NEW SERIES, 2. Oc gfmotrat an& Stnlhul, rs published in the borough of Ebensburg, Cur.biia county, Pa., every Thursday n.i!:s. by W- H.M'Esbck, at the follow - t.dQi, invariably In advance : ' c copy, t''fe months, 50 ;; copy, t-ix months, $1 00 :l. c. f'y, ouo year, 2 00 T A.-f wl fail to pay their subscriptions .-.:! ;;ft or the expiration of six months will cirirged at the rate of $2.50 per year, . , i '.'Mbf who fail to pay until after the ex ':..: a of twelve months will be charged at r.r..' if $3.00 per year, 'i'l.e Democrat and Sentinel when paid for iv.ii'.'.o costs four cents per number; .-; ,t :. not paid in advance six cents per !..t will be charged. T'viK'e numbers constitute a quarter j five, six months; and fifty numbers, lv year. RATES OF ADVERTISING. l'lftooa hues of Uurgoite type constitute a ..IV. ; o ire, one insertion, $1 00 u-'.i subsequent insertion, 25 snare, one year, 6 00 .. i pares, one in&ertion, 1 60 . !; . u!siqutct insertion. 50 'iirth column, three months, 8 00 f urtli column, six months, 1- 00 f-ttrth column, one year, "0 00 oiluinu, three months, 12 00 i'.i olunin, six months, 20 00 i !u:nn. one ear, S3 00 , .hmiu, three mouths, 20 00 i' !umn, six months, 33 00 . .''.mn, one year, TO 00 :.- Notice, 2 00 . , r's Notice. 2 CO i.-tr.itor's Notice, 2 &0 ri .:.-e and Death Notices, Pree. ; : oi nal cards with paper, per aa- . : zuary Notices, over nix lines, ten cents : . i . ;.J and business Notices eight cents ' f .r tirt insertion, and four cents for . -ub. .ijfiont insertion. lutioi.s of S icieties, or eomnmnica - ..t';i personal nature must be paid for :. !v. ti.-euif nts. N c;:ts inserted in advertisements. CARDS. $1 50 I 200 for $3 00 :' r 2 00 COO for 5 00 ..1; ...Ultional hundred. CO lil.AXKS. ; v.rc, $2 60 Eachad.q' 60 A., transient work must be paid fr on .,rv. W. II LPENKUE. i: - L-burg, June 14, 18G5. ' .''!phia Business Cards. lUSSELL & WOODliUFF, J..KS.U.E DEALERS ii- TOBACCOS, PIPES. &c. &c. No. 13 Third sired, above Market. Pm'adel .. I'.i. June 21, i8CG,-ly. STATUS UNION HOTEL, PHILADELPHIA. . ; HO TEL is pleasantly situated on the ii si do of Market street, a few doors S sth street. Its central locality it particularly desirable to persons . .. t'.n city f.n business or pleasure. T. II. D. SANDERS, Proprietor. 21, 1SG6.-Iy. nstowfi Business Cards. CYRUS L. PERSUING, ','i'Ti r.N'EY AT LAW, Johnstown, Pa. 1 ' : on Main street, second floor over ::A. May 4, 18C5.-tf. .JOHN r. LINTON, ViT-'UNEY AT LAW, Johnstoicn, Pa. I o in building cn comer of Main and iiklin street, opposite Mansion Hou.-e, : !'. nr. Entrance on Frankliu street. .!..hntown. Nov. 1G. 18G5.. I) MLAUGIILIN, ' T ::XEY AT LAW, Johnstown, Pa. .1 i;i ihe Exchange building, on the :-nf Ciintoa and Locust streets up ' Will attend to all business conucct u'" lus profession.. I'-'. lS03.-tf. I .W 1 1 AT AND CAP STORE. :1 ;E TURN! R. Main street Johnstown, ' . Do der in HATS and CAPS. ROOTS -:;'!-S. and GENTLEMEN'S' FUIiN INU GOODS, such as Drawers. Shirts, Handkerchiefs, Neckties. Stockings, - , 1'iid rellas, &c , keeps constantly on a i'iioral assortment, and his prices 1 ' as the lowest. :-!, June 21, 18G6.-ly. 1:3!. ati .! SCOTT HOUSE, Vim ilmi. J.Jmstown, CanJria Co., Pa., A. hOW & CO., Proprietors. IT -IIS HOUSE having been refitted and 1 I'-.-raiitly furnished, is now open for the lt I '. i' n and entertainment of guests. The I r ; r.( t rs by long experience in hotel keep '.n IV, I confident they can satisfy a dis oiijion.itiiig public. L.oir is supplied with the choicest '-r. is of liquors and wines. 21, leC6. (ly.) FRANK W. HAY, MLFSALE and RET AI L Manufacturer, of TIN' COPPFTJ RIIF.KT.lHnV I A UK. Cuivil street, below Clinton, Johns- I'a. A larse stock constantly A large stock constantly on Land. BLESSINGS OF GOVERNMENT, LIKE THE DEWS OF HEAVEN, SHOULD BE 12. Ebensburg Business Cards. JOHN E. SCANLAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Cam bria county, Pa. May 5, V. II. SECIILEK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, and PRACTICAL SURVEYOR, Ebensburg, Pa., office in the Commissioners office. Dec. 7, 18G5.-tf. WILLIAM KITTELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg. Pa. Office in Colonade Row, Centre street. Dec. 4, 18G4.-tf. F. P. TIEKNEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Pa. fl Office in Colonad-: Row. April 5, 18G5-tf JOSEPH M'DONALD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg. Pa. Office on Centre street, opposite Moore's Hotel. Apr. 26, 18C6tf li. L. JOHNSTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Pa. Office in the South end of his residence, immediately opposite the Court House. November 23, f1.37) JOHN FENLON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg Pa. Office on High street, adjoining his resi dence. May 4, 18C5. (1.42.) GEORGE M. REED, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ebensburg. Pa. Otfice on Main street, three doors East of Julian. May 4, 18G3. GEORGE W. O ATM AN, ITTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg. Pa. II Office in Colonade Row, Centre street. November 23, 18C5.-tf. (1.37.) F. A. SHOEMAKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Pa. Office on High street, one door East of the lianking House of Lloyd & Co. December 7, 18G5. (tf.) R. J. LLOYD, SUCCESSOR to R. S. Busy, Dealer in DRUGS, MEDICINES AND PAINTS. fStore on Main street, opposite ihe "Moore House, Ebensburg, Pa. May 17, ' DR. D. Y. EVANS, TENDERS his professional services to the citizens of Ebensburg and vieiuity. Office one door east of R. Davis' store. Night calls made at his residence three doors west of R. Evans' cabinet ware room. May 31, 18G5 Cm jTcTvilsox, m. d., i FFERS his services as PHYSICIAN and (J SURGEON, to the citizens of Ebmsburg and surrounding country. Office three doors East of the Presbyterian Church, ii the room formerly occupied by Dr. Jones. Ebensburg, April 12, 186G.Cm.. UNION HOUSE, EBENSBURG, Pa., JOHN A. BLAIR, Propietor, spares no pains to render this hotel worthy of a continuation of the liberal patronage it has heretofore received. His table will always be furnished with the best the market affords ; his bar with the best ct liquors His stable is large, and will be attended by an attentive and obliging hostler. June 4, 18CG.-tf. V. S. BARKER, RETAIL DEALER, in Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Groceries, &c ; keeps constantly on hand a general assortment. Store on High street, Ebensburg, Pa. Sept 28, 18C5. S. BELFORD, DENTIST, CONTINUES to visit Ebensburg personally on the 4th Monday of each month. During his absence Lewis N. Snyder, who studied with the Doctor, will remain in the office and attend to all business entrusted to him. June 7, 18GG. LLOYD & CO., BANKERS. Ebensburg, Pa. Gold, Silver. Government Bonds, and other securities, bought and sold. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made on all accessible points in the United States, and a General Banking business transacted. fMarch 1. LOGAN HOUSE, TJBENSCURG. Pa., ISAAC CRAWFORD, j Proprietor, solicits a continuation of the liberal patronage heretofore extended. His table and bar will always be supplied with the best. Ilis house and stable being large and convenient, and having competent as sistants at all times employed, he feels con fident that he will be able to render general satisfaction. June 4, 18G5.-tf. SHIELDS HOUSE, LORETTO, CAMBRIA COUNTY, PA., THOMAS CALLEN. Proprietor. THIS house is now open for the accommo dation of the public Accommodations as good as the country will afford, and charges moderate. May 31, 18GG.-tf. Lime for Sale. THE undersisned is prepared to ship Lime from Lil'v Station, or No. 4, on the Penn sylvania Railroad to Ebensburg, Johnstown, or any other point on the Penna. R. R., or its branches. Address. WM. TILEY. June28,-tf Hemlock, Cambria co., Pa. EBENSBURG, PA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, I860. Deserted. The river flowed with the light on its breast, And the waves went eddying by ; And the round red sun went down in the "West, When my love's loving lips to my lips were preat Under the evening sky Now weeping alono by the river I fitray. For my love has left me this many a day; Left me to droop and die. As the river flowed then the river Govs still, In ripple and foam and spray ; On by the church and round by the hill. And under the sluice of the old burnt mill. And out by the fading day ; But I love it no more, for delight grows cold When the song is sung and the tale is told, And the heart is given away ; Oh, river, run fast! Oh, river, run fast! Oh, weeds, float out to the sea ! For the sun has gone down on my beautiful past. And the hopes that like bread on the waters I cast Have drifted away like thee ! So the dream it is fled .and the day it is done. And my lips stilFmurmer the name of one Who will never come back to me ! SPEECH OF PRESIDENT JOHNSON. Upon Uccetvlng I lie Proceedings of tUt Katlonal Union Convention, Washington, Aug. 13, 180G. The committee, consisting of two dele gates from each Slate, appointed by the National Union Convention to wait upon the President with an official copy of the proceedings of the Convention, called upon the President at one o'clock to-d:y, and after the presentation address by Hon. Reverdy Johnson, the President said : Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Committee ; Language is inadequate to ex press the emotions and feelings produced bv this occas-ion. Perhaps I could ex press more by permitting silence to speak, and you to infer w hat 1 might and ougli! to say. I confess, that notwithstanding the experience I have had in public lite, and the audiences 1 have nduresscd, this occasion and this assemblage arc well cal culated to, and do overwhelm me. As I have said, I have not language to convey adequately my present feelings and emotions. In listening to the addresses which your eloquent and distinguished chairman has just delivered, the proceed ings of the convention, as they transpired, recurred to my mind. Seemingly I par took of the inspiration that prevailed in the convention, when I received a des patch, sent by two of its distinguished members, conveyin in term3 the scene which has just been described, of South Carolina und Massachusetts, arm in arm, marching into that vast assemblage, and thus giving evidence that the two extremes had come together again, and that, for the future, they were united, &s they had been in the past, for the preservation of the Union. When the despatch informed me that, in that body of men, distinguished for m tellect and wisdom, every eye was suf fused with tears on beholding the scene, I could not finish reading the despatch to one associated with me in the office, for my own feelings overcame me. Ap plause. I think we may justly conclude that wo arc moving under a proper inspi ration, and that we need not be mistaken that a finger of an overruling and uner ring Providence is in this natter. The nation is in peril. We have just passed through a mighty, a bloody, a momentous ordeal, and do not yet find ourselves free from the difficulties and dangers thai at first surrounded us. "While our brave men have performed their duty both officers and men (turn ing to General Grant, who stood at his right) while they have won laurels im perishable, there are still greater and more important duties to perform ; and while we have had their co-operation in the field, we now need their support in our efforts to perpetuate peace. Applause. So far as the Executive Department of the Government is concerned, the effort has been made to restore the Union, to heal the breach, to pour oil into the wounds which were consequent upon the struggle, and, to speak in common phrase, to pre pare, as the- learned and wise physician would, a plaster healing in character and co-extensive with the wound. Applause We thought, and yet think, that we had partially succeeded. Hut as the work progressed, as reconciliation seemed to bo taking place, and the country becoming DISTRIBUTED ALIKE, UPON THE united, we found a disturbing and marring element opposing us. In alluding to that element I shall go ntf' farther than did your convention and the distinguished gentlemen who has de livered to me the report of its proceedings. I shall make no reference to it. That, I do not believe the time and the occasion justify. We have witnessed in one de partment of the Government every effort, as it were, to prevent the restoration of peace and harmony in the Union. We have seen hanging upon the vergo of Go vernment, as it were, a body called, or which assumes to be, the Congress of the United States, but in lact a Congress of only 'part of the States. We have seen this Congress assume and pretend to be for the Union, when its every step and act tended to perpetuate dis.union and make a disruption of the States inevitable. Instead of promoting reconciliation and harmony, its legislation ha3 partaken of the character of penalties, retaliation and revenge. This has been the course and policy of one department of your Govern ment. The humble individual who is now addressing you stands the representative of another department of the Government.. The manner in which he was called upon to occupy that position I shall not allude to or. this occasion ; suffice it to say that he i: here under the Constitution of the country, and being here by virtue of its prov ion, he takes his stand upon that charter of our liberties, as the great ram nart'ii civil and religious liberty. Pro longrd cherinir. Having been taught in rr.y early life to hold it sacred, and having practiced upon it during my whole public career, I shall ever continue to rev erence the. Constitution of my fathers and iuuk it my guide. ' Hearty ap plause. I l.rov it his been ?aid, and I must be pei-iiiT"cd to 'indulge in the remark, that the Executive Department of the Govern ment has been despotic and tyrannical. Let me ask this audience of distinguished crentlecicn around me here to-day to point to a vote I ever gave, to a speech I ever made, to a single act of my whole public life that has not been against tyranny and despotism. What position have I ever occupied, what ground have I ever assum ed, where it can be truthfully chnnrcd J ilint T f-iil.d in ndvoc.ate T . "..J: ' and elevation of the great tnrsss of my countrymen? Cries of " Never !" and great applause. So far a3 charges of that kind arc concerned, I will say that they are simply intended to deceive and delude the public mind into the belief that there is some one in power who is usurp ing and trampling upon the rights and perverting the principles of the Constitu tion. It is done by those who make such charges for the purpose of covering their own'acts. Cries of That's so !" and applause. I have felt it my duty, in vindication of principle and the Constitu tion of my country, to call attention to these proceedings. When we come to examine who has been playing the tyrant, by whom do we find that despotism lia3 been exercised 1 As to myself, the ele ments of my nature, the pursuits of my life, have not made me, either in my feel ings or in ray practice, aggressive. My nature, on the contrary, is rather defen sive in its character. Hut I will say that having taken my stand upon the broad principles of liberty and the Constitution, there "is not power enough on earth to drive me from it. Ioud and prolonged applause. Having placed myself upon that broad platform, I have not been awed, dismayed or intimidated by cither threats or encroachments, but have stood there in conjunction with patriotic spirits, sound in the tocsin of alarm when I deemed the city in danger. Great applause. I said on a previous occasion and repeat it now, that all that was necessary in this trnmt struggle against tyranny and despot ism was. that the struggle Miould be suffi ciently audible for the American people to hear and understand. They did hear, and looking on and seeing wlio tae contestants were, and what that struggle was about, they determined they would settle this question on the side of the Constitution and of principle. Cries of "That's so !" and applause. I proclaim here to-da-, as I have on other occasions, that my faith is abiding in the great mass of the people. In the darkest struggle, when the clouds seemed to be most lowering, my faith, instead of giving way, loomed up through the dark cloud far beyond, and I saw that all would be safe in the end. My countrymen, wo all know that, in the language' of Thomas Jefferson, ty ranny and despotism even ran be exercised and exerted more effectually by the many than by the one. Wre have seen a Con fess cradually encroach step by step upon constitutional rights and violate day after day and month after month the funda HIGH AND THE LOW, THE RICH AND mental principles of tho Government. Cries of "That's so," and applause. We have seen a Congress that seemed to forget that there was a Constitution of the Unijed States that there was a limit to the sphere and scope of legislation. We have seen a Congress in a minority assume to exercise powers which, if allowed to be carried out, would result in despotism or monarchy itself. Enthusiastic applause. This is truth, and because others as well as myself have seen proper to appeal to the patriotism and republican -feeling of the country, we have been denounced in the severest terms. Slander ujion slander, vituperation upon vituperation, of the most villainous character, has made its way through the press. What, gentlemen, has been your and my sin 1 What has been the cause of our offending? I will tell you. Daring to stand by the Consti tution of our fathers! Approaching Senator Johnson. I consider the pro ceedings of this convention, sir, as more important than those of any convention which ever assembled in the United States. Great applause. When. I look with my mind's eye upon that collection of citizens coming together voluntarily, and sitting in council, with ideas, with principles, and views commensurate with all the States, and co-cxtensive with the whole people, and contrast it with the collection of gen tlemen who arc trying to destroy the country. I regard it as more important than any convention that has sat, at least, since 17S7. llencwed applause. I think I may also saj', that the declara tions that were there made arc equal with the Declaration of Independence itself, and I here to-day pronounce it a second Declaration of Independence. (Cries of " Glorious," and most enthusiastic and prolonged applause.) Your address and declarations are noth ing more nor less than a reaffirmation of tho Constitution of the United States. Cries of " Good," and applause. Yes, I will go farther, and say that the decla rations you have made, that the principles you have enunciated in your address, are a second proclamation of emancipation to the people of the United States renewed applause ; for in proclaiming and repro claiming these great truths you have laid down a constitutional platform upon wh;cl all can make common cause, and stand united together fLr the restoration of the States and preservation of the Govern ment without reference to party. The query only is the salvation of the country, tor our country rises above all party con siderations or influences. Cries ol "Good," and applause. How many arc there in the United States that now require to be free ? They have the shack les upon their limbs and are bound as rigidly as though they were in fact in slavery. I repeat, then, that your decla ration is the second proclamation of emancipation to the people of tho United States, and oilers a common grounu upon which all patriots can stand. Applause. Mr. Chairman and gentlemen, let me in this connection ask you what I have to gain more than the advancement of the public welfare? Iam as much opposed to the indulgence of egotism as any cne, but here in a conversational manner, while formally receiving the proceedings of tin convention, I may be permitted again to ask, what have I to gain consulting hu man ambition more than I have gained, except in one thing ? My race is nearly run. 1 have been placed in the high office I occupy under the Constitution of the country," and I may say that I have held, from the lowest to the highest, al most every position to which a man may jittain in our Government. I have passed through every position, from Alderman of a village to the Presidency of the United States" and surely, gentlemen, this should be enough to gratify a reasonable ambi tion. If I wanted authorit', or if I wished to perpetuate my own power, how easy it would have been to hold and wield that which was placed in my hands bv the measure called Freedman's IJu reau bill. (Laughter and applause.) with an army which it placed at my discre tion I could have remained at the Capital of the nation, and with fifty or sixty mil liens of appropriations at my disposal, with the machinery to be worked by my own hands, with my satraps and depend ents in every town and village, and then with the civil rights bill following as an auxiliary (laughter) in connection with all other appliances of the Government, I could have proclaimed myseit uiciaior. ("That's true," and applause.) But, Gentlemen, my pride and my am bition have been to occupy that position which retains all power in the hands of , . i v T . ! -- x ,. , that I have always relied, that I relv now. (A voice, i inivnn ,' fiircat cneerms.i ii tsu on 'i It is upon "And the people will not disappoint J'eu.") And I THE POOR. VOL.. 13 NO. 28 repeat, that neither the taunts nor jeers of Congress nor of a subsidized calumniating press can drive me from my purpose. (Great applause.) I acknowledge no superior except my God, the author of my existence, and ihe people of-the Uni ted States. (Prolonged and enthusiastic cheering.) F'or the one, I try to cbcy all his commands, as best I can, compatible with my poor humanity. For the other, in a political and representative sense, the high behests of the people have always been respected and obeyed by me. (Ap plause ) Mr. Chairman, I have said more than I had intended to say. For the kind allu frions to myself contained in your address, and in the resolutions adopted by the con vention, let me remark that in this crisis, and at this period of my public life, I hold above all price, and shall ever recur with feelings of profound gratification to the last resolution, containing the endorse ment of a convention emanating spor; ncously from the great mass of the poo pie. I trust and hope that my future action may be such that you and the con vention you represent may not regret the assurance of confidence you have express ed. (" We are sure of it.") Before separating, -my friend?, one and all, committee and strangers, please ac eept my sincere thanks for the kind mani festations, of regard and respect you have exhibited on this occasion. I repeat that I shall always continue to be guided by a conscientious conviction of duty, and that always gives me courage, under the Con stitution, which I have made my guide. At the conclusion of the President's re marks, three enthusiastic cheers wera given for Andrew Johnson and three more for General Grant. The President and General Grant then retired arm in arm, and were immediately followed by tho committee and audience. An A?;e cf Shams. We have not a shadow or doubt that this is a fast age and a great country, and that we Americans arc an immense peo ple. In conversation with a practical chemist, the other day, we were to'd that during two years he hod made over two hundred inspections of vaiious kinds of liquors, and Lai found nine-tenths of them mere imitations, and a great portion poi sonous concoctions. Of brandy, lie docs not believe there is in larpe cities one gal lon of pure spirits in ft hundred gallons. Malaga, etc., is made of water, sulphuric: acid, cct., and many liquors are without a single drop of alcoholic spirit. As a general thing whiskey contains only from seventeen to twenty per cent of alcoholic spirit, when it should have from forty-five to fifty ; and some of it contains sulphu ric acid enough in a quart to eat a hole clear through a man's stomach ! It was Byron, we believe, who said " The tree of know ledge is not that of life : They who know tLe most must mourn tLo deepest O'er the fatal tiuth." Byron might have meant a great deal more than we know of, but it he had lived until now he might, and no doult would, have made the expression a little stronger if he could. There is no deny ing that we are living in an age of tliam?, and that humbi'g and ch a?ery have be come polite arts. There is positively nothing that is really what it appears to be upon its face. Wc have bogus reli gion, bogus politicians, bogus patriots, bogus lawyers, bogus authors, and doc tors everything sham, from mock auc tioneers to sensation preachers and politi cal acrobats. The ladies, in all the splendor of silks, cotton, whahbone, "lil ters," "dumpers," "waterfalls'' and paint, are confounded no such things ! The doctor who has been himself called out of two or three different churches on the same day, or the lawyer who rushes to and fro with an immense green bag htuffed with old newspapers, are only per sonified expressions of adulteration all lies and deception ! Prussic acid whis key, logwood claret, wax Luttons, paper collars and chalk milk are all practical bouncers. As Black Hawk said, when upon seizing a soldier, with intent to scalp him, hii wig came off, " it was a big lie !" Just so in this age of progress everything is whopper I We have gone on improving things until at last we have no more idea what we ent and drink than if wc lived in a Chinese restaurant. Even horses look reproachfully at bolog na dealers, and in the sausage season wo are positively ashamed to look a dug' in the face I The hop crop of the State of New York will be better this season than it !; been for many previous years. May 4, 1866.-lyiw.