"0 if -gT-EiijaijaaLsi-sr :h?"s:is?,,:h3"::eis- 3i3E:"rttBr3gr,B3:H3 cht,b s?a3it-.H,3r,ac:ss9 tv2jie:S7S,;"S59 &ce:, I7 BLESSINGS OF GOVERNMENT, LIKE THE DEWS OF HEAVEN, SHOULD BE DISTRIBUTED ALIKE, UPON THE HIGH AND THE LOW, THE RICH AND THE POOR. ;,-j.;W SERIES, 2. S. r- Democrat nub jStnihtrl, T .,., in the borough of Ebensburg, I ia c- unty, Viu, every Wednesday . ;.v r-,.u.; Wilsox, at the follow , hiv.ir.ab'y "" aelvauce : . '. t'..ic-' V.:'-r.'.h'i, 50 -. :: ti.s, $1 00 ..::r, 2 00 ,. I'li! to pay their subscriptions :'..e expiration of six months will '.; liio rate uf $2.50 pur year, . '.;! t.j pay until -after the ex . , ; -. , lw mouths will be charged at : . . . : -' I.Oii per year. . .; ri' an-1 S-., it in el when paid for " .. ;(.-.- t't.iti' eon! per number; ; paid ia advance six cents per ..--:'-r .:'. be char;;, f. -. . dvr.-: constitute a quarter: , . . r.'.x i.i' :tlis; and fifty numbers, i:vrs ay apvkiitisixcs. i' (0;,.. if i.irL',:ii.-;e typo constitute a : on- r'.i -n, .: -i- iV.ei.t ::.:-ei-iUn, : i.e yi;ir, i.ii's, in-Tt:.!)), .. t iv-crtion, -.-.th column, three months, .; ; :. v. ! in.::, ? : 111' titl.S, ciun.n, one year, tio.,- Months, :::::!, six rti-t; t i;i..n. (..tie e:U .mi,, Circe lo'.nths, !,:'., fix. i:i"i.;!iS, T -.:. one Year, N ::v," N $1 00 'Jo c oo 1 50 f,0 8 00 12 00 20 uo 12 00 20 00 85 00 20 00 35 00 TO 00 2 00 2 .0 2 on 1' TeO. r.'.t' '. ' v. rv.d Dt.V. . c..:.S iih paper, it-r an- 0 00 . i.uary N-ilces, over six lines, ten cents f.--i J and btiviij,s Xotices tiyht cent V.: e t'.-r ti-.vt i:..Tt! n. anJ ror cents for i iif i.is- i I'-iv.. lc -biii.'iis "f S " it tie-;, or conimtttiica .. . t" ,i (:( .li.'d L..t;:ie mut be paid for . iv. ; ti.-ciaet.ts. , v ut,s in.-cud in aiiverti.-:emect.s. c.Mtns. i r 2 ;".) j GOO fr 5 00 . ...MiC.al Jii:iidr;d, 50 r.t.Axi.s. iv. :,u ! Kachad. a'r.$l 00 . ;,.-ient v. ii. n.it be paid f-r on ULAKK WILSON. . -"..ii-:, Jttr-c 1 1 , lt-O j. i i; .viobhia Business Cards. KLSSr.i.L WOODULI'F, . y..M.r. I'i:lf.r.s :u tobaccos, : ..Mis, l lPi'-S, -c., No. 13 - !:.-U vlrti', d,..v; Jlarkct, Piiiladcl . ; a. dnr.o 21, ISCO.-lv. TATKS I'NION HOTEL, 1'iULADELPJUA. ' ii' TKL is liM.u:tly situated on the :. - 'c .f ILrkcf street, a few doors .S.;,tii street. Its central locality :', pHri-rv.h.ily d'-slrable to persons : Hie .iv business or pleasure. 'I', l'i. Y, )LH, Proprietor. iv, r::own Business Cards. ! VKUS L. PERSIIINO, '.KV AT LAW, Johnstown, Pa. a Main street, second floor over May 4, l8G3.-tf. .1(51 IX V. LINTON, '.KY AT LAW, .Mix.stoirn. P,i. in l.'.il.lir:; on eorner of Main and .; sive.'t, opptite Mansion House, : :: t. r.!itr;.nee on Frankliu btrcet. . t. wn, Nov. I J, ls0o.. 1. M I.AI tJIILIN, tUXKV AT LAW, J!ni!uicn, Pa i. in l!. !'.:.!, airj.e buili'ii:!', on tbe er of Gii::tn a id Locust streets up Will attend to all buincts conncct- . '.i !r..; profession. U.:::.-tf. fkanjv y. hay, ALE and RETAIL M.mufar-f rcr, IN". Ci.d'PKU and SHEET-IKON .'.'. '( i-:rtt, below Clinton, Jc.'tn.t . A lar.'e stock constantly on M.iy.4. 18G(J.-ly".. i . HAT AND CAP STOKE. Tl'UNI R. Miiin xtreet Ivhiisloicn. ' r in II ATS and CAPS. HOOTS . t d (l EXTLEM ENS' PURN ' j'.i';01;S, v.-,.., as Drawers. Shirts, -o-.vr is, Neckties, Stockings, : r c., keeps ccnstantlyou :' r axvirtmenl, and Lis pricos ' C Io".et. ' dune 21, lPHG.-ly. i rr iiousi J:l.f.:.t,-fn, Cumbria Co., Pa., . '') 'V CO., Proprietors. ' '' J.J.vins been refitted and y I ".i-uiMjcd, is now open for the ;-: ' ' itainment of guests. The ' ! y 1 experience in hotel !;cep- 'd.ey caa satisfy a dis- s .pplicd with the eli'MCt.-t .d V.'U'CS. 1- Ebensburg Business Cards. JOHN E. SCAN LAN, ATTORN EY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Cam bria county, Pa. May 5, lSCS.tf. vTII. SECHLErT ATTORNEY AT LAW, and PRACTICAL SURVEYOR, Ebensburg, Pa., office in the Commissioners office. Dec. 7, 1805.-tf. TLLIA5I K1TTELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Eucmsburg, Pa. i Odiee in t'olonade Rjw, Centre street. Dec. 4, ISOL-tf. v7l TIELNEY. fiTTORNEY AT LAW, Ebcnsbitri, Pa. jj Oliiee in Colonade Ro.v. April 5, 1803-tf dOSlIPII M'DONALl), ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg. Pa. ;1 Oi,iee on Ceiitre street, ipposite Mixire's Hotel. Apr. 20, 1800-tf 11. L. JOHNSTON, fiTTORNEY AT LAW, E'-nsburg, Pa. fi Ofiieu in tde S; uth end of his residence, immediately opposite the Court House. November 23, ISOo.tf. CLST) JOHN FENLON, STTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg Pa. Oli'iee on 1 Huh street, adjoining bis reti'i tleiice. May 4, 18C5. (1.42 ) GEORGE M. EEED, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Pa. iiiee on Main street, three doors East ot Julian. May 4, 18G5. GEORGE W. O ATM AX, ' TTORNEY AT LA W, Ebensburg, Pa l Mik e in Cohmade Row, Centre street. November 20, ISOo.-tf. (1.37.) F. A. SHOEMAKER, TTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Pa f Oliiee on High street, one door East of the linking House of Lloyd 6c Co. Oacuiboi 7, lfci6. Of. r. jTlloyd, nUCCEROR to R. S. Lt .v.v, Dealer in 0 DKUGS. MEDICINES AND PAINTS. Store on Main street, opposite the "Moore House, El.cus.burg, Pa. May 17, 'GG.tf. DR. D. YV". EVANS, (TIENDERS his professional services to the 1 citizens of Ebensburg and vicinity. Office one door ea.-.t of R. Davis' store. 7:;-ht calls made at his residence three doors west of R. Evans' cabinet ware room. May 31, 1805-Cni - J. C. WILSOX, I)., FFP.RS his services as PHYSICIAN and U SURGEON, to the citizens of Eb?nsburg and surrounding country. Office three d'Xjrs l'liiat of the Presbyterian Church, ia the room formerly occupied by Dr. Jones. Ebensburg, April 12. 18GG.3m.. "rx i ( 7n IIOIJSE, TJP.F.NSnURG, Pa., JOHN A. BLAIR, Propietor, sjiares no pains to render this hotel worth' of a continuation of the liberal patronage it has heretofore received. His ttble will always be furnished with the best the market affords; his bar with the best ot liquors His stable is large, and will be attended by an attentive and obliging hostler. June 4, 18GG.-tf. V. S. DARKER, RETAIL DEALER, in Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Groceries, &c ; keeps constantly on hand a general assortment. Store on Hiiih street, Ebensburg, Pa. Sept 28, 1803. S. BHLFORD, DENTIST IONTJNUES to viait Ehent-burg personally I on the 4th Monday of each month. During his absence Lewis N. Snyder, who studied with the Doctor, will remain in the office and attend to all business entrusted to him. June 7. 1SGG. DR. J. M. M'CLURE, DENTIST, Johnstown, has opened an office on the cor. of Centre and Main streets, in this place, (building formerly occupied by Mr. Co Han as a hotel, up flairs, front room,) where he may be found on the Jirst Monday of every month, and remain one or two weeks. Play 10, 18G6. LLOYD & CO. II ANKERS. Ebensburg, Pa. Gold, Silver, D Government Ponds, and ether securities, nought and so!J. Interest allowed on ime deposits. Collections made on all accessible points in the United States, and a General Ranking business transacted. March 1. lSGG.tf. LOGAN HOUSE, rCENSDURG. Pa., ISAAC CRAWFORD, li Proprietor, solicits a continuation of the liberal patronage heretofore extended. His table and bar will always be supplied with the best. Ilis house and stable being large and convenient, and having competent as sistants at all times employed, he feels con fident that ho will be able to render general satisfaction. Jime 4, 18G5.-tf. s i n elds-1 1 oi : jse7 7 l.OF.ETTO, CAMliliTA COUNTY, PA., THOMAS OALLLX. Proprietor. THIS hoijsc is now open fr the accommo dation of the puhlicj Accommodation as good . ns tlm country will afford, and charges moderate. May 3!, 18G6-t,f. EBENSBURG, PA., THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1SGG. "I WILL G0."-Genesis24: 58. We have often thought that Rebckah's oft hand acceptance of her first offer of marriage was a dangerous example her proposed husband, too, being forty years old J . But, in the following sweet poem, it is made out to be the text for all love making. 'I will go!" Yes, leaving all All the life that erst I knew ; Former loves, or great or small. Centered in this one I view ; Leaving all, I love thee so, With thee, chosen, I will go. I will go from girlhood here, Sunny with its home-born love. Into woman's higher sphrre. Where the lights and sha.lowa move ; All life's cares I then shall know. Yet, I auswer, I will go. I will go to bless thy way, Cheer thee with a gentle voice. Make thee happy every day. Id the lightest smiles rejoice : All thy cares and j 13's to know As mine own yes, I will go. I will go to walk with thco On the rugged path of life ; I will trj' a help to be, Sharing with thee in the strife ; I will never leave thee no Till God calls me I will go. I will go stand at thy side. In the sunshine, in the shade ; I will let no cloud divide This one life or two have made ; Nobler, stronger, love shall grow, Reaching heavenward I will go. Romance in Real Life. The whistle blew, the bell rang and the locomotive whirled alongside of the plat form'; tvliercou ?tood a, group of people, some saying their last parting words to weeping friends, some eager and flushed with hope, others hurried and anxious. No one noticed the young girl who so quL etly stepped into the car and took her seat without any words of farewell ; each individual was too busy thinking of him self, even after the train Lad started on its way, to take thought of that pale face, or cast a second glance towards the deli cate but trim little figure that had so si lently appeared among the travelers. Dut we may follow her, if others do not, and learr. what is written in that silent face. An orphan going from the place of her birth, to earn, if possible, a larger pit tance in the great metropolis, as a sales woman in a store. The great metropolis of which she has heard since a chdd, pic tures itself to her imagination, and a rest less curiosity, combined with many anx ious forebodings, fill her mind alternately with hopes and fears. Morning daw ned and as the train whirled on, fast approach ing the city, the passengers began to be stir themselves, r.nd after the customary bustle of arrival, they soon were scatter ed far and wide. Some had returned to the embraces of loving friends ; some were hurrying through the crowded streets in search of their old acquaintances ; others, forlorn and lonely, thought only of seeking employment. Our heroine was accosied by some friend?, who had heard of her coming, and kindly offered her the hospitalities of their home until she should find a home elsewhere. A few hours la ter, her friends, wishing to show her some attention, invited her to go aboard an ocean steamer then lying in harbor. She complied with the delight of a country lass, and her curiosity was satisfied and pleased by all she saw. A Liverpool packet was lying beside the dock, and our little party, desiring it, thought they would visit it also. So, going aboard, they walked up and down the deck. Meanwhile, a littlo sailor boy a "jolly tar," in technical language beckoned to them, saying, "Oh! come into the cabin ; you have not seen the best . part of out ship." They followed him into a beauti fully fitted-up saloon. Our heroine was in ecstacica. A door opened at the other end of the cabin, and a tall man approach ed his nobla form and lordly bearing at the same time impressing all . with the feeling that he must be the captain of the ship. Introductions ensued. In her delight, our heroine exclaimed, "Oh ! I should like to go to Europe on such a ship." It was the deep voice of the cap tain that answered, "Well, and can't you if you vyill? "A3 your stewardess, I suppose sir?" replied the young lady. "As my wife!" exclaimed the master. "As your wife, sir!" cried the damsel in no feigned, astonishment, "you must be joking !" 'Oso ! I am not," exclaimed the captain, "I mean every word of it !" On the instant the color rprang to the cheek of the young girl her heart beat rapidly. "Could ho mean it ?" Conceal ing the emotions of her heart, she stood buried in thought. The Captain mean while took her friend aside, and showed him letters of credence from some of the most respectable firms in Europe. Then, returning, he anxiously aw-aited a favora ble response. She, with trepidation, ask ed for a few hours to consider this unex pected proposition, which was to be fraught with such a remarkable change in her condition, her hopes, her fears alternating in her mind as she meditated. It was finally agreed that ho should receive an answer at 3 o'clock v. sr. At the appoint ed time the Captain called, and with em otions such as the tender sex only are sus ceptible, she yielded her heart confidingly to him who was to be her future lord, anil to whom she had been but a few hours before an utter stranger. And in a few moments they were standing together, bri lo and groom, she no longer the de pendant, orphan country girl. What thought must have whirled through her brain as she journeyed some three hun dred miles to her native village to tell the wonderful story of her sudden change, and make ready for her departure for Europe (on her bridal tour), w hich was to l)c in three days. The residence of the orphan girl was a village on the Erie Railroad, "where two roads meet." The groom is Captain O-, of the old Liverpool line of packets. Mom; Infant Mii:di-:i:s. The Cam bridge, Mass., whipping case was a pret ty bad one, but here is something much worse to record in a wholesale slaughter of infants in Lawrence, Massachusetts. It appears from the coroner's inquest that Mrs. Rogers has received infants, gener ally illegitimate, and from a month to a year in age, to board. Sometimes she had ns many as nine boarders of this class at once. Last week she had six. There was a coroner's inquest on one of them last .Saturday. On Monday a neighbor looked in and saw the unburied body, black : covered with maggots, and the eyes not closed. An infant then in the woman's arms was apparently in a dying condition. Of the one dead, a witness expressed the opinion that the wretched infant "had sucked its fingers to the bone, and quite raw, in the agonies of starva tion." Several similar vases were men tioned in connection with this Ilerodian hotel, or among infant boarders lately ta ken away from Mrs. Rogers. The bill of fare, to use the expression of the witness, was Hour-gruel scared with milk." It was also stated that some of the mothers hoped the children would die, thus reliev ing them of nying a dollar a week to the woman. If the little sufferers had been in I.iOuisiana, and "colored," we should have had no such record as this. Even Sumner, who has offered petitions for pi anos, new shoe?, suffrage, or similar lux uries from half the reconstructed negroes in the country, has not seen fit to present this Lawrence matter to the Senate. A Pincknt Si.kmon. St. Jerome in one of his sermons, rebuked the women of his day in words so apropos to those of modern times, that we cannot forbear copy ing them : Ah ! I shall tell you who are the wo men that scandalize Christians. They are those who daub their cheeks with red, and their eyes with black those who plaster their faces too white to be human, reminding us of idols those who wimiot shed a tear without its tracing a furrow on fhe painted surface of their faces those w hose ripe years fail to teach them that they lira growing old those whose head-dresses are made up of other peo ple's hair those who chalk wrinkles in to the counterfeit presentment of youth, ami those who affect the demeanor of bashful maidens in the presence of troops of grand-children. Dl'siies and Wkeds. August is a sea son for the most elfective and deadly on slaughts upon weeds and bushes. The nature of most weeds is the first part of the season to make tops, and afterwards to concentrate their energies either upon the production of seed or maturing their roots, so as to live through the winter, if cut in this dry hot weather it is usually certain death. Even Butter-and-Eggs (Litana), that most showy and detestable of weeds, is sometimes killed by thoroughly hoeing up in an August drought. As for bushes, once cutting up. and then letting the sheep browse off the young shoots, will make an end of the worst, even wild roses and blackberry bushes. Do not let any weeds go to seed. The season has been particularly favora ble to crops of weeds, and without prop er diligence it will take years to do away with the harm that.rcay be doao if they scatter their seeds. What did the Soldiers Fight For. j What did the soldiers of the Union army fight for? A Republican newspa- j per asks that question. We will try and answer it in a few plain words. j Says the Lancaster 1 nUHigenecr, when j the flag, the symbol of the Union as form- ! cd by our fathers under the Constitution, j was tired upon at Sumter, thou?ftnds of j brave men rubbed to arms. For what ? j Was it to' free the negroes ' Let the Rad- : ieal Disunionists tell the returned veterans that if they dare. When President Lin- i j coin issued lus proclamation liveing nic 1 slaves, what was the rouud on which he 1 professed to stand? Was not the act jus tified because it was believed -soldiers : fought for the restoration of the Union, j under the Constitution! That was the ' one groat, grand, holy object which they 1 kept singly in view. They did not light to conquer equal rights for the nepro, and ', in the coming elections they will show , their scorn. of that political party which j would delay the restoration of the Union i until the odious conditions of negro-suf- ! frage and negro-equality are forced upon j an unwilling people. The. soldiers rend j and think for themselves now, and they cannot fail to see that the party which nominated Geary is unequivocally com- j milted to ail the infamous schemes of the ! Radicals in Congress. Whatever the sol- ' diets may think of Geary's military ree- ; ord they cannot endorse his political po- ; sition. -They cannot and will not vote j with any parly which makes the I nion j for which they fought sulordinate to no- j gro equality. The soldiers fuught for the j C nion, not lor the n vote as they shot. ro ; au.l they will GiiAKY calls the Pennsylvania soldiers who won't vote for him "Hessians, bounty-jumpers and deserters." Can he forget that he is a renegade from the Democrat ic party and a eleserter from the cause of the. Union ? He is nothing but a merce nary in the Disunion ranks. lie bid for the Democratic nomination, but failing in that, he was content to be made the ig ncible Di.-iinic'ii plundering tool of Thad Stevens and d. d. Forney. lie is neither a soldier nor a man who will belie and slander those brave men who, lea ing their wives and little ones to col l public charity, took their lives in their hands, and. grasping the. musket fought to the end in the ranks of the Union, un-ehish about honors or emoluments. lie who, after having profited by the labors, sacri fices and bravery of those men, and who through political favoiiteism, was enabled to amass .money, live at ease, sutler no hardships, and steal their hard-earned honors, should be the last person to abuse and falsify the poor private soldiers. Should the No Prefix candidate continue to thus play the liar, blackguard and in grate towards the soldiers who, as Union men and true soldiers, refuse to cast their votes for him, he may again have a cus tard pie thrown into Ids face for his false hoods, as was done late ly by an honora bly ilit-charged soldier at York. P.ucking and gagging and tying up private soldiers by the thumbs may be done with impu nity in the army by official tyrants and hardheaded cowards, but as citizens the "boy3 in blue" will not submit to be brow beaten and belied hy Geary or any other cx-niilitary official humbug. A Fjuyii r.ai:. An affectionate mother was recently calleij to yield back to God her only surviving chill, a darling of un usual promise. Her sorrows were deep ami overwhelming. Her fondest hopes were blasted. An esteemed friend, on witnessing the emotions of her swelling grief, remarked: "I thank God that I have no child of which to be bereaved." Her admirable reply was, "I thank God that I have been permitted to nurse a child three years and four months for Him." God's dealings were indeed inscrutable. The darkness of the Divine dispensation, as it was lowered and settled down upon her soul, filled her with anguish. Put a heavenly ray penetrated the thick darkness and taught her to look upward for conso lation. Hers had been the privilege "to nurse a child three years and four months for the Lord." Let those who are evil spoken of take comfort. ' It is only at Iruit trees that men throw stones. Whoever saw thieves throw stones at the birch or maple tree ? The more fruit a tree bears, and the rich er it is, the more it is likely to attract the attention of the thief. - CvJ A marble statute of Washington Irving is to bo erected in the vestibule of the church creeled as a memorial to him, in Sleepy Hollow. VOL. 13 NO. 24. Scidiers of 1812. In the elefeat of the resolution which came up before the United States Houso of Representatives on Friday last, tho Radicals have fully proved their lack of love and devotion for the "old defenders" of our country. The bill was "off-red by Hon. A. II. Ce ffroth. from this State, for the purpose of allowing -pensions to the soldiers of 1812. It was defeated, or rather post poned indefinitely by a strict j arty vote, the Democrats voting for and the. Radicals against the Resolution. "Men of 1S12 ! Mark these pretended patriots of the present Congress. You can see who are your real friends. Dy voting fur the Republican ticket, you sup port men who are oppurd to giving 3-011 a tiuall pittance for yourdislinguished ser vices in driving the Drilish soldiery from our soil, in their attempt to destrey our iuLtitulions. You who marched on foot from Cum berland county to Fort Erie, and endur ed all the privations incident to those early days, know full well, how much the people of this country are indebted to yon for your services in bravely fighting our country's battles "in the days that tried men's souls." If Mr. Ceffroth's resolu tion would have been to give every negro in the country a pension, the Radicals would have voted solid for if, but because the old white veterans of 1M2, ask this Miiail favor for their support in their ele clining years, they arc to be deprived of it because they are so unfortunate as to be "-?.V." Knowing the motives of these political intriguers, and that their candidate for Govei jioi, John . Geary, endorses all their acts in and out of Con gress, acquit yourselves like men, by giv ing j our support to the men and the party which defended you during the campaign of 1812, and have continued your f iends ever since. The same party which de nounced the war at that time, wiihholl their support from the few remaining pa triots of to-day. Although your numbers are f, w, vou have an influence which can be wielded to great effect in advancing the principles of the party which has ever defended the interests of the soldier and the poor. In the coming campaign let your feeble voices be heard in giving counsel and ad vice to the supporters of the great Demo cratic party, and by electing men of talent aiid honesty to all positions of responsi bility, and by changing the political as pect of our Congress, you will be reward ed f r your services. Keep the present party in power and you who are in neces sitous circumstances will be obliged to go down to your graves in poverty, while the negro basks in the sunshine of prosperity and lives in the mansion of the rich. Carhde fjiuu'ecr. AiTiiouuv ok the Dinr.E. "The mother of a family, says Rev. Adolph Monod, "was married to an infidel, who made jest of religion in the presence of his own children ; yet she succceeled in bringing them all up in the fear of Uic Lord. I asked her one day how she pre served them from the influence of a fath er whose sentiments were so opposed to her own. This was her answer: "lie cause to the authority of a father I do not oppose the authority of a mother, but that of God. From their earliest years my children have seen the luble on my table. This holy book has constituted the whole cf their religious instruction. I was silent; that I might allow it to speak. Did they propose a question, did they commit a fault, did they perform a good action, 1 opened the Pible. and the Pible answered, reproved or encouraged thorn. The constant reading of the Scrip tures has wrought the prodigy which sur prises you." The name of Jesus, is not only light, but food ; it is likewise oil, without which all the food of the soul is elrv ; it is salt seasoned by which whatever is presented to us is insipid ; it is honey in the mouth, melrxly in the ear, joy in the breast, med icine in the soul ; and there arc no charms in any discourse in which this name not heard. IJrenard. is A Rei-i.y of Mi:. Gkeeley. One J. Wilson, of Waukegan, Illinois, recently wrote to Horace Greeley, Esq., wanting to know if it was true that he offered to go bail of Jefferson Davis, to which Mr. Greeley replied as follows: "Yes, sir. I would bail Davis, or you, or any other culprit that the Government should shamefully keep in jail for more than a year, resisting and denying his just and legal demand that he be arraign ed and tried or let go." "Yours truly, "IIokace GrcnEixv." 1 f i i II