Jltmccrat ;mb Sentinel. CLARK WILSON. Editor & Publisher. KliKNSljrjRi;, Al.'firST 2,::::::1SCC. iSTATE TICKET. roi: c; j:kxuR. H1ESTER CLYMER I 1 STRICT TICKET. roxni;.s. L'OIJKKT L. JOHNSTON, Ebensburg. Subject to decision of District Convention. COUNT 1' TICKET. ASSEMBLY, Col. JOHN "P. LINTON, Johnstown. iii.fiisrr.u ani recorder, J AMES GRIFFIN, Johnstown borough. ASSOCIATE JUIXJKS, JAMES ML'IJUAY, Ebensburg borough. (iE(JHCE W. E AS LEV, Johnstown. COMMISSION ER, JOHN FEIIGCSON, Hlaeklick tw'p. rooi: house i;s;k toi:, HENliY UYKNE, Carroll townsliip. coroner, THOMAS MTKEEN, Ebensburg boro. audit i;. D. A. LCTIlLli, Carroll township. Democratic Ticket. It is a satisfaction to find the radical organ of Ebensburg, admit that the county ticket, placed in nomination by the De mocracy, is an unusually good and accep table ticket. It could have said no less and yet we are grateful for its candor ia saying so much. Ii. L. Johnston, Esq . , who has been recommended by this county for Congress, is well and favorably, known throughout the county, district and state, and the district Convention, if it consults the interests of the party and the welfare of the country will doul.tle.-s place him in nomination. Col. John 1'. Linton, our candidate for Assembly is admitted to be eminently competent, ami as meritorious and popu lar as he is competent. He will be no unworthy successor of Persuing ! At the outset of the war be left his business, his homo, and his family, and tho woun ded so as to disable hiiu fur life, he con tinued in tiie service till the end of the war. At New-Market and other bloody fields, commanding the gallant fifty-fourth, he won undying renown. Hut apart from his military services, Col. Linton is em phatically qualified for the Legislature. J lis native talent his practical common tense, his legal nbilit-, place him at the head of his profession, while his moral worth and private virtues point him out as a lit champion of the rights of the For Kegisfcr and Recorder, James (JritTip, has been re-nominated. During the la.-t three years he ha discharged the duties of his oHiee to the entire satisfaction of the people ; and his re-nomination over two of the most uVsenirig and popular young Dem H-rnts of Cambria county, is the bct evidence of his worth as a man and his fitness as an olftcer. (Juorgc W. Ee.i-ly mid James Murray, me the candidates for Associate Judge. T!w former has held the ollieo for ten vears, daring which time his fitness, firm ness ami integrity pointed him out for re- lection. James Murray, the other can didate, is an honest, high-toned citizen, tisosinK in an eminent degree, the con- fi.l.uff nf tli( nennle. 15olh these ?cntle- I ----it o men have perilled their lives to sustain "Constitution and the Union," tho'beyoifd the period of life at which they could be drafted. John Fergusorj, our candidate for Com liiissiuner, is a practical, hard working j farmer, who will take care that the taxes wrung from the people shall not be squan dered. Resides, he resides in a portion of the county which never had a Commis sioner, and the compliment will be appre ciated. Henry P.yrne, for Poor House Director, is a careful, shrewd business man ; who, like D. A. Luther, our candidate for Aud itor, belongs to a pioneer family of Cambria county. They are both honest and capable. Thomas M'Rrecn, the nominee for Co r- oner, isfds ) a returned soldier, and one of our most deserving citizens. In vour standard bearers, Democrats of Cambria county, you have lour Foldiers and four civilians. Scan their merits compare them with the radical ticket and vote according to your judgment. 1)' the way, it is a'-e-ingular fact, that, with all their h-ve for the soldiers, the radicals have "dy put one c.n their ticket while the DcHv,-r:t!- ruminated four. Let us Rejoice. Congress adjourned at 4. 1-2 i ji. on Sat- tii-iliir "lrriieil brt tho n.imr nf t!ir ,, , , , r Lord " u e have seen an anecdote of : an eccentric clergyman, wno, at me in . I . . . r i ncral of a bad member of society, gave out for the fingers the little psalin or hymn of Dr. Watts : "Oh L'nl we all rejoice. To .see Ibis cms removed. Their last act of infamy, was to vote ! each member of Congress 83,000, under j the cloak of martiaf music, by passi ! , , .... ... ... , ' , . j the bounty bid, which will bleed the na- uonai lreasury oi tnc snug little sum ot 5,000,000 ! We are glad to see "the cuss removed." PdLlurjh Republic. Tin; Lancaster LHijeneer says that although the use of the Court House of that county has been twice allowed to strolling negro lecturers within a few months, by the Disunion County Com missioners, and al-iowed to the Geary sol- diers when they nominated delegates to I the Pittsburgh Convention, it was refused by them to the soldiers the other dny when it was desired to hold a convention to nominate delegates to the llarrisburg Cly- . 1V , . .. J mer Sotdicrs Convention. 1 he reason given was mat "inc v.ourt uouse could , not be used tor political purposes." Of j course the Pittsburgh Geary Convention j m.t noIWI.TiiT .-md rf PAnrsn 1,.,-tmv, I ' ! on negro suffrage applauded by Geary's white supporters is not cither. Oh, no. I Tin: T.x-r.vvi;i:3 of the nation will Inive many reasons to remember the pres- ! cut Radical Congress. They have added j to the national burdens the following items: . i I reednien'sLurcau,bi, 000,000 ; Nation- I al I Junk interest, o',0U0,()()y ; lucreas- j e l Revenue, 88,000,000 ; Education IJj reau, 85,000,000 ; Mississippi and Ya zoo jtb, o0, 000,000, and Northern I'a citic Railroad subsidy, '30,000,000. This is what they have done with the people's money. In the meantime, they have prevented a restoration of the States, and thus injured the business of the nation and reduced its receipts. This record of the Radical Congress should interest the people of all sections of the country. Ir was gravely announced from Wash ington, the other day, that the Rump House can now barely muster a quorum, and that the Speaker had shut down on leave of absence. On the 23d there were 1 12, according to the votes recorded. On the 20th the Tennessee resolution brought out a vote of 137. A majority consti sutes a quorum. The Rump House frag ment has 231 members 11G being a quorum. A full House would have 300 a quorum of which would be more than the Rump has had for many weeks. 'I'm: main business of the present Rad ical Congress has been to prevent a resto ration of- the States. All legislation of a national character has been directed to that point. They have trampled upon the Constitution, insulted the President, violated all law and precedent, and taken the initiatory steps of an insurrection ia the Northern States, in order to accom plish their purposes. Many of the Radi cal members will be candidates for re-election, and Cnion men should note these facts. Con M.r.ssn nat.. The Democratic con- - n- t T iciees oi esimo: eiauo, l-ayeuo i;ii xi:- diana counties met on Saturday at Greens- burg, and after one hundred and forty six ballots nominated Hugh Wier, Esq., of Indiana, for Congress. The candi dates were Wier, Dawson, and ICeenan ; the latter gentleman withdrew his name, which resulted in Mr. Wier's nomination. A Joke on Gkaky, the IIeuo of Sxickeuviixk. At Cape May, the other evening, Holler the woild renowned wiz ard gave an entertainment, which was largely attended by the sojourners at the Cape. Somebody asked Heller if, by the second sight, or any other of his wonder ful powers, he could foretell who would j ional sympathy in their favor. This pure next Governor of Pennsylvania ? He ly electioneering artifice has, therefore, be answered. "That while Geary was a swift rtnuier, his rival had the best chance of elevation, being a H tester as well as Cy lner. This brought down the house with j three hearty cheers for Hiester Clymer, j the entire audience risincr to their" feet, j joined in the hurrah. Three groans were projKsed lor the hero ol bmckcr s lap. Such groans would have scared Geary worse than he ever was scared before ? A woman in Rushville 111., has been seized with a strange mania for mur der. She first practiced on cats, then on I children, then becoming severe the beat her own !;a;ns out. Tl O o I m r 1 I ne uase ot Jen uavis. The Committee on the Judiciary made a a report in which they say it is notorious Unit Jeitersoa Davis was puilt' of the , . crime ot treason, according to the lin- . ' " stitnfirm nml Liwa .f t!.n l "wrt.i t;(r,tnl- 1 and the Committee are of opinion that j there are no obstacles to a speedy and im partial trial, which cannot be removed by legislation. lhey say the evidence in possession of the Committee connecting ! Jelf. Davis with the assassination of Pres- ident Lincoln, justifies them in saying that there is probable cause to believe that he was pnvy to the racafures which led to the commission of the deed, but the m- vepti.ation3 which have been maJe b the War Department and by the Commit- tee, have not resulted in placing the Gov ernment in possession of all the facts in the case. It is probable, however, that the further prosecution of the investiga tion by the Committee and by the officers of the Government, will result finaly in a full developement of the whole transac tion. The capture of the rebel archives had put the Government in possession of a mass of letters, papers ami documents of various kinds, only a portion of "which has, as yet, been revealed. Heke is the whole story of the Euro- ! pea n war briefly told. Those who have not ,!U1C to I0:it UP li0uA remember these : points for their satisfaction in future as , , thicken vlusA coveted two Duchies, Schle3- wig and Ilolstein, belonging to Denmark, U'J sccretely persuaded the Duke of J gu?Je:iburg to claim as hereditarily Au nty Ins i . . i.. l . . . .. own. jl russia nuxi niuucea auiiui io co-operate with her insisting upon the German claim. The two made war up on Denmark, and possessed themselves bv force of the Duchies'. This done Prus- sfa at t;e secret instigation of France which desired to see Austria involved in :l v--r in orJt-'r that its "3VV iovtvja Italy if possible the province of emtia ignored both Ike Duke oi Augus- tcnburg :inJ Austria resclving to keep the Duchies herself. Austria of course pre ! iiare.d for war wifl; li. r f ntlilei? .mil run ning associate, and had the address to bring over to her side nearlv all the small cr powers which with Austria and Pruss ia compose the German Confederation. r Italy prepared to march into Vcnitia as soon as Austria might be engaged with Prussia. And thus i-tands the present situation." France, who adroitly brought on the whole trouble while affecting to be the friend of peace, is supposed to have promised Prussia for such a timely inter ference against Austria, the German prov inces which now keep France from ex tending as under the old Napoleon, her frontiers to the river Rhine. In the mean time Russia is supposed to have prom ised to assist Austria should France thus interfere the reward of Russia to be the Moldo-Wallachian provinces now belong ing to "the sick man," Turkey. Wno .via: tiik Thieves Now ? Self styled '"loyal" newspapers made the name of Floyd synonymous with "thief" and why ? Iiecause, w hen secession was about to be inaugurated, he took possess ion of and distributed among the South ern States a large amount of arms and warlike munitions belonging to the Gov ernment. What are the Disunionists now at ? Attempting to get control of the ivarhke jtmpcrfy f the GuVivnmcnt fur distribution diuonj lite Xetu Kmjland States au 1 other States whose officials are known to be favorable to the Rump usurpation! Who are the Floyds now ! Every Rump Disunionist who voted for the resolution to distribute the arms of the Government is a thief and revolutionist, and the coun try will hold them all responsible for the bloodshed and anarchy which may result from the treasonable acts which they arc perpetrating, and which, sooner or later, must end in civil war. Tin: Fenian Resolutions. The mes sage of the President, delivered to the House iu response to the two resolutions in behalf of the Fenians, pent to him, has rather taken the wind out of the sails of the Congressional party. The resolu tions were simply intended as a bid for Irish votes, by manifesting an extraordi nary interest in tho fate of the recent Fe nian raiders upon the border. It appears, from the response of the President, that the suddenly-awakened anxiety of Con gress in reference to these unfortunate persons had long ago been anticipated by the Executive, and that the desired action in behalf of the Fenian prisoners in Can ada, and the Fenians indicted in the Uni ted States courts for a breach of neutral ity laws, had long since been taken, with out waiting for the growth of Congress- i not only laded in its design, but has ser ved to ormg to me attention vl iuo x- em ails, who are just now so assiduously courted by the Revolutionists, the fact that the President had promptly, and without suggestions from Congress or else where, instituted proceedings for relief and release of all the participators in the Fenian raid, who had been placed in ar rest on either side of the line. . C5TA veteran appeared before an army surgeon at Philadelphia, last week, as an applicant for a pension, having upon his body the scars of twenty-two wounds re ceived in the late war. The Safety of Kaieway Passengers . In Connecticut at the last session of the legislature, a most excellent law was passed for the protection of railway pas sengers. It provides that each company convevin:: passengers shall nrovldn thr-ir c:irs wUu a connecting apron of full width oi me irain, so as 10 connect the platiorir.s and enable persons to pass from one car to another with safety. If this provision is not complied with by the 1st of Sep tember, 18CG, each company npTlectir'T it forfeits to the State Treasurer $100 for every day of such neglect. These aprons have to be examined and approved by the State Railroad Commissioners, and are of much value in guarding passengers who move from one part of the train to an other. Some such precaution on rail roads leading out of Philadelphia have these connecting aprons in their passen ger trains, but the great majority of the lines have no protection at all. I lOW TIIEY-CaKUY OUT TllEIK PROM ISES. "lirick" Pomcroy was on a visit Lately to Washington. In writing to his paper he says ; We look in vain in the different departments for the one-armed crippled or veteran soldeirs, who were to be rewarded by tho Republican party. The one-armed heroes are not popular. The left-hand writers are not there. Once n a u nite. c lot some of the depart a newspaper article while we found a poor widow in Lirtmcnts merely to build on for consumption. Hut we found hundreds of negroes about these olfices opening and shutting doors, as if those who passed through could not wait on themselves we found these dus ky lambs of Abraham answering bell calls everywhere we saw them in the gallery of Congress, scratching their dirty heads, chewing peanuts, and smiling ap proval on their Radical deliverers. And we saw one-armed, one-legged, and other wise mutilated white soldiers, selling ap ples, peanuts, papers, and such stuff en the streets generously provided for by themselves. Rouni to Have Them. It seems that puritan abolitionism is determined to have the "anti-slavery God the anti-slavery Constitution" that Ansou Ruilingame de clared a lew years since they would have. They have made a God of the old cut throat and horse thief, John Drown they have manufactured a Rible out of Helper's Rook and the New York Tribune, the last chapters in their. New Testament being composed of the speeches and epistles of Stevens and Sumner to the brethren, while their attempts now to alter the Constitu tion if successful, will finish the work and cap the climax of their efforts, by se curing to that party these three great ends for which they have so long labored. What a roiilenium abolitionism will then enjoy ! Cuffee and Jerusha Jane will walk along the highway of life, basking in the sunshine of mutual admiration. Jon athan and Dinah will march hand in hand, scenting the atmosphere with codfish and nigger, followed by their tan colored brats, singing hosanna to their anti-shivery God, their anti-slavery Rible, and their anti slavery Constitution. All- me ! dont it make your mouths water, you long-leggc-d, blue-light descendents of witch burning, quaker-hanging Puritans ! A IJukgi.au Disgusted. A burglar in Philadelphia, during the heated term, when the occupants were away, succeed ed in breaking into a pretentious house al most under the nose of the police. He found a richly furnished hall way and parlor, but as he did not care about steal ing pianos and sofas, he ascended to the dormitories where he found bare floors, wretched bedding, and everything except ing the curtains to the windows indica ting the most miserable attempt at parlor Ostentation with less refinement than would be found in the house of an ordina ry mechanic. The thief turned nom the place in utter disgust, and when leav ing defaced the lid of a piano and broke open the doors of a cabinet, to inform the people that he had been there. Tim Pope. It is announced that for some time past the health of the Pope has appeared to be failing, and his condi tion causes no little anxiety to his Cardi nals, with whom he speaks frequently of approaching death. Pius IX., the pres ent Pope, was born in May, 1792, and is 74 years old. He ascended the Papal throne in 18 1G, and has occupied it twen ty years. A correspondent writes to the Philadelphia Lcdycr that there is a gener al feeling in Rome that io Pope will hold his office longer 'than did St. Peter, who is said to have governed the Church for twenty-five years. 'Adrian I. was Pope near ly 24 years: Pius VI. 24 years 6 months and 14 days, whilst several other Popes governed the Church for 21 years. It is generally agreed that the whole number of Popes was 259. Tug Richmond TI7says: "The coun try, the Fourth of July, and everything else, are giving up to the negroes. We are truly a progressive people, but prog ress toward ruin. ho values what me corilla and the ape equally enjoy When bo-s are decorated with laces, and oxen with ribands, decent people will find oth er embelishments for themselves. So when negroes seize upon the Fourth of July, take possession of our public squares, and' of our streets, flaunting flags, wearing swords, and marching to music, it is time for us to give up these things.". News Items. Tiieee were seven hundred and sixteen deaths in Philadelphia last week. They have a ghost in New Albany, In diana, that stands fire like a real spirit. A Giur. of fourteen has been abducted from Lafayette. Indiana, by a scissor grin der. Moke than 1 ,.100,000 human beings derive their sole sunp rt from the culture and manufacture of the fibres spun by the silkworm. A Lad in Jersey City, died Thursday while under the influence of chloroform, administered by a surgeon. Seven cases and four deaths by chol era were reported in New York city, Ju ly 27th, and five deaths in Rrooklyn. Neakly' 1.1,000 have been added to the population of Galveston since the war. New York is to have a great billiard tournament in September. Five only of thirty-five safes in the Portland ruins have proved safe. The Atlantic Telegraph hopes to tax the press to the tune of 8140,000 per an num. At Grand Junction, Miss , a woman wh interfered in a bar-room quarrel, was shot through the heart. W. II. Fulmer was drowned in the Ju niata, near Watsontown, on the 17th inst. The barn belonging to Mrs. Plane, in Montour count', was struck by lightning on Sunday last and burned, together with its contents. Tn eke arc now five persons in jail at York charged witif the murder of the Squibb family, near that place, in June last. Geokge Sigeek, an old and respectable citizen of Juniata county, died suddenly on the 17th instant. The store of 1'. F. Loop, in Lewisburg, was robbed on the 21st. Hon. Thomas White, of Indiana, died at his residence in that place on the 2 2d. Otto Westeai.e and John Fahnestock were killed on the 23d, near Greensbug, by the explosion of the boildr of a loco motive engine. On Sunday morning week last, the barn of Mr. Simon Uncapher, in Green coun ty, was totally destroyed by fire, together with all his farming utensils, and a large quantity of hay and grain. A i EAKiT E accident occurred at Rid tvcll's plow factor-, Pittsburgh, on Mon day afternoon. A man named James Dunning, was adjusting a belt over a pul ly, w hen his arm became entangled in the machinery, and he was drawn to the ceil ing with fearful velocity, and then dashed to the floor. " Roth arms and his back were broken and one leg so severely crush ed as to render amputation necessary. The injured man died soon after the am putation was performed. A man in Jersey City, while asleep in a chair near an open window, tumbled out and was killed. There are 7,449 O Id Fellows in Cali fornia. They own thirty halls, valued at 8300,000, and other property valued at 8500,000. The sfore of Ilunsicker cc Mullen, at Forreston, Illinois, was struck by light ning last week, and Mr. .Mullen was in stantly killed. A G enti.eman of Ohio has an ewe on ly six years old, which has yielded him sixteen lambs, all of which were raised. MR. Horace P. Ci.aki.in, the New York merchant, returns the comfortable income for the year 18G5 of one million two hundred and ninety thousand dollars (cents not counted), or 84,000 per day. The Atlanta, Ga., Km says, 'the South most earnestly desires peace. Whatever she can do to restore harmony and promote the well being of the people, that she will do." Dcrixo one of the late hot days a bug gy was set on fire in Paldwinsville, New York, by a bottle which was lying in the bottom of it, and which acted like a bur ning glass. There is a postoffica in McDonough County, Illinois, through .which only two letters passed each quarter for the last two quarters. They consisted of the cor respondence between the postmaster and the Department. , A Man painting the cornice of a house in Hartford, a few days since, fell from the ladder and it was supposed that he was badly hurt. Immediately after the fall a young man ran to the store to inform the painter of the misfortune that had overtaken his workman. Tho "boss" lis tened to the telling description of the fall, and with the ruling passion strong in him, asked anxiously, "Did he spill his paint! ECEXSDURG & CRESSON RAILROAD. On and after Monday. May 21. I860. ; trains on this road will run as follows: ; Leave Ebensbubg ! At C.05 A. M., connecting with Baltimore Express West ami Dav Express East At 6.40 P. M., connecting with Phila. Ex. Eist and Day Express West. Leave Cressos At 8.30 A. M., or on departure of Bait Express West. At 8.40 P. M.. or on departure of the Phila delphta JLxpress est LOST, BX the 27th of July, Let wren and St. Augustine, a small Pockr-t y.--z oranduni Book. It contained K-v(ri; counts and notes on different per?or.s. on or about the lath if July, . .v l C'.ised Lancet and Thumb Lancet i:. case. The finder or finders will be !,, . -, -v rewarded by sending or leaving er.e ,.r ui' ' the articles where I can get them. J. J. Khl.SK, ll.u. St. Augustine, Aug. 2, ISOfJ. Auditor's Aotlce. Col well & Levergood is. J -In It. .al. In the.CuUit of Common I'ie.is-.;' bria county. No. S2, March Tei:. E. D. July 11th, 1800. On r..t; ,:i . f Pershing, the Court appoint J. hn F. !; Esq., Auditor, to distribute the iu:rU hands of the Sheriff, arising flora ti.i Defendant' real estate, to and avr-? entitled thereto. I3v t',- c ; - G. C. K. ZA11M, J. I will sit for the purpo-e f a:? -. ; the duties of the above a?:- !-it:;.-. :.! ;,t i; office in the borough of Jo;,:.:--. w ;, . .' day, the 1'Oth day of Augu-t. 1-.;, "cr." menctng at the hor.r of tiv.i V,.,. I:, K -and all persons having claim.- an-.i.-.-t fund are hereby required to prescv. t". or be forever debarred from cuiiv,:, ;;. said fund. JOHN IMURNKS. July 2C, lSGC.-3t A . :.;. Aotlee. ipO John Williams of ii..:.;i.J.i'.urg. 1 county, Pa.. Caroline c" cell of O.l Venango i-..Pa., Martha Walker of Tc foot tvvp., Uiuir co., Ai.n I) tvis, wi d-'-.v Esther, Joset.h. George, J-.I.n, M Amelia D ivis, (ehildien f the s A;.: I .v.: Davis) all of Lo Chiir. S. - ti co , heirs and legal repre.-ei.t.tivcs of Williams, late of CambiU twp , C; county, deceased. Take notice that an i-iqm-t will 1 at the late dwelling i. -u.-e ei Hams, dee'd, in Gin.b.i.i p.vp., C ; Pa., on Monday the Ci'.t tl.iy i.i' An at 1 o clock, in the afo rn a of ti. for the purpose if m-tking pnrtiti a f real estate of saul deceased, t am! his children and Jeg.il rej-i tseii'.aiiv-:' tl-. same can be done without prtj'adke : . r spoiling of the whole, otherwise to v d : and appraise the same, at which tiu.e .c. : phice you are requested to attend, it y j think proper. JAMES MYERS. SIieritT. Sheriff's office. El July 12, lS';-J.4t IpIIE undersigned having 1 a flpp-inted 1 Auditor by the i .. 4.i.is' C-urt of Cam oriii coii".-. to distiiuae ll.- money in ti e Viands of Michael Dunne-an. Admmi-irat r of Philip Smith, deceive.!, 1.5 -ii his see..;; .' and final accoui.t, bevel-v ,rves n.-tice he will attend to the dlltks. el" sai l aj ; ment at his office in the UtjIi of E burg, ou Friday, the Toiid day of A :.-;; ; next, at one o'clock, P. M., when ,vi where all persons interested mav atuni. WM. II. irECIILEl Julv 10, lfcr.C.-3t Audi: r. iiiultor's Xuilce. IT1IIE undersigned having been aj-p -i:.t- i Auditor by the Orphan's C'.-nrt of (V.t.. uria county, to distribute ti.e i.i .iicy in tl.r hands of John Raer, a hr.inls! . at--r of t': estate of Jacel) Kag r, decease 1. here! " jiives notice tl.it he will attend ; to the duties- f said nppi-inttr.--:.-. at his office in Eben d u, . . Suturdaj-. t'.j 4th day of Augut next. :-s. a." oVlo-.s, P.M., when and where all pe; s,-'.i ii.ttie-t-ed may attend. JOHN E. SCAXLAX. July 10, lSCCSt Andiroi. Xotlce. TN the Court of Common Pleas of OarnVsH J comity. In the tin. tier of the petm- .i e; John Teafcl, to have Lis name change-, t , John llarvev. And now, July 11. 1S00. The C'- '.r having fully considered the petition of .1 Teaful.do decree that ti e name of J -Teafttl be chanced to John Harvey, a-..: -. further order that the n -tice of this deer be published tor iVur successive weeks in t 'Democrat & Sentinel." a Newspaper lislied in C.imVihi countv. July 10. ISCG.-it ' Bytl.e C :: Notice. ILLpersms are hereby notified tl ..' Jl have purel-ased at Sheriffs S;'e. ;l. '- lowing personal property, wi.;v!: iu left in care of Michael Snyder, of d- ' tewnfhip, Cambri.i county. I'.i.. i.r:t':l v.. - .- tit to remove ti.e same, io wu : i ; horses, one bay hoie, e-ne b'.uk n.:'.re. bay marc, one spring wagov. two i ::...- robes, four timber s'od-s, one Uv.'-.V-r.-: on, one harrow, two plows, c '- calf, one iieifier, one unite cmv, e-.e brimlle cow, four beht bnnd'.e c -' wind mill, one-half interest in thre.-.. - chine, one shovel plow, four sows a: small pigs, two barrovs. tl ree calvis. : - scaps of bees, one cooking i-tove, ent -stove, five l-edsteads and bed ling. : r scythes, one grain cra .ie and mr-.e chains, 10 acits ct oats, , a-res i wheat. 3 acies of wheat, 1J noes o. n e ow, 1 Uloe.K ar.tl tncKie, ami i y.;. person interfering with the above mu..- property, will be dcaltwith accordn.- -law. GILL1XOIIAM & GARIUSOV July 1-2, IS Go -3t. . valuablFproperty for sale. TIIE STOKE HOUSE and DWELL! v HOUSE situate in Chest township. bria count3', formerb' oeeupied by .H ' n xr t . ei... i. Till' Mr i . ... V 1 1 Lj Li , it-;;eiiiei o.ti v. .v .... . in a good state of cultivation and well - i plied with choice fruit, is offered for saa' The oui i. lings are goo.i ; ue I'l-r".;-in an excellent location for nu'rcantiie ' other business, ar.d is offered nf a very 1-' price. Possession given immediately. For further information inquire ot o. dress JOHN G. GILL, at Glen Coiu convenient to the premises, who is aut!i--. zed to sell tho same. llT JOSEPH OILL May 31, lSi'6.-tf-