V i i s ! THE MARKETS. Ki:r.Ni;fr.G, May 29, 18G0. Flour, to .C:14 per barrel; Corn, 8l per burhol; Ber.ns, !?1.25 to 2; Butter, 2oc ,,r pound: V.j', loc per dozen; Flax j 0I SJ. .")!); Timothyseed, o,50 ; Clo vor?t'K 3 ; CofFee, 30 amfftlc per lb.; Molars, 'JOe er gallon ; Syrup, SI. 25 i.I s 1.10 ; Brown Sugar 12 and 1G cts. por pound; White, 20 "to 22c; Kico, 15 cent? ; Wool, 50 cents per pound. Tin- following report of the Philadel phia Market is "leaned from the Saturday fctnhrj I'v-t, dated June 2, 18GG : l lour, S7.50, $3.50, $10.00, $11.25, ip5i S13 arnl $1G per barrel; Iiye fl'iir, sj 25; Wiieat, $2.20, $2.50, and :3 am per bushel; Kye, $1.10; Corn, 82 anil '"; Oats, Delaware find Penn., 70 an 1 73c: Western, G3 and G5c; Hacon, If: n:s 20 an 123c per pound; Hotter, 28 VSl oj.': Flaxseed, $2.80 per bushel, Tim .'thyseed, $5. and $0. ; Clovers, arid $5.75; Wool, 30, 35, 48, 55, IT, and I'-c per pound. I.ivk Sr.cK The supply of Ucef Cat tlc tl tit i : the part week amounted to about Lead. The prices realized from 17 mil cents per pound. 150 Cows l,! j:iL-i!t from $4i to 70 per head. Sheep. W !. h.a I were disposed of at from G aril 7 el- pr pound. 2500 Hogs sold at tivin 13,00 and 1 J, 50 per 100 pounds. T.ie Wdtl.l'i Opinion of IIolettr"n Mumoctt Hlltcrs, T in 1 ing t! bltttis this grand fact is clear. Ti . t'.ia.c ils all the Vc.-!ern Hemisphere. K:,. in all Lii.ds, vr.shed by its oceans ti ain, ILalih, !:;" and vigm- folj.-.v in their train, A VH!1 COUNTERFEITS. ' nuSTI.TTI.ii'S BIT'lER .-hare the com mon f. te ( Minus -I'lipoi-brs mutate. (if '.:.- Irf-vvHi e ibs'Tf t!' us? your eye? I'l' :.i honest l.ou-cs pur.-li tse your supplier. CAUTION. t;te nnvi KNVi.sT ixi op.sment. bi.'rier to pu:inl ag.x'.n-.t dan-ii rous im- -A'i- :;, thv public are requested to take t-: tr!;,l T'cot the beautiful engraved pro ir! ti v -tamp. through which the Govern i .1' the Uni'ed States ofii 'i.i'lv autl.cn ti. trrs everv bottlo of HOSTETTEIUS BITTERS. 'This shield, thrown by the i v.-rnnn t.t over the proprietors and the li'Ii.; f. t then j lint protection, is pi -.iced 0 nsphaMus'y across the coil; an t over the : -l'.; i f each hrttle, and cannot fail to strike .'.( eve f the mo.-t casu-d observer. .'.'t:hr that purports to be II. .stetter's I'.!'.'.i r can Le genuine unless the stamp is ti.ere. It is aso pr.tj'.er to state tliat the fibers a-e -y'. l XL'lusively in gl iss. an 1 never un-l.-r any l ircnui-tnnres by the pillonor the birr; !. Imp ossit.'rs and itnitators are abroa 1, .;:! the or.iy safeguard the public has r.:ui:!st ti.eai is to m-e that the I'.itters they 1 i" hear the engraved label and note of b::.l of M.'s.-rs. ltfettcr & Smith, and the K.i.'i.p abe Dientioned. TO COXSUJUTIVES. l'i.e a ivertis-r, having been restored to ':. ailli ia a few weeks hy a vcr1 s?n;ple ivti.i ': v. after having tsuifered for several v ars w ith a severe luii ati't'ction, and that ! i!:i-ae, Con umption is anxious to ku.'Wii to hid fillow-Euiicrers the of cure. l i : win. .le.Mre it, lie will send a copy "fli.e pre; crip tii in used ("free of cbargi-) w:ii: the i-iivctHTiS f.r preparing and u.sin t:.esa::K'. w Li -h they will find a sciiK cube I. r Consumption, Asthma. Buonciiitis. C.!-r;!is. C'U.ns, and all Tliroat and Lunj A;: otioiis. The oidy object of the ad vert i r in seiiilitii; the Prescription is to benefit tr.o ; 111 . :-vI, and spread information which n. cv!,i-(ives to be iavaluable, and he hopes fvirv s ..ft r;r will try his remedy, as it will C't ti.-.ai i.othing, and may prove a bless- Partjf.s viiiin, the prescription, fuse, 1 ' rtU.ru mail, will please address IJkv. EDWAKD A. WILSON, VrilliarTisbiir, Kings Co , New York F.i. 1, 1600. ly. ii ai:k IIxemit rito.M Taxation 'he Ilanirburg Tileyrapfi Fays: This 'i'-taui has been frequently asked since tlio ailjournmcnt of the Ieiislature. In in-er we repnt the exempts to be those rr' ns mid their property, who have vrvi-d in the army for a period not less 1 an nine months ; those persons who I-! v e been discharged on account of wounds (r physical disability received in or con tacted in the army, and the widows and iphan?, their property, of deceased sol d.ers of this class, phall be exempt from the payment of all bounty tax and per ' levied to pay bounties to volun tas. The same persons are also exempt h'o:n paying militia tax. These facts are 'tupintant to parties desiring to appeal ironi tax levies. w- A young man calling himself Charles -hul.,11, purporting to hail from Oil City, v a horse to IVter ilulvehi'd, Dear Kim fa?. I O.. Indiana county, on Monday last, i:;,Vr snpi, u.Us oircumances. Mulvchill f n cn'. the suspicious character, had him arreste-Vm Ehenburg on Tuesday last, and ;cJ ln J1"11 where he awaits a further Ca-Some travellers upon the Little !llver tur"If, Virginia, a few days since ;lVV !l "e?ro rn;n flowing, with two ne women hitched to the plow in place of ts 'I hoy say ,hat ,the womeikIook tired and Worn nn1 !.- ,l.!..n - Jiiippy countenance of a corn-field! Land nvii . w-"iu "-u'l 01 tne "phitantbro 7 are frec and in that consists To win confidence we must be trustful ourselves. Suspicion breeds the evil it fears. Let this be remembered in our dealings with the Southern people. A man from the rural districts, ( evi dently one (who don't bis county paper take.) hearing that a Base BaUHub was to be organized in town, eutered one of our stores and inquired whether the ball was go ing to come otf soon as lie wanted to bring his "gal," nr,d what kind of music they were going to have, as lie wanted to dance. He also wanted to know why they called it a base ball. lie was Informed bj' those of whom he inquired that they were unable to enlighten him on that snbject ; but they as sured him that the place to buy cheap Dry Cioods. Groceries, &c., was at the store of V. S. Barker, on High street, Ebensbunj, Pa. STKAXUE, BUT TBUE. Every young lady and gentleman in the United States can hen something very much to their advantage by return mail (free of charge.) by addressing the undersigned. Those having fears of lieing humbugged will oblige hy imt noticing thirf card. All others will please address their obedient servant, THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Sol Broadway, New York. Feb. 1 1800. ly. lmountcmrnt of (CunHbatcs, Sul'J-rl to i'ne DauxiuH of the Dzmocratic County Convention. ASSEMBLY. To the Democracy f Cambria County : I take this method of announcing myself as a candidate fur nomination to the House of Keprt ser.tati ves, bv the next Democratic County Convention" JOHN S. BIIEY. F.hensburg, Apiil 12, 18CG. ASSOCIATE JUDGE. MICHAEL IIASSON, E,q.. Ebensburg, Ta. I). T. STORM, of Ebenshurg, Pa. co un t y co:.i:j r ss ioxe i i. KICIIABD DETTLING, Washington tp.. FUEOEUICK KITTELL, Ebenshurg, Pa. EBENSBU1KJ & CRESSON BAILEOAD. On and after Monday, May 21, 1806, trains on this road will run as follows: LKAVE EliENSBUKG At C.03 A. M., connecting with Baltimore Express West and Day Express East. At C 40 P. M., connecting with Phila. Ex. Ejst and Day Exjtcss West. Leave ('hesson At 8. GO A. M., or on departure of Bait. Express West. ' At 8.40 P. M.. or on departure of the Piiila deiphia Express est. jr tcto bbcrltscmtnts. SHIELDS HOUSE, LURKTTO, CAMBRIA COUXTY, PJfi THOMAS CALLEN. Proprietor. JTiIIIS house is now open for the accommo 1 dation of the public. Accommodations as good as the Cuuutrv will afford, and charges moderate. May 31, ISOG.-tf. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. qUIE STORK HOUSE and DWELLING 1 HOUSE situate in Chest township. Cam bria couutj-. formerly occupied bv JOSEPH GILL, together with ONE ACRE of LAND, in a good state of cultivation and well sup plied with choice fruit, is ofieied for sale. The buildings are good ; the property is in an excellent location for mercantile or other business, and is offered at a very low price. Possession given immediately. For further information inquire of or ad dress JOHN G. GILL, at Glen Connell. convenient to the premises, who is authori zed to sell the same. JOSEPH GILL. May SI, ISOG.-tf. CARD. Lash's Five Dollar Washing Machine. IS now offered to the public as the cltcajtenl .si'mjjlest and most efficient Washing Ma chine in the country. The exclusive right for the sale of tbis machine in your own State or Giunty, can be secured by applying sron at our store. 727 Maik'ct street, Philadelphia, Pa. J. S. LASH, & CO. Also, the best Clothes Wringer in the Market, Wholesale and Retail. 3- A very liberal discount to country merchants and dealers generally. May 31, 1800.-4t. sues. PER YEAR ! We want Agents eve rywhere to sell our IMPROVED $20 Sewing Machines. Three new kinds. Un der and upper feed. Sent on trial. War ranted five years. Above salary or large commissions paid. The Oxly machines sold in the United States for less than $40 which are fully licensed by Howe, Wheeler Sf Wilson. Grocer Sf Baker, Si nyer Co., and Baclttldcr. All other cbeap machines are infringements and the seller or user are liable to arrest, fine and iwjni'sonmcnl. Illustrated circulars sent free. Address, or call upon Shaw & Clark,, at Biddeford, Maine, or Chicago, III. May 31. 18CG.-ly. WANTED. AGENTS $75 to $200 PER (I MONTH for gentlemen, and $35 to $75 tor ladies, everywhere, to introduce the Cel ebrated Common Sense Family Sewing Ma chine, improved and perfected. It will hem, fell, stitch, quilt, bind, braid and embroider beautifully. Price only $20, making the elastic lock stitch, and fully warranted for three years. We pay the above wages or a commission, from which twice that amount can be made. Address with stamp, or call on C. BOWERS .Sr CO., Salesrooms, No. 255 South FIFTH street, Philadelphia. Pa. All letters answered promptly, with circu lars and terms. May 31, 180C.-4t. ; A MONTH ! Agets wanted entirehi new articles, just out. O. T. GAREY, City BuildiDg, for suH- J Ad, ' Biddf ( iil Me. May 31, 1866.-ly. IIst or Retailers fi F Forei gn and Domestic Merchandise in Cambria county, for the year 1806: J OJINSTO WN BORO UG1I. CLASS. 2 Wood. Morrell & Company, H Cbristian Krieger, 14 Mangold & Co., 14 Guinsburg & Behr's, 14 William M'Pherson. 14 William Updegrave, 14 Gueth & Co., 14 G. Bantley. 14 Kistner & Co., 14 Adam Pfarr, 14 C. Zimmerman, jr., 14 A. Burgrafl", 12 John Geis, 12 John Dibert, 12 John J. Murphey, 14 .1. J. Murphey & G., 14 E. Youn, 13 C. buppes, 15 James J. MurpTiv. LICENSE. $150 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7 00 12 50 12 50 12 50 7 00 7 00 30 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 CO 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 14 Mictiael Gronberg, 13 E. Leojrold &, Bro., 13 Kress & Co., 14 Jacob Wild, 14 William Caldwell. 14 Levergonl & Co ,r 14 Samuel Lenhart, 14 J. Swank & Co., 13 V. Luther, 13 J. M. King. 14 G. Murr, 13 Jacob Fend, 14 John C. Tham. 14 M. (. Crawf.rd. 14 Henry Sen n able, 14 P. II. Bark hart, 14 J. B. Fromald, 14 Charles Unverzict, ,14 Lewis Luckhardt, 14 J. S.Ogden, 14 D. C.Morris, 14 John Thomas, 14 Cyrus Hart, 14 William Berlin, 11 Henry Walters, 14 M. J. Farke, 14 I. E. Chaudkr, 14 Levy & L.ewis, 14 A. Montgomery. 14 K. W. Baruheirel, 14 E. Border, 14 David Creed, 14 C. T. Frazer, 14 N. Horn A: Co., 14 George J. Tl.omas, 14 John Beiaton, 14 S. R. Yarner, 13 (Jeorgo Wehn & Co., 14 William Pike. 14 Lehman & Co , 11 Hay Brothers, 14 P. O'Connell, 13 John Shoffner, 1 4 Daniel M'Kenna, J 4 Samuel Dibert, 14 II. Pritchard. 4 F. Marbourg. 00 00 00 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 1 14 Osborn & Fisher, 14 Krauss & Co., 14 E. James, 4JUJLjghteuberger, I4ja.iv-. mim, J4 David Reese. 14llichard Bennett, 14 R. T. Davis, 14 Jared Williams, 14 F. Kreps, 14 R. 1) urach, 13 T. G. Stewart & Co. 13 F. W. Hay, 14 J. A. M'Kinney, 14 Kauffman & Co., 14 Fockler & Levergood, 13 D. Dibert. 14 Adam Fockler, 14 Sarah Dickey, CA 1IDRIA B0B0 UGII. 14 John Ryan, 14 George Smith, 14 Joseph Stibech, WHITE TOWXSU1P. 14 George Walters, MILLVILLE DOROl'GU. 14 Henry Baltzcr, 14 Peter M'Dertnott, 14 George W. Stutzman, CO SEMA UGH BOnCUGIL 14 Teter Fisher, 14 Mary Lynch, EBENSBURG BOROUGH. 14 James Murray, 14 George Gurley, 14 C. T. Roberts, 13 E. RoVrts, 13 V. S. Barker, 13 E. Shoemaker & Co., ;o 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 12 50 13 J. M. Thompson, 13 E. lluhes, ! I 12 A. A. Barker. 14 R. R. Thomas, 7 14 Oeorpe Iluntlev, 7 14 G. G.Owens, ' 7 14 It. H. Tudor, 7 14 Rees Lloyd, 7 14 Evan Evans, 7 14 M. S. Harr, 7 TA YLO R TO WXSH1P . 14 William Alexander, 7 14 Roberts & Hildebrand, 7 14 M. M'Cabe, 7 14 A. G. Crooks, 7 COXEMAUGH TOWNSHIP. 14 Nutter & Ayres, 7 14 Peter Rubrits, 7 CARROLLTOWX BOROUGH. . 14 Adolph Fisher. 7 14 John Wirtner, 7 14 George Brook, 7 14 Francis Grosberger, 7 14 Joseph Maucher, ' 7 12 A. A. Barker. 12 14 Simon Schrotb, 7 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 14 John Buck. t7 CARROLL TOWNSHIP J 14 dacoo uei'j, v CLEARFIELD TOWXSlftPM 14 Michael Barnicle, t1 14 A. Saupp, 14 S. J. Inlovs, 14 Alice 'VYh-- ' IF" JSpTOXJ-OWNSIllP. id.ii:. rsari. en, vaj., utnoj fyner.i-. w. 50 00 60 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 14 J. J. Troxell, 14 F. J. Parish, 14 Jacob Gearhart, CUES T SPRINGS B OR 0 UGII. 14 S. M. Douglass, 14 John Conrad. 14 Wajroner & Little, 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 13 E. & II. Nutter, SUMMITVILLE BOROUGH. 14 James P. Murray, 14 James Gillen, 14 William M'Connell, 14 Christ Iiich, BLACKLICK T 0 WNSIIIP. 14 William Duncan, JA CKSO X T 0 WNSIIIP. 14 Christian Harrison, 14 Samuel A 1 bach, RICHLAND TOWXSIIIP. 14 George Conrad, 14 George Berkey, 00 00 00 00 7 00 50 60 00 60 EESTACRAKTS AND BATING HOUSES JOIIXSTOWX BOROUGH. Joseph Boxler, Fhilip Shultheis, Henry C. Reitz, Jacob Fend, John Walsh, F. Kreps, George Kohler, Tatrick Kelly, John Ma.ee, Graff & H u bach, John E. Sterner, COXEMAUGH BOROUGH. Teter Fisher, Joseph Alwine. ?10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 0. Francis Seitz, mZJ?'l" W- Christ Hecker, rslO) CA 3IBRIA BORO UGH. Owen M'Cafrrew - ": 10 00 John Rei berg, .v. Joseph Sawler, v John Wass, George Niich, Robert Foster, " no oo jo ao 10 00 , 10 00 10 00 MILL VILLE B OR 0 UGH. Joseph Bradley, Aim Daily. Lewis R. Jones, x10 00 V io f Mo oo Henry Boltzer. 1(00 CA RR OLL TO WX BORO UGH. A. Stoltz, -10 00 A. Haujt. . 10 00 P. Elwanger, 10 00 II. Blum, 10 00 WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. Mark M'Liuglilin. 10 00 TAYLOR TOWNSHIP. John Pearson, SUMMITVILLE BOROUGH Christ Rich, George Gusr-regcn, WILMORE BOROUGH. John Shrote, James M'Breen, 10 00 10 OM 10 00 10 00 10 00 BREWERIES AKD DISTILLERIES. MUXSTER TOWXSIIIP. William Glass, RICH LA XD TO WXSIIIP. Joseph Geis, JOIINSTCAVN BOROUGH. 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 GrafT& Huback, John E. Sterner, Henry Haiisman, CARR 0LLTO WN B 0R0UGII. Juleus Stich, II. Blume. L ORE TTO BORO UGII. F. Bingle, CAMBRIA BORO UGII. II. Vockerod. WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP George GussregaD, 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 14 Jane Mullen, 14 E. M'Intrwh, 14 Mark M'Laushlin. MUXSTER TOWXSIIIP. 14 Dennis Far ran, WILMORE BOROUGH. 14 William R. Hughes, 14 John M'Colgan, 14 Lawrence Cassidy, 14 James M'Breen, 14 Kate Shryhock, 14 Susan Long, 14 E. Beddell, 14 John Shrote, 14 II. Allenbach, 14 Mrs. Lovett. LORETTO BOROUGH. 14 Patrick Shiels, 14 Francis O'Friel, 14 Felix Jacobs, 14 William Litzinger, 14 John Bradley, 14 Philip Herzog, 14 Charles Miller, 14 F. D. Saupp, 14 C. Addlesbtrger, ALLEGHENY TOWXSIIIP, 14 Thomas Bradley, 14 James Henry, 14 TatricK Smith. GALLITZ1X. 13 E. & II. Nutter, IirrXIARD TABLES. WASHINGTON TO WNSHIP. George W. Mullen. 2 40 00 JOIINSTO WN B OR 0 UGII. Jac. Iloltzwortif, 3 50 00 TEX-PIN ALLEYS. WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. Georg W. Mullen, 1 30 00 '-An appeal will be held at th- Treasurer's Office, at Ebensburg. on Monday the 4 th day cf' June, 1806. JOIIN COX, Mercantile Appraiser. May 17, 180G-4t. -. . The Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs. forty different styles, adapted to sacred and secular music, for $80 to $000 each. FIFTY-ONE GOLD OR SILVER MEDALS, or other first premiums awarded them. Il lustrated Catalogues free. Address. MA SON & HAMLIN, Boston, or MASON BROTHERS. New York. Sept. 6, 1865.1y. MCKSSE IVOTICK. rpiIE Petitions of the following persons will 1 be presented to the Court of Quarter Ses sions for the County of Cambria, June Term, 1SG6 : TAVEEM LICENSE. MichaelJ. Smith. Allegheny township. Philip Faddle & Co., " A. P. Baker, Carroll township. Joseph Cole, Carro'ltown. Adam Kurtz, Cambria borough. Darnel McDonald, Cambria borongh. Edward Home, Cambria borough, Michael Barnicle, Clearfield township. Peter Malzie, Conemaugh, boro. 1st Ward. Francis Seitz, Conemaugh boro. 2nd Ward. John Si vert Conemaugh boro. 2nd Ward. John Usher, Conemaugh boro. 2nd Ward. Isaac Crawford, Ebenslurg boro. W. Ward James Downey, Johnstown boro. 2nd Ward. John Bending:, Johnstown boro. 2nd Ward. John Kraft, Johnstown boro. 3d Ward. Remiguis Durach, Johnstown bor. 3d Ward. John B. Myers, Loretto borough. Philip Ik-rzog, Loretto borough. Joseph Geis, Richland township. George Coarad, Riddand township. Peter Ileim, Richland township. Victor Voestly, Snmmtrhill township. Henry Hughes, Summitville borough. Lenhart K :st, Taylor township. William Callan, Washington township. Francis P. Grosberger, Carrolltown boro. La wrence Stich, Carrolltown borough. Lawrence S:hroth, Carrolltown borough. Jacob Glasser. Chest township. Samuel F. George, Chest Springs 1 oronph, Jos Shoemaker, Conemaugh boro. 2nd W'd. Geo. Gurley, Ebensburg boro., West Ward. J. A. M'Xre, Ebensburg boro., East Wrrd. Jno. B. Williams, Johnstown boro. 2d W'd. das. B. M'Creight, Johnstown- ' 2d Ward. Richard Jelly, " " " Wm. D. Nicholson, " " William Palmer, " " 3d Ward. David Metzjrar, " 4th Ward. Dominick M'llugh, Mi'lville borough. Emanuel James, Lawrence Furlong, Taylor township. George W. Mullin, Washington township. Veronica Reilly, " John Wilkins, " " Michael J. Piatt. Suequehanna township. John A. Blair, Ebensburg borough. John N. Holman, Johnstown. 4th ward. Mary Ann M'Kenzie, Chest Spring. Owen Sweeny. Washington township. TO SELIj BY THE QUART. Henry Sch nabel, Johnstown bor. 4th W'd. D. W. Goughnour, Johnstown, 3rd Ward. Cyrus Hart. Johnstown borough 4th Ward. GEO. C. X. ZAIIM, Clerk Q. S. Ebensburg, May 10, 1806. Executor's Notice. IETTERS of Administration chmi testamen to annexo, upon the estate of Richard Nagle, late of Susquehanna township Cam bria county, deceased, have been grr.nted to the subscribers, by the Register of Cambria county. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and pay the same ; and those having claims against will present them properly authenticated for settlement. .irv,. JOHN R. NAGLE. m-Sr.K" RICHARD II. NAGLE, .May 17,18CG-0t. Executors. J LLOYD. OF II. S. liUNN. SUCCESSOR V Txr at r- t IN DRUGS, MEDICINES AND Office on Main street opposite PAINTS. " Mpore's House." EBENSBURG, Ta. Ebensburg, May 17-18GG-tf. DKXTISTltY. , DR. J. M. NTCtURE, OF Johnstown, has opelltali f CSce one the corner of Centre? VJ, Main, streets; in this place, (buildiniortnriy occupied by Mr. Gallon -as a hotel, upf lairs, front room,) where he'hwyjb fomid on the JirSl Monday of every" bro f "fid? p&nv ons or,two weeks.,- 'JfTtl PARTNEBSHiP. p.-ri-i ituershipieretofp existing bc ftuQ$e. s'rgflWlirthe practice of twcwrJ 1 VwJXT 1 Jtss'yy' a" persons kxiowit Aettcd to us, under cpatman. for profes- L , . .are reqicsted to call and seM,e thaeame immediatclv. mtft;- ii. l. JOHNSTON. GEO. W. OATMAN. Ebensburg, May 24. 18CG.-3t. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. EOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the partnership heretofore existing between Michael Snyder and Silas Byrne, engaged in the lumbering business, in Susquehanna township, Cambria county, has been dis solved. The business will hereafter be carried on by Michael Snvder and others. MICHAEL SNYDER, SILAS BYRNE. Susqi ehanna tp., May 24, 1SGG.33. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A Gentleman who suffered for y ears from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the affects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the receipt and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing. JOHN B. OGDEN, No. 13 Chambers St., New York. Feb. 1st, 1866. ly. S. M. Pettecgill & Co. Advertising AgeDts, 37 Park Row New York, and 10 State street, Boston, are the authorized Agents for the "Dem ocrat & Sentinel," and the most influen tial and largest circulating Newspapers in the United States and Canadas. They are empowered to contract for us at our LOWEST TEBM8. A FRESH lot of prime Segars and Tobacc0 just received and for sale at the Book Store of JAMES MURRAY. PUR L1C SALE. There will be sold on Tuesday, the 57 day of June rtfjrt, in the Borough of Ebens burg, Cambria county, the following proper ty, to wit : The Law Library of Philip S. Noon, late of Ebensburg, deceased, constating of full sets of the lieports of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania from Ycates Reports down regularly to the 11th vol. of Wright. Also : A large number of the most ap proved and latest editions of the Elementa ry Authors, on Evidence, Pleading and Practice ; Bacon's? Abridgment, Digests cf Djcissions, and of Laws of the State ; 24 vols, of the Pamphlet Laws of Pennsylvania bound ; 10 vols, of the Congressional Globe ; 24 vols, of the Colonial Records and Penna. Archives; the choicest Poetical Works; the Lives and Writings of some of the most Eminent Tublic Men of the L'nited States and Europe, besides a large number of miscellaneous works on Literature, Science and Politics. Also: Office and Household Furniture, consisting of Bixk Cases. Tables, Chairs, Beadsteads, Bedding, Desks, and Stoves, with a variety of Kitchen Furniture. There will be sold also a Piuio-foi te. with Stool, and Cover, and many other things too nu merous to mention. Terms of Sale will be made known on the day of sale. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, p. m. PHILIP COLLINS. May 17, 18GG.td Administrator. 1866. PROSPECTUS 18CG. OF "THE AGE," The only Democratic Daily Journal in Pitfadelj)hia. Great Improvements and great Inducements. Union, Restoration, And Constitutional Libertv! The publishers of THE AGE respectfully call attention to the Daily and Weekly is sues of their popular journal. The Daily Age contains the latest intel ligence from all parts of the world, with articles on Government, Politics, Trade. Fi nance, and all the current questions of the day ; Local intelligence. Market Reports; Trices Current. Stock Quotations, Marine and Commercial Intelligence. Reports of Public Gatherings, Foreign and Domestic Correspondence, Legal Reports, Book Noti ces, Theatrical Criticisms, Reviews of Liter ature, Art and Music, Agricultural Matters; and discussions of whatever subjects are t.f general interest and importance. Besides special telegrams, it has all the disjtatches of the Associated Press from every jart cf the United States, and the neicsfrom all jnxrts cf Europe, brought by the steamers, is instantly telcgrajihcd from whatever point the steamers Jirst touch. Terms of the Daily. One copy, one year g 9.00 ; six months, $150; tl.r.e months, $2.50 ; for any less period, at the rate of one dollar per month. Payments required invariably in advance. Postage on the Daily, thirty cents per quarter, or oi.e dollar and twenty cents per annum, if pre paid. The Weekly Age will be a complete compendial of the ntws cf the week, and besides the leading editorials from the Daily, will contain a large amount of interesting matter prepared expressly for the weekly issue. It will be in all resjects afrsi class Family Journal, particularly adapted to the Politician, the Farmer, the Merchant, the Mechanic, the Family Circle and the Gen eral Reader, having, in fact, every charac teristic of a live newspaper. At an early day will be begun an intensely interesting serial. by one of the most popular and fascinating authors, and it is also the intention to pub lish, from vetk to week, in the course of the year, three or four of the best and latest novels. Terms of the Weekly. One copy, one year, $2 ; five copies, one year, $9 , ten copies, one year, $17 50 : twenty copies, one year, $33. To clubs, where the jojei-s are sent to one address, the following reduc tion will be made : Ten copies, one year, $1G.50; twenty copies, one year, $30. A copy will be furnished gratis for each club of ten, or more, to one address, for one year. Payment required invariably in advance. Postage on the Weekly, five cents per quar ter, or tweuty-fivo cents per annum, if prepaid. The Weekly Age will le the great cam paign paper of the Democratic Conservative Party of Pennsylvania, and will earnestly support the President in his patriotic efforts in behalf of the I'nion, Restoration and Constitutional Liberty. fjrj- The abovo terms will be riaidly ad hered to. Specimen copies of the Daily rind Weekly sent gratis, on application at this office. Please write the name and address plainly, and specify distinctly whether the Daily or Weekly is ordered. WELSH Sr ROBB. 430 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. For Sale or Rent. A FARM containing forty acres, about six acres of which arc cleared, with a good house and barn and an excellent orchard thereon, situate at Mnllin Bridge, on the Turnpike in Cambria township, Cambria county, about two miles East of Ebensburg. is offered for sale or rent. The uncleared portion of the land is covered with a largn growth of excellent timber, and the entire farm is well supplied with good vater. For further information apply to the undersigned living in Munster, Minister township Pa. ROSANNA Me KIM. April 12, 18GG.3L. PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, Will do more and better work at a given Cost, than any other ! Trv it ! Manufactured only by ZIEGLER & SMITH. Wholesale Drug. Paint and Glass Dealers, No. 137 North THIRD Street. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 8, I8GG.ly. PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD. Pre ferred by all practical Painters ! Try it ! and vou will have no other. Manufactured only by ZIEGLER & SMITH. Wholesale Drug. Paint and Glrss Dealers, No. 137 North THIRD Street. PHILADELPHIA. February 8, 18G6.1y. CARPENTER'S RHEUMATIC FLuTijr sale at the Book Store of . Feb. 22, 1866. JAMES MURRAY. fi til i 1 ft ' . ivj 7! .; ' 'I : i V 1 t VI "t 'i 4 Ac Sgtt0., 1 -:jr' I