1 i 'I 6 Pi .ICKNSEU AUC1T0NEIR. -Tie subscril cr bavins taker, out a regit- l.r license a;- auciwh.it, .a r.r... 1 .... ;f SiiUs on short notice', ami at s..i ii"' . , . Il.iu-'..n.iHe ".crms Address J1.B-:. A. FAGAN. Ebensbuig,. Pa. . 18C5. "f!KKT 1!! DU TTON IN OOPS! fOLD LRuLiiUT DOAN! DOWN!! 001 DOWN!!' PRY GO U FALLOWING GOLD (j ls hioU.iht down to .ii price P. r , . w idling "t y k ls stt t ' i""' 'i'ufc will .! '-U to ct.l and f E J M:I.! S i 0 . a- li "' ' ave just 'eruni.il -',e ..st'viiiii a'large slock of h-mmIs which hey ..fvrnii. ft weU us a I their old g- - ) V .ro .'Jv n lu- prices. N i- H." "'" ,,y 'UkftU miuct'.ous have bwu "'(Vi.-ncs reduced fr. m & fo25.ents. Wains " 0 " S0a3Ti - M ,'t..s " 70 245 " mm.isis tjreatlv reduced $W,M P-duced from 25 to 20: 2- , BdV"- Mobile 75 , ,!.! ' reduced. ..d 1! kind of goods :,t a very ,,,w e-,iro-T'. c wishing : mm money w ill do w II t ijiliv tl,,..v. as there is, a ! chance lor j-'.i'jei Hi E ! Ma!.V Co. VwiTU NAL TAYIRN l.H EXSI S. A Ti e f iiwi'i petitions nave ""n t;'" iu this f'i ,r presentation rtt argument cour't,"oU t!ti!;.;ifN;y' 1?ti5: Stephen Oofiw... !. S I War !. .T..hns(.n. lUniy Iln-Summitvilie Rc-rough. .Tames K.ii:. Allegheny township. -Italian! Jelly. 2 I Ward. Johnstown. -Tcivr Heiin. il'i'liUn-l Township. t JOS M'DOXALO, (!ork Q. S. April 12, l.'i. STATE OF 311CHAEI. A.. KLINE. I TV:..rc:ts I'trs of Atlministration on jje :tc ! M-.ih:u-i A. Kime. lite ! W!.iii.:t.".n t-.-nsiii. Cim'"i i c. uiity. le ...,1 , uve hr-n L'riiiV'I hv tin; i. oainly, t!:e un-li rri gi-c L ii'.TH'e i- , ii-rchv vo- to ait tiers l.s tsav.iitf lanii' j.-.ii. -t .-r .ieti j.r-e'it lhe:n pr- jeily :.U'ii i.!iMV.l f.-r selt!eiin-lit, ai.'l to tin..- i'.,'.fLe.: t- make imu:e.ii ite pnytm nt. M KI I'T: I E. A,r.: V. lSGo-Ol A.im'r. I.'.".vi- l'.iiunioyer ") In the Cumuli Pteas vs , of ("ainhrra O u-itv. Xo A'-r.tr Si.hr".-k fa I . (i.Uer Ti-; u'j . ! J.-; 4 .ic! V :.. -.s li --irn. j Vein! E-"j". A' ; !'ov. M.ir. ii till. lK.j.on moti n W 0 Ii-f, a:-l- i'. Tdi au.l:t.-i to .);.-t rihutc the jr ..I.!.-. t t'.e . -ve 'ntle to atnl anion !.e 1 t ';f. iJv e Cairt. 'JOS MM ONALD. Prot'y. A' put'ie. i:.t-re.-U-.l are hfrehy n. tifi-.!. Ktt tit An.-1'tor aiol to tl. !nt s of :.;' H!tint;it t".:s i ffi. t. in .li!iii!-! v, t.'i;.--u: y t1:e K'h l jv f M ! . 18'J.r f.-r ("; ; rii. se sot f atii 'ii the ah..v- in the ,...v...-.:t-r..f Curt. W. IL IMSF.. A.r.: 13. i P t; 5 M Auditor. Ti!E"i;iT:b.L ciTamhi r. A n f of ---T.:nir n.i a 'vice to tV.e Mifferiiia ith i-. i'-:.! Wiv ki e-?. tMieil nihility, - r l'rTi..iuji- I)-c:. fr-.rn ovttafver causi- .r- 5. !I,-;.l. j. .U(!.'r. ali I lit! ft! Ie wire :-. t Snt F..FE to f.ny a h!'i ss. for ?l,e hen I th.- ,.m , ud. Sint bv n turn math A! V'-ss, J AM KS Wll.s'oN. 420 P.iia.)wa, New Yoik. p'd lf. IOj-Toii. A'llTiri!-. iN Litters !.f Adndn- i.-!ra '" n r :1 e e-t vo of Anthi-ny W"i I. S--.. i, r.-,- i f A'!i-j.h-li V ToW.n-1-ip. have hci 4 e-;. ;.-:i to l) c siib-crii r r.s ciits; in s;lj.: i T -vvn-hp. A d j erM.i.s in-h lae.! to said es- t t- :re n-fjin-sfi-il ii'.ake immi-.'ia'e piv- 3 1 ' j ti e;:t, ai d those 1 :-il'S claims wi'l i .resent ! tlam properl.v autbii t ;.'! fr set it -met t i mark a. will, ) April 10, 18- 5 H A.'ii'.'r. KJOTICE. 11 Letters of A-'iii'.n'stuiM. n ni! the estate i -f William Pe:-r-on. ilect a-ej', t Jiilxsiii T'.wj ship, lave been L'rant.d totl-e fcli'as aiher riSidinjr jn E'lensl nru Iv-roiiuh Ah pc.snns in-h-l.te.l to said estHte will p!ea;-e com- foiward and those LiV'ti'' chdi: an I ?n:'.ke pa na-i.t. wiU present, them eropetly aut!: t.ti. M'ed f.a si ii'i rr c: t. WM H. SElHIJ-TI. i April 19, JSC. 5 6t Ailm' jiUDI'iOlCS NOTICE. ll !n tie Orphan.- t. iv-un oi i.amnria comity, in tiietnatrer oi C'-i.rirmatioii ol the acv unf of t'ytn- L. JlVtshtiii adminisirat..r ife l.-onis non of the UJeMatwof John Hrt-.leM rf I And now. Mirch 8?h. 1PG5. John P. Lin- i'"n. Esq . appointed A ud't. r to .'ist il ute j'l.c ass. lo in the hands of the accountant to and ainnns 'he p-rsoiis legally entitle theie jt'J. Py the CcUrt. I will attend t the ouiies of the above f pnintnient at mv ffi e, in J-hn-town. on IThursday the 4th !av ..f Mhv H?, at 2 I'.Vh-k, P. M., at which ti" e and ph.ee nl IjiersonH iiitenvted are re.p.'ued to p'esent ftlitir claims or be debarred from corning in .'or a share of the fur d I JO.IX P. LINTON, f April 19, l8G5-3t Auditor. 1 1 M I N I ST R AT( R'S NOTICE. M " Letters s' f Administration on ti e est it of Clniste I'Yt-ible, late of Carioll township. Cambria r"U!jty, deceased, having bet n :iantil.to jtli tmder-iined. all larsous indebted to ?:.i.l estate are tequestnl to make ip-.ft ei'i pe pnme.it. and .those having claii eaiiist the same will present then duty f-my aulhenticateil for set fa-men JOHN I1AS-OX. Ma.ch 22, 1865-fit A.'m'r. An Miiflv rvrv t K Tlurmi mimu f?l t t !. u 1, Divme Filth atd Natural Reason. Jjr mU by JAJ1ES MURRAY. p. ait r. tv. ATTOHVEY-AT-T, W. EBriSnBUKO. ('AMIt'LIA l'CiTY. Pa. OiUce tvi lirs N -rlii ol (Joloi.Ktlc Rv. Aoril 6. The My. rv. hv Mi Yi. The M.-r -s ..f It- li- f.nt. Hv E B i.nnt. V'i.liun All.ir Bv Mr-. II Wo!. C U le-o EUV. I'.y F II Fan -r. N I r I. Pacific xpiiiny i.xjtTii"ii. I'y A II. liarlerf hain. For a!- hv JAMES MURU.VY. ICKNSE NOTICE- L The fo)l(ivinj Pftitionti fur Tavt-rn L rfne hav- le-ii iti tiii fii'' for prft-eiu.iti n at tin- aru:nent t if.-n'L'iiii'i'i-.t I'oini on t'if Ht!i tl ty May. IS05 R l. nw k.3.1 'ai!. .I..l,i,t..wn. Ia:i s IlMirf, 3 ) War.'. .! hnst.iwn. 'I'l.oinnti C I 'an. Yt Waril ElK'iihlairj:, A. Fh-te, "iU T-nshii J .Sl'Pi! M'PONALD. M rk Quarter. S;ri"ii8. April 12, 18 5. WALL PAP Kit" WINDOW SI1 IFS. r,OPJ): R-. ItKOJUATlON. Aiil !vprvttiii! in thf! P A P F. 11 11 A N G I X G Lili. are tmv .p re : to flu- Ma'e aiil lny TS C"'l'.":iv. Sit lllfr l(-fvf rOi s siht. CmII at. No 107. MAliK T Snett. b.- tweiii Fifth ao.' L hntv sti-t.. .J? II. llUGilES & liliO. March 1. lS.--3in. rXEJlTOU'S NOTICE, t, Whtrea-!. 1' tt, r- tesfamf'titary on tlie lst i ; 1 tehtameni of Charles P. s-. late of tir.ill tou t ship". G-iin' ria county. )e.-M. have been urui.tc.1 to the iiiibfi.-it;ne.l X tice is hi til-y iven To all -ers- ns l.avinj; (hums against ai'' ?. "ea.-eil to present heni propel ly a :thetili cate.J for s.tl!e.i.eijt. an! those imU-i-teil to make pavi.e: ' vi'liont. .ieh'v 'JAMB T KL Ki'ATliirK. a v ; i s-1 i n ; : f a h a p. a i g ' I . Feb. 22. lHt;f-;t ExKutor. ,X P'K O .PiAX' C U ;T tfPUAM j O EN I Y. M Ht.Ii TESiM . 10',. CAMilP.lA OL'N'l Y. SS j Th C. ii. in. a. wealth f Pei t,yl L S vauia to J .Jin K.'nr'is re.-i.linjj m ( . j Ltaih' county. I. linos.-., Stephen K arns r saiti. in Ci"'e township, t.'aui b ia . -o.it. ty. IV. El -.Zibet'-. D.aiot... Mii DiM.i inl. Susan DunomL C'haries DmouiL Siepl.eti Dii!:o'i.i an-i Mictiael Ditii'-n-i. g-"ti'! ciiil-ben ol John Keams. (lr e:ise:i. all oi' u'tiOiii have attaitici tl.iir niHj.iity and li-i.ic in t'Hii.l ri-t couiry. exc-i t "banes, air! S'f :ihen whose ie.-1'iita'e t.s n-'t ki)"Mi. -lo-ej'i Fitid:e. taodsoi. of sai't b eeas.-cl, n v te:..iii . in Biair County Pa.. E'i.tt.etb :. u.ers. (I.. ri!:erl K'.'.il iis.) P l'ip K oi s. t'iihariie t'. .t ney . ('oi tueri Ki.n i. ) i,o !-!!.- in Catubiia c- ttn'y. Wilii-on !.-ari;. rr-sitliiis: in Km com-t . P'.oi .i-. Anas' :si.i "ot!..v. (.ii(.erl K'-atr.r- ) .'ere! i i ( M !,nv, (f'-rn.irly Keain.- ) nide m i'.lar e- in,!-. . Pa . I.I li t tli V K' MIMS. tumil.tl. j,tti L- vi-e of Ciara F ines K'-ains .t-.! .irali Ami Ma-sTirrt Ke.trli-. Al-rahain ''earns and .-a.ic Kern- wicw n-i-'ei.'e i unknown. iieir ati-l !ei;l rej.-ier-entativef i J 'tin Kearn.-. late of (h.. le iowii.sl.ip, C-m-bria c. ill.tv. ileeeaed. Y'-mi uf-li of v a ar- heie'oy cife.l to he and appear In-fore the .Indies of the Or phatir. C urt, of Can.b'ia c -ut.ty. at Ll t.s-l-uo on j..nd.iy theoth day . ! Juno nexi. th.-u and tt.ere t., aeeept .-r nfa-- t ' t .k- ih.- real esiar- f .-aid d eeis'.i. at th- ap-i.iais.-.) valuation put uji iti it I v ::n !iipie-t 1 1 i v a" a' 1 bv the sai-1 O-'iitt. an returti- .': i v tie St i-i il; of said entity tie Cth day "f March. ltr... or slow i-ms.- why tin same shoiih! int he 's il-l, to wit ; A pi- r pao-ei .flmd si:u..re in (,'ioyle t .win-hip. in sai t c--lnty. C"t:tanii!ie; "i e hutalred and ninety nine acri s. wit1, the a i-ui tnam -s. valtii-d and appr t-e-; at t!nrii-n ih ilais per acre I It r in fad n. t Witivs. the II . G ..r-c T.Ci t. Pnsi h.-i;t Jil-'-M- f ur .-ai I G'CIt a' F.U-tr-burjr. in ;th ihiv of V .r-!i. A " . 1M'.5. JAMES GRIFFIN, CUik. Atte-t .lAVE-i MYERS, She. iff. April 5. 18'.'i-4t f ATRIMON1AL! lit I.AIHE. AXD Gt N l'LFMEN i: vnii wish to marry. ad.)is- iii- tii.hr signed, who will sim'l v -H wi h.Ut money and without ri:;iri, valuable n.h l matioi. that w id enabie yotl to marry happy and -peedilv. irrespective . ae. weakh m b au 'I ills inf rur.iti.-n will c--st .i-ii mi'Iuhs and if j u wish to marry. I will cheeilnily i.ssist ..it A'l lit'i-i strictly c.-i fiih-nu" th The di-in-d i. formation sent b return mai!, and in. i ut st i-s a.-ked. addtes- SRAll lb L "vMHF.RT. Greenpoint. Kh eS coii n"ty . Ntw Yoik. Oct 1.1. l804-2.il. :F Y'tiU WANT TO KNOW - A LIT T. E OF 1 VI l.Y THING relatins to the human svseio. luce ami fema-e; the i a uses ai.tl trti'.ttne.it of di.-ease-; the marra a.'e u-toins f the A' lid; h..w to imorv wed and a thousand th.il. p ll Vi-r published hefoi read the r.-vi.-e-l ami ein..rt;e edition of Mkivicai. M N Sunsk." a eiiiioiis l.i..k f-T i-nrions pi p -, ainl a .Ht biiK for every one 4'.'0 Hires. 1U0 I du-t rariot.s Price $1 oO Ci.t.lenrs table s nt lu e to any address. Books nuy he hail at the b.. k stoics, or will Ih- sent by mail, ptsf paid on nci t of the juice. Adilriss E. P. Fi KiTK. M D . ll?0 Ur..:i.lwj . New Y. rk. Feb. 1, 1S05 Cm. Ilowiird .ksi latln, PHIL DELPIIIA. Pis. asks of h e Ntnvoi-s. Fkvihal UKINAI.r AM' SeXI AL fTrMli ta w and I reliable trea'ment in rcp its of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION S. nt by mail in scale.! 'e"er envelopes, free of eharye. Addte-s. Dr J SKILLEN HOUf.HTF.X. Uova.d AsS-iitli- n X- 2 South Ninth ; strttt. Piiilade'phia Pa. ! The I'aunled Tower, by Mrs. II. Wooil. II For sa'e by 1 JAilES MURE AY. F. SHIPPING TO AXH FROM ENG LAND. IRELAND AND SOT LAN D , UY THE GALWAY LINE OF STEAMSHIPS, MONTREAL lo. do. AM) WASHINGTON LINE OF SAILING VESSELS Dtafts at s:jlit fir X I airl unwarils. n National Bi'.kiiii'l r.r.uu h s. P..ya!le u mII tlit CV)'s ai.il T'i n- i'i Ei'iil'''!. Ire lainl. Scotland anil Wa 's fifec f DiM'tuiat. R. A. O KKl;lL May 2-j. 1814 A.t h.iiI. rl.!ENM;UI.G Ft .UN DRY. Tbesnbseri i l.er iinr,. tn.res to the i nbhV that hi.- has i repur. based tin- Eoen.-bui.s; F'-ntidiy and is j prepared to furnish his foin.er cu-tounrs ; and ail others witli every le-cr pti--n of cast j int-'s usually v-ai i-fueinr il at a coin-try es j tablisl.uieiit . He ill alwa s keen on ban 1 ttie h-'st .puiirv ..( : iOlvlMi N'lOvKS. PAUL'M! S i OVKS. OFFICE S TOVKS. .Vc. A!s.i I I.O-VS. .1 tlf tuost ai-prov.-d nit ten. 1 LOW. lO'NTS. THhE-lIiNG M C111NI S nt.il alt other anien s coiiinct .! with tl.e tin.-itiesS -f a Foui tiry. lie invite- the prttiouatje . f the pub'io and will fed at tie nn-st reasonable prices. f.T cash or c. untrv pr.siuee I. D A" API) GLASS. Much 29. lst'5 iy. M 'IiKEI N IK US':. EnEvsp.U!:o. CAMRUIA ( OUN'IY. PA. IJ Y . h. I T T L. C X AMI' 0! : HOW LOST. HOW 1 E.T0KEI. 7ilf 'n-t f.iiblllii-d a new e!l i,-:i kZi. i int. CULVJ-.KV. ELL'S CEL nu! ElillAl'ED ESS xY.in the rarti nil cure (wiriiOMi medicine) of ShkkmaT' H- T aiiA, or seminal weakness, I tVoltuitarv Seminal L-.-ses. Lmi-otkncy. Menial and Phy.-icitl Incapacity, imj eihmentst in M.i-. ii i.-'. etc.; al.-.o, Conus:p rio.v. Kfii.sP y, and Fl I'-, induced by seli-iudul-jenceor ex- i . ext rav.i. ance. j i l'rice m a scaled envelope, on'y fix j cents. i The celebrated author in this adii irab'e j essny :le;iilv dernori-trnte. fr--;n a tl irry ! yc.vis success ?"u 1 j raetice, that t he a la ruiiirj lisequeiici's i.f si-lf-ah: se ma he radica ly ; cured without t he iliinuerou-Use of int. rr a' j meduine or t h- a nidi, a! ha. .t the ktiifi ; p-.iii'iriir .a t a m de l cu-c. at net- siii Ie. i certain am! lo-ctnal. by im-ans ot u inch j every sntf rer. noni-i! r 'v'naf his c-ndii i--n J may U-.tri ! ctiro himself cheaply, private- j iv. and rwiiciUij. ! Tf- This Lecture sh 'iild be in the l auds 1 f eveiy yoti'h a d i very man in the lam'. ( Si-i.t. undi-r sen I. in a plain envelop!', to any ad !re-s. nut nii 4. on receint i.fsix :i-nts. i-r two p. -st st i'rn. Addr. ss the I puhii.-h. rs. CI1AS -1 C CO. j 127 LOW ELY. NEW YoPK P- -fli a. box 4oHf. March 20 18u5-l x fjl 5 '04 WHIS1 ERs! WLI-KERS'! Do v..,, aiit Whi-kers or M'.usachi s ? Oui (ir . ian ' mi i'lind v dl f.tce tin m to. e he smoothest fare, ol I'lnji, or hair oil ti.eir I heads m S x Weefe i. Pri;e Jl.no. S.nt b inail anywd.i-ie, ciiely seuli tl, i'ti receipt f pri.e. Ad iress, WARNER A: CO.. P.--X C?H. Rro- klyn. New York. F.b 2-2. lrOo 1 ty TO THE NERVOUS D7 RILITAT! I) I AND D;.SPt)N DKNT OF P. o T 11 S' XlvS A reav sttlhrei havinj h i: re stoieil . h.-aith in a few days, after many ears of misery, is wilim:: to asi.-t hi- s'tf fe.itio te low creature by sending fi.--) - n the receipt of a p -t-pai l a-1-ir.-.-sei! .-i.ve-lope. a cpy i f tht formula ..f cuie emplo. cd. Direct to JOHN M DAGNA1 L P. x P..i O Tk-c, IJ.- kln. X Y Jan. 18. lsi;.-. O ' Sale. P.y virtue if n writ al. vtnl. exjoii. i: stnil out oi the C- nit Cotuiiioii Plea- f CiUihria i'onnty. and if '.f to in iiio i ti-d. there will be i xpesitl t" p.ibhc ; Sal--, at th- C inn II .us, in Lhenshu..... ,,,, Satnt'iay the !5tn dav of Aptil next at i .me o'' l.xk. P M . the li.llouins real state. ! f. wit: A d tlie iiiit tir'e and mti-ost ,,f .lai-... P..i'i!ui. of. oi an-l to a piece ..r par- ce! .l lai!i. Mttni'e m v i.si'tnu'. ri town ship,Cambiia count v. ai'j .iniim lam's of R chard Si.ar;-, Charles X'-on. an. I otl-ir, eoi'taii-il-g . ii- hnndieil ai.d sixtv-six ( IOC) iirirs, more or less, about sixty sw-- S of which are e'ean-d. haxintf thercn er. eti-d a two storv plank house, ami a fr m... satle. ii'.w in the occiij ancy trf the sid Jacob Rnr'j." ii. Taken in ex'i'tirion and to be s ,1,1 ,j the suit of l W. Cioisty, M. D.. n. w for use I R. L J..hlisti ll. JAMF.S MYERS, SherilT. Shet ill V Office F.bensbiirf . 1 Marth 20ih Ir?t.5 J NTICE. To Franci- Luther. Silas Lu-li-.-rand Francis 1 nther eUardi.tn ..f Ann h.hler (formerly Ann Luther.) heirsatnt lefal n pri-sen iitives of ('hai k-s J. Lii'her, TfCl. T ke n .tire, that an inquest will be held at the la'e drtelimg h..ise of (jh ul.K J Lu ther, lit.' i.l Carro.l township. Cambria County. P nnsvlvaut .. o ceased, on Tues t.ay the Hit h .lay of May next, at two '.'clock in the nltcuioon t that day. for the j.urp.ise .f ruaking pnrtttion of the real estate of said di- eased. to and am'-nt; his hi'dren and legal repi es nt ati ves if the same can be clone without piejii-lice to or spoili.:.r of the Alit'le, a.nerw is,e n v-jiuy and apprai.-e the san e. at wti cn time an-l nlHt e v n are re- qtiired i o attend if vn thick pr..t-r. JAMES MYERS Sueriff. BberiiTd GEIe, Aijnl 6, J&& n , T o cons i; ,; P T 1 V E s . j 'Fi e Uhdei signed having laen r stortil ben th in a lew we. ks, t-v a very snopa ' relilel, after havii.tr siitfud seveial years. ' u itii a .-vete lui-i' afftfcti.-n and that diea.l t itisia-e. C n.-iitiipti ii is anxi u l nn.ke ! known to hid lclhov sutlerei.s 'he means i f ; cure. j To ill who desire it. he will sen? a copy ! i of the pr.sciip'i. n used (fr. e of charts) j j with the directions f.r preparing and u-u.s I ithesaiiie wht. h tley will rind a unrf curt- . for Cons Jll'TtoS. 1 IS. : C. IGns. O-IDS. A '- Ti:e . u!y t jet t .fine adviitist-r in --n-'i' S the Pies.-npti u i- t- ! la in lit tin- 111 ' I' d. an.l spread inf rin t i--n which he eoi.c.-ivcs to U- iv,v.i'u ble ; and : he hopes every sufferer wi I try his renin! v. as it will cost 11' in iiotliii.jf, a:id may pmve i a hie in. Pat'i's wishing the presci;e - tioi, w ill pi. a-e r. s V tV. I'.li .Wi ' . l, WiMl im.'bnr Kins C... Xew'Y- ik h 15 lft-5 F. rOR SALE, i p A firm f ehohe land in i Aileluny to-.vn.-hip. ah ait mie tnili- Ir -m ! Ioretto aud within a (j-iarter t a mile fr in K oi's Sia'i 'ii. miainiiiji ab--nt one hundred and tl'H tv five aen. wjiht.O acres r-le'ed . r the.i ahoiits- Tl ere i ai t X' el lent voting tchard "i, the I nni ,,(" Hoapuh-ti-t-. Weil .mi te l. niri son ,c i.t her choice f-ilit ird-, tf-eie i- a .d Vrn and a small deiluii I '!?! on the piemis-s. The title is iiidispu':ihle. and the terms will lt- e.iny ar.il made known 5,v the snhscril-r. JO IN E. SCANLN. March 8. M't. Vrliinlilr Itrnl Palate F o ii SAL li . I A tiact if land (ile property f Wm. W. Gitmi ) Mttu.te.i , Carn.ll I shin Cambria count y. adioi, ii.i: honis. (j. i - . . . t I Weak hind. lUirrKti, ,l.Col i-in, an ,.ti.... I ..i.iai: :n-' :.n ur .o an. I T'nTe l- a jri'&i ipim'iry ol vabisiiue ! timber, al.-o a vein of iial t.n the propeity ! Appioto j Shoemaker S.-Cliler, Attorney at- '':,vv-J' 1 M , LAllTERl Y REPORT VL ' ,h" c",,,, ,i ii a. if the F.rst Nat'mnal Pai k if Al t'" na. 1'a., n the morning if the tir-t Moti day .f A piil, IbC'i : Cli. C.p :ll S i-I; paid in, $ 1 .-rt 000 00 I'. pnO in) L;5 nno no 1 75 tM) 1 KM 5') ". 5,n S484.bt.to 77 S::r plus ' .in Cli il.hlt.oll, D .o-its-. t.o ks and l mk'.'ts. i'.oiit .t..ii L. DR. Bios ihscoimh ,t $ 51.W.0 A 2-'o :?0 r.-.i Iverdi.ifts. I X i-i l S' S. Cash Itmns. Due Irorti Ranks a:-d E. inker's. U. S I" -i.'is .'epo-ited vit!i U. 4.' 8il hti 102 ri4 4 70 j S T't a.-urer. to .secure dc- po-i'--. -j I. S P.Mtids on hand. ; Ca.-!i oi: hand in ciiculatiiiy j n -tes of tlrs R oik. Ci'sh ii h .n ! i n oihi i Nation- J.j. :d P.o.ks ; Cash on ii iiol n Stat.-r. inks. ! 'a.-h ..ti h;Hid in otlier lawful 85.000 10 15,00 00 10 00 11 so no 3.-7l W ')S.r-97 00 money. $ti4 Hi9 77 I D. T Caldwell, .f Altoowi. Pa.. !o 1 s h-mnly swear "hat the abivt- statement is j trio: to the best of tnv k now ledne f'd be- li.f. D T C.LD" E-.L. Shi!,' of Pfitnsifrani'1. Gmufif of B'air: ! S.Vir.i to and subscrihed iief.il e m' this ' 3 1 dav of At ril -IkC,-, ' JOHN SIIOEMAKI R. N. P. April 12, ISOO 3t OTICE. T'-e Stoekhol hrs ..f the K ii-n-ti'ir Academy, w :1! m.-e' it. the Shor i ti'".- ( Ifli ' in Flcnsbursi. n Sitnidav tl.e J 2f:Ti da' f lril liexf. L-r t ii- jurp.iseot lehrtii" 12 Trust, es 1-. set v.- f.r tn "siimg ' year. " J. M.OORV.. : ' A; til 1-'. l's; -Si Pi.siiei,t. D -1IN1STRA TOR'S NOTICE. Ij-tters ot Ailtnitdstrafion bavins been irr-oit.-d to the inni. tsi;'i.c ! on the .-state of Mary (1-111- ; enr, I e of F.t-enshuro. dec. !. by the R.''i-- j ter of Cambn-t county, notice is perel.v ven to all those indebted to said t-tite 1-. -t '.t'e. and th".-.- haviiis hiinis a liust sai ! estate to pr -sent them duly ant n.-ntu-ated tors.-tthi.ient JOHN A P.L.MR. A;irtl 5. 1SC5 Ot, Admii.i.-tratof . I T 'or Suit-. L1 3GO acres S-'T perches and ;i;owances. i-f v'uah el Ui L LAND. .-Hti ate near the Pennsylvania Railroad, at Snnitnel hitl Station, in Cr.y!e Township.) t!auihria count v. Pa. Al-'iit 50 acres, of the j laud being cleared, atnl thereon creeled a j A!-ut 50 acres of the dwelling tiouse anu nai n. am", other improve ments ttees. also an txcellent orchard ol frui The almve tract contains arid alum dance of Cull of a superior .juantlty. ,(h 1 ri fi heiii' openci.!,) an.l vvi.1 be ssihi on rca- I s nnble terms. ! Apply to p..hmd. Jenkins Co., Haiti ! nn re. M.h, or t. J. W. Stiatt.m. New Y.-i k . city, or to Wm. Kifeli. Ewj . Attorney at i Law-, E'-ensburt;. Ph. POLAND. .JENKINS CO J. W S l iA ITON, April 15. HfiS tf. Oa-ners. OLD EYES MADE NEW. A PAMPHLET directing how to spf-edily rc.tore sn-h' and ! give up spectacb. w ith, nt aid of d- ct..r or , me-iicine. Sent ny man, iree. . u receipt i 10 cents A-Mre-. E R FOO I E. M. P . 1120 Rroadway, Now York. Fb. 1, l&ti& 6ca. . - U. S. J-3B LOAN, i , . , niiwiority .-1 U.u S.rita.y of ihf i TitauiA. ti m.o.-r-i-M,! liasa.-r.unii'.! the ; General Suh.orit ti..n Ak-u.-v f..r 'he xal..- of ; li iteil States. '1'ieiur N- tes. h,-, j ami three ti-ntii.--ya r cent, iiiterest, r an r;ani. known as the j CC U KJ-TIII TY I Tl . M I Ot-i I III ' I J L-.jF INi Th se X -tes ate is-ued un-h-r d.it of An trust 1'ith. 1804. an! are j:iyab!ii three yi-a-s ' fr.-rn that time, in rum ncy . or :ire r..nveiti : hie wt. '1 c rption or tl.e ho'iVr into V. S. ' X-'iO fix per cm?. j ;o B.i-H j: t n i v; i5 is Thi-se lioial.-- are now Wi-rth a premi'ir;. of ; nine j er cent . ii.c!ud:n ir-'ld in'etert f om j X'.".-.. which m-ke- the actual pr.fi -n Inn j 7 30 loan, at urn nt rat s iociiidii. inter- i est, about ten per rent --r annum Iw-sj !es j its rxm'tion fr in S'ue i-i-f i.iii.-ticijxjJ fax : a'in, which ahf. fnun one ( three, jr cent j ; more, .vcordins to the rate levied on otl.-r j propei ty. Tlje Hiti-n-st' is payable s-mt- j : annually b coupons attached t- each note. ; I I I which may la cut off and sohl to any bank ' i r banker. j ! Thf ii-tere-t arno.v.ts '. Oin' c-oiit fvr r.ay ni a iot'. ' Tv ciil sjatKI SI COO 4 ! fc ?x-00 j Notes of all the denomination.- named ,e .,nilllv url,is.wl Hn rfcCeipt of sub -.- -I-- - 1 : scr:i tloiis r is THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now offeicd by the iovers.ment, and it is confidently exp-ected that'its superi r ad- i vantages will make it the GREAT POPULAR 10 AX OF THE PE PLE Iji-ss than $300.0o0.0tf0 of the Lun an thorizeii by the last Congress are now .m the luarkct. This ami tint, at the rate at which it is being ab.-'i led, wil.' be siiliscrilied f ir within fair in n'.hs. -when the notes will uii 'loiibttaily con mam! a jrtn ium. as has iu.i:oim'y ia-en tiie case on closing the tul sciiptions toothet L -.ins In order that citizens of eve.iv t-.wnaiid section ..f the C 'untry may i e afforded facili ties for t:ik:nj: the loan, the National R. i.ks. State banks, and Private bankets through out the country have jreneraliy a:e-i! t. receive subscriptitms at par. Stihsciilars wi:: select tlu-ii own ag-uts, in whom they have c- nti'ience. and who only i,re to be re--p-nsib'e ft the delivery of the n te.- f r w i.ich thev iccei ve Tilers JY I.OOKF.. SCB-CUTTI-'N AtiR.VT I'hilatiilfihia. Si ll v. IPTIO-S wil! hereciyv-Ld bv the FilET IAT13IE Mil S? Alfiii March , 1805-3ni MRST XA1IONAL 3ANK o v ; ALTO O N A ,. j Cumer f Virginia onI Annie Sheets. f-pio- j i'tS-tj-cr;ntvndriit,x Oyire '.'. liR. j RLA1R t OCNTi . PENN'A UNITED ST ,TES DL.l Oi.nORY A I) j FINANCIAL AGENCY. i ! !goNlES RIOI lVi.1) ( N DidOSIT. j i.TJL Inter. St all-. well on lime Dep. sits. t.joiii and Silver Roui.t and S '..1. Era- iioua! Ciinency mul Mutdand Unii-d ; tatts Ai US li -(leeil'e'I. I traits on tne i'rincip.al Citie- l.-r Sale. Cntrai Depot for the Sale of United Stales L.Urnal venue j S-auips. Tills P.it k k.eps .-n hand f .r sal- the ' 7 3-0 U S. TREASURY NOTES. ! and take.-, -.iibscrii'tioils for same. Tl.i- -s the POl'l'L.Ui L0 vN. theoulv (J.-vcin- in. nt th...-e L -an no- m maikef at par. givintf win. have money a s-ite and desirable I oi.p.'i 'unit v f -r iiiv- tm.-nt. TWO CENTS v D vY Ft R EACI ACI! SI 00 T -ese N-)tes. at Mt not v, c-an be exch t i:f! lot f t Six l r el.t lr.-. Oear.lisr lit-is ! W M . M . LL Y D. D. T. OA I 1 W I 1 L. : President. Ca.-hitr. j F.b. 8. lS05-l!v' I ! i-niTOR DEMOCRAT AND SENTINEL, Peak, Sik : With yur permission I wish t to sav t the reaih-rs of your paper that I j wt ,.nd. by return mail, toal! wle. wish it (ret) a Recip-, with f-.'i iliryt..us f-r ma king and nsint: a simple V. getab.e B dm. that will i rtYrt'i-.H v remove, in ten days. Pimples. Rio'ches.. Tui. Freckh-s. anil a'l Impnr'ties of ill" skin, leavin-4 tin- sin e ' M.tr. ce.ir. stno..lli ami LeantUnl. I will al-. mail fr.-e to those having P.a'd 1 I eaUS. .r l-ieiai..s, S.li ni'n 'i- - inf .niMUiii that will er.abfe i hern to st.rf a . ... - : t. i .: ... full i'rowth of Luxutiuit H.ir W hi-ke.s or a Moii-tache. in le s than thirty ..ays. All applications answ-red by t turn mail without ba'g". Respect fll' I V Votirs. THOS F CHAPMAN, demist. 8 tl Rroadway. New ork. March 1. 18 5 3m. The T.f ail Cantpaigns of General lie CM:a. f.r hy MUi;v. y t..i- 'In Uk U ., Mavintr ad.-; tfd the th-rsti e f.-iuiwit.g Wans at . ' tail j i ices : '! I .i S. s .-U !. I :n v l'(i.iv EE 10 t-. 40 talh liS CtiP! Eil KF.Vt'i E. 3 o:att5 to 40 .Vi!ous. TIN W ARK. all s.-rts atnl kin-l MII'r.T lltOA VAltC, -verv vaiirtv FXAMKI.U .V n.V.Vr.VJ iR OX IV ARK Oi P P. WaUL MADE Tn OUDEk SAD lli'Vs ..r S.1(;'iTlIXG Mi OA'S UN'-. W A Si i lit A EDS. O mKlVG STOVI S. EGO STOVES. UFA J L , fjtinh' STO I'HS. Piit A I )l p.Y CtitiKlNO MtiYKS. PA- i ENT. Al'.lv TT .V XtdiLE. ami i'Vi-iy fiber Pittsl i rgh i-r I'hila.lelphi m.ii:ii!act oii V vtoves always on hand or l-rvure.) oi. ,r, .iavs itotice. DD PLATES AND t:R ATF.S for Stoven alw a vs on t.anu. iMIihOYOlM.AMl'S from f,2r:tB.. to .J.1.25. CHIMNEYS and W'KKS 1 wya on hat d. SI OUTING. .MJNKK'S LAMI'S, OIL (LNS. FOvVDKU CAN'S, nil s zes, constantly on hand. ("OFF K 12 MILLS. TOASTING FORKS, OYSTER PROTL EUS. JI.LLY Cako Moulds.. Table and Tea Spoon- COAL F.FCKLTS. Price list m-w ready for the Tr'de, alel M il--mts nr.- res M-ct fully il.voed to cad and examine our Wnres. send for for a catalogue W-.ie puitha.ing els -w here. The above goods wiiJ be furnish tl, WHOLESALV: ORllETAl) . AT THE JOHNSTOWN STOVK .V lyifSB rVKSlbHIKO sTtiHK CANAL STREET. Oppt site the V e;j.-h Leak. A " K FOU FRANK W DAYS WAREHOUSE, and save t-rentu vrrcevt. on yottT pure JotiTistowu March, 13. lfct.3. tf. 0 II I 0 P E T P. O L I U M C O M P A X Y . The under.-i- ed havii l' bei n appointed iin A)i- nt f"r the si.hsoni'lioii f SiOC'K to the C iiipany. 'oe-- leave to submit the foU loVHi't; .-l .ii inenl I I'lm. cmpany is chattered, by th? Leis hi'iir.- of Xew V -tk in cot-f 'n: ity with the law of Ohio, lis capital rt. vk i one rail h.n of d.-liais hi shar s . f ora hundred dol-la-s each. A pi-tm nof this stock 1-. r en f .r ndjteriptioti Ti e pro ei ty is sit uated in Mor:!. c-ouni v , Onto, and embraces about fii'een hundii d acr, s ot laud, the tllo t of it heid in tee simple and the balatae held by lease. Two miies ol blond Taller land suit able f.r rorin we'ls. Tin re ate sixteen wel'.s in successful oi rati.-I! pr -ilnrii e 205 barrels per .lav. sellii tf a 48 per 'outre!, rapi.ilv i.nd mc.a-ssfully incieasii.g their we'.h- T.. anv person wishii u to invest in thin entcrpii-e, I will show 'lien a map &t:i give them a pamt-hlet deUtilitii! ti e whole opera- ti-.tl. M. HASSOX. Oct. 20. lS04-tf Agent. SHERIFF'S SALE. Iy virtue of a writ .1 r.i. Kjcmi.. issut-il out of the Court of t'oinm.-n P-eas . I' Cu:nbi ia county, ami to me .Imct-.i there w ul h-e eXposeit to public sale, at the l-rankhn Ib.u.-e. in J l.n.-town on Thnrs.iav the 2fth dav of Ai ri! next at . ne .-'clock "P. M , the foil-wing R.al 11-tate, to wit : Ad the riht. title and interest of T. L. Ueyei. if. in at ii t- a ttact if land, situ atid in I'tcbiui ai tow i.sh'p. Cambri ic'.nnty. waiiantid in the an.e of James Dalton. a j In-n hi" a!.- of J ic;-b Schneider' htirs. htm!s of tin late Dr William Smith atnl ti er- -. ntaii.ii'i: t.-ur hund.-ed and thirty- 1 a'.t a. it.-, more or 'ess; umm .vjO tl at trav t of hit..! situated prov (! i in Richland township. Cumbria c.-nnty. w aTii.n'cd it. the nai.ie of James Sc rig lit. i a- j -iniutr lave'- ..T Jacob Si i.neider's heirs, i lands of the late Dr. Wiilh'.m Smith and I otheis. coi. tain ir.it f-.tir hut.iirnl am! thirty.. . . i . Illne a:el a iJ'ririiT ilOf, n.oc o. I. , ui.impti Vid ALmi that tract f land s:tn..teil in R ci land township. Cambria com tv. w:irinnte-l i;i the i.ame of Jacob I Natfie i'di iniin lands .'f .ta b Scbiie'uier j lairs, h n is f the lare Dr. William Smith . ami ot'i'-rs, coutumi'is h ur humireti and j thiitv nine .and a quarter R.ies. mole fir less. in improved. AI0 that tract - f lHr..i ' siuia.l in Rioh'and t .wr.shtp. C.-urlria i county, warranted in the name of Henry W--iis. a-'j .in'ng lands of Jact. S hiiei!er'a il 'iis. ian.Is. f ti e lit. Pr YYiliiam Sn.i-h and otheis. c -ur lit o g f.-nr hundred and tier v -nine and. a quarter acies, more or less; ue.improv.-.R Tak.-n in execution am' t" le r-oH M the suit of William Williams for use . f Wm. K. Pipe', for use . f .1. AL x- M--re. tu vv f..ri g'-i.f WiRi-im P .in li J A ; E s MF.PS, ShtrilT. Sh-rifiVO :V-.-e. EIT.- urg. Apui l-'-o -"t revolt liEXT. The well krst wn avert- Stand in tt't kii-m as t! e l"i ii ti ami w -n nai'or. . p. ,r. nh f Fi-en-l-i rj il .. .. l .r r..rir .-oi ! i-o.-sc-s.on -n , n "if . i the fi:-t if April n.xt- parti.. vJaT j aptly to the pr. j r JOHN A. LLAIR- r.-b l. is ci. J di WiiKK OT L L KINDS ' ! ulNK AT THIS CYrV F. AT THE SHORTEST M Ml AMD ON REASON A CI J PRICES-