Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, July 19, 1866, Page 2, Image 2

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Jlcmocrnt anb jinitincl.
CLARK WILSON. Editor & Publisher.
KliENSUmU;, JULY 19,:::::::::1SGG.
Subject to decision of District Convention.
Col." JOHN 1. LINTON, Johnstown.
JAMES GRIFFIN, Johnstown borough.
JAMES MURRAY, Ebensburg borough.
GEORGE W. EASEEY, Johnstown.
JOHN FERGUSON, Blaeklick tw'p.
i-ooii norsK iMKKcroK, .
HEN 11 Y BYRNE, Carroll township.
THOMAS M'HREEN, Ebensburg boro.
I). A. LUTHER, Carroll township.
We ask attention to the call for a John-bon-Clymer
Soldiers Convention, publish
ed in another column. The names of the
most gallant soldiers in the service, are
appended to the call. There is no doubt
that the due of the Pennsylvania soldiers
will repudiate the popinjay Geary. Sol
diers, read over the list of signers to this
call and satisfy yourselves as to whether
they are not worthy of your following.
Who are for the Union ?
On the 7th day of January, lbj-l,
Mr. liogcrs, Democrat, of New Jersey,
in the House of Mepresentatives of the
United Stales, offered resolutions, decla
ring, that a State or States, "whenever
"they shall desire to return to the Union,
"and obey the Constitution of the United
"States and laws made in pursuance there
"of, have a right to come back, their law3
"and acts of secession being unconstitu
tional and void ; that we are for the
"most united, determined, and vigorous
"prosecution of the war, for the purpose
"of enforcing the Constitution of tho
"Union under the Constitution."
Mr. Stevens (disunionist) moved that
the scries of resolutions be laid upon the
table ; which motion was carried, by a
vote of scventy-cbjJit disunionists all Ke
publicans to j'urty-tico Unionists all
trice House Journal, lt bession 38th Con
gress, page 115.
What does this vote mean ? What does
it assert? What dots it defend ? It means
that the Republicans in Congress, and the
jadical portion of the constituency they
represent, were in 1864, as they arc in
13CG, and will ever be, opposed to the
return of any of the rebellious States to
the Union, no matter how submissive and
repentant they may be ; it asserts, that
they (the rebellious States) have no right
to come back, although we lavished mil
lion of treasure and piled up whole heta
combs of lives to coital them to come
bach ; it defends a war, which, by their
votes, they declared should not be prose
cuted for the enforcement of the Consti
tution and the restoration of the Union.
In a word, this vote of the Republican
party in Congress, proves them to be se
cessionists, disunionists and traitors.
What does this vote mean, assert and
defend ? It means, that the Democrats in
Congress, and the conservative constituen
cies they represent, were in 18G4, as they
arc in 18GG, in favor of the return to the
Union of all the States who obey the Con-t-titution
and the laws ; it asserts, that
this submission being shown, they have a
right to cojiic back ; and it defends the
war, as one which was carried onor the
sole jan-pose of bringing these States back,
tinder the Constitution, the Union and the
The Republican disunionists say fhey
thall not come back ; the Democratic Un
ionists say they shall come back. Geauy
represents the Republican disunionists :
Ci.ymeu represents the Democratic Union-
lsts. Gkaky represents Stevens, Sumner
and the "boys in black ;" Ci.ymeu repre
sents Johnson, Cowan and the "boys in
blue." Stevens, Sumner and the "boys in
black" are tlasuniotists so 15 Geaky ;
Johnson, Cowan and the "boys in blue"
are Unionists so is Ci.ymkk. VOTE
The Damning Record.
On the 11 ill day of December, 1SG3,
in the House of Representatives at Wash
ington, Mr. Holman, of Indiana, aDen
ocrat, offered a series of resolutions de
claring '-that the States in rebellion are
"not out of the Union, and should not be ty, feeling that their exertions $nd sacrifi
"held as Territories and subjugated prov- -'es and those of their comrads in arms,
"inces ; that the only condition to proper j will not have met with their proper reward
-relations should be unconditional sub- ut the Union of the States is complete
"mission to the Constitution and laws of restored, and that they cannot consist -
"the United States, and that when this is
"accomplished, the war ought to cease.
Thuddcus Stevens (disunionist) moved i
tn rosni,,,; r.n ti, tni.if. . whW-h i
motion was carried, by vote of cujhtj-eijht
disunionists all Republicans to sixhj-six j
Unionists ncarbj all Democrats. j
ise House Journal, 1st Session 38th Cn- j
gress, page 40. J
'J'he vote on this resolution establishes
beyond all cavil and dispute, that tho j
Democracy are not only the true friends
of the Union, but that they endeavored
to preserve inviolate, the faith of the na
tion as pledged by the Crittenden resolu
tion ; while the Republicans are the bit
ter unrelenting foes of the Union, who
recklessly violated a pledge, given with a
unanimity that should have sanctified it
against infringement.
White men of Pennsylvania, remember
this record ; read it to your neighbors:
post it, in printed placards, in public pla
ces, where it can be seen and read by all
men !
EuarrY-EKiiiT Rei'I iiLiCANs voted that
the States in rebellion ivcre out of the
Sixty-six Demockats voted that they
were not out of the Union.
EioiiTY-EiGiir Ketcblicaxs voted that
the rebellious States should be Territories
or subjugated provinces.
Sixty-six Demockats voted that they
should have all their rights, unimpaired,
by uncowlitionaUy submitting to the Con
stitution and laws of the Uuited States.
Eioiity-eioht Retciiijcans wanted
the dismembered Union of Sumner, Ste
vens and Geary.
Sixty-six Democrats wanted the un
broken Union of Washington, Johnson
and Clymer.
Etc i ity-eight Ri:tci:ucans violated
their oaths of office, by acknowlcdgeing
secession as a "fixed fact," and changing
the war for the Union into a crusade for
the subjugation and annihilation of the
Sixty-six Democrats preserved their
oaths unbroken, by repudiating the heresy
of secession, snd demanding that the flag
that "bore on its azure Held a star for cv-
ery State, should also Lave a State for
every star.
'Ilicse eighty-eight llrpullicans are for
'l'hesc sixty-six Democrats are for Ci.v
mli: and Tini Union,
The skies are brightening ! The black
ness of darkness that obscured the politi- i
cal horizon, is fading into light ; the rum
bling of Thad. Stevens' patent thunder is
dying away, and the lightning-bugs of
Sumner's eloquence no longer flash their
coruscations over l'adical ignorance.
The Abolition clouds that lately lowered
so threateningly overhead, are breaking
into centle and refreshing showers of John
sonian Unionism and the grand old tree of
Democracy, re-invigorated by a grateful
political atmosphere, is taking a new
growth, and will soon again shelter the
people under its protecting branches.
The opponents of Democracy are distract
ed and divided. The followers of Ste
vens pull one waj', the adherents of John
son another. Now, in "the winter of
their discontent," it is "glorious summer"
with the Democracy. Let us not fail to
take the advantage of circumstances. Let
us not be idle and indifferent, when noth
ing is wanting but exertion, to insure our
triumph. Oh ! Democrats, will you not
work for victory, now. that it is within
your grasp ?
C5T General Fremont and wife called
on John Brent, mate of the Dean Puch
ond, last week, and presented him with a
magnificent gold watch as a token of their
gratitude for saving their son's life on the
niht of the Olli of Juim. Tim w-itoli
J i3 a superb one, double case, of American
manufacture. I he lollowiiiz is tho in-
inscription : "General and Mrs. J. C.
Fremont to John Hrent, in grateful re
membrance of Jane 9, 1SG6."
John Covope, predicts that the Dem
ocrats will gain seven members of Con
gress in Pennsylvania.
A lusrosmoN having been manifested
to make it appear that the Soldiers, who
battled for the Union during the late civil
war are now in fellowship with those rad
icals who are practically seeking to de
stroy it, the undersigned, honorably dis
charged Union Soldiers of Cambria coun-
4-111 "
x.UUJ ..uuu. .mc
tiius presmtently misrepresented, liorcuy
unite in requesting all the honorably dis- !
chanied Officers, Soldiers and Seamen of i
Cambria county, who favor the wise and
constitutional pulley of President Johnson,
who opposes the doctrine of Negro Equal
ity and Suffrage and desire the election of
the Hon. Hiestki: Ci.ymlk, to meet in
i Convention at Ebensburg, on Wcdnctxkty,
the o 0f j, iscc, for the pur-
posc of organization, to distinctly an
nounce their principles' and to elect seven
Delegates to the Convention of Union i
Soldiers which is to assemble at llarris
burg, on Wednesday, August 1st, 18GG.
John P. Liuton, Lt. Colonel. 54th L V.
1 W. 11. Uose, Adjutant, 54th 1. V.
(). 1. loung, private, co. 1J, 133d P. .
Wm. b Alttatiier, co. B,54th, 1. V.
P O'C-niidl, Captain co C. 55th P V
Hugh Mah.y, private, co Ii, lS3d P V
John Penney, Corporal, co C, 133d P V
James Cas&iday, private, co E, 54th P V
John Comiess, J rivate, co C, 5th P V
Joseph Thomas, private, co I, 54th P V
David Lavely. private, co K, 130 P V
Adam KunU. bergeaut, to L5, 103th P V
(Jeorge Ku:itz, Corporal, co F. 21st Pa Cav.
Ales. Miller, Sergeant, co K, 130th P V.
Henrv Ilite, Captain, co M, lL'th Pa C-tv
W A'ib.ckin, Captain, co (i, 10 2d P V
George Welm.jr,, Lieut., co M, 12th Pa Cav i
J YV V elm, jr., private, co U, lObth 1 v
Charles ltoilly, private. Silver Grays.
lluli Uradlev, Lieut., co F, 3d P V
II D Woodruli, Captain, co U, 47th P V
David F Patton, co P, 21st Pa Cav
Join? C Shoemaker, co K, 3'1 V V
John D Landies, co E, 54th P V
Albert Driudle, Sergeant. 5th Pa Artilery
August Abler, Corporal, co I, 54th P V
W Mangold, 107th P V
Joseph bhoemaker, co C, 19th USA
Michael Waist, Sergeant, 6th U S cavalry.
Wia K Williams, private, 40th P V
Patrick llogau, Sergeant, 55th P V
Timothy O Urian, private, 55th P V
Patrick 1) Sullivan! "
Daniel Corcoran,
Philip Coreorau,
Patrick Waltert,
Cjrnelius Benner,
Koger MeUiide,
JoLn Fitzgerald,
William Foulks,
Patrick Mahoney,
Patrick Council,
James Barry,
John Murphy,
John Harrington, '
Felix SlcCullough,
Thomas 11 Porter,
Owen EiiTOlsbv',
! John Ehrenfelt,
ItcjLert M'Kriui,
W"is Oeorge,
Philip George,
Mark liurk,
John Plenuer,
James Yittman,
John Vr Toney,
Henry Tilenner,
Patrick P.og'Jis. Sergeant, "
Hugh McUoiiuell, Corporal, " "
Edward Earry. private, 5th U S Light Art.
P McDermit, Musician, co C, 5oth 1 V
Thomas Judge, private co 11,10th P V
William Waters, corporal, 50th P V
Wm II Connelly, corporal, co E, 55th P V
Patrick llodgers, Sergeant, 55th P V
W Spiers, Q M Sergeant, co F, 2 1st Pa cav
John Stewart. Sergeant, co II, 54th P V
P M. George, Quartet master, 55th P V
J II Keuuedy. Commissary Sert.. 55th V V
Isaiah WEunkcr, coD, 51th P V
Thos II Porter, private, co A, 55th P V
W F Moreland, bergeant, co 1, U S A
J Cunningham, private, co G, 115 P Y
Henry Dehcy, private, co G, 18th Pa Cav
John Eiter. Lieutenant, 55th P Y
Lazarus A Higgle, private, co E, 143th P V
Wm George, private, co G, 18th Pa Cav
Hugh McConnell, Sergeant, co C, 55th P Y
Jos liehea. private, co E, 49th P Y
John Kelly, private, 54lh P Y
John Lynch 1st Lieut., co A, 55th P Y
Valentine Maize, Corpoial. co B, l'J2d P V
Lewis McKmuev, co G, 11 Pa Cav
William Skcliy, co B, 192d P V
Bernard George,co A. 107th V V
James Kiuney, co G, 12th Pa Cav
John Y Toney. co A, 55th P V
John Schroth, Sergeant, 19th USA
William Plinn, co I, 54th P V
i Michael Litz. co. D, 5th Pa Heavy Artillery
David A Skelly, Sergt.. co Q, 11th Pa Cav
Albert Crura, co A, 51th P Y
Carl Schmidt, co D. 115th P Y
Michael Egau, co G, llih Pa Cav
David Faloon, co B. 133d P V
John T Cooney, co H, 10th P V
Pat Qiiinlin, co I, 19Sth P Y
Jerry Farner, Co K, 13Cth P V
John E Scanlan, co A, 11th Pa R Y C
Wm H Sechler, co A, 11th Pa K Y C
F P Tierney. co K 125th P Y
E Brahier, co D, 110th P Y Y
Gaorgc Our lev, 77th P V Y
Philip Poland "
Philip Shiro, co L, 19th Pa Cav
Ii McDermit, Lt Colonel, 54th P Y
11 II Sinser. co E, 77th P V V
James Murray, Captain, co D, 115th P V
A J Bradley, Sergeant co M, 12th Pa Cav
S M Wherry, co D, 110th P V
John A McDermit, co E, 77th P V
.) tj Murray, Lieutenant, co u, inn r c out to his relief He will repeat the cx
E R Dimnegan, 1st Lieut., co K, 125 P V j pC1-imCnt on Saturday next.
John C McBride, co A, 1 1th PRC
David 11 Evans, co D. 7 7th P V
James J Oatman,co B, 11th P 1! C
James M Edelblute, co F, 33d P V
Johu Dunivan, co A, 55th P V
Wm II Elder, co A, 11th P R G
John B Burtnett, co 1 1 ltb P V V Cav
J N Wissinger, co K, 187th P V
Michael J Cooper, co N, 12th 1' V Cav
News Items.
Only two murders
a day in Chicago
Chiet Clerk Hunter is to bo appointed i
Assistant Secretary of ctate.
Two elopements from one famiiv in
Louisville, took place in loss than a week,
Gkeex Clay Smith, recently confirmed
as Governor of Montana, will leave Ne-
braska City on the 25th inst., for tliat '
Tin: Miantor.omah, in her vovac across !
the Atlantic, averaged 1G8 milWper day. :
The monitor was not disturbed or delayed !
in her speed by rough weather. !
p..,.,,... w., , . , ,
Un i:u.b 1. Srux, who murdered ;
tw;.i w,.ill,ra ? 'iv I
r,i,n,r ,.,,. l.ooi, V nil .. i
gueny county, lias been finally committed ;
z . .
10 jail, 10 answer a charge ot murder.
W-NG man named A ard has ; tccteJ linytiling of a political character
been arrested in Erookheld, Conn., and whatcvcr. it was purely a devotional ex
bound over in 1,000, on the charge of ercise an1 nolhi niore. Tho floral es
attempting to poison his father. f ercises took 1lac.e or commenceJ at livc
Tin-: CoiJmittce in the case of Roscoe p. m., at Magnolia l'ark, many of the
Conkling versus Provost Marshal General j participants in which got completely
Fry have submitted their report. They drenched by a smart shower which had
exonerate Conkling and arc very severe on : fallen half an hour before. The distribu
Fry and Representative Rlaine. j tion of the flowers was u most solemn and
Two deliberate murders were commit- : impressive exhibition. No grave escacd
ted in Cincinnati on the night of July j attendance, and men and women shed
14th, Edwin Hartpcrg, from Gordon, j tears profusely. At the cemetery a prayer
Ohio, was murdered for money, and a j was delivered, songs were sung, poetry re
laborer named Kelly wad killed by a neigh- ! peated, and addresses were made.
bor from motives ot revenue.
xnr. i. icmuuiil, uii .Hiuruay auernoon,
nominated to the Senate A. W. Randall, j
now First Assistant, to be Postmaster :
General, in the ulace of Dexmsox. re-
'P.... i -i .... . j
There are rumors of other chan-
! ges, but they lack confirmation.
J The gentlemen who became bail for
j Head Centre Stephens in the suit of P.
A. Lmiiott, surrendered him to-day into
the hands of the constable, and the Head
Centre was committed to jail. Mr. Lin
nott sues for a debt of $4,000, and the
bail required is S7,000.
Ax unbleached American citizen of
Cincinnati recently ucJ ti.o ju'iu at u
election for aefusing his vote. He claimed
ie uu.MiDu-uuju.jr -j,E undersigned having been appointed
gave hira one cent. A high valuation of , Auiiitor by the Orphans' Court of Cam
"Impartial suffrage." ; bria county, to distribute the money in the
A max escaped from the Ohio State j hands of Michael Dunneg ui. Administrator
Prison four veurs ago, but returned to the ! of VV1', Smith- deceased, upon his second
institution a short time since and express- f " Jm nlf Tt'' T- 'T -T'
, . . , . ,l r ! he v;ill attend to the duties of said annoiut-
ed a desire to serve out tho remainder of j ment ;U his oft-lce jn the . of Ebeils.
his sentence. He said he had been mar- burs?, on 1-Vidav. the Third dav of Ausiuit
! ried while out of prison, but made no fur-
ther explanation.
Tiiky do things in a hurry in California, I
as witness the following programme of a j
"pleasant little affair ," San Juan ?eva-
da stage robbed at o a. m. of $3,000 ;
reward offered at 7 A. M. ; robbers shot
and all the money recovered at 2 x. m. ;
coroner's inquest at 3 r. m. funeral of the
thieves at G r. sr.
The Democratic press of Pennsylva
nia should not permit the fact to be over-
! looked, that the Kadical party with Geary
j for its Pennsylvania head, is the only dis
i union party in the country. The mcm
! bcrs of that destructive organization ad
mit that "Peace reigns over our United
Country," and yet thev won't permit the
j Southern States to be represented in Con
1 gress. Let the Union men of Pennsylva
! nia remember this.
The so-called llevercnd. Mr. Lind.-ley,
of Medina. New York, who whipped his
child to death, has fled to Canada to save
went to his lather s house, and not teelmg
himself safe, he returned to Albion and
offered his living body to the sheriff for
safe keeping, but the sherifF refused to
accept him, and Lindsley took the first
train to Canada.
Tm; Popublican members of Congress
held an adjourned caucus meeting in the
Capitol last night. . A day for the final
Hdionrnmont of Confess was th nrinri-
-- ,
pal subject oi discussion. After numer- i
ous speeches had been delivered; Mr.
W'ashburne, of Illinois, offered a resolu
tion expressing the opinion that the state
of business was such that Congress can
adjourn sine die on next Monday week.
This was the impression of the majority,
the resolution being agreed to by a vote
of sixty yeas to forty nays.
Daking Adventure. A New York
paper says: Mons. Auguste Huislay, a
gymnast, went up in a baloon from Elm
Parke, on Wednesday afternoon, and per
formed some very difficult feats upon a
trapeze pendant therefrom. When six or
seven thousand feet in the air he was over
taken by a rain storm, and the baloon be
came wet and heavy and began to descend.
YY hen over the Hudson river, and sixty
feet in the air, the baloonist sprang from
his air ship into the river, fearing to get
entangled if both came down togather..
lie swam for the NSw York shore, and
was filially picked up, when nearly ex
hausted, by a small boat which had nut
his life, which he did not deem safe in the ! " ,a F
. , , , , , , -ii r. " illiams, late of Cambria twp.. Cambria
neighoorhood where he resided. After .,,. j i
? x -i .i roinnn i county, deceased,
giving bail in tho sum of fc 10,000, he Take notice that an inouest will be held
The Graves of the Southern Dead.
A Charleston. S. C letter of the 21th
..I. t . 4.- ... -i . . :
un says : l.usi oaiuruuy u ttu impres
sive and gloomy day in Charleston. It
was a day set apart by the ladies of this
city and surrounding towns for the decora
tion of the graves of the Confederate dead
most of whom repose at Magnolia Ceme
tery. Nearly all the stores, except some
Boston firms, were closed before noon,
and the city presented a Sabbath-day ap
pearance. Protestant and Catholic de
nominations "alike and together joined in
,i ,..:i.,. v-
I 111V ilJl Ul 11IVUM.J lUv liUHLIO LSVUI
rontrIbut;on3 of c;,;zens. Thfi Pnt;re (,v
.ia ,i.vri
V tJJ XrfU&f.
acter or another; and, although it was the
anniversary of the battle of Secessionville,
which was quite a Federal defeat, I vvit-
nessed nothing which savored of a cele
Services took place at all the churches in
tLc morning. I visited St. Mary's Church,
in ,he Porch of w,ic was a pyramid
mrule of taS"olia Palm branches, ever-
greens, white rose?, and other flowers, in
f. V - .. '. , '
the centre of which suspended a wreath
with the inscription, ''lo the memory of
. c , , ' A J . .
the Confederates di'.id." I lift most criti-
the Confederate dead." The most criti
JCrpl bbrrtisemtnts.
Auditor's Aotice.
THE undersigned having been appointed
Auditor by the Orphan's Court of Cam
bria county, to distribute the money in the
hands of John Ragt r, administrator of the
estate of Jacob llasrer. decease.1. herc-bv
; gives notice that he will attend to
! to the duties of said appointment
j at his ofiice in Ebensburg, on Saturday, the
! 4th day of August next, at one o'clock,
I y. M., whtn and where all persons iuterest
! ed may attend.
Jul i if , leno.-ot.
Auditor's A'oticc.
j next; at one o'clock, P. M.f when and
! where all persons interested may attend.
July 10, 1860.-3t
i Notice.
IN the Court of Common Pleas of Cambria
j 1 county. In the matter cf the petition of
; John Harvey.
And now, July 11, 1SCG. The Omrt
having fully considered the petition of John decree that the name of John
Teaful be chauned to Johu Harvey, and do
further order that the notice of this decree
be published for four successive weeks iu the
"Uemocrat iv ientinel, a .Newspaper j-ud
lished in Cambria countv.
July 19, 18G6.-4t ' P the aurt.
TO John Wilh'anis of Hollidaytburg. Blair
county, I'a-. Caroline Coi ch of Oil City,
'enn"o co., Pa.,Martha Walker of Turkey-
foot twp., lilair co., Ann Davis, widow, and -
r.staer, .losepn. ueorge, donn, aiary ami
! Amelia D.ivis. (children of the said Ann
I Davis) all cf Lo Clair, Scott co., Iowa,
j at the late dwelling house cf Joseph Wil
; bams, dee'd, in Cambria twp.. Cambria co.,
Pa., on Monday the Cth day of August next.
at 1 o clock, in the afternoon of that day
for the purpose of making partition of the
real estate of said deceased, to aud among
his children and legal representatives, if the
same can be done without prejudice to, or
spoiling of the whole, otherwise to value
' a"d appraise 'the same at which time and
-VOU iXrC "quested to attend, if you
think proper.
Sheriff's oftice, Ebensburg, )
July 12, 18o6.4t. J
Estate of John Dougherty, Deceased.
jLI the estate of John Dougherty, late of
Chest township, Cambria county, Penr.'a.,
deceased, having been granted to the under
signed, by the Register of said county, all
persons indebted to said deceased are le
p.iestcd to make payment, aud those having
claims are hereby notified to present them
properly authenticated for settlement.
Chest township, June 28, l8CG.-6t.
'Estate of Conrad Behe, Deceased.
WHEREAS, Letters of Administration
on the estate of Conrad Behe, late of
Washington townshtp, Cambria county. Pa.,
deceased, having beeu granted to the under
signed by the Register of said county, all
persons having claims against said estate are
hereby notified to present tbem properly
authenticated for settlement, and those iu
debted are requested to make payment with
out delay.
June 2$, lSo6.-(jt.-.
3Ttfa bbtrttstmtnts
FULL AY, . . . JULY 27:'.
j--?,- Jj. .. .. - v -i V
The Largest Traveling Esh:L::: -the
Coin; ri...i j t:.3 -oji'y
I3aly Elephant, - riiinipo! ( ;i; .. .
ltoyal IIcMSjal Tigers, uiul llo-r .
Iions, Timers, Loojiards,
And iU
"BES1 circus troitj:
in An-.ericn, witU
Better Horses and Ponies, Bittc:
Performers and Better Cfo
Tiian are conipr:vl inuLy iiiulr I il.i ...
Two Performances each 12 zy. J.
ttnocn and Xiht.
Dooro orcu Kt 1 and o'tlock.
Cue Price cf Adir.isfiun to Scth
Adults, - - - - -Ciiii.duen,
vndli: 10 yeahs,
- o0 Lin
25 G -
JOHNSTOWN, Thursday, July 2
writs of le.t
T1Y virtue of sundry
J Exponas of the Court of ftonni 1'
' ot
Cambria county, 1 ermsj lva;
to me directed. ther will K xv
ed to public sale, at the Gurt b
in Ebensburg, oa Saturday, the 4tl. .'
August next, at one o'clock, p. in . ::.
lowing" real estate, to wit :
All the right, title, and interest.
M. Lemon, of, in and to a piece or ; a, .
i hria. countv, aoi .iiiinir lands of M M A
heirs of E lward Donaldso n ond c !:.-.. "
taming three hundred aud fiftv
or less, having thereon a .! :.
hoppers, lateral railroad and :' r
meuts. Taken in execution y;. : t '
at the suit of Henry Scaulau, A'.'.-u..-'
of Andrew Stuppy, dee'd.
conditions ok sale.
DC?X. B. The Sheriff has t.:.-. V
lowiug conditions of sale, viz : 0:.-- : '-
the purchase money on each .-rie :'
at the time the propertv i :r:;-'- -when
the sale amounts to f 30"' !'i
under S500 aud more than V''""1- . ;
third ; under $100 and more "
half; less than $50 the wi. ie
otucrwise the property will K- i-v.V: ----put
up to sale again, and n - diva v
presented for acknowledgmi-i.t v.:. -':
balance cf tho parchase money U- i -
or before the following Monday.
Sheriff's Office, Ebensburg,
July IS, 1S06.31. J ,
Valuable rami Jor !aK-
THE subscriber offers at Private
farm on which he now reside.-;
? miles East of Wilmorc Iioroul-
Co. Pa., contaiiiing about
190 AcreJ, 100 of which arc in a y
cf culiication and under gii-:.'-The
balance is well timlwred. -
Frame Barn, a Dwelling lb l-f '
Teuant Houses are erected i:.
Wagon Shed and other out-hui' :;;";
is a )-oung Apple Orchard of -bearing
choice fruit. T he f-rm i- -;
ed. In the farm-vard a L,i ..
fountain. The sod is excellent.
of new land are no under griu-
ther information. PIy cn tlu.U,,-i"-WM.O'CONNt-
July 14,'C Vi.a--
at the Book Store of
Feb. 22, 1S0G. JAMEs 3-
'tr - : r . ' . I ' T :"l2r