. $ iv : -5 ! i ?. - -Ml i If ' i: -y I v. . f r ,y S5V b J&jV ' Z -V V T I 1 a :t Dcmcrcnit nub. cniiitcl, .1...-. . orougti ? r,iier,sPurg, iiivi county, F t., iwery Wednesday . l..y Wii.s::. n the fi.IIow- , '...vaiiab.y ii. a i v : . ;!irci nii.'.tl:-:. - TO ,;,-v n:o:,-:.-, ' St ii fie e: j !:! M- r I six : s n at tin- r.i':' !' -30 pf-r your in .ii :i i.:,v I; i : T .1 to .:.V linti lUUT I K' OX- .". '.'lvn 111"' '.(!" j i r yo;;r. .rohts ,'i'.'r ft-: r rmolH-r ; ) lld in iVi V.I iiOO xt be eh .'.M.be:'- O'-Ti ?;,-Ke . cents jor a qu li ter ; V iilHiih. r. ' U i siv ,..;hs: ' Ii!' i r.-vrrs or nvr.:: I-. r v.v.-.--- -- I :i" .-p: II'". e:i i.'iSe: i 'P. K icli M:e-"eneiH i t . - : t i : , i .-pt-i ;-, -!ie ye.ir, i" . ' roil r':--, oiie in.-orl i; : ' , u -' 1 1 ' i t. '!! - i-: i -ii eoiititnt" a t 00 V M ! 1 ,o " . 1 .-o 8 Oi) ' l- oo j U III! ! 11 1 I Ii ill !1 . 'T:1 ll I 1 J ! 1 : ) . I 1 :u i :m'!. mx ill M . t . H"i -( (" ! ::.") oo ! 0 0 00 TO 00 00 n i ii ! . J oil ' 2 GO : l'tee. ! for an- I 00 ' ! t eoMtv ivuu t' r J I ! , j j I'd" v. N'. I four nt i ' ' : . f S -' . :il I vents. "'.A flT 'o f.r 0u r oo I! I . A ! l t e ) !'.;! i r on ;.K WILSON 1 t. V r- ! I I I ron'oyphta n y.-.i. .- Bb-ciVco Cards. ; 7 1 : 1 ,i. it ',', MV , I .'i: 'j. 1 . i ;''. -iy . !." HOTEL. : vvy. ;'!; 1 1 ... r v .';.', !: l phi a. ; ,t v sOn-.'.-d oa tie-i j .. ' ,.. a few rs ! iJ i i' ' : . r II I. e 1. :' t i p'!'-' ''V !:. .-. or t'le! sar". S VMM IIS. P:-..t vieto : I . f-Ci -lv. .rds. J e : l i V V j l - I 1 ;i's t. A AT LW 1 M-.lt'l M"e--t , jsiiiNt;. Jn'-ny.' -irn , rf-conii tioor nvi-r .'.iay -1. lse.r,.-i. T 1't ,o DUN T. LIN TON. j Y AT L AAV. J,.', !':. P.: j building on ei.i ia i- i f M -i-i iP.d i i : i . I et ranee ite .Mansioti inaiso. i n Frank 'in f t n-i t . .0 !ltl!liVtl, Nov. 10. lsr,.-).-1. D. . ...... , x- T - 1 x I I ' ...N i . I rL.i:;iiLiN AT LW, J.!r,i--!irn. 'r Otlice ir: the T'x-Ii'icge bllifiing, on 1 1 tf '.,r::er of Chut l.o.-u.t streets up; Will attend to all hu.-T rin':''t -. itli li s pro! ess; o, i hi;;:, tf- i ,i FL'ANK W. DAY. :iOL"SALL' md RETAIL Manur.iMi, t ..f tin. cnppMi: and SMELT-IKON A'l". C 'Kul A i .Yt'. below Clinton. Johns Ir.rge stock constantly or. Mav I. 18i";.-ly.a. r.W HAT AND CAE STOUI :: ; : ; 'f r un ! n. .v.iia .v-v Jo'.n.sUivn Le.iler in 11 ATS and CAPS. !'. I S ; h'.S. and.' ( i K N'f LKM K NS' 1'LTSN- j i COOPS, such as Prawn's. Shirts, It itelkerciiicfs, Neckties. Stockings. . '"ribrelhis. .rc . keeps censtantl v on ner.tl ass-.rtiaent, and his prices 1 as the lowest. " ' ' .v.-n. dune 2, ISCC.-ly. SCOTT 1KM1SE, t Si,- f. J.i; ..', Cawhria Co., Pa , A. HOW iy CO.. Proprietors. I'tiUSM having ln-n refitted and .''y fnrnisluil, is iv'iw op-jn for the ('! a and entertainiiietit of guests, 'fhe !,r ' ! by I. .ng oxpTience in hotel keop t ! cotiliih rt they can satisfy a dis '' '''.'g pt.blie. ' 1 -:r P.ar is supplied with the choicisl f Sioii .rs and vvit,s. I a .o :r. i si; W SERIES, 2 (ly.-) ri'i": plessinls of coyeknment, lkk the Ebensbi;rg: Business Cards. JOHN E. SCAN LAN, jjTTOP.NLY AT LAW; R')cn-:iurrf, Cara ji Win comity, Pa. May 0,.lhCo.tf, V. II seciilek. STTO'I?:! AT T.'AW. i.n.T PitACTICAL ; srj.'VKVOn. Ehrv.-bjni ("otni VIMJ.:.I KYI TELE, - - tl,,J'-u" -l 1 It II ' Ui o!Omlc ii w, i.c!:tie s-trrot. - -. 18-', l.-tf. V. P. TIERNEY f TTOMNEV AT LAW, Xotnsburtf. J'r. ! hliec in (J. .'oiiade " nv, ovi! o. IhC.j-tf -JOSIilTI MTK)NAL1, RTTOtlNKY AT LAW Pa m -re's Oliii eiiTi Ccntro street , oo pi -s'fe ilotil. Apr. "ii, 1 8G-tf K. E. dOIINSTt A 'f iec hi t!)e SmuIi em! of Lis resident i i;u':'-i!i .-! v oi. v.. i;t f!.f' O'lKt Hon -v. Civ.-mber 'J:'., is '.5 tf. JOIpf EENLON, ( M.OT) j to':t.v r law n.r, ,.,,,-,, p., )f:iee on Li- e t!cf. a.:i--iriimr 'bis n-i- ..enee. M.". .. 4. ( n.i-) C.VA)lKiK REED, !!NTiV ,T LAW. E'"ii'itr;, Tit. .n M :.':) stre-'t, f i:r-e !oois Ivist .-in. M.iy J, I S'i-: CEOIiGE W. OATMAN, f TTORNEY AT LA Yv. L". ..r.. P-. Jjliee in (' bn:ide Ki ". (.Vntre street. November -!. ler, -;t". U' -OT.) 1 . i. 1 1 ' ) i .-k: l V. i, 4 'I rr.RXilY AT LAW. E'"'us,ir:;. Pt u mh-i; ' n LiuU street. -'. e!o.. I'.ir-t i f ti e f.:lt die- II.-:i;e ..f LSoxd & Co. J.,..-t-,l..-r T. lSe..',. (tf.) . ' K. d. LLOYD, it., v.i... to u. r. i.r.NN. ly-en.cr n. 0 r.;a-;s, .mkdk.inls ami paints. S . tC on M .in stre-t. o p..sife tl .b.'re . K.l e: -e-n-. Pa. AT.iv 17, Viti.tf. MM. 1) IVANS, jiKNULltS i.is protesi..nal s-rvii es to the I ll'1JllS ol I 'eO.-oli :o.; vii I'.i'lv. . f II la vi store. ' uiiee onu ji.ur car .Mi.t ca ! i m a i le a l n r su it-nee : ,:r o. t. Oi'S u-i -t of II f!v.Ti? c:ibiiCt ware room. M iy til. 18 .;.3 .Cm J. C. Yli.St)X, AE l), Fl'Li-S hi-: s. rvi.es as PI1Y.-ICIAX and '. ' i " ; i . N . t . 1 1 c eitv. -ns of Kb -nshnrg :. i -air u-i-hag emit ry. 'f;l' e thn-e dm-ts lie: if lee Prc-'o.yter1 iti Chordi, i: tie , , ... ;' ,'v 1 1 . :,., I x ! ),-. .?. n"--. II ..::-, t e, A o,il !, ls-;.H"i.. i'NioN IIOI "SE, !ILN Pl'Il" i. P.... .MK1N A. LL. I'e ..eon. spare- !. -ams . r-ndcr I '.LA I IE thi- i.iuel t'.iy .'i a t:!.n.'l'lo;j i.J tie- ,1 ,cr;;l ; i at r. : . .eje it h-.- her. t of. rc receivel. His ; vi'l a ' w i s furnished with th" i l--st the m.'iikct a !h .rds ; bis bar with the i Ivst i! liouors L':s stable is bo and will a! le'e OY an attei.tivc .1 -me ar 1 obi'g J. lS'-O.-ti to; V. S ILVKKEL', P'; tt AIL I MALL II. in n-s. iia's. ;.i ps. t ; ;- Dry (.ioods. Boots, :eei ic. iv-c ; keeps e'lv on r..iini U If 'l Stfef-' 2W. 1 i ) " . a .rci:e: ii as.-i.i Tincnt. . EOensburg. P.l. S. WVAA'i )U I IX j I ST. p N I" IN L LS to vim! Kbet.sOurg "ri - on ally ii - a 'he -b;i ?!uid.-v of each ii'',ntb. I hiring his i'im ;i..;'"-l with Ha 1:1 - ar.il at 1-n- 1,'-IS A. MlVillT. V!:0 Y en r, -.viil n ieaia m ti e t a all hu-in'-s-i ent ruste-l to iiii'i. .1 mil lcGii. LLOYD & CO., ',A NiCI'llS. Elmis'ninj. T,i. (Jol.l, Silver. I u I'.yv I ,11.1 1.1. n 'i . I,.) .ill. . .in I -ti ' i. .: a . .... iei t. i..,.f ,.ti t .. . ' (I :. . l! ...? . i. ....,...-;;. .. . a ml I -i.-'lL i.l- .iiii. o''.'.. lu.vn. l iiti'iTiiTi i. u r : -'ts. Collections made on all across:!.!" , the I'nited States, and a tfencral ! n.iiats in I! inkiii!: 1'itsii s.s irate-acted. March I. fsCG.tf. LOO AN HOUSE, I rnflNShlTlf.'. Pa .'ISAAC OKAWFOPJ), Fj Prnprtctor. s bet's a continuation ot the liOeral patronage hetotolore c: torn tea. II is table and bar wio always Vie si-.pplieil with ; the best. His hote-e and stable being hirgi and convcnii nt. and having competent as- sistar.ts .-t all times employed, he fct.-ls con fhh-nt that he will bo able to render general Siitisf.iction. .rune 4, 1 Sr,,").-tf. SHIELDS HOUSE, J.Or.ETTO, CAMP.PJA (JOl'STY, PA.. THOMAS CAI.LLN. Proprietor. fTilliS hoiire is now ojica f-.r the aecommo- ti. t I i 1 -1 of the puoiic. AccotatiHiiations as giH.il as llio country wi.l t"--1 , are', charges moderate. May ti 1 . iscc.-tf". Lime for Sale. j milFl under-signed is repircd to ship Limn ' from Lil'v Station, or No. 4,ont!ui Pcmi- j svlvanii llailroad to F.hcnsburg, Johnstown, j or any other point, on fhe Per.ni. U. 1L, or i i .1 . :n .r 1 i its brunches. Addtvss. dm-2.-ff H-.vl WM. TILLY. k 1. . Catnhi ia co , Pa. dews; or heaves, should be EBENSBURG, PA., THURSDAY, AUGUST Speech of. Hon. Hiester Ciy.TGr, . To the Solih'crg of tlic. Union- Atstmlkd at IIirris!,nrj, Avjmt ft. . ..' To you, Gonc-ral, an 1 to you, soMIcr?, roprosi-ntiitives of the r:ml army of .Us republic, it irf my privilojrc to ml-Jress a v, bri-.f words. For years it has !con my habit to rp , poar before mj' fillov-eitize!ic, and by an i interchange of opinions to loam s mcwhat I of duty, and I have boon pratoful to them j for the kind consideration awarded no, ! even when my convictions upon questions : of t)id!io interest have Jitlered w'nleh- from their own. I have always felt niy- ; self to be their dehtor. vet never before ; have I been so oppressed by a sense of ! gratitude to them as at this moment, i No man may live during a period of great public excitement, fearlessly and ; honestly expressing his opinions and dis i charging what he believes to b-j his duty, j and hope to escape calumny ard misrep ! resentation. I am not an exception to j this general rale; I should, indeed, al- most question my own smcei ity, mi l woiiul 5,,r, ly ntouri! mv want of ardent and man- Iv ailvocacr, were I to be so. Ay grat ' itude is, therefore, deep and heartfelt that, in this ei'pltid of ottr State. sn . !i members ; ot the survivors of that army of heroes ' and patiiots who sprang to arms and sa ; veil the ropol'Ue from untimely destruc ; tion, should attest by their presence, and ""by their words of welcome, assurances of ! support, that they have not niisunder- stood, and tl.at t'ieV indorse an ! approve 1 my position in t'ne past. LVom liigliest j olVieer to humblet private, they are hr. ! from i vcrv county, from each city, an ! : from all the town- end villages of our gr:md Commonwealth, you are gatheii-1 j in va-t numbers not. indei 1, as mere j man-worship"XTS, but to attest vo-ar liv- j ing and un vie'ditig devotion to the great j underlaving principle of o'ir government inJf'ti urAil.li' nuili; which, vou .be'iev find ; its expression in the principle, of i him whose, high privilege it is to r.d kc ! i vou. loa are here further to rttest. in ; suite of the threats of venal parti-ans. that ( in your opinion be has been fiitaftu to I relatii ti to them : but as their active, rec ' hi-s duty as a citiz n and as a legidator. ! ognizod exponent In tliis State at this time, Y'ou are gathered :do to assert your fix- i 1 have a tight to expect the cordial and ' ed and urtnlterable determination to save j united support of all who -have strugeled ! your country by the balh-t, as you did by 1 (or them, either in civil life or in the tent- ' bullet. To proclaim that you will fght cd field. I ask you to give me that sup 1 treason :m.d rebellion as liticomn'-otaisingly ! port, and when I prove rca-cant to the in the North as you did in the South, an 1 that vou will not cease your patriotic la bors until vim see every scot ion ; your eoim'fv fully restored to the Ms-nigs of that Union, the untmporiiled sai- ty of which you went forth to defend an 1 pro tect. These, mv fellow- ciii.cn3, for such it is now mv right and pleasure to call you, having exchanged the pursuits of arms for tin- n-acelo! ae 'fit oeis i n.e. are I scan hi-' it of the high purposes which - Iiave :t vou hither. ' liv nrrccnt and example vou have this day dist barged a sacred dutv. I i-om you, above all others, onr wh.o'e people ai' to ,;irri what were the true issues involved in the bloody contest which your valor aided in bringing U a Piioecs-sful ties? Yctt '.vent forth under a solemn con tract which vou si iiied with your blood. and in th cy."cntioa of whicii tens ot thoosads3 of vour brave conn-ads yielded up their lives. Did you go to destroy thr Union? to subvert the Constitution ? Was it in the bond that the ballet-ri filed an 1 smoke- begrimniod flag which you had borne on I so many fields of danger and of death. should have eleven stars stricken from its " r ' 'J" ' azure, or if still there, to be t! .. ol conouored and degraded tirovinecs m- ' 01 preat ana sovereign states -. UiU you go forth not only to make free, but likewise to en franc! use four millions f negroes, and thereby make them your so cial and political equal? Did you go fsrt!i to degrade and enslave 'ight mil lion of j'our own race and color, to give New England ra'iacifv .boundless scope for bist for gold, and to secure to New England fanaticism perpetual ascendency in the government ot our country? Oh, no; it was for no such object as these that you followed Or.-mt from the Ihip idan to the dames, and there compelled the surrender f Ee that you cleared, the highway to the gulf that you en countered death amid the. mountain fast nesses of ( reorgia that you made your mysterious march to the sea that from thence you turned northward, with the trea l of an avenging host, through Ooor gia ami the Carolhias, and witnessed the dying struggle of rebellion, when Johns ton yielded his sword to Sherman, the Oenius of War ! I lerctofore, to-day, gallant men who hay hd you in the din a.u-l smoke ol Inttl '. those who have beep bapti.ed with distributed alike, upon the fire, Iiave set forth in trrns whi"li you understood and approved, the true objects 1 lor which you su!lered and bled topx-thor in defense of an imperiled country. It was their riht rather than mine to ad dress you. They tritely understand your views and feeling, and gave them mo.-t fitting 'xpresiou. They and you have asserted that it was '-a war for the Un ion." That it was not waged for con quest or subjugation. That yon did not enlist to secure, the ne.rro the rilit to vote, nor to rair-e him to social or political equality, and that you did h-.tllo to up- lav.s. Go to your homes, happy in the re flection that you have clearly tbis day S' t forth the high purposes tor whieb you braved danger and death. Say to j our comrades whom you represent, and to those at homo who honor and cherish you, that this great State, which sent three hundred and fi'ly thou-and of .- r sou to the bloody harvest under : Sf leinn env onant, v id by her vote in October tvxt ratify and v rm th;t covenari?. T!:o gre.it l'dy of y-r poplo are irt turns, hotie.-t. and tvu'v ! nion-iovinrr, and when iers lead li e van, they will sur'lv an I .o'-or;Io2 -'c!t thcr, vo-i folio-, will be with ti' viet'if! on I'eun'.yicania soil on ".-ere on Southern Ii soil with the bue-'t. Vour lwr' have never qu-died b'-forc they v ill not now, a tsd when in October r.rxt the rcpd'ic shad; have it-n rimit'vj !v your labors, von i!l have w-.n ni'T" la tleg and iuv jtcrihal! glory t the Held of battle. :i that :i'-hieved on Your Lib. rs will then be crx'.e-.:. ymr wof;: compiuta V n f.n.-;ht fr pr-nMpi-.. Men 'lie and are Co-cot ten : prir.cijdes. if baV-1 on trufh. are ri.ihf. live forever. 1 ;c who adiu-res through good and evil report to tie principh to !;! t.lincip'es J .r wmcii you !oU"at. is a true patriot to-t,av and wave I sun but a representative of thost prim-io.??.' I make no claim to other or ,1 greatt-r consider ation than tnat wliieli should be accorded te any other person who no' ht Iiave iieen nlace 1 in the same trust, di-'card me and put some one more faithful in mv nlace. I have d..ie. In this civil ccr.tCet vou .,w f! -h'ing an encmv as- dangerous to toe life of the republic as that which yon sub dued south of the l'etomae. Equal ex ertion, equal novo will snr. iy bring u ts.m, toe i victory 11 V ir.i ; courage our own :ei.i Siijnai.s The vat lete and the s ol e v- tne 'toot the l.ioomet.ve. ratmrs- ol 'he arms ot ctndictors oy av-, r or lantern? hv night, are about as intelli- to most people as first class Choc taw. Their sigmfloat:.-:! is as fobows: One V; his.:e 'Down brakes.' Two Whistles 'OT brakes.' Three Whistles 'j;:lck up.' Continuous Whistles 'Danger.' A ranid succession of short whistle - is ln- -'. .1 ,'..!. inn. at which eh the brake's will always be put down. A sweeping parting of on level of eve. is n signal to 'go anoai d.' A downward motion of the hand, with extended arm", 'to stop.' A beckoning motion of one hand, to 'back.' A lantern raised and lowered vertically. is a signal for 'starting swtinp at right angles or cross ways the track, 'to stop in a circle, q.nck the train.' A red flag waved upon the t-ack must be rogard -d as a signal of danger. So of ether signals given with energy. Hoi ted at a station, is t signal for a train to stop. Stuck up by the road side, it is a sig nal of danger on the track ahead. Carried unfurled upon an engine, is a warning that another engine or tram, is on its wav. Tur. three wealthiest men in New York r-,tv i fact the wealthiest men in the (.01".tl.y Win. E. Asfor, Commodore Van le'rd'ilt and A. T. Stewart and who In. hi more Government bonds th-m thri.e times their number of men anywhere, are ! dcle-.ites t the National Union Conven tion. They understand the value of the Union and "a pood Government, and hence thev repudiate the Kump Disuniomsts in every possible way. Tin; man in jail who looked out of the window of his cell am! exclaimed, "ihis is a grate country," is now generally ad mit led to have spoken within bounds. high and the low, the rich and 10, 80(5. UNSECTiONAL Tlie Co:ive:i!ioo to b - lu l l at Plmad;-!-phia on the 11th of August, vill be the first patlierini for meaiy years of p-'ople from all sections oi ta - Union. Eor this reason, if for no u;;: -r, it will be a :vmar kab'.e ::-i:-embiv. Not vine.- the f st i'fv at Sumter, in 1!'1, have J.e repi . se-ita -tives of all the S'-Ues tt-t in any ooiiiieii, eitlier eeclesiasiieal or oiil, come together lor any purpose npon a ci'iiiirnn jilatform. We i-lia'.l be rea:lv mi-taken if this fact h:is not a marked influence upon die spiiit of those who, f r the iuv-t time in six vears shall greet ear'i t!cr as hret Siren. Over toe intervening graves, stronger , . . tti.m the memory ol the bitter s'.ni", hushing the tumult of sectional at;' uiosi- t: wi!! co;nr tl; inao-.ve 1 M.eiaiK'DS e ea lys, an '. t'f- hearts of old- tieni brethren will on' more flow together. Th blofvl that has breu shed will rest in tha graves of btiri contrevcisy ; and th'? winner current ol a he-i.er n'e will 0e q'lii '-eued in t'le 'leasts of tho-e who still o.va the lie that ma!-: 's the.ui one, :itid nu et te kindle anew the glow of pitriot-i-m i t;:-1 b;.!v!s th' (:l jri a common a!! "gi- auce. With s II! til' I'.-'.". Conveu- fiou tuerc- v.-iii tie i: t' past nor di-'ru-t for the onlv question will he, move from parts ol i'.e 1. the tut;. re a:vl how Lest to re nd the traces of the tiational pi .-l!M!io::. It i- a leu nv tirv-u-o-ta-M-.', t- it the Conv :ii"( n a a hodv will biive no p vty th s, :'!: 1 r.:-e i.o ali.'gi.inee a"v j'lat !: ni except tl. ' imp'.i.v.'i' n in the oa'.l un der wiiicii it nssemok". It i sigitiiileant an 1 we may !. p ' an r.ugo.ry for goo.!. t!,at the frsi gai'e ii g "f th-e jn-ople from all rc-ions. a:t-r se.-'i :' ; ersod i,f wa.-te and do -o;ati.-n. mav ctm-t lr.r mj attii !d.- oi everv irue tmn-i w t: neui .iiiuc:ifii of p.o!ii!cal diviMons. Those who love creatures coul-l n int.vt. Tl-.ey have d" pariy moi-.i tiian country have tried in. sn-oved our couiitrx- tliey ha e outraged vain to prevent th-- tne'-img f brethren iwir mvtl country women they ! ave auir long est rang1 d, and w;!l doubtless make j ..C(j u(,r owl) cul;ntry men they have Still another ciro't to keep a'ive the ha- r.-d. plundered and Jnlated the fair- : treads and jealousies of the past and to 1 t; p )r;'H'ns of our own land ;h y ba ; sow the si-octs of lieh dissen.-ions. All : violated the constitution have broken : such attempts ma-t fail in the presence of j tjl0jp 0nis robbed the people ' i.pris- the better spiiit w Inch has been invoked. )neii Dein erats burg them to trees , an 'i which, wo trust, will rule in all le-arts ertraci-ed them in business taught their If we are to b arn anything from the part. ' (i;;-ty hired children to insult them on the it should be the lesson of mutual forbear- ; str0.c ea'.l.'d them traitors mobbed lance and mutual trust. Haifa million ; ,j.(,r 0jpuv.- raiisacked their mails and livs, and thoeiseai 's ol ore. have bam sactii: which parly spit it cr v r satistie !. 1'rrsh v nu.hons m !roa- U! t.'l aoar it is n. etiuis are de l, arid they were granted, it We .1 1 ive. give I" L no sections still err. . but cue wire :.:iuihl!::ed, it woual t-.trti tqon itself sis fierce as ever, for its cra-vinT- knows neithcrr.bafem "ut nor satiety. : It will br a relief, t!i- refoie to see one i t'onw-nrion of the p t.p'e bouti 1 by no ; nartv lie-, nod free to suggest measure for the co-'iui' a good, iihont .r-traiuts fi oni tuO'Siinc. e reoven the bane of most political aemh'e s. .f-nm. o;' Com. "71 - - A TS ( I eat v. lie man wr.o voies tor .j-.iih votes for a Col who W , . ... i m i. i l c l - - n a ditch at ( Ite-pnhcpee, and left his 11 1 ' men to fj.dit without a comtnander. Th' votes who VOc'S Col. who ran awav I at the battle of Curo Oordo, tnd i left the major of his regiment now, Cm j Win. llrtn'dle, of .Money to take charge of his men. i The man who votes for Oe try votes or j a Genial who hired his -.winy corrcspon ! ilent to report that he had fought a ter rific battle at S.u-korsvi-l. lost bis arm. and the Eoid knows what all but gave the "ivbs" a fearful thra-hiiig when there was n. t a confederate soldier within two days march of him. And' be ides this, the men who vof. s f.r the coward Oearv, v ais.) in i.ivui' of negro suffrage, negro equality, high ; taxation, amalgamation, di-umon. ae.otiu r i ii '. -i , t . . .'..a-..: o . war. una a:i i '.' evi.s urn iiiimiu i t naticism can iidlict upon -.nr c ountrv and ' race. .).::. I "i.'e' mn'i. Ax En-dish traveler a century ago ; the enemies of toe whoe race mid tne oj said 'of Eosto:,: "The IviiMings', like pressors of the laboring classes, know their women, nre neat and handsome, and i that you are cognizant, of their crimes and ! the streets, like the hearts of their men. ' are paved with pebbles ' They hav four ! churches built, with, clapboard nud shin- j oJ.s an 1 supplied with four ministers on a sell-' ,!.' r, o"e a gentleman, ou a dance, and one a down. The caption of a shin met hi wife n the street after a long voyage, ar. l kis.-ed her, for which h was ti ned What happiness. I thought I, do we enjoy in Old Iv'glan l. : where we cannot only kis; our wives, but I other men's, without pcnaliy." Mr. .T'ir-1. son r.ier'i ser lie. x t nui ' see Iee'r-latare, has brought a suit for ' $10f,(h)i.) against the E.adical m embers of t Iim t the horse ran away with the corps,. the House for fa! impris v.-.tnent. ' , svu V;X overtaken with difTi-ulty the pooi VOL. E3---NO. 25. O.ie of the most hopeful signs of the linie. is tl.at l-mocrats are b-'ginning t" spr-ak out. Tliey are beootuiug aroused or rather they are casting asiii.; that con temptible fear, which durieg abolition rpb n of terror, caucel such a vast ma j Mty of the. party, to lock their lips i.jnl submit "m silence, to vhae cr outrges were committed, are t.i'.Vicg earnestly and plainly in favor of the gtve.t principles which they would see tiiumph. This is a glorious omen. It is a sure fojvniiiocr of success. Cowardice has been the bane of our party for the pnt live year.-. i nt.ir.p nf con.iu" out bi.'.d'iv ami char- - l r ;n,r the om mies of our oriueinles ;avl country, we have hid behind weak resolution, mid been content, with being t.ft a'iulic lighting on the. deieosive. Wcre !c feate 1 and we deserved to be lVmciples that aic not worth Manning up tl!; si;(!U!d never succeed. ibat that dav irrcFoIution, an quiescence in wrong lias passed away. The condition ot our country and the vn inistakab'ie intentions of puritan ab-.-'mou-i-m. has awakened the greet ir.a- - of the Democracy to the dangers that sm '(und th-'ui, ai 1 ;h -y are c!;a-gi;ig l"-ld- !v ho-n. n the miscreants ".vho are at tempting l destroy emr on.ee . jtrotiu ro pubiic, the crimes and outrages of which the- are gni't". And they cannot be toe! of their iiifatn';u ;.ets too plainly. The fi-icti of a 'wh.ite man's go vet nment and C! ,1 liberty ov.c nothing to puiit ui Jibo- !i;ioiii.-m, that s!i u!d cause them t i -peak in honied words of ilie wrong-ticy imve committed, or the :itrociii- th. v leo.e pernetrat. d. As a party we a:-.' guilt ; r.otiiing except p ','i-.d c ev idiee. 'vhiie our cnen.ie? are .-lined no .r;.l. . o .li1 i,allv, ; .ln.j lelO'ioustv, wi:!i overv t:;::;e that ; opened their letters burnt them in oi'.igy , J;t..lt drm V d d'u tv nose. I a?-:s: ot irovt als, sneaking under th d ;h -ir wi: es and abus Willi I'.'WS- -in-iil' their chiiuren impoverl.-hed the peop' wi'h debt made the licit richer ; poor poorer iiied the land with tax gatherers, thieving niggers and bastard ' mulatto babies, and theoilics with pro fessional thieves, educated b'-ick;.piard-. ; and enemies of the white race. These are but a few of the charge in ' the bili of accounts against puritan abo . litionisin. vet they are sufficient to call hu tb execration?, from the graves of dead j Democrats ; why should living one fri . , , , : the teeth of she-'. at-home , , , , , ,. , i awards assassuis. longtongaed - ri Mi auo e- ie loco tl in o. i ...111,1.1.1 1 1 ,.-l,rt i.-om -.i.n in t,:ivnr a s t ; " , V. , 1 . . for Oe-iry i I';'l VO';t marsnais nnaspn , utiu v. n. ,-..: -" ' n.t nnif ;or iinin c.-ir evnrii.'.e to crush out , ' ' i . : democracy or inult and outrage t!.os who i advocate its principle? ? ' :t Democrats remember the dark day : of the Lincoln despotism. Vie rope, tin bludgeon, and ihe l-ati', iven? th" r.r ' guments then used. Let them n-t fall to remind the miserable batch of cowards. ; contractors, nigger worshippers rind w lute nu n op posers, w ho ia-ed th m. of the wrong they have done. There are to-day thousands of hrvit ! men in the ranks of sdvil'itioi i-ra, who ' were Lai to believe the Democracy were i wrong. b"causc they feared to say they were right. Let that impr'e-slen lat no longer. Talk out ! 1-t the world know wh.at vour opinions a'-e . ,nt -ib-.iitni'i- ' ';!1'm' nPl' ,n earnest, a-n. let tne : apologists of despotism, the aid of puh- i lie. plunderers, the advocate oi i.ismuo::. j i . j ' that vou are not atraut to te.i ttiem ol tnem. Speak out. 1 ' nni -rct-r il'.A-.V ." . Tri s!'-o:-g!y, nav. mo-e than hitited that Congress a.djonrood. b'-e.-.tise cd' th-: neco'-lf- pressing, upon it, to 'mvestigat. into certain frauds in the Tivi.-n IV- - ' part avait, while Chase oecopi-sl the retafvstitp it appears mat e ins,' ! elected to account for ?ot:i- .''' ...o.'oo .i of:', uriuuicn as, so b.idiv fi ig'nten 1 iilr.vv which was , drawing a hearse, in a fan eral pro.' t r It n