I i g r n m t Pp .... V. X 7 'LJr.Ei:EH3".SiiLSL"W' "Etj5JJXJEE233&.9 M2-ysrZ&'3?JIE2Jgj& rm7dUD 23? GOD 23,1" 2? THE BLESSINGS OF GOVERNMENT, LIKE THE DEWS OF HEAVEN, SHOULD BE DISTRIBUTED ALIKE. UPON THE HIGH AND THE LOW, THE RICH AN D 'THE POOR. i-w series; 2. 17. EBENSBURG, PA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1866. VOL. -13 NO 33 r.tinctvut ani annuel i . Ebensburg Business Cards. "..v. a . l.r on:h,-..?biir-. JOIINE. SCAN LAN, itv. Pi., tve-rv Thursday ITTORXEY" AT LAW, Ebentburg, Cam s'. l-E, :tf the follow,. 1 II .lvan;e-: uu I Artemus Ward in Europe. Ilia Letter to the London Pnnch. t. r !v ii: follow,. 1 i bria comity, Pa. May 5, lhCo.tf. V. II. SIXIILER. You'll be glad to learn that I've made j a guod impression onto the mind of the lan'lord of the Green Lion tavern, lie r alius excessively tickled when he cts hi.-scu, whu-h it is a Bad fack bus thus far been the case my only sorrei hein that t'other- Toiler Wasn't looped iiKetvisc. ii s dirt rcntlv wn h sMiiiiri i . $1 00 i JlTrOIlNEY AT LAW, and PRACTICAL : made a speech about me last nigSiL Kisin 2 00 j ii ' 'i' i'-i Jit, JucmLurj, la., t.nice ra the C?f!i!ir.irisi' i:ers fT;ee. Iec. 7. 18C5.-tf. t tie v ':t; n "t x m:iths v.-ill ,i- xUu rate of '.J-J..10 j.vr year, . tY.l I j j -ay i:i;ti! nftf.- the ex Ive ram .1 1 . will 1 charged at ;,(') r c;u t..,,-,' Scu-W w-hen i-tiid for F. I. TIKKNEY. c. :.:s j er nuKiUr; i S TTOI'N'KY AT LAW, ElauLurj, Pa A A -- ' - - -------- WILLIAM KITTELL, IITTORNEY AT LAW, Eleix&burg, Ta. j Oaice in t.'nlonadu Row, Cealre street. IeC. 4. 13.M.-U". Brick Pomercy- Pomoroy ha? pirpared the fuliowiiig aulicle for Lis vihi.'ierb to uhlih. Tlicir Gf-A gcntlfctnaii vi.-itiugOil Citr, v. ent to a hotel Lo stop over uisirt. Said I e : boat?, whte'.i is a manly spyrt, and I ran 1 US 3C 11 I'a,--M-!-'tl tbae-of hzia jn the house."' bo c i ..r'.: e ! s . 1 1 : r a quarter ; LPy i.'.iinb-.ri, JOSEPH M DOXALD, ,.vr;" or ai .M.i 1,1 IV. ri , II I I--TK-. i : rt i ;:!: " '.niri in iav. i.-r. , !.'! t !.. -i ti- U, .! e year, Tie in.vri f : 't -. i t, insi-f' ii.ii . .'.it: v., tl.:ie !..:;:'. s.;; iii:n'i3, 'in n, .-tie V ar, tii' I.! '!:tl'.-, -i ;.: .i.tas, i in- .'nr. -t'tv.te a il 00 2') I 0') i I TTORNL V AT LAW. Ebenxbura. Pa J F - , , t il Office . a Cer.t. Ktn-t-t. nr.t.'t.M,H,re's i hut cou1,1,1 ' iii..ut. rAi.r.2;5 lSGO-tf ' and express a ferv. P. L. JOHNSTON, IITTORNLY AT LAW, EjriUurj, Pa, e in tl.e Scuth ei.d of hi residence, I ,) ! i!!iinetliate!y oj.p:sitj th C.urt ilvue. a 5? CO V2 00 20 00 12 00 20 00 5 00 ! NoveniU-r 23, IP'-5 tf. JOHN FENI.ON, i JTTOKNTA AT LAW, El-enslurg Fa , i (;::ci: on HiiMi t-tiert. avljaiiii; his res; ucni-c. M iy 4, 1803. in the bar lie ppoke as fullers, there being over twenty individuals present: "lids North American has been an inmate of ray 'ousc over two weeks, it he hasn't made no attempt to scalp any member of my fani'ly. lie has'nt broke no cups or sussers, or furnitur of any kind. Ilea?, j hear. I iind I can truft him with litre! J candies. lie eats his wittles with a knife i and fork. People of this kind should be i encurridged. I purpose 'is 'calth." Loud ! 'plawsl do but modestly pet up ent hope that the At lantic cable would bind the two countries ' still mere closer together? The lan'lord j said my speech was full of originality, but j his idee was the old stage coach was more safer, and he tho't the people would ind j dors that opinyin in duo time, j I'm gettin on exceedhi wfdl in London, i I see now, however, that I made a mis- 71 4 ) ' ! ta'e m 0,'erin my close fore I left home. i T he trooth is the taler in our little village 0 only explain .Mr. llarnill's resont defejit iu this country, on llie grcutnb that he wasu't used to Ihitith water, I hope this explanation will bo enihely saiisfacl' ry to all. As I remarked afore, I'm getting on well. I'm aware that I'm in the great metrop'lis of the world, and it doesn't make me unhappy to admit the faek. A man is a ass who dis that ails him. r . 1 sm onen need lorce m many essentials. lie s;n s : "This wretch Pomeroyr 7.T. M". IVmo roy Mark Jlurderows Pomcroy, the soulless wretch and fiendish g!:oul who edits the La .Cro.-se, Democrat. (Daiiv. .piu .eely, per vcar in ,1 .1 i ... 1 1. lion to te;ir.i by mti--':.thi" : ,- poots it. That's a!i j be Hit m;:n than h-msi-if to aver murder r.a- anJ ; "CerttiinlvV said the landlord : "I'll give you the i-mmi Tl-ivv ; "ct-d occr.pied. Waiter, bhow thh inrn to parlor D. ; Waiter did as ordered ; found ii.ii wti, c-i-mi v.itii a carn'--t ite fciezcdhU carrot 1 i'0-jin die v i 7 -Ids T 1 .1 . . .1.1. , 1 1 kiiow tncre is sum peo- clear irooil Pres-i.L'nt sti.v.i.l . '... ... . 10-un j. innl pie who cum over here and snap and snail j ai-e's huig. by devil his cvC-,luekcd ,,rt r1 b- d d i about this and that. I know one man ;.oui by (h-n.Js hl3 liver made into coi ' C!;5r v:itl! the who says it is a fhame and disgrace that"! liver il bv St. Paul's church isn't a older editL-e ; he , Li'Iinns- says.U sliouid be years and even aizes old- ! ihrou er than it is; but I .decline to hold myself! giverTto the devil 'for a beetle he;id responsible tor the conduct ot this id; it, 1 back drilled full of !.!.. ...! ,.,,.n simply because he's my countrymen. 1 ash run iherein-his he id raided bv ' I'he hut fciC'CD :1s his heart roa?i.d bv pnbiii'an V:Ttv and str;.i:ied ' ;h raw hem:) his hi-.i l -t.-vprl .,,,,1 4 w fciec-D n ctd occupied, I CiOli'L o'.fc-C:t t'j entire .Black K0 -ins spose every civilized land is endowed ! tears of (iEORGE M. PEED, 1 1 i'. '!(! , 1 X. y. :.l , . it..' t'l. j ITTOHNEY AT LAW. Ebtx&hurg. Pa. ! other way IT, J I ii OiTa.e en Haiti street, tlnve doors East j .lfT0 tlieo'1 c rv Notieis, over laifs, ten eeats . . m.1 l -i i: i- v f .r i ' owed mo for a pig, an I I did'nt see any cf gcitin my pay. Ten years close would, no doubt, have been and perhaps they would be GEORGE Y. O ATM AN. : ekaliy sim'lar ten years hens. But now 2- .-0 ; ITTORNEY AT LAW, E'jcn..tt;rg. Pa. j they're" dirl'rently. The taler said he I'ree. j j Oihee in Colon.nle Ro-.v, Centre street. j know'd they was all right, because he had JV.vemUr 23, lbGo.-tf. 1.27.) j a brother in Wales who kept him informed iASIIOEMAKEl?: ! Ion? ta?hln3 l'lar' Jhs ) j ITTORNEY AT LAW. Eubr.rg. Pa- 11 1,n.,a1m"s1 "ut as me Dallud C.ti r-rht c-M -- ii OMhee ,.n Hi-di htrwt. one door !'i.st , f th ! (w ''ich 1 heard a geu I man in a new soot ot biacK close and wmte km gloves .smii 2 CO 2 ro an c ; 00 i with its luil share ot gibbeinf i iyits. and it can't be helped least-helpin' it. I'm a little sorry youv'e got polities over bore, but I shall not disku.-s em whh nobody. Tear me to pieces with wild omnibus bosses, and I won't di.kuss 'em. I've had finite enough of 'em at home, thank you. I was at IJermingham t'other night and went to the great meetiu' for. a few minits. I hadn't been in the hall lung when a stern-looking artisan said to me : . " You are from Wales?'' "No," I told him, "I didn't think I A hidgyis tho't fl.isht over m ; arrow lamented Liiu-ol in Aboliiionists s!ied w hen v:.-s v!-.., 1, :us over coat mad j into iron, heated red hot, r.nd wrapped around him, wliile ice-water rrlnlh. 1 .-I 1 . 1.. II r- ie-'-ettre four r00d habits a vice n-:in c-arneslh- recommends in i-is oounsc-Is, and which he consid ered to 1 essentially, necessary for the nranaoeir.eia cf. temporal" con cerns and these je punctuality, accuracy, steadiness and dispatch. Ithoilt tlie in-if v... n;V) IHJiU J3 Urns dead, bugs, pismires, Piovo-t Mar- vnst-(l ' v.ithout the second, m's slials, Abolitionists, and other damnable ! tac't? tlie most hurtful to rmr plagues should s.-i;:e him, bear him to- I Tcdit and interests and that of oth ward the blue dome till he could hear ! eis may he committed vvithout the Lincoln singing, 'Tramp-Tramp-Tramp ; j third, nothiii- Can be-vell done- tT hy?ccli ovr f Vjvi?3 1Wi I d without tlie fourth, opportune denee, all tue clouds shuu d bo steel- t' . , -i"'lUi" pointed, and should be rolled and tossed l Vl 1o by an outraged people till there was not I !" JmP' to recall. enough left of the ingrate. traitor, fiend, icua, vnhr.m muroeier, seeessiouist. Jcc. by MX X V ur e-!.ts I jy ; b.iT.kirg ll..u-e of Lloyd & Co. j lieeeuiber 7, lboG. (tr.) i f cimnir.n'.c.i '; .1 v ;i -ri' ei.'. -, It h a.lditie: i(M'r, ' 1 :d i.if.::e i;.;ut I- p a I (.jt ,-v-.:. in n lvtrti:eT:er.t 11 .'( I 2"l f'T 2 00 I COO fr d ml liimdic'l. BLANKS. t-. f,0 I Eaelir.-?. .1 V-Sl 1 h - P. $s on 0 on L0 0 CYL'LS L PERSUING. I iTTCRXEY AT LAW-, Johnztuicn. Pa i ! ( fdci: on ilaia strett. second ti-ior over May 4, lf'Jo.-tf. j W. tian.-i.v.it vvoiv imit ! pni'l t.-r on ),-ot. W. II. M'ENKUE. E". Vr.r. Jim 11. lSv. l-Jc'Dhia Business Cards. 1 : ; 4-: 1 ,l & v codri ' r 1 rniOl J-SVi.E 1E.LVHS r. TOBACCOS rfnus, iii'i-.s JAMES C. EASLY, A T T t) R N E Y - A T - L A W , ,Toin.-.Tuvn, Cambria Cmmty, Perna. C ,!!?tio!i" firouiptly attetided to. Aug. IS.jij iy 13 l'.i. id- M.;vkt. Phd.vlel- I, lS'J'j.-ly. SI ATES UNION IIOFEL. PHILADELPHIA. n.'.l'l UC! EL i .b"iMri itiMfed on the j s .!" -f M-o sfre-t. a few !o ts 11 J. LLOYD, PUCCESSOR tn R. S. Rlkn. Dealer in 0 n!!U(.S. MEDICINES AND PAINTS. Sr. .re !!! M.iin t-tiet-t, ,j pofite thy "Moore House. Kbeiil;:ri;. T.i. Miy 17. 'GO.tf. brrijTxvrniivANs; IpENDI'.i'.S bin proie.-siotiul services to the 1 eili.etis of Ei ei sl.mi at'd vicifiity. . Odirc 01. c door e;it of R. Davis' store. N'lV'in eilhs made his residence three doors we.-t of R. Evans' cabinet ware room. -M;i v 3 1 . 18i:j tm V' Si. til strict, it p n!:e'..';oly -iv . 1 1, 1 . Jt n iiti il f calily irol.'ir? t 1 persons r,r.y. or X !:.l'!re. T. Tl. IV SANDERS, Proprietor. e 2!, I - -1 y. rar jtrt2L-.2 j-'T.nrr'J.c. J?h'isl?wn Business Cards. JOHN P. LINTON, "'!;::, -A' AT LAW, t,V..."trn. pa. ;'.'.( . in but! V.::-.: -orn-r of Main and id,!::. fit.. opoi site M noi-M. House, J. C. WILSOX, M. D., ' FFERS ii services as PHYSICIAN' and Sl'IKlEON, to the citizens of Kb-nslurg and sum uinlinT; country. Ofliee tliree doors E.i.;t of tlie I'rehyfrtan Church, ii the room fv:rn!erly occupied by Dr. Junes. EU-iir-buig, Apiil 12. lSot.3m.. l. ' r. I .ati.ire on I r oiiU.-n street. ht.ovv.i, N .v. 10. IS ;.-,.. I) M'LAI'GIILIN, TTOUNKY AT I . A W .-'ow-' ..-a. Pa ( ! ice in il - Ex !;. .'f btnl'Jing. 'n the . rt.t-rof t.'l i! . ; .-.',d I.o'-iir sfrirts tip : -s V.'.ii attend to all Liuiatso ccncect- : m :r!i his ).rrfe-si,,n. i'.-.i. 9, l03-tf. i'.W 1 1 AT AND CAP STORE. ; : 'i lteni r. .Uj:.i street nsioicn. . i.-:.Vr ia il.v'fs LAPS. ROOTS :i i! S. :,t; ! ".ENT!.EM!-'.W FCIiN ii G(;()i)S. sacli .is Drapers. Si. ins. Ts, Net kties. Stockings, ! ' 0 . I'nibrellas. 1:0 . keej s ccm-tautly on Teral assortment, and his prices 1 ''v as the lowest. -n, Jiii p 21, lfG6 -ly. SCOTT 1IOLSE, J.'i).?l"irn, Cai-ibria Co., Pa., A. I.OW & CO., Proprietors. i.ii'. having been rtutted and f lruishi'd, is n w op3n-for the '"' '1 o mid ei tertainmc tit of tmer-is. The l r !' by I. n Ttxp :rience in hotel kcep - ' ' confclvi.t they can satisfy a dis- :...: fr j-ublic. J r !' ir Minnlipil vti'ti ti .T.-.tof "' of i;,.M-irs and wiuts. Lime for Sale. j'-.l-: iir.''er;2ried is j rep;.rcd to fhip Lime 1 horn Lil y Smtion. or No 4, on tho Penn :"Vi,!,ia K-W.l to Ehenhburi. Johnstown, ; ) o;Ler p.jiut on the Pcuna. R. R., or - t-rnuches. , Address WM. TILEY. . ,-'.f Ilea! ck, Camh.-ii co., Pa. V. S. PARKER, EETAIL DKALI R. in Dry Goods, B.vts. Sh.ies. lliis. Caps, Grocerifs, ite ; keeps constantly n hand a ceneral assortment. Store on llih street, Eoensburg. Pa. Sept 2S. 1SC5. S. 33ELFORD, DENTIST, iONTINUES to visit Ebensburg petsonnlly I on tin 4th Monday of raeh nionth. During his absenee Lewis N. Snyder, who st tidied with tlie Doctor, will remain in the office and atteu-1 t ) all uasiaess entrusted to him. Inno 7. lPr,6. LLOYD & CO , " PANE Ens. Ebfiiiburg. Pa. did. Silver, j Govti'itroci.t P n la, aj.d ther securities, boitght and s M. luu-i ct a'lovwd on time depo.-its. Collections made on all accessible m lints in the United Stntes, and a General R.iiikiug bufine.-s transacted. .March 1, 18oti tf. UNION HOUSE, PB FINS BUR'";, Pa., JOHN A. BLAIR, j Propietor, spares no pains to render thisj hotel worthy of a continuation of the liberal patrnnnefc it hue heretofore received, llis t-b!e will always be furnished with the best the market affords; his b;r with the test c t liquors HLs etablc is large, and will be ' al tended by an atter.tive and obliging hostler. June 4. 1-SCG -tf. LOGAN IIOUSP?; PBENSRURG. Pa . ISAAC CRAWFORD. j Proprietor, solicits a continuation of the liberal patronage heretofore extended. IEr table and bar wiP always be supplied with the best. His house and stable being large and convenient, and having competent as sistants at ail times employed, ho feels con fident that he will be ablfe to render general satisfaction. June 4, 1865.-tf. SHIELDS HOUSE. LORETTO. CAMBRIA COUNTY, PA.. THOMAS CALL EN. Proprietor. . THIS house is now open for. th accommo dation of the public. Accommodations as good as the country will afford, aad charses moderate. May 31, 1856. -f. t'other night.) Never don't let us dispise a man because he wears a raggiJ coat ! I don't know as we do, by the way, tho we gen'raily get out of Ids way-pretty rapid : prob'ly on account of the pity which tears our bosoms for his unhappy condition. This last remark is a eirkastic and witherin thrust at them blotid peple who live in gilded saloons. I tho't I'd explain my meaning of my remarks. I know one man and he's a man of varid 'complish mcr.ts who often reads my article's over 20 times afore he can make anything of 'cm at ail. Our school masters to home sajs it is a pccoolerarity of geneyus. My wife says it is n pccoolerarity of infernal nonsense. She's a exceedin practical wo man. I love her muchly, however, and humor her little ways. It's a rccklis fals houd that she benpicks me, and the joung anan in our naborhood who said to me one evenin, as I was mistening my dinfiaru with a gentle cocktail at the village tavurn - who said to me ia these very Iangwid"e, " Go home, old man, unless 3 0U desires to have another tf npot throwd at 30U by Ii. J." probly regrets bavin said so, I said, 'Petsy Jane is my wife's front name, gentle yooth, and I permits no per son to aloud to her as 15. J. outside of the family circle, of which I am it principally myself. Your other ob.-rv atlons I scorn ami disgust, and I tnu't poIh you oil." lie was a able-bodied young man, and rcmoovin his coat, he inquired if I wanted to be ground to powder. I said, 44 Yes: If there was a powdergrindist handy, nothm would 'ford me greater pleasure," when he struck me a painful blow into my right eye, causin me lo make a rapid retreat into the fire place. I had'nt no idee that the enemy was so well organized. But I rallied and went for him in a ray- Jliej vigris sty L? for my time of life. His parunts lived near by, and I will simply state 13 inhilta had only c-lapst after the first act. when he was carried home on a shutter. His mama met the solium pro cession at (he door, and after keerfully lookin hrr orf-prin:3 o'er, sbe said. " My son, I see how it is distiuctuallv. You've been foolin round a Threshin" Mashecn. You went in at the place where they put the grain in, cum out with the straw, and you got up into the thingmajig, and let the horses tred on yon, did'nt you, my son I The pen of no livin Orthur could discrlbe that disfurtinit young man's sitty wation more clearer. Put I was sorry for him, and I went and missed him till he got well. His reg'lar original father being absent to the war, I told Iiira I'd be n father to him myself. He smilta sicklv smile, and said: I had already been wuss than two fathers to him. " I will here observe that fitin orter be alios avoided, except in extreme cases. My principle is, if a man smites me on the right cheek, I'll turn my left to him, prob'bly ; but if he insinootes that my grandmothej wasn't all right, I'll punch his head. Put fightin is mis'able bisness. gen'raily speakin, and when any enterpri sin countrymen of mine cums over here to ecoop up a Briton in the prize ring, I'm 3 " fc'r,' said a iieree lawver: It was of that unprincipled taler, and I i to be worth Ending to the hell he merit, i "" " .vou Gn your solemn oath. de- " Oh, for a candle-mould to squirt hot j 're that this is not your handwri- tallovv on him ! ; tlUu: '" ' said: " Has my clothin' a Welch v ar- peanrVice T" - 'IIut by no means," he answered, and then he sed: ' And what is your opinjin of the present crisis ?'' I sed, " I don't zactly know. Have you got it very bad !' He replied, "Sir, it is sweepin' over England like the Cymoon of the Desert I" " Wall," 1 said." let it sweep I" He ceased me by the arm and said : iei us ginnee at nis irv. It is now- some two thousand years " 'Is it indeed .' ' 1 '. plied. " Listen,"' he liercley cried ; " it is only a little over two thousand years t-ince" " Oil bother," I lernarkt, 4i let us go out and get son. 3 beer." "No sir: I want no groos and sensual beer. I'd not move from this spot till 1 can vote. Who are 3011 f" I handed him my card, which in addi tion to 1113' name, contains a clabrit des cription ef 1113" siiow. "Now, sir," I ! proud'3' said, "you know me ?' "1 solum '.3' swear,' he sternh- replied that 1 never heard ol'3'ou oryourehuw in mv life !" Oh, for a ihund.riioh, frc-.-h fo-grd '"I recoi: not," wrJs the cool by Jove himself, to hui! into Lis bread basket I . " Oh, for a pair of vipers to nuke into arrows, to shout puir.kin seed siiewi-e into the cus-'" re- fly. xyocs it resemble your h.and vcrit?::: 4 4 Yes, sir I think it don't." Do you 5 wear it don't rese-mblo your writing ' Well I do, old head." i ;u take vour sol? an catu CJ-. .4V western c.niiuJate t r rur.srcss l who had a large and we'd stocked farm, J was annuyed at the almost nightly ui.-r.p- j l- a..o.-u jH.m i,i prcm.sxs 01 a r.umorr , llKtl tins Tvl'ltHi"- doc- not ,zfiT,,.h ot hogs A vigilant watch t-naoioJ f'm ! v.;t:rs in m'h do letter9" to d.'tcct the thief, who proved to b a ; ' a Y-e-;-- i " i.i'orano.a warm political lriend ct 1 a : cm ,!T,I. i:e oi:i !ii l.icr, it. 0:1 v. ii ,'SO , lied io t he coming" i assistance h greatlv relied in the co canvass. He disliked to lose hi support, ' and he di!iked more the idea of losing his I hogs ; so he niudj up his in'uul to bj irai:ki with the thief, and try to save, i.i m.-re 1 senses than ofn his bacon. lie wci.t :-t ' tmce to his neighbor, told him what he ; ascertained, expressed his desire not to : make p. iblie exposure and said : "N w, vou v.:.i 1. JSom, Iiuw do you I;now C.iise r can't write-!"' C2 ''"What makes -rum, iumV "Oh, I dm-e a sad trial to mv f0. Yiat -on cai-;h it;'" I Iiud lo tie on v v.rett.v oj;- iict Avi;ue nci ma was lookin" on look so d to en- " Vhv I'OT!- i n:::!;e this proiusit..n u i mv li'i-s tilo'ie ni tliC 1 o'lure, C5- The l ' will r.nf i HieJiea; p lO'.Ving "ports tj Is a 4oe:or 1 f;,; ""And this man,". I cried bitterly, I only say not!, ing-of the past, bat when I . he or! hundred fcnd fcvc-nty-iivj j cur? o!-J calls hk-self a intelligent man, and thinks f kid in the fall, I'll put into your cellar ; l c'ixt U Por over eighty-K.-ur rcar3 to ote! What a five barrels of as goo 1 p. rk as I r.ake Toe il i'ow t vlketrd a moment and replied: that's a f-.ir pr, c:r The editor of tho Whet 'Inteli-cncer' was tuld the i ins; c torv a jew (! he orter be allowed hoilc-r mockery !' 1'v.e no objection to ev'ry intelligent ! "Will, so'ti1 man votin, if ho wants to. It's a picas- j ary how, tin 1 seeing af it's J'oo, I ant am'jfsment, no doubt; but there is! itrbnf I vow 1 believe I sin!! Lse p-. those wdiose ignorance is so de;e and I the operation." loathum that they shouhl't bj trusti 1 with a bailit any more'iu;it' ofpiy trained serpui.ts should be trustid with a child to play with. I went to the station with a, view of returnin to town on the cars. " This way, sir," said the guard ; " here you ar," and he pinted to a lirtt-class carri age, sole ockepnot of which was ray 1 her prepussess'iri'. lemale of aloat 3J sum mei s. "No, I thank you," I earnestly re plied, "I prefer to walk." 1 am, dear sir, very respectfully yours, Aini.MLS Walk. c.ed bv a lever, ii i'.J I :ave i,-ctt. an tiii-;.ii.' e.;t v.!.c:: ',.-.. f . 1 f V"-. . on '-' 11:3 vj.amc 1 . i . ; L-cHigi.: a 1. mvse.i a :oEes ar.d a L.df an lu-ur. Uj to step, ex- t a 3 c'.r irS-t.;-. I 1:1 smelt the cork, alid found mar. I can now run tA-o!r I A h' ;l tr-:-:i- tlcuian viio iia-u just rctarneu ironi rarkcrS,u.Tg : lie had liardiy got to sleep v. hen he va awakened ky a bite. " Light!:;;; a lie s..w a bedbug al.ont half an inch in di ameter, lie thro v. the hug; ,vith the match., in a bru in "i w.it. r which stood at tlie h- adoi'the bed. This )roess v.-:ii rejier.ted several time-s.. At last he wad iuvtdconed- Ironi a sound clc-cp ov wltat iie thought vci.j some person Lin-ing. He Luvvv his v.inuow hut could hut 1 mc:;!. gent i.-rncn correSioudl;t. ir. o.nrr.. I fvon the short racks worn b-.- t ayp, " V.'lo:-, ver I see th em 1 iy ey:r-.t ct "ombativonc-ss is immediate ly an-u?ed. t'-urely tiltinc? hoops have' lou: d a kindred i'ashivn amot.g the' nobler f,,:x'" f;s ;i"-".ce to our corrttponucnt wo ;.i.;; nknow!vc-e il..,: gentlemen' sack3 are rather s'.er; - :r, J.-'v. 1 4 'Where is your House"'" tick ed a traveler in the depths ot the 4 old solemn wilderness"f the great T T - , 1 IT. T i A. . West. - iiOUSe: l am 1 got none.- x . , , ,. v. T., . , 1... t. ' "Well, where cio you live. "I , . . , , 1 . , t, . . i: cor.rs.j ot" the sv. ct CllMtNT which is a "nnrl rvrrv. ;i i:'a:::;-t we-tner, writer, f:ref CLrta:.i c2tc:t. is Titadrf bv rtiirtonr ?. c . J b gao. n o. wau-r witti two gallons of brine ; and ti.-.-i stir in t vo t.:.d a half pounds cf brown -.;gr:r s.nd three pounds of com-' men s:Ut; put it on with a Ir. h liko pair.!. tCi t nve in tno oous, m. hvi,s Lad c0pstrncted raft out of the ernment purchase eat raw .ear an. in:;t(.ht,s he ,Rd thrmvn , , ' wild tnrkev, and drink out ot the . . , . . . ' . - . i i,, tu oTf- towmrr it tiroundthehasm, sing-mg-: jlississippi. And ho addeiJ:-4 vita - on i::e ocfiiii n ar?, getting too thick with persons out here. You're the &econd man I've seen within the last month, and I hear there's a whole family come in, about lifty miles down the river. I'm going to put out into the wood again. 10- 44 Sir," said a little blustering man to a religious opponent, 44 to what sect do 3'ou suppose I belong" 44 Well I don't know," drawled Ids opponent, 44 but to judge from your size, appearance, and constant buzzing, I bhould think you be long to tbe class generally called in-scct." Lie cure m cattle. of the A Lome on the rniiiog deep.' A i::::iixy i...r 11! iio.iu-.v j.orn, or Lei a m cattle, :s to liiss.ilve a tabic spoonful cf copercs in warm water. ar.d mi: it with the crea ture's mess, if it is liCt past cali.-g ; if it is, it should be poured dwwn. T'his tic so W:!! scldoin tieed to be given more than i,p.'-e. It bag been our remeJ3' for raanv 3'ears, in a l.-trge dairy. igr An impatient YV'elehman called tf hi 5 AVTt'o 44 Pr.mn (Amu .-i.if breakfast readv ? I've had nothin-r I .'"f"7-3 iq-'C'd why the whistle feince Tcsterda V and tu-ntorrow will ! f il ,V30io,'w w, a wofk " Af t . t i i m, . , lapse of soma frccoudi, which passed be the third day i J hts is cM,ial ;n ,,,,n ll0 tlld it u u m to tlie call ot the stirring housewiie car-tune." who aroused her maid at four o'clock with, 44 Come Bridget, get up I Here 'tis Monday morning:, to. mor row is Tuesday, the next day's Wed nesday half the week gone and nothing done vet ! "' A m:ALTif el young lady just en tering society asked her mother fur a watch. Hear mother repllde. "I think you i.eod a watcher more." r;r The rurn s( l.jurv is porfr i