ra The "Loyai" Road to Wealth. !. G't.'t a position as an agent in the FreeilmenV Bureau. Previous ' thereto, or subsequently, assume the name oi Keverend, or o-et yourself dubbe.l that by partial triends. This is essential, because it will in spire all Republican editors, strong minded women, and liadicals gen erally, with a faith in you that can not bu shaken, no matter what you may do. 1. Select a nice place to live in, and uent yourself a plantation on 'Vasy terms.' 3. Contract with youksklf for the requisite number of able-bodied freed men, wages part of the crop of rice, sugar or cotton, when made, you to feed and clothe them mean while. 4. Supply them liberally with ra tions and clothes from the Govern ment stores and at public expense. This will add largely to your profits, though it helps to swell the taxation at the North. ;". "When the crop is harvested, sell the w hole of it, pocket the pro ceeds, and leave without paying your laborers. Conscience need not trouble 3 011 in this, as you will leave them no worse oil' than you found them. (. Return to your native village and assume the airs and snivel of martyrdom; if you can be "a victim of the President!! policy," it will pay v.ell in securing you plenty of de fenders of the Ingest political iiitfii- nee. Having now wealth and position, vou are prepared to lecture Demo crats on their sins. These lectures, if well spiced with "Copperhead, -"disloyal, and like epithets, with now and then a donation to the so ciety for the prevention of the re construction of the Union, will so relieve your mind, that you can pass quietly down the vale of life in all the odor of hypocrisy, and finally die the death of the pious, accord ing to the profitable doctrines of the Republican Church. Unconstitutionality of the Income Tax. A case is being prepared by a citi zen of Springfield, Illinois, to test before the United States Supreme Court the constitutionality of the in come tax. This person reports an income of ."2,00, but, protesting against the legality of the tax, de clines to pay it, and will when the usual compulsory action i brought, ask an injunction from .Judge Davis, of the United States Court, restrain ing the revenue collectors from act ing. By tlr's means the question will ultimately be brought before the highest judicial tribunal for ad judication. The counsel who is engaged in preparing the movement against the income tax law, makes the follow ing points : 1. The Federal Constitution pro vides (article one, section two, par agraph three) that Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportion ed among the several States accord ing to their respective number.. 2. An income tax is a direct tax. 'L It must therefore be apportion ed among the several States accord ing to their numbers. 4. The income tax as now impos ed by acts of Congress, is not ap portioned among the States accord ing to their numbers, but is laid by the rule of uniformity. . The acts of Congress imposing such income tax are, therefore, un constitutional and void. The tax can not be collected. So.mi: boys were playing cards, re cently, in a hay mow in the country, during a terrible storm of wind, rain and thunder. When the war of the dements was at its height, a tree near the old barn was struck by "lightning, and at the same moment a severe blast of wind upset the up per story of the barn and tumbled the card players to the ground, amid a perfect wreck of boards, beams and rafters. The lirst thing that was heard above the in of tempest was the voice of one of the boys, as he crawled out of the debris, holding fast to the cards, "Remember, boys, T played the tray for low. That chap will be a Lieutenant General, if we ever have another war. Two hard things to do': First, to talk ot yourself without being vain; f-econd to talk of others withhut slan der. We don't advise vou to trv. The Next Congress. The N. Y. Commercial Advertis er in an article on w ho will compose the next Congress, says: Xine tenths of the present members of the present House of Representa tives anxiously desire to be re-elected to the next Congress, and already some of them have been re-nominated. Rut others have been left "out in the cold, ''and now meditate, with Senators Clark and Foster, over the uncertainty of politics and the ingratitude of politicians. It is evident that there is some breaking up of the political machinery, and that while "the boys in blue' are making their presence manifest, the people are displaying their discon tent with the acts of some of those now occupying high places. "During the war a man who veil tured to question the ability of a representative in Congress or to make any suggestion as to his affili ations with bounty agents or con tractors, was denounced as a cop perhead, and told that he was an enemy of the Union candidate. There is no excu-e for this political dragooning now, and more than one representative can see on the wall, in plain characters, a summons to give way to a better man. Even Xew England will change her dele gat ion. Almost Swearing. As I was walking down street the other day, I met three little boys, on the sidewalk playing marbles. I watched them witli some interest as I passed slowly by them, thev seemed so happy and interested in their game; when one of them ex claimed, "by George, that was a lucky hit, wasn't it.' The second boy looked up in much surprise at the words he used. "Why, Charlie," said he, "you are a swearer.' '.'Xo, I ain't," said Charlie ; "that isn't swearing." "Well, it's almost swearing, at any rate ; mother says so ; and she tells me not to use such words, for if I do, I shall say real bad words before I think of it." That mother was right in tellin her son not to use such words. There are many similar words and expressions which boys are much in the habit of using ; but as that boy said, it is very easy to go from these to something worse, and final ly to profane swearing. Xo Chris tian gentleman, and certainly no lady of refinement ever says "By George," or ucs any other similar expression. It adds no force to what is said. It only borders on profanity, and shows a lack of true refinement. The vote in Congress for negro suilVage was as follows: For the measure, all the Repub licans. Against the measure, all the Dem ocrats. In the Senate of Pennsylvania the vote stood : For the measure, all the Repul) licans. Against the measure, all the Dem ocrats. Look at the record. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron Ware. FRANK W. HAY, Canal street, bdoio Canton, Johnstown, Pa., KEEPS constantly on hand a large assort ment of Sugar Kettles, Brass or Copper Kettles, Tin-Ware; all kinds of Sheet-Iron Ware; Enameled and Tinned Iron Ware; Copper Ware made to order. Sad Irons or Smoothing Irons, Zinc Washboards, COOKING AND HEATING STOVES of every Pittsburgh or Philadelphia manu facturer always on hand or procured on five davs notice. ODD PLATES and GRATES for Stoves always on hand. SPOUTING, Miner's Lamps, Oil Cans, FRUIT CANS and Powder Horus of all sizes, constantly on hand. COFFEE MILLS, Toasting Forks. Oyster Broilers, Jelly Cake Moulds, Table and Tea Spoons, Coal Duckets &c. PRICE LIST now ready for the Trade. Merchants are respectfully invited to call and examine our wares. Send for a cata logue before purchasing elsewhere. The above goods will be furnished VB50"LES A L.E OR RETAIL.. ASK FOT. FRANK W. HAY'S WAREHOUSE, And Save Ticcnty-fve per Cent On your purchases. It can be found on Canal street, below Clinton. (My.4,66.1y.) Johustown, June 21, 1866. . The Mystery, by Mrs. Wood. The Heir ess of Bellcfont. By E. Bennett. William Allair.By Mrs. II.. Wood. Col lege Life, By F. H. Fanor. North Pacific Exploring Expedition, By A. II. Ilarbers ham. For sale by JAMES MURRAY. PRICES REDUCED. Johnstown Marble Works; A NEW STOCK larcre and linnd-tom invnirn cS!f 4 Italian and American MARBLE comprising the largest and finest 7. ofl- F u v li. i- Or-' diuv.iv vji mm! ever urougiu- 10 T,.L. i i .: ii m i jftg: 3a on Franklin Street, where he is prepared, with an adequate force of experienced and skilful workmen, to executs all kinds of MONUMENTS. Mantels, Tombstones. Ta ble and Bureau Tops, &c, as cheap as they can be purchased in any of the cities. A large stock of Gjuxdstoxes on hand and for sale low. A room has been opened in Ebensburg, a few doors west of Dr. S. S. Christy's Drug Store, where articles of my manufacture are kept constantly on hand, to which the at tention of purchasers is invited. OCT"" Trompt attention paid to orders from a distance and work delivered where de sired. JOHN PARKE. June 7, 18C6. rBENSBURG FOUNDRY. C The subscri ber announces to the public, that he lias repurchased the Ebensburg Foundry and is prepared to furnish his former customers and all others with every description of cast ings usually manufactnrcd at a county es tablishment. He will alwavs keen on hand the best qualitv of COOKING STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, OFFICE STOVES, &c. Also PLOWS, of the most approved pat tern. PLOW POINTS, THRESHING MACHINES and all other articles connect ed with the business of a Foundry. He invites the patronage of the public and will sell at the most reasonable prices, J tor cash or country produce. EDWARD GLASS. March 29, 18C5-ly. MIME BOOK SI CO D) ! C. J J J J LT. 9 On Main street, Ebensburg Pa., I EEPS constantly on hand and for sale, a general supply of Envelopes, Writing Ink, Pens, Pencils, " Pen Holders, Magazines, and other articles in his line, all of which are sold at reasonable rates. February 8, 1800. CHAJR MANUFACTORY, JOIIXSTOWA im. ' ALL KISDS OF CHAIRS, such as common Winsor Chairs, Fret Back Chairs, Vienna Chairs, Bustle Chairs, Rim Backed Chairs, Sociable Chairs, Cane Stat (Stairs, ROCKING CHAIRS, OF EVERY SIZE SPIUXfi SEAT CHAIRS Settees, Lounges, &c, &c. ZL UX. CABINET FURNITURE of every description and" of latest STYLES, WITH PRICES TO SUIT THE Tastes of all. Thankful for past favors, he respect fully solicits a liberal share of public patron- age. Clintcn Street, Johnstown Cambria Co. Pa. November 20th. 1S61. N EW FIRM. A. M'FADDON & BROTHERS. OLD BRICK WAREHOUSE. I10LLIDAYSBURG, PA., Dealers in all kinds cf GROCERIES, TOBACCO, FLOUR, CIGARS. CHOP, MACKEREL, CORN MEAL, SHAD. SALT, HERRING, PLASTER. CODFISH, NAILS & IRON, GRAIN, GLASS, LEAD & OILS. All of which are sold low fir cash. Iloilidaysburg, May 31, 1805-tf 18GG. PHILADELPHIA. ISG6. WALL PAPERS. HOWELL & KOURKE, MAXCFACTUEEUS OF PAPER HANGINGS AND Window Shades, Corner FOURTH & MARKET Streets. PHILADELPHIA. N. B. Always in Store, a Largo Stock of LINEN & OIL SHADES. March 1, lSG6.3m. M ANSION HOUSE. IP ' .it- I U T Emmy AT THE PEN2PA It ALB 0 AD DEPOT PITTSBURG. PA. MEALS HEADY OX THE ARRIVAL OF ALL TRAJXS. " J. H. CLARK & CO., Proprietors. Sept. 23, 18G3. tf PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, The Whitest, the most durable and most eco nomical. Try it ! Manufactured only by ZIEGLER & SMITH, Wholesale Drug, Paint and Glass Dealers, No. 137 North THIRD Street. PHILADELPHIA. February 8, 186G.ly. .-J HIGHEST PREMIUM SBTTIXe MACHINES, AWARDED THE HIGHEST PREMIUM AT THE International Exhibition, liOSDOS, 1863. INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION, PARIS, 18G1, KONIGSBURG, PRUSSIA, 1SG3, AND IN COMPETITION WITH ALL the lead 1 ing Sewing Machines in EUROPE AND AMERICA, and the United States Agricul tural Association ; Metropolitan Mechanics' Institute, Washington; Franklin Institute, Philadelphia; Mechanics Association.Boston; American Institute, New York ; Maryland Institute, Baltimore; Mechanics Association. Cincinnati ; Kentucky Institute, Louisville ; Mechanics Insitute, San Francisco; and at EVERY STATE AND COUNTY FA Hi WHERE EXHIBITED THIS SEASON. Upwards of 200,000 of these Machines HAVE ALREADY BEEN SOLD, a fact that speaks louder than words of the success and popularity of Wheeler & Wil son's Family 1 The Cheapest Mactine in the World, Because it is the Best. Every Machine Warranted For Three Years. Customers Risk Nothing in Purchasing. INSTHrCTIONS FREE. Always happy to Exhibit and Explain them. C7Circulars, containing an explanation of the Machine, with testimonials from ladies of the highest social standing, given on ap plication, either in person cr by mail. WM. SUMNER Sl CO., Agents for the Western States and Western Pen nsylvania. Principal office and Wholesale Emporium : No. 27 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. July 20, 18C5. LOOK HERE ! THE undersigned will sell at private sale the fallowing real estate in Cambria county, viz : A tract of land in Washington township, situate 1 i miles from Cresson, adj-lining lands of IM. M. Adams. Daniel Criste, Hugh J. M'Closkey, Joseph Criste, Jacob Burgoun, and others, containing about 313 acres. Ai.so A piece or parcel of land situate in the same township, about two miles frum the borough of Wilmore and one mile from Portage Station, adjoining lands of P. M' Gough, Esq., containing NINETY-SIX ACHES, about sixty acres of which are cleared, having thereon erected a frame dwelling house and frame barn. On this tract there is a large vein of '.imestone and a vein of coal. Also Two contiguous tracts of coal and timber land, situate near Summerhill Station, in Croyle township, containing 300 acres, fifty of which are cleared, having thereon erected a dwelling house and barn. Also A tract of timber land in l.laek lick and C.irro'l townships, containing SIT acres. A branch of the Blacklick creek and Dutch run pass through the same. This is a desirabk" property. Ai.so The farm and coal tract formerly owned by JohnGillan, Sr., situate in Black lick township, about seven miles North-west of Ebensburg, adjoining lands of the late John Gillan, Jr., David Rowland. David Davis, Jr., and Jacob and Teter Wagner, containing 123 acres, or thereabouts, having thereon erected a god stone dwelling hou.-e and a loi barn. This lajd contains an abundance of coal of a superior quality a vein 4h feet thick having been opened and worked. Also A piece or parcel of land situate in Cambria township, adjoining the ancient city of Buleaw, containing G2 acres. Also A number of lot?, dwelling houses, and pieces or parcels of ground situate in and near the boro' of Ebensburg. Also Other lands located in different parts of the county not above designated. WM. KITTELL. Ebensburg, Nov. 30, 1865. tf. The undersigned keeps constantly on hand and is still manufacturing all articles in his line such as, SADDLES, FINE SINGLE & DOUBLE HARNESS DRAFT HARNESS, BLIND BRIDLES. RIDING BRIDLES, CHECK LINES, HALTERS, WHIPS, BR1CIIBANDS &c, &c, which he will dispose of at low prices for cash. His work is all warranted, and being ex perienced, be puts the best of leather in his work. Thankful for past favors, he hopes, by attention to business to merit a continu ance of the patronage heretofore so liberal ly extended to him. Shop above the store of Robert Davis. Persons wishing good and substantial Har ness can be accommodated by. HUGIIM'COY, Ebensburg Dec, 11, 1861-tf. Great Improvement in Sewing Dlacliines. EMPIRE SHUTTLE MACHINE PATENTED FEB. 14, 1800. e i 1 536 Broadway, New York. Salesrooms, !-ocr. i- c.. t . ' J 250 U aslnngton St., Boston. THIS MACHINE is constructed on en tirely new principles of mechanism, possess ing many rare and valuable improvements, having been examined by the most profound experts, and pronounced to be Simplicity and Perfection Combined. It has a straight needle, .perpendicular action, makes the LOCK or SHUTTLE STITCH, which will neither RIP nor RAVEL, and is alike on both sides ; performs perlect sewing on every description of material, from Leather to the finest Nansook muslin, with cotton, linen or silk thread, from the coarsest to the finest number. Having neither CAM or COG WHEEL, and the least possible friction, it runs as smooth as glass, and is Emphatically a Noiseless Machine. It requires FIFTY PER CENT, less power to drive it than any other machine ia market. A girl twelve years of age can work it steadily, without fatigue or injury to health. Its strength and wonderful simplicity of construction renders it almost impossible to get out ot order, and is GUARANTEED by the company to give entire satisfaction. We respectfully invite all those who mav desire to supply themselves with a superior article, to come and examine this UNRI VALLED MACHINE. But in a more especial manner do we Solicit the patronage of Merchant Tailors, Corset Makers, Gaiter Fitters, Shoe Binders, Vest ami Pantaloon Makers, Dress Makers. Coach Makers, ILx'P Skirt Manufac turers, Shirt and Besom Makers, One half hour's instruction is sufficient to enable any person to work this Machine to their entire satisfaction. Agents wanted for all towns in the United States, where agencies are not already established. Also for Cuba, Mexico, Central and South America, to whom a liberal discount will be given. J. T. McARTHUR & CO., 536 Broad wav, New York. D. & CO. 250 Washington St., Boston, 021 Chesnut Sc.. PLila. October 12, 1SC5. To the Public. II E JILOCK A W A K E ! The subscribers take pleasure in calling the attention of the public to the fact that the have just received at their NEW STORE, AT LILLY'S STATION, a large and varied stock of DRY GOODS, ef every style, Boots axd SnoEs, Hats ixn t-Lutit. 11 A COX, GROCERIES. FISH, SALT, HARDWARE, Q U E ENS W A RE, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, NOTIONS, and in fact any and -everything usually found in a country store, which thev offer at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES rou CASH. CO Goods give a iu exchat-ge for a'l kinds of marketable country prMuce. J. II. DYSAKT & CO. Hemlock, May 3, lSCG-Stu. LORETTO MARBLE WORKS. THE UNDERSIGNED begs leave to inform the citizens if Cambria and adjoining counties, that he has jut received a stock of the finest Italian and other Marbles at his Establishment in Lorctto Cambria co.. Pa.. Monuments, Tombs, Grave Stones, Table and Bureau i.ps, manufactured of the most beautiful and finest quality of Foreign and Domestic marble, always on hand and made to order as cheap as they can be purchased in the city, in a neat and workmanlike manner, and on the shortest notice. The public are respectfully invited to gne me a call before purchasing elsewhere, as I am confident that.niy work and prices will satisfy any person desiring any thing in my line of busine.-s. Note is the time to net a cheap iob ! JAMES WILKINSON. Lorctto, April 12, lSG.ly. FOREIGN SHIPPING EXCHANGE OFFICE. fE are uow selling Exchange (at Xew York Rates on England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Germany, Prussia, Austria, Bavaria, Wurtemberg, Baden, Hessen, Saxony, Hanover, Belgium, Switzerland, Holland, Norway and France. And Tickets to and from any Port in England, Ireland, Scotland,. Germany, France, California, New South Wales or Australia. KERR & CO. Altoona, March 1, l86G.ly. JOHN 1) THOMAS. Boot and Shoe Maker, SHOP ON MAIN ST'T., EBENSBURG, one door East of Crawford's hotel, and immediately opposite the store of E. J. Mills & Co, is prepared to do all work in his line on short notice and in a workmanlike manner. The work done at this establishment will compare favorable with that of any shop in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh or elsewhere in the country. French Calf. Common Calf, Mo rocco and all kinds of Leather constantly on hand. All work warrauted to render satis faction. November 2 1865.1r. PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, Will do more and better work at a given Cost, than any other ! Try it! Manufactured only by ZIEGLER & SMITH, Wholesale Drug, Paint and Glass Dealers, Xo. 137 North THIRD Street. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 8, 18GG.ly. KELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCE IIELMBOLD'S BT'CIIU HELM BOLD'S BIT HU IIELMBOLD'S LUCiiu! THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY F DIABETES, Irritation of the Neck of the B:a::- llammation of the Kidneys. Cat.irrh Bladder, Stranguar' or Painful Ur For these diseases it is truly a ,v -remedy, and too much cannot 'it .'. praise. A tingle dose has Ix-i-t j relieve the most urgent symptoms. Are you troubled with that c pain in the small tf the back a::T! the hips? A teaspoouful a hold's Buchu will relieve ycu. ' Physicians and 0ther5 PLEASE NOTICE. I make co secret of ingredients, ft hold's Extract Buchu is comre . fP - Cubebs, and Juniper Berries, stltctel great care, prepared vacuo and a-.-coru - rules of PHARMACY AND CnEMISTl.Y These ingredients are known a? valuable Diuretics afforded. A DIURETIC Is that which acts upon the ki.inevi IIELAIBOLDS EXTRACT BUG ACTS GENTLY. Is pleasant in taste and odor, free f.-, -injurious properties, and immediate action. FOR THE SATISFACTION OF L See Medical Properties contained in ft..-: satory of the U. S., of which tie f.'l .-. a correct ccpy : Buchu. Its odor is strong, di.Tn-ire. somewhat aromatic, its tas'e Lituri;.., ; analogous to ihat'cf mist. It i- chit-fly in complaints of the U'rir.rv 0 . such as Gravel, Chronic Catnh ; Bladder, Moibid Irritatij.n of ti.e LY and Urethra, Diseases of the Pr -r.... Retention of the Incontinence . .f Vf.z. a Il.ss of tone in the parts colxtui : evacuation. It Las al.-o been tpc !:.: in Dyspepsia, Caronic RLeuniausic, L :jl ous Aliectu.iis. ami ir.-j sv. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. See Professor Dewee's valuable works 12 Practice of P'nvsin- See Ren.rfvs L.ade by the celehrat-i " Vi.vsic, 01 1 uii iueiphia. S?e any and all Standard works Medicine. FROM THE Largest Manufacturing Cf. r.;' IN THE WORLD. I am acquainted with H. T.1L1'. he occupied the drug store opt- i.u- c residence, and was successful in . the busine.-s where ctheis bal i;1 rqu V.ly so befo re him. I have b- -ju :v My impressed with Lis eliarir- r ?rr. tcrprise. WM. WFIGHTMAX (Firm of Powers & Weig: tman,) fact tiring Chemists, X'lith and Br.v."L Philadelphia. From the PhiVa Er. Bulletin, Mir' W e are gratified to Lear of the c success, in New Yoik, f cur to Mr. II. T. ILlmbod, I)i ur-ist. lli rt next to the Metropolitan "lLjkl, i front, 2G0 feet deep, and flVe stories 1. It is certainly a grand establishmeiit. speaks favorably of the merit of Lis art..' He retains his Ofhee and Laboratory city, which are also model ebUblisLmt!.. their class. The proprietor has been induced t- r this statement from the fact that i..- rn dies, although advertised, are GENUINE PREPARATION?. And, knowing that the intelligent r-:: from using anything pertaining U or the Patent Medicine order mr.-t are prepared by self styled Doctors, v: too iguoract to read a physician s s:: prescription, much less competent t p pare pharmaceutical preparations. THESE PARTIES RESORT to various means of effecting salts, .-xl-copying parts of advertisements r ! j -'-remedies, and finishing with ceriiti .r-. The Science of Medicine etan.'.s SlMIi- its Basis, Induction for it Pillar. 1:"' alone for its Capital. A WORD OF CAUTION. liealtn is most important: ai! i- dieted should not use an advertiser! nied.;J or any remedy, unless its content c JEt dienti are known to others oesv-its . manufacturer, or until they are s.it:Mt the qualifications of the party so c-rxz: IIELMBOLD'S Genuine Preparation FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU. . FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPAK AND IMPROVED ROSE WAJ EstablisJied Upicards cf Sixteen PEEPAKED EY H. T. HELMB0LE Principal Depots. IIELMBOLD'S DRUG AND AND IIELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, No. 104 South Tenth Street, Philad-: SOLD BY ALL DRUGGIST? Nov. SO, 1805. P -v