Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, July 26, 1866, Page 2, Image 2

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CLARK WILSON. Editor & Publisher.
Subject to decision of District Convention.
JOHN 1. TJNTON, Johnstown.
JAMES GRIFFIN, Johnstown borough.
JAMES MURRAY, Ebensburg borough.
GEORGE W. EASLEY, Johnstown.
JOHN FERGUSON, lilacklick tw'p.
HENRY BYRNE, Carroll township.
THOMAS MTJREEN, Ebensburg boro.
D. A. LUTIIKR, Carroll township.
Democratic Executive Committee.
The following gentlemen compose the
Cambria county Democratic Executive Com
mittee :
Allegheny twp. William Buck.
Blacklick twp. Joseph Mardis.
Cambria twp. A. Martz.
Carroll town borough Francis Bearer.
Carroll twp. Henry Bender.
Cambria borough Daniel McDonald.
Chest Springs reter J. McKinzie.
Chest twp. C. Warner.
Conennugh twp. David Faincr.
Cleai field twp. John If. Douglass.
Concraaugh bor., 1st W. John Devlin.
" " 2d " Edw Connciy.
Croyle twp. Peter Brown.
Ebensburg bor., K. W. Re-es J. Lloyd.
" W. " George Gnrley.
Oallitzin twp. Charles OTIagen.
Jackson twp. D. F. A. Grier.
Johnstown bor., 1st W. Hush Bradley.
" 2.1 " J B MeCreighf.
" 3.1 " Joseph Boxler.
" 4th " James King.
" 5th " George Shaffer.
Iretto bor. Francis OTriel.
TIill ville bor. Thomas Judge.
Munstcr twp. Edward Farrtn.
Prospect bor. John White.
Richland twp. James Cost low.
Summerhill twp. James Burk.
Summitvillc bor. John Sharbaugh.
Susquehanna twp. John Mansion.
Taylor twp. John Cooney.
Washington twp. John II. Kennedy.
Wilmore bor. John MeColgan.
White twp. Christian Walters.
Voder twp. John F. Allen.
GEO. C. K. ZAIIM, Chairman.
Shameful Proceedings.
Gen. Rousseau, one of the most gal
lant and successful soldiers in the Union
Eat in his scat in Congress, while the Re
publican majority permitted the reverend
ruffian, Grinnell to insult him most wan
tonly, by doubting his courage and ex
pressing doubts as to which side Rousseau
belonged during the rebellion. For this
Rousseau caned hi3 slanderer, and the Ab
olitionisis, of the House, up to Saturday
last, had it under consideration whether
to expel Lim or not. They finally conclu
ded to censure and let him go.
llow shamefully too these fanatics act
in regard to the President of the United
States. When speaking of hirn they can
not find language coarse enough to suit
their purpose, and yet no one calls them
to order. In their caucuses last week
their language was so gross and violent,
as to cause one of their own organs, the
livening Post, to openly, reprimand them
in this way.
"We have had, during the last six
months, several lamentable and disgusting
displays of intemperate language ; but
they have been by individuals. In the
liepublican caucus it would ?eem that,
with two or three hano able exceptions,
members of Congress tried who should in
dulge to the greatest extent in language
so intemperate, so indecent, so disgusting,
that, as we read, the speakers seem rath
er an assemblage of pot-house brawlers
than grave and responsible members of
As a specimen of the violent language
of the present Congress we might cite
Stevens' pious wish that the people of the
South were safely domiciled in the "Pen
itentiary of hell ;" or to the remarks of
Farnsworth of Illinois, who spoke in this
way :
'The President was a traitor to the
party and the country, and that he was
ready for any measure, however desperate,
which would put the government into the
hands of the rebels. hat his schemes
. . j....... L,.,,,. l ms-, nunc. -
were he did not know, but he had been er, is a matter of taste about which there
told on high authority that Mr. Seward is a difference of opinion, and is not in
had said that this Congress would never j tended as a criticism upon other?, but on
nieet again until the Southern States were ! ly to account for my own course,
restored to their righta of representation! TlmnL-m-r r.T... ,...... i
in Congress.
This furious fellow in bis allusion to
Seward lieJ openly and he knew it ; be
has been told so frequently since, but he,
like Grinnell, takes nothing back. liout
well, too, of Massachusetts, could not per
mit the opportunity to pass without decla'
rin" the Fresident as . infamous as the
worst of the rebels. lie said :
"Ile believed Andrew Johnson to be
just as thoroughly a traitor as Jeff. Davis, !
and that nothing could save the country
from destruction but the most prompt and
effective preparations for every emergency.
He believed an attempt would be made to
force the rebels into Congress, and the
Philadelphia Convention was part of the
scheme. The battle, in effect, had already
begun, and if resistance was not made,
the President would take possession of j
the Capitol. Any such attempt must
and would be resisted by force ;" Mr.
Rout well's remarks were loudly applauded-
These fellows are mere madmen. If
President Johnson were the knave- these
Abolitionists would have him, would he
take ground against their proceedings? '
If he were not acting from conscientious
convictions, he need only sign all the bills
passed by Congress, and he conld put in
his time as President in the happiest man
ner. Instead of this, however, he fights
both houses, in the face of their triumph
ant two-thirds, who are able to defy his
vetoes? If be were not a most rigid
. 1 r-i.:..r i m 1
. , , - , . i
act very lnditlerentiy from what he has. ;
lut it he were the vilest wretca that ev
cr filled official station, members of Con-
gress arc not excusable in applying to him j
the language wc have n-ioted : it disgra- I
ccs Congress and corrupts the public. In
stead of its damaging the President, it
only hurts his office. For, as the Krcninj
Po-t, observes if the violent spirit display
ed by members, of Congress could ani
mate the whole people, our national exis-
tence would be very near its close. It is !
not such intemperance and intolerance
which the nation requires in its leaders :
thoy only make government impossible.
P'iUtlurgh Post.
Persons rejoicing in this name have al
ways been more or less, unlucky. lie of
the Old Testament was sent to the front
and came to grief. lie of the novel was
a victim of '-humility," and he of the In- r,rc already at Columbus, Ga., endcavor
qnlrir has been soundly thrashed in the j ing to get hold on the forthcoming cotton
Capitol, not like the Reverend Grinnell, P b.v e"ng advances freely, butplan-
4- ....... i ? it, t . c i
tor words spoken in debate, but for words ;
,... . i
of secret slander written to some newspa
per or communicated to some committee.
While we wish it clearly understood that ;
we disapprove of personal chastisement, J
wft must fav thnt fmm h',s .1tfn,1rta
our sympathy with Uriah is not excessive
Uriah we mean Mr. Uriah Painter is
an expert at defamation, and was a pet
witness against Ueneral McClelian before
the Wade-Gooch Committee of 1 8 G2. j
Covode was his special interrogator, and I
. . mi v . v I
ins testimony will be found extending over .
twelve pages of that dreary record, its
ooject ucing to prove mat tne brave sol- ,
dier of Antietam was a coward and a j
fool. Painter was, as ha swore, a corre
spondent of the Philadelphia 1'i'iuircr,
then an enthusiast in General McClellan's
cause. There is some bad poetry which
Yankeedom is very fond of quoting about
the wheels of time grinding, and grinding
very fine, which Uriah must have thought
of as he lay sprawling and screaming for
A Shot at the "D. D." The follow
ing shot from Thad. Stevens' needle gun,
at the gentleman who went into Pennsyl
vania the other day and announced him
self as a candidate for Senatorial honors,
will be appreciated by all who are famil
iar with "my writings in my two news
papers, both daily." Mr. Stevens address
ed the following letter to gentlemen who
proposed to make him a Senator :
Gentlemen ; I have received your kind
letter asking me to allow the use of my
name as a candidate for United States
I believe that office (when tendered) is
not to oc uecuneu wutiout some stronn
reason. But it has always been my opin- d'angeroes Currency. It is a noto
ion that no man should make himself a j rious fact that fullv nine-tenths ,.f .ho
candidate for it, or take any part in the
nun jti jor ihiii posaion
oicjld to he discoverable wittout notice from
.........,.., .,, .. j uui uuimiitlll. irienu-
j ship, I am your obedient servant, itc.
News Items.
A Severe drought prevails in the neigh
borhood of Petersburg, Va.
After being bailed in a half a dozen
cases, C. V. Culver, the Abolition Con
gressman, swindler, S.c. , has finally been
placed in the Venango county jail by
Thomas Hoguc, of Franklin.
Mr. 1 T. Bauxum is said to be a can
didate for a scat in Congress from (Ion-
The grave of the gallant General Mc
Pherson is unmarked, even by a rude
The wife of Major-General Jeff. C.
Davis fell overboard from a steamboat at '
saved her.
Her husband jumped in and j
Mu. Bonner, the proprietor of the New ,
lork Ledger, has returned an income for ;
the past year of $iGo,G09,G.j
Canai.iyns propose to erect a monu- :
mcnt in honor of the volunteers who fell
at I imetone Ride '
One Dr. Hale
, r , .
Ue, of Itock county, Miss., ,
c-M w i! '
was compelled to nay 78G SG damages.
last week, for kissing the wife of a Air.
Havens, of the same count-.
In an old family Riblo in Connecticut, j
the record of a birth is entered in this;
wise; "r.iizabeth Jones, born on the
20th November, 1785, according to the !
best of her recollection!" j
I A Preparation of naraflmc. devoid of'
smell or taste, has been made, whic h it is
i said will preserve meat for an indefinite
time. i
f ! eneuai. Soi.coi has been elected Pres- !
l.Tpiil rT n NTpiv 'S'firt- f'il PnmnTnv
-w. r...v.
A Maui-.i.e statute of Washington Ir
ving is to be erected in the vestibule of
i i , i . i-
the church erected as a memorial to him j
in .Sleepy Hollow.
RA ri i.esnake seven feet long was
killed on the lme of the Reno, Oil Creek
illld FithoL' (Pa.) Railroad, a few days ;
A List of the prisoners confined in the i
Richmond Penitentiary, by courts-martial,
for crimes of lesser grade than mur
der, has been forwarded to President John
son at his request.
The life-size oil paintings of General
Hancock, ordered by certain citizens of
Raltimore, is to be hung upon the walls of
the lialtimore Council Chamber.
Alex. "W. Randall, the new Postmaster-General,
was born in Montgomery
county, New York, in 1819, and is there
fore now forty-seven years of age.
The Newark (N. J. ) Courier say3 there
are about one thousand of the shoemakers
in that county thrown out of work by the
recent attempt of the employers to reduce
their wages lifteen per cent.
Several New York cotton speculators
Iers generally avow tins class ot men.
e J
General TJenedek has informed
sidwrdinatcs that he is to be addressed in
ill communications as "His Excellency ',
the Field .Marshal Commander of the Ar-
niy," without any unnecessary titles or
high sounding phrases. His idea of sim-
plicity is somewhat elaborate.
S. N. I'ike, of Cincinnati, has com
menced work upon his New York Opera
House, which will be located in the fash-
mnable quarter of the citj'. lie is as&ist-
ed by an incorporated association, which
is PlciJged to aid him to the extent of
A Nevada exchange stales that peh
can eggs, from islands in Pyramid Lake,
wIiere they :ire abundant, are now in the
market at that place, at seventy-five cents
Icr dozen. They contain as much nutri
mcnt as three ben's eggs, and are quite as
In the Federal Court, recently held at
Knoxvill, there was but one indictment
found during a session of six weeks. At
the previous terms for the past two years
they were found by the hundred, and al
most exclusively for political offenses.
The harvesting of the crops in the
West has caused the bottom of the grain
market in Chicago to dorp out. Millers
are grinding new wheat, and the delusion
of a scacity has completely vanished.
Speculators have suffered severely, as they
deserve to.
A Savan connected with the Garden of
Plants in Paris has carried three billiard
balls constantly in his bosom for the past
seven months wrapped up in a flannel
waistcoat, supposing that they were croc
odile eggs, and that they would hatch by
that process.
The Fenian Raid. The . Canadian
Commission appointed to ascertain the
amount of injury committed during the
late raids of the Fenians, report that in
the east it will amount to from lo,000
to b'2o,000, and in the west from 0,000
i SI 0 000
fractional currency now in circulation are
j counterfeit
Some are artistically finish
ed and well calculated to deceive, while
others are base and palpable frauds at
first glance. Paper money is bad enough
at best, but the public ought to be protect
ed from deception in the -fractional notes,
and the best way to accomplish this is to
come back fo the hard dimes and the old
A Home Thrust. We heard one of
these defunct patriots who blowed so
hard during the war, make a terrible on
slaught on old Andy. lie declared that
Andrew Johnson was a disgrace to the
country, and that he ought to be impeach
ed, 'And who are you V said a soldier
standing by. 'Who am I ? why I am a
loyal man, and I do not believe in any- j Defendant's real estate, to and among those
thing that the Copperheads endorse.' entitled thereto. By the Coin t.
'Did you fight in this war?' 'No,' whim- J G- c K ZAHM, Profy.
nered the old reprobate. 'I did not jro i ' ... " ' r
T n . i i c i I will sit fr the purpose of attending to
because I could not leave my business, the duties of the above appointment at my
but I loaned my money to the Govern- 0flico in tlx? borough of Johnstown , on Ttron
ment.' . i dav. the 20th d.iv of
'Yes, we know you did,' said the sol- j
dier : 'We understand you now. You i
are one of those loval men who hissed on !
the dogs of war but were particular not to j
go vourselt. "iou shouted treason to i
every one who did not agree with you,
urged poor men to go and leave their fam
ilies, you got exempted from the draft
nn'1 wuen ine government went begging ;
for n,oney 3'oa ?avc yours and charged i
usi,r' nl-'refit, 3"" did, you miserable old !
hypocrite! Don t you talk to me about I
,J -M ,J , , , ,
Johnson. Clear and old i-oO exemp-
tion went kiting down the street as if he
saw a rebel raid in the distance.
The fact is. the neonlo are finding nut
tJ.e i)0tom Gr .he lovnltv of thoso men.
jt jon-t Pl,;t them. Usurv bonds ar.d
jjie vliole thin'.
. oo-.
A New Office Ci:eatei. Congress
created the office of Steward of the
President's household, the incumbent of
which is required to give bonds for the
safe keeping of the government furniture J
nd tnoperty. This office was rendered :
necessary by the incidents attending , the j county, deceased.
removal of the wife of the first Ropubli- i Take notice that an inqiu.-st will be hd !
can President of the United States from ' f.fc the ate dwelling hous of Joseph il
.i Tx-i -a ti .i i t ' hams, dee'd, in Cambria twp., Cambria co.,
the lute House to their own house. In Pa n Mn,Lly lht. ,;th div of August next,
noticing the creation of the stewardship j at 1 nil ck.hi the afterno.,n of that day
and the cause thereof, a contemporary for the purpose of making partition of the
asks : "Vv ho will dare to tell ttc. truth renl estate of s.-iid rTre.Tsei' tu and ,imon"
ahout this 'wholesale plundering?' Who j
loailed these boxes bv the scor and W i
boxes by the score and let
them down by a fall, rizged at the back
of the White House ? Who had those
packages put up which Mr. Stanton or
dered to be returned ? Who had the linen
of the White House cut up for under
clothing ? Who packed up and carried
off those handsome vases of the llue
Room ? Who stole the gold spoons pur
chased in Mr. Monroe's administration
and safe until Mr. Lincoln's 1 Is this
disloyal to tell ?" .
JCtgal bbfrtisnncnts. '.
Oi'iI cnri sale.
IsY virtue, of an alias order of the Orphan'
j Court of Cambria county, the undersigned
will expose at public sale, at the hotel of
George Wciuroatli, iu tue borough of Wil
more, on Monday, the -J7th day of August
next, at one o'clock, P. M., the following
rcai estate of which Bernard Connelley died
seized, viz .
A certain piece or parcel of land, situate
in Kummerhill twp., Cambria co., (being the
south end of the tract of which it is a part,)
beginning at a post, a comer of land of
John Puiinmer, and Patrick M'Dunn, thence
westJ'y Vnc of 1;llJlc,f said McDunn. 133
perches to a post; thence north by line of
land of Patrick jlcCormick 5-j perches to a
post; thence thmush the tract of which it
is a part, east 135 perches to stones; thence
by hiLd of John Plummer south 55 perches
to the place of beginning; containing forty
six acres and sixty-live perches, be the same
moro or less.
Techs ok Sale : Ono half on confirma
tion thereof, and the residue in ono yeat
thereafter, with interest, to be secured by
the judgment bonds and mortgage of pur
Jul' 2C,'G0.-3t. Executrix.
Orphans' Court Sale.
T;Y virtue of an alias order of the Orphans'
1 Court
Court of Cambria countv, the undersigned.
wiil expose to sale by public vendue or out
cry, at the Court House, in the Borough of
Ebensburg. on Saturday, the 25th day of
August next, at one o'clock, P. M., the fol
lowing real estate of which John Roes, late
of IMacklick township, died seized, viz :
A certain tract piece or parcel of land,
situate in Cambria township, Cambria coun
ty, a .j. lining lands of Jacob Campbell, Mc
Donald and others, now in the possession of
David flees, containing fifty acres, more or
less, about 15 acres of which are cleared,
and thereon erected a hewed log house, and
a log stable or barn, being premises No. 3,
mentioned and described in the inquisition
on the real estate of the said John Iiees,
deceased, made pursuant to proceedings iu
Ti rms of Sale One half of the purchase
money to be paid on confirmation of sale,
and the residue in one year thereafter, with
interest, to be secured by the bond and
mortgage of the purchaser.
July 20, lSGG.-3t Administrator.
Executor's lYoticc'
IETTERS Testamentary upon the Estate of
Henry McDerrnit, late of Clearfield town
ship, deceased, have been granted to the
subscriber, residing near St. Augustine, in
said township. All persons having claims
against said estate are requested to present
them, and those indebted to the same are
required to come forward and make pay
July 25, 18G6.-Ct Executor.
Col well & Levergood rjr. B. Fite. el.
al. In the Court of Common Pleas of Cam
bria county. No. ",'2, March Term, 13C6,
E. D.
Julv lltii. 18CC. On motion of C. L.
Pershing, the Court appoint John F. Barnes, ,!
Esq., Auditor, to distribute the funds in the '
i - . i ii -it- r ii i e
hands of Hm Sheriff, arising from the sale of
mcueing at the Lour of two o'clock-, p. in., j
and all persons having claims against said '
fand are hereby required to present the same
r be torcver starred trom coming in upon ;
. . i c , .1. i l r ,....:. ,
muv r impvpc
- Ul'H.l L.X-k-.-.---J,
July 2, lSGG.-St
TTTJ II he received up to A-.igu-a 1st, J. r the ;
biulding of an addition to the liomar, I
Catholic Church on lunue! 11.11. 1 mnsard ,
,r ' ., . , V. ,
F. J. I'arrish, Gal!;fz:n. j
rT,,r , c. . T,T t,,- i
July L'C, lSGG.-lt. Committee.
ipO John Williams of Ilo'iii laysburg. I'.hiir
1 county, Pa.. Caroline Cofch of Oil City,
Venango i-.. Fa. .Martha Walker of Turkey
f ot twp., Uluir co., Ann D.ivis, widow, and
Esther, .Joseph, George, John, Miry and
Amelia I) ivis. (children of the said Ann
Davis) all vt Le Llair, Soott co., Iowa,
heirs and legal representatives of Joseph
Williams, late of Cambria twp., Cambria
his children and legal representatives, if the
same can be without prejudice to, nr
j spoilinir of the whole, otherwise to vslue
1 and the tame, at whieh time and
j phice you are requested to attend, if you
j think proper.
Sheriff's office. Ebensburg, )
July 12,
Auditor's tlce.
THE undersigned having been appointed
Auditor by the Orphans' Ujtirt of Cam
bria comity, t' distribute the money in the
hands nf Michael Dunnegan, Administrator
of Philip Smith, deceased; upon his second
and final account, hereby gives notice that
he will attend to the dut'us of .-aid nnpoint-
ment at his oitico iu the bi.roj;.-'h .f P:-- (
-.... , i riuny. me 't hird day of Augu.-t
next, c.t cue o'clock, P. M.. when and
where all persons interested niv attend.
July 19, 1SGG.-3t Audit'ir.
,t:;(!iioi'.s Notice.
fJIIIE undesigned having been appointed
j. Auditor by the Orphan's Court of Cam
bria County, to distribute the nvney in the
bunds of John Rager, a.'.miniMrator of the
estate of Jaeob P.ager, decease 1, hereby
gives notice that he will attend to
to the duties of said appointment
at his ofrice in Ebcnrd.urg, on Saturday. t!y
4th day , of August next, at one o'clock,
. M.. when and where all persons interest
ed may attcLd.
July 10, 18GG.-3t. Auditor.
IX the Court of Common Pleas of Cambria
county. In the matter of the petition of
John Teafel, to have Lis uame changed to
John llarvey.
And now, July 11, 1SGG. The Court
having fully considered the petition of John decree that the name of J.Jm
Teaful be changed to Johu llarvey, and do
further order that the notice of tliis decree
be published for four successive weeks in the
"Democrat A: SentinH," a Newspaper pub
lished in Cambria -ountv.
July 19, lSGG.-4t ' By the Quirt.
ALL persons arc hereby rmtified tliat we
have purchased at Sheriff's Sale, the fol
lowing personal property, which we have
left in care of Michael Snyder, of Carroll
tewmhip, Cambria county. Pa., until we see
fit to remove the same, to wit: Two .r.iv
horses, one bay horse, one black mare, one
bay fhare, ono spring wagon, two buffalo
robes, four timber sleds, ene two-horse wag
on, one harrow, two plows, one cow and
calf, one iieifier, one white cow, one dark
brimile cow, four light brincle cows, one
wind mill, one-half interest in threshing ma
chine, one shovel plow, four sows and seven
small pigs, two barrows, three calves, three
scaps of btes, one cooking stove, one coal
stove, five bedsteads anil bedding, three
scythes, one grain cradle ' and three log
chains. Any person interfering with the
above mentioned property, will be dealt
with according to law.
July 12, 18GG--3t.
Estate of John Dougherty, Deceased.
the estate of John Dougberty. late of
Chest township, Cambria county, Penn'a..
deceased, having been granted to the under
signed, by the Register of said county, all
persons indebted to said deceased are re
quested to make payment, and those having
claims are hereby notified to present them
properly authenticated for settlement.
Chest township, June 28, l86G.-6t.
AFRESH lot of prime Segars and Tobacco
just received and for sale at the liook
(l sale at the Eook Store of
Feb. 22, 186G. JAMES MURRAY.
Fit I DAY, . . . JULY-;
3IArMOTlI IKXA(rEt'li;
The Largest Traveling ExhiL-lticu
Compribimj the orily
In America. xcih the
I$alV ElCitstaiit. lft:niTo-:7 (::i
"W . 1 T 1 m t - r ,
w - --5-. -y ... - - ' "
Lions, Timers, Leopards, &c, Ac.
And h
,r,..-i: s.-.r V
V ...-. -.
In America, with
BeHer Horses and Pcnies, Betxs
Performers and Bettor Clowns
Thin re coTnrrisfi xnany similar Eihi1;;,, : -.. N
Two Performances each. Eay, !:
ternoon and Niht.
. - ' Doors open at 1 and f o"tln L.
AULLIS, - ----- o'J L'. o
CllIl DKEN, I SriKI. 10 YEAKs, "Jo Ci
JOHNSTOWN, Thursday, July 26f
w. ii. r;Anixi:i:, ?
IjY virtue of wniry wr'rs r,f f;.' -j
Il.'-jHinas of the Court i f Lim:.i'.u I",
of Cambria county, IVnii-x 1 var.ia.
to me directed, there wi'.i be c
cd to public sale, at the Curt IJ ::
in Ebt-nyl -urg, on Saturday, the 1 : day
A'.'.-'-' t next, at nc .iVio k, p. v.i., ;.
lowing real citato, to wit :
AlT tl e right, title, and interest. . f V
M. Ltmon, c f, in and to a piece or :
land situate in Washington !"ivn' .
bria county, aj aning lai. '.s of M M A :
heirs of E iward l)..i.aldscn .:sd i Tin r-
taining three hundred ami tii'ty aoic- " .
or h ss, having thereon a .c-Kd ci- il v
hoppers, lateral railroa'l r.tid ot'aer i:r.-:
ments. Taken in (-xecuti- n ?:-A : !
at the suit of H-::ry Scnuhia, A.':::.::.:-.:
of Andrew Stuppy. d. l.
COTCri i lONS of s:.".
CCN. B. The Sherifi has m-. ' .'.J'
lowing conditions ff s do, viz : O: -
the purchase money en car!, s-de ' ;
at the time the property ;. s'.v:. k
when the s:ile amounts to S-Vn": o ! . ;
under 5500 and more than ,i 1 '
third; under $100 and more t ....
halT; less than $.V t1- wi.-.-l..-otht
rwise the property will 1 in.:.
put up to sale again, and uj -"
presei:tcd for ack n wledgnit-ut ' 1
oaianceci me p;irv i..i.f i:;-..!v ; -
or before the following M mdav.
JAMES MVL"i.. --
SherifT's Ofiioe, Kl ensburg,
July 18, IS GO." I. )
Valuable rami for ."alc.
IpIIE subscriber offers at Private .
I farm on which be now resides,
lj miles East of Wilmore Borough, C:.
Co. Pa., containing about
100 AcrcJ, 100 of tchirh are in a ;; -of
cultivation ciol un-lcr (!. -dn
The balance is well timbered, -t
Frame Barn, a Dwelling lb-use, ru ' :
Tenant Houses are erected there:.:-"
Wagon Shed and other out-buildings. 1
is a young Apple Orchard of 2;r '
bearing choice fruit. Tiie farm is w ..
ed. In the farm-yard flows a never-.
fountain. The soil lis excellent. Six"
of new land are now under grass.
ther information, apply cn the yrcnv,- -
July 14,'G0-tf. iVi'meio. T'
at the Book Store of ..
Feb. 22, 18G6. JAM ES M U R P.A
I-'TJJ! r-s.y-Q-.S-j'