u u 9 i. V V Jlcmotrat anb Sentinel CLARK WILSON. Editor & Publisher. EliENSBIJRG, JULY 12,:::::::: STATE TICKET. :180C. mi: i.oi:kxok. HIESTER CLYMER. DISTHICT TICKET. bop.eht l. JOHNSTON, Ebensburg Subject to decision of District Convention. COUNTY TICKET. ASSl-MULY, Col. JOHN 1'. LINTON, Johnstown. KKGISTKR AND KKCORDKR, JAMES G BIFFIN, Johnstown borough. ASSOCIATK .tLLX.KS, JAMES MUBBAY. Ebensburg borough. GEORGE W. EASLEY, Johnstown. omm:-skjni:k. JOHN FERGUSON, Blacklkk tw'p. l'Odi; IIIH'SK I1KIX TOK, HEN BY BYRNE, Carroll township. toi: ixr.i:, THOMAS 31' II KEEN, Ebensburg boro. Atium:, I). A. LUTIILTJ, Carroll township. A Card. I-or the "Democrat and Sentinel." Mr. Ekitor: Prior to the meeting of the lute Democratic County Convention, a report, originating in Ebensburg, was industriously circulated in various parts of the count that I had received money from Simon Cameron, for the purpose off securing my nomination by the Conven tion, for Assembly. When I heard it, I treated it with the silent contempt which I knew it deserved, nor would I now re fer to it, were it not that the men who concocted it, still persist in repeating it. My reply to the slander, is simply, that within the last eleven years, I have never met Simon Cameron but once, and that was in llarrisburg, just three years ago. Neither Simon Cameron nor any other man, ever sent me one dollar, with which to advance my political interests in this County, and if I spent anj' money, it was my oicn, and was invested for legitimate and honorable piTjtoses. I now consign the slander to the same political grave, in which its cowardly originators ought for ever to sleep. Jo nx S. IJukv. Ebensburg, July 11, 183G. fty A young lady, aged gixteen years, was punished in a shameful and cruel man ner at Cambridge, Mass., a few days since for whispering in school. One teach er clapped his hand ci her mouth, anoth er held heron her seat, while another beat her with'a strap. While this was going n, a fourth was playing a lively tune on a piano, to serve as an accompaniment to the screams of the sufferer. Buffalo Com mercial Advertiser. If this occurrence had taken place down South and the ill treated party had been a negro wench instead of a white young ladj', how Massachusetts would howl over the "barbarism !" Sumner would at once offer an amendment to the Constitution to prevent tho recurrence of such an outrage. Straws, 5Lc. At a festival held in Mechanicsbnrg, tho blackest hole, (ia a political sense,) in Cumberland county, an engraving of Washington was put up to be voted for by the respective friends of Hon. Hicster Clymer and Gen. Geary. lite friends of Clymer took the picture ly a majority of nine hundred and sixty votes! It will be recollected that this is the same 1 Attention A Proposition. The underr-L'nod proposes to fundsh the 'ii', u.J, during the approach to new subscribers at a rc- ')( mil i ' rnmiciiim The Flai Pkeskntation. Quito a large number cf our Bepubliean friends from this locality left, on the evening of j Old Mother Cumberland where Geary re ihe 3d iust., for Philadelphia, to witness sides, ami where nine-tenths o f the honora tho presentation cf the flags. We h id : lie discharged soldiers of the -lldcral army supposed that free tickets, or passes, for have ca.t their vot-s in Convention against travel on the Pennsylvania Bailroad and him and his Pump Disunion supporters. "Comment is unnecessary." Patriot and I 'ion. du.vd price to ciuhs, fir ?':.-! 'Its July. Anut, Sepiemb-.r t.rin-r u;n the fallowing terms. " copier, to "ne address, - - -10 " " - - - CvQ ,i i( t the pfiiod v( four a;id Oc- 00 - 5 00 thu (fur the paprr below cost. 8 CO bt at. the rate of 1 SO, .-I r( aod Jl 20 per year, for the purpose cf gettir.g it into nvre general circulation. There are lt00 Deino crats in the county, who d not take a coun ty paper. This c:iu all be avoided; if cur I emoeratic friends sacrifice a I'tt'.e time ia trying to get their nt-ighbors to snbsciibc for tlio paper. A Club of ten (5 00) cm bo raised in any towrtsldp in the cr.unty if somo ono will males t!.e eicort. u c h'U-c. ur friends ia the different boroughs ?a":d townships wi'l brin.; this matter Ltfore thir neiilib'TS. No attention will be paid to orders, unless Addret-s. CLARK WILSON. Kbeusburg, Ta. branches, to and from Philadelphia, were only to be given to soldiers who had serv ed in the army during the rebellion, but in (his we were mistaken. Not only have passes been furnished to home joivates, but j it also appears to have been confined to ; members of the l.'niou league in Ibis lo- ' cality. Lr-t those having the distribution ; of passes in charge answer for such lis- i crimination in favor of the League. Was ; the whole aii'air an Abolition movement It look6 like it. accompanied bv the cah. Demockatic Pr.i)iN; P.xoi. Now i that the Campaign is opening, we know j of no better way to advance the success of i the principles of the National Democratic. : Party, than the organization of a club and opening of a Democratic Heading Poom, where all the leading Democratic journals ur i.. . i.i i r 1 n- Ol IOC LOlOUiy IJOUIU lOUIIO. u iiopu j SrAiin.ixo lif.Moi:. There is a rumor afloat that Thad. Stevens is demented, aiid his friends are keeping a strict watch over Lira, fearing be may destroy his own life. The cause of this malady is sup posed to be a fear that he will not be able to get a bill through Congress, that he has lately frame d, which is to furnish all the ivgro wenches of the South with "Ijing in expenses" from out the Nation al Treasury. I le can get that bill through "m a '"jify," without any trouble. Only let him crack his whip. A Political Blunder. "Vaulting ambition overleaping itself," was never more strikingly exemplified than it was by Forney the other day at Lebanon, announcing himself a candidate for the Senate of the United States. The boldness of his avowal and that he intends to stump the State in favor of himself, have aroused other aspirants, and already the evidence of a fierce encounter is visi ble throughout the State. Here at home the Gazette and the Commercial have al ready said sharp things to each other, in connection with the Senatorial question. Forney made a mistake which will be ta ken advantage of by his more wary an tagonists, and especially by the crafty, stealthy, and indomitable Cameron. When Forney was re-elected Clerk of the House of Kepresentatives in 18o8, he, in a speech to his admirers who were con gratulating him upon his triumph, com pared himself to Mazepna. "The Tartar lad raised in Polish climes," returning from Tartary to Poland to claim the fair O'inska : in his present undertaking he will have as rough a ride as the young Tartar had, without reaching the coveted prize. Putting himself forward in the ostenta tious way he has, avowing great confi dence in his own abilities to shine in the first deliberative body in the country, and that, too, without ever having a day's ex- News Items. IIox. B. F. Waie is spoken of for President of the United States Senaie, vice Foster. It is now said that General Joseph E. Johnson has accepted the presidency of the Alabama and Tennessee railroad. A company has bought the Gettys burg battle field springs property, and will erect a soldier's hospital or watering place upon it. Artkmcs Waki was met on his land ing in England with an oiler of 1,000 and all expenses paid for a lecturing tour of six months. Ir is supposed that the Great Eastern will be ready to sail from Yalentia on the 30th of July to make another attempt to connect the continents by a submarine tel egraph cable. Somk genius has discovered perpetual motion. It consists in the perpetual mo- i tions of the Pump Disunionists to amend the Constitution, so as to secure perpetu- j al power for themselves. The machine j works admirably so long as the eopIe are kept away from it. Axonin: "loyal" fellow, Georcre X Carlton, it seems, has left the Government Treasury minus about half a million dol lars, as special asrent and acting surveyor 2tffo Jpbtrtiscmrnfs. r: Good News to Tax-Payers. It will be refreshing nev3 to the ovcr-burthened tax-payers to learn that a proposition has " Vengence is Mine Saith the Lord i" Tho ways of Providence arc inscruta ble. The way of the transgressor is hard. There seems to be an insatiable and remorseless Nemesis on the track of those architects of ruin who led the peo ple astray, who divided the Union, pro voked civil ana Uiooay war, ana piica a mountain of debt upon the shoulders of the sweating, toiling million. Violent deaths by suicide or by accident, among prominent Abolitionists, have become pro verbial so much so, that they have be come startling. Not long ago, Preston King, Collector of the Port of New York, tied a bag of shot around Lis body a3 a make-weight to keep him down, and jump ed off a steamboat into the Hudson river ? and now the notorious Jim Lane, U. S. Senator from Kansas, has blown his brains out with a pistol. Preston King kept w atch and ward over the President the day poor Mrs. Surratt was hun ; and when her weeping and anguished and bro kenhearted daughter came to make a last and final appeal to the Executive clemency, to save her mother from the gallows, denied her admission. The stricken girl threw herself prone upon the stair-:, and almost shrieked and sobbed her life away ; many persons were moved to tears by the agonizing spectacle ; but it did not soften the stony heart of the Janitor. Jim Lane was a border ruffian a free State border ruffian in the early troubles cf Kansas, during the adminis trations of Presidents Pierce and Buchan an, and won just such notoriety and pop ularity by his bold and daring defiance of the laws, as made him an acceptable leader and representative man of the Black Pepnblican party. He belonged to a school of men of which we, alas ! have too many in these degenerate days whose cry, like the bittern, is hoard only in the storm and the tempest, and whose omin ous croakings are stilled in the reign of tranquility and of peace. These men have both gone to their long accounts by death inflicted through their own agency. The goadings of a guilty an t "coward" conscience drove them to Fcif-destruction. They could not live and be happy, and rushed into the presence of their Maker with all their "imperfections on their heads." How suggestive and the Democracy will take the matter up, j becn mrulj m Congress to increase the not only in Ebensburg, but every part of j pay of members to $10,000 a year, and the county where it is practicable. Let us go loin flirt i . j r i r rnr t r-.t lmr-nrni.o1 l;'f ir.T i nothing undone tiiat will subserve to the great principles involved in the present campaign. Disunxoi;Ai5i.Y DisMrssF.n. Captain Philip K. Forney, Mth United States In fantry, (a son of Col. John W. Forney,) was recently tried by court martial at San Francisco, California, and dismissed the service. The charges of which Captain Forney was found guilty were disobedience of orders and conduct unbecoming an of ficer and a gentleman. The sentence of the court has been confirmed by the com manding General. Xational Intelligencer. Tli e New York Trilune say3 young Forney was dismissed for "having failed to report to his regiment after repeated or ders, and having given in payment for a debt a check signed by himself, in his of ficial capacity, on a banking house w here he never had any money deposited." Cot.. J. P. Linton. The Democracy of Cambria, at their county convention oh the 27th, nominated Lt. Colonel John P. Linton for the assembly, to succeed Hon. Cyrus L. Pershing. The Colonel's nomination (which is equivalent to elec tion) is not a mere recompense for his de feat last fall for Surveyor General, through the ingratitude of the self-styled "soldiers' friends," but is mainly due to his integri ty, energy of character and ability. Mr. Pershing, who has so long and ably rep resented the county, declined being a can didate. For Congress the same conven tion selected Uobert L. .Johnson, Lsq. a sterling Democrat and able lawyer subject to the approval of the 17th, dis trict conference. Patriot and Union. traveling expenses to boot, and that the project meets with much favor in the body. They now receive $3,000 per annum, and traveling expenses. The working classes will have to pay th3 piper. William McWh.i.i.iams, Esq. The Union Free Press, published in Kittanning, under the management of our old friend Wra. McWilliams, is the neatest and pret tiest paper in the State. . It is the organ of the IJepublican party of Armstrong county, and deserves the generous support it receives. Mack is a good fellow and an artistic printer. Hope ho will have more than a printer's reward for his toil. from. rorney, ana ins announcing himselt a candidate for the United States Senate, determined to stump the State in his own behalf, does not look that even prudence comes to him with increasing years. Con sidering the public record of Forney one would shrink from a position which would cause its ventilation, but his vanity is enormous and his ambition towering. Sir Giles Overreach never longed more in tensely to make his daughter "right hon orable" than the dead duck sighs for the cushioned chair now occupied by Mr. Cowan. But will he succeed in his aspi rations? not a bit of it. While he is go ing about the State making windy speeches in his own praise, old Simon will be spot ting his men throughout the common wealth, as his wont, and should the Abo litionists have the next Legislature, it is fair to infer that the great Winnebago chieftain will again rattle his bells as Mr. Cowan's successor. But, thanks to tho indomitable Democracy of Pennsylvania and their patriotic allies in the aonroach- Aotlce. ITO John Williams of Ilollidav rr Venango fo.,Ia., Martha Walker of T', fx)t twp., Blair co., Ann Davis, v. Esther, Joseph, George, .TeLn. M.l:; Amelia Davis, (children cf the Davis) all cf La Clair, Seott cj., ; heirs and legal representatives - i Williams, late of Cambria t w j. , '.. county, deceased. Take notice that an inquvt v. ii; ' at the late dwelling house of .1,..., .-. liams, dee'd, in Cambria tup.. (' ;- Pa., on Monday the Cth day of Ai; : t . at 1 o clock, in the afternoon . :' i; , for the purpose of making partis. :i , ' real estate of said deceased. t a: ! :: his children and legal represent;-, - . same can be done without pr. ;; :. ." spoiling of the whole, oth-rw- ji ..." and appraise the Fame, at wh'. : t'-.. place you are requested to atte:. . -think proper. JAMES MYERS, U:r Sheriff's office, KbcnsLur. July 12, lSCC.4t. " f A'olice. ALL persons are hereby nutT,-! .,-, have purchased at Sheriff's S..V i.. lowing personal property, whi:!. v,.- ; k-ft in care of Michael Snyder, of C.-.rr township, Cambria county. Pa., i.- r.' . fit to remove the same, to wit : Tbv, -horses, one bay horse, odo Idack rr.ar .. bay mare, one ppros wagon, two 1;: robes, fo'.ir timber sleds, one two-h .r on. one harrow, two plows, one cotv calf, one beiffer. one white cow, Lriniile cow. fi.nr lisht brindle r.,w -. candidate for United States Senator, in a j wind mill, one-half interest in tl rc-h::;-speech at Lebanon, a few days ago. j chine, one shovel plow, four sows nn,; 'Twas well for John to go to the rural districts to make the announcement. Had he proclaimed himself a candidate for the cast-off shoes of Edgar Cowan, in Phil adelphia, the very bricks would have ! laughed at him. Senators can't be made of such stuff. oi customs at Aiempnis, icnnessee. ine perience in any legislative assembly, is an Kump House has appointed a committee undertaking that most men would shrink j to send for persons and papers, and to Modesty, however, never troubled j overhaul the evidence of his guilt. John W. Foknf.y announced himself a t:.- Tm: Green county soldiers met in con vention on the 23 J at Waynesburg to take measures for a soldiers' State convention, and to repudiate the action of a few of their number who sent delegates to the Geary Pittsburg convention, which con demned the President's policy, and placed the mass of the soldiers of Greene coun ty in a false position. The proceedings have not yet come to hand. A Conductor has been fined $00 in Buffalo New York, for ejecting a man from a car because he refused to give i ne court held that inp; content for Oovernor, the masses have i ixiics, or those w ho wished to be consid The Bedford Gazette says there is con siderable talk in political circles in refer ence to the withdrawal of General Geary as the Badical candidate for Governor. We hope not. He is our favorite candi date, not on account of bis ardent profes sions of 'life-long Democracy" made in bis letter to Major Samuel Maguire, but because he is the weakest man that could possibly have been nominated by the Bumps. Do let him run ! Tnic Republic, the new Republican Johnson paper, published in Pittsburgh, and so ably edited by N. 1. Sawyer, Esq., is about the neatest, spsightliest and most enterprising of the Pittsburgh Dailies, and is getting better and better every day. The tcrai3 of the Daily are: Single copies, 2 cents; per week, 10 cents; per year, So.OO'. Address, "TAc Ityullic," Pittsburgh, Pa. no idea of electing a Legislature which will elect cither Cameron or Forney or any other of the stripe to the United States Senate. This they have mnJo up their minds to and the whole corrupt set of as pirants may even now take back seats, for certain they are, if they persist, in be ing left out in the cold. All the thousands which the "loyal' patriots have accumula ted by contracts and otherwise cannot save their party, from overwhelming defeat at j the coming election. The masses have i said it ; and. in the language of General j Jackson their motto is for all "to put i their shoulders to the wheel pray to God for strength and push on the column." riltdlurgh rost. small pigs, two uarrovrs, u rec e.iiv-s scrips of btes, one cooking stove. -i,e : stove, five bedsteads and bc!;:i?g, t scythes, one grain crad! iind t!,rre chains. Any person interfering wit:, ahove mentioned property, will he with according to law. oii.LiNGiiAM jt gar::i?os July 12, 1800 -3t. KEROSENE TEA AND GAS STOVES AXD COFFEE BOILERS, CL rOTS, OIL CANS, Arc, c. 05- All the cooking for a -f:" fj- family may be done with - : 5- Ker-ene Oil. or Gas. 3" with less, trouble, and at .) (jej- less expense, than by any -T; &" othtr fuel. Each Artiol" '.oiufacti:rod hy thi- f ro.v ia guaranteed to perform all ;.. claimed for it. fjCJ- Send f r a Circulat. -: Addrhss to the Dkmockacy. The Democratic members of the present frag ment cf a Congress have united in appro val of the call for a National Union Con vention, to be held in Philadelphia on the 1 J tli of August. They recommend that "wise, moderate and conservative men" be elected in every Congressional district, "to the tmd that all the States shall at once be restored to their practical relations to the Union, the Constitution be main tained, and peace bless the whole country." C3 Mr. Wilson, the editor, being ab sent from his post at the time this paper ; is issued, and intending to be absent for i 1 some days, any sins of ommission or com- what an admonition to their colleagues to j mission noticeable in this week's paper or t inn from the errors of their ways, lest the number which is to follow, should be their end shall be like theirs ? ! .attributed lo this fact. The Harrisburg Tdegih calls the In diana Register "a guerilla sheet" The Register must feel refreshed, after laboring for so many years, to find itself read, all of a sudden, out of the ranks by Hessian Bcrgncr. "The Devil take the hindmost." G7" A terrible example of retributive justice occurred last week near Catasau- qua, Pennsylvania, as given by tho Al Lntown Jl.-gister. A man named Miller, about three weeks ago, made an arrange- it ment witii some ot lus companions in vice, to meet him at a certain place every Sunday, when he would administer to them the holy ordinance of communion, giving them whisky and crackers. This mock ceremony was performed every Sun day, but the bands which administered the mock emblems in derision, were so mangled by the prematirfe discharge of a blast last week, as to require amputation. He was so severely burned about the head, that after two days of extreme suffcr ir.T', he went to meet his insulted Creator. Keep Your Discharges. Gov. Curtin has signed the bill disfran chising non-reporting drafted men, and the Supreme Court not having determined the constitutionality of the act of Con gress of March o, (upon which decision the validity of the State law rests,) it is essential that all honorably discharged soldiers should preserve their discharge papers, and that all persons who were en rolled for the draft and secured exemption for any and every cause should preserve the papers furnished them by tho boards of enrollment. All those papers will have to be pre served with scrupulous care, because it is likely, (and proper enough too,) that all persons who were enrolled or who have been in service will bo required to show their qualifications as electors. It will be very annoying and irritating, no doubt, especially to veterans who have served their country faithfully during the war to bo compaid to submit to the same draw backs and annoyances so long endured by naturalized citizens, but there can be no help for it if the Disunion-shoddy-Kepub-lican bill goes into operation. The sol diers must thank the "soldiers' friend" (!) and the Disunionists of the last Legisla ture for all the trials and tribulations to which they will be subjected. Preserve the papers and discharges. Patriot and Union. cred such, are legally entitled to no more privileges in public conveyances than men, and that when the latter pay for seats they have a perfect right to occupy them so long as they conduct themselves in a proper manner. Soldiers Rr.rrDiATiNG the PnroTJCT.w Convention. At meeting of the "Miff lintown and Patterson Soldiers' Clymer Club," held at Patterson, Juniata county, resolutions were adopted repudiating the sentiments ot the convention at l utsourg. and its candidate Geary recommend the holding of a State John son Clymer Soldiers' Convention in Rcad innr on the first day of August next, for n the purpose of placing themselves on a true Union and Constitutional platform ; each Representative district to have five delegates for every member elected to the Legislature. Growth or our Xavy. In 17S3 cue navy consisted of four vessels ; lSlo of 2T0, carrying 1,030 gur ; in March, lSuo, we had 034 vessels wan t,n guns. These comparisons of numbers of ships and guns, however, do not fairly represent our progress in naval power. What comparison can be made between a frigate or line-of-battle ship of fifty years ago, with its wooden sides, heavy spars, dependence upon wind for maneuvering, and a battery of eighteen, thirty-two, and fortv-two pounders, and a monitor of impenetrable iron, moved independent of j wind or tide, and armed with a battery of four fifteen-inch guns! LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO THE TJ: KEROSENE LAMP IIEATi::: C 20G TEAKL STREET, Is.V The Portland Fire. On the Fourth of July a fire broke out on the harbor side of Portland, Maine. Through the whole long night tho conflagration seems to have spread upward and onward, entirely un checked, along the principal commercial streets, enveloping and destroying in its march the Custom-house, the splendid city and county buildings, eight churches, nearly all the principal newspaper offices, the chief hotels, and the whole of the finest business structures of the city. By this terrible calamity, ten millions of dol lars, worth of property has been destroyed and two thousand families are made house less. It is impossible for the numerous sufferers to get succor from local aid. The Eastern cities arc properly sending forward contributions. x Suicide or Senator Lwt. A Leav enworth dispatch dated July 2d, says : Senator Lane, of this State shot himself last evening, inflicting a wound which re sulted fatally at 9 o'clock today. He has been acting strangely for several days, and a careful watch kept over him ; but while Tiding last evening with his brother-in-law, MeCall, anel Captain Adams, brother of his son-in-law, he got out of the wagon, which stopped at the gate of the government farm, the residence of McCall, and stepping to the rear, drew a pistol and shot himself in the mouth, the ball passing out through the top of his skull. The act was undoubtedly the re sult of temporary mental derangement. He is the third member of the family who has committed suicide. W.4.TED. $rT.GO irr t'ay AO EH TO wanted, lanes and g i.ti :. every County in the Unif-.'d the Ink Powders of the American I pany. The powder sells for furty or. package, and will make i; k am:!: : fifty bottles of the size usually !: . ten cents per bottle. A inarta:'. .. The Club also j a Z c'f t every day, and ch...r the 1CK can made from tho p : three minutes "ra common L-mng is a perfect black Wk, the best in ti.u It flows easily, does n -orr-.de t'.e -particle, never gums up. i T.t in":: freezing, and its color will 1 . ' . Every family in America wjl - . package vill last a family f r v-.m: . can he made in smiil qu,i.titii With each gross we .sond a t!.;.-.-v. lars, with testimonials from t .-rh . w. . yers, teachers, merchants, coir. . leges, editors. &c, and the r;j.-? . the bills. Only ore person will aent for a Ccunty. The f;r-t ' -: $30 for a gross of the powder wiil : by return express, together who sand circulars and the right to county he or she design i:es. If .. ' for the same county, the money v. turned to them free .f oxperse. T : sure, one had better designate .-. ' i tics, either of which he or si " v. Send for trade list and eirc'.;r :; ' run the risk ot waiting, or s. for a gross. Letters address 1 - '- Postmaster, cashiers of the h i.ix-. press agents of this city, will s. business is honorably and s pi n cd. An Ink Powder will be s to any address, free of change, t forty cents. Address, writing yonr na'.e. ty and State distinctly. AMERICAN INTv .- . - N THE MARKETS. Erensccrg, July 11, 18GC. Flour, 13 to 14 per barrel; Corn, 1 per bushel; Beans, 1.25 to $2; Butter, 25c per pound; Eggs, 15c per tlozen ; Flax seed, 2.50 ; .Timothyseed, 3,50; Clo verseed, 8 ; Coffee, 30 and 31c per lb.; Molasses, 90c per gallon ; Syrup, 1.25 and 1.40 ; Brown Sugar 12 and 13 cts. per pound ; White, 20 to 22c ; Bice, 15 cents ; Wool, 50 cents per pound. The following report of the Pittsburgh market is extracted from the rost of the 19th instant. THOMAS W. LAV July 12, 1SCG. Clerk for the Company an! - Estate of John Dougherty, LETTERS OF aDMU-'TIUT: the estate of John Dougherty Chest township, Cambria county, t -deceased, having been granted to signed, by the Register of said c persons indebted to said dece.ise -quest ed to make payment, ami t ex claims are hereby notified to prtv' properlv authenticated for settlor. C AT II ARIXE 1 )0 UG II EST Y. A Chest township, June 2S, ISCo -t :- Estate of Conrad Behe, De:f liniEREAS, Letters of An'i5 T T on the estate of Coura E,eiuv Washington townshtp, Canria c deceased, having been gr.ated tot--signed by the Register of said cc-' persons having clarr against saU hereby notified tJ present tliera Authenticated f r settlement, aai- debted are requested to make payc;' out delay. WILLIAM P.EI1E.) ; JOSEPH CRISTE.J" June -'8, 18CC.-Ct.-. 3r W'