ryr blessings of government, like the dews of heaven, should be distributed alike, upon the high and the low. the rich and the toor. ,VKV SERIES, 1, li .tlrmorrat anb j?nr!inrl, s"j:::Uished in the borough tf Khenslmrg, A f,,:;,bi.i county. Vs.. every Wednesday .-..ri.ii I'V Clakk Wilson, at the fullow- r..tes, in v.n iatiy in advance t Cv'', thlCC III' 'lilhs. GO Jl 00 ! 2 Co ' : v, .-:x i:. ian i v, i in" car. -. v. I . i. : 1 p.iy their mlsoripti..ns ! .!: r ti.e cxnira'i n -t six months will ' ir'-.l at tin' i.de of i'J 50 per year, - ni. . U i l' pay uiiii! afur the ii i 1 I 1 1 r Kjoi.th" will It ch.u;ed at ! 1:0) i r i .ir. :.. . a' 'in i $ '.' when -.iid f.r - . '! j.. r nuinlxT; i. t r v. . in a'v.u.ic ix itiits j-r i 1 1. ii .1. .ui'.U .- c n.-titute a quarter ; , .-..a ... i.'ui and tifty numbers, - 3' O! i:TIsi.Ni. : i.-e t : c Constitute a ir. T! ir.s-T'i n, u :.t ii. x rt; u, i.e ear. $1 no Y i ;.iiv, 00 -- ! ;o 00 no 0o j r r.t liiscil.on. 'iit.'i C"' :;i:u, three i;i r:t' urth hiii.ri, six in.ir.tl.s, 1: 1 1 I irtii i i . iiii.n. !ie t ar. :o t'.-ls i-oiuriiii, three iiior.ttis, .' .;fo:;:!ini, six Ilioi.ths, i i- iUllill. out- f .T, ('..? Oil litnii, three nioiith.s, ': ! i-ohi::in, six Illft.lhs, o...' column, one year, .Yd liter's Notice," KL"-noi 's Notice, A'hniiii.-trator's Notice, lLrri.i:e anl Death Notices. 12 00 JO 00 :i5 oo I'O (-0 35 00 70 00 2 00 2 50 . 2 50 Free. , per an $ti 00 ten cents l'rol'osional cards with j' per i.;:m. ohituary Notices, over six line i er r.i.e. Si'-'cial and business Notice ciht cents er lii.e for first insei iion, and four cents for cu ll subsequent inseitii'U. Rs-'iutions of S x.'ieties, rr comniunica t. ii s ..f a personal Lature must be paid for as .i lvci tisements. Xo cuts inserted in advertisements. P. 1TI3 UK JOB WOISK HILLS AND t'Mti'L'I.A Its. For -J3. 50. 100. E.ad.100 Vx-ntliSlj't. Jl .-0 $1 75 .$ 00 $ 75 ruli'h N.ect. 1 50 2 00 2 50 y-i.'.rter Sheet, 2 5o :j 00 3 50 ii.Jf Sheet, 1 00 5 00 6 50 On 50 00 OA K1S. $1 50 1 200 f.,r 2 00 500 for :." for h0 f.r $3 5 00 00 oO hicli additional hundred. JU.ANKS. li:equiro, J2 60 Eachad.q'r.$l 50 Ail transient work miiM, Ihj paid for on !'-'';vry. CI, A UK WILSON, hleusburg, June 14, 1So5. FOR SALE OR RENT. mill! FAUM and COAL LAND formerly o'-tned by John CJillan, S., situate in k townshin Cambria count v. nlmut even miles North-west of Ebcnsliurg, ad "it.i:g lands of the late John Gillan, Jr.. !'vi! Upland, David Davis, Jr., and Jacob and I'eter Wagner, contains "n Ihimlrcil and Tireutij-thrce Acre', i t! "reaboiits, having thereon erected a A'UL STONE DWELLING DOUSE and .1 Large IJanli. Itarn. 1: is land contains an abundance of coal ; 1 iq.erior quality a drift 41 feet thick been opeued which is now beln" -M'i'iy to the undersigned, the present "r. rs, residing in the boronch of Ebens 1 H. L. JOHNSTON, W.M. KITTELL. -V.v. 0, 1805. tf. H. WALTERS, 31 tin street, between Franklin and Clinton, North side, JOHNSTOWN, PA. SAS constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of seasonable w Eflcss ii nuns. lis stock conists of almost every article .i.illy kept in a retail store, all of which ..... 1 I A 1 ., , . - -.. ' ".lu vmu aim iliu ejirco cs u cannot kui io prove satistao- rV I "II on, I ovnn-.i'nn f I v.. .ii iw vArtiiniic loi oiwseives. -Nov. 10, 18G5.Gm.. II.'WALTEIkS. DEXTISTRY. ' go'E undersigned Graduate of theCalti - more College of Dental Surgery, respect 1 oilers his proffessional services to the c ;:-ens of EWnsburg. He has spared no '"Cin thoroughly to acquaint himself with -ry improvement In his art. To many tlTu ,rHrsonal experience he has thought . t , . ,mPartI experience of the high Jv n i ia Dcntal Science. He sim- Lrl i u .tlVlt u Prrtuity may be given ljr Lla Wcrk HH'uk its own praise. L'fiicc in Coh.r.ad,. Row. 1J.?i.v"irLe?tben5l,,rS nthe fourth - Mi .,f each month, t.. stay ,ne week. pf l- TlLTwNEY, A1T01LNEY-AT-LAW. i-r: ?,'; :rtrNor,h Colonade Row. 49. lusinrss (Larbs. J. (.'. WILSON, 31. 1)., f FFERS his services s PHYSICIAN" and 'J SURGEON, to ti c citiz -f Kb nsour and surrounding counti v. ( (i.-i- tn-.. .' liio Ts La;t of tie I'rcsi icrun Church, room f.rnurly occupied l v Dr. J. no. Eton.-buig, Ai rii I ItCG.Ciu.0. r. a. siioemakeh. the ATTORNEY AT LAW, EBEA'SBTRC. CAM LRU COUNTY, J'ENNW. December T, lfo.. (tf.) v. ii. si:ciiu-:i Attorney at Lav, AND PRACTICAL SURVEYOR EBEXSBUBG, CAMBRIA COUNT', PENNA. Oflice in the CViUjiuissiuiier'd cfiice. December 7, 1SC5. tf.) Ji. L JOHNSTON, ATTORMEY AT LAV, OFFrCE in the South end of his lesidenee, immediately opposite the Court House, Fben.sburji, Fa. November 23, 1SG5. (1 37.) GEOIiGi; W. OAT1MAX, Attorney at Law, OFFICE IN COLOXADE ROW, nearly ojposire the Cjurt House, Ebensburg, Pennsylvania. November 23, 1865. (.1.37.) JOHN 1. LINTON, Atturnry and Cm srlhr ot Lair, JOHNSTOWN, PA. JjFITCE in building on corner of Main and (j Franklin street, opposite Mansion House, second floor. Entrance on Franklin street. Johnstown, Nov. 16, 855.. D. M'LAUGULIN, ATTORN EY-AT-L AW. Johnstown, Cambria Co.. Pa. Office in the Exchange building, on the Corner of Clinton and Locust streets up stairs. Will attend to all business connect ed with his profession. Dec. u, lfct;3.-tf. JYRUS L. PERSUING, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Johnstown, Cambria County, Fa. Oflice on Main street, second floor over the Bank. ix 2 .1. K. Scanlnn, A T T O II N E Y A T L A W , Ebexsiu ug, Fa., OFFICE ON MAIN STREET, THREE DOORS EAST np the LOGAN HOUSE. December 10, 1803.-!y. OHN FENLON, ATTO RN EY-AT-L AW , Ebenfcburg, Cambria county Fa. Office on Main stieet adjoining bis dwel ling. May 4, 18G5. . ' .' i .EORGEM. REED, ATTOHNEY AT L AAV. EIJENSUURG, Cambria Comdi, Pa. OFFICE IN COLONADE KfjW. March 13. 1SG4. (.1.50.) ICIIAEL IIASSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LA W. Eiiensburg, Cambria Co. Pa. OOiice on Main street, three doors East of Julian. ix 2 nn D. W. EVANS, UjIi Tenders his pro fessional services to the citizens f EBENSRURG AND VICINITY. Oflice one door east of R. Davis' store. Night calls made at his residence three doors west of It. Evans' cabinet ware room. May 31, 1805 Cm LLOYD 8l COff BANKERS, Elfttsbiirg, Cambria Counfi, Pennsylvania. pOLD, SILVER, GOVERNMENT RONDS (J and other securities bought and sold. Interest allowed ou time deposits. Collec- j tions made on all accessible points in the j United States, and a General Banking business transacted. March I, lSGG.tf. i W AM K I I I (- I I 1 ITfi IllnTir T TTmTlQ ! " y , ,,, B V r ! , V- , , . , IT ,7,?' reptitiously and villainously suppressed tho lLLIMm V 1 I LLL I Ufi3UXllxO J i jlUiliilj I way to old lilueford's house, and found and died in the city of Mexico. After his orr of Jhe Vdjut.lllt r,eu- r d of this SffOrnCH nt nhl (bnisblirfr I CvmenfMainumlFrauldmSH-cef,, j M.rs- Iiluefura bly f ttinS thf. ry Promotcd to tl;e cul-- State Hssued by direction of Governor " Csrnhria Pm,nr,r -nV,Vo J JOHNSTOWN, PA., mnSs ,e;iu Ior U!- 3 co.mu.t ou . ..y. x ne couu.y kwiumceis ish,m.) aiieotin- him to fill all vacancies Jillce ?'Sn,!S??."w FEEPS constantly on hand a gene.al as- ! Ilis lfturn ,omc fr,olu, work' ihc j we al!f to I regiment and known in tho .coim1 nr 1!lient r p,mlvan;:l Dec. 4. 186 t0i0aaUC ' " ' :K sTtmc-nt of usual compliments had passed, the iollow- us Co. II. 1 hey dtmgui.hed themselves vo!untec:,s by cktion, laUh,, advantage of EBENSBURG, PA., FOREIGN SHIPPING AM) EXCHANGE OFFICE. : are now selling Exchange (at New Yoik Kn -laud. Ireland. Serni.iny, F iv.iria, lliscn, I'.eirilllii, f- .tlat..!. Frus-ia. Wales. Austria, Ibidi a, Hanover, IlVdand. WurieiiitxT, Sax y, Fwit.j li.iuj. Norway and Frar-.ce. And Tickets to and from any P at in F.nhui.l, . Ireland, Scotland, (eniiauy, France, California, New South Wales or Australia. KFKlt & CO Altconr, March 1, lSCu.ly. LORETTO M1RBLB WORKS. fjUIF, UXDERSIGXEl) begs leave to ir.fi. rm 1 the citizens of Cambria and adjoining counties, that he has just received a istock if the iiuest Indian ami other MarLlc-t at Jus Est'diUshmrnl in Lure (to Cambria rn.t Pti . M nuincuf.f. Tombs, Grave Sfoite.t, T'aUe and Bureau lops, manufactured of the most beautiful and finest quality of Fureigu and Domestic marble, always on hand and made to order as cheat) as they can be purchased in the city, in a neat and workmanlike manner, and on the shortest notice. The public are respectfully invited togiie me a call before purchat.in elsewhere, as 1 air. confident that my work and prices mill satisfy any person desiring any thing in my line of busiue.-s. .Voir is the lime to int a chenn ! J A M I IS W 1 LK I NSON. Loretto, April 12, liG.ly. iw mt m -cap m T? IV R-UiXnT-SEfc TJAS just returned from the east, where he j 11 has purchased the Iargii and best assort ' meat of j HATS ATtB CAPS 1 ever brought to Johnstown, together with i an excellent assortment of gentle men s furn- j ishir.g goods I men's Aloua hue quality ol gentle l. SHOES AND GAITERS. His stock consists in part of Drawers, Shirts, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Nee ties. Suspenders, Stockings, Gloves. Umbrellas, Ladies flats. Hoods, Leghorn Hats, Hats for children and youth, together with all sorts of goods usu ally kept in an establishment of this kind. His goods are all new. Call and examine his stock. Don't forg"t the place, ou Main street, time doors evst of Frn.ier's Drug Store. January 18, ISOC.tf. COIJNLH GHOCEHY" STORE. FAMILY GROCERIES, Country Produce, &c. together with Spices, Pickles, Preserved Fruits. Dried Fruits, Tobacco, Cigars, eve., all of w hich will be sold as cheap as the cheapest. Call and examine our stock. Nov. 10, 1805. ly. mm D. THOMAS. Boot and Shoe Maker, WuW U.N MAIN SIT., EF.LNSBUKG, KD one dx;r East of Crawford's hotel, and ! immediately opposite the store of E. J. Mills & Co, is prepared to do all work in his line ou short notice and in a workmanlike manner. The work done at this establishment will compare favorable with that of any shop in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh or elsewhere in the country. French Calf, Common Calf. Mo rocco and all kinds of Leather constantly ou nana, ah work warranted to render satis faction. November 2, 1865 ly. HOUSE. EBENSBURC, PA. JOHN A. BLAIR. I Voprictor. THE PROPRIETOR will spare nopains to render this Hotel, worthy of a continua tion or the liberal share of public patron age it has heretofore received. His table will always be furnished with the lvest the market affords; his bur with the best of liquors. His stable is large, and will be attended, by an attentive and obliging hostler. Ebenburg Apr.17 1861. JOSEPH EI'DONALD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, EnExsuirno, Pa., FFICE on Centra street, opposite Moore's Hotel. Apr. 20, 1806-tf o DH. THOMAS II. DOYLE. HAVING octed permarently in Chest SpringVPa.. respectfully teudeis his JL-B. SpnngsFa.. respectfully teudeis his professional services to the citizens of that phu?o and vicinity. Oflice one door above E. & H. Nutter's store, Chest Springs. Apiil 27, lSGG-lm. THURSDAY, MAY MADAME SCANDAL A Ions time a-n, in the western nart of Limland. there lived an ie-eJ -,!. timo haJ passed awav, sine eailv youth in Hip every day round ft larui hie, and ; who had iair lm-u kiiuwn to b:ie th" i least i!lltt iinirs ttw;i:.!s t-acli other, si:i.-e: the p,eij old timts wh.nold 1'arson I Id lot had unitisl tliem i:i the h. lj boo, of wcllock twenty-f.ve veils before. S-j , well was their et njuj i! happiness known, . that th.-y were sp.keri t f jar and near a- . the happiest pair in Ilo-Lml. Now, the Devil (excuse. t!ie abiupt mention of his , name) had boon trin,; twenJy jears to ; create what i- called "a f'u.v in the f.itn ily" Iwtween these old co npaniuns. I5ut, ! much to his inortificatioii, he had not been abh; to induce the old pe itleman to rruni ; ble about breakfast bt in toj late or the ,' old woman to give a single' curtain h cture. j After repeated cHorts, the ii became : discouraged, and had he not been a pcr i son of great determination, lie would have i doubtless given the work up in despair. ! One day as he walked along in a very- . - - - surly mood, after another attempt to get i the old lady, to quarrel about the pigs get- I ' ting into the yard? he met an old hulv. a ' neighbor of the aged couple. As Mr. Devil and the neighbor were very partic ular friend, they must needs stop on the way and chat a little. "Good morning, sir," said she, "and pray what ou earth makes you look so bad this morning ? Isn't the controversy be tween the churches doing good service "Yes." "Isn't Deacon W. bad whiskey V making plenty of "Yes." "Well, what is the matter, my I Snored master r ' ' J replied the Devil, "but (and he looked as sour as a monkey on a crab apple tree) old Dlucford and his wife over here are injuring the cause terribly by their bad example ; and after trying for four years to induce thorn to do right, I must say I consider them hopeless." The hag stood a moment in Jeep thought. "Are you sure you have tried every way ?" "Every way I can think of." Aie you certain?" "Yes." "Well," replied she, 'if you will prom- isc to make me a present of a new pair j State, was elected Lieutenant-Colonel of of shoes in case I succeed, I will make 1 the Second Pennsylvania regiment of vol tho attempt myself, and see if I can raise ' unteers in the war with Mexico, upon the a quarrel between them." ! organization of that regiment in the city To this reasonable request the Devil j of Pittsburgh. William 1. Huberts, of ing dialogue iouk place : "Well, friend 15-, you and Mr. 15. have lived a long time together." "I ive and twenty years, come Novem- ber," replied Mrs. B. "Ami all this time you have never had a quarrel ? " "Xot one." "I am truly glad to hear it," continued the ha;r, "I consider it my duty to warn you, tiiougn tins is tne case, you musi noi expect it to be ahvavs. Have vou not L-t it to be alwavs. Have nWrvod observed that of late Mr. I. has been peevish and sullen at times? " 'A very little so," observed Mrs. lilue ford. "I knew it," continued the hag ; "and let mo warn you to be on your guard." Mrs. P. did think she had better do sound asked advice as to how she should manage the case. "I Live' you not noticed," said the hng, "that your husband has a bunch of long, harsh hair growing under the chin on the side of his throat " 4 'Yes." "These are the cause of the trouble, and as long as they remain, you had better l.iok nut Now. as a friend. I would ad- vise you to cut them oil the lirst tune you get a chance, and thus end the trouble, for as long as they remain, you had better look out." Soon after this the hag started for home, and made it convenient to meet Mr. Ik on the Way. Much the same talk in re- lation to his domestic happiness passed between him and the old woman. "Dul, friend lilucford," said she, "I think it my duty to tell you to be on your guard, for I tell you your wife intends your ruin." Old Mr. Ik was very much astonished, yet he could not wholly discredit her words. When he reached homo he threw himself on the bed in erple.ity, and feigned himself asleep, studied the matter I over in his mind. His wife, thinking this I a good opportunity fur cutting off the ob- 31, 1SGG. ' noxious hair, took her husband's razor and 1 . . i . i , . rt'I't i'of''l, to ,,is NoNV ,llul :l """,'J ai iioiuini; ;i razor so '" tJ l,tT Uil- "tl1 ' "ctk an ' ..... . f.. ..... . .. , '".'i j-n-.iujf as ii once was ; so, oe- twioi l!..'tv.M .h.j went to .rk very akw:rd!y, and pulled the hairs, instead of cutting them olf. Ik -opened his eyes, and there stoo 1 his wife with n razor at hi throat. After what had been told him, and feeing this he could not doubt but that she intended to murder hiiu. He sprang from the bod in horror; no expla nation or entreaty could convince hiiu to the contrary. So from that time there was a jaw, a quarrelling and wrangling all the time. ! With delight the Devil heard of the . faithful emissary, and sent her word the would meet him at the end of the lane, ! he was promising to pive company 1 1 the : at a certain time, he would pay her the J privilege of electing their own ttiicci s ae- shoes. At the appointed time she repair- i cording to the laws of the State of IVuu ed to the spot, and found the Devil at the sylvania, he, the said Geary, bargained placc. He put the shoes on a pole, and standing on the opposite side of the fence, handed them over to her. She was much pleased with them they were exactly the article. "Uut there is one thing, Mr. Devil, I would like to have explained ; this is, why 3 0U hand them to me on a stick ? " "Very easy to explain," replied he : "an' one w ho has the cunning and mean ness to do as you have done, don't get any nearer than twenty feet to me." So say ing, he lied in terror. After a while the old woman died, and when she applied for admittance to the lower regions the Devil would not let her in, for fear she mitrht dethrone him. as j she was so much his superior. So the ! old woman is yet condemned to w ander j the world, creating quarrels and strife in peaceful families and neighborhoods, i Would you know her name ? j It is Madame Scandal. When she , died the young Scandals were left orphans, j but the Devil, in consideration of past services done by the mother, adopted them, j and so you see he is father to that respect ! able class called scandal mongers. ) Header, don't ycu know some of the : family ? . i From the Genius of Libert v. t j John W, Geary and the Soldiers of the j Mexican War. j John W. Geary, the candidate of the ' Hadical-Aboliiionists tor Governor of this ior g.auanc conduct ana mtrepia oravery ; in all the important engageier.t3 iiom j Vera Cruz to the city of Mexico, includ- i ing the bloody assaults jipon Uio gates of ' that city. They continued iu'Vice until ; the end of the war, and-were honorably i discharged. The survivors, upon their ' return home, were received with earned and highly distinguished honors by their : fellow-citizens. Here, at the county seat they were honored by a splendid recep tion, participated in by the citizens of the county generally, as well as by the ladies, who gieeted their return with all that del icate attention and refined taste peculiar to their sex. At Connelisvillc, also, they were the recipients of a handsome ovation, the heartfelt tribute of the citizens and la dies of that place and vicinity. The re j ecption at Connelisvillc took place on i Saturday, July lo, 1818. The recep- j Hon speech was made by Dr. James C. Cunnnings, and the response by Sergeant ' Peter A. Johns. After the delivery of the j speeches and partaking of an elegant din- ,lor prepared for the occasion, the return- i ed soldiers met togather and viianinwusty i j adopted a preamble and series of rcsolu- j ' lions, which show up the character of tioim tv. tjeary in suen a ugni as would i t, nr t i. render his election as Governor an ever lasting disgrace to the "State of Pennsyl vania. These resolutions were, it wiil be seen, vnaniiiioushf adopted by true and tried sol- j diers, by men who' knew Geary well, and j by suen who did not hesitate to proclaim their estimate of Ins character, and that too, not in tender dainty sentences, but in well-expressed and forcible language. The testimony of these proceedings gains additional force from the fact that it was uttered at such a time and under such cir cumstances as to exempt it entirely from any imputation of political influences. The proceedings were published in the papers of this county by request of the soldiers, on the 27th of July, ISIS, and here they are. VOL. i :) NO. I T, I The fo ' ! r. :i!!i!!- :it.l re.- i we'" h return, d o!m. , company n, rciM i vm -ylv am i re:.i- 1 iiKi.t, and uuat.i.::OLiiy adopled by n. : luee.ui : i WJuthi, The di- !.ar-e and :iivI ! home of the remain;; liieinbvi cf ii.o n-aiii placed t hem Fayette volunteers h in the position of citizens of the Common wealth ot Pennsylvania, and erabled them to speak and assert their right, they now embrace this occasion, the lirst opportu nity since their return, to express their deep and abiding indignation of the con duct of John V. Geary, sir.ee he was elected to the command of the Citv of .Mexico. The said J.d.n XV. Geary pro cured his election by a mere nluralitv of if j vote?, by falsehood and deception. Whih with others for votes, promising and giv ing appointments in said company II to men from other companies who might an swer his peculiar purposes. The law of Congress of the loth May lSLil, calling for volunteers for the war with Mexico, has this provision : SIX". 5. And be it r'nrth'T cno-'U-d, That the said volunteers so ollering tiu-ir serv ices shall be accepted by the President, in companies, battalions, squadrons, nd regiments, w hose officers shall be appoint ed in the manner dresciibed by law in the several States and Territories to which such companies, ba'.tlUons, squadron., and regiments shall respectively belong. Iu-6'.ilccd , That we, the remaining mem bers of the Fayette County volunteer:-, view the conduct of the said John W. Geary towards Company II as an outrage, upon their just rights, as secured to thi ;u by the laws of Pennsylvania as well ;.t the laws of Congress. The whole course, and conduct, of the said Gcu-y being in consistent with the character of a gemie man or man of honor, it was treating us as a set of men who did not know tl it rights, and who cuu'.J not appreciate thi i i, it was corrupt and mercenary iu all it-, bearing?, characteristic of a luw :.iul growling creature, hunting and seeking popularity for courage and patriotism that ho never earned, by bargaining with subtle tools and mercenaries, one of whom at least was a notorious black-leg. AiW'rfi, That the arrest and trial of First Sergeant John A. Cunnnings by a court-martial, for dating to assert his rights and those of the company, was a base and cowardly exercise of usurped authority' on the part of the said John W. Geary, after he (the sai l Geary) had sur- his stolen authority to cover op LisfWurve than base motives, and to injure the hard earned fame of a brave and yydlunt otlicer. On motion of I'eter A. Johns, it was Atsc , That nil the harm we wish Colonel Geary is, that his disgrace may follow him through nil the lanes and ave nues of life, and that he may never die oi get old. Poi nty L.vnh i ou Sc u.d-ki; ;. The Commissioner of the General Land Oliice. has issued an announcement in rcjdy to a large number of couimnnications from soldiers and others who served during the late war, stating that there is no law granting lands or bounty land warrants to soldiers or sailors engaged in the late war against the rebellion. The Homestead Act, as amended March 21, 1801, gran! homesteads of one hundred and sixty acres to soldiers, sailors and citizens w ho reside thereon for a peiiod of live years, at a cost of 10, and register an 1 receiv er's fees. Soldiers or sailors may tile ap plications for a homestead while still in the military cr naval service, and the pe riod thereafter in which they may remain in the service will be counted as a portion of the live rears residence reuuired. "Di u Vino." One of our German fellow citizens says the ll'mara (iaul!:, got agitated ou the President's veto pas sage, the other day, and thus relieved him- ! sell : "I dinks der Lre.-ident is rint Dese eight years and potter, haf I gebt i jett house, and I nefer hak a pureau in mine blace yet, and I cot along shuss as gxd as if, I have one. Now ky wants all de. golercd beoples to haf a pureau and uax de poor white beople to bay for him. 1 stands by der President. Tur. Commissioner of Agriculture Laa received from Colorado several sheaves i f wheat and ots, tho former. yielding eigh- . ' 1..'. 1- . . .1.. " , , ' . ij-juc. oiisueia 1. 1 uio acre, una mo Utter j one hundred and twenty. i 1 4 ' i I Ii. 4 i -1 . I t i I a 1 1 4 1 ir i i k. . -5 t, i I i I' Tr ii