Hfiiiorrat anb Sentinel. i. t j piison Dowries, Associate Editor. .- -j,. . : Ti.avix. Some two weeks ago ; .1 :; ;; from Ebensburg to Freeport. fn.m Blairsville to Free port v :; ! :t recently finished, a short ile .. , ftl.e road may bo interesting to ' , ;v ii .its. . hie you take the cars of the . s:r:i Pennsylvania Railroad, now the Pennsylvania Railroad r Freeport. Distance from Freeport, thirty-live miles. you pas through the towns of tmoreland coimtv, Salt-burg, tn.ty, and Appollo anl Leech- ,i county ; au neai ami ;i: e villages. Livermore, we litis 1 population of about 500, Appollo 700. and Leech- : f !'; iws the Coiiemaugh and '. :;i P.'.airsville to Freeport, areata lour times and l asting tunnels. At BLdrsvillc, the v.n as t lie Coneiiiaugh, but on it S.lt.-Lurg by the Loyal ban es ai. ! maintains the name of ..fas uuiil it is submerged in ', Allegheny atFreepott. Ivui i .::g, on the cars, you : l.ia ! waters f the Coiiemaugh :!!. is, where they gush f'rth :;!jt:i::i in small rivulets, and until they mingle themselves '.tcr - f ..f li 1 V Allegheny river. ly i.l.ovc S.iltsburg, can bu seen the that Salt Works erected in nsylvaui?. These works were Mr. Win. J hnston, about 55 i, at which t'u::e Salt was sold at per bu.-hel. Although this was ;reat Salt manufacturing region of i r.t little S.-i't is made here now htaii.e wei.s, we understand, are ! 1 are being woiked on the Alle .' ;ivi r above and below Freeport. .e X-rt ii Western llailroad has now inM.ro x.. Wrort. The cars en ss Vlleghcny .n a j ermancnt new bridge -d wheie the old Aoueduet fortncrlv 1 " r ! run into town. .iiiroai Hum uumvitic to iiiv new, in excellent condition, and is the i:i.;mgo: l -nt of competent and tn.cn are now enra- .ad down the North ;t "I r t;.e '.ut olT.eers. V 1 .i i extending ine road uown r Northwest .-i do of the Allegheny t i the city of Alh-gheny. . .:. i'i.e; rl we took a trip into Butler .' region vion hcb so many ,.: crashed and slurs cast by Pitts- at:d othirs. Oth?r perr-uns may ! y pics- al nt Butler county ve sj.-f-al; nn.'-rstar.dingly, and will : '! e e- ':t;'y i.- nut surpassed 1 y y :.: the St-i:. f.r Agricultural purposes ::.;i;i:.d Wealth. The fccn'-ruiis h.,spi ' f. i-d to n by Hugh MVrea, Ksq., ' " - a, o mil " i...ne.i, .v. J. Mill . 1 in: i.s oth'.'rs V e-T.ih nl.abi'.o ah w!n.m we tarried, h : the fact that the ty a whole-suuled pop- v ;.iu. l vUu.g d.iy ili-i pl.ice. tiie .ii.-t u i. eat. (Jam: Last Saturday to the lovers of Base A much game was :ne f 1 h . f the East Ward, e We.-t Ward. It tiv e mtested jrame. i-t Ward, and try it s,- .nut on you, even if 'I he following is the . ltb -'l:isu:i ; ' .-r.h, l . 1 f to his, in, i i.iker, r I al ".i:n. J!. 0 10 8 10 EAST WARD. 4 V. van? , c 7 V Y Jones, p L' U t h.'f rs, a s I'd 1) Davis, 1 b 5 II i inger, 2d b 4 S W I)avis,3d b o.Tin'nipson, I f ."'Marker, c f :;j W A Jones, r f Total 4 5 t; 19 4 9 1 17 8 4 o 14 4 0 II. A. Young, of the Allegheny -James J. Oatman, and Elbridge is J-i--i;s. By the following circular f--en that the Pennsylvania Rail !il'any have determined to abolish ! - sy t.-ra i f free passes. W'c un- has hi c;i rendered necessary abuses to which it has been " s l ave frequently been trans n'any instauce.1 sold by those "reissued : r'.. I'kksi dent's Office, ) 1'hia, July 113. I860. tue resolutions of the held in New York, 28th. 38CG. this rnm- 'Hi t y r.K. 1! I L i f.iia' ,C;"iVt,!it ions a; - i .June ' T , - i 1 . ; "'"ie to issue free passes that to Soldieks' Cosvextion. At a. Convec tion of honoiably discharged soldiers of Cambria county held at Ebensburg on Wed nesday the 25th of July, the following pro ceedings were had : President, Capt. John Humphreys; A'ice Presidents, James II. llerrington, private; Capt. P. O'Connell, James Kussel. Secretaries, Win. II. Rose, John E. Scan Ian. On motion of Col. 1$. McDermit a com mittee of live were appointed to report to the Convention the names of seven delegates to icpresent Cambria county at the Soldiers' Convention to be held in Ilarrisburg on the 1st day of August next. Committee, I). M'Dermit, F. M.George, Dr. J. L. Brallier, John B. Fromald, J. C. McClot-key. Ou motion of John 1'. Linton, Wesley Spiers, John Couney, Dr. F. Schill, F. P. Tierney, Committee. On motiou II. D. Woodruff of 27th P. V. addressed the Convention. The Committee on Delegates made the following report : Lieutenant John Porter, Capt. 11. D. Woodrutf, Sergt. John E. Scan Ian, Lt. E. It. Dunnegan, private Peter Mc Dermit, Sergeant II. K. Christy, Adjutant Wm. II. Bose, Delegates. On motion said report was received and adopted. The Committee on Kesolutions reported the following : Yi'tWre, That as soldiers of the late war the great end and object of all our exertions ! and sacrifices was the preservation of the . I'niou of the States under the Constitution. ; This end and object, proclaimed at the out ; set of the struggle by toifcinn resolution of ( Congress caused the enthusiastic uprising of : the people at its inception filled the ranks of the Union Army during its continuance, . and inspired the hearts and nerved the arms f of Union Soldiers on all its battle-fields. : The endeavor of the Radicals now to per- vert out victory into a disunion triumph is a , base betrayal of confidence and an unworthy ! perversion of the purposes of the struggle, j llesolccd. That we look on the persistent j refusal of the Udtraists in Congress to admit j l.yal Kepieseiitatives from the Southern i States and their forcible exclusion of those j States from all participation in the govern ! nieut as practically asserting that the "War i fir the Union" was a failure and an actual i admission that the Secessionists though de 1 feated in the field, were successful in the j great end which they sought to accomplish i the disintegration of the Unkii. ! llesolccd, That having, while soldiers used bullets to prevent the severance of the Union wliau attempted by the open liostili j ty of Seeest-ionifts, we will now as citizens : use ballo's to prevent the same calamity ; when attempted by the secret and insiduous ai ts of the Abolitionists. ! llesolccd, That we are unalterable oppos- ! ed to Negro Equality and Negro Suffrage rv'Ort ! that. vr i n.1 i .Tnun 1 1 v ri iii.l i u 1 1 i n tin ii.imn j . ... .... . .... .i,..., v.J . . ' WW,.. , ... VI. or ottrr.ifon oomm.io. the claim that to the ; negro troops belongs the. highest mead ol ; honor in the war just closed, and that -e i unhesitatingly denounce the scheme of the : majority of Congress in attempting to bribe 1 the Southern States into allowing negro suf j frage by proff ring to them ou that condition j the right of representation a right which i belongs to them without condition and i which should be conceded without hesita tion. j Jlc.folved, That we admire the lofty, moral i courage of Pieoident Johnson in manfully ' and uiiliiuchingly resisting the treasonable i purposes of the iiadieal portion c f the party : which elected him, and we will give to his wUe and cour-titutioual restoration policy : our most hearty suqort. ! J.'c.folrrd, That believing the election of ; the Hon. Hicster Clymer would be a triumph : ot the true principles of the government a recognition that the people of the States still believe in the Union of the States and ; the equality of the States and a rebuke to tanaticism and disunionism we will also use our utmost endeavors to secure his success. Ju uJred, That if the revolutionary at tempt of the radicals in Congress, to contin ue themselves in laeo and power as disclos ed by one of their own number, should hive the effect which they seem to expect an.l precipitate this country into another Civil War, we will be foundin the future as we were in the past -shoulder to shoulder" with those who br.ttle f.r the integrity of the Union a:;d the supremacy of the laws. On motion Co!. John P. Linton addressed the Convention. On motion of II. D. WoodrulT a County Committee composed of the following per sons were appointed : Allegheny twp. Andrew McGough. Blacklick twp. Levi Brallier. Cambria twp. Henry Berg. Cambria bor. Patrick Ilogan. Carroll twp. Robert McCombie. Carrolltown bor. oseph Maucher. Chest twp. Joseph Swope. Chest Springs bur. John MeFeely. Clearfield twp. Silas McGough. Conemaugh twp. James llussel. Conemaugh bor., 1st W. II. D. Wood- rult.; 2d U .John Sybert. Croyle twp. Wm. Llovd. Ebeusburg bor., E. W. Geo William " " W " Wm U Sechler Galhtzin twp D A McCloskey Jackson twp James Singer Johnstown bor., 1st W. Henry Ilite " 2d " P O'Connell " 3d JCBarc'ay " " 4th " Jno B Fromald " 5th " Wm U Rose Loretto bor II C Christy Munster twp Millville bor Peter McDermit Prospect bor David Barry Richland twp Levi Orris' Summerhill twp J C Noel Summicville bor Wesley Spires Susquehanna twp Jacob Stalb Tayior twp John Cooney Washington twp John Lynch "Wilmore bor John Schroath White twp John Mathews Yoder twp John Luther II. D. Woodruff, Chairman. On motion adjourned sine die. I 0 4 8 4 4 7 6 O 4 3 49 8 0 Total 3 C2 049 rtJ oe deemed m vmiitiVm iV , wiil. lo:al Pses be given, ex .' '. "f'antablo purposes, unless ' ti.e eompacy should dtimand Ei 'JAu TnoMs...K, President. A LETTEit has been received in Pittsburgh from Jimmy Hamill, in which he acknowl edges manfully that he was defeated fa;rly and squarely, without any drugging or other foul means on the part of aDy person. We were compelled to it-fuse an offer of job printiug the other day by a man way back, who innocently called to get some postage stamps priuted ! He was quite dis appointed because we could no do the work "he wanted 'em real bad to put on the letters when he writ to a gal, and they cost too darn much to buy 'em of them post oflicc fellers." We sent him to V. S. Bar ker's Cheap Store. We know he sells cheap Dr' Goods and Groceries and be might ac commodate our young friend with the post age stamps. Fresh Fish will hereafter be received at Harry Wilson's Cheap Store, in the hall of McDonald's brick building, on Thursday of each week. We are now buying largo sup plies of ice and small supplies of lish, so that the fish reach us as fresh and pure as they appear in the Philadelphia Market. $13 EuENsmi.G, August 2, 18CG. Flour, to Jl-i per barrel; Corn, 1 per bushel; lieans, 1.25 to S2; Hutter, 25c lcr pound ; Fggs, 20c per dozen ; Flax seed, $2.50; Timothyseed, $3,50; Clo verseed, $8 ; ColFee, 33 and 35c per lb. ; Molasses, 90c per gallon ; Syrup, $1.25 and $1.70; Drown Sugar 14 and 18 cts. per pound ; White, 20 to 22c ; Uice, 15 cents ; Wool, 50 cents per pound. Iloate tter'fi stomacli Ultters. Man wants a tonic no uncommon want And every year and mouth Lvings forth a new one, Which, after cramming the gazettes with cant. The age discovers to be not the true one. Of such as these h t their concoctors vaunt, I'll sing the bitters that have credit due won The world's great Tonic, which no skill can better I mean the matchless BITTERS of IIOS TETTE1L Doctors were living long before old Galen,. And since, exceeding learned, grave and sere; But the stomachics they were bound to fail in ; Success came not until this later age, Now is the era sick folks are made hale in. And dread dyspepsia driven fiom the stage. Agues, remittents, headaches real head spliiters Vanish like smoke before IIOSTETTER'S RITTEBS. Herbs, barks and roots compose the rare in fusion; No mineral pNin mars their juices pure. And Rye's mild essence holds them in so lution. The taste is pleasant, the effect is sure, Ne'er have the bitters proved a delusion; Try them in time, and health and strength secure. The dragon-blayer figures on the label, Aud they, like him, to save the weak arc able. LOVE AND MATRIMONY. Ladies and gentlemen, if you wish to marry, address the undersigned, who will send you, without monej' and without price, valuable information that will enable you to marry happily and speedily, irrespective of age, wealth, or beauty. This informa tion will cost yoU nothing, and if you wish to marry, I will cheerfully assist you. All letters strictly confidential. The desired in formation sent by return mail, and uo re ward asked. Address SARAH B. LAMBERT. Grecnpoint, Kings Co., New Y'ork. J-une 7,'G6-3m WAMED. per day. AGENTS wanted, ladies and gentiemen, in every County in the United States, to sell the Ink Powders of the Aaiericau Jnk Com pany. The powder sells for forty cents per package, and will make ink enough to fiill fifty bottles of the size usually retailed at ten cents per bottle. A smart agent can sell a gross of it every day, and clear S27.G0. The ink can be made from the powder in three minutes in common boiling water. It is a perfect black ink, the best in the world. It flows easily, does not corrode the pen a particle, never gums up, is rot injured bv freezing, and its color will last forever. Every family in America will buy it, as a package w i 1 1 last a family for years, and ink can be made in small quantities as wanted. With each gross we s';ud a thousand circulars-, with testimonials from clergymen, law yers, teachers, merchants, commercial col leges, editors. &c, and the agent's name on the bills. Only ore person will be made Agent for a county. The first one sending $00 for a gross of the powder will receive it by return express, together with one thou sand circulars and the right to sell in the county he or she designates. If others send for the same county, the money will be re turned to them fre of expense. To make sure, one had bettor designate several coun ties, either of which he or she will take. Scud for trade list and circulars if you dare run the risk of waiting, or send the money for a gross. Letters addressed to the Mayor, Postmaster, cashiers of the banks, or the ex press agents of this city, will show that the business is honorably and squarely conduct ed. An Ink Powder will be sent by mail to any address, free of charge, ou receipt of iorty cents. - Address, writing yoar name, town, coun ty and State distinctly, AMERICAN INK COMPANY, Manchester N. II. THOMAS W. LANE, Clerk for the Company and Special Agent July 12. 1806. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A Gentleman who suffered for vears from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and al the affects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the receipt and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wismng to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing. JOHNB. OGDEN, No. 13 Chambers St., New York. Feb. 1st, 1860. ly. PER YEAR ! We want Agents eve wi.uu J ry where toseilour lill'KU .u yJU Sewiug Machines. Three new kinds. Un der and upper feed. Sent on trial. War ranted five years. Above salary or lar, commissions paid. The Only machines sold in the United States for less than $40 which are fully licensed by JFoice, Wheeler SfUilson. in-over Baker, buiger S,- Co and Bachildcr. All other cheap machines are injrinfjemen4 and the seller or user are liable to arrest. jine and imprisonment. Illustrated circulars sent free. Address or call upon Shaw & Clark, at Biddeford Maine, or Chicago, 111. May 31, ISOG.-ly TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been restored to heaith in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered for several years with a severe lung aii'ectiou, and that dread disease, Gn.-urnption is anxious to make known to his fdlow-tuilcrcrs the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used ffu-e of charge) with the directions fur preparing and using the same, which they will find a suns cirHE for Consumption, Asthma, Buonchitis, Core lis. Colds, and all Throat and Lung Affections. The only object of the adverti ser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which ho conceives to bo invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it wiil cost them nothing, and may prove a bless ing. Parties wishing the prescription, fkee, by return mad, will please address Rev. ED WARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings Co , New York Feb. 1, 18C6.1y. STRANGE, BUT TRUE. Every young lady and gentleman in the United States can hear something very much to their adv antage by return mail (free of charge,) by addressing the undersigned. Those having fears or being humbugged will Ob hgo by not noticing thw card. All others win piease address their obedient servant TIIOS. F. CHAPMAN, ' i. , -.r. 831 Broadway, New York. Feb. 1 186G. lv. Orphans' Court Sale. BY virtue of an alias order of the Orphans fj Court of Cambria county, the undersigned will expose at public sale, at the hotel o George Weulroath, in the borough of Wil more, on Monday, the 27th day of August next, at one o clock, 1'. M., the following reai estate of which Bernard Oonnelley died seized, iz : A certain piece or parcel of land, situpte in Summerhill twp., Cambria co., (beintr the i south end of the tract of which it is a part.) I beginning at a post, a comer cf land of i John Piumnity, and Patrick M Dunn, theuce west by lino of land of sai l McDunn, 1C5 tierches to a nost: thence north by lino of land of Patrick McCirmick 55 perches to a post; thence through the tract of which it is a part, east 135 perches to stones; thence by Iaid of John 1 iummer south 55 perchea to the place of beginning; containing lorty- six acres and sixty-five perches, be the same more or less. Terms of Sale : One half on confirma tion thereof, and the residue iu one yeai thereafter, with interest, to be secured by the judgment bonds and mortgage ol pur chaser. CATHARINE CONNELLY, Julv 26.'00.-3t. Executrix. PALLAGIIER'S MAGICAL HAIR OIL, (J and VEGATABLE OIL SOAP, for sale at the Book Store of Feb. 22, 18G6. JAMES MURRAY. C3- Mr. Washburne, of 111., continues ill, and visitors arc excluded. f ANTED, AGENTS-$75 to $200 PER MONTH for gentlemen, and 435 to $75 lor lames, everywhere, to introduce the Cel ebrated Common Sense Family Sewing Ma chine, improved and perfected. It wilfhem, fell, stitch, quilt, bind, braid aud embroider beautifully. Price only $20, making the clastic lock stitch, and fully warranted for three years. We pay the above wages or a commission, from which twice that amouut can be made. Address with stamp or call on C. BOWERS dr. CO., Salesrooms No 255 South FIFTH street, Philadelphia, Pa. All letters answered promptly, with circu lars and terms. May 31, 18tii.-lt. Orphan' Court Sale. Y virtue of an alias order of the Orphans' Gjurt of Cambria count v, the undersigned. will expose to sale by public vendue or out cry, at the Court House, in the Borough of Ebensbunr, on Saturday, the 25th day of August next, at one o'clock. P. M., the fol lowing real estate of which John Rccs, late of Blacklick township, died seized, viz : A certain tract piece or parcel of land, situate in Cambria township, Cambria coun tv. a ! joining lands of Jacob Campbell, .Mc- Donald.aud others, now in the possession of David Roes, containing fatty acres, more or less, about 15 acres of which are cleared, and thereon erected a hewed log house, and a log stable or barn, being premises No. 3, mentioned and described iu tho inquisition on the rca! estate of the said John Rees, deceased, made pursuant to proceedings in partition. Terms of Sale One half of tho purchase money to be paid on confirmation of sale, and the residue in one year thereafter, with interest, to be secured by the bond and mortgage of the purchaser. WM. KITTELL, July 2G, 1806.-3t Administrator. Estate of John Dougherty, .Deceased, E ITERS OF ADMIMSIKAT1UN on the estate of John Dougherty, late of Chest township, Cambria county, Penn'a., deceased, having been granted to the under signed, by the Register of said county, all persons indebted to said deceased are re quested to make payment, and those having claims are hereby notified to present them properly authenticated for settlement. CATHARINE DOUGHERTY, Adm'x. Chest township, June 28, 18G6.-CL PQi) A MONTH ! Agents wanted for six Ijjij cntirdt new articlcs,ysx, out. Adrcss O. T. GAREY, City Buildin.', Biddeford. Me. Hay 31, ISOG.-ly. SUEIUFF'S SALE. BY virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Ejqxinas of the Court of Common Pleas of Cambria county, Pennsylvania, and to me directed, there will be expos ed to public sale, at the Court House, in Ebensburg, on Saturday, the 4th day of Augu:t next, at one o'clock, p. m.. the fol lowing real estate, to wit : All the right, title, and interest, of B. M. Lemon, of. in and to a niece or n.irrpl r.f land situate iu Washington township, Cam- I bria county, adjoining lands of M M Adams, j heirs of Edward Donaldson ond ethers, con- ! taiuing three hundred and fifty acres mor i or less, having thereon a good coal bauU, hoppers, lateral railroad and other improve ments. Taken iu execution and to 1 e sold at the suit of Henry Seanlan, Administrator of Andrew Stuppy, dee'd. CONDITIONS OF SALE. D7" N. B. The Sheriff has made the fol lowing conditions of sale, viz : One fourth cf the purchase money on each sale to be paid at the time the property is struck down, when the sale amounts to 500 ami upwards; under $500 and more than $100, the one third ; under $100 and more than 850, the half; less than $50- the whole amount ; otherwise the property will be immediately put up to sale again, and no deed will he presented for acknowledgment unless the balance cf the pai chase money be paid on or before the following Monday. JAMES MYERS, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Ebensburg, 1 July 18, 180G.3L. J 1S0G. -nd Valuable Farm for Sale. 1T1IE subscriber e fkrs at Private Sale, tht 1 farm on which he now resides, situated 1-J miles East of Wilmore Borough, Cambrii Co. Pa., Containing about 190 A'-rej, 100 of which are in a yooJ jstalt (fculticaliin and under yowl fence. The balance is well timbered. A largt Frame Barn, a Dwelling House, and twe Tenant Houses are erected thereon; also Wagon Shed and other out-buildins. Thert is a young Apple Orchard of 250 tree's bearing choice fruit. The farm is well water eel. Iu the farm-yard flows a never-fiulin." fountain. The soil is excellent. Sixty acri of new land are now under grass. For fur ther information, apply cn the premises. WM. O'CONNELL, July 14,'GC-tf. Wilmore, Pa. KEROSENE TEA AND GAS STOVES. AND COFFEE BOILERS, GLUE POTS, OIL CANS, &c, &c. 3- All the cooking for a -3 03- family may be done with rj- Kerosene "Oil, or Gas, - 0- with less trouble, and at -Q 3- less expense,than by any -C3 S3- other fuel. Each Article manufactured by this Com pany is guaranteed to perform all that is claimed for it. Send for a Circular. .Q LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO TIIE TRADE. KEROSENE LAMP HEATER CO. 20G PEARL STREET, N. Y. CASiI. Lash's Five Doilar Washing Machine. Is. now offeree! to the public as the cheajiesl sinqlest and most (ficienl Washing Ma chine in the country. The exclusive right for the sale of this machine in your own State or County, can be securc-d by applying soon at our store. 727 Maiktt street, Philadelphia, Pa. J. S. LASH. & CO. Also, the best Clothes Wringer in the Market, Wholesale and Retail. Cc? A very liberal discount to country merchants ami elcalers generally May 31, 18CG.-4t. Notice. TETTERS of Administration cum testa mcn ll to annexo, upon the estate e.f Richard Nagle, late of Susquehanna township Cam bria county, deceased, have been grr.nted to the subscribers, by the Register of Cambria county. All persons indebted to saiel estate will please come forward and pa the same ; and those having claims against will present them properly authenticated for settlement. JOHN R. NAGLE. RICHARD II. NAGLE, . May 17, 18GG-Gt. Executors. AGENTS WANTED! J. T. Headley's History of tho War. AOli' HEADY. 0MPLETD in TWO VOLUMES, also in ONE. It is admitted to be the mest in- t.rcsttnfft I'tvuluf, aoel valuable History of the Rebellion, which is fully attested by the enormous sale ot UU,000 volumes, ami a large portion of the country still uncan-vassed. We are obliged to run our presses night and day to enable us to supply emr Aqnts. Men ot character anel ability who fiesire a lucrative emploj ment, will find this a rare opportunity. The price ot the work in one volume is so low, (compared with other Histories) as to bring it within the reach ol all classes. For full particulars send for a circular. Address American Publishing Company, 148 Asylum street. Hartford, Conn. June 28, !8G5.-4t. 18GG. PROSPECTUS OF " T II E A G E," The onlii Denwratic Daihi Join l'hilo'lelphia. Great Improvements and great Inducements. Uuion, Rcstoiatii n, Anel Constitutional Liberty! The publishers of THE AGE respectfully call attention to the Daily aud Weekly is sues of their popular journal. TiiE Daily Aue contains the In test intel ligence from all parts of the world, with articles on Government, Politics, Trace, Fi nance, and all the current questions -of the el ay ; Local intelligence, Mai hot Repoits, Prices Current, Stock Quotations, Marine anl Commercial Intelligence, Repoits of Public Gatherings, Foreign and Domestic Correspondence, Legal lie-ports, Book Noti ces, Theatrical Critiei-ms, Reviews of Liter ature. Art and Music, Agricultural Matters; and discussions of whatever subjects are of general interest and importance. Besides special telegrams, it bus all the dispatches of the Associated .Press fi'oiH terry jnirl cf the (failed Slates, and the neirs from all jKirl.t t-f Europe, brought by the steamers, is instantly tdeyraphed from whatever point the steamers first touch. Teums of the Daily. One copy, one year ?0.00 ; six months, J1.&0; three months, - 50 ; fur any less period, at the. rate of one dollar per month. Payments required invariably in advance. lVstage vn the Daily, thirty cents per quarter, e.r one dollar and twenty cents per annum, if pre paid. The Weekly Age will be a comj'lcta compendium f the nacs f the fak, and besides the !eadit:g e.litorials fn in the Daily, will contain a large amount e.f interesting matter prepared expressly for the wec-kly issue. It will be in all respects a first rUiss Family Journal, particularly adapted to tho Politician, the Farmer, the Menhant, tho Mechanic, the Family Circle and the Gen eral Reader, having, in fact, every charac teristic of a live ncirsjHjer. At an early day will be begun an intermit interesiuj serial, by one of the most popular and fascinating authors, and it is also the intention to pub lish, ficm wctk to week, in the course of the year, three or four of the best and latc.it novels. Teums of the Weekly. One copy, ono year, 2 ; five copies, e.ne ear, $-j , - teii copies, oii.t year, 17.50: twenty copies, one year, o3. To clubs, ivhere the iaj,ers arc sent to one ad!rcss, ths following reduc tion will be made : Ten copies, one year. $16.50; twenty copies, one year, $o0. A cop' will be furnished oralis for each club of ten, or more, to one address, for one year. Payment required invariably in au'eanec. Postage on the Weekly, five cents per quar ter, or twenty-five cents per annum, if prepaid. The Weekly Aye will be the groat cam paign paper of the Democratic Conservative Party of Pennsylvania, and will earnestly support the President in Lis patriotic tfforU in behalf of the Union, liesloralivii and Constitutional Liberty. QTJ' The above terms will be riaidly ad hered to. Specimen copies of the Daily smd Weekly sent gratis, on application at this office. Please write the name and address plainly, and specify distinctly whether tl.o Daily or Weekly is ordered. WELSH A- ROP.B. 430 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. H. WALTERS, Jlain street, between FianUin and Clinton, Morth side, JOIiySlOWX, PA. HAS constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of seasonable . ir his n ins: His stock conists of almost every article usually kept in a retail store, ;dl of which have been selected with care and are e fiered at prices which cannot fail to prove saliafac terv. Call anil examine for yourselves. Nov. 16. lSGo.Cm.-. II. "WALTERS. CORNER C.ROCEKY .STOI!k7 THOjIAS & 1VMVBH, Comer oj Main and Franldin Steals, JOHNSTOWN, PA., I7EEPS constantly ou hand a geueial as sortment of FAMILY GROCERIES, Country Produce, eve. together with Spices, Piekles, Preserved Fruits. Diied Fruits. Tobacco, Cigars. Ac, all of which will be sold as cheap as the cheapest. Call a'.el examine our sieck. Nov. 1G, ISCo.ly. June 7, iSCu. IIKXKV IiAUPrJI, 5-20 Arcli Strec, Iii!ad(.lp!ila, WATCHES. B fir.; PL FINE GOLD JEWELRY, . i Estate of Conrad Behe, Deceased. JniEEEAS, Letters of Administration V T on the estate of Conrad Behe, late of Washington townshtp, Cambria county, Pa.. deceased, having been granted to the under signed by the Register of said county, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them properly anthenticateel for settlement, and those in- lebteri are requested to make payment with out delay. WILLIAM BEHE, JOSEPH CRISTE June 28, 18GG.-Gt.-. and superior SILVER PLATED WARE, at Reduced Prices. March rj, 18CG.Sm. 1IAHRV WILSON"""- EALER in FRESH FISH, DRIED and CANNED FRUITS, RIPE FRUITS, and Admr' ARPENTER'S RHEUMATIC FLUID, for sale at tho Book Store of Feb. 22, lfOjfj. JAMES MURRAY. EARLY VEGETABLES, together with oth er articles, can be f und in the Hall of Mc Donald's brick building on the coiner of High and Centre streets. It is his inten tion to receive FRESH FISH on Thursday of each week. Canned Fruits always on hand, and Early Vegetables re eiveel three or four times each week, fresh fiom tho Philadelphia market. June 23, 18GG. S. TX Petteugiil &Co. Advertising Agents, 37 Pauk Row New York, and 10 State trect, Boston, are the authorized Agents feir the "Dem ocrat & Skxtinel," and the most influen tial and largest circulating Newspapers in the - United States and Canadas. They are empowered to contract for us at our LOWEST TEKilS. Lime for Sale. THE undersigned is prepared to ship Lime from LiPy Station, or No. 4, on the) Ponn- i sylvania Railroad to Ebensburg, Johnstown. ! or any other point on the IVnna. R. R., or , its branches. j Address. WM. TILEY, J'.m:2,-tf Il'-iulvck, Cwnbria e-o.. IV.. II