Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, May 31, 1865, Image 1

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VOL. 2 NO: 16.
. 4
Tr I rT3 I
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in If? . II III S3 it III
is ii n
f-:uf):A'AV .t- SV7'JXtS'
J? YA imblished every Wednesday
,rin, Ht Two Pom.aus per annum,
.v.i:. '.2 in advance; Two Domahs a..u
Vi-tSiV Five Cents, if' not paid within
5ix ahs ; and Two Doi.LAKs axd Fif
ty Css rs if "ot pud until tiie termination
' iif t!if year.
so subarripti. -ii will be received fur a
s'ii. rtcr period than sis. months, and no
ha'u! .-ri'-er will be at liberty t discontinue
hi-iiiper until allarrearages are paid, ex
cept at the option of the editor. Any per,
sen subscribing f.r six montlis wil i.e char-pc-i
Osb Dollar Twenty Five Cents,
u-less the, money i paid in advance.
Advertising Hate.
One inserl'n. Two Jo. Three do
1 square, V2 lines $ 50 $ 75 $1,00
2 squares, T24 lines 100 I 50 ? 00
8 squares 30 lines j 1 60 2 00 3 00
3 months. 6 do. 12 do
lines or less, $1 CO $3 00 $5 00
1 square, 12 lines 2 50 J 60 0 00
2 squares, j 24 lines 00 7 00 12 CO
J square, 36 lines 6 00 9 00 14 00
half a column, .10 00 12 00 20 00 kinm, 15 00 22 00 86 00
Johnstown, C.nnlrin Co.. F-i-Ofre
in ihv Exchange builrting, on the
Cri;r.f C!iii'"n ud Locust streets up
:Xt Will nttend to all busint -ss con in et
! wiii .:s profe.-si ii.
K-c. 9. ISOG.-tf.
lllmu) at nfc), (bcnsburg,
C ambria County Pernio.
(jjHCe Ci:lon.ile rotl.
' :. !.. i l.R.SHIN(J,
. t :r.v-i-r.AW,
. .:,'n.t County. Pa.
", i.t. M-ci-nd lloor over
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N! -i'i:r,F.(iN'.
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l. I.. .T .iS-T'N. ( V. Oatmas.
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;'!)- d.r West of II- L. J hnst'-n'ri llv1.;-
lkc. 4. 1SG1. h .
F-lienlmr-;. Ciindivia county Fa.
Office .n M.iiuhticet ;iij'iiiiiiij; his dwei
'v- ix 2 .
Jf "S. NOON,
A Air niN'FY AT LAW.
KlfEXSUriNi. CAMI'dllA C.. FA.
Ciuiee one -L or E;ist f the IW Ollice.
Feb. 18. lSo3.-tf.
Cambria Cnmiti. Pa.
office in o:.)Si)E now.
M irth 13. ISfA.
ATTO 11 NEY- A T-L A W .
Eoeiishurtc, C:tnitiria (3o. Fa.
OtYiice on Main i tit;tt, three doors East
" -lulian. ix 2
F. A. SlIOhMAKML. Wm 11. SErni.KU.
E B E N S F. U li (1 .
Cambria Covsty.
OfB-e heretof 're occuj.ied lv F. A. Shoe
niuker. flec" 7, 18(i4 tf
ma imi m jewelry stoue
LEWIS LUCK H ART, begs leave to an
c ounce that he has always a lar:eand varied
i-isortnien cf all the various articles peculiar
johin business. " Repairs promptly and
carefully attended to.
Johnstown April, 17 1861. tf.
A"l-'93I OS Apnf
"JUdV n Willi
"ONiavan uxv
k-iavxs Tja v ami
Sflcct 3odrn.
lie Kind to the Erring.
There's not a desert Orear and bare,
Lut bad some sweet oasis green,
VYhere flowers bloom in beauty rare,
Though they rnny " fade and die unseen."
So not a heart, how ever dark
It may be btained by crime': black dye,
Rut hath within some little spark
Of kindly glowing sympathy.
But cold neglect and cruel scorn
Oft crushes, though it may not kill,
The feeling heart by nature warm,
And all its kind pulsations chill.
Ah ! if their thoughts to us were kuovrn.
And we could see the heart's wild dearth,
We sure would speak in kindly toned
To the frail, erring ones of earth.
We'd take them gently by the hand.
And lead thm on in virtue's way j
Pointing up to the l etter land
To the realms of endless day.
And our reward, what would it be?
Far richer than a diadem
Brighter than pearls from otit the pea,
More precious thin the opal ge:n !
The Old Cnrtmaii.
About five years ago or thereabout?,
John Ains-ly or " Aintly," us he
was familiarly called was the owner of
a hand-cart, and earned a living by con
veving miscellaneous pan-els from one sec
tion of the city to another, nnd receiving
therefor the reasonable remuneration of
lifty cents per load. To designate the
occupation in the prosiest language possi
ble, be was a hand man, and when not j
employed, could always? be found during
working hours Mt the corner of Mont
gomery and California streets. His hair
nnd lonir loard were quite gray, and his
liuios feeble; and if he could not shove as
wv a load through the deep sand or up
the r-teep grade above him, as tha stalwart
Teuton on the opposite corner, thereby
losing many a job and many a dol!;tr, all
tin: liht loads in the neighboi hood fell
to his lot, and kind-hearted men not un
t'reqm nlly traveled a square or two out
of their way to give an easy job to " I'ap
Four years r.go Inst September, (I re
coliecl the monMi, for I had a note of four
thousand dollars to pay, and was ccm-peik-d
to do some pretty .-harp financierina
to meet it,) having two or three dozen
volumes to transfer to my lodgings, I gave
44 I'ap Ainsly" the tack of transportation.
Arriving at my room just as he deposited
the last armful on the table, and observing
that the old man looked considerably
fati"ied after climbing three flights of
stairs two or three times, I invited him to j
take a glass t brandy a bottle of which
I usually kept in my room for medical
an I soporific purposes. Although grate
ful for the invitation, he politely declined.
I urged, but he was inflexible. I was
Do you never drink ?" said I.
' Very seldom,"' he replied dropping
into a chair at my recpiest, and wiping
the perspiration from his forehead.
" Well, if you drink at all," I insisted,
you will not find as fair an excuse in the
next twelve months for indulging, for
you appear fatigued and scarcely able to j
"To be frank," said the old man, " I j
don't diink now. I haven't tasted intoxi
cating liquors for fifteen years, since "
"Since when ? I inquired thoughtless
ly, observing his hesitation.
The old man told me. Sixteen years
ago he was a well-to-do farmer near Sy
racuse, New York. lie had one child a
daughter. While attending a boarding
school in that city, then a girl of sixteen
years uf age, she formed" an attachment
for a young physician. Acquainting her
father of the circumstances, he flatly re
fused his consent to a union with a man
whom he had never seen, and removing
her from school, despatched a note to the
young gallant, with the somewhat pointed
information that his presence in the neigh
borhood of Ainsly farm would not meet
with favor. The reader of course sur
mises the result, for such a proceeding
could have but one effect. In less than a '
month there was an elopement. 1 he
father loaded his double-barreled Ehot gun,
and swore vengeance ; but failing to find
the fugitives he took to the bottle. Ilis
good wife implored him not to give way
to despair but he drank the deeper, and j
accused her of eucouraging the elope- 1
ment. In three months the wife died ;
and at the expiration of a year,' when the
young people returned to Spracuse, from
Connecticut, where they had remained
with the parents of tlie husband, they
learned that the old man had sold his
farm, squandered the proceeds, and was
almost destitute. Learning of their arri
val. Ainsly drank himself into a frenzy,
and proceeded to the hotel where they
were stopping, attacked the husband,
wouuding him in the arm by a pistol shot,
and attempting the life of his daughter
who happily escaped uninjured, through
the interposition of persons brought to the
spot by the report of the pistol. Ainsly
was arrested tried and acquitted on the
plea of insanity. The daughter and her
husband returned to Connecticut, since
which time the father had not heard from
them. lie was sent to the lunatic asylum,
from which he was dismissed after re
maining six months. In I80I he went
to California. He had followed minim;
for two years, but finding his strength un
equal to the pursuit, lie returned to this
city, purchased a hand cart and the rest
is known. " Since then," continued the
old man, bowing his face in his hand in
agony, " I have not tasted liquor, nor
have I seen my poor child."
I regretted that I had been so inquisi
tive, and expressed to the sufferer the
sympathy I really felt for him. After
that I seldom passed the corner without
looking for " Pap Ainsly," and never saw
him but to think of the sad story he had
to tell.
One chilly, drizzly day in the Decem
ber following, a gentleman having pur
chased a small marble top tab'e at an
auction room opposite, proffered to the old 1
man the jib of carrying it to his residence,
on Stockton street. Not wishing to ac- .
company the carrier he had probably se- j
lected the face giving the best assurance J
of careful delivery of the purchase.
Furnished with the number of the '
house, the old cartman, after a pretty try- ;
ing struggle with the steep ascent of Cali- ,
fornia street, reached his destination, an 1 I
deposited the table in the hall. Linger- I
ing a moment the lady did not surmise
the rear-on, until he politely informed her j
that her husband (for such he supposed I
him to be.) had probably by accident j
omitted to settle for the carriage. j
" Very well, I will nay you," said the j
laoy, stepping info an adjoining room.
She returned, and, slating that she had no
small coin in the house, hauded the man
a twenty dollar piece.
lie could not, make " change. "Never
mind, I will call to-morrow," he said
turning to go.
" No, no !" repliod the lady, glancing
pityingly at his white locks and trembling
limbs. " I will not put you to the trou
ble," and she handed the coin to Uridget,
with instructions to see if she could get it
changed at one of the stores or markets in
the neighborhood.
" " Step into the parlor until the girl re
turns ; the air is chilly, and you must be
cold," continued the lady. 44 Come,"
she added, as he looked at his attire and
hesitated ; 44 there is a lire in the grate,
and no one there but the children."
"Tt is somewhat chilly," replied the
old man, following her inlo the parlor,
and taking a seat near the fire.
..... W ! -,
" remaps 1 may nnu some silver in
the house," said the lady, as she left the
room, 44 for I fear that Bridget will not i
succeed in getting that twenty dollar piece
."Come I love little children," and
the child who had been watching him
with curiosity, ran behind the large arm
chair, and hesitatingly approached.
4 What is your name, my dear t" inqui
red the cartman.
44 Maria," replied the little one.
44 Maria," replied he, while the great
tears gathered in his eyes ; I once had a
little girl named Maria, and you look very
much like she did.
44 Did you ?" inquired the child with
seeming interest, 44 and was her name
Maria Eastman, too ?"
44 Merciful God !" exclaimed the old
man, starting from his chair, and dropping
into it with his head bowed upon his
"This cannot be, and yet, why not!"
He caught the child in his arms with
an eagerness that frightened her, and
gazing into her face until he found con
viction there, suddenly rose to leave the
house. " I cannot meet her without be--traying
myself, and I dare not tell her
that I am that arunken tather wno once
attempted to take her life, and perhaps
left her husband a cripple," lie groaned as
he hurried toward the door. The little
ones were bewiMered.
" You are not going," said the mother,
1 .
The Slcm-oc Doctrine In 3Sexico.
From the N. Y. J urnal of Commerce. J
The eyes of the people begin to be turn
ed toward Mexico, and with good reason ;
for, unless the signs of the times deceive
us, there is hkcly, within a year to come,
to be food for thought and action in this
and other countries, growing out of the
events to occur in that direction. The
44 signs of the times " are not always sure
indications. As the signs of weather,
men are apt to be deceived by them. But
in this case there is ground for serious
forethought, and the aspect of Mexican
anTl American affairs, demands careful
Ix;t us gather a few of the signs to
gether. Fht and foremost is the Mon
roe Doetiine, which the people of this
country cherish as one of their most sacred
traditions. It seemed to be on the Kint
of saciiliee, and was effectually dead
under the late Administration. The close
of the war is attended by the unexjH'cted
and startling change of administration
which places Mr. Johnson at the heat! of
affairs. He is understood to be a firm
advocate of the doctrine, and his energy
and zeal in such a traditional principle are
not. doubted. The. Republican party
which elected him made it a part of the
Baltimore platform. It is understood also
to be a fundamental rock in the Demo
cratic creed. In short, nearly all men of
all parties are in favor of as.-erting it. It
does not concern us at present to discuss
the doctrine, its reasonableness or its pro
priety. It may be that it i itself a doc
trine of intervention, while it professes to
be a doctrine opposed to intervention.
There may be various arguments against
it, but the simple fact is that the Ameri
can people stand upon it with practical
unanimity, and their President is of their
own opinion also.
Now what is the condition of Mexico ?
That unfortunate country, our nearest
neighbor on the south, has fallen a victim
to foreign invasion by Kuiopcan monar
chists, and the intervention, with arras,
by France, has placed on a nominal and
very shaky throne, in the city of Mexico,
the scion of an Austrian house, whose
very language is unknown to the Mexi
cans, whose antecedents are hostile to all
American traditions. The people of Mexi-
co have not accepted the Emperor tnus
torced on them. " His throne to-day is
supported only by French bayonets. Up
to the present date he has been unable to
exercise a function of 'sovereignty in any
of the northern and northwestern provin
ces, and the Church party, which once
seemed inclined to support, is now against
him even in the city of Mexico. It seems
then that he he has very little native
Mexican strength. This is only impor
tant to us as showing that the struggle is
not ended, the question is not settled in
Mexico. There is still a great uncertain
ty as to the future, wen if Mexico were
left to herself. .
What aspect do we as a nation bear to
ward Mexico ? Up to the present mo
ment we recognize no government in
Mexico except that of the people. The
representatives of Mexico in this country,
reappearing, ana uiscovering the old man
in the act of leaving the hall.
lie stopped and apparently turned his
face, but seemed to lack the resolution to
do aught else.
" He said he had a little Madia once,
and that she looked just like me, mother,"
shouted the child, her eyes sparkhn" with
The knees of the old cartman trembled,
and he leaned against the door for support.
The lady sprung toward him, took hirn by
the arm, and attempted to conduct him to
a chair.
' No, no !" he exclaimed, " not till
you tell me that I am forgiven. "
"Forgiven for what?" replied the
mother in alarm.
" Recognize in me your wretched fath
er, and I need not tell you," he faltered.
" My poor father 1" she cried, throw
ing her arms around his neck, " all is for
given all forgotten."
All was forgiven, and the husband,
when he returned late in tin afternoon,
was scarcely less rejoiced than his good
wife, at the discovery. Whether or not
Bridget guccended in changing the double
eagle, I never learned ; but this I do
know, it took the honest female all of two
months to unravel the knot into w hich the
domestic family had tied itself during her
"I'ap Ainsly" still keeps his cart, for
money would not induce him to part with
it. I peeped into the back yard of Mr.
Eastman, one day last week, and dis
covered the old man dragging his favorite
vehicle round the enclosure, his four
grandchildren piled promiscuously into it
received and recognized by the President,
are not the representatives of Maximilian
and his empire, but of the government
which maintains itself in the northern
provinces. We, therefore, as a govern
ment, hold, up to the present time, that
Maximilian is not so firmly established as
to require recognition, and that the old
government is 111 our view the true govern
ment still.
Now comes the serious question, which
has never yet been practically settled
shall we assert the Monroe doctrine by
openly espousing the cause of Mexico
against Maximilian ?
e will not at present try to answer
this question, for it is quite sufficient to
MJint out other ways in which the matter
may be brought to a distinct issue. It is
imKjssible to doubt that which the next
few months volunteers will pour out of
this country into .Mexico by thousand-.
There will not necessarily he any viola
tion of neutrality laws. No nation md.r
takes to prevent the egress of its -iuz-i,s
with private intent to take service in for
eign wars. Enlistments within our bor
ders would be a violation of "those laws
But the Mexican armies wili unquestion
ably receive vast accessions, both of oili
cers and men, from the North and from
the South. This will produce a rapid
change in the shape of affairs. It wiii
strengthen the cause of the Mexicans, and
place upon Maximilian the necessity of a
corresponding increase of his forces. Thi
can only be done by foreign aid, and the
question therefore wiii at once present it
self to France whether she sbail continoe
that support which she has been furnish
ing. France stands in an interesting relath n
to Mexico. The Emperor Napoleon is
shrewd and far Seeing, but it may be ques
tioned whether he anticipated the sudden
termination of our civ i! war this spring.
Nevertheless there lias never been a mo
ment since he began to intervene in Mexi
co when he has not had open a line of re
treat. He formerly kept very- prominent
the idea that if it should ever appear that
he had mistaken the wishes of the Mexi
can people, and" they really did not desire
his intervention, he would at once with
draw. This amusing humbug of -the
44 wishes of the Mexican jeople " was the
foundation on which he established Maxi
milian's ihrune.. No wonder that the
throne is shaky. It -will he within the
line, of possibility that Napoleon, when
even before, the Mexican armi-'s are.
strengthened as we have intimated, mav
suddenly perceive the change in the
44 wishes of the Mexican people," and
judiciously closing his eyes to the acces
sions of force from abro ad, withdraw with
flying colors from Mexico. He may in
short take the track which he has always
kept ojen. If he do:s this, the throne
and dynasty of Maximilian will be 44 airy
nothings" and his empire an amusirg
episode in the strange history of Mexico.
If on the other hand, Napoleon chooses to
demand of the United States that she keep
her citizens within her territories and not
allow any of them to go to Mexico via
Santa Fe, or via Matamoras (which Ju
arez will soon take if all goes well with
him), then it i highly probable that he
will find this country in a condition he
little exects. 1 here i not one man in
ten thousand, from Maine to Mexico, who
would not rvjnice in the declaration of the
Monroe doctrine as a holy part of the
national creed. Nor would the fear "of
foreign war produce one particle of change
in that joy. On the contrary, we are
bound to inform our foreign readers that,
from our point of view, which is in our
opinion one of calm and impartial vision,
the K-ople of this country are more ready
to plunge into a foieign war to-day, with
all our debt and all our responsibility,
than they ever were at any former period
of our history. This is a plain fact. And
be it remembered, by Napoleon and all
others interested, that the voice of the
I peoplo here is the voice of a kin
fore if the Emperor of France espouses
the cause of Mexico for the year to come,
it seems to us highly probable that he wilt
have to meet one of two contingencies.
The first is the flow of. volunteers by
thousands to the Juarez ranks, comprising
veteran soldiers and skiiful, experienced
officers ; and the second is the possible
result of complaint on his part, namely,
the open declaration by our government of
the .Monroe doc trine, backed by the sword
itself unsheathed among the shouts of all
people of all parties. I-et us luqe that
France will bo wise in time.
y A Frenchman writ'ng a letter in
English to a friend and looking in the dic
tionary for the word "preserved," and
finding it meant to pickle, wrote as lol
lows : " May you and all your family be
pickled to all eternity."
Tue Three Vihe.
There was once a wise Emperor who
male a law, that to every stranger who
came to his court, a fried fi.h should be
served. The servants were directed to
notice if, when the stianger had eaten the
tish to the lone on one side, he turned it
over and began on the other side. If he
did, he was to be immediately seized, and
on the third day thereafter he was to be
put to death. But by a great stretch of
imperial clemency, the culprit was per
mitted to utter one wish each day, which
the Emperor pledged himself to grant, pro
viding it was not to spare his life. Many
had already perished in consequence ol
this edict, whi n, one day, a count and hi
young son presented themselves at court.
The tish was served as usual, and when
the count had removed the fish from one
side, he turned it over, and was about to
commence on the other when he waJ
- ize 1 and thrown into prison, and wa
to! I of hi- approaching doom.
Jorrow-sti ickeii, the count"? young son
besought the Emj- ror to allow him to die
in th.' room of his father: a fV.vor which
ihemonanh was pi. a.-ed to accord him.
The count was accordingly released from
prison, a: 1 his 6ofi was thrown into him
ee!l in his stead. As soon as this had
'.ecu done, the young man snid to the
jailors 44 You know I have a riht to
make three demands before I die ; go and
tell the Emperor to send me his daughUr,
and a priest to marry ik-." This first de
mand was not much 10 the Einperor'e
ta.-te, nevertheless Ik- fell bourn) to kep
his word, and he therefore coutpii! with
the request, to which the prince.-? hd no
objection. This occurred in the timet
when kings kept their trrasurts in a chv,
or in a tower ?-t apart for the purpose,
like the ErnjK-ror of Moscow in thew
days ; and on the second day of his im
prisonment the yoiu g man demanded the
EmjH-ror's treasures.
If his first demand was a bold one, the
second was not les s ; still, an Enieror'
word is sacred, and having made the pro
mise, he was forced to keep it ; and the
treasures of gold and silver were placed at
the disposal of the prisoner. On getting
possession .f them, he distributed them aruon-r the courtiers, wid soon
he hud made a host of friend by hi
Ti e Emperor legan now to feel exceod
inly ont'oinfortMble Unable to fJeep, he
cse early on the third morning and veut
wiMi fe r in his heart to the prison to hear
what the third wih was to be
Now.'" said he to his prisoner, " tell
me what your third demand u, that it be rnued at oucv. ai.d that you
11H3- W out of hand, for I am tired of
v our demands."
44 Sire," answered the prisoner, "I
have but one more favor to request of
your majesty, which when you have
grafted I shall die eoi lei.t. It is ElliXe-ly
'hat ou wiii eau - the eye of that who
saw my father turn the fih over to be put
44 Very g-. od," replied the Emperor,
44 Your demand i hut naun al and skj fUa
frmi a go d hirt. Lot the clarxibr
lain be svlzed," he continued, turning to
his guards.'
44 1, sire!"' cried the cLamlterhun ; "I
did not see anvthiiu; it was the stew
ard." But the steward protested with tears in
Iiis eyes, that he hail not witnessed any-"
thing of what had been reported, and said
it was the butler. The butler declared
that he had s;ii nothing of the matter
and that it must have been one of the
But they protested that they were ut
terly ignorant of what had ben charged
acainst the count ; in short it turned out
that nobody could be found who had seen
the count commit the otH', upon which
the princess Said :
44 1 apjiTa! to yon my father, as to an
other Solomon. If nobody saw the of
fence committed, the count cannot bo
guihv. and my husband is innocent."
The Em; ror frowned and forthwith
I the coin tiers lw ran murmur; then, he
! smiled sm. I immediately their visages be
cMiiie radiant.
" Lot it lie so," sjid his majesty ; 44 let
! 1.;... ti vi' ihmi 'h I have rut manv a man
. 1 j
to death for a liphter offence than his.
But he is not hung he is married. Jus
tice is done."
JT Luv iz like the nn azles ; we kan't
alwi.5? tell when we krtched it, and ain't
ap tew hav it sVvcre but oust, and thu it
ain't kounttd much unless it strikes inly.
2- An Englishman has just published
a book, advising all men to " cuind only
their own business." Why doesn't A
mind ,., instead of telling other people
what to do 1