:A V f 4. t. The Ukst HEAi riFiEi:. A cheerful i heart is the best ' cosmetic for impi otm: . the complexion ; itkerps :he blood warm, ; the forehead smooth, and tlie eji- bri-ht. j Health 13 coiinui.lv called u U-aunfior, ; and bo it i : but health iiself K in a -1 fhsree. dependant in me cntcriui spun esl9t I !. .. in the wintry htoim h-ok an wind in the lace without se'o-. 1'mjr. '1 he cheerful fare i never without a charm ; Kfce. mnsip. its inliueiiiv makes us better and happier. Cheettuhie. seems spiritual beauty made palpable t Mjiht Slaxifk. ?oin3 )eople there are in every community who had rather retail Minder from door t door than feast in h palace.. Such unhappily organized crea tures deserve rather the amplest pity than the slightest censure. The peace and q liet they would destroy in other thud'.y becomes a millstone tith'tit their own nocks. Sinking them into perdition. SHERIFF'S jr VIliTl'E of sundry writs . f end. Expou. and I-var I'aci f the Court of C-. nr.aeii Pi. a. o! Cambria Canity, and to we tiiit.fc-i, there wi!i letx- Ed to public sn'e at the C- tut Ih vt-e. in henslcr-. en MONDAY il ,-e fth day 1 Ja:;e next, at ot.e iVI ck P. M., tla-f.-l lovung Etal Estate- tvwit: AH the rijdit. liile aud i--ter-st i f Y lr.vt Headiick. i t. in t ' to a it t -i- 111 .: situ ate in Coueriiai nh 1- r--:h t'o-:! na c.a-nt; , frouting n Ciinal stiet t, ai-.i aiij- u ir-ir !.t cf the heirs of Jame., 1 1. .idrkk. dee'd, on the south and extending lack 10 a .-tut.t adjoining lot of. on tlie ea.-t, ha.ing thereon trrcfed a two story frame house on the taf k pan of i!,e lot. now in the eccu yancy of Cfmrhs G hiy in, and a two st--ry frame house on U;e iro:.t p;irt of the lot. in tun ' cupaney 1 t l:viil !h'. Taken in a-. mion an-1 to beld at the t.it ef Wein: cL Walters, f.r use of J.;'tin W. Webn. ALSO All t'.e ri-.iiir, title an.l inr. r.S! of Geoise liates. of. in a.id io a piTtT parcel of Un 1 Mfr.aie in C.i emanh to-n-hip, Cambria c.-uniy, a.'j .imnu land:; of Klitw Ciissmnn, Jar. is Y-der, and othirs. containing three bundled acres, more or (ss. bout one nuudr d of wlncn ari ch-ared. ar.d '-'vjug tht-reoii ere. ted a two story frame house, and a h-nbarn. a spring hou-e. Dd a saw n:iJI. now in the oe. np;ntcy I the said George ti.ites Taken in ex.vu:ion iind to be sold at the ti'it of Cyrus L. I'er&hing, assi-nee of K. A. Viikrov." ALSO All tV.e light, title and intres' of Thi ma. Ca lm, of. in and t-. a lot of gnvirel ituated in Conemaugh Uorouh, ' CaMil'-ria county, fronting on Adams i.tieet on the west.L)Cust strett on the .nth. an alley on the eaj. and adj .ining lot of Henry Hese hine cn the north; having tlmton erected three tlweliiiiu house, to wit : a two story plauk house ocr uj ied by Charles P. Murray; a two story p'ank hon-e in the occupancv cf Mrs. Thomas A Maguiie. ami a two st..ry frame and jlank house now in the occupan cy of John U.mdler. Taken in txecuti .-n and to be sold at tl e suit, of Daniel Burk. ALSO All the riht, title .ir.d interest of Teter lhtc-r. of, in ami to a piece or parcel of land fitnaie in Jm kgon township. Cam- brU county. a.yoinin lands of th,C.m. j VIA JII.U V'.l.l A.'l 11" wn. . ............ lr, - one hundren an. I ntty acres, more or tess. abeut sixiy-five acies of which arc cleared, having theicou trctltd a one and a half atoiy plai.k house, and a hewed lof lam and a frame stabie, now in the occupancy of the sail Peter Ka 'er. Taken in extcntio'i and to le sold at the suit of the Commissioners cf Cambria county. AI0 All l!e riAt. title and interest Wil.iain K. C-trr. of. 111 and to a M of . ground situated in Wi'.more iioruuh. Cam bria county, fronting one bundled feel "li Wood street, and running btk one hundred feet to an alley. 4o!j oining lot of William Palmer, having thereon erected a two story log house, weatl.erb-i.irded, and a frame sta ble, now in he occupancy of the said Will iam K. Carr. Takeu 'u execution and to be sold at the suit of Daniel Dnnmire. ALO All the right, titie and interest of Jeremiah Farner, (one of the defendants) of, in and to a piece or parrel of land situ atediu the township of Cnetiiaugh, Cambria county, adjoining lauds of John lL,u,er, Samuel Horner and others, containing thir teen acres, more c-r less, ail clearel. under fence, aud in a good state of cultivation. ' Taken in execution and to be sold at the juit of Little & Trimble. ALSO All the ri-ht. title r.nd interest of Edward Powland. of," in and to a lot of ground situated in t'ne IJoroHgh of Kbens burg, Cambria county, fronting twenty feet on Llloyd strett, and adjoining lot cf lairs and widow of Ciieik-s 11. Heyer, deo'd. on the eatt, and extending back by lot of Ms. Lv ins on the north, to lot of Richard Jones, on tho west, having thereon erected a fran.tt ktab'e. Taken in execution and to he sold at the suit of James Alexander, for the use of liobert Deveraux, who was subrogated a? Tlaintiff. ALSO All the following described build ing and I t grouud of John N.i;ile, tuportcd owner ami coi,iractor, to wit : a certain dwelling housp of two and a bait stories 1 ' high, having a front of twenty-five feet, and . a -depth of twenty feet, :tuate upon a c.:r tin lot or piece of ground within the coun ty of Ctmbria. in township, fronting on the PLilipsburg road, and on lands owned by Mary Hoover and Aj evs, and adjoining lands of Dennis ContiaLan. Taken in execution and to be sold at the suit of William G. Kmsp. ALSO All the right, title and interest of George Shaffer, of, in and to a piec or par eel of land situate" i:i Taylor township. Cam bria. count v, adjoining lands of David Hor ner. George Murray' und others, containing one hundred ard thirty six acres, more or less, about seventy acres of w hich are dear e l, having therein erected a one and a half story plank hiuse and a fran. barn, now in the occupancy of the said George Shaffer. Taken in execution and tj be Bold at the alt of Johnston & MulLn. SALtS. issued out H7N. B. The Sheriif has made tlie fol l'.v 1 11 the conditions f the sale, viz., one fourth of tlie purchase mor.ey on each sale to .he paid at the time the property is struck down ; when the sale amounts to $500 and upwaids, under $500 and more tnan $100 the one third, under $'-00 and more than $f.( tiie half; less than $-jO the whole amount, otherwise the property will be mis ! me lately put, up to sale aam, aim i will be preeutet fT acknowledgment un 'lesstliB balance of the purchase tnouey be paid on or before the f Rowing Monday. !. JAMES MYEtiS, Sheriff. Sheriff's OfriVe. Ebciistuirn, 1 Mav 81, 1865-3t J 5 7 1 5 N S K U li t MARKET. ivorr. cieu veeKiy. PRICES. S13 50 25 50 62 40 75 2.25 1.50 1.25 1.2 75 1,50 3.00 2.50 8,00 riour per bbl Extra Family, ., Extra, Iteef. per lb. Potatoes, per bushel. Apples, liutt-r, .er lb. Cabbage, per doz. Wheat, per bushel, Kye. Duck wheat, " " Corr,f Oats, " Apple. ' " dried, Pea.-hes, " " Leans. " " Clover seed, " " R5f7i stasis ?nzn I'KNNaYl.VANlA KAI!. r.OAU SOHFOULE. LKAVK WESTWAPvD,0 TATIONS. A Uoona. KittaiinH'g. 'J: IS; I .in, C;esson, Lilly's Portage, Wiiruore, Stir inerhill, South pork. Mintral !'-int. ('oiiemaugli, J-diiistowi), LEAVE EASTWARD0, STATIONS. P. M. A.M. A. M. ' A. M. 1 6.02 1 6 07 ! Johnstown, C' neniauh. Mineral Point. South Fork, Summerhill. Wilmore. i'l.rtie, Lilly's. Ciesson, CaHitzin. Kitrauuiiig, Alro..iia. 4.0d 4.13 P7.30 12.50 P4.27 P4.38 4.47 P4.55 p5 05' 515 5 25 pS.4 6.00 6.40 P7.08 7.17 7.50 8.47 1.59 9 20 kp.jVtjjjo & CR,.XSON UAILPOAD. On and after Monday. October, 31, 1SG4. trains on this road will run as follows: Lkavk Kbensbfug At 6,('0 A. M . connecting with the Halt more Express Wet and Through Accom niodation East. At 4,10 P. M., connecting with the Mail Train West and Through Express East. Leave Ckksso.v At 12.30 P. M., or- on departure of Thro' Accommodation West. At 9 40 P. M.. or on departure of Express East and Mad Wot. ENOCH LEWIS, Gen.Supt. '(he undersiged having purchased and taken possession of the Ebenbur" House (formely ocupied by Henry Foster.) will be happy to receive and accommod ate his old customers, and all others who mny W disp-ised to patronize him. The Proprietor feels assured from the spacious HOUSE, STABLE & other facilities that he can offer at least as good accommo dations as can be had at any other in the place, lie is in possession of a large supply of the choisest liquors with which Lis bar will be furnished; his table will he furn is bed with all th luxuries of the season, and he intends by his hospitality and care, to merit the patronage of all tbosa who stop withhim. ISAAC CRAWFORD. Ebensburg April, 17, 1861. tf. P OUDIiETTE! Fifteen Years Fair Trial! A. PEYSSOX, Philadelphia. POLDl.ETTE, $20,00 per ton, taken' from the Factory loose, or 50 cents per bushel, and J26.00 per ton in bags. de livered at Steamboat and It. Road Depots, in Philadelphia. Manufactory, Gray's Fer ry lload, above the Arse: al, Philadelphia. Depot. PEYSSON'S Farm, Gloucester, N. J., Woodbury road. Office Library Street, No. 420 back of the New P. ,st Office. Philad'a. Dealers FItEN'CH, RICHARDS & CO., FOUR I'll & CALLOW II ILL Streets. Feb. 15. 18C5-4m PHILADELPHIA miM 150 USE. EBENSBURG PA JOHN A. BLAIR. Proprietor. THE PROPRIETOR will spare no pains to render this Hotel, worthy of a continua tion of the liberal share of public patron age it has heretofore received. His table will always be furnished with the best the market affords? his bar with the best of liquors. His stable is large, and will be attended, by an attentive and obliging hostler. Ebwibnrg Ar.17 1881. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. 6.50 ; 0.15 9,10 7.55 i j 8.10 7.25 9.50 9.42 8 30 7.34 i ; 8.38 I 1 SA'i ! 1 8.55 3.02 ; ! 9 05 ! ! 9.11 I ! 8.22 ! j 9.23 8.40 11.00 10.40 9.40 8 48 10.47 9 47 FOR SC20FTTLA AKD SCECFULCUS DISEASES. from Emery JCle, a itvi-kuoicn mercfutnt of O.rfortl, Maine. " I have sold Iar;e quantities of j-ouSaksapar-Illa, but never yvl one t-ottle which laia-.t ol the desired effect and lull m!i.-t-!ion to tliosv lio iook it As lust as our peupic try it, tliey iiune tliele lias been 110 meuiciue like it Le'lore iu bur coniniuuiiy.1' Eruptions, Fimp'es, Blotches, Puctuie-s, Ulcera, Sores, and all Diseases of tho Skin. from Jiev. linlt. gfmtton. Jlristol, Enylnnt. " 1 otly do my unty to ou aiiji:e imbue, vrkeu I lidd my teotiiuony io tL:it on publish of llie me dicinal virtues of your Caks!viauilla. ily daugh ter, aged ten, had on atliiciiff; humor iu her ears, eves, and hair for ytars, which we were unable to cure until we tried our SaksaPauula. She has becu well fur bonte montha.'' From Mrs. Jane E. Jiice. a vell lnotm and much ettermetl Ituly j Dennisrille, 4 ttpc M"! ' o., V. J. " My daughter bus vutfereU for a year past with a pcrofu'loiia eruption, which was very troublesome. XorhinjrnCbrde.l any relief until we tried your Saii BAFAiULLA, wliich'eoou couioletel)' cured her." From Cftarle P. Oage, Esq., of the wflthl-Unorr-nfirm of Oage, Murray tf Co., manufLtctarers of enam elled papers in jtashua. A'. U. " 1 had for several years a very troub'efome hu mor in my face, vWiich grew constantly worse until it dittiKUied my leaiures and became au intolerable aiRictiou. I tried almost everythii:? a mHii coujo of Loth advice and medicine, but without any relief whatever, until I took your Sa kSA l a Kl LLA . It imiiiL-diBtely made my luce worse, as you told me it niiirht lor a time; but in a lew weeks the new skin bean to form under the biotches, and continued until my face is as smooth as anybody', end 1 am without auy symptoms of the dii-ease that 1 know of. 1 erjoy iertect health, aud withurt a doubt owe it to your t-AitSAPARiLi.A.:' Erysipelas General Debility Purify the Blood. From Ir. Voht. Sairin, lloutton Ft.. Ar. T. Dr. Aver: 1 seldom lnii to remove hrvptinni and Scrofulous Hores by the ieie erinjr use of jour t-AKSAFAKlLLi, 1 have just 1:0 w cured an at tack of MaUonant Frttipelaa "with it. No altera tive w e possess equals tlie ttF a rA 1:1 i.i.a you have supplied to the protession as well as to the people." FromJ. E. Johnston, Esq., Walem-m. tihio. " t'r.r twelve vears 1 hud the yellow i -ipe.'e on my right aim, during which time 1 tried aii the cel ebrated physicians could taeh, aud took hundreds of doliats' worth of medicine The ulcers were so bad that the cords became visible, and the doctors decided that my arm must be amputated. I bewail taking vour Sa rpapa rilla. l ook two botf'i ?. and someof your 1'illh 't ogether they have cud me. J am now as well aud round as anybody Utiijg in a public place, my case is known to everybody iu this community, ana excites tl.c wonder ol all. ' From Hon. Henry Afrmra, M. P. P.. of Sorcastle. C. a leading member of the Camuiiuu I'arlinment. I have Usui your Saubafarilla in my family, for peueral drhitity, and for pirfyivg the Olovft, w it'.i very beu.dicial results. ai.d leel contniti.ee in commending it to the afflicted." Et. Anthony's Fire, Rose, Salt Eheum, Scald. Ueud, Sore Eyes. From Hiirreil Sickler, Esq , the able toifnr cf the Tunckhannock hemorrat, Vennsii I r-tuM. " Our only child, about three vcars ol ao. w as at tacked by pimples on his fortliead. '1 hey rj,;illy sprtud until they formed a Iculi.M.me ami vnuivnt soie, which covered his lace, ar.d sctuully blit:id bis eyes lor some days. A skilful physician aj piii-d inirsite of silver and other lemedies. without any n; -parent effect. "or fitteen days we guarded his bantt-. lest with them be should tcarope.. the i.-steiinj; : i.J corrupt w ound w hich covered bis whole face, ilav injf tried every tldngeise w e had any hope from, v e begau giving your .Sarpapakilla", and E.p!iiig the iodide ot potash :otion, as you diiect. Tlie s.ie bewail to heal when we had tiveu the tirst bott.c. ai d w as well w hen we had finished the tecoud. 1 child's eyelashes, w hieh hud c. tiie out, grew rj:.ii, and l.e is now as healthy ar.d fair as any other. 1 1.; whole neighborhood predicted that the cla.u aiut die." Syphilis and Mercurial Direasa. From lr. Hiram S'oat. 'f St. Louis. Missouri. "1 Iind your Sa;:ai'auii.la a moie elh-ci'.ial remedy for the secondary symptoms of '.'. .-hi: in. and lor syphilitic ct;sene than any other we pi s es.-t. The profession are indebted to you for some oi the j best lntdiciues we have." j From A. .. French, if. Ti., an eminent jht;yiciin of J.mcreuce, .la,ss., irho a jmmiHenl mi mLa? f the Leyiatiiture of ilass'ichnsetts. " Dr:. Aver My dear Sir: I have found vour S A jAFA hi 1. 1. a au excellent temedy for Siphili, Ix.iii of the primary and secondtry tjpe, and ehett uitl in some cases that were too obstii.ote to ichl to other remedies. I do rot know what we can i-w- 1 j-hiv with more ce'faintv of success, w Lere a power- AU. .Ill . Cil 1 I. . 1(.L,II HI. ifr. Chan. S. fan Lierr. r.f New Prnnsircl: .V. J., had drenttiul ulcers on his lejs. cuustd by the r.l-ii-t.-of mercury, or meroirint dimase, which grew uu.e ai.d more aggravated for years, in spite of every remedy or treatment that could beapp'iea, utitii the persevering use !' Avtit's Sai:.a pa iiilla relicvt.il him. 1 c.v rn;i.i oau be lotind more mvetei ule t:i.d distressing than this, and it took several dot n but tles to cure hi:u. Leucorrhoea, Whites, Female Weakness, areger.erally produced by interitul Scnfu'tu;. I'lcrr atimi, and are very oiten cured bv the alterative effect of this S A 11 a p a hi l r. a . Some ca.-es rtouiie. however, iu aid of the Kaksapauilla, the skillul appiicatiou of local remedies. From the irell-ln'itrn ami videy-eefrhrated Dr. Jiicob M'irri!!. of Cincinnati. "I have found your A its' A pa Kl 1.1 A mi exceXent alterati e in i;ist-t.-s ot 1. maies Many c:ist s tf ir regulaiity. Leucoi. bona. Internal Uiceratitin. and local debility, uri-ing liom the scrofulous .ii-.il tic-is. have y.eidecl to it. and there are few that do not, w hen itseffect is properly aided by local treatment." A lady, vutvilling to allow the publication of her name, irrites: " My daughter and myself have been cured of a very debilitating I.r-ucori h.ea of long standing, by two bottles of your Saksapap.illa." Khenmstism. Gout. I.iver Complaint, Dys pepbia Heart Disease, JMouia gia, . w!ip:i ru-.ised bv S.-rofnta in the system, are rapidly cured by this Kit. Saiisapakilla. ayTr's catiiautic tills possess so many advantages over the 't!ier par natives in the market, ami their superior virtues are so universally known, that we need not do more than to nssuro the public their quality i.t maintained equal to the iiest it ever has been, anil that they may he deeiwlol on to do ail thnt thev have, ever d-uie. rrepa'red by J. C. AYEIt, M. 1)., &. Con Lowell. Mass., nud sold by Dr. R. S. P.TTNN, Ebensburg, C. T. FltAZEK, Johiibtown. P. 11. SHIELDS, Loirctto, and dealers everywhere. June 15. 18C4. HARNESS ! AND SADDLERY The undersigned keeps constantly on hand and is still manufacturing all articles in his line such as, SADDLES, FINE SINGLE & DOUBLE HARNESa DAFT HARNESS, BLIND BRIDLES, RIDING BRIDLES, CHECK LINES. HALTERS. WHIPS, BR WII BANDS &c. &c, which he will dispose of at low prices for cash. His work is all warranted, si.d being ex perienced, he puts the lst of leather in his work. Thankful for past favors, he hopes, by attention to business to merit a continu ance of the patronage heretofore bo liberal ly extended to him. Shop above the store of Robert Davis. Persons wishing good and substantial Har uess can be accommodated bv. N HUGH M'COY. Ebensburg Dec, 11, 1801-tf. The Constitution of the United States with explanatory notes for sale by JAMES MURRAY. HELMBOLD'S Genuine Preparations. COMPOUND FLUID EXTKACT BUCI1U. a Positive and Specific Remedy for tliseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, and Drop sical Swellings. This Medicine increases the power of Di gestion, and excite the Absorbents, into healthy action, by whieh the Watery or Calcareous depositions, and all Unnatural Enlargements are reduced, as well as Pain and Inflammation. UELMPOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIIU. For Yeakue-sses arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early In.liscietion of Abuse, attended with the tollowing symp toms: Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing. Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease. Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Back, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System. Hot Hands. Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Eruptions on the Face. Pallid Countenance. These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this medicine invariably removes, soon folio wb Impotency, Faiuity, Epileptic Fits, In one of which the Patient may expiie. Who can say that they are not frequently followed bv those 'Direful Disea-es.''' "INSANITY AND CONSUM PTION." Many are aware of the cause of their suff ering, But none will confe?s the records of the Insane Asylums. And Melancholy Deaths by Gnsnm)lion hear ample witness to the Truth of the as sertion. The Constitution once effected urith Organic Weakness requires the aid of Mexlieine to Strengthen and Invigorate the System, TFAicA IIei mbolds EXTRACT BUCHU invariably dots. A Trial will convince the most skeptical. FEMALES FEMALES FEM A I ES. In many Affections jiecvliar to Females the Extract Buchu is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irre gularity, Painlulness, or Suppiession of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhous state of the Uterus. Leuchorrl cea or Whites, Steii'.ity, and for all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from indiscretion Habits of Dissipation. r in t lie DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. Take no more Dal sum. Mercury, or un pleasant Medicines J'or unpleasant and dans terous diseases. HELM HOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU AND IMPROVED ROSE WASH CURES SECRET D I SEAL'S In all their Stages, At little Expense. Littie or no change in Diet. No inconve nience. And no Exsnre. It causes a tnquent disire and gives strength to Urinate, ttureby Removing Ob structions, Preventing and Curing Strict ures, of the Urethra, a!lay'pr Pain and In- tlamrriation, so fr'quent in the cl.;ss of dis eases, and expelling all Poisonous, Diseased and icornout Matter. Thousands upon Thousands who h.i'e l ei-t: the Victims of Quacks, an-1 who have paid heart fres to be cured in a short time, have found they were deceived, and that the "POISON" has, by the use of "Power ful Astringents," been dried up in the sys tem, to break out in an aggravated form, ami perhaps after Marriage. Use Htlmbol.Ps Extract Bur-hn for all affvr-tions and diseases of the URINARY ORtiANS. whether existing in MALE or FEMALE, from whatever cause oriinntinc I and no matter of HOW LONG STANDING Diseases of the.-e Organs requires the aid of a DIURETIC. HELM HOLD'S EX TRACT BUCHU IS THE GREAT DIUR ETIC, and is certain to have the desired efl'eet in all Diseases for which it is Recom mended. Evidence of the most reliable and respon sible character will accompany the medicine. Price $1,00 per bottle, or six for $5.00. Delivered to any Adiliess, securely packed from obseivation. Describe Symptoms in all Communications Cure Guaranteed! Advke Gratis! Address letters for it. formation to II. B. HELM BOLD, Chemist, 104 South Tenth st., bel. Chesntit, Phila HELMBOLD'S Medical Depot. IIELMBOLD'S Drug ami Chemical Ware, house, 694 Bmadwav. New York. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND UN PRINCIPLED DEALERS who endea vor to dispose "of their own" and "other" articles on the reputation attained ly He-lnibold's Genuine Preparatioi s. Extract Buchu. ' " Sarsaparilla. " " Improved Rose Wash. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. ASK FOR IIELMBOLD'S. TAKE NO OTHER. Cut out the Advertisement and send for it AND AVOID IMPOSITION AND EX POSURE. March 9, 1804 -ly. Tutt DENTISTRY. HE undersigned Graduate of the Balti more College of Dental Surgery, respect fully offers his professional services to the citizens of Ebensburg. He has spared no means thoroughly to acquaint himself with every improvement '.n his art. To many years of personal experience he has thought to add the impaitod experience of the high est authorities in Dental Science. He sim ply asks that an npportuity may be given ior nis worie to speak its own praise. SAMUEL BELFORD, D. D. S. Office in Colonadu Row. Repkp.knces. Prof. C. A. Harris; T. E. Bond, jr. ; W. R. Hardy ; A. A. Blandy, P. II. Austen, of the Baltimore College. Cr Will be at Ebensburg on the fourth Monday of each month, to stay one week. The Life and services of General Grant for sale by JAMES MURRAY. Johnstown Marble AVerki; A NEW STOCK The subscriber has just received a large ana iihuu&u.hg iuvu:t-c u,ij(. Ttol'.an and American tX&. i i ..r MARBLE, lilkk comprising the largest and finest 'ZfJl-. stock of the kind ever brought to JjT, Johnstown, at his establishment on Franklin Street, where he is prepared, with ar. adequate force of experienced and skilful workmen, to execut- all kinds of MONUMENTS. Mantels, Tombstones. Ta ble and Bureau Tops, Sec., as cheap as they can be purchased in any of the cities. A large stock of GitiNDSTONts on hand and for sale low. 07 Prompt attention paid to or lers from a distance and "work delivered Iktp de sired. JOHN PARKE. March 13, 18G2. GREAT ATTRACTION!! Call and Examine the Goods. rjlIlE subscrileis having returned from i the city, have now opened one c f the largest aud most carefully assorted stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, , ever offered to the people of Carroll town and the surrounding country, which they will sell at as low a figure as any store in the country. Their sti ck consists of DRY GOODS, READY MADE CLOTH ING, BOOTS AND SHOES of al! kinds. Ladies' Dress Goods of all kinds, French Merinos, Delaines. Silks, Alptcas, Plaids, &c. Their st-ck of Groc-nies con sist of the best articles the niaiket aflords of COFFEE, SUGAR, TOBACCO, 4 C. Their Cutlerv is if the best manufacture. Their 'QUEENSWARE and HOLLOW WARE are of the finest quality. Ladies who wish to make a good investment should call and examine for themselves. All kinds of country produce taken, anil greenliacks not refuted, Give us a call, and we will endeavor to give v. u .sati-f.nltion. May 18, 1804. E. GLASS A: CO. iriGnLnMPoiYr,Nir M TO BLACKSMITHS. Four fifths of time and hard labor save ! by Using ISAAC C. SINGER'S. NEW AND COMPLETE TIRE AND BAND BENDER. Patented March 10, l! elite! a :vir.- tages are 1st. Having strong gear v. heel t' power, one man can operate ittol obt- 1!! ndc. wasroii tire, any dize under 1 !. 4 irnhe.s. lar. to h.-ld th r-.!!. r.-. it tak. 2d. Havim moveable. io l-w w t:.l1-.t-. ..1. lit;. r-fc, ..-1 v. 1 .! all twist out of the bar, ' .l.ile bending in rccilar circle. 3d It can be shifted to lmd to any do sired circle from one, up to twelve feet, in one minute. 4th. 11 e inga movcal-e centre post . which can lie quickly taken off, tires and bands are easily taken out. nth. Tlie upper ribbed roller will always draw the bar thiough. Cth Being guaged and r. umbered, a card with dir. t-ti-.i s. aec, n:; :.ni"' it. The Machine in g-.d (oil the j -urTrd) running order, bolted upon a sir. ne piece ! timber, without legs or eratik, for .yJO. or with legs arid crank f'- r $.05. All cash orders prompt! attended to. State and CVni.tv Ri;:hts for sale. ISAAC C. SINGER. Ebensbutg, April C l"o4-ly E bmbnrf It col. Store. Just received a fresh stock of Paper, Src. Legal C:ip. White and IMne Laid Cap. ' Plain White On. j White and Cue" Laid Post. ' Connucivial l etter. Octavo Note Guilt Edge. L-dy's Note. Blank Ueeds. Mortg:ieo, ami l!on 1 Hlank Summons" and Executions. Iilank Books. Tuck Pass Books. Time Books Blotting Paper. Arnold's Writing Fluid. Steel Pens and l'en Holders. Envelopes Large and .fmnll. Copy Books and lncela;. Books of various kinds 10 ,-fs. Segcirs and Tohacoo and ;;iius tions of the best quality. Just received two new fi'st i-l.e t i Si ..th itlier -!-s No-re's, "VKRY HARD CASH." by Charles Reade. and "HAKRLLL .MARK HAM," ly M. U. Braddon. April 13, 1864. ' JAM'.'d M U it RAY. EISEXSBUKC. P.AKI.HY A X P immmm mmmm f k Ui-j Mtb.cni.er. having gf at: et:!.trrui nis UAitiii and repie; ii . ,i ms sbk of GROCERIES and CONFECTION ARIES, is prepared t supply orders, on shoit notice. lie has also added to his store, manv either articles, such as FLOUR. SUGAR, Col'FEE. CHEESE. SALT, TOBACCO & i-EGARS, SPICES. TOYS. NOTIONS. &c. CARBON OIL at the lowest retail prices. A fine lot of CHRISTMAS CANDIES, CAKES and Christmas PRESENT. to which he solicits the patronage of the pub lie. He has. also, attached to his establish ment. an OYSTER and DRINKING SA LOON, whre fresh Ovstces. Surdities and prime ALE aud PORTER can be had. at all hours. GEORGE GURLEY. Dec. 2, 18C3.-Iy. "VTotlce. 1 All persons indebted to me subscription, advi rtisini or job work, are requested to settle their accounts immedi ately. JAS. S. TODD. April 13. 1864. JANSION HOUSE. AT THE PFXX'A RALROAD DEPOT PITTSBURG. PA. MEALS READY ON THE ARRIVAL OF ALL TRAINS. J. II. CLARK & CO., Proprietors, fept. S3. 1868. tf M1J -9T k. VX CELEBRATED A pure and vot.derful Tonic, corrtctiw a-j alterative (( wonderful ethcucy iu Uiauise of the STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWEL1?. C.ires Dyspepsia, Liver Gnnplait.t, ili-a!. ache. General Debility. Nrvotisr.?ys, )-. pression o: ' id ri ts. Constipation. C..hc, la termitterit Fevers. Cramps and Spasms, ?r j all Complaints of either Sex, ar..-;:,g frora B -!i!y Weakness whether inS.ere-nt in syste-ui or produced by special causes. Nothing that is not wholesome. and restorative in its ratu-e enters ;ke composition rf HOSTETTER'S STuilACH BITTERS. This popular preparation cm tains no miilera! of any kind, no cV.I y botanical e-leme-nt; no Sery excitant. b:t it is a cortibinatiijn of the extracts cf rare hi', r-amie herb and plants with the nuiest ai miiucst of all diffusive stiniiiUnls. P is well to be fop-armed ajait.st .''.i.-c.i-e, and, sofaf'as the human sy-n-m e-nn ! protecteii iv human means ngvnst engerniered by an v.nwhohsoine atn.osj lit;:, impure wafer and other external e- u--s, HOSTET 11. R'S BI'ITLRS n-iy l e on as a haftuard. In districts ii.fe.-ted with Fcrer oral A--i.t. it i at he-en h u.ol i:dalr.ble an-.i ii resist ih'.r as a remedv is a pre-i.i;v tnd tii -Us..!.-:? who report to it under apprehet.sie - i &:i attack, escape the rctur;"c; and t'r.oUsA'.i who neh 1 1 to avail t hem selves --f irs yr.y te-ctive qualities, ir. advatice, arc curt-! i.y very la ief c.ur.-e- f this inarveiotts inciielt.r F'tvvr and Ague patients, aft. r bcit.j p.: with ;i. initio ( r inor-tl.s jn v.dn. u:."ii ;..-. saturaitd with thae d;in't r t;s a!ha! i'.i's not ut.lieqi:. ntly re.-t..r. d r.. he ..'.th 'r'x r. lew bV the U-i: uf UOSTUl'IKU' BITTERS. Toe weak st.-iv.ftch is rapid'y in vie- r.vi and the appetite restored by this a. m .-:. T. :.i-. a nil he nee it w..rks won.;-, : of istepia ane1 in 'ess ee.l.ti: ti.c.l i ri til iis: ilit 11: uel! cot.li; n.:.l a 'ci.tie hi is up---:, ti e Indie.-th n. Ac less ajqx rii-nt, as relieves the ('.' superinduced by irregu'ar ae',o:i ri stive and secret i ve c-roars. tr.c Pers. ti Languor from the point is of fee . iial . imrss tf . Iind pr'.'irj Iii.ters. Ti a an. I t;:n- and in- st ee-iiclusive. sr-X' . T'oe ;il:.'.v f Pi i -Us C "' J nssur.r e,; . a sm'e e.'ose f tut' r 'i and by oocaMonaliy r.sortii:!. ittrn of the crrt.pla'r! i.niy b As a (icmral T.-e.ic, L1 I'd ITERS pr-'uiue efretts v. t : i-t-t i-. '.iei -d or v. it;i( -sed bet It. tr- IE": i e:".' i'uiiv aj pre. -luted. In cum s -f C-zo '''''"" .v.v.. rr'm i,'ire J'-."ri u. i Iv "' ir y and Decrepitude ar sinir f w:: '.. A. it ext rcises the eiectric it.rlii'-n- e. hi rr convalescent staires of al! diseases u cpt-r' as a delig! tad inv"goi;iiit. powers of nature are itlaxeu, it tj rc-inf -roe and re-e: tablisVi them. L-ist. but n..t ha,t. it : T'y O S; StimubtJit l-e'.Ti- r..iui.f... ...red t'r- w "' ad in:nK 'U.ais mater::." from rn i-i elements j,r m !:d 01:'.i, more rr v irw 'es :: f an the ordiuarv tonics a:.- stt, macules the dav. No 'family m'.licit e 1...... -en so r.w sally, and. it may be t.u'v a hit -1. dr.Tr ly popular with th: - ' t t-,.rtMi! 'the comtiiunitv. as IB ;r-T. "ITER'S BH '11 RS. I'n parcd by IIO.-TE I TER & JIiu Pitt.-bTirgh, Pa. .sold i.y a'.! Dniirists. Grocers and -"-keepers everv where. Mirch 0. lSClIy. "JOHN S. CRC MALD DEALER IN miiirpy s faicy mi , ' ;'"', J,.1.Y(;S EMRROW KiSS CLOAKS & SHAWLS Crscts. I lOupCi ;'d Skirts, hi Pcrftinicty, ' Gloves'. Hi'1' ,ir,il 'iivlr.'ii s rstioes I en-hi.-f--. Fat.cv GihuIs. notitjis, MAIN STREET. Nov. JOHNSTOWN, r 0, 18G1. lv- . mi t in S K I WILLIAM P. PATTON. JIS.ST!W 1. ALL RIBS rii!iUi uim such common Winsor Chairs, tf1 Cliairs Backed Chairs. Sociable Chairs, , . i-( i . . .. v.. ....lis. . r:it (!?bt ire for : ROCKINl vr; cilATUS oP iH'EUV 0 mm seat nm Settees, L'ltnixes. &C-. .". CABINET FURNiTURt el every description ami ol ' STVLES. WITH PRICES TOSl'B 'r Tastes of all. Thankful for past favors, he -" fullv solicits a libe.nl share of I'ubiu' rb.ii ajre. Cliutou Street, Johnstown U Co. Pa. November 20tt, r u si- - - Ti STOHAOH BITTSBS.