6 gcntotntt anb Sentinel. mocratic County Convention ne Peuiccracy of Cambria county are to assemble at the usual places Mi--elections, in their respecUve elcc ':' u v'rl-ta, on Saturday, the 23J day of iKino lO-;, to elect Delegates to a Conven IviiVh will convene at the Court House, :Crwlnr',.on Monday, the 25th day of ?hiaci! atone o'clock, P. M., for the .'.."oie of nominating a County Ticket, and ' rtrm such other duties as the usages of t'firty and the interests of the Country Jar require i full attendance is requested. A GEORGE XV. 0 ATM AN, Chairman Democratic Co. Com. Fnbiirsrf May 29, 18GG. vj-Ti.f locusts are coming. The Blairr-v:-;! r.-as.iys that section of country is Mvarm'n-,' with them. Soon the forests will J,.. c:.J ith the cry. of -rhar-o-a h." j-Ik:ntirjgVn boasts two Base Ball r.-ls bi.th of whitb, the Monitor says. j v wi'l'. SeuJ some of your best up i . " ..,v. and learu us how to idav ....j . . , - i..t j:i:i;e. t: Xaa.-y I limes of Summerhill township Lis K-tt her cow, nnd offers a reward of tw v ilnlais to any person who will iri::n; hiT. See advertisement in another , Juii.n. (rj-We ivtice that an amendment has Iven adopted to the new tax bill now before Coi'Sress, that prohibits the publishing of .: hv s, which are iut to be furnished to iv.it r i.r i ther persons under any pretext w La! ever. IIou.-e Sroi.iK. O.i Mviiday night last, a valuable hrse was stolen from the pas-!ure-ft!d of Washington Or, in Tyrone t.vi..-h":i, P.'air county. The hurse was of a Irown color, about six years old and in onditlou. A reward of $230 is offer ei f t the recovery of the horse and arrest a::,i conviction of the thief, or 50 for the return of the horse alone. The horse was bray, l-d with the letter "C" under his mane. C-v- When in Johnstown la?t week we st-fiied at the Scott House, kept by A. ... i. f . 1 ...l. ... i .i k a v''., ana wiioii we assort inai mis is a nil kept iouse, under the management i! the present proprietors, we speak under s!.nidii:g!y. Tie r.iil.s are moderate and the t vommodations excellent. Those who tarry this house for aiiy length of time fare i '.iiiptiioii.dy every day. See card in anoth er column. r The States Unl.-n II tel, Market st.. Ihiiiidulphia, is now what may be termed a , -jil hotel. Those of our readers who may Live occasion to visit the city, will fiud it a 0 n.i rt.ib.'e and convenient stopping place. We sj cak cndeistandingly on this subject ne tarried at the States Union during a 1 irt tf hist week. See card in another col i.:;;n, under the head of "Philadelphia liusi-r--.i Cards." rtTiiiusxic. Two c'rcus men engaged in -:it:.- of tl.-ticr.ff, at the depot, on Monday The reasons for this little 'mill" 'o re a plentitude if whiskey and a scarcity :l" the-where-with-all." Circuses generally jut their best foot foremost, but if theso ! '"'"'u.aers are specimens of the best God 'pt!;e worst, say wj. It" these traveling -' iif.. are c rrect representatives of the cir tt''ion 'S sh -ttbj to visit us, it must be a 1 '-f vice and depravity. l-yH' !;.cof cur readers may not be aware a Mx-! or.-e circus is expected here some-t"v- flA L-th. Such is the case, however, i'.lte m.n by a few blue bills which ':. a'.nt, nho had been indulging rather ''I sa arscnicated-strychnine, stuck up, ::t peuniseion on our fence. The thing Lul. aud from present appearances, :ia: e all those who will pel si: t in at- a poor sliow to look wt.ll to their i eiet-books. We flircct attention to the advertise ' : t ( f Tronk W. Hay, Wholesale and lle :! Dealer in Copper, Tin and Sheet-Iron 'e, Canal street, Johnstown. When in 1 Utown last week, we called with Mr. :y and found his stock large and well .pted to the wants of our readers. His : ices are as low as the lowest, and Mr. -.y, if we mistake not, is a gentleman in iy sense of the word a man with whom ' a J kasuie to deal. Those of our read rs who are in the habit of making purchas- B oonusiown. snouia not tail to call r . . 1 ..... Frank W'. Hay. v'tr. Notice Know all men by these ! ? U. that I, V. S. Barker, of the borough i m !ir, county of Cambria, and State J ; ei:rij -lvania, do hereby positively assert it I have constantly on hand one of the - ana ust selected stocks cf Dry " ', Groeer-.es, &c.. to be f.mnd in the ? "-M,t, WLich will be sold at a very small vuivance. Gsi- He two youns u-pjj EaraC( George g Turkey acd Pohert .r.c u !'. ., 4l. n . .. . ' J u.c enable Steam Mill .of James , r2& Co.,iu Cambria township, by a ' ' tspl.,fion, some ten davs arro. we are -Try to learn, are rapidly improving and 'e hiely to recover from th.ir in.nrina A t-ndjer of persons were in the mill at the ;-le tc explosion took place, which shat td the mill in ;,.o i,.. n , :r: onu .in escapcci un- except the two persons mentioned Court Proceedings. The following Teport completes the history of the business of the Court during the last session : ' Commonwealth vs. John Brown; Indict ment for Bigamy. True bill. Found Guilty. Sentenced to pay a fine of $5 and the costs, and to undergo an imprisonment in the Western Penitentiary for one year. Same vs. John Horuick; Indictment for larceny and receiving stolen goods. True bill. Found guilty. Sentenced to pay a fine of $5 and the costs, and to undergo an imprisonment in the Western Penitentiary for fifteen months. Same vs. Barbara . Ilornick; Indictment for larceny. True bill. Found guilty. Sen tenced to pay a fine of 5 and the costs, and to undergo an imprisonment in the Western Penitentiary for fifteen months. Same vs. Thomas Grimsley; Indictment for larceny and receiving stedeu goods. Found Guilty.' Sentenced to pay a titie of $1 and the costs, and to undergo imprisonment in the County Jail for six months. Commonwealth vs. George Wentroad; In dictment st llirig liquor to a person of known intemperate habits. True bill. On motion and leave the District. Attorney entered a nolle prosequi, on payment of the costs by the defendant. Same vs. same; Indictment for selling liquor to a person cf Known intemperate habits. True bill. On motion and leave the Distiict Attorney entered a nolle ros equi, on payment of the costs by the defen dant. Thomas Plunket vs. Bernard Smith, ad ministrator e.f John Smith; Assumpsit. Ver dict for I 'laintiir in the sum of $2o0. Defen dant moves for a new trial. Michael Maxwell vs. Pennsylvania II. B. Company. Trespass. Verdict for Plaintiff in the sum of $893 75 damages. P. II. Tiernan, endorsee of G. Nelson Smith, vs. A. J. Haines. Assumpsit. Ver dict for Plaintiff iu the sum of $228 37. Bernard McCelgan vs. Peter Moyers. Feigned Issue. Verdict for Defendant. Charles McManamy, Guardian of the mi nor children of Ptter Scanlan, dee'd, vs. Ebensburg & Cresson R. R , with notice to Pennsylvania R. II. Terre Tenants. Verdict for Plaintiff in the sum of $.140. Licenses were granted to the following persons : TAVERN LICENSE. Michael J. Smith. Allegheny township. Philip Fa.idle & Co., " A. P. Baker, Carroll township. Joseph Cole, Carro!ltown. Adam Kurtz, Cambria borough. Daniel McDonald, Cambria borough. Edward Home, Cambria borough, Michael Barnicle, Clearfield township. Peter Malzie, Conerriaugh, boro. 1st Ward. Francis Seitz, Conemaugh boro. 2nd Ward. John Sivert Conemaugh boro. 2nd Ward. .John f ibber. Conemaugh - boro. 2nd Ward. Isaac Crawford, Kbensburg boro. V. Ward James Downey, Johnstown boro. 2nd Ward. John Bending, Johnstown boro. 2nd Ward. John Kraft, Johnstown boro. 3d .Ward. Ilemiguis Durach, Johnstown bor. 3d Ward. John Ii. Myers. Ijorett borough. Philip II-rzog, Loretto borough. Joseph (leis, Richland township. George Coarad, Riohland township. Peter Heim, Richland township. Victor Voegtly, Summerhill township. Henry Hughes, Summitville borough. Lenhart Kest, Taylor township. William Callan, Washington township. Francis P. Grosberger, Carrolltown boro. Lawrence Stich. Carrolltown borough. Lawrence Sohroth, Carre-lltown borough. Jacob Glasser, Chest township. Samuel F. George, Chest Springs borough, Jos Shoemaker, Conemaugh boro. 2nd W'd. Geo. Gurley, Ebensburg boro., West Ward. J. A. Moore, Ebensburg boro., East Wfrd. Jno. B. Williams, Johnstown boro. 2d W'd. Jas. Ii. M'Creight, Johnstown " 21 Ward. Richard Jelly, " " " Wm. D. Nicholson, " " William Palmer, " " 3d Ward. David Metzcrar, " " 4th Ward. Dominick MTIugh, Millville borough. Emanuel James, ' Lawrence Furlong, Taylor township. George W. Mullin, Washington township. Veronica Reilly, " John Wilkins, " " Michael J. Piatt, Suequehanna township. -John A. Bliir, Ebensburg borough. John N. llolman, Johnstown, 4th ward. Mary Ann M'Kenzie, Chest Springs. Owen Sweeny, Washington township. TO SFLX. BY THE QUART. Henry Schnabel, Johnstown bor. 4th W'd. D. W. Gougbnour, Johnstown, 3rd Ward. Cyrus Hart, Johnstown borough 4th Ward. An Argument Court will be held in Ebens burg. on Wednesday, July lltb. Marriage and Celibacy. IN ESSAY OF WARNING AND IN il STRUCTION FOR YOUNG MEN. Also, Diseases and abuses which permanent ly prosuate the Vital Powers, with sure means of relief. Sent Free of Charge, in sealed letter envelopes. Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Associa tion, Philadelphia, Pa. June 21, 1806. ly. WANTED. AGENTS $75 to $200 PER f MONTH for gentlemen, and $35 to $75 tor ladies, everywhere, to introeluce the Cel ebrated Common Sense Family Sewing Ma chine, improved aud perfected. . It will hem, fell, stitch, quilt, bind, braid and embroider beautifully. Price only $20, making the elastic lock stitch, and fully warranted for three years. We pay the above wages or a commission, from which twice that amount can be male. Address with stamp, or call on C. BOWERS &r CO., Salesrooms, No. 255 South FIFTH street, Philadelphia. Pa. All letters answered promptly, with circu lars and terms. May 31, 18GG.-4t. STRANGE, BUT TRUE. Every young lady and gentleman in the United States can hear something very much to their advantage by return mail (free ofcharge,yby addressing the uudersigned. Those having fears of being humbugged will oblige by not noticing thirf card. All others will please address their obedient servant, . . t THOS. F. CHAPMAN, 831 Broadway, New -York. Feb. 1 18GC ly. itnomrcemcnt of Cumbi&atts, Subject to Vie Decision of the Democratic County Convention. ASSEMBLY. .To the Democracy of Cambria County : I take this method of announcing myself as a candidate for nomination to the House of Representatives, by the next Democratic County Convention. JOHN S. RIIEY. Ebensburg, April 12, 18GG. ASSOCIATE JUDGE. MICHAEL IIASSON, Esq., Ebensburg, Ta. D. T. STORM, of Ebensburg, Pa. COUXTY COMMISSIOXER. FRANCIS BEARER, Carroltwon borough. JOHN FERGUSON. Blacklick township. RICHARD DETTLING, Washington tp .. FREDERICK KITTKLL, Ebensburg, Pa. EBENS13URG & CRESSON RAILROAD. On and after Monday, May 21, 18GG, trains on this road will run as follows : Leave EnENSBcna At G.05 A. M., connecting with Baltimore Express West and Day Express East. At G 40 P. M.. connecting with Phila. Ex. Eist and Day Express West. Leave Cuesson At 8.30 A. M., or on departure of Bait. Express West. At 8.40 P. M., or on departure of the Phila delphia Express West. A Beacon of Health. The good things of this world have each their appointed missions. It is the mission of Uostetter's Stom ach BiTTEns to prevent aud relieve a great variety of ailments. For twelve years its success as a protect ive and a remedy has been without check or drawback. It is strong negative evidence of this fact, that the efficacy of the article as a specific for dyspepsia, biliousness, constipa tion, nervousness, general debility, and in termittent fevers, has never been questioned. As proof positive of its infallibility in such cases, the statements of public men whose names are familiar as household words, have from time to time been given to the world. If its reputation is not founded ic facts, then tru'.h is a shadow, and the utterances of conscientious citizens are of no more val ue than "dicers' oaths." And what is its reputation ? Let the progress of its sales answer the inquiry. Where twenty dozen bottles of Hostetter's Bitters were sold in 18oa, Jwe iiindred itozen are disponed of now. Could public opiuion be more' significant lv exoressed than bv its unparalleled in- crease of consumption ? It seems impossi' ble. The preparation has been imitated. v here are the imitators t i.cho answers. "Where?" To- the "limbo" of things lost nn earth they are all either gone or going. Peace be with them ! TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having sulfered for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Comumption is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used Cfree of charge) with the fireetions fur preparing and using the same, which they will find a scire cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs. Colds, and all Throat and Lung Affections. The only object of the adverti ser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a bless ing. Parties wishing the prescription, FKEE, by return mail, will please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings Co , New York Feb. 1, 18GG.ly. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the affects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering luimanity, send free to all who need it, the receipt and elirections for making the simple remedy by which be was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing. JOHN B. OGDEN, . No. 13 Chambers St., New York. Feb. 1st, 18CG. ly. A MONTH ! Agents wanted for six entire! n new articles, insr. out. Adress U. T. GAREY, City Building, Biddeford, Me. May 31, 18CG.-ly. PALLAGIIER'S MAGICAL HAIR OIL, (J and VEGATABLE OIL SOAP, for sale at the Book Store of Feb. 22, I860. JAMES MURRAY. $tffo bbcrttstmcnts. Twenty Dollars Reward. STRAY COW. Strayed away or was stcl len from the subscriber living in Sum merhill township, Cambria county. Pa., on Monday, the 2 1st of May last, a BRINDLE COW, with white face and half crop off each ear. Any person who will bring her back will receive the above reward. . - NANCY I1IMES. Wilmore, June 21, 18G6.-lt.-. Auditor's IVot Ice. THE undersigned having, been, appointed Auditor by the Orphan's Court of Cam bria county, to distribute the money in the hands of E. Shoemaker, administrator of the estate of Rev. Thomas McCullough, dee'd, upon his. final account, hereby gives notice thathe'wiU attend to the duties of said appointment at his office in Ebensburg, on Monday, the 9th day of July next, at one o'clock, P. M., when and where all per sons interested may attend. ' JOHN E. SCANLAN, June 20, 1866. Auditor. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron Ware. FRANK W. HAY, Canal street, below Clinton, Joltnslcncn, Pa., KEEPS constantly on hand a large assort ment of Sugar Kettles, Brass or Oipper Kettles, Tin-Ware; all kinds of Sheet-Iron Ware ; Enameled and Tinned Iron Ware ; Copper Ware made to order. Sad Irons or Smexthing Irons, Zinc Washboards, COOKING AND HEATING STOVES of every Pittsburgh or Philadelphia manu facturer always ou hand or procured on five days notice. ODD PLATES and GRATES for Stoves alwavs on hand. SPOUTING, Miner's Lamps, Oil Cans, FRUIT CANS and Powder Horns of all sizes, constantly on hand. COFFEE MILLS, Toasting Forks. Ovster Broilers, Jelly Cake .Moulds, Table and Tea Spoons, Coal Buckets &c. PRICE LIST now ready for the Trade. Merchants are respectfully invited to call and examine our wares. Send for a cata logue before purchasing elsewhere. The above goods will be furnished WHO I.ES LC O IX R ETA I L.. ASK TOR FRANK W. HAY'S WAREHOUSE, And Save Ticenly-Jive per Cent On your purchases. It can be found on Canal street, below Clinton. (My.4,GG.ly.) Jolfristown, June 21, 18C6. EICE.SE XOT3CE. HETITIONS for Licenses will be presented i before the Judges e.f the Gnirt ot Quarter Sessions of Cambria County, at an Argu ment Court to be held in Ebensburg; on Wednesday, the 11th day of July next, by the following persons, viz : TAVERN LICENSE. Matthew Digman, Allegheny township. Francis A. Gibbons, " " D. A. Conrad, Ebensburg boro. West Ward. Levi Jacoby, Conemaugh township. Gotlieb Lessiger, Johnstown boro. 2d Ward. Thomas S. Davis, " " Andrew Ilenning, " 3 J Ward. Henry G. Reitz, " " Henry Fritz, " " " Florian Bingell, Loretto boro. Patrick Graham, Millville boro. GEORGE C. K. ZAIIM, Ebensburg, June 18, 1866. Clerk. Commissioner's Xotice. TN the matter of the petition of John A. Kennedy, for specihe performance or con tract with Michael Kennedy, dee'd. The undersigned having been appointee Commissioner by the O.-phan's Court of Cambria county, to take testimeny in proof of contract letvveen the above named par ties, hereby gives notice that he will attend to the duties of said a'ppointment, at his office in Ebensburg, on Saturday, the 7th day of July next, at one o'clock, P. M., when and where all persons interested may attend. JOHN E. SCANLAN, June 20, 1866.-31 Commissioner. Auditor's ."Vol Ice. fHIIE undersigned having been appointed 1 Auditor by the Orphan's Court of Cam bria county, to distribute the money in the hands of Joseph Burgoon, Executor of Robt. Burgoon, dee'd, hereby gives notice that he will attend to the duties of said appoint ment at his office in Ebensburg, on Tuesday, the 17lh day of July next, at one o'clock, Y. M., when and where all persons interest ed may attend. JOHN E. SCANLAN, June 21, lSGG.-3t. Auditor. Auditor's Xotlcc. THE undersigned having been appointed Auditeir by the Orphans' Court of Cam bria county, to distribute the money in the hands of II. Kinkcad, Esq., Administrator of the estate of V illiam W berry, dee'd, hereby gives notice that he will attend to the duties of said appointment at his Cfffice in Ebens burg, on Thursday, the 19th day of July next, at one o'clock, P. M., when and where all persons interested may attend. JOHN E. SCANLAN, June 21, 13G6.-St Auditor. cai:i. Lash's Five Dollar Washing Machine. IS now offered to the public as the cheapest simplest and most efficient Washing Ma chine in the country. The exclusive right for the sale of this machine in your own State or Count', can be secured by applyinff soon at eur store. 727 Maiket street, Philadelphia, Pa. J. S. LASH, & CO. AlsaV the best Clothes Wringer in the Market, Wholesale and Retail. A' very liberal discount to" country merchants and dealers generally. May 31, 18GG.-4t. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. IpIIE partnership heretofore ' existing be I tweeu the uudersigned, iu the practice of the law, having been dissolved, all persons knowing.themselves indebted to us, under tl firm of Jnbnston fe Oatman. for profes sional services, are requested to call and settle the same immediately. R. L. JOHNSTON. : GEO. W. OATMAN. Ebensburg, May 21. 18GG.-3t. S. M. Petteuglll & Co. Advertisinz Agents. 37 Park Row New York, and 10 State street, Boston, are the authorized Ajrents for the "Dem ocrat & Sentinel," and the most influen tial and largest circulating " Newspapers in the United States and Canadas. They are empowered to. contract 'for us at our LOWEST TERMS. ' SHIELDS HOUSE, LORETTO, CAMBRIA COUNTY, PA., THOMAS f; ALLEN. Proprietor. ITIIIIS house is now open for the accommo- 1 dation of the public. Accomraouanuu as rood as .'.the , country will afford, and charges moderate. " May 31, 1866.-tf. AFRESH lot of prime Segars and Jtooacco iust received and for sale at the Book Store of j AiHtiij jsi u n. i . Philadelphia Business Cards. RUSSELL & WOODRUFF. WHOLESALE DEALERS in TOBACCOS, CIGARS, TIPES. &c., &c, No. 13 Aorta lhird street, above Market, Philadel phia, Pa. June 21, 186G.-ly. STATES UNION HOTEL. PHILADELPHIA. THIS HOTEL is pleasantly situated on the South side of Market street, a few doors above Sixth street. Its central locality makes it particularly desirable to persons visiting the city on business or pleasure. T. II. B. SANDERS, Proprietor. June 21, 18GG.-ly. Johnstown Business Cards. CYRUS L. PERSUING, I TTORNEY AT LAW, Johnstown, Ta. A Office on Main street, second floor over the Bank. May 4, l865.-tf. JOHN P. LINTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Johnstown, Pa. Office in building on comer of Main and Franklin street, opposite Mansion House, second floeir. Entrance on Franklin 6treet. Johnstown, Nov. lG, I860.0. D. M'LAUGIILIX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Johnstown, Pa. Office in the Exchange building, on the Corner of Clinton and Locust streets up stairs. Will attend to all business connect ed with his profession. Dec. 9, 18G3.-tf. FRANK W. HAY, WHOLESALE and RETA1 L Manufacturer. R of TIN. COPPER and SHEET-IRON WARE, Canal sireet, below Clinton, Johns town, Pa. A large stock constantly on hand. May 4, 18CG.-ly.. NEW HAT AND CAP STORE. KEORG E TURNER, Main sireet Johnstown. Pa., Dealer in 1 1 ATS and CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, and GENTLEMEN'S' FURN ISHING GOODS, such as Drawers. Shirts, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Neckties, Stockings, Gloves, Umbrellas, &c , keeps constantly on hand a general assortment, and his prices are as low as the lowest. Johnstown, June 21, l8C6.-ly. SCOTT HOUSE, Main Street, Johnstown, Cambria Co., Pa., A. ROW & CO., Proprietors. THIS HOUSE having been refitted and elegantly furnished, is now open for the reception and entertainment of guests. The proprietors by long experience in hotel keep ing, feel conG.lent they can satisfy a dis criminating public. Their Bar is supplied with the choicest brands of liquors and wines. June2l,18G6. (ly.) Ebensburg Business Cards. JOHN E. SCANLAN, I TTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Cam- S bria county, Pa. May 5, lb65.tf. W. II. SECIILER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. and PRACTICAL SURVEYOR, Ebensburg, Pa., office in tue Commissioners oinee. Dec. 7. lSG5.-tf. WILLIAM KITTELL, I TTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Pa. l Uthce m lo!onade Kjw, Centre street. Dec. 4, 186i.-tf. F. P. TIERNEY, J TTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Pa. l Omce in Colonade Row. April 5, 18C5-tf JOSEPH M'DONALI), ATTORNEY AT LAW, Z7bensburg. Pa. Office on Centre street, opposite Moore's Hotel. Apr. 26, lSGG-tf Ii. L. JOHNSTON, I TTORNEY AT LAW. Ebensbura. Pa H Office in the Scuth end of his residence, immediately opposite the Court House. November 23, 18C5.tf. (1.37) JOHN FENLON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg Pa. Office ou IIih street, adjoining his resi dence. May 4, 1865. (1.42 ) GEORGE M. REED, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ebensburg. Pa. Office on Main street, three doors East ot Julian. May 4, 18G3. GEORGE XV. O ATM AX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Pa. Office in Colonade Row, Centre street. November 23, lSG5.-tf. (1.37.) F. A. SHOEMAKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Pa Office on High street, one door East of the Banking House of Lloyd & Co. December 7, 1SG5. (tf.) Ii. J. LLOYD, SUCCESSOR to R. S. Bo-sr, Dealer in DRUGS. MEDICINES AND PAINTS, fcjtoro on Main street, opposite the "Moore House, Ebensburg, Pa. May 17, 'GG.tf. PR. D. XV. EVANS, TENDERS his professional services to the citizens of Ebensburg and vicinity. Office one door east of li. Davis' store. Night calls made at his residence three doors west of R. Evans' cabinet ware room. May 31, 1865-6m J. C. WJXSOX, M. D., fj FFERS his services as rilYSICIAN and U SURGEON, to the citizens of Ebensburg and surrounding country. Office three doors East of the Presbyterian Church, ia the room formerly occupied by Dr. Jones. : Ebensburg, April 12, 1866.3m.. UNION HOUSE, TJBENSBURG, Pa., JOHN A. BLAIR, j Propietor, spares no pains to render this hotel worthy of a continuation of the liberal patronage it has heretofore received. His table will always be furnished with the best the market affords; his bar with tbo best ct liquors. His stable is large, and will be attended by an attentive and obliging hostler. , . : June 4, 1868.-U. V. S. BARKER, RETAIL DEALER, in Dry Goods, Boot. Shoes, Hats, Caps, Groceries, &c ; keeps constantly on band a general assortment. Store on Uigb. street, Ebensburg, Pa. Sept 28, 18G5. S. BELFORD, DENTIST, CONTINUES to visit Ebensburg personally on the 4th Monday of each month. Duriug his absence Lewis N. Snyder, who studied with the Doctor, will remain in the office and attend to all business entrusted to him. June 7, 18GG. DR. J. M. ai'CLUKE, BENTIST, JohnstowE, has opened an cfSco on the cur. of Centre and Main streets, in this place, (building formerly occupied by Mr. C.illan as a hotel, up stairs, front room,) where he may be found ou the Jirst Monday of every month, and remain one or two weeks. May 10, 186. LLOYD & CO., 8 ANKERS. Ebensburg, Pa. Gold, Silver. Government Bonds, and ether securities, bought and sold. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made on all accessible points in the United States, and a General Banking business transacted. f March 1, lSGG.tf. LOGAN HOUSE, EBENSBURG, Pa., ISAAC CRAWFORD, Proprietor, solicits a continuation of tho liberal patronage heretofore extended. His table and bar will always be supplied with the best. His house and stable being largo and convenient, and having competent as sistants at all times emploj'ed, he feels con fident that he will be able to render general satisfaction. June 4, 186o.-tf. 18GG. PROSPECTUS 18CG. OF "THE AGE," The only Democratic Daily Journal in "Philadelphia. Great Improvements and great Inducements. Union, Restoration, And Constitutional Liberty ! The publishers of THE AGE respectfully call attention to the Daily and Weekly is sues of their popular journal. The Daily Age contains the latest intel ligence from all parts of the world, with articles on Government, Politics, Trade, Fi nance, and all the current questions of the elay ; Local intelligence. Market Reports, Trices Current, Stock Quotations, Marine and Commercial Intelligence, Reports vl Public Gatherings, Foreign and Domesti.; Correspondence, Legal Reports, Bituk Noti ces, Theatrical Critici-ms, Reviews of Liter ature, Art and Music, Agricultural Matters; and discussions of whatever subjects are of general interest and importance. Besides special telegrams, it has all Vie dispatdics of the Associated Press from ercry 2art rf the. United States, and the 7iews from all parts of Europe, brought by Vie steamers, is insta.-iil; telegrajthed from whatever point Vie steamer first touch. i Terms Of the Daily. One copy, 01.0 year $9 00; six months, $4.50; three months, $2.50 ; for any less period, at tl e rate of one dollar per month. Payments required invariably in advance. Postago'on the Daily, thirty cents per quarter, or one dollar and twenty cents per annum, if pre paid. The Weekly Age will be a complete compendium of the neica of the week, and besides the leading editorials from the Daily, will contain a large amount of interesting matter prepared expressly for the weekly issue. It will be in all respects a first clas Family Journal, particularly adapted to the Politician, the Farmer, the Merchant, the Mechanic, the Family Circle and the Gen eral Reader, having, in fact, every charac teristic of a live newsqxiper. At an early day will be begun an intensely interesting serial, by one of the most popular and fascinating authors, and it is also the intention to pub lish, from week to week, in the course of the year, three or four of the best and latest novels. Terms of the Weekly. One copy, one year, $2 ; five copies, one year, $9 , ten copies, one year, $17-50; twenty copies, one year, $33. To clubs, where the papers are scirf to one address, the following reduc tion will be made: Ten copies, one year. $10.50; twenty copies, one year, $30. A copy will be furnifhed gratis for each club of ten, or more, to one address, for erne year. Payment required invariably in advance. Postage on the Weekly, five cents per quar ter, or twenty-live cents per annum, if prepaid. The Weekly Age will be the great cam paign paper of the Democratic Conservative Party of Pennsylvania, and will earnestly support the President in his patriotic efforts in behalf of the Union, Restoraiivn and Constitutional Liberty. Jcj- The abovo terms will be ricidly ad hered to. Specimen copies of the Daily and ueettly sent gratis, on application at this office. Please write the name and address plainly, and specify distinctly whether tho Daily or Weekly is ordered. WELSH. & ROBB, 430 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. THE STORE HOUSE .and DWELLING HOUSE situate in Chest township. Cam bria county, formerly occupied by JOSEPH GILL.-together with ONE ACRE of LAND, in a good state of cultivation and well sup plied with choice fruit, is offered for sale. The buildings are good ; tho property is in an excellent location for mercantile or other business, acd is offered at a very low price. Possession given immediately. For further information inquire of or ad dress JOHN G. GILL, at Glen Conne.'l. convenient to the premises, who is authori zed to sell the same. JOSEPH GILL. May 31, 18GG.-tf. PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, Will do more and better work at a given Cost, than any other ! Trr it ! Manufactured only by gfEGLER & SMITH. Wholesale Drug, Taint and Glass Dealers, No. 187 .North THIRD Street. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 8, lS66.1y. .