1 1 1 $ 1 Si I u T7E BLESSINGS OF GOVERNMENT, LIKE THE DEWS OF HEAVEN, SHOULD BE DISTRIBUTED ALIKE, UPON THE HIGH AND.THE LOW, THE RICH AND THE POOR. iN'W SERIES, 1. 39. EBENSBURG, PA., THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1866. VOL. 13 NO. 2. Titpiuect in ILentucfcy. A correspondent of the Mt. Sterling J ylij&nttnd, gives the following account I of L fiery fiend visible in Brackm county : ! IJuacken Co., Ky., Feb. 17, 18CG. j The people of this neighborhood are in ! l! e "tva'.est staie 01 titui Limik " -"i. q,unce of a remarkable visitation or appa rition of some domonirt-J personage in onr u.iJst. I am not a believer in the doc trine that disembodied spirits can "revisit the glimpses of the moon," nor do I believe that epoch designated in prophecy, when the chains of Satan are to be unloos ed has arrived. Hut the things whereof 1 now write are of such strange import, so inexplicable, that I have determined to put you 'in possession of a full and explicit narrative of them, merely premising that even- wild is true-, and the facts sworn to, as witness the accompanying affidavit. What it is, I am unable to say. I merely cue the facts, such as I am personally ct'iiiiizaat of, and leae it to wiser heads than mv own to unravel the mystery. Hn Monday night last, after myself and family had retired to rest, we were sud tiuiil v aroused bv a great outcry from the negro quarters which are immediately to the rear of the house' in which prayers vii'd for supremacy with blasphemies, men, women and children screaming "tire ! " jmd murder! " at the top of their voices, all conspiring to create a scene worthy of a pandemonium. Terribly startled, my wife and 1 sprang from our bed. '1 he room was illuminated as brightly as by a tiood of sunlight, though the light was of a bluish cast. Our first and most reason able conclusion was that the negro cabins ver: being consumed by fire. We rushed to the windows and beheld a siaht that fairly curdled the blood in our veins with horror, and tilled our hearts with utmost i terror. .My daughter, shrinking loudly, j came llying into my room, hysterical with i liar. This is what we beheld : j Standing to the right of the upper cabin, J r.ear the fence that separates the negroes' ; garden fiom th3 house yard, was a crea- ture of gigantic stature, mid most horrify ing aj pcarai:-e. It was nearly as high as thi comb of the cabin, and had a mon strous head not dissimilar in shape to that of an ape ; two short very white horns' appeared above each eye ; its arms were long, covered with shaggy hair of an ashy J Lli- and terminated with huge paws, not ; unlike those of a cat, and armed with long and hooked claws. Its breast was as ; br.j.oJ as that of a large sized ox. Its ! hgs n--emb!ed the front legs of a horse, ' only the hoofs were cloven. It had a ; Ions ta;, armed with a dart shaped h'.rr!, j which it was ewy.iniially switching about. ! Its eyes glowed like two living coab of i fire, while from its nostrils were emitted j sheets of bluish colored flume, with a hiss- ing sound, like the hissing of a serpent, j only a thousand fold louder. Its general j color, save in its arms, was a dull dingy ; brown. The air was powerfully impreg- j n.itcd wirh a smell of burning sulphur. ; lhe poor negroes were evidently laboring I under the extremest terror, and two of I the::), an old woman and a lad, were ac- j fxj.'.'y driven to insanity by their fears, and have not recovered their reason up to j this writing. I Jy not know how long j this monster, demon or devil, wa3 visible j atter we reached the window possibly ; some three seconds. "When it vanished j it was enveloped in a spiral column of ! fiainc that reached nearly to the tons of the ! locust trees adjacent, and which hid his horrid form completely from view. The extinction of the flame was iu.-tantaneous, and with it3 disappearance we were re lieved of the presence of this remarkable visitor. It would be impossible for me to at tempt to describe the effect of this visita tion upon the members of my family. Suffice it to say that my wife and two daughters are firmly persuaded that it was the veritable Satan. For myself, I would willingly believe that we all, by some cu rious coincidence, had been the victims of a horrid nightmare, did I not knew that we were fully awake, and actually wit nessed that which is above recorded. Again, if ours had been the only family visited by this unearthly creature, I should cave kept silent, ami, perhaps, tutored my fc'ind iuto the belief that it was a halluci nation. l;ut precisely the same apparition made its appearance at my neighbor's Mrs. W. ty'le, appearing there in precisely the Saaie shape in which it presented itself to have the head, which appeared to who witnessed it at Mrs. D's to re Me that of a horse. At Mr. Adam "'lua's another neighbor, its head was t of a vulture. On Tuesday night it Jpeared at Mr. Jesse Bond's there wear "S the head of an elephant. At all these r' s it made the same appearance as at my house excepting only the changing of the head and disappeared in the same manner. . These parties arc all reliable ladies and gentlemen, and at my request have made oath to what they witnessed. What it is, what its object, what its mission, is something that passes my poor comprehension. What I have above writ ten is simple, unadorned truth. You are at liberty to use this in any manner you may esteem proper. Respectfully your friend, Nathaniel G. Squires. Slate t'f Kentuchj, Urachal Co. Set. This day personally appeared before the undersigned, John G. Finley, Justice of the Peace, within and for the county and State aforesaid, Nathaniel G. Squires, f Minerva Squires, Sarah D. Squires, Lucy Squires, Martha W. Dole, Adam Fuqua and Jesse Bond, who being duly sworn according to law, declare that the state ments in the foregoing letter are true as far as refers to each of them. And I certify that the affiants are credible and reliable persons, and their statements entitled to full faith and credit. John G. Fini.ey, J. P., B. C. THE ABOLITION PLATFORM. The resolutions adopted by the Aboli tion State Convention are very long and very wordy meaning anything, every thing:, or nothing. We give an abstract of their tenor, 1st. Renews the Republican party's pledges for the Union and its preservation. lid. Asks for the "gathering of the le gitimate fruits of the war." od. That "the failure in these grave dutios" would be as '"criminal a3 seces sion." - 1th. Endorses the course of Andrew Johnson up to the time Lincoln was as sassinated, and ask him to stand now where he did then. oth. Endorses the Rump Congress's ;.ctiou in excluding the Southern States from the U. S. Congress. Gth. That no man who has voluntarily engaged in the late rebellion, or has held office under the rebel organization, should be allowed to sit in the Congress of the Union : and that the law known as the test oath should not be repealed. 7th. Asks for the payment of the na tional debt. The 8th is about the negro and we give it i;i full : JUiolved, That the public faith io not less solemnly pledged to the protection, in the enjoy nieut of all their natural rights of their persons, property and domestic re- j latious of the colored population whot have been emancipated by the liat of the j people, and under the providence of God ; ; and who deserved liberty by their kind- j ncss and fidelity to our soldiers in prison, or wounded, or seeking escape from their tormentors, and by their courage in bear ing arms for and fighting the battles of the I Union. Even as man is more precious j than money in every just account, so the j honor of the nation is more sacredly en- j gaged to these humble but never treacher- I ous friends, than to those who hold its ! bonds stamped with the broad seal of the United States, that their freedom shall j not be a mockery, nor their just hopes of ! security, education and elevation in intel- j lectual and moral improvement disap- ! jKjinted ; and this faith must be kept invi- ! olate. Applause." The (Jth asks protection of the iron and other interests. 10th. Is a very funny resolution, at tempting to flatter Governor Curtin, and keep bis friends and more conservative of i the Republicans in the traces. 11th. Approves the law relieving real estate from taxation for State purposes. 12th. Is devoted to the "dear soldiers." 13. Lauds the 'consummate ability' of Edwin M. Stanton." Cheers. 14th. Asks for equitable bounties for the soldiers. loth. Endorses General Grant. 10. Says: "That any attempt by for eign nations to establish a monarchial government on this Continent, is evidence of a design to destroy the Republic." 17th. Complains of the "course of Sen ator Cowan, and says he has forfeited the confidence of those to whom he owes his place." Greeted with unbounded ap plause. 18th requires the president of the Con vention and the candidate for governor to appoint the chairman of the State central conimittee- C3 Smuggling on the Canadian lines still continues to a considerable extent. and spirituous liquors are being brought over in spite of every precaution. Every thousand sheets of fractional currency costs the government about twenty-ouc dollars for their production. STAND BY THE PRESIDENT. We copy the following able and patri otic article from the New York Observer, the organ of the Presbyterian Church, and one of the ablest and most influential pa pers in the Union. These words of so berness and truth, coming from such a source, will have their effect among reli gious people, and will have much to lo in turning the popular tide in favor of Presi dent Johnson. The Observer says : It is high time that the Union men of the whole country made their sentiments known in u voice of thunder at the doors of the National Legislature. With a na- triotic and intelligent President, called to his high place by the voice of God and j the people the country is in danger of j having its will defeated by the action of Congress. It is the right of those who ! ar unconditional men from the beginning, and who have never given place for an in i stant to the heresy of disunion, should as j sert the rights that we, as a majority of I American people, have under the Consti- tution, which Las now been established by i the sword, as once more the law of the j w holj land. i Andrew Johnson was nominated and i elected to the Vice Presidency, w hence, in ; the Povidence of God, he has been eleva ted to the Presidency, from the State of Tennessee. If it was and is out of the Union, he was not a citizen of the United States. Tennessee has, under all the forms known to our laws, reasserted her own lights to an equal standing in the Un ion with her sister States, and has sent to her Congress and ours true and tried Un ion men, who, like the President, have been true fo the old Hag through the long and bloody war. Those men have a right to go into the hall of the House of Representatives, present their credentials, and demand their teats. They are as fairly entitled to their place as Andrew Johnson is to his! So the President says and so we say. Mr. Speaker Colfax may as JU3lIy bu lockcd out b7 tLe doorkeeper as .Ur. liepresenlatives Hawkins, woo has fought gallantly on the field of battle for the right that is now denied him. That he, and such as he, tire refused ad mission, is u defiance of the Constitution and laws; a nullification by the House of the law of the land ; a resistance of the will of the people as expressed by the el ection of Mr. Johnson, and by the ratifi cation of the Constitution. This is a high "round, but it is tenable. It does not invade the right of the House to judge of the qualifications of its members. It may tender the loyalty oath to each Ten nessee delegate, and he must stand or fall by it. But Tennessee has as good a right to-day to be heard on the iloor of that House as Massachusetts or New York. If she has not sent true Union men, she can send others when these now waiting; are found wanting. But she has her rights, and this awful war has been all in vain if, in the morning of peace, we are to have the rights of the people tram pled in the dust by the men whom we have sent to rebuild the shattered walls of our glorious republic. The question, and the only question, is the integrity of the Union, lias it been disolvcd ? Was secession an accomplish ed fact ? If not, then the States are there, and the restored Constitution is their pro tection and the bond of our Union. We whose watchword in all phases of politics, and in r;!l disaster and desponding hours of the war, has been, "The Constitution as it is and the Union as it was," will not abandon that watchword now that peace and order reign from the St. Lawrence to the Gulf. The Fakmers Barometer. Take a common glass pickle bottle, wide-mouthed ; fill it within three inches of the top with water ; then take a common Flor ence oil flask, removing the straw cover ing and cleansing the flask throughly : ! plunge the neck of the flask as far it will go, ana ttie barometer is complete. In line weather the water will rise into the neck of the flask even higher than the mouth of the pickle bottle, and in wet, windy weather, it will fall to within an inch of the mouth of the flask. lie fore a heavy gale of wind, the water has been seen to leave the flask altogether at least eight hours before the gale came to its height. The invention was made by a German, and communicated to a London Journal. ItaF" Gold and silver coins have been recently struck at the mint with the mot to, 'In God we trust.' This will give point to the sarcasm abroad that the only God the Yankees have faith in is the "almighty dollar." Statesman. All things by turn and nothing long Thc weather and the Republican party. SENATOR COWAN'S PLAN. In (Le United States Senate, on Friday last, Senator Cowan spoke as follows : I will endeavor to answer a question whieh has been often put, w ith an air of braggart triumph that indicates that an answer' is impossible. The question is this: Would you bring back here into be &raxa E?bds and traitors, the authors of all our troubles, whose hands are yet red with the blood of our slaughtered peo ple ? And if not, how do you propose to avoid it unless you deny these Suites rep resentation, for a time at least " To all this I answer, "No," as emphatically as any other Senator can do ; but I would Keep mem out in a very amerent way from that proposed. I would keep them out by following the mode and seeking the remedy afforded by the Constitution and laws, instead of adopting a course forbid den by oath and unjust in itself. 1 would punish criminals and not enslave commu nities. I would single out the guilty and not confound the innocent with them. Is not this easy ? When the traitor asks for admission here you commit him for trial, and the offense is not bailable. I sunposo everybody will agree that would keep him out at least until he is tried. It has anothcr advantage, too. It is lawful, aud none can complain of it. After the trial, if acquitted, he is not a traitor, and his case presents no difficulty. If he is con victed, attainted, and hanged, I suppose that would allay all fears of his return. Now, Mr. President, when I think how obvious and effectual this plan would be, I am amazed that it should have entered into the human mind to contrive any oth er. Why is it not adopted ? Sir, I am afraid to answer. I am afraid there are patriots who would prefer to let treason go unwhipped rather than they should risk their own hold on power. And, if so, 1 am sorry that any man can be so short sighted as not to see the fatal conse quences of such an exchange as this. Does it not say, "Your treason may go if you will let us rule the country V One word more aud I am done. Tlie country is alarmed, the people are anxious, and the political atmosphere bodes the coming of no common storm. What cau be done to prevent it and bring back peace to the country, and harmony' to the party ? Is there no common ground on which we can stand ? Is there no common stan dard around which we can rally ? I think there iss, sir. Surely we may go back to the Constitution which we have all sworn to suprort. We can go back to the laws and enforce them without discussion among ourselves. Then there are things which we may avoid ; new measures upon which we cannot agree, and which only serve as wedges to split us further and fur ther asunder. If, however, we refuse moderate counsel, the only remedy will be to take the consequences, and they seldom linger long behind the act. Bi RiED Twice. Four days after the Rebels tired on Fort Sumpter, a son of Mr. Duncan, of Mecca, Ohio, enlisted for the war. He joined a Western regi ment, and after being in several battles was reported killed at the battle of Stone River. His body was brought home and interred. Afterwards intelligence was brought to the parents by returned Union prisoners that their son was not dead, but in a Rebel prison in Georgia. Other prisoners, returning from there last spring, brought the sad news of his death to the sorely distressed family. When the war closed an opportunity was offered to pen etrate the rebel lines. Mr. Duncan sent down and had his son brought home again and buried twice, as was supposed. It was natural that they should be reconciled to their loss, but a few days ago their son Bob, in spite of wounds, and deaths and funerals, came "marching home," and is now enjoying the hospitality of the paren tal roof. JZnijuircr. Holding Back the Shoci.ukus. For a great number of years it has been the custom in France to give to young females of the earliest age, the habit of holding back the bhoulders, and thus expanding the chest. From the observation of an atomists, lately made, it appears that the clavicle, or collar bone, is actually longer in females of the French nation than those of the English. As the two nations are of the Caucasian race, as there is no other remarkable difference in their bones, and this is peculiar to the sex, and it may be attributed to the habit above mentioned, which, by the extension of the arms, has gradually produced a national eulongation of this bone. Thus we see that habit may bo employed to alter and improve the solid bones. The French have suc ceeded in the developeraent of a part that adds to health and beauty. Important to Tax-Payers. A Wash ington paper remarks that the people of the adjoining States of Maryland and Vir ginia need laborers to till the soil, that it may bring forth the accustomed products. But they cannot get black labor. Why ? There are forty thousand negroes in the District, the large majority of whom raay be seen walking about in idleness, or sunning themselves in some sequestered i corner, or huddling around some smoking faggots, receiving mutual warmth from each other. Why then will they not la bor ? Because the government, thro' the Frecdmen's Bureau, feeds, clothes, and furnishes physicians, and coffins when they die, and as if that was not sufficient. j sends a minister to pray them out of this world into another. They are sunrorted j here in their idleness ; while fields lay waste where honest labor would bo re warded. Was there ever greater injus tice than this ? Hear it ye honest sons of toil (unfurtunately white) who labor daily to earn a support for yourselves and fam ilies ; hear it you laboring millions who pay enormous and grinding taxes for the support of idleness and the fostering of vice. Will you support and countenance I it by voting for the men who pass appro- pnation bills lor this purpose ? If not, look you to it that these men never dis grace or pollute our legislative halls again with their presence. Send only men who further the interests of the country and de fend the purity of our institutions. The Black at Leisure. A corres pondent of the Press, describing the occu- pants of the galleries of Congress writes : j "Colored soldiers are largely represen- ted. They come early and sit late, ex ; hibiting a decorum and attention to what j is going on that show how deeply they are j concerned in the solution of the stubborn ' problems of the hour." j White soldiers cannot afford to while away the days of their lives in the galle j ries of Congress. If they are still in the j service, they are doing military duty j somewhere, instead of idling about the i capital. If they have been discharged, they are toiling to get their families bread, and have no money to spare for a trip to Washington, and no time to spend in lis tening to debates. But even if they had the leisure and the means of which the colored braves seem to be so abundantly possessed, they would hardly seek enter tainment in the spectacle daily presented ' on the floor of Congress in beholding their political birth-right given away to the blacks, and the Constitution of their fath ers tinkered into a more negro code. bucn tlomgs are uouuttess pleasing in tne eyes of the colored auditory who crowd the galleries, but the white soldier has lit tle occasion to mourn that he has no time to spend in watching them. Wisixm's Utterances. The human mind is like a vast Armament lighted on all sides byr stars of different magnitude. Great talent renders a man famous, great merit procures respect, and great learning commands esteem. G reat wealth, when unaccompanied by these more enno bling qualities, receives only the homage of fools. He who seeks and gains by promises a fellow man's confidence, or excites a hope he is unwilling to gratify, is worthy only of humanity's censure and divinity's curse. Death once seen at our hearths, leaves a shadow which abideth forever. The more true merit a person has the more they applaud it in others. We revenge in haste and passion ; we repent at leisure and from reflection. Mercer Colntv. A man, supposed to be the murderer of the man found dcad near Johnstown, Pennsylvania, was arres ted near that place a few days ago and sent to Mercer jail. At the late burning of the Mercer Court House, after endeavoring for some time to extinguish the flames without success, the volunteer firemen tilted the engine into the fire, and let it perish with the building. C3"Tho other day the New York Tri bune published a dispatch stating that Mr. Yallandigharn had hung a flag out of his window to testify his joy at the veto of the Negro Bureau bill, and thereupon asked, "UVwcAflag?" The Luzerne Un ion answers by saying that it was that one not long ago pronounced by the Tribune to be "the flaunting lie" "hate's polluted rag," &c. What a sockdolager ! Wendell Philips, in a speech in the Brooklyn Academy of Music, on Tuesday evening, spoke of President Johnson as General Lee's "successor," and classed him with Burr and Arnold as "a traitor who has failed." These denunciations of the President were loudly applauded. REM A UK A BLE ESC A PE. The following beats til the stories of remarkable escapes which we remember ever to have seen : "On the passage of the ship Anaxander from New Orleans to New York, a young lad, about fourteen years of age, from the naturally frolicsoina and mischievous disposition, became so troublesome in his pranks that he was threatened byr the captain, if they were continued, that he would confine him in a water cask. Our youngster took no heed, however, and, at his next offence, he was put in the cask, which was headed up, leaving a large .bung-hole for the admis sion of air. That night the ship encoun tered a violent stoim, and, in a sudden lurch, the cask containing the boy rolled over into the sea. Fortunately, the cask struck bung up, and floated about thirty hours, when it was thrown upon the beach at St. Bias. Here the boy made I desperate efforts to extricate himself from his prison, without success, and, in des pair, gave up to die. Some cows, how ever, strolling on the beach, were attrac ted to the cask, and, in walking round it, one of them, it being fly-time, switched her tail into the bung-hole, which the lad grasped with a desperate resolution. The Cow bellowed, and set off for life, and af ter running some two hundred yards with ttie cask, struck it against a log on the beach and knocked it to smash. Tin; boy wa3 discovered by some fishermen on the Point, and taken into Appalachicola, where, a small collection being made for him, he was enabled to proceed on his journey homeward. Stick a Pin Here.- The Washington correspondence of the Philadelphia Ledger, under date of the 27th, says: The President, last night, in response to the direct questions of several Congress men, declared that he teas ojytoseJ to uil constitutional amendments until the Southern members were in their mats, and so the South can have a voice in the. matter. He said the question of representation was a small matter and that the North could well afford to overlook the two-fifths ad vantage which the South now had, be cause emigration and kindred cause would soon remedy it without legislation. If the matter must be chr nged at all, he was in favor of making voting population the basis. He then asked how they proposed to get such an amendment through the South. The reply was, "In the same way, Mr. President, that you got the con stitutional amendment abolishing slavery through, by a little Presidential pressure." Mr. Johnson replied that he Mir no :uti larit'i between t.'cc lico cases. In regard to the test oath, he said he was inclined to think that the old form of swearing t sup port the Constitution was a sufficient tdt oj' A Beai'tieui. Idea. Among the Alle ghenics there is a soring so small that a single ox could drain it dry on a summer's day. It steals its unobtrusive way mong the hills till it speads out into the beauti ful Ohio. Thence it stretches away a thousand miles, leaving on its banks more than a hundred villages and cities, and more than a thousand cultivated farms, and bearing on its bosom more than a thousand steamboats. Then joining the Mississippi, it stretches away some twelve hundred miles of more, until it falls into thi great emblem of eternity. It is one of the great tributaries of the ocean, which obedient only to God, shall roll and roar until the angel, wiih one foot on sea aud th? other on land, shall lift up his hand to heaven and swear that time shall be no longer. So with moral influence. It is a rivulet, an ocean, boundless and fathom less as eternity. Why they Howl The Corry Ttle (jraph goes right to the kernel of the sub ject in one sentence ; "The Frecdmen's Bureau bill was an attempt to bribe the President (by placing almost absolute power in his hand) to sign a bill which would give unlimited office-holding pow er to the party which possessed the ma jority in Congress for the time being." The whole thing was unmistakably based upon Thad. Steven's plan "Perpetual ascendency of the Union party," ("throw ing conscience to the devil," of course.) I low those fanatics would have reveled could they have got control of so many more millions of dollars and the creation of ten thousand more statellites, in the shape of officers, agents and lackeys of the Bureau ! Employment. Assure yourself that employment is one of the best remedies for the disappointments of life. Let even your calamity have the liberal effect occupying you in some active virtue. of so fchall you in a nimner remember ethers till you forget yourself. rratt. II