If J Jxl 12! 3) ?t? TSI 7?, gcmacrat aiifr grnfincl. KISENSIU'KG,::::::: MAIJCII 1, 18GG. WI.NTEIl CAUE OF STOCK. The losing herd, the patient ox, The nolle horse, the Healing flocks, Should all receive attentive care Till warmer days ami milder air. If one allows Lis stock to shrink. From want of shelter, food ami diink, He paj a a tax by loss of thrift lie can't evade by any shift. A team that works from Jay to day Should be full fed with meal and ha; Their stables should be light and warm, Excluding both the wind and storm, Groom well their cnats,both morn and night ; 'TIs foi their health ; improves their plight ; Then, when the work of spring comes on, They'll be both vigorous and strong. 'Tis l est for him who is the boss. To shield himself from waste or loss. With his own hands his stock to feed. That all may get just what they need. To fodder stock is careful work : So don't for this employ a clerk ; He'll waste enough, before grass grows, To keep one cow through all the snows. J. L. 11. A tloi 8rci;i;sTioN. A convs j.oiulent of the Xew York -Observer""' .-ay : The crime of mrse ste.-iliiii- i.s so j-rcv:ilont, tuul it.s evils s 'iricvoits, that n valuable ucs-liuii for its prevention, will le welcome to your reader.-. It i.; s-im j.l v tlii.s: Let every smith bo provided with a steel die, containing the name of the nearer Post OiKee, which shall he impressed upon every shoe. And beside this, let every owner who will, have a die, containing his own name, which shall be superadded, on the .-hoes of his own horse. The advantages are obvious. The I1. O, address would inform those solicited to purchase, whereto tele graph for safety. "A horse stolen," is soon proclaimed through the ow ners" neighborhood, and at the near est telegraph station. -'lint the .-hoes miht be removed."' True. Yet it would be a ground of suspi cion, and would consume time, and more than all, requires a confeder ate smith, not easy to be found. The objections are no more serious than having the owners name upon a livery carriage or harness. One cent additional for each shoe, would pay the smith amply, and be a cheap insurance to the owner. Or, if necessary, provision milit be made by law for this protection. It" would cost the public less than the loss of so many valuable animals, or the maintenance of so many horse thieves in the penitentiaries. LUIIIS IN YVlNTKl:. Mr. E. It. Andrews writes thus to the 4 'Mass. I'louhman :"' "Sheep should be generously fed. Do not think to winter them on swale hay, or let them pick about the barn-yard for a living, Give them p;ood shelter, plenty of beddintr, a suliiciency of sweet, early cut English hay or clo ver, and say a half pint of irrain per day, and roots if you have them. If you have no roots, a little dry or wet bran idven occasionally, will tend to keep their bowels in i;ood order. t "From iiity ewes you can count on at least iiity strong and hearty lambs. After the sheep yean, in "crease the u;rain to one pint each per day, for the ewes, and enclose a small corner into which the lambs (but not the ewes) can t;;o ; and have ;i box with meal in it, (oil meal is the best,) constantly before them, in two or three weeks they will eat it greedily. Continue to oive ;rain even after the sheep are turned to pasture, and through the first win Ur the lambs ehould iet their daily portion. --liut let me follow these lambs another year, supposing that they are not turned to the butcher. There will be, say twenty choice t we lambs, which will be kept to form, after another year apart of the breeding flock. The others, mostly wethers, will be prepared for the market as mutton." L'l.onrsor Fattening Hot;. J. V. Ziepler, ol'liollin l'rairie, Ind., made the l"oll.win; results in fatten ing iii'teen hop;s. He led the hogs -12 days, uinir tip 5,000 pounds of t orn, or 100 bushels. He gained 1,770 pounds of pork, Avhieh brought in Chieago SlS. S5, oi' Sl-i0 8" more than the eo.-t of the corn. Thus he got nearlv 1 b( a bushel lor the corn by feeding it, and saved the manure be.-ides, which would enable him to produce at h ast 20 bu.-hels extra of com the next vear. justness (Curbs. F. A. SHOEMAKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, EBENSBURG, CAMRRIA COUNTY, FENX'A. December 7, ISOo. (tf.) W. II. SECIILER, Attorney at Law, AND PRACTICAL SURVEYOR, EBENSBUBG, CAMBRIA COUNTY, PENNA. December 7, 1SC3. (tf.) 11. L JOHNSTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE in the South end (if his residence, immediately opposite the Court lloUfb, Ebensburg, Fa. November 23, ISC). (M37.) (iEORGE V. O ATM AN, Attorney at Law, OFFICE IX COLOXADE ROW, nearly opposite the Cjiirt House, Ebensburg, Pennsylvania. November 23, 1S03. (-.1.37.) JOHN P. El N TON, Attorney and Cviinselttr at Laic, JOHNSTOWN. I'A. OFFICE in building on corner of Main and u Franklin street, opposite Mansion House, second lloor. Entrance on Franklin Street. Johnstown, Nov. 10, lSb-".. M'LAUGHLIX, j attorney-at-law. ) Johnstown, Cambria. C.. Fa. j Office in the Exchange building, on the I Corner of Clinton and Locust streets up j stairs. Will attend to all business conaect i ed with his profession. Pec. 9, 1SC3.-U". WILLIAM KITTELL. SUtonuiT at afo, (Ebensburg, Cambria County Penna. CKJce Colouarie rovr. Pec. 1. ISO C YKUS L. PERSUING, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Johnstown, Cambria Count-, Pa. Office on Main street, second lloor over the Bank. IX - J. K. Scanlan, A T T O It X E Y . A .T L A W , Ebexsi;i"i:g, Pa., OFFICE OX MAIN STREET. THREE POORS EAST of the LOGAN HOUSE. December 10, 18C3.-ly. OHN FEXLON, ATTO UN EY-AT-LAW , Ebensburg, Cambria county Pa. Ofiicc on JIaiu stiect adjoining his dwel ling. May 1. 18J5. (.1.42 ) P S. NOON, J. ATTOHNKY AT LAW, EBENSI5UEG. CAMRRIA CO.. PA. Ofiicc one door East of the Post Office. Feb. 18, lSCS.-if. (.1.50.) F.OKGE M. REED, A1TOKNKY AT LAW, ECEX.SUUKG, Cumhria Conn! 4;, Pa. OFFICE IX COLOXADE ROW. March 13. ItiGl. (aA.L0 ) "jJICHAEL HASSOX, ATTO UN I 'Y-AT-La W. Eoensburg, Cambria Co. Pa. Ouiiee on Main street, three doors East ot Julian. ix 2 P. W. EYANS, m lenders his Dro- tcssiollid services to the citi7:t,s r f EPEXSLUUG AND YICLMTY. Oflice one door cast of II. Pavis' s;tt!re. Night calls made at his residence three doors we.-t of Ii. Evans' cabinet ware room. May 31, liSGo-Cm AXSIOX IIOUE. AT THE PEXN'A II ALU 0 AD DEPOT PlTTSliUUG, PA. MEALS HEADY OX THE ARRIVAL OF ALL TRAIXS. J. H. CLAKK & CO., Proprietors. Sei.t. 23, 18G3. tf F. P. TILllXEY, ATTOI !S E Y-AT-L A W. EiiF.NSi.ti;;, Camiiui.v County, Pa. Office two doors North of Colonado Row. April 5, lb05-tf Executor's Notice. IETTEllS testamentary on the estate of Jaines Parri.-di, deceased, late of Munster township, having been granted to the un dersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same are notified to present them proncrly au thenticated for settlement. LOW A UP PAKKISII, Executor. February 1, 18fJG.u. SIIESIIE-JP-'S SALi:S. SY virtue of sundry writs of Vtuuitionas Exponas, Al. Via'liiiova Exponas, Leva ri Facias and Al. Levari Facias, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Cambria county, and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House, iu Ebensburg, 0:1 Monday, the oth day of March next, at onu o'clock, p. m., the fol lowing real estate, to wit : All the right, title r.nd interest of T. L. Heyer, of in and to a tract of land situated in IJichland township, Cambria county, Pa., warranted in the name of James Dalton, adjoining lands of Jacob Schneider's heirs, lands of the late Dr. William Smith and others, containing four hundred anil thirty nine and a half acres, more or less, unim proved. Also That tract of land situated in Richland township, Cambria county, Pa., warranted in the name of James S aright, adjoining lands of Jacob .Schneider's heirs, lands of the late Dr.YVm. Smith and others, containing four hundred and thirty nine and a quarter acres, more or less, unimproved. Also That tract of land, situated in Richland township, Cambria count. Pa., warranted in the name of Jacob Nagle, adj. lining lands of Jacob Schneider's heirs, lands of the late Dr. Win. Smith and others, containing four hundred and thirty nine and a quarter acres, more or less, unimproved. Also That tract of land situated in Richland township, Cambria county. Pa., warranted in the name of Henry Woods1, adjoining lands of Jacob Sv iiiiei.Vr's heirs, lands cf the late Dr. Win. Smith, and others, containing four hundred and thirty nine and a quarter acres, unimproved. Taken in execution r.nd to be sold at the suit of Daniel Purk. ALSO, All the right, title and interest of the lands r.nd tenements which, were f T. h. Il.-yer, to wit: All the undivided three fifths of four tracts of land simate in Rich land township, Cambria county, and State of Pennsylvania, described as follows, to wit: One tract of land warranted in the name of James Da'ton, containing lour hundred and thirty nine acres and allowance : One othr tract warranted in the name of Jan.es Sebright, eont.-dning four hundred and thirty nine and a quarter acres and al lowance. One other tract cf land warranted in the name of Jacob Nagle, containing four hun dred and thirty nine and a quarter acres : And o:.e other tract, warranted in the name of Henry Woods, containing four hun d.red and thirty nine and a qu irter acres and allowance. Said tracts lying contiguous to each other, and adjoining lands of Jacob Schneider's heirs. Dr. Wm. Smith and oth er?. Taken in execution and to bo sold at the suit of John W. Wehn, for the use of Lewis Plack. ALSO, All the right, title and interest of John E. Fite and Mary Fite.iu the following described, building and lot of ground, to wit : A dwel ling house two stories high, having a front of twenty eight feet, and a depth of sixteen feet, and a back buildinr: foiirti-en feet deep by twelve feet broad, situate upon a certain lot or piece of ground, near Cor.cmau sta tion, P. R. R., in the township of Cono maugh and county of Cambria, .said lot be ing at the corner of Walnut and Ihidge streets, having a lot of Wood, M. rrel it Co., on the Hast and a tovuship road at the back. Taken in execution and to be sold at the fcuit of Caldwell and Livergood. . ALSO, All the right, title and interest of Thomas M'Cue, of, in and to a lot of ground situa ted in the borough of Prospect, Cambria County, fronting on a street and extending back to the Pennsylvania Railroad, by a lot of John Corcoran on the Eat, and John Clarksoii on the West, having thereon erec ted a one story plank house now in the oc cupancy of the said Thomas M'Cue. Ta ken in execution and to be sold at the suit of S. I). Canan & Co., for the use of James R. Porter, Sen. ALSO. All the li-Lt. title and interest of Wil liam J. Headi ick, of, in and to a lot of ground situated in Conemangh borough, Cambria county, fronting 011 Canal street, and adjoin ing lot of the heirs of Jame.-. Head rick, dee'd. on the South and extending back to a street, adjoining lot of . on the East, hav ing thereon erected a two story frame house on the back part of the lot, now in the oc cupancy of Charles Gaghigan. and a two story frame la use on the front part of the lot in the occupancy of David Pee. Taken in execution and to be sold at the suit f Wehn cc Walters, for the use of John W. Wehu. ALSO, All the right, title and interest of George Gates and George Siutzmaii, owners, and Pati ic k Fardy. tcrre tenant, in the following described premises, to wit : A certain buil ding located on a lot or piece of ground, situated in the borough of Conemangh, boun CC'i on tho I.i by t;.o j.iopori.v ot Thomas M,Cabe, on the South by Church street, on the We.-t by the property of Josiah Slater, and cn the North by the Old Portage Rail road, being a one and a half story frame building, with a one story back kitchen : the main building being about twenty feet in front, by about fourteen in width, and the back building about fourteen feet each way. Taken in execution and to be ?old at tho suit of the borough of Conemaugh. CONDITIONS OK SALK. pN. B. The Sheriff has made the fol lowing conditions of sale, viz : One fourth of the purchase money on each sale to be paid at the time the property is struck down, when the sale amounts to 500 and upwards; under 5500 and more than $100, the one third; under $,100 and more than 50, tho half; less than .$50 the whole amount; otherwise the property will be immediately put up to sale again, and eo deed will be presented for acknowledgment unless the balance cf the parchase money be paid in or before the following Mondav. JAMES MYERS, Sheriff. Sheriff's Oflice, Ebensburg, February 15, 18oG.:U. J F ARTIES INDEBTED to the undersigned for costs, as Prothonoary of Cambria Co., will plcr.se make payment immediately. JOSEPH M'DONALD. 'January 11, 100.-tf. 011186 ill S1E O i Main .street, Ebensburg Pa., jTEEPS constantly on hand and for sale, a general supply of EnvdojKs, Writing JuL, Pens, Pencils, Pen Holders, Magazines, and other articles in his line, all of which are sold at reasonable rates. February 8, 18(10. CHAIR FACW." ALL KM OF CHAIRS, such as common Winsor Chairs, Fret P.ack Chairs, Yienna Chairs, Bustle Chairs, Rim Packed Chairs, Sociable Chairs, Cane Stat (Stairs, ROCKING. CHAIRS, OF EVERY SIZE SPRIXG SEAT f ILHRS Settees, Lounges, uc.,uc. CABINET PURPETURE of every description and of latest STYLES, 11777 PRICES TO SUIT T11L Tastes of all. Thankful fr past 'favors, he re-perf ful'3' tolieits a liberal share of public patron age. Clinton Street, Johnstown Cambria Co. Pa. November 11 Oth, 1SU1. . -J 1 li, V Jr, A. A' I ,. !!! V 't V" . v' IIIGlfKST PREMIUM AWARDED THE HIGHEST PEEMIOTI AT THE International ExSiibillcn, LOIDOS, 1803. INDUSTRIAL KNPOSITION, PAHIS, 1SC1, KONICLSRURG, PRUSSIA, 1SG3, AND ' sura, ram 15. TX COMPETITION WITH ALL the lead 1 inir Sewing Machines in EUROPE AND AMERICA, and the United States Agricul tural Association ; Metropolitan Mechanics' Institute, Washington ; Franklin Institute, Philadelphia; Mechanics Association, I loston; American Institute, New York ; Maryland Institute, Ealtimoro; Mechanics Association, Cincinnati ; Kentucky Institute, Louisville ; Mechanics In.--itute, San Francisco; and at EV! RY STATE AND COUNTY FAIR WHERE EXHIBITED THIS SEASON. Upwards of 200,000 of these Machines . II AYE ALREADY PEEX SOLD, a fact that speaks louder than words of the success and popularity of Vv'hlellu iV" Wil son's Family LOCK ME SIIII IB. The Cheapest Machine in the World, Because it is the Best. Every Machine Warranted For Three Years. Customers Risk Nothii g in Purchasing. iSiSTKUOTIONS Fit EE. Always happy to Exhibit and Explain them. tCCirculars, containing an explanation of t he Machine, with testimonials from ladies of the highest Social standing, given on ap plication, either in person cr by mail. WM. SUMMER &, CO., Agents for the Western States and Western Pennsylvania. Principal oflice and Wholesale Emporium : No. 27 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. The above machines can be bought at city prices at the residence of Clark Wilson, Ebensburg. All necessary instructions to enable the purchaser to operate successfully imparted free of charge. July 20, 18C5. JOHN B, FROMALD PEALER IN MUMMY mm, TRIMMINGS, EMRR OIDR IES, cloaks & shawls; Grsets, Hooped Skirts, Perfumery, Lad ies' and Ghildren' s Shots, Gloves, llank erchiefs. Fancy Goods, notions, A'c, &c. MAIN STLEET, JOHNSTOWN. Pa. Nov. 20, 1861. J OR WORK OP ALL KINDS DONE AT THIS OFFICE, AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE . AND ON REASONABLE PRICES. mm ?i n h mm m sii s g L.&U1RS F.1XCY rirns: AT .Tolm Fareir." Old EsT.'.nnsiiLi Far Kanafaotory, No. 718 Ancu St., above 7th Philad'a. I have tow in store of my own Importation a n d T ? r ; - Manutacttire, one vjdSyi of the LARGEST A.-. . ... ' - P H-MSand most I5EAU- rr- ---rzi .a'-: Tivrr. priori .. ; ". " of FANCY FURS, for LADIES' and CHILDREN'S WEAR, in the City. Also, a fine assortment of Gent's Fur Gloves atid Collars. I am enabled to dispose of my goods at very reasonable prices, and I would thcref-rc solicit a call from my friends cf Cambria count, and vicinity. t'i- Remember the Name, Number and Street! 718 ARCH Street, above 7tb, south side. October 12, ISCG.Cra Philadelphia. Iraiik AV. Having adopted ihe Cash system, offers the following Wares at less than citv retail prices : SUGAR KETTLES, 10 to 40 gallons COPPER KETTLES, 3 '-Hart's to 40 gallons. TINWARE, all sorts and kinds. SIEET IOX WARE, every variety. enameled sr tinned iron ware. copper ware made to order. SAD IRONS or SMOOTHING IRONS ZINC WASHLOARDS. COOKING STOVES. EGG STOVES, II EA TING CO OK ST O YES. RRADLEY COOKING STOVES. PA TEXT, AUROTT & -NO RLE, and every other Pittsburgh or Philadelphia manufacturer's stoves always on hand or procured on ,r days notice. ODD PLATES AND CRATES for Stoves alwavs on hand. CARBON OIL LAMPS, from G2cts., to .$1.25, CHIMNEYS and WICKS always 0:1 hand. SPOUTING. MINKll'S LAMPS, OIL CANS, POVYDi:i! CANS, all s:zcs, constantly on hand. COFFEE MILLS, TOASTING FORKS, OYSTER BROIL ERS, JELLY Cake Moulds. Table and Tea Spoons, COAL DUCKETS. Price list now ready for the Trade, ana Mercnants are respectfully lnv'ted to call and examine our Wares, seixl for for a catalogue before purchasing elsewhere. The above goods vil? be furnished, WHOLESALE Oil liETAU . AT THE JOIIXSTOWS STOVE fc HOUSE FUUSISIIINW STOKE. CANAL STREET. Opposite the Wcigli Lock. ASK FOR FRANK W. HAY'S WAREHOUSE, and save lircnty 2'crccnt, on youi purcs Johnstown March, 13. 18G". tf. Great Improvement S Sewing 3SacSsine.s. EMPIRE SHUTTLE MACHINE TATKNTEI) FEU. 14, 1SG0. c. , 1 53G Rroadwav.New York, Salesrooms, 250 u-hil)ton St-t ton. THIS MACHINE is constructed on en tirely new principles of mechanism, possess ing many rare and valuable improvements, having been examined by the most profound experts, and pronounced to be Siij'!iciy and Perfection Combined. It has a straight needle, perpendicular action, makes the LOCK or SHUTTLE STITCH, which will neither RIP nor RAVEL, and is alike on both sides ; pet forms perfect sewing on every description of material, from Leather to the finest Nansook muslin, with cotton, linen or silk thread, from the coarsest to the Gnet number. Having neither CAM or COG WHEEL, and the least possible friction, it runs as smooth as glass, and is Emjihaticalh, a Noiseless Machine. It requires FIFTY PER CENT, less power to drive it than any other machine in iuaii.el. A Kill twelve veara of can work it steadily, without fatigue cr injury to health. Its strength and wonderful simplicity cf construction renders it almost impossible to get out of order, and is GUARANTEED by the company to give entire satisfaction. We respectful'3' invite all those who maj desire to supply themselves with a superior article, to come and examine this UNRI VALLED MACHINE. Rut in a more especial manner do vc. Solicit the patronage ot Merchant Tailors, Corset Malcrs, Coach Makers. Iloip Skirl Manufac turers, Shirt a n d Bosom Makers, Gaiter Fitters, Shoe Eiiulers, Vest and Pantaloon Makers, Dress Makers. One half hour's instruction is sufficient to enable any person to work this Machine to their entire satisfaction. Agents wanted for all towns in the United States, where agencies are not already established. Also for Cuba, Mexico, Central and South America, to whom a liberal discount will be given. J. T. McARTHUR & CO., 53G Broadway, New York. D. & CO. 250 Washington St., Boston, 021 ChesnutSt..Phila. October 12, 18C5. The Life and services cf General Grant, for sale by TAMCS MURRAY. fa I ; 1 r, r HELFtBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIIU. IIELMEOLD "S RT'CEU. HELMI'1 lds i.unir. HELMEOLD'S PUCliU. THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY R-.: DIABETES, Irritation of the No. I: of the EI;!, I ;.-r. U- flamrnation ' f the Kidneys, Catir.h of f Bladder, Str.mguary or Painful Uil:.:.t': '. i'ur these diseases it is truly a - . remedy, and too much cannot be snid r praise. A single do.-e has been 1::. ; lelieve t'je most urgent symj)tou,s. Are you troubled with that d: tre. pain in the small of the l ack and ii rot:c;: the hips ? A teaspoon ful a .lay of Ik'.r. hold's Buchu will relieve yen. Physicians and Others PLEASE NOTICE. I make no secret of ingredients. II !: . b. .Id's Extract Buehu is compose 1 f R;:c hti. Cubebs, and. Juniper Berries, sele- te.l witii great care, prepared vacuo and according to rules of PHARMACY AND CHEMISTRY. These ingredients arc known as the niot valuable Diuretic- afforded. A DIURETIC Is that which acts upon the kid:.cys. IIEL.MP.JLirS EXTRACT BUCIIU A.' IS GEKTI.V, Is pleasant in t.iAo arid odor, frcr fr- m a'l injurious properties, and immediate in iis action. FOR THE SATISFACTION OF ALL. See Medical Properties c ut -.hied !. D!;.ci.-sr-.tory . the U. S., of which the f.!lowii;g is a correct c..-py ; " Bt t iiv. Its odor is sir ;;g. duluslve, avl somewhat aivtuatlc, it- t.iate bitterisn, .ir. : analog, us t that -f mint. It is given chietly iu complaints of the Urinary r.;an.-. such as Gravel, Chronic Cat.irrh f ' il.e bladder, Morbid Irritati.o of the D'addi : and Urethra, Diea--es of the Prostrate, nnd Re tention of the Incoutinetice of Urirc, fr m a loss of tone in the parts concerned :d i;s evacuation. It has aio been recoinnicraled in Dy.i cpsia, Caronic Rhei'.m.ui.-m, Cutane ous A!:'ec"ions. and Dropsy." FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. Sec Prof, s-or Dewee's valuable works c n tho Practice of Phytic. See Rtn.aiks made by the Celebrated Dr. Physic. CI Philadelphia. See aiiy and all Standard wcr!:3 on Medicine. Vil--..TI lilt. Largest Manufacturing Chemist IN THE WORLD. I am acquainted with II. T. He'nibo!..' : he occupied the drug store opposite my residence, and was sueees.-ful in conducting the busino.-s where tthcrs had not bee:, equrdly before him. I have been favora bly impressed with bis character and en terprise. WM. WEIGHTMAN, (Firm of Powers & Weightman.) r.Ian;. fartr.ring Chemists, N;nlh an.: P-ruwn Sis., Philadelphia. From the PhiVa Ev. Didlelia, March 10. j We are gratified to hear of the continued success, in New York, of our townsman, Mr. 11. T. Ilelmbold, Druggist. His store, next to the Metropolitan Hotel, is 2s f-et front, 2C0 feet deep, and five stories h "gii. It is certainly a grand establishment, nn I speaks favorably of the merit o.f Lis articles. He retains bis Office and Laboratory in this city, which are also model cstabliohmculs c f their class. The proprietor has been induced to make this statement from the fact that his reme dies, although advertised, arc GESUIN E PREPA RATIONS, And, knowing that the intelligent refrain from u. ing a.: thing pertaining to Quackery, or the Patent Medicine order most of which are prepared by self styled Doctors, who arc: too ignorant to read a physician's simple prescription, much less competent to pre pare pharmaceutical preparations. THESE PARTIES RESORT to various means of effecting sales, such as copying parts of advertisements cf popular remedies, and finishing with certificates. The Science of Medicine stands SIMPLE, PURE, and MAJESTIC, having Fact for its Basis, Induction for it Pillar, Truth alone for its Carjitrd. A WORD OF CAUTION. Health is mo.-t important; and the af mctea sr.ouni not, use an advertised medicine, or any remedy, unless it.s contents or ingre dients arc known to othcr3 besides the manufacturer, or until they are satisfied of the qualifications of the party so offering. 11 ELM HOLD'S Genuine Preparations. FLUID EXTRACT BUCIIU. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPA1ULLA, AND IMPROVED ROSE WASH. Established Upwards f Sixteen Years. VUEFAKKU l;Y H. T. HELMBOLD. Principal Depots. IIELMBOLD'S DRUG AND CHEMI CAL WAREHOUSE. 504, Jirvadtcay, N. Y A X 1 EI ILM ISOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, N. 101 SflulA Tenth Strut, Philadelphia, P-.u SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Nov. .10, 1"J.-.. 1 -y J