uu 4 7 - r A . -' r r i . i! 1 i &t gnhocraf anb jSJcniintl, IS published in the borough of Ebensburg, Cambria county, Fa., every Wednesday morning, by Clark Wilson, at the follow ing rates, invariably in advance : One copy, three months, 50 One copy, six mouths, $1 00 One copy, one 3ear, 2 00 Those who fail to pay their subscriptions until after the expiration of six months will be charged at the rate of $2.50 per year, and those who fail to pay until after the ex piration of twelve mouths will be charged at the rate of $3.00 per year. The Democrat and Sentinel when paid for in advance costs four cents per number; when not paid in advance six cents per number will be charged. Twelve- numbers constitute a quarter; twenty-five, six months; and fifty numbers, one year. RATES OF ADVERTISING. Fifteen lines of Burgoise type constitute a pquare. One square, one insertion, Each subsequent insertion, One square, cue j'ear. Two squares, one insertion, Each subsequent insertion. One-fourth column, three months, One-fourth column, six months. One fourth column, one year, Half column, three months. Half column, six months, Half column, one ear. One column, three mouths, One column, six months, One eoluinu, one year, Auditor's Notice, Executor's Notice, Administrator's Nutice, Marriage and Death Notices, Professional cards with paper, num. $1 00 25 G 00 1 50 50 8 00 12 00 20 00 12 00 20 00 35 00 20 00 35 00 70 00 2 00 2 50 2 50 Free. per an $( 00 Obituary Notices, over six lines, ten cents per line. Special and business Notices eight cents per line for first insertion, and four cents for each subsequent insertion. Resolutions of Societies, or communica tions of a personal nature must be paid for as advertisements. No cuts inserted in advertisements. rates of job work bills and circulars. For 25. 50. Sixteenth Sh't. $1 50 SI 75 Eighth Sheet, 1 50 2 00 100. E.ad.100 $2 00 50 50 50 .5 00 50 00 Quarter Sheet, lialf Sheet, J 50 3 00 3 1 00 5 00 0 CARDS. $1 50 I 200 for 50 for 100 for $3 5 00 00 50 2 00 500 for Each additional hundred, BLANKS. One quire, $ 50 I Each ad. q'r.$l 0 All transient work must be paid for on delivery. CLARK WILSON. Ebensburg, June 14, 18G5. FOR SALE OR RENT. MMIIE FARM and COAL LAND formerly JL owned by John Gillan, Sr., situate in Blacklick township, Cambria county, about seven miles North-west of Ebensburg, ad joining lands of the late John Gillan, Jr.. David Rowland, David Davis, Jr., and Jacob and Peter Wagner, coutaing One Hundred ami Twenty-three Acres, r thereabouts, having thereon erected a GOOD STONE DWELLING HOUSE and A Large ISank. ESarn. This land contains an abundance of coal c f a superior quality adrift 4 J feet thick having been opened which is now being worked. Apply to the undersigned, the present owners, residing in the borough of Ebens burg. R. L. JOHNSTON, WM. KITTELL. Nov. SO, I8(i5. tf. N EV FIRM. A. M'FADDON & BROTHERS. OLD BRICK WAREHOUSE, HOLLIDAYSBURG, PA., Dealers in all kinds cf GROCERIES, TOBACCO, CIGARS, MACKEREL, SHAD, HERRING, CODFISH, FLOUR, CHO , CORN MEAL, SALT, PLASTER. NAILS & IRON, GRAIN, GLASS, LEAD & OILS. All of which are sold low for cash. Hollidaysburg, May 31, 1805-tf H. WALTERS, Main street, between Franklin and Clinton, North side, JOHNSTOWN, FA. HAS constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of seasonable BEY BDQBS 11 UIE5. His stock conists of almost every article usually kept in a retail store, all of which have been selected with care and are offered at prices which cannot fail to prove satisfac tory. Call and examine for yourselves. Nov. 16, 18G'5.Cm.. II. WALTERS. DEXTISTIIY. nnUE undersigned Graduate of the B<i M more College of Dental Surgery, respect fully oilers his professional services to the citizens of Ebensburg. He has spared no means thoroughly to acquaint himself with every improvement .n his art. To many years of personal experience he has thought to add the imparted experience of the high est authorities in Dental Science. He sim ply asks that an opportuity may bo given for his work to speak its own praise. SAMUEL BELFORD, D. D. S. Office in Colonade Row. References. Prof. C. A. Harris ; T. E. Bond, jr. ; W. R. Handy ; A. A. Blandy, P. II. Austen, of the Baltimore College. Crj- Will be at Ebensburg on the fourth Monday of each mouth, to stay one week. DUR K LIBERTY WHITE LEAD. Pre 1 fcrred by all practical Painters ! Try it ! and you will have no other. Manufactured only by ZIEfiLFR & SMTTir Wholesale Drug. Paint and Glrss Dealers ! No. 137 North THIRD Street, j PHILADELPHIA. February S, lsG'J. ly. PRICES REDUCED. Tohnit own Marble Workii A NEW STOCK The subscriber has just received a large and handsome invoice of Italian and American MARBLE, comprising the largest and finest Btock of the kind ever brought to Johnstown, at his establishment on Franklin Street, where he is prepared with an adequate force of experienced and skilful workmen, to execute all kinds of MONUMENTS, Mantels, Tombstones. Ta ble and Bureau Tops, etc., as cheap as they can be purchased in any of the cities. A large stock of Grindstones on hand and fur sale low. Articles of my manufaelme can be pur chased at the Hardware Store of Mr. Geo. Huntley, in Ebensburg. OCT Prompt attention paid to orders from a distance and work delivered where de sired. JOHN PARKE. Sept. 21, 1805. APPEALS. 0OTIC5 IS HEREBY GIVEN. That the Appeals far the year 1806, will be held at the Commissioner's office in Ebensburg, as follows : On Mouday, March 10th Allegheny. Blacklick. Cambria, and Chest townships, and Chest Springs and Cambria boroughs. On Tuesday, March 20th Carroll, Croyle, Clearfield, Conemaugh and Munster town ships and Carrolltown and Conemaugh bor oughs. On Wednesday, March 21st Jackson tp., and Ebensburg, Johnstown, "Prospect and Loretto boroughs. On Thursday, March 22d Millville and Sumniitville boroughs and Richland, Sum merhill and Susquehanna townships. On Friday, March 23d Taylor, Wash ington, White and Yoder townships and Wilmore borough. The Military Appeals for each district will be held at the same time and place the ap peals for property are hell. Witness our hands at Ebensburg this loth day of Februarv. 1SCG. E. GLASS. ) K. R. DUNEGAN. C Conor's. JOHN CAMPBELL, ) Attest. Wm. II. Sf.chler, Clerk. February 22, ISGG.Ct. LOOK" HERE! nnilE undersigned will sell at private sale JB. the following real estate m Cambria county, viz : A tract of land in Washington township, situate 11 miles from Cressnn, adjoining lam's of M. M. Adams. D.miel Criste, Hugh J. M'Closkey, Joseph Criste, Jacob Burgoon, and others, containing about 313 acres. Also A piece or parcel of land situate in the same township, about two miles from the borough of Wi'ir.ore and one mile from Portage Station, adjoiuing lauds of P. M' Gough, Esq., containing NINETY-SIX ACRES, about sixty acres of which are cleared, having thereon erected a frame dwelling house and frame barn. On this tract ther,e is a large vein of limestone and a vein of coal. Also Two contiguous tracts of coal and timber land, situate near Summerhill Station, in Croyle township, containing 3C0 acres, fifty of which arc cleared, having thereon erected a dwelling house and barn. Ai.sc A tract of timber land in Black lick and Carroll townships, containing 317 seres. A branch of the Blacklick creek and Dutch run pass through the same. This is a desirable property. Also 'The farm and coal tract formerly owned by John Gillan, Sr., situate in Black lick township, about seven miles North-west of Ebensburg, adjoining "lands of the late John Gillan, Jr., David Rowland, David Davis, Jr., and Jacob and Peter Wagner, containing 123 acrrs, or thereabouts, having thereon erected a good stone dwelling houe and a log barn. This land contains an abundance of coal of a superior qualitv a vein 4 feet thick having been opened" and worked. Also A piece or parcel of land situate in Cambria township, adjoining the ancient city c f Buleaw, containing 02 acres. Also A number of lot?, dwelling houses, and pieces or parcels cf ground situate in and near the boro' of Ebensburg. Also Other lands located in different parts of the county not above designate!. WM. KITTELL. Ebensburg, Nov. 30, 1SC5. tf. The Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs. forty different styles, adapted to sacred and secular music, for $S0 to $000 each. FIFTY-ONE GOLD OR SILVER MEDALS, or other first premiums awarded them. Il lustrated Catologucs free. Address, MA SON & HAMLIN, Boston, or MASON BROTHERS. New Y'oek. Sept. G, 18G5 ly. EBENSBURG FOUNDRY. The subscri ber announces to the public, that he has repurchased the Ebensburg Foundry and is prepared to furnish his former customers and all others with every description of cast ings usually manufactured at a country es tablishment. He will always keep on hand the best qualitv of COOKING STOVES PARLOR STOVES, OFFICE STOVES. &c! Also PLOWS, of the most approved pat tern. PLOW POINTS, THRESHING MACHINES and all other articles connect ed with the business of a Foundry. He invites the patronage of the public and will seli at the most reasonable prices, for cash or country produce. , EDWARD GLASS. March 29, 1865-ly. Executor's Xotire. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY upon the Estate of PATRICK DONAIIOE, late of Washington township, Cambria county, deceased, having been granted to the sub scribers, all persons indebted to said estat3 are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same are notified to present them properly au thenticated for settlement. THOMAS DONA HOE, 1 r , JOHN M. BRADY, J ExT fc January 25, lSSG.5. IP F. A. SHOEMAKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, EBENSBURG, CAMBRIA COUNTY, FENS' A. December 7, 18C5. (tf.) W. II. SECIILEK, Attorney at law, AND PRACTICAL SURVEYOR, EBENSBURG, CAMBRIA COUNTY, FENNA. December 7, 18G5. (tf.) II. I, JOHNSTON,." . ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE in the South end of his residence, immediately opposite the Court House, Ebensburg, Pa. November 23, 18G5. (1.37.) G EOIJGE W. O ATM AN, Attorney at Lav, OFFICE IN COLONADE ROW, nearly opposite the Cjurt House, Ebensburg, Pennsylvania. November 23, 1865. (.1.37.) JOHN 1 LINTON, Attorney and Counstllcr at Laic, JOHNSTOWN, FA. OFFICE in building on corner of Main and Franklin street, opposite Mansion House, second floor. Entrance on Franklin street. Johnstown, Nov. 1G, 18G1.. m'lTughTin" attorney-at-law. Johnstown, Cambria Co.. Pa. Office in the Exchange building, on the Corner of Clinton and Locust streets up stairs. Will attend to all business connect ed with his profession. Dec. 9, 18G3.-tf. WILLIAM KITTELL. tfonuir at l&tfo, (fbtnsburg, Cambria County Penna. Office Colonade row, Dec. 4. ISO JYRUS L. PERSHING, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Johnstown, Cambria County, Fa. Ofiice on Main street, second floor over the Bank. ix 2 J. IZ. Scanlau, ATTORNEY AT LA W , Ebessbcro, Ta., OFFICE ON MAIN STREET, THREE DOORS EAST op the LOGAN HOUSE. December 10, 18G3.-ly. OIIN FENLON, ATTO RN EY'-AT-L A W , Ebensburg, Cambria county Pa. Office on Main stieet adjoining his dwel ling. May 4, 1855. (.1.42.) jjEORGEM. REED, ATTORNEY AT LAW, EBENSBURG, Cambria County. Pa. OFFICE IN COLONADE ROW. March 13, 18G4. (.1.C0.) 1CHAEL HASSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Ebensburg, Cambria Co. Pa. Offiice on Main street, three doors East of Julian. ix 2 D. W. EVANS, i ti Tenders his uro- lessional services to the citizens cf EBENSBURG AND VICINITY. Office one door east of R. Davis' store. Night calls made at his residence three doors west of R. Evans' cabinet ware room. May 31, 18C5-Gm ANSION HOUSE. AT THE PENN'A R ALII 0 AD DEPOT PITTSBURG, PA. MEALS HEADY ON TllE ARRIVAL OF ALL TRAINS. J. II. CLARK & CO., Proprietors. Sept. 23, 18C3. tf F. P. TIERNEY", ATTOENEY-AT-LAW, Ebensburg, Cameuia County, Pa. Office two doors North of Colonade Row. April 5, 1865-tf Executor's Hotice. IETTERS testamentary on the estate of James Parrish, deceased, late of Munster township, having been granted to the un dersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same are notified to present them properly au thenticated for settlement. EDWARD PARRISH, Executor. February 1, 1866.. The Mystery, by Mrs. Wood. The Heir ess of Iiellefont. By E. Bennett. William Allair, By Mrs. II. Wood. CoK lege Life, By F. H. Fanor. North Pacific Exploring Expedition, By A. n. Harbers ham. For sale by JAMES MURRAY. wsm m sum ' 1 - n II fl lli r, l i-ii ' On Main street, Ebensbura Pa.. KEEPS constantly on hand and for sale, a general supply of Envelopes, Writing Ink, Pens, Pencils, Pen Holders, Magazines, and other articles in his line, all of which are sold at reasonable rates. February 8, 186G. CHAIR MANUFACTORY. iIim n iqa mm JOIIXSTOWX I".4. Mi KliYDS OF CHAIRS, such as common Winsor Chairs, Fret Back Chairs, lenna Chairs, Bustle Chairs, Rim Backed Chairs, Sociable Chairs, Cane nt (Sjjairs, ROCKING CHAIRS, OF EVERY SIZE SPRING SEAT CHAIRS Settees, Lounges, &c, &c. CABINET FURNITURE of every description and of latest STYLES, WITH PRICES TO SUIT THE Tastes of all. Thankful for past favors, he respect fully tolicits a liberal share of public patron age. Clinton Street, Johnstown Cambria Co. Pa. November 20th, 1SG1. HIGHEST PREMIUM AWARDED THE HIGHEST PEEMIUIiI AT THE International Exhibition, LO.VDO.V, 1S63. INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION, PARIS, 1SG1, KOXIGSBURG, PRUSSIA, 1SC3, AND . 18ES. II. IN COMPETITION WITH ALL the lead 1 ing Sewing Machines in EUROPE AND AMERICA, and the United States Agricul tural Association ; Metropolitan Mechanics' Institute, Washington ; Franklin Institute, Philadelphia; Mechanics Association.P.oston; American Institute, New York ; Maryland Institute, Baltimore; Mechanics Association. Cincinnati ; Kentucky Institute, Louisville ; Mechanics Insitute, San Francisn and at EVIRY STATE AND COUNTY FAIR WHERE EXHIBITED THIS SEASON. Upwards of 200,000 of these Machines HAVE ALREADY BEEN SOLD, a fact that speaks louder than words of the success and popularity of Wheeleb & Wil son's Family The Cheapest Machine in the World, Because it is the Best. Eccry Machine Warranted For Three Years. Customers Risk Nothing in Purchasing. INSTRUCTIONS FREE. Always happy to Exhibit and Explain them, v (C7Circulars, containing an explanation of the Machi ne, with testimonials from ladips of the highest social standing, given on ap plication, either in person cr by mail. WM. SUMNER &,CO., Agents for the Western States and Western Pennsylvania. Principal offico and Wholesale Emporium : No. 27 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. The above machines can be bought at citv prices at the residence of Clark Wilson, Ebensburg. All necessary instructions to enable the purchaser to operate successfully imparted free of charge. July 2G, 1805. JOHN B. FROMALD DEALER IN inmnsY&FJUET mmm, TRIMMINGS, EMBROIDR1ES, CLOAKS & SHAWLS, Corsets, Hooped Skirts, Perfumery, Lad ies' and Children' s Shoes, Gloves, Rank erchiefs, Fancy Goods, notions, iVc, &c. MAIN STREET, JOHNSTOWN. Pa. Nov. 20, 1861. J OB WORK OF ALL KINDS DONE AT THIS OFFICE, . AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE AND ON REASON ABLB PRICES. 01 in i L.ADICS FAXCY FURS: AT John Farelrik's Old Established Fur Manufactory, No. 718 Arch St., above 7th Pbilad'a. I have now in store of my own ; Importation and -Manufacture, one ;of the LARGEST gg-and most BEAU TTFUL selections FANCY FURS, for LADIES' and CHILDREN'S' WEAR, in the City. Also, a fine assortment of Gent's Fur Gloves and Collars. I am enabled to dispose of my goods at very reasonable prices, and I would therefore solicit a call from my friends of Cambria county, and vicinity. CO Remember the Name, Number and Street ! 713 ARCH Street, above 7tb, south side. October 12, 18C5.Cm Philadelphia. Irauk XV. IIJ", Having adopted the Cash system, offers the following Wares at less than city retail prices : SUGAR KETTLES, 10 to 40 gallons COPPER KETTLES, 3 quarts to 40 gallons. TINWARE, all sorts and kinds. SHEET I It OX WAR E, everv variety. ENAMELED S- TINNED IRON WARE. COPPER WaRE MADE TO ORDER SAD IRONS or SMOOTHING IRONS ZINC WASHBOARDS. COOKING STOVES. EGG STOVES 11 EA TING CO OK ST O VES. BRADLEY COOKING STOVES, p . TENT, ABBOTT & NOBLE, and every other Pittsburgh or Philadelphia manufacturer's stoves always on hand or procured on 5 davs notice. ODD PLATES AND GRATES for Stoves always on hand. CARBON OIL LAMPS, from G2cts.. to $1.23, CHIMNEYS and WICKS always on hand. SPOUTING. MINER'S LAMPS, OIL CANS, POWDER CANS, all sizes, constantly on hand. COFFEE MILLS, TOASTING FORKS, OYSTER BROIL ERS, JKLLY Cake Moulds. Table aud Tea Spoons, COAL BUCKETS. Price lit now ready for the Trade, and Merchants are respectfully inv'ted to call and examine our Wares, send for for a catalogue bef re purchasing tlsdwhcre. The above ioods vl be furnish d , WHOLESALE Oil 1IETAI1 , AT THK JOUXSTOY.-X STOVE & HOCSE FUBXISHIXC STOLE. CANAL STREET. Opposite the Weigh Lock. ASK FOR FRANK W. HAY'S WAREHOUSE, and save twenty percent, on j-our purcs Johnstown March, 13. l8t)3. tf. Great Improvement lu Sewing 31ac!ilncii. EMPIRE SHUTTLE MACHINE PATKXTED 1EL. 14, 18C0. Salesrooms, pr-jaaway, New York. ' J 2o0 ashmgton St., Boston. THIS MACHINE is constructed on en tirely new principles of mechanism, possess ing many rare and valuable improvements, having been examined by the most profound exports, asd pronounced to be SinqAlciiy and Perfection Combined. It has a straight needle, perpendicular action, makes the LOCK or SHUTTLE STITCH, which will neither RIP nor RAVEL, and is alike on both sides ; performs perfect sewing on every ' description of material, from Leather to the finest Nansook muslin, with cotton, linen or silk thread, from the coarsest to the finest number. Having neither CAM or COG WIIEFL, and the least possible friction, it runs as smooth as glass, and is Emjthaticallu a Noiseless Machine. It requires FIFTY PER GENT, less power to drive it than any other machine in market. A girl twelve years of nge can work it steadily, without fatigue cr injury to health. Its strength and wonderful simplicity of construction renders it almost impossible to get out of order, and is GUARANTEED by the company to give entire satisfaction. We respectfully invite all those who may desire to supply themselves with a superior article, to come and examine this UNRI VALLED MACHINE. But in a more especial manner do we foliar, ine patronage ot Merchant Tailors, Corset Makers. Coach Makers, Hoop Skirt Manufac turers, Shirt and Bosom Gaiter Fitters, Shoe Binders, Vest and Pantaloon Makers. Makers, Dress Makers. One half hour's instruction is sufficient to enable any person to work this Machine to their entire satisfaction. Agents wanted for all towns in the United States, where agencies are not already established. Also for Cuba, Mexico, Central and South America, to whom a liberal discount will be given. J. T. McARTHUR CO., 63G Broadwaj', New York. D. & CO. 250 Washington St.. Boston. ! 921 ChesnutSt..Phila. I October 12, 18G5. The Life and services of General Grant for sale by JAMES MURRAY. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, IIELMEOLD'S BUCHU II ELM COLD'S EUCIIU." HELMBOLD'S BUCHU. THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY Foil DIABETES, Irritation of the Nek of tLc EJaddtr I fiammation of the Kidneys, Catarrh Ji' ' Bladder, Stranguary cr Painful Urii.a;';;.'-" icujcuy, nun too miion cannot to .-i";. ;r ,, praise. A single doe has been kLowu; relieve the most urger.t symptoms. Are you troubled with that ci-tre-." pain in the small of the lack aLd i. thejiips ? A teaspoonfu.1 a duv of ll hold's Buchu will relieve ycu. Physicians and Others PLEASE NOTICE. I make no secret of iugredier.t-. II -Im. hold's Extract Buchu is composed f Cubebs, and Juniper Berries, selectel v.it':. great care, prepared vacuo and aecuidln-'" rules of PHARMACY AND CHEMISTi;! . These ingredient? are known as ti.e l-. valuable Diuretics aflbrdod. A Is that which DIURETIC acts upon thj LiJ: IIELMIJOLD-S EXTRACT HUCUl At.TS GENTLY, Js pleasant in t.utu and odor, free fr(lEj cv injurious properties, aad immediate 1l -i action. FOR THE SATISFACTION or ALL See Medical 'r..pc-rtk- contained in Di-u'-stcry of the U. S., of w hich the ill a correct ci-py : Biri nu. Its odor is strong, diflVivc. tl somewhat aromatic, ho taste bitteris':. ' analogous to that of mint. "It !- ""-Xl chiefly in complaints of the Urinary of ,r such as Gravd, CLicnie Catarrh . j t" r L.iaehler, Mcrh'.d Lrit;ttj..n of the B'.i : ;. and Urethra, Diseases of the Prtrate. a:. Retention cf the Incontinence if Urir a loss of tone in the parts concern . I evacuation. It ha.-, also been recc.mj..t:.X in Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatism, Ciit-n-ous Ahccii.ii.s, and Drops v." FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. See Prof.-s.:r Down's vaJuulde w..iK-. n Practice of Physic. i See Remarks made bv the ctlebrattd L: Phytic, ot Philadelphia. See any and ail Standard woiks .: MeuieiliC. mot ti.e Largest Manufacturing C7: ;;'.? IN THE WORLD. I am acquainted with II. T. He':: : r ' i.c occur iua iij8 uruir tcre -r'i residence, aud was successful in tvii' ! ivrii) the busu:e.-s where ctlu-rs had mt h equally so before him. I have been f.iv r.. bly impressed with his character an ' c ttrprise. WM. WEIGHTMAN (Firm of Powers tc Welghtman,) fact tiring Chemists, Ninth and Brtwu Philadelphia. From the I'hira. Ec. RuVeiin, M:r. :. We are gratified to hear of the e-. success, in New York, i,f our towi, Mr. 11. T. ILdmbuld, Druggist. His s: re next to the Metropolitan Hotel, is 1 : . front, 2"0 feet deep, and five stories l..r It is certainly a grand establishment, aa speaks favors bly f the merit of Lis ar:.; I!e retains his Ofiice and Laboratory in city, which are also model tstal'ishmt-Lli . their class. The proprietor has been induced to n:a; this statemeut from the fact that his n---. Cites, although advertised, are GENUINE PREPARATIONS, And, knowing that the intelligent r from using anything pertaining to Qua. or the Patent Medicine order must t f v. are prepared by self styled Doctors, w!. too iguoraDt to read a physician's si prescription, much less competent t pare pharmaceutical preparations. THESE PARTIES RESORT to various means of ejecting sales, s::. copying parts of advertisements of pc ; remedies, aud finishing with certificate; I he hcicnce of Medicine stands Sl! Ml. "a. t PURE, and MAJESTIC, having F.i its Basis, Induction for it Pillar, T: alone ter its Cantal. A WORD OF CAUTION. Health is mcvt important; and tie flicted should not use an advertised meii:. cr any remedy, unless its contents or Icj: dienU are known to others besides : manufacturer, or until they are satisfy the qualifications of the party so ofi'cr! IIELMEOLD'S Genuine Preparations FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPAKILL AND IMPROVED ROSE WASH. Established Upwards cf Sixteen PREPARED EY H. T. HELMB0LD Principal Depots. CAL WAREHOUSE. 591, Broadway. S AND EIILMF.OLDS MEDICAL DEPOT, No. 104 South Tenth Street. Philadeiphii. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Nov. CO. 186-3. ! .'