i i. t g US Wait fi?r the Wag-on. The chaiice is this a gioiiuus chance, Tis full and free for a score, The chance of buying dry goods cheap At h;ma Wt1 store. Tie prices are the lowest out, The sty!-a arc alwas best, Ar.d y.-;it can rave a big per ceuiagc Oa each coilar you invest. Tl:": hslen;p to our slero W,th sdl gods get sup lied, , For I'.r.y drives tl c wag'-n In which the millions ri-Ie. Then en.c iiL'iig my dearest, ,!ot alite K'ji J r. to their re on ;y ' Si.vet, F.r thev M il mighty c! cap. E. SHOEMAKIR SON. Eleiisburg Pa. ! J -- - ! "1 I 0 Bll extraordinary degree, as a means of The Ucfum ot Cl tl SUiIe. j ooinnuu.ieatitg with the public- not p-wsess-Judge I'itrdoza, of New York, recent- ! ed by any other, j urnal published in this - .. ..i...! .i writ i.f : ihni.i I'nrmi.-: direct- city. I io Superintendent Kenn.dv, which the U:r treated whh contempt, as has been nradiee- el Mult class t ol'icia dass f ol'icials for o:..-t Hires years. Iveim "d v failed to v nnv ieu:;rd to the v.iit issued by the :e. 'i'..: i ut .Uer "ml t!?'; hatid.- of w'no .; aiilhorz d to us; l!ie Hjwtr ,ne co"cty io miii;r u,d uenige'Ciu fu- ii.ie.'idei-.t to Ur:i'S. Ker.nedv . !'v foL.tieiled t ibev the inrmd.ite e I'l . ifourt, ?;nl a:o'.oj.:z .' for the cour.-e he ! se-n fit ie piioue. - ' Ij.is i.j a welcome uiilication o! u re i to '. ii.lc- 'i "he liw s :md lil riics jnen are no hn2:cr to bo at tho tnerev ( f (.lliciahs like Kennedy, who noted as !. :nsn (iinentf or partisan late ir pn- . uialu-e, talhcr tlian :i? the .agents j . !. law. With lhe tortninati -n :fihe ' . . oceiipniiou of ti:i clas.- of men J i - c :ied, t.nd tiny tlain.sivc arc ma.!.- : I . io f el what .-o ofte'i they hae on- . ' i..lli-?d. Tb. ciil l.w in now . :. not iii New York, and we lope j :.: :.o im.re ntnnipU will bi made to 1 i '. i' unicr the sliudo.v of military rule j u: .: .' pat of the count rr. A'jti ry Jctil I)ais coinnmnded .1 hnrtoti sum n hr, but t-jdi-Lar. l loiidhm- :.3ke his caniioii, und '. iih his c;:v- it i mount' i' tl.:'. i iMs to cover the r:.te of the : e:i:i::o,t o!" the Co fv.. cmctit, but Johns-ton rchi.-ed to obey -dcr. ; " 'I iiit tv-lhree j, oinig men :nd - - .Mivsicd iiiid lined two dollars and !oi l ';;fhig about rhurch tloois in ..l.tov Citv, on und iv last. "i Wtndtll I hil'ips tells the t.ix-gath-it.,: he is worth v7O2,U0O. LAD, AND Yblik NEiGllBoR! i A N F T I ! i'EC'l US O i'iilLAHEialiiA AGE. ! iin 1 i N LY I E Ai f C 1'. A T I I D . 1 1 .V RMNG . iitE.i LEt.i'ii A. i.L UNioN. iiE vONSTl'iU ,-..D liirj ENFoRCiuMt'-.I i iiE 1.A Viti. vF . ut i ut'iiMiun i'i oily ; : 1 1 nai jr. i. , JE.AAGL mi r.tt ti.e ear:. i?t ultei.u m ..t ii..ir 1 ... 'ii:- iKiir ,T.r-. f.n-.-ss men, inn. King men, i.tiiui o ill! who ate liiteieslei' 1'; tj.C V;tinii- (ilious i-no pu.suit.sol iiic.io'l.e DvlLY i. .c 0. J.LKL ci.iiioiia oi ti.eir Jv-nm.o. llEPIHLABLIdiiiA-DAlLY A Gib CttvocuU-s li;e pi ll'C i; lea iin.i iMi:;ev ir e !.!!. joerat'.c p.'.rty. is i.-.-.uet: cv.ry i r'.i'ng, (&iniila .-txuiq till.) .oi l Co'T.lSs : .? . VltM INlrl.I-lJI .Nei-. Iii .M MA. P.VUT.-. ! 'j'.;jS WOHLH; Witu c.oelioiy piep.iieo at- ; lis ou Ciovcriii.u-ni. x'oiincs, 'ira.ie, I't- . . und all the cunent qatsiioiis anl at- i t.l the day ; Lucui iu:;!ligciiec, Market : Price Cmrcnt, Stuck Quotations, j and OomnicrcuJ latcliieuce, lie- ! i - A Public G ithenngs, l'.-rci,n aid Do i COirespoi.oence, Ri j-oi ts, iij-A N j- ' Theaiiicai Ci i'. iei.-u.s, Rv iewh ..f Lit- .-:r., Art and .Music, Ag-icnltuial ilut- j j :nd disCbSoionj ot wiiiicver subject is ' V't-eral lutcrvst au.t m.qioitance. Ni.i vent of any imparlance occurs in any .1-: .! tee Country sii.i a;i Icing itn'y i -on., tly teiegmphoi to atK, , j . . , r 41 . t. v 4' , :.c .a J ihe Associated rress from even i , r L T.;,.1 n.;i, r,.,.J. months; snd for any lets time, at the rate i cf On'j Dollar per mouth. Pavmont iuvari- i ably in advance. THEPillLADELlTlIA WEEKLY AGE, Is a complete compendium of the News r tjzk Week, and coutaius the Chief Edi torials, the Pricea Current and Market Re-Io.-te, Stock Quotations, Intelligence for Farmers, Coriespcndence, and General Ne s Matter published in the Daily Age. It alto contains a great variety of other literary ar.d miscellaneous matter, including Tales, Sja-tches, Biography, Facetiae, and Poetry, rtm.enng it m all respects a fiust class family jocbnal, particularly adapted to t' c Politician, the Merchant, the Farmer, the Mechanic, the Literarv man. and al! r'B.-R of readers. It has. in fact, every 'r.Bcteritie of a LIVE NEWSPAPER. l;,': '.'.oil t.tirttoe c run a itl Lu tne xfrmnrr.t u u,t.zHtiu telegraphed, from whatever point i ant'V, Se " " V . S 7 r IT edncsdt.y the 17th day of May. 1SC5, (i: ckiuntrs first touch. " i ' 'i- i Ior Uie ppose sei iortn :,; the above in tne , TLiMS Ten Dollars, per annum, for a ! mcrtt Yi rxM, v r v nvn al'Ve ortk'r f G"rt- W- 1L I:0S,':' fcirglo copy ; Five Dollar fornix months; M ,1E BEvD"" APnl 19, lSC5-8t Auditor. Two Dollars and Fiftv Cents for three Mar 31 ' 18Go ht Execut rs. i fitted f-r the Counting h"i:sc. the Workshop the Fireside, and the General Reader. The WeclJy 'Age is mailed m season io reach all arts of Pennsylvania, Niu Jersey, Delaware, and Martland, on or before Satur day of each week. TERMS Two Dollars per annum for a single copy ; One Dollar for six mouths, and Sixty Cents far three mouths Ore copy j trv.;s will he sent L.r cue year to the per ; s forwarding us twenty early subscribers j p;iia in advance. No paver will be sent until the- subset iptiou Is paid. Spe.hr.cn copies of the above paper sent gratis to any address, on application. TO ADVERTISERS. ! Tee circulation of the Pi:i'.Ai,uLrniA Age, i which is steadily and rapidly growing, ! makes t at least f.s valuable a medium for i advertising as any other newspaper in Phila ; dilphii ; and the fact tint it reaches a large i class conservative readers, scattered over 1 it vit extent of country, who do not take f ir.v il:fr Piii'i.li! r-.hii rifiTier i-tm-i ivifuida it. THE AGE" 13 NOW EST BUSH cr OX A Sri: AN'P PFKMASKST r uko.tiox. The I Paolishers c.idd easily rill their coluirms j with the unsought and most liberal coin- ; irer.i.ui. us .f the pn-ss throughout the. 'country; but they- prefer-that it should 1 ti-ati 1 altogether up n cj.u.ns to public con j ihieiice ueil known and established. It will be, as heietof re, siippoiterof true Na j ti u::ii, (Jonservati v, 1 kmrera'i.". Union r.ri r, ' 1 1!, nuiuv-r-ii :i!ikr to ri.liiv;li-;:i: .nri! - r II . i . .i tr.ain 'uux.ee of Good Government. Law, and O. di-r. The revival of all the business i itl.itions of the countrv. consequent uron the Mippression of the rebel. in and the res ; t-irati -li of peace, will enable the I'ublishers to make r. number of itjijiroveinent in the j various departments 'f this j urLa!, and thty j theielrc, ri-p'.-C-fnlly solicit ihe support of i all who w iii to seci!!-e..i,e of the lxt Com- I. li t ary . lUiMiiers a:;d Familv ne wspapers m ie coi:ury. NOW IS THE TIMLTO 1 UHSCIIDE! ' l1' 1 (.il.Oh'.SBliKNNMU & WELSH. ' 4 SO CHESTNUT Street. '1'- ta. r STATE Ol C-OP.NELIUS MAGUIRE, LECEASF.D. Ni'tice is htivl-y uivei i n.h.i.-tiaiioii oi Ihe e;ta! th d 1 tiers . f Ad- ..fsf.d . l hte i o' Clitst Spring.'; B r - cd to E. R. D -:icga:i, h. h ive een gra- t- -i iin ' in Cieaitl-'id ' t'iiV.:ship Camhii-i c-niniy. ! A'i i.ersoi.s ti:t-p.!'iv naviug claims or j demands-, a;;diit th" e:-.Uite i t' deeM ! are !c:i!e. t' d I ni.ike th'. tan:e knowu to he said E R D"iic ;an v. i hour deby. i June 7. 18i.o-Ct. ' E. II DOXEGAN. rOit SALE r The nn der.-igned will sell at a private sale a fe lots on the Ehens-burg :tici Cre.-sion bld'ro.id. at Bradty's Station. 1 i.e Tins will be n.adc eas,'at:d an indis- put.tt.ie t;t:v wi;i Oe g. vcn. ty making in-diate a':plicafion the pn mi-es t o CHARLES BRADLEY, Ju'.e 7, ISGo 3t i. I N (. I) BRICK V"ARKHsL-Mi:. LL;D. YSisUiis;, PA. J) .tl. rs ir. ah hinds i GiiOCI.IilES, f: i:r, C.iit p. COl-N MEAL, SALT. II.Ars'iEd. NAILS .'c IRON. GLASS, LEAD A- OILS. 'IC.'.R-i. . .' ' : . i . i i . i SHAD. 11 ill.! I Nil. r i , ; i j j Ail of which are si ,!.! 1 f.r cash II-.dMaysburu ay 31, 1805-tf i A uUilor'n rvollce-. The undersized I Am do- iMv.iinled Iv the Oi nhans' thin t ; I of Canibihi (V'V.nty. toieportdh-iribution of J4 , ihi l.o.ds ::i the ba..!s .f .losiah M. Chri-tv, ! Seminal Weakne.-s. General Debility, or A.hi.mi.-iror of Demetrius A. Magellan, IVmalure D.vay, trom whatever cause pro-decea-ed, hereby n- tiliea a!i persons inter- 1 dueed. Read, ponder, and reflect! Be wise 1 I but be Will attcji.l Io tl.o duties t,f ! bio said Appointment, Ht his office in the I Scnt T:EE addrfVs; for the bene B.mugh "f ' Ebensburg on Saturday the flt the alflicted. S-nt by return mail. 3-d .lay ..f dune next, at one o'clock, P. M., I Address JAM ES VT LSON. at wbie'u time, all persons interested are re- j , 4-.9 Broadway, New Y'ork. quired to present t heirc l-jims or bo debarred j -p'd 19, I8C0-J111. Iron! coming in foi a. share of the said fund, F. P. TIERNEY. ! Lewis Dunrnoyer "i I-i the Omimon 1'1-ms M-ay 31, 18G5 b Auditor. I ! ".XLvl iUR : NO 1 ICE. iU t L'.tlers on the j estate -of J-hn Campbell, Sr., late of Bo- T .'IT ' 11 (II I j. 1 I I I ( . 1 1 1 I W 1 - it 1 1 1 i I I 1 ft Ji: I I V n ttai.ii. .- i b'"",vw w i persons iiavmg claims against said estate 11 , , " .., . . " r j 1 are hereby notiiied to come forward and -XECUT0R'S NOTICE h L Lt tiers testa- mentary on the estate ol Audrew Strittmat- i,.i.., ,rp n .1,; r.,,i.:.. ic i.t..c oi a,.c,.i tnonij,. vaiuu.... t.owu- ; Waahington township, Cambria county. ie ty. deceased having been granted to the j ceasei iiave becn 2rante(1 by tllC Register undersigncd living in Carro itown Borough, i of 8ajJ county to tiie undersigned, notice is notice is hereby given to those muc-bted to j tcreb ;vcn to aU pcrspna having claims said estate to make payment and those ; n?a;ust sa5(i esate to present them propeilv fc, . . V , l" them duly authenticated for settlement. Tr ,t ,r-rV r V May 31, lRCo-Ct Lsecutor. An essaV on the Harmonious Relations between Divine Fulfil nd Natural Reason, for sale by JAMES MURRAY. he Haunted Tower, by Mrs. H. Wood. For sale fey JAMES MURRAY 1" ft. v. S EXITING TO AND FROM ENG LAND, IRELAND AND GOTLAND, BY THE u.vi,uax U.M.01- Tnwi,n SrEAMSIIIPft, j alONTREAL do. do. I AND WASHINGTON LINE OF SAILING VESSELS. Diafts at sight for 1 and upwards, on Nat! M:ai Dm!; and Dranches. Payab-le in all the City's and Tvwus in Eng'and, Ire laud, Scotland anil Wales free of Discount. R. A. O. KEUK, May 25, 1864 ly. Altoona. rCENSLURG FOUNDRY llie subscri- ler announces to the public, that he has repurchased the Ebenshurg Foundry and is prepared to lurnibh his former customers and ail others with every description of cast ings usually rnanufactnred at a country es tablishment. He will alwavs keep on hand the best qualitv of COOKING STOVES. PARLOR STOVES, OFFICE STOVES. &c. Also FLOWS, of the most approved pat tern. PLOW POINTS, THRESHING MACHINES and all otlipr articles connect ed with the business of a Foundry. lie invites the patronage f the public and will sell at the rnst reasonable prices, fur cash or country produce. EDWARD GLASS. Mirch 29, 15C5 ly. a a'EUEEN HOUSE. EBENSUURG. CAMBRIA COUNTY, PA. U Y 4 t, i T T 1 IZ F. P. TI1RNEY, ATTORN EY-AT-L AW, Eijsxsncittj, Camcuia Couxty, Pa. Oilive two d.;ors- Njrth of Colonade Row. April f, 1805-tf f ALL PAPER, W WINDOW SHADES. BORDERS. DECORATIONS, And everwhir.g in the PAPER HANGING Line, are now oiiVre 1 to the tiu.de and buy er geneiailv, at the lowest prices possible. Call at No. 107, MARKET Street, be tween Fifth and Libert v Streets. .IOS. It. ilUGHES & BUO. M"arch 1, 18G5-3m by mail anywh. re; closely sea.tu, oti receipt ; oi price. U::iess, I V. AKM.U iV tt.. I l. x loH, l.rooii'yn, ow lorii. 2 ' 22. It-''.., iiy i . vt? t 4 i T . t.- i i T !i iTi.li ; I AND DESPONDENT OF IlOTll SFNES A greau rnffercr having been re- stored to health in a few davs. after r.ianv years of misery, is willing to as.-ist his s ir" i..r-.,, , f..' I. i-.i tun", io- fi'ttf no 'he receipt of a p st-pai-t addressed ei.ve- lope, a c-'j y of the f -i-.ma of cuie employ- J Direct t' JOHN M. DAGNALL. Bos 1S3 Post OTire, Brtioklyn, N. Y. Jan. 18. ISO.,. !0 Ll) EYES MADE NEW A PAMPHLET iiinrlit.T lntr ta fiiUi'li!t' .'s: ssigiit and give u) spictaeles, witn.T.t aui oi (i.-et.,r or nipihcue. Sent by mad, bee, on receipt of 10 Cent.-. Address. E. B. 11 KflE. M. I) . 1130 Brnadway, New York. . 1. 18G5 Cm. TliE BRIDAL CHAMBER. A note of warning and advice to tln?e suffering with 111 Hir.t. vs icr Schrock I vviiuo-i a vutity. f 3. December Term. IS'jI ! ! and Eiias Kearn. I Ve,id. Enm , I j And now, March Cth lSCf,, on moll n IV jp n,.se, appointed auditor to distribute the t y - -v-v. .. i . 4 1 .rx n 1 ... ! 1 ... bn ; creditors. iv iuc i'iiri JOS M'DONALD. ProCy. Ali parties interested are hereby notTud, that the Auditor will attand to the duties of "Whereas, Letters of Admini.-tration on V.i rctnlo rf Alirt.ni.i 1 t f i.f ' " -i. aho - authenticated tor settlement, and to those i injebted to make immediate payment. WM. K1TTELL. At.ril in inr,.c.f A.lm'r. 1 t The Mysterv, by Mrs. Wood. The Heir ess of Beilefont. By E. Bennett. William Allair, By Mrs. U. Wood. Cob i letie Life. By F. 11. Fanor. North Pacific I Exploring, Expeditiou. By A- II. Harbers- S ham. For sale bv i . i V " 1 - , - - i m. j Inat enao.e you to msrrv nappv ar.a t fHISEERS ! WHISKERS ' ! j wul plaseconv,- forward and mane payment, I lur;forrniv been the case on closing the sub- j .reedilv, irrespective of a -e, wealth orbeau- W Do you I and th"-e iiavn.g claims will present them ; V..., ...... I tv. This information will cost vou r.otbimr. I want Whiskers or Moust;uhes? On, G.f- i Troperly authenticated orsett lenient. scriioiuus ioou.tr Ju. - , j w;.j chrfullv " eian C mnouiK! will f.ne I I.c m to giow on j MARl ANN v.UMtAI lQ prder tiiat citizens of every town and ; jissist you. AH letters strictlv confidential. f1""-'1!: ce,"r LT- f ITY1' 't1', I JUnt' T' lbG5'Gt AUSi' section of the country may be afil-rded facili, ! The desired information sentby return mail. Leads in Six eek;. I ri"e Sl.vO. &ei;t : -- ! , and no questions asked, address i oiam jr iUicnar. . a. Kia:u. JAMES MURRAY TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years, with a severe lung affection, and that dread j disease, Caii-urnj-ticn is anxca3 to make j known to l.-is fellow sufferers the raeaus ef i I euro. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of tl;e prcscvipUon nscd, (free of charge,) With the dirccrions for pseparins and using , , . , . f,. the same, v. men mvj v-ni una a sure cure ' for COXS'JWPTIOS, AsTii.VA, Ei'.OXCillTIS, ; Coughs, Coi.ps. &c. The rnly object of the advertiser in sendlr g the riescription is to j benefit the aiH.ctvd, aiid .pread information j whiclr he conceives to be invaluable ; and I he hopes every sufferer will try Lis remedy, j as it will cost them nothingand maj- prove ! a blessing. Parties wishing the prescrip tion will please address Itev. EDWARD A. "WILSON, "Williamsburg Kings Co. New York. Feb. 15 1805 3m. j 1 CENSED AUCTIONEER. L The under signed would respectfully inform the citizens cf Cambria county, that be has taken out licen e as AUCTIONEER, and is prepared to attend t tie crving all manner of public sales on short Uf,:ice and at reasonable termf. Post Office ad.hess, Loretto, Cambria county. HUGH GALLAGHER, June 7, lf-Co-3t i IOTICE. N I wi-h thnr indebtfd to Me ! for' the last yeir's subsciipiion to the ) 'DEMOCRAT SENTINEL,7' or who . have got advertising r.nd job .work done, to pay it up immediate!', as I have bills to pay thr.t require in. mediate liquidation. M. IIAShON. June 7, ISOo-St NOTICE. ' SEALED PROPOSALS will be received by the undersigned until Juue 20tu, for furnishing material, and building a Church on Tunnel Hill, Cambria coimty. Plans and fj.eclfb.ith.ms to beseen at the re sidence of 'i l.'jinos Bradley of said place. THOMAS' BRADLEY. PATRICK KEEN AN, F. J. PA RIMS II, June 7, 8r.o-2t Building Committee. i 8,'OTICE. Letters of Administratis n on the estate of Paul Conrad, deceased, of . Clearfield t ownship, have been granted to the ; , DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE 1 T , n j.t ners ! of Administration having been granted to ;,).,, ,;,, rs.,,.:;,. i on the estate c f Adam r ... ! o ... rf A,'..r, Moouey. late of Allegheny township, dee'd, l;nv been r-r:iiiti'.l hv lhe Rei -tor i( fron- rounty. to the subscriber residing in j s.-id t.-unshq.. ncti.-e is hereby given to all ! tho.-e l,avi::g claims against said e-otate will ! pr.ent them properly proven ; aud those i iuucltcd will plcitc cali and settle. M ry CI, lSo-Gt ANN MOONEY. BENSBURG SELECT SCHOOL! JSJJ Will open on Mondav May 8, ' ' ls;i.jii Union Sehoi-1 Buildioir. fr a term j ( t Iviir months, under the supervision of the undersigned. In addition to common : English branches, in?truetion wid be given ALGEBRA and HIGHER ( ArT!CS. PHONOGRAPHY and in the, , j-LEMENTS OF LATIN. Every dibit t -, l,,-, n, t.i rrnrW tb srlinnl w-i.rtliv of I 1 1 J patronage. - , Patrons and others ate re- . ' rousted to visit frequently. ! Ccj- For further particulars addi ess ; D. B. MAIION. May 3 ISf.o. Ebenaburg, Pa I DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. A Letters of Administration on the estate of Frede rick Eigenbrode, late of Can oil town, Cam bria county, deceased, having been gi anted to Mary Eichenbrode. All persons, there fore, having claims or -demands against the estate of the said decedent, are requested to make the same known to the said Mary EiehcDbrodc w ithout delay. MARY EICilENBRODE. May SI, 1 Sen-fit Adrn'x. - 1 OB WORI ml j OF ALL KINDS J DONE AT THIS OFFICE, AT TilK SHORTEST NOTICE AND ON REASONABLE PRICES. P. J. LITTLE. JUSTICE OF THE TE ACE. Si:(,r;ess!r to TJ. Tc.ivv. Ksn.. cf A!Uslifi- township, Cambria Couoty, Pa., will at- . y I CJ : tend to collections, writing deeds, articles U Ma3d 183; : I ICENSED A UCTION EER?" L The subscriber having taken out a regu - lar license as Auctioneer, is prepared to cry n manner nf Snips on R'lirf rilrf ar.ii nt - j reasonable terms. Address JERS. A. FAG AN. Ebensburg, Pa. April 2G, 1SG5. nn D- W. EVANS, Ufli Tenders his pro urioei MUiicn iv ii;e i!!isiei i'l v. t!iii'"i. i i 1 v. ... i.,i I - . . . T T U till HUUL.L tl O - .5 r.n-niv Ail ...r.r,c 1 ?. !. itti;-i t.i o..m : lm'jiiUutiii a CuiLmanu a lTt'mium. as nat t , lessional services to tho citizens cf EBENSBURG AND VICINITY. Office ouo door east of R. Davis' store. Nigllt call3 made at his residence three doors west of R. Evans' cabinet ware room. May 31, 18C5 6m U" S. 7 -3 Q LOAN. I t n1.t , , I authority of the Secretary of the j J ireasury, the ur-derslgncil has assumed the j General Subscription Agency for the sale of j Fuitcd Statc3 Trtasury Notes, bearicg seven I ar,d three tenths per cent, interest, per ar.- J nam. known as the " SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN, These Notes are issued under date of Au ' gust 15th, 18G4, and are payable three years from that time, in currency, or are converti ble at the option of the holder into IT. S. 5-20 Six per cent. GOL.D -REARING RO.VDS These bonds are now worth a premium of nine per cent., including gold interest from Nov., which makes the actual profit on the 7-S0 loan, at current rates including inter est, about ten per cent, ysr annum, besides its exemption from State and municipal tax ation, icltich adds from one to three per cent, more, according to the rate levied on other property. The interest is payable semi-- annually by coupons attached to each note, 1 which may be cut off and sold, to any bank ! or banker. j The interest amoants ! One cent per Iay on a $5D note, j TtVO CCIlfS .4 44 i.' Ten ' 4. $1 44 Notes of all the denominations named w ill i be promptly furnished upon receipt of sub scriptions. This is THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now offered by the Government, and it is confidently expected that its superkr ad vantages will make it the GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF THE "PEOPLE. . Less thai-. $300,000,000 of the Loan a:: - fhorized by the last Congress are now on the ; market. This amount, at he rate at which it is being absorbed, w ill be tubscribed for wjth;n ""four months, when the notes will 1 lincT.ir ot-tnrr l,l..an tlir. Vat'r.r-i! T.jt.t3 . . ... . . .1 , s3l;xtc banks, and Private bankers through- ; ! I lout tne ci.untrv nave goncrany agi-een io receive subscriptions at par. Subscribers I 1 , J will select then own ageuts, in wnom they have confidence, and who only ire to be res ii r i i,v, re ,i c - sponsible for tlie ueliverv cf the notes lor : . I which they receive orders. ! JAY COOKE. ScB-cuu-Ti jx Agrxt, rhiJaddpliia. Srusci.ii'Tioss will be receive! by the m mm m df altoom. March , 18G5-3m HIST NATIONAL DANK 0 F T O O N A L A , Cvrner of Virginia and Annie Streets, ojao- , sikS uj-erifitcinhnCs Orlice 'ciiu'a R II. BLAIR COUNTY, PENN'A. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY AND FINANCIAL AGENCY. ONIES RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT. 1 Interest allowed on time Deposits. Gold and Silver Bought and Sold. 1 rac tional Currency ii:d Mutilated United ; Staffs Notes Tl'li'miil v Dmfr no tl-. i Principal Cities for Sale. Central Depot for fl. stl ,.f l'if...l tt.. trt.mni i:,,.,. Slampi v . V V Uifc.V4 lUlCJ i.4Cl LICAk 111 VUL.L I his Bank keeps on hand for sale the -10 U. S. TREASURY NOTES, Itl l .14. LiHUOtl I.'IIUU.I I'l I lib . ! 1.1 . . 11,13 j U the POPULAR LOAN, the only Govern- ment lioau now in market at par, giving ! those who have money a safe and desirable opportunity fr investment, 'ru n rrvT? n rnp imp'! ti on 10 ChMJj A I )AY ICR EACH $100. I PCr3ec.-CS,,;lt Stn'-'-iyfQbecxcLas.ceJ r MIHOYl) r'vTDXVri I"' i ibbhUlU, D. CALDU LLL, i rtf.i.ivin. oasmer. Feb. 8. 1SG5-I!y. D1TOR DEMOCRAT AND SENTINEL. L - ...... ..... raliee ; king and using a simple Vegetable Balm. j that will cftectunllv remove, in ten davs. 1 Pimples. Blotohe,. Tan. Freckles, and ail ! Imparities uf- tho Skin, leaving the same c.F r U-ar Biio.an nn.l I'.ioitiliil. 1 - - Hi. 1 icni.-riuvA'in auu ucaiiiuui. t 11 1 -i - . .1 i,.;. i,n 1 will also mail iree to tlmse having Iald Kill Ul' lli:ill IIC'C IO liuiirt iHl-iUp i'i. 1 T) r ir. a:: L ds, or Bare faces, simple directions and . ... . . ,' ,i,... f , .tor. rmatiou that willenaole them to tart a , , , . , tt .- 1.,,-. growth of Luxuriant Hair. Y m.-Icera Deads informal full or a Moustache, in lers thau thirty days. All applications answered by leturu mail without, charge. Respectfully ycurs. THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Clicmit. 831 Broad. way. New Y'ork. March 1, 1805 3m. . ""The Life and Campaigns of General Mc - Clcllan, Cr &aIo by JAMES MURRAY. . F"" n., .if Cash system, offers the following Etta tt ,ess tbn rity Tetail prices : SUGAR KEPlXtS. coppER KETLES S quarts to 40 gallonr .,,...-P ' - all orls and kind. '-. f SIICCT IKOX Vr ARC, ' evcrv varictv. ! EX A ME I. ED & TIXXEi) IROX WARE. COfPER WaRE MADE TO ORDER. 5 AD IRONS or S2100THIXG JEOXS ZINC WASHBOARDS. COOKING STOVES, EGG STOVES, 11EA T1XG CO OK ST 0 I'ES. BRADLEY COOKING STOVES. PA TENT, ABBOTT & NOBLE, and every other Pittsburgh or Philadelphia manufacturer's ttoves always on hand or procured en 5 davs notice. ODD PLATES AND G RATES for Stove always on hand. CARBON OIL LAMPS, from C2cts.. to $1.25, CHIMNEYS and WICKS &1 wny on hand. S TOUTING. MINER'S LAMP?, OIL CAS3. POWDER CANS, all s:zes, constantly on hand. COFFKE MILLS. TOASTING FORKS, OYSTER BROIL ERS. JELLt Cake Moulds. Table and Tea Spoons, COAL BUCKETS. Pi ice 1'n t now ready for the Trc'e, i and Merchants are respectfully inv'ted to call and examine our W ares, send tr for a catalogue before pni chasing els 2 where. The above goods will be Lirnishc d . WHOLESALE OR R ETA II . AT THE JOHNSTOWN" STOVE & HOCSE FCnXISlII SG STOKE. CANAL STREET. Oppesite the Weigh Lock.- I ASK FOR I FRANK V HAY'S WAREITOCSE, and save twenty percent, on yonf putca Johnstov.u March, 13. 1862. tl. iM- PATRIMONIAL! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN if vou wish to marrv, ai-.ri tne under- Uigned, who will send v-u wi-hont money mb-rmalion SARAH B. LAMBERT, Grtenpoint. Kings county. New Yoik. Oct. ly. 1861-2m. F YOL WANT TO KNOW A LITTLE ; or EVERYTHING relating to the human j system, male and female ; the Causes and treatment )f diseases: the marraiage custi n.s . , , ; :f the world ; how to marrv veil Hint a , t-aonD(i thips n, vcr published Ufore i rea 1 the revised and enlarged edition of , Mkpical Camm. :; Sex?v,-' a envious look lor c.Tior.a roj.ie, an ! a g'.K"l booic lor every one. 4o0 j-ages, loo I.instratioi.s. Pi ice $l.o0. (Contents table sent free ta any address. Books mey be lad at the book ttorts. or w ill be pent by mail, post paid on receipt of the price. Address E. B. FOOTE, M. D.. ldSO Broadway, New York. Feb. 1, ISjG Cm. on HEST. The weTI known ! and well vatror.i.od Tavern Stand in tho Borough of EbenbuTg, known as the Union i House, is for rent and pesses&ion given cu J the firtt" of April nest. For partiaulari j apply to the iiropric-tor, i i Feb. 1.1 So 4. JOHN A. BLAIR. Elowarc! .4ocin(ion, PHILADELPHIA. Diseases of ti;e Nr.nvors, Skbiinat.. ! I-bisary and tEXt AL svaTEVs new : reliable1 treatment m reports of and the . . . . - HOWARD ASSOCIATION &-nt bv mail in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address. Dr. J. SKILLEN IIOUGIITEN ! Howard Ass ciation. N. 5! South Ninth j sect, l iinaoe.pma. t, , - vfi,ni street, Philadelphia. Pa. j J$g 1U)W LOST.UOW RESTORED. ! , r-Tl n., i , . , .o,: i JFf 1 "" 1 Pub':!"in'L edition I of DR. CULVER WELL'S CEL. ; W Z2-3 EBRATED ESSAY on the radi- i CaIctire (with0ut medicine) of Speumat. n- . T3ULA or scniiual weakness, Involuutaiv i c,m;,i r....,.a t..-,.. tr i ! Physical Incapacity, Impediments in Mar- ; cXcr also. Co.vtrj.PiioN-. triLEP-v, and HTs.inducetl lv sel'-iiHm;reucctr sti uil pxtravaranro. 4 celel.ated author in tins admirable ! ccary. Ionv..nst rates from a tl irty I J" successlul practice; that the a.armmg I consequences r f s eh f-abuse may be rad.cady. ; cured wuaout the dangeroua use of ,r:tnal I j i . ... . i. . , . - , : pointing oi.t a mode ci cme, at cue simple, ; v . 1 .. , , - . . . , . I 1 1 1 certain ami elE-ctual, by means 1 whiei , ' ,. - i everv suuerer, no matter what h;s c- ndiun 1 - . . . , . : niav be, mav cure himself cheaply, privatj . .' j (tj- This Iccture sheuld be in the hand I of every youth and every man in the land, j Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, t. (any address. posip-iZl. oa recti ft of six reuU, or two pest stamns. Address tba ' Toil.iisierR CHAS. .EC. IvEINF.Vt )., ! 127 BOWERY, NEW YORK. ! PoSf- W I&S6. i March 28 18C5-1?- fjlo '64 ir