Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, October 11, 1866, Image 2

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Hcmotrat nub Snitiiul.
VV. H. M'ENRUE. Editor & Publisher.
j:iii:SIiinu;, OCT. 11, :::::::::1SGG.
A Good Time for Bondholders.
The Radicals now openly declare that
tVv intend to imieach the President.
Stevci.s ha said so Mr. Forney
. li the cry and Mr. Wendell Phil
lips tuntishes the revolutionary programme.
All!) -tvili .Mr. Forney -ttt one time de
r. ,)!.(' ! Stewns as " a villain." and
l'l;il!os as " a traitol-" he is to-day cn
'M.ed with these precious patriots in
j, . !" overturn the go and
re vol ittor.ize oar republican system. The
:i' ;t ne nt is plainly this : The Kadieal
Hi), i- t send" its articles of iuipeach
, . i: l the I'adieal Senate, and as soon
,!-. is .Mr. .Johnson is to be do
i. and s-t aside bYere his trial, and
: V - ! -nt'ial office i- to given toon-'
..; ; .-..lures of tlu Kalical faction
'.i e willing to carry out to the
!. i ihe treaoiial)'.e de? of-his
s t' 1. ; . ' masters. Of course this is il
i ' :i onabl-1 an 1 revolutionary. They
; ::: 1 e . OSO plo ll this purpose with ail'
: - !: : . t i'law and the Constitution on
! -Li.- tli : it l'iey were to undertake
i . i , ,-i i .'.!. J,.lin-!i out of the White
il l .- - '-.v ioiv- vwihoat ev ii the farm of
,.. Ir mock tiials. Tli.; plot is
by Mr. V'eu-.K.!l Phillips
. . r '., own i.ji ia l.j re :
i I .,- of kVptesontatives is urged
i., i- , . ; '-. IV n' Jo!mion. We ad.l
, ! i.i ii; d iti in. 1. There are
n' ' -a-'M-.s fur the measure, and
ill ! '.ril is s -'f-e id.-nt. If ihepres
, . ,. ,.v not demand a reeur
... . ... c intittrioiia! method of pro-
v n. i
" ! .1.
to conceive one
'' : h.-'.d i;,:r! ut oHiitle or j
. o-'.'ii', iM'lc 1 us "le-;-!, nnh-ss Hons'
ii n ii !-'V its aiti-h'S of im-o-ai-litnent
:'. -It- S :rii.-, lein md-i that .Mr. Jolm
. ;. . , );oiu the exercise of hi
p -. :! ' that act as l'resi-
.Mr. .i.hns;;ii is ac'iitted, or, !
r-iU ofiiic trial, until the j
exi i r-, '1 ;,,:a! tenn conimencs.
'i . ':..! t'-i the constitutional provi- I
i ;' r :-f';':n:l1n.C:.t ' f the executive is ti j
' - i. As ii . the remedy is wholly :
: -im:-i . tn oio.u.ary ciatmsiatict s.
..' e.ulul I'.esident, unlike
imp .'ached oilieei s, is lo
! t cavry ci i. legal scac:ne.
;:i;t a:;-' nn'il the Senate pv-
. .
1.. '
,1 ...
i .
i '.
mm u'u'.iy, to- whole provision
t'.an a. ; 1 ii.; tru : rule un
, 1
it - i-. t T t w'nen -
,v 1-, !i! T woen , oi me i
4 .,.!,!
: ' ot . ii ( sci:tati es, tironounces the
" t ,.r r-v. m-j!,.,-, ml 1
i . c ,r-.' '
t" : t..or.lil ll-s nf'i'tl- !
W ' - j
i!.o ii:enmb' nt cetises to have a '
it. i ! to eynvise his office until acquitted.
'. -.'he only costs. ruction that leaves
in the constitutional clause;
1 I;. i; remmher how powerful
. . i : rotiv e must al A ays be to prevent
;eo avaiiist himself by the House,
o - th. re c.;n be no dtmger in recog
y ' .t ns the constitufional rule, al
t! .u. h no express jirovision for it is made
. ;i '. ' ; i'.-!rrni nt.
i" 'vv still, we urrje on the thirty
t.i :h t'. r, :re?s that before it adjourns, it
i '!! ; law for the assembling of tliC
I ' . : tli Co: rrss on ihe filth day of
-,'.r.h 1 -' i T . As tin. Constitution now
.-.: ! ih" Fortiith Congress will not as-.-:i
1 '- till D 'ci tiiher, 1SU7, thus leaving
ti !'ole" let m from March 4 to Dec. 4
o "-': t year f. r ti e President to plot
o unci i.iroiio.i l.v uoiiirress. l ins
s! o Id. : over 1 e allowed. The Constitu- j
iiop .( Ci'pgrc.-s the power to remedy j
it. 1. t then he no neglect to exercise j
thi, p,v., rand save the nation from thisi
; e-.i - r;i.(u, I
That this is rank treason no man can
d. r.v. That it would create anarchy is
t-q Tilly certain. No President who Ivs
sworn to support the Constitution could
suhinit to such an illegal procedure, and
no p-ople with a spark of manliness left
in their !osoms would fail to respond to a
call from the Executive to stand by him
in such an hour of peril and revolution.
CirThe President", it is understood, is
devoting every moment he can spare to
the preparation of his annual message.
It is believed that he will adhere rigidly
to his present line of policy, and will take
the ground that in the preparation of new
amendments to. the Constitution all the
States that claim, and are willing to ex
ercise the right, shall be represented.
Ha will also suggest to Congress a propo
sition for an amendment to proportion the
representation among the States according
to the number of qualified male voters, as
prescribed by each State, the amendment
to take effect when the census of 1870
has been taken.
tTJ- The Radicals at the late election
carried' Indianna, Ohio, Iowa and Pennsylvania.
The Barkey and the
Devil Must Rule Ameri
ca! ' Sambo's Ticket Successful ! !
i:i;i-KTKI liY SAM IIIM.S1.I.F.
1. " IM.JW .1
Fri.i.F.u Citizi:ns nnd ' white trash "
! do Dmcrciutic party, I'sj jr'wing to
j iufurm -ou r.s reads Deraercratic doccr-
I m.i-.ts, as li-r.v our ticket pot to be a suc-
' cess. It wor all premeditated in de
' ical rank? for some tnot.ths 'hind-hand or
f,,rediaud, Tse don't know wliich
hi dat as 'urn :nav, mv Uncle D
an wor
laecieu 10 onre.-s. i e now
" wins to
inform ve of a nice doree oracticed hv
i' i t .i . r ii.-"
I iiO I l.-oi Li.irtiA'l Mfikr An r.l.v.(i..n
".".L. V.L,
; ,,,,!,.,. ,1... i, ,; 1, TTn
got de majority ob d poor " white trah '
to got up A strike for higher wages in de
honor ob .Johnstown, an den he ended de
chapter by dischargin a lot ob de " dirty
duch '' an "ignorant" from de em
ploy oh said company. Uncle Dan den
went to Pittsburg an got some ob de loyal
f ilers d, re to send him some men w ho
would be will'in to vote for um at de
forthcoming 'lection, an thank de good
St. Mu.-s h.; wor successful. He also
had runners in ebry part ob de county
who made de people do just as he said.
Many ob dese runners iclated de many
Il.tre-breath escapes of Uncle Dan nut in
do lions den, but in de army ob do Union;
h'ghfing against Andy Johnson and Ed.
Cowan. IV sides all dese harbingers ob
success, tfnde Dan were bclub'd bv de
poo,(le ol, Cambilu lie-rough ; dey voted
! , ,
lor mm specially witn ue greatest tervor
imaginable ; bully for de "dirty dutch',
tind "ignorant Irish"' how Uncle Dan wilj
'member dem in Congress as well as
odder folks ; but he's 'gwing to 'member
us also at de jury-box de ballot-box (not
forgetting de blacking-box and lather-box)
am to be ceded to us. Tank de great St.
Moses fo' so much and whar am de man,
woman or chilli dat will dispute our right;
has not Geary our reported Gubernatorial
Gubnor told us dat he was in foh nigger
suffrage ? Git out you white trash, whar'
am you drifted to, no; whar's yor boasted
liberties? whar's yer Constitution now J
Kcho answers :
Uwine to de debi! ; clear de track
De ticket son will be bery black
Oh won't us darkeys cut a swell,
De white tranh ne'er can stand de smell
obus darkies. Hurrah foh de Freed
nians Bureau hurrah fob' hell whar'
we'll all meet one ob dese days in happy
contiguity an' congraterlate one an odder
on how we ruined de best gobernmcht on
de face ob de Almighty's earth.
Yours, wid de greatest ob pleasure,
Sami:i. Pompev Geary Br.cK.
I. S. You p-rceibe Mr. Editor dat I
mm jf
1 5T- if
! VA .o
lost one ob in' hands; I almost forgot to
relate de circumstantials ob de case.
Vv'hcn I wor in a town in do souf ob dis
county 'Ise met wid a adventure wot
required it to be armputated ycrsee Mr.
Editor dar wor' so nitmy frends ob my
platform up dar' and when ley heard I
wor in fabor ob Uncle .Dan dey rushed to
me and shuck me by de hand so, dat I
wor' compelled to have it armputated in
order dat de " cussed while trash" would
not be compcllinf me to warsh my hands
so often dis am de main issues ob de
case, yah! yah ! yah! ain't X lad dat
our claim? ar atdas' distabli.-hcd chick
en, beef-steak, loaf snjrar and mince lie
will be de fust bill presented to de next
Congress in fabor ob us darkeys, and ain't
we deserbinpr oh it? Didn't we fiht vieto
tioosly and holler for de I'nion when"
Uncle Dan ami de rest ob our party ac
quired us to do it ? 1 guess we did Mr.
Editor. yours arain.
CJT Consiilerable excitement occtirnvl
at Baltimore on the morning of the Oth
inst., at the corner of Baltimore and
North streets, occasioned by an attack
made by a number of Republicans on the
Democratic and Conservative Headquar
ters. A national flar which hunr sus
pended in front of the building was cut
down, and for a time there were preat
apprehensions of a most serious difficulty.
The police came to the rescue and com
pelled the i inters to return the fhi,
which was forthwith restored to its for
mer position.
Pennsylvania Election.
Tbe following returns are as near re
liable as can be procured r.t present. The
majorities in the various counties are
nearly as follows :
Adams C'lymer, 12.
Allegheny Geary, 7,500.
Arnir-tror.g Geary, oOO.
Beaver--Geary, 'JUO.
Bed ford-C'lymer, GOO
Biair Geary, 8W.
Bra d lb rd - G. e ary , o , 000.
Bucks-Clytni r, 700.
Chester Geary, 2,o'i0.
ClarionClymer, 1,200.
Cleurlield Clymer, 1 ,Ui!0.
Clinton-Clymer, 0 :').
Columbia Clymer, 1,2J0.
Crawl'oC'l-Geary, 1 ,000.
Cum be; land Clymer, GOO.
Dauphin--Gi'ary, 1 ,-MK).
Delaware Geary, 1 ,.500.
E:k--C'ymer, 000.
ErieGeary, t'.,000
IVyctte-CIyrLer, 1 ,000.
Franklin Geary, 5".
Fulton -Clymer, 200.
( irec n C'lymer, 1 .!!( 0
J 7
I Iuntingdon ( ieary, Sdi).
lii'li;iua-- Ieary, 2,2.0.
.kt.erson--CU mer, 10.
Juniata Clymer, 4UO.
U;incaster--( ieary, (,0t)i).
Lawrence Geary, 2.:30U.
Bcbanon--Geary, 1,:0().
I. ehigh Clymer, 1 ,(10.
Luzerne Clymer, 2,t0.
Lycoming Clymer, 340.
McICean Gia-y, 100.
Mercer- Ge.rv. oOth
Miflloi Clymer, 100.
Monroe- Clymer, 2,000.
Montgomery Clymer, 1 , 1 00.
Montour Clymer, 400.
Ntnthamptcn Clymer, .'3,000.
North um.berland Clj mer, 800.
Perrry Clymer, 100.
Potter (ieary, 700.
Schu) '.kill Clymer, 1 ,:joo.
Somerset Geary, 1 ,oOO.
Snyder (ieary ,"000. .
Sullivan Clymer, 300.
Susquehanna Geary, 1,500.
Tioga Geary, 2,7 00.
Union Geary, CoO.
Venango Gearv, GOO.
Warren Geary", 1,000.
Washington Geary, GOO.
Wayne Geary, 3,000.
Westmoreland Clymer, 1 ,000.
Wyoming Clymer, 100.
York CI) mer, 2,800.
Connecticut Election.
IIauitoku, Conn., Oct. 2. We have
returns from one- third of the town elec-
tion of yesterday. The Democrats and
Conservatives have made, decided gains
over the llepublicans in G'asteubury,
Suiisbury, Somers, Middletown, Canton,
Granby, etc. When strict political tests
wen-made, the Keitublieans were defeated.
, , -
stilution and the Union to day ?is
was yesterday. lis has two years yet t
serve. We have no fears of him getting
weak in the knees.
The Democratic paper in Maine
charge the Mayor of Portland with using
the funds sent from all parts of the coun
try to relieve the sufferers by the fire, for
j Kadical electioneering purpose'.
arm every one of their towns were gained a"' s" ,
to the Democrats. . ! .on enabled to dispose of my u
; viry roas- liable prices, am! I would li.c-r. .
' fore solicit a ciil from my friends of Can,-
Andrew Johnson is 1 'rsident of the i hv coiintvand vieinity. -,
- ii . i i IieuH'Uiber the Name, Number and
I lilted States- lie is as true to the Con- Street !
The Latest Fashions.
Since the invention and successf id
troduction i.f the CVh-bratcd Duplex El!;p-
tie (or douh e) hpi in liiu-p .Sunl by .Mr.
J. W. IiraAley of New York, the ladies
throughout the counlry hae fivcn up the
idea of discarding the fahion cf wearini:
hocp skirts on account of the pec uliar nnd
praceful matiieT in whi'h the Duj h'x
Skirts adapt -them-e'vt to every exigency
and emergi ni v . ,S -eueraltv ; -v. t.'nh'
hae these Skirt. ! frrv- ) t :t .
regard tliet i .-.s. a .-p i ; ;! favon:.. .: .i-.v
of the sup' i i' r ih xil i;ty, liuhln.s ;.n j
durability combined ir. lu.-ir nrinufaetioe.
They abo consider them a far more eco
nomical and comfortable I loop Skirt that
ever has or can he m:de for ;ill crowd ;d
assemblages, for tic? promenade or ho us
dress. Anv ladv after v.'ea-ii:jf en-' of
these Skirts'wiil i.ever afterwards wi-l'.itg-ly
dispense with their u-. Long expi re
nee iu the manufacture of I loop Skirt
has proven to the proprietors of this inven
tion, that single springs will always retain
that still', unyielding and bungling style
which has ever charactrtiz -d them.
where;is the douh'- spring hoop orI)nnlex
Elliptic, will be found fcee from this
objections. Notwithstanding the abiht
of the manufacturers, M.-.-sr-. We-!-'.
Bradlcv & Carv, to turn out oir .-ix
thousanl Skirts pi-r day from their large
trannfactM"ics in New York, they (.. '
oiuL'i' 1 to ; qui st nil nierchaiits oiuciiu
the Dsphvx Elliptic Skirts, to send their
orders a few das before thy are want"-.',
ii .ossillo, as they are always mo-; cn--tatitly
oversold some days ahead. Seo
a lvei liseuHiit in another column.
tM-i 'I'ln extent to which Uio-vidou
i a represmtative of ihe '"loyal" Voter.-c-f
Tennessee, was i'lustrted at the r-C'-u;
eorpo:a!! n election in Na-hii!e. .Mr
Brown, (ih'e conservative cr.udidr'.te.) wa
re-i-1. ctd Mayor bv sixteen l.nnd.vd vou.-
I aalns: Scoi'.h "s four huti lied ar d lifty s-ix
1 The Cousorvatic? cr.rn.d the Coun
! tilri.. n nn l Alderman in -vtry ward by a
j uioj' ii'ity of from o or 1 to 1. tl i- wa
j in a c:!v wh.'-re Bi'owiilow has b- :i re-i-
i-i lor the na-t two vears. an t whv r -
th- I
val pei:l-'; haw
ha ! a full oppor-
tuiiltv o! obei lii
hir. eou;.-e and wi.-ho.-.
it Wi.l nt ilo to sty
!i.-ii ihe c I. ,' !;. v:i w
voles oi re'"i
I lilt
he new Conlif
o:i no neui yi- took
! part in the rcl 'lion i-
C-j" T'ie hou ho! ! l !k e'.s 1. !' r.t tie- Ar-
1 r-ir'ton Mansion hv G. i,. ral L- e. or i ;ither
' the iV-igi u n's r maiiiiag
i veterdav dr!iered to 'lo'
UiLia w- r
a. .;!....
I W. d by Crn.-.ud !v
! This was -1 oe, t :..
uiiiier tin oid.-r oi i!."
; i.oi; ti.r.t n.-ari y e et
! )
:vc, ic th -ui D a
i: i i siny ;::o-
alieil.i'- !i. u -
liad been .-toleii.
nis, mciu-iing suue o
the family por
traits, were tahea from tue irames a;i'l
. t
j packed in boxes and stored in the upper
j loft of the mansion sdnce lKt'.l. th. se
I boxes had been broken p: u and -v'-ry-l
thin of real vuhie taken awny, and !.'
J U tters and private papers of Genet al
! scattered over tlu loti
I'he nejiroi
of Illinois have called
iate I i ncf to il, to m. et :
at ( oi !..-! no "
; tl)
ihe ' i
'her, to take tn.-tisuri s
t- " an 1 negr.i
v 1 h-i Chic.i.-.) !:
the ruoe. ap.l
! cq :a:it' in . i
I .,,. .,,1
. e.7;i tn i i ca . i
j i5. U .'- v,e:ii : ls
wi'i he to set ore cqaak lig
i lo! box. in courts oi' j ur-li
?S at th- 1-al-',
nr.d iti !
- these rig l-.t. -i
session 01
V' i'i eo-.f i Ted ;
our LcLi.-la!u e.'''
1 ,
i Su.?of n-grj ( pi isity, social : n 1 p .11 tied
1 squarely before the voleisof Illinois.
Ladies Fancy
13 I
A i
A9 a
'o!in l''anlra'M
O..Ust-ll,:i,lie-.; For
Mannf.iet. .iv No.
7is .i:i.;:f street.
above Till.. I'll I .
,M)F.h!'IIIA. Have now i:;
stop? of my i i1, u
lti.t ortati...!
f -j --t--; at io ..l i.i'.i.i
h l'io. ioe
Vzncy Furs
' f r Ladle' and Ciuhlrens' W i n h il ,
! Abe. a fine assortment
if (b
he j .IOIIX FA1IKI15A,
.NO 718 AKUI St., ah. 7th south
CO- IllATE NO Pa .-SEIt. SOP. COSSKCTJOS foU a 1 Ve - .
wrru any o rut-a :.. .'oie in-' -lcui a. j I'OKSAl
AT Till: S1I0UTF.ST NO'l 1CK
O.llill) " J
T!... WllF in.-, of K: en-!. ;. ir
,, , r ... , ...
j Kliz-iLeih. ;r.?ern. u'ted with Tuoru.-is
U -r-i. of i. 'i-'-er;; l a., Str ili .i-.!:es Pit- v
:n irrl1'-! wih W itkin .!.!.: M irv Wtl'iani-:.
Car. rhte'-m trrie 1 ,v i : i -';-, .i -r-!; (J :
of ( )il City. !'.! , M.irt'i i,
ii'ii'i Wa'K er T!t
;ii!T!i:,. j ;(! wo!
- f ot t-.Wi'.s'.i'i.
;.--r-.-t "o.
X of .1 'St '
id ! o-v Ami Vda.m.'-.
' ' l j --. ;)!
l'M-rf n-u M u v Wi! i
I h Williap. s -.'e d.'
hi! !:-n.-.f -- l
h Willian.s -.'e d. f Ii! Ut;, k t .v e-
-hip. 0 itrthria t (,. r,i , I-".-t Ii
i ' . i . (ieorue Davis. M u v
'. ...l D:vis. ch Mr. n ..f A r
;''!., wh i w:'.s itif-rf : ii i ie ! w
Davis. Yon and pyery off nr ,
l;v cite.l o he in I a.e ' .r !n !
. f ..iir Orphan-:' ( :.t
C r t.. ,v !;!.! at !;: -,.!or,
-ild cuintv. or, tir- -f ". .tj.J ,v
her n.-xt. ( l'ein' th- thirl d.iv !-ih-'-n
i: 1 ih.-re to o i i t or
i i -
r1, - I'M! "'.lt" of .-:
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