Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, October 11, 1866, Image 1

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    i I
9 ijsasKSfflj tci:
Etc gnnocrat anb ndnd,
. 1 in 1
S published in toe borougn 01 ioensuurg,
Cumbria county, Pa., every Thursday
morning, by W. II. M'Kni:ce, at tne fullow-ii!-'
rates, invariably iu advance:
ne copy, three months, 50
iae coiy, six months, $1 00
Cue copy, one year, 2 00
Those who fail to pay their subscriptions
until after the expiration of six mouths will
he "charged at the rate of $'J.o0 per year,
ami those who fail to pay until after the ex
piration of twelve months will be charged at
the rate of $3.00 per vear.
The Democrat ami Sentinel when pai.l for
in advance costs Jour cents per number ;
when not paid in advance nix cents per
Mimber will be charged.
Twelvo numbers constitute a quarter;
twenty five, six months; and fifty numbers,
one 3'car.
fifteen lines of Burgoise type constitute
One square, one insertion,
Each subsequent insertion,
Ciie square, cue year,
Two squares, one insertion,
Each subsequent insertion.
One-fourth column, three months.
One fourth column, six months.
One fourth column,. one year,
Half column, three months,
Half column, six months,
Half column, one ear.
One column, three months, column, six months,
One column, one year.
Auditor's Nonce,
Executor's Notice.
Administrator'' Notice.
Marriage and Loath Notices,
$1 00
C 00
1 50
8 00
12 00
20 00
12 00
20 00
C5 00
20 00
33 00
70 00
2 00 j
2 50 !
2 50 j
t an- ;
$; oo ;
..ual cards with paper.
Obituary Notice
s, over six lines, ten cents
per line.
Kneeial and bu.-iness
Ntiors eight cents
per line for first insertion
, and four cents for
eich subsequent insert i
It-isi lut lolls
1 1. I 'S of a 1KT.-
f S cieties. or commmnca
mil iaturc n.utt be paid for
as ad vei tisements.
No cuts inserted in advertisements.
" CAKl'S.
r,0 for i" - I 2"0 f-r $3
00 (
li.O f, r 2 00 oOO fcr 5 00
Kach ad litional hundjl. 0
C:io,iriro. $2 50 Each ad. q' 50
All transient work mut be raid for on
,lt.ivery. W. II M'ENHUE.
Ehcnsbiirg, June 14. ISO'S.
Phi lade! ph ia Bust ne ssCar d s .
H CKiARS. VIl'ES. Arc. No. 13
i I sired, above Market, Rhiladfl
Jti::e 21, ISCC.-ly.
THIS HOTEL is pleasantly situated on the
Soutli side of Market street, a few doors
above Sixtli street. Its central locality I
in-'ikps it narticu;ariv cesirauie to i-ersoiis
viettiii the citv on business or pleasure.
T. IL li. SANDERS, rroprn.-t-..r
June 21, ISOo.-ly.
Johnstown Business Cards.
I TTOR N EY AT LAW, Julinsloirn, Pa. i
1 Oihce .a Zilain street, second nor over
the Rank. . May 4, lSCo.-tf.
H Oili.'O
TORNEY AT LAV;, Johnstown. Pa.
in building on corner of Main and
Franklin t-treet. opposite Mansion House.
second floor. Entrance on Franklin street.
Johnstown, Nov. It5, 18G5.6.
ITTORNEY AT LAW, Johnsivtcn, J'a.
ft Oilier in the Exchange building, on the
Corner of-Clinton and Locust streets up
stairs. Will attend to all business connect
ed with Ins profession.
Dec. 9, 1803. tf.
EE iR'i E TL'KNF R'. .Vain strtet J.Juisoirn.
I'.i . D.a!er in HATS and CAES. ROOTS
..t.d Slld-.S. and (5ENTLEMENS' FUEN
ISH1NU OCODS. such as Drawers. Shirts,
CoiUrs, H-tudkerchiefs, Neckties, Stockings,
i'.ov. s. Uuiblellat;. &c., keeps Constantly' on
ii.ind a n ral ass i tu.etit , and Lis prices
.r- a love u the hiwe.t.
hihnstown, June 21, ISGG.-ly.
oi S.'iivl. J ;'iil"-n., (iuilii i. '"., Pa ,
A. LOW CO , I ioj.rielors.
IS. HOUSE bavii: been rcfiMed and
i'-iutly t ttiiishe l. is iviw open for U.e
j.tii hi and lotcitainuiei.t of ue.-ls. 1 he
l n. is bv I.-U4 e.) -rienr-e in hotel kei p-
fed . i-.n b ut tii y caa ii.fy a dis-
'. u.ll O j'l. I c.
!"; r r.o-N .-iipnlii-l with the choicst
ol ot l.'i'i'xs aini wines.
.! i. ne 21. lM'U. (ly.)
I' i.l SALE -nd K Y. I Ail. M.uiur.i.turer.
i UN'. ( Mppi;u a-id SHEET Il:ON
! . ' i.' rtir1. 1 ehov (Ii,it..o. Johns
r. '. A ! st'.k oii.- t.ii.t I y mi
I 11 tv 1. U-GG.
16. -
EbensBurg Business Cards.
ITT011NKY AT LAW, Ebensbury, Cam
H bria county, I'a. ' May 5,
SURVEYOR. Ebensbury, Pa., office in
the Commissioners office. Dec. 7, 18n5.-tf.
Odiee in Colonade Row, Centre street.
Dec. 4, 18G l.-tf.
i TTOliNEY AT LAW, Ebensbury, Pa.
j Office ;u Colonade Row. 5, 18G5-tf
TTORNEY AT LAW. Ebensbura. Pa.
Oi'lice on Centre street, opposite Moore's
Hotel. Apr. 20, lSGC-tf
AT LAW, Ebeiuburq. Pa.
j Ofiice in the South end of his residence,
immediately opposite the Court House.
November 23, 1805-tf. fL37)
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ebcnsbnry Pa.
Office on Hiuh street, adjoining Ids resi
dence. May 4, 18C5. (1.42.)
geokge m. heed,
ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ebcnsbury, ra.
Ofiice on Main street,' three doors East
ol Julian. M.iv J, 1SC5.
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ebmsbary, Pa.
Ofiice in Colonade Row, Centre street.
November 23, 18o5.-tf. (1.C7.)
Office en High street, one, door E. st of the
Banking IE-use of Llovd & Co.
Diccn.Ler 7, 1SC5. " (tf.)
11. J. LLOYD,
fjUCCEFSGR to R. S. Blxx. Dealer in
Store on Main street, oi poifo this "Moore
llotiM-. tA.cnsbur, Pa. M .y 17. '
1)11 D. Y. EVANS
"TLNDEHS his i.rofessional services to the
j, citizetis cf ELtT.sburg ard vicinity.
Office one door east of R. Davis' store.
NihL calls made at his residence three doors
west of R. Evans' cabinet ware room.
May 31, 18 o.j Gin
J. C. AYIL.SOX, M. I).,
. FEMES Ins services as l'HYSTCIAN and
U SURGEON, to the citizms of Ebcnsburg
and. suiroutidin country, (office three doors
l,ast i,i tne I reny f er-an Uhureh, li
room formerly occupied by Dr. Ji.nes.
Ebensburg, April 12. lSoi.3rn..
MIAIL., in Dry Good;
A Shoes, IJ;.ts, Caps. Orocenes, 'c
constantly on I;
- - .wv,0,
Sent 28, 18G5.
i s. i5i:li)Ud, dentist,
I nnvri x- r f t . , t-i i m
ityj. ii.m i.o io vi.-u ioerisuur yiersonaiiT
j u 0,1 the -1th Mondxy of each rncnth.
During his absence Lewis N . Snyder, who
studied'with the Doctor, will remain in the
..ft: ... ...i .. i... t .
"." uuu ail iui.usicu
June 7, 1SGC.
BANKERS. Ebensbury, Pa. Gold, Silver.
Government Ronds, and other securities,
bought and sold. Intere.-t allowed on time
deposits. Collections made ou all accessible
points in the United States, and a General
Ranking business transacted.
March 1, IS GG tf.
Jl Propietor, spares no pains to render this
hotel worthy of a continuation of the liberal
patronage it has heretofore received. His
ttblc will always he furnished with the
best the market affords : his bar with the
best ol liquors His stable is larjre, and will
le attended
Iv an attentive and obliirmsr
June 4, 18GG.-tf.
li 1'roj rietor, solicits a continuation of the
liberal patro nise heretofore extended. His
table and bar will always be fcuppHtd with
the' best. Ilis house and stable beins large
and convenient, and having competent as
sistants at ail times employed, he feels con
h dimt that he will be itble to render general
satisUc! ion.
June 4, ISGo.-tf.
THOMAS CALLEN. Proprietor.
THIS house is now opuu fr th accimini
dation of the public. Accoinmoilations
s .1 i : i .. ir l i
l .is "nut! as iiie uuuiiv v. i,i auoiu, aim
chart-ts moderate. May 31, 1866. -tf.
Lime for Sale.
THE undersigned is j repnreil to ship Lime
from Lil'y Station, oi No. 4, on tim lVnn
sylvania Railroad to Ebensbury, Johnstown,
or any poiut tn the I' R. R., or
its biauch'i;.
Address. WM. TILEY.
Jua'-llS-tf Ilcmiock, Cauibria co., I'a.
A Leaf from Life.
I lent my love c book one day ;
She brought it back ; I laid it by;
'Twas little either had to say
She was so strange, and I so shy.
But 3-et we loved indifferent things
The sprouting buds, the birds in tune ;
And time stood still and wreathed his
With rosy links from June to June.
For her, what task to dare or do?
What peril tempt? what hardshi2 bear?
Rut with her "ah! she never knew
My heart and what was hidden there ?
And she, with me so cold and coy,.
Seemed like a maid bereft of sense ;
But in the crowd all life anil joy,
And full cf blushing impudence.
She married! well, a woman needs
A mate, her life and love to share
And Jittle cares sprung up like weeds.
And play'd around her elbow chair.
And years roll'd by, but I, content,
Trimm'd my own lamp and kept it bright,
Till age's touch my hair besprent
With ra; sand gleams of silver light.
And then, it chanced, I took the book
Which she periled in days goDe by ;
And as I read such passion shook
My soul ! I reeds inuat curse or cry.
For here and there her love was writ
In old, half faded pencil signs,
As if she yielded bit by bit
Her heart in ''ots and underlines.
Ah ! silvered foo! ! txj late you look
I know it ; let me here record
This maxim ; Lend iw yirl a book
Unless yon read it aj'tericanl.
The Soliloquy of a Political Preacher!
What a liar I ntn ! God knows it
I know it ilia world knows it. A few
vears s-ince I experienced religion. I at-
tended divine service took
part in
gious meetings. I stood up in a church ;
1 arose from the anxious seat and told the
brethren and sitters that the blessed love
of Chri.-t the wondrous love of peace
and good will to all men the desire to
do :ood and to live at peace with all the
world filled my soul to overflowing.
A men !
How these echoes came up from all
parts of the room. And I knelt in pray
er, and this was the burden of my suppli
cation :
Oh Merciful God in Heaven, be pitiful
to me a sinner. For years I have offend
ed Thee. For years I have been wander
ing to and fro, my heart filled with wick
edness, my soul steeped in hate, and my
mini thinking only evil and wickedness
And now, oh Goi, thy grace has reached
me. The blessed influence the peaceful
spirit of Christ who is and who wa?, and
w ho ever will be all love, has filled my
heart and I am ready to die if my death
seemeth-good in Thy sight. 1 have no
hate, no envy, no spite, no malice, no
wickedness, no desire to wound, to offend,
to injure any one of my fellow beings,
but had rather all should live in peace.
And ph ! God in Heaven, for this most
wondrous peace to Thee I give thanks,
and here, before the world, before Thee,
before the 'angels and the spirits of life
and death give I myself unto Thee. Take
me as one of Thine anointed ; take me as
one redeemed from all evil passions.
Take me, oh God, to Thy love for the
love of Thy Son, Jesus Christ, fills my
heart with peace, with ioy. with love to
all men and to Thee, and faithful to those
vows will I bo, that I may meet with the
pure, the good and the holy in Thy King
dom, there to be fori ver blest. And now
guide, watch ovct and jruard me, for
Christ's sake.
A men !
The meeting will join in singing
'Blest be the tie that binds
Our hearts in Christian love!
The fellow&hip of Christian minds
Is like to that above.
From sjrrow, toil and pain,
And sin we shall be free ;
Ami perfect love and friendship rcigu
Through all eternity !
Oh the blessed influence of Christiani
ty. It fills us all with love for othcrs
with love for those who have wronged us,
as Christ loved those who sinned against
Him. How I talked, and prayed, and
sung. And I set myself apart for the
ministry. And I began to teach Christ
and Him crucified. And I professed to
labor for the good of souls alone. I was
an agent for Heaven. I was a professed
follower of that dear Jesus who is all love
and kindness. And I was looked upon
aa a sanctified son of a sinner, and walked
as one who was better than Lis neighbors.
Oh, ichat a liar I am !
While dead in tresspasses I lie,
Thy quick'ning 6pirit Rive ;
Call me. Thou Son of God, that I
r May hear Thy voice and live."
And I was called to take charge of a
congregation to work in the vine-yard ;
to save souls ; to teach perfect love to
Christ and to all our fellow-men. And 1
prayed ; and I talked and I exhorted ;
and I wore a long face ; and I made folks
think I was good ; and I knelt by the
dying ; and I gave away in marriage ; and
I baptized infants and I won au influ
ence. And then I forsook Christ, and took
up politics. And I taught people to hate
each other. And I taught my church to
hate the men of the South ; to hate other
denominations to hate, and vilify, and
slander, and abuse, and to insult, and to
quarrel with those who did not agree
with them in politics. And I instilled
sectional hate, discord, envy, anger and
wickedness into the hearts of the simple
ones who were confided to my charge.
I taught people to hate each other. I
preached the negro and abolitionism in
stead of Christ and salvation. And I ne
glected -the souls of sinners. And I
endorsed wars. I preached that it was
worth a crown to save even one poor
soul from hell. .And I urged men to go
to war ; to become mad ; to kill each other
and to go into the presence of God with
an oath on their lips ; death in their hearts;
their eyes set in rage ; their hands striking
the steel to the hearts of their brothers.
Folitics paid better than religion, l'oli
tics were popular. I panted notoriety.
I did net care a curse for the cause of
Christ. Private ends and a little money
were the things I was after. Christ
neve preached hate, envy, discord, malice,
etc., as I have for
years. Hut this
is American religion,
is the kind that pays,
mine now. It 13 all
larity. Hut ain't I a
It is popular. - It
Christ is out of
niggers and popu
pretty man of God
to kneel beside a dying man ! What
damnable mockery ! As if Christ would
listen to such a liar, back-slider, hypo
crite and vilifier of religion as I am !
' My former hopes are fled ;
My terror now begins ;
I feel, alas ! that I am dead
In tresspasses and sins!"
liut what of it ? I'll go on and fool
people. I'll fill hell with sinners if I can't
fill Heaven with saints. I'll have a friend
in the devil if not Li Christ. I'll damn
poor ignorant souls if I cant save them.
I'll earn political pay if I can't win the
approval of God the Gal I am trying to
fool. I'd like to hear Christ preach a
sermon. I wonder if he'd instill hate,
sectional discord, envy, oppression, perse
cution and such ideas into the minds of
His followers. lie said:
" Hlessed are the peace-makers, for
they shall" &c.
I think that is a mistake. I don't be
lieve Christ ever said it. I think the one
that reported that sermon must have been
drinking the sacramental- wine too freely.
That is where Christ and I differ.
American religion is that of hate,
wrong, discord, envy, war, oppression,
persecution and killing of people for a
difference of opinion.
"But thou, soul searching God .' hast known
The hearts of all that bent the knee j
And bast accepted those alone.
Who in the sjririt worshipped thee."
Uut it makes no difference with me.
There is no true religion in me. I'd en
dorse the devil and preach hell if it was
popular and paid. I'd forsake Christ any
time for an increase of pay, and let the
cause of religion die out forever.
What a liar 1 ami
And what liars all those so-called
christians who profess to have their hearfs
filled with Heavenly love, yet, war upon
a people for a difference of opinion ; who
read from stolen bibles ; who kneel by
stolen chairs ; who read in stolen books ;
who look at themselves in stolen mirrors ;
who lay their children to sleep on stolen
sofas ; who themselves slumber on stolen
lr1 tx bn rat from stolen dishes ; who
beautify their dwellings with stolen orna
ments ; who go to church in stolen gar
ments ; who partake of the blood of the
Redeemer from stolen silver cups; who
ride to funerals in stolon carriages ; who
ride for pleasure behind stolen horses ;
who have shrouds made from stolen cot
ton : who are awakened in the nijrht by
the braying of stolen inule-s; who are
nunzed with stolen medicines ; who get
drunk on stolen liquors ; who play sacred
airs on stolen organs and melodeons; w ho
r.lav uatriotic airs on stolen pianos; who,
surrounded by thousands of things stolen
from the South, in the name of lovuliy, j
by the men who are the brothers of their
victims; by the Christians of the sort
whose preacher and Heavenly guide-board
I am !
Won't I catch it w hen I die ? If there
i3 a hot place in hell a lake where the
molten brimstone is deepest a locality
wl iere the eteYnal worm is birger than the
serpent of the late rebellion, 1 11 have it if
there is a Just God Who punishes those
who enlist for Ilim and work for the
devil to fill hell with victims rather
than Heaven with ransomed ones. T he
only consolation I have is that four-fifths
of the ministers of Christ are as great
liars and hypocrites as I am, and if they
can spend an elernity in hell, I know I
. The Sailor Boy of Havre.
A French 15ri"
returning from
Toulon to Havre with a rich cargo and
numerous passengers. Off the coast of
Hretagne, it was overtaken by a sudden
and violent storm.
Captain 1 , an experienced sailor,
at once saw the danger which threatened
the ship on such a rocky coa.-t, an J he
gave orders to put out to sea ; but the
winds and waves d:ove the bi ' ioknlIv
towards the shore, and nolw uhst..n iin"
all the efforts of the crew, i. continued
to get nearer the lanJ.
Among the most active 0.3 board in
doing all that he could to help, wa.- little
Jacques, a lad twehe years old, who was
serving as Cubin boy in the vessel. At
times w hen he disappeared for a moment
behind the lulus of a sun, the sailors
thought that he had fallen overboard ;
and again, when a wavo threw him down
on the deck, they looked around to see if
it h?.i not carried away the poor boy
with it, but Jacques was soon up aguin
My mother," said he smiling, to an
old sailor ' would be frightened enough
if she saw me just now.
His mother, who lived at Havre, was
very poor and had a lurge family. Jac
ques loved her tenderly, and he was en
joying the prospect of cany ing to her his
little treasure ;wo franc-pieces, which he
had earned as wages for the voyage.
The bri!i was beaten about a w hole
day by the storm, and in spite of all the
efforts of the crew the' could not steer
clear of the rocks on the coast. ly the
gloom on the captain's brow it niiht be
seen that he had little hope of saiiiLT the
s! i. All at once a
felt, accompanied by
violent shock was
a horrible crash ;
the vessel had struck on a lock. At this
terrible moment the passengers threw
themselves on their knees to pray.
' Lower the boats!" cried the captain.
The sailors obeyed ; but no sooner
were the boats iu the water than they
were carried away by the violence of the
WUVa s
" We have but one hope of safety,"
said the captain. One of us must be'
brave enough to run the risk of swim
ming with a rope to the shore. We may
fasten one end to the mast of the vessel
and the other to a rock on the coast, and
by that means we may all get on shore."
" Uut captain it is impossible ! said
the mate pointing to the surf breaking on
the sharp rocks. ' Whoever should at
tempt to run such a risk would Certainly
be dashed to' pieces."
Well," said the captain, in a low
tone "we must all die together.',
At this moment there was a slight
quiet among the sailors who were silently
waiting for orders.
"What is the matter there ?" inquired
the captain.
"Captain," replied a sailor, this little
monkey of a cabin-boy is asking to swim
to shore with a strong stiu.g round his
body to draw the cable after hini ; he is
us obstinate as a little mule !" and he
pu.-hed Jacques into the midst of the
The boy stood turning his cap round
and round in his hand without daring to
utter a word.
4 Nonsense ! such a child can't go !"
said the captain roughly. .
liut Jacques was not a character to be
so easily discouraged.
"Captain," said lie timidly, "you
don't w ish to expose the lives of good
sailors likes these ; it does not matter
what becomes of a " little monkey " of
a cabin-boy, as the boatswain calls me.
Give me a ball of strong string, which
will unroll as I get on, fasten one end
round my body, and I prui;d.-c you that
within au hour the rope will be well fast
ened to tho shore, or I will perish in " the
44 Does he know how to swim V asked
the captain.
" As swiftly, and easy a3 an ecl," rc-
VOL. 13 NO. 32.
plied one of the crew.
" I could swim up the Seine from
Havre to Paris," said little Jacques.
The captain hesitated ; but the lives
of all on board were at stnke, and he
yielded. Jacques hastened to prepare
for his terrible undertaking. Then he
turned and solily approached the
" Captain," said lie, 44 as I may b.?
lost, may 1 ask you to take charge of
something for me V
" Certainly, my boy," said the estpfain,
who was almost repenting of 1. '
yielded to his entreaties.
" IK-re, then, captain," replied Jacques,
holding out two five-fmne pieces wrapped
in a bit of rag ; " If I nni eaten by tlx;
porpoises, and you get safe to land. s
kind as to give this to my mother, who
lives on the quay at Havre; jiid v. ill you
tell her that I thought of her, and that
I love her very nine!), as well a
brothers and sisti-rs?"
' lie easy about that, my bov. If
- .1 i 1
ou uie lor us, and we ese.o
mother .-hall never want for anything.
"Oh ! then I will widinjily try to sav
you . cried J nques, ,hasienu :
other side of the vessel, w!uie
prepared tor his eniei pri-e'.
The captain houhi for a im
"We uught not to idiow I Lis. b.,v
tiee himself for us in this wav,"
at h i:".ih ; I have Lccn wroi'".
W : . j
to s'!' ; i
s.ild lie
forbid iff"
Yes, yes," said some of the r-.i'lo .s
round him, "it is disguaceful to i;s ml
that the little cabin-boy should si t 11- ;'t
example id courage; mid it would b;
sad thing if the brave child should d!
for old men like us, who have lived ov.r
time. I-t us stop him
They ru.-hed to the side of the vcpjcI,
but it was too late. They ' Lui.d tL-iv
o:.!y the sailor w ho had aided .T:u q :- .- in
his preparations, and w ho was!',n
the cord that was fastened to the ledy (
the heroic boy. They 1:!'. kr.r.c I o . r :!..:
to hapje:i, ami a few jui . tlv v.'
1 aw ,iv
a tear wiueh would uA bo r. :-t uuie
At ti:vt nuth'ui was seen b it wavi
white foam, mountains of w.-.tcr wii"!:
seem' d to rise as hi:h a? t mast, and
then fell down wi;!i a :;. o : in.'..
Soon the practiced eye of .-. n:.- ol it.o
p.ti'oi pertfived a htiie point ii.n.g
abo: the waves, and then aj.d.i distriin e
p evented them from ui.-iiiigi.i-hi'.g It at
all. They anxiously w .;tch-d the en-!,
;;nd tiied to ynes.', by its quicker or slow
er movement, the fate of him w ho w as
unrolling it
Sometimes the cord was unrolling rap
idly ; 'Oh, what a brave fellow I" they
said ; " see how quickly he swims !" At
other times the unrolling of the b dl of
string stopped suddenly; "pour boy,"
they said ; " he has been d;,vned or
dashed against the rocks !"
. This anxiety lasted more than an hour ;
the ball of siring continued to be uurolie !,
but at unequal periods. At length it
slipped slow ly over the side of th e.-s. 1,
and often fell as if slackened They
thought Jacques must have much ditin-uliy
in getting through the surf on the coast.
44 Perhaps it is the body of the poor
boy that the sea is tossing backw ards ai d
forwards in tkia way," said some of ll;-'
The captain was deeply grieved that
he had permitted the child 10 make t he-
attempt ; and, notw ithstanding the desper
ate situation in which they were, all tin;
crew seemed to be thinking more of the
boy than of themselves.
All at once a violent pull was given to
the cord. This was soon followed by a
second, then by a third. It was the
signal agreed upon to tell them that
Jacques hid reached the shore. A
of joy was heard on the ship. They
hastened to fasten a strong rope to the
cord, which was dnuvn on shore as fa.-t
as they could let it out, and was firmly
fastened by some of the people who had
come to the help of the little cabin-boy.
By means of this rope many of the ship
wrecked sailors reached the shore, and
found means to save the others. 2so
long after all had safely landed they saw
the vessel sink.
The little cabin boy was long ill from
the consequences of his fatigue, and from
the bruises he had received by being
dashed against the rocks. . Put ho did
not mind that ; for, in reward of I. is
bravery, his mother received a yearly
sum of money which placed her above
the fear of want. Little Jacques rejoiced
in having suffered for her, and at the
sani'? time in having saved so many lives.
He felt that he had been abundantly re
warded. C3 ly reading we cnrie.h th mm !, by
conversation we olish it.