i. i ! FARMER'S COLUMN. To Keep Tikes on Wheels Hear what a practical man says on the subject : 'I ironed a wagon one year ago for my own use, and before putting on the tires I filled the felloes with linseed oil; and the tires have worn out and were never loose. I ironed a buggy for my own use several years ago, and the tires are now as tight as when put on. My method of filling the felloes with oil is as foljows: I use a long cast-iron heater, made for the pur pose. The oil is brought to a boiling he;it, the wheel is placet! on a stick, .so as to hang in the oil each felloe, an hour for a common-sized felloe. The timber should Ive drv, as green timber will not take oil. Care should be taken that the oil be no hotter than a boiling heat, in order that the timber be not burnt. Timber filled with oil is not susceptible to water, and the timber 13 much more durable. I was much amused some years ago, when I told the blacksmith how to keep the tire tight on wheels, by his telling me it was a profitable business to tighten tires, and the wagon-maker will say that it is profit able to him to make and repair wheels; but what will the farmer who supports the wheelwright and smith say? Active Manure. One of the most active manures, and readily within the reach of most farmers, is a mixture of leached ashes, plaster and night soil, mix ed with fine soil. Let them be thorough ly worked over on a euiooth spot, and al lowed to stand a week before using, work ing it over every other day, and you have a most valuable manure at trifling cost of time. . A handful of this mixture in 1 hill is excellent to give corn a start. Po tatoes and garden vegetables generally feel it very quick. lien manure 13 an ex cellent ingredient in such manures, but it should be well slaked with water before mixing with other substances. In this climate we have quite often a cold week cr two the first of June, when coin and tender garden vegetables sutler severely. We know of no bettor way to keep up the courage of plants at this trying season than by the use of such manures. The New York World gives a sum mary of such intelligence as it ha3 receiv ed in relation to the crops, and remarks that making due allowance for the well known fact that unfavorable reports are the rule and favorable ones the exception during the spring, when great anxiety is felt and farmers are disposed to look on the dark side, it may justly be said that the prospect for an average crop of wheat is as good as usual at this season; and taking the Central and Southern States into the account, better than for any year tiucc 18G1. Notwithstanding the predic tion that the low price of corn would dis courage its production in the West, an unusually large breadth has been already planted in that section, while in Virginia and other Southern States there will be more corn grown than in any previous rear. To KiDtovK Stumps. Mr. Barnes, of Baltimore, removed a troublesome stump from near his house in the following manner: 'Last fall, with an inch auger, he bor ed a hole in the centre of the stump ten inches deep, and into it put about half a pound of oil of vitrei, and corked the hole up tight. This fpring the whole stump and roots extending through all their ram ifications, were so rotten that they were easily eradicated." If true, the above would be a cheap method of removing stumps. The sul phuric acid can be bought for about live cents per pound. Eggs. A correspondent writes: A hen is a perfect machine which if cared for as it should be, being kept in comfort able quarters and fed with care, will pro duce eggs in spite of itself. If as a rule a a hen is kept clean (for nothing enjoys cleanliness more than a hen) and furnish ed a supply of grain, meat and vegetables, she will produce the eggs which she has got to lay or die. Take away the flesh and vegetables and small grain and give corn and water alone and your hens will cease to lay and become fat. Corn in it self has less of the properties which make the egg than any of the smaller grains which we raise. Kice, wheat, barley and buckwheat are best for eggs. IVnvi.s. Give hens as much space as possible, If confined, throwing them fresh sods daily, as at this season grass will be a good part of their living. Provide clean gravel aud lime, and a good dusting box, and lime-wash the houses, nest boxes, and roofs frequently. A hen with chick ens will do Tutle scratching if her feet are tied up in a little bag or toe of an old stocking, and the brood will do much good in the garden. Lice on Hens and Chickens. Raise the wings of setting hens, and examine them closely for vermin. Sometimes lice annoy hens so grievously, that they will quit the nest. Apply sweet oil beneath their wings; and also oil chickens and youug turkeys tliat are infested with lice. Lice will sometimes stick around the root of the bill of turkeys and chickens, in the skin. Provide a box of dry sand where they can roll in it ; and lice will find it so uncomfortable in their feathers, that they will seek other quarters. Great Improvement In Sewing Machines. EiTPIRE SHUTTLE MACHINE. PATENTED FEB. 14, 1860. 01 1 536 Broadway, New York. Salesrooms, j25Q Wasbinga gt Boston THIS MACHINE is constructed on en tirely new principles of mechanism, possess ing many rare and valuable improvements, haviDg been examined by the most profound exparts, and pronounced to be Simplicity and Perfection Combined. It has a straight needle, perpendicular action, makes the LOCK or SHUTTLE STITCH, which will neither RIP nor K AVEL, and is alike on both sides ; performs perfect sewing on every description of material, from Leather to the finest Nansock muslin, with cotton, linen or silk thread, from the coarsest to the finest number. H iving neither CAM or COG WHEEL, and the least possible friction, it runs as smooth as ghiss, at.! is Emphatically a Suiidcxx Machine. It requires FIF1T FEU CENT, less power to drive it than any other machine in market. A sirl twelve yeara of nge can work it steadily, without fatigue cr injury to health. Its strength and wonderful simplicity of construction renders it almost- impossible to get cut of order, aud is GUARANTEED by the company to give entire satisfaction. We respectfully invite all those who may desire to supply themselves with a superior article, to come and examine this UNRI YAIJLED MACHINE. IJut in a more especial manner do we Solicit the patronage of Merchant Tailors, Coach Makers, Jlouj) Si'iu-t Manufac turers, Shirt a 11 d Bosom Corset Maimers, Gaiter Fillers, Shoe Binders, Vest and Pantaloon Makers, Dress Makers. Makers, One half hour's instruction is sufficient to enable any person to work this Machine to their entire "satisfaction. Agents wanted for all towns in the United States, where agencies are not already established. Also for Cuba, Mexico, Central and South America, to whom a liberal discount will be given. J. T. Mc ARTHUR & CO., 53G BroaJvvav, New York. D. & CO. 250 Washington St., Boston, -921 ChesnutSt..Pkihi. October 12, 1SC5. To the Public. IIEMLOC K AWAKE! The subscribers take pleasure in calling the attention of the public to the fact that they have just received at their NEW STORE, AT LILLY'S STATION, a lanre and varied stock of DRY GOODS, of every btyle, Hoots and Shoes, Uats and Caps, FLOUR, BACON, GROCERIES. FISH, SALT, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, NOTIONS, and in fact any and every thing usually found ia a country store, which thev offer at GREATLY REDUCED TRICES roa CASH. 3- Goods given in exchaage for all kinds of marketable country prodijgc. J. il. DYSART & CO. Hemlock; May 3, 18C6-Sm. LORETTO M ARB LB WORKS. I7I1IE UNDERSIGNED begs leave to inform J the citizens of Cambria and adjjining counties, that lie lias just received a stotk of the finest Italian and other Marbles at his Establish mcnt.ln Lorello Cambria co., Pa.. Monuments, Tombs, Grace Stones, Table and Bureau tops, manufactured of the most beautiful and finest quality of Foreign, and Domestic marble, always on hand and made to order as cheap as they can be purchased in the city, in a neat and workmanlike manner, and on the shortest notice. The public'are respectfully invited toghe me a call before purchasing elsewhere, as I am confident that my work and prices vill satisfy any person desiring any thing in my linn of business. Now is the time to get a cheap jJb ! JAMES WILKINSON. Lorotlo, April 12, lSG.ly. FOREIGN SHIPPING EXCHANGE OFFICE. T"JE are now selling Exchange (at New York j Rates on England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, . Germany, Prussia, Austria, Bavaria, Wurtemberg, Baden, Hcssen, Saxony, Hanover, Belgium, Switzerland, Holland, Norway and France. .And Tickets to and from any Port in England, Ireland, Scotland, Germany, France, California, New South Wales or Australia. KERR & CO. Altoona, March 1, lSCG.ly. JOM !K THOMAS. Boot and Shoe Maker, SHOP ON MAIN STT., EBENSBURG, one door East of Crawford's hotel, and immediately opposite the store of E. J. Mills & Co, is prepared to do all work in his line on short notice and in a workmanlike manner. The work done at this establishment will compare favorable with that of any shop in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh or elsewhere in the country. French Calf, Common Calf, Mo rocco and all kinds of Leather constantly on hand. All work warranted to render satis faction. November 2, 1865.1y. PURE LIBERTY WniTE LEAD, The 1 Whitest, the most durable and most eco nomical. Try it ! Manufactured only by ZIEGLER & SMITH, Wholesale Drug, Paint and Glass Dealers, No. 137 North THIRD Street. ' ' PHILADELPHIA. February 8, 1866. ly. PRICES REDUCED. Johnstown Marble "VVorksj A NEW STOCK The subscriber has just received a large and handsome invoice of Italian and American MARBLE, comprising the largest and finest;' stock of the kind ever brought to SA Johnstown, at his establishment K on Franklin Street, where he is prepared, with aa adequate force of experienced and tkilful workmen,' to execute all kinds of MONUMENTS. Mantels, Tombstones, Ta ble and Bureau Tops, &c, as cheap as they can be purchased in any of the cities. A large stock of Giundstones on hand and for sale low. A room has been opened in Ebeusburg, a few doors west of Dr. S. S. Christy's Drug Store, where articles of my manufacture are kept constantly on hand, to which the at tention of purchasers is invited. O" Prompt attention paid to orders from a distance aud work delivered where de sired. JOHN PARKE. June 7, 18C6. EBENSBURG FOUNDRY. The subscri ber announces to the public, that ho has repurchased the Ebensburg Foundry and is prepared to furnish his former customers and all others with every description of cast ings usually manufactured at a country es tablishment, lie will always keep on hand the best quality of COOKING STOVES, j PARLOR STOYES, OFFICE STOVES. &c. Also PLOWS, of the most approved pat tern. PLOW' POINTS, THRESHING .uALiiU c. ana an otner articles connect ed with the business of a Found ry. He invites the patronage of the public and. will sell at the most reasonable prices, for cash or couutry produce. EDWARD GLASS. March 29, 18C5-ly. in w mil On Main street, Ebensburg Pa., 3 KEEPS constantly on hand and for sale, a general supply of Envelopes, Writing Ink, Pens, Pencils, Pen Holders, WiWA MMM, Magazines, and other articles in his line, ail of which are sold at reasonable rates. February 8, 18CG. CHAIR MANUFACTORY. H.P.FATT JOHXSTOWX PI. ALL KINDS OF CHAIRS, such as common Winsor Chairs, Fret Back Chairs, Vienna Chairs, Bustle Chairs, Rim Backed Chairs, Sociable Chairs, Cant Stat (Sjjaus, ROCKING CHAIRS, OF EVERY SIZE SPRING SEAT CHAIRS Settees, Lounges, &c, &c. jJJSS CCS) CABINET FURNITURE of every description and of latest STYLES, WITH PRICES TO SUIT THE Tastes of all. Thankful for past favors, he respect fully tolicits a liberal share of public patron age. Clinton Street, Johnstown Cambria Co. Pa. November 20th. 1SG1. N EW FIRM. A. M'FADDON & BROTHERS. OLD BRICK WAREHOUSE, HOLLIDAYSBURG, PA., Dealers in all kinds cf GROCERIES, TOBACCO, FLOUR, CIGARS, CHOP, MACKEREL, CORN MEAL, SHAD, SALT, HERRING, PLASTER, CODFISH, NAILS & IRON, GRAIN, GLASS, LEAD & OILS. All of which are sold low for cash. " Uollidaysburg, May 31, 1865-tf 18C6. PHILADELPHIA. ISG6. WALL PAPERS. HOWELL fc BOUEKE, MANUFACTURERS OF PAPER HANGINGS Window Shades, Corner FOURTH & MARKET Streets. PHILADELPHIA. N. B. Always in Store, a Large Stock of LINEN & OIL SHADES. March 1, 186G.Sm. ANSION HOUSE. AT THE PEX2PA RALROAD DEPOT PITTSBURG. PA. MEALS READY OX THE ARRIVAL OF ALL TRAINS. J. IL CLARK & CO., Proprietors. Sept. 23, 1803. tf . The Mystery, by Mrs. Wood. The LTeir ess of Bellefont. By E. Bennett. William Allair, By Mrs. U. Wood. Col lege Life, By F. H. Fanor. North Pacific Exploring Expedition, By A. II. Harbers ham. . For sale by ... ; . JAMES MURRAY. ". mm tlQk CORXEIl GROCERY STOKE. THOMAS & WMYBR, Comer of Main and FranUin Streets, JOHNSTOWN, PA., SEEPS constantly on hand a gcneial as sortment of FAMILY GROCERIES,' Country Produce, &c. together with Spices, Pickles, Preserved Fruits, Dried Fruits, Tobacco, Cigars, &c, all of which will be sold as cheap as the cheapest. Call and" examine our stock. Nov. 16, ISCo.ly. June7,18GG. BBBN8BUHS HOUSE. mhe undersiged having purchased and 1 taken possession of the Ebcnburg Hou.se (formc-ly ocupied by Henry Foster.) will be happy to receive and accommod ate his old customers, and all others who may be disposed to patronize bini. The Proprietor feels assured from the spacious HOUSE, STABLE & ether facilities that 1 he can offer at least as good accommo datiocs as can behad at any other in the place. He is iu possession of a Iarge.supply of the choisest liquors with which his bar will be furnished; his table will be furn iihed with ali th luxuries of the season, and he intends by his hospitality and care, to merit the patrouage of all those who stop with him. ISAAC CRAWFORD. Ebensburg April, 17, 18G1. tf. If HIT 419 CAP STORE. II . W. BAMHI8BL, HAS just returned from the east, where he has purchased the largest and best assort ment of HATS AND CAPS ever brought to Johnstown, together with an excellent assortment of gentlemen's furn ishing goods. Alio a fine quality of gentle men's SHOES AND GAITERS. His stock consists in part of Drawers, Shirts, Collars. Handkerchiefs, Necties, Suspenders, Stockings. Gloves, Umbrellas, Ladies Hats, Hoods, Leghorn Hats, Hats for children and youth, together with all sorts of goods usu ally kept in an establishment of this kind. His goods are all new. Call and examine his stock. Don't forget the place, on Main street, three doors exst of Frazier's Drug Store. January 18, 1866.tf. WM. M; LLOYD &L CO., B A N K ERS, ALTOOXA, PA. if ILL transact all legitimate Banking, buy and sell Government Bonds aud Gold and Silver. Interest paid on time deposits. February 1, 1866.tf. HEN 11 Y HARPER, 520 Arch -Strcc, Philadelphia, f ATCHES, and superior SILYER PLATED WARE, at Reduced Prices. March 29, 1806. 3m. For Sale or Rent. A FARM containing forty acres, about six acres of which are cleared, with a pood house and barn and an excellent orchard thereon, situate at Mullin Bridge, ou the Turnpike in Cambria township, Cambria county, about two miles East of Ebensburg, is offered for sale or rent. The uncleared portion of the land is covered with a large growth of excellent timber, and the entire farm is well supplied with good vater. For further information apply to the undersigned living in Muuster, Minister township Pa. ROSANNA McKIM. April 12, lSC6.3t.. der and upper feed. Sent on trial. War ranted five years. Above salary or large commissions paid. The Osly machines sold in the United States for less than $40 which are fully licensed by lloice. Wheeler II ilson, G rover &? Baker, binyer 4 Co., and Bachtdder. All other cheap machines are injringements and the seller or user are liable to' arrest, fine and imprisonment. Illustrated circulars sent free. Address, or call upon Shaw & Clark, at Biddeford, Maine, or Chicago, 111. May 31. lSGG.-ly The Mason' & Hamlin Cabinet Organs. forty different styles, adapted to sacred and secular music, for $80 to $G00 each. FIF TY-ONE GOLD Oil SILYER MEDALS, or other first premiums awarded them. Il lustrated Catolojrncs free. Address, MA SON & HAMLIN, Boston, or MASON BROTHERS. New York. Sept. 6, 18C5.1y. JVoticc. T ETTERS of Administration cum tcstamen li to annexo, upon the estate of Richard Nagle, late of Susquehanna township Cam bria county, deceased, have been gr.'.nted to the subscribers, by the Register of Cambria county. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and pay the same ; and those having claims against will present them properly authenticated lor settlement 'JOHN li. .NAGLE. RICHARD U. NAGLE, May 17, 18CG-Ct. Executors. FURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD. Pre ferred by all practical Painters ! Try it ! and you will have no other. Manufactured only by ZIEGLER & SMITH, Wholesale Drug, Paint and GIs Dealers, No. 137 North THIRD Street. PHILADELPHIA. February 8, 18C6.1yT CARPENTER'S RHEUMATIC FLUID, for sale at the Book Store of Feb. 22, 18C6. JAMES MURRAY. SI PPfl PER YEAR! We want A cents eve J.OliU ry where to sell our IMPROVED $20 Sew in 2 Machines. Three new kinds. Un HIGHEST PREMIUM SBWINO MicnixBs; AWARDED THE HIGHEST PREMIUM AT THE International Exhibition," LO.DO.V, lfl'l. INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION, PABis, 1861, KONIGSHUHG, PRUSSIA, 13G3, AM) STETTIN. PRUSSIA. I8SS. TV r-AAtHfTITinV WTTTT ATT fl,n 1o 1 ins Sewing Machines in lLiliVl'lL, AM) AM LR1CA, and the United States Agricul tural Association ; Metropolitan Mechanics' Institute, Washington ; Franklin Institute, Philadelphia; Mechanics Association, Boston; Ametican Institute, New York; Maryland Institute, Baltimore; Mechanics Association, Cincinnati; Kentucky Institute, Louisville ; Mechanics Insitute, San Francisco: and at EVERY STATE AND COUNTY FAIR WHERE EXHIBITED THIS SEASON. Upwards of 200,000 of these Machines HAVE ALREADY BEEN SOLD, a fiirt. th;it neaks louder than words of the success and popularity of Wheeleb & Wil son s r amily Ml ITM Sffll elACHKE. The Cheapest Machine in the World, Because it is the Best. Every Machine Warranted For Three Years. Customers Risk Nothirg in Purchasing. INSTRUCTIONS FREE. Always happy to Exhibit and Explain them. 37Circulars, containing an explanation of the Machine, with testimonials from ladies of the highest social standing, given on ap plication, either in person cr by mail. WM. SUMNER 8l CO., Agents for the Western States and Western Pennsylvania. Principal office and Wholesale Emporium : No. 27 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. July 26, 18C5. LOOK HERE! THE undersigned will sell at private sale the following real estate in Cambria county, viz : A tract of land in Washington township, situate 11 miles frcm Cresson, adjoining lans of M. M. Adams. Daniel Criste, Hugh J. M'Closkey, Joseph Criste, Jacob Burgoon, and others, containing about 313 acres. Also A piece or parcel of land situate in the same township, about two miles from the borough of Wilmore and one mile from lrtage Station, adjoining lands of P. M' Cough, Esq., containing NINETY-SIX ACRES, about sixty acres of which are cleared, having thereon erected a frame dwelling house and fracne barn. On this tract there is a large vein of limestone and a vein of coal. A 10 Two contiguous tracts of cord and tiuiber land, t-iUiate near Summerbill Station, in Croyle township, containing SCO acres, fifty of which are cleared, having thereon erected a dwelling house and baru. Also A tract of timber land in Black lick and Carroll townships, containing 317 acres. A branch of tne Blacklick creek and Dutch run pass through the same. This is a desirable property. Also The farm and coal tract formerly owned by J-hn GiUan, Sr., situate in Black lick township, about seven miles North-west of Ebensburg, adjoining lands of the late John GiUan. Jr., David R iwland, David Davis, Jr., and Jacob and Peter Wagner, containing 123 acres, or thereabouts, having thereon erected a good stone dwelling house and a log barn. This laud contains an abundance of coal of a superior quality a vein 4 feet thick having been opened and worked. Ai.so A piece or parcel of land situate in Cambria township, adjoining the a.acient city of Buleaw, containing 02 acres. Also A number of lots, dwelling houses, and pieces or parcels of ground situate in and near the boro' of Ebensburg. Also Other lands located in different parts of the county not above desiamatei. WM. KITTELL. Ebensburg, Nov. SO, 18G5. tf. SADDLERY AND HARNESS. The undersigned keeps constantly on hand and is still manufacturing all articles in his line such as, SADDLES, FINE SINGLE & DOUBLE HARNESS DRAFT HARNESS, BLIND BRIDLES. RIDING BRIDLES, CHECK LINES, HALTERS. WHIPS, BRlCIIIiANDS &c, &c, which he will dispose of at low prices for cash. His work is all warranted, and being ex perienced, he puts the best of leather in his work. Thankful for past favors, he hopes, by attention to business to merit a continu ance of the patronage heretofore so liberal ly extended to him. Shop above the store of Robert Davis. Persons wishing good and substantial Har ness can be accommodated by. r - HUGIIM'COY, Ebensburg Dec, 11, 1861-tf. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, HELMBOLD'S BUCI1U HELMBOLD'S BUCHU. HELMBOLD'S LUCE 17. THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY ro?. DIABETES, Irritation of the Neck of the BaJJ-r fiammaticn of the Kidneys. CatarrL of' "Bladder, Stranguarj' or 1'ainful UriLat: For these diseases it.is truly a s .vt remedy, and too much cannot be m;j -praise. A bingle do.e has Wea ki. relieve the most urgent symptoms. Are you troubled with that : iro-. pain in the small of the back a:.J thr. the hips? A teaspoon ful a da v ,1 r hold's Buchu will relieve ytu. Physicians and Others, please notic;;. I make no secret cf ingredient;. H hold's Extract Buchu is coaipos-e.'. of p,. .' Cubebs, and Juniper Berries, stke : v.-; great care, prepared vacuo aud a.Cvrdx t, rules of PHARMACY AND CHEMISTRY. These ingredients are known as the -; valuable Diuretics afibrdeJ. A DIURETIC Is that which acts upon the ki j;:ev;. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT LL'CIIL ACTS GENTLY, Is pleasant in ta.-te ad odor, free ": a'; injurious properties, and irumcdiite :3 u; action. FOR THE SATISFACTION OF ALL. See Medical Properties contained h. Dj.t.. satory of the U. S., of which tLe LILwIlcj a correct copy : Bucuc. its odor is strong, diffuse, &:. somewhat aromatic, its taste bitteris!;. analogous to that of mint. It is chiefly in complaints of the Urinary 0 such as Gravel, Chronic C.it.inh Bladder, Morbid Irritation of the I, V. and Urethra, Diseases of the PrMr.r.v. li: Retention of the Incontinence tf Urh . a loss of tone in the parts concerted l :: evacuation. It La alw been rccc r..r;;t-; i; in Dyspejia, Cnrcnic R!.et:niaus:u. C'iit ous Affections, and Dr -t-sv." FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. See Profi-ssor Dewee's valuable works Ln'- Practice of Physic. See Rtni.iris made by the celebrated riiysic, of Fiuladclphia. See any and all Standard worka .: Medicine. FROM THE Largest M anitf'aciuriny Chemist IN THE WORLD. I am acquainted with H. T. IL'::.! he occupied the drug store c-p: n.v residence, and was successful in tn.Iu:::; the business where ethers hai n t equally so before him. 1 have been bly impressed with his character nnl : terprise. WM. WEIGH T M AN, (Firm of Powers & Weightman.) Mil. fact uring Chemists, Nnth and Brtr.-n ."5. Phi'adel phia. From the PhiVa. Ec. Bulletin, M :rA We are gratifi-d to hear of the c :.: success, in New York, i.f our t :.:... Mr. U. T. Ilehnbold, Drugdst. Ills -next to the Metropolitan Il-jivd, : : front, 230 feet deep, and five st It is certainly a grand establisi.nient. speaks favorably of the merit ci i.U urt He retains bis Office and Lat .r;U -ry in city, which are also model est J.-IisLm-.n:: . their class. The proprietor has beer, induced t.; rr.s--this statement from the fact that his dies, although advertised, are G E NUINE PREPARATIONS. And. knowing that the intelligent i-.b' from using anything pertaining to V"- i-r-or the Patent Medicine order must o! are prepared by self styled D .etuis. : ' too ignorant to read a pl.ysici.mV s'.. ; prescription, much less competent t pare pharmaceutical preparations. THESE PARTIES RESORT to various means of eUccting sab. t.'- copying parts of advertisements ; ! p remedies, and finishing with cert:': .' The Science of Medicine stands SIMi'I" PURE, and MAJESTIC In.vh. :1V:: its Basis, Induction for it I::..r. T:-' alone for its Capital. A WORD OF CAUTION. Health is moct important : and t: flicted should not use an adverti.v-.i n. : or any remedy, unless its contents .iy dients are known to others b-. :is manufacturer, or until they are s.ttVk tho qualifications of the party so . ::.. HELMBOLD'S Genuine Preparatic FLUID EXTRACT RUCEl, FLUID EXTRACT SARSAFAKlL'J " AND IMPROYED ROSE WASH- Established Upwards f Si-i:n 1. rcr.PARKU r.y H. T. HELMB0LP Principal Depots. HELMBOLD'S DRUG AND Ol CAL WAREHOUSE, 594, Bn-adwa: :, AND HELMBOLD'S .o. 1U4 south Tenth Street, rkua-'etpn. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Nov. 30, 1S65. !!:.