er.dr.r.o .c -. at t.
courage depicted in his countenance. His
face iied hands were hli-v-Ted, mid the
skin lolling OiT o that i, tare v. ill be
completely ped.-d soon. Hi- I i i s T j s were
covered with bruises, and contusions, ami
altogether hs slmv'.ed in his perton t lie ef
fects of rough usaire.
He dotbifVs the events r.f the pa-t
week See tn like a dream to him, lie can-
po rea,:.; , wi).u ,H J ()CCljnV(K t. 1Jut ,rtf
wm lw .h,
On tb- Ever.ii. r Siar, before she went
Jow (fl lirmv flVer) was
pwn.with tix.iu.,i w5l;. :nd two small
--ii ..i..t. . i ,;,i .r, , . i
:i:l"li rn . i n - j ;. u 'ii.i. i- i ,
here rcaaiii.ed, even ulr n tin; ioauaag
,rv (;f srn.rv W!lv..s x::,AnA thr.
, , - vvrc r,,.., .v .
(W 'j., ,. p,,, eiiibracf.f ,kv.t
t!ic ,,,1 victim-,
The Q'.'.cboe lire originated in a
saloon ttbout ilaylirghf, w lane so'ne men
were drinking and quarrelling about their
i!l-g)tttr gains over a csrd talife. From
words thev ratio to blows, and i i th '
fcufih? wI,;'1 he table was upset. !
yon which there was a coal oil lamp. I he :
1)11 noi ..nt on the r-.or an.i ignneu, am,
the builtlinz
was in flames in a few mo-
Tln' (ire bells were rung immn-
migcrcant ; and in a fe mioutes
a'tcr a cund w ' cut. T!r fire
now. came unmanageable and the porple
panic stricken.
" PATRICK, Where's Bridget ?"
" Indade, she's fast asleep, tua'aro, look.
ing at th bread bakiog."
i . i . ! i i i. Ti . .- . i i r . ... T
xr ,hw.i. ..c-icf. mmutea atterwards one line was cut ny t can p-artv provided it advocates negro sot-
KorribiG Parricide.
j A Jay or two tince we Lad the brief I
details oi the murder of Jesse Ros.-, by j
; Lis on, James Rofe, aged about l'J, audi
! the further fact that the vouittr man lia-.l i
; coalesced ihs narrh-'d
- ;
urn! implicated
;Jiis m other iii the crime. The fotiowi. !
( are the paitieuiJis: It pjK.arj thai the f
! told him if he did 1
ie wouiu k
ill l.iia. 1
i Tiie lather went to a spelling school en J
j that day, but it appears did not U the j
j w n -y. The sonr however, supp sli'g be j
! had got it, by his mother's instigation, '
j and accompanied by his younger brother, 1
lie hid behind a stump, near scuie bushes, j
! by which the father would return. Be-'
j lore Ins father arrived, the younger br:h- ;
j r became frightened at the d-ed they I
j contemplated, and fled. As Ruse p issed
i the stump, the oldest s struck hiui v. iili
the ax he had with him, knocking Lis '.
j brains out, and then cot hi? threat v.;-'. .
' but-.-iicr-i-ui!
ai:;g the body iu.ig ui'td
srrerted the mother and both s
, I lie o.d
t imia-'o
!y ci-nf
ss,-d the
W;iS a ia:'. id.ifsks- Sit of a f'..-!loVl
and die mother has not borne n good name
for some time. The above facts" tu-1 all
that have so far been elicited. C ..ea; j
T nb ui it.
j AS A TKA1N Ot ears w;s tpjru:leii
j ing the siisp-'-nsion bridg-e, near Niagara,
j siivs the Albany Anjus. the conductor
J iound a young cam who could r.ot pay I
; bis tare.
jiulT iu.J'V ;s et
ii'Sv '
ucr., ;urt
- emaciated to sk.-l.-trii pioportions. lie
I s:it by bim-.df, and his eyes were red, as
ight In
S O. tb
: :;tn V
:..-dd not
ia v ii.e ti
-. . as t ...
all iv-
.i !r
gi-.'S-H, :
a ; i .
I ,
d O!
ii .y.i
I l.l
a o;. a a ; i u .
. 1
: llt bt!i :, p-ill..i..g eyt-S, Uvls.a.: lu
the I' ii !or ti:e p-.or i.i;:' d.
The ct.-ndoctor . .d ! ci 1:1 iimi ii.i?
VfiHg a:- i i.t.b.c ui thai sum i om
Iter u,i.!.et b'"..A. :.nd Kliidlv kd the
i.di ! at k ; -,i .- at. Tn-.: action ps
tj shame several nun who lid wane's-.-if"
and tii.-y o'k-red to ''pay hail,'' hi
the v. I; le-.-uiic. woman r. kg'.in.r: - t
fuc.l th-- assis.aii.-e. Wiii.n in this city ti.o joung
c.iV : the inva'i t Iiiooe' 1 ktcj
: I a 1 1 1
ll! l
?, ili: 1 scud him
tO OiS
e.-r The i?a,
is this : R''jec
keep you oul ot
.-DM .
ill.i i
tielli. tiie aniili'iiur'its, ;
the Union : a-lor t
and we do rot promise to ie; ;cm in. It
f the story t-f w hile man and Indian over
! again. 'i he two Lot a t,-.r key
i -i uw. Said the wniie man : ''.ii.v,
' von take tie cit.w and I'll take t lie 1 0! !;c ,
j or ht mc take the tuikcy :u..l yti the
crow." Ugh !"' was the i. joinder.'
! 'Indian get civiv all the time." S
i midci' the R.ldc;d-. the South will get
c::clmion all tiie time.
t ' ... : ";; , ,
I aiber sh p So n
We-trrn speculator
. ... 1. hi d. Hi-
A't-c.'iisii , to k.
alter he ficaed
prer rnled boll 'e
CllargU iva? :
cents. Tie
s..l :t
rai tic
cii;etiK r
;es he hal h -etr saavea at, :ui i ilt ::jr
. -s i':on-.y. Tin? necfo itra-gbtcnctl him
i if up, and s iid : -I)o yon ciipp-ise I am
going to leave good society in
d societv in the List
. and come hear among you backwoodsmen
j to shave men for te-n cents P
c-rr "Irs-. E!i'zshof!i C.wly St-mf-n
, pn.
ents i:e
rsi-lf, ir a card puldibrd in !:,
i If rub! of the ltth ir.St , t
ti'W l ' i .
Lrii C't
j frage, anJ asks support on the high gru.nii
; nf the s-afefy of the nation, and j-jsiiec to
j its ci-izeas. -
TvT v.vii' bill a nvefiilK- ctomi
j inquired a spendthrift of his tailor. j
" You 0"gLt to know bedt, for it
run op by you was th rply. '
the votaig pi p'. allien oi lh? .'ig
VOL. j 3 no. m.
t The fcliov. :!iscrl;:licu is tracc-
aLli. in Ci'udu iM'ters cn u . vo s-lv-; r.t
S;oLka, a viha--? hi the's;::.. y , Sl-utu 4
" T'uo rotten
not i'orj.'o'!on."
But that hardly cornea up to the ona
we re member readiag ia a villa g2 church
yard in G.oW la ;
U.'ii! yer 133 " ' -
for here lie 9
us I that ken rot,
rite where she sot,
When she was happy
Oar Liz.a Jane
kn!it-d Lome ng.rir,3
To jiue her p;py
Live sj that you
and i may tu
-in.' them
and f:r;vcr praT
. Again the chilis and chulera."
Nothin; on earth (: smile but
human livings Gems may Has!, rt fleeted
Lghr. but what is a diamond Hash com
pared with an eye-fla-h and a mi::I.-flash?
A face that eama.t smile i like a bud that
(.!,.-.-;: Mussom, and dries upon the stalk.
Laughter is day, and sobriety is night,
md smile is the twilight that hovers
::t:n'y befee:i buth, no 1 mrc b.-wltch-ieg
than cilhor.
Tin: I);.t'.:I.css oi' , ovioe beau-
tdul and lij.hte wii'i wit, v.:,s corgratu
lating IniA-li'im her youthful huks, and
prei.-r, ding that she was horn at l-ast ii
years !a!r than sir: wvs. when h?r daugh
ter, more h"auli;id tl::-n Lor n-otl.-r, en
dc.vored to rut a stop to h r eyi.orrt
tions, by cning nloud, '(): , t-;i::;a;a,
do L-ae ut Jca-t a vat tw-.o:: cur a v:."
of rom:se. II-t ofl-red to settle
it for two hundred dollars. ' Wh.-it !"
cri'.d G.-tLi-, ''two hundred !'. hirs fur
ruiir d, rt shattered mind, a Llu.-tcd
iifeinid a bk-rh.g !;:! t I . Two
ik.'dars for a:! this! Never ! p.vcr! n.-vec '
M.-.kc it t!:rre herded and r. a l-vr-
A man v... l.i , U-u.r
r:.t'i:'.- c.-untry h.r about tivrirv . ca
ari ! '.! i.i-t i iirse-.;! i oi.; -. savs ;i. u.
' ' at j ; at are in :;. i.a it 1. v : -. i : ::. ;'
-b: la a: f...ri c.d ban b .-ii tie ad.-ai.
! d 't :'-::.'.
bc.n civ er;e-.t
a 1 : .. . V V, - A:a--w
.a C .a :i:m t.u.j.e is Ac.
crivi.rg a a r f.vni a "j o it g
v.b f bird i:nt l-l-a. k or-i-Ji !
it!.. n:n:
sav h
wi.-.hi d to marry h.-r,
i n b r r us.', aid
r!cd :t pi.'v:'ub'
m, popped then:;-!;
,1 . " . r I
Anna d
T iv.r -ui.:.-, 1 1 : l-arr-'-ls, :
Pi t '.i.iUJi It'US Old. FS ii't V iiitVt), s, I.;. ;!
in den;; w In 11 the t.l;. T are el:
b ;ov.d.r,d, "v. : bd, v ia ;
ca; r
v sa van !: . d e. rii t
i . ! . . !
errate.-: eauti. n. Li m r
O.i' ll-eft IS t: i ui U. i..c': it :
in':: I sd.PK'v,- ; r; ..,; r.? :
berri refused i.i tee' Sc,;;i.y,e '.'.--urt tf
.M c--:.; 'i-iii-t is, because he w; re bin dirty
working clodiis in ti e corrt n cm.
Sn'in rKorr.n r,ay, but
shouidn't tiilk. 'l'lieir moull s will do well
ciir.igh :-s Lnmks of deposit, but not oi
If is .-aid tl.ud doctors cati n;iti
gat: the t :ir-. . i :ici.a:r. ciriamly
i.'"d i. 0; tie a. aird.c .."i k-g . cr v
easy thing.
Tli: uiun who lends an rn.l:rc:la
i a re;.; p'. i.iat'.icj ist ; he: iiie..S
s-d n-r b' '.. leans.
Thau. Steven's power is said to
l.j waning. He tetnts downward.. Rut
he will tend upwards when li- t's his
dc'rrt s.
jUi. James I Togo c&d T-IL-c- lilLv
lioans were revr.t!y j '"I in wa at
lii-!:vi!Ic Ie.diani. According to the
etfcrlar.tin'-r fitness c-f tbieg-, this upiionnre
nicnt sliotiid appe;r in the agricultural de
p..ttmer.t. A Wlstlu:; pnper strikes th
taimt s ot ty.j suhscrili-rr. from its hi id
ealise hey weio itcr-nily h...ig. "t'he
pul .llshf r says be v:n c-impelled to he se
vere, beenu-e be did not Lhow their pre-
Tee Preside. r.t, in a procdarruition
recomma is that Th iri-l.iy, tiie 2D:1 ot
November, be observed "through"!. th
Urited States n a day of tbar ksgi ing
ar.(i praise for another year of nstiennl hfk
"vouchsafed o? an a people