Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, October 25, 1866, Image 1

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    U 7 e -.J ! Y i ?! X IK-I
; r-- i ii
i :- e2 3
-;t OmOfrat anb StRaMl,
: ,;-hed jn the borough of Ebeusburg,
J :i c'r.r-tv. p.. every '1 hursday
t y W. if. M'i'l.MiL-fi, at the folio W
; ..- iu variably hi advance :
y, three na-ntas,
V. six ll'OPth.-,
51 00 I
o no I
,.- one MM", - w
." v-ho i'aii to pay their subscription- j
; , t e.. t i . a i i -as. 1 1 i' a '
- 1 at the rate of $-U -r year,
a 1 1 1 fed t ray in tit lifter the t-x
, . .vcive mouths will L tliart.! ;
) . . ' S-:nluiei when iavl f-r
. four ce nts .r numbtr;
1 b.- .:vrr!-.L
. ,,.,,(,- , a quarter:;
ivt-j c-tietitute a t
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2. !
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.:;).- VI I i if:..". j
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.ili::c i..'!t be i.'i
.'.. . hi.- : in ivr riicr.i r.ts.
C M.I' P.
f-r ,ii .-,n : irio f-r oo
j:.., r.r "'.! oo j COO for 6 oo
L...J': a l r..:i..:.a'i nut; hoi. "
(),-,.. i0 I Lacha.Lq'r iO
' v f .o-:.i:t x-tk i:ui-t bp i -'i.! f.r r.n
,v ,rv. Yv. II M'EXr.UE.
.-1 t:rir. T.;;;r. 1 1. 1 "?;".
, i ... a i ' c o . . .
I( S.v-Ei.L ev WOODIil'FF.
i fliJARS lll'llS. &e., ,Vc, No. 13
Ni.ilh 7'.., u o.vt, above Market, ri.ihi.kl-
hia. La. . Jui.e 21. l&CO.-Iy.
iV'IS TF.L is i-Ieasajitly situatmi on the
! : :. t i' i2 irKet otrt it, a few doors
..-..v.- S : :h s'net. Ita r!,tral locality
: , i'..;-- !t iniii -utaily (b'.sira'ule t persons
. t rhv l.'i-in.-.- vr j-leasure.
T. !!' lb SANDFUS, IVrietor.
.' -Ji. - '.v.
j'.',;r,2tov'r. Business Cards.
S". 1n':Xv.Y a',' RAW, Juhuatotcn. Pa.
1 ' . !: i .h .'g on of Main ami
"i ..I. ..!;;) s:m i i. o).Hisite M.ius'uiti Hi.uc.
r ..; t: . r. I '.rs trance on Fraukliu street.
.' 1. . -An. Nw. 10,
TTO:!NF.Y AT LAW, Jhnstutcn Fa
l t MVa e in tb.y F.x.-iianie bnilnir. on the
v.' rverof C'ii t f. md Locust streets up
-t.'.ir- Will nttend to all business connect-
W.l .I I.i ITilr -!Oll.
J W. '.i, l'-.:'..-tf.
T.!' il if! 'i CiiV; R, Main .street Juhnxtoicn.
if ;v . !-.;'.-, i:. JL.TSand CAPS. LOO'I'S
I 1 1 1 N - i '' ! !l S. r.cli as Drawers. S'nirts.
r . : -,rS. I!-,,..::-, i. i i, is. Neckties. Stocking?,
i'.-v s. Ui n !i. is. V.-., keej s constantly on
I. in I a j TivT il a-s ! tment, aud his prices
..: :i l .v as the lowest.
J..:. r.-t-.ivr:, Jane 2i, ISCG.-ly.
.,.r.!;i Srctf. .'. H.s.Viim, Cambria Co., Fa ,
A. IIO'.V i 1(1.. Proprietors.
ri!lIS HOUSE living been refitted and
i '-Viiantly f ir'.ihi;d. is now open for the
' to 'lion ;nd i-';t i tair.ment of CUsts. The
i : (.rie..i s tv I n.' exp !rience in hotel ke--:
i 1 conh ient t'uey can satisfy a dis
.ih.iin itit. pnblic.
Tiieir is Mippcd with tbe choicest
1 rds of l qii.urf aud wines.
jLr.e 21, IbO. (ly.)
Lime fcr Sale.
ij"!IE undersigned is rcpared o ship Lime
I -f'.tn Lil'y Stai -n. rr X. 4, Cn the Prnn--y'-.-:
Uub v.d to Ebensburg, Johnsfown.
t -.y other point on the l'enna. R. R., or
Address. Wif. TTLEY.
Jut-e.-tf Hemlock, Caobria co.t Pa. .1
Ebensburg Business Cards
bi ia county, Pa. May 5,
fi k;in'VI-Vni! F7.. churn ', ntVu-H in
u . iv . .. T "
the Commissioners office. Dec. 7, 16J5.-tf.
rrrCTVNr.Y AT LAW, EbeiuLurg, Fa.
l O.ik-e iu r..'o!i;i lt.' R...v, Ctutie htreet.
4. let, l.-ti".
s TTOi'XEY AT LAW, Ebcasbvrg, Fa
" April 5. UC5-tf
aTTORXEY AT LAW, Lbaixbiiry. I a.
Ofiloc in CeiiUP btrtot, oj;isite M ire's
'Ait. LV,, ISGO-tl
11. E- .70IINSTON,
H'lTOr.N'KY AT LAW, Ebaisbiir.j. P.i.
1 'Hi. - in t!;e nth -ijiI of his resilience,
iiim.i- ;i ,t ! v oi.( . s:t the CVurt ll"Ue.
2s'oVct:! ": 20. IS-'o tf. C1.37)
.ronx FEN r. ON,
H'.TORNEY AT LAW. E cn.-bur? Pa
ii ' , li 01. I : J : 1 1 MIC I, :i. . l- ,iii:nt; oi- i -i-
Miy -5, )
r.Eonr.E m. reed.
Tr ,:NEV AT LAW. Eh- unburn. Fa.
d V".-e !) il.iin trcct, tii . Ivi.-J
.7: .'i.h.m. May L !?.
r; eo i : ; e w. ( ) aim a n,
TTO!.;.EY AT LAY'. E-uisbur-j. Fa.
: V :i R v. Cvi.tie .-tr'-t.
i'TTt -RNLT -vl LAW. E Fa
Lv: - II i;-.- . f L!ov a & Cj. '
1 . i.--:..' i I 7, 1N:.o. ' (tf.)
1.1 Iu N L I'l.KMII.NU,
T 1'ORN FY AT LAW, Johnstown. Fa.
( Uljuc on il.tin trett, i-t ooroi thor over
;h- Link. M;tv 4. 18o5.-tf.
ATTt) ii N FY - AT - LA W ,
Jo!i.-T. v. w, C-.i..bria d l.i.ty, Inna.
C ih-eti-.n- M't'y Htten.'.e-.l to.
Ai:i7. 2 . 1 Sn: 1 v
fU ,"CFSS( R t.. U. S. LfX.v. Dt-a'vr in
t.,re !! M tin s'lt. t, Oi2"ite th! '"itoore
lions-. K'.-t.sbur.jr. 1'a. M ly 17. '00. tt".
ipENDEKri his i r..!esi. nal services to-the
I citl.' ns f F.oci.r.hui g ar d vicinity.
Ofi'K-e one lo,r east of lb avis' store.
Nivm- calls made nt las residence three doors
west of R. Fvan' cabinet ware room.
May 31, ISOo 0:n
FFI'.LSbis service as 1'MYSICIAN' and
: SL"lljF(N. to the citiz-ri" of i:b r.sbnrg
aiiil surrounding -country, (ifiice three doors of the l' tcrvm Chr.reh, ii the
ruo-n fcrnM-riy o. cupie.l by lr.
E:. crii-bing, Aiii: 12. lS0:.3m..
V. S. IlAh'KKI?,
RETAIL DEALI Il, in Dry Goods. Bv.ts.
lX Shoes. II t's, (.'a-s. Groceri. Sec; keeps
constantly n hand a ci'nend assoi tinent.
Store on llih street, Ebensburg. I'a.
Sept 28. 1SG5.
8. BELFORD, dentist,
CONTINUES to viit Ebenshurg peisonaby
c'ii the 4th Monday of fach month.
Luring his al.sence Lewis N. Snyiler, who
studied with the IVn-ti r, will remain in the
office and attend to all businesj entrostedto
.Tune 7. 180C.
II AN KEFS, EbrJ,nrj. Pa. (b.ld. Silver.
Government F"" Is. ..t:d ther securities.
lught and s !d. Ir.tere.t allowed on time
deposits. Cullections mad.e on a'd accessible
r itits in the United States, and a General
B inking business transacted.
("March 1. 18CG tf.
Jj Projiictor, uparis ni pains to render this
hotel worthy of a continuation of the liberal
patron nee it has heretofore received. His
tib'.e will always be furnished with the
best the market affords ; his bar with the
rvst i f liquor His ttable is large, and will
be attended by an attentive and obliging
hitler. June 4. 1 SG6 -tf.
j Proprietor, solicits a continn.aion of the
liberal patronage extended. His
lable and bar wil' always le supplied wit!)
the iK'st. Ilis liouse and stable being largo
and convenient, and having competent as
sistants at all times employed, he feels con
fbier't that be will be able to render general
satisfaction. June 4, 18C5.-tf.
TUOflAS CALLFN. Proprietor.
THIS house is now open, for th accommo
dation of the public. Accommodations
ad rood as the countrr will afford, and
clurgrw rnoJeiatc. iUj 31, lP66.-tf.
0 R I G I M A L T A L E.
Foil the Demockat and Sextlsel.
IJ Y M A U 1 .
'Twas evening, the sun of a cloudless ;
summer day had sunk in a cloud of azure
ami gold beneath the Western ocean, and ;
all nature seemed to revive, as the gentle j
dews descending seemed as if sent to re- j
fresh the parching earth. T he fair young ,
moon rose in he pure heavenly beauty j
nnd shed her soft light on the pleasing ;
scene. Man, busy man, seemed to ceasj j
at least for the hour from his incessant j
labors. !
Two friends leaving the village where ,
both resided, shjv. Jy wound their pleasant J
way to a slight eminence, a short" dittance j
from the village. Slowly they pa.-s.-d
along arm in arm ti'.l they reached the j
little knoll which seemed the termination J
of iheir walk. j
The c! Jest, was a holy who bore traces 1
of beauty in that youth which seemed to
have pa---'.d ; yet there was in her appear- j
ance that indescribable somd''ij v. hu t, ,
often pos.-es.-e;- more charms than beauty.
About the medium size, her faultless per- :
fen combined with her jet ty hair, snowy
teeth, :u.d large black eyes made Up iu 1
par t i'a" her ur-gular f atures. " -j
'The other her junior by eight year?, j
was now eighteen. Though, something
i.bovc the meo.i'.iiu sie she possessed .n
a faultless form. In complexion they
(iilfered mateiiaily the latter being VC13'
fair, with a slight tint cf crimson 0:1
ch. k. IL-r hair was dark brovvo, and
straight. Her" farge gray eyes were rcti
dered extrein ly fascinating by long, dro-p-ing,
delicately fringed lashes. In their
depths ;'.s a soul cf tender thought, feel
imr, and hive. S!ie was very plain in ap
pearance, and appreciated the looks of
love given her by her companion, for one
may be said to possess lore if not beauty.
After silting some momoitts in silence, the
elder looked sadly around upon the sur
rounding scenery and said: " How much i
this spot, this scenery, recall to my mind j
hour?, long parsed hour, that I have re- j
solved and re-rcsolved never to think cf
much less to speak ; but I cannot resist
the influence of such a scene !'
" Of what are you speaking dear Flo
rence," said Hlanchc, who absorbed in
contemplation had almost forgotten the
presence of her friend.
"I forgot dear Rlanch that I " had
never spoken to yon of my youth."
"And I have often wished, "yet feared
to offend you by too pertinent questions
concerning it, but, now we are alone and
this evening is particularly adapted to re
lating reminiscences."
You need never fear of offending my
friend. I 'eve you too much, therefore, I
will comply with jour request, and tho' I
years have flown, yet, I never speak of j
what I am going to relate without the !
most poignant regret," she paused a mo- j
ment to repress the emotion of her feelings, i
and resumed: " Know then, my dear!
Rlanch, that I was not always the old i
maid you now see aae. I was once as
young and gay as you are, God guard
you from the heart blight that made mv
heart old even in my youth." Rlanch !
looked up in wonder, for she little dream- j
ed that sorrow had ever visited her friend ; I
that the smooth calm brow had ever been !
ruffled with care. " I had arrived .it my
eighteenth year when I met Walter Leigh
ton, a youth in every way calculated to
win the heart and please, the fancy.
About (he medium height, a faultless form
combined a handsome face and graceful
manners to which he united an intelligence
I have seldom seen equalled ; of respecta
ble family, wonder not if he gained the
heart he seemed to seek. I loved him
madly, passionately, and I, foolish I, tho't
my love was returned, nor dil I think so
without ample cause. In my walks, in
public, in private, at party concert, every
place that fashion led us, he was at my
side, he seemed never happy from me, and
I. Oh! it was Heaven to me to. bo with
him, I -hailed his approach as I might
have an angel'.-. I dreaded our parting
as the most dreadful calamity.
" Thus it was for two years, he was a
constant visitor at my fathers house, and
was always a welcome guest; but, with
his friends it was not so, for some causa
unknown to me then and even noic, they
were my most bitter enemies, they sought
by every means to part us, and alas! they
succeeded too well. Our marriage day
had been set. (For Walter assured me that
he valued me more than all the smiles or
frowns of his friends, and that nothing
but-death could separate us.) And I
fondly trusting with a heart full of love
was arranging everything for my approach
ing wedding ; little dreaming of the scorch
ing sorrow that was in store for me. W ni
ter was with me every moment that he
was unemployed, and seemed to contem
plate our rrarriage as the crowning point
of bis earthly happiness. One short week
and we would be happy, when suddenly a
strange change became visible in the man
ner of my Inlrtt'tC'J. He was voi:i to
spend l.'rs evenings with me, but now he
would pass .two and three evenings with
out coming, and when he 'did come, his
manner was so changed that I was nearly
distracted, I sought the cause of it, he
evaded all my inquiiics with so ill a gracJ
and seemed so stern and unkind, from
what I had ever believed him, that mv
heart though almost broken, shrank in
stinctheiy from him. I roused myself to
:i sense i f pride -and dignity, not a!i at
once, but after many a night spent i:t
teats, and prayeis, 1 arose calmly o::
ir.or:.":::j rccolvcd upon my course of ac
tion. t: I took my pen nnd traced tho wo
that were to separate i.i'-'from niv he:ot'.-
idol I toM him that Idsond
accountable, that my 1
pr.i;o h lee with Iiavi:.
ait did
1 -
,1 ,
no auviu.p.e:
mv b
:: .1
b. oot.ii ; i i
sense. :u:d !ig! L
mv cu e ; tlu.i
CHUOL..1 irl. t j i:v.;e:i
fi'orn ihtit in .i.j. ot I absolved i.::u
t!ie vo:
a:.d iv .v i
he ht'd so voluntarily '!ig:
..I .! with a wis!, f..r his hi-
4.-ss. I liie-i dispatched my note to it
destituitioii. I spent the day in ae1 nv
j vainlv f x;., etine he would make so::i;i 1 f
j fort to 10 tain the heart he once seena-d !
! p; iz above life, but, no, he never .-jn:;i
1 by word -c" de.'tl to recall my ;dr" 'A
! We never"- m. I. ' He foon lef', no op.
j knew hr where. And from that tin..- I
iiewr heard from him. (lod iu his p... icy
! pai d.ou him, as lrom my heart I do."
See C'.-r.cluded, and taking the arfn of
j her friend they slowly ami thoughtfully
! retraced their steps. to the village.
IIi;iif.cic. I'a.
Ti:;ts ji FAK:.n:r..f;. What IL-cs
fo 1'so. hi planting or ho- ing c n. use
the o'dinary hoes in general Use. N. uher
the India rubber hose nor cotton hn.-e
would be of any account in a con.-iieid :
no more would one of Hue's eight cylinder
press s.
IIuw to Hold the Plough.-
try to hold it out at arms length. You
can't do it. If you haven't a piouedrof
your own, get, out an attachment on your
neighbor's who owes you. Any justice
will tell you whether you can hold it or
How to Keep Com. The Lct
place to keep corn i- iu a good eorn-hou-e.
though some prefer to keep it in the sys
jcm Jn the juice. If they don't keep
corn they keep coined.
I'dices and" Font-in. Gor.a fen
cing is essentia! on a farm. Get a g I
"fencing master" to learn you You
can't repair a worm fence by taking o r
mifuge. Neither can you cut good white
wash brushes out of l.-u-h felloes.
To Alakc xov.r Siahlts Wurm ia
Winter. Set tire to ihem.
To Drain Lnnds. Drink .vhisl-v
and sp.end all. your time at the village
tavern. This will drain ou of all 3'our
lands in a short time.
To Make Stone FiracQ. Equal
parts of whisky and c ider. This ii the
reciprocal stene fence: the more you lay
of it the more it will " lay" you.
Easy Way to Draw Saw Logs.
Draw them on a piece of paper with a
crayon pencil. After a little practice you
will be able to "draw" the largest kind
of saw logs with ease.
Fork.r Packing-thread i.s of no
use in packing pork. In curing hams the
time varies. I lams that hav e got trichina
can't be cured at all.
The Radical press teems with
charges of the corrupt use of pairoinge in
the elections. Now, whn it is borne in
mind that the bulk of the postoOiecs, the
asscssorships and collector.' hips of th -State
in which the elections have "been
held are in the hands of men friendly to
Radicalism, and not a few of wlum have
worked steadily and con! ri bated freely to
the Radical cause, it rendu ds one of the
cry of stop thief by one 'who has ju.-t rob
bed his neighbor of his watch.
C3T Tliomas Ryrnes was banged at
San Francisco, Cab, on the last day of
September, for the murder of Charles T.
Hill. The rnuider was a deliberately
planned affair, perpetrated to cbta'.u
possession of a breastpin worn by the mur
dered man, which Ryrnes thought vvas a
diamond, and whice proved to be- only
Breaking Up a Setting Hen. !
, ;
4, rp- ., , , 11 1 . ,,- . i 3 Irs. Haves soon 'discovered her, i.nd
' limothv, that air valler hen s scttai . , , . ', , , ... '
! agin," said Mrs. Ilavs'to her son, one vmg heard that dipping m water
i morning at Rreakfast. I )vou, , oun.e.s,- sho- s,t forlh
i. u 01 1.1- . " t- ,1 t- i iur t,:J oiook wit. 1 t:;e lowi in her apron.
i We. I, let ner set, remarked limo-
,1 1 1 . ... 1 - p .ia!"s. weaver an oiJ laov 01 very enar-
; thy, helping hunscil to a large piece of . . . - 1
(l.,o. -I.... I ,.un .!,..,! o .... !...-, ' '- -'"-e.l., ,,,..Hv!.uelriL-Jl.
1 -
; ;;s silo can."
1 :L v. ish you would try to be a little
f ( i ;n i .oii.i 1 P. C:-ee, ! ini.if iv 1 ve rvit
l " ' - J ' ' "
the very last ofnjv cerv d.iv lot. ami its
i- i . i --.
. , .. , '..,, ' .
only the tnt day o: May. And now as
.-oun as uu ve done eating 1 want you to
, , ! i . ... i .- .
go out an j la-ea up tuat hen. Sues s.t-
ii i . . i
ting on an old ax and two bnes i:ow.
,,11 , . ,
1 hope sued hatch cm returned
-r-f ,
If sh
.e was set now
d hatch th
fourth weoti i:i Mmv. li's a bad sitrn ;
: - ;'"... . V"
g.go. , .,a.:., uy time yon
oft to be as . !.! as ver v.-.-k vt- d sve tar-
ih-rlh a, do now. There was den-
-.-.' ..... . . . t. , .. ;
kin.-." I
itieir grev top-pot !piPei:"! t
; .st te :.:
lie: :.":
! . ; ; . ' .'. I
'":.. 1. v,..-
, :.nd Mrs. del. hi., s
nod t! or., o
M.- l i i- -,:e:.:
. c
1 .
o '..i :' - .
" W" .-had I ...
She'd g: on again,
beOaPii :: e skpop.
wpa i; -r, T-. e." .
Mil she's v-ros as
! hands, apd
W out-j UiJ c.-.-U'.a ol lii'j 1: r..j c.-ut i ge..'
I've he I; .-aid t ! - .' . i it v..s a g.o i
ph.n to throw- h.'Pi f.p-ln the,5 said ;
Airs. Ihiji-s. ' Aj::! IVguy hreke one
of .-etii.ig ci,iy ti.sve limes ti ' aig. Spo- j
se 11 vuu try it
. , ,
'Up si.e ir cs, hen 1 or tan. creed
.... ' , ' , , .
i:m, as, he to.-.-ed the o.eano Ss.ywara.
, ,. , . , , .
' Lainl-o-iaassv exehipned Ars. II.
,. . . . .1 1
cue & coming down in lae v-an ol bread
K . ,
tnat I irct uni on too pleat ruck to rise. 1
Tup, ii's strange that y.,u can't do hoik
ing whhout oterdviiig ;:.
.tv . .... ..... .... 1 .,;,
xA'iM. '11111 li.'J li.iuui ...i t .v. ii.
. .
stars." sar.g cut Tin:, e'evalP-g b.d.iy
:: -ail
li jj.iia'.iieipa than a 1 ial of!"-."""
batp-r leirg-i:.g fo le-. t.
"(Laid ur.ieions tea-, wuss and wur?."
died .Mrs-. II ayes, and Tim i.greed .hh
her, p r ti.-j ie o had e". -1 m 1 : taj
w. h-i d tile of E- pp.-J I'.aa: ::. V.1 o
a,. I P) !.e 1: i-r
;e.-an l th.-
old pan:hpl U was the latoei' oi C-ymi.ia
lielnie't, the young lady Hi.u v.:e-lii J. Pil
was seriously laeaueic i.
The Sppiire looked daggers, h-.u.-hed i-fi
lite dough with his ha-i cici.iet, ppJ
strode t n i-i si! -nee.
Y s. but ii's -,,rg tP) ::gal:i," said
Tim, spi: ei'aii y stzmg the curoupg bi lay
pod tossing pt r.'.nd ;.i into the t.:r.
1 -i thought i: ton.; .to mala'st her ip
l:vi ioa'ily, and wiiu a loud sereaal siie
darted against th-' parlor window, broke
throopa. k P )i-iCi: 00 . u .no e..a..i eape, :
an iiau p-u pioinj. ... w e -eu .ao ;-.
Airs. (nay. upo was lo;u.:i:z at the
,1 1 1 .1 .. . v.,.., 1. .
tarn! lejuse.
, . . .
?vLs. Gr.iy seieame.i u.tu horror, and
iiarting up, dislodged biddy, who lh'.v ;it
her ruk-etion iu the louring glass witu an
angry hi.-s. The glass was shattered and
down came the hen, astuuished beyond
measure, against a vase of flowers, which
upset, and in failing knocked over the
stand-doll and d-!;ge-d W alt waP i' a p
f drab c lored velvet slippers which
Helen Maria vvas nubioidetiiig for her
lover, Mr. James Ileialoiw.
lle'.en entered the room just as the
misclii-.f had been done, and viewing the
ruin, she at once laid it to her brother
Timothy. She heard his step behind her,
and the unfortunate hen sbe flung lull in
to his face.
There was a smothered oath, and the j who doesn't understand him, who can't
hen came back with the force of a twenty appreciate him, who, &c, oe. altogelli
pound shot. . ! or a i-.rg bill of r.d'.ciment against the
Helen was mad Il-erev.-s were near!'-
put out with tiie i'eallieiiv da-t ainldoueb.
and she went a 'Fiuiothv iplii a true
femiii'ttie zeal. She brokn Ids wp'.ehg.iard
iiia dozen pieces, ci tisd.ed h-.s oickev a .u
b-ga:i te pn!l his whisk, rs , 1 t b LP ,
root. when SO i lerdv si, I .oaouae:
Lint Ti-Poiliv l.p. l no wl isiara t . t r.h or:
-by tlie roots.
1 ... ,. t , wl n a - . p,.
4 .... L ..., . t.UK - . ' . ' 1 , r ' -
neieeivfd tlmt the tnau she. had neatly
annihilated was not Ti'uothy, I ,
Ileus!. aw.
u :up
Poor Ii rlon burst info t- a1"- and ll d ' v, '.
into her -iiandor, t..e usu-ii rd age '. r Js:i of ;..-? jiiie-: a;n r-to-t iij
lieroines ; and .Tarnes, aaer vva-l.iujr Lis te-i-e if a -k rnav be prcoarcd bv r.-hlir :x
lace at the kitchen sin, wap' la. rue, verv 1 l'oote ; (-rih-n of vaua Jie acid, .r
sternly n-solved never le n.arry a. v.orian ; vana-.-iti of nmrr.onlj, to a sohpion of
with such a temper as Helen Hayes had. j r.utg.tlh Ti is ink viI be four.d ma:
The her, meanwhile, the be--o- v,i-re lasting than th ini o.-cliariV 5.3"..!
i'r.p, rm- tn th barp f -?'l.'.sMi ler in prp:-,vry rf-i-'v.
VOL. 13 XO.;34".
self or. the rum cf her, determined to
Set If the h";.vrns fell.
!nd was ui u tv.'or.Fs nolr.t ith Mrs.
Hayes, was jts.-t to tt.e brook fer
a of water, and spied the veF.ow
1 . 7 1
i. ,.-., .i t' . ; . 1 . e . .... i r .
i " '-. o. v.. i uu. 4.0..1 .u ;
- .,'
u:ivts ap't n
" Now I xb
c . , , . , , , , . ,
i oji.iiu oiii iMiiii me to u-'atii i::g:i
: . , 1 .. , , , r
aooat a wc.:. 1 ve iound out whero
.1.0 ,11.
. that ji.iuw has gone to. Mrs.
,, ' , .. 1 , , r
: liayes, 1 atiars I.nowe.I ou w:ir. a witk-
ii, .ft
jj ues:Ueii.l woman, UJt 1 t tLiijic
j - . v " ". ' " , , ,
to. Mrs. W.::.vcr?" sail .Mis. ilavca
i 4 i-- :"
. , " " n';"'i,,n' that s
'Vno I m ta..ieg to . i c'! ve s'ot, n v.w
'. ( ". . he
, . 1
.1 J)..r
c: i d
. e i:e:- to P.
v i- e iv ' I
e. ' w : nut-! !-
. i : :'. ,: ta
i. sa.e
i : 1 rc-s:-' -:cc :.::-
Weaver's !. .T:
,' ; . i she. fell
-v atteipg tie;
; . s I.i eer" d:-
I--. .:. the c.c.
I a:.d 1..-' jjasl.Cu ttohiw
.rap, -..k, was
tier !i et again, leauy to ie::ew the as
t .
illve roe rev hen." she cried, thrust-
itr-a ner p;to Aiis, ILues ptee, ' you
. ..,,' - ,
1 ulu ai.d hypocrite vuu . auu .-.he made
1 , ,-. ,
1 a s -comt one r.' toe Ir.rd.
! . .. -. ,
: 1 oe I, en t e.u-.htp p.: opr t- thev ur
1 , , . ,. , ,, ,
i eoi--rs, and uttei an uneartidv . i.sne
Ii 'w o-ito! covert -pjare into the face
V. .
now a
Ph her P.dls l aPi P.
e 1 af
r , ,
:IU lC..
j , . ,
c: ..- -.t a:. I rc e:sse-i
. : ti
I!.r.a - cp-!.t a st-
(i ort-::-
d 1 o.ii t'u lencc Mps. V, eaver d.d
giPar deei veou. . ; ;o
jht p' the bank e. l: 3
p i.
i t p ;: a-ply -.- e Wi'y ;p d
ie. ah in !Jl P, I f.-.-PeP the
ppp tae ia 11 sa:
1 1
1 ' - . 1
;p 1 eae: .- a in t"iu:.pi.
The hidi. s sho.k th. v.
-:rd w.::t p.a.:e. y ha
... n s...e.
'l i e ! en ol.-appec ;d op 1 :.
d U
p.h! three u-ce
.s a.u . a a: -.s, v.
p her aep-ro. cr wr..i von
t .:
V.' ,
, fowl's .'ifst aad Lad set in spite .f fate.
. . . 1. :ii 1 ,1 .' 1
t aiiiuiue'i rot b"oken up" h'-r-
1 s..e Lro.iO ut two tor ( vn-
ly.., U.1S not nt p,.Iii? ,I:e next
; . -r; , ,-, -,T ii.,.....
nc-vcr iv-rguve u-i
are H.-In fjr having such a
j UFTllXC .M Ai:ni;-:i.- It pc-Lins to
: us we neor hear f a joung ludy about
! to be married,'TC strikes upon our
' cars a chorus of her Fiends, avowing that
; -he is about to throw Lois -If aw -pi' upon
a 1PPP P :i a is p
upv.--::!.; ot her,
j ap.l v.p,pjci lug what she cai; poss:i!v soe
, p, him ie-jestiiy her in rr-akinti such an
j -enormous saeiiiiee. S , when a man
j marries", all his fuerids agree that .hev
are terribly disappointed in his wife. They
j did think that poor dear So-and-so would
have made a better choice. Rut ia3
he gone and married a woman who isn't
good-looking, who hasn't any money,
' noiy, f-Wiij
she has Ip
cop.e poor
dear So-pp i-sos ivuo aoa a i.ppa vvleea
1 hi- other tii-e;ids tai, t i-e ioe-Js with.
Ai d i.i these case.-, it shor.l l hi noted,
the fri-.-p.-P.-of the wit'-? c: hu.-br.d irts
ca.! .- of ii.-.m:- 1 pi th; ;r cor. ppoi aiitr.po-i,'i-.'i
to o.;'-.-:t c th.' who's or has-"
ie: : - : :ee : : 1 fa" the b'ft.r rxprcs-
: ' ' ' h ;' '"' :'- '' .ri.!"; temp-varlly Iha
: .P.! (hi reives ee..-pg amone; P-.d cTi v:-
' ".'"'.
1 : 1 ..
1 ; . - t.
a" a o...y I..;: .'uoaiousr
laioras : ;!.;,: over, a