Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, June 07, 1865, Image 1

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VOL. 12--NO. 17.
I l V i s 1 1 1 L III f
I BJr is published every Wednesday !
t c-,.rninU. in Two Dollars per annum,,
L'".',i,l,r in advance: Two Dqllahs aku
iV" Five Ck.nts. it not paid within;
V v-i U1..uthi? ; and Two Doiaaks akuHf
H !j.'v Cssx-i if not piM until the termination
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" v,i ibsc.iption v.'dl
be received fur a I
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M i months, and no I
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it liberty to discontinue .
i;. .....or until all arrearages arc raid
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! ,t the option of the editor. Any
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..c,l Onb Uollab TffESTY Five Cents,
ntd.-ss the. money is paid in advance.
One inset t'n. Tiro do. "Three do ;
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business (Cutis.
I..lmst.wn. C.tmbri.1 d.. Pa.
I Office in the Kxrhange building, on the , of Clinton and L.ust reets-up
M;.irs. ill attend to all bu.-r.iess connect-
iS v.l with Ids profesMou. i
t lec. 0. 18C3.-tf.
Ittonini at 2a, (Cbtnsburo,
Cambria County Penna.
Offlcc C'oloaaelc row.
l)t-c. 4.18G
ATT 0 1 1 N E V- A T- LA V ,
! .b.l.n.-Mwn, Ciimbria County, Pa.
Office on Main street, second tloor over
I th- Hank. ix2
j j yt. T. C". S- Gardner,
T.n.lers his proftsiotial bervke t the
I !;i.etis of
r n p. ens p. u ii g ,
I f'irroui!iliir-r vicinity.
i .U.ue -2t, lb4-!f
! J. i:. canliin,
A T T O It N Y ' A T L A V ,
I l)t ( dlS 1!AT or TiiK LOGAN HOUSE.
D.ccmler 10, lS.:-;.-ly.
j It. L. .Ioiinston. Gko. W. Datmax.
Ll-er.sburg Catnoiia County Penna.
tac loor West of 11. L. J..hnsi..n's Iios
idence. ) Dec. 4. ISOl. ly.
Elw-nsbur, Cambria county Fa.
Ollice on Main htieet adjoining his dwei
ling. is 2
(.Office one dcor Ea.-t of the Post Office.
Feb. 18, 18C3.-tf.
Camhria County. Pa.
March 13. 1864.
1 1
roensnurg, ejanioria vo. i a.
Ofliice on Main street, three doors East
A Julian. ix 2
FT A. Shoemaker. Wm. 11. Sechlkh.
Cambria Coukty.
Office hcretofre occupied by F. A. Shoe
tiaker. TDec- 7 154 tf
LEWIS LUCK II ART, begs leave to an
nounce that he has always a large and varied
ssortmcn of all the various articles peculiar
to his business. Repairs promptly and
J carefully attended to.
Johnstown April, 17 JBBl. tt.
IS jarazuHTk 0I 3? r,0t 60ff
' ONiavHn axv
shavis aaa ann
with vmaiaaviiHd xs3oI
Mortal wliile treading this " valo of tears,"
Sometimes in gladness, sometimes in tears,
Carelessly over life's hill you go.
Crushing a thousand flowers that grow
nise bv vo-ir nathwav. in wMr nf Tov
i --j y - - -w.-,
, . . , .
Mortal, remember, your footprints never
Made on the shore of life's dark river.
Faces may fade, the eye grow dim,
And fail to mirror the soul within ;
Folded the wearied hand mayrest,
F''y t,vcr the dreamless breast ;
Spring may cover our graves with green,
Autumn may scatter her floweis between :
But sr.rinr nor winter, frost nor snow
Can cover the footprints where we go
Onward, but carefully, day by day,
-js stcajI1Sr our earnest life awav.
r v flii ty rn r f o I n will 1 rrn curt
j Sjon will its weary toil be done,
; Arjd down thro' the vista of time and sense,
Will wind the pathway which lead us hence ;
Tiut on, and on by time's dark river,
Will linger our careless footprints ever.
Cartfullv touch the strin-s of life,
; ly m;ngiC(i in i,eate.l strife,
, , n i i n- v
Earnes ' ,abor for G km1 au1 fi,-ht
Vatch for the morning of light
Tiut ever remember, where'er you go,
The words you saj' and the deeds 3'ou do.
Will live and mingle their jo- and tears,
In the time to come, o'er" the grave of years.
A Daughter'! Slratagrem.
Judge" Ko.o lived in Ik-llville, on the
banks of a great river in the West.
Every year he went to Washington and
Ins voice was often beard in the halls of
Congress. Yet though he was called
great, he was not good, because he was
very fond of drinking wine, brundy, &c-,
and frequented the gambling room.-, so
numerous in the city. 1 hese habits gain
ed upon him daily, until they conquered
all his moral strength. His townsmen
refused to send him as their delegate any
dodge Kosc had an amiable wife and
throe pretty daughters. Mary, the eldest
i daughter, was his special pet. lie thought
! more f her than he did of himself, and
i nr wish of hers went unsalaried. She
! was of a sweet disposition, arid so obedi
; cut and respectful to her parents and kind
i to every o ie about, that she was beloved
! by everybody. And though her father's
i dwelling was the most elegant, and they
had beautiiui grounds and servants, and
horses and carriages, and fine clothes, she
never put on airs as many do, but was
modest and retiring.
Mr. Kose and his wife and daughters
were all members of a Christian church
I Ie was often suspended from Ids fellow
ship, und on promises of repentance re
ceived again. His influential position m
society, and the pious conduct of his wife
and daughters, caused much pity for them.
and elicited much patience. They hoped
i by lovo and forbearance to restore him
wholly. 15ut all the love of his family
and of the church, could not stop this er
ring man in his downward course.
At last so low did he fall as to lose all
self-respect, and frequent the lowest whis
key hops in town. Daily he went out
unshared, unwashed, ragged and almost
naked, and when drunk would sing a low
song which would draw around him a
crowd of boys, to jeer and. laugh, and
scorn the once dignitied Judge. In per
sonal appearance he was now the lowest
of the low.
It is not to be supposed that Christian
and temperance men allowed such a man
to ruin himself without efforts to save
him. rfarnest and persevering endeavors
were put forth, prayers were offered up,
and his family left no avenue to his heart
unentered. But all were alike useless
and hopeless. His wife and daughters
wept and prayed, but despaired entirely.
Mary, his pet, often labored to save
her father from open disgrace, if not from
private sin. She became very sad, and
refused to attend church or go into socie
ty. When her father was sober he had
sense enough to see the sorrowTul change
in his once happy Mary, andseemed to
regret his course more for her Bake than
for his own.
One morning he started as usual for the
drinking shop. He was a horrible object,
indecent to look at, as w;ell as filthy. His
wife tried to hold him back, and get him,
at least, to put on some decent clothing
but h would not yield- Mary made bej
jirlctt JJoftrg.
appearance by his side bare armed and
bonnelless, with an old whiskey bottle in
her hand. Taking her father's arm she
said :
' Come, father, I'm going too."
"Going where?" said he, starting at
her if horror 6truck.
"To the dram shop. What is good
for j'ou is good for me."
Then she began to flourish her bottle
and sing one of the low songs she had
heard him sing in the streets.
" Go back, girl, you are crazy. Mother
take her in."
" But I am going, father, ' with you to
ruin my soul and body. It is of no use
to me to be good, while you are going off
to the bad place. 1 ou II be lonely there
without your Mary."
" Go away, girl, you II drive me mad.
"But you have been mad for a long
time, and I am going mad too. What do
I care, my father is only a poor despised
drunkard, his daughter may as well drink
and lie in the gutter too."
So Mary pulled away at her fathers
arm and went on to open the gate. He
drew back ; still she dragged on and sung
the louder. A few boys began to run
towards them, and then her father broke
from her hold, and went into the house.
There he sat down, and putting his face
in his hands, wept and sobbed aloud.
Still Mary stayed out.
"What is the matter?" asked Mrs.
" Mary is crazy, and I made her so. I
wish I was dead. Do go- and get her in,
T won't go out to-day."
Mrs. Hose went out and told Mary
w hat her father had said, and then she
went in. She sat down with her bottle
in her hand, and all day kept on the old
rags. Mr. Kose was in a terrible state
for the want of his accuntouied stimulant,
and frequently would go to the door, but
Mary was ready ai Lis side on every oc
casion. Mrs. Rose prepared her meals
with extra cxyy, and gave her husband
two cups of coflle, and the latter part of
the elay lie laid down to sleep. When he
woke up Mary was still there in her rags,
and her bottle by her side.
With much trembling and shaking he
put on a good suit of clothes, and asked
his wife to send for a barber. Then after
tea lie said, " I am going out."
" To the tcmerance hall. Go with
mc and see if I don't go there."
So Mrs. Kose went with him to the
door of the hall, Mary still saying:
" I must follow, for I'm afraid he will
go to the whisky shop without me."
But his wife saw him go up stairs and
enter the meeting room and the door close
upon him. Then she and Mary went
home to r.-joice, in trembling, at the result
of the stratagem.
Surprise, joy and some distrust pervaded
the minds of the assembly of temperance
brothers when Mr. Kose walked in.' He
was invited forward and asked to speak
whatever he wished.
lie rose, and told the tale of the day
and added, " when I saw how my angel
daughter was transformed into a low filthy
creature ; when I knew how much lower
she would have to descend if she went
with me, I abhorred myself. She vowed
to go everywhere I went, and do every
thing I did. Could I see bcr do that ?
Her loveliness stained, her character ruin
ed ? No, sir! if it kills me, I will leave
oiT, and never touch, taste or handle more
from this night henceforward and forever.
And now, gentlemen help me to be a man
The building vibrated with the cheering,
and stamping, and clapping, and a gush
of song arose from those manly hearts
which might have been heard for miles.
Oh ! " there is joy in heaven over one
sinner that repentcth," and should their
not be joy on earth 1
We hope God converted the soul of
Mr. Kose, for he became a good man,
and his family were very happy, But
we hope no other daughter will have to
resort to so painful a remedy to save a
r3- Two men, the other evening were
talking in McClelland" oil exchange in
this city. Said one :
"Well, Jones, how are you!"
" I'm anything but well ; I am terribly
troubled with biles. Do you know any
cure for them V
" Why, yes; I have heard that crude
oil is good. That is an outward applica
tion." " Well, it's simple enough, and we
have plenty of oil here. I shall try it."
At this stage a third party steps up,
and whispers :
"Don't you do it, stranger; for these
oil smellers going around will have a pump
on the places afflicted before threo days ;
don't do "
ImpoiUnt Proclamation by th
Washington Mat 29.
By the President of the United States of
America :
Wiereas, The Presided of the Uuited
States, ou the 8th day of December, A.
D. eighteen huudied and sixty-three, audi
oa the 20th day ot March, A. D. eigh
teen hundred and bixty-ibur, did, with
the object to suppress the existing rebel
lion, to induce all persons to return to
their loyalty, and to restore the authority
of the United States, issue proclamations
offering amnesty and pardon to certain
persons, who had directly, or by implica
tion, participated in the said rebelliou ;
Whereas, Many persons, who had so
engaged in said rebellion, have since the
issuance of said proclamation failed or
neglected to take the benefits offered there
by ; and
Whereas, Many persons who have been
justly deprived of ail claim to amnesty
and pardonhere under by reason of their
participation, directly or by implicatioi."'
in said rebellion, and continued hostility .
to the government of the United States
since the date of said proclamation, now
desire to apply for and obtain amnesty
and pardon.
To the end, therefore, that the authori
ty of the government of the United States
may be restored, and that peace, order,
and freedom may be established, I, An
drew Johnson, President of the United
States, do proclaim and declare that 1 here
by grant to all persons who have, directly
or indirectly, participated in the existing
rebellion, except as hereinafter excepted,
amnesty and pardon, with a restoration of
all rights of property, except as slaves,
and except in cases where legal proceed
ings under the laws of the United States
providing ibr the confiscation of property
of persons engaged in rebellion have been
instituted ; but on the condition, neverthe
less, that every such person slfall take and
subscribe the following oath or affirmation,
and thenceforward keep and maintain said
oath inviolate, and which oath shall be
registered for jermanent preservation, and
shall be of the tenor and effect following,
to wit :
t;I do solemnly swear or alSrm,
in presence of Almighty God, that I will
henceforth faithfully support and defend
the Constitution of the United States and
the Union of the States thereunder, and
that 1 will, in like manner, abide by and
faithfuiiy support all laws and proclama
tions which have been made during the
existing rebelliou with reference to the
emancipation of slaves, so help me God."
Tue loilowing classes ot persons arc
excepted from the benefits of this procla
mation :
First. All who are, or shall have been,
pretended or diplomatic officers, er other
wise domestic or foreign agents of the prc
teiuk'd confederate government.
Second. All who left judicious stations,
under the United States, to aid the rebel
lion. Third. All who shall have been mili
tary cr naval officers of said pretended
confederate government, above the rank
of colonel in the army, or lieutenant in the
FourtlL Ail who left . seats in the
Congress of the United States to aid the
Fifth. All who resigned or tendered
resignations of their commissions in the
army or navy of the United States, to
eade duty in resisting the rebellion.
Sixth. All who have engaged in any
way in treating othetwise than lawfully as
prisoners of war, persons found in the
United States service, as officers, soldiers,
seamen, or in other capacities.
Seventh. All persons who have been
or are absent from the United States for
the purpose of aiding the rebellion.
Eighth. All military and naval offi
cers in the rebel service who were educa
ted by the government in the military
academy at West Point or the United
States naval academy.
Ninth. All persons who held the pre
tended offices of governors of States in in
surrection against the United States.
Tenth. AH persons wha left their
homes within the jurisdiction and protec
tion of the United States and passed be
yond the federal military lines into the so
called Confederate States for the purpose
of aiding the rebelliou.-
Eleventh. All person who have been
engaged in the destruction of the com
merce of the United- StatcB upon the high'
seas, and all persons who have made raids
into the United States from Canada, or
been engaged in destroying the commerce
of the .United States upon the lakes and
rivers that separate the British Provinces
from the United States.
Twelfth. All persons who, at the
time when they seek to obtain the benefits
hereof by taking the oath herein prescribed
are in military, naval, or civil confinement 1
or custody, cr under bonds of the civil,
military, or naval authorities or agents ot
the United States, as prisoners of'" war or j
rversons detained for offenses of any kind,
cither before or after conviction.
Thirteen. All persons whe have volun
tarily participated in said rebellion, and
the estimated value of whose taxable pro
perty is oyer twenty thousand dollars.
Fourteenth. All persons who have
lately taken the oath of amnesty as pre-
scribed in the President's proclamation of;
December 8, A. D. 1863, or an oath of j cession, and the said convention, when
allegiance to the government of the United convened, or the Legislature that may be
States since the dates of said proclamation, i thereaf:er. assembled, w ill prescribe the
and who have thenceforward kept and I qualification of electors, and the eligibili
maintained the same inviolate provided j ty of persons to hold ollice under the con
that special application may be made to j fctitution and laws of the State-a power
the President for pardon by any person j of the people of the several States compo-
belonsing to the excepted classes, and i
such clemency will be liberally extended
as may be consistent with the facts of the
case, and the peace and dignity of the
United States.
The Secretary of State will establish
rules and regulations for administering
and recording the said amnesty oath, so
as to insure its benefit to the people and
guard the government against fraud.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto
set my hand and caused the seal of the
United States to be affixed.
Done at the city of Washington, the 29th
day of May, in the year of ourLord,
one thousand eiht hundred and siity
five, and of the- independence of the
United State the eighty-ninth.
i s-3 Andrew Johnson.
By the President :
William H. Si: w Ann,
Secretary of State.
IVortli Carolina.
Wm, IV. Holdcn Appointed Provision,
at Governor of tlte State.
Washington, Ma)' 29.
By the President of the Unit&l States of
America :
Whereas, The fourth section of the
fourth article of the Constitution of the
United States declares that the United
States shall guarantee to every State in
the Union a republican form of govern
ment, and shall protect each of them
against invasion and domestic 'violence;
Stotf v tlio fnnctWntrm mn,1. nm.
manderin-chief of the Army and Navv,
as well-as chief executive officer of the
United States, and is bound bv - solemn
oath faiilifully to execute the office of
President of the United States, and to
take care that the laws be faithfully exe
cuted : and
Whereat, The rebeliion, which has
leen wa
aged by a portion of the people of
lied States vainer the i.ror.P.K-
the Un
propei i)
constituted authorities of the n-ovemment
thereof, in the most violent and revolting
form, but whose organized and armed j
forces have now been almost entirely i
overcome, has, in its revolutionary pro- f
gress, deprived the prople of the State of
North Carolina of alt civil government;
Whereas, It becomes necessary and
proper to carry out and enforce the obli
gations of the United States to the ieople
of North Carolina in securing them in the
enjoyments of a republican form of gov
ernment ;
Now, therefore, in obedience to the
high and solemn duties imposed upon me
by the Constitution of the United States,
and for the purpose of enabling the loyal
twople of said State to organize a State
government, whereby justice may be es
tablished, domestic tranquility insured,
and loyal citizens protected in all tiieir
rights of life, lilerty, and property, I,
Andrew Johnson, President of the United
S'ates, and Commander-in-Chief of the
Army and Navy of the United States, do
hereby appoint William W. Ilolden pro
visional governor of the State of North
Carolina, whose duty it shall be, at the
earliest practicable period, to prescribe
such rules and regulations as may be ne
cessary and proper for convening a conven
tion composed of delegates, to be chosen
by thaf portion of the people of said State
with authority to exercise within the
limits of said State all the powers neccssa-
ry and proper to enable sari, loyM poop!
who are loyal to tho United states, nna no ; '1 -' "
- J . nf .!.,.: i the season has been favorable tor oats urn!
others ; for the purpose ot altering or
,: .k. ;w.,; thrmf and corn. ?o far we have heard of no com-
ot the. Siun of North Carolina to restore
said State to its constitutional relations to
the federal gov comment, and to present
such a republican form of State govern
ment as will entitle the State to the guar
antee of the United States therefor and its
people to protection by the United Stales
against invasion, insurrection and domes
tic violence, provided that m any election
that may be hereafter held for choosing
of delegates to any State convention as
aioresaia, no person snan oe quaiiuea as
an elector or shall be eligible as a mem-
bc-r of such convention, unless he bhall
have previously taken and subscribed the
oath of amnesty, as set forth in the Presi
dent's proclamation, May '29, 1865, and
is a voter qualified as prescribed by the
constitution and laws of the State of
North Carolina in force immediately
before the 20th day of May, A. D. 1665,
the date of the so-called ordinance of se-
sing the lederai Union Have ngtitlully ex-
ereised from the origin of the government
to the present time. And I do hereby
direct :
First. That the military commander of
the department,and all officers and per
sons in the military and naval service,
aid and assi?t the said provisional gover
nor in carrying into effect this proclama
tion ; and they are enjoined to abstain
from m any way hindering, impeding, or
discouraging the loyal jeople from tho
organization of a State government, ha
herein authorized.
Second. That the Secretary of Stat
proceed to put in force all laws of th
United States, the administration whereof
belongs to the State Department, applica
ble to the geographical limits aforesaid.
Third. That the Secretary of th
Treasury proceed to nominate for ap
pointment assessors of taxes and collectors
of custons and internal revenue, and
such other officers of the Treasury De
partment as are authorized by law, and
put in execution the revenue laws of tha
United States within the geographical
limits aforesaid.
In making the appointments the prefer
ence shall be given to qualified loyal per
sons residing within the districts when
there respective duties are to be perform-
j cd. But if suitable residents of the dis-
tricts shall not be found, then person
i residing in other States or districts shall
! be hppi'inud.
Fourth. That the Postmaster-General
proceed to establish post routes, and put
execution the postal laws of the
i I-I'itcd
States, within the said State.
: -ivi,ip to knts the preference of
j Pl "t suitable residents
"re nul ,ounu luen I'P- lnu, irom
other State's.
FifVi. That the district judge for tho
judicial district in which North Carolina
is included proceed to hold courts wftLin
said State in accordance with the provi-
- . P .1 . ' f it.
1 w" Wl luu !,Ll Ul -
1 hc attorney-general wij instruct the
, ..?:, , i, - .,
proper omceis hoc. :u.a....g lojuugmcm,
confiscation, and sale, property subject to
confiscation, and enforce the administra
tion of justice. Avithin said State in all
matters within the cognizance and juris
diction of the federal courts.
Sixth. That the Secretary of the Navy
take jossession of all public property be
longing to the Navy Department within
said geographical limits, and put in opera
tion all acts of Congress in relation to
naval affairs having application to said
Seventh. That the Secretary of tho In
terior put in force the laws relating to thu
j Interior Department applicable to the
geographical limits aforesaid.
In testimony wlereof I have hereunto
! set my hand and caused the seal of the
United States to be affixed.
Done at the city of Washington this
twenty-ninth day of May in the year of
our Ixrd one thousand eight hundrenl and
sixty-five and of the Independence of the
Uniicd States the eighty-ninth.
Andijew Joiinsos-
By the President :
Secretary of State.
Tiik Cko: In Pknnsyi.vania. Our
country exchanges, without exception,
speak of the prosjK-cts of the coming cna
as remarkably flattering. Wheit and
j P'amt s that tne in,, na , nyurea oy
j V ,,,Bt th mT?
fruit will be a full or.
i r,-n riTvini n most atitindaiit li'iif. inti