Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, August 02, 1866, Image 1

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    WlSB-Bl-'Sr IE-lBJEJECs HB32i:-WCOr3EC,3i23ra
1 ubll.-hed in the borough of Ebensburg,
'c. nbii-i countv, Pa., every Wednesday
r '- by Clark. Wilson, at the follow-
rites, iiivaii-ibly in advance
,, c ;,.)j.y, three montns,
DLL- c t-y, mouths,
$1 00
u:,e coi.v, i M year,
im ',.V.-i. fail to nav their subscriptions
vrrii vl'cr the expiration oi six months will
b,'.'tiur"el at the rate or $2.50 per year,
,i ti. who fail to p:iy until after the ex-yn-h
n of twelve months will be charged at
':e rate of &3.0t pir year.
The Demoa-al and Si iiiind when paid lor
i- j-Iiunee costs four cents per number;
, i' not paid in advance nix cents per
tfxnfvr will be charged.
TwAve numbers constitute a quarter;
twenty, six months; and fifty numbers,
cue year.
Fifteen hues of Burgoise typo constitute a
square, one insertion.
$1 00 subsequent insertion,
i; e square, cne year,
Two .-quares, one insertion,
1'..;, subsequent insertion,
(hir-fourth coliimn, three months,
(!i:c fourth column, six months, fourth cohimn. one year.
I! '-'f column, three months,
H -.if column, s'x months,
l!.i'.f co!u:r.:i. one rear,
:!.' column, three months,
i -i. c-ilumn, six months,
O . .' rohurm, one year,
Auditor's Notice,
G 00
1 50
S 00
12 00
20 00
12 00
20 00
35 00
20 00
35 00
70 CO
2 00
2 50
2 50
per an
i'i 00
Ec. ut.or's Notice,
Administrator's Notice.
?! irriase and Death. Notices, cards with paper
Obituary Notices, over s".x V.ues.tcn cents
per line.
Special an-J business Notices tight cents
per lu.c f .r first insertion. anJ four cents for
each subsequent insertion.
Re-olutions of S eieties, or communica
tions of a personal Lature must be paid for
as advertisements.
No cuts inserted in advertisements.
50 for $1 50 200 for $3 00
100 for 2 00 500 for 5 00
Each additional hundred , 50
One .pire, $2 50 TCnch ao.. v4l 50
All transient work must be paid for on
Ebensburg, June 14, 1SG5.
Philadelphia Business Cards.
R CIGARS, PIPES, &c. &c. No. 13
A' r. l'Urtl stictl, above Market, riuladcl
.'.;a. Pa. June 21, ISCG.-ly.
STI11IS HOTEL is pleasantly situated on the
1 S-iutli side of Market street, a few doors
above Sixth street. Its central locality
sr.'ikes it particularly desirable to persons
v. .-.ring the city on br.sini-.-s or pleasure.
T. IE B. SANDERS, Proprietor.
Tune 21, ISCG.-ly.
Johnstown Business Cards.
jJTiMRXEY AT LAW, JcJinstoicn, Pa.
il t';:i' eon Main street, second floor over
lUnk. May 4, 18G5.-tf.
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Johnstown.-Fa.
ll Office in building on corner of Main and
tr.inklin street, opposite Mansion House,
M'eond floor. Entrance on Frankliu street.
Johnstown, Nov. 1G, 1SG5..
TTORNEY AT LAW, Johnstown. Pa.
Office in the Exchange building, on the
Corner of Clinton and Locust streets up
stairs. Will attend to all business connect
ed with his profession.
Dec. 0, lSG3.-tf.
WHOLESALE and RETAIL Manufacturer,
V'AI1K. Canal street, below Clinton, Johns
I'a. A large stock constantly on
! May 4, 1SGG.-Iy.
Pi-1 'IV i E TURNER. Main street Johnstown,
U '?.. Dealer in 1 1 ATS and CAPS. BOOTS
IIIINU GOODS, such as Drawers. Shirts,
'!Hrs, Handkerchiefs, Neckties, Stockings,
Y.'Tr Vmhr"'llli' &c- keeps constantly on
l.avl a ceneral assortment, and his prices
arc is l.,v as th b.w..f
d hstown, June 21, 18GG.-ly.
h'-'oi &t,;,t. Johnstown, Cambria Co., I'a.,
A. J;0Y & CO., Proprietors.
HOUSE having been refitted and
1 olc-itntly furnished, is now open for the
r-' !'ii'-n and entertainment of guests. The
('!" ') netors by long experience in hotel kecp
ftel confident they can satisfy a dis
'r.RMnating public.
. f'-ieir is supplied with the choicest
' -rr.n,is r.fl,qiMrs anj wints.
Ebensburg Business Cards. .
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Cam
bria county, Pa. May 5,
11 .SURVEYOR, Ebensburg, Pa., office in
xue Commissioners office. Dec. 7, 1865.-tf.
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Pa.
Office in Colonade Row, Centre street.
Dec. 4, lSGi.-tf.
TTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Pa,
Office in Colonade Row.
April 5, 18G5-tf
I TTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg. Pa.
j Office on Centre street, opposite M.xjre's
Hotel. Apr. 2G, ISCG-tf
I TTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Pa.
j Office in the South end of his residence,
immediately opposite the Court House.
November 23, f1.37)
i TTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg Pa.
Office on Hih street, adjoining his resi
dence. May 4, 18G5. (1.42 )
ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ebensburg. Pa.
Office on Main street, three doors East
oi Julian. May 4, 1SG3.
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Pa.
Office in Colonade Row, Centre street.
November 23, lSC5.-tf. (1.37.)
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Pa.
Office on IIi;h street, one door East of the
Banking House of Lloyd & Co. 7. 1SG5. (tf.)
SUCCESSOR to R. S. Bunk. Dealer in
Store on Main street, opposite the "Moore
House, Ebensburg, Pa. May 17, '
rpENDEBS his professional services to the
I citizens of Ebensburg and vicinity.
Office one door east of R. Davis' store.
Night calls made at his residence three doors
west of R. Evans' cabinet ware room.
May 31, 1SG5-Gm
J. C. WILSON M. lh,
ftFFERS his services as PHYSICIAN and
J SURGEON, to the citizens of Ebensburg
and surrounding country. Office three doors
East of the Presbyterian Church, ia the
room formerly occupied by Dr. Jones.
Ebensburg, April 12, 18GG.3m..
j Propietor, spares no pains to render this
hotel worthy of a continuation of the liberal
patronage it has heretofore received. His
tible will alwavs be furnished with the
best the market affords ; his bar with the
best ct liquors. His stable is large, and will
be attended by an attentive and obliging
hostler. June 4, 18GG,-tf.
RETAIL DEALER, in Dry Goods, Boots,
Shoes, Rats, Caps, Groceries, &c ; keeps
constantly on hand a peneral assortment.
Store on High street, Ebensburg, Pa.
Sept 28, 1865.
PONTINUES to visit Ebensburz personally
ll on the 4th Monday of each month.
IJunng his absence Lewis N . Snyder, who
studied with the Doctor, will remain in the
office and attend to all business entrusted to
June 7, 18GG.
DENTIST, Johnstown, has opened an effice
on the cor. of Centre and Main streets, in
this place, (building formerly occupied by
Mr. Callan as a hotel, up slairs, front room,)
where he may be found on the first Monday
of every month, and remain one or two
weeks. May 10, 1800.
BANKERS, Ebensburg, Pa. Gold, Silver.
Government Bonds, and other securities,
bought and sold. Interest allowed on time
deposits. Collections made on all accessible
points in the United States, and a General
Banking business transacted.
March 1,
Proprietor, solicits a continuation of the
liberal patronage heretofore extended. His
table and bar will always be supplied with
the best. His house and stable being large
and convenient, and having competent as
sistants at all times employed, he feels con
fident that he will be able to render general
satisfaction. . June 4, 18G5.-tf.
THOMAS CALLEN. Proprietor.
THIS house is now open for the accommo
dation of the public. Accommodations
as good as the country will afford, and
charges moderate. May 31, 1866. -tf.
There are some hearts that, like the loving
Cling to unkindly rocks and ruined tovers.
Spirits that suffer and do not repine
Patient and sweet as lowly trodden flowers
That from the passers heel arise.
And bring back odorous breath insteac bi
But there are other hearts that will not feel
The louely love that haunts their eyes
and ears;
That wound fond faith with anger worse
than steel,
And out of pity's spring draw idle tears,
O Nature! shall it ever be thy will
111 thin? with good to mingle, good with
ill 1
Why should the heavy foot of sorrow press
The willing heart of uncomplaining love
Meek charity that thrinks not from distress,
Gentleness, loth her tyrants to reprove ?
Though virtue weep forever and lament
AVil 1 one hard heart turn to her and repent ?
Why should the reed be broken that will
And they that dry the tears in other's
Feel their own anguish swelling without end,
Their summer darkened with the smoke
of sighs ?
Sure, Love to some fair Eden of bis own
Will flee at last, and leave us here alone.
L ve weepeth alwa3-s weepeth for the past,
For woes that are, for woes that may be
tide, Why should not hard ambition weep at last,
Envy and hatred, avarice and pride 1
Fate whispers, so low is your lot,
They would be rebels; love rebelleth not.
The Mass Meeting At Reading.
The following Resolutions were adopt
ed at the monster Mass Meeting at Read
ing, July 18th. j
Iksolvcd ly the Democracy o f Hkistern
and Central Pennsylvaia in Mass Conven
tion Assembled,
That the contest upon which we are
now entering, is simply whether the Fed
eral Union, under the Constitution, as
adopted and construed by its illustrious
authors, with the reserved rights of the
States unimpaired, shall continue to be
one form of Government, or whether we
shall have forced upon us by Congression
al usurpation and revolutionary action a
central consolidated government, bound
by no constitutional restraints, and in
which the liberties of the people would
be at the mercy of a bare majority of
Congress, controlled by self-constituted
and a "irresponsible" central directory,
2. Resolved, That the Democratic party
are now as ever the only true Union party
of the land. That we point with pride
to the untiring and unselfish efforts made
by all Democrats and Conservatives in
and out of Congress to preserve the Un
ion before the war commenced by concili
ation and compromise, the only means by
which it was formed, and without which
it will never be more than a name: that
the refusal of the Republican party to
yield their partisan predjudices for the
sake of peace and Union, was the imme
diate cause of the war and posterity will
hold them responsible.
3. Resolved, That we will hold all de
partments of the Government to its offi
cial and solemn declaration that "the war
was not prosecuted for any purpose of
conquest or subjugation, but to maintain
the supremacy of the Constitution, and to
preserve the Union with all the dignity,
equality and rights of the several States
unimpaired ;" that the war having ended
by the surrender of the rebel armies, the
people of the South are subject only to
such penalties as the Constitution of our
common country, and the laws passed in
pursuance of it, may prescribe, and are
entitled to all the rights which that Con
stitution insures to all the people of all
the States.
4. Resolved, That the Federal Union is
composed of thirty-six Spates ; that, un
der the Constitution, each State is entitled
to an equal representation in the Senate,
and to its proper representation in the
lower House ; that the Constitution is the
supreme law of the land ; that the Presi
dent is sworn to enforce the law, and that
we call upon him, in the name of an out
raged and violated Constitution, and an
imperiled Union, to make the Congress
what the consequence requires it io be
the representative body of the people.
5. Resolved, That we denounce the pro
ceedings of the Radical majority in the
so-called Congress as lawless and revolu
tionary, and intended by the leaders to
utterly subvert and destroy our wise and
beneficial system of government, and to
establish in its place a consolidated des
potism controlled by the worst spirit of
New England fanaticism.
6. Resolved, That wc tendor to Presi
dent Johnson our heartfelt thanks for his
bold and steadfast determination to restore
the Union of our fathers "in its original
purity," and we adjure him by the mem
ory of the immortal Jackson, to convince j
the radical disunionists by word and deed, j
that "the Federal Union must and 6hall
b'i preserved."
7. Resolved, That we arc opposed to
negro suffrage, believing that the white
men of America are able to govern them
selves," without the aid of an inferior race,
and that we disapprove of the amend
ment to the Constitution lately proposed
by the so-called Congress, it being noth
ing but the oiler of a reward to the States
for granting negro suffrage, and a threat
of a punishment in case of refusal.
8. Resolved, That the soldiers who
fought for the Union and the Constitution
deserves well of the country, and that
the repeated declaration of the Radicals
that the rebellion could not have been
subdued without the aid of black troops
is a gross and wanton insult to the brave
and gallant white soldiers of America,
which they will know how to present at
the polls.
9- Resolved, That the sympathies of
the Democracy are now as they have ever
been with our brave brothers of the Em
erald Isle, in their gallant efforts to free
their native land from the foul t)Tranny of
England, and that we owe nothing to the
English government which should prevent
us from rejKiating or modifying the neu
trality laws, so as to give the Irish fair
play, which is all they ask.
10. Resolved, That we endorse and re
affirm the platform of principles adopted
by the Democratic State Convention at
Ilarrisburg on the 5th of March last, and
we present with pride to the Democratic
and Conservative citizens of Pennsylva
nia our worthy candidate for Governor,
Hon. Iliester Clymer. lie answers in an
eminent degree the requirements of Jeff
erson ; he is honest, he is capable, and he
is faithful. The most malignant of his
political enemies can find no spot on his
fair fame, and to the slanders and mis
representations of radical disunionists,
answer that he is now as he has always
been, and under all circumstances, in fa
vor of the Union of our Fathers, a Un
ion o f White Men.
11. Resolved, That the tariff men of
Pennsylvania may see by the votes of
Senators Sumner and Wilson, of Massa
chusetts, and Foster, of Connecticut; that
the professions of friendship for Pennsyl
vania by the radicals of New England,
are as sincere as their professions of re
gard for the Union of the States.
12. Resolved, That we approve of the
call for a National Union Convention of
all the States to meet in Philadelphia on
the 1 Ith of August next, to sustain the
President in his patriotic policy of resto
ration, and we recommend the State Cen
tral Committee to take such action as
will best advance the purposes of the call.
At about half-past live the meetings
were adjourned, and the majority of t lie
trains, left for their homes. As they rattled
along the diverging lines of railroads, the
"flying horses" the Geary rowdies
again sallied forth to create disturbances,
liloody noses and knocking down of in
offensive men prevailed for a time in a
number of localities. It is said some of
the rowdies entered the Keystone House,
tore down Democratic handbills and
tramped an American flag under their
feet, as an evidence of their party hatred.
Still the meeting was a great success, and
the occasion one that will be long remem
bered by the conservative masses of Eas
tern Pennsylvania.
The Bio Er-M on Boston Commox.
The Boston Evening Commrrcial says :
The days of the big elm are numbered.
It is entirely shorn of its beauty, and in a
few years it will be no more. The trunk
of the tree is hollow, and rot has extended
to its branches. In former years the tree
has suffered from the injury of the storms.
Lightning has shivered it, and its most
magnificent branches have, one by one,
been lopped. A tender care for its health
has been extended towards it for some
years. The hollow places hare been fill
ed with cement. It has been hedged about
and its roots have been guarded. The
stately branches that yet remain have
been braced up by iron supporters, and)
until two dayg ago it was sun a orae
looking old tree, the pride and beauty of
the Common. But its proportions have
been destroyed. The great branch the
largest branch there was left that ir.clin
ed towards the west, has fallen, canning
with it two sections of the iron fence that
surrounded the tree. The appearance of
the wood show that the branch has been
held in its placo by a very slight breadth
of sound wood."
The Past and Present.
The Radicals throughout the country
are busily engaged in defaming the Presi
dent. Not many months ago the same
men who are now employed in this dis
reputable business distinctly announced
that the President was the government,
and that any abuse of the former was un
deniable treason to the latter. Any per
son who wrote or spoke of the Executive
except in ahighly complimentary man
ner, was deemed by these worthies as fit
only for imprisonment or exile. In many
cases where the offending parties were
not reached by the central despotism at
Washington, brutal mobs were turned
loose upon them, and every species of in
sult that malice could invent was heaped j
upon those who "knew their rights, and
knowing dare maintain them." But all
this is changed! The Radicals now
claim the right they once contemptuously
denied to others. They now slander the
President in the very name of "loyalty."
Their miserable spies and informers are
as busy as ever, but their despicable efforts
are at present directed towards bringing
into contempt "the government" they
once professed to revere, and are turned
against the office of Chief Magistrate,
heretofore invested by them with the same
divinity which doth hedge a king. They
have completely changed their base," and
history presents no meaner spectacle than
the party that once imprisoned men, and
exiled women, and throttled children, now
exercising a license of pen and speech
which in others, they denounced as treas
onable and diabolical !
Learning A Tkade. It was a wise
law of the ancient Jews that the sons of
even the wealthiest men should be obliged
to serve an apprenticeship to some useful
occupation, so that in case of reverse of
fortune they might have something to "fall
back upon." The same still exists in
Turkey, where every man, even the Sul
tan himself, must learn a trade. How
fortunate would it be now had it been a
law in this country. "Would to God I
had a trade !" is the cry of thousands of
returned soldiers, North and South, who
find themselves ruined in pocket, with no
immediate prospect of gaining a liveli
hood. It should teach parents that what
ever else they may give their sons, they
should give a good trade. One of our
contemporaries most truthfully remarks,
that a popular idea among our people is
that all of their sons should adopt clerk
ships, and the adoption of the business of
book-keeping as a means of obtaining
their livelihood, and every effort is made
to give them an education to that end. So
far as the education of their children in
the science of keeping proper accounts is
concerned, the idea is a good one, and ev
ery young man should have a sufficient
knowledge to properly manage his own
books should he ever embark in business,
but to make book-keepers and clerks of
all our boys is a grand mistake. Better
place them in a workshop, mill, or foun
dery, where they can learn indeiendent
trades, which at all times will secure for
them employment, and the pecuniary com
pensation for which will be at least as
much, if not more, than the business of
accounts. We earnestly advise all par
ents to teach their sons trades, no matter
what, so that it is an industrious pursuit ;
and let us in the future be spared the pain
of seeing so man- stout, able-bodied young
men out of employment, and seeking situ
ations where tho pen only can be used.
Tin; wife of Garibaldi was a woman of
extraordinary daring and bravery. A
short time after their marriage she went
through an engagement at sea with her
husband, refusing to go ashore, and du
ring the fight would stay nowhere but on
deck, where she wielded a carbine and
cheered the men. In the heat of the bat
tle she was standing on deck flourishing a
sabre and inspiring the men to deeds of
valor, when she was knocked down by
the wind of a cannon ball that had killed
two men standing by her side. Garibal
di was springing forward to her, thinking
that he would find her a corpse, when
she rose to her feet, covered with the
blood of the men who had fallen close to
her, but quite unhurt. He begged her to
go below and remain till the action was
over. "I will go below," was her reply,
"but only to drive out the sneaking cow
ards who are skulking there," for only a
few seconds before she had seen three men
leave the deck and hurry rapidly down
the hatchway, so as to escape out of dan
ger of the storm of bullets that was sweep
ing the deck? And going below, she im
mediately after re-appearcd, driving before
her the three men, overcome with shame
that they should have been surpassed in
courage by a woman.
VOL. 13 NO. 23.
One of Gough's Stories.
At a political meeting the speaker an I
audience were very much disturbed by a
man who constantly called out lor Mi.
Henry. Whenever a new speaker came
on, this man brawled out, "Air. Henry !
Henry ! Henry ! I call for Mr. Henry I"
After several interruptions of this kind
at each speech, a young man ascended to
the platform, and was soon airing his elo
quence in magniloquent style, striking out
powerfully in his gestures, when the old
cry was heard for Mr. Henry.
Putting his hand to his mouth like a
speaking trumpet, this man was bawling
out at tho top of his voice, "Air. Henry !
Henry! Henry! I call for Mr. Henry to
make a speech 1"
The chairman now rose and remarked
that it would oblige the audience if ihe
gentleman would refrain from any further
calling for Air. Henry, sis that gentleman
was now speaking.
"Is that Air. Henry ?" said the disturb
er of the meetin. "Thunder! that can" t
be Mr. Henry! Why that's the litth
cuss that told me to holler !"
Mr. Gough adds, that in telling this
story to a man who could never be made
to see the "point" of a joke, after study
ing for some minutes, the man asked him:
'Well, Mr. Gough, what did he tell him
to holler for?"
"Only a Little Bkook." A simple
but touching incident has been related u,
says the Maine Press, in connection with
the last moments of a beautiful liltle girl,
in Bath, who lately died at the age of
nine. A little while before she died, as
the sorrowing friends stood around her,
watching the last movings of her breath,
the last faint fluttering of the little pulse,
they became aware, from broken words,
that 6he shrank with natural dread, from
the unknown way that was opening Ixd'ore
her. She had come to the Iwrders of the
mysterious river which separates us from
the dim hereafter, and her timid feet seem
ed to hesitate and fear to stern the flood
But after a while her fear subsided, sh;
grew calm and ceased to talk about the
long dark way, till at the very last
she brightened suddenly, a smile of confi
dence and courage lighted up her sweet
face, "O, it is only a brook !" she cried,
and so passed over to the heavenly shore.
Anotheii Challenge fko.m II.vmii.l
Mr. James Ilamill, of Pittsburgh, who
was beaten in the international sculling
match on the river Tyne, in England, by
Harry Kelly, the champion oarsman of
that country, it appears is not yet entirely
satisfied. In a letter returning thanks
for the kindness he received during his
stay in England he says :
I would like, however, to have another
trial, and I hereby offer to any Englishman
who will come to America as great a
distance from his home as I have come
from mine to row him on one of our
smooth rivers after our mode of conduct
ing races. I and my friends will promise
any Englishman who may do this that we
will do our best to secure for him as fair
treatment as I have experienced in New
castle. N. V. Herald, Jnly 23.
Pictlke ok Butler. We clip the fol
lowing from the Norfolk (Va ) correspon
dence of the Richmond Kxuminer :
Before I left Richmond I saw a portrait
of the honored (?) General Butler, paint
ed by Mr. William E. Trahcrn. It is
about thirty by thirty-seven inches, and
will be exhibited for sale at the fair to b-i
held at Trinity Church, in Richmond, on
Monday evening next. Butler is easily
recognized in regimentals1, upon horse
back, leaving a sacked city with the door
plate of "li. Yeadon" suspended from his
neck, a basket on each arm filled with sil
ver plate, goblets, pitchers, knives and
forks, dishes and spoons, and front, upon
the horse, a lady's outer and inner dress.
C3It may not interest the Disunionists
greatly to be told that every Presidential
veto of former President's was sustained
by the people, but such is the case.
3- It is said that Postmaster C A.
Waldron, of Philadelphia, will resign, in
order to run against Judge Keliy as an
Administration candidate for Congress.
Cy Young men who idolize young wo
men always long to be "joined to their
A female writer says "the nation
wants a man." Perhaps she has confoun
ded her own personal want with that of
the nation.
C3" The London Owl is informed that
General Beauregard was offered, the post
of Commander-in-Chief of the Rouman
ian army, an honor which was declined.
- i