Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, July 19, 1866, Image 1

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i ! :
lie Democrat nnb jstidncl.
lishcd in the borough of Ebensburg,
Vaiubria county, Pa., every Wednesday
r .n:i:.-f. I y t 'i-ark WiLsOS, at the follow-
r.;:' invariably in advance :
c "V, i h e - months, GO
(',l.,.,,;,"v', HKinoutls, $1 00
0M. e .;.'v, one year, . 2. 00
"v.'i.M f.iil to pay their subscriptions
i '! nit' r tl.e expiration of six mouths will
b. li'ir,-1 at the rate of $2.50 per year,
... , t'..-r fail to pay until after the ex
, ". .. , ; twelve months will be charged at
I mv ! i'-I.QO per year.
;.e i ""'ra I awl Sentinel when paid for
-. i'.... o costs fvttr cents per number;
ii ' ; . : paid in advance six ccuts per
:. ;::.! 'r wV.l be charged.
' Twilw nun.bcr.-: constitute a quarter; live, .-'.x :i:e:.ihs; and fifty numbers,
yi ir.
it iT! of Ai)Vi:i:TisX'i.
l' ','t ..'.i of Rurgoise type constitute a
1 1. .j::m one insertion,
. i. s'lOsequeni insertion,
. .-itiure, one year,
. - j-.! ares, one insertion,
. Ii subsequent insertion,
-f ;: t':i column, three month?,
: aria ivluinn, six months,
. : i:r:!i column, one year,
"!::mn, tlnee months,
.a i. . liimn, six months,
o l'.imn. one rear.
'.v.iun, three months,
. 'luUiii, six months,
. latr.n, one year,
. I!; r- Notice,"
-r's Notice,
: -'.tutor's Notice,
' at:d Death Notices,
20 00
35 00
85 00
70 00
2 00
2 50
2 50
Ir c;ma v.UU
paper, per an-
t'bitnary Notices, over six lines, ten cents
r !ire.
: eci;d anil business Notices oit cents
.: liiie for first insertion, and four cents ror
!: subsequent insertion.
Resolutions of S :ieties, or communica-
:s of a personal nature must be paid for
No cuts inserted in advertisements.
1 i T
200 for
500 for
2 00
ionul hundred,
$2 60 Eachad.q'r.$l
Work must ne pant lor on
Jur.e 14, 1SG5.
Philadelphia Business Cards.
i;.;.U, l'Il'l-:r-"-
J . I, I ulreif, al
, tc. &c, Xo. 1C
ve Market, Philadel
June 21. ISGG.-ly.
".'Vl'i'.L is p!-as;ii.rly situated uu the
s. k-oi .liarKet street, a few doors
i:.t!i slreet. Its central locality
parucujariy ccsirabie to persons
city on business or pleasure.
B. SANDERS, Proprietor,
iteton Business Cards.
.'-r-M-V AT LAW, Johnh,wn, Ta
' 1 n Main street, second fIH)r over
,!;k- May 4, l8G5.-tf.
'IJNEY AT LAW, Johnstuirn, Pa.
' -n building on corner of Main and
' n street, opposite Mansion House,
' lioor. Entrance on Franklin street,
i.stown, Nov. 1G, 1SG5..
.:NEY AT LAW, Johnaloicn, Ta.
.'. -e in tbo Kx.cha.npr0 buiWiag, on the
nr'f Clinton and Locust streets up
Will attend to all business Connect-v'.-
his profession.
',, l8')3.-tf.
SALE and RETAI L Manufacturer.
UU'l'hj; and SHEET-IRON
ml street, below Clinton, Johns-
k. v.,
4 May 4, 18GG.-ly..
ti J ' H'tin street Johnstown,
s:r in HATS and CAPS. ROOTS
such as Drawers. Shirt:
' '"i'tterchiefs. NeckfiSj??r
. the lowest.
-lOlVn T - . ....
J JUe 1, 18GG.-y.
! .V
...... r -m
" IK'I sp i lroPetors.
-': t'v f,-, , !,JS Wa refitted and
. rii,l-"'whed, is now 0pen for the
- r 'i ' , CrUllnmeut guests. The
! i,,,' - 'Pienco in hotel keep-
:-:ir-rS tT can'gatLfy a dia
Vf11!-1' Vsr KUPI'Hed with the choicest
Ebensburg Business Cards.
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ebenxburrj, Cam
bria county, Pa. May 5,,
W. II. sechler;
SURVEYOR, Ebcntbury, Ta., oflice in
the Commissioners office. Dec. 7, 16C5.-tf.
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ebenabiinj , Pa.
OHice in Colonadc Rjw, Centre street.
Dec. 4, lSGl.-tf.
II TTORNEY AT LAW ', Lbcusbury, Pa.
j Office in Colonade Row.
April 5, 18ti5-tf
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ehvunbtirj. Pa.
OHice en Centre street, oiqiosite Moore's
Hotel. Apr. 2(, l8GG-tf
u. l. joiinston"
I TTORNEY AT LAW, Ebeuhtmj, Ta.
H Ollice iu the Scuth end of his residence,
immediately opposite the Court House.
Novcmbtr2:5, .
ATTORNEY AT IJiW, Ebcu.sbmy Pa.
Ofiico on lli-li stieet, adjoining his resi
dence. May 4, 1SC5. (1.42 )
I TTORNEY AT LAW. Ebcnshimj. Pa.
l Oflice en Main btreet, three doors East
ol Julian. May 4, 18G5.
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Pa.
Oflice in GJonade Row, Centre street.
November 2C, 18C5.-tf. (1.37.)
1 TTORNEY AT LAW. E'jaubiuy, Pa
J OQice on UL;h street, one door East of the
L.anking House oi uioyii x c.
Deceuil er 7, 1SG5. (tf.)
SUCCESSOR to R. S. Btsx. Dea:er in
Store on Main street, opposite thy "Moore
House, Ebeiihburg, Pa. May 17, '
Dl!. 1). Y. FA'ANS,
TliNIv:its bU professional services to the
citizens of EbeuMjuvg ard vicinitv.
Olfice one dxr east of R. Davis' sre.
Night calls made at his residence three doors
west of R. Evans' cabinet ware room.
May 31, lSuiGin
J. C. WILSOX, M. I).,
f FFERS Ids services as PHYSICIAN and
U SURGEON, to the citizens of Eb.-riiburg
aud turroundini; country. OHice three
East .f the Presbyterian Church, ia the
rcwirn formerly occupied by Dr. Jones.
El eusbiu
pi.l 12. lSGG.3m..
ll Propietor, spares nn pains to render this
hotel worthy of a continuation of the liberal
patruiias it has heretofore received. His
table will always be furnished with the
best the market affords; his bar with the
best it liquors His siale islarre, and will
be attended by an attentive und obliging
hostler. June 4, 180G.-ff. "
RETAIL DEALER, in Dry Goods, Boots,
Shoes, Hats, Caps, Groceries, ecc ; keeps
constantly on hand a general assortment.
Store on Hi-h street, Ebensbur'', Pa.
Sept 28, 1SG5.
CONTINUES to visit Eben&burg personally
on the 4th Jlonday of each ni'Hith.
During his absence Lewis N. Snyder, who
studied with the Doctor, will remaiu m the
oflice and attend to all business entrusted to
June 7, 18CC.
DENTIST, Johnstown, has opened an effke
on the cor. of Centre and Main streets, in
this place, (building formerly occupied by
Mr. Callan as a hotel, up stairs, front room,)
where he may be found ou the Jirst Monday
of every month, and remain one or two
weeks. May 10, 1866.
BANKERS. Ehenahurn, Pa. Gold. Silver.
U Government Ronds, and ether securities,
bought and sold. Interest allowed on time
deposits. Collections made on all accessible
points in the United States, and a General
Ranking business transacted.
2--' " ' f March I,
I Proprietor, solicits-a. continuation of the
uuviai .ihuiwjo uciuLoioro exicnueu. llis
table and bar will always be supplied with
the best. Ilis house and stable being large
and con venient, and havin-j competent as
sistants' at all times employed, he feels con
fident that Le will be able to render general
satisfaction. June 4. 18G5.-tf. I
THOMAS CALLEX. Proprietor.
THIS house is now open for the accommo
dation of. the public. Accommodations
as good as the couutry will afford, and
charges moderate.. May 31, 18GG.-tf.
On her chain of life is rust.
On her spirit's wing is dust ;
She hath let the spoiler in
She hath mated with her sin
She bath opened wide the door;
Crime has passed the threshold o'er.
Wherefore has she gone astray ?
Mood Temptation in her way 1
With its eyes so glittering bright
Clothed in angel robes of light.
Oh ! Ler story soon is told ,
Once a lamb within the fold,
Stranger voices lured her thence,
In her trusting innocence.
Woe ! she had not strength to keep
With the Shepherd of the sheep ;
For the fleece so spotless white
Then became the hue of night,
And she stood, in her despair,
Bleating for the Shepherd's care.
Woe! that none might lead her back
From ihe bloodhound on her track.
Hunger prowled about her path
With a wild hyena wrath.
Scorn came leaping from its lair
With a ditlant growl and stare;
And ehe grappled, all in vain.
With the fanjs of m want and pain,
Hope and mercy shut the gate
On this heart so desolate.
So she turned again to sin,
What had she to lose or win ?
Resting on her life a stain
Deeper than the brand of Cain.
Heard the not a pitying tone.
Weeping in her shame alcne 1
Was there cot a hunian heart
Iu her anguish bore a part '?
None to hold a beacon light
Up before her darkeu'd sight ?
No; the allar was not there.
For a canting priesthood's prayer.
She hath fallen ! Let her die"
Said the Levite, passing by ;
So she tui nel again to sin,
VVIiat I:ail bIjc lu lono or win 1
Sisters ! there is work to do
Field of labor here for you,
Ye who pour the wine and oil,
Up, and rest not from your toil.
Till the bruised and wounded heart,
Aching from the Tempter's dart,
Sore and weary with its ain,
Shall be bound and healed again
Till, no more defiled by sin.
Like the pardoned Magdalen,
Kneeling in repentance sweet,
She may wash the Savior's feet
With her tears that while they roll,
Riot the sin stain from her soul
Do ye ask for your reward ?
'They are blest who serve the Lord."
A Summer Day in Haying.
Five o'clock and a summer morning !
A silver mist hangs all along the streams,
a few downy clouds are afloat and the
landscape is heavy with dew. The cows
turned out from the milking aro tinkling
their way along iho winding path to the
woods ; the robins are calling to each
other in the orchard, and an enterprising
hen in the barn is giving ,,the world as
surance of" an egg- . Somehow, earth,
on such a morning, looks as if it were
i just liuished, the coloring not dry, the
mouldings not "set ;" without a grave or
grief in it.
Nothing "the way of the wind," and
remembering that the sun "came out" as
it set last night, it is pronounced a good
day for haying. So forth to the meadow,
the farmer, the neighbors, and the boys,
"armed and equipped," a young bare-footed
commissary bringing up the rear, with
earthen jug and bright tin pail. Much
talk ot "wide swaths," and "mowing
around," with laugh and jest, beguiles the
journey through the pasture to the field of
oattle. Loats and jackets fly like leaves
in Winter weather and moves the phalanx
with step and sweep through the tall,
damp grass. One bends to the scythe as
if it were an oar, and pants on in the
rear of his fellows. Another walks erect
and boldly up to the grass, the glittering
blade the while curving freely and easily
about his feet. The fellow in Kentucky
jean expended his strength in boasting on
the way, and labors like a ship in a heavy
sea, while the quiet chap in tow, that nev
er said a word, is the pioneer of the field.
On they move, toward the tremulous
woods in the distance. One pauses,
brings the swath to an "order arms," ami
you can hear the tinkling of the rifle as
i t sharpens the edge of 'Time's symbols
Another wipes the beaded drops from his
brow, and then swath notes blend aain
in iuti orencstra. Urnvard still tJ,,r
hidden in the waving grass all but a
broken row of broad brimmed hats, that
rising and falling; seem . to float slowly
over' the top of the meadow.
Ten o'clock and a cloudless sky. The
birds and the maples silent and still ; not
a flutter in woodlandor fallow. Far up
in the blue, a solitary hawk is blowly
swinging in airy circles over the farm.
Far down in the breathl ess lake sweep
Lis shadowy fellows. The long, yellow
ribbon of road leading to town, is aquiver
with heat. "Drindle" and "lied" stand
dozing in the marsh ; the sheep are pant
ing in the angles of the fences ; the hor
ses are grouped beneath the old tree ;
"Pedro," the faithful guardian of the
night, has crawled under the wagon for
its shadow, now and then snapping in his
sleep at the flics that hum Around his
pendant ear ; the cat lias crept up into
the leafy butternut and stretched herself
at length, upon a limb, to sleep ; the ca
nary is dreaming on his drowsy perch ;
and even the butterliies, weary of flick
Cling in the sunshine, rest, like full blown
exotics, on the reeds. The children of a
neighboring school, all Hushed and glow
ing, come bounding down the slope in
couples, the old red pail swung up between;
and the clatter of the windlass betokens
"the old oaken bucket" already dripping
up into the sun, with its brimming wealth
of water.
Twelve o'clock and a breathless noon.
The corn fairly curl3 in the steady blaze.
The sun has driven the shadows around
under the west and north walls ; it has
reached the noon mark on the threshold
and pours the broad beams into the hall ;
the morning glories have struck their col
ors, and a little vine trailed up the wall
by a string of a shroud, shows decided
symptoms of letting go. The horn winds
for dinner, but its welcome pote surprises
the mowers in the midst of the meadow,
and tlny'll cut their way out like good
soldiers, despite their signal,
Back we are again to the field, aye,
and back too, upon the threshold of child
hood. A chance breath wafts to us the
sweet, old fashioned fragrance of the new
mown hay, and we are younger in mem
ory than we'll ever be again. I he an
gry hum of bees just thrown out of house
and home, and the whistling quail, as she
whirled timidly away before the steady
sweep of the whetted scythes; and the
shout of the children as the next stroke
laid upon their summer hopes of the day
and the bell tone of the bob-o-links swinr
ing upon the willows in the 'TIollow,
Can't you hear don't you remember
them all?
Aird have you forgotten the green knol
under the wide-spread beech or was it
maple ? And how hungry you were, at
tne morning lunch, just lrom sympa
thy, though you hadn't "earned your
salt" for a week! And the brown jug
filled with pure water, and in those olden
times, you know the little black bottle
with something stronger just "to qualify
it, as they said, that nestled lovingly to
"atiier. amid the cool and ttwv irrasa
the fence corner ! Wo io sure you re
mouibor iiow magnificent loads went tum
bling into the barn, you upon the top, and
how they heaped the new made hay into
the empty "mows" till it was half as
high as the latter up to the big beam
up to the swallow hole ;.and how you
crept up with a voung group, and hid
away in a dark corner, festooned with
cobweb4, and phi ed you were a "paint
er" or "cataniountain," and growled ter
rifically, to the unspeakable dread of j our
little brother, or cousin, or somebody.
Or how weary of the frolic, you lay up
on the hay, and counted the dust sun
beams, as they streamed through the crev
ices of the loose tiding, and wondered how
they got out again, aud how many it took
to make a day, and passed your lingers
through them to and fro, and marvelled
that you felt nothing.
Many a time, you know, you crept
through that same mow with Mary Grey
don't you remember Mary ? She lived in
the house just over the hill. Have you
forgotten how you went strawberrying to
gether Y'ou picked in her basket don't
deny it you always felt happier than
when you filled your own, though you
never knew why. You had a queer feel
ing sometimes about the heart, though
you never knew what. Y'ou have found
it out all since, no doubt. And Marj-
what has become of her ? H hy, "there
is a reaper whose name is Death," that
goes forth to tlyj harvest in sweetest Spring
at latest Autumn and deepest Winter as
well, and Mary and Ellen and Jane were
long ago bound up in the same sure bundle
of life. -
Seven o'clock, and a clear night. The
shadows and the mist are rising in the
valleys the frogs hare set, up their cho
rus in the swanip--the fire-flies are show
ing a light olF the marsh the whip-ioor-wills
begin their melancholy song a star
blazes beautifully over' the top of the
woods, and the fair beings that people our
childhood comes about us in the twilight
the fair beings, ' '
"Who set as sets the morning star, that goes
Not down behind the darkened wttit, nor
Obscured amid the tempest of the sky.
Rut melts away iuto the light of heavea."
19, I860.
Only beginning the journey.
Many a mne to go ;
Little leet, how they patter,
Wandering to and fro.
Try i ug a ga; r , so bravely ,
Laughing in childish glee;
Hiding its in mother's lap,
Proud as a baby can be.
Talking the odde&t language
Ever before was heard ;
But mother, you'd hardly think so.
Understands every word.
Tottering now aud falling.
Eyes that are going to cry :
Kisses and plenty of love-words,
Willing a g un to try.
Father of all. O ! guide them,
The pattering little feet.
While they are treading the up-hill road.
Braving the dust and heat.
Aid them when they grow weary,
Keep them in pathways blest,
And when the journey's elided,
Saviour, O! give them rest.
Faces on the Battle Field.
Alter the battle of Inkcrman the faces
of many of the dead still wore a brnile,
while others had a threatening expression.
Some lay stretched on their backs, as if
friendly hands prepared their burial.
Some were still resting on one knee, their
hands grasping their muskets. In some
instances the cartridge remained between
the teeth, or the musket was held in one
hand, and the other was uplifted as though
to ward off a blow or appealing to Heav
en. The faces of all were pale as though
cut in marble. As the wind swept across
the battle-field it waved the hair, and gave
the bodies such an appearance of life that
a spectator could hardly help thinking
they were about to rise to continue light.
Another surgeon, describing the appear
ance of the corpses on the field of Magen
ta, says that they furnish indubitable proof
that man may cease to exist without suf
fering the least pain. Those struck on
the head gennerally lay with their faces
on the ground, their limbs retaining the
position they were in at the time they
were struck, and most of these still held
their rilles, showing that when a ball en
tered the brain it causes such a sudden
contraction of the "muscle that there is
not time for the hand to loose its hold of
the weapon before death.
Another peculiarity observed in the
case of those who were wounded in the
brain was the suddenness with which they
died, even when suspected -to be out of
danger. l..iring the battle of Solferino,
a rifleman was wounded in tiie head by
a ball which passed through the skull and
buried itself in the brain. His wound
was dressed, and he was stretched on straw,
with his head resting on his knapsack, like
his wounded comrades. He retained the
full use of -his faculties, and chatted about
his wound almost with indifference, as he
filled his pipo and lay smoking it. Nev
ertheless, before he had finished it, death
came upon him, and he was found lying
in the same attitude, with Lis pipe be
tween his teeth. He had never uttered a
cry, or given any sign that he was suffer
ing pain. In cases where tho ball had
entered the heart, nearly the same ap
pearances were presented as in the cases
of those who had been struck in the brain ;
death was what we terra instantaneous,
but it was not quite so swift as in the for
mer case : there was generally time for a
movement in the act ol dvmg.
There was a Zouave, who had been
struck full in the breast ; he was lying on
his rifle, the bayonet was fixed, and point
ing in such a way as showed that lie was
in the act of charging when struck. His
lead was uplifted, and his countenance
still bore a threatening appearance, as it
he had merely stumbled and fallen, and
was in the act of rising again. Close y
urn lay an Austrian foot soldier, with
clasped hands and uplifted eyes, who had
died in tho act of praying. Another foot
soldier had fallen dead as he was in the
act of fighting, his fists were closed, one
arm was in the act of warding off a blow,
.1 1 , I-
and ttio otner was arawn oaciv in me act
of striking. On another battle field sev
eral French soldiers lay in a line, with
their baj'onets jKinting in the direction of
the foe they were advancing against, when
a storm of grape mowed them down.
Cg" A golden rule for a young . lady, is
to converse always with your female
friends, as if a gentleman were of the
party, and with young men, as if your
female companions were present.
CvT A minister who had received a
number of calls, and could hardly decide
which was the best, asked the advice of
his faithful African servant, who replied,
"Massa, go where do most debble."
VOL. 13 NO. 2
Lal'giiaiu.f. Incident. A correspond
ent of the Cairo Times writing from Jaek-
j son, Tenn., under date of the 27th, u!i-,
records the following ludicrous incident :
IA laughable incident occurred at the
depot to-day. The train from Mobile
brought up several barrels of shell oytera.
A number of country negroes stood bv,
and never having seen oysters before were
somewhat astonished at the appearance of
the bivalve. "Whar he mout'T' exclaim
ed one of tho most inquisitive.
"How urn cat, eh golly! I links urn
nuflin 'c:t a bone. Yah ! yah!" he
continued laughing at his own wit, "I
spec some w hite man links iiig;a a fool
when he calls dat ting istcr." Just then
he discovered an open oyster, and seizing
it eyed it closely. Not satisfied with Lh
examination, he placed it to his nose, but
no sooner was that organ Inserted between
the shells than they closed ; nigger howl
ed, with pain and called out, "Full uin
otf " but the more the oyster was pulled
the more it would not let go, and as poor
culfy danced and yelled, his fiantic efforts
to rid himself of his uncomfortable nasal
ornament were both ludicrous and painful.
"Hid um wid a stick," suggested a bux
om wench, aud in a moment the oyster
was knocked right and left with a hearty
will, but cuffyV head went with it.
"Finch he tail," cried a little nig, "and
he sure let go !" but there was no tail to
inch, and poor cufi'y seemed doomed to
wear the oyster forever. At this moment
an "intelligent contraband" whipped out
a knife, and with it soon served the oys
ter. Cuffy looked at the shells with
amazement, anil finding the oyster tooth
less threw it away, with the remark, "Un
got no teeth, but he gum it powerful!"
Hugging tuk Wi:ox; Max. An
amusing incident occurred at the depot in
Manchester N. II. on Monday, which has
been related to us by an eye-witness. A
train had just arrived with a detachment
of New Hampshire soldiers. A L'ootn-
l ing maiden who wis present for the pur
pose ot welcoming her long absent soldier
lovr, caught sight of him, and, with out
stretched arms stalled to embrace him.
Just at that moment the crowd had be
come so great that the soldiers were press
ed aside, and the lady, missing her calcu
lations, caught another bronzed hero in
her arms, at the same time giving him a
rousing "smack." The soldier who had
never retreated on the battle field, started
back with fright, exclaiming, as he did so,
"Who in the d- 1 arc you ?" The large
crowd in attendance, while they sympa
thised with the lady in her mistake, could
not repress a hearty laugh at her expense.
Vermont Record.
The Next Veto. The bill proposed
by Congress to extend the Freedmen's
Uureau two years longer, and making sun
dry provisions for the division of lands
among negroes at the South, &c., was
placed in the hands of the President on
the 3d, and before tho week is out we
shall have a message from him vetoing it.
It was not framed with any design to se
cure executive approval. All tho objec
tions which applied to the vetoed bill of
last winter apply to this also, and they
are rendered doubly formidable by the in
vestigation and reports uf Generals Steed
man and Fullerton.
C3" As a steamboat was about to start
from Cincinnatli one day, a young man
came on board, leading a blushing damsel
by the hand, and approaching the polite
clerk, said in suppressed voice :
"I say, me and my wife has just got
married, and I am looking for accommo
dations." "Looking for a berth V hastily inquired
the clerk, as he passed a ticket to another
i passenger.
"A birth! thunder and lightning, no !"
gasped the astonished man ; "we haint
but just got married wo only want a
place to stay all night, you know.'!
John W. Fouxey announced himself a
candidate for United States Senator, in a
speech at Lebanon, a few days ago.
'Twas well for John to go to tho rural
ditrictsto make the announcement. Had
he proclaimed himself a candidate for tho
cast-off shoes of Edgar Cowan, in Phil
adelphia, the very bricks would havo
laughed at him. Senators can't bo made
of such stuff.
C3 A man came home drunk on a cold
night and vomited in a basket containing
goslings which his wife had placed beforo
the fire, upon seeing which ho exclaimed,
"My goodness, wife ? when did I swallow
them things."
C3r Some say the quickest way to de
stroy weeds is to marry a widow. It's
no doubt d delightful species of husband -
i .
i i
A 1