A 11 1 iid Woman Retitored. An interesting young woman, twenty two years of age, born stone blind partly educated in the family of a clergy man, all this time by linger alphabets, as we see blind men tracing the letters in one or two places in town blind for twenty-two years, was restored to perfect vision in four days by a surgical operation, and to partial vision in two uiinuWB. This young woman 'in an instant having been twenty-two years and from her birth stone blind of congenial cataract, began to see us those deaf mutes in Paris begin to hear for the first time. The effect on the young woman was mo&t curious and some tiling of this kind. She saw everything, but there was no idea whatever of per spective. She pnt her hand in the win dow to try and catch the trees on the other ride of the street, then in Moorfie!d ; khe tried to touch the ceiling of a high ward ; the was utterly ignorant also of common tilings erjo : what such things as a bunch of keys were, of a silver watch or a common cup and saucer ; but when she shut her eyes and was allowed to touch them (the educated sense), she told them nl once! She could almost distinguish the greasy feel of the silver ball crown from the cold, dry, harsh feel of a copper penny, llor j'y was excessive when bhown soine mignionette and sweet peas that cue of the surgeons had accidentally in his coat, for it seems the knew all the plants in the clergyman's garden by the touch and smell. She looked at the bunch of keys, and with equal - blank ness at the llowers, then shut her eyes so as to recognize them. All (his took up less than five minutes! But she failed to bay, .u well as I now remember the case, "these are flowers." lut on my saying when she opened her eyes again, " Why these are flowers." " On ! so they are," the replied shutting her eyes quickly and putting them to her nose, "this is mig aoinette," etc Scientific American. Tiik Fnxiu: Delations of Si.ayks aniihi:iu Owxkks. The N. Y. Tunes says that Gen. llailstufF. at Petersburg, has begun to exjienence the danger that the released slaves misapprehend their po sition atvl duties. Many of them, it -i-eni", are deluding themselves with the idea that they are entitled to live with iiinl be supported by their former owners, without being required to hdor. Not the least painful feature of this state of things come from the fact that these emancipated slaves are encouraged by ijnorant white men, who have made li.pmselves a tootles of a doctrine which is by no means eonfined to a small class that the negro must be protected and i fended in idienesp, if he chooses to be idle. Gens. Schotield and HartstufF promise to make short work of this de- 1 i-ion. What a fund of information our people h.ueyet to acquire! and the negroes, : o ! Before they get through with this IwMness. tli.-y will appreciate the reasons tiv we irue expressed the hope that tdawry may not be destroyed by this war. CjT The Pl.ihid" Iphia In'juirer says that Miernnui made a characteristic speech, w';.ii serenaded at Washington, on the 24th. Some one in the crowd asked him then, how alvmt Mexico, to which he re- f iit !: You can go there, if you like, j i-n ! you can go to the devil, if you like.' W. EVANS. TcP.lolS his pro ieou il services to the citizens of EBENSBURG AND VICIMTV. )fi:re one door east of E Davis' store. NL'i.t call.- im.de at his residence tbn-e doors west of R Evans' cabinet ware rO"in. May 31, Kstjo Gm J 1ST OF CAUSES, L Set down for Trial on u.e FIRST WKEK of June Teim. 185. O'Callohan, et al. vs. M'inny ft al. Adams vs. linihdge, IMittther vs. Grafts Res vs. Iiees. SECOND WKEK. M'Colgan vs M'tionig'e, -i ickson vs Johustou, Burns vs. Plitt, r :s!ion vs. Heslop, Keman vs Howes, Griffith vs Hughes, l'aud vs Black, Liaize vs Moore et at. liiu k vs Same, arbaugh vs Link, Kajh,r vs Noonan, Mathews vs Noel, irifiith vs Davis, 'ilnilan vs Hawes, Lycoming County Fire In. Co. vs Noon's Administrator's, ttorm vs Nutter, et al. A.iams vs M'Gough, Montgomery for use vs Rager, et al. Conwell vs Gallagher, lilass vs Luther, et al, Xairle vs Nairle. Fenlon vs Bracken. Same vs Gates, et al. JOS. M'DONALD, Prot'y. Ebenshurg, May 31, 1865. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters ' A lministration having been granted to 'he undersigned on the estate of Adam M.H-mey, late of Allegheny township, dee'd, have been granted by the Register of Cam bda county, to the subscriber residing in 6ud township, notice is hereby given to all tn'Nse having claims against said estate will present them properly proven ; and those indebted will please call and settle. ANN MOONEY, M-iy 31, 18C56t Adm'x. EV FIRM. A. M'FADDON & BROTHERS. OLD BRICK WAREHOUSE, I10LLIDAYSBURG, PA., Dealers in all kinds of GROCERIES, TOBACCO, FLOUli, CIGARS, CHOP, MACKEREL, CORN MEAL, SHAD, SALT. HFdilUNG, PLASTER, CODFISH, NAILS & IRON, GRAIN. GLASS, LEAD & OILS. All of which are sold low for cash. Ilollid.iysburg, May 31, lSo5-tf udllor'a A'ollct, The undersigned Audito-, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Cambria County, to report distribution of the funds in tlie hands of J siah M. Christy, Administror of Demetrius A. Magellan, deceased, hereby notifies all persons inters ested that he will attend to the duties of Ins said Appointment, at his ofuee in the Borough of Ebensburg on Saturday the 3rd day of June next, at one o'clock, P. M., at which tiijie, all persons interested are re quired t present their claims or he debarred from coining in for a shire of the said fund. F. P. TIEKNEY. May 31, 1865 b Auditor. rXEJUTOR'S NOTICE. L Letters on the estate of Jhn Campbell. Sr.. late of Bo rough of Cftrrolltowu, Camrria county, deceased, having heen granted to the sub scribers by the Register of said Count', all persons having claims against said estate are hereby uotilled to come forward and make settlement, of their respective accounts and those having claims against it wr!l pre sent them properlv authenticated for settle ment. JOHN FLICK. I1LNRY BEXDER, May 31, 1SG5 Ct Estcut rs. AO M I N I T R ATOR-S'OTICE. Letters of A hnioi.-tratioii on the estate of Frede rick Eigcnbrode, late of Canolitown, Cam bria county, deceased, having been granted to Mary Eichenbrode. All persons, there, fore, having claims or demands against the estate of the said decedent, are requested to make the same known to the taid Mary Eichenbrode without ddav. MARY EltilENTJRODE. May 31, 1805-ot Adni'x. rXEcuTOPs notice! u. Letter testa mentary on the estate of Andrew IStrittmat tir late o! Carroll township. Cambiiu coun ty, deceased, having been granted to the 'undersigned living in CarroUtown Borough, notice is hereby given to thr se indebted to said estate to make payment and those having claims against t-nUl estate, to present them duly authenticated for soUlt-u.ent. FRANCIS BEAKER, M.-.y 31. lRfiS-ct Executor. L I C EN S ED A U CTIOX EF.R. The subscriber bavins taker, out a ref:u lar license as Auction-er, is jrepared to cry all manner of Sales on short notice, and at reasonable terms. Address JERi:. A. FAGAN. Ebensburg, Pa. April 2G, 18C5. LTiBENSBURG SKLECT SCHOOL! Will ot.eii on Moudav May 8. 1 in Union Schci Building, for a term f f iiir months, under the supervision of the undersigned. In addition to common English branches, instruction will be piven iu A L iEURA and HIGHER MATHE MATICS. I'llON' ORAlHY and in the ELEMENTS OF LATIN. Every effort will be made t- render the school worthy of patronage. Patrons and others are re questid to visit frequently. Qif For further particulars addies I). B. MAIIOX. May 3 1S5. Ebt-nsburtf, Fa- p j. little: JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Successor to M. Leavy, Esq.. rf Allghe township. Cambria CoUoty, Pa., will at tend to collations, writing devds, articles of agreement &e. 0!fiee at his residence iu A'h-.L'henv township, near Loretto. 4t May 3d 18;5. "gi:eat ri;du(,tion in goods.' gold brought down! down!! DOWN ! ! ' DRY GOODS FOLLOWING GOLD G'mkLs brought down to old prices. IVr sims wi-hing any go. ids at the present lime will do well to call. and see E. J. MILLS JL CO., as they have jut returned from the -east with a large stock of goods which ' hey are offering, ( as well as all their old goods) at'greatly reduced prices. Now is the time U buy. Look what reductions have been made. Calicoes reduced from 40 to 25 cents. Detains " 60 to 30a374 " Muslins 70 to 25a45 " Notions greatly reduced Sugar re!uced from 35 to 20a25 Biking Molasses 75 Clothing reduced. And all kind of goods at a very low figure. Those wishing to save money will do well to buy now. as there is a good chance for bargains unl speculations. Don't forget the place, of E. J . Mills & Co. "jOTICK. --' Letters of Admin istration on the estate of Anthony Will, Sr., dee'd, of Allegheny Township, have been granted to the subscriber, residing in said Townshp. Ail persons indebted to said es. tate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement. MARK A. WILL, April 19, 1865. Ct Adm'r. NtTceT" ' r- Letters of Administration on the estate of William Pearson, deceased, of Jackson Township, have been granted to the subscriber residing in Ebensburg Borough. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make payment, and those having claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement. WM. U. SECULER, April 19, 18C5-6t Adm'r, N SHIPPING TO AND FROM ENG LAND, IRELAND AND SOTLAND, BY THE GALWAY LINE OF STEAMSHIPS, MONTREAL do. do. ' AN Ii WASHINGTON LINE OF SAILING VESSELS. Diatts at sight for 1 and upwards, on National B ink and Brancla-s. Payable in all the City's and Towns in England, Ire land, Scotland and Wales free of Discount. R. A. O. KEUR. May 25, 1801 ly. Alteon. rBENSBURG FOUNDRY, k. The subscri ber announces to the public, that h has repurchased the Ebensburg Foundry and is prepared to furnish his former customers and all others with every description of cast ings usually manufactured at a country es tablishment. He will always keep on hand the best qualitv of COOKING STOVES, PAR LOU S'l OVES, OFFICIO STOVES, &c. Also PLOWS, of the most approved pat tern. PLOW POINTS, THRESHING MACHINES and all other articles connect ed with the business of a Foundry. He invites the patronage of the public and will seli at the most reasonable prices, for cash or country produce. EDWARD GLASS. March 29, 1805 ly. 'BREEN HOUSE. V! EBENSBURG. CAMBRIA COUNTY, PA. B Y "LITTLE X" P. TlhRNEY, F. . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Ebessbcuo, Ca.miikia Coun'ty, Pa. Office two doors North of Colcmade Row. April 5, 18G5-tf WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, BORDKRS. DECORATIONS, And everything in the P A P E R HANGING Line, are now otferel to the trade and buy ers generailv, at the lowest prices possible. Call at No. 107, MAbKLT Street, be tween Fifth and Liberty Streets. JOS R. HUGHES & BUO. March 1, !So5-3m. WHISKERS ! WHISKERS ! Do you want Whiskers or Moustaches? Out Gre cian G impound v ill force them to giow on the smoothest face or chin, or hair on thfir heads iu Six Weeks. Price $1.00. Sent by mail anywhere, closely sealed, on receipt of price. Address, WARNER & CO., Box 128, Brooklyn, New York. Feb 22. 1805 lly TO"tIIK NEilVoUS DEBILITATED I AND DESPONDENT OF BOTH SEXES A greau sufferer having been re stored to health in a few days, after many years of misery, is willing to assist his suf fering fellow-creatures by sending (free), on the receipt of a post-paid addressed enve lope, a copy of the formula of cure employ ed. Direct to - JOHN M. DAGNALL. Box 183 Post O.lice, Brooklyn, N. Y. Jan. 18, 18G5. OLD EYES MADE NEW. A PAMPHLET directing how to speedily restore sight and give up spectacles, without aid of doctor or medicine. Sent by mail, free, on receipt of 10 cents Address. E. B. FOOTE. M. D , 11T.0 Broadway, New York. Feb. 1. 1805 Cm. THE BRIDAL CHAMBER. A mte of warning and advice to those sufferinj: with Seminal Weakness. General D-b:!ity. or Premature Decay, from whatever cause pro duced. Read, ponder, and reflect! Be wise in time. Sent FPEE to any address, for the bene fit of the afflicted. Sent by return mail. AdJress JAMES WILSON. 429 Broadway, New York. April 19. 1805-3iii. Iewis Dunmoyer " In the Common Pleas vs ot umbra J unty. No. Abner Schrock J 3. Decmlier Term, 18o4 and Elias Kearn. J Vend. Erpon. Aud now, March Cth 18G5,on motion W II. Rose, appointed auditoi to distribute the procaeds of the above sale to and among the creditors. By the Court. JOS M'DONALD, Trot'y. Ali parties interested are hereby notified, that the Auditor will attand to the duties of his appointment at his office in Johnstown, I on Wednesday the 17th day of May, 1865. ! lor lilt? J'UipV'Jwj OV i ioi iu - tuc (tiM)VtJ IU tun above order of Court. W. II. ROSE, April 19,' 18lS5-3t Auditor. E STATE OF MICHAEL A. KLINE. Tnicrpas. Letters of Administration on ! the estate of Michael A. Kline, late of Washington township, Cambria county, de ceased, have been granted by the Register of said county, to the undersigned, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against said estate to present them properly authenticated for settlement, and to those indebted to make immediate payment. WM. K1TTELL. April 19, 18G5-6t Adm'r. 1 - i if - mi IT ! The Mystery, oy airs. wood, me neir ess of Bellefont. By E. Bennett I William Allair, By Mrs. II. Wood. Col i lege Life, By F. H. Fanor. North Pacific Exploring Expedition. By A. 11. Uarbers ham. For gale hv JAMES MURRAY. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years, with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease. Consumption is anxit us to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge,) J with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure cure for Coxst'Mi'Tiox. Asthma, Bkoncihtis, Coughs, Colds. Sec. The . nly object of the advertiser in sen-n rig the Prescription is to benrnt the afflicted, ami spread information which he conceives to be invaluable ; and he hopes every sufferer, will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescrip tion will please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Wiihamrburg Kings Co. New York. Feb. 15 1805 3ni. FOR SALE. A farm of choice land in Allegheny township, about one mile from Loretto and within a quarter o! a mile from Kayh-r's Vtfttioii. Containing about one hundred and thirty-five acres, with GO acres ck-a-ed or tl.ercahotits. There is ar excel lent young orchard on the farm of 140 apph; trees", well selected, and some other choice fruit trees, there Is a good barn and asiiiai! duelling 1 oiise on the premises. The title is indisputable, and ti e terms will he easy and made known v the subscriber. JOHN E. SCAN LAN. March 8, 1865. .-S3la'e-'UB,jle Estate ft'.vtT FOR SALE. tract of land (the property of Wm. W. Gittins,) situated iu Carioli town ship, Cambria county, adjoining lands Gc-o. Weakland, Sol. Dumm, Jacob Z-rn, and others. Containing ab. ut 70 acres. There is a great quantity of valuable timber, also a vein of coal on the property. Applo to Shoemaker k Sechler, Attorney's-at-Law, Ebensbursr, Pa. March 2y,lF50-3i I ART KRI.Y REPORT Of the con. ditioti of the - First National Bank of Al toona. Pi., on the morning of the first Mou day of April, lt05 : CI Capital stxk paid in, Surplus Fun.d, (,'i'riulation, Dcpo-its, Hanks and Bankers, 1'iofit and Lo.-s, $150,000 00 15.000 00 135.000 00 175,000 00 2.559 59 C.59o 29 $484,809 77 DR. Bills di.-couuted, Overdrafts, ' Expci.SLs, Cash Items, Due from Banks and Bankers, U. S. B-nds deposited with U. S.. Treasurer, to secure de . po.-its, U. S. Bonds on hand. Cash on hand in circulating notes of this Bank, Cash mi ban 1 on other Nation al Banks. Cash on hand on State Banks. Cash on hand in other lawful money, $ 51.0f,0 30 j 3,225 53 i .2,131 32 j 4,n8ri 80 ' 102,54 4 70 i 82.000 00 15,000 00 10 00 1.1R0 00 3,374 00 58.597 00 $1S4.S09 77 I, D. T. Caldwell, of A I toon a. Pa., do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of mv knowledge and be lief, d" t. Caldwell, State of Pcnnsyfvania, County of Blair: Sworn to and subscribed before me this 3 1 day of April 1805. JOHN SHOEMAKER, N. P. April 12, lb'io ot " 3GO acres perches. and allowances, of valuable COAL LAND, situ ate near the Pennsylvania Railroad, at Sumiv.erhill Station, in Croyle Township, Cambria county. Pa. Alx'mt 50 acres of the land being cleared, anil thereon erected a dwelling house and barn, and other improve- ' . . .. .ii.. i i r - : . tnents, also an exeeiieiu ureoaro oi irun i tiees. The above tract contains aud abun dance of coal of a superior quantity, (a i drift being opened,) and will be sold on rea- ! soiiabie lerms. Aj'ply to Poland, Jenkins & Co., Balti more, Md., or to J. W. Stratton, New York, citv, or to Wm. Kittell, Esq., Attorney-at-Law, Ebensburg, Pa. POLAND, JENKINS & CO. J. W. STRATTON, April 15. 18C3 tf. Owners. i aniioodY : " l?i UOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. t"ft- ' Jnst publislietl. a new edition &$ft of DR. CULVERWELL'S CEL SiiLa EBRATED ESSAY on the ra ti ail cure (without medicine) of Shkumatok TtioEA, or seminal weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impotecy, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments in Mar riage, etc.; also. Consumption. l-;pinKPeY, and Firs, induced by self-indulgence or sex ual extravagance. 03- Price iu a sealed envelope, only six cents. The celebrated author ill this admirable essay clearly demonstrates from a thirty years successful practice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife pointing out a mode ot cure, at ence simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, private ly, and radically. CCS- This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the laud. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six rents, or two post stamps.. Address the publishers. CH AS. J. C. KLINE & CO., 127 BOWERY, NEW YORK, Postofiice box 4586. March 29 1865-lyfjl5 '61 U. S. 1-30 LOAN. By authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, the undersized has assumed the General Subscription Agency for the sale of United States Treasury Notes, bearing seven and three tenths per cent, interest, per an naio, known as the SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. These Notes are issued under date of Au gust loth, 1804, and are payable three years from that time, in currencj', or are converti ble at the opticin of the holder into U. S. 5-20 Six per cent. OOLD.KUARLXr, ROXDS These bonds are now worth a premium of nine per cent., including gold interest from Nov., which makes the actual profit on the 7-30 loan, at current rates including inter est, about ten per rent- tr annum, besides its excniptio7i from State and municipal tax ation, which adds from one to three per cent, more, according to the rate levied on other vroperty. The interest is payable semi annually ,y coupons attached to each note, which may be cut off and sold to any bank or banker. The interest amounts Oji cent per day on a $.50 note. Tivo cents " 100 " Ten " 500 " 0 " " ' $iIOOO SI SSOOO Notes of all the denominations named will be promptly furnished upon, receipt of sub scriptions. This is THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now offered by the Government, and it is confidently expected that its superior ad vantages will make it the GREAT FOPULAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE. Less than $300,000,000 of the Loan au thorized by the last Congress are cow on the market. This amount, at the rate at which it is being absorbed, il! be subscribed for within four months, when the notes will undoubtedlj" command a premium, as has uniformly been the case on closing the sub scriptions to other Loans. In order that citizens of every town and section of the country may be afforded facilit ties for taking the loan, the National Bxnks, State banks, and Private bankers through- out the country have generally agreed to receive subscriptions at par. Subscribers "will select then own ag"nts, iu whom they have confidence, and who only are to be re- sponsible for the delivery of the notes for which they receive orders. JAY COOKE. SUBSCRPTI'iN Agknt, I'hiladdphia. Sl BiCi:ii'TiONS will be received by the first mm m sf altggia. March , lS05-3m "ICIEST NATIONAL 3ANK OF A L T O O N A , Corner of Virginia and Annie Streets, oppo site Siq-erintendcnt's OJice Pemi'a RR. BLAIR COUNTY, PENN'A. UNITED STATES DEPOSITOIIY AK1 FINANCIAL AGENCY. T5tnTiF.s Rrrnvni nT nr.roiT W 1 IntoroKt :.lt..eeil nu liio I i..t...it- Gold and Silver Bou-ht and Sold. I-W tional Currency and Mutilated Uuiu-d States Notes Redeemed. Drafts on the Principal Cities for Sale. Qntral Dej-t for the Sale of United States Internal Revenue Stamps This Bnk keeps on hand for sale the 7 3-10 U S. TREASURY NOTES, aud takes Subscriptions for the same. This is the POPULAR LOAN, the only Govern- ment L-ian now in market at par, giving those who have meii'y a safe and desirable opportunity for investment, TWO CENTS A DAY FOR EACH $1 00. These Notes, at Maturity, cau be exchanged for 5.20 Six Per Cent Gold bearing Bonds, j WM. M. LLOYD, D. T. CALDWELL, ; President. Cashier. Feb. 8. 1SG5-Uy. EDITOR DEMOCRAT AND SENTINEL, Deak Sir : With your permission I wish ; to say to the readers of your paper that I . will send, by return mail, to all who wish it I (free) a Recipe, with full directions for ma- king and using a simple Vegetable B:dm. ; that will effectually remove, in ten days, Pimples, Blotches. Tan. Freckles, and all j 1m utilities of the Skin, leaving the same . soft, clear, smooth aud lieautiiui. ft, clear, smooth and Beautil I will also mail free to those I will also mail tree to those having i.au Heads, or Bare faces, simple direction and information that will enable them to art a full growth of Luxuriant Ua or a Moustache, in less than thirty dajs. All applications answered by- icturn man without charire. Respectfully yours THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, 831 Broad wTay, New York. March 1, 1805 3m. The Life and Campaigns of General lie Clellan. for sale by jjjgg MURRAY. Having adopted the Cash system, offers the following Warts at h-s-4 tiiau citv retail prices : SUGAR KETTLES, ... 10 to 40 gallons. COPPER KETTLES. 3 quarts to 40 galloiia. " TINWARE, all sorts and kinds. SHEET 1 11 OX M AE, every varietv. EXJMELED S? TIXXEI) IRON WARE. COPPER WaRK made to order. SAD IRONS or SMOOTHING UIOXS ZINC WASHBOARDS. COOKFNT; STOVES. EGG STOVES HE A TlXCr CO OK STU 'EX. BRADLEY COOKING STOVES PA TENT, ABBOTT & NOBLE, and every other PitUt.urgh or Philadelphia manufacturer's stov-s a'' ways on hand or procured on 6 davs notice. ODD PLATES AND GRATES for Stovts always on hand. CARBON OIL LAMPS, from 62ets.. to $1.25, CHIMNEYS and WICKS al way on hand. SPOUTING. MINER'S LAMPS, OIL CANS. POWDER CANS, all s:zcs, constantly on hand. COFFEE MILLS,. TOASTING FORKS, OYSTER BROIL ERS, JELLY Cake Moulds. Table and Te Spoons, COAL BUCKETS. Price list now ready for the Trade, ami Merchants are respectfully inv;ted to call and examine our Wares, send for for a catalogue before purchasicg elsewhere. The above goods wilJ be furnishtd, . WHOLESALE Oil RETAIJ . AT TUE JOHSSToWS STOVE & HOUSE FUESISHlSd STOKE. CANAL STREET., Oppc&ite the Weigh iajcz. ASK FOR FRANK W. HAY'S WAREHOUSE, and save twaily percent, on your purca Johnstown March. 13. 1803. tf. Oli I O PETROLIUM COMPANY". The undersigned having been appointed an Agf nt for the subscription of STOCK to the Company, begs leave to bubmit the fol lowing statement : This company is chattered by th3 Legis lature of New York in conformity with the law s of Ohio. Its capital stock is one mil lion of dollars iu shares of one hundred dol lars each. A portion of this stock is open for subscription. The property is situated in Morgan county, Ohio, and embraces about fifteen hundred acres of land, the most of it i hold in fee simi le and the balance held by lease. Two miles of broad valley land suit- i able for boiiui: wells. There are sixteen j wells in successful operation producing 295 j Ec"i"g V 8 I i ) iw i) auu Juv-i. .j r o ----- ;lls To any person wishing to invest in tbia enterprise, I will show them a map and give them a pamphlet detailing the whole opera- Oct. 26, li64-tf Agent. 5 ATR1M0NIAL! If A LADIES AND GENTLEMEN it you wish to marry, address the under signed, who will send you without money and without charge, valuable information that will euabie yni to marry bappy and speedily, irrespective ct age, wealth or beau ty. This information will cost you nothing, ami if ou wish to marry, I will cheerfully assist oii A ! letters strictly confidential. The desired information sent by return mail, and no questions jnked. addiess SARAH B. LAMBERT, Greenpotnt. Kings county, New Y'ork. Oct. 19. lSo4-2m. i IF YOU WANT TO KNOW I A LITTLC OF EVERY THING relating to the human : --ystem, ma'e and teinalc ; the causes and treatment of diseases; the marraiage customs j -f lhewild; how to marry well and a s thousand thu gs never published before I ra' t1'- revised and eularged. edition of j " -Medical C mhon Sense," a curious book 1 f"r curious people, aud a good book for . every one. 400 pa s, 100 Illustration, l'iiee il.5G. Contents table sent free to any address. Bo. ks mty In- had at the , book stores, or will be sent by mail, pest ! paid on receipt of the price. Address ' E. B. FOOTE, M. D., ; U"0 liroauw ay, .ew lors. Feb. 1. 1?(5 6ui. fOIi. KE.T. The well known and well patronized Tavern Stand in the Borough of Ebensburg. known as the Union Hons.-', is for nut and possession given on the first of April next. For particular apply to the proprietor JOHN A. BLAIR. Feb. 1. 1P0 4. KIovai1 ANSOtlatlon, PHILADELPHIA. Diskases or the Nervous, Semisal. Ukisauy and Sexual tstems new ana ' n-nn. fitment in reports of the , ,WAU0 ASSOCIATION Sent by mail . l el!Velipcs. free of charge, ; ' - ' Dfj. SKIIXEN UOUGUTEN. 2 Siutl .i-'r.hia. Pa- . . r iu iiaunteu lower, i-v For sale by JAMES MURRAY. An essay on the Harmonious Relations between Divine Faith and Natural Reason. tbr ale by JAMES MURRAY.