11 "TV - a. - i i Lifemnd all itaV is re hard," T "icflJtog- the reward ; . J -Never mind When those tasks are overcome, " . For your rest a heavenly home - ' Is assigned. Tearly youth's warm feelings wane w ' Never mind ! ' Never to be felt again I" Never mind ! .When von have but reached your home, All the warmest are to come,"' " " . You wiJl find. ' ' - " Barren wastes my visions greet," Never mind ! 'And the past was flowery sweet j" Never mind! Though just here the land is poor. Brighter Edens lie before. Than behind, Thorns the path hath overgrown," Never mind. And I fall over many a stone ;" Never mind! If you can but stumble home, All your sore wounds wearisome. He will bind. ..." From my tide my loved ones slip Never mind ! . . " I would fain sit down and weep j" Never mind! They have only hastened on ; Do not then, their loss to moan, Stay behind. " Through yon dark stream I must go Never mind ! " Tia a fearful thing to do Never mind! When you are but safe at home, It was worth your while to come, .... You will find.- A Cool Doctor. On an evening preceding Thanksgiving, many years ago, two students left the colleges withthe most foul intent of pro . curing some of the doctor's fine fat chick ens, that roosted in a treo adjoining his houae. When they arrived at the ppot, one ascended the tree while the other tood with the bag, ready to receive the plunder. It so happened that the doctor himself had just left the house, with the view of securing the same chickens for his thanksgiving - dinner. The rogue under tire tree hearing someone approach ing, immediately crept away, without notifying his companion among the branches. The doctor came up silently, end was immediately saluted from above as follows: ' Are you ready?' " Yes," responded the doctor, dissemb ling his voice as much as possible. The other immediately laying his hands on the old rooster, exclaimed : 4t Here's old Prex, will you have him ?" "Pass him along," was the reply, and ' he was soon in the doctor's bag. Here's marra Prex," said the all un conscious student, grabbing a fine old hen, 4 will you have., her?" Yes," again responded the doctor. Hjtfc's daughter Sal, take her ?'.? and so on' until he had gone regularly through with the doctor's family and chickens. " , The old man walked off in one direc tion with the plunder, while the student, - well satisfied with his night's work, came down and streaked it for the colleges Great was his astonishment to learn from bis companion that he had not got any " chickens, and if he gave them to any one, it must have been to Dr. Nott. Expul sion, fines, and disgrace, were uppermost in their thoughts until the next forenoon, when both received a polite invitation from their president, requesting the pres ence of their company to a Thanksgiving '. dinner. . To decline was impossible, so with hearts full of anxiety for the result, theywcnded. their way to the house, where they were pleasantly received by the old gentleman, and with a largo party were soon seated around the festive board. : After asking a blessing, tin doctor rose" from his seat, and ' taking the carving . knife, turned with a" smile to the " and said : rogues '-' "Young gentlemen, here's "olii Prex," k and inarm Prex' son John, and daughter Sal," at the same time touching, success ively the respective chickens "to which - will you be helped?" c The mortification , of the students may be imagined. - .' j .Travels. Like Pisen. Not long since . an old' lady entered the. Jndependence '- Telegraph office' and saiJ she had a mes ; 4 . . jsage to- send to Wheeling.' ,.In.a few mifl . .'.rf-'ctcs fctf note was deposited ',in a damb, ' ' ; 3r'r"r ascended- in o mysterious 'manner ihrough thVcVJingy " ; Does thai gd.to Wheeling ?".. inquired s-' &c old lady.'. '. . ' ' ' . -. VYo, Jua'aw " answered the clerk"; ) . , I pevef . Vas . thsre " continued she," J- 'hut it hardly seems possible that their town fiesta that threctionv.w ben will I " - get an ansWer,' Mr;. Telegraph V .'',- lean scarcely felt 'ma'am. U may be , ' . : tSe c5d tady!wfint awny, and"jctorned in exactly two hours. Just as sh enter ed the door tli dumb waiter came, down through the ceiling. , .."There is tho answer, ma'arn'. said the clerk. - .- ' ' ' - The old lady took the neat yellow en velope in her hands, with a smile of min gled gratification and astonishment. " Now that beats all," exclaimed she. Bless my heart, all the way from Wheeling, and tho wafer still wet That's an awkward looking box, but it can trav el like pisen." - - - - " ' . EBENSBURG MARKET. Corrected Weekly. Flour per bbl Extra Family, " Extra, ' - Beef, per lb." -f . Potatoes, per bushel. Apples, Butter, per lb. PRICES. $13 50 25 50 62 .40 ' 75 ; 2.25 1.50 1,25 1.25 75 1,50 3.00 . 2,50 8,00 Cabbage, per doz. Wheat, per bushel Ti cf Pira . Buckwheat 'Corn, Oats, Apples, Peaches, , Beans, Clover seed. t : if (I tt ti . tt tt tt dried, Pennsylvania rail road schedule. ' LEAVE WESTWARD," S 2 i x P4 W I - .5 STATIONS. A.M. 6.50 7.25 7.34 A. M. P.M. 9,10 9.42 P. M. 7.55 8.10 8.30. 8.38 8.4(3 8.55 9.05 9.11 9.23 9.40 9 47 Altoona, Kittanning, Gallitzin, Cresson, Lilly's Portage, Wilmore, Snmtnerhill, South Fork, Mineral Point, Conemaugh, Johnstown, 0.15 9.50 8.02 8.22 8.40 8.48 11.00 10.40 10.47 LEAVE EASTWARD', STATIONS. . , - t - . P. M. ! A. A.M. A.M. Johnstown, Conemaugh. Mineral Point. South Fork, Summerhill. Wilmore, Portage, Lilly's, Cresson, Gallitzin, Kitianning, Altoona. 6.02 6.07 F7.39 12.50 r4.38 4.47 P4.55 P505 5.15 5.25 po.46 6.00 6.40 P7.08 7.17 7.50 8.47 9 20 11-59 2.35 EBEXSBDUG & CRESSOX RAILROAD. On and after Monday, October, 31, 1804. trains on this road will run as follows: Leave Ebeksbcrg At 6,00 A. M., connecting with the Bait more Express West and Through Accom modation East. At 4.10 Pr M., connecting with the Mail Train West and Through Express East. Leave Crssson At 12.30 P. M.. or on departure of Thro' Accommodation West. - At 9.40 P. M., or on departure of Express East and Mail West. ENOCH LEWIS, Gen.Supt. BBBN8BUR6 HOUSE. The undersized having purchased and taken possession , of - t lie Ebenburg House (furmely cupied by Jlenry Foster.) will be happy to receive and , accommod ate his old customer,, and , all others who may be disposed to patronize him. " The Proprietor feels assured Trom the spacious HOUSE, STABLE & other facilities that he can . offer at least as good accommo' dations . as can be had at any other in the place. He is in' possession of a farge(snpply of the choisest liquors "with which, his .bar will be furnished; Jiis table .will be furn ished with alljth luxuries of the season, and he intends by - his hospitality and care, to merit the patfouagc of all those who stop withhim.' ' . ISAAC CRAWFORD. Eberisburg April, 17, 1861. tf. POUDREVTE1 . ,v : " , Fifteen Years Fair Trial ! J ; rf -A-. FEYSSOiT, Philadelphia, PODDKETTE,; $20,00 per ton, taken from the Factory, loose, or 50 ccets per bushel, and $26,00' per ton in bags.. de livered at Steamboat and R. Road Depots, in Philadelphia. Manufactory, Jray's Fer ry lioad, above "the Arsenal, Philadelphia. Depot. PEYSSONIS Farm, Gloucester, N."J,; Woodbury road. " Office Library . Street, Xo. -420 back'ef the New Post OQice, Philad'a. Dralers FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO., FOURTH & CALLOWHILL Strcets.- .Feb-15, 1865-4m',. PHILADELPHIA. - - . ,. : UMONv? HOUSE:" EBENSBURG PA JOH2J" A. BLAIR." Proprietor. . " : ' , THE PROPRIETOR will spare no pains tQ render this Hotel, worthy of "a continua tion 6T the liberal share of public patron age it has .heretofore received- pis table yi!l a! wayV be furnished,, with. Ihe blest the market .aiffordsj his bar with the" best .of liquors- . , .- . .. " .His stable js large, and will be attended, by 'an attentive and obliging, hostler. ' 4.08 4.13 r4.27 jyjonunrg April eu.. . The peculiar taint or infection which we call Scrof ulA lurks - in the constitutions ' of multitudes of men. It either produces or is produced by ' tut . en feebled, vitiated state of the blood, wherein that fluid becomes in competent to sustain the vital forces in their vigorous action, and leaves the system to fall into disorder and decay. The scrofulous contamination is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, disordered digestion from unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. "Whatever be its orijrin, it is hereditary in the constitution, descending "from parents to .children unto the. third and fourth generation ; " indeed, it seems tobe the rod of Him who says, "T will visit, the3niqui ties of the fathers upon .their children."' . The diseases which it originates take various names, according to' the organs it attacks. In the lungs. Scrofula produces tubercles, and finally Consumption: in the glands, swellings which suppurate and become ulcerous ores ; in the stomach and bowels, derangements which pro duce indigestion, dyspepsia," and liver com plaints; on the skin, eruptive and cutaneous" affections. These all having the same origin, require the same remedy, viz. purification and invigoration of the blood. Purify tho blood, and these daDgcrous, -distempers leave you. With feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, vou can not have health ; with that " life of the flesh " healthy, you cannot have scrofulous disease. Ayer's - Sarsaparilla is compounded from tho most effectual anti dotes that medical science has discovered for this afflicting distemper, and for the cure of tho disorders it entails. That it is far superior to any other remedy yetdevised, is known by all who have given it a"1trial. That it does com bine virtues truly extraordinary in their effect upon this class of complaint3, is indisputably proven by the great multitude of publicly known and remarkable cures it has made o? the fallowing diseases s King's Evil 0T Glandular Swellings, Tumors. Erup tions, Pimples, Blotche3 and Sores, Ery- J sipeias, liose or be. Antnony's Fire, Salt Rieum, Scald Head, Coughs from tu berculous deposits in the lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infection Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, and,, indeed, the whole series of complaints that arise from impurity of the blood. Minute reports of individual cases may be found in Aide's American Almanac, which is furnished to the druggists for gratnitons distribution, wherein may be learned the directions for its use, and some of the remarkable cures wbich it has made when all other remedies had failed to afford relief. Those cases are purposely taken from all sec tions of the country, in order that every reader may have access to some one who can speak to him of its benefits from personal experience. Scrofula depresses the vital energies, and thus leaves its victims far more subject to disease and its fatal results than arc healthy constitu tions, IIcnce .it tends to bhortcn, and does greatly shorten, the average duration of human life. The vast importance of these considera tions has led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its cure. This we now offer to the public under the name of At ee's Sarsaparilla, although it is com posed of ingredients, some of which exceed the best of Sarsaparilfa in alterative power. By its aid you may protect yourself from the suffer ing mid danger of these disorders. Purge out the foul corruptions that rot and fester in the blood; purge out tho causes of disease, and vigorous health will follow. By its peculiar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital func tions, and thus expels the distempers which lurk within the system or burst out on an part of it. -.We know the public have been deceived by manv compounds of Sarsaparilla, that promised much and did nothing ; but they will neither be deceived nor disappointed in this. Its virtues have been proven by abundant trial, and there remains no question of its surpassing excellence for the cure of the afflicting diseases it is in tended to reach. Although under the game name, it is a very different medicine from any other which has been before the people, and is far more effectual than any other which has ever been available to them. CHEERY PECTORAL, - . . The World's Great Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con sumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients v v - in advanced stages s.-., ; '.' of the disease. " tl . This has been so long used and so univer sally known, that we' need do no more than rassure the publij. $hat its quality is kept up to 4he best it .ever lias been, and that it may be relied 'on to do all it has ever done. Prepared by : Da J. C. Ater . Co., , , - Practical pnd Analytical Chemist' " ; :; '' Lowell, Mass. v. Sold by all druggists everywhere. Db. E.S.'BUNN, EbenEburg, C T. FRAZER. Johnstown. P. H. SHIELDS, Lorretto,1 and? .dealers L everywhere. ; i-.-2,fjZ-U-:'- 'VW'-- Junfrl5,;1864.v--..;,;:--'.'y-'.-- HARNESS AKD :-' SADDLERY The undersisned Ijeeps-. constantly oa hand and is still manufacturing all' articles in hi line bhcu as, -J:--.;-: - - - ; SADDLES, FlisE SIXGLE & DOUBLE nARNESa : DHAFT HAaWESS. BLIND BRIDLES. RIDING -BRIDLES," CHECK LINES, II LTERSWHIFS, " JiiaCJJJiADS . . ' '' -' '. &c.; &c, - v ' - . which he will dispose of at : low -prices for cash. - - '',.. v.-'' 'j -", f His work is all warranted, sjid being" ex 'perienced, he puts the best of leather in bis work. TJianiful Sor past favors Tie hopes, by. attention to business to merit a continu ance of the patronage "Jieretofore, 'BOIibcral ly extended to blm." " - C - . ? Shop above the stoire of Robert. Davis. Persons wishing good and substantial Har ness can be accommodated by. - -, - V ; . , HUGH M'COY. Ebehsburg Dec, 11, 1861-tf. ;v 1 ."' . - The Constitution of the-. United States with' explanatory notes for sale by ' - 1 - - JAMES MURKAT- ;KHLr."30LD?S . Genuine Preparations. COMPOUNJTfLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, a Positive and Specific Remedy for diseases of the Bladder,' Kidneys, Gravel, and Drop sical Swellings. ; " This Medicine increases the power of Di gestion, and excite the Absorbents into healthy action, by which the "Watery or Calcareous depositions, and all Unnatural Enlargements are reduced, as well as Pain and Inflammation. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. . For Weaknesses arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early Indiscretion of Abuse, attended with the following symp toms: . Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves,- . Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision. ' Pain in the Back, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Hot Hands. Flushing of the Body, Dryness of tho Skin. Eruptions on the Face. - Pallid-Countenance., These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this medicine invariably removes, soon follows - ' . Impoieiicy, ratvily, Epilejftic Fits, In one of which the Patient may expire. Who can say that they are not frequently followed by those "Direful Diseases' "INSANITY AND CONSUMFflON." Many are aware of the cause of their suff ering, But. none wiil confers the records of tLe Insane Asylums. And Melancholy Deaths by Consumption bear ample witness to the Truth of the as sertion. . ' . The Constitution once effected with Organic Weakness requires the aid of M!dicine to Strengthen and Invigorate the Svstem. Which Helsibold's EXTRACT BUCHU invariably does. A Trial will convince the most skeptical. - FEMALES FEMALES FEMALES. In many' A jf ections peculiar io Females the Extract Buchu is. unequal led by any otLer remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irre gularity, Painfulness, or Suppression of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhous state of the Uterus, Leuchorrl.coa or Whites, Steri'ity, and for all complaints incident to the sex. whether arising from indiscretion Habits of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. Take no more Balsam, Mercury, or un pleasant Medicines for unpleasant and dan acrous diseases. HELM HOLD'S EXTRACT r,UCHU AND IMPROVED ROSE WASH CURES SECRET DISEASFS In all their Stages, At little Expense. Little or uo change in Diet. No inconve nience. . And no Exposure. It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby ilemovir.g Ob structions, Preventing and Curing Strict ures' of the Urethra, allaying Pain and In flammation, so fraquent in the class of dis eases, and expelling ull Foisonous, Diseased and tcornoul Jlfiiter. Thousands upon Thousands who Lave j been the Victims of Quacks, and who have paid heavy fees to be cured in a short time, j have found they were deceived." and that the "POISON" has, by the use of "Power- ful Astringents," been dried up in the sys tem, tq break out in an aggravated form, and perhaps after Marriage. Use Htlmbold's Extract Buchu - for all affections and diseases of the URINARY ORGANS, whether existing in MALE or FEMALE, from whatever cause oriRin'ating and no matter of HOW.LONG STANDING Dissases of these Organs requires the aid of a DIURETIC. HKLMBOLD'S EX TRACT BUCHU IS THE GREAT DIUR ETIC, and is certain to have the desired effect in all Diseases for tchich it is Jlecom mended. 1 ; - 'Evidence of the most reliable and respon sible character will accompany the medicine. Price $1,00 per bottle, or six for 5.00. Delivered to any Addiess, securely packed from observation. Describe Symptoms in all Communications Cures Guaranteed! Advice Gratis! Address letters fur iLformation to H. B. HELMBOLD, Chemist. 104 South Tenth St., bel. Chesnut, Phila IIELMBOLD'S Shdical Depot, HKLMBOLD'S Drug and Chemical Ware house, 594 Broadway, New York. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND 7'NPRINCIPLED DEALERS who endea vor to dispose "of their own" and "other" tgrticlcs on the reputation attained by llelmboJd's Genuine Preparations. - Extract Buchu. "' ' Sarsaparilla. - . . s Improved Rose Wash. t.-i mm mm V" SOLD BY ' ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. ASK FOR HELMBOLD'S. take no OTHER. ; , Cut out the Advertisement and send for it "AND AVOID IMPOSITION AND EX POSURE. - March 9, 1 864.-ly.' . - DEXTISTRY. - THE undersigned Graduate of the. Balti more College of Dental Surgery, respect fully offers his"proffessiondi services to the Citizens of Ebensburg." He has spared no means thoroughly to acquaint himself with every improvement In his art. To many years of personal experience he has. thought to add the imparted experience of the high est authorities in Dental Science. He sim; ply asks that an ppportuity may be given for his work to speak its own praise. - v SAMUEL BELFORD,JJ. D. S. y Office in Colonade Row. Prof. O. A. Harris ; T. E. Bond, jr. ; W. R. Handy ; A. A. Blandy, p. H. Austen, of the Baltimore Collefie.. CO Will be at Ebensburg '011 the fourth Monday of each month, to stay one week. The Life and services of General Grant foeale by 4 ' - - " ' . . JAMES MURRAY. Jobnatown Marble Worktj A NEW STOCK ' large - and handsome invoice ofjff Italian and American - f Ml-RBLE, m comprising the largest ana nnest stock of the kind ever brought to Johnstown, at his establishment on Franklin Street, where he is prepared, with an adequate force of experienced pl ekilful workmen, to execute all kindTof MONUMENTS. Mantels, Tombstones. Ta ble and Bureau Tups, &c, as cheap as they can be purchased in any of the cities. A" large stock of GniKDaTOKES on hand and fop sale low. Prompt attention paid to orders from a distance and work delivered- where de sired. JOHN PARKE. March 13, 1862. GREAT ATTRACTION!! Call and Examine the Goods. fTnUE subscribers having .returned from"! JL the city, have now opened one of the largest and most carefully, assorted stock of SPKIXG AND SUMMER GOODS, ever offered to the people of Carrolltown mid the sumundiDg country, which they will j sell at as low a figure as any store in thej country. Their stock consists of DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTH ING. BOOTS AND SHOES cf all kinds. Ladies' Dress Gools of all kinds, French Merino, Dehiino. Siiks, Alpacas, Plaids, &c. 'flair stock of Groc.iics con sist of the best articles the ruaiket afi'oitls of COFFEE, SUGAFi, TOBACCO, S,C. Tlitir Cutlery is f the best manufacture Their QUEENSWARH and HOLLOW WARE aie of the hotst quality. Ladies who wish to make a goul inve.-tmeui fch'jui.l call and exataiiie fur themselves. All kinds of country produce taken, and greenbacks not refused, (Jive us a call, and we will endeavor to give vm satUfultion. May 18, 18ti4. E. GLASS & CO. HIGHLY IMPORTANT TO BLACKSMITHS. Four fifths of time and luird UUr caved by using ISAAC C. FINGEirs. NEW AND COMPIJ-rrK TIRE AND BAND BKXDER. Patented March lU, 15G3. Its chit !" advan tages arc . 1st. Having strong goar wheels to obtain power, nnn man can operate it t. bend col.i wagon fire, any iiixe under 1 by A inches. 2.1. Having nioveuMe c. liar.-, t.i h.hl the bar square on flu; portable r lljr. it tnkes all tw i.st out i f the bar, w hile lending in a regular circle. S.i. It can be shifted to 1 (nd to ar.y de sired circle from one, uj to twelve feet, in ote minute. 4th. Hiviiiga movealde centre p;st, which can In; quickly taken off, tires and bands are easily taken out. 5th. The upper ribbed roller will always draw the bar through. Gth. Being guaged and numbered, a card with directioi s, accompanies it. Thi Machine in good (oil the journals) runniag order. oited upon a strung piece of timber, without legs or crank, for &oQ, or with logs and crank fwr $35. All cash orders promptly attended to CO State and County R'ights for sale. ISAAC C. SINGER. Ebensbuig, April 6 18G4-Iy E Tbeiiiburg Book. Store. Just reotivetl a fre.-h stock of Paper, &c. Legal Cap. White and Blue Laid Cap. Plin White Cap. White-and Blue Lnid Pot. Conimercial Letter. Octavo Note Guilt Edge. L-xdy's Note. Uiank Deeds, Mortgage", an J Uonls. Blank Summons" and Extculions. Blank Books. Tuck Pass Bocks. Time Books. Blotting Taper. Arnold's Writing Fluid. Steel Pens and l'en Holders. Envelopes Large and Small. Copy Books and Mucelae. Books of various kinds from 10 cts. to SI .50. Segars and Tobacco and various other No tions of the best quality. Just Teccived two new first clas Novels, "VfcRY HARD CASH," by Charles Iteade. and PARRELL MARKliAM," by M. E. Braddon. April 13, 18C4. JAMES MURRAY. EBENSHUIiG BAKERY A XD IHTIiSMlY f Hli subscriber, having greatly enlarged JL his BAKERY and replenished his stock of GROCERIES and CONFECTION ARIES, is prepared to supply orders, on shott notice. Ho has also added to his store, many other articles, such as FLOUR. SUGAR, COFFEE. CHEESE, SALT, TOBACCO & SEGAES, SPICES. TOYS, NOTIONS, &'c. CARBON OIL at the lowest retail prices. A fine Jot of CHRISTMAS' CANDIES. CAKES and Christmas- PRESENTS, to which he solicits the patronage of the pub lie. He has, also, attached to his establish ment, an OYSTER and DRINKING SA LOON, whre fresh Ovsters, Sardines and prime ALE and PORTER can be had, at all hours. - . GEORGE GURLEY. Dec. 2, 18C3.-ly. Notice. AH persons indebted to me for 6ubscriptiou, advertising or job work, are requested to settle their accounts immedi ately. JAS. S. TODD. - ApriM3, 1864. jJANSION HOUSE. AT THE PENNA RALBOAD DEPOT . P PITTSBURG. PA. MEALS BEADY ON THE ARRIVAL OF ALL TRAINS J. H. CLARK & CO., Proprietor, .fepj. 28, mt. tf - JTBTTBR'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS. A pure iiid woi.derful Tonic, corrective and . alterative of wonderful illicacv in dibtase of tho STOMACH. LI VHP. AND BOWELS. Cures Dyspepsia, L:vr Cvmplaiiit, Head- ' ache, General Debility. Nervousress. lte. precsion of Spirits. Constipation. Co'ic, lu termittetit I'evcts, Cranjp and Sp.isn.s, and all Complaints of either Stx. aiiirg iVom m B .rfiiiy Weakness whether inherent in tLs system or produced by epecial causes. - Nothing that is not hoIesime, genial and ietorative in its l.a'ii'e enters ir.ti"t!: c!mpoition of HOSTEITKR'S hTOMAOI BITTEItS. Tliis popular preparuticu o'n tains no nancial of any kind, no de.v;.';y botanical element; r.o fiery excitant-. I ist is is a comtination of the cx'iacts of r.'.re h:.l sainic hehs and plants with the pmert at:d mildest i f all diUu.-.ivo stinltdr.i.ts. I is well to be forearmed ugainsi discaw. aiid, so far as tl.e Lumau system can bp.'' protectoii by human means :gaimt maladies, engendered by an wholes, me atn.opbeie. iinfuie v ater and oil,-r external euci, HOSTET'l KR'S Bl'lTKlIS may be relied on us a sa'egieud. In districts M,fe.ted with Fixer or. Ajue, it 1 as been f und infaH.b'n: as a preventive and ii h sist il'lr a a remedy and thonand wlio restat to it under apprelieuion r.f an attack, escape the hci:r; v; and thousaafi who neglect to avail then. selves of its pro tective qualities in advance, are cured by it vciy L:kf e nrse i f this mai veloug medicine. Fever and Ague jatier;ts. .-.ft-r btin 1 : o 1 . with ji.it.in' f. r n;oi;ths in v?.io. i:n'i! la'ii'. saturattd ith'that (Linircrotis r.lkr.l. 'A. nnt unfietj-it-ntlv restort-d t health within a b-w davs by. the use of HOSTET'l ER'6 BITTERS. The w eak st--'in.'.. 1. i rapid' v ;iivigor.i:-.! atjd the nppef'te ret-Urtd by this agree.ible Tonic, :n.! :!,et- it w- rk.s won-iers in case of Diiipepsia ai. in less c ii.fi rmfvl form if Indigestion. Acting r.s a gentle and pain less appiiitnf, as veil as ujm.h the liver, it also invariably rel'n vi-s tiie (onstinatin-i stioc iniliteed bv irregular action of the di gesttve ai.t; secretive orifans. Persi ns f feeble habit, liable to Nervous Attacks. T.tirvcas tf Spirits aid Fit ot LaixjiKir. f.t-.d j ron.pt and prrn.anent reliet fu-ni tho I'.itters. Tl.e testimony on this point is most conclusive, and from both sexes. The agony of Biliou.- C ilic is iuujiediately assnagei! by a single de of the stimulant, and by occasionally resorting to it, the re turn of the ccn.plaint may b prevented. As a General Tonic. IIOSTETTF.R' BVITERS j roiiv.oe tfi'ects which must bo experienced or viti.'-s-e 1 bef.-rt they can bo fully apjrreci.it d. In cass CotistHurifn al Uca' ti ess, I'r-?:ature Jccay find l).';il iry anil Decrepitude arVin-j Ir.'in O'd Ag". it exercises the eiectric influence. In the convalescent stages if all diseases it operate as a delight ful invig'.rant. When i-ijp powers of nature are le'axed. it operitefo re-in force and re-t atabiish them. Last, but n..t bat. it is The Only S-ifc Stimulant being manufactured frm sound ami inniHTcons materials, aud entirely trfi from acid elements present more or less in all the oniiuiry tonics and ttomacLic.H f the day. "No family mediciue has ln-on so univer- sally, and, it may.be truly added, deserved lv nopulr.r with the inteliiiror.t portion of the community, as HOSTETTER'S T.IT TFRS. Prepared by IIOSTETTF.R & SMITH. Pittsburgh, Pa. Sold by all D.UL'gi.-ts, Grocers nnd Store keepers everywhere. March 0. ISr4.-ly. ' JOHN B. FROMALD DEALER IN MILLiNARY & FANCY BSENSpBS. T2IMMTXOS EMBROIDRIES. CLOAKS & SHAWLS, Corsets, Hopcd Skirts, Pertumery, Lad ies' and Children' s Shoes, Gloves, Hank' erchiefs, Fancy Goods, notions, S"C, &c. MAIN STREET, JOHNSTOWN. Pa. - Nov. 20. 1861. ly. CHAIR MANUFACTORY. "WILLIAM T. PATTON. JOILSTOW. I 1. ALL KINDS OF CHAIRS 1 such as common Winsor Cliairs, Fret Back Chairs, Vienna Chairs, Bustle Chairs, Rica Backed Chairs, Sociable Chairs, Cant Stat knits, ROCKING CHAIRS, OF EERY SIZR SPUING SEAT CnAIRS, Settees, Lounges, &c., &c CABINET RNITURE of every description and of latest STYLES, WITH PRICES TO SUIT THE Tastes of all. Thankful for paot favors, he respect fully tolicits a liberal share of public patron age. Clinton Street, . Johnstown Cambria Gx P, KoveaUr 30t, 18C1. lj - ii. ' r.' 1 -.---i.-'-.' r