$1 -Si 22 fr ncstacnt rmb Sentinel. I ;;is:n Dowries, Associate Editor. List or Jurors. L- f Traverse Jurors drawn to serve at Kil'ST WEEK. (.n t.,Ap. Anthony Anstead, Anthony I !!'. A. Knse. 1 eter oomey, jr. iicrii ii two. Michael Braiiifi'. ;;o,.xvii boic-ugh William Bonakcr, ,-' ...k KeUer. Samuel Kuutz. Arewine m V.'ii'.i.ini A. Makin. Tnoruas MoGough. ". i ,l : i t twp. John ButuforJ, Hugh Ed Wm. R. Jones. . ri:i borough Xeal McAnany. u.iiJL txvp. Silas Byrne, y .',..; urg borough Peter Collins, sr., !'..! Pivis, Mjr-j.tn Hughes, Low is Rod .-,': r-vp. E; h. Cogan. 'u.d tup. (Jorge Conrad, John C. y ". ,.. . J.,ej'li Reynolds, Jacob R. Stull. ; twp Tn!ts I. Cooper. r-'i'ieM twp. P. Dunncgan, George ; ; -.h, Bernard McFecly, sr. i i:r 1! twp. Joseph Kckevirode. Leonard ., J. hn Flick, James Kane, jr., ;.. t . i -: r StCiair. :i: i l-orougn i.vui:t.- r i ituuwi. ! (' ! Mi- tin Funk. :) tw; Paul. .!,(.:. v twp. Daniel Hilton, Bernard : Springs bop tiuIi IVter Mc"enzie. r;iil'.o 1 in iv-r! i Paul McKenna. txvp. h-lm Mi'ler. jr. . ' v f Bernard Mvers. h Noel, jr. ;-P .trick fw. Epli. Custer, Samuel CI aides Veil I.Uv non, jr si c;Ni' w::rK. 1- T. John Arthurs. David Henry Fr'-i-'h')- !. ox U: twp. Sna.--.Mi o;h txvp. jr., I (i.-oro Ilartzel. ' ; i k .Villi. mi Brandamire. ..'iai.i.a txvp. Jo.-: ph Dearer, Wm. ,V 1 ;T -"p!l Reho. i:igt-n txvp. Yv'i'.iani fallen, town ! r. h'S pli Crouse. Adam M rris MoN 'M vr x. 'se Patterson, txvit M.dliiius Dei nek, jr., J- "Senh .. hse-iii U'lp.t; : I'.Vp Mi Ii.l'i l.-.Ki'. VI,. lnon-.a.-. li .. . :. !)ivi. iiiiherlv. tXVp. P.oi-hk I) liuiidC, jr a-i r.. iiiiuel Will. "A lo!:!; F.n'irr., jr. i.. iU-:.rv W. pi.iiin Ilart- iiiir.ii ''.nr.-! t V ck T.icoij C. l.u' '.ii-r i!t. ii-hurg L'r r: , Michael N.igle, Jos. i . r. w ' ' Uj'iillifh, AViiiiarn ::..! t-.vp. Samuel Ih. !r.:i;xn, Henry i'i', !'r t'vp. Jo'iri Kinl.'i', J -h:i Kerr. 'A'uiu' twp. M i.ti:i is Kej.lT, Noel i'- p'.er. I i -" : i Yoii;,i.k:'i. i. i-i-;; i 1..,r. M.ehac! Lex-y, Jaiues 0'- ,n.U. 'i: I'n.'.-i txvp. T'; i-i. .s V. Devero, Win. i" I ' . . J, , j.'i T. ; : uk iwj. a.. It. T..nza.aecker, . ' a M ikiii. '.I .!;; er txvp. lolm rdcGalwy. t Spiiis..'-! b t ,:.gh I-.lm Plunk st. i ..; r txvp. Wihi tin oiier. Gil AND JUi.Ci'iS. irti'-l ! txvp. Th' tn is Wiitz, Foreman; ! i.lS. l'rosj-c : nor. P.'.tvh-k Doyle. i' vklick txvp. Menry li. (Jampheil. W'..:,i txvp. To.'m Croxv, jr. .1 I'hony txvp Jerotne jawson. Y oder txvp. DL- j uain K-lxvar.l.s. 'i,.-..t tx-. J.i ,.b C;i s 'L-r, Conrad Yea- r. II' r:.-l".:rj l.n mh rv' Curie-. '! txvp. Au,r'ti::e U"l. (' . :. a ..tiIi b.r. b's. ph I1j.-I p, jr. '. :ttov.i bor. L'lll.ir Livergood, Ja. ' Mo.'cii. J J'.u ks. . '.;.h- bur. J..M-ph M titers, Henry t rlxvp. Peter O'N'e'd. i .. ; - .: drew P;irccll. ' J i, ..'o I'.inJ,. 11 S Wimtr. n txvp. Sv ( eny Owen. ' -h txvp Christian Smay. ' , i t .vp. Charles Weakland. ::; It; -.-.The Eb.-n.-bnig Rase Dall ' ' l '.aye ', a few innings iu the showers of anrd.-.y afternovii. Aeipiarius may be .-? y ii, geTiiV-neri, but you h.ave pluck '. loos.-'- on your side. Coin and w;n. Y'i: had a" regular st'-rm on Sunday i,t, Oneol those kind, so minutely de- rii-rd in " Ya'.ler-kivered" novels, at which t::ne s .tne dark de( d is sure to bo perpetrated. A Mam r.inw.l S.im.ict He-nderson, a : shlent of C ;:emaugh station, was crushed ' 1 killed between the bumpers of a couple !' cars at Pittsburgh, on Wednesday the l-:h inst.. To am. Paktiks Interested. Mr. Robt. Ih S: tiger has made arrangements with one i the he-t wagon-makers in the State, to 1 all kinds of wagons put up on short (' ' ; He will also sell J. C. Singer's nn 1 Tire Render to 3ll who may desire '-' tini'-- and labor in making tire. If )r'-: v- -; a go (1 Wagon, or need a Tire "' o an ! see Mr. Sineer. at Ids shor. I .M'1'-' ':a, f"m,,ry. where all kinds ' u n.ithii.g is done, cheap for cash. '- 'it th'iM What are you kick !' ' g f -r ?" "Fm kicking him 'cause 1 1 : is, .-,n l I don't want to get ' n( ; v clothes." "Fleas, ths devil ? .-. t...i Leps with me." "Yes, ' ti.it's whar he get's 'em. ' 1 ; ei ii :i witi, tliis valuable informa 've "i'f ,-,lv that V. K. Rirkpr krens ',"' 'V ' a hand a large supniv of Dry ; 3 as s 't'm eries, &c, which he sells i' 1-a!:y her house jn this wetion ' " bitn. and jo.i w ill be convince.1 f.e t. SOLDIERS' COUNTY CONVENTION. A Disrosmox having been manifested to make it appear that the. Soldiers, who battled for the Union during the late civil war arc now in fellowship with those rad icals who arc practically seeking to de stroy it, the undersigned, honorably dis charged Union Soldiers of Cambria coun ty, feeling that their exertions and sacrifi ces and those of their comrads in arms, will not have met with their proper reward until the Union of the States is complete ly restored, and that they cannot consist ently remain silent while their views are thus presitently misrepresented, hereby unite in requesting all the honorably dis- j charged OUieers, Soldiers and Seamen of Cambria oountv, who favor the wise and constitutional policy of President Johnson, who oppose the doctrine of Xcgro Equal ity and Suffrage and desire the election of the Hon. I Iiestkr Ci.vmki:, to meet in Convention at Ehunsburg, on M'cdiicsdtii, the 2o, day of July, lS!m, for the pur pose of organization, to distinctly an nounce their principles and to elect seven Delegates to the Convention of Union Soldiers which is to assemble at Ilarris burg, on Wednesday, August 1st, 1SGG. John T. Linton. Lt. Clontl. 54th P. V. W. H. Ruse, Adjutant, C-lth P. V. ). T. Young, private, co. 15. 133d P. V. Wm.F. AUtather, c . D.f.lth, P. V. P O'C.mnell, Captain co C. 53th P V Hugh Mal.-y, private, co P, 133d P V John FcHwy, Corporal, co C, lo3d P V James Cassiday, privat". co E, 54th P V John Coimess, j rivate, co C, 55th I' V .Joseph Thomas, private, co I, iilth P V Davil Lavely. private, co K, loti P V Adam Kui.t., Sergeant, co li, 198th P V (iei rqe K ir.it z. Corporal, co F. 21st Pa Cav. Alrx Miller, S.-r-eant, co K, 13Cth P V. Henry Hite. Captain, co M, 12th Pa Cav W A'Mr.ekin, Captain, co C. l'J-Jd P V ( ii'iu-i! YYolm. jr., Lieut., co M, 12th Pa Cav J W VVfhn. jr., private, co (r, lDSth P V Cliarles Reillv, private, Silver Cravs. iiairh Craiile'v, Lieut., co F. 3d P V 11 I) Woodruff. Captain, co 1), 17th P V I David F Pattoif, c. F.aUt Pa Cav John C ShiM'inaker, co K. 3 1 P V John I) L indies, co E, 51th P V Albert Drindle, Sergeant. 5th Pa Artilery Anou.-t Ab er, -Corporal, co I, 54th P V W Mangold. 107th P Y Joseph Shoemaker, co C, 19th US A Michael Waist, Sergeant, Gth U S cavalry. Win R William.-?, private, 40th P V Patrick llogan, Seigeant. 55th P V ?iiiothv O P.rian, private, 55t!i P V Patiick L) SuitiviiuC " Daniel Corcoran, " " 4i Philip C-rcoran, ' " Patrick Walters. " " " Cornelius Iienner, " 'i Roger McDiide. . " " : Joim Fitzo.-rald, " " William Feiilks, " " Patrick Mahoney, " ,4 ' Itiiok Connell, " " " James D.irry, " John Murphy, " ' Jolm Harrington, " . " " FHix McCnllough, " " Thomas II Porter, " " Owen Eii;'fl.-.by, " " " John Lnrenfclt, Robert M'Krim, " " Morris (itorge, ' G Den h-r, Philip (Jeorge, " Mark B ;rk, Jolin Fb'imer, ' James yittman, ' John W Toney, Henry Tilenner, Patrick Rogers, Sergeant, " Hugh McCom ell, Corporal, Kdward Jiarry. j-rixate. 5lh U S Upbt Art. 1' McDcrr.iit. Mcsician. co C, 55t!i P V Thoma- Judge, private co II, 10th P V William Waters, corporal, 55th P V Wm H Connelly, corporal, co E. 55th P V Patrick Dodgers. Sen:oant, 55th P V W Spiers, , M Sergeant, co F. 21t Pa oa John Stewart, Sergeant, co II, 5Uh P V F M George, irtei master. 55th 1 V J II Kenneily. Ccrr.missarv Sergt.. 55th P V IshihIi W Bunker, co D, 54th P V Thos II Porter, private, co A. 55th V V W F MoreUnd, Sergeant, co D, U S A J Cunningham, jirivate, co G, 115 P V Henry De'tiey, private, co G, 18th Pa Cav John Liter, Lieutenant, 55th P V Lazarus A Higgle, private, co E, 14Sth P V Wm George, private, co G, 18th Pa Cav Hugh MeConiiclI, Sergeant, co C, 55th P V Jos Dehea, private, co E, 49th P V John Kelly, private, 54th P V John Lynch 1st Lieut., co A, 55th P V Valentine Maize, Corpoial, co li, 192d P V Lewis McKinnev, co G. 11 Pa Cav William Skelly'co P, 192d P V Dernard George, co A. 107th P V James Kinney, co G, 12th Pa Cav John W Toney. co A, 55th P V John Schroth, Sergeant. 19th USA William Flinn, co I, 54th P V Michael Litz. co. D. 5th Pa Heavy Artillery David A Skel-, Sergt.. co G, 11th Pa Cav Albert Crura, co A, f4th P V Carl Schmidt, co I), 115th P V Michael Egan, co G, 11th Pa Cav David Faloon, co 15. 133 1 P V. John T Cooncy, co II, 10th P V Pat Quinlin, col. 198th P V Jerry Earner, Co K, 13Cth P V John E Scanlan, co A. 1 1th Fa R V C Wm II Sechler, co A, 11th Pa R V C F P Tierney. co K 123th P V E Brahicr, co D, 110th P V V George Gurley, 77th P V V Philip Polan, " Philip Shiro. co L, 19th Ta Cav li McDermit. Lt Colonel. Mth P V R II Singer, co E, 77th P V V James Murray, Captain, co D, 115th P V A J liradley, Sergeant co M, 12th Pa Cav S M Wherry, co I), HOth P V John A McDermit, co E, 7 ah P V J O Murray, Lieutenant, co G, 11th P V C E R Dunncgan, 1st Lieut., co K, 125 P V John C McBrldq, co A, Hth PR C David 11 Evans, co I). 77th P. Y James J Uatman.co JJ, 11th i R C Jaraes M Edelblute, co F, 133d P Y John Dunivan, co A, 55th P V Wm II Elder, co A, 11th PRO' John P Durtnett, co F. 11th P Y V Cav J N Wissinjrer, co K, 187th P Y Michael J Cooper, co N, 12th P V Cav. Fresh Fish will hereafter be received at j Harry Wilson's Cheap Store, in the hall of j McDonald's brick building, on Friday of j each week. We are now buying large "sup- i plies of ice and small supplies of fish, :o i that the fish reach us as fresh and pure as ' they appear in the Philadelphia Market. : Regular supplies of Fresh Ycgetables are re. i ccivedon Tuesday and Friday of each week. : and small supplies are received almost every day of the week. . Tin: saTstaiETs. Er.t-NST.n:G, July ., 1SGC Flour, ?10 to git per barrel; Corn, 1 per bushel; Deans, l.2. to S2; Butter. 2oc per pound ; Egzs, 20c pe r dozen ; Flax seed, 2. "0 ; Ti mot by seed, $3, 50 ; Clo versccd, S ; Coifee, 30 and 31c per lb -. Molasses, 90c per gallon ; Syrup, $1.25 and 81.40 ; Urown Sugar 13 and 10 els. per pound ; White, 20 to 00c ; Hice, 15 cents ; Wool, 50 cents per pound. On Friday, the 20th ult., Lawrence, infant son of William and Arabella Pollock. How many mothers' hearts are made des olate by the cold hand of death, just when they are lavishing the wealth of their wo manly affection on their first-born. 'Tis only a mother can feel the deep sorrow. May He who giveth, heal her wounded heart. Young mother, he is gone ! His dimple cheek no more will touch thy bieast ; Xo more the music tone Float from his lips, to thine all fondly pressed : His smile and happy laugh are lost to thee ; Earth must his mother and his pillow be. His was the morning hour. And be had parsed in beauty from the day, A bud, not yet a flower. Torn, in its sweetness, from the parent spray ; The death wind swept him to his soft re pose. As frost in spring time blights the early rose. Never on earth again Will bis rich accents charm thy. listening ear, Like some AZ -lian strain, P.reathing at eventide serene and clear ; His voice is choaked in dust, and on his eyes unnrokeu lies. Tlic seal of peace, an! silence And from thy yearning heart. Whose inmost core was warm with love for him, A gladness must depart, And those kind eyes with many tears be dim ; While lonely memories, an unceasing train, Will turn the raptures of the past to pain. Yet, mourner, while the day Rolls like the darkness of a funeral by, And hope forbids one ray To stream athwart the grief-discolored sky; There breaks upon thy sorrow's evening clooni A trembling lustre from beyond the tomb. 'T is from the better land ; There, bathed in radiance that around them springs. Thy loved ones wing expand ; As with the choiring cherubim he sin;. And all the glory of that Gop can sec, WLo said, on earth, to children, "Come to inc." Mother, thy child is blessed : And though his presence may be lost to thee, And vacant leave thy breast. And missed, a sweet load from thy parent knee : Though tones familiar from thine ear have passed, 'ri i4. 4. .e a v t . . ii.irnn i in my ursi-nom wiui rns Um S". lasc. Estate of Conrad Behe, Deceased. I lll-.Ii LAS Letters ,f Administration j Washington tnwnshtp, Cambria county, Pa., deceased, havmg been granted to the under signed by the Register of said county, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them nronerlv .v.. v.--i..i -i "Mii.t,i ueiie, i.oe oi i authenticated for settlement, and those in- I dehted are requested to make payment with- I WILLIAM BEHE. I) JOSEPH CRISTE Admr's. June 23. 1800.-Ct.- The Masov & Hamlix Caixiset Ouoans. forty different sty lis. adapted to sacred and se-ular music, for $S0 to $000 each. FIFTY-ONE GOLD OR SILVER MEDALS, or other first premiums awarded them. Il lustrated Catologues free. Addiess, MA SON & HAMLIN, Boston-, or MASON BROTHERS. New York. Sept. G, 18C5.1y. BURR LIBERTY WHITE LEAD. Pre 1 ferred by all practical Painters! Try it! and you will have no other. Manufactured only by ZIEGLER & SMITH, Wholesale Drug. Paint and Glass Dealer No. 137 North THIRD Street. ' PHILADELPHIA. February 8, 18CC.ly. SHIELDS HOUSE. LORETTO. CAMBRIA COUNTY P I THOMAS CALL EX. Proprietor. ' " THIS house is now open for the accommo dation of the public. Accommodations as good as the country will afford, and charges moderate May 31, 186C.-tf. ii j EREXSDUllO & CRESSON RAILROAD, j On anil aftr Monday, May 2f,''ISGG j trains on this road will run as follows : ' 1 Leave Eisetsbueg At 6.05 A. M., connecting with Baltimore Express West and Day Express East. At G 40 P. M.. connecting with 1'hila. Ex. Eist and Day Express West. Leave Ckesson At 8.30 A. M., or on departure of Bait. Express Y-.Test. At 8.40 r. M.. or on departure of the Phila delphia Express West. A Utatou of Health. The good things of this world have each their appoints! missions. It is t lie mission of IIostf.tter's Stom ach I'ittfks to prevent and relieve a "reat variety of ailments. For twelve years its success as a protect ive and a remedy has been without check or drawback. It is strong negative evidence of this fact, that the efficacy of the article ns a spceifi': for dyspepsia, biliousness, constipa tion, nervousness, general debility, and "in termittent f'-vrs, lias never bfen questioned. As proof positive of its infallibility in s'lch cases, the statements cf public men whose narrxs are familiar as household words, have from time to time been given to the world. If its reputation is iW founded in facts, then trn'.h is a shadow, and the utterances of consci'-ntious citizen are of no more val ue than "dicers' oaths." Anu xv ii.u is us repuiaiion ljci me t progress "f its sales answer the inquiry. J Where txventy dozen bottles of Hostetter's j Litte rs were sold in 1355. jicc hundred dozt'n are disposed of now. Could public opinion be more significant ly rxpvess.'-d than by its unparalleled in-crea-'s of consumption ? It seems impossi bio. The rrcrarati'n has been imitated. prcpar are liic imitators? Echo answers. "Where?" To the "limbo" of things lost on earth they are all cither gone or going Peace be with them ! LOVE AND MATIIIMOXY. Lndies and gentlemen, if you wish to marry, addre-s the undersigned, who will send you. without money and without price, valuable inf irmation that 'will enable you to many happily and speedily, irrespective of age. wea'th, or beauty. This informa tion vhl cost you nothing, and if you. wish to marry, T will cheerfully as-ist you. All letters strictly confidential, 'i'he desired in formation seut by return mail, and no re ward asked. Address SARAH D. LAM3ERT. Grcenpoiut, Kings Co., New York. June 7,'00-3mc' TO CO N SUM FT I V ES. advertiser, having been restored to The hea-tli in a few weeks by a very simple remed, after having puttered for several years with a severe lung affliction, and that dread disease, Consumption is anxious to make known to his fcllow-tufforers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a ropy of the prescription used (free of charge ) with the dirootions f- r preparing and. using the same, which they xvill find a sri:': rrKK for CoKsi Mi'Tiox. Asthma, Di-onc'iitis. Corpus. CoLi's. and all Throat ami Lung Aii'ections. , The only object of the adverti ser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the fdllictc.l, and spread information which ho conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a bless ing. Parties wishing tho prescription, ntEF, by return mail, wi'l please address Dev. EDWADD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings Cj , New York Feb. 1, lSOO.ly. STRANG E, RUT TRUE. Every young lady and gentleman in tho United Siaies can hear something very much to their advantage by reiuri mail (fret: f char: .) by u.Hress;ng the undersigned. Those having fears of being humbugged will oblige by le t noticing thi-; card. All others will please address their obedient servant, THOS. F. CHAPMAN. 8:11 Broadway, New York. Feb. 1 10G. ly. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the affects of youthful indi.-eretion, xvill. for the sake of: uf.'ering humanity, send, free to all xvho need it, the receipt and directions r 1. .x i ..,,..! 1,., . l.;,.n l,r uw. s e .o,.,c ,.j t J .1 "as emeu. ounereos u,u- v, r. ...... .... ,1 1 1 l..illtlt-i'lTOJllAi.Vl..t,ty'.lViVlAAx- t(x -i, iviv ir'j itviK-l icnni .n tl K(l JtV I . i adll'in- ocdfv 15 (;!,;nU.r3 St New York. -! .1 -i .f iiji-r,r t WANTED. AGENTS .$75 to J200 PER MONTH for gentlemen, and 13-3 to ,'75 tor ladies, everywhere, to introduce the Cel ebrate 1 Common .Sense Family Sewing Jla- chine, improved and perfected fell, stitch, quilt, bind, braid . It will hem, and embroider beautifully. Pi ice only S20. making the e!a.-tie lock stitch, and fully warranted for three years. We pay the above wages or a commission, from which twice that amount can be made. Address with stamp., or call on C. BOWERS ct CO., Salesrooms, No. 255 South FIFTH street, Philadelphia. Pa. All letters answered promntlv, with circu lars and terms. May 31, 18C0.-4L lH nnn PER YEAR! We want Agents eve rywhere to sell our IMPROVED $20 I.'JU i Sewing Machines. Three new kinds. L n- der and upper feed. Sent on trial. Y ar- mnted five vears. Above saiary or largo commissions paid. The O-M.v machines sold in the United States for less than $40 which are fidly licensed hy JTowe, lYlteeler S?1Vtkon. ' Grocer S? Baler, Singer $, Co., and BarJrJdcr. All other cheap machines are iufriagmevJa and the seller or user are liahlcio arrest, fine and imjrrisonmcnt. Illustrated circulars sent free. Address, or call upon Shaw & Clark, at Biddeford, Maine, or Chicago, III. May 31. ISCG.-ly. fflil A MONTH ! Aoexts wanted for six .11111 cntirelu new artides. iust, out. Adress . T. GAREY, City Building. Biddeford, Me. May 31, 16GG.-ly. AGENTS WANTED ! J, T, Headley's History of the War, NOW HEADY. COMPLETD in TWO VOLUMES, also in ONE. It is admitted to be the most in teresting, jic.ptriar, and valuable Ilk-tory of the Rebellion, which is fully attested by the enormous sale of 200,000 rohtwes, and a large portion 'of the country still uncan vassed. Wo arc obliged to run our presses night ajid day to enable us to supply our Agents. Men of character and ability who desire a lucrative employment, will find this a rare j opportunity. I tie price of the work in one volume is so low, (compared with other Histories) as to bring it within the reach of ail classes. For full particulars send for a circular. Address . American Publishing Company, 148 Asylum street. Hartford, Conn. June 2S, ISCG.-lt. Twenty Dollars Reward. STRAY COW. Strayed away or was stol leu from the subscriber living in Sum- lueihill township. Cambria county. Pa., en j Monday, the 21st cf May k-rt. a P.IIIXDLK j COW, with white face and half crop ,iX each ear. Anv person who will bring her ! back will receive the ahw reward. i NANCY HIMES. !1, lHiG.-lt -o. Wiimorc. June SCENTS wanted, ladies and gentieuien, in i every County in the United States, t-.sel! the Ink Powders of the American It kC- m pany. The powder sells for forty cents per package, and will make ink enough to liill fifty bottles of the size usually retailed at ten cents per bottle. A smart agent can sell a gross of it every day, and char f27.i0. The ink can be n;.u!e l'mni the powder iu three minutes in common boiling wutcr. It is a perfect Mack ink, the bet in the world. It flows ea-dlv. rh-es n-'t corrode th" t-ni a I'f partiele l're(-zinj never gums uj is rot injured by will last forever. am! us Color Every family iu America will buy it, as a ;e .vill last a family for years, and ink pad can be ma-ie m smul qiiAUtitt es as w.-ntcu. With each gross we s-"i:d a t!i"iiand circu lar!, with testimonial from c b rgymen. laxv yers, teachers, merchants, commercial col leges, editors, ecc. and the agent's name on the bills. Only ore per.-.oa will be made agent for a county. The lirst one sending ,$30 lor a gross of the powder will receive; it by ret in n express, together with one thou sand circulars and the ribt to Fell in the county he or she dc.-ignaV's. If others send f-r the same county, the mon"y will he re turned to then frc of expense. T make sure, one had bttt?r designate seveial coun ties, cither of which he or she will take. Send for trade list and. circulars if you dare run the risk of waiting, or send the money for a gross. Txtters addressed to the Mayor, Postmaster, cashiers of the batiks, or the ex pres agents of this city, will show that the business is honorably at;d squarely conduct ed. An 1 11k -Powder will be sent by mail to any address, free of charge, on receipt of forty cents. Address, writing' year name, tcwr, Cju:: ty and S'ate distinctly. AMERICAN INK COMPANY. Manchf-cter N. II. THOMAS W. LANE. Clerk for the Company an 1 Special Agent. July 12. loUG. ' HARRY WILSON, HEALER in FRESH FISH. DRIED and D CANNED FRUITS. PIPE FRUITS, and EARLY VEGETABLES, together with oth er articles, cnu be fi.un-1 in the Hall of Mc Donald's brick building on the coiner of High and Centre streets. It is his inten tion to receive FRESH FISH on Thursday of each week. Canned Fruits always on hand, and Early Vegetables received three or four times each week, fresh from the Philadelphia market. June 28, lSOo. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron Ware. FRAMK V. HAY, C'Tvd street, hclorr Clinton, Johnsf-'nev , Pa.. T7EEPS constantly on hand a large assort- incut of Sogar Kettles. Brass or Copper Kettles, Tin-Ware; all kinds of Sheet-Iron Ware; Enameled and Tinned Iron Ware; Copper Ware made to order. Sad Irons or Smoi-thing Irons, Zinc Washboards, COOKING AND HEATING STOVES of tvery PitUsburgh or Philadelphia manu , r .n,.0 tl l.,.l r.r .! - Jl,-., davs notice. ODD PLATES and GRATES for Stoves always on hand. SPOUTING, Miner's Lamps, Oil Cans, FRUIT CANS ami Powder Horns of all sizes, constantly n hand. COFFEE MILLS, Toasting Forks. Oyster Broilers, Jelly Cake Moulds, Table and Tea Spoons. Coal Buckets A'c. PRICE LIST now ready f r the Trade. Merchants a-e respectfully invited to call and examine our wares. Send for a cata logue before purchasing elsewhere. The above goods will be furnished WESOLKSA X-K OR RirrABL,. ASfC FOit FRANK W. HAY'S WAREHOUSE, And Sare Ttceidn-fce cr Crnt On your purchases. It can be found on Car.a'l street, below Clinton. (MyGG.ly0.) Johnstown, June 21, 1SGG. 3- JUL retteagill & Co. Advertising Agents, 37 Irk Row New York, and 10 State treet, Boston, are the authorized Agents for the "Dem ocrat & Skktiski.," and the most influen tial and largest circulating Newspapers in the United States and Canadas. They are-empewereel to contract for us at our LOWEST TERMS. ' Lime for Sale. fjUIE undersigned is prepared to ship Lime 1 from LiPy Station, or No. 4, on tho Penn sylvania Railroad to Ebeubburg, Johnstown, j or any other point on the Penna. R. R., or ; its branches. Address. WM. TILEY. June2,-tf Hemlock, Cambria co., Pa. PETITIONS for Licenses wii! be presented 1 before the Judges of the Court f Q;nnter Sessions of Cambria C-.o.r.ty. at an Arg'i nseat Court to be held in J-Ibcnsburg. on Weduesthiy, th.e 11th day of Julv next, bv ti.e loliowiiig pers-"-ns, v,z : TAVKP.X I.TClINSr. Matthew Diffman. A'iU"hcnv townsnip. Francis A. (ribbons. " 1). A. Conrad, LUeb-arg bo.ro. V.'est Yx'ard. Levi Jai-oby, O-nemaugh township. Ootiieb Lessiger, Johnstown boro. 2lWard. Tliomas S. Davis, -' " Andrew Helming, " " 31 Ward. Henry C. lloii::. Henry Fiitz. " " F!oii;o; Dinged. Loroffo Por-). Pa'-ick Graham, Millville hero. Thomas (ioiman, 1: :h borough. GEORGE C. K. Z AllM. Ebon sburg, June 18, lfthj. Clcik. H. WALTERS, Ji ', street,- lic'trer u Frc.n'din and Clhu'-.-n, JOJIXSTOU'X, PA. TAS c n- :t'v y on hand a .ease-nab birL-e a:.J well. U selected hiiK-J f bey m m I!E IPs sto.k ('.-..ists of usually ke t in a retai lmost t-vrrv article store. i-d. have been sclented with care and are t iT-red at prices which cannot fail to prove satisfac tory. Call and examine for vourselve:--. . v. 10, lb05.0!u.. H.'WALTEKS. COHNEll GKOCELY STOLK. Corner of jSLiin cud Frunkun Streets, JOHNSTOWN, PA., FEEPS cons' ar. on ban 1 a geneial a c irtnifr.l , f IV s rtinent FAiVULY GROCERIES, C-untry Produce, -Vc. together with Spices, Pickles. Preserved Fruits. Diied Fruits, Tobacco, Cigars. .Vc., all of which will 1-e sold as cheap as the ci caj-e-t. C;dl and examine our stock. Nov. ltj, lSCo.l'. dune 7, P-;;..;. Ill-Nil V HAiiPKR, .V20 Aicla 5el.,, i:tuax!-e!pLiu, TtJATCIIES. Ij FINE GOLD JEWELRY, lij STiM.. W - . K- W M mJ a wmrm U J m J H-rior SILVER PLATED WARE. at. 1 Prices. March 2'.'. lOC Sm. arid siij Reduce VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. HilE STORE HO and 1 'WELLING 1 HOUSE situate in Chc.-t U x:A.i). '.mi hiia county, firnre:' -. oi-c::pl ' 1 y de'SLPH GILL, t.-gether with'C'N'E ACRE of LAND, I in a good st.i : I'o'i-.ati, fiuit, is o! are g .! : location f -1 a 1 1 1 xx . :: f ; the pr r ri.eri: P i -1 with ch The build! r.gs icrty is n'.i!' r -r- Lv.- in an cxeoiiei 1 ! ii. 1. ie.-. and is f.ered at a price. P.i:.se-sj,.i given inimed1-". I'r further in formation in jn:o dress JOHN L GILL, r.t Gh c nveidei.t t 1 th-e prcmics. who i o! 1 T .1 4- ai.thori- zed to J (he Fir,". JOSEPH GILL. May 31. lsibi.-tf. KEROSENE" AND GAS STOVES. tea and corn::: boilers, glue POTS, OIL CANS -c, cVc. (X- All the cooking for a family may be done r. ith -C3 fjC- Keio.sene Oil. or Gas. --t: J3-' with less trouble, and at tXy- Iessexpense,tl;an by ..r j CCr other fuel. " -CO Each Article manufactured by this Conr pany is guaranteed to perform all that is claimed for it. Send f-r a Circular. -3 LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE. KEROSENE LASH' IIEATI.E CO., 200 PEARL STREET, N. Y. Ch&UE. Lash's Five Dollar Washing: Machine. IS now ij simj-let flereu to the public as the the-'jcxt t and moi-i t.vVic. Washing Ma chine in the country. The exclusive right for the sale of fids machine in your own State or County, can be secured by applying S'-on at cur rtore. 727 Mai kct -street, Philadelphia, Pa. J. S. LASH, & CO. Also, the best Clothes. Wringer in the Market, Wholesale and Retail. fXr A very liberal discount to country merchants and dealers generally. May 31, 18CG.-4t. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. ITiHE partnership heretofore existing be 1 tween the undersigned, in the practice of the- law, having been dissolved, all persons knowing themselves indebted to us, under the firm of Johnston t Oatnian. for profes sional services, are requested to call and settle the same immediately. R. L. JOHNSTON. GEO. W. O ATM AN. Ebensburg. May 21, lSCG.-St. TETTERS of Administration cum iexf,imcn j to amoxo, upon the estate of Richard Nagle, late of Susquehanna township Cam bria county, deceased, have been grr.nted to the subscribers, by tho Register of Cambria county. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and pay the same ; and those having claims against will present them properly authenticated f-r settlement. JOHN R. NAGLE. RICHARD II. NAGLE, May 17, 1 SCO-tit3. ' Executors. The Mystery, by Mrs. Wood. The Heir ess cf Belhfont. Bv E. Bennett. William Allair. Bv Mrs. II. Wood. Col lege Life, By F. li. Fanor. North ra,-ific Exploring Expedition. By A. II. Ilarbers ham. For saV bv JAMES MURRAY.